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Finding Mariroute & Mitsuo _——————— as To fend the mivirnum Value. tno an arr 4 Agee lt cult. ‘The. most natural approach FS to __ bate ene kirst Wem and ko compare tks Vai zi = kre Noucs Os A OXped _Qlemments._Once tue _ffod a Smatler emo ay | oo g Rone St -1___i>ax% -_i 32> b«1) 4 478% = a 478 Je a 6 G>t = @ Return -@) > Markrauco Clement Co zo 3 o(n) | rp le nay Serasgeds —_ Matorfx Mux sipli cation Lick us consider tuo matrices XY» We want to. In Strassen. osksct uit Consumption canbe tuuproved a litre Strassens snoarix multiplication Cn_bt_pessormtal ony on a mere wt w _ Constder 2 roast ces F ° Aw ss F Rav Mau Resuttant mote Normak madd a _MUipcation > SSS x > Srls 454.28 bro 18432 Pas Bux $3 2 Sxte 38 ; ! Pas Aag.A Sq = 4% Q= 7 eo? +F 4.2 Aagr $4 = 4% g2 8 4 =? 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Tee sattadagt fn_Somme_problems, Such_as _Hufftroan, —__tolich to used ca tnuptlh date ar 2Gsséah agai, wolich ts al elit ake) al alalehatetalelelclobe « ted to fod the shorbest. ete Z a is_om algo i fo that_buflda up a. . pt tne _next piece that _____Olgers the most obvious & fmmediate benekte- So the Probtems * wo hee cally Opis Ae Lobal Solution are . ae ge T i al also aan : . : poe oe eee eee * ___________Koapsoct Problem eee ae eS —The_knagsack problers ts a probien to Combinatorial e. Se opti gatian (nding an_optimal object tomo kfuske set of objects). is aie Given a Ste a4 thers, each vith a wetght anda Natue determine tne no 04 tach teem to Include. tn a Coltsctton Ao thot the total sachgnt 1 eas, tnan_er_ ea ual boeee e728 Ragin Uadt €I dhe total value %s as laige ob possible. yy Kmapsacx, [NS a Sack whic we need to place. ie rent eems neiosdiny ko bhe Capacity Of ene Emapsacts — - “8 arith, Cs ctw) ty (e 4 mo) then bs be 1G) Select ene nent (Bore ») _ © Os, au 23 — tm A\gortunm, Like knuakals olgerithmtefrs agen 4s Gre agora. TL Starts with an Crop yy pansing bree Aden ts tO maintain two ses Verses. Tne fest. Set cna | also a The —ene_verkices ale tocluded tn the MST, the otner_Set contains Fame Verses nob ys tocluded + At every Step, tt Considers_a\t_*ne __edges tnt Connect the kwo Ses and picks the mado im aro , an ae a "nein nego MST. Mgorivnse_ , Step _\_ 2 START : seep a i Mot. PRIM (4,w,+) , Step 3 2 for ence Ul GV Step A us Key = od Step © 2 eT 2 NIL 6 ve tey = 0 4 G2 Gv B 2 wile QA 6 us Gatract-autn (0) 2 foreach VE Ge Aaj Cu) step Ws ts ve sood uals Ve Key Step 12 ve Te . Seg tsi aa ls) a ___ Step 14 3 STOP = for a _partiiator trput the [for a particular input the Owmpuler_ will give “~ Computer uh dive Aagerent Same ar Con Solve tHe problem in |Cant goive the problem fn POLMoMTal Eve mnowsal ene Con _ceterring the neat [cannot determine the next Skep_o§, Oxecakion [Sep ng erecution due to moe. iii . [Soa epee tne alo Cth Gan take - NE-_Gopiete prablera! Avy _penbiern ts NP- Com plete peemieen _ pate ern Jockin NPA NP tard problem. peg : a 34a Potumoucal eae .faeeeoeen e roe ttn, patentee hie gs ttn —alpod . 2 Nee : Y) Complete 4 these probidht, AN problems tn NP * would be Pou nowdal ee : i

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