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* Anatoy %% a wave that %s recorded of used tn tes —2xtgined form for exam ple In AN Any Lape recorder , a Stqnal 8s katen, Serolgne HOM ME _MUCCop hone and latd onto tape The Wave Aor Khe wicioghone 4s an an wave So there ¢pte the te On the an ig analog ox wells A Digttar video tsa type of aligital fecording 4s dystero thot Works by ust ne ftal_ratha than an Analog video sqne ____# video Ingoematton erat te stored using teeviston video fe iE ele naam ce non= Computer _vedia > Analog Video. Gach _tranoe_ts reprarented by ¢ Fuctuatt og Vor yet # __known os an _anatogus wave tore oe Comapostee Video -_—__ Onateg video has all the video Components. Befqnenes > Colour, yp S2 ae SAN RTT A Container and a Codec are Bass Nel dnt oy an ___niden bre A ithe Forsomt. 8 ne Container thar stored audto, Vide Supeires and auy OlWer metadata. A Cooler encodes & decodes. mulSmedia data Such a8 audto & video. When creating & video, A video Codec encodes & Corapresces ene Video while ne Audio Codec does the Same ity Sound = __Axaerwoads tne encoded video & audio are Synchcourged_& Stored ta a midi container -the Rte forrab« . ~ A eee eat tae et A__MUE T MPEG -4 part 14 OF MP4 1s one of the cartier obigthal 6 EE Video KC formats. Antroduced ty @00l+ Most dgttal platiorms __ be and devices Support MPA + An MP4 korinat con Store audio —_______ flea, video tes, Set Tenages and teat. Addt tonal MP4 Provides Ledgin quakiyy Mdeo wile Pere ea Estaulitly Smatt__hle_ Sitges Mov i Mov {8 0 poputot Video gle tacroat designed. 4 Apple- Tt —______was_destgned to Support toe _Quice Te tag MOV fies —________Lantetn videos audio, Subbittes Lime codes & other ae pus 2 aoe F eget ene aietd RP anes Tove in. rT Windows. Since ik is ay Metgy = Km =o Video format MoV Mies cake sig usa ON pace On. a Lows perder: ___ 8 sd a aU ate Geman ge Mi chosont & 2s = Used in _votndows wodl%a “p + ba. WAN Ifioleo Boron gh pene “ron saa beken, —Couspreasion ee MRA + —ROguLorA for online video ' See ora 4 is" mot Courpatible voith Apple . ne a Ba Mavic Pleo ov Mace * fiv . fv %& a ieee ro tenes sia Mats a Nideo plattorms & browsers. Tne FLY sooo te Ceo ar 2 4or ee A 4 ___________Plakotrns _ © Nputube Vuatively Smal(N oes ata wl et ow = ® a MOM e devices Ube IP hones. . Ded . a - » io motton pretarar, Keleatston , and ty computa Video » Alsplays Ue fare are 1s the Murder Of fame or Image Hak Ae projected oF AL playedt per Second 2 . Krome vores are ured tn Synchrontz ing auctio . WhEwHa film LELEviston or Videos bo motton ptckures . We Ayame Yates Ate Standardized a Sociery o4, Moetioe 2 Recuse & Tereviston Editors (mere) : » QMITE Ame Code Lrame tater of, 224, 25 and 30frames ° Playback cates for AVL and _Ruice Time movies The video ONpeods tO The Users Lower Cates “esutk tn a _ choppy tp Perceive gmookn Playback) Coke nryormarton 3 used as _a__vederence tor eal me wing a 24-hour Clot, And Incltviclual frame nernbers- — Wes stat! Ag Wed to 8 nehrousge mMULEPle audio A vFdeo _ MackRoes during the moan ees CARENg Orocers: U&qg a _ MORE Synchve Sey device, = Covamands {ron oo nae ine Apollo) “ae rn aster. and pictures and televisto Pe Second ode commen, each having uses In diferent porttons dk Ane Anduates The _professtonal fame vate for motion pictues Is 24 Hames Der second and for television, 30 Arama PEC Seton Wo Computer video Strearms the trame Cate Gescribes playback Yoke Apr an AVI ov auice Tene movie direct Yelates to Khe perceived Srnootnmess ob Tes _Playoact The ae Dumber 0% Kanes 0! ing Ker Second, the smoommer tne video Playback playwork (Rv WH 24 Krorenes per Seccond (Kes) ko allow the Viewer AE Am developing moon pichuser television and video tran The Secorded Ggnal Includes tnformation About locioo Yo operator Con %ssus. lo cat ton ential acting And have all Staved ee Syne nonipatten YS We Coord. naiton OF tne events ¢ ko Operore Syrem. System a uti OM Mele pars fo Synchrony OKC” Satd AD be Fyheuiano eae os An s4ne Sy Republi Dewy Parade : : $ nemrourgarten Vo roulttmmeolia Systerns rege to Aemporal Atlin onsuips besueen media Obsecks 2m Ane enulitmedia Systtmss in Aukure multimedia gu seems (eared on meca- 4) Syoctonization way Alo _teger kD Spatial and content NeloSionsiips Os well Os tewrporal, pe Aynchcautgatinn —bet ween meta pbjects toupritea sladioosires between tiene. depenatent. media obfects as well os “vse tnolpenctemt amedia onfects. $ cnrouspatton . sy need to _ocua od olfigerent tevele to a multimedia es Systm, fonseaucntiy Synchcout yakton Support —fs_typtcall pund fn -e Dpetation. Susser, tommust taiion Systero Doroiases nut? media clocuments & -the apecation. A geneal Scbt oe wah art Tovorwe o layered approach An acusieving. Syncnso wigotfon. — fox sample Couspuber: Supported Collaborative swaos% group (escw') Sesston_ comignt _tavo\wed amulet pan — ideo tonievending Gestion with auctto & a shorect wlatizboata, Fosstes enoy mate segerence to Objects eo the Shared wWUitedostd : : 7 a poiora to. Supeort whet ny one Ring + Here Nid & oudio ore Conttnunus tmedta opfects Wiser are Won j —Refodie, whetos the Snared Witte board Ye a cltscete * td Steam, ab ehanges to 14 ate Ulghly te winds Te_nedia * Srteams enust ‘oe_ias --Synchrout ged to ened Speech temains Ge SYporconited Ate Voutte board updates dre Synchwouized with ” OUddo eAMences to ew, ee a —Regerence Model, for Multi media. Sunchroutga bon ee Wale Absua ction tow An application operates on a sing ¢ Confinucus Po) Media tages: 5 Metis haya, - ——_medZa_Sterearn, wlaicn te treated os a Sequence ee —___ News Sng Components musk be taken oto account +_ ® _Rravtchen athens to files A defies pee » 2 2 2) Sucarn Loy oat he Steam layed _eptintes On _Contioueis meckia Stieams 0A wi x aR LW Tews 3a wu . \_ Streams Ore grexented to porarier “bya eniechanisrns foe Rorcec eee WO Spee Rrra Anvers er Koudg ation cea tddre mesks 3) Oviece Loge Wee __ovject layer operata en _all_media Streams and are Wades ine dikgerences between Continuous K decrece mudia. An > apatttation trod toberntts uotte tis layer ul be presented _ voit a Siew of a Coupiere— Byncncowiged Piesentatfon . Tel. _Naper tates a Coustere $ nehrourgation SPEAR Cation as Vs. “C © : * __ 2aput ond 8s. Sesgonitnle kor ‘The correct Sckedule a he 2 Overall RM eentotion. » A) Seeeteeatton & : Tas Vale Combating appicrttons and boots Ghar are x wed 10 Creare 4% Nemo atlon. Speer Remlt ones 7 The Hearaaion Aaayer Vs alto Tespon stole Ape mapeing us oer Cequived RoS Parameters to tne ayual2 iter orrereth ___ 53 AK Ane onfeck Nag Amueryace: Resotutton See Resolutfon measured the nur ber opine fo a ——siefaal engage erate play «Tt %s_degined os wotatn b: Bg eran were Wi 5th, ‘C—nuambA px, horizontal _ i ———gisatla_and {see nuambe of Nertdeal pfaebs Ge ~—Erauapit tee _resoludton 04 oo HDTY 8s laanxingo _* mage Resouusion 2 AL Moftalghokt—thet 13,068 gnela oto A (A —has_a__terolutton ot 8048¢ x _ S_erprers __"Resoturzon “3S okten used Pav noteil wot 2" wine chescastis Ane dfmenstons “oy a dlgital nage: Mowever ne tei "$e" can beat as upus toc WA tothe Ae ge of tne mages of tes Mrarotore 1S nek tp use "Motution” hes _ Aenenstons — O4 a. st, r P . . 3 Diser Resolution ¢ Every mourtor ond Scien has a specttic reg ene hos a f4oudion of I%20% 4060 Pacd- A 4K AL play hal tote the feolutfon of HI, OF BE4ORXALGO pracy. “TA % Called “AK aince the Screen ts Neal ___4,000 PAW across horgontal he total numba op pines A AR Aspray 8S 8.294 Aooor jus OVA & magapixels. Mouittor vesoludton defines howd maw pixels a Scien con Spay bur Vt doesnct deseride how fre tne Image ise Uvliee Mouitor _(erolu on, ee Jwolution of A Rinker OY Scanner fs oNalogous to *gixel sien fis fatna Xhan a RRnter and Scanned csolutlon 16 measured to dots per teh or DRI ‘ 0 ne = eeeee \ « Colous Video formats Q ae a) NTsc 2 NTSC 8s An abbre Viatton gor Nattonal Tereviston 9 Sek ans Coramei tice — named foc ene goats ——heveloged Kne_blact and _wolse and _Suseq Stern that %s Used Yo the _ owied at Sates _____Sopan | OK Countrter. An NTSe pieture is Shes oy N SAS interlaced Unes and ats displayed at a rake of 24-7 _fvames pet Second. Tel ibep | | | | a) Pat + PAL ts an abbrevfaxton jor Phone Alternate Lincs Was 36 tye video 4prenot Seomnd aarck used Yn mau — Curopean counties «ARAL pictude Te _tadle up of’ 4 enacts ant ats played. ‘ee5* val dj ‘orn ny eet eb ye ts bad i 3) “SECAMS SecaM ty an. Abbreviatton hor Stent Color and Memory: Gis video format ts ued ty ma Cancern Count Such CU the USSR eUrna Paklsea : France and a Aew. Ober. Uke, rau a Soca Ks Prcqure ts AO rade. Hp Of gar interlaced, Une & ts Asp cd Ab a sare Of AS ATamer per Second. However, tne, vagy SECAM processes the Color intormatton Te ty ck Compatible with the RAL Video format standard as. Bis Arateg Niden Acipacts 2 et co e a Analog Nideo %¢ a video stgoat Mange ced by an © ____ fav Signal —Wheo_Combtoed Into _one Channel it ts called © oe ideo oa “ts the case Among others voit e ee NTSe, PAL and and SECAM. 7 e @_been adopted § Frewotie. (\ee€ Deustion Malis Mos TV 2s S48 sent & vecetved ad “enV oat 84 Once he Okeesical Stanal is Seceived «we may 488 Uma ee Js attest O& Monotouie ‘Hn ‘fots_necehsasty Itneat be caste 04, ga xnma _* “4 gp —_Coriection . e + An _onate Stan §(+) Sawpies a sme vorging Arogge = -p ——_$0- Called progrestye Scanning aces Sreougin oO Compiere piccure 9 (alone) row wise for each me Intervals A bigh-cesolutton — Computer _mowitor lay col user a ime Ankerval Dk J [4a Setond lo TV and tm Some mnouttors and mutiimedta seanderds, B_onoiner_sy stem tngeriated Scanning 4g Used. Here, the odd - —ntambeted nes are trowed ree, a tne even duropered Unes- Tes touts to “eda” and “even” elds. two elds snake up One fame. pA _ bactane Vicleo ond Sif picture: 2 Tattenase gps May towed camerad_one_40r_video A one_spe seus). A Sarmpusber capabit_ot_editing Imager video ond outa — aare : reais wh fc add deg dae So Recorder rhe Prag TR aie oe . AL Lavatier (ov ge cep) sutcngnon Ape ceigedt Sntert eee R or & deo Rene. Lap Sex and ton 7 A_ttigad or Stenting video, mg begat ins Mteecuneh TR sell ne ed Ye Headphones = ee dees a a Sane ee Pa Bea Our cused. 7 * A vay * Bags ae vi patsanch og to Store and +, ee ae i fo sr k itn = pee v z £ Digital Video Coupreatton C Video tomapresston 3S the. kerrs wed to clefne A method {pr narrbe the hota Wed to Cnctoke Zeal video s Renent. “Ths teductton An clata tonetates to bene Pes Such og —— Smalter Seorgge tequice ments And lower Fanswisston ba: KequSvements foro Co oh Video contents Moon Jv! M- 396 = Octanal developed —_ bs TPE s : Join Trotngraghic Crgerts g cup) pe aud Vimedia 9 ———Ogplications. (nH. JPEG each video sore 26 Separately rs Bee eee an a > _MREG ~4 Parke at Dev Meeq (Motion Meurer Caper Grou) sets a aucer sor MPEG standards One Meeq 1 and MPEG-a and DES — Lranec Comapteast on actors . N 2 H264 (MPEG 4 part lo oc MPEG —4 ave) s+ To 8s a Stamdoad Eee ——aletntly —dhevelaped_omd_tnekokotned ty Tv-T (ere- —_— —_—tommiltintton ssarcandication taco) and MIC and Whence tye tack trae te Kekevred by Mmuttele a = [ ¢ ; a ae Lower ———} aa NYDEO COMPRESSION FoRMAT & PROFILES MIP EG MPEG -4 HA 4 Thee ore two apyroache to acilateg Video Compression — i) Intra fame 9) \ncer- Frame \nira. frame Compression Used tre Curie video fame AOX_Comprerstontersentally Image. Comprescion: Anker ~ Rome" Comper ston uses One oF wove preceding and | oc Succeesting fyamea tr a Sequence, (© Comptes the Conterss OH Ne _curene frames 2 Eg OF _Leveer- Frome Courpression ¢ MPEq- (v0), at 38 i J mreg-2 (ovo) , a m MEA. 4 & H-264 stds 4 4 —____# &g oh Intra fine courpresstan + M-3966 Std # Low CPU ustU sation ly Not eftctent Chest Trager at Quality oleteria- frame tober Coupared! Yates foe trames M-SP€q 2 ed etree 35 s J With complex at kext ures, Uned - Sensitive to mokono Coupitaty | MPeq- 4 Pose -d High cru Ustis akion. : Most egtezent Highest CPU ee ses es aon He 264 Ervremne| ecient low motlon video Sensiive > motion toncent - t [eo

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