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I ah icra Grapire & \rooge. Anta _Yepresentatton 2 An eet Consisrs : a Litsastgislor array oy dots. Called pine. * Gach ptael ts Stored as a Stngie bte (0 o« ), so Awe VACYed to os binoty image. / ° Te Stze 04 the Rage te Speatifed Ww berms OF, width x hulgnt, fo _nurobers of the plaeis- a Sicab Se 4, -the Image ig faches or Centimeters , depends OD @__4he_Yerourtion 04 the device On wich the Image ges ___ dis played The resolution ts baal measured tg Deh ae Anch) . 1S pap EARS He 2 ry Xm. AL agpiad Smalter_on adevice itn a = Wigher resolution than on one with a lower resolutton. «for color, image, one Deeds enought bits per pixet 40_Vepresent all ene Colors tothe Image. “The number of c-° the. bts per piel ts Called the depth _of, tne Image c~. py) a Lo0 Becai ; { ae — £0 ac : Of ihe Ne mage Dakin! Type: ee . Ori Arnages “com be — bidaed ny og ing al fecert sent Som of represensaieton _9f daa_Ca\ied’ ape = Gre Stefi 2? monochrome & colored Images: 7 = fH Monochrome | Images - Created x qn Sage cae color __ = : Colored image - Created. NT mubsele Colors. a Somes tanga dab L pea_O¢ — ey VS | pied 0)s aren ag ats soe a Te ™ e . Vv e c A- bit Images | . hs Imag e ts a Seb of pluetss ln A-bit sg %, Eee pixel 28 Stored as a ge :g eae or \). A be has only 2 States — ena, — On oc OFF; ware or black ,ttue oF ase: = Tneregore, Such On image %S alto te¢erred tp as ¢ ee go) ds es binary image > Sing only two. states are _@ a sss thing tase Knows 0s @ S pp ett fie bth es yee te ani —Combar nab 1s. black er inn __« = a OFE State & volte foc ON Shabe e A 4-bt With ¥ R # Space 04 640 480 bits. : ee Soest nie is me low Ja\ig ok Gyo tert tmogest Lach ci a en gray Lene et ony _ milly aeementigtaetn Shr Very —$— TRaapptestncnat ot Suc eGe - ats 256 oe ‘gon an @ ais) = 4009 btoce (0 fpr e_inteo: re, eran o¢ Labenst Sap Adoat 4 N —— eas Ondo abe “Oue, be ago. © An 8; eet ant Prove Storage _* Space nan + ™ bit Trnage se aed eeeetenee rep sok eet lg gag : ed rg pa ree ° e REB(Red, Green & Blue). Usually ue color ts cefjned to_mean ASb Shaded v4 RAB TE provide a emethod of, 2 aE aod Storing graplieat Inoage Tngprenation an RAB Color Space Moka colors, Shades and hues in a lodge numberof Vostatons can tbe Aisplayed oan Image a0 as in highs “ Quality photo graplie Or complex grasa. vibes: teyela aig adiaskagin: H% Reayewe _\ onge stocage Space BE Many smpurtors con AXSplay ony 256 Ju ch. je colors ot on tl ____Theeegoe in teSs case” fe is wartegul _ E- 2 NOR TY NECAA RANT {> _skore more than 256 deevent __ hb. colors in an tonne -bit Color qrapWia ts a Amage ingormdation In a Computers Memory oc to an image ® Kis, where One byte Ceprevants ach _piacels The_mardream S __nurmber_of lors “that can be displayed at once ts 256. _ B-bit color A wilt Rt of 2 Apes. Bete re eee eee 1 form $8 woh Image Stores not _toloc bet s_ index {nto Ene _tolor_mag og for Cache pixel tnsher Mo full 24-bit Color Value Theetore B-pit ts ok ct Ports? A Color ed what Colorg ake present tn the oe & the antag oy) Tnoler Noluss for each pixet tn the Tage. a 8) a dorm ts whee the te Bt ue 3 bts for red _& bis for green K 2 bes tor blue Tats a4 form ts Pp kten catlenl ba bib true color ad t% deine use a palette ok atts When a @4- bit UU polor tmane 2 turmed into an abi terage. » Some Of Sle. colors have & be etrctnated, : Known as color Ruan sation proceas - 5 rattoal QT ion 0 ~ H Sparsat Rests sehes ko the Sipe 04 06 PT mel On_kne _ ground fOr example =\S meer means. that one ptacl Pr_ame Image. Corresponds toa Sq uore.04, \s oy IS meres on wre qreund + Ts 8S ain. Sormerimer 1eherted boas Ground. Sangli Dfstooee (ss). + Temporal resolu tion AKRTS kD _Wow oben data_o4 tne Savar_aaca_ts couecteds Tus go | cally Leeessed to of Revisit Tie. —___¥_ Sensors can tiade Spatial relouution sor keeogoral —Sssoluiion but te fs dzigicult to macimuro both. Sensors that —hene_a_Wign Spatial vesolutton Cover a Synalier area then a Sensor __uwitn tne Saroe Nurobr_or peels but win a lowe —_ Spatial vesotution. s ____sniitn a Satter Afeid_o},_vStin tater longer to ___ — Nex Xe Somme area tious el ae ee = —s0utSoo decreater. 3 * Steaghay| Spattal _ = One _nurmoper of, pinels hal o8e_ Us mn when et “Sa eo ee “tant z "Sela Xeeoiuion nro anoint 1 reore tee sae a _ Wigner Sportal vesolurtan trange Satya ae _ rao Ane lower mans Sesolut{on Amege fpr Same bimtosions _ Ane % git es Sk a “reece Sexushoo_€S _deXined od , Ane ammount of ene Needed tm revisit & Acquire dota Apr the kxdck Same RotsOE OS Well Ob Sensor Chak » Types \ro Grey lovee & Color. laggit es ‘Tere are 3 ‘yee Tmages: They one as Sollows 2»). Binary nog Te (8 Ave Simpiat Layee Brack & vurte & Consists of a 4- bts Image & wo ic Values. te; agit XO. Vepresent a phnel. of + 3 bakes —on ly O ov 1 The bi 4 vad Binary images ane wy us oF te takes ony ; Ayo Areva Shape OF out tine, | as J __ Bi Rrngges one Opal Choracrer Retoguittos (0ck) enerated using tnvesnold__operation- _\ninen a pimel 8s” above tne ehreshold Valut, then te ts _tutned )votutte CV) and wolicln are toeloua tne thierhotd value een hey ore Uined nace (to") eee 7 > ny = eae rr = Scoble images Oke Monochrome ‘mage, mp fe ) Wave _onty one color, Gray Scate oe Agent ad Kevels- Aon cen en dato wich has. ee Tn-ho.cro ation bout color. Goch pfmel determines avolanie Srnages donot Contain an. frag @ Combaing @ | bts |ptsel re hevelz. In omens a eee - . an Sr and ausronowy , Laon lb bis] ptaxel Iinages axe used. E33) Color mages + — Color Images a 2 band monochrome mages fo _ Wien, Cach band esi a diet color & the actual —_ Rnformation fs Stored. to the dig tual Image. The olor tmages ecé oe Contato ay Level Ingormatton Cach Spectral bond « es = Tre mages are regimented a. ved green & due (ROB es - 4 Sioages) And each Color fmage hat 24 dits| pfael mean € bits eng ——Apr@nth Of Ame 3 color band (Rqs) fi ° ____\mage_ Processing 6 4p \loval ~~ a ee +) ‘porting tne Image Via tmage arquicteton tools. _© eng 4 & mawipuiating tne Ymage. one which taut eae me Ali tangy oe a2 pot _wic_ts_ bared 2 99/9/1919 , eee y ky ee = mag Syntne \ ; : MAG* Symtmests ts tne process Of Creating new ace fron @ Ome “Horm of Image description. The Ktnd 0 anak Nt cat synced salt : * tus Farterns Sten wien Sfenple two dimensional . Geeroesric Shape - 2 \roage Notse \mages containing random plxel values scaly 1) Arneraved for Speck hie parametrized Estsivutions: Com puter Graphics Scenes or frnager based on geometric Shape _derccipttons. Often the models are three — - oe Aimenstonal but may” also be two- dimeosianal jets cmennesnome mage _O8¢ _Ofen Used ko. veriyy a predegined _ Tenage Aron giieteniert Atal ince! 4 Tne are Several _Negustfernents 0 the newwerks_vanen Image ore transmitted » ———— =_—s 0) The network must actomodate bursty data transport because fenage tranguitstion te bury (tiga band vofatth S transunsston OVA a Short perted). —_—_—_—_ b) Image tansuitsion reqeiirea teMable transport ©) Tyre -dependence ts not a doutnant chara ckerstte of tne __fenage to contvase to audto| Video tonsudsston. iN + Se se carn on tne e trage ‘\epieien tation format. Used S Arainswalsston » _ ¥ formats . PRow Digital Amage Data TANS mai SION. * — > Compressed (mage Dake ‘Wansnedssion oe > Sympolic Image Data Transession a “a i Row Amoge Data Transmasston * i eo ln tas cone 5 the Arnage As_gentrated. _Wirough a video ee AK SRE and ssocsiplted to 15g Apsenat Tre ) ; = = —— ; oTMty Image Fepresentatton method 1s ued fn Computer grapitcs.. SAmoge Se fs equal to the seructure She, Wich caster the Konsugeted Symbolic An gor mot? on of She Tmoge- Animation pe Arirontton 18 dened as tne at of maklng someting Come alzve Te &s_concerned itn the Vtsual_or ass Agee of ne fe Pinte - )__Puenatton ts an _ovfect caralig actoss of Into os out OF the : Screen. = 3 ass oy aS Audmation &s possivie a bfologt cat phenomencn , )_____Kmounn os persistence Oh fson_B_o_psychotegical_phenamenan Caled yur i HF _\n_utmatton, 9 Sertero§ trnoger ore tagtd Chang ¢ek_tn_ HEY Fecte zt 9 movement - icin ts )_USage of, Aivimna an ; ee @ ATES Purposes = , as © Story telli ) 2 4 (nstcuct¥onal _pua poses - Type O& Astmation : Aartroation can be fendered tn 3 __ >_ Space > %D auimations are rer Staple & Sratie , J , ? , we dt] space + fn Maton a dept fs ts Sradowing ,Wlancanting & forced peas pecttve Soup h— fo vat Ah taal Yeasts to two onitea ll aan co *3-Y space : Coupliated & realtute_ontennttons ore done ty Bd Space. —___ Aaimarton Technique o Methods of rearing Auimatten 71 Ct amaRon S 2 fan avimmatson # Couper audmatt on 1) cel Animation: ee * Cel animation %s a tesnata At Wich a Series of Progueasiv lth ech on tac rome a = os movie Elin Ei —# Ine _tere ‘cet’ ts derived korn ene Clear Celtubotd sheets oe esse — Seat tee used 181 dtanetng 2och fame, Sa eepena. es wt ames» x = he AFAMU veer bo ke Leet tne _last frome _of am __®paq - | | presser po Lidddd@a@aeaeey I action. ___# The ames to between (ame_are down ta tye %F ™ ewes we 4 ol 3) 2 Rot _Aadmation : hee sBtanieh py a: iN _______# The_ movement of, me an oxfect happened. satong 0 oe ____ predetenuatned —Rartn_on Hee St Sale Tne path could bea MER 4 ang aaa S Lure, as 4 % We object cloernot Goong, atnougt Re matghs be 14 a Yedped or vesrape. he > } Ee es a eS = 3) Couputer Awimatton | * Rectroutenlly qenerated movement of Ayton, on = z ; Compurer Screen: F Comparer awttnatton UU Vay Smilar to Cel anrmoaston.— : +The Pritmany Aiacne ts to “how Muth mast be drawo_ » Ame _autmat AHA how touch fs atonal . Genoa bea by Kae ois Wate + e ~ HK Woemoartes % khe stu a the tnovement Ug motion of , —__Seryctures thot hove —fotines ———_——— ____®_Anverse Kinematics fs the process a _ Lint poets, a s ee __debuing tnety relattonsipe & Uwits ___ _ z _# Movoutng {8 an ehbect in wu a Skil or snoring aes : Mansyormed ino ANON - 5 is - 7 ry Animation Toow fe z ya Matometitcle tant pam opiemrgers) sap > Kai's Power Toots Spherotd Designer a — > Nias | wave ents Maya — ay, Re ae es > New Tex's Ligne Wave vi 4 : oe — ——— 4 i Sie formats used ty Awimation, c ee dacs & oder > Director lee pce akg & -¥tc_ > AuiehatorPro_4itet 4 Goran eee ) ° © aroax 9 3D Studio Max les Pere sees @ epics > Sisper Card & Director bles skh & Sud > Flasin rea ¥, Data__Co wapressto om \mage Compression fs mlruadging tne stge 16 bytes O19 By —Gregiaces Wie vottnout, shepenellog, whe me Of tne Esa im Ce —uanaceeptarse Levels —~ ~ fang — —_Mhe_reduetton_tn five Se aMous more images tobe Stored tn__a_gtven amount. oy, chick of memory Space Tt bic —_Neduices the Rene _reqeutced tort ko__be__8ent over the _ — tai —_\nternes _or_cownloaded from web _p. steanty fe aay ae Some a4, tne Cova mon, image. tampcaston bechutques ety ee Ose ~ Jn # Fractal fe # Waveles_ i= # Chroma Sub Sawpli rg coe € A Transporn Cecking ie £. : Soaks Bun = \engeha encdding «. ues \mage | ima or losstese « oe eeeen eee ee easton “peatthed. ar ax Apr_archivel & is purpose & otten for Trang ing ;-techited.clanuotgs & Cp art os Comaitcs . Tuts Ys Used to reduce % kre _8ige of a pra. Hae dar . ayuattey ee ee _ * ee ™ 950s & Keeps & atl the : Gant dota received yor tne Cameras Sensor. © Mg _* mat Lourprens er eo Keep there small Sige _ Oia Sepp tetsu tala —by ooking tor oe ae neers hero : a fs awe to muterosopt: © Sp Not feng ted « "te Tt} > \ arena aacae. : % LOSsy compraston mecnods Hrpectally when luted aR - ee Yoru Introduce Courpresston arttdaces. aE Be ena! MREG.. MAR: A_wined reality Za gmented Sealy Schere nce model. gs he et ee ASH Standards thot provtdle SoLatt see Neawass At. (auch aN acever & cons)

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