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Fight Club 12 - Week #1

The Next 42…Never Give Up!

Welcome to Fight Club! We had a great kickoff and now is when the training starts, when the rubber meets the
road! We will be training 10-weeks as a group, but this fight is for a lifetime! Life is messy, ALL men need
someone to walk beside them, to be Jesus with skin on! Our challenge this chapter is to find the one guy who
you will walk with “The Next 42!” As men who follow Jesus we MUST surrender to God’s plans even when
we don’t understand! We MUST stand strong when we feel defeated! We MUST FIGHT and NOT Back
Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we DO NOT GIVE UP!

As we start this journey together, we are going to face life head on and more than that, we are going to “MOVE
TOWARD THE MESS” not shrink back from hard things, not refuse to take a chance because it is
uncomfortable! Jesus ALWAYS followed God’s leading, and His life was messy. We need to walk into the fire
to rescue the hungry, thirsty, rejected, and lost! Jesus will be with you when you step out in faith!

Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

General Stuff

Let me cover a few general items before I get to the Life Lessons. We had some guys who signed up but
weren’t able to make it to the Kickoff. I want to make sure everybody is on the same page with the important

1) If you look under the “files” tab at the bottom of our main BAND page, you will see a list of the files we add
as the chapter goes on.

2) Remember, the whole point of the physical challenges is to make you stronger than you were before. For
some of you, the challenges we give are not possible at this point with your current physical status. If that is the
case, please feel free to contact your squad leader to discuss alternative exercises. We want you to be challenged
but not stupid.

3) Please add your profile picture on BAND to have a picture of you. It can include wife, kids, friends; just
make sure you are visible and it’s recent. This will be helpful for everybody to start recognizing each other.

4) Please be respectful of using the BAND app in a way that honors the purpose of Fight Club. Do not use it to
promote a business or tell us what you are doing every other hour. Post prayer concerns, assignment
requirements, and praises all you want!
5) Make sure when you are posting on the main BAND page that actually says CCW Fight Club 12 at the top
of the page.

6) At the end of each week (Sundays) your squad leader will have you report on your strike count. You get a
strike for each Life Lesson that you don’t complete during the week. If you accumulate three strikes you will
need to remove yourself from the CCW Fight Club 12 BAND page and you will not be able to graduate with
the rest of the group. We want you to work hard and earn the reward.

7) Future dates to put on your calendar: We will have our Mid-chapter meeting at 9 p.m. at CCW on Friday,
April 12th and graduation at CCW @ 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 22nd. The April 12th late-night meeting is
STRIKEABLE, so get it on your calendar now! If you are out of town for work or a prior engagement let your
squad leader know.


Ongoing Assignments

* During the entire 10 weeks we will be raising funds for Church Community Services, CCS is a faith-based
agency helping people of Elkhart County weather life’s storms and build more secure futures through
emergency assistance and intensive job and life-skills training. MAY 4th @ Fidler Pond we will be doing a
3-mile fun run/walk to help raise funds! The suggested donation entry fee is $10 per person, but feel free
to give more to help as many people in Elkhart County as we can!

*Outreach projects – during the course of these 10 weeks you will need to do at least 2 outreach projects of
some sort. They should be at least 2 hours in length each. You can coordinate with your squad and other FC
guys to serve together. You can contact local organizations to see how you can get involved or you can find a
family with a need and organize guys to help meet that need. Be creative and intentional. Use your squad pages
to get the conversation started. If you do not have these done before graduation you will need to take a strike.

*Make up– If you were not at the kickoff night then Call 1 other man who attended kick off and ask these
questions: 1) Why did you decide to do Fight Club? 2) What stood out to you at kick-off? 3) Share with the man
on the phone why you are doing Fight Club.


Tidal Wave Auction Set-Up and Tear Down!

We need men to help to set up from 5-8 pm on Monday March 11th, Wednesday March 13th , and Friday
March 15th. Also, help day of and tear down after Saturday March 16th.


“A world where everyone has a decent place to live in.” It envisions a world in which every human being, irrespective
of their color, religion, and financial status, has a house where he can stay with his family and take care of them.
*Saturday March 23rd is our build date, 8:30 to 4:00! Come out all day or come help for a few hours! sign
up and instructions are below! Please follow this link below to fill out the Release and Waiver of Liability prior to
your volunteer date.

*Click link below to register!*

Group Name: Fight Club Chapter 12
Assigned Group Registration Code: Team Fighters
Group Member Registration Url:


Week One Life Lessons

Relationship Life Lesson:

1) You are the one who is making a commitment to step it up. You are committing to go on this journey
with 50 other guys and seek after God with everything in you. You received the Guidelines at kick-off,
read through them, sign your name at the bottom and post a picture to CCW Fight Club 12 BAND page
of you proudly holding your paper while making your best “It’s On!” face.
(If you were not at kick-off Go to the “files” tab, print off the guidelines,)

2) Our families need a Servant leader. Jesus is our example for how we should lead our family. Mark
10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a
ransom for many.”
If you are married, have a conversation with your wife about: “What would be the most important
thing for me as your husband to LEARN from this chapter for you and our family? Would you be
willing to take time each week to discuss what I’ve been LEARNING from the Move toward the mess
book and scripture reading?” Now, ask her for her honest feedback and then commit to praying about
what you two discussed. And because you’re a Fight Club man put together a couple bullet points of
what next steps you’ll take towards being a Servant leader. If you are single, then do some introspection
as well and come up with your strategic move to be a Servant leader at some future point. Share your
action plan with us in a post. STRIKEABLE

3) Find an AP (Accountability Partner) for this chapter. They need to be in your squad.
You will connect with this guy either face-to-face or at least by phone every week with a specific AP
assignment. If you don’t have an AP partner yet, you will need to reach out to your squad leader and let
him know you need an AP. Connect sometime this week and be sure to cover these questions and
topics: What do you hope to get out of Fight Club? What are you giving up for the chapter?, and What is
your greatest fear/concern for these 10 weeks? Also recite your weekly memory verse from below.
Spiritual/Intellectual Learning:

*We will be reading through the book “Move Toward the Mess” by John Hambrick. Cost of the book is $12,
and you should have gotten one at Kickoff. Find a way to get your $12 to Mike or your squad leader. Everyone
needs to have this book, so if this is a financial burden, please don’t let that stop you from getting the book! God
will make a way!

1) This chapter our primary Bible reading will be from the New Testament. We are stating with the
Book of James. Monday – James 1, Tuesday – James 2, Wednesday – James 3, Thursday – James 4,
Friday – James 5, Saturday & Sunday Read through James entirely.
*Veteran Bible Reading Challenge: Join CCW in our devotional found in YOUVERSION Bible app!
Each week you will get an invitation to join a devotional plan from 5 to 7 days long. You will need to
download the app and just accept!

2) Memorize Galatians 6:9 and say it to your AP. To help with memorizing, place
copies of the verse where you will see them regularly (bathroom mirror, work desk, etc.)
*Veteran challenge: recite all the verses you have learned each week as we go. For
example, in week 5 you will recite the memory verse for that week plus all the
memory verses you learned in weeks 1-4. Not strikeable.

3) I am obsessed with getting to know Jesus MORE! He is MESSIAH, EMMANUEL, REDEEMER,

HOLY, COUNSELLOR, MIGHY GOD, PRINCE OF PEACE! Jesus is the son of God, the second
person in the Trinity. That is a lot to take in and know, so I look for any way possible to get just a
glimpse of His majesty! I have found watching The Chosen has given me new insight into His life and I
want to invite you along! Each week you need to watch one episode of The Chosen, preferably with
family or a friend, but you have to watch it! You can stream free from the Angel Studios app, your
computer Netflix has the first season. How ever you can, watch it!
*These can be intense, so use your discretion for the kiddos*

4) This week you will be reading the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in our book Move Toward The Mess.

Please take some time to talk through the questions at the end of each chapter with your AP, family,
or FC Brother! We are here to bring God glory and we cannot do it on our own!

Health/Physical Challenge:

* Since some of the points can be done by the length of a workout it would be easy to cut corners and take on a
slow/light workout. I encourage you not to take advantage of this as it was done this way to encourage those
that have different workouts or exercises already in their routine to stick with them and not scrap something that
has been working. You are only cheating yourself. (Include your family whenever possible! They will love
1) We are going to be using a point system for this chapter. You will be assigned to do
so many points each week and then you can decide what combination of running/walking, biking,
swimming or weight lifting you want to do. For every mile ran or walked, you get 3 points. For
every mile you ride your bike you get 1 point. For every 10 minutes of straight swimming you do
you get 4 points. For every 10 minutes spent doing a workout involving strength or cardio training
of your choice you get 2 points.
* If you are active for 5-8 hours of manual labor it counts as 1 point!*

*You will need to “LEARN” the best way to include your wife or family! When you exercise
with wife, family, FC bro you get double points!

Chose your plan! Discuss with your AP and decide how to be intentional.
You must record points on a minimum of three separate days throughout the week. You can spread it
out over 7 days if you want but you won’t be able to wait until Saturday to start your points.

To meet you where you are today, we will have 3 options to choose from this chapter!
*Option 1 – Personalized. This will be set with your Squad Leader or me to fit your physical
limitations and move you forward at a safe pace. This could include therapy or suggested
movements from your doctor.
*Option 2 – Standard. This can include CrossFit, sit-ups and push-ups, walking, jogging, biking,
weight lifting, swimming or other physically challenging exercise. Hint – Try yoga, you will be

surprised how tough it really is 😊

*Option 3 – Advanced. This is for you guys that want to really push yourselves to the limit

1) It’s important to think about what kind of “fuel” we are putting in our
bodies. For this week, no fast food for five days. STRIKEABLE

2) You received a bookmark at kickoff with blanks to fill in push-ups, sit-ups, and weight. If you are
physically able, this week do as many push-ups and sit-ups as you can in one minute and fill in the
bookmark with those numbers. Weigh yourself and record this. Keep this so you to see progress over
the next 10 weeks.
not strikeable

Alright guys, this chapter is all about moving towards the mess! I have no idea what you will face during this
10-week journey, but God does. It may be a decision, a loss, a mistake; whatever the storm HE will be there!
He has positioned you with other men who can hold you up and stand beside you no matter what you go
through! To see God’s true power in our lives we must take a step of faith. He is faithful, He is Good, He will
ask you to follow Him! We will not back down THE NEXT 42!
James 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
2 Corinthians 4:16 That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every

* Choose one of the following workouts listed below.


● 1. Do this CrossFit workout 3 times this week

Or the 30-minute HIIT workout

● 2. Do your own workout that works both arms/chest/abs/legs 3-times a week

● 3. Do 40 pushups, 3 minutes of planking, 50 air squats 3-times a week

 4. Walk, run, bike, or do some physically challenging exercise with your wife,
a family member, or Fight Club brother 3 times this week.

(Did someone say yoga? 😊)

* Choose one of the STANDARD VERSION workouts listed, this 30 HIIT workout
AND log at least 5 miles of running/walking/biking/elliptical; make sure 3 of those miles are done

**** If you Bike instead of running multiply miles by 3 so it will equal 15 miles
**** If you do elliptical instead of running multiply miles by 2 so it will equal 10 miles
**** if you swim one mile swimming equals 3 miles running
**** If you walk you must get your heart rate up so it is a fast walk and same distance.

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