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“a Beeseseeaeee FC SCSHSEHCSHEHSHSCHCHCSOCSCSHECSEDGSHUCUDUSUDCUDUGUDUDUOUCCUMUGUCUME Mount -T Concept Of Matutrnedia. NEALA Is an tMeacktve media and provides multiple Vepreden Ingormatton to tHe User In a Powel manne. TS RNOVIARS ay Tareraciton berueen Users and digital Information TERS a medtum OY Commantcadion. Some of ne Sectors where roulenectiod Ore used extensively ore ecucrt¥oo Sraintng Keb crence Material, Dusiness presentations adverttstn: & dLocuurnerbaaies. Multimedia ts a vepresentacion O% 4 Atrtacttye & Inveracktve manner wien he Ue of a Combination OH TEAR AUALO video , qragiies & animation. _ 7 - Multimedia os name suggests 1s tne Combination of Mu & Media thot te ea ps o4 media (Hordwore_/ Sofware.) usedk fpr Commuuscation of Ingormatton Mutiny WAYS Lo Va nfgermation th an Coroponents 04 _Muttimediio. ais pail Cee D Fena 2 AML mulimedia Productions Contain Some Amount of ei: The £2 cam have Vartous tupes of fonts and Sitges to Sut tne. proqesston presentarhon of tne multime dlta Soduuore- ~ == 2 ates 2) Groplien? Graphics make Aene_Wnul ne atia_ap plXcakton_artracttve. An Mawy Code people donot Uke reacking amount ok kentdal matter on ene Sereens Theredere, grapletts Oe used more oxen an bext to explain a concepe present pactground Intornarton Ce Mere Oe 2 ype Gyros - = a) Btemap Arnages- Brmap Images ore real Inn. no [ eam be captured k1o-0 ole fe such atl Cameras of Scanners. These are not editable. i b) Vector Giraghtcs % Vector Graphite, Sear eee Ane Compurer and ae FeQUMe A ginal 65 ornount of racmory, These _ Fp lees are —& : edivables_ q 4 pt _e; 3)__ Audio = A_mutiimedta aplication Keg 9ve the use iz Speech, ruse & Sound Cie cess These are caved aot aucko or Sound element ob muliimedza «Speech te sl alse _a_pergect. wae Stacking « Auclio ore of - " Scere anctlag—and_ Agate Aajpet Anak auuclto or Sound 6 ————Kekers tothe ortatnal’ 4 gral. Computer stores ¢ | —________ sound 1o_dipteal_tpr »Therore ta Sound ge > —________tsed to A_to moulding dia apelfation de aligtin e. pice ee —ourdio + _ ‘ ee. A) video = ‘he tern vt Stn She mating gichune el eee —Aceprapawieel by sound Sure asa ptcrur ta, en "8 —teltitston. Video “element of mullimedia applicattos — @ — Qiao lot od Information tn Small duration 4 mec Sine Dipl video ts _usekul fr_multimedta_applicatt is ber Showing real the fects. Wtelea nave _hignest _®- 2 —___Pergormance’ demand on 4 F_Me ror fon, tne bandustdth 4 placed nek + e! 8, 34 «& cee pee ‘ Siete let tase 2) Awimatton= Samaston SS a process of stoaktng a Haste tow ty ROK Like fe Xs moving An animate ts fust a & + el COmAMULDMW Sorter _O4 BARI 8. ed. nak one eplauged Ana Sequence: The ausinadtan petted _cigectively e ot _AkeTaring arkention. Aurmatten also makes a — © » okkroctive «Tis %s Va s —Betentantton Bain _ond 4 Popular tm multimedia app licadion - <= Co “ a Ls > | a Muttimedia to Busters - Mulltmedta can be wed tn rang Se ARR Reattons By a PUY Ness. The multi medsa tecnnology aunngd WH _Communteadton cechnology has opened the door or Angorroation pt global work rouns tne team members NO be working anywhere and Can work 4oC Vartous Conpontes. Thus the work place will become tobal. The — Mulimedga networt Should Support ene spucwing fag hes - ‘5 > 'Cleesrguse! manne warn ae ets UN eeeeee bees D> Multimedia based Fan 2 _> _okyice Needs ae = # ow ypnay Ermplogee Tabbing _ a > Sates &otnen cypen of Cpcoup Presentadton a ps. > Recor . oe I Didd ooo perenne ‘le — 7 @ 7 Mullimedia tn Marketing & fAdverdtsing = Sy _usin Utmedta_ 2 marketing of Cay really “ennanced +» © Multimedia podst Communit cotton on an_astkprdable oss _opened © bye Waly Apt Ameen odE S| & ade tatng _pessonnel-Praentatfon — the have Kuying banners video Azansitions awe astons Gores Sound expects sbubt of tne Clements _ Re aM a _mulSmedia baseal adverReement > appeal + the Conse eh. An A Ww never used | before and promote tne Sole of tne POLE + aE Mutenedta 29 Cotertorament = 8y usin Pe amt oa “ok neu predurts can be qreati. enhanced: Multimedia boost J . L - — - Communr carton 99 an awordabte Cost nee Be uv; or _ €~ Kine MATEERK Ag ANd AAVERREEM, qusonnel: Presentation thot: a have Aut cat vrandions antmadtons and Sound _ 8 — Ayers. ane Some of, Le Clements bed to Composing a ~ Sons —__ Multimedia bared advertisement to appeal to the fonsume, gg Yo. @ way ever used afore & promote tne Sate a —__produtts? ee to See pee eo diets Boats, «en ae Muitinectia An Cauca Kft gg ——_4otur_on _educacton ore now sheen ato Sy an __ecducational Qeme—wlazche eu Hida. The ctld can “paint the Gee toctoens chutes ine __ S204, Varfous. Ovjecks ete __apant or aa i Kine _clnyenes. Several ocner sau Umedta pee Pras ae aa fs the market wii ch as oletotled P= —____ioforenatton ~2aparrr dies ‘to_Ktols. = no teed pics a Vuliimedia tn Bane = Bone ts -onotnet public place Whee 4 “ -_ snore & more apglicatton in scent © Leese Hones. Peo pie go _to_ppen_Savt Current a Te = —— deposit und uted rou) io —— Schemes of the hank, Bbbodn loans ete. cy foonk nas —&_lob_ of, Ungorenation which %t wants to Wnpart etn 8 ——wsomers- for tts purpnse, Ran tne mutiimedia tn Reni entire Bank also etsy en tee ——___Nostous Schemes pn a RC wor Aacecl 10 the rest _ aia for cystomere, T ott Anternet bank hy ey f : a_ exten te Wy oo = sue pee MUlimedo 1S dnus heletng banks go Service to ther Castomers and also tn eShieating new . about banks —— = OKACAIVE Roane Schemes + ot * Muliitmedta to Hospttal= Mulitinedia beat use in nosettals fe for Teal Ume mowikoring of Conditiots of patients to Crieleal Wess or accident The conditions are displayed oe : ConEnuously OF a Computer semen & Can ala the doctor | ; ——utse_dn, clan any changes ore observed on ~ene_ Sere ens — : Mulmedia makes tt Austass _kp__consutt aS of an yp eupert Winn Can Wokcl an One Ag ¥ : BOT _Ov five onUne actvice Oot Any trueat fanctuse A oo Wis PC y Ne osettats multimedia tan alto be used to _¢ ce an __8Uness voto cr-RoMs| Carsettes | DVDs fgull_o4 mou! Z ated Lnjormoatton phout Nadtous diseases and there ; _ kxenteoent + Some Mhosptdals extensively use multinredta —— __gteemeadions to Sratwing netic Javier sta, oy doctors & : __ nurses. Mutiroedio drsptays axe — now —tirkenstvelt used aos Hee using critteal_tungpstes -— cea “Eu tgredt Healt = Nowadays rourtimedia 1s chadaccetzed ) : hy ws (Om pee NakUre due to the Corbi nation of by 7 : Dagoact pt Oh medio, lata Sources , formas & resolutions pec. One oF most Important , corp len & capi rowing part _% eoulSrredio processin 1s the medical etds 10 ost ey the hos phtals tre potenttal of the lorge Amount of Collected —_pauitionedia olata. As Aprinceds “ks fs Noty oyken because of ne | trea lack? °. egpicdent And Seople - M-USE anmalySis tone ade bond y Woedlical CHQeres ae mor tsed _ with — mu tbirnedin canons became of there Aoki tive cos i Arey want $0 te 4 ABO Xo _stneic _woork "Mulimedia. -appliCaSons. aS sed ‘4 Puysictans, nurses_and patients: The beattncare state Use _mulimedia applications pe 2 cil _sending ti Multimedia helps Aner make. Alogi 8s ate _ medical educakon, seta ane ee wn joa) aad | | | | | | APPA rN Hyreaterr & Hypermedia Hypertext 4 0 cross. ‘shearing yan neh —___Xve Link's 8 bin tere. _Usin, jy nagperins erinks. « non=Unear and a Lond fe Xs som oud, normal See By tine & extent _On Fie added tn puns present. tajgrna¥ion. Tag a —___™0ve_ trovo oe mation: +0. ae ret ____knt_{ntormation uldch ig seta a. val rE Pe 8 by Seoviing a wey Ts} el Xo_Adne end User. ~- — Fxrup ie 04 RACAL = Gece sfor Geeks oF Tutortal point is © ee — Soup utes Sdence portal ushen We Vead one gating tt USES Wyoer beat to Ui A pages & wren we cbr nok ev tent tk tober to _ Go kat Broo | saptanatton mel kn *ne__topic- Lenedia $$ tne Cochengion on Roe 7 es. POALERG Le forms 4, eed a Os Seah ——Arapiice audio of violeo ee. Corther 4 é Hiss —egeraeas T_geaatlln adel 4p “Connect the ee : ~ «. Wer page 40 Create a network with Maltimedta elements with a “Mage Coan for a berter matttinedia expertence: — 5 Manes AMOWS Links by be Indeqeabe fn muletmedia ements Ure maga & videos and>when we Cck on that tone us Sto thar page Exompre Huypermadta- lhen We Use e-Commerce Ste, Bay fuepart™& wren we, click on any produck it Fakes us"ko the! Specie product pawe alls betongs XO tats So here the Unk ts imbedded to the ima per teat NJ Regers to the_ Ayseern Of, Manage A Khe Information \ovolves © Aeat involves Qraplics tm vi ete _*lat becomes che! Gahanced versfon of Wy per beat — ity de@oct On et [post of Unk - 21h. hae alo ht mutei media also becomes the _ ) oat 6 Te Xs the pose 04 bape “Pots 25 “tne Supertor tot — meolia. te Comes Usoler wich 1s tne adNaw ced Versi on edt A+ 2: (ROLE + oauows ne user +0 | 8 Includes mateimedia to _ Improve the my tine dlia Cup ervente. i, users to move trom] TA extends tne abi ey Sf & one document to anotn ef Wu perteoet A allows uder_tm eVect | uRtn a Stngte ele 69 the Gent Or othe _multimedtta __ Wappertert or goto Unk’ » fo mow ond 40 another }. A Me: a St History of _Mulirnedtia. ea Newspaper were pens int Aires _maus_ Communication «| 3 — sotdiuw tp employ Multimedia eee el _—___— ots aes Wes & voages: py et vs —_____¢_Wo_184¢ Gugt Max cous Wis §cse wireless #0 = se Yodin ttorswmisston at. Vad A teu yeast hater to 1201, ts —____derected yadio waved beamed Ocross ene Aland . Aisa ak —_____iavented for tehequap vadio 1s now a sogiac snedkiuso 4e\—___| ap esse ec ——___Qudin toraadcasting. a o Teeviston a ing tre _vicleo cand shad Since Caengedl ane world od: ° mas forarn unicat ons. mvt wea ayari —__________Some af tne _twapartant events t q e a —_Hulore dia in _tocoputing melds 2 ______ ® 1945 - Bruah wrote about Memen. 0s M7 formed the Arclitecture Machine Ol - Group oe MT i e i 1864 = Neison & Noo Daw Wygertent editor ot Brown Copa a Biren of the \nternet e i: # NAH. €- Mosh : sh F_DYD - Stands soe “viottal versotsie aise.” A DvD ts en +3 —____Dpkical_medio ured for Staring dial ata: Te te Sore m4 a aesCE Stgtas a2 hut_at_n_latqer_tnsage Capaciiy: Some __$2pat z i Dvds One _fpcenaved syeciticallyy 40<_vieleo play bac. soulle Sy ae OMG may Contain cyevent bos Such oi }________So\ewase programs. ond Semple. fies. poy used ps bo_disttipute o yan Sts ___Stince Some apeiications & pron soxtuiare (such an clipadk = —_____fovlecttons) are too losqe *0 kt on a Sate Hoomgey + © Or JS provide a sy, Sb ste large number of tier & € pan ort up data. 2 i er A Standard dv? con hold 4-78 of deta, but vaatations ® | Hy sre_pviginal vd_ipernet_nave greater Capacittes. foc * = Cowple a dus = lager dv (oobi te Amen 0 a Kngle Side of tne Can Store R.Sqs Ph dake Lt a) A duuads layer cuaats sized DVD com © store GB Phy don. The tata ot Capactoy fattoats_ase Rok Suppo tied by mast oo ag eis, but ON Shy tan be used uithitn moans tow puter badd avp ovSNes . ~ _“ ‘ A Mivroprows ft Miviophone 18 0 deer thet captures audit. Converting Sound waved toto a9 electrical Signal. This Sanak Can be Awplitied at an omg Sqnal or may be converted wm oO igi Stgnol., Wich Can be processed by OO Comper Or _otnex aig teal audio olevice : Fan —- WISE _all_wecraphones (oe wtes’) Serve. te Same _ basic function, ney. Can Capture amdio —to_seresal_dilggesert ways -Theredore, raaliipie classes of _raferophones _eaist - The eeeeeseeeeeeeed kev te. OSL _ Common Sapeore_dacstoed Needouy 0) Dynnmde = Dy nawsie makuinphones ovct_sne mass wide @ sesh watcrophonts They’ have a _stmgre cleat that antes ov ek _vosapped by Om ike A ttn Sheet catheal a Raphragin 16 “placed on tne front —__—2nd_ob, dne_magnet _& rome mits | vitorotions bron ____ Sound woves te xine Coll The Colt tren ransters erase Vibrations to electrical! vires than transit se ene Sound os _an Se ah. = aot __referophones use a. Stropie desig aay one Realy — ey _duravle & donot require Qhectri see __b) Ban = Condenser wicropinones axe COmmonly wed Apr_oudto vecorcling. purposes «They. ode known for _ tee Sensitivity & Kladk_prequeney reaponie. ach — Condenser _suicrophous. inctuder a front. plate (tre diaghragr) and o back plate thot ts parallel to the font plate + When Sound waves Wit the clic v9 Ak Nitbrates and atkers tne dlistance between tne two plata TS chonge 1s tonematted as an __elecdeteal stanof -—— € = Es 4 ©) Ribbon - Ribbon wrcrophonesd are_cyo known foc sneir ga cnr ee Wan. aneenY Tay LOnbarn a thin ripbon Sade of A __— Ete vers aluminiuno, cLurclunawiurn 00 oanodgiin, wiich fs = . ___ Suspended too magqnesic Sena Sound waves _€=3 rote tae eden tama gst cb ___ = | ___groporktonal to the veloc on ee Volt ay oh : As srongucttted of an Cle cer’ anal. WIL |. —___________Yiobon adn Wave_been Condensers, Several mod SAL anut a. = ee. sag F Vide Conneda t= A_digtead video camera (0 a ts a device © asa a nnn Ave viconmentt “al —Lnto ding Ye nto lata nat can be decoded or transcocled al into erectrowic visual Yor A tugt adbal Camera Conises © D4 a Lens irnage Sensac_ storage. ection SA mista ber of Ober __Keoture, that can alin -be_4pund_on_ptiner cameras. The _primnary dgerence eet ow own. alalalailai Bs Shock, voldle the former {8 a Conknuous Sear The lodter conaises of, Votues (digits) that _ Kepresent pfcture __Sngorm ation = Btalag ape MoleO cameras Wale _ ~ ok Bek sat tage _& ee ko aos but ___"lre po Ww eee Camera Aenices aslopted ene aise bo reco dig He : or Emormation & os tks oynaltty surpassed that af previous AMabog formats digital video had Lar ty Sepiaced most OMA Tmoving Irroge formats. Now most Video Cameras AValable x ere “Consumer Moaret gre oligttal video cameras. The — prmnrs allows for tat edistng _& Anontsg, oe Nided . MIDI (Musical tostianoent Digital Integace Mini ts 9 Prokool_destaned for \etording Playing back —MUsiC_on Aattal Suntnestrers twat fe Supporced by many makes of A isons ee aad ou. al 4 e — F Oeigiont forendled to Comical one Keyboard from anoner i& wok gutert ptedl_tpr the personal Computer. Ratner than ae “fercesentiog wausical Sound derecety it Kromsucts ingormaon —__ bout nou) wiuistes Too Produced GN oe ip 3 ils + Command Set includes Moke -ONs note - OF Es, Key velo q pitt bend andl omer a ee Ee a A The Sound woes reduced ore. nose a Mead stored tn a ____wavecawie Ss Sound cad i FEL A Mtn ate ty “Nepretents player tazorenation, th fs far Move _Concige than formats thar the Sota rectly: 2 Ke advantage ts voy Sroo\ le_Size anc a atau ote fg ne lack of Seetkc Sound tontrol. Components of ao Mint System palaces onl 38 _) wre Sign te Be LS & Sound Aenerateor (vartous pfich, loudness x gee 1 oes obey kone, colour) aseai i oH Good (mustctans) suntesiter obten has a net Keyboatd Control panely wmemoru ctr ‘chop rocefor 2 e € — . ~ ES, 2) Sequencer + # TL Can be a Stand = alone Unt or a So geumre eg e {pv & personal Cornpurer. e © Te had oneor move MIDI= Ne & Migs OUT, ge. - e.. 3) Tack 3 © Tack tn i on {6 Wed to Of ganize tha * Veco — + * Tacks can be turned on or of, 00 wecosding « or Seo back. mn . . Est ae A) Channel: e Mol Channels Oke ued fel “Sepoaate Jajprmation a et {no Mini susem . i - e Thee ore lo Yd channels fn one cable meee Channel numbers are tooled into each Mint 7 message. 2 __* Musical note that the « instrument et — rs 3 Mell deel gee porstoo iene cae _ Mort — eee perce ta ound. + Sys A ton tart mony (12, 0,24, 36) votes _ f : ____» Gass Se & Sinurtaneoi ee eee de ena ee OX Kiygerend pitch. a} — 7 —higgerent eae, a: _)_ Trove se The iat ok tne Sound, eq 1 hure # : eee Cello Sound ete a 2 Mute frobral = capabie af Agere’ sounds ot the Gad . Prono, brass, drums tx) ot me o * outa Use a MyDL Insétument within WlEch {fore _tomfortabie o © _ ploy the Sounds Hbelmialih. bo _Auy ober MId\ olevice - @—* Create a rich muntcal berctted Lagpente | Sounds {row a SAUL p Mud devices, « a aBagece nt Sounds ty ey > ty OE Keven pt Vonges+ ss 4 — - > wes you Plaga MUD instrument, prod ces data that con We captured py a MUDBI "Sequencer ances arest just @ MND ce co) kney Wet you Kx mistakes change tne =—_—_——— 8 pe mores Hx eneie Kunin. a ene Se Be Be cae ——Bse_Sounda eney use \ a MiDi- devices —————=— Tre seen ar ee ae a diigerent role fo making musics 2.) a Controller ts a MIDI device _ Sendieg. out MAD _as ™ w poaid. A Saxophone has _a breath Sensor is 2 uy —Aise_One_Ktnd of, MIDI Contuotlet» These _sxe_2 ¢pecial Mint __qontrotlers fat © a) Zendeum = wUich eciginated tom drumftan Drundtan) e eto fs a fostrume ot Kee a guitar but biome Ae -Constess_ak roam buttons sf or wa Aum machine. ts Buca Lies Gaing = Ui fn tudes a egexs generates ____~ ere Sound tpased on the Speed & tne Sopa ot bt wiggling stats detect edb ared Sensors» ———— a “ € e oo : oe nt 4) Responder | - Responds ts & MIDI device witch veceves _¢ Midi data & Send out audto A + fker 4 Kesponder ques. tne Signa, Can Fate a sound: _¢ The. Sound nroduates ore. the boute Lam ples. __-¢ Rasponda ts. oot sseeteataly. denice . raat « 4 Sound: abst ga ep og tt mg eg 3).8 Sequencers i ayant As aan uw Can tem veord & ¢ Sa Ga : Reaper) « 4 eae ‘ | aE naes Leg Loc Midi Modduare hak an int Wee mMipdi-in € teeigets otgce. Ood MID\- OUT. TES aio Nota fornrann tc hove sg € eee oe Mipi-tve cee Sn ond MidD-0 ports to handle a ae Setp. 4 —— Tg ate ol tategen Pn ea ‘ - MWe lose MIDI device ts aesnghdetie in pg hes king he Ve 2 ‘ - a Send out “Mipt Send nt “An. heat ‘ ——_______._{unc8 onalit ocala t 0 DAW So: piwiore » NO Kn, ‘ Mose binds ot Midi devices we tnta Mid; | dara_and mare Wurte we wank. | 4 ea Oh Mil mas Hi MOM musage tren saa Status byte’& upto & data ye * Sowa nyt - © The Mos Stays feat ptt Oy Status byte is Su to 4: # The 4 low order bits tdentihy wich Crane te betongs to (tour bis groduce_ Le gosstble Channels). © The 3 reriatntng dis’ fen ty them — Notce Nescages Oo. ‘Choenels Masog: 1 Masoge eh that ode Kransmattted on Individual channel. ae ee bo oll device, io doe Mint network: ) Channel voice Messages - eave @ Instruct the receiving instrument psstqas porculor Sounds “to Tk vote. 9 Tus not on & oFe _o Alter ene Sound of the saa —athve nore or Keb @eeeeeeosoeeseeeeeeeeoeeeeeeee | * tee |e eared eee ef € b) Channel Mode Messages ex © Channel mode mesoges ore a 7 Cost on © Me Contiol ANGE MES a o The Aerence between a Control “mata ei And © Channels Mode message wean 8 | Bare. Whe Same Stabus byte Vou, ein | Ys fo the rst data bute. - ols * Chonnet mmole messager adtcermine how x | —_an_toserament Url process Mipy as = ee Nolte sneaseges se ca: System Meg : S yssem masiag iototnaiion-4 = ts not Channel Specitic “Such aed are — ns fat Synchcousgation, post ang fh 4 “3 —_pit=eocled Mid Sequence & oledolted setup — information for tne Aestinatlan device 0) Busteen Real-Time M 2 Messages Yelated in § e)S $y s__Coromon Mess mig et 8, Calo UNilael meager —___ es elated tp Sng Ana tsnito ce Kod ond ted. ww 6 ent eee onde dup bee ni at te — 33h Wigh bits set ko 0 bracketed js Paleo £ System Cetus ve_ Stone _& Lend cused

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