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Lake Toba

In ancient times, in a village in North Sumatra. There lived a farmer named Toba. He lived
alone. Every day he works tilling the fields and fishing. This is done to meet his daily needs.

One day, Toba went to the river near his house, he intended to find fish for today's side dish.
Armed with only a hook, bait and a fish tank, he headed straight to the river. Once when he
got in the river, the farmer immediately threw the hook.

While waiting for his hook to be eaten by a fish, Toba prayed, "O Allah, I hope I can get lots
of fish today." A few moments later, the hook he had thrown could be seen wobbling. He
immediately pulled the hook. The farmer was very happy because it turned out that the fish
he got this time were very big.

After looking at the fish he caught for a while, Toba was very surprised. It turns out the fish
he caught could talk! "Please don't eat me sir, let me live," said the fish. Without asking too
many questions, the fish he caught were immediately returned to the river again.

After a few minutes, Toba was surprised. because suddenly the fish turned into a very
beautiful woman. "Don't be afraid sir, I won't hurt you," said the fish. "Who are you? Aren't
you a fish?" Toba asked. "I am a princess who was cursed for breaking royal rules," answered
the woman. "Thank you for freeing me from the curse. In return, I am willing to make you
my wife," said the woman.

Without thinking for a long time, the farmer nodded. "Okay, I agree," he said. However, this
woman had one last request. "You promised not to tell me about my origins, which came
from a fish," said his future wife. "If this promise is broken, there will definitely be a terrible
disaster," he said with a serious look.

After several months of marriage, Toba's happiness increased because his wife had given
birth to a baby boy who was named Samosir. Their son grew up to be a very handsome and
strong child, but he had habits that surprised people.

Samosir always feels hungry and never feels full. Until one day, he received an assignment
from his mother to deliver food and drinks to the rice field where his father was working.
However, this task was not fulfilled. All the food that was supposed to be for his father was
eaten up. After that, he fell asleep soundly in a hut. Because he could no longer endure
hunger, Mr. Toba, who was in the rice field, immediately went home. On his way home, the
farmer saw his son sleeping in the hut. Mr. Toba immediately woke up his son. "Hey
Samosir, wake up!" he shouted.
After his son woke up, the farmer immediately asked his food. "Where's the food for Dad?"
asked Mr Toba. "I've finished eating it," answered Samosir. Hearing this, Mr Toba
immediately scolded his son. "Children don't know how to benefit! They don't know
themselves! What a fish child!" cursed Mr. Toba without realizing that he had broken his
wife's promise.
After the farmer said these words, immediately his wife and children disappeared. From the
footprints of his feet, suddenly very heavy water burst out accompanied by rain and lightning.
The water overflowed so high and wide that it formed a lake. The lake eventually became
known as Lake Toba.

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