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APRIL 1996 $6.95 US $7.

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"There are two kinds offools: One says, 'This is remembered; the piano sounded smaller, then heard aCD-R cut from the Nagra
old and therefore good.' The other says, 'This is the acoustic drier, the reverberation tails tape, noise-shaped down to 16-bit data us-
new and the;zfon. hater' " —Bob Katz less lusciously long. Had Imisremem- ing the Meridian 518. Close, very close.
bered? Were my expectations too high? I Then Peter played atest pressing whose

've been lurking on some of the Inter- powered down the system, had acognac, CD glass master had apparently been cut
net newsgroups recently. It's an in- went to bed, and slept fretfully. from adouble-speed CD-R.
teresting experience: If you want My jaw dropped. While still offer-
to experience audio life as it ing agood piano sound in ab-
might be if Stereophile did not solute terms, the Cl) sounded
exist, you should subscribe g more clangy, the reverbera-
to De- tion tails less lusciously long.
spite the newsgroup's title, The pressing plant had as-
some of its most vocal deni- sured PM that the data were
zens seem to have both little identical, yet the quality differ-
interest in high-end audio and ence was so large that Peter and his
much faith in their own belief sys- associate could identify it 10 times out
tems. If Iwere as sure about one of 10 in ablind test.
thing as these cyberspace cowboys appear Around 4am Isat bolt upright in bed, Peter asked me to take both discs home
to be about everything, my life would be went straight to the listening room, and from the CES and do abit-for-bit com-
much tidier. It would also be alot less rich. checked the Sonic Solutions audio input/ parison on the Sonic Solutions. To my sur-
Take digital. If you hang out on r.a.h.e output parameter settings. Input word prise, the data were identical. Unlike my ex-
much, you'll read ad nauseam that 16-bit dig- length was set to 20 bits; output word perience with the first mastering of Stereo-
ital is good enough for everyone and that length was set to... 16 bits. Iwas inadver- phile's Concert CD, when acareless transfer
anyone who dares say otherwise, or who tently chopping off the four LSBs of my had changed the data (see February '95,
—Saints Nyquist and Shannon forbid— beautiful data! Ireset the output word p3), the Lisiytsa CD pressing was identical
prefers analog, is suffering from delusions. length — that was more like it. Without to the CD-R made directly from the mas-
"Put it to adouble-blind ABX test!" goes up the truncation, the piano sounded like the ter tape. Yet compared, say, with the differ-
the cry whenever some newbie dares to crit- 9' New York Steinway it was, and not like ences between two good solid-state ampli-
icize the sound of CDs and ascribe it to any- some fiberboard knockoff. And the rever- fiers, the sonic difference between the two
thing other than poor microphones, apoor beration? Even the sound of my voice on discs was enormous. It could only be due
recording venue, or ahamfisted engineer. the cue speaker could be heard to light up to differing levels of word-clock jitter cut
One poster, Siegfried Duraybito, has been the church acoustic in amost realistic way. right into the disc. If Ifind that idea alarm-
flamed so many times his epidermis must be Wes Phillips came over to do some ing —I had always assumed that all data-
done to acrisp (or else he spreads his screen A/B tests. He heard what Iheard —and storage media act as brick walls to upstream
with 45-strength swiblodc). Yet Icontinue this was against abackground of comput- jitter—how will the more obstreperous
to be surprised by my experiences with dig- er-fan and hard-disk noise. So the next inhabitants of r.a.h.e react to it?
ital: Either Ihear what Idon't expect, or I time someone tells you 16-bit digital is Ioffer this story to accompany Bob
don't hear what Ido expect. good enough, ask them what color the sky Katz's and Michael Fremees discussions in
Let me tell you two tales: is in their world. Or at least ask whether this issue on the perils of mastering CDs
•Irecently uploaded all seven hours of the they've actually done any comparisons like from jittery double-speed transfer media.
20-bit, 4-channel Nagra session tapes for this to make them so sure of their philo- As Bob mentions in his letter Sony Clas-
Stereophiles forthcoming Robert Silverman sophical ground. sical's David Smith has developed asystem
Liszt CD' into our Sonic Solutions hard- •At the recent Winter CES, Imade sure in which aCD's worth of data can be
disk system. (I wanted to start work on the to visit recording engineer and erstwhile clocked out of RAM to feed the glass-mas-
editing during what passes for my leisure specialty audio retailer Peter McGrath. ter cutting 'system. This seems abrute-force
time.) Istarted listening to Liebestrawm Peter was demonstrating the excellent Eg- way to solve the problem, but if that's what
Major disappointment. Ihad remembered glestonWorks Andra speakers with Levin- it takes, it must be the right thing to do.
the . piano as sounding almost luminous: son electronics and, among other sources, But only if you accept that not all is
richly reverberant yet subtly detailed. But aNagra master tape of pianist Valentina known regarding digital technology. If you
the recording was more "clangy" than I Lisiytsa performing virtuoso arrangements insist that everything is already good
by Liszt and Godowsky (Audiofon CD enough, then how can it be made better?
1Due for release at HI-FI '96, to be held at Manhattan's
Waldorf=Astoria Hotel, May 31 through June 2, where 7205). The sound was to die for. And "better" is what we're asking for.
Robert Silverman will be performing live. Luminous. Powerful. Like areal piano. I —John Atkinson


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63 LAS VEGAS '96
Richard J. Rosen and Lonnie Brownell take abackward look at the 1996 Winter Consumer
Electronics Show, with interjections from Robert Deutsch, Shannon Dicksonjack English,
Michael Firmer, Larry Greenhill, Robert Harley, Muse Kastanovich, 71somas J. Norton,
Wes Phillips, Roben J. Reina, and Jonathan Scull.
The composer discusses recordings, Isis audio system, and his music with Richard J. Rosen.
ne hgendary audio engineer discusses acoustics and loudspeaker design with Shannon Dickson.
lise distilled wisdom ofStereophiles reviewers and editors. Over 300 components described.
Atrial Acoustics' Michael Kelly discusses speaker design With Wes Phillips.
Robert E. Benson surveys recordings c
fthe "Pathétique Tchaikovsky'sfinal work.

Philip Glass


251 BLUENorh mu., - rum DAmpi it J ONATHAN SCULL)


• • • • • • • • • •

PRESIDENT &PUBLISHER.. . Larry Archibald

APRIL 1996 VoL.19 No.4 EDITOR ... John Atkinson


John Atkinson discusses how CDs may not sound like their master tapes. Michael Fremer,Jonathan Scull
Topics this month: Stereophile's Festival CD; high-end tv.áálh Lonnie Brownell, Robert Deutsch, Shannon 1>ickson, Jack English,

tales and the Nagra-D; jittery CD mastering; HoileMater; Larry Greenhill, Muse ICastanovich, Guy Lemcor, Russell Novak,

Riihard J.
and why Stereophileurrirvi into 121' tieris both the best and Roberti Reina, Rosen, Slarkus Sauer, Don A. Scott,

Steven Stone, Sam Tellig, Barry Willis

worst thing we've ever done


High-end news, including the dealer-promoted manufacturer seminars Paul L Althorns .
,Carl E Baugher, Robert E Benson, Leslie S. Belsky,

Peter Catalano, Thontas Gnned, Afenitner H. Frank, Robert Hessen,

taking place in late March and April, plus: the latest on DVD; new Beth Jaques, Barbara Jahn, Igor Kipnis, Robert Levine, David Prince,
cyberspace web sites; atribute to the late Jack Pfeiffer; the eleventh Michael Ross, Richard Schneider, Allen St. Johri,Joan Trrshis,

anniversary of Audiophile Audition; and the news that Stereophile Michael Ullman, Stephen Francis Vasta

needs aMusic Editor.

45 SAM'S SPACE Nick King (44) 181-289-1571

Sam Tellig returns from the 1996 Winter Consumer Electronics Show PAX (44) 181-289-1572

with hot news.

Michael Firmer discusses how CDs may not sound like their master tapes. PROMOTIONS DIRECTOR ... 119/I Gilles
Recordings of the Month from jazz bassists Art Davis and Dave Holland; CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER ... Molly CIF/ISL IP
BUSINESS MANAGER .. Michelle Stobnicke
plus more audiophile jazzfrom Claire Martin, Muhal Richard Abrams,
Martin Taylor, Badi Assad, Gerry Mulligan, andJohn Coltrane Popular: HI- FtSHOW COORDINATOR ... Mouse Rieland
Steve Eark's hot new reconi, Esquivel reissues, and new stufffrom Bowie PRODUCTION DIRECTOR ... Rebecca Willard
the Stones, Van Morrison, P.M. Dawn, Bonnie Raitt, Stevie Wonder, and PRODUCTION M ANAGER ... Martha Payne
PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS ... l'hil Bata, linnra Fenstermaker
Holly Ole Classical: Bach's Goldberg Variationsfor strings, chamber
PRODUCTION ... Anne Paned/L., Laura Rattle .
music of Bruckner and &gee Debussy's abandoned opera, Steve AD COPY MANAGER ... Dee Starlett
Martland's Patrol,f. Strauss's Gypsy Baron, alive Slatkin collection, ART DIRECTOR... Natalie Brown
Bobby McFerrin, and the Swingle-Singers. Much more Coven Pilaw ... Eric Swanson

Suppowr STAFF ... Katrina Batch, Tsui Bubick,

273 BUILDING A LIBRARY Nancy Fay, Steve Gravatt, David Hendrick, Mary Plate',

Robert E. Benson sunkys recordings of Tchaikovsky's "Pathétique" Vince Reybal, S/CIIII SWINT, Kristen Weitz, Jane Wirtel

Tales of intense inspiration and ire. Ken Nelson •Nelson & Associate, Int.

62 Waffler Rd. • liurkers, New I6rk 10705

354 THE FINAL WORD (914) 476-3157 •FAX (914) 969-2746

Publisher Larry Archibald's comer of the magazine W EST OF THE M ISSISSIPPI & NATIONAL DEALERS
Laurel Atkinson •LoVecchio Associates •Sama Fe, New Afesiro

(505) 988-3284 •PAX (505) 982-5806

333 WHERE TO BUY Stereophile
SUBSCRIPTIONS: US a CANADA .. (800) 444-8908
198 Stereophile RECORDING S

190 Stereophile Festival CDs BUSINESS

(505) 982-2366
(505) 989-8791
194 Stereophile Guide to Home Theater EDITORIAL
(505) 982-1411
r05) 983-6327

THOMAS J. NORTON 505) 438-7086
34 HI-FI THE HOME THEATER & Wes PHILLIPS (505) 474-3765
MCI M AIL "Stcreophile" 288-3236
200 Stereophile BINDERS INTERNET john.atkinson@tanetcom


282 Schwann CD SERVICE BACK Issues, LPs, CDs (800) 358-6274





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CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you, Gordon, and thank you, Mt Kwilecki. Mr. Crawfordfor addinq some more flesh to the
Editor: The other works on Festival are Copland's legend. —JA
I previously wrote you wondering Appalachian Spring and Milhaud's La créa-
why stringed instruments are so poor- tion du monde. Festival costs $15.95 plus $3 DAMAGED GOODS
ly served by recordings. Stereophile's S&L See the ad elsewhere in titis issuefOr details On Editor:
Festival CD is the best recording— how to order, or call (800) 358-6274. —. IA Ireally look forward to receiving my
not just of strings — I've heard, and issue of Stereophile each month. So
that includes several HDCD* discs. I much so that, when it reaches my
have a Wadia transport, an EAD GORDON DOWN UNDER home, my wife and child know not to
DRP-7000 Series 3 (with HDCD Editor: touch or open the issue: Opening a
chip), Spectral preamp and power In the February Stereophile (p3), you Stereophile requires that Laguvulin be in
amp, and Snell Model Ci speakers. again mention J. Gordon Holes early my snifter, chamber music be playing,
For the first time, strings really sound- days at High Fidelity before he founded and Ibe alone in my listening room. I
ed like strings. You could tell the cel- his "underground" journal. Nobody covet each issue. Isavor the physicality
los from the bass, and more of the ever mentions his tenure at (horrors) Hi of the item. Consequently, Iwas very
true richness, not vague opaque rum- Fi/Stereo Review. angry when my January '96 issue
blings, was present. Igleefully enclose some photocopies arrived in the most tattered condition
After hearing Robert Shaw conduct of his erstwhile column, "Sound and the of any Ihave received to date. I've had
Elijah about two weeks ago, Ibought Query." With its FaulknerianiShake- them arrive with long box-cutter
the Telarc recording, which is also spearean echoes (" ... atale told by an wounds running diagonally across,
outstanding. Comparing the live idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying three pages deep! I just accepted it. But
sound in the hall with the CD, Iwas nothing"), it sounds like adescription of each time Irefer back to those issues, it
impressed by the accuracy the Telarc a tweako article in some present-day bugs me. But the very first issue of the
engineers got with their 20-bit sys- journals. year! Damn.
tem. Still, Festival has a great deal But note especially the description of Do you understand how Ifeeeel?
more transparency without sacrificing JGH as a transplanted Aussie. Is this Stereophile is brilliantly written and won-
any of the richness of the instruments. true, or did Old Golden Ears playfully derfully packaged. Iwould appreciate it
Congratulations. PAUL KWILECKI disseminate disinformation, as did good if you would replace my January '96
Bainbridge, GA old William Claude Dulcinfield (WC. issue, thereby allowing me to start this Fields) many years ago? year off the right way. ADREN JARIUD
FESTIVAL! St. Albans, WV
Editor: Sony about the tattered issue, Mr. pund. A
At last, aStereophile release Ican rec- Although an American, the venerableJGH did replacement is on the way.
ommend to my picky musical friends! indeed spend part ofhis youth in Australia bdOre
Apart from the middle piece — returning to the US after WWII. My thanks to W ELL-PRODUCED GOODS
Tomiko Kohjiba's Transmigration of the Editor:
Soul — which Ifound to be asmashing Ihave been aStereophile subscriber for
We regret that resources do not permit us to
bore, the performances are elegant reply individually to letters, particularly those over two years now and enjoy it
and the recording hard to fault. (I'm requesting advice about specific equipment immensely. Out of its 80,000 readers,
trying, I'm trying!) Certainly, there purchases. We are also unable to take tele-
phone calls regarding equipment purchases.
however, I'm probably unique: I'm 17
was nothing the matter with the per- Were we to do this, asignificant service charge and an avid high-end enthusiast.
formances on the previous Stereophile would have to be assessed—and we don't It started out when Iwas browsing
discs, it's just that they underscored have time to do it anyway! Although all letters
around for amid-fi receiver. Iended up
arc read and noted, only those of general inter-
the differences between competence est are selected for publication. Please note, in high-end stores, astonished at what I
and virtuosity. however, that published letters are subject to was hearing. Ibegan to educate mysel£
My congrats to all those who con- editing, particularly if they are very long or
using every book Icould get my hands
address more than one topic. All correspon-
tributed. Icouldn'a done it better. dents should include their name, address, and on as well as Stereophile. Ialso asked for
J. GORDON HOLT adaytime telephone number. and received brochures from your
Boulder, CO advertisers.


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With all of this newly acquired blings (Vol.19 No.1), we are informed with the music and the audio systems
knowledge I'd gained, Iset out to build by our hero — yes, I'm aSam fan — that we listen to. Just as our relationships
my own high-end system. What I the 10WpcJadis is the "bending end" of with other people are not perfect, our
encountered appalled me. I wasn't all audio amps. By this time, all relationships with the music and neces-
taken seriously by any of the dealers in Stereophile readers must know that 300B sary audio gear cannot be expected to be
Cincinnati. They often bluntly ignored SE amps have acertain signature sound perfect. The decision of how much
me. One dealer even responded, "The that many find appealing. We know money is spent on audio equipment and
receivers are in the other room," when also that "thrilling yet natural edge" and related snake oil is one that individuals
Iasked to hear apreamp/amp combo. "grainless" are euphemisms for rolled- have to make for themselves. Ifeel com-
Ieventually found adealer 100 miles off highs, and that since Sam's column is fortable in suggesting that individuals
to the north (Progressive Audio) that never accompanied by measurements, who spend more than three times this
not only would accommodate me, they he can "say" that the treble is not rolled- country's average annual income on an
went out of their way to please me. I off without the encumbrances of facts audio system should at least attempt to
ended up getting asystem consisting of to the contrary. It's asimple fact that understand their motivation in doing so.
Parasound 2200 II/Aragon Aurum/ harmonic distortion and nonlinear fre- JOHN DILEONARDO
Adcom GDA-700/Rotel 965 and quency plots make these amps sound Verona, PA
AudioQuest/Kimber wiring. At each good... that's okay ...let's all just admit P.S. A couple of points Iforgot to
stage Iwas allowed to scrutinize the it and move on, enough rumination! address above:
various products in my own home. Due Look, kids, if I'm spending $13,000 1) Ibelieve that the whole Home
to the fact I'm so young, Progressive for acouple of hoity-toity monoblocks, Theater movement is proof for the exis-
gave me special pricing. Even with this they'd better come with afew acres of tence of the Anti-Christ.
generosity, it took me two years to com- land and maybe ahot tub. Is this the 2) At times Itend to overstate my
plete the system. Inow have an even same Sam who told us (only 15 months case.
greater admiration of music, both ago) that we should buy the Power 3) Icontinue to look forward to each
recorded and live. Station/CD-3400 combo ($480) be- and every issue of Stereophile.
By now Ihear you asking, "Why the cause we were not going to buy the
hell is he telling me this?" Ijust wanted $10,000 player/processor combo? YOU'RE WRONG
to let you know that your magazine is Where was Sam in those months he Editor:
not only entertaining and educational, was gone? Did you send him to an arro- Iam writing to voice my total disagree-
but also influential. Influential? Yep, I gance-enhancing seminar where he was ment with John Atkinson's Follow-Up
plan to pursue a degree in electrical forced to march lock-stepped with the review of the Coincident Speaker
engineering because of my love of high- Stereophile party line? You claim that you Technology Troubador loudspeaker
end audio. do not bow to your advertisers when (February '96, Vol.19 No2, p.185). For
Stereophile is one of the best publica- you review products. How are we to the last 10 years, Ihave owned and thor-
tions, period. Each of your contributing believe this when we've all witnessed oughly enjoyed the original Quad [elec-
editors has an articulate and cogent your systematic destruction of some trostatic loudspeaker]. Iwas not tempt-
manner, yet they each present aunique budding company or designer's future ed to change to any other speake
style. Ijust want to say thank you for a because the product reviewed did not because overall Ifelt the excellence of
great publication. JOE VENABLE live up to your expectations, while older, the Quad could not be bettered. The list more familiar companies are given the of other speakers Iauditioned included
opportunity to repair malfunctioning Wilson WATT 3, Quad ESL-63,
THE SAVING GRACE review samples and/or even replace Martin-Logan CLS and Quest, Apogee
Editor: them with "updated" versions? [?!—Ed.] Stage, and many others.
Stereophile's saving grace is its "Letters" Additionally, high-end manufactur- All that changed when Iheard the
section, where you generously allow ers and Stereophile are really selling the Troubador speakers driven by a 7W
criticisms and deprecations to air. It bal- same thing... elitist attitude! The single-ended amplifier. This combina-
ances out all the hot air in so many of notion that exclusivity in and of itself is tion sounded so right, so musically pal-
the product reviews and articles. anecessary attribute if aproduct is to pable, that Ifinally felt the time had
NEIL MCLAUGHLIN receive support is nonsense. No matter come to give up my listening room to
Eureka, CA how you delude yourselves, in the end these new speakers.
you are either supporting or refusing to Ihave now lived with the Troubadors
S TOP THE INSANITY! support products in the marketplace for over four months and, if anything, I
Editor: through your reviews. am even more enamored of these speak-
Okay, I'll admit that I'm one of those Stereophile promotes the use of care- ers. The *soundstaging is in aclass by
people who have subscribed, let the fully oriented and ridiculously expen- itself. The size of the image and the pre-
subscription lapse, but now find myself sive ebony hockey pucks to change the cision within that image are, in my expe-
inexplicably drawn to the local book- sound of audio systems while less and rience, unequaled. The Troubador virtu-
store to buy your magazine. Idon't less ebony is available to instrument ally replicates the original source.
seem to be able to stop reading Stereo- makers. Cable jackets, brass dots, and Contrary to the opinion of JA, the
phile in spite of my occasional anger other neo-(Peter)-Beltisms take up Troubador is very immediate-sounding
with it. space in Stereophile while the new in the midrange and more involving
The whole "single-ended triode" Rogers subwoofer for the LS3/5a gets than any other speaker Ihave ever had
issue has become as tiresome for myself zero ink! Stop the insanity! the pleasure of auditioning. However,
as I'm sure it has for other Stereophile Ibelieve that most of us who love the Troubador does require some time
devotees. In Sam Tellig's recent ram- music have emotional relationships to break-in fully. Ifound that they con-

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tinued to improve until Ihad reached in the studio. My role was shaping up the or alittle confused. He wrote that it's
100 hours. master from athird-vneration (rizips) unknowable whether arecording dur-
Iwant to inform SttTeophile readers dub. On the LP issue Iwas listed as "engi- ing playback "reflects true accuracy or
not to overlook the Troubador speak- neer," with no reference to Wally. I mere coincidental euphony," because
ers, for they are truly revelatory. Do not haven't seen the CD, but Isuppose Bob there is no way for [us] to know "what
permit the reviews published in these Thiel handled it the same way. Likely he the engineers and producers have done
pages to deprive you of experiencing wasn't aware that Wally was involved. to change quality throughout the re-
what I, in my humble estimation, con- Iwas also surprised that you knew I cording process."
sider to be one of the finest speakers was interested in Duke and his men. Ithink this may be true for those
available. JAYSEN CRISTOFARO Actually, Ibegan listening to Duke in who don't frequent live performances
Montreal, Québec, Canada 1931! JACK TOWE Rs and can't tell the real from the recorded.
Ashton, MD Also, I've no problem if the recorded
TOP IO WRONG result is due to skill or luck, or if the
Editor: ACCURACY OR ENJOYMENT? engineer can stay lucky—who cares!
The October '95 "Recommended Com- Editor: But for arecording engineer to admit to
ponents": no D toneamis; no D CD Thanks to Jonathan Scull for writing up such adilemma is quite different.
players; no D preamps; no D phono pre- his chat with recording engineer Gabe Perhaps there are some novice re-
amps; no D power amps; no ratings of Wiener in the February '96 issue (p.49). cording engineers who regard the re-
lower-priced interconnects or speaker Ialso enjoyed JS's interview with Opus cording process as an "art" that requires
cables. Thus Isubmit the top 10 reasons 3 engineer Jan-Eric Persson a few mostly personal guesswork and trial and
Stereophile is poorly covering budget or months back. As arecording hobbyist (I error. But there are also many profes-
entry-level high-end gear: do multi-mike, live-to-stereo rock and sionals with real experience who think
10) Inexpensive equipment arrives blues recordings) and audiophile, I otherwise and know it's no fluke, day
for review, weighs so little it was acci- enjoy hearing about the application of after day. And regardless of how impre-
dentally thrown out with the junk mail. high-end gear and production values to cise, unscientific, or artistic the present
9) Low prices mean small ads in the recording process. recording process may be, it shouldn't
Stereophile. I first encountered Gabe on detract from the ultimate goal and mis-
8) Cheap gear represents chump CompuServe's CEAUDIO forum, sion of high fidelity—call it the absolute
change to wealthy reviewers. where his contributions were consistent- sound, coincidental euphony, or what-
7) You think your readers are wealth- ly informative and thought-provoking. ever. For that goal to be anything else,
ier than they are. (Though not quite as entertaining as it's simply not hi-fi or the original per-
6) Old, white, male reviewers consid- Scull and Fremer blowing cyber-rasp- formance anymore — or should we
er that auditioning cheap equipment is berries at each other afew years back) have an artistic olgineeting performance?!
women's work. Have you two patched things up now I'm convinced that, with enough
5) Value-priced manufacturers don't that you're back on the same team?) practice and real technical advances, in
wine, dine, and concert reviewers at Gabe hit the nail on the head regard- time even the "art" of recording can
their London offices and factory. ing the LP/CD/Analog/Digital/Tube/ progress into amore precise science giv-
4) Analog lovers confused, think C- Solid-State debates when he differentiat- ing more or less predictable results for the
and D-rated equipment means digital. ed between accuracy in reproduction ultimate benefit of us audiophiles.
3) Budget-equipment designers and listening for pleasure. On one hand, Toni T.WONG
aren't on first-name basis with JA, RH, the recording process and medium Los Angeles, CA
and others. should capture and reproduce the music
2) Doesn't sound as good as A- and as accurately as possible. On the other GOOD TIMING
B-rated gear. hand, what Ido with that recording in Editor:
1) You just don't care anymore. the comfort of my own home to height- What agreat coincidence greeted me
You have claimed many times to en my subjective experience of the music with your January issue: that beautiful
serve your readers. Thus Icommand is my prerogative. If avinyl-playin', fila- Nagra on the cover and the story of
Stereophile to review much more budget, ment-glowin', impedance-swingin', dis- another recording project inside. Good
entry-level, high-value-for-dollar gear tortion-generatin' contraption can help timing!
than you do now. Ialso command that me dig the music, I'll buy it, listen to it, The coincidence is that acolleague
by the October '96 "Recommended and enjoy it. But Idon't confuse this with and Iwere about to begin recording ses-
Components," all equipment categories accuracy. And by no means will such a sions for anew CD project of alocal
will be complete with D-rated gear. component find its way into my record- chorus. As engineer and producer,
BOB POLING ing rig! Russ S TRATTON respectively, of live recordings for the
Stow, OH Huntington Beach, CA local public radio station, Dave Sluberski and Ihave spent years confronting some
W RONG CREDIT of the same difficulties that you have
Editor: SKILL OR LUCK? encountered with your projects.
Iwas startled at the credit Tom Conrad Editor: Ibet the public assumes that the
gave me in his review of the Duke Concerning John Atkinson's editorial in engineering of a recording proceeds
Ellington Road Band CD in the February "As We See It" in the January 1996 according to established scientific prin-
Stereophile (p.115). The performance was issue, Ithink either he's being modest ciples, applied with all the rigorous
recorded by the late and great Wally exactitude of aclinical drug trial. Well,
1Hey Freiner! Ilike what you have to say in "Analog
Heide4 who was the best there ever was Corner," but do you have to be so defensive and antag- not always. With most recordings of
at recording aband, either on location or onistic? Say what you're sayin' but tighten up! live events, one must work around dr-


cumstances that are usually not under we are going to use mike patterns and color their shirts are!
the recordises control. basic positions that have worked well Is it perfect? No. Could it be better?
For instance, microphone placement, before and that should be appropriate Probably. Is it good enough to proper-
the single most important element of for this music. It is Sunday, and the last ly represent the sound of the artists,
recording, often becomes compro- service ends at noon. Since our session bring across the beauty of the music,
mised. Maybe we'd like to put the mike starts at two, and it takes awhile for and give alistener the sense of being
stand in the second row of the audience, parishioners to leave, Dave and Ihave present with the performers? Yes, we
but what if those seats are sold? Or per- about 90 minutes to set up and test think so.
haps the sweet spot is above the con- everything. Now we settle down through five
ductor's head. Sorry, the piano has to be Two AKG 414 mikes go up in the more sessions. Dave and Ihave to keep
rolled out for the concerto, and that big center, one set to figure-8, the other set the sound consistent and avoid any
tripod holding the mike is right where to omni, giving amodified MS pattern equipment failures. We'll deal with bal-
the Steinway has to park. Dave has to that creates two hemispheres of sensi- ancing organ accompaniment and vocal
think fast and improvise, if there is to be tivity, left and right. Two stands stand solos. We'll keep our ears open for nois-
the hope of agood tape. 50" either side of that, each holding a es in the church that would ruin atake.
Audiences are sometimes an unwel- 414 set to omni. To minimize noise and The singers will have to stay healthy
come part of the show. We recently cable loss, the preamps of aportable through the flu season, and maintain
recorded abeautiful voice and guitar Neve mixer boost the mike outputs to their energy and concentration through
duet, featuring Gene Bertoncini, in the drive the long cable snake to the remote the many takes and patches — the
wonderful acoustic of aformer church truck. Inside the truck, aDDA console inevitable, occasionally excruciating
that resembles Kingsway Hall in provides amatrix for the MS and the effort of creating aproduct that can
London. Our omni pickup was captur- mix of all the sound, which is recorded withstand the scrutiny of the public.
ing avast, enveloping space, imparting a to DAT on Sony '7010 machines (two, Then come the long sessions of edit-
gorgeous glow to the hushed, haunting in case one fails). ing, when Dave and conductor Roger
lines of aJobim vocalise. Magic hap- Set-up goes fine, everything works, Wilhelm will piece it all together,
pened, musical and sonic, for about a we're on time and out of breath. Our somehow cutting around all the little
minute and ahalf. Suddenly, an elderly clients are friends, so this is a fairly noises and slips. We'll write the book,
patron found it necessary to clear his relaxed scene. There is not afortune choose the cover, acquire rights, pay
throat, a prolonged task he pursued riding on the minute hand, and there royalties, hire the printer and replicator.
with vigor and sustained energy, pro- are no huge egos being thrown around. The result will be With Heart and Voice:
ducing avirtuoso display of sounds fas- (For an example of how it can be in the Christmas Across America, by Madrigalia,2
cinating in their vivid glottal expressive- big time, see the documentary of featuring many first recordings of holi-
ness. All of which we captured Sir. Bernstein recording West Side Story.) day music by such American composers
Then there is Murphy and his Law. As Still, we do have only six sessions over as Ned Rorem, Libby Larsen, and Leo
you discovered on arecent project, some- the next three months to record 26 Sowerby. We hope that the disc will be
times things that shouldn't break, do. The selections, and no one has extra time or atrue reflection of this fine group, as
recordist has only one shot at capturing a money to make up for lost hours. We're well as ashowcase for some remarkable
live performance. When the unlikely all serious about making agreat record, music.
suddenly becomes the inevitable, it is the and that's pressure enough! Oh, yeah, hope it sounds good, too.
engineer's experience, knowledge, deter- Now comes amoment of truth. We And good luck to you with future
mination, and, as you say, "inspired guess" need to establish the soundscape of the projects. It is aservice to the hobby,
that often saves the day. entire disc right at the beginning, and offering listeners insight into the alche-
The stakes are even higher for a keep it the same throughout, as any big my of recording. Ilook forward to hear-
major-label recording. Time is money. changes in recorded space or perspec- ing your results. CARL Putrz
There is little of either to spend experi- tive could break the spell for the listen- Rochester, NY
menting or chasing down aproblem. So er. The monitoring in the truck is not
engineers tend to be quite conservative, the greatest, but it is all we have at the I'm reminded of when Irecorded Elgar's
sticking with proven techniques and moment. Our initial placement is deliv- Dream of Gerontius in England's Ely
tested equipment, even if sound quality ering nice ambience and the ensemble Cathedral back in 1984. (An excerpt from this
is compromised. We audiophiles are voices sound natural, yet the image is recording appeared on Stereophile's Test CD
constantly peeved at the mediocre too generalized. Ican't pick out the 2) Iwas just about to hang the Smote&
fidelity of big-label records, but given individual voices among the 18. I'm also microphone across the nave when tlw Assistant
the realities of time, cost, and compet- afraid that all the swimmy room sound Dean told me that he would not allow it. "Why
ing priorities, we should probably be will become tiresome during the 65- can't you just sit in the audience with the micro-
happy that some are good at all. Dave minute duration of the CD. Neither do phone on your lap?" he asked. We compromised
and Iare fortunate that we can risk we want it sounding too close-up and on a12' stand immediately in front of the con-
experimentation. We learn something analytical. We need to preserve the bal- ductor's podium.
new each time we roll tape, and almost ance of ensemble blend and soloistic
always walk away with something that clarity that is the special quality of a GOOD POINTS
is technically good. chamber chorus. Editor:
Our chorus recording is an example We make aquick, educated guess, While Iagree wholeheartedly with
of how even avery favorable situation and move the mike stands forward 18". John Atkinson's exuberant praise for
still imposes limitations and requires Bingo! The blob of sound snaps into
difficult decisions. We are recording in a focus, and Ican hear each familiar voice. 2 Available from Madrigalia Ltd., P.O. Box 92068,
church that is very familiar to us, and Heck, the Fi is so Hi, Ican hear what Rochester, NY 14692. Advance orders arc welcome.


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the Nagra-D 4-track digital field re- between media. Is it cumulative, or (as I Nagra's internal sync, but this may be a
corder in the January Stereophile (p.185), believe) does it get randomly "worse" better sonic tradeoff; for you have cho-
as the first owner of adigital Nagra in or "better" from transfer to transfer? sen ahigher-quality ADC for the pri-
the US, Iwould like to point out some The inability to have control over the mary microphones. In asimilar manner,
of the other salient features of the "D" critical glass mastering stage is frustrat- you can use two external ADCs, slaving
not mentioned in his review: ing for the critical recording engineer. the second off the first. The second may
1) As DAT users arc well aware, there For example, when aglass master is cut, have slighdy lower conversion quality
is aproblem of compatibility with DAT the regularity of spacing of the pits on due to ajittery PLL on its sync input,
tapes recorded on one machine and the disc is directly related to the stabili- thus you should choose the ADC that is
played back on another. The Nagra ty of the system bit-clock and the plat- running on its internal clock for the
engineers have solved this problem by ter motion. But there is an indirect and main pair of microphones.
providing atracking control similar to complex relationship between the jitter Iam glad that Shannon Dickson took
that on aVCR. of the source (tape or disc) and the final a much-needed objective look at
2) A robust 1 /"open-reel format. If a
4 resulting glass master, mostly due to the HDCD (p.107). Shannon, Itoo want to
DAT ever gets jammed in its transport number of phase-locked loops between know why Reference Recordings'
— an occurrence that does happen once the source and the copy. Iwould like to HDCD Sampler Volume 2did not contain
in a while — the recording is likely see atest comparing two glass masters, avalid comparison between the type of
destroyed. This calamity cannot occur one made from aPCM-1630 tape that ADC in common use today and the
on aNagra-D. had been dubbed from ajittery source HDCD converter. No engineer these
3) Full SMPTE/EBU time-code and the other from a'1630 tape that had days will choose the older-style con-
chase synchronization. been dubbed from aclean source. Does verters in aSony PCM-1630 to make
4) Two-channel insert editing. one of them sound nastier than the audiophile recordings — the 1630 A/D
5) Nondestructive fades: fades can be other? Or does the result simply has been superseded for almost eight
overridden in post. depend on the stability of the clocks and years! Shannon also correctly points out
6) Channels 1and 2 can be copied mechanisms in use while the glass mas- that it is unfair to require additional
internally to channels 3and 4as asafe- ter is being cut? sound-degrading components in the
ty backup or in order to set adifferent At the convention, Sony's David signal path to reproduce standard CDs.
gain for each pair of channels. Smith dropped another bombshell.., a Shannon removed these components in
7) An analog cue track containing a new type of master cutting system order to evaluate the HDCD system
sum of all four digital channels for cue- which uses 1gigabyte of flash RAM as more fairly.
ing. In addition, voice cues can be asource, instead of '1630 tape or CD-R. The point-counterpoint between
inserted via amicrophone. This is designed for absolutely mini- Steve Guttenberg and Joel Silver on
These arc significant features that are mum jitter: during the cutting, them is Home Theater sound (p.120) was
not available on DAT machines, and only one clock; all interfering clocks entertaining and informative. Steve
that relegate the latter to the consumer and sources can be shut off. The system would have gained even more points if
status that they were originally designed retrofits to any standard type of glass- he had discussed the acoustic compro-
to serve. J EFF SILBERMAN master cutter. As Iwrite this, Sony is mises in most Home Theater systems.
Mill Valley, CA performing preliminary tests on this For example, most good audiophile
device (to be called "The Ultimate speakers sound better at adistance from
THE KATZ KOMMENTS Cutter"). Every CD mastering plant can any wall. But the practicalities of most
Editor: have one for just $100,000! If this cutter Home Theater systems force the loud-
The January '96 Stereophile was chock works, and the public demands better speakers to be near awall, where the
full — a well-balanced collection of quality on their pressed CDs, we can video monitor is also usually located.
reviews and industry comments. Ifeel expect better-sounding CDs in 1996. Also, the presence of alarge video mon-
compelled to add my own: Ienjoyed John Atkinson's review of itor between a pair of loudspeakers
Bob Harley's coverage of the October the Nagra-D recorder (p.185). While I invariably affects the quality of the
'95 AES Convention (ppAl -49) re- rent the Nagra for location recording, it's stereo image and the soundstage depth.
vealed that many industry professionals more than alittle pricey to own. Iplan to Ihaven't seen any Home Theater sys-
care about good sound. Bob quoted me, configure my own 24-bit Sonic Solutions tem that passes the LEDR test when
in my role as Chairman of the ABS system to use on the road, with remov- the video monitor is in place. Usually
workshop "Mastering 20-bit and able hard disks — this even eliminates the sound path, which is supposed to
Beyond," as saying that transfer to and one transfer step before editing. appear to be arainbow, looks more like
from hard disk degrades sound due to JA, you can use asingle external A/D acorkscrew!
jitter. Idid not make that statement with converter with the Nagra and still The only Home Theater system I've
absolute assurance; to my ears, any record four tracks simultaneously. Put heard that qualifies as "audiophile" in
degradation during this type of transfer the higher-quality ADC on the primary my book uses aceiling-mounted Barco
is most subtle. In fact, it is difficult to tracks (for the main mikes), and use the projector and a motorized screen:
attribute audible degradation to any one Nagra's internal ADC on the secondary When you want to reproduce audio-
culprit. While Ibelieve that changes due tracks (for the spaced omnis); all you only recordings, the screen collapses
to jitter occur during these transfers, I have to do is set the Nagra's master into the ceiling. In this age of multi-
am equally positive that the data are pre- clock to "external." The external A/D media, Ihope that musicians and record
served during the transfer [see this issue's will run on its own clock, which main- companies will continue to make
'As We See It"— Ed.]. We need to make tains lowest jitter for that conversion. audio-only recordings into the next
some tests to show what happens to the The Nagra's internal ADCs may have century. Idon't need avideo monitor to
jitter of a source when transferred slightly higher jitter than if you used the enjoy classical music, even opera.




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In this age of 10-watters

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PA80/80 is something of an aminal,
rugged enough to wear 2ohm taps as well as 4
and 8. ..the fit and construction are superb. .. the
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"Sonically the VAC is simply adream ...The bass is so well
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"This stuff is too nice to ignore."
Ken Kessler, HiFi News & Record Review, September 1995


TELEPHONE (941) 377-7884 • FAX (941) 925-1220
Lastly, it's nice to see Michael Fremer tends toward three box speakers, infe- Period. High-end audio, the industry, is
give credit to mastering engineer Joe rior to what Ihave at home, mounted perfectly healthy. The fact that it isn't
Gastwirt in his review of The Fore- along the front wall somewhere near growing exponentially doesn't mean it's
men's CD (p.307). Few people are the ceiling. dying —an industry serving a"sliver"
aware of the mastering engineer's con- The sound is further degraded by market is healthy if it can sustain a
tributions to recordings. Iwould like to soundtracks from other movies leaking steady state. (Incidentally, Idon't know
see other Stereophile reviewers list the into adjacent theaters. If you're trying to which companies Guttenberg is refer-
mastering engineer in their record lose yourself in Merchant Ivory in one ring to, but in my experience a"small"
reviews. (I have an ulterior motive — I theater, it's hard to ignore the Rambo/ high-end company has three or four
mastered two CDs that were favorably Die Hard/Terminator ordnance leaking in employees, a"large" one 15 or 20.)
reviewed in the January issue.) from the next. As to whether manufacturers and
BOB KATZ Guttenberg has ahigher regard for dealers are "selling out" by pandering to
Digital Domain, New York City audiences than Ido, saying: "In areal the Home Theater crowd, well, they are theater, the crowd's tears and joys are in business to make and sell products,
communally felt. The interaction of the aren't they? Dealers who proselytize
W HAT'S WRONG WITH THIS audience and the film is aliving, breath- about what people ought to want instead
PICTURE? ing 'effect' that Home Theater can never of supplying what they do want are trav-
Editor: approach." My own experience is that eling the short road to the unemploy-
Steve Guttenberg proves exactly nothing audiences are noisy, inconsiderate, self- ment office. New converts to high-end
by comparing Home Theater sound ish, and rude. They carry on arunning audio will come in through the side
with that of CDs and LPs ("Lights in a commentary, explain the picture —usu- door of Home Theater. People are
Box?," January 1996). As Guttenberg ally incorrectly —to each other, talk to going into hi-fi shops who haven't set
himself indicated, the comparison should the screen, eat noisily, and frequently foot in an electronics store in 20 years.
be between film sound and Home make me wonder why they have paid There's nothing to worry about.
Theater sound. As to laserdisc sound seven-point-five bucks or so to see some- But that's no endorsement of televi-
being inferior to that of CD and LP, I thing to which they pay so little atten- sion, the instrument or the institution:
would certainly expect that; the sound tion. Further, as audiences — fortunately Guttenberg (and Steve Andrus in the
on the laserdisc has been drastically — become more intercultural, they January "Letters," pp23-25) is dead-on
manipulated and distorted (for artistic respond in different ways; for example, accurate in his dismissal of NTSC video
effect), while that of the CD and LP dramatic situations to which one culture as a mid-fi format compared to film.
almost certainly is derived from sources responds with rapt silence elicit tension- The smaller the screen, the better the
several generations closer to the original. relieving chuckles and giggles from those video image. What's wrong with this picture?
In addition, Guttenberg bases his from adifferent culture. Affordable, mass-market High Defi-
preference for the theater experience Guttenberg's scorn is misdirected when nition Television is still along way off.
on idyllic conditions that are rarely he claims my ilk stay away from movie But Joel Silver is right, too: one day
found in real life. In real life, the movie- houses because we "don't like crowds or video will probably equal film as avisu-
goer has to put up with compromised, waiting in line. Poor babies." I, for one, stay al medium. The marketing and engi-
"one-size-fits-all" screens used for all away because Ifind the inappropriate neering momentum behind it guaran-
movies, regardless of the aspect ratio in behavior of audiences distracting. tees that. But at present even amediocre
which they were intended to be shown. Besides which, if we're going to hold movie theater is several orders of magni-
Ditto, the distraction of the second ver- up the theoretical motion picture as the tude better than Home Theater.
sion of the movie thrown upon the ceil- ultimate technology, we first have to Is the primary purpose of Home
ing as areflection from the screen. In face up to one crucial issue: How come, Theater really the enjoyment of movies
real life, midway through the opening after 100 years, they still can't keep the at home? Why does no one discuss the
credits, Ihave had to search the aisles of wheels on the stagecoach from turning absurd cost:benefit ratio of Home
the complex for aprojectionist to switch backwards? PAUL A. ALTER Theater? A good Home Theater system,
to the right lens; after Ifound him and Hyattsville, MD not the absolute cutting-edge, but rea-
he corrected the error (which made all sonably high-end, is $20,000 to $50,000.
the objects on the screen look like tall, LIGHTS IN ABOX? That's alot of movie tickets! You could
thin beanpoles), his comment was, Editor: go to thousands of movies for the cost of
"You'd think somebody would have Both Steve Guttenberg and Joel Silver atypical Home Theater. And not just at
noticed by now; it's been this way all made some interesting points in their your local shopping mall's popcorn-
along." "Lights in aBox?" exchange (January strewn multiplex. The experience of see-
Contrary to Guttenberg's assertion '96, p.120). ing afilm in abeautiful, sumptuous old
"... in the cinema, the left/center/ Guttenberg raises the tired complaint theater (the Fox in Atlanta, the
right speakers are all behind the of Home Theater "killing" high-end Paramount in Oakland) is something
screen," Ihave found this to be true in audio. The logic behind this eludes me. that can't be duplicated at home at any
only a minute portion of the multi- Most people for whom television is the price. A few months ago Isaw the fully
channel movies I have seen, from primary source of home entertainment restored Lawrence of Arabia at the
Fantasia and The Robe onward. In the are not potential converts to high-end Paramount —an evening that included a
old days, the usual setup was an Altec- audio, regardless of the availability of raffle, an organist, some old newsreels
Lansing Voice of the Theater three- Home Theater. High-end audio, the and cartoons, and aclassic epic film on a
way horn speaker behind the screen hobby, like any coltish special interest, is truly wide screen, all of it enjoyed from a
and box speakers mounted on the wall inherently self-limiting: there are alim- big cushy comfortable seat. The cost? $5.
flanking the screen. More recently, it ited number of people it will attract. That's an entertainment value.


We racked our
brains to find a
way to tell you e

how good the

Totem Mani-2
really is. And then
aMani-2 owner
did it better than
We have had the Totems in our home for roughly three
months. The Totem Mani-2s are the finest loudspeakers
This is an excerpt
I have listened to regardless of price and I have listened
long and hard to the likes of of Audio Labs, Martin
from an actual letter
Logans (all models but the Statement), Vandersteens,
Paradigms, Magneplanars, Apogees, etc. etc. The Mani
addressed to May
2s create a larger and far more detailed sound stage than
any of the above. The highs are fluid, detailed and
Audio by the
spacious, without any edginess. The lows are fast, deep,
full and defined. And the midrange- the midrange is warm,
(obviously happy)
musical and expansive. Your speakers have returned the
word "presence" to my audio-vocabulary. I could go on
owner of apair of
and on. The bottom line is thatfor the first time in
years i find myself lost in the MUSIC rather than listening
Totem Mani-2
to my system.
I want to thank you all at Totem for bringing quality,
accountability and value back to high end audio. I also

(Of course, he didn't mention the double box

with lock miter cabinet joints, the push-pull
twin woofers that maintain control below
Listen and believe 20 Hz, the space-age borosilicate damping,
or the twin WBT binding posts. But he told
you the essential...they sound wonderful!)


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As one who has installed and ser- correctly decries: excessive bass used to tomers that Ican sell them good sound
viced more Home Theaters than Icare mask harsh treble and missing mid- or Ican sell them cheap sound, but I
to remember, Ihave to say that I've range. They can't help it, no one ever can't sell them good cheap sound. Then
never understood the desire of people told them that "loud" isn't necessarily Ihave to convince them they deserve
to have all that stuff in their homes. To good, or that recorded music should the sound they like. Once Ihave estab-
my way of thinking, all anyone needs to ideally sound just like a live perfor- lished trust in the listener's own cars,
enjoy movies at home is adecent TV, a mance. Yet my customers know — at then is the time to move to the differ-
decent VCR, amodest integrated amp, some intrinsic level — that the music ences between mid-fi and hi-fi.
and apair of good bookshelf speakers. and sound they live with daily just isn't Home Theater creates its own mar-
A laserdisc player is anice option if you right. How else explain apopulation ket. Dolby Pro Logic is the hottest thing
want abit better picture and sound. But that has produced street music the likes in sound. Nearly everybody who hears
aprojector mounted in the ceiling and of Philadelphia acappella harmony, surround-sound wants surround-sound.
big, bloated, bombastic surround- delta blues, or New Orleans jazz? Ibelieve this is aGood Thing for Audio.
sound? Spielberg's dinosaurs stomping Especially given the immediate desire to The sound is far more natural than any-
through your living room? Yuck. possess almost any new equipment thing ever to come out of atelevision set,
Home Theater is just ahuge tasteless promising more, and better, music than and the step from amore "realistic" gun-
exercise in conspicuous consumption. ever before? shot or explosion to more realistic
Just my opinion, of course. If all that For most, a move into Home "music" is asmall step. THX standards,
money were being spent for the sake of Theater is amove into better sound in particular, offer an avenue to move
great films, Imight not complain. But I (admittedly mid-fi) than they have ever customers away from the classic "more
know it isn't. Home Theaters are sold to before heard. They spend hours and bass is better" mindset, simply because
upper-middle-class folks so they can hours agonizing between Fisher and most people can't afford two separate
stay abreast in the status race and so they Kenwood. Their decisions are most systems. Once an appreciation for natur-
can enjoy larger-than-life sitcoms, soap often based on what their parents, or al movie sound is instilled, better musical
operas, and infomercials. God help us. their friends, bought. They believe Sony performance must follow. Granted,
BARRY W ILLIS invented CD technology and that any music played on an average TI-IX system
Mill Valley, CA three-way speaker makes better sound is afar cry from alive orchestra perform-
than any two-way speaker, regardless of ing in the Royal Albert Hall, but it is
I MMEDIATE ATTENTION cost. But they listen when Idemon- more accurate and realistic within its lim-
Editor: strate our premium brands. It's part of itations than the typical booming bass,
It's just past midnight, Ihaven't yet fin- the courtship ritual. Most don't really slurred mids, or screeching treble of the
ished my newest copy of Stereophile, and believe better sound is possible. Many average mass-market system. Home
I'm writing because the Steve Gutten- are simply too conservative to do so, Theater is single-handedly producing
berg/Joel Silver articles on Home even when they hear the differences. consumer interest in better, more natur-
Theater demand immediate attention. They often think my demonstrations al sound during an age of overproduced
Mr. Guttenberg eloquently expresses an are faked, using special recordings. In electronic garbage, and it is generating
opinion that the mere existence of sur- fact, the most-often-heard objections I the money necessary to attract large
round-sound will detract from appreci- have to overcome are: 1) Only the amounts of industry attention.
ation of really great music and is an speakers make adifference anywar, 2) Bad cinema sound caught George
affront to atrue audiophile. Iam not an It's good enough for me; and 3) It's too Lucas's attention, and the resultant
audiophile. Iam, instead, afairly knowl- expensive. But when they hear the dif- THX certification program caused
edgeable, fairly discriminating, middle- ferences they like the differences, and sweeping reforms in the way movie
aged man who happens to love music. I sometimes they buy the differences. sound is produced and played. Ithink
earn my daily bread as aSales Associate When they do, I've done agood job — it's time for each of us in the industry, at
(Home Audio Department) for amid- and made another convert. whatever level, to refocus our attention
dle-sized chain electronics retailer. Most Please note that each of the above —on directing the attention (and
of my customers are not audiophiles. objections totally ignores the improved money) into what sound can be, should
They are, almost without exception, sound available through modern tech- be, rather than simply complaining
people with apassion for music who nology. Ibelieve stereo has become so about what Home Theater isn't.
have never heard really good recorded commonplace that it has joined the tele- GARY SMITH
music — people whose souls yearn for phone. The common attitude is, "Every- El Cerrito, CA
hi-fi while their wallets struggle to one has one and they all do the same
achieve mid-fi levels, if you will. job." People have forgotten that music is M USIC OR NON-MUSIC
Home Theater, as it exists today, does aluxury, that good recorded music is a Editor:
not produce the best music possible. So recent invention, that stereo is both a Ifind it no coincidence that at least one
what? By definition, only one system I(or toy and ahobby. We in the industry member of the high-end community
any critical reviewer) have ever auditioned must counteract this belief. We must feels that Home Theater will be the
was the best. All others were less. This convince the public that just as in golf, death knell of the high-end audio
simple fact does not stop me (or any criti- skiing, fishing, and hang-gliding, those industry (Steve Guttenberg, "Lights in a
cal reviewer) from appreciating the merits with better toys do it better, and we Box," Vol.19 No.1). After all, one of the
of those other, lesser systems. Proof of my must prove it, one listener at atime. primary reasons for the fascination with
assertion is contained in Stereophile's Home Theater is another arena, an- Home Theater is the completely
"Recommended Components." other tool, to show skeptics the differ- enveloping sound seeming to come
Often, my customers suffer from the ences between lo-fi and mid-fi. During from everywhere and nowhere, the
same educational blight Mt Guttenberg demonstrations Ifrequently tell cus- loudspeakers disappearing. And who


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has promoted the idea that this is so V15b cartridge. The sound was incredi- Kisco, New York and asked him if he
good? Why, you have, your writers ble. My mid-'70s stereo UK Beatles could arrange ademonstration of the
have, and virtually all of the high-end pressings sounded even better than I LP12 with the two different power sup-
press has joined in. remembered, and even some "inferior" plies.
How have you promoted the idea? Canadian pressings (ie, the One Fine David made an evening appointment
By constantly stressing non-musical Morning LP by Lighthouse) sounded and set up the turntables with the Naim
sonic attributes. Virtually all your arti- very good indeed. ARO tonearm. We listened for hours to
cles leave the reproduction of the art of At some point, Mr. Fremer might recordings of late Beethoven quartets
music as the poor cousin of sonic nir- consider devoting an entire column to with the LaSalle Quartet, to Wilhelm
vana. You throw musical softballs at all some of the very real differences in Kempff playing Brahms, and to Ella.
the components you test, failing to dis- sonic quality that exist among import There was no doubt that both products
cover if the system can even play all the rock pressings. For instance, Ihave five provided improvement over the stock
notes. Want agood test? Try "What a import copies of The Rolling Stones' Valhalla. Both offered awell-balanced
Time" from Bruce Hornsby's Harbor Their Satanic Majesties Request two mid- presentation, more detail, and aclearer
Lights album (RCA 66114-2). The elec- '70s UK pressings (1974 and 1978 — the insight into the music.
tric bass is running some long lines of Decca inner sleeves are dated on the For me, however, the Naim Arma-
sixteenth notes that Ihave heard repro- reverse lower left corner); the infamous geddon made music come alive. The
duced cleanly. Would it surprise you to 1982, 3-D-cover, UK reissue pressing; a presentation was more vivid, natural,
know that at least 90% of your "Rec- 1982 Japanese blue-vinyl pressing; and and involving. I became more im-
ommended Components" will smear finally, an original 1967 green-label mersed in the musicians' interpretations
this bass line into mush that is unrecog- Decca pressing. None of the others, than ever before. Nuances of tone and
nizable and unfollowable? despite being import pressings, sound texture, and gradations of dynamics,
One article, also in Vol.19 No.1, by anything like the original, particularly in appeared that Ihad never heard before.
Robert Harley, reviewing the MIT/ the bass response. The dynamics on the It was if the Armageddon were shed-
Avalon/Spectral system, sums up exactly original also leap out at the listener ding new light on areas that were previ-
where you and your writers attach maxi- much more so than on the others. ously in shadow. By revealing subtleties
mum importance. Here are some ex- Why this should be, given that Decca in Kempffs keyboard touch, it allowed
cerpts from consecutive paragraphs presumably had access to the original me for the first time to hear ideas about
under the subhead "Music": "soundstage master tapes, is unknown. On the other the music that previously Iwas able to
that was considerably different... hand, my UK Beatles LPs (virtually all recognize only in the concert hall.
"went from sounding terrific to sounding '70s pressings) sound wonderful (at least Needless to say, Ipurchased the Nairn.
utterly spectacular ... "; "The system to me), with the odd exception of my At our next listening session David
threw a gigantic three-dimensional copy of the "White Album." To com- promises a comparison of the Naim
sowidstage..."; "'The soundstage's ability pound this oddity, my UK white-vinyl ARO and Linn Ekos tonearms. Others,
to extend up..."; "the system projected copy of the "White Album" sounds especially those who live in the NYC
images..."; "system projected some of the pretty good. What, Iwonder, is going area, should know of the quality service
percussion..."; "images thrown directly on here? Additionally, it is interesting to and gear offered at Accent on Music,
between the loudspeakers ..."; "extraordi- note the remastering/remixing that the which is less than an hour north of
nary imaging..."; "image locations and US Capitol engineers did for the Beatles' Manhattan. IRA SPAR
image size..."; "stunning spatial presenta- US releases. The original American
tion..."; "remarkable soundstaging • ••"; pressings have a dynamic "wall-of-
"amazing soundstaging"; "detailed sound" quality, whereas the UK press- REAL LIFE
description of the soundstage "; ings I've heard have more "openness" Editor:
"unique soundstaging..." between the instruments and voices. Wes Phillips got it all wrong in "Car
Is it any wonder that people are Ihope Mr. Fremer addresses these Tunes" (Stereophile, Vol.19 No2, p.73)! If
beginning to question the need to issues in the near future. you warm lead ahappy audiophile life,
spend big bucks on ahigh-end system PETER W .CLERIDES never ever spend alot of dough on acar
when acouple grands' worth of Sony/ Los Gatos, CA stereo. It is far better when the sounds
Bose surround will get them into that in your car or truck suck! They don't
disappearing-speaker stuff? Try chal- NN/NA1M COMPARISONS have to really suuuuck! Plain ol' suck is
lenging the stuff you review. High-endEditor: probably enough.
audio should be distributed in a bell As aLinn LPI2/Ittolc/Valhalla owner How's that? Okay, well, let's say you
curve. You've got it looking like agraph
for many years, Iread with great inter- just dropped into High End City to kill
of the Dow. PARKER KING
est Wes Phillips's comparative review alittle time, and the condescending but
The King's Stereo, Indianapolis, IN
(Vol.19 No2) of the Linn LP12 nevertheless Accommodating Stereo
turntable equipped with Naim's Salesman (Ass.) lets you audition the
ANALOG MUSIC Armageddon and Linn's Lingo power new Voice O'Thor 1000 Mk.V loud-
Editor: supplies. Having just auditioned acom- speakers, the Snortonkoke monoblocks,
Michael Fremer is to be commended parison of the two modifications to the Auditory Nirvana xcP-2700 line-stage
for the insightful and humorous com- LP, Iwas amused by Wes's doubt that preamp, solar-wind-powered, Awe-
ments in his "Analog Corner" column. "there are even three stores in the coun- sum-Twesum Twin DAC-2000, and
Having been without aturntable for try that could offer such acomparison." the Avant-Nazi AN-450 CD Trans-
some time, I recently purchased a When Idecided several weeks ago to port, all wired with Tara Del Fuego
Thorens TD 320 Mk.III, to which I upgrade my Linn, I called David Labs Octagonal Hollo-Core Reference
affixed my "vintage," ca 1984, Shure Wilson at Accent on Music in Mount PTFE 9000s, the cables and intercon-

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pation of the next Stereophile test CD: noise, road noise, engine noise, all make
Drive-by shootings! Verbal abuse by lin- for atotally unacceptable high-end lis-
guistically challenged youths in sur- tening environment. Totally unaccept-
round! And, of course, that most "musi- able, JA. Really.
cal" of sounds, deeeeep THUMP! We don't need car stereo in
THUMP! bass! Oh Fabjous Day!!! Stereophile. Leave it to the magazines
What's that you say? Car audio is who cater to the baseball-cap-on-back-
loaded with responsible adults whose wards set. No car stereo! JIM MAROSO
"systems" deserve the showcase that is Chatham, IL
your magazine? Oh, please!!! The pho-
tos accompanying Wes's foray into the CAR TUNES
wonderful world of the IASCA clearly Editor:
show what these people are all about: Ilove the fact that ahigh-end publica-
Noise. Noise. tion has finally taken aserious look at
Who among us has not silently car audio. This is avery fun and exciting
cursed the rolling boom box that is the hobby for many people, and, as I'm sure
calling card of the "mobile-audio enthu- Wes found out, there is no better way
siast," as it bombards us with bone- to do this than to actually get one's own
shaking, window-rattling, brain-cell- hands alittle dirty. Ithink he now has
destroying (but oh, what imaging, eh, the bug.
Wes?) noise that is totally void of musi- The reason Iam writing is that Iam
cality of any kind? amazed that Wes had anoise problem.
Arc you that desperate to increase There are usually afew easy steps with
circulation? Are you so PC that you feel which one can find out exactly where
the need to provide arespectable voice the noise is coming from. These steps
for the treble-deprived? How dare you are from the "Autosound 2000
compare audiophiles with the repro- Troubleshooting Flowchart." At $5, this
bates of car audio? Throwing money at flowchart is amust! Autosound 2000
something, in this case car audio, does tech briefs are regarded by some to be
not an audiophile make. invaluable when installing asound sys-
Spare us this hcjira into the pit of tem in avehicle. The Autosound 2000
ignorance. Turn back while your techbriefs tech-line — (800) 548-8200
clothes still fit and your hat is on prop- —is agodsend.
erly. You can not make asilk purse out One thing that Iwondered about
of asow's ear. Ido not care how many was the Audio Alchemy DLC preamp.
"household names" are participating in The head-unit has apreamp built-in
the goal of "accurate musical reproduc- already, and adding more components
tion" (read: noise). These manufacturers than necessary is asking for trouble.
are in business to make money. They Also, one of the most important mea-
don't care if their products are used by surements of acar-audio headpiece is
the end result of some mindless drug- Maximum Output Level (MOL), mea-
induced rut... sured in volts. One wants as high an
Iam passionate about music as well MOL as possible. Unfortunately, how-
as the publications Ibuy that espouse it. ever, the car-audio industry "standard"
Ican proudly display your magazine on is 500mV. This is exceedingly low and
my coffee table, where it now sits (even allows an induced noise voltage some-
with the "infamous" Cello ads!). Iwill times to be almost as great as the signal
not do so if you go ahead with your voltage! For this reason ahigh output
intent to become mouthpieces for these voltage is amust in aquiet system. On
ambulatory mounds of excrement. the order of 4V or more is good. (I've
Why are you doing this to us?! How seen as high as 16V.) Manufacturers like ...Deserve
long before you change your name to Alpine, Sony, and Kenwood have mod-
"We-Be CARstereophiler LA, did you els that will do this. A low output • The Best
have the final word on this?! impedance is also necessary (less than
Car audio is not High-End, it is Rear- 1k ohms maximum). Check these two Connectors.
End!!! Just sign me... specs before even bothering to measure
DISGUSTED IN SAN DIEGO THD, S/N ratio, etc., for without a
solid output, 0.001% THD will not
TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE? make adifference.
Editor: Altogether I am very very VERY
Would you consider an ambient noise pleased that one of the biggest and best ESOTERIC AUDIO USA
level of 60-65dB in your listening room high-end home-audio magazines is talc-
to be even remotely tolerable? Icertain- ing aserious look at car audio. Thanks. (770) 867.6300
ly wouldn't. Yet that's what one gets in VICTOR ERBR1NG
even the quietest luxury sedans ... wind


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CAR NOISE shapes on the DC are nasty... and get
Editor: worse as you turn on accessories.
As afan of your 'zinc for many ayear, I The audio circuitry within my Nak is
couldn't let the opportunity to con- quite good — Wes's is no doubt better,
tribute, in even asmall way, pass me by. but it needs pure DC with little AC,
I, too, have ahigh-end car stereo and and to this end employs regulation.
have been refining it for years. Irecent- Even regulation alone is not enough —
ly found my Nakamichi TD-500 (close it is preceded by the DC line filter. All
relative to the venerable TD-800) to be this filtering is effective, but to work
the source of the alternator whine I'd well it must have alow-impedance path
been suffering with. The symptoms back to the battery.
were classic: background whine which Glad to see Wes found the fin in
corresponded to engine rpm, and which sound again. It's something I'd been
worsened considerably when lights, air- missing, too.
conditioning, or any other load on the Predictions: Wes will get a center-
battery was demanded. channel speaker. It can be fed with a
I found my problem to be: The mono signal, and its level must be inde-
ground-stud provided on the Nak unit's pendently adjustable ... you may be sur-

rear for both mounting and the chassis prised how much your imaging will be
ground-point was not suitable for improved with even very low levels of
grounding! Sourcing ground to the unit center-fill.
with aseparate ground wire to the neg- Perhaps Ican now justify buying that
ative battery post and experimenting
with various ground-wire locations on
the Nak case, Ifound there was aspot
$75 1Farad/25V capacitor for the last
bit of amplifier oomph! Yahoo!!
on my unit that led to no whine under San Francisco, CA
any circumstances. (In my case, this was
grounding to the lower right-rear cor- CAR FUN
ner of the case, using 16AWG with a Editor:
wire-lug under acase-screw head.)
Unit disassembly had shown that the
ground-wire return for the in-line IGN
Greetings, y'all, from the South! Okay,
okay, Iknow — enough with the red-
neck skewing, get on with what yer
12V filter (an LC network) was soldered gonna say! Well, as this is my first letter
directly to a fat ground-trace on the to your exquisite publication, Ithought
main printed circuit board. The case, a Imight give it a little flavour, as you
steel box, was formed in away that left might put it. But it didn't work, so I'll
small "tangs" which were bent over and
soldered to the same fat ground-trace
along with other internal ground wires,
just quit now before Iget buried too
deep. Mug
After having been a subscriber for
an internal "star-grounding" system
which terminated at the tangs. The
ground-stud provided on the unit case-
almost two years now, Ithought it was
about time for me to waste some ink
and trees ranting and raving about some
rear measured some 2" from the nearest mindless topic. But which one should I
tang soldered to the fat ground-trace. choose? There are so many out there! SE
This distance through the relatively amps, HDCD, Radio Shack CD players,
high-impedance steel case proved too Armor All —all seem to bring out the
much! It was simple to prove: When I aneurisms and orgasms in all of us, at
sourced the ground physically close to a least to adegree. Then Ireceived my
tang soldered to the fat ground-trace, the January '96 and, lo and be-hov0000ld... on
whine disappeared. When Isourced the p.53, there, staring me in the face is the
ground elsewhere on the case — whine! first article Ihave ever seen pertaining to
In short: The ground-stud on my Nak is the "dark realms of car audio"!
low ground resistance but high(ish) "N000000!" Ifound myself screaming,

ground impedance. as if the apocalypse had finally come.
It finally all fell into place! The DC in Imust say this: Being only 19 and a
amodern car is DC plus an AC com- newcomer to the high-fidelity3 arena, I
ponent: The combination of battery have had some, but not much, experi-
resistance (», the rather ugly charge- ence in the car audio territory of Planet
currents from the rectified AC from the AudioNirvana. Unfortunately, most of
alternator, high-energy ignition sys- this has been with the Megabass (no
44 Pearl Pentecost Road
tems, even interior-lighting dimmer cir- reference to any company that happens
cuits, conspires to "load-up" the DC to rhyme with Zony) lowered pickups Winder, Georgia 30680
with AC. It is quite revealing to moni- (770) 867-6300
3 Even Iprefer the above-used term to the much
tor the battery with an oscilloscope; abused and badly deemed "high-ene label that has
(770)867-2713 (
when the car is running, the wave- given us all a bad rap.

'Ihe ultimate blind test:
Can you see the music?
The blind test: you don't know which brand of speakers

is which or how much they cost. You can judge the speakers

only by the music they produce. The true test of aloudspeaker,

though, is not just how musical it sounds, but how accurately

it recreates the sound stage... its ability to place the performers

accurately, left to right and front to back.

Introducing the KEF Reference Series for 1995, with KEF's

patented Uni-Q® technology. Uni-Q places the tweeter in the

center of the woofer, allowing both high and low frequencies

to reach your ears at the proper time— the vital element in

creating arealistic sound stage.

Once you hear KEF's new Reference, the challenge

of choosing the right loudspeakers won't be so daunting.

You can do it with your eyes closed.

The KEF Reference Series: (From left to right) Models One, Three. Four. and Two
Shown in Rosewood finish. Also available in Rosetta Burr or Black Ash.

The Science of Loudspeakers KEE Electronrcs 01 America. Inc 89 Doug &am Way. Holinton, MA 01746 Tel 508 429-3600 Fax 508 429-3699 Drsurbuteg rn Canada by Pro-Acousbcs Canada MO Tel 514 344-1226 Fax 514 311-1760
that can kill small furry creatures at 100 stage! Ach-WO! Dieser Mann ¡st so BLOT!
paces. However, Imust augment WP's

Fourth: The most important im-
remarks, in which he, at the LASCA provement that we as audiophiles could
Finals, "consistently heard astoundingly bring about would be the widespread
good sound." The finest in mobile introduction of the tube (I think by now
audio is actually much better than I
believe most audiophiles out there
think it is, simply because all most of us
ever see are the above-mentioned
you can ID my sonic preferences)! Yes,
Iknow that the auto-environment is
not the optimum home for avalve, but if
the competitors realized the possible
"Terminators"! Of course, mobile has its levels of fidelity reached by the use of
limits, as does home audio and as do the them, one would think they'd be ready
recording engineers who make all of to jump on ye ol' bandwagon o' tube-o-
our wonderful discs, both aluminum philes! In fact, Iwas reading "Sam's
and lacquer. But, as our branch's limits Space" this month and thought,
of realism are increasing every day, so "Wouldn't the car be the best place to
are theirs, and in adamn good way if I really introduce the SE amp?"
do say so myself! Now first of all, for my own listen-
Why, you ask, do Ithen bring all of ing tastes and system/room interac-
this up? Well, actually, several reasons tion, Iwould not benefit from the use The point is that LOVAN's patented modular
come across my balding head. First of of such an amplifier; the limited bass 'trisolation" system is the most elegant
all, Iknow that within three or four power and inability to play loudly method of eliminating unwanted vibration in
months I'm going to open up my enough with my 87dB-sensitivity your quality audiophile and home theater
Stereophile to the "Letters" section and Mirage M-3s would probably make components
there will be 10 or so total blowhards that them walk over to the couch and slap
are gonna waste 30 pages of space me upside der Kole However, the
'bitchin' & whinin' "about WP want- immense transfer function that occurs
ing to write about car audio! So for inside acar would make the amplifi-
them, this is to explain the other side er's overall lack of power and exten-
and perhaps enlighten you to the sion (hopefully!) a moot point.
progress that has been made. Explanation: The transfer-function
Next, I'd like to give kudos to WP for can naturally extend a woofer's
coming up with the idea for his new response into the low/mid-20s. And
column, and to JA for publishing it! considering that many competitors are
Way-da-GO! If WP is going to take this turning to the use of very-high-sensi-
seriously, then we've gotta convince the tivity compression horn drivers (on
competitors and manufacturers of sev- the order of 107-110dB!), the amp
eral things: would have a relatively easy load to
First: We must dispense with the in- drive, assuming that impedance and
dash head-unit playing CDs, serving as phase-angle varies little with frequen-
apreamp and tuning-in stations. Sepa- cy. 20W aside? Hell, I'd try it. A little
rates may take up more space, but I food fer thought.
betcha they'd sound worlds better! Finally, perhaps the most important
Ican tell you right now that there are incentive to explore mobile audio is
blatantly audible differences between that there is something Ihave noticed
listening to aunit at, say, -40dBFS and at the few competitions Ihave attend-
listening to it at -20dBFS. And no, it's Your system will look and sound better than
ed. The contestants are all having fun!
not due to it being louder, thank you Yes, they actually are! Something that ever, showcased in our Classic I, Classic II,
very much! My theory states that it's seems to be missing in home audio. I Pyramid AVR and Sovereign racks. You can
simply the minuscule power supply have never seen a competitor come obtain all the beauty and performance of
within the unit simply running out of down with anasty case of Audiophilia [OVAN audio/video furniture at aprice that
juice. It can't sustain powering the pre- nervosa, wondering if little wooden is practically beyond belief . See your local
amplifier section, CD motor, D/A sec- blocks will give him a shinught
tion, and display all at the same time [OVAN dealer and get the point After all,
improvement in soundstaging, or
without making severe power restric- hanging bags of... something over his compared to [OVAN, everything else is
tions in some areas. cables and chanting toward the great pointless
Second: Make them aware that planet of Maximum SPL or anything
cables can make adifference. (You in of that nature. They are having fun,
the back there —SHADDAP! I think All (OVAN Products are Distributed Exclusively By
enjoying the music, and not worrying
they can, so bite me!) if the engineer placed his mikes too AXCESS MARKETING
Third: Make them aware that the closely to the piano in the back of the 1306 Kingsdole Ave •Redondo Beach, CA 90278
preamplifier is the heart of asystem, and hall! For More Info Call (310) 793-7676
that we need to get rid of the idea of Try it, people. It just might save you Intl distribution (714) 774-3118
preamp-EQ. If you need EQ (which that fifth heart attack. Thanx fer yer
most don't but have one anyway...), get time. MICHAEL NAZWORTH
one and leave it out of the preamplifier Bogart, GA



HI-FI '96 will be the

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HI-F1'96, at the Waldorf=Astoria in NewYork City.
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Want to cut out and hear some LIVE music? No need to leave
So we can say this for sure: the Show! Groove to the Lynne Arriale Trio and pianist David
Chesky. Get it on with blues singer Doug MacLeod. Hear live
HI-FI '96 will be the Show of the recitals by pianists Robert Silverman, Lincoln Mayorga, and
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There's no extra charge for tickets. And one ticket admits
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You know it has to be the biggest Manufacturers will debut some of the hottest new products in
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New York ... at the famed See and hear the new digital video discs the future of
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Waldorf=Astoria Hotel. All the gear. Catch the retro trend in tubes. Celebrate the renaissance
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The whole hi-fi world is coming. The Waldorf Astoria has reserved agreat room rate for YOU
just $209, plus tax, single or double occupan(y. Rate is
Just look at the partial list of good during, before, after the Show -call the hotel at
exhibitors. You'll meet the manu- 1800) 925-3673 for details and reservations and mention
HI-FI '96. But do it now!
facturers and designers. Hobnob The ticket orders are coming in from all over the world.The
with the staff of Stereophile. weekend of the Show, almost NO ONE ON THE PLANET is going to
be sitting home listening to hi-fi. They'll all be at HI-Fl '96.
You'll mix'n'mingle with fellow Seriously.., this will be the century's legendary Show. The
'philes from around the world. one they'll talk about for years. Plan to be part of it NOW.
Order tickets today and SAVE!



Sponsored by the Academy for the Only so many rooms are NELSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC.
Fax Kristen Weitz on
Advancement of High End Audio
your company letterhead: available. Last year, exhibit 62 Wendover Road
May 29 &30,1996 (505) 989-8791 space was completely sold out
Yonkers, NY 10705
for members of the Trade & Press or write to her at: months before the Show.
Don't be disappointed! Phone: (914) 476-3157
May 31, June 1E
T2 P.O. Box 5529
are Consumer and Trade Days Santa Fe, NM 87502 Contact Ken Nelson NOW! Fax: (914) 969-2746

Send me advance tickets to HI-FI '96 at $28 each.









For rooms at the Mail this ticket order to:

Waldorf -Astoria call HI-F I'96, P.O. Box 5529
(800) WALDORF. Santa Fe, NM 67502
Hotel reservations by fax: (505) 982-2366.
(212) 872-4784 — Or fax your credit-card
Mention HI-FI '96 when order now to:
making your reservation. (505) 989-8791.
•(h 4e ,
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PO BOX 5529
ALL THE BIG BRANDS! aid/s/ Creek Joseph Audio RIF( Imports

A.S.C. Tube Traps Curtco's Home Justice Rock The House
Acanan Systems, Theater Buyer's JVC Music Roksan
Ltd. Guide Kenwood Rotel
Acoustic Energy Curtco's Home Kimber Kable Ruark
Acoustic Sounds Theater Magazine Klyne Audio Arts Runco

Adyton Curtco Media Group Komuro Audio Schwann Opus

Aerial Acoustics Dleet labs Schwann
Alema Audion Dahlquist Krell Audio Video Publications
Alón by Acunan Data Conversions Krell Industries Schwann Spectrum

Alpha-Core Systems Kustom Isolation Seismic Sinks

Ambience DCC Compact Supports Sennheiser
Analog Room Classics Lamm Audio Sequerra
Analogue Denon Langevin SFI Reference
Productions Diapason LAST Shako
Angstrom Digiflex [AT International Sheffield Lab

Anthem Digital Music legacy Shmarkers
Apogee Products Legend Audio Shure

AR Discovery Cable Design Signet
Arbiter Discwasher Linaeum Silted
Arcam Divergent Audio Link House Simaudio
Atlantic Technologies Magazines Sixth Avenue
Technology DMP Lucasfilm Electronics
Audible Illusions Dolby Lyle Cartridges SME
Audio Influx DTS Lyra Clay's Sonic Frontiers
Audio Duntech Audio, lyric Hi -Fi Sonographe
Audio Access Ltd. MA Recordings Sonos Faber
Audio DAD Magnum Dynalab Sony
Advancements Dynaco Manley Sound by Singer
Audio Adventure Dynaudio Mapleshade Sound Connections
Audio Advisor E.S.P.Speakers Maranta Spectral
Audio Alchemy EarMax Margules Audio Sphinx
Audio Artistry Eiger Martin-Logan Stanton
Audio Connection Elite May Audio Stereophile
Audio Design Enlightened Audio Marketing Stereophile Guide
Associates Designs mbl to Home Theater
Audio Influx Ensemble McIntosh Stewart Filmscreen
Audion Epos Laboratory Sumiko
Audio Nexus Esoteric Audio Melos Svetlana
Audio Outlet Everett &Shaw Meridian Synergistic
Audiophile Fanfare Michael Green Research
Imports Fanfare Designs TARA Labs
Audio Physic International Mobile Fidelity Target
Audio Power Faroudja Mondial The HI-FI Show '96
AudioPrism Fi, The Magazine of Monopole' Threshold
AudioQuest Music .4 Sound March THX
Audiostream Focus Audio Muse Tice Audio
Audio-Technica Full Spectrum Musical Tiff Electronics
Audities Audio Cable Surroundings Timbre'
Avalon Gallo Acoustics Music Hall Toshiba
Ayre Acoustics Genesis Music Interface Totem Acoustic
B-Tech Gershman Technology Townshend Audio
RAW Gin Nagra Transcendent
Balanced Audio Goertz NBS Transfiguration
Technology Gold Aero Northstar Leading Transparent Audio
Bang &Olufsen Goodwin's High End The Way Transparent Cable
Basis Audio Grado Labs NHT Triad
Benz-Micro Graham OCM TriMax
Beta Conversion Engineering Opus Ill Ultimate
Systems Hachette Filipacchi Ortofon Technology
Black Diamond Consumer Osborne Vacuum Tube Logic
Racing Electronics Group Overture VAIC Valve
Blue Oasis Hachette Filipacchi Pacific Microsonics Valve Amplification
Bryston Cable Magazines Paradigm Company
Company Hales Paragon Acoustics Vampire Wire
ORDER TICKETS NOW AND SAVE $7 Canoros Inc. Harbeth Acoustics Parasound Vandersteen
Send me advance tickets to HI-Fl '96 at $28 each.Ticket good for all 3 days. Cardas Harman/Kardon Park Avenue Audio Velodyne
Carver Hampa Pass Laboratories Vidikron
Cary Audio HAVE, Inc PGM Recordings Vital
NAME For rooms at the CD Flipper Heal Pickering Voce Divina
Waldorf-Astoria call CEDIA Hsu Research Plinius API
ADDRESS (800) WALDORF. Cello Illuminati PopeMusic VTL
Hotel reservations by fax: Cello Music &Film Infinity Power Block Ill Wadia Digital
SUITE NUMBER OR APARTMENT Systems Inter-Ibex Audio PreMax Water Lily
(212) 872-4784 --
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Mention HI-FI 96 when
CITY SIM Citation Corp. Proprios WBT
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Mail this ticket order to: Classic Records .C.Verdier Quad White Audio Labs
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Or fax your credit-card
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Welcome to the real world.
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US: Wes Phillips Blackwell of Transparent Cable. CableNew York: Alan Shaw of Harbeth
Dealers promoting manufacturer and designer needs for music and Home Theater sys-Acoustics will be afeatured guest at an
seminars shouldfax (do not call) Wes Phillips tems will be discussed, and Blackwellopen house at Audio Arts (285 W.
the when, where, and who, at (505) 983- will compare Transparenes cables withBroadway, Manhattan) on Friday March
632Z at least eight weeks &fore the month of and without their networks. Time: 29 and Saturday March 30. Mr. Shaw
the event ifyou're putting on something in 6-7:30pm. Call (514) 861-8050 for will discuss how Harbeth Acoustic's pro-
May 1996, you should get the information to reservations. ducts exemplify their sophisticated de-
Wes no later than March 1. Mark thefax cover Filtronique (9343 Lajeunesse, Mon-sign and manufacturing backgrounds.
shed "For the attention of Wes Phillips — tréal) will host Transparent Cable's Garth Leerer of Musical Surroundings
Dealer Bulletin Board." Promote sqf hi-fi Doug Blackwell on Friday May 3, for awill be on hand to discuss Basis turnta-
shows and audio societies promoting manufac- discussion of audio cable and ademon-bles, Benz Micro cartridges, Graham
turer visits should also fax Wes the &lads as stration of Transparenes networks, via
toncarms, Aesthetix preamplifiers, Shah-
soon as possible. A/I3 testing. Time: 7-8:30pm. Call ti Audio Innovations, and other new pro-
(514) 389-1377 for reservations. ducts. Call (212) 431-9200 for details.
Arizona: Esoteric Audio (4120 N. Select Sound (6314 Northern Blvd.,
Marshall Way, Scottsdale) will host Canada, Ontario: On Tuesday April Rt. 25A, East Norwich at Oyster Bay)
Brad O'Toole of Transparent Cable on 30, Distinctive Audio (903 Carling St., will host their Spring Manufacturers'
April 19, 7-8:30pm, for an A/13 de- Ottawa) will host aseminar featuring Seminar on Saturday April 27, 1 1am-
monstration of Transparent cables with Doug Blackwell of Transparent Cable. 6pm. Music, Home Theater, and cus-
and without their networks. Troy Koso- Audio cables will be the featured topic, tom multiroom systems will be demon-
vitch of Wilson Audio Specialties will and Transparenes network philosophy strated, including the latest Dolby AC-
also demonstrate the WITT and will be discussed. Time: 6-7:30pm. 3 surround-sound components. On
WATT/Puppy 5.1 loudspeaker sys- Call (613) 722-6902 for reservations. hand to answer questions will be de-
tems. Seating is limited; call (602) 946- Audio Excellence (8763 Bayview signers and representatives from ADA,
8128 for reservations. Ave., Toronto) will facilitate aseminar on B&W, Krell, Meridian, Naim, Pioneer
Wednesday May 1, conducted by Trans- Elite, Rotel, Runco, Stewart, Solid, Tar-
California: Music Lover's Audio (1510 parent Cable's Doug Blackwell. Audio- get, Totem, Velodyne, WireWorld, and
Walnut St., Berkeley) will play host to video and hi-fi cables will be discussed, others. For more information, call (516)
Alan Shaw, Managing Director of and there will be A/B comparisons of 624-2124.
Harbeth Acoustics, on Thursday April 4. cables that do and do not utilize Trans- The Western New York Audio So-
Mr. Shaw will discuss the computer- parent's networks. Time: 6-730pm. ciety will sponsor its annual swap meet
aided design techniques that resulted in Call (905) 881-7109 for reservations. on Sunday April 14th from 10am to
the Compact 7and HL-P3ES loudspeak- 5pm at the Stephen Sikora American
ers. Benz Micro cartridges, Graham ton- Montana: Thirsty Ear Hi Fi (9 East Legion Post #1322 (950 Payne Ave,
earms, and Shatki Audio Innovations Main St., Bozeman) will hold aseminar North Tonawanda, NY). Many local
products will also be demonstrated. Call with Brad O'Toole of Transparent and out-of-state dealers and manufac-
(510) 841-7166 to reserve aspace. Cable on April 18, 7-8:30pm. Cable re- turers will attend.
Affordable Audio (9605 Venice quirements for Home Theater and mu-
Blvd., Culver City) will host amastering sic-only systems will be discussed, and Ohio: Paragon Sight & Sound (5450
seminar on April 27, featuring mastering Transparenes cables will be demonstrat- Monroe St, Toledo) will sponsor asem-
engineer Len Horowitz of HRS Rec- ed with and without their networks. inar featuring Stephen Hill, President of
ords. He will demonstrate and lecture Seating is limited; call (405) 586-8578 Straight Wire, on Tuesday April 30, from
on the mastering process, using his cus- for areservation. 6:30pm to 9pm. Topics will include new
tomized Scully lathe. Admission is free, cable technologies and affordable cable
but seating is limited. Call (310) 558- New Mexico: Sound Consultant (9517 alternatives. Space is limited; call (800)
0716 for reservations. Times: 3pm and Avenida del Oso NE, Albuquerque) will 873-6873 for reservations.
6pm. host Phil Bamberg on Saturday May 11 at Oregon: The Audio Gallery (16318
7pm. Mr. Bamberg will demonstrate the SW Bryant Rd., Lake Oswego) will
Canada, Québec: On Thursday May Bamberg Series 3and Series 4loudspeak- host an evening of discussion, music,
2, Audioville (972 St. Laurent, Mon- ers. Seating is limited; call (505) 821-9626 and dessert with Luden Pichette of
tréal) will host aseminar with Doug for details and reservations. Avalon Acoustics on Thursday April 11


at 7pm:Ibis will be the Pacific Northwest ciety, Tel: (610) 265-5700. schedule different release dates for the
premier for the Avalon Radian HC, two continents because US-released
shown as part of the Avalon/Spectral/ Virginia: Gifted Listener (5720 Pick- tapes and discs won't play in Europe. The
MIT 2C3D system, incorporating the wick Rd., Centreville) announces amu- theater release of ahit film in Europe can
Spectral/MIT cables and the Spectral sical evening with Michel Reverchon of thus occur later than the US video
DMA 150 amplifier. Seating is limited; Goldmund on Thursday March 21 (this release. Some are even proposing that
call (503) 699-8888 for reservations. is the event that was snowed out last DVD players incorporate achip to pre-
January). Refreshments at 7:00pm, pre- vent US DVD releases playing Europe,
Pennsylvania: The Philadelphia Sin- sentation at 7:45. Reservations required; and vice versa. In addition, while the hard-
gle-Ended All-Star Symposium will be call (703) 818-8000. ware companies at CES were confident
held Sunday March 24 at the Adams that consumers would be able to buy
Mark Hotel — (215) 581-5000 — start- US: John Atkinson DVD discs and players by Christmas '96
ing at 1:00pm. The event will feature Surprise DVD news in February (when at the latest, there are still major copy-
the best and the brightest single-ended you consider the fevered, bullish excite- right and piracy issues to be resolved.
designers, including Dennis Had of ment among hardware manufacturers
Cary Audio, John Stronczer of Bel Can- at the recent Las Vegas WCES) was the US: Robert Harley
to, and NoniKomuro of Komuro Audio announcement that Disney and Block- Audiophile Audition, the national radio
Labs. Major distributors will also be buster were going to sit out the fall '96 program about music and high-quality
there with their amplifiers: Herb Rei- launch of the new video medium. In- sound reproduction, is celebrating its
chert with Audio Note, Victor Goldstein stead, both companies said that they eleventh anniversary this month. The
with VAX, and Harvey Rosenberg with would wait six months to ayear to see weekly program, carried by more than
Nobu Shishido's spectacular WAVAC what consumer acceptance would be. 125 public radio and concert music sta-
amplifiers. Also featured will be Ken One highly promoted feature of DVD tions across the country, features classi-
Stevens with the latest Convergent that might turn out to be abug is its uni- cal music with asomewhat adventurous
Audio Technology Signature, John Ku- versal video format, meaning that the repertoire and an emphasis on good
kulka and David Golstein with Timbre same discs could be sold in both NTSC sonics.
Technology's digital products, and Frank and PAL countries. Far from seeing this Audiophile Audition also includes au-
and Margie Hale with Swans Speakers' single inventory as a benefit, Holly- diophile-oriented discussions, including
high-sensitivity Allure speaker. The wood is scared to death because it blows tips on getting the most enjoyment from
event is open to the public and spon- apart the currently comfortable market- your system, special programs dedicated
sored by the Philadelphia Audio So- ing scheme for movies. Studios can to specific audio topics (surround-sound,
audiophile LPs, best-of-the-year CDs, Those of us who prefer paper and pen- attended his 70th-birthday party at
for examples), and interviews with lead- cil can write to P.O. Box 1621, Ross, CA RCA's offices. Most of those present
ers in the audio and music fields. Up- 94957. You can also request acopy of expected him to announce retirement
coming interview guests include Mark the Station List, which includes quarter- plans. Instead, Jack quoted Jascha
Levinson, Mike Moffat, Doug Sax, ly playlists, the best CDs of the year list, Heifetz: "He who rests rots."
George Martin, Floyd Toole, John and aprogram schedule. Given such an attitude, it seems fitting
Eargle, Dr. Bruce Edgar, and yours truly. that Jack died suddenly while at work in
The show's twice-yearly, all-binaural US: Mortimer H. Frank his RCA office. There is adignity in such
broadcast for headphone listeners is The death ofJohn Pfeiffer (1920-1996) adeath that befits the dignity of the man
another popular feature. this past February at the age of 75 himself In projects for which he engaged
Host and producer John Sunier is the marked the end of an era in the classical me, he acted much more the wise, gentle
author of three books on audio and mu- division of RCA. When Jack (as he was counselor than the stern overseer some-
sic, and holds degrees in both music and known to all who worked with him) one else might have been, and even
broadcasting. Audiophile Audition is the came to the company in 1949, it was as when he rejected some of my ideas, it
only national radio show making a adesign engineer. But musical training was with agrace that always made me
weekly effort to raise public awareness led to his moving into the A&R aspect feel they had worth. Indeed, among the
of high-quality music reproduction. The of the business. Richard Mohr, who rec- many people Iknow who worked with
hour-long program is engineered to a ognized Jack's potential as aproducer, him, Inever met one who failed to like
high standard: programs are mastered may not have foreseen how the career the man or to admire his consummate
on Super-Bit-Mapped DAT, and up- he helped catalyze would lead to Jack's professionalism. He will be missed.
linked directly from the digital master working closely with such extraordi-
to the satellite. nary artists as Toscanini, Heifetz, Horo- US: Wes Phillips
Because of generous funding from witz, Rubinstein, Landowska, Stokow- Readers of Stereophile and The Tradzing
audio companies and record labels (the ski, and Reiner, to name but some. Angle have inundated Allsop with phone
1996 first-quarter underwriters are Polk By the time Ihad my first profession- calls concerning the Orbitrac Record
Audio and Digital Theater Systems), al contact with him, Jack was arevered Cleaning System, which the firm has
the program is provided to stations at no elder statesman of the industry, athrow- discontinued. While the company has
charge. To find out if astation in your back to aperiod when people went into not been persuaded to reissue the Orbi-
listening area carries Audiophile Audition, the record business primarily because of trac, they have found asmall stash locat-
e-mail Sunear@aolcom, or browse the their love for music and for recordings. ed in Ireland. The "Irish Orbitrac" is the
show's web site at Three years after our first meeting, I executive model 58000, which comes


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: L. 1 i4
i • •is
US: John Atkinson i•••
One of the best tools we know of for op- : as
timally setting up loudspeakers in aroom Jtt a1. .1 '4
is Sitting Duck Software's The Listening
I 1 I • "IIIMIN: illeirlidrfkilef*Me
. i I! .
Room. Reviewed by TJN in December :: ! !! [ ru-
- —e
•• . _-T_i t ,..,
1990, this program for PCs (DOS) and
Pe., tpea,a• •Batboy Flallbetune
Macs allows an audiophile to move sim- : :
ulated loudspeakers around asimulation • : . ,li
'4-4 ' • 15
of his or her room (in three dimensions) • i : I t

i :

? ,

to find the position that gives optimal . • -..f::.... - - ii
performance below 200Hz or so. 1e
EMI 1E1 ERElttleEI IMM EMI MO EMI -.1 *****
One of the authors of The Listening L row 71/ 11/ 912 ,„•• I/ 175 . .>440 ,
Room, Bill Fitzpatrick, recently an- 1. was 113 59 ,S9 '59 - Ira.:.•
Meg *10
32 31 33 •.i 1i •• 33 33 1Phims• 11.710
1,3 " =1 X 1
nounced anew Windows program that
builds on the earlier program's strengths: 1 IN
theitakou • Lee 5.i: Gts7,1,t MI HEI 0 717
7 77M1 Ill
L l
Visual Ears runs under Windows 3.1 and
Windows 95 and offers comprehensive The Visual Ears interface makes full use of Windows convenience features.To the left is shown the room
acoustic modeling, including rooms layout; to the top right is aplot of the rooms standing waves and how they are excited by the chosen
with sloped or cathedral ceilings (but speaker locations; and on the bottom right is the boundary-reflection plot.

not L-shaped listening spaces). It also of-

fers awide choice of loudspeaker types strong recommendation. US: _John Atkinson
(other than panels), including satellite/ Visual Ears costs $89.50 plus $3 S&H -HI-Fr '96: the Home Theater &
subwoofer systems, and takes the cross- ($6 outside the US) — checks or money Specialty Audio Show," promoted by
over frequencies into consideration. We orders only—and can be ordered from Stereophile and the Stereophile Guide to
plan on publishing areview; in the mean- KB Acoustics, P.O. Box 50206, Eugene, Home Theater in conjunction with the
time, preliminary experience suggests a OR 97405. Tel: (541) 935-7022. Academy for the Advancement of High-

[ven if you don't know

what a soft dome tweeter is,
it's important to know
that we invented it.
Our Patent
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Critically-acclaimed performance and value in premier loudspeaker systems.

For more information call or write: 6400 Youngerman Circle •Jacksonville, FL 32244 •904-777-0700 •Fax 904-771-7793


End Audio, is on track to be our biggest cessing equipment, introduce new pro-
Our Brand Is Playing Show yet. Taking place at New York's ducts, and spotlight dealers and end-

In These Fine Houses: Waldorf=Astoria Hotel from May 31 to

June 2, with May 29-30 reserved for

AZ -Jerry's AudioNideo: Phoenix, Tucson trade visitors, it will have more than 240 US: John Atkinson
CA -Audio Concepts: San Gabriel, brands being demonstrated by over 120 Some linancial news as reported in the
Long Beach •Wilson Audio: Woodland
Hills •Sound Center: Beverly Hills •San
exhibitors. Live music will run through- industry bible Audio Week: budget spe-
Francisco Stereo: San Francisco •World out the Show, including concerts by pi- cialist Cambridge SoundWorks had
of Sound: Mill Valley •Stereo Showcase: anists David Chesky, Lincoln Mayorga, sales of $22.3 million in the six months
Vallejo •Century Music: San Jose •
Sounding Board: Berkeley •Breier Sound and Robert Silverman (whose Liszt Piano up to the end of 1995; Harman In-
Center. San Diego •Genesis Audio: El Toro Sonata recording for Stereophile makes its ternational sales in the same period
CO -Listen Up: Denver, Boulder. debut at HI-FI '96), violinist Arturo
Colorado Springs
were just over $649 million; while
-Roberts Electronics: New London Delmoni, blues singer Doug MacLeod, Polk Audio sales for the three final
DE -Sound Studio: Newark, Wilmington and the Lynn Arriale Trio. quarters of 1995 were worth $34.1 mil-
Fl_ -Stereo By Design: Miami •Audio
Visions: Tampa •Cooper For Stereo: By contrast, the CEMA-organized lion. In Europe, B&O sales from May
Clearwater •Audio Video Interiors: "CES Digital Destination," scheduled through November were worth
Melbourne •Stuart Audio Video: Stuart • to be held in Orlando, Florida May
Absolute Sound: Winter Park •House of
$230.5 million, while Grundig an-
Stereo: Jacksonville •Stereo World: 23-25, had just 39 exhibitors booked by nounced anet loss for 1995 of $410
Naples. Ft Meyers •Vern's Electronics: mid-February, including publishers and million. In Japan, Kenwood plans acut
Boca Raton
ID -Phase 4Stereo: Idaho Falls. Pocatello
service companies, while the associated in its personnel from 3050 to 2600 by
IL -Columbia Audio/Video: Highland Park CES Specialty Audio & Home Theater the end of 1998, Denon is using early
Rockford. Arlington Heights •Audio listed 26 exhibitors. CEMA was con- retirement to downsize from 1536 to
Consultants: Evanston, Libertyville,
Hinsdale. Chicago •Glenn Poor's Audio/ fident their Show had reached critical 1400 by this month, and Pioneer is
Video: Champagne mass, but only a few high-end com- planning a10% reduction in its work-
IN -Sound Productions: Carmel
panies were firmly booked to attend, force by March '97.
IA -Audio Room: Marion, Dubuque •
Pftenz Electronics: Sioux City including Krell, McCormack, Conrad-
-Audio Mart: Leawood •Kief's
Records & Stereo Supply: Lawrence
Johnson, Parasound, and 'Thiel. When US: Wes Phillips
LA -Stereo Video Center: Shreveport you consider the huge success of Northstar Leading The Way, Inc., has
ME -Harbor Audio Video, Camden CEMA's Winter CES (reported on in been appointed the exclusive US dis-
MD -Gramaphone: Lutherville, Ellicott City frill elsewhere in this issue), it's hard to
MA -Nantucket Sound: Hyannis
tributor for the German Physiks omni-
MI -Stereo Shoppe: Traverse City. see that the Orlando Show will take directional DDD Bendingwave Con-
Saginaw Lansing, Okemos, Ann Arbor • place. In this humble reporter's opinion, verter loudspeaker line. Contact: Frank
Stereo Center: Flint •Classic Stereo:
Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo the US needs just one all-categories Garbie, Northear Leading The Way, Inc.,
MT -Video Sat & Sound: Billings •Stereo trade Consumer Electronics Show, and P.O. Box 3763, Durango, CO 81302. Tel:
Plus: Missoula that, selected by aprocess of Darwinian (970) 259-6722. Fax: (970) 259-6727. E-
NE -Stereo West: Omaha, Lincoln
NV -The Upper Ear: Las Vegas competition, is the Las Vegas event. mail: Northstr@Frontiennet Web page:
-Harvey Electronics: Paramus •Sight http:/
& Sound: Bernardsville •Hal's Audio
Video: Trenton
US: Wes Phillips VAC and Tubes By Design have
NY -Harvey Electronics: New York. White CEDIA, the Custom Electronic Design moved. Their new address is: VAC/
Plains, Westbury •Stereo Chamber: and Installation Association, has estab- Tubes By Design, 807 Bacon St, Dur-
Orchard Park
ffl -Audio Craft: Westlake, Cleveland. lished ahome page on the World Wide ham, NC 27703. Tel: (919) 596-1107.
Akron, Mayfield His •Stereo Lab, Web: Fax: (919) 596-2037.
Columbus, Cincinnati
"The CEDIA Web page was de- Chadwick Modifications, known for
OK -Audio Dimensions: Oklahoma City
QB -Chelsea Audio: Beaverton, Portland signed to give our members an informa- its enhancements to turntables, has
IN -Sound Room: Johnson City, Memphis tional link to the Association at all moved. Its new address: Chadwick Mo-
TX -High Fidelity, Inc.: Austin •Bjom's
Stereo: San Antonio •Hi-Fidelity: Lubbock times," said Keith Rich, president of difications, 497 Huntington Ave., Suite
•Home Entertainment: Houston, Plano, CEDIA. The Web page contains the 57, Boston, MA 02115. Tel: (617) 445-
&garland, Dallas •Brock Audio: Beaumont goals and facts of the Association, alist of 9631.
•Bunkley Sound: Abeline •Audio Tech:
Waco, Temple •Stereo Video Center: the CEDIA Executive Committee and
Longview, Marshall, Tyler •Don's Hi
Fidelity: Amarillo
Board of Directors, Council and Com- US: John Atkinson
- Audio Works: Salt Lake City
mittee Chairpersons, and Headquarters After almost nine years of excellent
WA -Huppins HI Fl: Spokane staff members. Also available is acom- work, Stereophiles Music Editor, Richard
WI -Flanner's AudioNideo, Inc.: Brookfield plete directory of CEDIA members list-
•Sound World: Appleton, Green Bay
Lehnert, has decided to put aside his
VA Sound Approach: Newport News ed by state and discipline, weekly copy of Grove's and change career direc-
In Canada contact: Aralex Acoustics Ltd. updates on Association and committee tion. Accordingly, we are looking for a
(604) 528-8965
activities, EXPO '96 information, and full-time Music Editor to oversee the
the latest information and trends in cus-
magazine's record-review and music-
1 tom installation-related technology. feature sections. Extensive knowledge of

Links to member manufacturers' Web all kinds of music and the recorded rep-
sites are planned. ertoire essential; editing and magazine
TECHNOLOGY Z-Systems Audio Engineering has a experience an advantage. Those in-
new World Wide Web site at: http:// terested should send their résumés to me
Speaker Systems The site will provide —do not call—at Stereophile, P.O. Box
product information on the firm's line 5229, Santa Fe, NM 87502. Please mark
of digital audio interface and signal pro- envelopes "Music Editor." S

STEREOPHILE, Arm 1996 41

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(‘/ fthe roller coaster falls off its place. You traipse through the lobby, or were on parade, as it were, security guards
track, riders will wind up in the better yet, through the casino, and you had sealed off that part of the hotel. The
Keno lounge at the Sahara." know that this is ajoint frequented by room was already jammed past capacity:
My Las Vegas cabbie was talking about real gamblers. I'm told that the place has All this local color will be missing—
the 100-storey-high Stratosphere Tower, some of the most experienced blackjack along with the tourists inside the gorilla
set to open later this year almost kitty- dealers in town. True, the Sahara looks cage — when the Wmter CES moves to
corner across Las Vegas Boulevard from like it hasn't had aface lift since it was the Alexis Hotel. What will we do for
the Sahara Hotel. built, but that's part of its charm. It's Old entertainment?
Atop the podlike structure will be an Vegas, if there is such athing.
observation deck, a restaurant, and a Item: The Sahara Coffee Shop. As DRIVEN TO DRINK
wedding chapel. But hey, this is Vegas, you may know, the High End has shared I suppose there will always be the
the home of Can You Top This? There's the Sahara for many years with porn Pioneer press conference. Several years
got to be more. So there will also be a video exhibitors. Iwas waiting for a ago Ireported on one such press con-
roller coaster winding its way around the table with adealer friend. We stood be- ference in which Pioneer introduced
top of the tower. hind half adozen tattooed gentlemen the now-forgotten LIFE, which stood
Can you top that? — no tattooed ladies, alas. for Laser Interactive Family Entertain-
Of course. King Kong or his look- These guys were tattooed chest, arms, ment —video games for kids priced be-
alike will ascend the tower starting at its and legs. Faces, too. Icouldn't help ad- yond the reach of most adults. Ihad no
base — illuminated by spotlights, no miring their ingenuity. They had turned opportunity to ask the good folks from
doubt. But how to make Kong pay? themselves into freaks and then earned Pioneer, but from what Ididn't hear
Never fear. For an as-yet-unspecified aliving from it. America truly is the land over at Drink, LIFE appears to be dead.
admission price, you will be able to ride, of opportunity. Drink is the name of atrendy Vegas
caged, inside the gorilla. Isn't it wonder- disco — trendy at night, anyway, when
ful? The gorilla will be loose, the people

hundreds of heaving bodies turn the
will be caged. Next year, if things get place into what Ican only imagine is
slow at the high-end exhibits at the Sa- ECOND-GENERATION akin to Dante's Inferno. What astrange
hara Hotel, Ican walk across the street place to hold apress conference! But
and climb the tower with Kong or take DVD PLAYERS hey, afree Drink is afree drink and
aspin on the coaster. there was food, too. So Iwas driven to
Drink.., in ataxicab.
They're tearing down the Sahara Bi- Ishall draw aveil over Pioneer's pro-
Level Complex, that rambling, seedy, duct presentation — the sound was un-
1950s-motel-like structure which has intelligible, while for video, Pioneer
housed the High End at the Winter Idon't think we'll see any tattooed used what appeared to be Drink's house
Consumer Electronic Show for lo, more gentlemen over at the Alexis. And I'm array of Sony video monitors up on the
than adozen years? sure Iwon't encounter Mr. Seymour wall, which assured that much of the
That's right. No more bi-level. No Butts and Ms. Wendy Whoppers in the el- content was lost in the cracks between
more High End at the Sahara. Next yea4 evator, as Idid at the Sahara. Think they the screens.
the exhibits will be over at the Alexis were talking about sex? Nah, they were Ithink Pioneer had something im-
Park Hotel. Alexis? Sounds about as talking about lawyers. Ididn't really catch portant to say. Ithink they were trying to
much fun as aCourtyard by Marriott— the gist. The door opened and Mr. Butts convey that Pioneer has been apioneer
which isn't abad place to stay in Vegas, butted out. But it seems there may be more in optical video technology, and that the
by the way. No casino. No slots. than one Mt Seymour Butts. Will the real company is well positioned to advance
Seymour Butts please stand up? the cause of DVD, which seems set to
W ILL THE REAL SEYMOUR Enough. This is serious business. And render laserdisc obsolete. (No one I
BUTTS PLEASE STAND UP? for the first time in years, Ididn't get to talked with sees afriture for laserdisc af-
Like alot of high-end hangers-on, I've tour the porn video exhibits at the Sahara. ter DVD gets established.)
grown fond of the Sahara over the years Not that Ididn't try—but by the time I Fortunately, Pioneer products are
— so many memories. Such asinister learned that all the big porn video stars considerably better than their press con-


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ferences. Of special interest is the fact Like the originals, all the wiring will be And get this. There was practically no
that Pioneer will have at least one mod- point-to-point, no circuit boards. And Home Theater in sight over at the
el of player that accepts both laserdiscs the idea is to keep these units in produc- Sahara. It was aHome Theater desert!
and digital video discs —something to tion for awhile — they will not be "lim- Could it be that many audiophiles look
keep in mind if, like nie, you have alarge ited editions." Until, of course, produc- at ascreen at work all day and don't want
laserdisc library, but expect to switch tion stops. to look at a tube when they come
over to DVD. The original Marantz 8B and 9 are home? A picture tube, that is.
among the finest-sounding power amps
EARLY ADOPTERS ever made. And also among the most W HERE TO START WITH
I'm not sure I'd become an "early adop- reliable. Saul Marantz and Sid Smith be- THE SAHARA?
ter" of DVD. (Aren't you glad you did- lieved in operating tubes conservatively I'll start where Istarted —with the Cary
n't become an early adopter of DCC or rather than at or beyond their specified Audio Design rooms, where their 805
MiniDisc? Or Laser Interactive Family voltage ratings. Result? Put good tubes single-ended monoblodc amps were driv-
Entertainment?) The first-generation in and they should last for years. ing apair of ProAc Response 3.5 speak-
DVD players will likely feature street Astonishing! The metalwork of the ers —easily the best sound Iheard at the
prices of around $400 to $500. Second- reissues will be made by the original chas- show. The system was full-range, dy-
generation players will almost certainly sis vendor. The resistors and capacitors namic, harmonically right. Cary's Den-
offer more for less. More features, better will be the saine types and values as the nis Had saw me listening and ushered
performance, fewer bugs. Software will originals, including multi-section "can" me into the side room.
also be limited at first, even compared to capacitors custom-made for Marantz by There, under the Audio Electronic
laserdisc. the original supplier. brandname, were apair of $1995 single-
On the other hand, Ido expect DVD Instead of droning on about all this, ended monoblocks, 1each using asingle
to succeed, unlike DCC or MiniDisc. Mr. Birch-Jones allowed himself to be Svctlana 811-3 output tube (which hap-
DVD has to succeed because of comput- interrupted mid-course by the arrival of pen to be made in my wife's native city
er CD-ROM applications, even if peo- an Elvis Presley imitator. The whole of St. Petersburg). Audio Electronic, by
ple do not run out and buy aDVD play- press conference was pulled off to per- the way, is the sister company of Cary
er for their video systems this fall. This fection, and my gut feeling, especially Audio Design, and its products will now
might be agood time to lighten up on with Kevin Hayes involved, is that the be sold through dealers rather than via
new laserdisc purchases. And it might reissues will be, too. Products should be mail-order. The company used to be
also be agood time to slow down your available within afew months. called Audio Electronic Supply. Dennis
purchasing of CDs. dropped the Supply — sounds too much
Why? Because by the time of next ARE THEY LAUGHING NOW? like ahardware store.
year's Winter CES, standards may be set Years ago, when Mr. Birch-Jones was The speakers in the Audio Electronic
for an audio-only version of the new disc, working for acertain large Japanese com- room were homebrew affairs, using Fo-
to be called high-density Cl), or whatev- pany, he asked nie what his employer cal drivers, and will not become com-
er. CDs as we now know them will like- could do to establish greater high- mercially available. (As Dennis ex-
ly be on the way out by the turn of the end credibility. plained, the would-be manufacturer got
century —ah, millennium. So why load "Manufacture tubed gear," I ex- cold feet when he discovered that people
up now on "perfect sound forever" CDs claimed. liked the speakers, which would mean
unless you absolutely have to have them? "I tried telling them that, but they he'd have to make them.) While the
For the moment, your future may be laughed," replied Mr. Birch-Jones. speakers are made of unobtainium, the
better spent with the past. LPs. Tubes. I 11w Marantz press conference set an amps should be available by the time this
can think of plenty of good ways to upbeat tone that, for me, lasted through- report appears in print.
spend your money. In fact, Isaw quite a out the entire show. Over at the Sahara, The sound did not blow me away, the
few at CES. where most of the high-end exhibits way the Cary 805s did with the ProAcs,
held sway, Ihaven't heard such good but it was very good indeed. Ican't wait
ELVIS LIVES! sound in years. A lot of the gear was
You can now buy new Marantz tube tubed — natch. IPrice goes up to $2295 per pair effective May I.
gear again!
Mr. Ralph Cervantes, Vice President
and General Manager of Marantz
America, and Mr. David Birch-Jones,
Marketing Manager, along with Mr.
Kevin Hayes, of Valve Amplification
Company, announced reissues of the
Marantz Model 7preamplifien Model 8B
stereo amplifier, and Model 9mono amp,
retailing at $3800, $3800, and $8400 a
pair, respectively.
These will be manufactured by VAC,
which has relocated its factory from Sar-
asota, FL to Durham, NC to manufac-
ture the units, along with the various
models in the VAC line. No, we couldn't
listen, but the reissues looked great. Marantz Model 7preamplifier


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tube guru of Japan. These are the most
beautifully designed amplifiers Ihave
ever seen. Stay tuned to this column for
the first US coverage of the WAVAC

Beautiful, too, arc the single-ended
amplifiers from Vaic Valve — that's
pronounced "vaisch," ending in asoft c.
The Vaic output tubes themselves are
made in the Czech Republic, by folks
formerly associated with Tesla. US im-
porter is Fanfare International. The
amps are made in Italy, which may be
one reason my friend Luigi, who attend-
ed the show on behalf of another mag-
azine, wenta diventa pazzo over the 18W
VV30B single-ended triode monoblock
Marantz Model 88 stereo amplifier amplifiers, which use the recently-
developed proprietary V30B, Type 1
to get apair of the amps and put them garde Acoustic Profile Duo horn output tube (the amps arc $9800 apair).
on my pair of ProAc Tablette 50 speakers—retailing for $16,000 apair. Lou bought the amps on the spot,
Signatures—the 12 watts per channel The horns arc fabricated from dyed thus becoming the first American mem-
should be enough. By the way, one big ABS plastic—two horns per speaker, a ber of the Vaic squad. (Sorry.) Since I
advantage of the Svetlana 811-3 output mid/woofer from 200Hz to 2kHz and a know Lou's system almost as well as my
tube is that it costs only $29, retail, to horn tweeter from 2.4kHz on up. Pow- own —and since Lou has volunteered to
replace — afraction of what it costs to ered subwoofers, included in the price, bring the Vaic amps over for alisten —
replace a300B output tube. The AE handle the frequencies below 200Hz. I'll get to write about these. Stay tuned
amp has avolume control, too —so you The two spherical horn units are mount- for the sound. Stay tuned, too, for Lou's
can hot-rod aCD player or processor ed without acabinet in aframework of wife, Anita's, reaction when the amps
straight in. steel tubing. The visual effect is striking. arrive. There are other amps, too, in the
And the sound? Sorry, but the Sahara Vaic line: the VV52B rated at 30Wpc,
LISTENING TO PROAC hotel room was just too small to tell. retailing for $13,000/pair, and an
If Cary had the best sound of the show, Listening up close, as Ihad to, the sound 18Wpc stereo amp, the Model 36-96,
Modern Audio Consultants had per- didn't have space to blend. Iknow that which uses apair of V30B tubes and
haps the second-best sound with the these speakers are highly regarded by, retails for $3800.
ProAc Response 2Ses at $3200 apair among others, Gordon Rankin of
(stands necessary). Importer Richard Wavelength Audio. Iexpect to audition ELECTRIC-CHAIR AMPS
Gerberg doesn't go in for room tweak- apair soon, in better surroundings — Quadric Audio USA introduced the
ing. Nevertheless, the sound, with an Au- maybe even my own living room. It's Model MT-35 single-ended mono-
dio Research VT130SE stereo amplifier, good to see new horn designs being blocks, which use the 845 output tube
was superb. Effortless. Musical. Flowing. developed! and are made in Taiwan. These retail for
Sweet. A stunning soundstage. While it's $4990/pair and arc said to put out 28
true that the Response 2Ses, with stands W AVAC TO GO? watts per channel. The amps sounded
(figure $450), will cost you almost as In a somewhat larger room, Wavac very good at the show, both with the
much as a pair of floorstanding Re- Audio Limited, of Japan, achieved Swans Allure and the Brentworth
sponse 2.5s ($4500), it's also true that the more blended sound with apair ofJBL Sound Labs Type 3. Most of my listen-
2Ses are easier to drive. Iunderstand that horn speakers made, but not generally ing was with the Swans. A pair of these
Jack English bought apair for his wife. available, in the USA. They showed a amps may have enough juice to goose
Gerberg also introduced the ProAc line of three single-ended amps, ranging some good sound out of my Quad ESL-
Tablette 50 Signatures, which Ialready from the WAVAC 300B stereo amp, 63s. Great looking amps, too — these
have in my listening room. (I got them rated at 10Wpc ($12,000) to the may be a real bargain. But note: the
two weeks before the show —sort of a WAVAC stereo 805, with 805 power output tube is run at 1000 volts on the
sneak preview.) These speakers, too, are tubes, rated at 45Wpc ($45,000). These plate. "Beware of this aspect of the unit
stunning —exquisitely made minimon- prices appear to be retail, direct from the should you become adealer," the prod-
itors retailing for $1700/pair plus stands. manufacturer. There is not yet aNorth uct literature warns. And should you
Again, designer Stewart Tyler hits the American distributor. Prices do not become an owner, too.
harmonics just right. include shipping... or, presumably, cus- The always colorful David Manley
toms. There are matching passive pre- has aterm for such amplifiers. He calls
AVANTGARDE amps, too. them "electric-chair amps." Dangerous,
Iwas especially interested in speakers My friend Harvey Rosenberg, who's Isuppose, only if you're careless. The
which were sensitive enough to be dri- way into this stuff (and trying to get me Audio Electronic SE-811 runs around
ven by low-powered tube amps. Audio in even deeper), tells me that Wavac's 650V on the plate — so Iguess that also
Note showed German-made Avant- Nobu K. Shishido is the single-ended qualifies as an electric chair amp. (It's

The heritage of the nem
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the output tubes: You've got to run that
kind of voltage . 2)
Meanwhile, LAMM Industries of
Brooklyn, whose president gives his
name on his business card as Vladimir
Shushurin (LAMM), showed their new
90W tubed monoblock, the Model
ML1. Output tubes are two Russian-
made 6C33C-Bs, nice looking boobs —
ah, toobs, with nipples on top. The amps
were driving the beautifully finished
Parsifal Loudspeaker System ($9800 for
the complete stereo pair, two monitors
and two woofer units). But, as they say Audio Electronic SE-811 amplifier
in Russian, Bozhe moi (my God) —the
amps retail for $18,690 the pair. Idoubt rated efficiency of 96dB, along with a And get this: It appears to work. Jim was
whether many customers will come stated 8ohm impedance, implying that doing demos where you could listen to
from Brighton Beach or along Ocean they'll probably work fine with as little the cable with the light source on or off.
Parkway. as 10 or 12 watts.3 Dammit — I heard a difference. The
So much stuff. Iknow Ihaven't men- sound was smoother, less edgy, images
BACK TO SPEAKERS tioned more than asmall part of what I were better defined.
These don't qualify as particularly effi- saw and heard. Ican't resist closing with "You know how your system sounds
cient, but Iwas struck by the excellent these two products, however: better if you turn out all the lights?" Jim
sound of the floorstanding Mozart loud- asked.
speakers, from Vienna Acoustics. TEXAS LIGHT "Yes."
That's Vienna, Austria, not Vienna, Vir- Remember The Texas Water Cable, aka "There's areason why," Jim replied.
ginia. A line of four speaker models is the Purist Audio Design liquid-jacket You think I'm making this up, but
being imported by Sumiko — ranging speaker cable, from Jim Aud, of Clute, I'm not.
from the $900/pair Haydn (stands re- Texas. However, as you might guess, Iam
quired) to the $4500 Beethoven. Now there's something new. holding on to my wallet. At $14,960, a
For $250O/pair the Mozarts seem to The Texas Light Cable. 3m pair of illuminated Dominus cables
have alot going for them, including at- All of the Purist speaker cables — the may be "awesome" (Jim Aud's word),
tractive looks and avery unusual, op- Colossus, the Proteus, and the Dominus but it's also about what Ipaid for my
tional, open-metal grille (to use instead —are now available illuminated. Prices Nissan Alumna.
of cloth). The sound was smooth, re- for 3meter pairs with the light option It used to be that if you were aseri-
fined — what else do you expect from are $3190 for the Colossus, $5760 for ous audiophile, your system cost more
Vienna? — but dynamic, too. The bass the Proteus, and $14,960 for the Do- than your car. No more. Now, if you're
packed real punch. The Mozarts, which minus. Interconnects arc available, too. areally serious audiophile, your speaker
stand just over 3' high, sound like a According to Aud, these are "the first cables alone should cost more than your
much larger speaker. A two-way design, cables in the world to use light as a car.
the Mo's use a5.5" woofer and a1" soft- shield." The whole length of the cable Is it any wonder that Ikept returning
dome tweeter. Sensitivity is stated as looks lit. How does he do it? "We built to Music Hall — Roy Hall's room at
90dB/W/m and the manufacturer rec- an electronic box that bathes the liquid the Sahara? The 'ome of 'umble British
ommends between 30 and 200 watts of jacket cable with acoherent, controlled eye-fi —Epos, Creek, and Goldring.
power. Still — who knows what would light of nonvariant intensity. This blocks And the 'ome of the finest single-malt
happen if you put these on a single- out all other light that would normally Scotch whiskies. Idon't think all the
ended amp? Ihope to get apair in soon. penetrate the cable." [With respect to Mt stuff in Roy's room —all the integrated
This was some of the best sound Iheard Aud, this "explanation" is pure marketing BS. amps, all the speakers, all the wire —
at the show, beating out many super- Light behaves in alinear manner, meanittg added up to the cost of one pair of illu-
expensive speakers. By the way, Isec that one beam of light cannot interact with minated Dominus cables. Yet we always
from the literature, that Haydn, Bach, another. Can you block out the Wiliam one have fun listening to music in Roy's
Mozart, and Beethoven all have alittle flashlight with the light from another flash- room. Not to mention the wee dram of
"TM" after their name. light? Irest my case—Ed.] The cable con- 26-year-old Scotch.
Interesting, too, was the Bodhran ductors arc housed inside asheath of Itold Roy about the $14,960 speaker
speaker from ESP, of Bend, Oregon, radiant optics, which radiate the light cables. Roy shook his head.
retailing for $6000/pair and "designed through the liquid jacket for the entire "How many Creek amplifiers do you
for the single-ended amplifier market." length of the cable. With the room have to sell to make the saine profit you
These attractive floorstanders have a lights out, each cable looks like an illu- could make on one pair of $15,000
minated green streak. speaker cables?"
Weird, huh? Roy replied wistfully, "I'm in the
2Dennis assures me that these voltages arc safe unless It looks great in the dark, though!
the customer deliberately takes the bottom off, turns
wrong business. Iam importing cables,
the unit on, and places his hand, lip, or tongue" on the though —Cable Talk from England.
DC source; and even then, "the nervous system of the 3The inanufacturer says they'll get up and go on as lit- Would you like to try apair?"
body will repel the recipient of the jolt." As Dennis tle as 8watts. Looking at the other, larger speakers in
points out, AC voltage is far more likely to kill you the ESP line, the Concert Grand and the Harp, Isee "I thought you used Nordost
than is DC. they all have aspecified sensitivity of 96dB. Flatline."


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"That was before Istarted importing it changes the sound, just remove the
cables myself. Look. Do you want an- mat. And second, you only have to buy

other drink of Scotch or don't you? If it once.
you do, behave yourself"
BLACK LIGHT Three days into the show, Igot the news
Victor Tiscareno of Audio Prism is that the Blizzard of '96 was bearing "In my experience Ihave not heard
likewise amused by $15,000 speaker down on the East Coast. Fortunately, I
cables. He's the maker of the very fine had the presence of mind to call my air- any other loud speaker that re-creates
Audio Prism Debut power amplifier, line early and re-book aflight for Wed-
which Ihave been very remiss about nesday (the show ended on Monday). the `the live concert' effee as
reviewing. You may know him better as This left me with an extra day in Vegas,
the man who developed the CD Stop- after the show, with nothing to do. convincingly as the Sound Lab A-1"
light, the green marking pen for treating Fortunately, there were others in my
the edges of CDs, making them more situation, including Roy Hall. Together Newjersey Audio Societyjournal
immune to scattered laser light. with John Adams of Community Audio
That was six years ago. Now he's in- in Chestnut Hill, PA, we drove to Hoo- elogiffluieimr
vented alightweight CD mat, called the ver Dam, which is always ahoot. On the
CD Blacklight, expected to retail for way to the dam, we stopped at Lake
between $30 and $50. Victor wants you Mead.
to know that it is not your usual CD mat Roy wanted to walk alittle through
— which Ican verify. the marina, and it was such abeautiful
The CD Blacklight provides mechan- day, why not?
ical damping, which all mats do. It also We looked down from the pier into
destaticizes the disc because it has a the water of the manmade lake, where
framework with a conductive carbon hundreds of fish — largemouth bass? —
ink material. Static drains from the disc were begging for food.
to the metal spindle. Aside from the "I bet Icould catch one of those bug-
framework, this lightweight mat is made gers with my bare hands," Roy said,
of an opaque, green-colored vinyl- with acertain bravado.
like material (Victor won't say what it is). "What the hell are you going to do
Iheard aprototype of the mat at the with it if you catch it?"
show. As Iwrite, the final version is not "Cook it over an open fire. Iwas a
quite set, which is one reason the price Boy Scout."
isn't set, either. "In Scotland?"
Does the mat "work"? "Sure. It's not Russia."
Yes, and if my ears weren't totally "They had Young Pioneers there. My
shot after four days at the show, the mat wife was amember."
works in abig way. Idid not have to Roy bent over and put his hands into
strain to hear the improvement. Im- the water. Suddenly, Iheard aplop. At
proved definition, detail, dynamics, a first, Ithought that one of the fish had
more analog-like soundstage. To tell given Roy anasty bite on the hand. But
you the truth, Iwas dumbfounded and no — the plop was Roy's cellular phone A-1
begged Victor to give me amat on the falling from its precarious belt clip into Full Range
spot. But this was aprototype, so Istill the drink. Electrostatic
don't have one. "Damn," said Roy.

Incidentally, this mat — which Victor "Water's too deep to go diving after
expects to have in quantity by the time it. You can hardly see the bottom."
of HI-FI '96 —is "cumulative" with "Well, I'll have to get me anew cel-
other CD treatments, according to Vic- lular phone."
tor.4 You can still use CD Stoplight, pol- "Look. I'll tell people about your loss
ish your discs, use the Bedini Ultra
Clarifier, whatever. just use the mat, too.
Because the mat is lightweight and
in my column. They'll have sympathy
for you. Dealers will call and order extra ..YOUR
Creeks. You'll sell more Hunt EDA rec-
relatively thin (how thin is not yet deter- ord brushes and Ringmat mats."
mined), it should work with most play- "Oh, shut up!" said Roy, in his inim-
ers. This may be one of the best CD itable Glasgow brogue.
tweaks yet. And there are two great
things about the mat. First, as atweak,
it's reversible. If you don't like the way
"No, really, Iwill. If every vinyl lover
in America runs out and buys aRing-
mat, for instance, you'll more than pay
for your lost cellular phone."
4Iknow what Victor means about tweaks being cu- "You're not going to put this in your
mulative. The Krell KPS-20i CI) player bathes the column. You're nut ... %. LAB
Cl) in light from an array of green diodes. You would-
n't think the Cl) Stoplight would work further im- "Are you?" S 801 266-6999 801 266-8008 Fax
provement. Wrong!


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Consumer Electronics Show is but over at the next table where the "it sound[s] as good as the film in your
always fun: You see and hear all sounds the same, let's take the fun out local movie theater."
new stufC greet old friends, and of this stuffs' crowd was sitting comes Yes, as shown at Toshiba's display
occasionally meet the disenchanted. the hiss of aderisive airbrake ("tsssssss"). with aFaroudja line quadrupler, Runco
Since the 1996 Winter CES was my first The sound served only to fan the flames projector, and Stewart screen, all hand-
as aSterrophile writer, Iwas expecting under my already massive ego, which tweaked by Joe Kane literally by the
more feedback than I'd previously had just been greased and grilled to per- hour, it looked shockingly close to film.
received at shows, and Iwasn't disap- fection before my peers. But will more than afew limes readers
pointed. Despite an icy shoulder or two, spend the $75,000 or so to get that kind


most of it was positive, and some of it was of picture at home? No. So why the
flattering. But one reader Iran into was hyperbole? Franldy, rather than helping
genuinely pissed at me for "wasting most to successfully launch DVD, such talk
of an analog column" writing about... ALL YOU WANT, will only lead to mass disappointment,
digital! He was talking about the January even though DVD's picture — even on
issue's "Analog Corner," in which Iwrote OH DIGITAL SHILLS! your average motel television —will
about the Audio Alchemy DTI•Pro 32 look incredibly better than anything
and the major sonic improvements it pro- These guys don't give up. How are most of us have seen at home so far,
duced with CDs. He punctuated the they going to write about this new and including laserdisc.
reading of his analog riot act with "Hey, I vastly improved digital sound, when
don't even listen to CDsr they've been spouting "virtually perfect" A STELLAR LISTENING SESSION
That was also the column where I about 16-bit digital for over ten years? I've yet to attend one of Stereophik's
wrote, "You think I'm adiehard? There Dissing me with their airbrakes ain't mass listening sessions. Like you, I've
are still audiophiles who refuse to listen gonna do it, not when, as you will read only read about them, imagining the
to CDs, period." Ithink that slightly later, the guys who work in studios and scene: your favorite audio critic dweebs
derisive comment is what really set him mastering suites every day hear the very sitting stiffly on hardbacked chairs, eyes
off. So will this column, because it's also significant differences between their closed, grimaced faces frozen in serious
about digital — sort of— but Ihope all mike feeds and the recorders they use. sonic concentration as loudspeaker after
you analog devotees will peruse it any- Hiss and diss all you want, oh digital loudspeaker is paraded behind adark
way, along with the digital-only readers shills, you'll be eating your words for mystery scrim in adangerous game of
who usually cross the street when they breakfast, lunch, and dinner before high-stakes audio poker. Wow! The
reach the "Analog Corner." you'll be able to convince your gullible tension! The bad breath! The B.O.!
followers that there's something better Surely my opportunity to experience
DIGITAL VERSATILE DISC than perfection coming down the pike such audiophile thrills in the presence
Before Iget to what Iwanted to write on those high-density DVDs. of my peers will come to pass. [Keep this
about this month, Imust tell you about AAARGGHHHHHEImmi up, Freiner, and it most surely shalL — Ed]
an incident at the '96 WCES. Toshiba Actually, Iknow what their cop-out Meanwhile, imagine this scene:
sponsored a press dinner to launch will be: They'll ignore the possibility for crowded around the mixing board at
DVD. Probably ahundred journalists improved sound and concentrate on the Hollywood's Ocean Way, many an
were there, and Toshiba's Craig Eli:ers glories of the surround channels. This audiophile's favorite recording studio,
was talking up the new DVD format for will be agood thing if it can be done are (starring in alphabetical order) Bob
both video and audio. I'm paraphrasing without crapping up the two or three Clearmountain, Bernie Grundman,
now, but Eggers goes, "And while the channels in the front. But if adding extra George Massenburg, Doug Sax, Bill
new audio format has yet to be agreed channels does crap things up (as I've Schnee, and Ocean Way owner Allen
upon, even acommitted analog fanatic heard at all of the AC-3 demos I've Sides. Do any of these guys need an
who thinks vinyl sounds better than attended), they'll ignore that too! It's the introduction?
CDs, even Michael Fremer, will be nature of the beast. That's why David On the other side of the glass is a jazz
impressed with the sound of the new Elrich (with whom Ishared atable at combo which Sides has milted and
format." that dinner) wrote in the New York Times mixed through the console. The board's
So, much of the audience guffaws, in mid-January that DVD "look[s] and output is fed to four different recording


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44 W es?«myea).'h"tiwet Yi
" spa."
"Ah, that's the ticket! Man, there's noth-
ing like asoak in aJacuzzi to boil away
the cares of the week." BACKWARD LOOK AT THE
"Yeah, not bad. Actually, Iprefer the
steam room, it really relaxes me better 1996 W INTER CONSUMER
than just about anything."
"We'll hit that next. Too bad it's the masseuse's day off—
arubdown from lovely Helga would be just perfect." INTERJECTIONS FROM
"Yeah—bummer. But Larry Archibald'll be glad we didn't
run up too big atab here." ROBERT DEUTSCH, SHANNON
"Speaking of Larry, we've got another big Show overview
to overdo for Stereophile." DICKSON, JACK ENGLISH,
"I wish you hadn't brought that up. Iwas just starting to
relax. Well, I'm sure we'll figure it out. We saw so much M ICHAEL FREMER, LARRY
stuff, it'll probably come together pretty easily."
"I hope you're right..."
"It seems like only five days ago that we first got here." M USE KASTANOVICH, THOMAS J.
"We're in Las Vegas—time is irrelevant."
"I dug getting here aday early and checking out some of NORTON, W ES PHILLIPS,
the exhibits before the Show officially opened."
"The most interesting setup had to be the one we saw that ROBERT J. REINA, AND
day in the ProAc room."
"The Atlas Stands? Yeah, those were cool. Of course, you JONATHAN SCULL


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rial. Once we heard it in the Wadia room with the Pass "No contest! Speedy West and Jimmy Bryant's 'Blue
Labs Aleph 1amps and Wilson Audio WITT speakers Bonnet Rag'."
and Transparent cables, it definitely grew on Inc." "Absolutely. What aduo! Like Martin and Lewis... Lewis
"That was one of the setups that just lent his voice acred- and Clark..."
ible there-ness." "Brownell and Rosen ... "
"Who says they don't make big-band music like that any- "Laurel and Costello!"

"An amazing recording. The album title fits, too —
Stratosphere Boogie: The Flaming Guitars qt Speedy West &Jimmy
Bryatit.3Forty-two years old, mono of course, but it sounds so
clean and live, it's as if it was recorded yesterday."
"A large part of which has got to be thanks to that mas-
tering genius, Steve Hoffinan."
"Right. He's also the guy who makes those DCC reissues
sound so good."
"This is akiller. It's almost like they were there actually
playing in the room!"
"Well, some rooms more than others, natch. Speaking of
which, it was that tune that led Matthew Bond of TARA
Labs to say, 'You guys like live sound — try this CD we pro-
duced in conjunction with Jeffrey Weber.' How nice of him!
Can't wait to get home to give it aspin. Mr. Bond's room
was sounding really good, too, with those big Sound Lab
speakers connected up with his new RSC Decade cables and
Genesis's 835.000 Model 200s, driven by Audio Research Reference amplifica- "Speedy and Jimmy were great in so many rooms. Even
tion, sounded well-balanced and easily revealed the improvement to digital re-
though the Bassballs weren't hooked up in the Gallo
play wrought by the $1800 Genesis Time Lens RAM data buffer, thought JA.
Acoustics room, they weren't particularly missed. The
Nuclei speakers had plenty of low end this time around."
more? And I've got to give the folks at Wadia points for "And with the kind of imaging they get, who'd notice
making their gear upgradeable. The new versions of the anyway?"
2000 and 64.4 Decoding Computers can bring aseven- or "Oh, and how about the two Mesa/Platinum/
eight-year-old product right in line with their top of the line. Yarnamura rooms? Speedy'njimmy jammed damned well
I'll bet fear of obsolescence prevents alot of people from in those two."
buying big-dollar digital."
"The Good Doctor was making good medicine in both 3Stratosphere Boogie: lite Guitars qi Sperdy We &Jimmy liount, Razor & Tac
RE 2067 (1995).
the Cary and Polyfusion rooms as well."
"I know Cary had their CD-300 player and the AE SE-
811 amps, but what were those speakers?"
"The Focal distributor had 'em made to spec as a
showcase for his drive-units. They sparked awhole
lot of interest, but word is the designer,
Timothy Eames, who wishes to remain
anonymous, hated making them."
"Well, they made some good music.
He'll have to take his phone off the
"The all-Polyfusion system with
Thiel CS7s was sounding fine, too."
"Is it just me, or do sound
better than they used to? Iused to
find them alittle on the steely side."
"I don't know. They sure sounded
sweet everywhere we heard 'cm at this
"Speaking of sweetness, those big,
white monolithic speakers from the folks
at FM Acoustics sounded surprisingly light
—and Imean that in agood way —for such big,
gnarly boxes."
"Driven by their own electronics as well. Yeah, it was
almost as sweet as those liqueur-filled chocolates they gave
us, that you kinda spilt on your lapel."
"I was concentrating on the music." The rooms shared by Mesa Boogie, Platinum, and Yamamura featured occa-
"We did have some really cool demo cuts this Show." sional bursts of live music. Frank Doris, once with the The Abso!ute Sound. now
"And the most bitchenest one ... ?" with aPR agency. explores his Stratocaster roots courtesy of Mesa Boogie,


M ICHAEL FREMER As usual, more traditional T&A
ice antiques!" No, that's not were also at the Sahara, and if half as
what the joined-at-the-hip many people showing half as much
duo of Rick Rosen and excitement queued up for hi-fi as stood
Lonnie Brownell said when they on line panting and drooling waiting
bumped into me buck-naked at the for an escalator ride to the porno
Golden Nugget's health spa, where I'd exhibits, you'd probably need areserva-
just schvitzed off the previous evening's tion to patronize your favorite audio
deep-frieds by doing three miles on the dealer instead of having reservations
treadmill. The comment came from about paying avisit.
the voyeur/developer at my local one- "Take acold shower! Get alife!" I
hour photo joint, who figured the yelled, elbowing my way through the
three rolls of high-end tube amps and vacant-faced crowd on my way to the
turntables had been shot at the King Tut room, where Classic
Smithsonian. When Itold him he'd Records was holding apress confer-
eavesdropped on portraits of new stuff, ence at which legendary RCA Living
he thought Iwas kidding. Stereo producer John "Jack" Pfeiffer
There arc two lessons in this: One, if was scheduled to speak. [See "Industry
you want to keep your privates private, Update"— Ed.]
use aPolaroid. Two, if this industry Istart with software because soft-
doesn't do something to increase its vis- ware is what drives hardware, not the
ibility, it'll end up in the Smithsonian. other way around. If there's nothing to
Speaking of visibility: When Dean play, people won't buy the equipment. Wilson Benesch products, including their intrigu-
Martin died, they showed clips of his The vinyl drought in the early '90s ing Act Iloudspeaker, are now distributed in the
US by Pro Audio.
'60s TV show; did anyone notice that almost killed the production of new
the set behind him was always dressed analog gear, but now look: Turntable
with high-end gear? In the frame with sales rose 27% in October '95 corn- with Zoo Entertainment and Razor
Dino Ispotted aMcIntosh preamp and and Tie Records will bring vinyl fans
(I think) a Roberts open-reel, Dar Williams's fabulous Honesty.
and maybe aMaranta 7C. Room, two Graham Parker

Actually, the High titles, and much more.
End did do something NALOG IS ALIVE ANI) WELL IN 1996. Classic also handed
at the '96 WCES to out samples of already-
increase its visibility: bet- issued tides pressed on a
ter-established companies, and new vinyl formulation from
some that might be said to have "out- pressing plant RTI Records, which,
grown" the term "high-end"— like pared to the previous year, according to while not earthshakingly better than
B&W, NAD, PSB, NHT, C,elestion, the EIA's Consumer Electronics the already fine original vinyl, does
Krell, Wilson, KEF, McIntosh, and Manufacturer's Association (CEMA). I offer a greater sense of quiet, better
Parasound— mounted afull-scale inva- wonder who shamed EIA into gather- low-level resolution, and smoother
sion of the giant Convention Center, ing and reporting turntable statistics? highs. Classic is offering an "upgrade"
laying claim to some of that rich Home Could it have been... Satan?! program for purchasers of tides pressed
Theater real estate. These companies The software news was good in on the original vinyl formulation who
haven't "sold out"; instead, they've 1995 and, with afew exceptions, it want the new plastic. For the truly
reached out to aconstituency that didn't looks like it will be even better this obsessed, Classic will also offer alimit-
even know such quality existed. In my year: In addition to issuing 10 new ed-edition series of 45rpm "one-step"
opinion, their motivation is "back- Living Stereo classical titles, Classic records. The company has also gone
wards-compatible" with the goals of the Records will issue jazz tides from the big-time into the gold CD market.
tweakiest, two-channel-analog-loving- RCA and Columbia/Epic catalogs, There was even more new vinyl at
est audiophile geeks. Exposing the including "must haves" like Mingus's the Show from Mobile Fidelity
masses to the High End, be it audio or Tijuana Moods and Ah-Um, and Sonny (among the titles coming this year:
audio/video, helps everyone. Rollins's Our Man in Jazz, Sonny Meets Nirvana's Nevermind, Sonic Youth's Goo,
Give die tweaky high-enders re- Hawk, and Now's the Time. There'll also more Cat Stevens and Moody Blues,
maining at the Sahara credit for having be issues from Kenny Burrell, Ben Alexis Korner, BS&'T, Toto, and
the courage of their convictions: The Webster, Paul Desmond, Coleman Boston), DCC (Fresh Cream, same line-
dramatic statement "We're not Home Hawkins, Charlie Rouse, Duke up as the gold CD, with eight tracks per
Theater!" was delivered, complete with Ellington (the outstanding Jazz Party in side; Elton John's Greatest Hits Volume 2,
exclamation point, all over the T&A- Stereo), and other jazz greats. anew Stokowski 35mm Everest, and
saturated bi-level complex (though On the pop side, Classic announced others), Acoustic Sounds, Cisco
there was Home Theater there too). more Belafonte, and long-time audio- (Super Analogue Decca issues), and
"T&A" as in tubes and analog. Amajor- phile favorite Chet Atkins in Hollywood many others.
ity of the exhibits in the Sahara bi-level (available in both "guitar" and "stacked While there was some news on the
were tube-driven. That's truly amazing. blonde" covers). Classic's association analog hardware front, much of it was


in the add-on phono preamp depart- bly missed afew, but the point is, many One Crown Jewel ($3000, imported
ment, which tells me that many high- manufacturers believe that, with the by Sounds of Silence, Nashua, NH), I
end companies are betting on their resurgence of analog, there is ahealthy encountered only the usual cast of
digital customers taking the analog market for high-quality, stand-alone cantilevered characters from Clearau-
plunge this year — a good sign. phono stages. dio, AudioQuest, Lyra, Benz, Rok-
Sutherland, one of the few compa- Despite analog's big comeback, san, Transfiguration, Cardas, and
nies showing really high-end solid- turntable and arm manufacturers were van den Hul, which has anew US
state in the bi-level, announced the in very short supply. MIA: SOTA, distributor, Stanalog Audio Imports.
"instrument-grade" PH2000 phono Rockport, Immedia, Linn, Eminent
section ($6800), but didn't actually Technology, Wheaton, Oracle (are they
show it. New Zealand's Plinius still in business?), and Rega, who no
Electronics, distributed Stateside by longer have an American distributor.
Fanfare, also introduced a massive- While many exhibitors used VP!
looking, solid-state phono section. TNT turntables (with VPI's new
Over in the Alexandria Towers, Jeff $2300 JMW Memorial arm), VPI
Rowland Design Group had anew wasn't officially at the Show, due to
phono section usable only with their the tragic death last spring of Harry
preamp (it shares the power supply), and Sheila Weisfeld's son Jonathan.
while Ayre Acoustics was showing its On hand were Wilson Benesch
new Deco-looking, full-function, solid- with its ACT 1and ACT 2tonearms Ayre's K- lprototype preamplifier.
state preamplifier, which has an elabo- and turntables; Clearaudio with its
rate-looking phono board. Taking acue soon-to-be-introduced $10,000 Refer- Finally, Isaw some neat accessories,
from the video world's "flying pre- ence turntable (shown with Clear- including a$200 battery-powered de-
amp," Clearaudio introduced the tiny audio/ Souther arm); Forsell, which magnetizer from Musical Sur-
$1500 AMC (active moving-coil) had astatic display of both its Airforce roundings (distributor of Benz,
phono stage for its MC cartridges; it fits Reference 'table and anew Forsell Basic Graham, and Basis), which is said to be
between the cartridge body and the Reference 'table ($6900), which features more powerful than the one
headshell. Wilson Benesch showed a two-plinth design, electronic speed AudioQuest distributed a few years
the Stage One RIAA headamp (60dB control, and a pivoted, oil-damped ago, and which includes the "ramp-up
or 70dB of gain, $1500), which, while unipivot arm; Basis (with Graham 1.5t and ramp-down" feature of the Audio
not as diminutive as the Clearaudio, is arm, both distributed by Musical Physic unit. Also distributed by Musical
small enough to fit under the plinth of Surroundings; Bob Gra-ham' also Surroundings, a new line of record-
the Wilson Benesch turntable. introduced a"basic" version of his arm cleaning fluids from Record Research
Tubed phono sections on display for around $2000); Roksan, which Lab. A pair of record-cleaning and
included Cary's PH 301 (43dB MM/ demoed the Xerxes X 'table, Artemiz "restructuring" fluids, called Kymyas
59dB MC, user-adjustable loading), arm, and Shiraz MC cartridge; Kuzma from Bluenote of Florence, Italy, was
AudioPrism's Mantissa, Conrad- (the Reference 'table and arm); on display at the Show.
Johnson's top-of-the-line Premier 15 Townshend Audio (Rock Reference Even though all of these analog
with modified Rega 1113300 arm); and manufacturers and distributors com-
Thorens, which showed acomplete pete with one another, it would have
line of'tables, induding the spe- been in their best interests to chip in
cial-order $17,000 Prestige. and set up one or two rooms filled
MPR from Italy demoed with their analog gear: turntables, car-
its CM1 unipivot arm, tridges, accessories — maybe even
while Unison Research phono stages and records — to make a
showed the Nottinghamn concentrated statement that Analog is
arm and 'table. No one Alive and Well in 1996. But don't look
in the mom knew how for that to happen anytime soon.
much the combo sold fat Duh! Award: To Pacific Micro-
but someone volunteered, sonics for not making a concerted
"I bet it's not cheap!" I'm sure! effort to be seen and heard in this year
With the exception of of DVD. Ibrought aEuropean Jimi
Wilson Benesch's new line of car- Hendrix HDCD* compilation to the
No fan of tiny digital discs, Michael Fremer tells bon-fiber-reinforced cartridges — the Show — arecording that would make
the crowd at the Stereophile party exactly how big Carbon One (0.58mV, $2800), Hybrid an HDCD believer out of the most
he feels ahigh-end playback medium should be. (1.89 or 0.58mV, $1700), and Matrix cynical audiophile —only to find vir-
($1100) — a new high-output Glider tually no HDCD players. What
($4000), Unison Research's Simply cartridge from Benz, and the Shelter Classic Records did with analog last
Phono (52dB gain), Audio Research's year, saturating moms with records and
1Bob Graham introduced aline of 'custom" aun-
PH-3 (under review), the MPR 7K board/1.5t arm combinations whirls allow more rigid displays, is what Pacific Microsonics
(40dB and, like the Unison, made in mounting and damping oldie arm to the board. These should have done this year with play-
are retrofit-table to existing arms. Graham showed a
Italy), and N.E.W:s battery-powered board for the Linn LP12. Soon to follow: boards for ers, software, and their logo. They didn't
DCLP 55 (72dB gain, $2998). Iproba- TNT and Basis turntables. —Michael Fremer


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"Yeah, well, you'd sort of expect an electric-guitar duo to
feel at home in aroom where the Baron amplifier was made
by agiant of the guitar-amp world ... "
"... and where they decorated the place with actual guitarsr
"True. The Platinum Reference One speakers, in both
rooms, connected to the 5000 cables..."
were anywhere near that many!"
"No, no, the Yamamura Millennium 5000 cables!
Anyway, as Iwas saying, the sound was incredibly detailed,
but not in afatiguing way, and rich, you know?
"Yeah — surprising how much bass came out of those lit-
tle speakers when they played that Dead Can Dance cut."
"Well, Platinum's Phil Jones is abass player."
"He was familiar with the Speedy'n'Jimmy record, too.
'Oh yeah, Leo Fender's test pilots!' he said. The man defi-
1141196, NEW YORK CITY
nitely knows his guitar music. Impressive."
Familiar name; new job. Erstwhile Stereophile writer Kristen Weitz now works
"You know who else really dug Speedy and Jimmy? Clark
for HI-Fl 96.
Johnsen. Who knew it 'Wood Effect' him like that?
Remember meeting up with him in the Diapason room?" "True. And how about that short-it-out test Ron did? I
"But of course. 'Best Software of the Show!' he said. It can hear him now, saying, 'These are the only amps I
didn't hurt that he got to hear it thru those cool Diapason brought with me, so if the protection circuit doesn't work,
Adamantes. And our hosts followed with some Hendrix, it's gonna be pretty quiet in here for the rest of the Show!' "
making it atotally cool guitar experience." "Of course, it worked as planned."
"Nice of Clark to give us that autographed copy of his "Of course."
Wood Lea book, too ... but only one copy." "I'm glad you turned me on to Cachao's Master Sessions.4
"Yeah, like us, it was aone-for-two deal." Those are some really nice recordings."
"You had to know that S8cJ would be welcomed in a "And some consummate players. It's amazing that this
guy basically invented Mambo, was the precursor to Prez
Prado and Tito Puente, and yet he hasn't been known out-
side Cuba 'til now."
"The bowed bass and all that percussion came across great
on the big Acarian Alón Poseidons. They went loud and
did it proud."
"No shortage of power from the slew of VTL
amplification, which took up just about a whole

"Man, when I saw the Nova Evolution

Reference speakers, Ithought 'I have to hear
something that KICKS on these!'"
"And Southern Culture on the Skids' Dirt
Track Dates was the natural choice. Idon't
know how many people who end up buying
these $22k, 600-lb speakers are going to be
playing SCOTS on them, but they should.
And they should have abigger room, too."
"That is just afine record. I've rarely heard a
rock'n'roll drum so simply and palpably rendered
by any recording."
"I noticed in the Hales/Ayre/Cardas room, with
the Hales Concept Five speakers and Ayre V-3 amp and
K-1 preamp prototype, that Rick Miller's voice was just right,
you know?"
"Yeah, Ido know. And his guitar solos... so tasteful and
The sartorial joys of 3-D glasses: Robert Deutsch (left) and Lonnie "I always think we should take some vinyl demo pieces
Brownell (right) enjoy the PopeMusic presentation on "Dynamic Fidelity." along —Dirt Track Date is even better on LP—but records
are so bulky."
room where they were playing Tennessee Ernie Ford! Ron "Not to mention delicate. If you don't do some serious
and Haei-Chi Sutherland's C-2000 preamp and A-2000 damage from playing an LP abunch of times over acouple of
power amps were sounding even better than Iremember days, you could easily mess it up just by toting it around."
from the LA Show. And you have to love someone who uses
aSony multidisc player with all that expensive equipment!" 4 Cachao, Master Sessions Plume I(1994) and Mager Sessions Plume //, Crescent
Moon/Epic EK 67319 (1995).
"But not anormal Sony — remember, Ron's heavily mod- 5Southern Culture on the Skids, Din Track Ilan Geffen DGC1)-24821 (CL)),
ified it." Telstar TR020 (LP) (1995).


"And, as it turned out, most rooms with LP playback setups "The Paragon room was another vinyl enclave where
had aselection of vinyl that included something of interest." the Classic Time Out was played, on the Paragon Jubilee/
"And alot of the same things, too. We heard the Classic Jem speakers, wired up with Cardas Golden Cross cable
Records reissue of Brubeck's Time Out in more than afew and interconnects, with aMuse Model 160 amp and Model
rooms. Classic Audio's, Prinstance." 2DAC, and Rowland Consonance preamp."
"Isn't that fitting? Classic Records for Classic Audio?" "Jubilee/Jem?"
"Why... yes it is! Even more so when you consider that "Yeah. It's the Jubilee up top, with the Jem — or Jubilee
Classic Audio makes reproductions of classic speakers, such Extension Module — down below for the basser instincts."
as the Hartsfields we heard — amuch revered corner-horn "We also heard that Brubeck album in the Vaic room."
design — alot of the originals of which probably played the "And the Classic reissue of Sonny Rollins' The Bridge. It's
original issue of Time Out." definitely one of the all-time great jazz albums."

ONATHAN SCULL noise. (Not quite so wacky as it sounds room. While we waited for the IBM

rgot the assignment fax ashort time —when Icover atube under test with compatible to boot, Iflipped through
before Kathleen and I left for my hand in the George Kaye Audio Vol.1 of the Gold Aero Tube Library—
CES: "We'd like you to cover cut- Labs tester, Ican easily hear the noise The Tube Complement and Substitution
ting edge, Jonathan — spin it any way floor drop several dB.) By controlling Guide, 1950-1995 (a $49.95 must-have
you'd like ... " Fantastic — there are the frequency of the light that does strike for tube mavens.) Griff showed off
always statement-product gems to be his cables, Jim controls the reaction. several features of the unit's software
found in crapulous Las Vegas. Once I'd retrieved my eyebrows from side, including automated testing and
Kathleen twinged on Friday morn- the ceiling, Jim bade us sit and listen. matching routines, transfer curve-fit
ing as Imade tracks to the bubble- (Always agood strategy, no?) With the functions, spectrum analysis, and dis-
breasted Triple-X exhibits. I hastily light on, the sound was fuller —more tortion and noise tests. There's astor-
explained that no one in the atavistic age/database function, of course, and
hothouse that is the porno full printing capabilities. At a
industry has any interest projected price of $2500,


whatsoever in the the tester requires
hard-to-find CES only alowly 386 or


Official Directory, above, afree serial
so that's where I port, and an inex-


always go first pensive Sound-
thing to pick one Blaster card. The
up. Windows interface is
We stopped to see easy to use, and the tester
Gentleman Jim Aud in the can measure all low-level and
Purist Audio room, showing his new most power tubes. (It won't do so-
Radiant Optics cable enhancement on harmonic —more extended and clear, called "bright emitters" like the 845,
some sexy-looking Italian gear he's and definitely less grainy than with the which needs a2000V power supply.
importing called MTD. This disco- light switched off. The soundstage also Oh, well, they say you can't have every-
friendly, glow-in-the-dark cable seemed to benefit —it became bigger thing.)
upgrade comes complete with its own and more airy when the cables were lit Cutting the edge horn-wise, we lis-
light source —plus afan to keep things up. Kathleen felt the sound was quieter tened to the German Avantgarde
cool. Jim's premise is that all cables are with the lights on, "a little more like Acoustic Lautsprechersysteme in two
photo-active; simply put, light equals balanced cable." Exactly. The Radiant rooms. We heard the Profile Trio
Optics option costs Compact (crossover and four sub-
$700 for standard woofers, $33,995) on Audio Note
lengths on their Co- electronics —P3/DAC3/M2 preamp
lossus, Proteus, and —in their mom (not bad sound, but not
Dominus cables. great), and the Profile Duos (crossover
Remaining in an and two subwoofers, $15,995) on a
esoteric state of Kegon/DAC4 Signature/Burmester
mind, we dropped transport/M7 preamp in Audio Note's
in on Griff Hopkins own room. (Audio Note USA is
of Primus Tech- importing the Avantgarde speaker line.)
nology Group — We came away distinctly under-
(770) 513-2792. He whelmed, but Iexplained to Kathleen
was demonstrating that room considerations might be the
Elysium Engin- problem. Driving the point home, we
eering's computer- caught aglimpse of the musical magic
controlled tube test- we normally hear in our own system
er in (appropriately from the Jadis Eurythmic hybrid horn
enough) Frank Mor- speakers ($37,000) in importer Frank
Adventures in style #I: the Matisse amplifier. ris's Gold Aero Garbie's Northstar Leading The Way


"Vaic... they were the ones with the big pantry amps, "Classic Records everywhere you turned ... too bad we
right?" missed their press conference."
"lise what?" "Yeah. Ireally wanted to go, too, but we got kinda
"You know, their VV 52B amps, the ones that had five wrapped up in doing the mad Show dash."
big, squarish canisters, like you'd use for coffee, flour, su- "Well, ywe'd been there, they'd have told us that they're
gar ... " using anew, quieter mix o'vinyl, and that they're going to start
"Oh yeah! Those were pretty amazing. And those Vaic aseries of special-release 45rpm versions of selected tides."
tubes, also called VV 5213, look mighty serious as well. It's "How'd you figure that out?"
comforting to know that there are people out there trying to "I have my ways. That 45rpm thing — they're only going
build better tubes, 'cause the world's supply of NOS tubes to make asingle stamper in aone-step plating process, so
won't last forever." they'll make only as many 45s as they can with it until it

setup, driven by an all-Jadis front-end sion," and an

consisting of the four-chassis JP 200 unusual cathode-
preamp, aJI Drive/JS1 Symmetrical follower circuit
Converter, and the lovely new Jadis on the input as
SE300B amps suavely aglow with those well as the output
fabulous-sounding Western Electric stage.
tubes. Iwas knocked
More amps cutting the edge includ- flat as apancake
ed Audio Matiere's $33,000 Ultima (or should Isay a
monoblocks, imported by Ron crêpe?) by Luke
Hedrich at Mango Audio Labs — Manley's VTL
(847) 674-1265. These stunning amps, Wotan MB-1250
designed by Jean-Jacques Van Leeu- Signature mono-
wen, sounded terrific on Audio blocks — switch-
Physic Virgos with AM's new top- able from tetrode
loader CD transport (the Dialogue) to 600Wpc of
and tubed DAC (the Arpege). The pure glorious tri-
Adventures in style #3: the Audio Madère Ultima amplifier.
60W single-ended triode monos com- ode power! Egads,
bine a211 with an 813 in an unusual these monsters
triode/pentode topology. should sound fabulous on the Avalon available on all three YBA players, and
Another amp sliding along the cut- Ascents. Each amp has 24 power tubes existing units can be easily upgraded.
and three trans- Using the CD 1, their integrated
formers — not amplifier, and the small Sonata speak-
sourced from ers, Yves-Bernard and Ariane were
Papa David, Luke making truly beautiful music.
carefully pointed Another fine-sounding room was
out —and weighs tended by Battery Man Mitch Fried-
150 lbs. Ikeptjot- man and his 100% DC-powered digi-
ting "Wow!" in tal and analog N.E.W. electronics.
my notes as we Modestly priced and certainly cutting-
listened to Lou edge, his all-battery rig was impressive
Reed's Magic and on the Von Schweikert Research
Loss on the Acar- VR-4s, especially with Brian Tucker's
ian Alón V/Dis- Wilson Benesch turntable and car-
covery Cable bon-fiber arm fitted with their new
setup. Hybrid cartridge. Mitch also intro-
Dizzy from duced the DCDA 55 20-bit converter
the experience, and the DCLP .55 six-tube fully
Adventures in style #2: the Unison Research Dream preamplifier. we stumbled out adjustable phono stage. No sight of the
into the hallway Energizer bunny, however...
tang edge hailed from venerable Audio and bumped into LA, who suggested When thinking cutting-edge audio
Research — the $30,000 Reference we visit Yl3A toute suite to hear their opulence, the mind naturally turns to
600. "They'll put out 600W on agood new blue-laser CD player. Mais oui, Italy's Unison Research. We stopped
day using 6550s and all-tube regula- Law-ee! Yves-Bernard André, this trip in to chat with Dottore Alberto
tion," explained ARC's Mike Harvey. It accompanied by his épouse Ariane Ambrosino. Itried to act nonchalant
was driven by their interesting new Morin, explained the concept to us: and avoid drooling all over their Dream
$8500 Reference 1preamp, featuring "An additional blue-laser diode applied preamp. Idon't think Isucceeded. The
momentary-contact, spring-loaded vol- correctly will allow more information dual-mono 14-tube chassis (including,
ume and balance controls. Among to pass through the system with less mercifully, aphono stage) was, accord-
other goodies, the preamp sports sepa- reliance on the error-correction algo- ing to aspec sheet, "designed to meet
rate transformers for high and low "ten- rithm." But of course! The laser bleu is the 'jamais contente' audiophile." I'll say


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wears out. Could be 10, could be ahundred." find that it was really Willie Nelson?"
"Well, if they do arun that's ten or less, Iwant to buy all "That had me going! Ithought, 'Gee, something really
ten!" strange about this room and system to do that.' It cracked me
"Start saving up — they won't be cheap." up when it turned out to be Neil's Old Ways album; that
'And Ican't believe they're going to be issuing CDs now!" really was both Neil and Willie, switching vocals in aduet
"Strange but true." at just the right time."
"But back to vinyl. We can always count on the Mobile "Sean Britton from MoFi got akick out that. Ilike that
Fidelity room to supply us with an LP fix." guy."
"Wasn't that weird when we were hanging in the back of "I got akick out of hearing The Fantasy Film World of
their room and heard what sounded like Neil Young Bernard Herrmann LP there..."
singing, so we went forward to listen more closely, only to "And the MF reissue of one of my favorite albums, REM's's simply gorgeous. The chassis is or 16 ohms using four 813 power stay-that-way category was the
finished in Italian Nut (no jokes, tubes.' It still looks like afurnace. In Accuphase PS-500 Clean Power
please) with aleather fascia, and ceram- fact —I thought he was kidding when Supply at $6k the pop. That's gotta be
ic shells covering the tubes. The pre- he told me this — there's a special the most expensive power conditioner
amp sports fully discrete circuitry in all energy-saving (for your house!) com- on the marker, I'll be happy to report
stages (biased with alithium battery), puterized duct system available for in-
input selection by nitrogen-filled relays wall eye-level installation!
with gold-plated contacts, and all con- From the gargantuan to the petite:
nections are made with high-purity sil- Acarian Alón's $10k Adriana state-
ver cable. "Circuits are of the fully- ment minimonitors are beautifully fin-
floating type and supported on ceramic ished in solid cherry with apiano-poly
blocks to prevent valve microphony. lacquer. This attractive 2.5-way design
The unit is provided with an indepen- features all-cobalt drivers with the same
dent clacs-A amplifier for the head- dipole tweeters as in the big Phalanx
design and two bipolar 5" bass-mid-
range units front and rear (the rear
Clean power —at aprice. Accuphase's $5995
crossed to play the bass range PS-500 Clean Power Supply.
only) in atri-wired, twin-re-
flex design. They sounded the results when it arrives.
great, but Iwas schvitzing Winding up, let me mention the
so bad from the VTL- impressive sound Emmanuel Go man-
induced heatwave I aged with his new Presence Audio
couldn't stay long. A Paramount tubed line-stage preamp, a
BIG meaty sound $5700 contender if Iever heard one. It
from diminutive delivered an enormous and detailed
speakers. soundstage through apair of Speaker
The Suther- Art Clef speakers which cost —get this
land pair — Huei- —only $1195. Truly amazing. Another
Chi and Ron —intro-
duced their "Instrument
Grade" A-2000 power
amplifier ($10k/pair), C-
2000 preamp ($8000), and PH-
2000 phono preamp ($6800) at the
Adventures in style #4: the WAVAC 300B ampli- Show. The music was extra-sweet,
fier. clean, and extended through apair of
Wilson WATT/Puppies. The Suth-
phone section." Sure, headphones ... of erlands made better sound than I've
600W of triode tube power: the manly Wotan
course. It'll cost somewhere in the ever heard from them before —taste MB-1250 amplifier from VTL
$18-$20k range, according to Am- and style personified. Also up there in
brosino: "A human and honest price, the beautifully-made-and-priced-to- modestly priced rig that knocked us out
not an exaggerated one." was to be found in the Sutniko room.
1Every time Isee these massively over-constructed
Dr. Peter Forsell had lots of new tubed behemoths, Iflash on Judge Reinhold selling John Hunter played us the simply un-
lower-cost air-bearing products, in- hi-fi in Ruthless People: "And when you die, they can believably fine Vienna Acoustics
bury you in these!" Or at least in their packing crates.
cluding amid-range turntable, trans- Ican't make fun of their performance, however. Mozart speakers, $2500/ pair, driven by
port, DAC, and a150W amp with the Paired with ESP Harp speakers, they had me glued to an Audio Research CD1, an LS22
amusing name of The Understate- the sweet spot for a I-o-n-g lime. Designer John preamp, and the new D130 solid-state
McCormack /oves music, and his enthusiasm was con-
ment! Rainbow Electronics — (916) tagious as we traded favorite cuts back and forth. As amp. The sound was just incredible:
334-7277 — was back with their one would expect, you can crank the &jaw out of huge and musical. If this is the way
those puppies —and barely budge the meters, I
Shoreline 800 amp, $100k/pair in- might add. Iwas stunned by how liquid and fast the audio is going, bless us all — we're in for
stalled, 350 lbs each, 800W into 4, 8, midrange and highs sounded. —WP some great times! —Jonathan Senn


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contacts, all tube gain, and everything can be controlled via about 1900 bucks. And the sound was outstanding."
remote. Very sexy." "And loud."
"Makes a nice match with the Reference 600 mono- "Hell, it even comes with an MM phono input! For
blocks, which aren't exactly say, but which are to lust after." under $2k, you can't go wrong, from the way 'Voodoo
"Sigh...all that ARC gear, with Genesis 200s7 and Cadillac' came across. In fact, wasn't that the same cut we
Model 7surrounds ... beautiful." played in the JoLida room? Quite an array of attractive lit-
"I was happy to see some mighty tasty affordable stuff at tle integratedsJoLida has in the $500-to-$1000 range."
the Show, too, like the Minium system from Micromega." "Now any life can be enriched by the glow of tubes. And
"Definitely. Cl) player, integrated amp, and speakers, for that's agood thing."
"You bet. Their SJ202A-based system with the little
7The Audio Reward: room was my Best Sound at the Show: to these ears, the Alón Petites was positively foot-tappin', and that system was
finest desigps wrought to date by William Zane Johnson and Arnold Nudell. Isat
through an entire side of Ban Barroom, and Hatp, mouth agape. as if hearing the under two grand as well!"
recording fie the first tinte. —RJR (Reina) "There you have it. The Micromega system is solid-state,

face-mounted, even the DSP chips, the transport sells for $5900 with silver as tangible as that from afive-speaker
Burr-Brown PCM1702 DACs, and the trim, $7900 with gold trim. The setup —all from the two closely spaced
output op-amps. A software-driven processor will set you back $3900 in front loudspeakers. Moving toward
volume control adjusts the output level silver and $5900 in gold. (Yes, you get and away from the two loudspeakers in
by remote control, allowing the 27 to real gold for the extra 2000 bucks.) astraight line didn't interrupt the illu-
drive a power amplifier directly. Classé showed the companion sion, but moving laterally caused the
Suggested retail price is $8450. transport to their terrific-sounding huge soundfield to collapse.
Owners of Wadia's 2000 and 64.4 DAC-1 digital processor. The 82495 Dr. Toole explained to me in detail
Decoding Computers can upgrade CDT-1 =upon features ahefty power how the system worked (which Ican't
their units to Wadia's latest technology, supply, elegant chassis,l"-thick front go into in aShow report), but suffice it
including remote-controlled opera- panel, and acustom-machined remote to say its development required knowl-
tion. The 2000 upgrade costs $3690; control. Classé also announced aprice edge about how the ear/brain localizes
the 64.4 upgrade costs $4490. The fac- increase across their line, including a sound, along with powerful digital sig-
tory modifications also begin a new $500 jump for their DAC-1 processor nal processing.
five-year warranty period. ($3495 to $3995). Timbre Technologies joined the
Swiss manufacturer Ensemble con- Ihad a fortunate and unexpected anti-jitter brigade with their Timbre
sistently produces superb sound at encounter with Floyd Toole in the Interstage Processor (TIP). The $895
shows, and this event was no exception. Infinity/JBL display reclocking device report-
Ensemble's Dichrono Drive and
Dichrono DAC at the front end of an
all-Ensemble chain (including loud-
speakers and cables) produced awon-
derfully musical and inviting
sound. The Dichrono Drive uses
aTEAC mechanism floating on
adual-isolation suspension.
If you've lusted after the
highly acclaimed Accuphase
DP-75 CD player but couldn't
pop for the $9995, you'll be interest-
ed in their new $3995 DP-55. The Audio Alchemy's DDS Pro transport.
DP-55 has similar circuitry to that in
the DP-75, but uses just three DACs over at the edly works
per channel. However, you get the main convention exhibit well with Timbre's new
same transport mechanism, lavish area. Dr. Toole mentioned casually that $3495 TT-2 CD transport. Poly-
build quality, and gorgeous cosmetics. Harman were working on asystem fusion Audio has redesigned their
In asimilar vein, Forsell introduced that would produce five-channel sur- processors to include the Pacific
a more affordable version of their round-sound from just two loudspeak- Microsonics PDM100 HDCD de-
acclaimed Air Reference CD transport ers. Noticing the quizzical look on my coder/filter. The new Model 905 sells
and Air Reference D/A converter. The face, Dr. Toole had me stand at aprecise for $4250, and the 805 costs $3250.
new Air series (which lacks the spot in front of asmall video monitor The non-HDCD versions of these
"Reference" designation) includes the that was flanked by two tiny loudspeak- processors, the Model 900 and Model
Air Silver and Air Gold transports and ers no more than 12" apart. Seconds 800, are still in the Polyfusion Audio
processors. The new units have agor- after aclip from asurround-encoded line. Finally, Valve Amplification
geous, high-gloss finish and gold or sil- laserdisc started, Iwas swinging my Company (VAC) showed production
ver trim. Forsell has adapted their air- head around looking for the additional models of their 20-series transport and
bearing technology to the Philips loudspeakers —which didn't exist, of processor, first shown in prototype
CDM-12 transport mechanism for this course. form at the 1995 Chicago CES.
lower-priced or Forsell) series. The The impression of rear sources was —Robert Harley




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the JoLida is tubes. Take and Jeff Joseph's cur-
your pick." rent fave record, The Rentals'
"For these prices, you Friends of P. The RM-50si
could get both!" speakers sounded better than
"On the subject of afford- we've heard 'em at other
ability, it was great to finally Shows. He worked really
hear the Sonic Frontiers hard to get that pinpoint
Anthem integrated, too." imaging. I'd love to hear them
"In ahighly unlikely pair- in abig, expensive room."
ing with the B&W Silver "He was using Audio
Signature monitors." Research gear, right?"
"It was swell of Sonic's "Yep, and Cardas cables
Chris and Chris to keep their with Bright Star Audio
room open after closing vibe control."
hours to let us check it out, "All that sand. Probably
too." why Brian Wilson was so at
"Nice guys. Canadians, home there."
you know." "Speaking of Audio
"I can hardly wait to lay Research and Brian Wilson,
ears on the new Krell ICAV- Orange Crate Art was rather
300i 150W integrated." melodious on the ProAc
"Everybody's getting into Tablette Signatures, as well."
the more-bang-for-the-buck "Amazing how those tiny
act! For $2350, it's sure to things and the simplest of
appeal to alot of folks who setups could sound so damn
dream of owning Krell, but good. 10 Where did all that
thought they'd have to mort- bass come from?"
gage their firstborn to do it." "Those little fellers just, I
"It's a trend I can get You want s"ngle-ended? You want push-pull? David Manley offers both in his don't know .... bloomed music.
behind. It might match up SE/PP 30 monoblock.And nice tie. David.You're obviously well-connected! It was cool, just hangin' with
well with those new $600/ Bob Reina and spinning CDs
pair AE109 tower speakers from another company from at the end of along Show. Our emcee, George Stanwick of
whom you'd expect to see only expensive stuff, Acoustic Stanalog Audio Imports, appeared to be diggin' it."
Energy." "It's agood thing, too, after ProAc's Richard Gerberg tried
"I don't see why not. They sounded righteous with the to lock us out. Analog George went above and beyond the
all-Audio Alchemy front-end they were playing through call when he re-cabled the system so we could have right-
'cm." channel-only mono."
"The N.E.W. guys had aBIG room, with those Von "It was worth it to experience the acappella 'Wouldn't It
Schweikert Research V11-4s powered by —of course — Be Nice' from that primitive stereo version you had."H
N.E.W.'s all-battery-powered DCA 66 solid-state amp,
DCP 33 tube preamp, DCLP 55 phono preamp, and
DCDA 55 DAC. Fortunately, N.E.W.'s Mitch Friedman
was as ready to cut loose at the end of along day as we
"Nothing like an impromptu rock'n'roll record party.
That 'Camel Walk' song by SCOTS slays me!"
"I noticed — every time Rick Miller howled, you
howled along with him."
"It's the natural thing to do. It was great, too, how
Mitch would saunter over to the rack and torque the vol-
ume control up just alittle more every now and then."
"Absolutely. That SCOTS album has that `in-a-small-
club' raucous feel, and lots of volume only makes it sound
more like that."
"Those cute little N.E.W. amps seemed to go to 11, too."
"And just to make it easy to remember, all the aforemen-
tioned N.E.W. products are priced at $2998!"
"I guess that explains it. Iasked Mitch how much he paid
for aparticular LP in his collection, and he said '$29.98.' Stereophile founder J. Gordon Holt (center) is caught off-guard by David
Wilson's praise at the 1995 "Products of the Year" Awards ceremony.
Seemed alittle high, but maybe he was just, you know, stuck."
"It was fun in the Joseph Audio room, as well, listening 10 Ialso bnind ProAc's Tablette 50 Signature awfidly impressive. Playing the sec-
to Orange Crate Art8 and the outstanding DCC Pet Sounds." ond movement from (Wilk Ousset's interpretation of Ravers Piano Concerto in
G (EMI CDC 54158), the system nearly made me weep. —WP
8 line, Wilson and Van Dyke Parks, Orange Crate An, Warner Bros. 45427-2 11 A Pet SOUIllb 30th Anniversary boxed set is scheduled to be available from
(1995). Capitol in May 1996, with stereo mixes. outtakes. and vocal-only and instrumental-
9The Beach Boys. Pa DCC Compact Classics Gold Cl) GZS-1035 (1993). only versions.


"We stayed for several cuts in the Audio Artistry/ "Whatever you attribute it to, that system was just plain
Rowland/Cardas/Audio Power room, didn't we?" working, you know? The Beethoven speakers and all those
"Seems like everyone did. That setup did everything well. battery-powered electronics did remarkably equal justice to
Just... whew... great." the scale of Dr. John's big hand and the intimacy of his
"Good thing we happened by there again. We obviously vocals; Speedy and Jimmy just tore it up, and SCOTS
hadn't heard that system at its full potential on the first day." rocked."
"Well, the speaker cable to one of the tweeters had been "The performance of the Show had to be that piano solo
wired out of phase, which they fixed, and they changed the from the Virtuoso Valentina! disc [see 5.4s We See It "—Ed.] that
setup. On top of that, George Cardas had sewn it all up with Tom Müller got from Peter McGrath at EgglestonWorks."
his brand-spankin' new Golden Cross speaker cables, so it "You hit the nail! It was like aperformance. It was better
was like listening to two different systems." than reproduction!"

SHANNON DICKSON Sounds of Silence Crown Jewel car- sient response, driven by Audio Note's

tarting in the Sahara hi-level, that tridge ($2850). high-quality electronics. But regardless
bastion of tympanic walls and Another interesting hi-tech, quasi- of the music played, apervasive, hol-
tight spaces, special mention omnidirectional design was the $18,600 low, "singing in the shower" sound
must go to the various ESP Concert German Physiks Borderland, which accompanied each song. Lightly cup
Grand displays. Like last year, these produces afull 360° horizontal dipole your hands around your mouth and
$15,000 speakers produced generally dispersion from 125Hz to 181cHz via sing; that megaphone-like effect was
superb sound in difficult conditions. I their DDD Bending Wave titanium heard in all the horn systems to a
particularly enjoyed their even, spa- transducer. A "decoupled" push-pull greater or lesser degree, the Jadis hav-
cious presentation in the Balanced bass system is said to extend the ing the least such effect. In addition,
Audio Technologies room, driven by response to 25Hz. This speaker pre- with the music selections Iused, the
the new $5000 BAT VK-500 solid- sents a relatively easy amplifier load bass quality produced by the midrange
state, dual-mono stereo amps and and treble horns was different on all
$4000 VK-5 preamp. A pair four models. Perhaps in bet-
of Quantum processors ter rooms the positive
($3300) and aCe-
sium transport EGGLESTONWORKS IS DEFINITELY attributes of these
speakers might
($3500) from Res-
olution Audio
served as the source.
A COMPANY TO WATCH. render their char-
acteristics less dis-
tracting. I'm willing
Sound Lab's A-1 electro- to keep an open mind about
statics ($13,250) sounded surprisingly these improved horn designs, and cau-
good in atiny demo room' with an compared with certain other "(minis"; I tion against drawing firm conclusions
Accuphase DP-75 CD player ($9995) found the presentation quite transpar- from any Show environment. How-
directly connected to apair of Fourier ent and smooth, without excessive ever, based on my experiences to date,
Panthere 200W OTL monoblocks upper-frequency "zing." Electronics I'd definitely want to hear them in an
($9950). Handcrafted Italian Tokho included aBurmester 933 amp, pre- optimized setup, preferably my own
cables were used throughout. amp ($4700), and CD player ($6200). system, before paying these very high
Symphonic Line's Bel Cantos A new generation of horns, pow- prices.
($16,000), paired with their RG-4 ered by single-ended triode amps, Acarian's Alón Phalanx speaker
monoblocks and aTimbre CD sys- attempted acomeback at this Show. Of ($20,000/pair) was paired with the new
tem, also gave agood enough account the four models I listened to, the optional Poseidon double-isobarik
of themselves in apoor room to prove $37,000 Jadis Eurythmie II, partnered stereo subwoofers ($15,000) using
that my special regard for them at with their new
Stereophile's HI-FI '95 had been no SE300B mono-
fluke. blocks ($13,000),
MBL displayed both their flagship gave what I
101 ($29,900) and the new 111 thought was the
($13,900 to $17,250, depending on fin- best account of
ish). MBEs electronics were used in the bunch, in a
their own two rooms, but Ienjoyed the decidedly non-
sound of their 111s most in the optimum room.
Convergent Audio Technologies Both of the high-
room, driven by Ken Stevens's all-tube ly touted Avant-
JL-1 100W mono amps ($19,500/pair), garde models,
aCM SL-1 Signature Mk2 ($5950), Trio and Duo
and a$12,000 Forsell turntable with a ($33,990 and
1Talk about making the most of ahad situation — $15,990, respec-
the room was so tiny that the speakers were practi- tively), sounded
cally touching each other! Yet the sound was musi-
cal: dynamic, but easy on the cars. 1
just relaxed into
quite pure, with Audio Artistry's statement Beethoven speaker sounded superb with battery-
the music, requesting song after song. Tasty. —WP excellent tran- powered Rowland amplification.


"It's a damn shame we never made it to the the Thorens room and see asea of turntables."
EgglestonWorks suite at the MGM Grand, Iheard so many "Really great. They must've had about 10 different 'tables.
good things about it." But we didn't listen to any LPs there, did we?"
"We even asked at the front desk, but they weren't listed. "No! That's the funny thing. We listened to the Beau
Iguess we should've knocked on every door until we found Hunks doing Powerhouse' from the Raymond Scott album.
them." They were using their gorgeous line of compact 2000 series
"I hate it when Imiss something good. It's hard enough components"
to get to all the rooms at the ecial venues, let alone trying "Yeah, those illuminated faceplates gave me an inner
to find out about and get to the secret locations." glow..."
"Yeah. Bummer." "... right, and they're so tidy and compact and fit togeth-
"On amore uplifting note, it was arare treat to walk into er so well. They were getting afine sound out of some

"dynamic compression loading," and Instead, the midrange response is ny to watch; the Andra was areal bar-
tri-amped with abank of VTL 225s, shaped by the 6" driver's natural roll- gain among the expensive speakers
two VTL preamps, and a McCor- off, coupled with a short, damped, shown this year. Iwould probably haw
mack' Audit/VTL digital rig. Dis-
covery cable connected everything.
The sound had alot of swing, imaged
well, and was very musical playing the
selections Iheard.
FM Acoustics showed their ver-
sion of acomplete system with an as-
yet-unnamecVunpriced Swiss-designed
speaker using active crossovers and bi-
arnped with two 411 stereo amps cost-
ing $22,000 each! The system also
includes their $18,500 model 222 line-
stage and $9000 balanced phono stage.
Source gear included aWadia 21 CD
player and Wilson Benesch Act 2
turntable, arm, and cartridge. As the
total system price tops out at aheart-
skipping $135,000, alittle subtraction
reveals that these are very expensive
speakers. The sound was clean, clea4
and very quick, with little veiling, par-
ticularly from the midrange on up —
but the price is daunting, to say the
Another candidate for JA's Best Sound at the WCES: ESP Concert Grand speakers driven by Manley
least. 240 monoblocks, aTimbre Technology front-end, and aNagra-D playing some of Gabe Wiener's 20-bit
The final morning of the Show I master tapes.
took the long trek over to the MGM
Grand for awonderful demonstration rear-firing transmission line. A princi- voted the Andras my favorite of the
of the beautifully handcrafted Eggles- pal design goal was to match the acous- Show were it not for the awesome
tonWorks Andra speaker in a very tic pressures on the front and back of Audio Artistry Beethovens.
quiet and comfortable suite. Peter the drivers, to minimize any back-pres- Anyone who reads my review of the
McGrath did the honors, joined by sure distortion radiating through the Audio Artistry Dvorak elsewhere in
designer Bill Eggleston. This $13,000 drivers. this issue will know Iwas looking for-
speaker system employs two 12" A set of Transparent Reference ward to hearing their new flagship
Dynaudio woofers per side in an cables was used with a Mark Lev- debut at WCES. The Beethoven takes
unusual rear-ported isobarik configu- inson No333 amp ($8500), No38S Audio Artistry's dynamic dipole con-
ration. A Dynaudio Esotar tweeter and preamp ($6495), and No31/ 30.5 CD cept to the nth degree. The system
two Morel 6" midrange drivers are rig ($24,450 total), augmented by a includes eight 12" dipole woofers split
mounted in the upper half of a37"- killer $25,000 Nagra 20-bit tape deck between two very compact subwoofer
high, very deep cabinet. Both the front feeding Meridian's 518 ($1650). This cabinets and two main panels. (Scan-
and rear baffles are slanted at 10e, and, combo resulted in astellar source sys- Speak provided atotal of four propri-
in combination with granite panels tem for playing McGrades own out- etary 10" and four premium 8" drivers
attached to either side of the upper standing master tapes. In particular, the for dipole operation, along with apair
midrange/tweeter enclosure, add an tape of apair of Russian piano virtuosos of custom silk-dome tweeters used as
extra measure of resonance control and [see *Is We See It-— Ed] was aknockout monopoles.) This $24,750, bi-ampli-
elegance. The tweeters and woofers — really gorgeous —and showed off fied, four-way system also has apair of
use asimple first-order crossover made the excellent transient response and external passive crossovers for the
from high-quality parts, yet the two even tonal balance of these speakers. main panels and afully balanced active
midrange drivers are crossoverless! EgglestonWorks is definitely acompa- crossover/equalizer for the transition


ROBERT DEUTSCH avoids the use of internal cross-bracing, tri-amped (an electronic cross-over,

fSam Tellig is—all right, was — instead using asymmetrical reinforce- built by Bryston, is included in the
the Audio Cheapskate, then I'm ment of the panels. Oh, yes, it does have $5995 factory-direct price), which
the Audio Moderate. I'm usually those controversial Mpingo discs (eight shouldn't be abig problem in these
not satisfied with entry-level products, inside the speaker, and three on top to days of good multichannel amplifiers.
and although Iappreciate all-out efforts serve as "tone controls"), and six Cable Gershman Acoustics and Focus
to advance the state of the audio art, I'm Jackets are used inside each speaker to Audio are two more Canadian manu-
more comfortable with products that shield crossover wires and circuit facturers about to enter the highly com-
offer value and quality at areasonable boards. The demo system was astrange petitive North American loudspeaker
price. When Wes Phillips suggested mix: $13,380/pair LAMM M1.1 mono- market. Gershman Acoustics had the
that Ifocus on moderately priced loud- blocks and a$150 Pioneer CD player $3600 Avant Garde, another floorstand-
speakers in my Show report, Iimmedi- (Jonathan Scull tells me the latter had ing three-way, this one with the front
ately agreed. In my meanderings been highly tweaked.) Iwas actually panel angled backward to provide time
through the Sahara (the hotel, not the quite taken with the sound, especially alignment. I'd heard earlier incarnations
desert), the Convention Center (not- when they put on aLiving Stereo sam- of this speaker previously, notably at the
so-affectionately referred to as the pler that featured Robert Merrill CE-EX show in Toronto in fall 1994,
"Zoo"), and the various "off-campus" singing "Largo al factotum." and thought it had potential, but Iwas
hotels that are part of WCES, Iwas Long-time Stereophile readers may bothered by what seemed like boomy,
constantly on the lookout for new/in- remember the Waveform, aCanadian poorly controlled bass. This time, with
teresting/exciting loudspeakers costing speaker with an exquisite cabinet that Copland CD player and electronics,
between $2000 and $7000/pair. Ididn't received a not-too-positive review the overall balance was much better, and
have to look hard to find plenty of wor- from Stereophile in the late '80s. The the speaker had exceptional imaging.
thy candidates. (With the obligatory Focus Audio has an ambitious
apology to the makers of those I array of models in two distinct
missed.) lines; at WCES they in-


Albert Von Sdiwei- troduced the Signa-
kert, formerly the ture Series Model
Vortex and Coun-
is to be second-
terpoint Clear-
field speakers, has a
new company, Von
EVEN MORE ENVIOUS. from-the-top. To
me, it looked and
sounded very much like a
Schweikert Research, and a top-of-the-line speaker: beauti-
new speaker, the VR-4, which, at ful furniture finish, and awide-ranging
$3450-$3650, seems to offer an out- speaker has evolved over the years, sound of great precision and dynamic
standing quality/value combination. It's with improvements in tonal neutrality, freedom (Meridian 500 transport and
acomplex design, with five drivers and but its progenitor, John Ótvôs, now ad- 518 processor, dCS 950 D/A converter,
atwo-piece stacking enclosure weigh- mits that it was always "an enclosure in Reference Line Model One amplifier).
ing in at nearly 150 lbs, and it sounded search of aspeaker." The new Wave- Gradient is the Finnish company
very good driven by N.E.W.'s battery- form Mach 17 inherits only the name best known on this side of the Atlantic
powered electronics. It sounded even from the old speaket It's avery sub- for the subwoofers they make for the
better in Von Schweikert's own suite, stantial floorstanding three-way con- Quad ESLs (old and new). However,
driven by Balanced Audio Technol- sisting of asubwoofer cabinet with two they also make full-range loudspeakers;
ogy's VK-5/VK-60 combo. 12" drivers, and an egg-shaped "head at WCES, they were demonstrating the
Phase Technology has 24 speakers module" that rests atop the sub cabi- latest version of the Revolution ($3395),
in its line (granted, some of them are net. The head module can be tilted and reviewed by Didc Olsher awhile back.
in-wall and in-ceiling models), the most turned, afeature that allows fine-tun- Described as being a"point-source car-
expensive being the $2000 PC 10.5. ing the soundstage for listeners not in dioid" design, the Revolution uses a6.5"
Fronted by not-quite-up-to-date elec- the central sweet
tronics (older Proceed CD player, spot. The old Wave-
Conrad-Johnson PV-11 and MF- form was not really
200), the PC 10.5s sounded clean and my cuppa, but Iwas
open when playing Stereophile's Robert very impressed with
Silverman Concert CD. the Mach 17: excel-
One might expect that a speaker lent tonal neutrality,
designed by the Shun Mook and very dynamic, good
Original Cable Jacket folks would be imaging. (The sup-
something really exotic, perhaps having porting players were
an enclosure carved out of ebony, with an all-Canadian team:
an enormous purple pillow covering it. Sonic Frontiers SFT-
The Bella Voce ($4600) is in fact afair- 1and SFD-2 Mk.II,
ly conventional floorstanding three-way Bryston 8B-ST and The new $1995 Line 1preamplifier from Sonic Frontiers—now isn't
using Dynaudb drivers. The enclosure 3B-ST) It has to be that the cutest remote?


players and electronics about to distribute speakers from
but other people's speak- Vienna Acoustics, the various models
ers. At this year's WCES, being named after composers: Bee-
however, they decided to thoven, Mozart, Haydn, Bach. (But,
introduce to North strangely enough, not Strauss. Could
America one of the YBA they be saving that name for an upcom-
speaker models that have ing state-of-the-art model?) The model
been available in Europe being demoed was the Mozart ($2500),
for some time. The So- a narrow-profile, floorstanding two-
nata ($1800-$2200) is a way that uses aScanSpeak silk-dome
rninimonitor that has tweeter and two 5.5" mid-woofers of
only a capacitor across VA's own design. Cabinets are hand-
the tweeter, driven by the finished to furniture standard, and the
YBA Integré integrated sound of the Mozart (with Audio
amp and aunique blue- Research CD1, LS22, D130) would
laser version of the YBA have made Salieri even more envious of
CD1 player, the pair of his rival.
Sonatas had a relaxed Though Isee by the old word-count
musicality that put many that rm about to exceed my limit, let
a multi-megabuck sys- me just get in quick mentions of afew
tem to shame. more interesting speakers heard at the
If there was to be a Show Audio Artistry's $4495
prize for Most Improved Vivaldi (from their composer series) ...
Loudspeaker, rd be the Rosinante Evolution Signature
dined to award it to ($6000), featuring aplinth made of a
Gallo Acoustics. The proprietary polymer called Dark Matter
Nucleus has been de- from RFR Audio Laboratory... the
scribed as looking like Totem Acoustics Tabu ($2995), a
either abowling ball or a more grown-up version of the Model 1
huge eyeball, and has pre- ...Joseph Audio's $5999 RM50Si,
viously elicited admira- with their patented Infinite Slope
The Vienna Acoustics Mozart spealcer. aStereophile writers' favorite. tion for its soundstaging, Crossover .... Audiostatic's ESH 50
but not for its tonal bal- ($2450) and ESH 100 ($3495) hybrids,
midrange with a1" tweeter at its apex, ance, which most people thought was now manufactured in the US by
and asingle 8" side-firing woofer. Very too top-heavy. It has been extensively Threshold... Hales Concept 5, sound-
good sound, and Iloved the look of the revised, with new drivers, including a ing great driven by Sonic Frontiers'
associated equipment: Bow Technol- tweeter that is said to be smoother and new Power 3amp... —Robert Deutsch
ogies ZZ-One integrated amp and ZZ- more "equipment-friendly." Set up in
Eight CD player, from Denmark. the Nucleus Reference configuration
Unity Audio has awhole new line ($3499), which includes one of the
of speakers, with ceramic composite Bassball woofer modules,' the
drivers, minimalist crossovers, and Nucleus had one of the least --`.
"Interactive Fluid Coupled" enclosure room-bound soundstages
technology. They also demonstrated I've ever heard, and the

:, r
their new DSP-based crossoven which highs seemed extended
corrects for analog distortions and but not over-prominent
allows control over the sonic perspec- (Encore D/A processor, h - • ,, %
tive. It's in the form of asoundboard Pass Aleph 3amplifier). 1
that slots into acomputen the board On continued listening
itself costing only "a few hundred dol- (this was one of the rooms i.e.e.e,e e4
lars." Details remain sketchy —negotia- I kept returning to), I
tions are apparently under way with thought bass weight and artic- e»;">•••
several vendors —but abrief demon- ulation could still use some
stration was quite promising, the sound work, but it could have been the
(Cerous 6 speakers, EAD transport/ room, too. In any case, the Gallo
Visitors from asmall (tuned) planet (L-R):Andy
processor, Sima amplifier) becoming Nudeus is now much more than a
Chow, Dr.Tan, and Bill Ting, the Monks of Shun
more open and better focused in the speaker with agimmicky shape. Mook.
DSP mode, without the hardening that Vienna... city of waltzes ... strudel...
sometimes accompanies this type of sig- loudspeakers. Oh, you didn't know
nal manipulation. about the loudspeakers? Ididn't either,
YBA can be relied on for tasteful, but Icertainly do now. Sumiko is
musically involving demonstrations in 1Gallo has dropped the price of the Nucleus to
show contexts, using their own CD $1800. — RJR (Reina)


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•Diff bY "
MI11117°4 o
lb yirililfeTtlf hew Corp .'
DI 'so
i of Digital hir.7 LP'
held its own with the big boys." sounded quite good except for the all-too-common hotel-
"I remember it being excellent next door, with aTheta room bass problem. Remember? There was aresonance
Basic front end playing through the new MBL 111s. That centered at afrequency Cachao would play on his bass, right
was the one room we played 'Exercise #14' from Zappa's on the beat, so it really popped out."
The Yellow Sharitu The dynamic contrasts, the layering of "Yeah —it's like you could see him stand and wave."
depth..." "Almost."
"Hey, stop it, you're starting to sound like areviewer." "There was an EAD T-1000 transport hooked up to a
"Ooops. We also played Speedy & Jimmy, too, who Conrad-Johnson Premier 9 DAC in the Rosinante/
zipped." Fourier room. That's where they had aprototype Fourier
"From Zappa to zipped. That's everything from Z to Z." Triomphe OTL amp, with the chassis made of that mysteri-
"Other than the CD-3400, there were two other CD ous 'Dark Matter.' "
transports that stood out, at least because they were so ding- "That stuff looks interesting. They sure had some intrigu-
danged popular — those from Enlightened Audio Design ing things to say about it, like how it's rumored to have been
and Bow Technologies." abyproduct of the government's alien research!"
"'The EADs did scorn to be in alot of rooms — the Audio "Their story is that this top-secret substance has acon-
Magic room, the JMlabs room ... " stantly varying acoustical impedance, making it an excellent
"... where it was coupled with an EAD DSP-9000 con- resonance-stopper. The amp we saw is aone-off, but Fourier
verter. That's the one where we played the Cachao disc. It is going to make aMajor Statement monoblock with aDark
12 Frank Zappa/Ensemble Modern, 71w Yellow Shark, Barking Pumpkin/Rhino Matter chassis as aproduction item."
R2-716(X) (1993). "The Rosinante Evolution speakers sat on aDark Matter

.REINA as aprimary goal, the sound from both the best sound I've heard from a
he 6 Winter CES was the of these speakers driven by Audio Vandersteen setup. In true Vander-
first time Iexperienced aVegas Research electronics was seductive and steen fashion, the price remains at
show where there were very involving. I was particularly excited $695. (Vandersteen's Model 1has seen
few rooms exhibiting bad sound. The about the Studio 20, which sounded atotal price increase of just $45 since
only class of components more preva- damn close to its big brother at two its introduction in 1981!)
lent than Home Theater and single- thirds the price. Latvian speaker producer Bahlines
ended triode amplifiers were inexpen- I'm happy to see QLN trying once is seeking aUS distributot They were
sive speakers, something that made this again trying to seek US distribution. I getting some very nice sounds from
tightwad very happy. Iencountered 33 was abig &n of this Danish company their BL-90. Although pricing is diffi-
speaker companies introducing inter- when Ilived in London in the early cult to determine (the company quoted
esting new speakers under $2000, but importer prices FOB Latvia), I'd guess
space limitations predude me these babies would retail in the
from discussing them all. US at under $1000, as
The latest innovations
in drive4 crossove4 VA NDERSTEEN'S MODEL I HAS SEEN would almost all of
Baldine's 30 mod-
and cabinet tech-
els. Casde Acous-


nology have trick- tics showed two
led down to the new models, the
lower-priced spread, 1981! three-way Isis ($529)
which translates into a and two-way Clifton
proliferation of great values. It ($429). Definitive Tech-
also translates into deeper bass from nology showed their innovative BP-
smaller containers. Excuse the plug, but 2002, abipolar tower speaker with a
Imust mention that the only demo CD '80& The $400 Model 111 was produc- highly adjustable built-in powered sub-
Icarried through the tacky hallowed ing abig sound with very realistic vocal woofer in each cabinet ($1998). Very
halls was Stereophilès new Festival CD. 1 reproduction. Also shown was the nice sound was being produced from
By far the best sound from speakers floorstanding Model 122 ($600). these speakers driven by Pass electronics
under $2000 emanated from two Australian company ICrix was seeking For those space-constrained audio-
speakers in the new Paradigm Ref- distribution for two two-way rear- philes with high cosmetic standards,
erence line, the Studio 20 satellites ported designs, the Equinox magneti- Dynaco showed their tiny, gloss-black
(estimated US price $700) and the cally shielded satellite ($500) and Apex HLX-18/H LX-9 satellite/subwoofer
floorstanding Studio 60 ($1000-$1200). high-efficiency floorstanding ($1000) system ($440 for satellites and one pas-
Using Paradigm's proprietary driver, speakers. Vocal reproduction in the sive subwoofer). They've also brought
crossover, and cabinet technology, with Krix room was among the most back the A-25 Classic ($758) featuring
phase-coherent, flat frequency response impressive Iheard. SEAS woofer, aluminum-dome tweet-
Richard Vandersteen, who contin- er, and oak-veneer cabinets by Adrian
The Kohjiba track, acaptivating piece of contem-
porary chamber music, turned out to be an extreme- ues to amaze, has updated the Model (who also make cabinetry for more
ly useful equipment evaluation tool. Because of the 1B to the 1C. This features the Model expensive Alón, Cello, and McIntosh
sound quality and varied orchestral textures, the first
seven minutes of this piece should be sufficient for
2Ce tweeter in arealigned driver con- designs). Dynaudio, from Denmark,
the trained reviewing ear to determine whether a figuration. Driven by aMcCormack in addition to showing their two-way
component incites any interest. DNA.5 amplifier it produced some of Contour 1.3 ($1995), also was getting


Redefining Effortless Fidelity.

5740 Green Circle Drive /Mi nka. Minnesota 55343-4424 /Phone: 39-0600 FAX: 612-939-0604
base, and were made of yet another special material, kind of "That's right. Very nice it was. They also had the Bow
asynthetic marble compound. They're so sleek, so sexy, so transport in the Artesuono room, and the Vaic room, too."
... dark." "What'd you think about the horn systems at the Show?"
"And the disc they were playing, by Keb Mo', sounded "A mixed horn o'plenty, for sure. The ones from
killer. Ididn't even want 'cm to stop it to play one of ours, Avantgarde sure look wild..."
which is quite astatement." "Like the Sousaphone family portrait —poppa, momma,
"It's on my to-buy list. The EAD player may have been and the little tyke..."
enhancing more rooms, but the Bow Technologies ZZ-Two "Like that, yeah. Maybe they need adifferent environ-
transport definitely wins for cool looks." ment in which to work their magic. I'm not sure that they're
"That it does. It's atop-loader, so they could've called it meant for nearfield placement."
ZZ-Top. The clamp thing that goes on top, sticking up and "They did do well with the dynamic contrasts on Bjeirk's
exposed like that while it whirls around, is hypnotic to `Blow aFuse,' you gotta admit."
watch." "Must I? Imight go so far as to say they have potential.
"That's half the fun. They were using it with their own Then there were this year's edition of Dr. Bruce Edgar's
75Wpc ZZ-One integrated amp in the Bow/Gradient Edgarhorns."
room. We listened to Wilson and Parks' Orange Crate Art "They keep moving forward —as designs, Imean, not in
there too, as Irecall." the room."
"That would be scary."
"Frightening. The midrange horn, with that classic lami-
nated salad-bowl look, was, Ithought, visually appealing."

Unison tube electronics Apollo I($1600). Scientific Fidelity

from Italy. Harmonic was getting quite nice sound from VAC
Precision showed their electronics from their yet-unnamed,
final version of the 2SC ultra-narrow tower speaker (working
($995), but Iwas particu- names Explicit, Zzyzzic, estimated at
larly tweaked by the under $2000). Designer Jim Gala was
silent-display, bi-wirable, captivating me with his taste in jazz
rear-ported, two-way through his stunning Soundwave Point
Alpha ($495). Joseph Source 2.5 ($1890), which features very-
Audio's RM-7 ($1299), long-excursion woofers and tweeters and
driven by Audio Re- no parallel sides to the cabinet. Triangle
search VTM120 ampli- from France showed their Comete
fiers, was achieving the ($780), atwo-way bass-reflex satellite.
most realistic bass I've Space precludes me from providing
heard from afront-port- details on interesting new products
ed speaker. from Clements, Monitor Audio,
Near the end of the N.E.A.R., PSB, Ruark, Signet, and
Show, Iwas drawn into a Systemaudio. Best New Recordings at
room from the hallway the Show: Wmston Ma's HDCD discs
by an incredibly realistic (available through Golden String). I
reproduction of vibes listened through the entire eclectic mix
and other mallet percus- post-Show on my CAL Icon II HDCD
sion. The perpetrator: player and heard the most natural string
the Master Sound tone and percussion transients I'd ever
Monitor 1($1200), made heard from digital.
in China and seeking a For me, the highlight of any CES is
US distributor. Mor- when it's over. This is the time when I
daunt Short has updat- choose the one room where Ihang for
ed their Music Series an hour or two and just enjoy the music.
range (seven models, For the 1996 Show, it was the ProAc
from the MS05i satellite room. Okay, although I've greatly
at $200 to the MS50i admired this company's larger, more-
floorstanding at $1099). expensive designs, I've never been afan
The ProAc Response 2S loudspeaker was acontender for Best Sound All feature injection- of any of the ProAc Tablette models.
at the Show. thought JA. molded front baffles in I've never been impressed by inexpen-
which the basket is part sive speakers that sound like expensive
impressive dynamics from their lower- of the molding, the design goal to speakers with no bass. ("No bass" means
priced Audience 8($1500). enhance rigidity. not being able to convincingly repro-
Green Mountain's excessively Symphonic Line is now distributing duce 55Hz in an average room.)
attractive three-way Continuum 1 the Canadian Numen speakers and was However, the new ProAc Tablette 50
($1295) was producing sleek and sexy obtaining asilky-sweet sound from the Signature ($1700) definitely does bass!
sound powered by the similarly sexy two-way, angled-front, floorstanding —Robert J. Reina


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Radiant Light Source cables, which have awater jacket and "And we'd have to talk them out of it. That's just the kind
use light as ashield. When he lit those babies up, I'll be of helpful guys we arc."
darned if we didn't sense more emotion from an already "I don't know about you, but 'just wanted to save my ears."
delightfill sound." "Nice that we got to hear David Manley's Manley Lab-
"Owners of PAD Colossus, Dominus, and Proteus cables oratories SE/PP 300B amplifiers being switched on-the-fly
can upgrade, too, for just the price difference between the between push-pull and single-ended. That was groovy."
lit-up versions and the standard unlit models." "I found the Beau Hunks doing `Powerhouse' more on
Aud continues to push the envelope. Next time we the dynamic and taut side in push-pull, and bloomier,
see him, he'll probably have interconnects that burst into rounder, and more atmospheric in SE mode. Which did you
flames." like better?"
"And you know they'll sound fantastic, too." "I want them both!"
"Hot stuff, like the loads of tube amps at the Show.
Especially single-ended jobs."
"Melos has joined that club with their new 70W SE-
75s. They were doing good things with Dr. John
through FMS interconnects, WireWorld
cables, and Quintessence speakers."
"Yeah. Speaking of good things, the
tube electronics from Unison
Research never fail to impress me
with their elegant design."
"All that sculpted wood is ajoy
to behold, you bet. Their ultimate
design statement appears to be
The Dream, a dual-mono pre-
amp that looks like ascale model
of afuturistic opera house."
"The V.A.L. line from China
sure was adizzying array of attrac-
tive valve amplification. Iespecially
liked the JD-L1 preamplifier —the
one that looked like asolid, flat alu-
minum table with three hand-sized
knobs, four stout little tubes, and recessed
connectors all set into the top."
"Combined with an EAD CD player, V.A.L.'s
JD-845SE 30W class-A triode monoblocks and a
pair of Alóns, they had Orange Crate Art sounding ever so
fine and mellow."
"The Quadric amp and preamp in the Swans room Sam Tellig (left) rests his weary dogs in the Music Hall suite, while Roy Hall
(right) summons up the courage to offer Sam aScotch.
were interesting. Ilike the cool-looking MT-35 power amp
with the 845 or 211 output tube in that little cage — it could
be right out of Fritz Lang's Metropolis." "That's almost what Luke Manley delivered in the VTL
"Their F-1 line preamplifier is way trick. The list of tubes room, with those 1250W Wotan behemoths. They didn't
it can accommodate is as long as your arm." sound like Iexpected."
"Not only that, but you can drop in four of mixed types "Well, we listened to them in triode mode at a mere
without any adjustment! Whoa." 600W each."
"I think the Swans/Quadric room was where we first "But seated with the Alón Vs almost in our faces, Iwas
played Bjórk's 'Blow aFuse (It's So Quiet): 13 That was a amazed at how ...just musical it was."
blast!" "Yep. That system with the CAL Icon Mk.II, VTL DAC
"And do you remember the speaker-swapping ritual?" and preamp, and Discovery cables is one Icould have just
"Yeah. Normally, we swap seats when listening, but this sat and listened to all day."
time the speakers were swapped while we stayed put. 'Wait, "It had that warmth, and did one of the very best jobs
if you guys want to hear something, let me put in the with Dr. John's vocals of all the setups we heard."
Allures!' But we haven't got much time.' It'll only take me "Quite a one-two punch: the gruff-but-lovable father
aminute or two!' So we waited, while the speakers were with soft-spoken, civilized little amps, and the mild-man-
shuffled around for our enjoyment." nered son with apair of brutish, big-assed monoblocks."
"What aguy. And it was worth it, I'd guess; don't know "Brutish only in appearance. It was astudy in contrasts. If
what the other speakers sounded like, but the Allures sure Ihad to guess, Imight have mixed up which Manley pro-
worked out fine." duced which amp."
"And that Bjórk thing is such ariot —it starts out so peace- "I thought Madrigal's new Mark Levinson No39 CD
fully, with Bjórk going `Shhhh shhhhh,' then just explodes! player was kinda special. Imagine — an all-in-one-box CD
Everyone wanted to turn up the volume at first..." player from Mark Levinson (the company, not the man)."
"But it's so much more — it's also got an analog-domain
13 Binrk, Poe, Elektra 61740-2 (1995). volume control and extra digital inputs, so you could use it

as acombination player and digital preamp. Just add an amp player."
and speakers and you're in business." "Well, the transport has more attention lavished on the
"Very convenient. Speaking of convenient, California digital output side and signal re-clocking than the player
Audio Labs' two new full-on 20-bit HDCD CD chang- does, so there it is."
ers offer those with discriminating ears the option of multi- "I don't think anyone had more new toys in their lineup
disc playback in aconvenient package." than Audio Alchemy."
"Interesting, too, that each will list for $1595, even though "It's hard to tell. You'll need ascorecard to keep track of
the CLD-10 is atransport only and the CL-10 is acomplete all the stuff they've got coming."

ACK ENGLISH Another headphone accessory that Costing $695, this utilizes mahogany

love the neat little doodads and caught my attention wasn't for the casings for the earpieces and weighs in
thingamajigs that squeeze an extra golden ears among us. Thinking of at 9ounces.
ounce of performance out of my those with severe hearing loss, If my cousin WoLee had been writ-
system. Ididn't have to look very hard Sennheiser introduced the SET 100-J ing this report, the first product men-
to see (and hear) some groundbreaking tioned would have been the floorstand-
new products at the Winter CES. ing Elvis Guitar CD Tower
At the top of the list was CD from Atlantic. This

Bladdight, from the fer- baby has the overall
tile minds of Byron shape ola metallic
Collett and Victor HE MOST ENJOYABLE NEW PRODUCT magenta, hol-
Tiscareno of Audio- low-bodied
Prism, the saine electric guitar
folks who brought us HEADPHONE PROCESSOR/AMPLIFIER. and boasts arep-
CD Stoplight. CD lica signature from
Bladdight is aphosphores- the long-dead King,
cent CD mat, lightweight and licensed from Elvis Presley
thin enough to be used with virtually Enterprises. Holding up to 60 CDs,
any transport/player. It is "charged" infrared headphone system ($249). It the stand is priced at $69.95. Other
through exposure to virtually any light consists of aT1100 transmitter/charger, racks from Atlantic came in the shapes
source. The mat is said to: 1) physically two interchangeable
damp the CD/clamp interface; 2) re- rechargeable batteries,
duce electrostatic charges through con- and R1100-J receiver/
ductive carbon traces around its perime- headphones. The latter
ter and crisscrossing its center, and 3) weigh just L4 ounces for
cancel stray light through its lumines- comfortable, long-term
cent face. In abrief Show audition, it did use. There are tone and
indeed reduce low-level noise. balance controls, 124dB
Expected retail price will be less than maximum output, and
$50. the ability to operate
The most enjoyable new product effectively over a450ft2
was the Aun ($399), agroundbreaking area. This splendid and
headphone processor/amplifier from thoughtfully designed
Virtual Listening Systems which product will help disad-
provided Dolby surround-sound over vantaged people enjoy
headphones! The Aun consists of asmall things most of us take
processing module that can be con- for granted.
nected to any source, and a digital For the athletically
wireless remote with abuilt-in head- inclined, Koss displayed
phone amp. The latter has clever LED the KSC/20 head-
control indicators: Sitting right there in phones ($19.99), small-
my hand were options for Volume, ish "earbuds" with light-
Balance, Mute, Bass, Bypass, Venue weight plastic clamps
(theater, stadium, or club), Ambience, that go over each ear.
Hall Seat, DSP (Dolby Pro Logic, There is no headband,
stereo, or mono), and "Ears" (a decep- nor is there a need to
tively simple name for customized push the 'phones into
control of the system's Toltec 3D pro- the ears, as with many
cessing, which is based upon binaural other sport models. For
hearing principles, head-related trans- the true golden-eared
fer functions, and advanced digital sig- couch potato, Grado
nal processing). The Aun was ablast; I was showing off the
enjoyed it as much as anything at the wonderful-sounding The cable that God's second cousin, twice removed, uses; TARA
Show. Reference Series RS-1. Labs' new Decade models.


"That VRE v1.0 video thing ..." wild, too."
"What's VRE stand for?" "More DTI•Pro 32s in one place than anywhere else in
"Video Reality Engine. I'm not much of avideoguy, but I the known world."
was surprised by the tricks it did to clean up the picture." "That's because we're in Vegas, which is part of the
"Very impressive." unknown world. It's anovel idea, having those EiTI•Pros
"And that digital remastering station they had set up was chained up, each running adifferent algorithm to recom-
pute discrete parts of the audio spectrum, and then write
'em out to aCD-R."

under 3" high, the Air Mass 1 was Rock). While the Air Mass 1can only
being touted as agreat means of isolat- accommodate up to 99 lbs, future
ing components from floor-borne vi- models will have greater weight capac-
brations, either by itself or as part of ities.
the Ultimate Isolation System (in con- Custom Woodwork & Design
junction with aBig Rock and aLittle (CWD) celebrated its 20th anniversary
with the introduction of both the
Wildwood Collection and Insights
Traditional lines of stunning audio/
video cabinets, while TARA Labs
marked its tenth year with the RSC
Decade lineup of cables. These feature
small rectangular conductors of
No. not Alec Guinness In The Man in the Consonant Alloy minimal dielec-
White Suit but Arcici's Ray Shab, showing tric material, and a unique 24--
off his new Imperial AN component stand.
conductor geometry intended
to reduce electromagnetic in-
of giraffes, saxophones, and palm teraction.
tress. Arcici introduced the
Paul Barry Associates new lineup of Imperial A/V
introduced stands with both stands, which make exten-
casters and spikes. Their basic sive use of thick acrylic
model consisted of aflat 18" shelving and 2"-diameter
by 20" platform (other sizes tubular stainless steel
are available via custom- columns. Solid Steel
order) and three or four showed their own
Spike Transports, each of expanded and visually
the latter consisting of aflat refined line of equip-
arm with both aspike and ment stands. To the
caster. Once the amp or expected consternation
speaker has been rolled of zoning boards every-
into that best of all possible where, Satellite Sky-
positions, the spikes can be Dome displayed a
screwed down from the unique skylight enclo-
top to take the weight off sure, made from Lexan
the casters, then locked R, that completely hides
into place. The platform a mini-satellite dish. It
can support up to 300 lbs, looked to me like agreat
and can be leveled or tilted idea, but Icouldn't help
as desired. Retail price will but wonder who might
be between $140 and $170, be interested in Research
depending upon the number Transfer Technology's
of arms. The arms will now new line of spark plugs
be available in silver or black, designed by Dick Sequerra,
the spikes in aluminum or and what type of speakers
brass. the brilliant Paul Hales will
The most popular lineup of be designing for Samsung.
accessories, used in no fewer than —Jack English
45 display rooms, came from Barry
Kohan's Bright Star Audio. Their
biggest news was the introduction of
the Air Mass 1 pneumatic and air- We wonder why no one thought of it before:
Atlantic's Elvis Guitar CD stand.
bearing isolation platform ($99).
Measuring 16" by 16" and standing just


"And too bad Robert `Don't Call Mc Digital Lad' Harley "Different, yeah; the VMPS folks have an exclusive on
got there before us; we would've gotten some nines remas- using 'em. Speaking of different, and speaking of speakers,
tered, too, but we didn't have the time to wait." the new Divine models from Reference 3A sure are night-
"Not in the not-a-picosecond-to-lose world that is and-day from their other speakers, the Grand Masters."
WCES." "But which is night and which is day? Funny, but Ican't
"What did you think about the VMPS room?" stop thinking that Reference 3A is aproduct name, not the
"Man, Ithought it was pretty bitchin'. They were playing company name. They likened the Divine, or /a Divine in
that DTS-encoded material —Tom Young's, or maybe French, to their own Suprema, which is atwo-patter, with
Jung's, Big Band —and it sounded much more natural than bass box below and tweeter-mid above."
what we heard in LA at HI-FI '95." "But instead of boxes, the Divine is totally tubular"
"Yeah, absolutely. Those VMPS FF-1 and FF-3 Focused "Fully, dude. A little over three-'n'-a-half-feet tall, six-'n'-
Field Array speakers seemed to disappear. No mean feat, a-half-inch-diameter aluminum tube, to be exact."
considering how big they arc and how many were there." "Not your run-of-the-mill speakers. They wouldn't nec-
"And each model features averitable tour of driver types essarily go unnoticed in your listening room."
—cone woofers, dome tweeters, ribbon `supertweeters,' and "No, but the speakers from Sunrise might. Or at least
Dynaribbon midrange drivers." their Panorama model, the one that's designed to be built
"Those Dynaribbon jobbies were odd-looking, though. into the wall."
Kinda like ametal plate wrapped up in bubble-pack." "Amazing how they managed to actually install apair in

THOMAS J. NORTON and white signal), Red-Y, and Blue-Y. announced the new Citation 7.5DP,

es always easy to come up with a Component video from DVD, both which will perform both Dolby Pro
snappy lead about Las Vegas —it's intuitively and according to those who Logic and AC-3 decoding. At $2100 for
such an easy target And while a have actually made aclose comparison, the base model (unmodulated AC-3
lot of the derision is undeserved (get a produces anoticeably superior picture. input only, for unmodulated Dolby
mile or so away from the Strip and And Toshiba's demo (Runco 980, AC-3 sources such as DVD), and
Vegas looks like any other wealthy, Faroudja quadrupler, component $3000 for the fully equipped version
medium-sized Southwestern city), not video) was easily the video hit of the (with Jim Fosgate's 6-Axis surround
too many CES-goers get on the plane WCES. mode plus an RF demodulator for
home humming "My kind of town, Las In other DVD news, Pioneer laserdisc-based AC-3), this is designed
Vegas is ... "Nevertheless, few cities are either to be afrilly stand-alone device
better equipped to handle a or for use with existing Citation
crush of conventioneers or Fosgate processors.


or tourists. There There is also another
are, to paraphrase new Citation pro-

the cliché, more cessor due soon,
hotel rooms there the 5.0 ($1995,
than in any three THX, AC-3 only
third-world coun- with an outboard pro-
tries. And it seemed as if cessor such as the 'Z5DP).
there were exhibitors in all of The 75DP and 5.0 will be avail-
them! Ithought last year's Show was able in late spring.
monstrous, but somehow it just keeps talked of friture recordable DVD, both There was new processor news as
getting bigger. of the fixed and erasable varieties. I well. The Lexicon DC-1 announced
Iwas assigned to cover that little don't really expect to see such apro- in our CEDIA report last December
subcategory, Home Theater. Uh-huh. duct for several years, however. (p.37) is scheduled for May release in
As Iglanced over the pre-Show press Manufacturers have been putting off three versions (the top model, with
kits, Show guide, and the sheer volume marketing digital VCRs for fear of AC-3, costs $4500). Meridian's add-
of space apparently occupied by pro- lawsuits by shortsighted software com- on AC-3 board for their 565 surround-
jection systems, screens, and multi- panies; the same mentality will keep sound processor is now available for
channel this and that, Isaw that Ihad recordable DVD out of the public's $695; the complete processor with AC-
my work cut out for me. DVD, of hands until long after it is technologi- 3 costs $4490. And Kenwood's KC-
course, was the buzz at this Show. The cally and commercially feasible. Z1 offers "11-DC, AC-3, and a slick,
demos Isaw looked excellent —not Remember DAT? detachable, handheld remote touchpad
without flaw, but Iknow of no medi- Icover video at CES in more detail controller, for $2800. "AC-3 ready"
um that is. The usual big suspects were
demoing —Sony, Thompson (RCA/
Proscan/GE), Philips/Magnavox, Pio-
Guide to Home Theater. On the Home (the RTC-985, THX,
in the latest issue of the Stereophile processors were introduced by Rote!

Theater audio front, new surround- Carver (the Director CT-30X, THX,

neer, and agaggle of others Imanaged sound processors were all over the $1200), and Parasound (the P/SP-
to miss. The acid test, of course, will place, most sporting AC-3, or promis- 1500, TH)Ç $1500). These must all be
come when we see actual production ing it as an imminent upgrade or add- used with external AC-3 decoders to
hardware and software. on. Theta showed their $4500 reproduce AC-3. Two such external,
The video signal on DVD is record- Casablanca (Dolby AC-3 optional, as is bare-bones decoders were introduced:
ed in component form: Y (the black video switching). Harman/Karclon by Maranta (the DP-870, $670) and


their room at the Bi-Level." was The Beast, and each satellite is called The Beauty.
"The fact that they brought their own wall probably Together, they're known as pi2,'cause that's what they cost."
helped alot." "$9.87?"
"Oh. Ididn't notice. They matched the wallpaper really "I think the decimal point slides afew places to the right
well!" on that. Must be — that emerald-pearl granite they're fin-
"Spooky, that. Ididn't think I'd care for the sound of in- ished in can't be cheap, and the whole system weighs in at a
wall electrostatics, but it was surprisingly musical." beastly 3000 lbs."
"10-4 on that. If you're not afan of intramural activity, "What did you think about those new speakers that Mike
they have more conventional floorstanding units, with elec- Maloney, SciFi's chief SciFientist, showed us?"
trostatic panels and dynamic woofers." "Those thin little jobbies? Ithought they sounded very
"But the prize for most unusual speakers must go to pleasing —and, of course, they looked like nothing else."
Scientific Fidelity." "Hey, Mike was looking for suggestions for names for the
"Don't you mean `the most speakers that were unusual'?" product. Have any ideas?"
"Yes...I guess Ido. Icouldn't believe that the big gran- "Hmmm. Maloney Sandwiches, maybe?"
ite-looking cabinet thing that they were using as abar, span- "Maybe not."
ning the entire width of the room, was actually a sub- "Muse had no trouble finding amoniker for their new
woofer!" subwoofer, the Model 22."
"It's anew way to hide ahuge speaker: camouflage. That "When you name your subwoofers for their 3dB-down

Harman/Kardon (the AC-303, round-sound processor and apair of the spring. Not yet named,' it consists
$799). The proliferation of new AC- stacked Runco 980 projectors with of identical left, center, and right mod-
3-ready processors and outboard Faroudja line quadrupler No other els with aD'Appolito-type configura-
decoders, rather than all-in-one demo at the Show, Home Theater or tion — two woofers flanking acentral
devices, appears to be due largely to otherwise, was nearly as ambitious. tweeter —and dedicated stands, sur-
limited availability of AC-3 processing Only the JBL/Runco room chal- round speakers with the same drive-
chips; manufacturers are reluctant to lenged Wilson for the longest lines units but slighdy different architecture,
commit to a large, expensive, do-all waiting to get in. The Wilson room was and anew subwoofet Expect aprice of
processor that they won't be able to the best-sounding Home Theater setup around $2500 for each main and sur-
deliver in sufficient quantities. They are Iheard at the Show, though it was less round loudspeaker, and under $5000
also playing it conservatively until more astonishing than I'd expected, given the for the sub. The mains use the same
AC-3 program material becomes avail- price. Ihave the suspicion that the huge bass/mid and tweeter found in the
able —most likely not in large quanti- room and huge audiences kept it from WITT; the subwoofer uses a12" driv-
ties until DVD appears. reaching much more than half its sonic er and is self-powered (unlike the XS,
At the top of the new processor potential. above, for which the user must provide
heap, pricewise at least, is the new Wilson Audio also introduced (but amplification).
Krell Audio+Video Standard. It will did not play) a new array of Home Other high-end loudspeaker manu-
run you acool $10,000, is TI-LX-certi- Theater loudspeakers for delivery in facturers dipping a toe into Home
fied, and Dolby AC-3 and Pro Logic 1Suggestions that it be called "Half-WITT" are like-
Theater waters included Hales, with
are included as standard formats. DTS ly to get aWe-Arc-Not-Amused response. —IW the Concept HC (for Home Cinema?).
decoding is an option.
Speaking of DTS, they introduced Who knows...maybe this time-next year, you
four special DTS-encoded laserdiscs at the proud owner of this
the Show: Jurassic Park, Casper, Apollo
13, and Schindler's List. Thus far, the
only manufacturer who has announ-
ced the immediate availability of a
DTS processing option is Krell, though
afew others, including Theta, are said
to be ready for DTS if the market war-
But CES is more than just acollec-
tion of new products with price-tags;
it's manufacturers making abig splash
for the assembled dealers, reps, and
press. For sheer ambition, Wilson
Audio's $600,000 Home Theater
setup had to take first prize: X-1/Grand
SLAMMs left and right, WATT/
Puppy 5s center and surround, two of
the new XS (pun intended) subwoofers
(700 lbs and $17,000+ each, depending
on finish), Krell Reference Standard
amplification, plus the new Krell sur- When worlds collide: ADAls tube-powered surround-sound processor.


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Quality You Can Heat"'
point, the naines corne easily." "I loved those! It was just so cool that they could toss us
"It'll give folks ahint of what their killer Model 18 will each an amp. We could almost juggle them."
do, at amuch lower price—like $1650 to $1750, depending "Juggle? Speak for yourself. Amazing that they get so
on your taste in finish." much power into such asmall box. It'd make our room sys-
"It seemed to be doing afine job. Ithought the bass in tem rock even more than it already does."
their room was tight and tuneful, where the subwoofer was "They were playing their TBD amps in the room, and
workin' it, but above that it was less good." they sounded tiptop. If there's afamily resemblance in the
"Oh, that's just because you didn't like that Grateful Dead B-80s, it could be just the thing for our home-away-from-
cut they were playing!" home system."
"'Dislike' may be too strong aword. How about 'loathe'? "In the Shun Mook room, the monks of Mook didn't do
Ienjoyed playing my own selection in there quite abit, the usual with/without demo of their Mpingo discs this
thank you." time around."
"Too bad we can't pack asubwoofer for our hotel room "They may have been more interested in showing their
system." new speaker, the Bella Voce. Ithink the speaker comes with
"We could, but would you want to schlep it to the Show, three discs per, too. Pre-tuned!"
and then back home?" "It was highly musical. Even with the inexpensive
"No way. But we could get some of those cute little White Pioneer CD player...though the internal tuning, of
Labs B-80 monoblock amps!" course, makes it aconsiderably less inexpensive CI) player."

Like the Wilsons, this is aD'Appolito

design, and sells for $1200 each.
Genesis also had an impressive setup
in asmall room, using apair of their
new three-way, four-driver 400s at
$4000/pair, three of the small, pyra-
mid-shaped, dipolar 700s ($1500
each) for center and surrounds,
and a pair of 800 servo-con-
trolled subs ($8000/pair). Very
promising sound; Iwould have
liked to have heard this system
in alarger room. The only real
drawback: bright movie sound-
tracks (and the Jurassic Park Iheard
there is aprime example) badly need
the soft, slightly lower-quality resolu-
tion of Pro Logic, plus, often enough,
some sort of cinema EQ (such as
THX's re-equalization), to sound well-
balanced in a domestic room. The
Finally in production. Krell's awe-inspiring Audio+Video Standard Home Theater control center can
Audio Research surround-sound pro- offer both AC-3 and DTS decoding.
cessor Genesis was using has neither
feature, and Jurassic was unlistenably There were other new Home The- nology debuted apromising new AC-
bright at high levels in that small room. ater loudspeakers and amps all over the 3—compatible series, not yet named.
The F2gles' Hell Freezes Over concert place. M&K had scads of new products, Mirage and Energy each had abushel
laserdisc sounded vastly better. notably the new S-150THX loud- and a peck of new loudspeakers,
Linaeum had a sweet-sounding speaker series. AR had awhole new including anew MBS-2 ($600/pair), a
presentation, probably the best sound I line designed by Christie Designs, for- larger version of the versatile MES
heard in one of those prefab, conven- merly contributors to Infinity, includ- bipolar design.
tion-floor boxes the CES fobs off on ing anew 97dB-sensitive model, the 'Whew. I just ran out of space, and I
exhibitors as "soundproof rooms." The 312 HO, at $1200/pair —SE fans take haven't even commented on new
all-new models on demo were the note. Infinity themselves had anew Home Theater amplifiers (two new
Model 10 ($2500/pair), the Model 11 Compositions Overture series: three models from Classé and athree-chan-
($1500/pair, used as surrounds), and models with design concepts similar to nel version of the McCormack
the Center Channel ($1200) —the lat- those in the Compositions Prelude, DNA-0.5, in particular, caught my
ter areal conversation piece of indus- ranging from MOO to $2800/pain The eye). Somehow Ithink Imanaged to
trial design. No sub was used, and the Prelude remains in the line unchanged see almost everything, but there was
amps were tube designs from except for aprice increase to $3400/ such asensory overload that Ihave to
Quicksilver. Great picture, too, cour- pair, a13% jump less than ayear after its apologize to those not mentioned. If I
tesy of aRunco 980 with Faroudja introduction. (Bad Infinity, bad, bad.) carried away one impression from this
quadrupler, rear-projected on asmall, Atlantic Technologies showed an CES, it's that both high-end audio and
5' wide, 16:9 screen. It made even updated System 250, the System 250.1, Home Theater are alive and kicking.
Congo look and sound interesting. weatherized for AC-3. Phase Tech- — Thomas .). Norton


"Creek had an interesting and cool item, the OBH-10." Bruichladdich Scots whiskey that Roy Hall poured us ataste
"The remote volume control add-on, yeah!" of, now, could it?"
"Or, you could use it as aone-input passive preamp." "No. At least Idon't think so. Hey, it was just awee nip!"
"For that truly minimalist system." "No, you're right, Iagree."
"It didn't seem to be hurting anything in the Creek/ "For aminute, Ithought that the AIT-S and ATT-Q pas-
Epos/Music Hall/Bruichladdich system. In fact, I'd say sive attenuators from WAVAC Audio Ltd. were also
that's the best sound I've heard yet from their setup, which remote-control volume devices, but they weren't."
doesn't change much from Show to Show." "Nope, they work the old-fashioned way — you get up
"It couldn't have anything to do with that fine and turn the knob. They also have five inputs per."

LL Convention Center. Waiting in line of granite, resulting in asubwoofer cre-

rriving at Las Vegas this year outside the room, Iheard powerful denza 2.5' high, 2' deep, and 8' long.
was an eye-opener. I rushed deep bass coming from the room. The "Beast" is sensitive, rated at
from the airport to the Golden Inside, the bass was less overpowering, 100dB/W/m. Due to a late granite
Nugget Hotel for alate-night Stereophile because Shawn Murphy, the famed delivery, Mike could not show awork-
editorial briefing. The cab screeched to movie recording engineer (Jurassic Park, ing version.
ahalt two blocks from the hotel with Apollo 13, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Acarian Systems' Carl Marchisot-
minutes to spare. The cop's scowling Danger, and Home Alone 2), had bal- to introduced the Poseidon Subwoofer
face made it clear the cab would get no anced the sound. Wilson used his super ($15,000, available April). The twin-
closer to the hotel. There was nothing to home theater to show movie segments cabineted subwoofers (two cabinets
do but run. As Ineared the Golden from Jurassic Park, Home Alone 2, and per channel) use a double isobarik
Nu I4let, Iheard "Happy Trails" blaring array. Each cabinet has an external
from outdoor speakers. Look- and an internal driver, each
ing up, I saw a huge using cobalt magnet
curved screen over my
head showing silhou-
etted horsemen mov-
structures. Each
channel's cabinets
are stacked with
ing against abrilliant MOST INVOLVING MUSIC OF THE 1996 WCES. external woofers
desert sunset. I had facing each other
stumbled into Las Vegas's across the inter-cabinet
outdoor sound-and-light show, boundary. Marchisotto be-
the "Fremont Street Experience," which lieves that the compression of the air
shuts down traffic every night for 10- Apollo 13.11e subwoofers roared to life by facing woofers produces the most
minute periods between 6pm and 11pm. during the Saturn rocket liftoff natural bass. Carl set his system
More experiences were to come —a sequence from Apollo 13. Though the crossover with the low-pass at 40Hz,
five-storey hot-air balloon shaped like sound pressure levels were high, the using amodified Dahlquist LP-1 (bet-
the pink Energizer Bunny floating reproduction of the rocket was natural, ter jacks, better capacitors), which he
slowly out of the Sahara Hotel parking clean, and not oppressive. Wilson originally designed for John Dahlquist
loe, afull-scale Egyptian Pyramid at the explained later that the XS's two 18" in 1975. This room was the first that I
Luxor Hotel projecting abrilliant light woofers show only aI" excursion dur- visited that was playing only LPs —no
straight up into the jet-black Vegas ing that liftoff scene, despite their rated CDs! The overall system, playing Janis
night; and being told that the full-scale peak-to-peak excursion of 2" and Ian's Breaking Silence, featured some of
pirate ships that do battle in front of the power handling of 700W continuous. the deepest, cleanest bass Iheard at the
Treasure Island Hotel sink several times Scientific Fidelity pushed the Show.
anight. Ifinished the Show by racing Vegas subwoofer extravaganza even Velodyne Acoustics was showing
back East on ared-eye flight just ahead further with their 1500-lb "Beast," part two new products, the F-1800 ($1999
of the Blizzard of '96, and landing just of their full-range "Pi-Squared Beauty and the new High Gain Series (HGS
before they closed all the New York and the Beast" system ($98,696). subwoofers (price not determined at
airports. Designer Mike Maloney selected gran- Show time). The F-1800 is Velodyne's
What Isaw in the audio exhibits fit ite for the subwoofer because of its first 18" sub with driver, crossover, and
right into the outdoor Vegas scene. My "inert" qualities. Iknow what you're servo amplifier in one cabinet. The F-
brief was to cover subwoofers and wondering — how did they move it? 1800 features a300W servo amplifier,
tuners, and what JA and WP termed Mike hired "five big guys with refrig- an 18" driver with Yi" linear travel, a
"Miscellaneous." erator dollies." Emerald-colored gran- passive high-pass crossover set at
Because of their key roles in home ite sheets, %" thick, are attached to the 85Hz, and an active-adjustable low-
theater systems and car audio, sub- subwoofer cabinet with Black Magic pass, 40-100Hz. Its remote controls
woofers were everywhere. Wilson adhesive. The sub's two 24" drivers gain, phase, low-pass frequency, and
Audio Specialities introduced the (one each per channel) have 2" excur- power. Velodyne designed the HGS
Show's tallest subwoofer, the "XS." sions, and are mounted in I2ft3 ported Series to provide subwoofer power in a
Two of these refrigerator-sized subs cabinets with a system resonance of smaller package than either their
flanked the screen in Wilson's 18Hz. The left- and right-channel cab- "ULD" or "F" series. The HGS series
$600,000 Home Theater exhibit at the inets are joined on top by asingle piece is available in 10", 12", and 15" drivers


"The WAVAC SE triode amps looked very retro-future- Country life /A quiet space /The talk of acouple /Put
cool, with that laboratory glass surrounding the tubes, giving those strawberries in a glass of champagne / See Pretty
them amuseum-display-case ambiance." Woman in the Home Theater /And music /The sound /
"Or maybe like Mr. Peabody's WAVAC machine?" The art of music /The real music /String Quartets /Jazz
"Settle down, Sherman." vocals /And orchestras /Tension and relaxation /WAVAC
"I was looking at their literature, and they were waxing DHT-SE amps.'"
poetic. Imanaged to memorize it, in fact; let me recite it for "Nice. But I'd make it `String orchestras /Jazz quartets /
you: `Farmland through the window /The breeze swings And vocals.' "
trees / Dance of lace curtain sweeping old furniture / "You want to take astab at rewriting some literature.

with downsized enclosures, and fea- Rotel announced two surround- with some of the best imaging Ican
tures integral LED display for remote sound FM tuner/preamplifiers, the recall on vinyl. For subwoofer addicts,
functions, aluminum servo-controlled RTC-970 ($800) and RTC-985 ($1499), few records plumbed the nether fre-
drivers, DSP signal processing for con- suitable for a central audio/Home quencies as well as the 45rpm M&K
trol of all operating functions (includ- Theater system. Both units feature a Bottom End Musical Bass & Transient Test
ing room equalization), and an off-line DB25-style mukipin receptacle for easy Record (M&K 10016). Subwoofer de-
transformerless tracking-power-sup- connection of an outboard decoder for lights on that record included the can-
ply amplifier that is alightweight, sta- any of the 5.1-channel discrete digital non crescendo from the 1812 Overture,
ble, and cool power source. formats (Dolby AC-3, DTS, etc.). apipe organ, flamenco dancers, and,
Miller & Kreisel Sound Cor- Fanfare displayed the FT-1 ($1195), for hopelessly lost bass freaks, asteam
poration introduced their new MX- an analog FM stereo tuner that SS locomotive.
150THX powered subwoofer ($1195). praised in June 1994 (Vol.17 No.6, The room of speaker manufacturer
This box features along-throw, mag- p.147). President Mary Southcott men- Richard Shahinian continues to be a
netically shielded driver rated to per- tioned that improvements in the highlight of my CES visits. At 6pm at
form down to 20Hz, and a 150W tuner's performance had been realized the Sahara bi-level, when most displays
RMS internal power amplifier with a since the review, partially the result of close, well-known recording engineers,
"headroom maximizer" circuit that new quality-control methods. audio writers, and music lovers assem-
prevents woofer overload. It contains a Audio Alchemy announced the ble in Richard's room to listen to music
fixed 80Hz, 24dB/octave Linkwitz- Robyn 1, acomputer-controlled pure (not equipment), and to him. The door
Riley low-pass filter. The rating means DC power supply, at asuggested retail is shut, and Richard opens his huge col-
that a single MX-150 is certified to price of $259. It utilizes anickel-cad- lection of classical and operatic CDs.
TI-DC standards when used in rooms mium battery pack to provide suffi- Using his Compass loudspeaker, an
up to 3000ft3.This system performed cient power to operate many of Audio omnidirectional design, Richard en-
well playing "Gnomus" from Jean Alchemy's products (DACman, DAC- gages the audience in aspirited dialog
Guillou's pipe-organ recording of in-the-Box, DDE v1.1, VAC-in-the- about music, recording techniques, the
Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition Box, DTI•Plus, ED! v1.0, DLC, DST, current state of opera, and other topics.
(Dorian DOR-90117). and HPA v1.0). This approach can He is charismatic, commanding, and
Though few FM tuners were in allow portability and provide pure DC completely knowledgeable. No one
operation at the Show, Onkyo did power, which can result in better would want to take "center seat" and
introduce its T-431OR RDBS model. It recovery of "low-level bass and demand that his own pet test record-
features 30 presets, battery-free memo- midrange detail," claims AA. ings be played unless the music, not the
ry backup, and atwo-mode precision Chase Technologies' Bob Rapo- audio, were magnificent.
reception system that monitors signal port introduced the Chase RLC-1 This year, one well-known producer
quality and chooses optimum settings. ($399), awireless remote-control sys- asked Richard if he wouldn't like to
The news here is the inclusion of the tem for non-remote-equipped stereos; teach at Juilliard. He then asked
Radio Data Broadcast System (RDBS). it controls volume, balance, mute, and Richard to critique his latest piano
The RDBS technology, standardized by input switching. The RLC-1 connects recording. Richard listened with his
the National Radio Systems Commit- through the tape monitor, and can eyes closed, grimaced, sang with the
tee in January 1993, allows broadcasters even serve as the main control center, piano, and then suddenly held up his
to transmit radio text and commands as replacing the preamplifier, because it hand. He announced that it was too
digital data on an inaudible subcarrier. has four line-level inputs and two main close-miked —"You shouldn't hear
CEMA (Consumer Electronics Man- outputs. A power on/off controls a the hammers strike the strings!" He
ufacturers Association) announced the 500W relay for central AC control. reached into his suitcase and produced
availability of a Radio Data System Miller & Kreisel Sound Cor- apiano recording with aperspective he
encoder that allows one to see adisplay poration plans to re-release their ca favored. Then he brought out his cur-
of the call letters of astation, program 1975 vinyl recordings on CD. These rent favorite CD, anew recording of
format (jazz, pop, classical), song titles, include the Robert Wagner Chorale's Elgaes Violin Concerto by a young
artist names, and traffic bulletins. This Encore (M&K RealTime, Direct-to- artist named Takezawa, and explained
was displayed at the Convention Center Disc RT-110), which included "Dry why it was awonderful recording. For
as part of the CEMRs "Wall of Radio." Bones," used by HP at TAS to test me, Dick Shahinian's room had the
The impact of RDBS on the serious phono overload in preamps; and most involving music of the 1996
FM radio listener remains to be seen. "Danny Boy," a lilting choral work WCES. —Larry Greenhill


maybe you should go over the stuff from Joly." rewind fee when they return them to Blockbuster."
"Why, what did they say?" "We heard it there first. Of course, the DVD video
"I'll give you an example. For their car speakers, or HI- demonstration was inspiring at the Pioneer press confer-
END Audio Boxes, as they call them, they claim that 'For ence."
old-aged people, frequent listening will make them out of "Unfortunately, we sel don't have any definite word as to
old-aged insanity.' Ishowed that to J. Gordon Holt, and he what it's going to mean for audio. We'll have to continue to
figured maybe he oughta get apair, just in case." hold our breath."
"He's acrazy dude, but in agood way. Anything else good "Ile vanguard of digital audio was alive and well at the
from Joly?" PopeMusic press conference, though. The 3-D glasses they
"Well, they also said that ... the JOLY Speaker has been gave all of us for viewing their posters were way cool."
proved to be able to return hair to its original, pliable state "And they got some nice music from the Balanced
within three months... After six months the hair shall Audio Technology stuff and Von Schweikert Research
become fine and soft.'" VR-4s. Very good for avery-last-minute setup."
"Sounds like aserious threat to the conditioner business." "Did you notice the word Schnittke' being whispered
"Power conditioners?" throughout the Show?"

"No —hair conditioners."
"How 'bout our trip to the Las Vegas Convention
Center? Talk about overload!"
"Small wonder we unaffectionately refer to it as
'The Zoo.' You could spend days wandering
through there, just marveling at the glitzy displays
and chatting with the lovely spokesmodels. Ididn't
feel we got much accomplished there, though, with
the mainly static displays."
"It saddens me abit to see so many high-end
audio companies exhibiting there. One of the things
Ilove about the audio world is the community and
the camaraderie. It comes across at the Sahara. The
Zoo doesn't feel like it has much to do with music."
"Well, I think it's more about chasing the
almighty dollar. That's what this Show is for, after all.
These people are trying to sell product to dealers.
Remember, even though we've been coining here
for years before we were official, it's not apublic
Show. Maybe the more these companies sell, the
better it is for audio in general. It's a different
approach: 'Come See N.E.A.R., Mirage, Energy,
Proceed, Parasound, and XL() do battle with the
Japanese Giants!'"
"That's atough row to hoe, and Iwish 'em well.
But it's just not much fun over there. A lot of diem
aren't set up to actually demo their stuff And even
those who are, sometimes won't!"
"Kinda weird what happened at Marantz when
Iasked to hear one of their demos, huh?"
"Yeah. 'I'm sorry, Sir, but we're only letting deal-
ers actually hear the equipment... '"
"'This excludes the audio press?'" The Monster That Ate Las Vegas: Dr. Bruce Edgar's 50Hz horn speaker and the Electra-Print
"'Yes, sir. We can't let you hear our products.'"
"Hmm ... Go forth and figure."
"After all of that abuse, it sure was nice to step into the "Didn't we hear Pope's Scimittke recording in the BAT
dark and quiet recesses of the Sennheiser booth and listen room?"
to the Beach Boys and Ali Farka Toure on their flagship "Gee, Idon't know, uh Oh, you mean Balanced Audio
Orpheus headphone system." Technology! Yes, the sound was most captivating coming
"Like alittle oasis." through the ESPs. They were using the VK-60s, right?"
"And what apleasure to wake up the next morning to the "Uh-huh. Their new VK-500 solid-state dual-mono
dulcet tones of Larry Archibald's voice on alocal morning- monster amp seems very promising for the power-hungry.
guys radio program." I'd love to hear that."
"Hanh! They were impressed with his professionalism. "Thiel's little party in their room was quite enjoyable.
He wowed 'em by not needing headphones. He is an audio- That's the one where we helped them in their struggle to
phile, after all. He must've wanted to hear the live room open their wine."
mix." "We aided them in their struggle to drink it, too, if Irecall
"And we got some insight into what the major benefit of correctly."
DVD will be for the consumer. They won't have to pay a "Fine it was. And their system had the uncanny ability to


make the listener feel the music was coming from behind." "And what aparty it was. Everyone in audio was there."
"Right. That was 'cause the listening chairs were facing "Rivaled only by the Mondial Jam."
away from the speakers." "Stereophile had alot of guys up there on the bandstand.
"No matter, they were well-represented all over the rest We had the M&Ms —Michael 'Mick' Fremer and Muse
of the Show in more orthodox setups, and Ihave afeeling `Kruise' Kastanovich — singing leads, Kristen Wailin"
they turned their own chairs around during the day, too." Weitz providing backing vocals, John Jah' Atkinson on bass,
"They had to face the music sooner or laten" Steven 'Rolling' Stone on guitar, and Bob Rockin" Reina
"Wilson Audio's press breakfast was another pleasant lit- pounding away on keyboards."
tle gathering, wasn't it? Those looked like some bitchin' "The best party of all, natch, had to have been our own
Home Theater speakers." little soirée, when we were joined by Muse Kastanovich and
"Dave Wilson doesn't do things halfway. Like with his Steven Stone to hear Steven's live DAT masters and CD-Rs
new XS 7' subwoofer with 104dB sensitivity. Like Dave of Richard Thompson, Dave Alvin, Joan Osborne, and just
said, 'There's not enough sensitivity in audio anymore.'" about everyone else."
"It brought atear to my eye..." "Steve is the DAT master, and our transportable room sys-
"Then we got misty again at the Stereophile party, when tem never sounded better."
Audio Power's Les Edelberg gave all the credit to Guy "The scotch-and-cigar party we had last night at the Rio
Hickey and all of us on The Audiophile Network for is my favorite new tradition."
making it possible for his Power Wedges to earn 'Accessory "That cigar terrace was way cool. What'd we have, about
of the Year' honors." 20 people or so?"
"What asweet guy. JA got the crowd laughing when he "Must've been more than that."
pointed to Bob Graham's cast and remarked that it was the "Maybe so. And Ihave afeeling that it's only going to get
only Graham arm that had ever broken." bigger and better at future Shows."
"And we all laughed again when Bob complained about "Yeah. I've got my travel humidor packed already."
JA stealing his only joke." "It's the best part of the high-end audio world, to experi-
"Dave Wilson was the perfect capper when he accepted ence the community among similarly afflicted music lovers.
his awards for 'Component of the Year,' Loudspeaker of the To share the fine spirit over some fine spirits."
Year,' and 'Editor's Choice' for his X-1/Grand SLAMM." "It makes it worth it, even having to write aShow report
"It was quite moving when he tipped his hat to J. Gordon and all."
Holt for starting the whole thing, and thanked all the com- "D'OHHH!! The Show report! We've gotta figure out
ponent makers for making his speakers sound so good." how we're gonna do the thing. Got any ideas yet?"
"He's agreat speaker who makes great speakers." "Not aclue. But we'll think of something..." S

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nock, knock."
"Who's there?'
"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?'
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?'
"Philip Class."
Philip Glass's music is, ofcours famousfor its repetitive structures, at once
instantly recognizable and ingrained in the collective consciousness of
music lovers worldwide. His operas symphonies, string quartets,con-
certos large-scale theater pieces, popular works, andfilm scores rank
him as one ofthe most important American composers ofthe 20th
century. His latest releast, La Belle et la Bête, is an opera
based on the 1946 film byJean Cocteau.

"rve been listening to La Belle quite alot recently.

Irented the movie and played the piece at the same
time, like you did when it was performed live.
Will you be releasing it like that on laserdisc?"
"We can't, Rick. We don't have the rights."
"It wasn't easy to sync up, but it was worth
the trouble. It's great!"
"Well, good."
"Could we listen to some of it here?"
"How about this instead, Anima Mune Do
you know this piece?"
Class put the laserdisc in his Pioneer CLD-
501 player, hooked up to aNakarnichi AV-2
receiver and three-piece Bose Acoustimass
speaker system with small Mordaunt-Short
monitors as rear-wall surrounds. The rest of the
system in his living room/open kitchen consists of
Nakamichi CD-4 disc player and DR-3 cassette
deck, Sony D7C-69 DAT deck, and a25"
Sony television.
And how did it sound?... LOUD! It just
about blew my notebook across the room. Not
what Iexpected fiom the diminutive tweeters
mounted up on the side walls. It's arecording Pm
familiar with, and in spite of its being somewhat
on the "hi-fi" side sonically, it was surprisingly
"How do you end up choosing the
equipment that you do?"
"Well, Ijust call up my studio
down the road. Kurt Munlcacsi's
been my sound designer and pro-
ducer for 25 years, and Isay, `Kurt,


come over, let's take alook at this,' and we usually get the up. Iunderstand your father owned arecord store, yes?"
high-end stuff. Everybody knows what it is, it's not abig "Oh yes, I've been in the record business since Iwas 12. I
secret. You know. Ilike Aiwa or Sony, and Ithink the Bose began working for my father then, when the business was
system is very good. Idon't get into hairsplitting and 'this is 78s. In those days we had — these are archaic things — the 5%
better than that.' That's alot of baloney. Of course, for the return privilege for broken records. That was the standard.
people who read your magazine it might make abig differ- What we did, if you didn't have broken records, you used up
ence your 5% with records you wanted to return. My first job in
"Yes, it does." the music business was going into the basement of my father's
"But you know, when you're putting together ahigh-end store and jumping on records! We put the pieces in boxes and
sound system, you're gonna get good stuff. It has more to do we shipped them back. Then we discovered we could buy up
with how much you're willing to pay, doesn't it?" other people's 5%s. We were buying and selling broken
"Partly. A lot of it has to do with how you match compo- records from all over the South. It's avery odd chapter in the
nents too, how it's put together." record business, but that was it. My Luther was the king of the
"That's what Kurt's good at. Our system downstairs here return privilege. Then LPs came around."
is very well-organized, but for upstairs ... well, this one here "I love it. Did you have agood sound system back then?"
is the optimum one." "Not particularly."
"What do you use upstairs, Phil?" "No?"
"Come on up, I'll show you ... Here in my library, this is "I guess Idid. My father built the stuff. In 1947 we had the
what Ilisten to in the evening, this little Aiwa system. This is first television set in Baltimore, because he built it. In the



fine, you can buy this sanie way, he made his

thing for $250. Then, in own stereo stuff, and for
my actual studio, there's speakers we got, oh,
an electric pencil sharp- whatever was in the
ener and it's the only store. The trouble with
electrical thing in the that is, you tend to get
room. I don't require the things that don't sell,
anything for writing so you may not have the
music." very best. But that wasn't
"You must have lis- an issue. Before Mr.
tened to a lot of music Fisher invented 'Hi-Fi,' I
when you were growing don't think people
thought about it...
concert hall at Lincoln
Akkaten (1987), Sony Masterworks M2K 42457
Center. [laughs] Iwas in
Anima Mundi (1983), Elektra Nonesuch 79239-2
Dance Nos.1-5 (1988), Sony Masterworks M2K 44765 the store from a very
Dance Pieces (1987), Sol Masterworks MK 39539 "I'm very happy with this sound system: .
early age and Baltimore,
Einstein on the Beach (1979 ,Sony Masterworks M4K 38875 in those days, was a
Einstein on the Beach (3199 ,Elektra Nonesuch 79323-2
blue-collar town. We
The Essential Philip Glass (1993), Sony Masterworks SK 64133
Glassworks (1982), Sony Masterworks MK 37265 sold a lot of hillbilly
Hydrogen Jukebox (1993), Elektra Nonesuch 79286-2 music, what you'd call country & western today. My father
Itaipu (1993), Sony Masterworks SK 46352 used to bring home the records he couldn't sell, which were
Koyaanisqatsi (1983), Antilles/Island 422 814 042-2
mostly classical. He became agreat lover of esoterica, things
Kronos Quartet Performs Philip Glass (1995), Elektra Nonesuch 79356-2
La Belk et la Bits' (1995), Elektra Nonesuch 79347-2 like — remember we're talking about the 1940s —
Low Symphony (1993), Point Music 438 150-2 Shostakovich string quartets, Bartók, and even the Schubert
Mishima (1985), Elektra Nonesuch 79113-2 piano trios. Not normal fare for record buyers. So Iended
Music in 12 Arts (1989), Virgin/Venture 91311-2 up with avery refined library of music at home, but down-
Music With Changing Parts (1984), Elektra Nonesuch 79325-2
North Star (1977), Virgin 92013-2 town Icould hear everything else. In away, if you look at
1000 Airplanes on the Roof (1989), Virgin 91065-2 my life now, it's not that different. My connection to the
Passages (1990), Private Music 2074-2-P world of music is still as broad as it was when Iwas aboy,
The Photographer (1983), Sony Masterworks MK 37849 and it's probably for that reason. In the same way, Iunder-
Powaqqatsi (1988), Elektra Nonesuch 79192-2
Scityagraha (1985), Sony Masterworks M3K 39672 stood the business of music from avery early age."
The Screens (1992), Point Music 432 968-2 "And nowadays, do you listen to alot of live music?"
Solo Piano (1989), Sony Masterworks MK 45576 "I'm more likely to hear live music than recorded music,
Songs from Liquid Days (1985), Sony Masterworks MK 39564
but the whole debate of live vs recorded is an interesting dis-
Songsfrom the Ttilogy (1989), Sony Masterworks MK 45580
The Thin Blue Line (1989), Elektra Nonesuch 79209-2 cussion, too, because one could argue for acertain quality of
Two Pages... (1994), Elektra Nonesuch 79326-2 recorded music that doesn't happen in live music."
"How do you mean?"

"Well, when Irecorded the Lou' Symphony, Icould pre- good pianos I've played. Ican tell you what halls have the bad
sent it in away you're never gonna hear it in aconcert. pianos. There's abig lump in the middle which is all the same.
There's more detail, there's more delineation of line, in the There are the terrible experiences and the wonderful experi-
recording than you'll hear in the live concert. Is that better? ences and that's all you remember. It's kind of like sex, isn't it?"
Idon't know. It's different, it's different." "Well it is all just reproduction."
"I suppose that for you, if it's closer to what your concept "I'm very happy with this sound system. Kurt said to me,
of..." 'I'm going to make something really nice for this house.' But
"You know, Rick, there are different kinds of concepts. alot of the stuff, like for example analog vs digital, it's an aca-
There's not one ideal concept, there are different ones. If I demic question for me. Isimply don't have the choice.
hear the music live, I'm getting one thing. If Ihear it record- Digital is what I'm working with. For someone who's an
ed, Iwant to be compensated for the loss of `liveness.' Ican audiophile, who gets pleasure out of finding LPs and play-
compensate for that by clarity and by balance in the inner ing them and so forth, that's their fun. That doesn't come up
voices, by being able to hear an English horn entrance which for me. Basically, when someone says to me, 'I have to go
would have got lost in the live performance, things of that out and buy aCD player, which one should Iget?' Iwill
kind. And so, you can make astrong argument for afinely almost always say, 'Look, Idon't really know. Why don't you
recorded piece of music. You'll hear it in more detail and buy aname brand and the more money you spend, the bet-
without some of the distractions of the concert hall. But then ter piece you'll get.' Ithink thaell be true for Sony, for Aiwa,
again, I'll always go back to the concert hall. finally." for whatever American companies. If someone called me up


"I noticed the music and said, 'Phil, Ijust spent

you played here was pretty $800 on speakers,' Ikind
loud, and it's kind of the of know what he bought. If
same at your performan- he's bought $200 speakers,
ces..." Ikind of know what he
"With acoustic music I bought. Ilike my system
don't, of course, it just is here, but if someone takes
what it is. But, uh, actually, me up to their apartment
I played that loud to and says, 'I want you to
impress you. Ido tend to hear my wonderful sound
play music loud, though. I system,' it's wonderful, but
play it alot louder than in acertain way, you have
most people." to remember, Rick, Ihear
"I assumed it was sort of so much. I hear sound
in character for you, Phil." from so many different
"Was it uncomfort- places. Idon't mean to say
able?" I'm jaded by it, but there's
"No, no. The thing was, ahuge volume of experi-
it got me thinking... ence I've been subjected
many of your perfor- to, which kind of takes the
mances are, let's say, on fun out of audiophile-ism.
the loud side, and the hall Imean, for me the big fun
will reverberate. Does the is writing music."
resonance of the hall, is "I dont require anything for writing music." "What is it you like so
that part of the ... ?" much about your system?"
"Well, it changes from "Well, the clarity. Clar-
hall to hall. I just did La Belle for 90 shows in 50 cities. That's ity, depth... clarity is important for me. Ilook for warmth
50 halls! They'll throw anything at you. The other thing is of sound, which is why you like analog, probably. Ilike
that when Igo into ahall and look at it, Idon't know what warmth, depth, and clarity. Those are three good things to
it's going to sound like. Ican tell in Europe. There's a look for, wouldn't you say?"
European concert hall which is so standard now, the Italian "Sure."
concert hall with the dome on the top, Iknow what that "There are probably other things I'm missing, but if Ican
sounds like, but I'll go up to Roy Thompson in Toronto, get warmth, depth, and clarity, I'll buy that. Is that agood
that's agood hall, but the old Massey Hall is better." summary?"
"I find it alittle perplexing that people like yourself, musi- "I think so. And when you're at home, do you listen more
cians who certainly care alot about their music — I'm sur- actively?"
prised that they're not necessarily audiophiles." "When I'm home, I'm upstairs writing music. The stuff
"The reason I'm not is that we go through so much equip- we do at the studio, Imay check on the DAT player, so that's
ment. Imean, you get good equipment, you get bad equip- important. This isn't high-high-high-end. It's agood system,
ment, you get good halls, you get bad halls. Iremember the and it's agood gauge for that kind of thing."


"How much just listening for pleasure do you do?" reading the program. That's what you read when you go
"Oh, `listening for pleasure'? That's adifficult thing to say, home. A few evenings ago Iwas at Carnegie Hall to hear
because Idon't listen to music when I'm talking with people, LEnfance du Christ, the Berlioz work, and they very obligingly
we don't have music during dinner. I've always thought kept the house lights at half so people could read the libretto.
music and romance was abad combination, because how can Iunderstand it in away, but what awaste of the experience! I
you pay attention to the romance when the music is on?" put the program in my pocket and Iread it later. Iwas paying
"See? You do have the makings of an audiophile." attention to the conductor, to the singers, to the bass
"My best time for listening is when Iam alone and I'm entrances, to the balance of the winds. Ican't read the libretto
cooking, because I'm undisturbed. I'll turn the phones off and do that."

and I'll put on music in here and I'll cook. Or at the end of "It just seems like there are so many people for whom
the day, maybe I'll listen to music. But Idon't like mixing music is always just background."
music with social activities, Ithink that's bad, because my "Well, it's not for us, and for me definitely not. Iwon't
mind goes to the music, so I've lost whatever else is going tolerate it. Let me put it this way, Rick: It's not the quality of
on. It becomes secondary attention." the system that's important, it's the quality of my attach-
"Absolutely. Ifeel the same way, Phil. Ican't read and listen ment. Ineed to be attentive to the music, and then Ican
to music at the same time." compensate for whatever system is there. Iknow that's not
"Oh, impossible, impossible! Impossible." an audiophile attitude either, but look, the quality of atten-
"But people do. Ithink most people have systems which tion is what's important. Iwould say to someone who is an
must not be good enough. If they could really listen to some- audiophile, if you have ahigh quality of attention, then
thing better, they wouldn't be reading, would they?" you'll want agood quality of sound because you'll be able to
"Well, one would think." listen. If you don't have high-quality attention, what's the
"I mean, people don't read the newspaper at alive con- point of a$5000 sound system if you're reading the news-
cert, generally." paper? Why bother? You might as well get acheap set, you
"I'm even surprised when Igo to aconcert and see people know? That's what /think." S

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Art Pepper

So In Love
Of the new releases issued
under Art Pepper's name in
1980, So In Love was overall
the finest. The altoist
stretches out here on apro-
helonious Action! gram of standards and

Revival Series
Inelonious Monk Quartet with blues, backed by alternat-
Johnny Griffin ing rhythm sections from
13)=AAPR 3002 S17 50 13LoplaeptBe131073r r7Fo5orce the East and West coasts. Fitzgerald &
Pianist Hank Jones is all p
3 aim
n pR 3007 517 50
Art Pepper one could ask for in an accom-

New York Album panist, and his aching solo on Diane

sustains perfectly the restive mood
Songs include: A Night In Tunisia, of Peppers' opening choruses. Art Pepper
Overall, the West Coast team (pianist
Lover Man, Straight, No Chaser
(alternate take), Duo Blues, and My George Cables whose great rapport The Intimate
Friend John. An exceptional quartet
date from '79, with Pepper having
with Pepper is unmatched, along
with jazz legends Charlie Haden and
Art Pepper
just established what became areg- Billy Higgins) powers the music along In 1979, Art Pepper was recorded at
ular working relationship with pianist with great care and economy. Pepper two sessions that, up until now, have
George Cables, who plays with pas- had climbed to such a plateau of yielded two fine albums, So In Love
sion and conviction. He hadn't yet individuality that he seems often and The New York Album. There was
e &Jacl,
hired abassist and drummer, so for mann unpearn here to be drawing his more first-rate material recorded in
Sne 0n d5 those two sessions than would fit on
the occasion Charlie Haden and Billy unconscious influences into
Higgins were used. Pepper was cer- eat t au is 300 9 S17 "
' the light and remembering two LPs, so difficult choices had to
LP =”•-•
tainly inspired by what they con- what it was he loved about be made as to what material not to
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Wynn. Remixed by Rik Pekkonen and daffodils his sentiments sarily made on the basis of the qual-
John Koenig; remastering supervised with the grace and cun- ity of the performances, but with
by John Koenig and Chad Kassem. ning of aLester Young. respect to such considerations as
Galaxy 5154.
LP=AAPR 3012 $17.50
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Porter waltz that agi-
length and congruence of repertoire
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Linkwitz with the new Audio Artistry Beethoven


ieeied Linkivitz was born in Germany in 1935. He re- used to make in-room measurements. Ibought an early
caved his electrical engineering degree from Darmstadt Advent speaker, measured it using the real-time analyzer, and
Technical University prior to moving to Califimnia in consequently developed an equalizer to flatten-out its fre-
1961 to tvork jir Hewlett-Packard. During Ins early quency response. That was afirst attempt on my part. Ithen
years in the US, be did postgraduate work at Stanford experienced areal surprise after we went to some local stores
University. For over 30 years Mr. Linkwitz has devel- and heard the Electrostatic Sound System's ESS-7. It just
oped electronic test equipment rangingfrom signal gener- sounded great, much better than the Advent. Naturally, I
ators, to network and spectrum analyzers, to microwave sweepers and bought the speaker and took it home, but after measuring it, I
instrumentationfor evaluating electromagnetic compatibility. He has also was astonished—it measured very poorly! That led to awhole
had along and distinguished second career as an audio engineering investigation into why it sounded so good but tested so badly.
visionary. Along with Russ Riley he developed thefamed, and widely We found out rather quicldy how important driver quality
used, Linkivitz-Riley crossoverfilter in the mid-1970s. Since then he was, as well as the distortion contributions of cabinet reso-
has contributed several important technical papas covering avariety of nances. We began experimenting with wool stuffing in the
measurement and speaker issues to such publications as the Journal of box and with various bracing and panel damping techniques.
the Audio Engineering Society, Electronics (Wireless) World, We found that wool could be avery effective loading mate-
and Speaker Builder. rial. A number of commercial designs sounded much better
Most recently, he has joinedforces with fellow HP engineer Mar- when we replaced whatever they had inside with natural
shall Kay, CAD (computer-aided design) specialist Kurt Pasquale, wool fiber. In my early designs, we tried two basic concepts
and marketing consultant Tom Hoffman toform Audio Artistry. This built around rather small enclosures, both of which worked
three-year-old, North Carolina—based company is dedicated to devel- quite well. For instance, we made some very rigid, heavily
oping and crafting speakers based on the accumulated insights and wis- braced small monitors; then we went the other way, using
dom Mr. Linkwitz has gained over three decades of loudspeaker re- very limp, thin panels for the box construction. These were
search. Ispoke with Siegfried about some of thee insights and experi- very easy to damp by applying roofing tar with sand mixed
ences during the course' of evaluating the Audio Artistry Dvorak the in. As you can imagine, this was areal messy operation —it
review of which isfound elsewhere in this issue. Myfirst question con- smelled pretty bad too, particularly if you placed the speaker
cerned what had motivated Linkwitz to et involved in audio. in the sun. It would out-gas for several weeks before you
could tolerate the smell!
Siegfried Linkwitz: Igrew up in afamily in which music While it damped box resonances quite effectively, this
was very much appreciated. My father and brother played approach was not really practical from acommercial point of
the piano, and although circumstances during World War II view, nor would it have been avery welcome addition to
prevented me from learning an instrument, I've always had a most people's living rooms. But it did demonstrate how im-
love for music. After graduating from university and joining portant minimizing box resonances is and just how difficult
Hewlett-Packard to design electronics, it was only natural it is to really control this form of resonant behavior.
that Iwanted to build audio equipment Icould use at home, Dickson: Wiit've worked with some of the most respected engineers
so Igot very involved in building power amplifiers, FM alltli0 over the years. Who had the greatest imhact on your thinking
tuners, preamps, and you name it —anything electronic I regarding speaker development?
needed to reproduce music. Then Ihad the fortune of meet- Linkwitz: Imentioned Lyman and Russ already. Lyman
ing some other engineers at HP who were similarly involved was really into the recording side of things, so he did alot of
in audio, particularly Lyman Miller and Russ Riley. Lyman recordings on asemiprofessional basis and was particularly
was very much into electronic design and making recordings interested in capturing sounds as close to their natural origin
while Russ built amplifiers and had akeen interest in speak- as possible. So we had some great reference material to
er development. They really turned me on to investigating guide our evaluation. Ilearned alot about recording from
things even deeper, and loudspeakers, to us, were the most Lyman and continued to make many of my own reference
interesting and challenging area since so little was really recordings, which Iused extensively during the develop-
understood about them. The speakers then on the market ment of these new speakers. Russ Riley is avery ingenious
could certainly be improved, so we saw areal chance to make design engineer and, on top of it, asuperb listener. Iwas
agenuine contribution. always impressed by how easily he could identify
Shannon Dickson: Could you share with us some of thejiinda- just what the problems were in aspeaker and in
mental problems you and your colleagues encountered during the early what frequency range and what one needed to do
attempts to improve speaker performance? about them. He had absolutely superb hearing.
Linkwitz: One of the problems at the time was that good test While not as well-known as some of the other
equipment wasn't available to us. Russ Riley developed his engineers, both Lyman and Russ had abig impact
real-time '/3-octave analyzer and apink noise source which we on my early audio career.




Reverend Brown trembled with anticipation
as dark cellos entered the room.

11111.‘it• for life
Through my work in developing test equipment for its maximum on-axis. In other words, the radiation pattern
Hewlett-Packard, Imet Laurie Fincham [then with KEF, remains stable at the crossover region and doesn't shift For
now with Infinity] and we became good friends. We've example, I've found through experimentation that it is defi-
shared avast amount of information with each other nitely audible if you go some distance above-axis and all
over the years, have met frequently, and consequently of asudden have amaximum peak or sharp dip in the
had some very positive mutual influence on one another. crossover region. This problem is similar to what hap-
Through Laurie, Iwas also introduced to anumber of pens with many large-panel dipole designs. As they pro-
distinguished engineers such as Floyd Toole, Stan duce higher frequencies, their off-axis response
Lipshitz, John Vanderkooy, and Peter Walker from becomes more irregular, with peaks and valleys that can
Quad. Ihad been following all of these people's writings color the overall sound and make speaker placement in
very intensely all along, so it was ajoy to meet them. agiven room very critical. If the crossover on any speak-
Most of these folks have been at my house at one time er doesn't blend together, you can get this kind of off-
or another to listen to various ideas Ihad been working axis peak.
on. In addition, Ihave been an avid reader of the JAES Another measurement Ilook at is the overall fre-
throughout the years, as well as Wireless World from the quency response on ahalf-octave or octave basis, just to
UK [now Electronics World —Ed.]. Wireless World used to see the general trend: whether the treble is rising or slop-
carry agreat deal of high-quality information about ing, etc. When you look at any response in detail, you
audio and speakers; it still does, in fact, though it's not as never get aflat picture, you always have little ups and
easy to find these days. Actually, my first publication downs; but I've found you don't really gain anything by
appeared in 1978 as alengthy three-part article in Wireless trying to smooth out these small ripple effects in the
World in which Idescribed the construction of athree- response. However, how smooth the response is over a
way active speaker system consisting of small satellites third- or half-octave basis is important. I'm essentially
and asubwoofer. looking for an averaged-flat anechoic response.
In summary, the various influences on my thinking do my quasi-anechoic measurements outdoors, with
have led to ageneral approach that is really ablend of the the speakers mounted on a50" turntable so that the
analytical — meaning the measurement of things — and speaker is as far away from any reflecting surfaces as pos-
the subjective listening experience, to try to find out sible, yet still manageable. Itry to get 10 milliseconds of
what is really going on. If there is ahypothesis of why undisturbed sound between the initial impulse response
something works — this way or that — I'll set up an and the arrival of the first reflection, which will give me

experiment to see if Ican prove it or disprove it. In this afrequency resolution of 100Hz and useful data for all
way, I've always attempted to correlate what we hear frequencies above acouple of hundred Hertz. Ialso try
with objective measurements—not always successfully, to minimize the first reflection off the floor or ground
mind you, but at least making the connection where with acoustic absorbers.' But as you can see, this method
possible. This method will give you alot of insight into really doesn't tell you much about the bass.
which measurements or artifacts are important and After my series of anechoic tests, Iperform in-room
which are not so important Occasionally, I've found re- measurements over a50ms time window. This gives me
sults that look very significant on paper but are barely afrequency resolution of 20Hz, and since 50ms is a
perceptible, if at all, while on the other hand, some pretty long time in aroom, it does takes into account
extremely slight irregularities can be very important son- the room reflections. Ialso use 50ms because that is
ically. about the maximum time span [during which] the
Dickson: Can you tell us what your priorities are in making human brain can process the characteristics of asonic
and evaluating specific measurements? event. Basically, Iuse these in-room measurements as
Linkwitz: I've learned there is awhole battery of mea- confirmation of the anechoic results, not to correct for
surements one needs to use —and interpret correctly— all the reflection anomalies or peaks and dips that show
in order to get abetter picture of any given speaker. No up in the response. Ido, however, make these in-room
one measurement will tell you the whole story. At the tests from several different locations, and with our new
top of the list is definitely aloudspeaker's on-axis an- dipole designs, even these in-room measurements over
echoic frequency-response measurement because this along time window are surprisingly smooth and flat.
represents the direct sound you heat However, of similar Another test Iperform looks for resonances and
importance are the vertical and horizontal anechoic off- stored energy in various locations — using aShaped
axis responses. So in my designs, Itry to achieve avery Tone Burst stimulus, which is particularly well-suited
well-behaved off-axis response which duplicates the for this. This is atremendous test signal. Imeasure the
shape of that on-axis, but steadily decreases in level the m a impedance curve of the drivers themselves to reveal dri-
farther you move off-axis. This is so important in deter- ver anomalies, and Ialso use complex multi-tone signals
mining the reverberant field and the reflected sound in the 1Color me envious. An anechoic time window of 10ms is excellent. Performing
listening room. speaker measurements in the Stereophile listening room, with its 9' ceiling height
Another key factor Ilearned during the development of and amicrophone distance of 50", results in about a3ms-4ms anechoic time win-
dow, this with avery thick pile of absorbing material on the floor. Siegfried insist
my crossover design is that, when two drivers are combined live in avery quiet neighborhood; there is too much background noise in Santa Fe
in the crossover region, their summed output should be at to perform measurements outdoors and get usable waterfall plots. —JA


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to test for nonlinear intennodulation distortion artifacts. basis. This is important when you compare it to FFT analy-
Dickson: Tisis is essentially the spectral contamination distortion sis, where you get good resolution at high frequencies but
measurement you are speaking af? very little information at low frequencies. The shaped tone-
Linkwitz: Yes, exactly, the same concept, in order to burst test works on alogarithmic scale so we can get
find nonlinear problems. Interestingly, in the old days good resolution all the way down to the lowest fre-
when we used pink noise as the stimulus to try to equal- quencies. Iuse this type of test signal to look at the
ize aspeaker to be flat at the listening position in areal decay of the burst, which gives me the same type of
room, it typically turned out too bright-sounding. This is information that you would be looking for in aspectral-
an approach that may be useful in aPA setup, but in alis- decay or waterfall plot that MLSSA can generate.
tening room it doesn't lead to acorrect result? Ialso have MLSSA, so Ido generate the spectral-
Dickson: Tell us more about the Shaped Time Burst test you decay plots as well, but Ihave to say, Ihave not found
just referred to. hound your article in the April 1980 issue of the the waterfall plots very useful except for maybe above
JAES (VoL28 No.2), discussing the benefits of using tisis stimulus 1 kHz. Below 1 kHz there are so many artifacts in the
in speaker evaluation, very interesting. typical spectral-decay waterfall plot that it is useless.
Linkwitz: From apractical standpoint, the advantage of Anyway, it's simply alot easier to get the same, and even
using ashaped tone burst (one that rises and decays grad- much more, information out of the shaped tone-burst
ually in asinusoidal envelope) is that all of the burst ener- response. Extending the time record for the FFT in
gy is concentrated into avery narrow frequency band. order to get useful low-frequency data is generally not
This is quite different from tone bursts used in the past, practical; using anarrow burst signal makes it so direct
where you had arectangular burst covering afairly wide and easy. Plus, you can change the frequency of the tone
frequency band. Ichose aspectrum width of athird of an burst on the fly, while you watch the dynamic changes
octave for this stimulus—which is a5-cycle burst— on an oscilloscope, as the tail of the burst stretches out
because this corresponds closely to how we hear. A —in effect allowing you to see directly when you're
third-octave is about the width of the critical band of close to aresonance!
hearing. Also, because the burst is so short in duration, Iguess I'm beginning to sound alittle like amission-
you mask out the effect of reflections, so it becomes asort ary for the shaped tone-burst test, but Ireally do believe
of poor man's approach to anechoic measurements. As it is an extremely powerful technique that is too infre-
long as you measure the peak of the burst before the first quently employed. Many people are just not aware of
reflection, you've essentially captured an anechoic-like NJ how it differs from traditional tone-burst stimuli. Today

response giving you some of the benefits of Time Delay it is particularly easy to generate the required burst sig-
Spectrometry or Maximum Length Sequence (MLSSA) nals since you can buy an arbitrary waveform generator
techniques without the expense. fairly inexpensively. Also, it would be very easy to
Now, the shaped tone burst can be used in several include aseries of 5-cycle-wide bursts at various fre-
ways. For instance, one can just use amicrophone to quencies on atest CD; then, with an oscilloscope or
measure the peak amplitude that the burst reaches after perhaps one of the PC-based software test systems, the
you apply it to aspeaker, which will give you an approx- audiophile would be equipped with apowerful tool for
imation of the frequency response. Likewise, after the evaluating his system and speakers.
decay of the 5-cycle burst, there shouldn't be any output One final attribute of the shaped tone burst that I
from the speaker. In reality, however, if there is stored find very important is that it's aparticularly safe signal
energy in the drivers or cabinet, the speaker keeps on with which to test the maximum output of components.
ringing. Therefore, the shaped tone burst is very useful For instance, if you use aburst rate of 1Hz with a5-cycle
for identifying the sources of resonant storage. In any burst you'll have avery low duty-cycle, so even if you
event, Ido get extremely good correlation between the require 100 watts to clip your tweeter, the short duration
frequency-response measurements derived from the of the burst —it's essentially like afrequency specific
shaped tone-burst test and what we hear, as well as spe- pulse — will prevent you from overheating the voice-
cific information about cabinet and driver resonances. coil and damaging the driver.
The real benefit of this type of test is that it concen- Dickson: You're most widely known as the developer of the
trates the energy into aconstant narrow frequency band Linkwitz-Riley crossover. Could you explain a
few of the char-
so that it is athird-octave in width at 100Hz or 1 kHz or acteristics of this crossover?
10kHz. Therefore, it is much narrower on an absolute Linlcwitz: To answer your question, we need to go
basis at 100Hz than at, say, 10kHz. In other words, the back to when Istarted out exploring the whole speaker
tone-burst test has aconstant resolution on an octave issue in the early '70s. Then you could take the grille-
cloth off many of the available speakers and see astrange,
2This is because you arc equalizing the loudspeaker's power response, which almost haphazard arrangement of the drivers on the baf-
includes the frill contribution in-room of its off-axis behavior. As the power
response tends to slope down with increasing frequency with conventional fle. It really puzzled me and Iwondered what was going
speakers, such equalization will boost the highs on-axis. As aresult, unless you are on. So Iasked some of the designers why they were doing
sitting aray long way away from the speakers, the perceived balance will have a
strong contribution from the speaker's direct sound which, after equalization, will this and they said, "Because we've found it sounds better."
tend to be too bright. —JA As Ilooked further into this issue, Irealized that two pa-





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cipal things were not well-understood. First, very little was flat on-axis or at unity, just as it would be for an ideal But-
known at that time about the effects of diffraction from the terworth. However, the Butterworth response will have its
cabinet edges. Second, and more importantly, very little was peak off-axis. In contrast, the amplitude of the L-R crossover
understood about how phase-shift with respect to the will be down in level off-axis, and will never be higher
current passing through the voice-coils of different dri- than the on-axis response. The crossover point of a
vers affected the polar radiation pattern of aspeaker. In Linkwitz-Riley will also be at the -6dB point, equiva-
other words, the interaction between the electrical side of lent to an amplitude of 0.5, and only when you add vec-
adriver and the acoustical response was not clear at the tors with amplitudes of 0.5 that are in-phase will you
time. For example, the phase-shift between the current in get unity. If there is any phase angle between these half-
the tweeter and midrange voice-coils, relative to the amplitude vectors, their sum will be less than unity.
placement of these drivers on the baffle, affects the speak- A very important point that people sometimes miss
er's radiation pattern. in this discussion is that when we are speaking of a
Basically, since few drivers are really coaxial, with the given crossover, we are talking about an acoustic
difference in physical placement — that is, if the path crossover, or what happens acoustically. Now, what I
lengths between the drivers and the listening point are have to do electrically to achieve the correct acoustic
different, or even if they are the same — you get avector response may not look anything at all like atextbook fil-
addition which is afunction of the phase-shift between ter design. The actual filter often looks very little like
the different voice-coil currents and the distance the drawings Imay show to explain any given example.
between each driver and the listener. So Russ Riley and This is also true for aButterworth filter. It is highly
Ibegan our work, in earnest, to be sure that the drivers unlikely that atextbook electrical Butterworth cross-
were in-phase in the crossover region. This, in essence, is over will produce an acoustic Butterworth response,
what the Linkwitz-Riley crossover is all about: making because the driver's response enters into the picture as
sure that you have the same acoustic phase between the well.
midrange/woofer and the tweeter at the crossover. Dickson: There is ageneral misconception in some circles about
Dickson: How about the phase relationship outside of the dfferential vs absolute phase effects in speakers. Recently, I've
crossover region? heard about some well-meaning but misinformed retailers who
Linkwitz: As it turns out, that same phase relationship arbitrarily reverse the polarity of either the tweeter or midrange
is maintained at other frequencies as well. This is very hookup wires in all of the speakers they sell that are designed
much in contrast to the classical Butterworth crossovers NI with high-order crossovers, in an attempt to make them "in-


that people use in anumber of speakers. An inherent phase"— much to the horror ofthe onginal designer. Perhaps you
property of the Butterworth design, whether these are N1 could shed some light on this issue.
first-order, third-order, fifth-order, etc., is that the Linkwitz: If someone were to arbitrarily change the
crossovers are always in phase quadrature. In other polarity between drivers in a good Linkwitz-Riley
words, the acoustical signals coming from the midrange crossover, they should get astrong null at the crossover
and tweeter are phase-shifted by 90° relative to each point on-axis. In fact, this is atest Iuse to see how well
other. At its -3dB point, each driver has an amplitude of Ihave executed the acoustic crossover. However, mak-
0.7, and if you add two 90° phase-shifted vectors of 0.7, ing such achange with the idea of somehow making a
you get unity — the outputs of the two drivers add to "phase-coherent" speaker is not correct. It will certainly
unity on-axis. However, as you move farther away off- change the sound, mind you, but is definitely not rec-
axis, one or the other driver will experience more phase- ommended.
shift as the path-length difference becomes longer; and Dickson: The Dvorak and Vivaldi speakers represent aradical
you'll have either adip or apeak in the amplitude departurefrom your earlier philosophy. What inspired this change
response off-axis. in direction, and could you outline some of the primary goals
In any event, the true maximum output of the two you've tried to achieve with these new dynamic dipole designs?
drivers will occur someplace off-axis, and this is an audi- Linkwitz: Iwould have to say the departure in my
bly bad thing. The peak off-axis response can then thinking happened by coincidence. At the time, Ihad
reflect from the nearest boundary and combine with the volunteered to build apublic address system to improve
direct sound as added coloration. speech and sound intelligibility for avideo production
Now, afirst-order crossover can be made phase-perfect in alarge, highly reverberant gymnasium. Idesigned a
at one point in space, but Ifeel quite strongly that you long directional column speaker with multiple 6"
cannot just look at aspeaker's performance at one single dynamic drivers firing as dipoles. In other words, the
point in space. The off-axis response is also very impor- back of the column's baffle was open so the sound radi-
tant to aspeaker's overall performance in areal room, ated to the front and rear with each direction out of
because the radiation in these other directions will add, phase with the other. The directivity of the radiation
through reflected and reverberant interactions, to what pattern of this design worked really well in this very
you heat Typically, we don't listen to speakers outdoors reverberant environment. You could understand what
or in anechoic chambers. was said just as well from the back of the hall as from the
For an ideal Linkwitz-Riley crossover, the amplitude is front. Well, just for kicks, Itook the thing home, split this







say that the dipole aspects of the speaker are directional, it's strongly suspect that the erratic off-axis behavior of most
not in avery strong sense. For instance, the response is 1 dB panel speakers is what makes their room placement so criti-
down at 30° off-axis, 3dB down 45° off-axis, 6dB down at cal, forcing aperson to locate the panels in aplace that min-
60°, and has anull around 90°. The monopole tweeter imizes reflections and changes how the off-axis sound
also maintains asimilar directional characteristic because couples with the room, in order to get abalanced out-
of the baffle design and the wavelengths of its frequency put. On the other hand, quite frankly, Ihave not found
band. Of course, it differs from the dipole drivers in that the performance of either the Dvorak or the Vivaldi to
it fires predominantly forward. The important thing is be critically dependent on room placement compared to
that the shape of the off-axis room response is very con- other speakers. There is still definitely an optimal place-
sistent with that produced on-axis, resulting in the open- ment in any given room, but you can get very satisfacto-
sounding soundstage and the speaker's even tonal char- ry performance in awide variety of locations, so this
acteristics. Also the dipole "figure-8" cosine directionali- experience lends further credence to the value of awell-
ty goes all the way from 2kHz down through the behaved off-axis response.
woofer's range to 20Hz. This directional deep bass is Dickson: While the Dvorak and Vivaldi represent asome-
really pretty amazing! If you have another person to help what fresh approach to speaker design, they are mature designs.
you, play some low-frequency tones, then have your I'm very curious to hear about what projects you have plannedfor
friend rotate the woofer cabinet and you can clearly hear the near and more distantfuture.
the output null at 90° off-axis! Linkwitz: Recently, I've been doing extensive investi-
Dickson: Yes, I've noticed Ican hear increasedfocus in the loto gations into numerous drivers using some of the newly
bass when Itoe-in the tvoofers. This is one speaker where "stereo" developed measurement techniques Ialluded to earlier
bass may have some real meaning. Two of the Dvorak's sonic — especially the tests for nonlinear distortion artifacts,
characteristics Ifind most striking are its dramatic reduction of and those that help locate and define energy-storage
room-induced colorationsfrom the low bass through the inidrangç effects in drivers themselves. All this in asearch for com-
and its ability to convey image height in correa proportion to the ponents that have even more clarity and transparency.
width and depth dimension ofthe soundfield. Whatfactors do you What Ihad in mind was to see how much further this
think contribute most to these effects? Dvorak concept could be refined.
Linkwitz: These are primarily due to the dipole char- We unveiled our new flagship, the Beethoven, at the
acteristics and the even room response. Since the speak- recently completed '96 WCES in Las Vegas. In addition
er is moderately directional at all frequencies, more of 1\1 to an all-new balanced electronic crossover, each main



the sound is directed toward the listener and less to the panel has anew silk-dome tweeter, two new 8" drivers,
walls and ceiling. Therefore, less comes back from the IS1 and apair of 10" dipole drivers — all low-distortion,
room in the form of resonances or reverberation which high-excursion models. Both of the woofer cabinets for
will blend with and color the direct sound from the the new system contain four 12" dipole drivers, so obvi-
speaker.— The active equalization is merely there to
correct for the dipole cancellation that the raw drivers
1 ously this system is designed for high-output, very-low-
distortion sound and will be considerably more expen-
would have if you didn't compensate for the inherent sive than the standard Dvorak. Imust say we have been
6dB/octave rolloff. extremely gratified with the performance of the new
Now the image height is an interesting thing. Ihave system. So that's one project we are putting the finishing
to state that Idon't fully understand all the psycho- touches on now, and we are also thinking about asmall-
acoustics involved here, but Ihave found that it is impor- er, lower-cost version of adipole speaker in the future.
tant that the center of the radiating elements be at about A little fardier down the road, possibly over the next
ear height, and that the speakers have some vertical few years, Iwould also like to settle in my mind the
extension as well. Ihave built many small two-way importance of what Iwould describe as "linear phase."
minimonitors; while these systems can have very nice This refers to obtaining aresult that is amore accurate
horizontal dispersion and excellent imaging, I've always replica of the time-domain wavefront Some people seem
felt that Iwas listening through ahorizontal window, to think that this is very important for reproducing clicks
one that was very wide but with aheight not much and transient-type sounds, and that may well be. From a
greater than that of the speaker itself. It's like listening common-sense point of view, it seems logical that you
through ahorizontal sliver. Now vertically spreading out would want to have atrue replication of the wavefiont.
the driver's arrangement expands the vertical dimension However, I'm not totally convinced because Ihave
of the soundstage and adds much more realism for me. done alot of experiments with phase-distorted signals.
With respect to the reduction in overall room col- Basically, I've shifted the phase between different spec-
orations that the Dvoraks provide, that has alot to do tral components by running various signals through an
with how the dipole characteristics are implemented. "all-pass" filter, where the amplitude is unaffected when
This comes back to the fact that the off-axis response is Ichange the phase response with frequency. When you
very well-behaved in this system. In other words, the look at these signals on an oscilloscope and change the
design concentrates just as much on the off-axis performance phase, they look grossly different, so you'd think "surely this
as on the on-axis. While Idon't have any definitive proof, I must sound different." But when you listen, you can't hear


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the difference, even though the time-domain waveform crossover, but it could be done.
staring you in the eye looks so totally altered! Again, it's not yet completely clear whether adigital
Idid quite an investigation into this when Iinitially devel- crossover will buy you anything. It may buy something, and
oped the Linkwitz-Riley crossover because it is not alinear- that's the part I'm interested in. For instance, with this sce-
phase system — nor are the Butterworth crossovers, for that nario we could combine the excellent on- and off-axis am-
matter, except for the first-order slope. The experiments I've plitude response of the existing Linkwitz-Riley crossover in
done so far have not convinced me that phase distortion in the Dvorak with an after-the-fact digital correction of the
small amounts is audible. Now if the phase distortion is time-domain, to achieve alinear-phase system. You see, the
gross, you can definitely hear it, but the typical crossover is digital time-domain correction would not affect the existing
far from producing that much phase distortion. However, passive or active crossover response at all, it just would cor-
some people whom Irespect seem to think this is some- rect overall phase. As amatter of fact, at arecent AES con-
thing that could have audible consequences, so I'm keeping vention, both Malcolm Hawksford and Iattended adiscus-
an open mind about it and want to determine once and for sion about the use of very steep crossover filters with digital
all its value, if Ican. Imust say that Ihave not heard an phase correction. Convincing arguments were presented
example of aspeaker design that conclusively demonstrates showing that these extremely steep filters produce sonic
the benefit of alinear-phase system. anomalies, and consequently are not desirable. Malcolm also
Dickson: Iimagine when you look at the total perfirtnance of a stated that something like the Linkwitz-Riley fourth-order
speaker with the various tradeolfs required to achieve acertain goal, crossover was about optimum, even digitally implemented,
you have to weigh their relative merits. when phase correction is applied. Anyway, I'm very in-
Linkwitz: This is true. You could question, for example, terested to see how this research turns out.
whether the extra stress on drivers and resulting distortions Dickson: With the continual improvement in driver technology and
produced by afirst-order system are not more audibly sig- refinements in other areas qfaudio design, it may be that these more sub-
nificant than the subtle improvements potentially created by tle issues, like linear phase, will become more important in the_flaunt
its linear phase effects. However, it is possible, using digital Linkwitz: Ithink that's agood way to look at it. You could
techniques, to correct for the phase response as well, and my say that you need to have acertain number of other things
friend, Malcolm Omar Hawksford [of England's Essex done correctly first before those effects come into play. I
University], who has done quite abit of work in this area, should also point out that the digital phase compensation I'm
has kindly offered to perform aphase correction for the first speaking of is very different from the digital room-correction
10ms time record of the Dvorak's impulse response with his systems you may have read about. In any event, these are a
digital processor. It certainly would require abit of horse- few of the areas that we at Audio Artistry look forward to
power to implement digital phase correction in the active investigating and developing in the near future. S

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A TOWERING omponents listed here are ones
that have been formally re- DANIEL KUMIN
LOOK AT THE viewed in Sterrophile and have
been found to be among the
TOP COMPONENTS hest available in each of four or LEWIS LIPNICK
five quality classrs. Whether a
BY component is listed in Class A PETER W .M ITCHELL
LARRY ARCHIBALD or Class E, we highly recom-
mend its purchase.
JOHN ATKINSON Each listing — in alphabetical order RUSSELL NOVAK
within classes —is followed by abrief
ARNIS BALGALVIS description of the product's sonic char- DICK OLSHER
acteristics and a code indicating the
LONNIE BROWNELL Stereophile Volume and Issue in which W ES PHILLIPS
M ARTIN COLLOMS that product's report appeared. Reviews ROBERT J. REINA
that appeared in our companion Stereo-
ANTHONY H. phile Guide to Home Theater are indicated MARKUS SAUER
by "SGHT.1 No.1"; ie, the component
CORDESMAN was reviewed in the Sterrophile Guide to DONALD A.SCOTT
ROBERT DEUTSCH Home Theater, Volume 1 Number 1,
which was published in December
SHANNON DICKSON 1994. (Vol.1 No2 of the Guide was pub- BILL SOMMERWERCK
lished in September '95; Vol2 No.1 in
JACK ENGLISH December '95.) Some products listed STEVEN STONE
M ICHAEL FREMER have not yet been reported on; these are
marked (NR), for "Not Reviewed." We
COREY GREENBERG recommend that any product's entire STEPHEN W .
review be read before purchase is seri-
LARRY GREENHILL ously contemplated (products without W ATKINSON
reviews should therefore be treated
ROBERT HARLEY with more caution) — many salient PETER VAN
J. GORDON HOLT characteristics, peculiarities, and caveats WI LLE NSWAARD
appear in reviews, but not here. To
KEN KESSLER obtain back issues of the magazine, see AND
the advertisement in this issue. (We
M USE KASTANOVICH regret that we cannot supply photo- BARRY W ILLIS


copies of individual reviews.) In addition, though professional compo- ing (although it can also indicate that
Components, in general, do not nents — recorders, amplifiers, monitor the attention of design engineers has
remain listed for more than three years speaker systems —can be obtained sec- moved elsewhere).
unless at least one of the magazine's ondhand and can sometimes offer per- We are not sympathetic toward letters
writers and editors has had continued formance that would otherwise guaran- complaining that the Symphonic
experience with them. Discontinuation tee inclusion, we do not generally Bombast A-123 MILV1a, which we rec-
oía model also precludes its appearance. include such components. Apart from ommended heartily two years ago, no
that exception, Stereophile's "Recom- longer makes it into "Recommended
mended Components" listing is almost Components" at all. Where deletions are
exclusively concerned with products made, we endeavor to give reasons (there
HOW TO USE currently available in the US through are always reasons). But remember:
THE LISTINGS the usual hi-fi retail outlets. Deletion (fa component _lions this list does not
invalidate abuying decision you have made.
Read carefully our descriptions here, Individual reviewers mentioned by
the original reviews, and (heaven for- HOW RECOMMENDATIONS their initials are: Larry Archibald, John
bid) reviews in other magazines to put ARE DETERMINED Atkinson, Amis Balgalvis, Lonnie
together ashort list of components to The ratings given components included Brownell, Martin Colloms, Anthony H.
choose from. Carefully evaluate your in this listing are predicated entirely on Cordesman, Robert 1)eutsch, Shannon
room, your source material and front performance — it', accuracy of repro- Dickson, Jack English, Michael Freiner,
end(s), your speakers, and your tastes. duction —and are biased to an extent Corey Greenberg, Larry Greenhill,
With luck, you may come up with a by our feeling that things added to repro- Robert Harley, J. Gordon Holt, Muse
selection to audition at your favorite duced sound (eg, flutter, distortion, col- ICastanovich, Ken Kessler, Daniel
dealer(s). "Recommended Components" will orations of various kinds) are of more Kumin, Guy L•emcoe, Lewis Lipnick,
not tell you just what to buy any snore than concern to the musically oriented lis- Peter W. Mitchell, Thomas J. Norton,
Consumer Reports would presume to tell tener than are things subtracted from the Russell Novak, Dick Olsher, Wes
you whom to marry! sound (ig, deep bass or extreme treble). Phillips, Robert J. Reina, Markus Sauer,
On the other hand, components Donald A. Scott, Jonathan Scull, Bill
Class A
Best attainable sound for acomponent of its kind, markedly deficient in one or more Sommerwerck, Steven Stone, Sam Tellig,
without any practical considerations; "the least respects arc downrated to the extent Stephen W. Watkinson, Peter van Wil-
musical compromise." A Class A system is one that their deficiencies interfere with the
for which you don't have to make aleap of faith lenswaard, and Barry Willis.
full realization of the program material.
to believe that you're hearing the real thing.
We try to include in "Recommended
Class B Components" every product that we
The next best thing to the very best sound repro-
have found to be truly excellent or tha
duction; Class B components generally cost less
than Class A ones, but most Class Bcomponents we feel represents good value for
are still quite expensive. money. Bear in mind that many differ-
ent tastes are represented. The listing is
Class C
Somewhat lower-fi sound, but far more musical- compiled after extensive consultation dations — or, preferably, one of the Class C
ly natural than average home-component high among Stereophile's reviewing staff, edi- turntables and their variants —as the essential
fidelity; products in this class are of high quality basis of amusically satisfying system. An in-depth
tors, and publisher, and takes into audition as part of apreferred turntable/arm/car-
but still affordable.
account continued experience of a tridge combination before purchase is mandatory.
Class D product after the formal review has If an inexpensive turntable has not made its way
Satisfying musical sound, but these components been published. In particular, we take into Class I) or is not listed in Class K. do not
are either of significantly lower fidelity than the assume that it is recommended by default.
account of unreliability and defects that
best available, or exhibit major compromises in Underachievers are more common in the world
performance — limited dynamic range, for show up after extended auditioning. of turntables than in any other area of Id -
example. Bear in mind that appearance in Class The fact that aproduct received afavor- A
D still means that we recommend this product — able review cannot therefore be regard- Forsell Air Force One Mic.11: $26,000
it's possible to put together amusically satisfying
ed as aguarantee that it will continue to Sophisticated two-chassis, air-bearing Swedish
system exclusively from Class D components.
appear in this listing. 'table with thread drive and parallel-tracking, air-
Class E bearing tonearrn.JS enthused over its 3-1) image
The prices indicated are those current
Applying only to loudspeakers and phono car- solidity, tight, deep bass, super-plush midrange,
tridges, this "Entry Level" classification includes
at the time the listing was compiled and "enormous palpability factor." While MS also
products that may have obvious defects, but are (February 1996). We make no guaran- recommends the big Forsell. MF disagrees, feeling
both inexpensive and much better than most pro- tee that any of these prices will not have the Forsell's horizontally underdamped tonearm
ducts in their mid-fi price category. changed by the time this issue of to be a"cantilever killer." Very similar Forsell Air
Reference ($14,000) lacks the air-bearing
Class K Stereophile appears in print. Flywheel drive system, uses an internal motor and
"Keep your eye on this product." Class K is for Where we have found aproduct to asilicone-rubber belt. (Vol.17 No.1)
components that we have not tested (or have not perform much better than might be Lisos Sondek LP12 with Lingo power supply:
finished testing), but that we have reason to $3045 SU
believe may be excellent performers. We are not
expected from its price, we have drawn
Compared with die Valhalla model, the Lingo-
actually recommending these components, only attention to it with a special symbol
equipped version minimizes the L1'1.2's propensity
suggesting you give alisten. Though the report next to its listing: $$$. We also indicate for aslightly fat midbas.s, subjectively extending
has vet to be published in certain cases, the with air products that have been on this the low frequencies by another octave. The Lingo
reviewer and editor sometimes feel confident
list in one incarnation or another since upgrade alone costs $1450. The Trampolin sus-
enough that the reviewer's opinion is sufficiently pension reduces the effect of the support. Cirkus
well-formed to include what otherwise would be the "Recommended Components" list-
bearinesubchassis, now fitted as standard, costs
a Class K entry in one of the other classes, ing in Vol.16 No.4 (April 1993). $595 inc. labor as upgrade kit, and further extends
marked (NR). Longevity in ahi-fi component is rare and tightens the turntable's bass, leading to aClass
enough that we think it worth indicat- A rating, according to MC, JA, and LG (as long as



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agood support is used, adds MC). 'Though CG sonic characteristic is stability, both in speed and Ami Wrap helped enormously in this regard.
feels that the LP12/Cirkus loses acertain some- harmonic structure, coupled with cleaned-up Works best with Roksan's own Corns Black car-
thing compared with the original version, he still sound quality: "lise quiet between the notes is sud- tridge. Borderline Class C, says K1C. (Vol.16 No.8)
concluded that "the LP12 ranks as one of the finest denly more silent," said AB in his review. In addi- Rotel RP-900: $500 (inc. arm)
high-end audio products on the market today." "A tion, dynamics seem to be enhanced, though the Budget deck based on Regs parts, including glass
deeper, more profound silence," enthuses WP sound is more lightweight than that of, say, the VPI. platter/felt mat and robust variant on the Regs
over the Cirkus mod, adding that what stunned The Black Damped Platter is now standard, and is RB-200 arm, offers surprising detail, says MF.
him was "the extent to which surface noise reced- also available for $3304440, depending on vintage Spring-mounted feet offer moderate isolation.
ed into insignificance." Superbly low measured of turntable. GL feels that the new platter will go a Check speed accuracy &fore purchase. MF feels
rumble and excellent speed stability reinforce the long way toward alleviating the WTT's lightweight the extra bucks for the Regs Planar 3arc worth it,
feeling of maximum musical involvement offered balance. "It should bring pleasure to alot of record however. (Vol.18 No.8)
by this classic belt-drive turntable. Good isolation collectors - borderline Class B," was his conclu- SOTA Comet: $699 (inc. arm) SU
from shock and vibration. While the felt mat does- sion, though he finds the Well Tempered Ann's Bare-bones belt-drive turnable relies on high-
n't offer the greatest degree of vibration suppres- cartridge clips rather fragile. RH's long-term refer- mass plinth for environmental isolation, but,
sion within the vinyl disc, what absorption it does ence: he recommends the various Mango Audio when used with the Blue Point Special cartridge,
offer is uniform with frequency. Despite flirtations Labs modifications for both arm and turntable: captures what GL defined as the "soul" of the
with other decks, JA remains true to the basic Well Damped Ann Clamp ($299), Micro music, with an uncolored midrange, excellent
design he has used now for more than 18 years. Suspension System & Motor Terminator Kit ($239, detail (except at high playback levels), good depth,
(Vol.14 No.1, Vol.16 No.12, Vol.17 No.5, Vol.19 now height-adjustable), and, for those with the old but only fair stereo imaging, using the Blue Point
No2) platter, the Reference Interface Mat System ($239), Special cartridge. Price includes LMT-II Itone-
Nains Armageddon LP12 turntable power which can also be used on other turntables -see arm. Reflex Clamp ($179) an essential accessory.
supply: $1100 RI-I's review in Vol.16 No.4. (Vol.11 No3, Vol.16 (Vol.16 No.8)
A430 VA. low-impedance transformer designed to No.4; see also GI.% review of the $2000 Foun- Well Tempered Record Player: $1495 *
drive the Linn LP12 Basik turntable while isolat- tainhead turntable base in Vol.17 No.10.) Somewhat fussy to set up, but when done right,
ing it from powerline noise. WP was enthused, cit- the WTRP 'table/arm combination produces col-
ing the improved pace and energetic presentation Linn Sondek LP12 Valhalla: $2045 et oration-free sound with aclarity and resolution
of the music over his Vallialla'd LP12. "The snap The standard against which newer turntable that belie its price. Possesses a more laid-back,
and surge of the rhythms that propel the song designs have been measured for almost two more musically natural balance than the Linn
along were better served," he asserted. However, decades, the Linn is felt by some to be more col- Axis, but does not achieve this by suppressing
this came at the cost of ultimate bass extension - ored than the other Class C 'tables, particularly in recorded detail. Low-bass performance is intrinsi-
atradeoff that many would not undertake willing- the upper bass. Latest version has a laminated cally alittle soft, but can be fine-tuned by playing
ly (JA, for one). Highly recommended -MC amloard and Cirkus bearing/subchassis ($595 with the damping arrangement. Borderline Class
agrees with WP that the LP12/Armageddon is a inc. labor as upgrade kit), which result in acon- C performance with the latest platter, according to
Class A turntable -but audition before committing siderably more neutral sound. Certainly it's hard- CG. (Vol.14 No.7, Vol.16 Nos2 & 10)
your Linn to surgery. (Vol.19 No2) er to set up and is more likely to go out of adjust-
ment, though with the latest springs. Trampolin Rockport Technologies Sirius II, SOTA
Basis Ovation Mk.II: $5400 suspension, glued subchassis, and Cirkus mod, it's Millennia, Immedia RPM 2, SME Model 20, VPI
This well-engineered turntable combines ahigh- now much better in this respect. (Low-bass exten- TNT Mk.III Plus, Well Tempered Reference,
mass platter with asuperb suspension and apreci- sion suffers when the LP12 is not set up correct- Townshend Rock Mk.III, Wilson Benesch,
sion drive system. According to DO, the Ovation ly.) Still sets ahigh performance standard, found Kuzma Stabi Reference.
offers awesome bass definition, incisive spatial res- WP -although it can certainly be bettered in one Deletions
olution, and an exceptional feel for recorded hall area or another, its balance of virtues is hard (but Rega Planar 3no longer available in the US.
ambience. DO's reference. Works nicely with the not impossible) to improve upon. A version with
Graham 1St toneann, but requires ashim (avail- aBasik power supply is available for $1690. (Vol.7
able from Basis) for proper VTA range. Just fails No2, Vol.13 No3, Vol.16 No.12, Vol.19 No2)
to reach Class A due to its lack of avacuum hold- VPI FIW-19 IV: $1850 *
down system. (Vol.16 No.7) The Mk.III version of the VPI 'able (still available
Kuzma Stabi: $2200 for $1250) was cosmetically more elegant than the
GL is quite enamored of this turntable when it's original, and achieved astandard of sonic neutral-
fitted with the Stogi toneami, proclaiming, "I ity that put it close to the SOTA Star Sapphire - 1101011111.1.1611
know of no better way to take advantage of this and at asignificantly lower price. Borderline Class SS felt that the TQl's assets -elegant design,
vinyl renaissance than.., with this superior- B. The Mk.IV version is better still, the music aris- longevity, resolution, low-level detail, superb
sounding, no-nonsense turntable willing and able ing from avelvet-black background, thought GL, soundstage delineation, top-end air, and accurate
to convey all of the dynamics, dynamic range, with significant improvements in soundstaging midrange re-creation -far outweigh its relatively
rhythm and pace, nuance and finesse that arc the and resolution. "Detailed, neutral, easy to set up, minor shortcomings of areticence in the bass and
stuff of music. And, it's built to last into the next and abargain," enthuses RJR An upgrade with a adaunting setup procedure. "Mates synergistically
ice age." (Vol.18 No.5) standard Mk.IV platter from older HW-19s costs with Clearaudio S-type cartridges," SS opines.
VPI TNT Jr.: $2800 $750; with aTNT Series 2 platter, the upgrade (Vol.18 No.4)
Capable of being upgraded in easy sages to full costs $850; an acrylic armboard for the ET 2costs Eminent Technology 2.5:
TNT Mk.III Plus status, the high-mass Jr. uses a $50, while the special 1"-thick amiboard for the $2000 with standard air pump y>
simple Navcom suspension and, according to SS, is ET 2when the TNT platter is used costs $120. A longtime MF favorite, the ET 2.5 features ahost
"absurdly simple to set up." A "blacker soundstage" The HW-19 readily accommodates awide range of ingenious extras, including adjustable VTA dur-
than VPI's popular HW-19, he found, commenting of tonearms -the ET 2air-bearing design, in par- ing play. More important, it has "an extraordinari-
that it had excellent low-bass extension and defini- ticular - and is very stable. The $450 Power Line ly live and open soundstage," according to AHC,
tion. Tripod pulley system, PLC (power-line con- Conditioner (see Vol.12 No2) is an essential and gets the best results from awide range of car-
ditioner), and flywheel upgrades for the TNT Jr. accessory. The '19 can be upgraded to TNT status. tridges. Very fussy to set up and use, and needs a
take it most of the way toward full TNT status. (Vol.8 No.4, Vol.9 Nos.4 & 9, Vol.12 No.11, Vol.15 very stable subchassis turntable -VPI, for exam-
(That would require replacing the suspension -an No.8; see also Vol.13 No.7, p.112, and GI.% ET 2 ple - and frequent level adjusting to give of its
$800 option.) SS found the changes "subtle but per- report in Vol.14 No.10.) best. MC also reports excellent performance with
vasive," particularly lauding the improved sound- D the ET mounted on the Roksan Xerxes. Surpassed
staging. Knocking on the door of Class A. West Roksan Radius Ill: $1200 (without arm) overall by the Airtangent, and by the SME V.
Coast price is $2900. (Vol.18 Nos.1 & 11) Well-made and stylish belt-drive turntable with which has as neutral amidrange and significantly
Well Tempered Classic Turntable: $2495 quartz-referenced motor supply. Minimal suspen- better bass definition and extension. Latest version,
(inc. arm and Black Damped Platter) er sion consists of three rubber spheres that separate the ET 2.5, incorporates aviscous damping trough
An integrated belt-drive ninnable/toneartn combi- the two halves of the plinth. While not as col- ($95) and arevised, large-diameter manifold ($400
nation featuring an acrylic platter and aunique oration-free as the Well Tempered Record Player, with return of original manifold) to take advantage
four-point wobble-free bearing. Lacks asuspen- the Radius has abetter-defined bass register, with of the higher pressure offered by the Airtech Wisa
sion, but is designed with attention to detail, partic- agood sense of rhythmic vitality. Matching Tabriz air pump ($375) and surge tank ($200). (The
ularly concerning the maximizing of speed stability tonearm lacks midband transparency, though CG Airtech pump and tank cost $500 if bought togeth-
and the rejection of motor noise. Most obvious found that damping the amitube with Sumiko's er.) GL reports excellent results from this combi-


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136 S
nation on the VPI HW-19, and also recommends Superbly finished, handmade pivoted tonearm unusually low output With ahigh-gain preampli-
the Teclock M-911 VTA dial indicator ($36.70), allows for VTA adjusnnent during play, and fier that allows its dynamics to fully develop, the
for which ET provides amounting bracket ($25). comes with Cardas internal wiring, decoupled Ruby favors accuracy over the spectacular, neutral-
Price without standard pump is $1500. (Vol.8 No.7, counterweights, and silicone cartridge damping. A ity rather than immediacy, but might be consid-
Vol.13 No3, Vol.14 No.10) "robust, rollicking, Rabelaisian" sound, found SS, ered too self-effacing overall. Tracking ability was
Graham Model L5-T/C: $3000 tr who also commented on its dynamics and drive. excellent. Price with qualifying trade-in cartridge is
Beautifully engineered unipivot design using an Aricher balance than the Clearaudio-Souther Tri- $2000; retipping costs $500. (Vol.18 No.1)
SME-type armboard cutout that offers inter- Quartz Improved, but less well-defined imaging Linn Arkiv: $2295
changeable armwands, arefined counterweight-de- than the Graham, felt SS. MF disagrees, feeling This Scan-Tech-sourced, tonally neutral, three-
coupling mechanism, and easy adjustment of the Wheaton to have more HF energy and crisper point-mounting MC cartridge has aless incisive,
VTA, azimuth, and geometry. Superb bass defini- imaging than the Graham. (Vol.18 No2) more soft-sounding presentation than the Troika it
tion, though not as much ultimate weight as the replaced, but excels in its feeling of musical com-
SME; but astonishingly good retrieval of midband munication. Some sample inconsistency, however.
Kuzma Stogi: $950
information due to avery low resonant signature, (Vol.16 No.11)
A GL favorite when used on the Stabi turntable
exceeding even the performance of the SME in Lyra Clavis Da Capo: $1895 $$$
(see "Turntables"). (Vol.18 No.5)
this area. Standard finishes are gold matte and (See MFs review in this issue.)
Well Ikmpered Classic Arm: $995 $5$
chrome matte. Basic L5 costs $2500. The "t" ver- Lyra Parnassus: $3495
One of the most neutral-sounding arms, according
sion costs $2750 and includes T-2 tungsten-steel Though neither JS nor JE felt the Parnassus was a
to JGH, the odd-looking Classic is hard to fault on
side weights to replace standard brass ones ($250 as champ at detail retrieval or dynamics, they both
any count. Superb highs, stereo soundstaging, and
upgrade) and AZ-1 Azimuth Alignment Box unhesitatingly gave this Scan-Tech-sourced low-
midrange, plus excellent compatibility with MC
($150 as upgrade). As well as tungsten-steel coun- output MC aClass A rating. "A music-lover's car-
cartridges that put alot of energy back into the
terweights, improved T/C version offers progres- tridge ... immediately musically satisfying but
arm. Some deficiency/softness in the low bass -
sional-cast SW-3 ceramic armtube ($800 as never offensive-sounding," was Mr. E.'s conclu-
and, according to some listeners, an undynamic
upgrade). SS admires its balance of sonic attributes, sion; "delightful midrange textures," and "it con-
sound -keep it from Class A, but virtually no
its ease of setup and adjustment, and its neutrality. veys emotion," summed up the sanguine Mr. S.
other problems. Good value for money. The Black
Class A, pure and simple -and the only tonearm (Vol.18 No2)
Classic armtube, which is currently being supplied
for audiophiles who love (and own) more than Symphonic Line RG-8 Gold: $5000
with new Well Tempered Classic Turntables, is
one cartridge. (Vol.14 Nos3 & 8, Vol.18 No.6; see What's so endearing about the handmade RG-8,
available as an upgrade for $330. Removing the
also 13N's SOTA Jewel review in VoL15 No.4.) according to DO, is its rare mastery over music's
armrest, which adds athickening in the lower
Linn Ekos: $2595 tr finesse and brawn: the effortless detailing, the
midrange when the arm is mounted on the Well
Cleaner-sounding than the Wok (upon which it's smoothness of expression, and the purity of texture
Tempered Turntable (see Vol.11 No.6), further
loosely based), the Ekos rivals the SME in overall improves the sound, as does replacing the standard
are combined with the bass impact and dynamic c=P
neutrality while offering a somewhat brighter, power of asteam locomotive. Works best into
counterweight with one of more mass nearer the
more energetic presentation of the music. The high-impedance loads. JE artd]S were also might- 1
pivot. RH recommends the LP Lab carbon-fiber
treble is nevertheless superbly transparent. The ily impressed, the latter with the precise delin-
armtube modification for the WTA (Vol.15 No.1),
Ekos also provides amuch better match with the eation of images, the former with its pace, drive,
which costs $395 including UPS return shipping,
Linn LP12 than the English arm, which loses con- slam, and rhythmic integrity. Not kind to sizzly
as well as the Mango Audio Labs Well Damped
trol of the bass when mounted on the Scottish recordings, however (Vol.16 No2, Vol.18 No2)
Arm Clamp ($299). (Vol.8 Nos.4 Ett 7, Vol.9 Nos3
turntable. MC also found the Ekos's bass to be van den Hid Grasshopper IV: $5000
& 5, Vol.16 No.4)
more tuneful and "open" than that of the original Now distributed in the US by Stanalog Imports,
Wok. Azimuth adjustment is not possible. Some the hand-built Grasshopper IV differs significant-
users have reported long-term problems with the AudioQuest PT-8: $750 er ly from earlier 'hoppers and incorporates AJ van
bearings; che sample JA bought has been okay in TJN got excellent results from the PT-8 fitted den Hul's latest thoughts on cartridge design.
this respect. (Vol.12 Nos3 & 4, Vol.13 No3, Vol.16 with Signet OC-9 and AudioQuest 404i-L phono Changes significantly during break-in, after which
No.6) cartridges on aSOTA Jewel turntable. Soundwise, it is not as analytical-sounding as the Symphonic
Nairn ARO: $2000 in the balance is abit more forward in the midrange Line RG-8 but "balanced more toward the
"An inner balance and harmony consistent with than the Graham arm, but with excellent dynam- relaxed, rich, and musical," decided JS. The vdH
the musical message," says MC of this unipivot ics. The armtube is dead, there's no play at the also features a"very wide and envelopingly deep
design. MS found the ARO to offer superb tim- pivot point, and friction seems very low, he found, soundstage." (Vol.18 No.7)
bral accuracy, soundstaging, dynamics, and rhyth- summing it up as "a gem." Otherwise identical
mic integrity. He also found it less bright than the AudioQuest PT-7 ($625) and FT-6 ($495) differ
Blue Oasis: $1650
Linn Ekos, and better balanced in the bass than from the PT-8 only in having less highly specified
Though its top end is alittle softened in absolute
the SME V. WP concurs, ranking it high among AudioQuest arm-to-preamp cables. (Vol.15 No.4)
terms, JE liked the Oasis more than JS did, the lat-
the arms he's auditioned, but cautions that the ter finding it sounded too mellow. Needs to be
lack of any overhang adjustment dictates careful Immedia RPM-2 Unipivot, Wilson Benesch used with ahigh-gain, low-noise phono preamp,
cartridge matching, or the ability to drill new arm- A.C.T. One, VPI JW Memorial Unipivot, Kuzma with which its retrieval of detail can be heard to
boards with different radii from the spindle for Stogi Reference, Rockport Technologies Capella. be excellent. The bass is extended, tight, and pow-
each new transducer. Additional arm tops cost Deletions erful. (Vol.18 No.1)
$1100. (Vol.16 No.6, Vol.19 No2) Re aRB300 no Ion er available in the US. Clearaudio Signature: $2300
SME Series V: $2550 * While both JE and JS liked the neutral sound of
This beautifully constructed pivoted tonearm this high-output German MC, neither felt it to
an extraordinarily neutral midrange, with one quite scale the heights of Class A performance.
the lowest resonant signatures in this region The highs are extended and open, but this may
(though DO feels the Graham offers slightly more have contributed to asensitivity to disc surface
midrange detail). Easy to set up. VTA and over- noise. "An immediate, vibrant perspective," com-
hang are adjustable during play, but there's no u oQuest 7000 Fe5: $2550 mented JS, who, like JE, preferred the Signature
azimuth adjustment - something that DO feels to More-expensive replacement -with boron can- loaded with 47k oluns. JE felt it sounded not quite
be asignificant drawback. "The best bass perfor- tilever and non-removable body - for the excel- as lush in the midrange as he would have liked,
mance on the market," said SWW. LA concurs, lent-sounding 700Onsic is less dry-sounding and but also commented favorably on the sense of air
having auditioned the Von aVP! TNT, but JGH, not quite as "razor-sharp," notes MF. Outstanding and space it produced. (Vol.18 No.1)
JA, DO, and LL feel that the whole bass range is detail and overall authority, however, plus amusi- Clearaudio Veritas-S: $1950
somewhat exaggerated. Not recommended with cally inviting balance. Relatively high output SS's current reference, the Ventas-S is asuperb
the LP12. Some compatibility problems with car- (0.4mV) for alow-output MC will make this an match for the Clearaudio-Souther arm (see
tridges having low height. A less versatile version, easier cartridge to use than some other Scan-Tech "Tonearms"). (Vol.18 No.4)
the IV.Vi (which uses Series V bearings and designs. Correct VTA critical for optimum per- London (Decca) Jubilee: $1600
Magnan Vs wiring), appears to offer the V's sonic formance. (Vol.14 No.6, Vol.15 No.1, original ver- MC claims that "when it's good, the jubilee is very,
virtues and more at alower cost ($1995 ESE). (Vol.9 sion; see MFs review in this issue.) very good; but when it's wrong, it can be horrid."
No.6, Vol.14 No.8, Vol.16 No.6) Benz-Micro Ruby: $3000 It sets the standard, he feels, for dynamic expres-
Wheaton Triplanar IV Ultimate: Some disagreement between JS and JE over this sion and rhythm. But, he notes, it does not track
$2375-$2550, depending on termination European wooden-bodied MC, which has an the typical range of groove modulations cleanly or


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convincingly. When the going gets tough (ie, loud), also features blank, ungrooved areas that facilitate ing quality, the VPI '17 cleans one side at atime,
the Jubilee loses clarity and detail -and causes anti-skating adjustments - or, for linear-tracking semiautomatically, and is slower than the Nitty
excessive groove wear to boot. (Vol.18 No.6) arms, level. MF found it effective, especially when Gritty. "A highly functional and convenient luxu-
Stuniko SHO Reference High-Output: considering its price. "Wouldn't be without it!" ry," said AHC. Latest version has aheavier-duty
11800 enthuses JS. (Vol.18 No.12) vacuum system. The '16.5 is amanually operated
WP feels this high-output MC has body, pres- DB Systems DBP-10 Protractor: $34.95 * version with anoisier motor. Adjusts automatical-
ence, and rhythm -and apurity in the high fre- Fiddly but accurate guide for setting cartridge tan- ly to thickness of record; gets hot quickly. (HW-
quencies that causes overtones to float forever. "It gency. JA's and JGH's preferred alignment pro- 17, Vol.8 No.1; original HW-16, Vol.5 Nos.7 & 9;
sounds like music," he pronounces. Well-built, tractor. (NR) HW-16.5, Vol.17 No.5.)
reliable, and extremely musical, he says, with an K-A-B SpeedStrobe Digital Phonograph
uncanny knack for sorting out audible details in Speed Readout: $79.95 plus $4.50 S8cH
the quietest passages. (Vol.18 No.4) Easy-to-use strobe disc simplifies precision adjust- Gruv-Glide H: $22.95
ment of turntable speeds from 33% to all of the Record de-staticizing agent that ST found to give
variations on "78." "It's just fantastic," effused JS. better sound. Apparently doesn't grunge-up the
Stuniko Blue Point Special: $295 SSS tr
"It looks cool, and it's asnap to perfectly set the stylus or leave afilm. (Vol.9 No.8)
CG enthused about this nude, P-Mount-less ver-
speed." (Vol.19 No2) LAST StyLast Stylus Treatment:
sion of the standard Blue Point MC, pointing to
LAST Power LP Cleaner: $27/quarter-oz bottle et
its lack of bass bloat, tonal honesty, and cleaner,
532.50/half:or bottle Stylus treatment designed to reduce friction be-
more extended highs. It also offers excellent detail
This small bottle of Freon-free cleaner is enough tween groove and phono cartridge. Some manu-
and focus. A touch of StyLast applied to the
to treat 75 LPs. JE found just three drops sufficient facturers caution against it, claiming it migrates up
underside of the cantilever optimizes the bass.
to remove dirt, dust, and grime from garage-sale the cantilever and attracts dust - thus clogging
High output. (Vol.16 Nos.4 & 12)
records, though he found that asubsequent wash the armature. One reader suggests applying treat-
I) with his VPI HW-17 was still required to reduce ment to brush rather than stylus, which would
Benz-Micro MC-20E H: $150 er the level of groove noise to acceptable levels. "A reduce possibility of over-applying. MF has found
A master in the bass, with excellent soundstaging, worthwhile companion to LAS"rs wonderful StyLast effective, but expresses concern over pos-
but less smooth than the standard Blue Point, with Record Preservative." (Vol.17 No.5) sible damage to cartridge. (Vol.18 No.12)
somewhat wiry highs. (Vol.16 No.4) LAST Record Preservative: Nestorovic Labs Moving-Coil Cartridge
Roksan Corns Black: $400 532.50/2-oz bottle if.r Network: $300 tr
The best moving-magnet design CG has heard, Significantly improves the sound of even new Passive network intended to optimally load an
the Black is more forward-balanced and less records, and is claimed to make them last longer. MC cartridge. An "Audiophile" version is avail-
refined overall than the Blue Point Special, but has A2-oz bottle contains 60 treatments. (Vol.5 No3) able for an extra $.250. (Vol.13 No.9)
tighter bass and better-focused soundstaging than Lyle Cartridges Alignment Tool: $15.95 Nitty Gritty Model 1.0 record-cleaning
the standard Blue Point. Fussy about VTA. (Vol.16 Inexpensive but invaluable - this sliver of mirror machine: $249 er
No.5) has alignment markings and aspindle cutout. Slip Audio Advisor Record Doctor H:
Stuniko Blue Point: $150 * it into place on your platter and use the classic two- $200 555
Rather awoolly bass, due to the P-Mount/adap- point grid system to make sure everything's Both of these machines (the latter is manufac-
tor configuration, but asweet balance lacking any aligned. The mirror is the nick-it allows you to tured for Audio Advisor by Nitty Gritty) are man-
nasality, thought CG of this high-output MC. sight the cartridge's position against the markings ual units that offer the least-expensive way to
(Vol.16 No.4, Vol.18 No.8) themselves. "An essential tool," declares WP (NR) effectively clean LPs. Record Doctor II differs
E Nitty Gritty Mini Pro 2record-cleaning from the original in that it has aroller bearing to
make turning the LP easier when the vacuum-
Grado ZTE+1: $30 tt machine: $775 tr
Nitty Gritty 2.5Fi record-cleaning machine: cleaning motor is on. The earlier model can be fit-
The best buy in areally cheap cartridge, this MM
$555 tr ted with aroller-bearing accessory -available for
has excellent trackability and sounds rather like a
$16 inc. S&H from K-A-B Electro-Acoustics, P.O.
good MC. Stereophile readers should consider Nitty Gritty 1.5Fi MIc.I1 record-cleaning
Box 2922, Plainfield, NJ 07062-2922 -which
spending more than $30 on acartridge, but when machine: $489
fits beneath the existing platter. The Nitty Gritty
asked by friends what they would recommend for The Mini Pro is asemiautomatic machine that
1.0 is also available as the oak-finished 2.0 for
an old Dual or Garrard, this "system saver" is the cleans both disc sides simultaneously. The 1.5 is
1305. (NR)
one to mention. Will hum if used with older AR identical to the 2.5 but substitutes vinyl for the lat-
decks (an "AR" version is available); lack of sus- ter's genuine oak side panels. Instead of avacuum-
pension damping can lead to woofer pumping, ing "tonearm," as on the professional Keith Monks
Sumiko Analog Survival Kit: $50
even flutter, with high- or even medium-mass machine, the NG cleaner uses a vacuum slot
"On agood 'table, makes kilobuck digital proces-
arms. (Vol.7 No.8; actual review was of the earli- Cleaning is efficient and as good as Nitty Gritty's
sors cry in their EPROMsr was CG's verdict of
er GTE+1.) Pro, at asignificantly lower price, though it takes this set of turntable and arm tweaks consisting of
twice as long, cleaning each side of an LP in nirn. apaper-thin mat and ahigh-tension plastic strip to
While the vacuum-cleaning Nitty Gritty does a
Cardas Ruby, Roksan Shiraz, AudioQuest MC- damp tonearm resonances. (NR, but see CG's
similar job on dusty albums as the similarly priced
200, Dynavector XX-II, Denon SI, Benz-Micro Follow-Up on the WTRP in Vol.16 No.10.)
VPI HW-16.5, CG felt that the VPI's hard-bristled
M0.9, Benz Glider, Blue Oasis Signature, Surat)
Transfiguration Temper, Clearaudio Insider,
brush did better with really dirty LPs than did
NG's velvet one. He found the effect of both was
Wilson Benesch Hybrid, Grado Signature Jr. Decca, Hunt-EDA, Goldring, or Statibrush
to produce aless-colored, more detailed midband record brushes tr
Deletions sound from LPs, as well as provide the expected
Benz-Micro Reference not auditioned in along Properly used (held with the bristles at alow angle
reduction in surface noise. (Mini Pro, Vol.8 No.1; against the approaching grooves and slowly slid off
time; Ikeda Kiwaine no longer available. 2.5Fi, Vol.7 No.5, Vol.8 Nod; 1.5Fi, Vol.17 No.5) the record), these are the most effective dry
QR/DNM Design Ringmat Mk.11 record-cleaners available. UGH disagrees, feeling
turntable mat: 574.95 that they leave the dust on the record.) No substi-
RI) found this paper/cork mat (available in three tute for an occasional wet wash. (Vol.10 No.8)
PHONO ACCESSORIES 43e thicknesses) to both reduce groove noise and Discwasher record brush er
RECORD CLEANERS increase detail resolution when used on his
Lingo'd Linn. Some initial difficulties with the
If you don't have arecord-cleaning machine, the
DW system will do an adequate job on relatively
A cork rings detaching, says ST, but he found the clean records, but won't get out the deep grunge.
Audio Physic cartridge demagnetizer: Ringmat to turn his AR into amore detailed, If you begin to accumulate lots of gunk on your
$349.95 more neutral-sounding 'table. Now distributed in stylus after cleaning your record with an older
MF found this device most effective in maintain- the US by Music Hall. (Vol.17 No.5, Vol.18 No.1) DW brush, the bristles are worn our, send it back
ing that "like-new" quality of his MC cartridge. He Shun Mook record weight: $1200 for resurfacing, or buy anew one. A high-torque
recommends placing stylus in groove of stationary The best record weight JS has used on his Forscll turntable is required. (NR)
record when using, in order to center the coils in turntable, "bar none." Ridiculously expensive,
the magnetic field. (Vol.18 No.12) however. (Vol.17 No2)
The Cardas Sweep Record: $16 555 VPI HW-17 record-cleaning machine: $900 Combak Harmonix TU -812 Tuning Record
Inexpensive degaussing aid for cartridges that also, VPIHW-16.5 record-cleaning machine: $450 Clamp, A.R.T. Graphite Record Clamp, Allsop
it is claimed, ultrasonically cleans stylus. Record Clearly an industrial-quality machine of reassur- Orbitrac - Mikey sez, "Bring back the Orbitracr


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the Karik transport ($3595 if bought separately
Editor" incorporates aCrystal D/A section to enable it t
be used as astandalone CD player. Though each
on its own is ahigh Class B contender, the Karik
forms asynergistic match with the Numerik to
give true Class A sound. MC finds its laid-back
the best CD sound available as of the time of writ- presentation offputting, but WP enthuses over its
ing. With every advance in digital replay, we real- Accuphase DC-91: $13,995
excellent truth of timbre and improved sense of DO found multilayered recordings with complex
ize that the goal still seems to be just as far away in pace and timing. The latest version of the $2595
that the analog LP still gets closer to the real thing. reverb signatures more dearly resolvable with this
Numerik has aswitch-mode power supply that processor, with anatural synergy achieved when
As with computers, aCD-replay system becomes RH felt give asignificant improvement in sound
effectively obsolete as you drive it home from the driven by the matching DP-90 transport. In addi-
quality, and Burr-Brown PCM1702 DACs that tion, he enjoyed greater access to the inner recess-
store. We urge caution to someone about to pur- give abetter sense of LF pace. (Vol.15 No.1, Vol.17
chase an expensive "state-of-the-art" CD player. es of the soundstage, as he let his mind's eye
No.10) explore the full depth and width of the spatial per-
Perhaps the wisest strategy these days would be to
buy separate transport and DAC units, eventual spective. Absolute reference caliber, in his estima-
replacement of the latter being the best way to stay tion, and aperfect 10. (Vol.18 No.6)
Meridian 508-20: $2895
abreast of continuing development. (Note that the Audio Alchemy DT1•Pro 32: $1595
Very similar to Meridian's 500 transport/563
class rankings in CD players and D/A processors Newest iteration of AA's top jitter attenuator
processor combination. "Detail, air, more of a
are not necessarily directly comparable.) incorporates a32-bit DSP chip that reportedly
sense of musicians' palpable presence," coupled
Deficiencies in the AID converters used to offers 50% more computing power, allowing the
with "crystalline clarity" and "harmonic richness,"
master CDs may well be the limiting factor in CD DTI•Pro 32 to run an enhanced Resolution
was how ST summed up this English player's
sound—see RH's interview with Doug Sax in Enhancement algorithm. RH asserts, "It's hard to
sound. A basic remote control is supplied;
Vol.12 No.10, and compare the sound of the imagine that aworld-class digital front-end such
Meridian's System Remote costs $99. (Vol.17
industry-standard Sony PCM-1630 with Chesky's as the Mark Levinson No31 transport and
128x-oversampling ADC on the appropriate Spectral SDR-2000 Pro digital processor could be
Micromega Stage 2: $1075 $5$
tracks on the first Stereophile Test CD. improved by alittle Audio Alchemy box, but it
"I have no qualms recommending [the Stage] to
However, even though there are only a few was. The 1711•Pro 32 tightened and deepened the
anyone looking for an engaging, affordable CD
HDCD® recordings available, the digital playback bass, made the presentation bigger and more
player," WP gushed. He adjudged it true to the
waters are changing fast due to the availability of expansive, and better revealed space and instru-
music, and sounding articulate and graceful: "I
the Pacific Microsonics PMD-100 HDCD de- mental bloom around instrumental outlines. [It]
found its tonal balance natural, without asucked-
coder/digital filter chip. There is no doubt in RH's made the presentation sound more like real
out midrange or edgy top-end." (Vol.18 No.10.)
mind that the advent of HDCD recordings and instruments existing in areal space." "A flat-out
players represents asignificant step forward in dig- miracle product," enthuses MF, "that makes CDs
ital playback quality, providing sound more like Marantz CD-63 Mk.2: $399.99 $$$ listenable." (Vol.19 No3)
analog, with deeper, better-defined soundstaging ST's budget reference: astonishingly detailed, Classé DAC-1: $3995 $$$
and a more accurate rendering of instrumental smooth, clean, clear, sweet, non-fatiguing. Lacks RH was "stunned" by the performance of this
and vocal timbres. MC points out alack of pace, dynamic drive, however, as well as ultimate bass giant-killer processor, deeming it "a revolution in
however. extension and resolution. But "a bit special," con- the price:performance ratio in digital playback."
firms MC. Marantz CD-63 Special Edition costs Its resolution impressed him mightily, "on apar
A $499.99; SI' decided that it was worth the extra with the Spectral SDR-2000 Pro... That's saying
Accuphase DP-65: $5750 alot for a[$4000] D/A converter," he maintained.
100 bucks for its smooth, sweet balance and
"The natural warmth of recording after recording He also took note of its extraordinary overall
greater openness and resolution. Sounds more airy
shone through, suffusing the sound with an sense of power and slam and alack of strain with
than the Quad 67, but has aleaner balance overall.
expansive glow and bloom," enthused TIN about complex, high-level signals, emphasizing that "in
"A killer $500 player," he concluded. Current ver-
the relaxed tonal balance of this Japanese player, terms of wide dynamic contrast and sheer slam,
sion of the basic '63 uses the same AC transformer
which uses Burr-Brown PCM1702 DACs in a the DAC-1 was the best processor I've heard."
as the SE. (Vol.17 Nos.1 & 8; Vol.17 No.12, Special
balanced configuration. "Musically complete." Only noticeable character was aslight edge to the
(Vol.17 No.10) sound in mida and treble that diminishes signifi-
NAD 502: $299 $S$
Audio Research CD-1: $2995 Ilse first production run of this basic deck suf- cantly during the long break-in period. (Vol.18
WP went bats over the CD-1, insisting that "This fered from reliability problems, due to the lack of No.12)
is the one Iturn to when Ilisten for pleasure." He atransit screw; we're told this has been fixed. "A Digital Domain VSP Model S: $1495
lauded its articulation, rhythm, and intonation, clear, open, and unrestrained sound quality," raved Intended as asample-rate converter, this slim unit
but did notice asoftening of the LF. RH, howev- CG, with a "lively, powerful bottom end, but also reclocks digital data and virtually eliminates
er, found the bench tests disappointing, pointing slightly soft on top." "Makes life very difficult for jitter. The sonic result is to render digital sound
out audible de-emphasis errors that will impart a players in the $500-$1000 range," he concluded. much closer to analog, JA decided. RH found it to
brighter, livelier sound to pre-emphasized discs. Class C, agrees PWM. (Vol.17 No.4) "snap the bass into tight focus," with bass guitar
He also noted high noise levels. Philips has dis- TEAC VRDS-10: $1.250 acquiring more dynamics, better pitch definition,
continued the transport mechanism used by Massively built player that uses the clamp/trans- and more detail. Some, however, will find that the
ARC, so a thorough re-evaluation is indicated. port system first seen in the Esoteric P-2 transport bass balance will become more lean as aresult.
(Vol.18 No.12) and Philips Bitstream DACs. Excellent sense of The VSP in its SRC mode rewrites each data
Krell KPS-20i: $9000 reproduced space coupled with good dynamics, word — which will, of course, render it non-trans-
Krell KPS-2014: $11,000 found SS, but sound let down by aslightly exag- parent to HDCD-encoded data. Six digital inputs
"Is it possible to call a$9000 CD player abargain?" gerated top end (audible and measurable) and a and four outputs—all on AES/EBU, ST, coaxial,
RH queried. "Yes," he concluded, "when you con- degree of midrange grain. Makes an excellent and TosLink. (Vol.17 No.11; also see "Industry
sider how much it would cost to achieve the KPS- transport, he found. (Vol.17 No.11) Update," Vol.17 No.1, p.39.)
20i's sound quality with aseparate processor and Encore Pyramid 1: $3595-$4995
transport." Impressed by its "unbelievably deep, D depending on options
tight, and authoritative bass," he pointed out that Editor's Note: There are currently no Class D This singular-looking D/A processor impressed
"more bass isn't necessarily better, but when com- CD players listed. RH with its "wonderful soundstaging, wide
bined with excellent agility, pitch resolution, and dynamics, powerful rhythmic drive, and freedom
detail, the result is agreater involvement in the from grain." Dubbing it competitive with the best
music." MC found the $11,000 20,71 to be the Wadia 16, Sonic Frontiers SFC-1, CAL Icon the $5k-$6k range has to offer, he praised its
best-sounding Krell digital product—something Mk.II HDCD. impressive sense of pace and the bass's "excep-
confirmed by WP, who wondered if it was due to Deletions tional power and kick," while noting this came at
the absence of aprramp. (Vol.18 No.4, 70i; Vol.18 Naim NA CDS, MSB Technology Silver, JVC the expense of absolute midrange liquidity. Yet, he
No.10, 20i/L) XL-Z1050TN, and Pioneer Elite PD-65 not added, "I can count the Pyramid 1among ahand-
Linn Karik CD transport & Linn Numerik auditioned in too long atime to be sure of current ful of processors that excel in presenting images as
D/A processor: $6190 tr ratine Quad 67 due to uncertain changes in Quad individual objects within the soundstage." (Vol.18
Two-box system in which the DAC clocks the distribution in the US; Sony CDP-X707ES/ No.11)
transport via aseparate link. Current version of CDP-X779ES no longer available. Enlightened Audio Designs DSP-9000 Pro



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Series Ill HDCD: $5995 chip. The result, RH found, is asound that beats Denon DA-S1: $7000
MF and SS both assess it to be Class A. but RH anything out there other than the Spectral and the TJN liked this Japanese processor (which synthe-
feels it to lack sufficient transparency and resolu- Levinson No30.5 - which are now fitted with sizes information below the LSB) a lot for its
rion to connect him to the music. Smooth and the same HDCD chip, and which also have midrange palpability, musically natural timbres,
warm, they concur, and singularly lacking in grain, greater LF extension and authority. Where the and overall relaxed balance. "A combination of
glare, and hardness. All three comment favorably Mk.I Sonic Frontiers had avery upfront balance, clarity, warmth, and three-dimensionality rarely
on the remote volume control -"It makes you the Mk.II is more laid-back, but still has ahuge, encountered at the same time in digital playback,"
realize that all preamps degrade sound," declares spacious-sounding, superbly defined soundstage; he enthused. MC demurs, however, finding its
SS. MF claims that LP/CD comparisons reveal smooth, liquid-sounding midrange; superb sound rather slow-paced. (Vol.17 No.5)
surprisingly close timbrai characters. "May not retrieval of musical detail; and tighter image focus. Enlightened Audio Designs DSP-7000
impress at first listen," he cautions, "but eventual- RD is excited about the HDCD-equipped SFD-2 Series Ill HDCD: $2495
ly it will sneak up behind you and bite you on the Mk.II's ability to make ordinary CDs sound as if SS's reference - he finds this smooth-sounding
ass." Consider yourself warned. Gold finish adds they were new audiophile remasterings. (Mk.1, processor involving and musically satisfying. He
$400, balanced outputs add $1000. (Vol.18 No.8) Vol.16 No.12, Vol.17 No.1; see also the Timbre emphatically recommends the Series III upgrade
JadisJS1 Symmetrical: $12,325 Technology IT-1 review in Vol.17 No.4; Mk.II, to all Series Iand II owners. Gold finish adds
JS's reference D/A, the beautiful two-box Jadis Vol.18 No3.) $200, balanced outputs add $399. (Vol.18 No.5)
JS1 Symmetrical processor features a Philips Sonic Frontiers UltraJitterbug: $699 in Meridian 563: $1395 in
Bitstream DAC section and tubed analog circuit- Basically the UltraAnalog data receiver module With abass that's weighty, extended, and con-
ry. The Jadisian soundstage is, in JS's words, "airy, used in Sonic Frontiers' SFD-2 Mk.II D/A trolled; an open-sounding, spacious soundstage:
layered, enormous, and truly enveloping." The processor packaged as a standalone low-jitter and a smooth, liquid-sounding midrange, this
bass is almost state-of-the-art, the midrange datastream processor, the UltraJitterbug made inexpensive unit with ajitter-rejecting dual-PLL
sumptuous, and the crisp highs "offer an (almost) RH's system sound smoother, less "chalky" in the receiver is "the best-sounding processor in its
perfect blend of clarity, extension, and harmonic treble, with tighter bass and a better-defined class," according to RH. Not as much bass slam as
integrity" when the processor is driven by the soundstage. Long-term auditioning convinces JA the Sonic Frontiers SFD-2, and some slight
matching Jadis J1 Drive transport. Some question- that Class A is where this device belongs. midrange and treble grain. (Vol.17 No.4)
able aspects of the JS1's measured performance Midrange textures are improved -makes agreat Muse Model Two: $1700 SU
make the processor a borderline Class A per- combination when used with the Assemblage Borderline Class A! Impressively constructed 20-
fonner, JA feels. (Vol.18 No3) DAC-1 or the Sonic Frontiers TransDAC. JA bit digital processor featuring unique jitter-sup-
Mark Levinson No.30.5: 515,950 found it even improved the sound of the mighty pression circuitry and "near ideal" power supply.
The original No30 was Stenvphite's "Product of Mark Levinson No31 transport! (Vol.17 No.11) SD marveled at its awesome bass definition and
the Year" for 1992. The No30.5 update, which Spectral SDR-2000 Professional: $8895 $$$ extension and its ability to delineate leading-edge
consists of anew data-receiver board incorporat- RH emphatically states that "This is the state of transient information. Achieving this level of per-
ing an "Intelligent FIFO" memory buffer, is "a the art in digital playback... excelling in low-level formance for less than $2000 is truly remarkable,
true reference-quality product," says RH, adding resolution, soundstaging, and harmonic purity." In he posited - while noting that the passive cur-
that "there's no question that No30.5 owners his review, he added that "the SDR-2000 Pro rent-to-voltage conversion used, which results in a
should upgrade to HDCD ... anyone who hasn't redefines what we can expect from the compact meager 1V output, will preclude the use of pas-
converted their No30 is in for abig surprise." JA's disc format in terms of transparency, palpability, sive control units. AES/EBU input adds $300 to
reference -"The closest thing to good LP play- resolution of fine detail, and rightness of timbre - price; ST optical input, $200; HDCD upgrade,
back," quoth he. HDCD upgrade costs $99 plus especially on HDCD." Setup can be tricky, how- $300. (Vol.18 No.7)
labor. (No30, Vol.15 No2, Vol.16 No.6; No30.5, ever, and the SDR-2000 seems to work best with Parasound D/AC-2000 Ultra: $1995 $$$
Vol.17 No.10, Vol.18 Nos3 & 4.) other Spectral gear, including the Spectral/MIT (See RH's review in this issue.)
Mark Levinson No.36: $3995 wires. Also component of Spectral/Avalon/MIT PS Audio Reference Link: $4795
"Run out and buy the No36... if you have the "2C3D" system. (Vol.18 No.5, Vol.19 No.1) A full-function, remote-control digital control
Theta DS Pro Generation V-A: $3795 unit with balanced and single-ended outputs that's
price of admission," was TJN's advice. "It certain-
ly must be heard, if only to hear what's possible in Price is for single-ended version; version with fully intended to drive the power amplifier direct.
today's best D/A converters." Major Tom was balanced DAC and output stages costs $5595. Includes an excellent A/D converter for analog
particularly taken by the No36's focus, clarity, and Much better than the Generation III processor sources (though no input level control is provid-
inner detail, but allowed that several of the other that it replaced in that it has aless-hyped-up, more ed), and adigital-domain volume control. RH felt
Class A D/A processors had superior LF authori- refined-sounding, more musically natural treble the overall sound to be somewhat better than the
ty and soundstage definition. JA added that "The balance, the Gen.V still features Theta's traditional PS UltraLink in that it was more vivid, more inci-
'36 gets 95% of the way to matching the awesome terrific sense of dynamics and low-frequency slam sive, with better detail resolution and soundstag-
'30.5 - at one quarter the price!" Class A, he and extension. Not quite as smooth-sounding as ing. Highly recommended, agrees MC, nominat-
decided. (Vol.18 No.11) the Mk.II Sonic Frontiers, and alittle less image ing it for aborderline Class A rating, though he
depth, but SI) still considers the Gen.V to be points out that using the Reference Link with an
Meridian 518: $1650
among the best D/A processors available. "Al- external preamplifier leads to asignificant drop in
Unusual digital-to-digital processor that JA
though the relative changes from its predecessor sound quality. "Outstanding resolution, image
dubbed "the Swiss Army Knife of digital." It per-
are small in scale, their sonic impact makes this definition, and space," adds MF, but notes that the
forms digital gain and source selection, converts
upgrade ahighly recommended step for owners of Reference Link's lean-sounding midrange keeps it
data with one digital word length to data with
earlier models," he concluded, finding the new from competing with, for example, the EAD
another-such as when transferring data horn a
version's soundstage to be even better defined than DSP-9000. (Vol.16 No.10)
20-bit master to a 16-bit DAT or CD-R - and
the previous iteration's "famous, already immense PS Audio Ultralink Two HDCD: $2295
offers achoice of seven noise-shaping algorithms.
soundscape." Calling the V-A beautifully balanced RH "highly recommends" the UltraLink 2-
JA used it to master Festival and concluded that it
and atransparent window into every recording, he especially when utilizing the RCA jacks-but
was essential in preserving the integrity of the 20-
assessed the Theta's overall performance as "as notes that despite its freedom from stridency and
bit master when transferred to a16-bit medium.
good as I've heard." LL is also afan. ST-optical image focus, its lightweight character robs its pre-
Much to his surprise, however, feeding 16-bit CD
input adds $300; single-mode input adds $800. sentation of visceral slam. RI) adds that the
information through it and increasing the word
(Vol.18 Nos2 & 7, Vol.19 No.1) HDCD version is significantly improved com-
length to 20-bit going into his Levinson '30.5
resulted in tremendous improvements. "It was pared with the earlier version. (Vol.18 No.12)
goosebump city, even with recordings that usually Audio Alchemy DTI v2.0: $599 Resolution Audio Quantum: $2495
strike me as just being notes by numbers," he gog- RH adjudges this jitter-reduction device to signif- A mixed bag, RH felt Use of two units, along
gled. (Vol.19 No.1) icantly improve upon the original DTI, claiming it with Resolution's own transport, allows users to
Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 Mk.II: $5295 $5$ improves the sound of nearly every transport/ take advantage of novel Balanced Data mode.
One of RH's two favorite D/A processors - the processor he's tried it with - but, he cautions, the Unfortunately, the resultant sound was not com-
other is the Spectral - the Mk.II SFD-2 offers degree of improvement varied greatly: the better mensurate with $10k price tag. Used as asingle
Class A performance at avery competitive price. the transport, the less significant the difference. D/A processor, the Quantum "sounds good, but a
The Mk.I was Stereaphile's "Product of the Year" for Using its unique I2S data output in conjunction little pricey for the performance." (Vol.18 No.10.)
1994. The Mk.11 features some minor upgrades to with the DDE v3.0, the DTI v2.0 really came Theta DS Pro Basic III: $2695
the analog circuitry, but most important, replaces alive, he reports, increasing soundstage depth, lay- Impressed 13N with "good detailing, depth, and a
the Burr-Brown digital filter with the Pacific ering, bloom, and air and bordering on Class A. lack of any irritating qualities - nothing artificial
Microsonics PMD-100 HDCD decoder/filter ST optical input adds $179. (Vol.18 Nos.9 & 12) about the sound of this converter." If he were shop-

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ping in this price-range, he'd put the Pro Basic III dynamic involvement compared to the Adcom balance to shine through. The flow of transient
high on his list. WP concurs: "Detailed, but never GDA-700 and the Audio Alchemy DTI v2.0/ attack and decay, he allows, are closer to the real
aggressive," he scz. (Vol.18 No.11) DDE v3.0 combination. (Vol.18 No.12) thing than he's ever experienced from CD. (Vol.18
Timbre Technology IT-1: $3295 McCormack Digital Drive DAC-1: $995 No.6)
Good-sounding, says RH, but expensive for Well-made 1-bit DAC using high-quality parts C.E.C. TL 0: $17,500
sound quality offered. Roughly comparable to the and the Crystal chip set. Soundstage sounds open No-holds-barred belt-drive transport that JS
Meridian 563, but with better spatial definition with good clarity, and more immediacy and less found an unalloyed pleasure -"a device for those
and tighter image focus -"stunning," said RH in top-octave energy than the Meridian 263, but the who have an appreciation for the finer things in
the review -and amuch nicer chassis. A well- unit as awhole shares the British processor's laid- life. The most overwhelming sonic characteristic
balanced performer, thought JS, with asmoother, back dynamics. (Vol.16 No.11) [isl its ability to lift perfectly immense amounts of
darker balance than the Sonic Frontiers SFD-2, The Parts Connection Assemblage DAC-1: information... [remaining] eloquently and enor-
with powerful low frequencies. Balanced version $449 $$$ mously hyper-detailed to the limits of my ability
costs $3895; adding balanced outputs and an Easily assembled kit version of Sonic Frontiers' to hear." This, he found, was not without cost:
AES/EBU input to an existing TT-1 costs $800. TransI3AC-1 ($599); RH found this unit's bench meticulous setup and precise system matching are
Unbalanced, buffered outputs have avery high performance "excellent for any processor, let required. (Vol.18 No.5)
level. (Vol.17 No.4, Vol.18 No.5) alone one costing $449." WP was entranced by its C.E.C. TL I: $4950 $U
"perfect blend of relaxation and precision... it's Unusual, beautifully constructed belt-drive trans-
absolutely propulsive, but never forced." He did port with amore laid-back, easeful sound than the
Adcom GDA-700: $1000
note, however, an inability to sort out complex Levinson No31, and less forceful in the bass.
LG was quite taken with the HDCD-compatible
dynamic passages. AJA favorite. (Vol.18 No.4) Sounds sweet and extraordinarily musical, howev-
GDA-700, finding it well-built, dynamic-sound-
Z-Systems Z-Link: $499 er, with alush midrange. DO feels that the pass-
ing, transparent, and musically involving. He also
RH preferred the sound of all the processors and ing of time has rendered this unit Class B. JA dis-
noted that it did asuperb job of rendering the
transports he auditioned with the Z-Link jitter agrees, and gets the final, Class A, word. (Vol.16
musical acoustic on his discs, through its resolu-
attenuator without the Z-Link present in the sys- No.7, Vol.17 No.5, Vol.18 No.5; see also RH's
tion of low-level detail coupled with admirably
tem. "Moreover," he states, "the Z-Link won't response to areader's letter in Vol.16 No.9, p25.)
transparent midrange reproduction. (Vol.18
pass the HDCD control code, meaning you Denon DP-S1: $8000
would need to disconnect the Z-Link every time Though MC found it a bit laid-back in the
Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0 HDCD: $799 $U
you played an HDCD-encoded disc." On the pace'n'rhythm department, TJN was very
"It was just amatter of time," asserts RH, "before
other hand, he points out, it's modestly priced and impressed by this Japanese transport. Using both
ahigh-end manufacturer introduced an affordable
some systems probably would be improved by it. Denon's own DA-S1 processor and the Mark
HDCD®-based system. It's no surprise that it
(Vol.19 No3) Levinson No.35, he felt it had awarmer, fuller
was Audio Alchemy.... It's rare to find this com-
balance than the Levinson No31, similar to that of
bination of musical qualities in such an affordable D the C.E.C. (Vol.17 No.5)
product." He proposes the DDE v3.0 be put at the Audio Alchemy DAC-in-the-Box: $295 $$$ Esoteric/TEAC P-2S: $7000 1>
top of any audition list of cost-effective digital Sets anew standard for sonic performance per The latest version of one of the first "CD
upgrades. LG concurs, ranking the DDE v3.0 as a dollar. "Avoids the worst faults of inexpensive dig- superdecks" gave awide, deep soundstage with
favorite. RH adds that when the v3.0 is used with ital," said RH. Excellent articulation in the bass, "scads of detail" and adeep, controlled bass when
the DTI v2.0 via the I2S interface, the perfor- with excellent soundstaging but slightly grainy it was used with JS's Timbre DAC. He felt the
mance goes up awhole notch to Class B. Remote treble. Borderline Class C, says CG, held back by AES/EBU connection got the best from the
control adds $149, Power Station 3 adds $259. its weak low end and slightly wiry highs. Perfect Esoteric. (P-2, Vol.13 No.12, Vol.14 No.4; P-2S,
(Vol.18 Nos.7 & 12) for upgrading the sound from laserdisc in ahigh- Vol.17 No.5.)
Bel Canto Design Aida: $1790 end Home Theater, or for getting high-end sound Porsell Air Bearing Mkil: $9900
A DO favorite, this solid-state processor is broad- from amass-market CD player (provided it has a With this "upside-down" Swedish transport, the
ly similar to the Meridian 563 in that it uses the digital output). Benefits from use with abigger user places the CD on the turntable and lowers
Crystal one-bit DAC and receiver chip set, with a Audio Alchemy power supply-the PSI is now the laser pickup assembly onto it. The result,
proprietary jitter-reduction circuit. Excellent included in the price -and a13'11 or better jitter- according to JS, is atrue Class A sound, especially
soundstaging and "gloriously pristine" upper mida reduction box. (Vol.17 No3) when using its coaxial data output. The lows were
are coupled with a forceful bass presentation. Audio Alchemy DAOMAN: $159 extended and tight, the highs airy and open, the
(Vol.17 No.11, Vol.18 No.1) RH finds this unit an amazing achievement for soundstage gigantic and unbounded; "palp factor"
California Audio Labs Alpha: $1495 $159 - with surprisingly good soundstaging and was the highest JS had experienced in his system.
Again using the Crystal chip set but with atubed smooth tonal presentation - but lacking the (Vol.17 No.5; see also Vol.18 No.7, p.93.)
analog stage, the Alpha excels at the retrieval of detail, nuance, and refinement present in Audio Jadis J1 Drive: $15,050
musical detail, "midrange magic," and low-level Alchemy's $295 DITB. He urges anyone contem- Very expensive but stunningly beautiful, the Jadis
nuance, found DO. The balance is alittle bright plating using it as part of the primary source for a was somewhat sensitive to datalinlcs, found JS,
with the stock Chinese 12AX7 tubes; Yugoslav high-end system to find that extra $100. However, who got the optimal sound with ICimber's
substitutes significantly smoothed the sound. compared to the built-in DACs in most laserdisc AES/EBU Illuminati cable when the transport
Highish output impedance rules out the Alpha's players, the DAOMAN provides smoother, soft- was paired with the Jadis Symmetrical processor.
use with passive control units. (Vol.17 No.12) er, less fatiguing performance; he enthusiastically Dynamics, pace, and transparency are the Jadis's
Counterpoint DA-10: $1895 plus DAC card recommends it for Home Theater applications. strong suits. (Vol.18 No3)
Well-made mainframe processor that accepts (Vol.18 No.7) Mark Levinson No.31: $8495 US
interchangeable DAC cards. The AD1862 DAC
Astonishingly well-constructed transport offers
card costs $325, offers excellent sense of pace, a
Sonic Frontiers SFD-1 Mk.II, Theta DS Pro spectacular presentation of recorded detail and
grain-free treble, atransparent soundstage, and is
Prime II, Ensemble DiChrono, PS Audio DL3 & superbly extended, well-defined low frequencies,
the best-value card. The UltraAnalog card costs
summed up RH. While the No31 is the natural
$1295 and has the sweetest sound, according to SL3, Audio Alchemy UltraDAC, Theta Chroma
396, Entec Number Cruncher Revised. partner to the Levinson No.30.5, it also gets the
MC; RH found the bass to be too warm and full,
best from inexpensive processors such as the
however. The Crystal 1-bit card ($395) sounds Deletions
Meridian 263 and even the Audio Alchemy
smooth and easy on the car, but lacks immediacy Adcom GDA-600 replaced by 700; Micromega
DITB. JA's reference. About to be replaced by the
and pace. There's also aBurr-Brown card at $655, Duo BS-2 not auditioned in too long a time;
No31.5, which uses adifferent transport mecha-
but this wasn't auditioned. AES/EI3U and AT&T Cobalt 307 replaced by Chroma 396, not yet
nism -an update kit will be available. (Vol.16
connectors each cost $200. Current production auditioned.
No.6; see also RH's response to areader's letter in
features new, low-jitter data-receiver module
Vol.16 No.9, p25.)
($495 as upgrade; price includes HDCD digi
filter) that JA feels sweetens the sound comide
ably. (Vol.17 No2) Meridian 500: $1995 $$$
Enlightened Audio Designs DSP-1000 This British transport's bass was not as tight as that
Series Ill HDCD: $1495 of the Theta Data Basic, found RH, but its treble
LG praised the DSP-1000's "smoothness, lack of was smoother. MC adds that he finds it not as
strain, and rendering of... hall ambience," also good as the discontinued Meridian 200 when it
lauding its natural richness on male vocal timbres. etail exemplary, adding that its neutral top-to- comes to pace. But it formed amusically syner-
However, he found it wanting in transparency and bottom voicing allowed each recording's inherent gistic combination with the excellent Meridian


Compensation? o

How many inappropriate and ineffective ways to "fix" an audio system have you been subjected to?

Sorry to be so negative, but understanding an audio or video system requires first acknowledging that there is no positive
side to the process -- it is entirely amatter of reducing negatives. Perfection is zero -- zero.change.

Upgrading aparticular component will improve overall system performance. However, this does not mean that the signal was
"improved". Believing claims that components can cause apositive improvement to the signal leads to many false fixes.

Terms such as "synergy" and "locking-in" are often used to try to describe an "unexplainably - large improvement result-
ing from aparticular equipment substitution. Employing these terms implies something akin to I +1 =3. 3-I =1 might not
make much more sense, but at least it acknowledges that system improvement comes from reducing negatives, not chasing
illusory positives.

If one's understanding of asystem's cumulative nature is inadequate, certain changes can seem almost magical. However,
being greater than expected or understood does not make them magical or incomprehensible. If something is farther away
than we can see, that does not mean the distance in between is infinite.

Every "component" matters. Every amp, speaker, cable -- even every solder joint is like one of the dirty
panes of glass in this illustration. They all matter. The quality of the final performance is the quality
of the original minus the damage done by all the pieces in betwri. Cleaning any one of
the dirty panes will allow aclearer view of the music.

If one recognizes the negative nature of our challenge, then certain reater than
expected improvements become understandable. If each of the panes
are not only dirty, but also have ared tint, then as each individual pane
is cleaned and Murined (get the red out), the view of the music will
improve. However, it is only after the last red pane is de-tinted
that the red will be completely gone. This last change will
assume greater significance than the previous changes
because we are more sensitive to the presence of a
phenomenon (the red) than to the quantity.

This "synergistic" aspect of this improvement would have

been true no matter which of the offending panes was the last
to be "fixed". It would be inappropriate and false to ascribe spe-
cial properties to the component which just happened to be the
last one changed.

To assemble asystem which is both sonically effective and cost-effec-

tive, either the purchaser or the advisor needs to have abroad perspec-
tive and an effective evaluation methodology.

For more information about developing atrustworthy evaluation methodology,

please write/fax/call us to request our Methodology paper (aka the instructions
for our "Get To Know (Is" sample/loaner kits).

P.O. Box 3060 San Clemente CA 92674 USA TEL 714.498.2770 FAX 714.498.5112 audioquest

563 processor, striking just the right balance reproduction, and usefully lowers the level of tre- off the highs and adds aslight phase lead in the top •
between immediacy and ease. (Vol.17 No.4) ble grain so typical of CD sound. PvW and MC octave; however, JE found asignificant improve-
McCormack Digital Drive SST-I: $1495 report that a water-based poster pen, the ment in soundstaging palpability. The manufac-
WP was quite taken by this top-loading transport, Uniposca from Mitsubishi, has a very similar turer's claims that the Antidote performs time-
particularly by its sense of articulation and liquid effect. MC also notes that the CD should first be domain and jitter correction were found to be
presentation of the upper octaves. He noted that destaticized and its edges degreased before the exaggerated, however. (Vol.16 No.9)
its nuanced sense of pace was extraordinary in a green paint is applied. (Vol.14 No.11; see also Theta Optigue: $50 *
product at this price. Philips has ceased manufac- DO's and TJN's WCES reports in Vol.13 No-3, Refractive-index-matching goop that LL recom-
turing the mechanism used in the review sample, ST's and RH's articles on CD tweaks in Vol.13 mends for use with ST-type glass-fiber datalinks.
so are-evaluation is called for before the next No.5, and "As We See It," Vol.18 No.7.) "Must be used on the Theta's internal connections
"Recommended Components." Provisionally rec- AudioQuest LaserGuide: $29 tr to get the full benefit," he advises. (See LI.% Theta
ommended. (Vol.18 No.11) "If you're into glossing up your CDs, this is the review in Vol.15 No.10)
PS Audio Lambda: $1795 US best stuff I've come across," says CG. (With all Deletions
"Tremendous punch and dynamics," decided RH, CD treatments, take care not to scratch the sur- ASM Labs Spatial Filter, due to concerns about
though less liquid-sounding than the C.E.C. face.) (NR) availability.
"Well-balanced, afine value," adds MC. "A work- Bedini Ultra Clarifier: $125
horse," according to SS. RD notes that current JS found this baffling CD tweak imparted "more
production as of summer '95 has acrisper, more air, agreater refinement in the sense of nuance •
dynamic sound, with faster track access. About to aparticular performance based on my abili
be replaced by Mk2 version. Price includes see and hear into amore transparent sounds Ti RS Ile u-CP
art from th
AES/EBU and coaxial outputs; AT&T ST output ... Images seemed more 3-D and palpable, and
ght, and , • iffl<
adds $300 to price. (Vol.16 No.10) highs sounded more refined and sweet. Bass defi-
balantwil eil;f
Sonic Frontiers SFT-1: $2295 $$$ nitely improved-it was deeper and tighter, with
Transport designed in strict accordance with better pitch differentiation.... This one is an easy-
S/PD1F specifications (less common than one to-hear, fun-to-work, absolutely-no-downside Audible Illusions Modulus 3: $1995 ESE
would think) and possessing aredocking circuit tweak." "What he said!" concurs WR JA demurs. Simple tube preamplifier "offers the highest level
designed to reduce jitter. RH lauded its "combi- (Vol.19 No2) of performance at abargain price," averred MF, e t
nation of superb dynamics, aweighty and power- CD Greenbacks: $1.98 each plus $1.50 S&H who found the one-tube-per-channel line stage '1.0".,
ful bass presentation, ahuge soundstage, awon- for first 5, $2 for up to 10 transparent and dead-silent. Unit boasts mono %•••••
derful ability to reveal fine spatial detail, and rea- Green plastic disc that sits atop aCD's label side; switch, arapidly disappearing feature that some
sonable price." He felt that only in comparison JE called it "the real steal of the digital age." audiophiles (WP among them) do not consider
with the mighty Levinson No31 did it reveal a Improves the music's microdynamics, with alow- dispensable. Optional MC phono board has suffi- re"
less-than-pristine treble. "A must-audition com- ering of the apparent noise floor, also rescues discs dent gain for a wide variety of cartridges-
ponent," he asseverates. "A Class A transport at a that have too many errors to play without although users of extremely low-output transduc-
Class B price," adds RD. (Vol.19 No2) dropouts. (Vol.16 No2) ers may wish to audition unit at home before corn- ›;:y
Theta Data Basic II: $199$ $5$ CD Saver t. mitting. "If the Modulus 3A isn't the finest-sound- ri
Similar in many ways to the PS Audio Lambda, the Eliminates scratches from CDs and laserdiscs, ren- ing ptramp in the world, regardless of price," MF ergo.-
Theta has powerful bass, alittle more clarity, but dering the unplayable playable. Discwasher and insists, "it is one of the finest." RJR concurs. Price is 3e
less-forward, smoother highs. Excellent tracking RadioShack market similar products. (Vol.10 with MM stage; MC stage adds $500; gold/silver
ability. A superb value. ST-optical output adds No.8, Vol.11 No.8, Vol.14 No.11; see also Vol.13 faceplate adds $40. (Vol.19 No2)
$300; single-mode output adds $800. (Vol.17 No3) No.9, p.11.) Air Tight ATC-2: $5995-$7195 '1M11
Compact Dynamics CD Clean!: DO's reference tube line-stage, the ATC-2 excels in rim,

$9.95 treats 250 CDs its ability to allow the listener to suspend his or her =1
California Audio Labs Delta: $895 $55
The essential accessory for those who frequent disbelief that they're listening to reproduced music. the%
The little Delta offered asmooth, detailed mid-
used-CD huts. (Vol.17 No.11) While it doesn't have quite the startling soundstage
range and an excellent sense of pace when it was
Compact Dynamics CD Magic: transparency of the SFL-2 or the tonal neutrality of
used to drive CAUs Alpha processor via an
$14.95 treats 200 CDs the Jadis JP-80, the ATC-2's sound was "downright
AES/EBU balanced datalink, found DO. Superb
Rescues badly scratched CDs. "For damaged CDs, sexy," summed up DO in his review. DO points out
error correction. Borderline Class B, overall.
this stuff really is magic!" enthuses JE. (Vol.17 the authoritative yet romantic mids. The preamp's
(Vol.17 No.12)
No.11) 12AU7 tube is best sourced from Gold Aero or
Compact Dynamics CD Upgrade: RAM Labs; DO found that the best 12AT7 to use
Editor's Note: There are currently no Class D $15.70/ten, $49.95/fifty was an NOS. Telefunken, followed by aGolden
CD transports listed. Self-adhesive polyester disc with centering system Dragon. The matching ATE-1 phono preamplifier
that's stuck to the CD's label side to produce sub- has severe measured performance problems, includ-
jective improvements similar to those from CD ing aseverely unflat response, and is not recom-
Audio Alchemy DDS-1, C.E.C. TL 2, Parasound
Stoplight and CD Greenbacks. Note that the disc mended. (Vol.17 No.10)
is not removable. (Vol.16 No2) Audio Research LS5 Mk.II: $4995
Discwasher CD1. 1CD Laser Lens Cleaner: The Mk.11 version of the all-balanced, all-vacu-
Museatex Melior CD-D, JVC XL-Z1050TN, and
$21.95 tr um-tube preamp is smoother and quieter than the
Pioneer Elite PD-65 not auditioned in too long a
PvW found this CD fitted with six tiny brushes in original LS5, and the earlier version's one Achilles'
time to be sure of current rating; Enlightened
aspiral to be effective at improving die sound of heel - atrace of treble hardness - is alleviated.
Audio Designs T-8000 Universal DISC Transport
his 18-month-old Maranta CD-80. (Vol.14 No.11) Warmer- and richer-sounding than die hybrid
Series III discontinued.
Finyl CD treatment: $11.95 treats 100 CDs tt LS2B but not quite as neutral as the Pass Aleph P,
This surface treannent made CI)s sound more finds SS. In order to be used with unbalanced
"open, direct, and dynamic," determined PvW. A sources, this unit needs to be accompanied by the
larger bottle ($23.95) treats 200 CDs. (With all Audio Research BL2 single-ended-to-balanced
CD treatments, take care not to scratch the play- converter ($1995), which is awkward, adds signif-
ing surface.) (Vol.14 No.11) icantly to price, and drops the sound quality to
Stuniko Reference Band: $17.95/dozen Class B. (Mk.I, Vol.17 No.8; Mk.11, Vol.17 No.12,
Molded, non-adhesive Navcom band that fits Vol.18 No.7 Vol.19 No2.)
around the periphery of aCD to produce the same Audio Research LS3/LS3B: $1695/$1995 555
laser's infrared wavelength, is presumably signifi- aural benefit as CD Stoplight, including an increase A line-level-only all-FET preamplifier, the '3
cant, but at present we have no idea why this in the amount of reproduced reverberation and offers Class A quality at an affordable price -
tweak should so improve the sound of CDs. That improved bass quality. Similar but cheaper Allsop "impossible but true!" enthuses MC. "You could
it does so, however, seems to be beyond doubt to Protective Stabilizer appears to work as well. not ask for more at twice the price!" Superbly spa-
anyone with cars to hear (though no one single (Vol.14 No.11; see also ST's column in Vol.13 No.9) cious soundstaging and punchy dynamics are cou-
product has raised greater guffaws from the main- Taddeo Digital Antidote line-level CD filter: pled with excellent transparency and avery neu-
stream press). "This stuff works!" report JE, PvW, $170 tral midrange. The "B" balanced upgrade for a
and JA, all of whom feel that it increases sound- A patented passive analog circuit that fits between plain LS3 costs $695. (Vol.16 No.8)
stage definition, improves the solidity of bass aCD player's output and the preamplifier. Rolls Balanced Audio Technology VK-5: $3995

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RI) admired the dynamic life, precisely defined urne control than the sample auditioned, but is lous, with an obvious attention to every detail." His
presentation of detail, and exciting immediacy otherwise identical. (Vol.17 Nos.] & 3) assessment of the system made much of the overall
with which this balanced tube design rendered his Mark Levinson No.38S: $6495 transparency and high resolving power of the sys-
favorite discs. "A stellar performer," he maintains. Borderline Class B for the standard No38 line tem. Price includes phono stage ($600) & balanced
Transparent as any minimalist line-stage, he points stage ($3995), which RH feels is not resolving input stage. (Vol.19 No.1)
out, but offering sufficient features to make it a enough for Class A. While agreeing with RH that Threshold T2: $5450
joy to use. Cautious TIN recommends careful sys- the No38 has alaid-back nature, JA enjoys its "This is the kind of product that makes nie want to
tem matching duc to highish output impedance. ergonomics -including the best-thought-out listen to music, often to the point where Ifind
(Vol.18 No.12) remote volume control - and its lack of treble myself waylaid by my system," gushed SS. He
Cello Palette Preamplifier: $7500 * aggression/grain. The '38S is an upgraded, cost- added that the remote-control '12 "allows the
As well as holographic imaging and superb trans- no-object, premium version of the No38 with excitement and enchantment of music to pass
parency across the band, the Palette Preamplifier more than 36 refinements, principally to passive through its circuits almost unscathed." Ergono-
offered "a musical quality Ididn't know existed," components. JA found that sonically there is no metric and visual elegance combined with conve-
according to LL, though JE is less convinced. comparison between the two, calling the No38S nience and flexibility at minimum sonic sacrifice, he
Extremely high input impedance, but only 6dB of the most neutral, asid at the same time snost musi- summed up. JA found it to sound alittle less refused
gain. Incorporates superb graphic equalizer that cally satisfying, preamp to have been in his system. than the Levinson '38S but marveled at the
differs from the norm in having alarge amount of Specific performance areas may be bettered by Threshold's powerful bass. Price is in black; a"silver
interaction between the bands. In combination competing products, he allowed, but taken as a pewter -finish adds $100. (Vol.18 No.7, Vol.19 No2)
with the fact that the maximum amount of boost package, the No38S liad no weaknesses. Sets a YBA 2: $2750 $$$
and cut decreases toward the center of the new paradigm, he extolled. (Vol.17 No.8, Vol.18 With its MC transformer module ($650), this
audioband, this actually results in very fast opti- No.7, No38; Vol.18 No.7, No38S.) ultraquiet French preamp gave the best sound
mization of program material by ear. Note that Melos MA-333 Reference: $4895 from vinyl JA had experienced in his system since
the response with the controls centered but not ($6495 with balanced inputs) he retired his Audio Research SP-10. The line
bypassed is not quite flat, which will invalidate lis- Versatile tubed, three-chassis, dual-mono full- stage is merely good. While it has great clarity, a
tening comparisons to pin down the sound of the function preamplifier with separate power supply. liquid-sounding midrange, and excellent low-fre-
EQ circuitry on its own. Optional phono stage Price includes separate phono stage. Line stage quency weight and definition, it sounds abit lean
adds $2000 to price. (Vol.15 No.6; see also LL's alone costs $3595 with power supply, $4395 with overall and has less image depth than, for exam-
Cello system review in Vol.18 No.7.) balanced inputs. Phono stage costs $2495 with ple, the Classé Six. Both line and phono stages
Convergent Audio Technology power supply. (Original Gold version, Vol.17 invert polarity, meaning that what will be ais opti-
SL-1 Signature: $5950 No.11; see RN's review in this issue.) mum setup for LP playback will require an addi-
JE's reference, the tubed CAT is both harmoni- MFA MC Reference: $12,850 tional polarity inversion for CDs. (Vol.17 No.7)
cally accurate and able to endow the music with The preamplifier to replace the CAT Signature in
"glorious midrange splendor." JS finds the CAT to JE's reference system, this immaculately engi-
Conrad-Johnson PF2: $1795 $$$
he vividly balanced and ruthlessly revealing. RN neered tube preamplifier combines an "uncanny"
Borderline Class A performance, sums up MC of
demurs, feeling the CAT obscures information. sense of spaciousness with superb retrieval of low-
this modestly priced, hill-function, solid-state pre-
Both JE and JS enthuse that it excels in the repro- level detail and an excellent sense of pace. A more
amplifier, commenting in particular on its sense of
duction of dynamics and of apalpably real sound- powerful bass than the CAT, but amore distant
pace, uncompressed dynamics, and musical
stage. Phono stage is quiet enough to work with soundstage perspective overall. High phono-stage
involvement (once it was fully warmed-up). Don't
the AudioQuest 700Onsx. "Magic," summed up gain and low noise optimize its use with low-out- change cables with the unit turned on, warns MC.
Mr. E.; "still the one to beat when price is taken put MCs. Inverts polarity from inputs to outputs.
Price includes "reference-quality" MC phono
into consideration." "A great preamp," adds RD, "Joyously musical and tirelessly entertaining," stage; price without is $1395. (Vol.17 No.11)
pointing out that production as of summer '95 is summed up JE in his review. (Vol.17 Nod)
Conrad-Johnson PV10A: $1195 ESE
even quieter and has more of asee-through qual- Pass Labs Aleph P: $3000 All-tube, full-function preamplifier that CG
ity. RN demurs, feeling the CATs presentation to Well-built preamp that SS avows stands as proof found very appealing, particularly for LP play-
lack pace. Stereophile's 1993 "Product of the Year." that "simpler is misdeed better," praising it as the back. Balance is ois the warm side, but there's a
(Vol.15 No.12, Vol.17 Nos.], 9, & 11, Vol.18 No.12) "quietest active preamplifier I've ever reviewed." palpable sense of musicians being in the room that
Jadis JP-80MC: $16,760 Also drawing comment from the Stone from adds to the listener's enjoyment of the music. Ail
While it avoids the expressionistic "Van Gogh" Boulder were its dimensionality, transparency, MC favorite. Version without the phono stage
trap that so many tubed prearnps fall into, the bass extension, top-end air, and low-level detail. In costs $995. (Vol.16 No.6)
Jadis's combination of tonal neutrality, velvety short, "the Pass ruled." "Will appeal to anyone Exposure XVII: $1649 $5$
harmonic textures -"lush," agreed JS - extraor- who values clarity and accuracy over euphony and This modest-looking British preamplifier "has a
dinary timbral accuracy, and astounding micrody- frills," he concludes. (Vol.19 No2) fundamental musical rightness," felt RH, who also
namics lead DO to strongly maintain that it is, Sonic Frontiers SFL-2: 53795 555 found it to have "a rhythmically powerful, tight,
above all else, the premier full-function preamp of Tubed line-stage with separate power supply that and coherent sound." Only atouch of hardness in
the decade. A gateway to sonic heaven, says DO. RH and RN feel to be up there with the best in the mids and treble keep it from Class A status.
(Vol.17 No.9) most respects, and excelling in some, such as its The MC phono stage is very quiet, and, while a
Jadis JPL: $6840 huge, open, transparent soundstaging; lack of bit laid-back in overall balance, was one of the
The tubed Jadis offers timbral accuracy and con- midrange grain; and superb treble extension. "A best-sounding RH has used. Recommended to
sumniarely defused soundstaging, and sets anew feeling of harmonic wholeness and rightness," those of whose lives LP playback remains ais
standard in the delineation of dynamic contrasts, said RN, who prefers it to the CAT and the Jadis important part. (Vol.17 No.4)
thought DO. Fleshes out the full spectrum of JPL "A slightly weightier character" compared Krell KRC-2: $3700
shadings from soft to very loud with the greatest with the Audio Research LS5, said RH, adding Remote-control, solid-state line-level preamp
of ease, says DO. MC would like greater trans- that the Canadian preamp clearly excels in treble offers asimilar mix of balanced and unbalanced
parency, however, while RN feels it has been sur- smoothness and overall liquidity. JA found the 2 outputs to its big brother, the KRC. Requires sig-
passed overall by the Sonic Frontiers SFL-2, com- to be among the best he's heard, admiring its nificant break-in, found MC, but then offers a
pared with which it sounds too polite. (Vol.16 emphasis on the rhythmic aspect of music as well good combination of midrange neutrality, treble
Nod, Vol.17 No.11) as its big ambient bloom. The top octave could be purity, and wide, deep soundstaging, losing out to
ICrell KRC-HR: $6900 more open, he thought, and the soundstage, while the KRC in midrange dynamics and low-fre-
LL loves the ergonomics of this remote-con- expansive, was somewhat less detailed than his quency "grunt." FET input switches overload
trolled solid-state preamplifier, MC the "confi- reference No38S. MF, however, felt it lacked much above 5V RMS, meaning care will need to
dent, clean deep bass," TJN the combination of transparency compared to his current reference. be taken with CD processors from Kinergetics,
instrumental weight asid body, clarity, and open- (Vol.17 No.11, Vol.18 Nos.7 & 12, Vol.19 No2; sec Theta, and Timbre. Being replaced by the $2950
ness. TJN also enthused about the open-sound- also RN's review of the Melos MA-333 Reference KRC-3. (Vol.17 No.6)
ing, grainless highs, marginally preferring bal- in this issue.) McCormack Line Drive TLC-I: $995 $$$
anced operation. TJN's reference for (lack of) pre- Spectral DMC-20 Series 2: $7595 This modest control center's buffered FET out-
amplifier sound. Standard phono stage ($650) is of When he auditioned this preamp in conjunction puts are unity gain or less, meaning that it will be
high Class B quality compared with the line with the other elements of the Spectral/ unsuitable for use with insensitive amplifiers or
stage's Class A. thought TIN. Internal Reference Avalon/MET 2C3D System, RH was impressed by with components that have avery low output.
Phono stage, not yet auditioned, adds $1250. its beautiful interior layout and workmanship, com- With a typical CD source, however, it offers
Current HR (Hi-Res) version has adifferent vol- menting that "The execution appears to be meticu- superb transparency, very low noise, and ais


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almost undetectable sonic signature. Ultimately, were gobs and gobs of gain.., performs on an absolute terms. Highly recommended, says he.
however, its balance is alittle lightweight and lack- unusually high level," he enthused. (Vol.18 No.1) (Vol.17 No.7)
ing in dynamics, which might make it worth McCormack Micro Line Drive: $595
checking out the external power supply ($295). "Why should only the rich kids have all the fun?"
McCormack Micro Line Drive: $595
Passive outputs sound even more transparent, but asks WP, admiring the parts quality, styling, and
"A contender for the best disappearing act in
only in the context of an appropriately matched transparent sound of this modestly priced unit,
audio," proclaimed WP of the M LD used as apas-
system. (Vol.17 No.7) which can be used as aconventional preamp with
sive unity-gain device, while conceding that it
McIntosh C-22 Commemorative Reissue: selectable gain or as apassive control unit. While
shaves some heft off of recordings. Sensitive to
$2500 he deems it adequate when used with gain, he
cable capacitance when used passively. Not far
Reissue edition of classic preamp features many proclaims it "a contender for the best disappearing
behind the TLC-L (Vol.18 No.6)
modern parts upgrades, but remains mie to origi- act in audio" when used as apassive unity-gain
nal. SS didn't think it competitive sonically with Purest Sound Systems Model 500: 5335
device, conceding that it shaves some heft off of
the best contemporary tubed preamps, but point- RN feels its Bourns pot to lose alittle transparen-
recordings. Sensitive to cable capacitance when
ed out that quality construction and conservative cy, but confirms that this inexpensive, dual-mono,
used passively. (Vol.18 No.6)
four-input device "will get you most of the way
design promise long, trouble-free life -always a
McIntosh hallmark. (Vol.18 No.10) D there as far as acontrol center is concerned." "A
Proceed PRE: $1995 Editor's Note: There are currently no Class D humdinger," says ST. "It's basic, it's simple, the
Had an appealingly open, sparkling, clean quality preamplifiers recommended. Those with restrict- parts quality is high... everything else messes up
that held TJN's attention. Leanness through the ed budgets should investigate our recommended the sound of my Meridian 508 by comparison...
upper bass and lower mids made its upper octaves passive control units. Iuse it in my main system." Very similar Model
seem more prominent, and the overall sound 1000 ($465) adds more inputs and is more versa-
more laid-back, than the best of the competition, tile. (Vol.17 No.8)
Audio Research LS7 & LS22, Audible Illusions
he opined. Bass was deep and tight, and if solo LI, Muse Model Three, Boulder L-SAE, Melos
vocals didn't hang quite as palpably in space as his SHA Gold, Perfectionist Audio Components
reference Rowland Consummate, they didn't miss PAC-1, Jadis I3PL &JP 200, Bryston BP-25M
the mark by much. A DAS favorite. (Vol.18 No.5) Jeff Rowland Design Group Coherence, LAM
Sonic Frontiers SFL-1: $1395 $$$ LI, Sonic Frontiers Anthem Pre 1.
"This Canadian line-level preamplifier kicks buttr Deletions
exclaims DO, noting that it competes effectively Audio Research LS2B Mk.II, Counterpoint SA-
with units costing much more. A hybrid 5000, Perfectionist Audio Components CPR
tube/FET design from the pen of Joe Curcio, it BIB/TIPS not auditioned in along time; Melos Expressive Technologies SU-1 transformer:
features lavish selection of passive parts and careful SHA-1 replaced by SHA Gold, currently under $3500 ef
attention paid to power supplies. Dynamics and review; Classé Six Mk.II discontinued.
spatial resolution are strong suits, though its repro- A 35-lb step-up transformer that offers "utter
transparency" and "exquisite resolution," accord-
duction of harmonic textures is strongly affected
by choice of 12AT7A tube. DO found Chinese ing to RH. JA agrees, finding his LP sound with
the SU-1 feeding the Mod Squad Phono Drive's
tubes to sound bright and grainy, the best tube
being the Yugoslavian Tesla (Gold Aero), which is PASSIVE CONTROL UNITS MM input to be deliciously transparent and musi-
now supplied as standard, and which had the Editor's Note: While many audiophiles feel that cal. Unless used with Expressive Technology's
smoothest-sounding treble. Review sample had apassive control unit has the potential for offering own interconnects, however, it may be impossible
the highest possible sound quality from line-level to avoid excessive hum pickup. Needs also to see
high output impedance. Current production has
improved midrange clarity and treble smoothness sources such as CD, it must be noted that the a47k ohm load impedance with low capacitance.
compared with earlier version due to changes in entire responsibility for driving the interconnects, Otherwise, the sound quality will be overly
wiring and board layout, as well as areduced out- the passive unit, and the power amplifier input is dependent on the preamp's MM-input character-
handed over to the source component, which may istics. (Vol.15 No.7, Vol.18 No.1)
put impedance. GL enthusiastically agrees with
DO's characterization of the SFL-1 as "a giant- not be up to the task. Careful auditioning will be Mark Levinson No.25: 53990 •et
killer." (Vol.15 No.8, Vol.16 No2) essential in putting together amusically satisfying Available in High- or Low-Gain versions, this MC
Woodside SC26: $3495 system around apassive unit. line-level phono preamp features identical circuit-
This well-engineered British all-tube, full-function
preamp has "a lovely, warm string tone... with no
A ry to the phono section of the No26. Above price
includes PLS-226 power supply. Price without, for
Carver Research Lightstar Direct: $1995
strain or distortion," found LG, who also noted the those who want to power it from their No26
Preamp can be used as either apassive, balanced
good dynamics and excellent LF extension and power supply, is $2995. Needs careful positioning
design, boasting minimal componentry in the cir-
power. Superbly natural presentation of instru- to avoid hum being induced into its circuitry from
cuit, or as asingle-ended, active preamplifier. SS the power supplies of other components. LA's ref-
mental timbres places the SC26 firmly in Class B. was not impressed with its performance as an
summed up Mr. G., who notes that the Classé Six erence. (NR)
active device, finding it "undistinguished... Class
has better dynamics overall. Price includes C." In passive balanced mode, however, it was
MC/MM phono stage with integral transformers; "simply the best preamplifier I've ever heard for American Hybrid Technologies AHT-P:
line stage alone costs $2495. (Vol.18 No2) under $2500." Careful system matching is neces- $2700
sary to derive that level of performance - the Very quiet solid-state MC line-level R1AA equal-
Audio Alchemy Digital Line Controller: Lightstir is "unwilling" to drive high voltages into izer/preamplifier with separate power supply.
$399 with Power Station One $$$ low impedances. That said, highly recommended Can be set up for optimal gain/impedance match
Versatile, compact, remote-control line-level pre- for those with completely balanced systems. with the user's MC phono cartridge. JS was
amp comes with Power Station One, but can be (Vol.19 No2) impressed with the unit's transparency, neutrality,
upgraded with heftier Power Station Three Electronic Visionary Systems Attenuators: and pace, though he decided to keep his CAT SL-
($259), which, reports WP, makes abig differ- $230-$450 1Signature overall. (Vol.16 No.12)
ence. "Transparent and dynamic," he insists, and RH enthused over the transparency offered by Audio Research PHI: $1495
capable of showing up many alarger and more these passive control units, sold only by mail "Remarkable in its sense of focus, delineation of
expensive unit. "A thoroughbred at any price, but order. The dual-mono Ultimate Attenuators, individual insmiments within the soundstage, and
asteal at its typically discounted price," he enthus- which plug either into the power amplifier's input transparency," said RH of this phono preamplifi-
es. JE concurs, although he did note alack of har- sockets or a CD player's output sockets, cost er/RIAA equalizer. He did point out asomewhat
monic richness in the mid/upper-bass/lower- $230/pair with I2-position unbalanced attenua- lean, too incisive balance that keeps this unit from
midrange and aloudness-dependent loss of bass tor, $305/pair with 24-position unbalanced atten- Class Aperformance overall. Requires careful sys-
heft. Even so, he felt the DLC sets astandard uator, and $450/pair with 24-position attenuator. tem matching. (Vol.15 No.11)
every manufacturer should aspire toward. (Vol.18 Those primarily interested in Cl) replay should Gold Aero dB45 Signature: $999
Nos.8 & 11) investigate these well-made units. EVS-Tel: (510) SS was impressed by the balanced nature of the
Home HeadRootn: $599 548-3665. (Vol.13 No.7) dB45's harmonic presentation, finding it airy,
Although primarily aheadphone amplifier, the McCormack Line Drive TLC-I: $995 sweet, and well-defined. Though the dB45 was
Home HeadRoom makes an excellent single- Although the McComiack does have buffered not as "dead" in the background as his reference
source preamp with power, accuracy, and finesse, active outputs, its passive outputs are the most Vendetta - sadly no longer available-he still
found WP. "Bass response was excellent and there transparent JA has heard, if alittle laid-back in found that it reproduced space and air in asatisfac-



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tory manner. "An outstanding value," he summed the KT99A requires at least a20-hour break-in. frequency extremes, but the real glory of this amp
up, if your preamp has adequate gain -passive (Vol.13 No.5, Vol.16 No.10) is its reproduction of the core of the musical mes-
units need not apply:' Standard version (not Air Tight ATM-3 monoblock: $13,995/pair sage. Midrange textures are vivid, and the senses
reviewed) costs $799. (Vol.18 No.9) This Japanese amplifier's midrange is pure and liq- of space and time are so believable "you'll
Krell KPE: $1000 SSS uid in the classic tradition, with full-bodied lower embrace instrumental outlines with outstretched
Borderline Class A, says MC of this add-on phono mids and the speed and spatial precision audio- arms," opines DO, who feels that this return to
preamplifier/equalizer for the Krell KRC-2, philes have come to expect from modern tube "our audio roots" has redefined for him what
offering "a precise, tightly focused soundstage, an designs. Reproduction of dynamic and rhythmic high-end audio should be all about. Used full-
unusually fine dynamic range, and crisp, expres- shadings is outstanding, even with difficult loads range, the 805 requires a loudspeaker with a
sive, and spacious sound." Can only be powered such as Sound Lab A-1s. The best-sounding ultra- benign impedance magnitude and at least a
by the KRC-2's DC outputs. (Vol.17 No.6) linear output stage DO has heard to date -he 90dB/W/m sensitivity. But when optimally
Sonic Frontiers SW-I: $1095 SSS prefers the sweeter sound of the original KT77 to matched, "the Carys ain't polite, ain't laid-back,
Tubed unit with what RH called "a delicious that of the stock EL34s. Note that the KT77 does and need make no apologies about their perfor-
midrange bloom," acomplete lack of grain, etch, not work in triode mode, drastically curtailing dis- mance anywhere up and down the frequency
and hardness, and stunning soundstaging, particu- tortion-free power delivery. With EL34s, the tri- line!" enthuses MF, who uses them with Audio
larly in its MM mode. (MC mode adds aclass-A ode mode carries the midrange performance a Physic Virgos. (Vol.17 Nos.1 & 2)
FET gain stage ahead of the tube circuitry.) First notch forward, sounding abit more sweet and Cary Audio Design 300SE monoblock:
review sample had ashelved-down treble due to suave, but sacrifices about half the available $3795/pair
an out-of-spec RIAA stage capacitor. The second power: 60W vs 135W. (Vol.16 Nos.6 & 10) "These arc the magic Carys!" exclaimed ST. "They
sample had aflat RIAA response, which amelio- Audio Note ¡Cassai Silver: $52,600 have away of making the music come alive that I
rated RH's earlier criticisms of an "overly soft (See JS's review elsewhere in this issue.) have not heard from any other amplifier...
sound" and alack of "air, immediacy, and detail." Audion Silver Night 300B monoblock: Palpable presence in spades!" Bass, while not in
"A terrific bargain," was his final verdict MF $3900/pair Krell territory, is still tight and tuneful. However,
demurred after auditioning the Signature version. "A beautiful, refined sound, asuper, sweet mid- at just 12W power output, it will be very hard to
"Its relatively high noise floor and only moderate range, and rather good bass, too, for a20Wpc find amatching loudspeaker. (Vol.16 No.11)
gain cast agrayish veil over the soundstage and tube job," feels ST of this push-pull, 300B ampli- Conrad-Johnson Premier Eight
imparted asluggish rhythmic quality to music" fier. "Not at all flabby," and has alittle more je ne monoblock: $15,990/pair
when used with MCs, he felt. (Vol.16 Nos.9 & 10; sais quoi, "truth of timbre," he says, than the Cary Massively powerful all-tube amplifier - mea-
Vol.19 No2, Signature.) CAD 30013. (Vol.17 Nos2 & 6) sured clipping point was 193W into 8 ohms-
Audio Research VT150 monoblock: that occupies pride of place in JE's system. "A
$12,990/pair tube-lover's dream come true": electrifying
Audio Alchemy VAC-in-the-Box: $259 tht$ dynamics and the best bass JE has heard from a
The finest yet from ARC, this 130Wpc power
SS found this unit to "represent agiant step for- tube amplifier are coupled with superb sound-
amplifier is smooth, liquid-sounding, and grain-
ward in entry-level phono gear," but felt it lacked stage air and presence. Output tubes are 6550As.
free, with an accuracy of timbre and alevel of
palpability compared to the best phono amps. WP
detail that RH found "astonishing." While it does- (Vol.17 No.12)
and MF respond, "Your point being?" Topnotch
n't have the punch of aClass A solid-state amplifi- Conrad-Johnson Premier Eleven A:
construction and user adjustability transcend any
er such as the Krell KSA-300S, RH felt the VT150 $3495 $$$
expectation for this price point, they contend. It While the original version of this beautifully
to give amore palpable impression of there being
sounds good, too. (Vol.18 Nos.8 & 9) made 70Wpc tube amplifier failed to light STs
an acoustic double-bass in his listening mom, with
agreater sense of openness, bloom, and space in fire, MC felt that, while its strengths may be sub-
Naim Prefix, Audio Research PH3, FM Acoustics the lower registers. "Sets the standard in liquidity, tle, the Eleven should not be underestimated.
FM-222, Rotel RHQ-10, Jadis DPMC. soundstaging, and sheer musicality. Deep, layered, Current "A" version incorporates minor modifica-
and very transparent soundstage -truly transcen- tions to make this Class A amp sound even better,
dental" is how he sums up his feelings, just in case thinks WP, who cites an increased sense of slam
you misunderstood. "Magnificent, big-hearted, and articulation as the primary improvements. JA
is impressed by the natural and unwavering
OWER AMPLIFIERS truly Class A Plus," enthuses MC Output imped-
ance from the 4ohm taps is alow 0.3 ohms, min- soundstaging, and finds the unit amust-audition

Due to the dispari imizing any response interaction with the speaker for those in love with the human voice. (Eleven,
loads. Cosmetically different SE version costs Vol.17 Nos2 & 10; Eleven A, Vol.18 Nos.8 & 9,
$15,990/pair. (Vol.17 No.8) Vol.19 No3.)
Balanced Audio Technology VK-60 Jadis JA 200 monoblock: $23,880/pair
cien yin character that ea em an monoblock: $4495 each A superb tube amplifier offering an honest 130W
appropriate system. Careful auditioning with the "Offers the natural rendition of instrumental/ that, according to DO, outdistances its competition
user's own loudspeakers is therefore essential. vocal timbres that the best tube amplifiers are primarily in the area of soundstaging, where it
Note that, except where stated, output powers are known for, but has enough power to drive most unfolds apanoramic and rock-solid spatial impres-
not the specified power but those we measured speakers to very satisfying volumes," opined RD, sion of the original recording venue. Although
into an 8 ohm resistive load. All amplifiers are who also was impressed by the three-dimension- harmonic textures are fluid in the best tube tradi-
stereo models, except where designated. ality of the soundstage. He found the 35W BAT tion, DO obtained the sweetest mids by substitut-
A (Tube) - it gives 55W at arelaxed 3% THD limit - ing good EL34s (Gold Aero E34Ls) for the stock
Air Tight ATM-2: $8750 tr "quite special when it comes to harmonic accuracy." 6550s; JS likes Tung-Sol 6550s, but with N.OS.
An 80Wpc classic stereo tube design from Japan Bridgeable. (Vol.18 No.12) AEG 802S input tubes to displace the Gold
that eschews the use of printed circuit boards in Bel Canto Design Orfeo SE2 monoblock: National 12AU7s. This amp does not sound
favor of point-to-point wiring. "The most refined $7590/pair romantic, cautions DO, who finds that the lack of
Ipush-pull] tube amplifier money can buy... a Exquisitely sweet and refined mids coupled with flash through the lower mids argues for amating
magical midrange," according to DO. Though its a slightly laid-back perspective are this single- with awarm-sounding front end. Although DO
highs are free from grain or hash, the Air Tight ended tube amp's most compelling sonic suits, tried various line conditioners, JS found die Jadises
does have arather shut-in high treble when com- says DO. Unusually for an SE amp, no excuses to give of their best when plugged straight into
pared, for example, with the Audio Research need be made at the frequency extremes. Its dedicated wall outlets. Read his Follow-Up for the
Classic 60-a point that bothered ST. "Sounds sound is spatially impressive, yet it lacks the dra- full tweaking route. (Vol.16 No.11, Vol.17 No3; see
like amore refined Quicksilver," said RH. Its low matic vividness of, say, the Cary 805. The output also JS's review of the Timbre 1T-1 in Vol 17
bass, too, is less well-defined than the other Class is limited to about 25 clean watts, which dictates NoA.)
A amplifiers, and it really needs to be used with its use with aspeaker of at least a90dB/W/m Jadis Defy-7 Mk.11: $7995 *
speakers having 8ohm impedances. As of 10/93, sensitivity and a benign impedance. Sovtek Super dynamics, says ST, perhaps at the expense of
DO laid problems at the frequency extremes 12AX7WXT dual input triodes are now supplied Jadis's traditional subtlety. MC adds that this phys-
squarely at the feet of the original Chinese KT88 as standard. (Vol.17 No.7) ically massive, 100Wpc stereo tube amplifier has
tube complement. "No longer arefined Quick- Cary Audio Design CAD-805 monoblock: the ability to drive awkward loads to high levels,
silver," he reported after his experience with the $8495/pair with authoritative bass reproduction. "Musically, it
Gold Aero KT99A: "The extreme treble opens A classic single-ended design, the 805 squeezes has aheart of gold," he enthused, adding that its
up, harmonic overtones are even more liquid, and some 30 clean watts out of asingle 211 power tri- sound is superbly coherent, grainless, and detailed.
the deep bass tightens up considerably." Note that ode driven by a300B. There are weaknesses at the (Vol.14 No.9, Vol.16 No.4)

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Jadis SE300B monoblock: 513,000/pair ble clarity exhibited by the XS version of this SET reviewed as acomponent of the Spectral/Avalon/
These SE triodes generate a"beautiful tonal palette amplifier. Particularly impressed by his level of MIT 2C3D system. RH discovered that "playing
and [a] giant acoustic," opined JS, who felt not so musical involvement, he mused, "How easy it records and CDs Ithought Iknew produced an
much that they replicated the sound of the master seemed to reach into, to caress, to feel, to under- exciting sense of discovery as Iheard their musical
tape, "but actually transcend[ed] the mechanics of stand the music Iheard... Icame to understand nuances and expressiveness fully revealed for the
reproduction to the acoustic event itself." Their that this warm and welcoming internal fireworks first time." He was also impressed by the bottom
balance of sound "is stunning in its total natural- - single-ended's Unbearable Lightness of Being end's "stunning rhythmic agility" and "top-to-bot-
ness, ease of presentation, exuberance, and - breathed the very life into the sound." ST mar- tom dynamic coherence." (Vol.19 No.1)
nuance," he averred. All this and 10Wpc, too - veled at the basic version's truth of timbre and Symphonic Line Model KG-7: $5600
"but it sounds like much more," affirms ST, who harmonic beauty, but found them atad slow. TIN "Musically refilled, wonderfully transparent and
was quite taken by their remarkable sense of spa- groused that the test-bench performance might detailed without even a hint of edginess and
ciousness, as well as their presentation of low-level have been acceptable in 1940, but seemed aggression," proclaimed DO of this well-made
detail and air. ST exulted, "such is the glory ofJadis mediocre for acontemporary design. He allowed, 150Wpc German design. He adds, however, that
that all of this detail is rendered in the most musi- however, that measurements appear beside the its presentation is on the dry side compared with
cal manner imaginable." TJN, uncomfortable with point with this sort of design. (Vol.19 No.1) the best tube models. (Vol.15 No2)
their bench results, recommends careful audition Symphonic Line Kraft 400: $25,000/pair
A (Solid-State)
before purchase. Western Electric 300I3 tubes add Noting the not-inconsiderable price, is asked,
Forsell The Statement: $30,000
$2000 to price. (Vol.19 Nos.'. 2, & 3) "what could be [so] entirely special about apair of
The Statement has the power to inspire," JS
Manley 440 monoblock: 512,000/pair decrees. "You not only listen to music through the amplifiers?" "Everything," he answered. He wal-
This mammoth monoblock can be switched to Forsell -you experience it as well." He finds it lowed in their "richly complex and textured, pow-
either triode or pentode operation, and provides erful, transparent, and [huge] soundstage," and mar-
acoustically enveloping, with awesome bass capa-
for adjustment of global feedback and rolloff of veled at their effortless articulation. Additionally, he
bilities and harmonically rich upper frequencies,
ultrasonic frequencies. As aresult, JS found it suf- made note of the 250W 400's deep, taut, powerful
achieving an appealing balance of sound and
fered somewhat from multiple-personality syn- bass TJN, on the other hand, grumbled about the
sounding effortlessly musical at all times.
drome. However, he did find its presentation fit'n'finish and what he felt to be an unjustifiable
Extremely sensitive to AC quality, he warns. TJN
musically inviting and gorgeous-sounding under expanse of empty space within these manunoth
finds the test results unexceptional, given the
the right conditions. In Mode mode it delivers amplifiers. He also observed that JS experienced
amplifier's lofty price. JA was disappointed by the
160W into 8ohms. (Vol.18 No.12) system failure on one amp, in addition to the one
presence of what sounded like old-fashioned
Manley SE/PP 300B monoblock: crossover distortion in its output. (Vol.18 No.6) that failed under test-not trivial considerations,
$4200/pair Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 2: $5800 given the price asked, he opined. (Vol.18 No.11)
Amp can be used in push/pull or SE configura- "How do you define value in an audio compo- Threshold T-200: $4450 SSS
tion -and can be switched back and forth while nent?" queries RD, before deciding, "I can't think RD valued the balance of attributes in this IGBT-
playing. Also features adjustable global feedback. of aless expensive amplifier that fully matches the based class-A, direct-coupled, minimal-feedback,
ST enjoyed them, finding them capable of driving 95Wpc Model 2's collection of sonic virtues" - 125Wpc amplifier, praising its everything-in-prop-
speakers other SE amplifiers could not. Comes which he defines as an open and extended top er-proportion coherence. Midrange neutrality and
"very, very close" to sound of costlier amps such as end, stunning transparency, dynamic liveness, and spatial and timbral definition were all superb, he
the Wavelength Cardinal and the Jadis 300B. firmness of bass response. Capable, he claims, of reckoned, but he found its major strength to be its
(Vol.19 Nos.1 & 2) making you forget about amplifiers and just listen reproduction of treble frequencies. However, he
Music Reference RA.1-9 Mk.II: $3440 $55 to the music. (Vol.18 No.8) cautioned, audiophiles with large listening rooms
Though 1)0 felt the alternative KT88 output LAIVIM Model M1.1 monoblock: and/or insensitive speakers might find the T-200
tubes made the sound too vivid, this 125Wpc $13,980/pair lacking in power. TJN added reservations regard-
stereo amplifier, when equipped with less-expen- "[They've] got soul, baby," enthused JS of these ing its interaction with ptramps when run in bal-
sive EL34s, is the best to come from Roger hybrid 140W monoblock power amps; "the magic anced mode, due to its very low input impedance.
Modjeski. "Harmonic textures are sweet, liquid, that makes it all worthwhile." He also admired He counsels careful matching -or using it single-
and imbued with remarkable timbral accuracy... "the enommus, extremely airy, and transparent ended. Price is for black finish; silver pewter finish
imaging is incisive," 1)0 notes, when the negative soundstage they threw.- The bass was nothing adds $100. (Vol.18 No.4)
feedback control is set to its lowest. "An authentic short of phenomenal... deep, taut, terrifically YBA 2HC: $3750 $$$
American classic," he concluded. (Vol.12 No.12, impactful, redolent with tonality and individual- Well-engineered, slim-line 110Wpc dual-mono
Vol.17 No.10) ism. Make sure you take the time to hear apair." amplifier from France features short signal paths,
Quicksilver M-I35 monoblock: $6500/pair (Vol.18 No.4) high parts quality, and "a superbly transparent
Handsomely designed 135W monoblock that can Mark Levinson No.33I: $4550 $$$ view into the soundstage," found JA. Lows sound
use awide variety of output tubes -although ST LG found this 135Wpc Levinson to possess quick- alittle soft in absolute terms, but well-defined,
preferred the sound of EL34s. "It's classic tube," ness, stunning impact, and remarkable transparen- combined with an excellent sense of pace.
he asserts: "smooth, sweet, dimensional, and pow- cy. "Ile No331's build quality is up to the highest Overall, amusically natural presentation - ultra
erful as hell." Powerful but liquid at the same standard found in high-end products today," he fidèle. (Vol.17 No.1)
time, he tells us. Bass is full, but is not tight by asserted. "'This amplifier's sorties, superb parts qual-
solid-state standards, and he would not recom- A (Integrated)
ity, overkill power supply, reduced price compared
mend open floor placement to parents of toddlers, Cary Audio Design CAD-300SEI: $3695 SSS
to its predecessor, and five-year warranty offer its
due to sharp corners on faceplate. His conclusion: Stereo, single-ended, tubed, integrated amplifier
owner alot of value for the money, and bring a
"lise best pentode amps I've had in my system." related to the Cary 300SE monoblock. Casting an
Class A recommendation from me." Preliminary
(Vol.18 No.12) eye toward the measured response of the 300SEI,
auditioning by JA of the more powerful No-333
RH rapturously exclaims, "My head tells me the
Valve Amplification Company Renaissance indicates that overall it is the best-sounding
Cary can't be any good; my ears and heart say this
Seventy/Seventy: $9800 Levinson amplifier ever (though the discontinued
is tisis most involving and communicative amplifi-
This beautifully made 65Wpc (for 3% THD), No20.6 monoblock still had the ultimate in bass
er I've heard." "It's actually atone control, and an
dual-mono push-pull amplifier uses 30013 output slam). (Vol.19 No.1)
unpredictable one at that," JA grumps (though he
triodes run in class-A, and features user-selectable Pass Labs Aleph 0monoblock: $7000/pair
will admit under pressure that the sound of his
loop negative feedback. (The best measured per- With the exception ofJE, the magazine's review-
B&W Silver Signatures driven by the Cary was
formance was obtained with no feedback, but ers were pretty much unanimous on the virtues of
first-rate). RH regards the ultrasmooth, liquid
output impedance is then avery high 2.1 ohms, this single-ended, 90W, MOSFET-output Nelson
sound of the 300SEI to be world-class, manifesting
which will give major response modifications Pass design: true Class A. Neutral-balanced rather
awarmth and beauty unmatched by any electron-
with almost all speakers.) Still, "The VAC's poetic than euphonically sweet in the manner of aclassic
ics he's had in his system. Output of 11Wpc tops,
beauty lay in its stunningly realistic midrange," single-ended triode design, the Aleph 0 offers
limited dynamics, somewhat shelved-down treble
enthused JE, also noting the remarkably accurate superbly transparent, musically natural detail
region, and, shall we say, idiosyncratic test results
and precise soundstaging. The bass is a little retrieval and superb dynamics. "A breakthrough
demand extensive auditioning with your preferred
boomy, however. (Vol.17 No.12) product," concluded DO. SS bought apair to use
loudspeakers before purchase. (Vol.18 No.9)
Wavelength Audio Cardinal monoblock: with Avalon Eclipse speakers -"Class A with a
55250/pair bullet!" sez he. Low input impedance mandates
Wavelength Audio Cardinal XS careful preamplifier matching. (Vol.18 No.3) Boulder 500AE: $4950 tr
monoblock: $7500/pair Spectral DMA-180: $7495 DAS feels this well-made, 150Wpc solid-state
is was entranced by the openness, speed, and tre- Well-built 240Wpc solid-state design that was stereo amp, based on the late Deane Jensen's dis-


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Once in awhile an idea

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Bryston ST amplifiers, from the top: 8B ST 4 channel 120 wpc, 5B ST 3 channel 120 wpc,
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The Bryston ST innovation: our Completely separate power Switchable gold plated RCA
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floor — hearing is believing. imaging of musical instruments. channel system configurations.

for a Bryston Ltd, P.O. Box 2170, 677 Neal Drive, Peterborough, Ontario,
Canada K9J 7Y4 Tel: (705) 742-5325 Fax: (705) 742-0882

crete op-amp topology, is "the most natural- work quite well with Sound Lab A-ls. PWM adds offering "Class Bsound at aClass C price," accord- e
sounding amp I've used," though he points out that the Crown does "an amazing job of causing ing to SS. While its treble is alittle on the tizzy side
that, to get the best from it, you need to use it with mid-level dynamic loudspeakers to sound more and not as grainless as that of the Boulder, and the
apreamp lacking dryness. LL, SS, and JGH would musical, involving, and three-dimensional than midrange is not as liquid as that of MFs reference C70
they have aright to." LL, however, found it to be VTL 300s, the big Parasound offers an otherwise C=b
all argue for aClass A rating for the 500AE, JGH
the least musical-sounding amplifier he had ever neutral sound, with great authority and aprodi-
feeling the Boulder to be the most accurate ampli-
heard in that it lacked harmonic accuracy and gious, effortless bass. (Vol.17 No3) 14".
fier he's heard. While "...there was nothing reti-
dynamic shading. JA was also not impressed. RN Proceed AMP-2: $1995 7CO
cent about the top," the highs being "smooth but
summed it up best: "lise real question is, can the TJN finds the sound of this affordable 150Wpc
not sweet," he found the Boulder's presentation of
Crown Macro Reference survive the zealotry of stereo amplifier gripping-with adetailed, full-
midrange detail "was nothing short of remarkable
... Highly recommended!" Says LL: "Some will its followers?" (See "Letters," Vol.17 No2, bodied quality revealing every nuance without 3e
claim that it sounds too vivid, too forward, but I pp.15-25, and No.4, pp.11-13.) Fans can be noisy. extending into hyper-detail. The bottom end «"Ci

think it sounds so much more real than Ithought (Vol.15 No.12, Vol.16 No.11) sounds deep and tightly controlled, while at the
possible." Though he agrees with JGH that the Forté 4A: $1790 $U opposite end of the scale the sound is pristine, albeit
500AE has superbly powerful, well-defined, and An amp that sounds really great, decided CG, with atrace of dryness at the top. Some may find it PM"
extended bass, RH does find its overall sound too adding that it goes much louder, with greater too revealing, he cautions, yet it struck him as accu- 7:7
authority, than any 50W solid-state amplifier has a rarely portraying what's on the recording. Also a
vivid and forward. So JA decided that high Class
B/borderline Class A is about right. LL, DAS, and right to. He also praised the sweet but vividly favorite of DAS, who feels it works best with speak-
JGH found the 500AE's sound to be significantly detailed high frequencies and terrific pitch defini- ers having "lots of uncolored meat on the low end."
tion in the bass. Added RH: "A remarkable absence The three-channel AMP-3 ($2995) is identical
improved in that it becomes smoother and less
of grain and glare." (Vol.15 No.11, Vol.16 No.7) other than using three rather than two amplifier
dry when apair arc used as bridged monoblocks.
XLR sockets are wired opposite to IEC/AES rec- Manley 175 monoblock: $41300/pair modules. Upgrade from two-channel amplifier to
While still the finest David Manley-designed three-channel costs $1000. (Vol.18 No.5)
ommendation with pin 3hot, leading to inverted
amplifier DO has heard, the 175's superb sound- Sonic Frontiers SFS-80: $2895
polarity. Optional handles are $325. The other-
wise identical Boulder 500 adds meters and other staging is let down by arather laid-back midrange Well-thought-out 80Wpc tube design with much
and overripe lows, thought DO. Though the use made of premium parts. JE said it sounded
ancillaries and costs $5800. The 500M ($5600) is
also identical to the 500AE, but features metallic Manley's liquid midrange textures were languidly typically tubey, slightly softened on top, but with
seductive, this was associated with areduced sense awarm, rich midrange character. He also felt its
satin-chrome cosmetics. (Vol.9 No.5, Vol.14
of pace. Output tubes are 5881/6L6WGCs; soundstage depth was slightly foreshortened.
No.10, Vol.15 No.4)
worth experimenting with alternatives, concluded While KK prefers the McIntosh MC275, ST
Carver Research Lightstar Reference: $3995
DO, but be sure to check with the factory first. thought the SFS-80 has great bass for atube amp,
Innovative, powerful (350Wpc) power amplifier
Specified clipping power is 145W but actually but lacks ultimate resolution. He found it worked
that impressed RD with its dynamics and sense of
measured closer to 130W. (Vol.18 No.1) much better with Czech Tesla EL34s than with
power in reserve, while sounding impressively
Serbian KT99s from Gold Aero. "A good, solid
neutral. Bass extension, while good, lacks the McCormack Power Drive DNA-1:
performer." (Vol.16 No.4, Vol.17 No2)
focus of other top contenders. The Lightstar falls $1995 $5$
Sonic Frontiers SFM-160 monoblock:
short of overall transparency, seeming slightly • Beautifully made, this relatively inexpensive
175Wpc solid-state amplifier had RH waxing lyri- $5495/pair
veiled-although RI) concedes this to be avery
cal about its sound: " warm, sweet, punchy, and "Classic tube sound on steroids" is how DO char-
small distinction. A good match with speakers
acterized the sound of this high-powered (160W)
representing difficult loads, or those requiring a eminently musical." With amore laid-back, less
dry balance than the Boulder 500AE, the DNA's tube amp-but only when configured with
bit of extra warmth. (Vol.18 No.5)
soundstage presentation featured asuperb sense of Sovtek 6922s in the front end, which Sonic
Cary Audio Design CAD 300B: $3295
palpability, noted both RH and JA. A pair wired Frontiers confirms are now standard in produc-
Classic 300B sound from this push-pull amplifier:
for bridged-mono operation costs $4595. "A tion. WP agrees that the sound with the earlier
asmooth, sweet midrange, with triode purity. ST
standard 6DJ8s is uninvolving. A rare blend of
found the bass to be surprisingly tight, tuneful, strong Class B product that is knocking on the
brawn and finesse: lots of "palpable" tube watts
and well-defined. Lowish power -30Wpc - door of Class A." -RH. Deluxe Edition ($2355)
coupled with warm, liquid, and sweet harmonic
means the matching loudspeakers must be rela- has premium parts quality and gets even closer,
textures. Very high output impedance requires
tively sensitive. (Vol.16 No.11) making it one of the best bargains in audio. (reg-
care in speaker matching. (Vol.17 No.6)
Celeste 4070: $1595 $$$ ular, Vol.15 No.4; Deluxe, Vol.18 No3.)
McCormack Power Drive DNA-0.5: Valve Amplification Company PA80/80:
Hard-to-impress SS hailed the 80Wpc 4070 as
$1295 $$$ $2790
"the first moderately priced amp I've had in my "Has tube magic in spades!" avers WP of this
home that delivers the fine details of musical Smaller - 120Wpc - sister to the DNA-1, the
80Wpc design (3% THD); he found it warm,
events," finding its transparency and low-level DNA-0.5 floated TJN's boat in abig way: apal-
dimensional, and beguiling. Slight midbass empha-
detail to be exemplary. He also praised its frequen- pable midrange, crisp transients, air and detail to
sis contributes to apunchy, propulsive sense of
cy extension and ability to unravel complex pas- spare, and plenty of punch to percussive bass. "An
Aladdin among amplifiers," he proclaimed; "a dia- drive which he enjoyed. Not as extended in the
sages. However, he felt it erred slightly toward the frequency extremes - or quite as refined -as
thin side of harmonic balance and lacked the fully mond in the rough!" ST concurs, calling the
Special Edition version ($1695) "an incredible some of the Class A amplifiers, but almost second
developed soundstaging of the best, more expen- to none in its presentation of the emotional subtext
sive amplifiers. "In the right system, lit] will make achievement.., atotally honest, no-BS product"
of the music, according to the big guy. (Vol.19
many people wonder why anyone would need to and "one of the best amplifiers, period." (Vol.18
spend more money," he concluded. (Vol.18 No.12) Nos2 & 12)
Woodside MASO monoblock: $4495/pair
McIntosh MC275 Commemorative Edition:
Counterpoint Natural Progression A spacious, three-dimensional sound, a well-
NPS-400A: $4395 $3995
focused soundstage, arich midrange, and an open-
TJN was left unmoved by the first version of this Awell-made reissue of aclassic 75Wpc tube ampli-
sounding treble, but more neutral-/cool-sounding
powerful -250Wpc - hybrid stereo amplifier, fier, with a forward balance and very dynamic
than the buttery character of classic tube ampli-
but a revised sample (reflecting the sound of sound -"punches out the music" -and excellent
fiers, notes LG of this British 45W tube design,
amplifiers made after the first 50) had him shout- overall clarity. Bass is a"bit wild and out of control,"
descended from the classic '60s designs by the late
ing its praises. With its expansive soundstage, lack said ST. (Vol.16 No.11)
Arthur Radford. He recommends it for use with
of grain, and tight bass, "it combines the best of OCM 500: $2895
Quad electrostatics. (Vol.17 No.6)
tubes and solid-state," he wrote. Borderline Class SS felt the 260Wpc 500 best suited situations
A in the right system, though aslight lack of low- requiring heavy wattage and current and high B (Integrated Amplifiers)
bass slam and top-octave air keep it from ranking damping capabilities. While not possessed of the Arcam Delta 290: $899 inc. remote $5$
right up there. (Vol.18 No3) last word in 3-D imaging, it did manifest "excel- It was this British amplifier's phono stage that first
lent transient speed, credible articulation of inner- caught CG's attention: when he sent his Modulus
Crown Macro Reference: $3995
This very powerful (760Wpc) solid-state stereo detail, and fine low-bass extension." Mild HF 3preamp back to the factory to be updated, he
amplifier has Sterrophdr's reviewers and readers hardness may be exacerbated by speakers sharing didn't miss it. The Arcam "allowed the music's
divided. Sounding rather dry overall, with athin the same tendency. "Solid Class B," adds MF. natural flow of rhythmic excitement to groove
(Vol.18 No.12) freely out of the speakers," quoth he, commenting
treble, the Crown's lean balance will lead to care
having to be taken in system matching. A "clear, Parasound HCA-2200 $1795 on its open, clean midrange and treble. Though he
clean, quick" character, according to ST, who This reworking of an initially disappointing felt the Delta 290's bass was good rather than
250Wpc design from John Curl succeeds in spades, great, he summed up: "A hell of afine piece, with
stands by his recommendation. DO found it to

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'11110 01'11111. APRII 1996

a really nice MM/MC phono stage to boot." and control, decided TJN, but not as liquid- Creek 4240 Special Edition: $795 in •
Optional MC/MM phono board costs $100. sounding in the mids as the similarly priced "I can't think of asingle high-end electronic com-
(Vol.17 No.7) McCormack DNA-0.5. Highs sound surprisingly ponent available today that provides more value

Arcam Xeta One: $1900 soft, perhaps even alittle dark, leading to alack of for money than the Creek 4240SE," concluded
An unusual product that eschews many features pace in ultimate terms. (Vol.18 No2) RJR of this 50Wpc design. "Creek has finally got-
common to A/V receivers, this integrated A/V Parasound HCA-1206: $1950 ten the high frequencies right... [while] the bass is
amplifier provides an unusually exalted level of "Dynamic, punchy, and lit] refused to run out of clean, tight, and natural." Paired with the right Fr,
musical reproduction, according to RH. At the steam," declared TJN after listening to this six- speaker, Banker Bob felt it set anew standard for ›zi
same time, he notes, its reproduction of video channel amplifier. "It performed to astandard well performance in affordable gear. (MM board adds
soundtracks does not measure up to its musical beyond its per-channel cost in most regards." $50; MC board adds $95.) CG found the basic
promise -RH judges it to be only decent, lacking Though the top octaves sounded alittle crisper than Creek 4240 ($595) to sound "Smooth, too
the low-level resolution, ambience, and diffusion he prefers, the bass was powerful. "A must-hear," he smooth," though WP adds that there's definitely a
present in the finest A/V receivers. (SGHT.1 concluded. Borderline Class B. (SGHT.1 No2) place for aproduct that favors abalanced presen-
No2) Perreaux MC-6100: $2995 tation over extension at the frequency extremes -
This six-channel, 120Wpc power amplifier is he'd buy a Creek for his mom! (Vol.17 No.7; Fri
intended for Home Theater use and offers bor- Vol.18 No.12, Special Edition.) p=1
Acurus 200X3: $995
derline Class B sound quality, decided TJN. A JoLida SJ 502A: $995
RI) was struck by "how dynamic the system
tight, detailed midbass is allied to an open, airy tre- "One fine little amplifier," affirmed LB. He found
sounded with the three-channel 200X3 driving
the front speakers." Bass and dynamics, he felt,
ble and "remarkably fine rendition of image this 60Wpc integrated, line-level-only tube amp o
depth." Runs hot; not intended for 2ohm loads (4 quiet, tight, and tuneful -albeit atrifle polite. JA
were first-rate - but added that, in his reference
ohms in bridged mode). (SGHT.1 No.1) was impressed with the amplifier's test perfor-
music-only system, the 200Wpc amplifier sound-
PS Audio 100 Delta: $1295 er mance, finding it noteworthy considering a) it's a
ed "a bit rough around the edges." But, he contin-
Main sonic characteristics of this 120Wpc solid- tube amp, and b) it costs so little. (Vol.19 No3)
ued, "contrary to my impression of the 200X3's r•P•91
state design are a somewhat softened bass and NAD 304: $379 $5$
sound in my main audio system, Iwas not aware tae
slightly closed-in high frequencies, thought TJN. The bass may lack alittle slam, but "The spirit of
of any added roughness" when used for Home
He liked the excellent midrange presentation, the 3020 returns!" according to CG, who nomi- rMs
Theater. Recommended, he asserts, "especially to
however, with its "clear, naturally rich immedia- nates the inexpensive 35Wpc NAD as one of his
those who place dynamics at the top of their wish
cy." Good value for money. (Vol.15 No.9, SGHT:1 favorite components! "Every civilian who's
list." (SGHT2 No.1) %.••••
No.1) steered toward the 304 instead of acheap receiv-
Audio Alchemy 0M-150: $1195
PSE Studio W: $995 $$$ er is aplanted seedling for the High End," he •re%
"Packs punch and power in an attractive package,"
Physically compact amplifier offering ameasured cries. An excellent MM phono stage. (Vol.17
LB alliterates, finding the 170Wpc unit "to have a
113Wpc, but TJN claims that there's nothing No.4)
good thing going from the midrange on up, with 3e
"small" about the Studio IV's sound, noting its
outstanding spatial presentation, asultry film-noir •.••••
wide, deep soundstage, crisp transients, and natur-
ambience, and ageneral lack of glare or harsh- Editor's Note: There are currently no Class D
al inner definition. A cool sonic character and a
ness." Citing the devil down below, he finds the amplifiers listed.
leanness in "rambunctious" passages were his only
bass "to be alittle too much of agood thing" in
cavils; he finds the PSE rewarding in virtually
systems already tilted toward excessive warmth. Aragon 8008, Mesa Boogie Baron, Muse Model
every other respect. Not easy to find, but worth
JA finds that this reduces the sense of pace, which 300, Krell KAS-2, YBA 1 Alpha HC, Jeff
the search, he concludes. (Vol.13 No.1, Vol.18
will be afactor in system matching. Early produc- Rowland Design Group Model 6, Ayre Acoustics
Nos.5 8c 8)
tion samples had problems with wiring in PSU- V-3, Chord SPM-1200, BEL 1001 Mk.II, Audio
Rotel RB-980BX: $600 $$$
150M optional outboard power supply (J349),
Excellent value for money, this modestly priced Note Meishu, Ensemble Corifeo, Mark Levinson
which transforms the '150 into atrue dual-mono No332 and No.333, Audio Research VT130SE,
120Wpc amp was designed in England but is
design; LB's Follow-Up verified the improved
made in the Far East. Kind to difficult loads, said McCormack Micro Power Drive, Bryston 7B-ST,
performance available with acorrectly wired sup-
MC. TJN noted aslight grain or crispness to the Bryston 3B-ST, Conrad-Johnson MV55.
ply. (Vol.18 Nos.8 & 9)
highs, some midbass leanness, and asomewhat Deletions
Audio Electronics SE-1: $1295
soft low end, but these were offset by alively Exposure XV Super, Fourier Sans Pareil OTL
This modestly powered (8Wpc) single-ended
overall presentation and an excellent sense of Mk.II Imonoblock, Meridian 605 monoblock,
amplifier from asubsidiary of Cary Audio sounds
soundstige depth. (Vol.15 No.11, SGHT.1 No.1) and Vacuum Tube Logic MB 225t monoblock
somewhat like the more expensive, more power-
Rotel RB-985: $1000 $U not auditioned in too long atime; Krell KSA-
ful Cary 300SE, thought ST, due to its palpable 300S, KSA-200S, KSA-100S, KSA-50S, Aragon
RD found this five-channel, 100Wpc amplifier's
presence and truth of timbre. No dynamics to
sense of power and dynamics laudable, as he did 4004 Mk.I I, and Acurus DIA 100 "Direct-Input
speak of, however. The price is for the version
its resolution. A slight loss of transparency and Amplifier" all replaced by new models.
supplied assembled and fitted with C-etron 300B
soundstage depth compared to the very finest, but
output tubes ($1195 in kit form). (Vol.17 No.11)
praiseworthy at the price point."I don't think you
Bryston 8B ST-THX: $2950
could do better... at $1000," he resolve
Four-channel amplifier that TJN recommends
(SGHT2 No.1)
for Home Theater use, though noting that it is a
"bit pricey" for what it offers. Warm-balanced and C (Integrated Amplifiers)
abit richer than life, he summed up, pointing out AMC CVT-3030: $895 $$$
that the Bryston is worth exploring for abi-amped "Attempts to do for tubes what the venerable
stereo system. (SGHT.1 No2) NM) 3020 did for solid-state," said JE of this
Chiro C-200: $998 30Wpc amplifier with MOSFET ptramp circuits scriptions of the sound. Ihave therefore just
Chiro C-300: $1498 and amodular tube output stage. With sonic errors listed every system or combination that at least
"Power combined with delicacy" is how RD mainly of omission, the '3030 largely achieves that one of Stereophile's reviewers feels, as aresult of his
described the sound of these identical amps, dif- goal, only really falling short in its shallow repro- experience, to approach the current state of the art
fering only in the number of channels. duction of soundstige depth. "A great buy at the in loudspeaker design. (Note that, to be eligible
"Fit'n'fmish are adefinite cut above what one price," summed up JE. Note that the response is for inclusion in Class A, the system must be full-
expects at this level," he elaborated. "As of now, not flat with the tone controls engaged and set to range - is', feature bass extension to 20Hz. They
they're my favorite amplifiers in this price range." their center positions. (Vol.16 No.6) must also be capable of reaching realistic sound-
Borderline Class 13, he sums up. (SGHT2 No.1) Audiolab 8000A: $849 sr pressure levels without any feeling of strain.)
Carver AV-806x: $1750 Well-made British 75Wpc amplifier with aclean, For those unconcerned about the last few hertz
"I was expecting competent performance; what I full-bodied sound, aclean midrange, and aquick, of low-bass extension, we have created "Class A
got instead was magic," enthused TJN about the clean, detailed bass. In absolute terms, the (Restricted Extreme LF)" for those speakers that
six-channel Carver. "A little soft at the frequency Audiolab sounds perhaps abit too clean for its own are actually state-of-the-art in every other way.
extremes, but wonderfully sweet and Intenable.... good; CG preferred the more vivid presentations Candidates for inclusion in this class must reach
My favorite current multichannel amp." Bor- of the Acurus DIA-100 and the Aram Delta 290. down to at least 40Hz, below the lowest notes of
derline Class B. (SGHT.1 No2) Still, "no major shortcomings," he concluded. JA the four-string double-bass and bass guitar.
NAD 208THX: $1649 feels the Audiolab to be an amp for all reasons- In addition, such has been the recent progress
Very powerful - almost 320Wpc - solid-state it will disappoint no one to whom you recom- in loudspeaker design at amore affordable level
design with excellent bass extension, authority, mend it. (Vol.9 No.1, Vol.12 No.9, Vol.17 No.7) that we have an extra class: E, for "Entry-Level."


a new era.

a new journey.

a new loudspeaker system...

is the Evolution from Nova;

a new reference standard for loudspeakers.

Evolution: $22,000 pair

NOVA USA, INC. (409) 696-0723 FAX (409) 693-6923
From the maker that brought you FirstAudio Loudspeaker products.
Someone once asked me why Stenvphik bothers Expensive two-way minimonitor with outboard richness." Unusually, the crossover does not use
to review inexpensive loudspeakers at all. In crossover uses silver throughout and successfully capacitors, and tuning of the rear-panel ABR is
effect, aren't we insulting our readership by rec- pulls off the trick of persuading its listeners that it's adjustable to optimize the low frequencies for the
ommending that they buy any of these inexpen- much bigger than it really is -at least at moder- owner's room. Matching stands cost $1100/pair,
sive models? Remember: It's possible to put ate spis. Useful bass exists down to 32Hz, with a but should be regarded as essential to get the best
together amusically satisfying, truly high-end sys- delightful combination of weight and articulation. from this gem by designer Franco Serblin. (Vol.15
tem around any of our Class D and Erecommen- The uncolored presentation is astonishingly trans- No.6)
dations. That's why they're listed - and why you parent, soundstaging is superbly palpable, and Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage: $9000/pair
should consider buying them. tonal balance is alittle on the polite side, but the (stands included)
Silver Signature is, overall, the most musical- The moving-coil speaker MC has found to sound
A sounding design to come from B&W that JA has closest to the Quad ESL-63, this handmade, lim-
B&W Matrix 800: $15,000/pair
heard. (Vol.17 No.6) ited-edition Italian miniature was reputedly
(Vol.14 Nos.6 & 10)
Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-1V: 55495/pair designed by ear. Nevertheless, its response is flat,
Genesis Technologies 11.5: $21,950/pair
in American Oak (black or golden) its balance neutral, and, in MC's words, the
Price includes servo woofer amplifier. (Vol.18
56495/pair in Dalwood rose or Dalwood Guarneri is all about "purity, unmistakable sense
No.1) of liveness, scale and sense of presence of real
Jadis Eurythmie 11: $37,000/pair
"This is afabulous speaker... but misses full Class sounds in the listening space... tizne and time
High-sensitivity horn array with lsobarik-loaded
A ranking by ahandful of hertz," says RD of this again, the reproduction had the ring of truth." The
dynamic woofer. (Vol.19 No3) standard 39" stands are alittle too tall for use in
large, three-way, time-coherent design. The
Meridian DSP6000: 516,000/pair * small rooms; custom heights can be ordered.
soundstaging is precisely defined; coloration is
Active system offers digital data inputs only and (Vol.17 No.7)
non-existent; the sensitivity is high; the imped-
uses delta-sigma D/A conversion. (Vol.14 Nos.9 Thiel CS7: 58900/pair
ance is atrue 4ohms; dynamics (both macro- and
& 10, Vol.18 No.6) micro-) are superb; RD bought the review pair! "Uncanny lack of coloration," "first-rate" tran-
ProAc Response Four: 518,000/pair sient response, and exceptionally tight, unmud-
(Vol.17 No.4, Vol.18 No3)
(Vol.17 Nos.3, 5, 8.: 6) dled bass had TJN concluding that the CSTs
Infinity IRS Epsilon: $14,000/pair
Snell Type A Reference: 518,999/system inc. servo control unit tradeoffs are few. WP concurred, lauding the
Seven-component system consisting of two Type speaker's lithe and dancelike bass response -
Missing full-range Class A by awhisker, this ele-
A HF/midrange towers, two SUB 1800 sub-
gant Cary Christie design combines monopole good enough, he claimed, to make JA do the
woofers, two isolated outboard crossovers,
planar drivers with a servo-controlled woofer. humpty dance! Our initial sample revealed sub-
!Umber wiring harnesses, and an outboard elec-
(Needs to be driven by two high-power stereo spec woofers, ablown tweeter, and adamaged
tronic crossover. (Towers on their own cost $6999
amplifiers.) Absolutely stunning bass, enthused midrange driver -presumably damaged during
each, EC 200 electronic crossover costs $299,
TJN, "combining tightness and extension in an the review. A second pair performed perfectly.
SUB 1800 THX subwoofer - see "Subwoofers" TJN adjudged the speaker "a success. Its clear
extremely rare manner," coupled with an
- costs $2499 each.) (Vol.19 No3) overriding design criterion has clearly been accu-
extremely neutral midband balance and grain-free
Sound Lab A-1: 513,250/pair er
high frequencies. Top octave alittle subdued, but racy... The CS7 is not far off the mark."
Electrostatic dipole. "Wings" to reinforce the lows "Practically abull's-eye," WP affirmed. Because
overall "an E-ticket ride," concluded TJN. (Vol.18
are 51450/set of four in oak, $1750/set of four in
No.1) the speakers have alow minimum impedance,
walnut; "SALLIE" backwave attenuators are
MACH 1Acoustics DM-10 Signature: amplifier matching is critical. (Vol.18 No.10,
$895/pair. (Vol.15 No.11)
517,995/pair Vol.19 No.1)
Thkl CS5i: 512,300/pair Wilson Audio Specialties WATT/Puppy
Superb driver integration combined with an
LA's auditioning of the new "i" woofers suggests
exceptionally inert cabinet make for remarkable System V: $16,290/system
that the original's one weakness-limited bass
clarity and resolution. together with aknack "I've rarely heard asystem that transported me so
dynamic range - has been eliminated. (Vol.13
for revealing music's rhythmic nuances, empow- physically into the acoustic of the recording
No.6, Vol.14 No.10)
ers the MACH 1to fly at the speed of sound as venue," exclaimed WP, who was also impressed
Wilson Audio Specialties X-1/Grand by this highly sensitive (91dB) system's grain-free,
few dynamic speakers can. Reproduction of the
SLAMM: 567,500/pair
upper registers is distinguished by the use of the highly detailed presentation. He also lauded its
Some consider the X-1 to be in anew Class of its
Accuton ceramic tweeter, an unusually sweet- tonal neutrality and spectacular presentation of
own. For now, we're giving the other Class A
sounding tweeter that earned high praise from dynamics. Midbass "blump" (ST's phrase) con-
denizens the benefit of the doubt. Stereophilès
DO. Optional spiked, non-resonant platforms add tributed to asense of reserve, however. Wilson has
1995 "Product of the Year." (Vol.17 No.12; see also recently announced a modification to the
$250/pair. The similar-looking, less-expensive
Vol.18 No.12, p.75)
DM-10 ($10,995, reviewed in Vol.18 No.6) is not WATT/Puppy interface, said to ameliorate that
A -Restricted Extreme LF reconunended. (Vol.17 No.1; see also Martin coloration. Extremely critical of ancillary equip-
Audio Physic Virgo: 55395/pair Colloms's comments in "Letters," Vol.17 No.4.) ment and room placement. (Vol.18 No.11)
"Where'd they go?" asks MF, observing that "The Magnepan Magmeplanar MG-20: 59200/pair
Virgos flat-out disappeared. Aside from pulling a The best speaker yet to come from Jim \Miley, the
Editor's Note: Imake no apologies for the wide
vanishing act, what they do better than any other MG-20 impressed the heck out of DO, who notes
variety of loudspeakers listed in the next two
speaker I've auditioned.., is resolve low-level that "image outlines were remarkably lifelike
groups. Polling Stenvphile's reviewers resulted in a
detail: spatial and ambient information, and espe- within aspacious soundstage." The "tonal center of
total lack of consensus, implying that all of the fol-
cially texture and touch in the lower midbass and gravity" is firmly rooted in the lower mids, which
lowing speakers will, in the right room with the
upper bass." But they don't, he concedes, "give me get the best from orchestral music, though slightly
right ancillaries, give true high-end sound.
the visceral sock-to-the-stomach bass" that some recessed upper midi give the speaker a"back-of-
Following pressure from JGH that small speakers
audiophiles crave. He also wonders if there isn't a the-hall" perspective. Needs to be bi-amped with
should automatically be denied any recommenda-
touch of midbass warmth, aquality he finds easy an electronic crossover to get the best it is capable
tion because of their lack of LF extension, Ihave
to ignore - if not actually crave. "Worth alisten, of, but optional XO-20 passive crossovers
split Classes B and C into two sections: "Full-
if you've got the scratch." (Vol.18 No.9) (5695/pair) are available for those who want to use
Range" and "Restricted LF." To be included in the
Avalon Acoustics Radian HC: asingle stereo amplifier. (Vol.18 No2)
latter class, asmall speaker has to be at least as
512,500/pair-$15,900/pair Sonus Faber Extrema: $9890/pair
good in every other area as the full-range compe-
depending on finish (stands necessary)
tition. (Note that all the full-range Class B recom-
Coupled with the other components in the Spec- "I admire the commitment, dedication, and crafts-
mendations, with the exception of the Apogee
tral/Avalon/MIT 2C3D system, RH was im- manship that have gone into this effortlessly musi-
Stage, B&W 801, and Spendor S100, are floor-
pressed with Radials HC's "gigantic three-dimen- cal transducer," says MC of this well-constructed
standing models.)
sional soundstage ¡with] width, transparency, two-way speaker from Italy. MC emphasizes that
focus, and image specificity [that] were better than the Extrema, with its remarkable sense of timing, B-Full-Range
any I'd ever heard." He also found that "the bot- superbly transparent, spacious treble, and natural- Acarian Alón IV: $3500/pair
tons end also had a stunning dynamic agility." ly generous midrange, would be rated in With abass response that was as tight as it was
Overall balance cats be alittle lean, found JA, who Stereophiks Class A were it not for alow-frequen- deep, a"huge" soundstage, and excellent dynam-
also enthused about the speaker's midrange cy response that doesn't quite reach 20Hz. ics, the three-way Alón IV impressed the heck out
smootlusess .usd detail. (Vol.19 No.1) "Always musical," says KK. LG agrees with both of RD. Some residual upper-midrange brightness
B&W John Bowers Silver Signature: writers, saying that "The Extrema has it all: speed, can be alleviated by careful system and room
58000/pair (stands & cables included) transparency, imaging accuracy, and midrange matching. A slight nasality could still be occasion-




p.o. box 707 lawrence. ks 66044 usa. tel 913-749-0133, fax 913-749-5320
the Aerius. $1,9 9 5.0 0 U.S/pr. oak and bi-wire options available, call extension #1 0 0
for the location of your nearest specialty audio retailer.

ally bothersome, added TJN. Needs to be tri- Avalon Eclipse: $5900/pair cr ment," finding them capable of producing "tran-
wired for best performance. A rosewood finish A warm balance, aflat on-axis response, astonish- •
scendental musical moments" as well as perform-
adds $900/pair. (Vol.16 Nos2 & 12) ing midrange transparency, beautifully delineated, ing "impressive[ly] on movie soundtracks." But •
Apogee Studio Grand: $13,000-$16,000 almost holographic soundstaging, and arelative he's most chuffed by their ability to be driven to

depending on finish freedom from coloration combine to generally satisfying levels by low-wattage SE triode amps-
"With their idiosyncratic drive-units, their multi- allow the music to communicate most effectively. calling that combination "one of the most musical- •
ple wiring configurations, their dedicated line- A tendency to brightness alleviated by using sounding systems I've heard - regardless of price." •
level crossover, and their need for two stereo appropriate amplification - the Pass Aleph Os He does admonish that some will find the tonal
amplifiers, [not to mention] their bevy of controls, work atreat, says SS (who bought apair!) for the balance too lean, wishing alittle more weight and •
the high-tech Studio Grands could intimidate a record. The Eclipses also have somewhat limited authority himself. ST, aproponent of SE triodes, •
potential purchaser," JE opined. "With immense dynamics, which can lead to hardness at very high concurs -adding, "they're soundstaging champs."
attention to break-in, setup, and system-matching, playback levels. Price refers to aNextel finish; a •
(Vol.18 No.9, SGHT.1 No2, Vol.19 No2)
the Studio Grand was able to... achieve aneutral non-rain-forest veneer finish adds $1700/pair. JPW Ruby 4: 52895/pair •
treble performance [although] the integration of Current production has "an inexpensive tweeter Well-finished two-and-a-half-way design from

subwoofers and the panels was never seamless." revision" that AB felt to significantly improve the Britain that uses metal-diaphragm drive-units.
The added bass extension, he felt, offset the lack sound; earlier samples are upgradcable. (Vol.14 Excellent transparency and well-focused sound- •
of overall coherency. (Vol.18 No.5) Nos.1 & 10, Vol.15 No.8) staging are allied to tight but light low frequencies, •
Apogee Acoustics Stage: $3500/pair $$5 B&W Matrix 801 Series 3: $5500/pair avery clean midrange, asweet-sounding lower
(stands optional) (stands optional) treble, and fast, open, and alive highs. Can sound
Apogee Acoustics Mini Grand: $6500/pair A complete redesign of the classical recording alittle too sibilant, however, and dynamic range is
The Stage, now with astyling matching the grand industry's standard monitor loudspeaker - alu- relatively restricted. (Vol.17 No.8) C=,
Apogee Acoustics Grand, has one of the most minum-dome tweeter and B&W's patented 10EF Reference Series Model Four:
neutral, seamless midbands around. Recorded "Matrix" enclosure, whereby the cabinet is effec- $5200/pair-$6400/pair depending on finish - CO
voice is reproduced with an uncannily lifelike tively transformed into asolid body - has result- TJN found the Four "hard to tame but worth the
quality. Imaging, too, is superb -"In terms of ed in amoving-coil speaker capable of competing effort," advising potential purchasers to audition
soundstage transparency, it rivals any loudspeaker with the best planars. As LL put it, "a true musi- them with the associated equipment they intend er1I
money can buy," says DO-as is the speaker's cian's reference transducer." Strengths include to use. With the Fours properly set up, he was
presentation of recorded dynamics. There's alack excellent low-frequency definition and weight, a delighted with their performance, especially their
of deep-bass extension, but the midbass is actual- highly detailed midrange, and unrestrained inner detail, transparency, soundstaging, and air.
ly very generous, which both upsets LA and leads dynamics. Best used with stands - we've had While the very best loudspeakers may do such
to matching problems in sotne rooms. Prospective good results with the Sound Anchors and with the things better, he felt the margin was small. Not
purchasers should be prepared to experiment with wooden, sand-filled Arcicis. (Also see Vol.12 recommended for small rooms, where the gener-
room position and toe-in to get the optimal No.10, p.45, and Vol.13 No2, p217, for discus- ous LF might turn oppressive. (Vol.19 No3)
sound. Matching stands ($695/pair) arc also avail- sions of acrossover modification that improves •••••••
KEF Reference Series Model 107/2
able for those who prefer ahigher listening scat. the sound of the original 801 Matrix.) Current Raymond Cooke Special Edition:
"A real honey... an eminently musical transduc- version has arevised tweeter, anon-detachable $5900/pair
er," said MC. Stereophile agreed sufficiently with head, an improved crossover layout, and has donc TJN felt the 107/2s "let the music speak for
that conclusion to buy the review pair. With the away with the APOC protection circuitry. (Vol.10 itself." Bottom end tilts slightly more toward a
dedicated Mini Grand subwoofer and DAX No.9) rich fullness than "punchy tightness," he found,
crossover ($2595/pair), the combination knocks Energy Ventas v2.8: $6000/pair which fogged over the mid- and upper bass. That
on the door of Class A: "a big-sounding, top-class This tall, "hi-tech"-looking three-way/four-driv- said, he found the speaker's balance especially
three-way - what a bass wallop!" cries MC. er design from Canada uses adome midrange unit conducive to the portrayal of large orchestral
(Vol.13 No.8, Vol.14 Nos2, 3, & 10, Vol.15 No.4, and has aflat midrange/treble response, impres- music - especially when paired with its "prodi-
Vol.17 No3) sive dynamics, and near-textbook horizontal dis- gious dynamic range and big, open quality." And,
Apogee Acoustics Centaurus Slant 6: persion. Borderline Class A sound and imaging he added, it definitely does play deep, with plenty
52500/pair $$$ are the result. However, the bass is balanced to be of impact. A JA fave. (Vol.9 Nos.4 & 7, Von()
The best hybrid yet to come from Apogee, the rather generous in all but very large rooms, found No2, original version; Vol.14 Nos.5 & 10, Mk.II;
Slant 6features the saine ribbon midrange/tweet- 1)N. "The mida and highs are exceptionally artic- Vol.18 No.10, Special Edition.)
er as the Stage, married to a6.5" cone woofer. The ulate, balanced, and accurate," adds WP. The v2.8 Martin-Logan Quest Z: 54295/pair
speaker's balance is alittle on the bright side of can be ni-wired or tri-amped; some owners rec- Martin-Logan's most successful and intensely
reality, found RH, which made the speaker sound ommend reducing the midrange level by wiring a musical hybrid to date, according to DO, blending
lively and immediate. Once carefully set up, par- 1ohm, 10W resistor in series with the "hot" ter- aworld-class electrostatic midrange with good,
ticularly regarding vertical axis and rake angle, the minal. (Vol.17 No.6; also see TJN's review of the dynamic bass. Soundstage transparency and repro-
Slant 6's midrange was open, transparent, and Thiel CS7 in Vol.18 No.10.) duction of image size are superb. As with all
uncolored, allied with superbly delineated tran- Flatline Design Model 175: 53995/pair hybrids, the optimum tonal balance requires a
sients, a stunningly expansive soundstage, and This hybrid speaker's ribbon tweeters give its fairly close listening seat. Even so, there are some
grain-free highs. TIN also found the Slant 6es to sound a"shimmering, lush, lifelike quality," notes residual tonal-balance deviations from neutrality.
be adelight when used as astereo pair, possessing RN, adding that the speaker gives atransparent The upper bass is on the lean side of reality, while
as they do precise soundstaging, immediac-y, and window into the recorded performance. Careful the lower treble is overly polite. Even though the
liveliness. Vocals he deemed particularly terrific: setup is mandatory, and RN suggests that tube mida benefit from the imaging magic of tubes, the
low in coloration and palpably present. (Vol.18 amps will get the best from the Flatline's rather best deep-bass definition is to be had with solid-
No3, SGHT.1 No2) laid-back balance. The cabinet has been more state amplification. The Zversion (said to be son-
Aerial Acoustics 10T: $5500/pair rigidly braced since the review. Price is for oak fin- ically identical to the older Quest) offers amore
(See WP's review in this issue.) ish; cherry veneer adds $500/pair. (Vol.17 No.12) benign impedance. (Vol.16 No.10)
Audio Artistry Dvorak: 55990/system Gradient Revolution: 53995/pair Martin-Logan Aerius: 51995/pair $55
(See SD's review in this issue.) "iVioa la revohiaOn!" exhorts DO. He finds the Once broken-in, this hybrid speaker offers superb
Audio Physic Tempo: 53795/pair Revolution, designed to be less room-dependent integration between electrostatic panel and dy-
Easy-to-drive two-way from Germany that than ordinary speakers, "quite endearing," namic woofer, and very good LF extension for
impressed Siereophilès listening panel. Excellent although not spectacular in conventional audio- what is basically asmall speaker. In terms of speed,
dynamics, very good bass extension, transparent phile terms. He found their greatest strengths to truth of timbre, absence of coloration, and reason-
soundstaging, good image focus, uncritical vertical be organic wholeness, solid imaging, excellent ably good imaging and soundstage focus, ST feels
listening axis, asmooth overall balance, and clean microdynamic expression, and convincing rhyth- the Aerius is hard to beat, though he would like
highs are offset by aslightly lean lower midrange mic drive. Rating provisional as review samples more highs, in absolute terms. MC points to a
and too-forward upper midrange. RD found that turned out to have abroken crossover. A Follow- rather ragged on-axis response, but JA states that,
the matching I3SP digital equalizer (expensive at Up is underway. (Vol.18 No.5) within the restriction of its necessarily limited
$2995) does exactly what's claimed, improving Infinity Compositions Prelude P-FR: dynamic range (which will role out its use in large
overall performance with no sonic downside that $3400/pair rooms), the Aerius is the best speaker yet to come
he could hear. It significantly flattens the Tempo's RI-1 calls the Compositions Prelude P-FR loud- from M-L "It's the exceptional balance of its
response, but the sound is still not quite to the speaker with its integral active subwoofer "a stun- strengths that makes it such asatisfying compo-
Class A level. (Vol.17 Nos.8 & 11) ning musical, tecluical, and aesthetic achieve- nent," agrees WP. Oak side panels and hi-wiring

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each add $100/pair to the price. (Vol.16 Nos.6 8c radiator. 1)0 felt that the Nestorovic's midband (Vol.17 No.11)
10) had avelvety, non-resonant texture, especially on Thiel CS3.6: $4300/pair

Meret Audio Ay: 54700/pair female voice, and that its highs were free from siz- Remarkably transparent, extraordinarily uncol- •
"Presents the well-controlled, smooth, unified, zle and tizz, though lie did find that soundstage ored floorstanding three-way speaker, with first-

slightly distant sound so prized by many audio- depth did not develop as fully as he'd expected. JA order crossovers and truly time-coherent perfor-
philes," observes RN, who prefers amore involv- finds the balance alittle forward in the treble, inance. Very revealing of source imperfections and •
ing sound. Coherent and detailed, with seamless which might be afactor here, though it does lead bass on the edge of the generous side, both of •
integration of the drivers, the Ay shines, he con- to asynergistic balance with tube amplification which will mean extra care needs to be taken in
cedes, jis the presentation of voices, smallish-sized rather than solid-state. Nestorovic's own NA-1 system matelnisg. "A terrific bargain" at its price. •
ensembles, and orchestral music that makes no monoblocks gave liquid-sounding mids and a RH concludes: "lise more Ilisten to them, the •
undue dynamic demands. Construction and bold, sweeping soundstage, reported DO, who more 1like them." Needs amuscle amplifier to
design are both impressive, he notes -to which summed up his feelings thusly: "him terms of tonal cope with its very low impedance; CG found the •
JA adds amen. A rosewood veneer adds $200/pair. balance, LF extension, and dynamic scale, this Aragon 4004 Mk.11 to drive it with aplomb, •
(Vol.18 No.7) speaker allows one to fully explore orchestral though he noted its limited loudness capability
Metaphor 2: 55950/pair music without trepidation, congestion, or any compared with the NHT 3.3. (Vol.16 No.5, Vol.17

"There's alot of power in ametaphor," quips WP, form of attendant harshness." The Signature ver- Nos) & 5) •
who greatly admires these speakers. "Their sion pushes forward the performance of its sibling Thiel CS2 2: $2950/pair $55 •
strength is precisely that they never call attention to the threshold of Class A. Bass definition, low- Smooth, civilized, "buttoned-down" sound with
to themselves, always serving the music first." JA, level detail resolution, and lower-midrange trans- good soundstaging, excellent presentation of
puzzled by their measured performance, suggests parency are all improved - but at aprice! (origi- detail and dynamics, and superbly controlled and
that, as good as the Metaphor 2sounds, knocking nal version, Vol.9 No.5; Mk.IV, Vol.14 Nos.9 & nicely extended bass. "One of the best speaker
on the door of Class A even, there might be an 10; Signature, Vol.17 No.5.) values ois the market today," states ST. JA agrees, lastet
even better loudspeaker hiding within. (Vol.18 Paragon Regent: 53495/pair choosing to use the Thicls as one of his long-terns
No.7; see WP's Follow-Up in this issue.) "There's astrong vein of honesty and integrity references, though it's fair to note the 2 2's
Mirage M-lsi: $6000/pair running through this design," asserts MC. reduced transparency compared with the larger
Large bipolar design from Canada with asmooth "Timbre is nicely judged, the bass, nid, and treble '3.6. He also points out to habitual party-throwers
yet precisely detailed sound. A large, spacious ranges all are well-proportioned. The overall that there's alimited dynamic range in the bass,
soundstage - both in width and depth -a clean, effect is remarkably even-tempered, well-bal- and notes that aresidual brightness will mandate
low-coloration midrange, and silky, detailed highs, anced ... even sclf-effacing." Perhaps, he notes, careful system matching. The speaker was
according to TJN. Bass is deep and extended, the Regent shows atouch of reticence in dynam- launched as the 22, but was renamed due to •••••
though it leans toward warmth; at its best with ic expression due to its decoupled drive-unit panel Bose's copyrighting of decimal numbers suds as
solid-state amplifiers having tight low-frequency - but that could also be the cause of the speaker's "22." (Vol.15 No.4, Vol.16 Nos.1 & 10)
control. Capable of first-rate sound in Home low enclosure coloration as well. (Vol.18 No.8) Totem Acoustic Mani-2: $3995/pair
Theater applications. (Vol.16 Nos.6 & 10) ProAc Response 2.5: 54500/pair (stands necessary)
Mirage M-3si: $3300/pair "Makes great music," MF asserts, "totally free of JA's effusive encomium noted that the Mani-2's
"An unqualified success," said GL of this unusual grain, 'crispies: and edge." A "slightly forward but "combination of clean treble, transparent
floorstanding bipolar design, "...which, in the exceedingly rich-sounding top end" created alush midrange, natural dynamics, and powerful
right system, can re-create amusical experience sense of presence that was only slightly offset by a extended bass allowed the speakers to step to one
with all the richness, finesse, power, and majesty loss of air and space. Bass response, though, was side, allowing the music to communicate in a
[of] afull-range speaker." Flattest response is to be everything "a non-organ-loving music-lover most effective manner." (That's British for he liked
found on the woofer axis (32" from the ground), could ever want," Ise claimed. "You don't get 'ern aloi.) While $4000 for apair of small stand-
though the full-bodied bass might be too much in something for nothing," JA cautioned, "and the mounted speakers may not appear good value, JA
some systems or rooms. (Vol.15 No.11) price to be paid for the Response 2.5's impressive pointed out that the Mani-2 produced asound
Monitor Audio Studio 50: 57995/pair bass extension is low sensitivity." This will be that belied price and size, noting that it would per-
MC was impressed by this "expensive but unde- somewhat ameliorated by the speaker's fairly sta- form admirably in rooms unsuitable for more
niably classy speaker." Although its overall presen- ble 8ohm impedance. Even so, careful amplifier physically imposing speakers. "Enthusiastically
tation was atad reticent, he found the Studio 50 matching is indicated. (Vol.19 No.1) recommended." Matching Target R2 stands cost
fine-focused, transparent, and possessed of good PSB Stratus Gold: 52100/pair $5$ $720/pair. (Vol.19 No2)
stereo imaging. MCs pair had the tweeter wired A large three-way design, the Stratus Gold offers Unity Audio Signature 1: 53395/pair
out-of-phase with the woofer, whereas the pair afundamentally neutral midrange balance cou- Well-finished three-way design, with a down-
measured in Santa Fe did not - aQA problem pled with very low levels of coloration, alively yet ward-firing woofer, that RD enjoyed immensely.
we also experienced with Monitor's Studio 2 unfatiguing treble, and agenerous, powerful bass. He noted its superb soundstaging and exceptional
(Vol.18 No2). Once that had been fixed, MC The treble is less prominent when the speaker is transparency. Treble is alittle crisp and the mid-
found the Studio 50 "a good speaker, one that can used with the grilles on, the sound taking on an bass somewhat exaggerated, but the overall per-
be recommended with considerable confidence." appealing accessibility. Excellent value. (Vol.14 formance is better than the sum of its parts.
Rosewood veneer adds $900/pair, handrubbed Nos2 & 10; see also PWM's "Industry Update" in "Superbly musical" was how RI) surmised up his
lacquer finish adds $2705/pair. (Vol.19 No3) Vol.14 No.4.) review findings. 13i-wiring option adds $250.
NHT 3.3: 54300/pair Ruark Crusader 11: 53300/pair (Vol.16 No.5)
Unusual four-way dynamic speaker, deep but nar- This moderate-sized British three-way features a Vandersteen 3A: 52595/pair SSE
row, goes against the front wall to optimally load superb-sounding dome midrange unit, but lean TJN thinks the 3A "sounds terrific with awide
the woofer but still get minimonitor-like imaging balance usefully benefits from near-wall place- range of program material." He notes that, while
precision. TJN was impressed with the NHTs ment. The tonal balance is forgiving, the imaging it sounds "just abit sweet and forgiving, it doesn't
sound, commenting on its extended, powerful, excellent, coloration levels very low. Optimal lis- go so far... that it's insensitive to the equipment
well-defined bass, the sweet, delicate high fre- tening .ixis is quite low, but RN felt the Crusader's feeding it." While not the last word on jump furor,
quencies, and well-focused soundstaging. He did sound to be unfailingly musical. (Vol.17 No.8) they make up for that "in sheer listenability," he
find the last less expansive than with some other Snell Type B minor: $3699/pair opines. Sound Anchors rear braces cost $200/pair.
speakers, however, the imaging restricted to the A full midbass and good LF extension are com- (Vol.16 Nos) & 4, Vandersteen 3; Vol.18 No.4,
space between the speakers. "I'd choose the 33 bined with aclean, transparent, uncolored mid- SGHT.1 No2, 3A)
over any of the speakers in Class A," says CG, range and asmooth, detailed treble. Overall bal- Wilson Audio Specialties WITT: $8888/pair
however, enthusing over the NHTs neutrality ance is alittle forward in the midband. This trim, "Wilson's most completely balanced design to
and ability to play very loud without strain, and floorstanding, three-way five-driver is one of the date," raved MC. 'UN found them immediate-
adding that he finds himself "without asingle area best speakers yet to come from Snell designer sounding, dynamic, and neutral, yet sweetly
of performance [he's] heard bettered by any other Kevin Voecks. (Vol.17 Nos.4 & 6) detailed, but ultimately not quite Class A, owing to
speaker." (Vol.16 No.12, Vol.17 No)) Snell Type C/V: $2599/pair his desire for a more authoritative low end.
Nestorovic Type 5AS Mk.IV: 54500/pair * One of the most neutral, naturally balanced "Could be marginally improved by areally eod
Nestorovic Type SAS Mk.IV Signature: midranges around, coupled with extended, well- subwoofer, assuming a good blend could. be
57000/pair defined bass and agrain-free treble, but aslight made," he said. Not so in MCs opinion: "For me,
A four-way dynamic loudspeaker that features a lack of top-octave air and somewhat restricted undoubtedly afull-range Class A component at a
patented bass alignment wherein adriven second image depth. Needs to be driven hard, but then wholly realistic price." Listen for yourself to
woofer also behaves somewhat as an auxiliary bass really conies alive. Superb value for money. resolve this debate. JA points out that apair of

Progress is simply
the fulfilment of our
Oscar Wilde

the fulfilment of
Jacques Mahul

Jacques MAHUL founded JMIab/FOCAL in 1979 with one goal in mind :To New "Sandwich W" diaphragms, spun layers of glass over arigid foam core,
continually advance the musical "state of the art" with world-class loudspeakers. grace the low frequence and midrange drivers. An entirely redesigned Tioxid
Based on the respect he's earned from the most prestigious designers in the tweeter with aTelar pole piece concentrates enormous magnetic strength on the
industry, he has succeeded. But Jacques and the rest of JMIab/FOCAL's design edge wound voice coil. The result ?A level of efficiency and precise control
team isn't easily satisfied. unmatched by any other dynamic loudspeaker.
Case in point :the new GRANDE UTOPIA loudspeaker. Conceived as acost-no Iready the recipient of numerous international accolades, the GRANDE
object implementation of advanced metallurgy, driver design, and cabinet A raises the ante for those interested in the finest music reproduction,
construction, the GRANDE UTOPIA uniquely combines supreme authority with tis in all senses of the phrase, an inspired aural sculpture.
ethereal delicacy resulting in astonishing realism

JMIab America Prism Audio Group -14038 Tanglewood Caiit DALLAS TEXAS 75234 -Tel :214 980 1686 -Fax: 214 980 1687
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WITTs with aWATT/Puppy System V as the concludes. Matching Pedestal stands - essential of vocals and strings. (Vol.17 No.8, VoLl8 No.6)
center speaker gave the best Home Theater sound - cost $499/pair. (Vol.18 No.11) Linn Keilidh LS300: $1495/pair
he had heard at TJN's. (Vol.19 No.1) ProAc Response IS: 51800/pair (stands necessary)
(stands necessary) Borderline Class B, according to RH, who
B-Restricted LF
A tiny sibling of the Response Two, the Response enjoyed this Scottish speaker's tuneful, "fast" bass,
Acoustic Energy AE2 Signature: $5895/pair
IS blew WP away with the sheer musical imme- smooth, uncolored midrange, generally clean tre-
(stands necessary)
diacy of its presentation. No deep low frequencies, ble, and-most important - seamlessly musical
This gorgeously finished minimonitor impressed
of course, and even adegree of midbass MIA, but and involving overall presentation. Treble can be a
JA as "both asuperb-sounding loudspeaker and a
the overall sound is "open and full... sporting a bit sibilant, however, and the lower midrange
superb-looking piece of furniture." He was
rare degree of uncolored coherence," he noted, lacks ultimate transparency. One of the few high-
seduced by its very smooth high frequencies,
with arealistic body to its imaging. Benefits from end speakers that works best near the wall behind
absence of HF grain, and lean yet extended bass
good, rigid, open-frame stands like the Targets. it. RH says he would choose the Keilidh over all
response. Moreover, he enthused, there was one
The baby ProAc "does right by the music," WP other loudspeakers currently in Class C.
area "where the Acoustic Energy beats out every
concluded. (Vol.17 No.9) Polymer/granite bases - essential -add $225/
minimonitor I've heard: dynamics." He did note
Thiel CSL5: $2190/pair $$$ pair. Performance can be taken even further by bi-
an occasional touch of brightness and a slight
"Among the most exciting speakers I've encoun- amping and bypassing the internal crossover.
nasality on the upper mida, as well as atendency
tered in yearsr exclaimed the occasionally occu- (Vol.16 No.9)
to pull images toward the edges of the soundstage,
pationally jaded Mr. Tellig, adding that, "If you're Mirage M-7si: $1500/pair $$$
which keeps the AE2 from scaling the Class A
after truth of timbre, resolution, superb sound- Floorstanding dynamic dipole design - not a
heights. However, these were minor quibbles
staging ... midrange magic and clarity... the bipole like the larger Mirages - that throws abig,
when faced with the AE2's ability to "boogie like
CS1.5 may be just what you want." MK con- deep soundstage with aconvincing sense of image
agood 'un," he felt. Matching twin-pillar stands
curred, noting that the 1.5 reveals "Detail, detail, size, but is rather generous in the midbass. The
cost 51395/pair. (Vol.18 No.11)
detail," allowing him to get all the way into the clean, grain-free treble, however, is competitive
B&W 805 Matrix: $1600/pair $$$
recording. Noting a"hashy" quality in the 7kHz with the best, states TJN for the record. (Vol.18
(stands necessary)
region, he observed that it nonetheless did not No2, SGHT1 No.1)
Borderline Class II according to LG, but full Class
inhibit his enjoyment of the speaker. Dynamics Mission Cyrus 753: $1800/pair
B according to MC. This well-finished two-way
are naturally limited; while the second-smallest Unusual floorstanding design uses four small
features an exceptionally rigid "Matrix" enclosure.
Thiel goes lower in the bass than you might woofers -two reflex-loaded, two in sealed enclo-
The highs sound effortlessly open, the lows rea-
expect, it's still a "wonderfully sane" speaker sure - to give good balance between bass exten-
sonably extended for a minimonitor, and the
"that's about quality, not quantity," in the words of sion and definition when speaker is used, as
imaging is well-focused. The speaker goes loud
ST. "A lot of speaker at an affordable price," intended, near the wall behind it. Intrinsic treble
without strain. "A winner at its price," judges JA.
opined JA. (Vol.17 No.8, Vol.18 No.11) balance is on the lively, incisive side; but with the
(Vol.16 No.4)
Totem Acoustic Model 1: $1595/pair $EE speakers not toed-in to the listening seat, the clean
Celestion SL600Si with DLP600:
(stands necessary) highs are in good balance with the uncolored,
$2798/pair s (stands necessary)
Astonishing LF response for such asmall speaker, very transparent midrange. AJA favorite. Price is
Celestion's DLP600 digital-domain loudspeaker
found LG, with smooth, sweet highs, excellent for black finish; rosewood adds $200/pair. (Vol.16
processor ($699) fits between the CD transport
dynamics, and palpable, well-focused imaging, No.9)
and DAC; with it, the SL600Si's soundstage snaps
particularly in the depth plane. Some midrange NHT SuperZero/SW2P active subwoofer:
into focus to an extent that JA hadn't heard from
prominence, however. A GL favorite. Suggested $940/system $$$ (stands necessary)
any speakers other than the Wilson WATT,
stands are the Target Model R4 (5720/pair), HJ The active SW2P woofer (its -6dB point is 35Hz)
Avalon Eclipse, and Quad ESL-63. The speaker's
($265-$295/pair), or HS ($165-$185/pair). turns the bassless SuperZero (see later) into an
dark-sounding treble also becomes more natur-
(Vol.16 No.4) impressive, almost-full-range speaker system,
al/airy/spacious. The lower-midrange congestion
remains unimproved, however. (Vol.15 No.8) C -Full-Range preserving the tiny speaker's virtues. CG got the
Martin-Logan CLS Hz: $3995/pair Acarian Alón I: $1590/pair best sound using Y-adaptors and simple, passive
(stands optional) Our initial review samples had aseverely flawed first-order filters in the satellite amplifier signal
"A very special speaker," sums up JE about the midrange that precluded recommendation. path. JA found the SW2 to be alittle one-notcy
fourth iteration of this stunning-looking, pure Redesigned second samples sounded much more overall, but not excessively so, provided care was
electrostatic design, though he notes that it will neutral, allowing this floorstanding three-way's taken in setup and room positioning. Excellent
not be for everyone. "Remarkably coherent, soni- superb soundstaging, well-controlled and weighty value. (Vol.17 No.1)
cally," he notes, with a"magic immediacy" to its (if exaggerated) bass, and lack of boxy colorations PSB Stratus Silver: $1500/pair $$$
sound. Ilz has amuch kinder impedance, though to be appreciated. Rosewood finish adds A detailed and clean, slightly midrange-forward
it still drops to 1.5 ohms. (CLS I, Vol.9 Nos.6 & 7, $400/pair. (Vol.16 Nos.9 & 12) presentation, with asurprisingly potent bass but a
Vol.10 No.1; CLS HA, Vol.14 No.12, Vol.15 Nos2 Audio Artistry Mozart: $2795/pair touch of crispness in the highs, was how TJN
& 3; CLS Hz, Vol.17 No.6) A speaker possessing aclassic tonal balance and summed up the sound of this elegant Canadian
Monitor Audio Studio 6: $1999/pair excellent dynamics, the Mozart was particularly two-way floorstanding speaker. Borderline Class
(stands necessary) adept at preserving the rhythmic drive and pacing B, adds PWM, feeling that the Silver is not quite
High-performance two-way design with aunique of live music, said DO. JGH was impressed by the as uncolored in the midrange as the more expen-
metal-cone woofer mounted in asmall, stand- Mozart's lively, vivid presentation and big bass, sive Stratus Gold. (Vol.17 No.7)
mounted reflex enclosure. A little lacking in the but both aspects of the speaker's balance tended to Ruark Templar: $1100/pair $$$
pace'n'rhydun department, thinks MC, but anat- outstay their welcomes, he found. DO also felt "These doojiggers have no business sounding
ural if forward balance, superb transparency, the upper registers to be lively and abit metallic. as enjoyable as they do!" exclaimed WP. While
excellent soundstaging, and amusically involving Investigate atube amp, he says; works well with the infinite-baffle design gives somewhat limited
sound, felt JA. A slight mid-treble glare will man- the Cary 805. Review sample had some resonant bass with tight, punchy definition, he declared
date careful system matching, however. Beautiful problems in the lower mitts, said to have been the soundstage to be smallish, although exceed-
black and rosewood piano-lacquer finishes add fixed in production. (Vol.17 Nos.1 & 8) ingly well-defined. In ternis of pace and drive,
$500/pair. (Vol.17 No2) Joseph Audio RM-20t1: $2099/pair however, he felt them to set ahigh standard.
Platinum Audio Solo: 52497.50/pair A wide soundstage, good bass extension, and a (Vol.18 No.12)
(stands necessary) clean, transparent sound were offset by arather Snell Type D: $1799/pair $$$
This diminutive speaker impressed JA as being a "harmonically thin" balance in the original review A very transparent, open, and unmuddled presen-
serious contender. "All that bass coming from samples. Avery low ultrasonic impedance charac- tation, said TJN, adding that this three-way tower
those little boxes," was the oft-heard refrain dur- ter has been fixed in current production. JE finds speaker's low-frequency performance was "amaz-
ing his audition. However, there is aprice to pay the current iteration much more musical than his ing." An astonishing lack of coloration at the price,
for that impressive LF extension -they need lots earlier sample - due chiefly to asmoother top confirms PWM, adding that the Type I) has an
ofjuice! Puny amps need not apply. There is also end that renders vocals less sibilant and cymbals impressive ability to remain open and transparent
aslight loss in terms of absolute definition. That less splashy, while improving the integration of with large-scale orchestral recordings. Borderline
said, he found the Solo's lack of midrange col- the two drivers. This reduces airiness and sparkle, Class B, though an occasional edge in the lower
oration praiseworthy, adding that, coupled with but it's atradeoffJE gladly makes for amore nat- treble will mean careful system matching. (Vol.17
excellent clarity, it allowed musical detail to be urally musical presentation. As is his wont, he sug- No.7)
easily perceived. "A must-audition speaker for the gests removing the protective covers from the l'hiel CS.5: $1450/pair
bass-loving audiophile with a small room," he tweeters -which, he claims, improves the sounds LI3 likened the baby Thicls to agood flanker:


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SY111SAS 211)1YidS01101• •••••••••••••
"they go deep and wide" in their soundstage. Celestion SL600Si: $2099/pair The original version of this French minimonitor had
Detailed but not edgy, and capable of producing (stands necessary) apeaky and fatiguing lower treble that could be laid
honest bass -just not the lowest octaves. Not Though lacking the bottom octave-and-a-half of at the feet of its Kevlar-domed Focal tweeter.
designed to play "REALLY LOUD," El Bee bass extension, and possessing slightly depressed Current production features anew titanium invert-
reports, but sufficient for most listeners. His final mid- and extreme-treble ranges that make system ed-dome tweeter that is significantly smoother and
assessment: "I think they're swell and provide alot optimization difficult, the SL600Si combines less colored, leading to an enthusiastic recommenda-
of sound for the money." Price is for walnut or lower-midrange transparency and holographic tion from JA and DO. 'The upper midi are sweet
black finishes; optional finishes extra. (Vol.18 imaging (areas where it badly beats most of the and texturally smooth," quodi the latter. Though it
No.10) moving-coil competition) with amusical if dark- lacks bass extension, it gets the tenor region right, the
Vandersteen 2Ce: $1295/pair SSS sounding balance unique for abox speaker. Worth sound of the cello being timbrally correct. Price is for
(stands optional) using with high-end electronics. Current Si ver- black vinyl finish; auburn, black satin, and walnut
The latest version of Richard Vandersteen's classic sion has revised crossover layout to allow bi- veneer finishes cost $795/pair. (Vol.14 Nos.9 et 10)
three-way design has alarger cabinet and arevised wiring, and is more transparent in the treble, Monitor Audio Studio 2: $1199/pair
drive-unit. The intrinsic balance is alittle on the though atouch of midband congestion remains. (stands necessary)
warm side, with aforward midrange and rather Sound quality significantly improved by $699 WP found this tiny sibling of Monitor's Studio 6
limited transparency and image focus. However, DLP600 DSP engine. Good stands, such as to offer the qualities he values highly in repro-
while there may be other loudspeakers that per- Celestion's own $299/pair 18" Sis, arc mandatory. duced music: articulation, grace, communication,
form better than the 2Ce in one or more areas, (Vol.10 No2, original version; Vol.12 No.5, Vol.15 and truth. Low frequencies arc missing in action,
there is not aspeaker in its price range that does No.8.) however, and the speakers won't play loud in a
so little wrong across the board. TJN wrote that it Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-I: $995/pair large room. Price is for pair in "black ash" finish;
spreads its compromises so that there is no partic- (stands necessary) rosewood adds $200/pair. (Vol.18 No2)
ular area of weakness; DO was impressed by the Its lean, somewhat overdamped LF balance and PSB New Stratus Mini: $950/pair $5$
2Ce's tonal balance and sense of pacing; JA noted somewhat bright mid-treble will make careful (stands necessary)
that it offers more extended lows than its compe- system- and room-matching essential. But in the Wen-finished, well-engineered two-way with a
tition. A great value for the dollar. The right context, the little Dunlavys' clean, clear neutral balance, low level of coloration, and superb
Vandersteen bases for the 2Ce cost $125/pair. midrange, grain-free HF, and well-defined imag- soundstaging. Bass is intrinsically lean, but careful
(Vol.16 Nos.4 & 9) ing will give alot of musical pleasure. Need alot room placement can result in well-defined but rea-
Whatmough Monitors 202 Leadline: of break-in, JA found.' The speaker also works sonably well-balanced lows. Review sample had a
$2500/pair (stands necessary) very well in aHome Theater setting, points out rather congested lower midrange due to asevere
Well-made, large, Australian two-ways with, as RD, adding that the SC-I both makes an excellent cabinet resonance, said to have been minimized in
the name suggests, lead used to add mass to and center-channel speaker and benefits from agood current production by arepositioning of the internal
damp the enclosure walls. Good low-end weight, subwoofer. Sounds best with its grille on. Price is bracing. Matching stands -essential -cost 5150/
definition, and dynamics arc married to good for American Oak finish (black or golden); in pair. Preliminary auditioning of latest version con-
imaging and avery clean upper treble. The lower Dalwood rosewood or cherry finish, price is firms rating; a review will appear soon. (Vol.16
midrange sounded thickened, however, while a $1195/pair. (Vol.17 No.12) Nos.6 & 7)
tendency for the low treble to sound hard restrict- Duntech PCL25: $2095/pair Sonus Faber Minima Amator: $3000/pair
ed overall dynamic range, thought JA. Matching (stands necessary) (stands necessary)
stands cost $200/pair. (Vol.17 No.8) Rather alightweight balance and some untidiness A large measure of the larger Electa Amator's per-
in the highs are offset by good articulation, excel- formance at two-thirds the price, says MC, with a
C -Restricted LF
lent image focus and depth, and good dynamic rigid curved cabinet sculpted from walnut com-
Acarian Alón Petite: $995/pair $5$
range. Current production has aslightly revised pared with the more conventional Minima FM2.
(stands necessary)
crossover, said to improve the treble presentation. With the speakers pointed at the listening posi-
"Let's just dub them 'first among equals,' "sug-
Matching stands cost $295/pair. Price is for tion, the treble is excessive in level; toeing them in
gests WP of this affordable minimonitor. Care
Australian Jarrah finish; Brazilian Rosewood to cross well in front of the listener gives amore
must be taken not to play them too loud or
veneer adds $100/pair. (Vol.17 No.8) neutral balance. Upper bass is alittle exaggerated
attempt to take them too low, but other than
Epos ES14: $1695/pair * (stands necessary) in absolute terms, though not unpleasing; sound-
those caveats, he found them to "perform way
A speaker that has long been an ST favorite, the staging is superb. Matching stands cost $950/pair.
out of their price class." Refined performers
ES14 seems to be typical of small British speaker (Vol.16 No.12)
and imaging champs, he extols. RJR, also afan,
designs in that it features ametal-dome tweeter in Sonus Faber Minima FM2: $1800/pair
claimed that, paired with aquality budget inte-
a rigid, well-braced cabinet with a minimal (stands necessary)
grated amp such as the Creek 4240SE, the
crossover and the capability of bi-wiring. The Beautifully finished, but tiny Italian speaker has
Petite sets a new standard for an under-52k
result is asuperbly coherent sound that TJN found no bass worth speaking of. That didn't stop LG
system. Must be tilted back for best perfor-
kept drawing him into the music. MC agrees, feel- enthusing: "The midrange is the Minima's
mance. Rosewood veneer adds $200/pair.
ing that the E514 gets at the musical meaning bet- strength ... the first speaker I've auditioned that
(Vo1.19 No.1)
ter than most speakers in its class. Stuffing the ports reproduced the human voice as naturally as the
Acoustic Energy AEI: $1995/pair
with the supplied foam plugs makes the bass very Spendor BC-1." Excellent soundstaging and sweet
(stands necessary)
tight but somewhat lightweight; the ported bass but slightly downtilted treble complete the pic-
Tiny reflex box with metal-dome tweeter and
has decent extension but is alittle soft. The upper ture. Matching Sonus Faber adjustable stands cost
metal-cone woofer. Redefines the art of miniature
bass and midrange are very low in coloration, 5950/pair, Sumiko "Franklin and Lowell" sand-
speaker design, according to JA, duc to its rela-
however, and the speaker offers excellent filled stands arc $395/pair. (Vol.16 No.4)
tively high dynamic range, electrostatic-quality
midrange and treble transparency. Matching stands Spica l'C-60: $795/pair US (stands necessary)
treble, and hear-through, if somewhat forward-
cost $300. (Vol.11 No.6, Vol.13 No.1, Vol.18 No.1) This descendant ofJohn Bau's classic TC-50 com-
balanced, midrange. Bass is perhaps the weak
Joseph Audio RM7si: $1299/pair bines holographic imaging with decent low-fre-
point, with arather slow-sounding character that
(stands necessary) quency extension (as long as it's not played too
keeps the AEI from Class B. Now supplied ready
Mellow-balanced - but naturally detailed - loud). A freedom from midrange grain and col-
for Lie-wiring with gold-plated binding posts, and
minimonitor that, JA asserted, represents good oration is coupled with sweet highs (though some
distributed by Northstar Leading The Way. Price
value. While the relaxed presentation of the HF find them tote sweet). A winner, summed up JA.
is for satin-black finish (other finishes available on
rendered even the fizziest rock recordings in an Price is for pair in oak; price in black is 5839/pair,
request); matching stands cost $1095/pair. (Vol.11
acceptably pleasing manner, JA had minor quib- price in oiled walnut is $895/pair. Matching
No.9, Vol.15 No.7; see also Vol.15 No.9, p.162.)
bles with the midrange response and stereo imag- Gravity stands cost $250/pair. (Vol.17 No.12)
Audio Physic Step: $1795/pair
ing. Strongly recommended, however. Rosewood
(stands necessary) D
veneer adds 5200/pair. (Vol.19 No2)
Well-made reflex-loaded minimonitor from AR 303: $1200/pair (stands necessary)
JMIab Micron Carat: $695/pair
Germany that, when listened to well below the Contemporary re-engineering of an audiophile
(stands necessary)
tweeter axis, will get the best from high-quality icon, the AR-3a. JA cites alack of articulation in
electronics and sources, as long as it's not played the lower midi and an exaggerated character
IAtip from TJN for breaking-in speakers: Place them
too loud. Soundstaging is excellent - well- face to face, but wired out of phase. You can then drive through the mid- and upper bass as contributing
defined and deep. Useful bass extends down to them hard with pink noise or the "Break-in noise" to atonal balance not to his taste - although he
about 60Hz. Matching Sound Anchors stands - track from Stenvphiltes Test Cl) 3, but there's less sonic suspects that many bass-heads will find the 303 to
essential to tilt the speaker back at the right angle pollution to annoy the other members of your family. offer alot of bang (boom?) for the buck. Clean
- cost 5250/pair. (Vol.17 No.10) To alarge extent, the speakers' outputs cancel. treble region, good lateral imaging, and good


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dynamic response arc pluses, but JA found little Italian minimonitor with smooth, polite balance, the classical music-loving audiophile. They also
image depth, and the tonal balance affected pace. precise imaging, alively, agile bass, and good artic- shine as surround-sound speakers. (Vol.18 No.6)
(Vol.18 No.9) ulation. Very sensitive to vertical listening axis. RA Labs Black Gold Mini-Reference:
Epos ES II :$995/pair ESE Requires careful system matching. Matching 5208/pair $$$ (stands necessary)
(stands necessary) stands cost $395/pair. (Vol.17 No.10) A bit rolled-off on top and not the most detailed
Borderline Class C sound, said JA, if it weren't for E speaker ST had heard, but this very inexpensive
arather congested lower midrange and restricted Canon S-35: $399/pair (stands necessary) speaker's sweet balance, accurate tonal balance,
dynamics. But above that region, this sophisticat- and surprisingly natural-sounding if not wonder-
"Check this cute Canon out," alliterates JA, find-
ed little English two-way from Robin Marshall ing it handsome and capable of greatly enhancing fully extended lows grew on him to the extent
gets everything right: instrumental textures and that he proclaimed it "one of those rare, almost
his multimedia system -if ultimately too colored
timbres, imaging and soundstaging, a seamless when listening to the classical, acoustic music he miraculous occasions in budget hi-fi [where]
blend between woofer and tweeter, and grain-free everything that could have gone right did." Maybe
prefers. Restricted output - crank 'em above
highs. Matching stands cost $250/pair. Highly rec- 87dB and expect extra mud, he warns, but cym- even Class D. Benefits from high-quality amplifi-
ommended. (Vol.14 Nos.7 & 10) cation. Only sold direct; price includes freight.
bals have an airy sound, and LF performance is a
FHarbeth LS3/5a: $1250/pair pleasant surprise at this price point. Designed to (Vol.17 No.5)
KEF LS3/5a: $1450/pair in teak be somewhat omnidirectional, the S-35s do
(Santos Rosewood adds $200/pair) expand the sweet spot -although at the cost of Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-VI, Hales Concept 2,
Spendor LS3/5a: $896/pair * restricting image depth and diffusing the center NHT 2.5, B&W Compact Domestic Monitor 1,
(stands necessary) image. (Vol.18 No.6) Sony SS-M9, Acarian Alón 5, ESP Concert
Amajor 1988 revision of its crossover was meant not Celestion MPl: $299/pair (stands necessary) Grand.
so much to "improve" this venerable BBC design Although he finds the MP-1's overall presentation
(first seen and heard in 19750 as to bring production Deletions
lightweight, with little midbass and no deep bass, Eminent Technology LET-VI I I, Ensemble
back on target. Still somewhat compromised in JE nonetheless admires its compelling rhythm,
overall dynamics, HF smoothness, and clarity when Reference Silver, Mirage M490, Nelson-Reed 8-
pace, and unfailing spaciousness. Ultimately, 04/CM, Pinnacle PN8+, Signet SL260B/U,
compared with Class Band C miniatures such as the though, he feels this last to be too much of agood
Acoustic Energy AEI, Genesis 1M-5200, Harbeth Spendor S100, Sonus Faber Electa Amator, all not
thing. Not suitable for high-end music-only sys- auditioned in too long atime to be sure of current
HL-P3, and Celestion SL600Si and SL700, and hav- tems, he concludes, but its shielding and high sen-
ing adistinctly tubby trtidbass, the 1993 version of rating, Swans Cygnus; ProAc Response Two and
sitivity make it anatural addition for multimedia Harbeth HL-P3 replaced by new versions not yet
the LS3/5a still has one of the least colored mid- computing or Home Theater use. Celestion
bands around, throws adeep, beautifully defined formally auditioned; Quad ESL-63 USA Monitor
CSW Mk.II woofer ($449, see JE's review in due to uncertain changes in Quad distribution in
soundstage, and has aslighdy sweeter top end, with Vol.18 No.10) usefully extends the bass. (Vol.18
less nasality than it used to have. Works well on clas- the US.
Nos.6 8c 10; SGHT2 No2)
sical orchestral or operatic music. The sound, how- Paradigm Atom: $169/pair $$$
ever, is sometimes not as musically involving as it (stands necessary)
could, or should, be. CG hates the speaker, MC A tiny speaker that gets the midrange n
blames its lack of pace on the current woofer's mod- according to SS, with reasonable dynamic con
ified-vinyl surrounds (see Vol.15 No.11, p.89) com- and some upper-bass bloom but polite highs.
pared with the original's rubber surrounds. Matching C-70 stands cost $89/pair. (Vol.17
Originally manufactured by Rogers, who discontin- No.9)
ued it at the beginning of 1993, the LS3/5a is still Paradigm Titan: 5209/pair ESE
in.utufactured by Spendot Harbeth, and now KEF. tang the bottom two bass octaves at realsstscally
(stands necessary)
The Spendor has one pair of input terminals; the high sound levels, are almost always rare and
A little larger than the Atom, the Titan has asim-
Harbeth is bi-wirable with four gold-plated Michell expensive beasts. In addition, the problems of
ilarly polite balance, but with a slight nasality integrating one or two subwoofers with high-
connectors -see "Industry Update," Vol.15 No2 - apparent. Available in a shielded version for
and is available in "exotic" veneers for an additional quality satellites are major if the integrity of the
Home Theater use. (SGHT.1 No.1) upper-bass/lower-midrange region is not to be
$250. (Vol3 No.12, Vol.4 No.1, Vol.7 No.4, Vol.12 PSB 500: $499/pair (stands necessary)
Nos2 & 3, Vol.14 No.10, Vol.16 Noll) compromised. (The late Peter W. Mitchell offers
Balance is warm and full rather than tight and lean,
good advice on where to place one or more sub-
NHT SuperZ,ero: $240/pair $5$ but impressive bass weight doesn't trim to boomi- woofers in the listening room in Vol.16 No3,
(stands necessary) ness. Refined highs for an inexpensive speaker. pp.65-67.) We recommend that those trying to
Not just limited bass, but tio low frequencies at all, The two-way 500 achieves "that rare balance of subwoof on the cheap instead look at the possibil-
leading to athin balance that fails completely on ease and detail," according to TJN, with moderate
orchestral music. If. like SS, you play alot of large- ity of acquiring more-expensive full-range loud-
coloration and congestion setting in only at high speakers.
scale classical music, you'll miss the point of this levels. "An attractive mix with no glaring weak-
tiny speaker. With the right kind of music, "the ness." Matching SP5 stands cost $79/pair. (Vol.16 A
best-sounding speaker under moor sez CG, No.7) Bag End Sl8E/ELF 1:
who was impressed by the resolution of detail, PSB Alpha: $219/pair $$$ $2460 for ELF Icrossover,
accurate midrange balance, and incredibly spa- (stands necessary) $776-$1976 for Sl8E, depending on finish
cious soundstaging. The treble is atouch exagger- "An outstanding audio bargain," proclaimed JE of These relatively small subwoofers have deeper
ated, however, which is further emphasized by the this little two-way. Designed to be used close to extension than any others LG has experienced in
speaker's lack of bass. (Vol.17 Nos.] & 9) the rear wall, the Alpha plays surprisingly loudly his listening room. Some claim signal below 60Hz
Phase Technology PC80 Mk.11 Compact without strain, though toe-in is best avoided to is non-directional, but LG sez two Sl8Es "more
Monitor: $699/pair (stands necessary) minimize hardness. Optimum with electronics than doubled the impact, power, and control,"
El Bee found these affordable rninimonitors that sound soft. Imaging somewhat vague com- offering pitch definition and "room-lock" beyond
refined and neutral when played within their lim- pared with the similarly priced Dana Model Is. expectations. The ELF-1 crossover has stereo sub-
its. He also made note of their powerful but not Upper bass alittle exaggerated and abit "hooty" woofer outputs, adjustable crossover points, and
particularly well-defined bass and impressive lat- compared with the NHT SuperZero, but gets the customizable limiter functions for both subwoofer
eral spread. However, he cautioned,"I didn't seem midrange right. (Vol.15 No.Z Vol.17 No.1, and satellite amplifiers. You need a light touch
to get much depth." lise upper tnids had aslight SG HT.1 No.1) with the gain settings, he cautions, or you risk
emphasis, which will mean care needs to be taken RadioShack Optirnus Pro LX5: $300/pair overpowering your main speakers. (Vol.18 No.5)
choosing matching components. (Vol.18 No.12) (stands necessary) Muse Model 18 active subwoofer: $3450 *
ProAc Studio 100: $1400/pair Based on adesign by Linaeum (who assemble the (inc. crossover and amplifier)
(stands necessary) tweeter subassemblies), the LX-5 has become a Slot-loaded active mono subwoofer extending
A slight excess of HF energy didn't prevent CG cyberspace favorite, with many threads spun con- down to 18Hz with which RH, LG, and CG have
from liking these descendants of ProAc's success- cerning modifications. Low frequencies boomy obtained great sound (successfully integrating it
ful Studio 1, particularly when they were driven and undefined, but the high frequencies sound so with Hales Signatures, Quad USA Monitors, and
by tube amps. Bass is atad woolly but dynamics promising, sez JA, that one wants to do something. Spica Angeluses, respectively). "A complete lack
are excellent. Requires careful system matching, Try stuffing the ports with drinking straws, he of plodding slowness," said RH of the Model 18's
however. (Vol.17 No.10) advises. At full price, they face stiff competition ability to present recorded kickdrum with its char-
Sonus Faber Minuetto: $1500/pair from PSB and NHT, but, purchased during one of acter intact. RH also noted that it offers a"dynam-
(stands necessary) RadioShack's frequent sales, they have alot to offer ic agility" rare in asubwoofer. Part of the reason


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for the Model 18's quality is that it's not intended intended for use with the original Quad electro- out strain in SS's room. SS had difficulty integrating
to extend very high in frequency, thus mininnzing static. Adds small-signal extension to 25Hz, but it with the Alphas, however. (SGHT.1 No.1)
its potential for introducing midrange anomalies. has limited dynamic range (though no more so
In addition, it can be customized for the specific than the electrostatic, of course), so is not recom-
B&W 800 ASW subwoofer.
satellites with which it's to be used, to give aseam- mended to headbangers. SS found that, though
less match. Each "personality card" to adapt the the Quad sits atop the subwoofer, the listening
Kinergetics SW-800 not auditioned in a long
Model 18's crossover for aspecific loudspeaker axis is still abit low. Balanced inputs/outputs add
costs $35, and seems to have very little editorial $105. Distributed by May Audio Marketing.
effect on the sound of the satellites (other than the (Vol.17 No.1)
high-pass function, of course). Price is for oak fin- Hsu Research HRSW12V active subwoofer:
ish; walnut or cherry finish adds $250. Balanced $850
inputs add $500. (Vol.14 Nos.Z 8, & 10; Vol.16 This powered subwoofer strikes R1) as competi- COMPLETE
Nos3 & 5.) tive with units costing up to twice as much. Ile
finds no thick bass overlay - the bane of many
Snell SUB 1800: $2499 each
Huge, THX-specified, passive subwoofer using an subwoofers- but neither does the Hsu match tue A
18" drive-unit that beats out all comers for its solid crispness of the Velodyne F-1500R. Energize Cello Music & Film System:
combination of bass extension and dynamic range. the room they do, he notes, even taking ashot at around $101,000 as supplied for review
(Vol.18 No.Z Vol.19 No3) reproducing the 16Hz fundamental in the second Proclaiming the Cello Music and Sound System
movement of the Saint-Saëns "Organ" Symphony. the ultimate link between performer and listener,
"An outstanding bargain." Price is with Zolatone Stereophi/e's Musician in Residence. LL, thinks it
Bryston 10B electronic crossover: $1195 illuminates the very soul of the music in away
top; the '12 costs $925 with an oak or walnut top.
Slight sacrifice in image depth and an increase in never before possible. He allows that it can be
(SGHT.1 No2)
electronic "edginess" keep this otherwise excel- costly to spring for the whole system. For him,
M&K MX-200 active subwoofer: $1495
lent solid-state crossover from attaining Class A however, its performance transcends the bound-
RI) found the MX-200 a solid performer, but
status. Very versatile regarding slopes and aries of cost considerations, since one cannot put a
judged the similarly priced Velodyne F-1500k to
crossover frequencies. Balanced inputs and out- price on great music and its effect upon the
be superior, and the much-lower-priced Hsu
puts add $200. (Vol.17 No.5) human spirit. The system reviewed comprised the
Research HRSW12V to be at least comparable.
Entec 12420 active subwoofer: $3247 Class C, lie said. Finishes available are oak, black following components: Cello Audio Palette M IV
(inc. crossover and amplifier) oak, or alacquer bead finish. (SGHT.1 No2) equalizer ($20,000); Cello Encore line preampli-
Though it has alower dynamic range than the Snell EC-300 electronic crossover: $299 fier ($8500); Cello Performance II monoblock
Musc, keeping it from Class A, the Entec never- THX-certified three-channel (L/C/R) crossover ($22,000/pair); Cello Stradivari Master loud-
theless goes very deep and is very clean and well- intended for use with Snell K/III satellites and speakers ($30,000/pair); Cello Strings Iintercon-
controlled. Its interface is extremely versatile, and Snell SUB 500 subwoofer. Fixed crossover fre- nect ($596/2m pair terminated with Fischer con-
includes auseful notch filter to tame the most quency of 80Hz. Includes front-speaker bright- nectors, see "Interconnects"); Cello Strings III
annoying low-frequency room modes. (Vol.16 ness filter. Subwoofer output is adjustable in level. speaker cable ($1800/3m tri-wire harness);
No.5) (SG HT.1 No.1) Cello/Apogee Series CMFS 8.1 D/A processor
Gradient SW-63: $3000/system Velodyne F-1500R: $1599 ($7000); Apogee Wyde-Eye AES/EBU datalnik
(inc. crossover) (inc. crossover, servo electronics, & amplifier) ($28.95/1m, see "Digital Datalinks"); and Forsell
Stereo dipole moving-coil subwoofer system from Excellent value for the money, this versatile, low- Air Bearing Mk.II Cl) transport ($8900, see "Cl)
Finland, distributed by May Audio Marketing and distortion mono design almost approaches the Transports"). (Vol.18 No.7)
intended to be used with the Quad USA performance of the Velodyne ULD-18, but MIT/Avalon/Spectral/ASC "2C3D
Monitors. Adds useful increase in dynamic range instead adds more system coloration - perhaps, Hologram" system: around $47,000
and midbass power handling: "Within the suggests LG, due to its gentle 6dB/octave high- as supplied for review (not including
40-100Hz range Ihad never heard aQuad sys- pass crossover slope. Its lack of the '18's "effortless source components)
tem sound so clean, well-defined, and fast," said power" leads to a Class C rating, judged LG, Ambitious and complex system designed as asin-
LG. Though he found that the SW-63 lacked the though RD gently suggests that "Borderline Class gle entity. Included are Spectral DMC-20 preamp
bottom octave of ultimate LF extension and was B" is more appropriate. Current "R" version (see "Preamplifiers"), Spectral DMA-180 power
prone to subsonic overload when driven hard in includes remote control. "Impressive," "clean," amplifier (see "Amplifiers"), Avalon Radian HC
large rooms, he felt the Gradient to be a"must-lis- and "tight" was how RD described the bass qual- speakers (see "Loudspeakers"), and acomplete set
ten" for any Quad owner. Separate stereo ampli- ity of this sub. Deep synthesized bass made him of MIT cables and AC conditioning products.
fier required. Balanced inputs/outputs add $105. feel "as though my cars were about to pop." His Spectral digital source components complete the
(Vol.14 No.10, Vol.16 No.3) preference of the subwoofers surveyed in SGHT.1 picture. RH nearly ran out of superlatives in
Velodyne ULD-18 active subwoofer: $2799 No2. (Vol.16 No3, SGHT.1 No2) describing all of the system's felicities, which
(inc. crossover, amplifier, & servo electronics) include "a gigantic three-dimensional sound-
LG felt this well-finished, servo-controlled sub-
stage," "stunning spatial presentation," and "an
AudioControl Richter Scale Series III:
woofer system to offer superb bass performance, uncanny ability to present... instruments with a
$349 e
extending his Quad USA Monitors' low frequen- coherent and totally natural harmonic structure."
cies to 20Hz even at high levels, and adding acon- Versatile six-band, half-octave, low-frequency
WP. TJN, and JA made the pilgrimage to RH's
equalizer and analyzer incorporating bass warble-
siderable degree of dynamic contrast. LG found during the audition period, and also adjudge it a
the ULD-18 to work well with B&W 805s as tone generator and 24dB/octave crossover fac-
total corker. "Expert setup and tuning the room's
tory-preset to 90Hz. "Muffled" in sound quality,
well; he and PWM would rate it Class A. Others acoustic kith ASC Tube Traps] are essential," RH
on the magazine's staff disagree, feeling the the Richter Scale nevertheless offers the woofer
cautions. (Vol.19 No.1)
Velodyne belongs in Class Bdue to its overall lack fan an excellent chalice of achieving successful
of absolute definition and apropensity for adding integration between subwoofer(s) and satellites.
midrange coloration (this perhaps due to the (Vol.12 No.1)
crossover electronics). It costs $300 to modify a Boston Acoustics Lynnfield VR500
ULD-18 to the THX specification, though some active subwoofer: $600
feel the THX specification trades off bass exten- Good value for money. A change to the port posi-
sion for dynamic range. The THX version costs tion is claimed to eliminate the port "chuffing"
$2999. (Vol.12 No.10, Vol.14 No.10, Vol.16 No3) noise mentioned in the review. (SGHT.1 No2)
Paradigm PS-1000 active subwoofer: $519
Uses a 10" driver in a bandpass enclosure. eater system should tiot be placed nearer to the
Audio Concepts (ACI) Titan Intended for use in Home Theater systems. listener than the Left and Right speakers-see the
active subwoofer: $729 each Crossover frequency is continuously adjustable late Peter W. Mitchell's "Ground Floor" article in
1)oes not extend as low as the Velodyne 2W, TJN from 50Hz to 150Hz. Includes adjustable polarity Vol.17 No.9 - while TJN generally recommends
observes, but the quality of the bass makes up for control to optimize room setup. SS found it to setting the Center channel's level about 3dB lower
it. Class C, he reckons. (SGHT.1 No2) blend well with Titan satellites. (SGHT.1 No.1) than the Left and Right. It should also be pointed
Gradient SW-57 woofer: $2395 PSB Subsonic II active subwoofer: $599 out that as the Center speaker handles almost all
(inc. crossover) Intended for use in Home Theater systems with the dialog, it should be astellan uncolored per-
Like its sibling for the ESL-63, the '57 is astereo PSB Alpha loudspeakers, the reflex-loaded Sub- former on speech-don't scrimp. TJN points out
dipole moving-coil subwoofer system, this time sonic II gave useful response down to 30Hz with- that the ratings for Center loudspeakers apply only

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when they form agood match with the Left and cessing, he found, was particularly worthy of
Right front speakers. The same is true, though to a Amain Xeta One integrated A/V amplifier: mention, smoothing the treble on aggressive
lesser extent, with surround speakers. soundtracks and creating superior ambience. Less
Although this section contains dedicated Home easy to use than many other A/V receivers. "Not
An unusual product that eschews many features
Theater products, other suitable amplifiers and only an outstanding performer," he cheered, "but
common to A/V receivers, but provides an
subwoofers can be found in their respective list- agreat value." (SGHT2 No.1)
unusually exalted level of musical reproduction,
ings. Regarding the THX loudspeaker issue, we Lexicon CP-3 Plus: $3200
according to RH. At the same time, he notes, its
feel that audiophiles shouldn't abandon the idea of Similar in concept to the older CP-1 Plus, the '3 is
reproduction of video soundtracks does not mea-
using in their Home Theater systems convention- bigger, better, and incorporates aTHX mode to
sure up to its musical promise -RH judges it to
al loudspeakers whose sound they like on music optimize its performance in Home Theater sys-
be only decent, lacking the low-level resolution,
recordings. tems. LL finds the Lexicon "an ergonomic night-
ambience, and diffusion present in the finest A/V
Regarding the appearance of laserdiscs and elec- mare: but JGH enthusiastically recommends it -
receivers. (SGHT.1 No2)
tronics offering discrete surround channels using he found that he mainly used the surround modes
B&W Home Cinema THX loudspeaker sys-
Dolby's AC-3 data-reduction algorithm, these will rather than the ambience synthesis for the extrac-
tem: $7000 (with two subwoofers, but with-
muddy the waters for Dolby Pro Logic processors. tion of recorded concert-hall space. Bypass testing
out amplification)
See "Industry Update" in Vol.18 No.4 and Voll revealed aslightly veiled sound, according to JGH.
Consists of three FCM-8 Front THX Cinema
No2 of the Stenvphile Guide to Home 'Theater for dis- This loss in overall resolution -as well as acold,
Monitors ($1000 each, stands necessary), two
cussions on where things currently stand. edgy character-is laid by CG at the feet of the
wall-mounted SCM-8 THX Surround Cinema
A Monitors ($1500/pair), and two PCS-8 Cinema internal ADC/DACs, and keeps this otherwise
Audio Research SDPI Multichannel Music TED( subwoofers ($1250 each). Somewhat mel- excellent unit out of Class A. Review was of the
Processor: $2995 low-balanced - the B&W system sounds less original CP-3. "Plus" version said to offer
improved sound quality and more versatile fea-
"If you have any misgivings about getting into sur- open than the McIntosh equivalent -but high
round-sound for your music listening, the Audio dynamic range, clean midrange, good dialog artic- tures. (Vol.15 No.12, SGHT.1 No.1)
Research SDP1 should dispel them," JGH prose- ulation, and well-tuned bass impressed the heck McIntosh C39 THX surround-sound
lytizes. The SDP1 is a non-Dolby system that out of the usually mild-mannered TJN. audio/video control center: $3500
handles movie soundtracks surprisingly well, "Remarkable." he said, "and fun," referring to its Eirh production samples of this processor/pre-
despite the lack of steering. JGH was bothered by ability to sound musically satisfying as well as to amplifier had a problem with the Dolby Pro
some spurious whistles from the digital circuitry. work well in aHome Theater context. Surrounds Logic chip's power supply, which led to unstable
Still, he states, it's "the best-sounding surround blend quite well timbrally with the front speakers image steering. Later samples seemed fine in this
decoder I've ever heard - or, rather, not heard." - something that in general is rarely the case. regard, found TJN. While the C39 offers versatile
(Vol.18 No.8) (Vol.17 No.10, SGHT.1 No.1) surround-sound effects, it appears to be intended
Meridian 565 digital surround-sound B&W Matrix HTM Home Theater Monitor more for the fien'forget customer than for those
processor: $3795 center loudspeaker: $800 each $5$ who like to endlessly diddle with controls.
Though JGH feels the 565 makes analog sources Well-engineered, neutral-balanced center-channel Optional THX card adds $500; RCT-1 universal
sound more like excellent CD, this digital Pro design related to the B&W 805 minimonitor (see remote control adds $320. (Vol.17 Nos.5 & 8,
Logic processor is perhaps the most transparent, "Loudspeakers"). Uncolored mida, clean highs, but SGHT.1 No.1)
most versatile unit in existence. JGH adds that it's rather tubby-sounding lows. (SGHT.1 No2) McIntosh THX loudspeaker system: $10,050
"The most sophisticated image and space con- Counterpoint HC-808 Dolby surround- (with amplification and one subwoofer)
troller Iknow of." JA concurs, noting that the 565 sound processor: $1495 Consists of the McIntosh MC7I06 THX six-chan-
is the first surround-sound processor to make him "The sound had much of the clarity, transparency, nel power amplifier ($3500), three HT-1 TRX
think about putting surround speakers in his dynamics, detail, and openness that are the hall- LCR loudspeakers ($1100/each, stands necessary),
stereo listening room. AC-3 module adds $700. marks of agood preamplifier line stage," enthused two HT-3W wall-mounted 11-IX surround loud-
(Vol.18 No.6) RD, though he was less enthusiastic about the speakers ($2000/pair), and one HT-2 11-DC sub-
Proceed PAV surround-sound control unit's ergonomics and remote control. Expensive, woofer ($1750 each). Though their directivity is to
center: $4195 but sound quality justifies the price. Slight leakage the THX specification, the McIntosh front speak-
By far the best-sounding surround-sound proces- of rear channels to front keeps the Counterpoint ers are free from vertical comb-filtering effects.
sor/preamplifier for high-end Home Theater use, from Class A. (SGHT.1 No.1) The overall system sounds "stunning" if somewhat
the PAV also has the easiest system setup, with an Infinity Compositions surround-sound sweet on movie soundtracks, found TJN, who
interactive oil-screen display and a learning speaker system: $4848/system SSS preferred the HT-1's full-bodied balance to those
remote control. "The PAV is the turning point The recipe: Take apair of Infinity's Compositions of the Snell and Fosgate front speakers. The
when Home Theater got High End," says CG. "A Prelude P-FR speakers ($3400/pair - see "Loud- McIntoshes also sounded rewarding and involving
Class A surround processor, with state-of-the-art speakers"); add the similar but smaller Compo- with music recordings, the HT-1's midrange being
Dolby Pro Logic and TI-IX processing, combined sitions Prelude P-CC center speaker ($779 each) immediate and palpable without being thrust in
with aClass B preamplifier," says TJN. (Vol.17 and apair of Compositions Prelude Quadrapole the listener's face. The amplifier, as might be
No.9, SGHT.1 No.1) P-QPS surrounds ($669/pair) and you have a expected from McIntosh, is also aworthy per-
Reference Recordings LD-10I, high-sensitivity, low-coloration system that had former. (Vol.17 No.5, SGHT.1 No.1)
A Video Standard: $69.98 RH running out of superlatives. His review mod- Meridian Digital Theatre: $14,775-$66,430
LaserVision disc (one side, CAV) produced by Joe estly concluded that, as a complete Home depending on options
Kane that contains video and audio test and Theater system, the Compositions set new stan- lise first-and still only -all-digital surround-
demonstration tracks to optimally set up aHome dards in elegance, sound, and ease of setup. Look sound playback system, with each "intelligent
Theater system. "No one who is seriously into no further, he exulted. (Vol.18 No.9, SGHT.1 loudspeaker" fed by an S/PDIF digital signal. All
video can afford to not own this disc," says JGH, No2) functions arc controlled by the remote control.
relishing the opportunity to double-up negatives. Kenwood Home THX loudspeaker system: Extremely versatile, but difficult to use; control-
(Vol.12 No.11) $3100 with two subwoofers $$$ ling the system is somewhat counterintuitive -
Snell Music & Cinema Comprises the Kenwood LS-X1F LCR speaker "hard to learn; easy to screw-up," sex SS -and
Home THX Reference system: $29,993 ($500 each); LS-X1S surround speaker ($600/ JGH found the preliminary manual a mess.
Consists of two Snell Music & Cinema Reference pair); and the SW-X1 subwoofer ($500 each). Nevertheless, JGH deems the Digital Theatre one
Towers at $6999 each, one LCR 2800 center "Maximum bang for the buck," SS asserted. of the most gorgeous-sounding systems he's ever
speaker at $4799, twin SUB 1800s at $2499 each, Finding them warm, natural, and balanced, he heard: "Smooth, rich, gutsy, warm, detailed,
and two SUR 2800 towers at $3099 each. Playing reckoned they demonstrated "excellent dynamic effortless, and as liquidly transparent as adrop of
Jurassk Park through this system, TJN feared for abilities, smooth harmonic response, excellent dew." Bass is robust and well-controlled but varies
the structural integrity of his house -which sur- imaging capabilities, fine low-level detail resolu- widely in balance dependent on source material.
vived better than his nerves. Finding himself at a tion, and impressive bass response." "Borderline However, both JGH and SS feel that the system
loss in coming up with serious criticisms of the Class II," he sums up. (SGHT2 No.1) imprints everything with asoft, sweet high-end
sound of this ambitious system, he contents him- Kenwood KR-X1000 A/V receiver: characteristic, rendering it too euphonically col-
self with the observation that it can sound forgiv- $1200 SSS ored to be called honest. TJN concurs that the
ing on had program material. Though the Snell RH was smitten by the THX-certified KR- system softens recorded material: "Sweet, yes.
system requires a dedication of substantial X1000's transparent soundstage and great imag- Dull, no." "High Class B," ultimately decided
amounts of space and funds, 1]N deems it aClass A ing. He also admired its smoothness and "freedom both JGH and TJN about the system reviewed -
Home Theater experience. (Vol.18 No.7) from 'hash' in the mida and treble." Its MC pro- Meridian 565 digital surround-sound processor


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($3795), DSP6000 digital active L/R speakers qualify." Preamp, 1)olby Pro Logic surround "jump," he posited. Worth a serious look.
($16,000/pair), DSP5000C digital active center processor, video switcher, dual-zone multiroom (SG HT2 No.1)
speaker ($2895). DSP5000 digital active surround A/V control center, configurable subwoofer NHT VT-1A Home Theater
speakers ($5395/pair) -due to its softened top crossover -and with alea gremote to boot - loudspeaker system: $2055
end and somewhat colored center speaker. JA's the list do go on. DK was impressed by the unit's Consists of two NHT VT-1A L/R loudspeakers
auditioning of the system with the DSP6000C case of setup, sonic transparency, and video trans- ($700/pair), which can be switch-selected
digital active center speaker ($8650 each) substi- parency - he sometimes felt images marginally between "Music" and "Audio" modes; aVT-1C
tuted for the '5000C suggests that Class A would improved with the B&K in the circuit. Minor center loudspeaker ($275 each); and two HDP-1
be an appropriate rating. Those who need more ergonometric quibbles aside, he concludes, the surround speakers ($380/pair). Can be used with-
inputs can add the Meridian 562V/517 AVP200OR offers alot of versatility and perfor- out asubwoofer, but then lacks dynamic range.
audio/video control center ($1995 with a 517 mance for a unit "within hailing distance of RH used an NHT SW2P (see "Subwoofers") to
DAC module). (Vol.18 No.6) $1000." (SGHT.1 No2) effect, achieving good integration with the
NHT VT-2 system: Boston Acoustics Lynnfield VR12 in speakers. System balance is alittle on the
$3930 with one subwoofer SSS center speaker: $400 each bright side, but the midrange was smooth.
Comprises the VS-2 Center speaker ($450 each), Relatively neutral if somewhat mellow sound Imaging, as expected, was better defined in the
VT-2 L/R speaker ($1750/pair), HDP-1 sur- quality, which TJN regarded as marginal Class B "audio" mode. RH singled out the surround
round speaker (5380/pair) and SW3P subwoofer under some circumstances. Treble can be alittle speakers for special mention: "'They disappeared
($1350 inc. SA3 amplifier). RH specifically peaky. Sensitive at 90dB/W/m, but low imped- into the soundfield - exactly what surround
admired the VT-2 main loudspeakers, VS-2 sur- ance mandates good-quality electronics. (SGHT.1 speakers should do." (SGHT.1 No.1)
round speaker, and the HDP-1 surrounds. Those No2) Paradigm ADP-150 surround loudspeaker:
units, taken together, had "wide dynamic range, Denon AVR.-2500 A/V receiver: $1000 $429/pair
good intelligibility, deep and powerful bass, and Powerful (85Wpc L/C/R; 25Wpc Surrounds) Worked well with Titans as the front speakers,
could play louder than anyone should listen." receiver with excellent Pro Logic performance, found SS. (SGHT.1 No.1)
Because the VT-2s have sufficient bass on their decided RH, the Denon's surround performance Pioneer Elite SP-99D AC-3 surround-sound
own, the SW3P subwoofer is unnecessary - save giving aslightly better sense of envelopment than processor: $1530
to those who wallow in LF excess, scz he. "More the Sony '800ES. The ergonomics were also Bare-bones approach rules this unit out for those
bass and visceral impact than Infinity Compo- excellent, the remote control and on-screen dis- requiring multiple inputs, video switching, or a
sitions, but less smooth and refined," he sums up. play making setup asnap. (SGHT.1 No.1) tape monitor. However, it is one of the least expen-
(SGHT2 No.1) Energy Reference Video System: sive separate processors offering AC-3, and TJN
°silty° TX-SV919-THX A/V receiver: S2540/system SSE was impressed by its borderline Class B perfor-
$2099.95 Composed of three Energy RVS L/C/R speakers mance. As atwo-channel pre, it possessed "fine
"Sets a new standard in A/V receiver perfor- ($300 each), an EPS-150 active subwoofer ($650), soundstaging, clarity without brightness, and solid
mance," asserted RH. "So well-thought-out that a apair of RVSS surround speakers ($550/pair), and rendition of detail" not far removed from his ref-
synopsis of its highlights doesn't do it justice." two SST-21 stands. "The Energy RVS Home erence preamp, he opined. As aPro Logic and AC-
Includes adigital input, allowing it to be driven Theater loudspeaker offers far greater perfor- 3processor, he adjudged it quite fine (though he
directly from alaserciisc player's digital output - mance than its modest price would indicate," adds that it is alittle early to make definitive judg-
which raised its already laudable performance a declares RH - asentiment that MF enthusiasti- ments on the sound of AC-3 processors). Highs
notch higher, in RH's ears. Slightly edged out on cally endorses. Exceptional clarity, transparency, sound slightly shut-in compared to the finest. It
music by the Arcam Xeta One, thinks RH, but and openness drew the admiration of both was also mechanically noisy. (SGHT2 No.1)
when you take video performance and facilities reviewers. RH also found its bass powerful, with a PSB 100C center loudspeaker: $179
into account, the Onkyo gets the nod. THX cer- minimum of boominess. (SGHT.1 No2) A smooth midrange response allowed the 100C
tification is hard to achieve in areceiver, which is KEF THX loudspeaker system: $7000 to blend well with PSB's Alphas, noted SS, who
in itself arecommendation. (SGHT.1 No2) ($7200 with rosewood subwoofer) also commented that it added an immediacy and
Consists of the KEF AV1 THX powered sub- palpability with music and soundtracks that
AMC AV81HT-THX surround-sound woofer ($3500); AV2 THX surround speaker enhanced the musical experience. (SGHT.1 No.1)
processor: $1200 ($750 each); and the AV THX LCR speaker Rotel RSP-960AX Dolby surround-sound
DK finds the AV81HT compromises video detail ($800 each). "These speakers proved very easy to processor: $599 SEE
and depth when used as an A/V switching unit, listen to," purred JGH. Too easy, he felt: they Versatile processor with digital delay for surround
but considers it an excellent Pro Logic and line- lacked "snap" and immediacy, and darkened tex- channels that impressed RD with its ability to pre-
level stereo preamp. I II THX mode, however, tures. On the other hand, they were capable of sent a clear soundstage but without sounding
steady, pitched sounds can be rendered virtually producing prodigious volume levels. "The best I "ruthlessly revealing." He did find the optional
unlistenable by the unit's "faintly warbling, under- can say for them is that -like abland personality 8dB bass boost excessive, however. No leakage
water-like, surround-channel phasing action" - - they never irritated or offended." (Vol.19 No.1) from front to rear, which is excellent performance
which he has heard from almost all THX Mirage MC-si center loudspeaker: for the price. A winner. (SGHT.1 No.1)
receivers he's auditioned. For basic surround- $500 each Snell 500 Home TI-1X loudspeaker system:
sound applications - without the complications Mirage MBS surround loudspeaker: $5593 (stands necessary)
from dozens of features -this unit is "elegantly $350/pair Consists of three LCR-500 front loudspeakers
close to perfect." (SGHT.1 No2) Coupled with two Mirage M-7si L/R speakers, ($899 each), two SUR-500 surround speakers
Atlantic Technology 350 THX loudspeaker these Canadian Home Theater speakers gave a ($899 each), and aSUB-550 at $549 (the review
system: $3500 w/stands sound in TJN's media room that was open, spa- was of the no-longer-available SUB-750).
Consists of the Atlantic Technology 353 THX cious, even grand. He did find the MC-si's off-axis Matching STA-500 stands cost $149 each. "I was
center speaker ($499 each); 351 11-IX L/R speak- response to sound hollow compared with its on- blown away. The sound was as good as anything
er (5799/pair, matching stands cost $179/pair); axis balance - Mirage owners should make sure I've ever heard in amovie theater," proclaimed
354 THX surround speaker ($449, matching they sit in the center seat! (SGHT.1 No.1) JGH of this system when he used it to play back
stands cost $139/pair); and 352 PBM subwoofer Mondial MAGIC video ground isolator: video soundtracks. On music program, however,
($1499/pair). SS felt this system "does not roman- 569.95 he found that, while the Snell had an "awesomely
ticize music or make dialog sound richer than Provides effective antenna and cable-feed isola- extended low end" and excellent image definition
reality"- which is, perhaps, another way of say- tion for those whose video systems have hum and soundstage depth, the overall sound was too
ing that "it does not have as rich alower midrange problems. (Vol.15 No2) polite/veiled/uninvolving. CG and LL agree, the
as other THX systems I've heard." On the other NAD 917 surround-sound A/V latter pointing out aresidual brightness that's less
hand, he maintained, the system exhibited "fine preamplifier/tuner: $699 $$$ noticeable on soundtracks than on music. RH
low-level detail that extends all the way down to "Competent and listenable," enthused TJN, who loves the SUB-550. (Vol.15 No.12, Vol.17 No.4;
its excellent subwoofer. Bass rendition is the best did not care for any of the three "Sound Space" SUB-550, SGHT.1 No.1.)
I've ever heard in my room." "No doubt about it," modes provided for synthesizing surround for Raise THX-44 Home THX
he concludes, "a fine value." (SGHT2 No.1) music listening. "Its two-channel performance is Audio Equalizer: $1299
B&K AVP2000V Dolby Pro Logic respectable, but not special." As aHome Theater Offers one subwoofer channel and three full-
surround-sound preamplifier: $998 piece, however, he was less sanguine. "The range channels, each of the latter with amix of N-
"If there were some kind of award for stuff-per- midrange and top end were clean and sweet, octave controls below lkHz and two parametric
dollar," says the admiring DK, "...B&K's never harsh or edgy," and, he felt, detailed. Spatial controls above that frequency. Lacks transparency,
AVP2000 A/V Control Center would doubtless performance was also satisfactory. The bass lacked decided JGH, though he found it an excellent tool

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for getting the most neutral tonal quality from a Unusual feature allows two-channel sound to pass mount module. (The module by itself costs $89.)
full-fledged video Home Theater system. (Vol.15 through unit when disengaged -a plus for music Both versions feature switchable intrachamiel
No.12) lovers. Somewhat noisy, notes DIC, as surround- cross-feeding and time delay to render headphone
RF Systems RC-8-PS power sequencer: channel hiss is audible in low-level music and at listening to stereo program less artificial-sounding.
$1295 realistic soundtrack volumes. SS concurs that The effect of this is surprisingly subtle in A/B
Automatic turn-on device recommended by JGH Class D is the appropriate rating, finding the unit's comparisons but proves much less fatiguing in
to Home Theater owners who like to press just front channels "too noisy for serious listening." long-term listening sessions. Includes a treble-
one switch. Two sensing outlets; current version Remote difficult to use. On the plus side, DK boost switch. Drives dynamic headphones
will switch up to 40A and will turn on/off up to found video pass-through superb, and logic steer- (though not, it's reported, the low-impedance
16 remote devices. (Vol.16 No.10) ing top-shelf. (SGHT.1 No2) AKG 1000s) to high levels with authority and
Snell Type CC-1 center loudspeaker: $499 Yamaha RX-V590 A/V receiver: $549 excellent clarity, without this being associated
Intended to be used with the Type IC/III L/R "It has alot going for it considering its modest with any brightness. JA bought a Supreme to
speakers, the CC-1, found RH, is best used limit- price: enough power, good features, and connec- drive his Sennheiser HD 580s, with which it
ed to frequencies above 100Hz to avoid restricting tion flexibility (preamp-out jacks on all channels, makes a very musical-sounding combination.
the system's dynamic range. (SGHT.1 No.1) for example), and decent audio and surround per- (Vol.17 Nos.1 & 2; see also WPs review of the
Sony STR-GX800ES A/V receiver: $700 formance," approved RH. He added that it was $129 HeadRoom Bag in Vol.18 No.10.)
Well-built, powerful (90Wpc L/C/R; 30Wpc the easiest-to-use A/V receiver he'd encountered. Home HeadRoom headphone amplifier:
Surrounds) receiver lacks on-screen display, but (SGHT1 No2) $599
makes up for it with arich, smooth sound quality This AC-powered sibling of the portable
lacking any hardness, and awide, deep sound- HeadRoom amplifiers impressed WP no end.
Adcom GTP-600, Chico C-800, and Citation 7.0
stage, found RH. "A terrific bargain," he summed "Performs on an unusually elevated level," he
surround-sound processors; Audio Power
up, even though he found the ergonomics con- concluded, agreeing with other Stereophile writers
Industries 1118 A/V power-line conditioner.
fusing. (SGHT.1 No.1) that the HeadRoom crossfeed process, while sub-
Vandersteen VCC-1 center speaker: tle in its effect, significantly reduces listener
Lexicon CP-1 Plus not auditioned in along time;
$495 each fatigue. SS also finds the Home HeadRoom, driv-
Lexicon CP-2 discontinued.
Vandersteen VSM-1 Surround: $895/pair ing Sennheiser '580s, to be the ideal location
Vandersteen 2W active subwoofer: recording monitor. (Vol.18 No.1)
$1250 each Koss ESP/950: $799.99 $5$
TJN thought the Vandersteen surround-sound Class A because of its "ravishing midrange," said
system, when used with Vandersteen 3A N cEs
TJN of the '950 electrostatic at its original price of
($2595/pair, see "Loudspeakers") as L/R lou RAM-TONE SORrES $2000 - though he did point out alittle euphon-
speakers, offered "sheer listenability." He foun ic softening at the frequency extremes and a
that careful attention to placement and cable warmer balance than the Stax Lambda Signature.
interaction paid a big dividend: a system that At the reduced price, it's asonic bargain. (LG has
excels on both music and video. The VCC-1 was even seen the '950 advertised for as little as $499!)
marginal Class B, not calling attention to itself and re ated to the Cary 300SE monoblock; includes a (Vol.15 No.12)
blending well with the rest of the system. "Clean headphone output socket. RH regards the ultra-
Setutbeiser HD 580: $349 $$$
dialog," he notes. The 2W did not add undue smooth, liquid sound of the 300SEI to be world-
Ultra-smooth, ultra-detailed open-back dynamic
boom to the system, which may disappoint sensa- class, manifesting a warmth and beauty
headphones with full, extended low frequencies.
tion junkies, but neither did high-level torture - unmatched by any electronics he's had in his sys-
AG found the HD 580s to be "too civilized," but
like Jurassic Paris - make it whimper. (Vol.18 No.4, tem. See "Amplifiers." (Vol.18 No.9)
WP comments that some audiophiles miss the
3A; SGHT.1 No2, system) Sennheiser Orpheus HE 90/HEV 90:
grain and other "hi-fi" signifiers that the
Yamaha RX-V2090 A/V receiver: $1499 $12,900 Sennheisers simply do not exhibit. Comfortable.
Yamaha DDP-1 AC-3 surround-sound Stunningly beautiful, limited-edition system con-
JA's dynamic headphone reference. (Vol.17 No.12;
processor: $599 sisting of Bitstream DAC, tube amplifier, and
also see "Industry Update," Vol.17 No.1, p.41;
Lowish power in the surround channels, but this electrostatic headset. A quick, clear, transparent
TJN's headphone review in Vol.17 No2, p.114;
receiver can accept Yamaha's outboard DDP-1 midrange and apristine, airy treble, but arather
and SS's review of the Sennheiser IS 850 head-
AC-3 decoder. Less clean-sounding than the Ken- lean, laid-back lower midrange, found TJN. He
phones in Vol.18 No.10.)
wood KR-X1000, but intuitive to set up and use. also found the internal DAC to be less good than
Cinema DSP processing works as advertised, the rest of the package. Diffuse-field equalized.
expanding the soundstage and creating greater Additional HE 90 headsets cost $6900 each.
Grado SR60: $69 $5$
envelopment. "Once you hear what adiscrete sur- (Vol.17 No2)
An inexpensive cousin to the Class A Grado HP 1
round-sound system can do, you'll never be happy Sennheiser HE 60 headphones/HEV 70
and HP 2, the SR60 offers asimilar, rather dark-
with the matrix Pro Logic system again," RH headphone amplifier: $1795
toned balance, with afull bass and excellent reso-
affirmed after auditioning the combination. Developed from the expensive Orpheus, the HE
lution of detail. A more forward midrange, how-
However, he noted ear fatigue after watching an 60s offer much of that system's transparency at a
ever. Uncomfortable. The $150 SR125 - not yet
AC-3-encoded film -did it correlate with AC-3's much more affordable price. "A clear, transparent
reviewed -is aJA favorite. (Vol.17 Nos.6 & 10)
perceptual coding? (SGHT2 No.1) sound with aslighdy lean bass, some emphasis at
the very top end, but a nonetheless pristinely
clean presentation," said TJN, who also com-
Atlantic Technology 250 Home Theater Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro: $159 4
mented on the Sennheiser's striking rendition of
loudspeaker system: $1536 Excellent dynamic headphones, with a neutral
detail and complete lack of midrange coloration.
Consists of the 251LR left/right speaker midband balance and extended low frequencies.
(Vol.18 No.3)
(5299/pair), 253C center speaker ($279), 262PBM Borderline Class B performance. (Vol.10 No.9,
active subwoofer ($629), and 254SR surround original version; Vol.14 No3, DT990 Pro.)
speakers ($329/pair). Optional 156S1' stands cost Etymotic Research ER-4S: $330
$99/pair.JGH finds the System 250's price to be al- Placed directly in the ear canal, these unusual "ear-
most beyond belief, given the unit's performance. phones" impressed WP with their 24cIB ambient Grado SR125, Melos SHA Gold, Audio Alchemy
He finds the unique "timbre-adjusting" controls on noise isolation and their fast, accurate, transparent Headphone Amplifier v1.0, McCormack Micro
the 253C center channel, as well as the 252PBM response. While he finds the Sennheiser HD-580s Headphone Drive.
subwoofer's three channels of amplification, to be more comfortable for long-term in-home use, he Deletions
"neat ideas." He argues that the 252PBM's low- uses the ER-4Ses for travel -and recommends Stax SR-Omega, Stair SR-Lambda Pro Signature,
pass input filter should be defeatable, since those them enthusiastically for any application where Stax SR-Lambda Pro 3, Stax Lambda Pro Classic,
using dedicated subwoofer outputs may find them- environmental noise interferes with quality listen- and Starr SR-34 Professional headphones, due to
selves shaving heft off the bass. A fabulous buy, he ing. He notes that people with an aversion to plac- concerns over current availability in the US.
concluded, offering alot more than $1500 worth of ing foreign objects in their ears will find them Melos SHA-1 headphone amplifer replaced by
surround-sound quality. Price is for black finish. anathema. (Vol.18 No.7) SHA Gold, currently under review; Sennheiser
White-finish 251LRs and 254SRs available for an HeadRoom Supreme portable headphone HD 540 II and Sennheiser HD 560 II no longer
extra $20/pair. (Vol.18 No.4) amplifier: $399 $5$ available. Sennheiser IS 850 Digital Infrared
Parasound P/SP-1000 surround-sound Small, beautifully made, battery-powered solid- Wireless headphones too expensive for sound
preamplifier: $850 state amplifier based on a proprietary surface- quality.

LE, APRIL 1996 179
A Model of Perfection

— Rookie
of the Year' award -for the most impressive
new product by a new company - must go to
Paragon for their Regent..."
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"- Ilove these speakers. In a world where $3000

speakers are often considered "compromised," these
...speakers require no excuses for their performance
or build quality. They set a standard for speakers
many times their cost."
Shane Tenace, High Performance Review
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$3495 USIPr.


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...and it's certain to make alasting impression.
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tool... for radically imprming the sound of the home music system and absolutely essential for musical reproduction from the dreaded
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The Seismic Sink is an electronically monitored, pneumatically suspended, equipment isolation platform that redefines conventional methodology
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Imporign from deale,, and foreign dimributors

182 S
Comes with both diffuse-field and free-field grids.

Petal Isolation
A "nose-cone" is available to give true omnidirec-
tional response and aspherical acoustic equalizer
to give amore directional response. A calibrated
sample is used by Stenvphile to measure loudspeak-

Antenna Performance Specialties Sniper

er responses. (NR, but see Follow-Up in Vol.14 Little Roc
No.10, and audition Sterrophih's Concert CD and
FM antenna: $495 track 5, index 7on the first Srenvphile Test CD.) 111111:2111111
Antenna Performance Specialties QFM-12 Brüel & Kjaer 4011: $1660
FM antenna: $175 Cardioid cousin of the 4006, JA finds this uncol-
The Sniper is ahuge (330). custom-order, out- ored mike to give solidly defined, vivid stereo
door antenna with 12dB truc forward gain at all imaging when used in an ORTF configuration,
FM frequencies and extremely low SWR which is what he used to record Stereophile's 1995 tültull,
(Standing Wave Ratio). Requires rugged ham- Festiiwi CD. (NR, but see Vol.19 No.1)
radio-antenna-type installation, which may elim- EAR. 824M
inate its consideration by all but the most dedicat- Bright Star's patented Total Isolation System'',
stereo microphone preamplifier: $3350
ed radio listeners. Yet DAS feels it sets the stan- Big Rock "platform & little Rock" pod, offers
Extremely neutral, very quiet, all-rube, balanced
dard for antenna performance. The QFM12 is still unprecedented isolation from external and
stereo preamp from Tim de Paravicini, with
large (200") but manageable, he reports, offering switchable level controls and 48V phantom mike internal sources of resonance and vibration.
10dB gain and only slightly less performance than power. Used by Water Lily Acoustics and also to High mass and high absorption and EM shielding
the Sniper. (Vol.19 No3) make Stereophi/e's first two commercial recordings. provide significant improvements!
AudioPrism 8500: $499 We also use it in conjunction with aBrüel & Kjaer Big Rock "has been nominated by AAHEA for
63"-tall, remote-controllable, vertical phased- 4006 omnidirectional microphone to make all the '1995 Golden Note Award' and by
array passive FM antenna for indoor use, offering our loudspeaker measurements. (NR) Stereophile for 'Accessory of the Year-1993'
amore directional pickup than the less-expensive Manley Reference AID converter: $7000
7500. (Also offers an omnidirectional pattern.) TAS &Stereophile 'Recommended Components'
After using this solid-state, UltraAnalog-ba,
Will prove optimal for those who desire to receive two-channel converter to master Stereophile's
Spew' models for Audio Akberny, Jadis, VPI, WTI, Cory, etc

relatively weak stations competing with stronger haemtems and second Test CI)s, JA felt it to be NEW -Air Mass 1pneumatic isolation platform
stations on similar frequencies broadcast from one of the best-sounding around. One of the win- Holds 99 lbs. -only 599
other directions. (Vol.14 No.6) ners in the October 1991 ABS Sound-Off. Offers
AudioPrism 7500: $299 DC trim controls, balanced and unbalanced ana-
lot info and fee reports picore conk&

Low-VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio), ver-

tically polarized, omnidirectional indoor passive
log inputs, and AES/EBU and S/PD1F data out- •
puts. Analog peak meters with "0" set to -12dBFS
design that will prove optimal in urban, high-sig- are an anachronism, however, you're better off 2363 Teller Road Und 115
nal-strength areas. 89" high. (Vol.12 No.5) using aDorrough or Sony AES/EBU meter or Newbury Park, CA 91320 USA
AudioPrism 6500: $125 (wood cabinet) cr the LED or LCD peak meters on the DAT (805) 375-2629 (805) 375-2630 fax
If you don't have the room for an external anten- recorder (or whatever you use to store the data) to Borry.Kohanelanet Corn
na, then the diminutive 6500 could be agood avoid running out of bits on peaks. (NR)
DeolerAntobutor !names Wekome
substitute, offering good reception except for DX- Nagra-D: 825,000-$35,000
ing purposes. A lot more effective than the small, depending on options
active, omnidirectional antennae offered by some The ultimate one-box digital recorder: to see it is
companies, thought liS. Vinyl-covered version to want to touch it is to want to buy it, says JA.
costs $99. (Vol.13 No.9) The superbly built Nagra uses open-reel tape to

Magnum Dynalab 205 FM Booster: $295 tr store two or four channels of up to 24-bit data.
Excellent RF amplifier to optimize selectivity and (One 5" reel of Ampex 467 holds one hour of
reception in arcas of poor signal strength. (Vol.10 four-channel data or two hours of two-channel AUDIO CABLE'.
No.6) data.) Four channels of both analog and digital
(AES/EBU) 1/0. Built-in A/D converters offer
20-bit resolution. Built-in mike preamps offer
RadioShack 15-1833 indoor antenna.
phantom power, enormous headroom, and are the most liquid-
superbly quiet. Sophisticated built-in software
offers versatile usage options; optional DOS pro-
gram allows adirectory to be created for each
sounding, luxurious,
RECORDING EQUIPMENT tape, to access individual takes, overload points,
Editor's Note: With the exception of the Fostex examine error rates, etc. Nagra can even diagnose open, detailed, quiet,
and the Crown SASS-P, none of the microphones your machine over the phone, using its built-in
listed below has been formally reviewed. RS422 port. Recording Festival with the Nagra — grain-and etch-free
However. RH has had extensive experience with coupled with the editing process —made JA abig
many professional models and has compiled most fan. "Operationally, the unit was adream," he cables he's (Michael
of the thumbnail sketches of their sonic signa- enthused, adding emphatically that it was the
tures. Other professional models to look out for
on the secondhand market are cardioids from
finest audio recorder he has ever used. Portable,
practical, and capable of producing tapes of the
Fremer) ever had in
Sony (C37P & C500), B&K, Milab, and Calrec highest quality. Highly recommended. (Vol.19
(AMS), figure-8 ribbons from B&O and Coles, No.1) his system!"
omnis from Schoeps and B&K, and PZM mikes
from Crown (though it's very easy to get arather Stereophile. October 1995
AKG C414B/ULS: $1199 Recommended Components Issue
colored midband with the PZMs). The Shure
A popular, large-diaphragm condenser mike, the
SM81 cardioid is also reported to have aquite flat
414's extended bass and flat frequency response
response. Anyone about to undertake serious
make it ideal for a variety of applications.

recording should ignore all "amateur" micro-
Switchable polar patterns, variable pad, and selec-
phones., as arule of thumb, you should spend as
table LF rolloff add to its versatility. Trans-
much, or more, on agood pair of mikes as you do
formerless TL2 version costs $1499. (NR, but

on your recorder.
audition track 5, index 11 on the first Stereophile
A Test CD.)
Briiel & Kjaer 4006: $1660 AMS SoundField Mk.V: $8500 er
Omnidirectional, 48V phantom-powered, e Having used both Mk.111 and Mk.IV versions, JA PO Box 1598, No.oto, CA 94948
capacitor microphone with high dynamic range,
extended bass response, and a basically flat
feels that the highly praised variable pickup pat-
tern of this sterco/Ambisonic mike is let down by
response marred only by asmall peak in the top an overall "grayness" and lack of midrange detail, Fax 415 382.0572
audio octave and arather depressed lower treble. coupled with a slightly hard lower treble.

Black Diamond Racing
"... when Iwant to really hear what acomponent is doing -as free as possible
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Nevertheless, it's excellent at capturing a truc aproblem. A company called Eco-Charge (P.O.

stereo image with width and depth. Price includes Box 956, Boulder, CO 80306) makes an external
recording kit, windscreen, 20m of dedicated mul- lead-acid battery pack ($119.95) that SS highly
ticonductor cable; 100m of cable on areel adds recommends. AC-powered Sony It1/1-1)3K "sys-
$450 to price. (NR, but audition track 10 on the
first Stereophik Test CD and track 13 on Test CD
tem adaptor kit," which includes digital input/
output, is mandatory for serious use. (Vol.18
Nos.1 & 6)
Audio Engineering Associates 350TX Sony SBM-1 A/D processor: $599 with custom postcards!
stereo microphone preamplifier: $1785 outboard Super Bit Mapping A/1) converter
JGH's reference mike preamp, the 360M is very is intended to be used with Sony's TCD-D3 and
quiet, super-portable, and features M/S matrixing TCD-1)7 portable DAT recorders and, reports
circuitry to adjust soundstage width and depth in SS, addresses and solves most of their shortcom-
real time. (NR) ings. "98% of the sound of the 1)TC-2000ES at
EAR "The Mie": $4500 * 25% of the price," he enthuses. Reliable, extreme-
Using asingle 6I)J8 tube and afist-sized output ly portable, and good-sounding, its only tradeoff is
transfonner, this very expensive rectangular-cap- aloss of ergonometric functionality dictated by its
sule (sourced from Milab), switchable-pattern small size. (Vol.18 No.6)
(onmi, cardioid, figure-8) mike is somewhat nois-
ier than average and is shut-in in the highs, but has
AKG C460B/ULS/CK61: $649 *
extended low frequencies and amidrange that's
A small-diaphragm condenser mike with remov-
extremely true to the original sounds. "No trace
able cardioid capsule (omnidirectional, hypercar-
of edge or glare," says RH. Borderline Class A.
dioid, vocal, and shotgun capsules are also avail-
(NR, but audition Sterrophile's Poem and hitcnitezzo
able). Sound is very detailed, but the tonal balance
albums and track 5, index 19 and tracks 11-18 on
leans toward the thin and bright, and it has some
the first Stenvphile Test CD.)
off-axis peakiness, making it aless than optimal
Neumann U-87A microphone *
choice for realistic two-mike stereo. Good on
A perennial favorite among recording engineers.
Wide, flat response gives it asimilar balance to the
drums, however. The C460/CK61 is said to be •Market Stereo Components &Accessories
much improved over its predecessor, the C451/
AKG 414, but with more "reach" in stereo milting
CK1. (NR) •Feature Retail Outlets •Promote Records,
applications. Used extensively for vocals. (NR,
AKG BlueLine microphones: $438-$618
but audition track 5, index 12 on the first CDs &More! •Perfect For Trade Shows &
Super-compact capacitor microphones that use a
Shrevphile Test Cl).)
Panasonic Pro 3700 R-DAT recorder:
common powering module ($259) with inter- Events •Call Now For AFree Sample Kit!
changeable twist-click capsules ($179-$359).
$1599 *

Modern Postcard
"Extraordinarily clean, well-balanced sound at
According to PWM, the 3700 clearly outperforms
ridiculously low prices," notes JGH. (NR)
most mass-market DATs with its MASH over-
sampling encoders and pretty good analog circuit- D
ry. A best-buy storage device when used with an
external ADC such as the Pygmy, Apogee, or
Sony WM-D6C Pro Walkman cassette deck:
$400 *
Manley. Offers better sound with redesigned fil- A pocket-sized stereo recording system of surpris-
ters, easier head cleaning, ajog/shuttle control ing quality and versatility. Alvin Gold feels that to
knob, more flexible controls, and alower price tag spend more on acassette deck would be awaste
than its predecessor, the 3500. Includes useful of money. Less-expensive WM-D3 ($270) is half
error rate, headlifc, and SCMS status indicators the size but keeps most of the quality. Higher DEFEAT JOLY ® ?
(SCMS can be switched out when recording from wow and flutter, however. (Vol.7 No.6, Vol.10
the AES/EBU data input). Analog inputs/outputs No.6) WHO COULD?
are all balanced XLR. Only inconvenience is that
arear-panel I)IP switch is used to select between WHO DARE?
Apogee and Prism 20-bit AID converters,
AES/EBU and S/PD1F data inputs/outputs.
Dorrough AES/EBU peak/average level meter, There was nobody could defeat the
Digital output has high jitter level; sounds signifi-
Bryston BM-P2 microphone preamplifier, "QUEEN" model of JOLY speaker
cantly better when used with, for example, a
Schoeps Colette microphones.
Sonic Frontiers Ultra_litterbug. (NR) (US$15.000) in the 1996 WCES.
Pioneer Elite PDR-99 CD-R recorder: Many people pale and keep quiet.
Arcam Delta 100 Dolby Scassette deck discontin-
ued; Crown SASS-P Mk.II microphone system Now, JOLY is going to show
Affordable CD-R machine is compromised by
not auditioned in too long atime.
SCMS and expensive (524/disc) "consumer" "BLACK KNIGHT' model
media that are only 60 minutes long —as opposed (US$2,000) at the '96 Stereophile
to the 74-minute "professional" discs currend HI-END SHOW in RM#524. If you
selling for $7.50 each. SS found it easy to use, a
EST QUIPMEN could find apair (under US$10,000)
capable of 16-bit recordings as good as — or be
1Industrial SA - which sounds more truly than
than — his digital originals. Recordings made
from analog sources suffered from some loss of "BLACK KNIGHT," we will give it
low-level detail, due, SS surmised, to the inade- to you for free.
quate onboard A/I) converter. (Vol.19 No.1; also
see JGH's Follow-Up in this issue.) Class II filters, accurate calibrated microphone, Why the dealers do not sale JOLY
Sony DTC-2000ES SBM DAT recorder: and six non-volatile memories. Parallel port can speaker? Because the market is
$2500 be used with any Centronics-compatible printer already controlled by marketing
Well-made, versatile machine features Sony's to print out real-time response. Factory update groups selling their own products
Super Bit Mapping, which will result in more increases maximum spi capability, and resolution
and selling JOLY speaker will make
than 16-bit resolution in the midrange. "The best- to 0.1d13. (Vol.11 No.6, Vol.12 No3)
their products unable to sale. For its
sounding, all-in-one `prosumer' deck available," George Kaye Audio Labs Small Signal Tube
notes JGH, adding that it "is the recorder of Checker: $549 own existence. Joly has no other
choice for the serious amateur who can't afford a The essential companion for the dedicated choice but to appeal directly to the
Nagra-1)." (Vol.17 No.11, Vol.18 No.12) tubeophile, this well-made device tests voltage consumer.
Sony TCD-D7 DAT recorder: gain, noise, and microphony with the small-signal
$700 with case tube used in typical preamp circuits. Tests both Welcome to mail-order and please
Tiny portable machine that makes excellent loca- 6.3V and 12V types. As well as ameter, ahead- take the information in our show
tion recordings, provided you use an external phone jack allows users to hear what's right and room #524. JOLY FAX No.:
A/I) converter. Built-in mike inputs have non- wrong with their favorite tubes, as well as to look 886-2-3652009.
defeatable bass rolloff. Short internal battery life is at the output and the distortion+noise waveform

STEREOPHILE, Ann. 1996 185

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186 S
with an oscilloscope. (Vol.17 No.6) tation coming from ablacker, more velvety back- Suuniko Tweek Contact Enhancer: $19 e,
Gold Line DSP 30 Spectrum Analyzer: ground," is the result noted by JS. RD agrees. JA This contact enhancer for use on plugs and temn-
$1500 points out that if you want to do A/B testing, you nals actually does improve the cleanness and reso-
Portable (battery-powered) 13-octave analyzer should wear hearing protection to prevent your lution of the sound of an already excellent system.
with higher dynamic range and better signal reso- hearing from developing a notch at the same Keeps freshly made contacts fresh by excluding
lution than the ubiquitous AudioControl. 11cHz frequency, which will make things sound air. (Volt() No.6)
Features six memories and avariety of post-pro- different. (Vol.17 Nos.6 & 9) AudioQuest RF Stopper:
cessing options; can also be controlled by an The Original Cable Jacket: $90 each $39/8 (Jr.), $60/4 (standard)
external PC through its RS-232 port (though the Purple cloth bag, filled with aproprietary com- TDK NF-009 Digital Noise Absorber:
supplied software is clumsy). (NR) pound, that's intended to be hung over intercon- $14.95/pair
nects, speaker cables, and AC cords and grounded ST found these ferrite rings to improve the sound
via aflying lead to the wall socket. Who can say from CD when clamped over the interconnects
whether it's due to the elimination of RF interfer- between player and preamp. He also found the
ence or of mechanical vibrations in the cables? sound improved -less grit -when a ring was
But all the magazine's staffers who have tried the clamped over the coaxial data lead between trans-
Jackets report that they clean up asystem's sound, port and processor, though we would have
making the silences more silent. "Embarrassingly thought that this would increase jitter. Best used
tweaky-looking but they work," says RD. The with AC power cords, JA feels. Equivalents can
onents ten, to give tile tx3t oun, largest effect is on the AC cords of source compo- also be obtained from Radio Shack. (Vol.14 No.1,
lowest potential between their chassis and signal nents. JE also reported asignificant improvement TDK)
ground. JGH found using the Elfut to be an easy, when he hung aJacket on his preamplifier's sepa- WBT 0101 RCA plugs: $100/set of four tt
non-contact method of optimizing this aspect of rate ground wire. (Vol.16 No.11) The best, although original steel locking collett,
performance, in conjunction with AC "cheater" PEARL LW Tube Coolers: now replaced by brass, gave rise to neurosis. WBT
plugs. (Vol.15 No.6) $6-$25 depending on size 0144 plugs costs $50/four. (NR, but see "Industry
Bluenote Midas Series Hi-end Tube Finned metal heatsink available in anumber of Update," Vol.12 No.9.)
Dampers: $89/pair sizes to cool both small-signal and power tubes. JA
Italian devices lower tube microphonics, JS discov- recommends them for use with the Melos SHA-
Versalab Red Rollers & Wood Blocks, Caig
ered, resulting in tighter focus, integration, and 1. (Vol.16 No.5)
ProGold contact enhancer, XLO/ Reference
bass. While they enhance transparency, he worried Purist Audio Design System Enhancer: $150
Recordings Test & Bum-in CD.
that they might subtly dampen "bloom." Even so, ST, JS, and RD found that this CD-R, when
"I consider them an indispensable accessory," our played through asystem for 24 hours, improved
valiant attdionaut maintained. (Vol.19 Nos2 & 4) the overall sound, JS noting that "the entire p
Combak Harmonix RF-413 Tuning Cable sentation seems quieter, background noise
Rings: $140/four reduced... and the soundstage seems wider
Rings fit over RCA plugs and speaker-cable ter- definitely deeper." RN, however, found that it
minations, and offer small improvement in clarity made his system sound worse! Expensive for a
and dynamic contrast, found MC. (Vol.16 No.7) CD, said RD, but it's "a bargain in terms of what
Combak Harmonix RF-56 Tuning Bases: it does." "It works!" expostulated JS. Yes, it works,
$220/eight says ST but he points out that you can get the ers with dual secondaries feeding six AC outlets,
Combak Harmonix RF-57 Tuning Bases: same effect from the less-expensive XLO/ and MOVs to absorb voltage spikes on the AC
$240/eight Sheffield Lab CD. (Vol.17 Nos3, 6, & 9) line, the Power Wedge also offers four filtered
It's hard to see how these little rectangles can Shakti Electromagnetic Stabilizer: $230 outlets into which to plug your power amplifi-
affect the vibrational behavior of anything to Passive component containing passive circuits er(s). Highly recommended. "Makes the silences
which they're attached. MC, however, found intended to absorb and dissipate the EMF gener- more silent," says JA (though LL cautions that, in
them to significantly clean up the sound of speak- ated by active audio gear. JS and WP found them some systems, it may detract from overall dynam-
ers when attached to the drive-unit mounting- effective to varying degrees, depending on the ics). Other models are available with fewer out-
bolt positions. He also recommends trying them components they were used with. JS discovered puts-. the $389 Power Wedge 112 Mk.II.
on the circuit boards of electronic components. SS that "focus, transparency, clarity, and speed were Audio Power's $279 Power Enhancer (Vol.17
found that they improved the sound when he better, as was the sense of pace." RD found that No.12) and Power Link AC cords ($159/6') fur-
applied them to the pcb of his beloved Dennesen the Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 Mk.I1 sounded better ther enhance the performance of the Power
JC-80 Mk.II preamp. "If you have acomponent -less upper-midrange grain - with the Shakti Wedge, found JA, the Power Enhancer Iincreas-
that you wish to extract every iota of performance placed on the chassis above the transformer. WP ing the solidity of his system's bass performance.
from, you should seriously think about Combak uses them on his power amps, but cautions that (Vol.14 No.11, Model 1; Vol.17 No.12, Models 116
dots, no matter how silly they seem," he says. using too many in asystem will close it down and 8c 112)
(Vol.16 No.7) make it sound dull. (Vol.19 No2; also see BW's Bob Young Audio BYLUX AC-line filter:
Cramolin Preservit/Deoxit Contact Follow-Up in this issue.) $585
Conditioner: $18.95 1 .7 Shun Mook Mpingo Disc: $50 Formerly sold under the Wave-Perfect name, the
The right stuff for cleaning up dirty and/or oxi- Shun Mook Spatial Control Kit: $450 BYLUX lets through just the 60Hz AC funda-
dized plugs and contacts. Available from Old Shun Mook Spatial Control Quartet: mental, and is recommended as an essential add-
Colony Sound Lab. Tel: (603) 924-5626. (Vol.10 $2080 for four stands and 32 Mpingo discs on for the Audiostatic ES-100 electrostatic loud-
No.6) The Mpingo Disc is an ebony disc just over 1.5" in speaker. Versions of the line filter are available for
Dynaclear Postman Binding-Post Wrench: diameter and 0.5" thick. Three Discs bonded to a other electrostatic speakers. (Vol.17 Nos3 8c 12)
$7.95 wooden 1-bracket make up the Spatial Control Lightspeed CLS6400 ISO line filter: $525
The ideal way of tightening five-way binding-post Kit, which can be used to "tune" asystem's imag- With four analog and two digital ground AC out-
connections without over-torquing. The review- ing. Read JS's review carefully to get the full scoop lets (all "hospital grade") and an 1800W capacity,
er's friend. (Vol.17 No.11) on how to use the Discs, but JS is convinced that the transformerless Lightspeed filter can handle
Ensemble Tubesox: they effect amajor Improvement in the sound. all but the most power-hungry system, says SS.
$69/pair with "thermo-indicator" "Yup, they work," agreed ST; "they make my $78 RD likes the fact that, in contrast to some trans-
Small one-size-fits-all sleeve made from aweave AR turntable sound like JA's L r("Ssh-yeah, former-based power-line conditioners, it doesn't
of Kevin- and copper wire that's said to both lower right," pouts IA.) Though he's not sure why the hum, nor does it limit dynamics. SS points out
a tube's operating temperature and minimize Shun Mook Discs have any effect. ST does point that it appears to be good at solving ground-loop
microphonics. DO confirmed the latter, but not out that they can make the sound worse if not used problems. (NR)
the former. (Vol.16 Nos2 8c 5) correctly. "Try one or three. Never, never two." Kimber Power Kord: $165/6'
Gryphon Exorcist system demagnetizer: (Vol.17 Nos2 8c 12) ST uses Kimber Kords throughout his system, and
$150 Surniko Kontak: $50 er noted tremendous differences with aJadis Defy-7.
Small device that plays a11cHz tone through your Far and away the best contact cleaner CG has But try before you buy, he warns. (NR)
system, the loudness of which drops to nothing used. "The gains in transparency and purity are MIT Z-Center power-line conditioner:
over aperiod of 35 seconds, thus eliminating any startling," gusheth he. (NR, but see "Industry $1495 inc. Z-Cord
residual 1)C magnetism in your components Update," Vol.15 No.5, and "Manufacturers' MIT Z-Iso-Duo power-line conditioner:
(loudspeakers excepted). "A quieter, wider presen- Comments," Vol.15 No.9.) $1495 inc. Z-Cord


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MIT Z-Stabilizer Mk.II power-line good stand has the following characteristics: good increased resolution of low-level detail as results of
conditioner: $995 inc. MIT Z-Cord rigidity; spikes on which to rest the speaker, or using the Billy Bags stands -although he noted
MIT Z-Cord II AC power cord: $175/2m some secure clamping mechanism; the availability that turntables may require additional, or different,
Expensive AC-conditioning/filtering/isolation of spikes at the base for use on wooden floors; if isolation schemes. (Vol.17 No.12, Vol.18 No.11)
system that DO found to give significant increas- the stand is steel, provision to keep speaker cables Black Diamond Racing The Shelf:
es in soundstige purity and spatial resolution. RH away from the stand to avoid magnetic interac- $450-$530 depending on size
"was impressed by the straightforward yet insight- tion; and the correct height, when combined with Heavy, costly, but extremely free from torsional
ful engineering" in these products, "which are your particular speakers (correct height can be flex, this loaded carbon-fiber isolation platform
designed to keep noise on your AC line from get- anything from what you like best to the manufac- impressed WP with a"marked increase in per-
ting into your components... The package turer's design height for best drive-unit integra- ceived silence" when placed under equipment.
appears to be the most comprehensive power-line tion). Though Stertyphile has neglected to review He also noted that low-level musical information
treatment system available." (Vol.17 No.12, origi- speaker stands, it's not because we think they're became more prominent with the support in his
nal versions; Vol.19 No.1, Mk.II versions.) unimportant - for speakers that need stands, system. WP maintains that when he "'wants to
Panamax Max 1000+ every dollar spent on good stands is worth $5 really hear what acomponent is doing -as free as
surge-suppression filter: $299 when it comes to sound quality. Brands we have possible from the effects of its environment - it
"Manv thunderstorms have come and gone," says found to offer excellent performance are Chicago ends up on The Shelf." (Vol.19 No2)
SS, "hut none of my video gear has been dam- Speaker Stand, Arcici Rigid Riser, C,elestion Si, Bright Star Audio Rack of Gibraltar I
aged." Panamax offers aunique warranty - if your Merrill (see Vol.18 No.1, p.39), Sound Anchor, equipment stand: $1495-$1595
gear gets fried while hooked up to one of their Target, Sanus Systems Steel and Reference, and Bright Star Audio Big Rock 1: $175-$199
units, Panamax will replace it (though their fine Linn. (Sound Anchor also makes an excellent Bright Star Audio Little Rock 1
print does list conditions that must be met for this turntable stand, reports TJN.) Interface material Isolation Pod: $129-$144
to happen). SS doesn't recommend the Panamax between the speaker and the stand top plate is Bright Star Mini-Rock FVPI
be used with power amplifiers. He also points out critical: Inexpensive Blu-Tack seems to reduce the isolation base: $89
that it shuts down on brown-outs or sudden high- amplitude of cabinet resonances the most (see A very effective isolation system for control of
power demands. "For low-power components and Vol.15 No.9, p.162). unwanted vibrational energy. Individual compo-
video gear, the Panamax is the cheapest peace of Arcici speaker stands: $145-$495/pair nents float on asand bed for energy dissipation,
mind Iknow," he sums up. (NR) Available in versions for the ESL-63 and the orig- and are weighted down with the Little Rock to
Perfectionist Audio Components IDOS inal Quads (both $295/pair), and for the Martin- minimize spurious vibrations. Sonically, the payoff
AC-Line Conditioner: $150 * Logan CLS ($495/pair), these elegant stands is enhanced resolution of the music's nuances, says
ST raved about the effect of this patented AC-line enable electrostatic speakers to perform as God DO. RN adds that this system consistently tight-
RF filter on the sound of his Audio Alchemy intended. Clamps them in arigid embrace, raising ens the bass, increases sonic transparency, and
DDE. But it's a somewhat system-dependent the panels the optimal height off the ground. smooths treble hash and grain. Big Rock for the
effect, noted CG, who recommends trying before Now includes Super Spikes. The CLS version VPI TNT turntable costs $275. The Mini-Rock F
buying, seeing if the sound gets worse when the allows both the height and back-tilt of apair of is specially sized for use under the TNT's fly-
IDOS is removed. 111) finds plugging the ener- Logans to be optimized. Arcici's inexpensive wheel. (Vol.16 No.5; Vol.18 No.11, Mini-Rock F.)
gizing leads for his old Quads into the IDOS to be Rigid Riser stands ($145) offer adjustable height. Combak Hannonix Tuning Insulators:
worthwhile. Otherwise similar IDOS Il ($200) (Vol.10 No.1, Quad ESL; Vol.17 No.6, Martin- RF-65: $390/four; RF-66: $470/four
offers three "digital" and six "analog" outlets. Logan CLS) Combak Harmonix TU-201 large-size
(Vol.14 Nos.10 & 11) Arcici Superstructure Iand II: Insulators: $690/four
Perfectionist Audio Components DIF from $173.50 * Complex feet that MC found to improve the
Digital Interference Filter: $250 * Basic price includes one shelf. Versatile, well- sound of some CI) players and preamps but not
Small RCA-equipped box that accepts aCD play- made, reasonably priced metal equipment-rack others. Some components may need mass-loading
er's analog outputs and feeds the preamp with system that doesn't require assembly. Our experi- to bring the feet into their effective frequency
RF-filtered and ground-isolated signals. Makes ence from two samples of the II indicates that the range. (Vol.16 No.7)
the sound smoother, more listenable, said ST; CG shelves can be alittle undersized, however. New, German Acoustics Steel Cones: $11 each *
also liked the DIFs effects. (Vol.14 Nos.10 & 11) bigger spikes eliminate any tendency toward These effective brass-colored steel cones have
Seakay Line Rover LR-1000 instability. (Vol.14 No.11, Vol.16 No.10) removable hardened tips. (NR, but see Vol.15
line conditioner: $1850 Arcici Levitation LDS-1 and LDS-2 No.9, p.162.)
Seakay Line Rover LR-1200 component stands: $249/$498 Golden Sound DH Cones: $60/3 cones
line conditioner: $2050 Unique system effectively isolates components Ceramic cones that WP finds effective under a
Other than the presence of eight hospital-grade from vibration by suspending them with wires. wide variety of equipment-because of their
receptacles on the LR-1200, these two AC-condi- The LDS-2 consists of two LDS-1s stacked with compact size, he finds them easier to place under
tioning units are identical. "Exceptional harmonic the UK-1 stacking kit ($25); the CW-1 support equipment than their taller brethren. Rounded
purity and clarity," notes 1)0. Benefit from being kit for one component costs $25. (Vol.17 No.12) tips lessen the danger of flesh-wounds. (NR)
used with isolation transformers. (Vol.17 No.12) AudioPrism Iso-Bearings: $54.95/three Magro 24 Component Stand: $448
Tice Power Block/Titan Series II: Squishy, non-reactive polymer balls with plastic Unique stands lean against the wall. Elegant.
$1350/51100 * cups are recommended by CG for effective Highly recommended by WP, who found that his
Superb, if expensive, AC-conditioning system. acoustic isolation. (NR, but see Vol.15 No.9, p.162.) system sounded better (presumably because the
Series Il models differ from the original in having AudioQuest Sorbothane Feet * stands are non-ferrous). Console costs $218; Cl)
aTPT-treated AC cord (0 and specially designed One of the best means of isolating components holder costs $68. (Vol.18 No2)
capacitors. RD finds the Series 11 to give asignifi- from vibration. A set of four big Feet costs $60; Merrill Stable Table II turntable stand:
cantly extended top end. Updates cost $300 four Cl) Feet, $39. (NR) $1097 e ,
(Power Block) and $125 (Titan), including return Audio Stream Premier R-series Exceptionally stable support, but too massive for
shipping in original packing. A "13IY" Series II rack system: from $139 sprung floors unless some means - i, jacks - is
parts upgrade kit costs $200 (Power Block) and System consists of R-30 Expandable Rack, $179; found to support the floorboards. An appropriate
$50 (Titan). The new expanded-scale voltmeter R-ES Expansion Shelf, $49; R-CC Cable Channel amount of lead shot will cost around $100. RH's
for the Power Block costs $85. (Vol.13 No.4) kit, $35; and R-10 Amp Stand, $69. Excellent reference turntable support for five years running.
Deletions value, noted SS, but not rigid enough for use with (Vol.12 No.10, Vol.18 No.11)
Adcom ACE-515 AC Enhancer and Music & aturntable. (Vol.16 No.10) Michael Green Designs AudioPoints for
Sound POWER masTER AC cord not audi- Billy Bags 1823/1824 amplifier stands: electronics: $59/set of three
tioned in too long atime. $318/5238 Michael Green Designs AudioPoints for
Billy Bags 4800 component stand: loudspeakers: $99/set of four
$718 standard, $1098 custom Sharp-pointed cones made of solid milled brass
Billy Bags Design 5500-7 series that RD found to be the best in tightening the
component rack: $1090 bass and improving the midrange focus of
IKE RH had nothing but praise for these solidly built Dunlavy SC-IV loudspeakers. A set of four vari-
- and sand-filled - welded metal component ously threaded loudspeaker points costs $69-$79.
CK racks. Available in stock configurations, or custom- (NR)
built for specific systems. RI-I cites tightened RoomTune Deluxe JustaRack: $329-$599
image focus, greater dynamic contrasts, and Rigid, well-made component rack. Similar

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ClampRack - see Vol.15 No3, p.140 -allows plastic," he predicted. He was also chuffed by ommended. Where acable has been found to have
the components to be squeezed to reduce the lev- improvements in imaging, low-level micrody- specific matching requirements or an identifiable
els of vibration-caused sonic spuriae. (Vol.16 namics, timbrai truth, and percussive impact, sonic signature, these are noted in the text.
No.10) claiming that "every aspect of the sonic presenta- Jack English supplies a cogent essay on the
Sanus Systems CF-45/CF-35 tion took on new life." JS found the Vibraplane to whole subject of cables in Vol.14 No.10, but bear in
component stands: $375/$324* work well with CD players and transports. Active mind that, to afar greater degree than with any
Component racks of five ('45) and four ('35) system requires source of compressed air. The other component, the sound of cables depends on
shelves that TIN recommends as being good 2210 Passive-Air version, which needs to be the system in which they're used. Before parting
value. Assembly required. (Vol.14 No.11, Vol.16 pumped up manually, costs $1695 plus S&H. with possibly large sums of money for acable, it's
No.10) (Vol.17 No.5, Vol.18 No.11) essential to audition it in your own system.
Shun Mock Super Diamond Resonator: "Drinking by the label" is always abad thing to do
8400/set of three in hi-fi, but it's both unforgivable and unwise
Black Diamond Racing cones, A.R.T. Q-
Expensive ebony foot with adiamond-tipped steel when it comes to speaker-cable purchases. In addi-
shaft that JS found to work well under CD trans- tion, what's the "best" in absolute terms may not
ports, amplifiers, and preamplifiers. (Vol.17 No.2) necessarily be the best for your system. "Try before
Solidsteel Model 410 component stand: you buy" is mandatory with cables; many dealers
$600 in black have aloaner stock of cables to make this easier.
Beautiful component rack from Italy, with in AB points out that mixing'n'matching intercon-
vidually spiked shelves. Can be mass-loaded. JE nects and speaker cables is awell-worn route to
found that his system's sonics improved, com- sonic disappointment. His advice: Always use
pared with the massive wooden rack he'd been interconnects and speaker cables from the same
using previously. Silver finish adds $50. (Vol.17 manufacturers. PWM strongly makes the point
ative y inexpensive but remarkably ettective
No2) that less is snore when it comes to speaker cable,
room-acoustics treatment. Tube Traps soak up
Soundstyle X05-series component racks: recommending that amono power amplifier be
low-to-high bass standing-wave resonances like
8415-S450 placed as close as possible to the speaker it drives.
sponges. The $315 Studio Trap provides easily
A series of component stands that SS described as This does pass the buck, however, to the pream-
tuneable upper-bass absorption that JE found to
"colorful, elegant, and remarkably stable and rea- plifier, which must then be capable of driving long
be aboon with the Martin-Logan CLS liAs. RH
sonably priced." The series consists of the X053, lengths of interconnect. PWM used Canare Star
recommends the Tower Traps ($273-$355,
$415; X050, $415; X058, $450; X042 extension Quad microphone cable for interconnect -a
depending on size), which proved very useful at
module, $169; and the X049 rectangular frame, cable available from pro-sound outlets that CG
eliminating side-wall reflections. "Highly effec-
$65. (Vol.18 No3) feels to be the best of its type for live-balanced
tive," summed up RH. (Original Traps, Vol.9
Sumiko Navcom Silencers: 875/four * recording work.
No3; Studio Traps, Vol.15 No2; Tower Traps,
Robert 1)eutsch finds these damping feet to pro- Vol.16 No.12, Vol.19 No.1.)
vide isolation superior to that of Mission's Isoplat.
Combak Hannonix RFA-78
(NR) Room Tuning Devices: $595/16
Target TT series equipment racks: Quarter-sized metal discs that the user fixes to
$180-$395 ceiling and floor of the listening room. The (sur-
Finished in basic black, these useful but inexpen- prising) effect was to improve the sound's dynam-
sive racks feature rigid, welded rectangular-steel- ic shadings, cleaning up reverberant decays to the
tube construction, price dependent on height and benefit of intelligibility. MC found that this was
number of shelves (from two to five). Spiked feet apparent on live speaking voice as well as on t-conductored interconnects that DAS enthus-
supplied, with top shelf resting on upturned, reproduced sound. (Vol.16 No.8) es over. Offers lower inductance than shielded
adjustable spikes to optimize it for turntable use. RoomTunes (Deluxe floorstanding): cable, yet has excellent RF rejection. "Impressive."
Target's wall-mounting turntable shelves 8239/pair * (NR, but see JS's interview with Alpha-Core's
($140-$170) are possibly the best way of siting RoomTune CornerTunes: $89/set of four * Ulrick Poulsen in Vol.19 No3.)
your turntable out of harm's way, says JA. (NR) RoomTune EchoTunes: $45/pair Audio Magic Sorcerer: $699/1m balanced
Tiptoes: $12.50 each Idiosyncratic and effective "less-is-more" acoustic with Neutrik XLRs, $649/1m unbalanced
The Mod Squad's greatest invention. The least treatment for your listening room. GL was highly with WBT RCAs
expensive way of improving the bass and impressed, though others point out that care SS recommends this expensive, handmade, fairly
midrange definition of virtually any loudspeaker should be taken to not overdo things. The "Basic flexible, Teflon-insulated silver cable for its "high
when used to couple the speaker or stand to the Tune Pak" room-treatment set of four TuneStrips, resolution, precise soundstige presentation, and
floor. Version with thread or screw costs $17.50 four ComerTunes, and two EchoTunes costs excellent low-level information transmission."
each. (Vol.9 No.1) $285. Four TuneStrips cost $179. A Mini-Tune (NR)
Townshend Audio Seismic Sink: $349-$725 Pak (same 10 pieces, but smaller) for small- to AudioQuest Topaz: $65/1m pair
depending on size medium-sized rooms costs $199. (Vol.15 No3, Slightly lean midbass, according to RH, but other-
MF was amazed at the difference this inflatable Vol.16 No.1) wise uncolored at an affordable price. Great value.
isolation platform made to the sound of his RPG Diffusor Systems AudioTruth (AudioQuest) Lapis x3:
turntable - even though he'd already gone to "Acoustic Tools for Audiophiles" er $495/1m pair terminated with RCA plugs
great pains to isolate it. "Focus improves dramati- Effective method of adding diffusive and absorp- $575/1m pair with AQ custom XLRs and
cally," he goggled; "the noise floor lowers, images tive treatment to alistening room. RPG Diffusor direct gold-plated FPC sockets and pins tr
solidify, and the sound takes on asoftness... that Systems offers complete room-treatment pack- Tonally, the latest version of Lapis (which uses
is much closer to what live music sounds like." He ages, called "Acoustic Tools for Audiophiles I& RCA plugs made from Functionally Perfect
did not care for it under tubed preamps, however, II," which can be installed in amatter of hours. Copper, or FPC, with the gold plating applied
although SD noted an improvement in clarity and RPG also offers its "SoundTrac" package for no- directly to the copper) seems to fall midway
focus when used under his SFL-2. SD also rec- compromise Home Theater installations, working between the "mellow" cables -MIT, Monster -
ommended stacking them, claiming that addition- directly with the client, architect, and/or acoustic and those that are rather up-front in the treble,
al benefits accrue. Much to his astonishment, he consultant. (Vol.11 No.4, Vol.16 No.5; see also such as Madrigal HPC and Straight Wire Maestro.
found use of the Sinks audibly improved the per- TJN's article on listening rooms in Vol.14 No.10.) JA feels, however, that its outstanding virtue is a
formance of CD transports and D/A processors. lack of grain that allows correct instrumental tex-
(Vol.18 No.11, Vol.19 No.1) tures to flow freely and a deep, well-defined
Vibraplane Model 2212 Active-Air soundstage to develop. Auditioning of current-
Self-Leveling Air Table: $1995 plus S&H production Lapis (as of 2/91), which uses Teflon
Isolation platform designed to stabilize electr insulation and long-grain, solid-silver conductors,
microscopes and other precision laboratory gear, suggests that this is the best AudioQuest intercon-
that SD enthusiastically endorses for use in hi-fi nect yet, apart from their even-more-expensive
systems. "Unlike ni sut improvements that blend Diamond x3. Auditioning of identical lengths of
into your normal expectation after afew weeks of VC Just li sted those cables tha tmembe rs 0E the Lapis fitted with Neutrik XLRs and AudioQueses
acclimitization, you'll appreciate the visceral pres- magazine's review team either have chosen to use own custom XLRs suggests that the latter repre-
ence that the Vibraplane adds to both digital and on along-term basis or have found to offer good sents auseful step forward in sound quality (!).
analog playback every time you spin some wax or value for money. They arc therefore implicitly rec- Sonic compatibility problems with the XLRs,




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however, according to JA. (NR) $1995/1m pair; $2060/1.5m pair basics in your system, he warns. (Vol.18 No.5)
AudioTruth (AudioQuest) Diamond x2: Fast, detailed, not-present sonically —and very, XLO Type 1:
$725/1m pair * very dear! With truly neutral components, an $200/1m pair plus $75 termination et
Superb resolution of detail coupled with amusi- unbelievable level of resolution becomes possible. JE found that, in the right system, XL0's Type 1
cally natural midrange and excellent low-frequen- Not kind to any form of bloat, smearing, or asso- can sound marvelous, with ais improved sense of
cy weight. Diamond x3 ($975/1m pair with ciated euphonia, however. Massive network cases dynamic contrasts. Soundstaging is alittle flat-
XLRs) awaiting audition. The x2/x3 nomencla- at both ends make it impossible to use multiple tened, however, compared with Cardas and
ture refers to the number of conductors. (NR) sets—there just isn't enough room behind the Magnais Vi. (Vol.15 No.12)
Cardas Hexlink Golden Cross: prearnp, moans WP. (Vol.19 No.1) XLO Type 1.1 Signature:
$750/1m pair, balanced or unbalanced NBS Signature: $1600/4' pair 5625/terminated lm pair;
Slinuner and more flexible than Five C, the Ur) ,expensive, heavy, and only marginally flexible $500 each additional meter-pair (shielded
Golden Cross offers outstanding resolution of cable that JE made his reference due to its com- version available at slightly greater cost)
low-level detail, finds Si), with an even, wide- plete lack of any sonic signature. He did break JS thinks describing this interconnect to be a
open bahusce and aquiet, silky-black background. three of the Neutrik RCA connectors used, how- piece of cake: "neutral, detailed, very fast, alive,
Gone is the slightly forward upper mids noted by ever. (Vol.16 No.11) exciting, with areally big soundstage, plenty of
JE of Five C. (NR) Siltech 4-24S: well-controlled deep bass, ahumpless midbass,
Cardas Hodink Golden Five C: $410/first meter with WBT 0101 RCAs, and a sontegvhat leaner midrange than some
$650/1m unbalanced pair ei $225/additional meter or untenninated cables, and airy, open highs." Wham (Vol.18
Golden-section-stranded, PTFE-insulated inter- Astounding transparency and imaging, said JA of No.9) ••—•.1
connect needs an interminable break-in period, this silver-conductor cable. (NR) XLO Type 3.1 Signature shielded phono re-.
but then has aglorious bass and an excellent sense Siltech 4-80S: cable: $750/terminated 1m pair; 7=1
of pace and dynamics. JE found that the upper $1050/first meter with WBT 0150, $600 each additional meter-pair
raids sounded abit forward. (Vol.15 No.12) $578/additional meter "How does Roger ISkofil do it?" marvels JS,
Cello Strings: Even better than Siltech 4-24, the pay expensive entranced by the "ultrasilent" presentation, black-
$320/1m pair terminated with RCA plugs * 4-80 competes with AudioTruth I)iamond with er backgrounds, vivid and dimensional manner,
$388/1m pair terminated with XLRs its combination of smoothness and retrieval of and constant image and tonal balance that charac- dr""li
$476/1m pair terminated with Fischers detail, JA found, but its balance is alittle brighter terize this cable. Its retrieval of information is, he
$596/2m pair terminated with Fischers sfr overall. (NR) posits, without peer. While he considers it
"Remarkably good for the price," said LL. (NR) WireWorld Gold Eclipse: $1000/1m pair, supremely neutral, "its clean, quiet, quick, and
Discovery Signature interconnect: RCA or balanced; $375/0.5m wide-band response could exacerbate bright or
$450/tn, RCA or XLR termination Expensive but very transparent, with little editor- gritty recordings." (Vol.18 No.9)
Dual-shielded, multi-strand, low-capacitance ial effect on the signal jis either balanced or unbal- Yamamura Millenium 5000: $995/1m pair g=i0
cables whose perfomsance:cost ratio impressed JS. anced form (NR). MF notes that the expensive Yamamura intercon-
Also of note, he felt, were the RCA connectors — Straight Wire Maestro II: $275/1m pair nects are the most liquid-sounding, luxurious,
terminated with RCA plugs (MSI) or open, detailed, quiet, grain- and etch-free cables 1•M I
sourced from Clearaudio — which were of
extremely high quality and low capacitance. balanced with Neutrik gold XLRs; he's ever had in his system! The only interconnect
$80/additional meter *. to come close, he adds, is the Magnan Type Vi. MIM
"Excellent imaging and dynamics," quoth he; "a 1"1"91
lot of performance for the money." "Sweet high Less laid-back than AudioTruth Lapis or MIT (NR) MZP
frequencies," adds RN. (Vol.18 No.12) 330, with superb presentation of detail. May be
Esoteric Artus: $550/1m pair too bright in souse systems. (NR) e we%
Straight Wire Virtuoso, Synergistic Research
"At last!" exclaims WP, "A flexible high-end cable." Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling: be'
Phase Two Mk.V, and Resolution Reference.
He found it easy to manipulate in tight confines, $150/1m pair
and is happy to report that its sweet highs, articu- Oise of the best-sounding interconnects GL has rmo
Acrotcc 6N-A2010, Expressive Technologies IC-
late midrange, and tight, well-defined bass tried; he also notes that it's easy to handle and is
1, Monster Cable MS2K Sigma, and XLO Type 4
response were right on the money. (NR) fitted with excellent RCAs. Available shielded or
not auditioned in along time.
Finestra Argento Signature Mk.11: unshielded. (NR)
$1795/1m pair TARA Labs Rectangular Solid Core
Unbelievably expensive cable uses "six-nines" sil- Decade: $695/1m pair terminated with
ver conductors, each insulated with Teflon. JE RCAs
found that it offered exceptional clarity with line- Betters the sound of the excellent TARA LM • fOUD S PEAKE RCABLES
level signals, though he couldn't eliminate hum Master Generation 2by amargin that RI) wou iiiki-Corti (...oertz MI Ag 11 Matched

when using it as aphono lead. (Vol.16 No.5) not have thought possible. Wonderfully open- ce: $58/fi, $760/6' pair terminated
!Umber KCAG: $350/1m pair, sounding and detailed throughout the range.
RCA or XLR termination XLRs (NR) oce
Unshielded but astonishingly transparent, and TARA Labs Rectangular Solid Core was quite taken by the 9-gauge, high-capaci-
offering improved image focus and even better "Master" Generation 2: $395/1m pair tance silver cables, calling them "ultra-clean and
clarity when compared with Kimber's PBJ. AJE terminated with RCA plugs delightfully fast." He also admired their extreme
and TJN favorite. (NR, but see Vol.16 No.7) An RI) favorite, with aclear, open, uncongested high resolution and wonderful spatial qualities,
Kimber KC-PBJ: $66/1m pair, quality. Clean, precise, and stunningly uncolored, although he did note some degree of lightness in
RCA or XLR termination $$$ agrees WP. The Generation 2revision preserves the bass. The less-expensive copper version is an
Unshielded cable that CG found to come very the clarity of the original but has eliminated the LB favorite. (Vol.19 No.3)
close to KCAG in his system, citing its HF detail, stiffness that RD hated about the earlier version. Audio Magic Sorcerer: $1395/8' pair
air, clarity, and tonal accuracy. For those with RFI GL notes that it comes with cquipment-fnendly Asilver cable insulated by PVC surrounded by sil-
problems, Kimber's KC1 ($79/1m pair terminat- locking RCAs. Conductor configuration mitigates ica sand that SS found to have higher resolution
ed with RCAs or XLRs*) is the saine cable with against tight turns or kinks, however, so plan cable and amore neutral harmonic balance than his ref-
a grounded shield, but doesn't sound quite as routing carefully, advises WP. Unique common erence Dunlavy speaker cable. (NR)
good. (Vol.16 No.7) shield connection makes this the cable WP turns AudioQuest Midnight Hyperlitz:
Magnan Type Vi: $595/4' pair unbalanced, to when plagued by voodoo hums —besides, he $415/10' pair
$695/4' pair balanced er allows, "it just makes good sense." (NR) Almost as good as AudioTruth Clear at amuch
"A masterful ability to simultaneously achieve Transparent Audio MusicLink Ultra: lower price. (NR)
state-of-the-art levels of both musicality and accu- $850/1m pair terminated AudioQuest Indigo: $6/fi
racy," said JE. Combines arich, full-bodied sound Similar in broad terms to the MITs that plus $75/pair spade-lug termination $$$
with excellent retrieval of detail. (Vol.15 No.12) Transparent Audio used to distribute, the Neutral, clean sound with excellent resolution of
Magnan Type $195/m unbalanced, Transparent interconnect works well in a detail, says RH. "The bargain in affordable cables."
$295/4' pair balanced WATT/Puppy-based system, says JA. (NR) (NR)
Bearing astrong family resemblance to the more Transparent Audio MusicLink Reference: AudioQuest Type 4: $2.50/fi $$$ et
expensive Type Vi, the Type Illi is less impressive $1900/1m single-ended pair "lise best cheap speaker cable on the market, and
at the frequency extremes, according to JE. (Vol.15 Very, very pricey, but very right at capturing acor- lunch better-sounding than F14," scz CG. "Try
No.12) rect sense of timing, says WP. Not even to be con- this stuff before laying down long green for
MIT MI-350 Reference CVTerminator: sidered, however, unless you've dealt with the expensive cables." (NR)




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AudioQuest F14: 95r/ft SSS * Extended but never harsh, and capable of plumb- inexpensive cable works well with, you guessed it,
Inexpensive flat-twin solid-core cable that RH ing the depths like none other in his experience. Apogees. TJN's reference for use with the Stages.
enthusiastically recommends as excellent value for Not suitable for tube amps, and it would be silly to (NR)
money. (NR) put the MITs in anything but asystem capable of Synergistic Research Signature Nos. 2et 3:
AudioTruth (AudioQuest) Argent: $50/fi the highest resolution. Large network boxes at both $605/10' pair
plus $95/pair spade-lug termination SSS ends—the ones at the speaker ends resemble "High-rez, wide-bandwidth cables that let the
Many of the sonic attributes of AudioTruth Halliburton attaché cases — make cable routing an music speak for itself," sums up JS. Dealer can fax
Dragon, RH's reference, at afraction of the price. absolute bear. (Vol.19 No.1) Synergistic alist of components and receive back
Excellent dynamics, articulate bass, and good MIT MH-850 Multi-Bandwidth areconunended list of cables depending on sys-
soundstage depth. Musically coherent and natural, CVTerminator: tem, room acoustics, and customer's musical
scz RH. (NR) $8995/8' pair, $14,125/45' pair tastes. (NR, but see JS's interview in Vol.18 No.11)
AudioTruth (AudioQuest) Clear Hyperlitz: lise special ni-wire harness for the Avalon Radials TARA Labs Rectangular Solid Core
$1595/10' pair terminated, $1295/8' pair ter- HC was reviewed in conjunction with the com- Decade: $125/fi plus $200 termination
minated (most common length) * plete Spectral/Avalon/MIT 2C3D system. RH Not as much of an improvement over the RSC
Very expensive, but solid bass reproduction with a noted that this complex, "Multiple Bandwidth Master Generation 2 speaker cable as the RSC
clear (ha!), open midband and treble. Can sound Technology" ni-wired speaker cable "weighs Decade interconnect represents over its RSC
rather lightweight in some systems, but almost more than many small power amplifiers and costs Master Generation 2equivalent, but dynamics are
defines the term "neutrality," says JA. Uses "6N"- more than the Spectral DMA-180 amplifier." slightly better, and it corrects avery slight tenden-
pure copper bundles in acomplex lay that brings However, as acomponent of the system that RH cy toward leanness. The cast spade-lugs are beau-
every conductor to the surface to the same extent. described as "staggering" in its ability to reveal tifully made, but with some speakers (ig, Dunlavy
(NR) low-level detail, it must be accorded as successful SC-IVs) they're difficult to attach in abi-wire con-
AudioTruth (AudioQuest) Sterling: in passing that information along. "The sound- figuration, finds RD. (NR)
$2395/10' pair terminated, staging in particular," he raved, "was more three- TARA Labs Rectangular Solid Core
$1935/8' pair terminated A dimensional than any other system I've heard." "Master" Generation 2:
AudioTruth (AudioQuest) Dragon: (Vol.19 Nos.1 & 2) $45/ft plus $90 termination *
$3895/10' pair terminated, Monster Cable M1.5: RD found that these cables have wonderful lucid-
$3135/8' pair terminated A $285/5' pair; $400/8' pair; $600/15' pair; ity and a top-to-bottons coherence that's truly
Two silver-conductored speaker cables that are $1000/25' pair; spade-terminated heavenly: "The Almighty sure knows His cables."
maximally smooth and transparent, according to TJN recommends this inherently lean-sounding AB found it to have ais endearing smoothness,
RH and JA. JA also finds the powerful bass per- speaker cable for use in over-wann systems. "but without obvious loss of detail due to soft-
fomsance of Sterling to be its strongest suit. (NR) (N ness." DO's favorite speaker cable: "Quite spec-
Audio Research Litzline 2: Nairn NACA5: $13/m $$$ tacular in its resolution of spatial infomsation," he
$520/1m pair, $640/3m pair * Inexpensive cable that ST found to work well says. The latest Generation 2has greater top-end
JE found this under-promoted speaker cable to with the Spendor S100 loudspeaker. Worth inves- air and is more flexible, notes RD. SD feels it is
perfonn well in a diverse variety of systems, tigating as agood-value cable, thinks JA. (NR) "definitely reference caliber." (NR)
working especially well with ARC's own ampli- NBS Signature: $900/3' pair Transparent Audio Music Wave Reference
fiers. (NR) JE's reference. (Vol.16 No.11) cable: $4100/8' pair, $4300/10' pair,
Cardas Hezlink Golden Five C: Nordost Fladine FL12G: $79.95/8' pair $4500/12' pair; spade-terminated
5840/1m pair, $1360/10' pair * JE didn't find this cable asonic blockbuster, nor Hideously expensive, notes WI>, but this speaker
Very similar in character to the Cardas intercon- could he recommend it for dedicated audio sys- cable resolves the timing involved in music — not
nect. AJE reference cable. (Vol.15 No.12) tems. Yet he did feel that, given its modest price just at the level of overtones relating to funda-
Discovery 123 speaker cable: and its ability to be run unobtrusively under car- mentals, but also at the global harmonic/melodic
$320/8' pair terminated pets and along flat surfaces, it would be quite use- level. They also, he adds, portray silence as aphys-
"Unbelievably high performance for relatively ful in Home Theater systems, where its minor ical, not just atheoretical, reality. That means he
low cost," effuses JS. Unshielded cable that can be sonic shortcomings would be palliated by its prac- likes them. (Vol.18 No.5)
configured for single, hi-, or tri-wiring at no addi- ticality. (Vol.18 No.5) XL0 Type 5.1 Signature: $120/running
tional charge for termination. JS found it "had OCOS cable: foot plus $150 termination/pair
great bottom-end heft and pitch definition, aclear $10/fi plus $75/pair termination $$$ "The jewel in the )(LO crown," JS states emphat-
and detailed midrange, and excellent highs (if not Distributed by Sumiko, this idiosyncratic cable ically, despite confessing it to be "... big, heavy,
quite as extended as some of the multi-kilobuck was found by LG to have aspeed and clarity he unwieldy, and apositive bear to ni-wire." Small
cables)." (Vol.18 No.12) hadn't heard from other cables. He found the bass prices to pay, he feels, for sound he praises as
Dunlavy Audio Labs DAL-Z6: to be alittle lightweight, but votes it a"three-star" "transparent yet full-bodied, and they imaged like
$300/8 Pair,$375 /12'Pair, $420/16' pair design. (NR) nobody's business. The entire bass range was as
An inexpensive cable that SS recommends highly. Purist Audio Colossus: 51330/1.5m pair, close to perfect as I've ever heard from acable.
While it doesn't warns up or harmonically enrich $220/additional 0.5m * Midbass detail was unfettered by colorations and
aspeaker's sound, neither does it emasculate or The famed "water" cable with afluid-filled insu- frequency anomalies ... The upper midrange and
whiten it, he notes. A nice ergonomic touch is the lating jacket. AB found "resoundingly open stag- treble.., were completely grainless and free of
use of interchangeable screw-in terminations (is" ing with a remarkably distinct lower-mid- brightness or other artifacts." (Vol.18 No.9)
spades, 1 /"spades, or banana plugs, $30/set of
4 range/upper-bass presentation that lends music a XL0 Type 5: $55/ft,
four). (NR) great sense of pace." (NR) plus $100 termination *
Kimber 4AG: $100/fi RadioShack 18-gauge solid-core hookup "This is the real gem of the XL0 line." —JE.
Ais expensive hyper-pure silver cable that can wire: $3.99/60' spool $5$ "Very transparent and detailed" — AB. Perhaps a
offer aglimpse of audio heaven. Significant system Ridiculously cheap way of connecting speakers, touch of midrange prominence makes it less suit-
sensitivity, points out DO, so be sure to check for yet ST reports that this cable is okay sonically. You able for speakers that are already balanced too for-
compatibility before you buy. (NR) have to choose for yourself whether to space or ward in this region. Not as expansive as TARA
Kimber 4TC: SS/Et $S.5 twist apair for best sound (or even whether to RSC or Monster Sigma; works well with tube
Kimber EITC: $9/ft SSS * double-up the runs for less series impedance). amps. (Vol.15 No.12)
Adouble run of 8TC greatly improves the sound, (NR) Yarnatnura Millenium 5000:
feels 1)0. Excellent bass. (NR) Siltech FT-I2: $595/first meter with spades, 51650/2.5m pair
Kimber 4PR: $1/ft SSS * $327/additional meter Articulate, refined-sounding, and expensive,
Least-expensive cable from 'Umber was found to MC's reference cable, but high inductance man- revealing awealth of delicate harmonic textures
have good bass, but a"zippy" treble and poor dates careful amplifier choice. (NR) —particularly in the upper mids and treble,
soundstage, according to DO. With inexpensive Straight Wire Maestro II: according to SD. The low-end response favors
amplifiers, however, its good RF rejection, com- 5560/8' pair with gold spade lugs or pins; nuance and detail over ultimate authority and
pared with zipcord or spaced-pair types, will often S30/additional foot * weight, he adds. Its thin, pewter-coated spades
result in abetter sound. (NR) The cable that LA found to work best between and cloth jacket deinand extra care when han-
MIT MH-770 Reference CVTerminator: the Krell KSA-250 and Thiel CS5s. (NR) dling. (NR)
$5995/8' pair; $6145/10' pair SYMO LS5SX:
Astronomically expensive network-equipped cable, $30/fi with gold-plated spade connectors * Cardas Golden Cross, Straight Wire Virtuoso,
but WP notes that he's not heard anything like it! Distributed by Apogee Acoustics, this relatively WireWorld Eclipse, &tuber Black Pearl.

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Acrotec 6N-S1030, Monster Cable MS2 Sigma,


TARA Labs Space & Time Phase II, all not audi-
tioned in along time.


Editor's Note: Extensive auditioning by RH
suggests that all the coaxial data cables listed
below are better than conventional, TosLink-fit-
ted, plastic fiberoptic cables, which in general
don't give as tight abass or as focused asound-
stage. "You don't get that essential sharpness of
image outlines, the sound becomes more homog-
enized," quoth he, which is why we no longer rec-
ommend any of the TosLink interconnects. JA
feels that coaxial interconnects generally fall short

Sil8Y) 111)1VidS0001 •••••e>

of the sonic standard set by the "AT&T" ST opti-
cal data connection. He also points out that the
specific character of any particular cable will
depend heavily on the transport and processor it
Acrotec D5010 digital datalink: $200/1m
Mapleshade/Insound Omega Miltro digital
datalink: $295/1m
The Acrotec and Mapleshade cables join the
Ensemble Digiflux 75 as the absolute best
datalinks DO had auditioned as of early '94 in his
Theta-based CD playback system. System-depen-
dent factors, however, dictate careful auditioning
of any datalink. (NR)
Mtis Altimate Glass Fiber: $150/1m,
$55/additional 03m
"Four stars," says JE of this ST-type datalink, find-
ing it to endow his Mark Levinson-based system
with awide, deep soundstage and asmoothly liq- VTL ICHIBAN with signature transformer
uid midrange. (Vol.16 No.11)
Apogee Electronics Wyde-Eye AES/EBU
Audio Matièrè •VAC •Classè •Fanfare
datalink: $22.95/03m; $28.95/1m;
$36.95/3m; $43.95/Sm $$$
N.E.W. •Copland •Single Ended
"If you haven't heard this 110 ohm balanced data
cable, you're missing outr expostulates LL, adding
Audible Illusions
that it's "more transparent, more musically honest
than any I've heard — and it's ridiculously cheapr
Balanced Audio Technology
But don't confuse digital company Apogee Elec-
tronics with loudspeaker manufacturer Apogee
C.A.T. •Golden Tube •Wadia
Acoustics. (NR)
Audio Alchemy Data Stream Transceiver
digital datalink: $259 Genesis •Yankee Audio •Audio Physics
Although it comes with 1 m of interconnect as
standard, the neatest thing about the active DST, Sound Lab •Brentworth •Von Schweikert
notes SS, is that it can drive almost any length of
cable. You want the transport at your listening
chair and the D/A in the rack: the DST will be
there for you. The best way to convert alaserdisc Yamamura •Seismic Sinks •XLO
player's TosLink output to coaxial or AES/EBU,
he adds. ST found that it significantly cleaned up Vibraplane •Synergistic •Mango
the sound of his digital playback system. (Voll7
No.7) Versalab •Siltech
AudioTruth (AudioQuest) OptiLink Pro 2:
$295/1m with AT&T-ST termination
Expensive ST datalink that JA and JE recommend VP! •Sota •Lyra RPM2 •Graham
highly. Excellent bass performance, with power,
clarity, and dynamic contrast, says JE. A more rich Wilson Benesch •Benz •Clavis Dacapo
sound than the Allis ST link. ST terminations can
be fragile, adds JA. (Vol.16 No.11) Crown Jewel (shelter model 1)
AudioQuest Digital Pro: $225/1m
single cable with welded RCA plugs sr Phono Preamps

An excellent coaxial datalink, though a little
behind the }timber KCAG in absolute terms. DO
feels it sounds alittle forward. (Vol.16 No.11) Many more Please call
AudioQuest Video Z: $85/1m
single cable with welded RCA plugs sr
RH felt that the tonal balance was tilted upward 576 S
in the treble, while midrange textures were less
velvety-smooth than some of the other data TEL. 508-996-5454 •FAX 508-993-2421
cables, with a softened soundstige focus. DO



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found this relatively inexpensive cable to work $175/1m with RCA or XLR termination * tern, though not as much clarity as the
well with the Birwise One DIA, though he warns Best coaxial datalink ST had tried until he heard the AuclioQuest Optilink Pro 2. (Vol.16 No.11)
that its soundstage is somewhat veiled compared expensive Goldmund. JE found it to excel in the Parasound DataBridge: $89.95
with AudioQueses Digital Pro. (Vol.16 No.11) retrieval of detail, while it also featured an extend- Coaxial datalink that RH finds to give smooth tre-
Aural Symphonies Digital Standard: ed and powerful bass. (Vol.15 Nos2 & 6; see also ble, deep soundstaging, and tight bass. Not as
$257/1m, $379/1.5m single cable tr CG's HAVE/Canare review in Vol.16 No 7.) resolving as the TARA Labs Digital Reference or
Neutrik RCA connectors with a sliding shield Madrigal MDC-1 AES/EBU datalink: Aural Symphonies Digital Standard, but agood
make ground before signal connection. Vivid and $285/1m value. (NR)
forward rendering, with sharp soundstage focus. Excellent soundstaging and image focus, reported TARA Labs Space & rune Digital
(NR) JE, when used between the Mark Levinson Reference: $195/1m terminated s>
Cardas AES/EBU: $245/1m Nos_30 and 31, as well as an open-sounding, Laid-back, relaxed presentation, excellent resolu-
Ultrafast, affordable datalink that has bested all extended treble. JA concurs. (Vol.16 No.11) tion of soundstage depth. Smooth treble adds to
corners (other than the Orchid) in SD's system as Mango Apparition Reference Signature: pleasing analog-like warmth. Silver-plated RCA
of spring '96. (NR) $595/1m plugs slightly undersized, making connection dif-
Ensemble Digit:lux 75: This slightly corpulent digital cable, which has ficult. (NR)
$250/1m with RCA or BNC connectors become less stiff and easier to work with in its last TARA Labs RSC Digital Generation 2:
"Positively the best-sounding 75 ohm digital several iterations, is aJS favorite. "Air, air, and $295/1m
interconnect I've found," writes DO. Smooth, more air!" he shouts, adding that the midrange is Very stiff and awkward to handle, notes R1), but
good focus, and harmonically correct. "A digital as good as digital gets. (NR) it does sound exceptionally transparent, especially
link that does it all, from top to bottom, without MIT Digital Reference: $325/1m, $395/2m in AES/EBU form between his PS Audio trans-
skimping on focus or harmonic integrity," he "Said to reduce reflections in the cable and thus port and processor. RH also recommends it high-
summed up. (Vol.16 No.11) reduce jitter," quoth RH, who listened to this ly. Current version is less stiff than its predecessor.
HAVE (Canare) DigiPlex Gold I75 ohm RCA-fitted S/PDIF cable in the context of his (NR)
Digital Interconnect Cable: $45.95/3' 555 full Spectral/Avalon/MIT 2C3D system review. XLO Type 4.1 Signature
Before you try any of the expensive coaxial links, Given the plethora of references to high resolu- AES/EBU datalink: $325/1m,
you should try this inexpensive, mite 75 ohm tion, transparency, and spectacular soundstaging in $250 each additional meter
cable, advises CG, who rates it as his first choice in that review, it seems to pass the signal along with "At its best, well-mated and happy, the 4.1 can
adigital cable at any price, even preferring it to the minimal degradation. (Vol.19 No.1) knock your socks off," JS exclaimed. However, in
Kimber AGDL (Vol.16 No.7) The Mod Squad WonderLink Digital I: his opinion, digital datalinks are extremely depen-
Illuminati D-60 datalink: $195/0.5m, $225/1m single cable, dent upon component interactions; careful audi-
$325/1m with RCA or BNC termination $275/1m balanced tr tion with the precise elements comprising your
Highly recommended. The best coaxial cable RH Exceptionally transparent presentation, thought system is essential when evaluating them. (Vol.18
has used, and his current reference. Smooth yet JA, with excellent soundstage depth and natural No.9)
highly detailed, spacious soundstage, and lack of midrange. Clunky gold-plated RCA plugs are X1-0 Type 4: $150/1m,
hardness and edge. (NR) actually old-fashioned RF connectors with RCA 550/additional 03m *
Illuminati Orchid datalink: and BNC adaptors. (NR) JE found this unshielded cable to excel in sound-
$750/1.5m with XLR termination NBS Signature AES/EBU balanced digital stage presentation, while being warmer and fuller
147y expensive, but the best AES/EBU link JA has datalink: $600/1m than the 'Umber AGDL "The best digital cable I
used. JS is also afan; "A Stunner!" agrees SD. (NR) "A midrange with amagical combination of body have yet heard in re-creating abelievable sound-
Kimber AGDL DigitalLink: and clarity," found JE in his Mark Levinson sys- stage with layers upon layers of width and depth,


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ample ambience, and pinpoint localization," he Highly recommended by DO and much used by version ($6750) requires 1Mb RAM and allows
announced. (Vol.15 No2) professional designers, LEAP imports raw drive- local optimization of listener and/or speaker posi-
unit data (it accepts Audio Precision and MLSSA tions. It also models the woofer's LP limit and
files as well as data produced by Audio slope. The Windows version ($89.50) is called
Mod Squad Wonderlink II, MIT T3, ASM Labs
Teknology's own LMS system) and optimizes a "Visual Ears" - see "Industry Update" in this
Mamba ST link, Ultra Resolution Translite ST
speaker system's crossover network to meet the issue. (Vol.13 No.12)
user's target specifications, either on- or off-axis. SPEAK loudspeaker design program:
(It also averages responses to give a speaker's $395 str
power response.) The fully loaded LEAP 4.5, DOS program effectively calculates loudspeaker
which includes a SPICE-type passive network low-frequency performance -frequency response,
yzer and an Active Filter Library, costs $1195; impedance, excursion, even pipe resonances -for
PER SOFTW abasic version, to which modular upgrades can be
(each one is $175), costs $395. Available
sealed-box, reflex, and even transmission-line align-
mema. Available from DLC Design, 24166
m LinearX Systems, Inc., 7556 SW Bridgeport Haggerty Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48335. Tel:
on-disc manual (5W' or 3W' disks) tr d., Portland, OR 97224. Tel: (503) 620-3044. (313) 477-7930. (Vol.16 No3)
User enters measured drive-unit response, imped- Fax: (503) 598-9258. LinearX BBS - (503) 598- The Complete Guide to High-End Audio:
ance and sensitivity and target response; program 9326 - offers support for LEAP and LMS. $29.95 (softcover) plus $4.95 SetH
(Vol.13 No.11) Written by Robert Harley, one of Stereophilds two
designs appropriate crossover filter networks. Latest
The Listening Room: $47.50 tr consulting technical editors, The Complete Guide to
version handles double-ported bandpass endosures
and can calculate the effects of LF room gain, enclo- Inexpensive but excellent computer program for High-End Audio offers explanations of how to lis-
sure leakage, and absorption losses in sealed-box, PCs and Macs. Available from Sitting Duck ten critically, how to optimally set up your system,
vented-box, passive-radiator, and bandpass systems. Software, P.O. Box 130, Veneta, OR 97487 Tel: and how to get the best sound for your buck. It
Thiele-Small parameters can be calculated from two (503) 935-3982. Allows an audiophile to move will also give you the background and technical
simulated loudspeakers and asimulated listening information you'll need to get the most from
impedance measurements, and data can be import-
seat around asimulation of his or her room (in reading Stereophile. Begimiing audiophiles must
ed from the IMP PC-based measurement system.
three dimensions) to find the position that gives read the appendices first. 1)eltute, signed hardcov-
Standard 1300-1 cversion costs $69.95. Available
from Old Colony Sound Lab, P.O. Box 243, optimal performance below 200Hz or so. The er edition costs $39.95 plus $4.95 S&H. Available
Peterborough, NH 03458. Tel: (603) 924-6526. suggestions made by TJN in his review have been from Acapella Publishing, P.O. Box 80805,
Far (603) 924-9467. (VoL13 No.11) incorporated in die latest version, which can also Albuquerque, NM 87198-0805. Tel: (800) 848-
LEAP 4.5 Loudspeaker Enclosure Analysis store different setups as separate files. Upgrades 5099. (Vol.18 No3)
Program: $395-$1195 ite are available for $15 inc. S&H. The Macintosh

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Shannon Dickson

Main Panels: Drive-units: two IT-cone dipole midrange/bass drive-units, 1" aluminum. Crossover/Equalizer: unity-gain, non-inverting. Subwoofer level: adjustable to —12dB,
dome tweeter. Frequency range: 100Hz-25kHz, extends to 40Hz with subwoofers plus additional —12dB with internal switch. Dimensions: 17" W by 8" D by 1.75" H.
turned off Minimum amplifier requirements: 35Wpc tube, 100Wpc solid-state. Weight 10 lbs. Power supply: 5W "wall wart"
Nominal impedance:8 ohms, 3.2 ohms minimum at 2.1 kHz. Dimensions: 56" H by 12"
W by 4" D. mounted on 2.25" base. Weight 50 lbs each. Overall frequency response: 20Hz-25kHz i2.5dB. Overall sensitivity: 88dB/W/m
(2.83V). Radiation pattern: dipole below 1
.5kHz. Recommended room size: 250-6008 2.
Subwoofers: Drive-units: two long-throw I
2"-cone dipole drive-units each. Frequency Prices: total system: $5990. Main panels and active crossover without subwoofers:
range: 20Hz-100Hz, with crossover. Minimum amplifier power: 25Wpc. Nominal $3995. Subwoofers with unequalized crossover for use with other speakers:
impedance; 6ohms, 5.5 ohms minimum. Dimensions: 27.5" H by 11" W by 20" D. $3590/pair. Approximate number of dealers: 12. Manufacturer: Audio Artistry, 8312
Weight: 55 lbs each. Salem Drive, Apex, NC 27502.Tel: (919) 319-1375. Fax (919) 319-1416.

first heard Audio Artistry's Dvorak conveyed the essence of whatever music THE CHALLENGE
loudspeaker during the 1994 they were reproducing. I'll paraphrase the introductory abstract
WCES. Iwas leaning against the The impression of that first experi- found in Linkwitz's 1992 AES paper,2in
wall in acorridor of the Sahara Hotel's ence was so strong and persistent that I which he describes the prototype for
hi-level complex, trying to avoid being just had to see for myself if this speaker the Dvorak in great detail: "A relatively
run over by swarming hordes while really did possess aunique and com- small-sized dipole loudspeaker system
shootin' the breeze with Corey Green- pelling communicative skill. has been developed using conventional
berg. Iwas thankful for the respite from cone-type drivers to obtain sufficiently
what seemed to be an endless succession ARTISTRY large volume displacements. The 3-way
of rooms playing Eric Clapton's "Tears Audio Artistry is located in asuburb of system has dipole directional characteristics
from Heaven." As happens at most CE Raleigh, NC and was formed almost over the 201-Iz to 17kHzfrequency rangefor
Shows, aparticular tune emerges as the three years ago by president Marshall reduced interaction with the listening room.
"official" demo track and gets saturation Kay, atest and measurement applications Effects of baffle shape upon the radiation
coverage. "Tears" was definitely the one engineer for Hewlett-Packard speriali7- pattern have been investigated. Active
for the '94 Hi-Fi lovefest It's agreat ing in the application of HP's wide vari- crossovers and dipole specific equalization
song — but after hearing it 30 times in a ety of electronic test equipment. Mar- have been used to obtain aflat frequency
row, you do start to feel alittle tight shall teamed up with Kurt Pasquale (an response." (My emphasis.) This rather
around the collar. expert in computer-aided design) and curt, matter-of-fact description contains a
Chatting with Corey, on the other Tom Hoffman (owner of alocal high- wealth of information about the Dvorak's
hand, is always fun, so when anearby end retail store) to build, refine, and mar- unusual characteristics.
door opened up, filling the hallway with ket aline of speakers designed by co- The inspiration for the Dvorak arose
the very same song, you'd have thought partner Siegfried Linkwitz.' Mr. Link- from two principal factors. First, about
I'd hardly notice. On the contrary, Iim- witz is asenior design engineer for Hew- nine years ago, the designer's reference
mediately lost my train of thought, said lett-Packard (see the interview elsewhere speaker consisted of two small satellites
"Aloha" to Corey, and drifted into the in this issue), and is the same Linkwitz of
room like aStepford wife heeding asub- the widely used Linkwitz-Riley cross- 2Siegfried Linkwitz, "Development of aCompact Di-
liminal message. By the last refrain of over topology. pole Loudspeaker," presented at the 93rd Audio En-
Clapton's poignant ballad, Ifelt like I gineering Society Convention, San Francisco, 1992,
preprint 3431. Available from the Audio Engineering
was hearing the song for the first time. Society: Tel: (212) 661-2355. This paper provides a
During the next hour's demo of classi- wealth of detail about the development of the
1 The Audio Artistry Mozart loudspeaker was re- Dvorak's prototype. Note that production versions of
cal, jazz, and rock tunes, Iwas genuine- viewed in the August '94 issue of Stereo/Aar, but it is the speaker contain several important refinements,
ly enthralled by the way these speakers not aLinkwitz design. particularly in the crossover slopes and EQ employed.


and acentral subwoofer. This system
was capable of good dynamics, image
specificity, and fine detail, as well as an
even midrange/treble tonal balance and
decent reproduction of instrumental
timbres. But the design suffered from
limited image height and asoundstage
width restricted to the area between the
two satellites. Additionally, no matter
how small and dead the enclosure was
made, some boxy coloration was inevi-
table due to resonant energy storage and
its subsequent delayed release. Most im-
portant, all traditional box speakers radi-
ate low frequencies in an omnidirectional
pattern, something that Linkwitz felt
produced unacceptable masking and col-
Faced with these shortcomings, Sieg-
fried received his second impetus for
the Dvorak design in 1986, when he de-
signed asound-reinforcement speaker
for audio-video presentation in alarge,
highly reverberant gymnasium. In order
to improve speech and music intelligi- Audio Artistry Dvorak loudspeaker system

bility in this environment, he built a

long, vertical line-source dipole consist- pies — with a particular emphasis on between the front and rear center of the
ing of twelve 6" cone drivers with the room/speaker interactions. (Note: The transducer, including the width and
drive-signals electrically tapered to con- attributes and limitations detailed below depth of any baffle. The two sources
centrate high frequencies in the two cen- are relative comparisons between the radiate opposite-polarity but equal-
ter drivers of the array. In spite of con- various major speaker types I'm familiar amplitude soundwaves, giving rise to a
crete walls and alarge parquet wooden with, rather than judgments rendered moderately directional "figure-8" disper-
floor, this system produced excellent against an absolute yardstick.) sion pattern.
clarity and speech recognition even in We are still along way from the perfect Some of the earliest known speakers
the rear of the gym. transducer. All sorts of complex inter- were dipoles; by the mid-'80s several
As an experiment, Siegfried then modulation and harmonic distortions still companies were producing large-panel
broke these dipole columns into astereo exist which —along with limitations in dipole designs, many of which were, and
pair and set them up in his living room. driver technology, diffraction problems, still are, considered among the best trans-
Despite the speaker's skewed frequency crossover-related dispersion anomalies, ducers in the world. The midrange per-
response, the sound was surprisingly and speaker-room interactions —plague formance of the Quad ESL-63, for ex-
open and produced outstanding image even our most advanced designs. Not to ample, closely matched Siegfried's ex-
height and width, as well as amarked re- mention the drawbacks of two-channel pectations in terms of transient response,
duction in room interactions through stereo. Please keep this in mind when timbral purity, and transparency.
the midrange and bass. These findings interpreting the following comments. However, using a large panel to
inspired amajor revision in his thinking Although athorough examination of implement adipole radiation pattern is
— away from the semi-point-source room acoustics is beyond the scope of fraught with limitations: curtailed dy-
monopole designs popular for home this article, I'll be referring often to three namic impact, the difficulty in achieving
playback and toward a moving-coil fundamental interactions that each play a realistic bass reproduction, and the criti-
speaker that would maintain dipole large role in what we actually hear from cal nature of speaker-placement require-
directivity from the midrange through every speaker design: 1) Room reso- ments in order to achieve acceptably low
the lowest frequencies. Numerous con- nances typically affect the region below levels of higher-frequency colorations.
versations with acoustician Dr. Brian El- approximately 200Hz and result from In addition, many such designs present a
liott, and subsequent work by Elliott on standing-wave excitation of room tough, reactive load to the amplifier.
the challenge of building an effective dy- modes. 2) Initial reflections from room Large panels can also visually dominate a
namic dipole subwoofer, dovetailed boundaries often negatively affect imag- listening room, making their acceptance
nicely with Siegfried's efforts from the ing and the resolution of transient detail. more challenging for the less audio-
midband upward. The full-range Dvo- 3) Reverberation refers to longer-dura- inclined members of ahousehold.
rak began to take shape. tion sounds resulting from cumulative Unfortunately, since almost all dipole
reflections, and affects timbre principal- speakers are also planars, the inherent
DIPOLES &MONOPOLES ly above 200Hz. Let's look first at how positive attributes of dipole radiation are
In order to better understand the Dvo- these phenomena impact dipoles. often mistakenly credited as being
rak, we must examine the basic relation- unique to panel speakers, while the neg-
ships between panel dipoles, moving- Dipole Basics: A dipole can be mod- ative characteristics that stem from the
coil box speakers, and the Dvorak's suc- eled as two independent point-source use of aphysically large transducer are
cessful combination of the two princi- transducers separated by agap measured often falsely blamed on the dipole con-



he following "visual aids" the other designs. Plus, the rear wave nearest rear wall, side wall, and cor-
illustrate how the Dvorak's has reversed polarity, resulting in less ner on one side of aroom (fig2).
radiation pattern differs from low-frequency reinforcement. On (For clarity, I'll ignore the effects of
that of other major speaker types. the down side, the dispersion pattern the other boundaries.)
Fig.1 shows the polar response pat- becomes increasingly ragged at high- The left and right dipole panels are
terns of the three major speaker types er frequencies. These off-axis irregu- labeled "L" and "R," and the listener
plus that of the Dvorak/Vivaldi speak- larities can generate overt colorations, position is at point A. If we substitute
ers. The diagram is divided into the degrade image quality, and increase the rear and side walls with an imagi-
three main frequency bands to illus- speaker placement sensitivity. For- nary mirror, anumber of "phantom"
trate the consistency, or lack thereof; tunately, no radiation occurs 90° off- image soundsources are created. Note
in the dispersion pattern for each axis, reducing side-wall and ceiling that the dipole's positive- and neg-
speaker over the full audible band. reflections and lowering the strength ative-polarity lobes switch positions in
Note that the shaded areas represent of the overall reverberant field. the phantom sources. The negative
approximate sound pressure level (spl) The final row illustrates how the lobes from the phantom sources rep-
distribution in the horizontal plane, Audio Artistry dipoles maintain acon- resenting the rear wall and corner
and don't reflect changes in dispersion sistent dispersion pattern through the tend to combine with the forward
behavior around the transition region bass and midrange frequencies. This lobe of the actual speaker, resulting in
between the three frequency bands. uniform dipolar directional radiation, cancellation or attenuation. Reflec-
Also, the rear wave of the dipole particularly unusual in asubwoofer tions from the side wall behave more
speakers is lightly shaded to denote its minimizes bass reinforcement and like a traditional monopole except
negative polarity standing-wave excitation. In addition, that the off-axis reflections are sig-
The two most important things to the increasingly directional radiation nificantly reduced in amplitude, even
note about the polar response of in the midrange and treble reduces nulling at 90°. Notice, too, that the
monopole box speakers (shown on overall reverberant energy nulled axis of the side-wall phantom
the top row) are the frequency-de- Perhaps it will help to understand speaker is aimed toward the listener.
pendent increase in directivity that how dipole radiation reduces low- It's this mechanism that helps reduce
changes the forward dispersion from frequency room interactions if we the reverberant field level and the
about 250Hz through the midrange imagine apair of hypothetical Dvo- amount of side-wall (and ceiling)
and treble, and the spherical radia- rak main panels in proximity to the reflections focused toward him or het
tion pattern in the bass. A common
misconception exists that rear-wave
Low Frequencies Mid Frequencies High Frequencies
radiation is unique to dipole speakers. Bass (Treble)
Fig.1 dearly illustrates that mono-
poles also have avery prominent rear-
wave spanning the lower frequencies,
but with the same polarity as the (Box)
front. les this change in directivity
from omnidirectional in the bass to
unidirectional in the higher bands
that causes alteration in the overall
sonic illumination of the listening Bipole
room, emphasizing the bass region.
The second row of images shows
the response of abipolar speaker As
you can see, it has the same spherical
bass-radiation pattern and low-fre-
quency standing-wave problems as Dipoles
the monopole box designs, but the
midrange and treble dispersions are
fairly uniform, illuminating the room
more evenly over awide range of fre-
quencies. However the bipolar pat-
tern still produces high levels of in- Dvorak and
Vivaldi Dipoles
room reverberant energy
The third group of images high-
lights planar dipole speakers. With a
given on-aids spl, note the significant- Low Frequencies Mid Frequencies High Frequencies
ly lower levels of sound radiated to Bass (Treble)
other parts of the room from all three
frequency bands when compared to Fig. I Typical loudspeaker polar patterns.


cept itself! If Ihad abuck for every time
Referring back to fig.1, if you re- the listener with either adipole or I've heard that "dipoles" are abear to set
place the dipole with amonopole, it monopole. In the case of adipole, up properly, Icould easily buy asecond
should be easy to visualize how the you could sit 73% farther away pair of Dvoralcs (which, by the way, are
omnidirectional, common-polarity from the speaker than with atypical relatively easy to set up).
reflections from all surfaces combine monopole or bipolar speaker before The best panel speakers share anum-
with the direct sound, reinforcing the direct and reverberant fields ber of positive qualities to greater or les-
the bass. blended! Consequently, while some ser degree: acrystal-clear and timbrally
Fig3 illustrates the effect of re- acoustic treatment is still a good pure midrange, afreedom from boxy
ducing the overall reverberant ener- idea, you'll generally need less with colorations, excellent transient response,
gy relative to the direct on-axis dipoles than with box speakers. and the ability to convey realistic image
sound-pressure level experienced by —Shannon Dickson size. Dipoles also differ markedly from
monopoles in amoderately directional
radiation pattern over their effective
bandwidth, and areduction of low-fre-

quency in-room reinforcement.
However, linear excursion capability
is not among the intrinsic attributes of
panel drive-units. Dipole panels that at-
tempt to reproduce genuine bass require
avery large transducer in order to move
sufficient air, even then, the results aren't
always satisfactory.
This need to move large amounts of
air to reproduce the low-frequency
foundation of music with convincing
volume, dynamics, and definition is the
fundamental problem with panel speak-
ers. An unequalized dipole's response
rolls off with decreasing frequency as the
two opposite-polarity soundwaves in-
creasingly cancel each other at frequen-
cies where their separating path length is
short compared to the radiated wave-
lengths. Progressively larger excursion is
required, therefore, to maintain acon-
stant sound-pressure level as the fre-
quency drops. For example, for adipole
Positive Polarity Negative Polarity driver of any given size to generate a
50Hz tone at the same volume at the lis-
tening position as a500Hz tone requires
1000 times the excursion.
Compare this to the performance of a
Fig.2 Mirror-imaged dipole room reflections. conventional monopole woofer, which
needs only 100 times the excursion to
maintain the same volume at 50Hz as at
SPL 500Hz, and it's easy to see why dipoles
put such serious demands on driver
quality at their operating extremes. This
limitation has given rise to many hybrid
designs using conventional woofers to
Reverberant Field Level reproduce bass — with varying degrees
of success. Yet taking this course means
sacrificing the genuine dipole advantage
o of low-frequency directionality.
On the opposite end of the spectrum,
panel transducers large enough to pro-
Speaker Neadield Nearfield range vide reasonable bass extension typically
distance with Dvorak
with box
create aserious compromise in upper-
speaker midrange and treble reproduction. All
speakers become more directional at
Fig.3 Comparison of direct sound vs reverberant energy for afull-range dipole speaker and a typ- higher frequencies, because the radiat-
ical monopole box speaker. ing area (including the driver and baffle
dimensions) becomes equal to, then pro-
gressively larger than, the wavelengths


of the sound. When the ratio of driver anti-nodes of specific room resonances! consists of afolded MDF baffle measur-
size to wavelength increases beyond a In practice, the actual frequencies, and ing 26.5" H by 12" W by 4" D. This is
certain point, multiple lobes form in the the degree to which reinforcement or supported about 20" above the base by
radiation pattern, producing an uneven standing-wave excitation takes place, astructural spine and two side legs run-
off-axis response (see polar-pattern dia- will depend on the speaker's low-fre- ning from top to bottom. These legs
grams in sidebar). Reflections from quency response, the specific absorption serve double duty as the folded portion
these irregular soundwaves can blend characteristics and dimensions of the of the baffle. On the rear of the main
with the speaker's direct sound, adding mom (including acoustic treatments), panel, three narrow horizontal boards
coloration. The beamy treble also forces and where the speaker is placed with re- complete the folded portion of the baf-
the listener to sit with his or her head in spect to the nearest corner and room fle. The rear spine, folded sides, and
avirtual vise to get decent imaging. boundaries. horizontal structural supports are all
These problems are potentially signif- The sonic result is often an unnatural made from rigid Baltic Birch. A full-
icant, considering the large radiating fullness or, in severe cases, aturgid or length black Crimpoline cloth covers
areas featured by many traditional dipole bloated "one-note" character to low-fre- the entire structure, and an Avonite top-
designs. Manufacturers like Martin-Lo- quency reproduction that obscures low- piece puts the finishing touch on an ap-
gan, Sound-Lab, Magnepan, and Quad level detail and adds coloration clear up pearance that's reminiscent either of a
have developed clever partitioning into the midrange. When this excess small Acoustat or alarge RoomTune.
schemes to minimize treble beaming and bass energy is combined with high levels The folded sides of the baffle serve to
off-axis colorations in their designs. Nev- of broad-band reverberant energy, often minimize the frontal width of the panel,
ertheless, these dispersion problems still generated by cumulative reflections from reducing edge diffraction while achiev-
exist to some degree with panel speakers. monopole midrange drivers, overall res- ing the desired separation between the
Despite these very real limitations, the olution and dynamic contrast suffers. positive-polarity, forward-firing wave
communicative powers of the best panel Omnidirectional bass can also skew the and the negative-polarity, rear-firing
dipoles can be so stunning that their overall tonal balance of arecording be- wave. Both Marshall and Siegfried
flaws are accepted, or at least overlooked. cause it conflicts with the increasingly di- emphasized that the precise shape and
Once you've heard how such designs rectional dispersion of aspeaker's mid- construction of the Dvorak's baffle were
can portray music's scale and clarity, it's range and treble. critical for maintaining uniform directiv-
hard to do without it. Such problems may be lessened ity and consistent dispersion characteris-
somewhat by careful low-frequency de- tics across the frequency region where
Moving-Coil Basics: Moving-coil box sign and intelligent application of the transition between dipole and quasi-
speakers dominate both high-end and acoustic treatments. Use of room-place- dipole/monopole radiation occurs.
consumer audio sales; the best examples ment computer programs — such as Vi- Though free from typical cabinet res-
are viewed as real-world benchmarks of sual Ears, described by JA in this issue's onances, the baffle does vibrate alittle.
excellence. However, no matter how "Industry Update" — or alot of educat- However, as for the most part these vi-
well full-range moving-coils perform in ed trial and error, can also be of real help brations also radiate in dipole fashion,
an anechoic chamber—or ahuge ball- in reducing the amplitude of resonances Siegfried feels that effective cancellation
room at atrade show — they're usually excited by aconventional speaket Those of the front and back waves minimizes
bought for use in moderate- to normal- audiophiles who have taken the time to any audibility. Though the main panel is
sized living rooms. optimize speaker placement for agiven fairly rigid, Idid notice avery subtle in-
When these speakers reproduce mu- room have no doubts about the impor- crease in focus by loading the rear of
sic with wavelengths significantly larger tance this offers for increased sonic real- each base with the optional, $150/pair
than their radiating surface and baffle di- ism. However, even under near-ideal "Top Hat" — a black rectangular box
mensions, they radiate equally in all di- circumstances, genuine bass extension filled with a25-lb bag of lead shot.
rections and excite many of the room's from amonopole speaker in an average- Two Vifa 8" cone drivers are clamped
resonances. Since awavelength of 50Hz sized room can pose asignificant barri- in place on the baffle by the rear spine
extends approximately 22.5' and 20Hz is er, curtailing the resolution of natural (no screws are used). These form asym-
equivalent to 56.5', the drivers and cabi- timbres and low-level decay that are metrical array by being mounted above
nets of even the largest box speakers are captured on good recordings. and below a1" aluminum-dome tweet-
tiny by comparison. As a result, all er, also from Vifa, which stands 41.5"
music below roughly 250Hz radiates THE DVORAK from the floor. This tweeter is found in
from monopole woofers as omni- The fundamental limitations faced by anumber of well-respected high-end
directional, spherical soundwaves which both dynamic box speakers and large speakers, and was chosen for the Dvorak
then reflect off all adjacent boundaries in planar designs underscore why Siegfried because of its excellent room response
the listening room. As the wavelengths Linkwitz has spent the past nine years and power-handling capability around
of these spherical soundwaves are gen- designing a speaker that attempts to the rather low crossover point of 2IcHz.
erally larger than the distance from the minimize the weaknesses of both while Use of adome tweeter means that the
speaker to the nearest boundaries, the building on the strengths of each. moderately directional radiation pattern
reflections combine in-phase with the of the dipole midrange-units and
direct sound, resulting in abroad band Main Panels: During its years of devel- woofers is maintained through the treble
of low-frequency reinforcement, the so- opment, the Dvorak underwent several —sans the rear wave — but with auni-
called "room gain." iterations before maturing to its current form forward dispersion characteristic in
In the worse case, up to 9dB can be five-piece configuration of two main lieu of the narrow, "hot-spot" beaming
added to the natural volume level in the panels, two subwoofers, and an active common with traditional dipoles. As a
bass, with . eak-to-peak differences of crossover/equalizer. While the overall result, the speaker should avoid the
around 21. between the nodes and panel is 56" high, the speaker proper placement sensitivity and off-axis color-

208 S
ations typical of some panel designs. ly adjacent to the crossover contains two operate in amore linear fashion. Spe-
The dipole drivers cover arange of sets of gold-plated, multi-way binding cific equalization is also applied to both
40Hz to 2kHz when operated full- posts to facilitate bi-wiring. the feed to the main-panel amplifier
range without the optional subwoofers. and that for the subwoofer. This equal-
With the subwoofers, the active cross- Dipole Subwoofers: The Dvorak's ization compensates for the natural
over rolls-off the 8" drivers at amore main panels sound fine when used alone dipole 6dB/octave rolloff below 100Hz
comfortable 100Hz. In addition, asoft in asmall room, offering good dynamics for the subwoofees 12" drivers, and
absorbent material placed in the shallow and the essential open perspective of the above 100Hz for the rolloff of the 8"
cavity between these drivers and the full system. However, Istrongly encour- drivers. (This rolloff occurs for all fre-
grillecloth covering the back of the age adding the stereo subwoofers even if quencies where a half-wavelength is
speaker partially absorbs and attenuates your room is not large. greater than the separation between the
the upper-midrange portion of the rear A black grilledoth encircles the sub- center of the front and rear radiating
wave. This helps achieve asmooth tran- woofer enclosure, but the side-panels elements.)
sition to the tweeter's forward-firing ra- are made of solid MDF. The cabinet is The active crossover is contained in a
diation pattern. (Linkwitz found dipole coupled to the floor with adjustable black sheetmetal enclosure. Ablue LED
operation in the treble not beneficial, as spikes threaded into a2"-thick plinth. A shines from a "-thick, black-anodized
it degrades overall tonal quality, pro- black Avonite top matches that of the aluminum faceplate. One input and two
duces high-frequency "splatter," and the main panel. Each subwoofer con- output RCA jacks per channel are
makes precise speaker placement more tains two long-throw 12" woofers, each mounted on its rear panel. Pushbutton
tricky.) with afree-air resonance of 18Hz. By switches allow each main panel and
Driver selection is acritical feature in using equalization to flatten the natural subwoofer to be turned on or off inde-
any speaker's performance, but particu- dipole rolloff you can get LF extension pendently. If you don't buy the sub-
larly so for adynamic dipole design. with adequate power through the full woofers, you simply turn the crossover's
Without the assistance of an enclosure's audible range. woofer circuit off and connect the pair
loading properties, dipole radiation de- The top woofer faces forward, the of main outputs to asingle stereo ampli-
mands large excursion capabilities from a bottom woofer rearward. Both radiate fier. Otherwise, two stereo amplifiers
driver over portions of its frequency band sound in adipole pattern. In order to re- are used.
as well as good power handling, in- duce the overall width of the subwoofer There is also aseparate woofer-level
herently low distortion, and smooth cone cabinet, the drivers are mounted on an- adjustment control knob for each chan-
break-up characteristics near the edge of gled baffles, one atop the other and criss- nel. These potentiometers provide a
its performance envelope. Excessive ex- crossing at 45°, and separated by ahori- 12dB range to precisely match the sys-
cursion can produce higher levels of in- zontal board that runs through the center tem's bass response to agiven room
ductive modulation distortion, degrad- of the enclosure. The dimensions of the and/or balance any inherent level dif-
ing sonic clarity. By employing two 8" enclosure, as well as of the space between ferences between the two amplifiers —
dipole drivers per channel instead ofjust the driver cones and the cabinet open- should there be adifference. A front-
one, more-than-adequate volume levels ings, are calculated to enhance the drive- mounted "video" button prevents the
are possible in a normal-sized room unit sensitivity. The potential cavity reso- subwoofers from bottoming-out when
without inordinate excursion. (In- nance formed by the internal space is playing the occasional excessive sound-
terestingly, even though they excelled in much higher than the 100Hz maximum track explosion by adding a gentle,
some performance areas, some of the frequency the subwoofer is intended to 6dB/octave high-pass attenuation from
more exotic high-ticket drivers evaluated reproduce, so it should not create a around 50Hz downward.
by Audio Artistry didn't pass the grade problem. Inside the active crossover asingle
for dipole use due to unacceptably high A pair of gold-plated binding posts circuit board occupies the chassis' frill
distortion when pressed near their oper- attached to the lower rear of the cabinet width and more than half its depth. This
ating limits.) connects the amplifier to the big woof- board contains an additional ±12dB
At the bottom of each main panel an ers. This doesn't waste amplifier power bass-level switch that, along with the
11" by 6" MDF board is braced vertical- in apassive crossover. In addition, the external woofer-attenuation knob, pro-
ly between the outside legs, further stiff- amplifier directly damps the woofers, vides as much flexibility as one could
ening the structure against torsional vi- providing superb control. A 50Wpc ask for in optimizing low-frequency
bration. This board also carries the pas- amplifier is more than sufficient to use performance. While the design of the
sive crossover components, including with the Dvorak's subwoofers, as it only electronic crossover is clean and straight-
Solen polypropylene capacitors, air-core takes about 25W to drive the big woof- forward, the Dvorak is built to arela-
inductors, and Caddock power resistors. ers to their peak excursion. tively affordable price point, so you
The crossover is a4th-order Linkwitz- won't find a"Who's Who" list of audio-
Riley, with electrical compensation pro- Active Crossover: Even if you don't phile-approved passive parts. On the
vided to minimize the time delay result- purchase the Dvorak's optional dipole other hand, circuit design—by far the
ing from the physical offset of the driv- subwoofers, the external active cross- most important consideration in deter-
ers. Although the crossover point is a over/equalizer is employed to extend mining overall performance of electron-
low 2kHz, the steep 24dB/oc-tave filter the low-frequency rolloff of the main ic gear—is well executed, and the parts
slope makes life much easier on the panels to 40Hz. With the subwoofers in used in the Dvorak crossover are of
tweeter. It also minimizes the conse- the system, however, the crossover good quality.
quences of any cone break-up artifacts between the main panels and the big Inputs and outputs are AC-coupled
produced when the 8" drivers are driv- woofers is set to 100Hz. This signifi- using polypropylene capacitors. Along
en hard. A rigid aluminum plate on the cantly reduces the excursion demands with 1% metal-film resistors, the same
lower portion of the center spine direct- on the 8" drivers, allowing them to type of caps are used to implement the


filter and EQ circuits. Four op-amps are ment by sliding the woofers along an When following the woofer-adjust-
used for each channel, these the excel- imaginary arc that connects the center ment instructions, pay attention to the
lent Burr-Brown OPA-2604. Burr- of the two cabinets and intersects the timbre or tonal character. If the balance
Brown dedicates awhole page of their tweeters in both panels. The ideal spot gets leaner with the woofers in the cir-
data sheet to adescription of the special for each will vary with your room's cuit, turn the level up on the crossover.
sonic qualities of this modern FET- dimensions and your sonic preferences. Be careful, because adjusting the level
input op-amp — an unusual step for a If you have the space, try atweeter-to- knob by one "hour" changes the bass
mainstream semiconductor company. tweeter spread of 8' or more. And be level by 12dB; even asmall step in low-
The OPA-2604 is used with carefully sure to carefully level the panels from frequency output can produce asurpris-
optimized support circuitry in some of left to right and from front to back. ingly big sonic change.
the best-sounding high-end gear in Those who use speaker-placement If the sound becomes thicker, more
today's market, such as the Mark software or formulas for smoothing the "tubby," with the woofers on, turn it
Levinson No38S preamp. bass response in agiven room should down. With the bass levels set too high,
Audio Artistry has developed an keep in mind that, where an omnidirec- dynamics are curtailed, midrange focus
ultra-quiet balanced crossover to ac- tional woofer will give its smoothest re- and definition degraded, kick drums will
commodate their new flagship Bee- sponse when located at the nodes of a sound as if the drumskins are damped
thoven speaker. A revised version of the room's modal profile, adipole is just the with pillows, and bass guitars can sound
crossover for the Dvorak incorporating opposite with respect to the front-to- like someone's playing with leather
some of the same refinements will like- back axial modes. The relationship of gloves on.
ly follow in the near future. One of the side-wall and ceiling axial modes is sim- When you've got it right, the system's
nice things about an external active ilar for the two types, but because di- overall tonal balance should be the same
crossover is how much easier it is to poles have anull at 90°, less off-axis in- with or without the woofers engaged.
upgrade: you don't have to send the en- teraction will occur in these two planes, However, with the subwoofers, the
tire speaker back to the factory to take particularly if the speakers are at least a midrange has greater presence, the fo-
advantage of inevitable progress. couple of feet from the walls. Therefore, cus improves, and the soundstage is bet-
The 180mA, ±12V "wall-wart" pow- if you wish to further smooth the Dvo- ter defined. The effect can be awe-in-
er supply shipped with the Dvorak's rak's bass response, try placing the pan- spiring: bass is conveyed with acorrect
crossover was selected to keep the speak- els and subs in the anti-node nearest the mix of transient snap and weight while
er affordable and to avoid hassles when node you would normally choose to improving resolution of midrange har-
exporting the system to foreign markets, place abox speaker. monics. In addition, you simply cannot
not to provide ultimate performance. Whether the final woofer placement hear the woofers as adiscrete sound
Alternative power supplies are available is nearer the panels or the side walls, I source. I've found that the final woofer-
that may provide some subtle refine- do suggest you toe them in abit as well level adjustment will range between
ments, yet the stock supply is certainly — though not necessarily on-axis like 11:00am and 1:30pm for most average-
adequate. Also, keep in mind that the the main panels. Some degree of toe-in, sized rooms when both amplifiers have
sonic impressions rendered in this re- however, will give you increased focus the same amount of gain. The best set-
view were based largely on the stock from the directional bass. les also possible ting may differ in larger or smaller
supply. to move your listening position much rooms or when dissimilar amps are used.
With aretail price of $5990 for the en-
farther back than you would with most
tire five-piece system, the Dvorak is rea-box speakers and still get good imaging. THE BIG PICTURE
sonably priced. (The Dvorak subwoofers This is due to the reduced amplitude of The Dvorak is the first truly full-range
are also available with an unequalized the overall reverberant field and the speaker Iknow of that appears to main-
version of the crossover for use with weak side-wall/ceiling reflections which, tain amoderately directional radiation
other speakers that could use the bene- in turn, expand the "near-field" response pattern throughout the entire audible
fits of dipole bass. Price: $3590.) window compared with amonopole. bandwidth, yet whose radiating surfaces
Watch the woofer level: Though the are relatively small compared to the
SETUP marriage between the dipole woofers wavelengths they produce from 20Hz
The Dvoraks may be less sensitive to and main panels is seamless, as the bal- all the way up through the treble. As a
room placement than panel dipoles and ance is partially in the hands of the user, result, the dominant signature of the lis-
most box speakers, but some care and the flexibility afforded by the wide range tening room is reduced by an unprece-
experimentation will certainly pay off. I of bass-level adjustments makes defining dented amount in adynamic speaker,
recommend placing the speakers at least a specific sonic character for the allowing the listener to experience alit-
3' to 4' from the back wall, and amini- Dvorak's bass and midrange response eral wealth of low-level detail, textural
mum of 2' from the side walls. Toe-in difficult. The most common mistake purity, and natural timbres. One of the
the main panels so that the tweeters are people make with the speaker is to turn principal reasons for this outstanding
nearly on-axis with your ears, then place the woofer levels up too high—they expressiveness is that the Dvoraks fill a
the two subwoofer cabinets slightly in misinterpret the resultant thumping listening room with two-thirds less
front and on the outer side of each main quality as "good" bass. Don't do it! The reverberant energy for agiven on-axis
panel so that the center point of each owner's manual gives athorough guide- volume level compared to apair of con-
subwoofer cabinet is the same distance line for dialing-in the woofers for your ventional box speakers! In other words,
as the nearest tweeter from your respec- particular room and associated ampli- substantially more sound is focused
tive ear. fiers, so I'll just highlight afew tips. It's toward the listener and less is radiated to
This time-aligns the woofer voice- not difficult to do, but it does take alit- other areas of the room. By the way, the
coils with those in the main panels with de time and is best accomplished with Gradient Revolution shares some of
respect to your ears. You can experi- the help of afriend. these characteristics, as does the Quad


ESL-63 when partnered with the experience. A loose analogy can be much of its impact comes from rever-
Gradient SW-63 — another dynamic drawn comparing the various distortions beration and resonant feedback rather
dipole subwoofer — but neither are true heard with LP playback: in addition to than from the direct natural energy of
full-range designs.3 its numerous inherent positive at- the music. Dynamic contrast becomes
My usual listening experience was tributes, many of us have learned to pre- restricted, analogous to the way in
transformed to aperspective Ifound fer the LP through years of acclimation. which electronically compressed music
more natural and engaging than that Accordingly, constant listening to speak- allows a loud but shallow range of
produced by any other speaker I've ers with omnidirectional bass can lead expression.
heard at length —to date, that is. I'm not to aconditioned preference for over- Subjectively, this room distortion
claiming that the Dvorak is superior to powering but dynamically constricted feels as if the sound is pressing in on you
all other speakers — it's not. But it bass impact, or excessive low-frequency from all sides during ahigh-level tran-
demonstrates that by applying known "slam" that is neither on the recording sient. By contrast, the Dvoraks allow
principles in a novel manner, several nor representative of the real thing. you to hear the swing from quiet to very
serious limitations that are consciously Once the Dvoraks were placed in my loud and back with remarkable fidelity.
(or perhaps subconsciously) taken for system, Iwent through afew days of ad- Listening to well-made LPs like The
granted can be dramatically reduced. I justment as the lack of low-frequency Fantasy Film Wodd of Bernard Herrmann
also feel that the Dvorak's fundamental- "room compression" I'd become accus- (Mobile Fidelity MFSL 1-240), Ihad
ly more natural presentation is more tomed to all these years was replaced the sense of sharing the recording's orig-
important than many of the desirable with an open, effortless, and full-bodied inal acoustic environment. A musical
sonic attributes on the typical audio- bass reproduction. swell or crescendo would extend from
phile checklist, even though the speaker the soundstage and envelop me without
does perform well when assessed by THE DVORAK DIFFERENCE the artificial pressure from excessive
these more traditional standards. Right from the start, the Dvorak's start- room-mode excitation. Be forewarned:
The Dvorak also illustrates an inter- ling dynamics of voices and instruments Unless you have avery large room, it's
esting paradox I've noticed with other was apparent, as was an alluring re- difficult to go back to traditional speak-
outstanding components. A product solution of low-frequency ambient in- ers, even those of outstanding design,
that combines aspecial blend of attrib- formation and subtle textural detail after adapting to the Dvorak's realistic
utes that improve overall fidelity, rather which (I surmise) is normally masked in and appealing presentation.
than just providing specific sonic my mom. Surprisingly, the most pro- Second, because of the reduced
changes or enhancements, seems to get nounced effect of the clean bass perfor- amount of resonant overhang and lower
out of the way of the performance. Such mance was greater clarity and presence overall reverberant energy in the room,
components not only are more resolv- throughout the midrange. With the bass the decay of musical passages and notes
ing but allow the listener to more easily as extended, tactile, and well-integrated is simply more lifelike. Fine nuances
separate uncorrelated distortions and with the rest of the spectrum as it was and ambient cues normally buried in
anomalies from the music, making with these speakers, even ordinary the room's noise floor are revealed. The
them far less distracting. With other recordings became more interesting, ability of these speakers to clearly distin-
gear that lacks these special qualities, but more involving. guish various recording styles is remark-
is still considered revealing, irregularities With the Dvorak's better perceived able. Microphone types and arrange-
either embedded in the recording or dynamic contrast, correct playback vol- ment, as well as the quality of multitrack
generated elsewhere along the repro- umes of my favorite recordings varied mixing and relative distances between
duction chain normally bother the lis- over awider range. Fine gradations in elements within a naturally recorded
tener more because they are inter- volume setting were more easily appreci- soundfield, are more easily delineated
twined with the music. ated, making me value all the more the with the Dvorak than when it is over-
I've also seen an interesting array of Rowland Coherence preamp's remote shadowed by room compression. Even
reactions from various people after their control and awesome transparency. with well-known recordings, I'm still
first exposure to the Dvoraks. While Though the midrange perspective re- surprised by the wide-band low-level
nearly everyone noticed their captivat- minded me of the Quad '63's, with the resolution that was swamped by acoustic
ing viewpoint from the outset, acouple Dvorak this desirable quality extended all compression with other excellent speak-
of audiophile friends felt alittle puzzled the way down through the subterranean ers in my 17' by 23' by 8' room.
after the first session with the speakers foundation of music. It's difficult to The combination of these two major
— almost as if something were missing. overestimate how important open, ar- attributes produces the Dvorak's open-
They were missing the "room." The ticulate deep-bass reproduction is in al- sounding perspective. With the right
contribution of a mom's reverberant lowing your mind to suspend its disbe- material, boundaries really did seem to
field and standing waves is so ingrained lief and become engrossed in the music disappear, allowing the acoustic sound-
in our experience of reproduced music when devoid of the typical veiling col- scape to permeate the mom and sonic
that many of us take it for granted, how- orations and overhang from resonant images to pass right through the speak-
ever much we may acknowledge its artifacts. ers rather than bend around them. The
impact intellectually. In particular, Inoticed two important Dvoraks convey the scale, intensity, and
This is an important point, and one qualities that define this characteristic. presence of areal piano, tenor sax, or
common to many areas of .subjective First, the room doesn't take off on its lead vocalist better than any speaker I've
own when its resonances are excited. heard. One listen to Johnny Hartman's
3A few other companies offer dynamic dipole speak- While this room "compression" can elixir-like voice on John Coltrane and
ers. Genesis has the models V and VI. Legacy has their make the impact of large crescendos or Johnny Hartman (Impulse! AS-40, reissue
Whisper, and the granddaddies of them all arc the
Celestion System 60(X) and the Enigma panel sub-
high-intensity transients seem visceral, GR-157), and Isuspect it will be "case
woofer. —JA certainly increasing the "Wow!" factor, closed" — these speakers portray voices


so beautifully! listening to aloudspeaker — no matter apartment, Icould just discern that mu-
I've heard outstanding moving-coil how precise, beautiful, and engaging sic was playing with Dean Peer's bass-
speakers that can focus images like no- their timbres and tonal balance, or how guitar tone poem Ucross (Redstone RR-
body's business, defining pinpoint, al- sharply defined their imaging. Without 91012) blasting at high volume!
most holographically defined instru- the usual, more obvious box-speaker
ments in width and depth. However, distortions induced by the cabinet and CHARACTERISTICS &CAVEATS
before Iauditioned the Dvoraks, I'd yet air-cavity resonances radiating back Now that I've shared my impressions of
to hear one that could also convey the through the drivers, the "character" of the Dvorak's most prominent qualities,
height of instruments, musicians, or the the Dvorak's sound is dominated by a it's worth looking at several other distin-
recorded ambient environment in prop- seamless soundscape populated with guishing characteristics and afew areas
er proportion to the other two planes. full-bodied imaging. The presentation of for possible improvement.
By "proper proportion" I'm referring the Dvoraks is closer to the live experi- The Dvorak's upper-midrange and
not only to the dimensional aspects of an ence than that of speakers that can carve treble performance, though slightly shy
acoustic image, but also to the intensity perfect sonic outlines within amultilay- of the state of the art, is competitive
or "body" with which it is projected. ered soundstage but lack the Audio Art- with many of the most respected high-
With the Dvoraks, the listener seems to istry's sense of scale and presence. Sev- end designs. In the past, I've been partic-
breathe the same air as the performers: eral electrostatic and magnetic planar ularly sensitive to the hardness typical of
It's as if the space between your chair, models can get image scale largely right, some metal-dome designs. Fortunately,
the side walls, and the rear boundary of and do so with excellent transparency the Dvoraks join agrowing list of high-
the recording venue were illuminated and clarity. However, I've yet to hear quality speakers that prove that modern
with a vibrant, real-time presence. one of these models that also possesses aluminum and titanium tweeters, when
Listening just now to Classic Records' the dynamic contrast, natural timbre, mated to good crossovers and associated
awesome new 45rpm re-reissue of and low-frequency authority of which components, can fill the bill in fine fash-
Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition the Dvoraks are capable. ion. I noticed no distracting high-
(RCA LSC-2201), Ifelt as if I'd been Another major plus that stems from frequency anomalies, and the tweeter
shot with a stun gun on my way the Dvorak's diminished room excitation sounded relatively smooth and extended
through the Great Gate of Kiev. is how "apartment-friendly" this flail- — though, as Iimplied earlier, I've heard
In light of the total experience con- range speaker is. You can rock out with a few very expensive designs with a
veyed by the Dvoraks, the slightly +90dB levels at your listening chair, yet shade more treble transparency and fine
skewed perspective of less-open-sound- the walls vibrate far less than with afull- inner focus.
ing but otherwise excellent moving-coil range box speaker. While standing in the The Dvorak's treble "flavor" leaned
speakers always reminded me that Iwas hallway outside the closed door of my more toward "clear and detailed" than
"warm and sweet." Treble artifacts aris-
ing elsewhere in the recording or play-
back chain may become apparent. If you
REFERENCE SYSTEM have amoving-coil cartridge with aris-
ing top end, for example, or an edgy-
Iused awide variety of gear and AES/EBU, Mango Apparition Ref- sounding CD player, the Dvorak will let
recordings while evaluating the erence, Aural Symphonic Statement, you know it, but without the bite or
Dvorak: and AudioQueses Opti-link 2-ST; glare heard from tweeters and crossovers
Front end: Immedia RPM-2 turn- Cardas Golden Cross and Discovery of lower quality. 'With decent source
table and arm with Lyra Da Capo balanced interconnects were used, as material, Inever found the Dvorak's tre-
cartridge; Theta Data II transport were Cardas Golden 5-C, MIT ble fatiguing or harsh in my system.
with Muse Model Two, Theta DS CVT 770 and 850 Terminator, and However, like most speakers, it needed
Pro Generation V-A, and Sonic TARA Labs RSC Decade speaker agood break-in period; be patient for
Frontiers SFD-2 Mk.II processors; cables. the first 75 hours or so.
Rowland's Consummate phono- Accessories: aVibraplane or apair The integration of the Dvorak's 8"
stage and Sonic Frontier's SFP-1 of custom Newport pneumatic plat- drivers with the tweeter and the sepa-
phono-amp. forms isolated my transport and rate woofers was first-rate — the excel-
Amplification: the outstanding turntable; Townshend Seismic Sinks lent overall tonal balance and resolution
Rowland Coherence preamp and supported all other gear with D'Feet didn't leave me pining for more. But if
two pairs of Model 6 monoblock SH-22 pucks in between; Mike you run the main panels without the
amplifiers, all battery-powered/ Fredericicsen equipment stands subwoofers, you can hear increased dis-
transformer-coupled, were my pri- were used, as were Audio Power tortion when playing certain high-in-
mary references; Sonic Frontier's Industries' reliable 116, 112, and 110 tensity, low-frequency material. Hence,
SFL-2 and the exciting new Audio Power Wedges and Power En- my recommendation to use the subs,
Research IS72 provided alternate hancer. API and Cardas power cords even with smaller rooms.
preamp duties; Ayre V-3 and BEL delivered AC to all gear requiring With the Dvorak's subwoofers you
1001 MLII power amps also proved ASC Tube Traps helped acoustical- get both quality and extension, but even
valuable references. ly; a VPI record cleaner, several the four 12" drivers had limits on how
Comparison Speakers: Avalon Bright Star Little Rocks, and some loud they could play the lowest fre-
Radians. Shakti "Stones" rounded out the quencies. In most rooms you'll probably
Cables: digital cables were Cardas field. —Shannon Dickson get more than adequate levels of the
deepest bass found on most recordings.
However, there are asmall number of

212 S
CDs, such as Pomp and Pipes (Reference Finally, after some use Ibegan notic- Dvorak sound sweeter, as long as it is
Recordings RR-58CD) that have an ing abuzz emanating from one speaker not fazed by the awkward loading be-
ultra-loud deep-bass transient or two whenever asignal with strong 80Hz con- tween lkHz and 3kHz.
that can bottom-out these woofers. En- tent was played. Ifirst thought the driv- As there is no cabinet to speak of, the
gaging the gentle rolloff with the er's voice-coil was rubbing, but when I low-frequency peak in fig.1 is not due to
"Video" button will allow you to play sent the panel back to Audio Artistry, the usual box resonance. Rather, it is
nearly anything without hitting the they discovered that the cloth around this due to the free-air resonance of the
woofer stops. If you have aparticularly panel was alittle too tight around the mid/woofers, which appears to lie at
large room or apenchant for maximum- main baffle: aheavy 80Hz note would 31Hz. The little wrinlde in the traces at
volume video soundtracks, you could excite aresonance in the grillecloth. The 261cHz is due to the metal-dome tweet-
spring for Audio Artistry's larger sub- problem was fixed by slightly offsetting er's "oil-can" resonance.
woofers, each containing four 12" dri- the cloth from the baffle. Fig2 shows the dipole subwoofer's
vers to give lower-distortion, higher- All things considered, I was im- impedance magnitude and phase. The
output bass reproduction. pressed not only by how few problems peak below 20Hz is due to the drive-
These comments about the Dvorak's Iencountered after afull year with a units' free-air resonance; the rise in mag-
bass performance are made in compari- novel speaker from anew company, but nitude in the midrange is due to the
son to other loudspeakers with which also by the prompt, professional manner drivers' voice-coil inductance. But note
I'm familiar. Icertainly don't mean to with which each problem was ad- that there are two strong wrinkles in the
imply that it reproduces this most diffi- dressed. —Shannon Dickson traces, one at 1500Hz and one around
cult region of the audible band with 180Hz. These will be due to resonances
complete fidelity, even when optimized. MEASUREMENTS FROM J
A of some kind. While the higher-fre-
No speaker Iknow of is free from no- The Dvorak's calculated sensitivity was quency one is innocuous, the lower-fre-
ticeable low-frequency distortions, and alittle higher than the specification, at quency one is less than an octave above
the Dvorak is no exception. But it is 90dB/W/m (B-weighted). The main the crossover to the main panel — risky
capable of providing amore convincing panel's electrical impedance (fig.» business, unless the low-pass crossover
and fulfilling replica of the qualities I showed the specified minimum of 3.1 filter is very steep-sloped.
hear from real bass instruments in atyp- ohms at 2.1kHz; though the magnitude The shaped output responses of the
ical room than any other speaker I is mainly much higher than this, note Dvorak's electronic crossover are shown
know of. the high phase angle in the low treble, in fig3. The input level was 100mV and
which means that the Dvorak will be the subwoofer level control was set to its
LEARNING CURVE quite ahard load for an amplifier to maximum position. The subwoofer
Any new enterprise will experience its drive. In addition, the large variation in drive signals, shown to the left of the
share of start-up manufacturing glitches, magnitude means that the speaker's fre- graph, reveal acombination of cut above
regardless of how skilled the principals quency response will vary significantly CA*. MAIN. MAI IdA, A, A. 1.1

are at designing or business planning. if an amplifier with ahigh output im- Ofe

Accordingly, Ihad my eye out for any pedance is used. In particular, the entire
rough edges in build quality or packag- treble region will be shelved down — a
ing of the Dvoraks. After ayear of put- tube amplifier will definitely make the
ting the speakers through some very
tough paces, only three such problems
11•••All•• °vv. ree........Iseenel ye Frets rAI

cropped up, all of which have been

solved for current production models. 1•••••

First, the original shipping box left a I» An

lee 1010

little to be desired. It was reasonable for IA.

Fig.3 Audio Artistry Dvorak electronic

across-state ground freight, but by the r

crossover, responses of (from top to bot-

time the speakers made it from North «Yam
4, 0
tom at 70Hz): main panel outputs, sub-
Carolina to Hawaii they had afew dings woofer outputs switched off; main panel
outputs, subwoofer active: subwoofer out-
on the woofer base, and the outer box t
a 100
puts (normal); subwoofer outputs
was a bit banged-up. Audio Artistry ("Video") (5dB/vertical div., right channel
Fig.l Audio Artistry Dvorak main panel, electri-
now ships all Dvoraics in avery-heavy- dashed).
cal impedance (solid) and phase (dashed)
gauge, double-boxed crate with excel-
lent inner shock-absorbing material.
(2 ohms/vertical div.).
*de Iroxe Ceoveave• 1,10./.•• •• 04. leve IVI

The second problem occurred with *we to.41.R.gre..

the original binding-post plate. It was MA. .0 A

rather thin, and the insulating washer

that prevents the binding post from AO I.

electrically shorting with the plate was

not well seated on my review samples.
00 CVO


Consequently, the binding-post nut SOO.

loosened on one speaker, shorting the AO.


amplifier. New, thicker aluminum sup- AO.

port plates have been installed, the insu- M, Fig.4 Audio Artistry Dvorak electronic
crossover,THD+noise (%) vs output volt-
lators are seated in alarger hole, and Fig.2 Audio Artistry Dvorak subwoofer, electri- age into 100k ohms: main outputs at IkHz
"lock-tight" prevents the nuts from cal impedance (solid) and phase (dashed) (top); subwoofer outputs at 100Hz (bot-
coming loose. (2 ohms/vertical div.). tom).

TEREOPHILE, Ana 1996 213
100Hz and boost below to compensate subwoofer performance, assessed at output is obtained at 270Hz. Note, how-
for the dipole rolloff. The subwoofer 100Hz with the level control full up: ever, that this peak is knocked down by
drive is down by almost 20dB at the res- The lower distortion level is due to the 40dB once the EQ is switched in! It
onance frequency, which should result output's low-pass function, any addi- should not have any audible effect. Note
in minimal excitation of the problem. tional harmonics being rolled-off, the also that the overall LF boost appears to
The lower subwoofer curve shows the output clipping point (1% THD+N) is be very mild, at 3dB or less (the differ-
effect of the "Video" switch: it cut the 4V, equivalent to an input of 11V, this ence between the levels below the 20Hz
boost with eventually a6dB/octave rate again well in the safety region. Though region with and without EQ). With the
to avoid overloading the drive-units with the low-frequency boosts applied to "Video" button pressed in, the entire
subsonic explosions. both sets of output signals will reduce 30-50Hz region is reduced in level by
The main-panel drive signals are the clipping margin, this should not be a about 5dB, reaching —12dB at 20Hz,
shown to the right of fig3. The signal is practical problem. significantly reducing the excursion de-
increasingly boosted below 300Hz, again As Siegfried Linkwitz points out in mands on the drive-units.
to compensate for the speaker's dipole his interview in this issue, assessing the The individual responses of the main
rolloff. With the high-pass crossover low-frequency performance of dipoles panel's drive-units are shown in fig.6.
switched in (bottom curve), the boost is is not easy, due to the usual nearfield (Again, note that the woofer's nearfield
reduced below 100Hz. techniques failing to allow for the dipole traces arc not representative in that they
Electrically, the crossover performed cancellation. For interest's sake, howev- don't allow for the dipole cancellation.)
well. Its input impedance (at lkHz) mea- er, fig.5 shows the nearfield output of The acoustic crossover is to spec at 21cHz,
sured just under 20k ohms, while its out- the Dvorak subwoofer, measured with- with steep, approximately 24(1B/octave
put impedance from the main outputs out the crossover/equalizer (top trace) slopes. The pa.ssbands of the mid/woofer
was 235 ohms (panel outputs at 11(Hz) and with the crossover set to normal and tweeter look impressively fiat.
and 225 ohms (subwoofer outputs at operation (middle trace) and to "Video" However, there does appear to be alittle
100Hz). Its insertion loss of 0.4dB will (bottom trace). Without EQ, the sub- too much overlap between the drive-units
not be significant, and its distortion and woofer's natural output extends to to give aperfectly flat summed response
noise were both low. Fig.4 shows its above 11(Hz. Despite the impedance through the crossover region. In my expe-
overload points: "Ilie top trace shows wrinlde at 180Hz, the highest acoustic rience, the steeper the crossover slopes,
that the panel output at 1 kHz clips at an the closer the tolerance necessary of the
output of 62V, equivalent to an input parts used if the actual crossover is not to
voltage of just over 7V, which is well depart from the target performance.
above the maximum output level of any Note the deep, narrow notch at
combination of source components and 24kHz. This is at its most extreme exactly
preamplifier with which the Dvorak on-axis and is due, Iimagine, to the
will be used. The bottom trace is the "phase plate" that covers the tweeter
dome. The middle trace on the left of
I I 1111111 I111111 fig.6 shows the nearfield response of one
,00 1000 10000
of the mid/woofers, while the top trace is
FmounIcy 0110
the same woofer's output modified by the
Fig.7 Audio Artistry Dvorak main panel, an- electronic crossovet Remember, howev-
echoic response on tweeter axis at 50". er, that these measurements do not show
averaged across 30° horizontal window
and corrected for microphone response,
the rolloff due to the dipole cancellation.
with nearfield woofer response with/with- The Dvorak's main-panel overall
_I 1 1111111 1 11111 1 out subwoofer crossover high-pass filter response, measured on its tweeter axis at
10 100 1000
and in-room woofer response (J-octave adistance of 50" and averaged across a
Freove, 0,0
smoothed), plotted below 350Hz. The actu-
al cancellation from the rear wave is not
30° horizontal window, is shown in
Fig.5 Audio Artistry Dvorak subwoofer, nearfield
responses (from top to bottom): without included in the nearfield measurements, fig.7. The top audio octave appears to be
EQ: with EQ/crossover (normal): with EQ but is visible in the in-room response. rolled-off in this graph, partly due to the

41 -90.00

6.0- 60.00

0.0- 30.00



- 10.0 60.00 deg

Fig.6 Audio Artistry Dvorak main panel, acoustic 1000.0 10000.0

emu File »Imlay log Froquortoo - N. (iftoothed to 0.10 octa.,e)
crossover on tweeter axis at 50", correct-
ed for microphone response, with nearfield -17.37 .18. 1154 Hs (13). 98.888 deg (WAVEFORMARD-37.FRQ)
woofer response plotted with/without — -
subwoofer crossover EQ below 350Hz. Fig.8 Audio Artistry Dvorak main panel, horizontal response family at 50", normalized to response on
The actual cancellation due to the rear tweeter axis, from back to front differences in response 90°-5° off-axis: reference response:
wave is not accounted for in the nearfield differences in response 5°-90* off-axis. Note that the apparent peak above 20kHz is due w an
measurements below 350Hz. on-axis notch "filling in" to the sides.


tweeter being quite directional in this nate the perceived balance. level hash present in the mid-treble.
region. While the midrange and treble Vertically, while the tweeter's 41.5" This may be resonant behavior, alterna-
regions are otherwise impressively flat, distance from the floor is alittle elevated tively, and in my view more probably,
the 1.5-3k1z crossover region is plateau'd for typical seated ear heights, the Dvo- this is due to low-level early reflections
up by 2dB. Whether or not this is due to rak's balance remained remarkably even of the sound from the speaker's struc-
the drive-unit overlap in this region, I across awide range of listening heights. ture. Note that the ultrasonic tweeter
could hear it in my own auditioning as a As long as the listener sits with his or her resonance is down in level in fig.10,
narrow band of brightness. Note also that ears between the bottom of the bottom which was taken on-axis. The reso-
Shannon did find the Dvorak to sound a mid/woofer (35" from the floor) or the nance is more noticeable — at least to a
little on the analytical side, which is not top of the top mid/woofer (51"), there microphone — off-axis. —John Atkinson
unexpected given this kind of on-axis bal- should be no significant changes in bal-
ance (though the speaker's off-axis be- ance. Only astanding listener close to SUMMARY THOUGHTS
havior is also relevant here). the panel will hear aresponse with alack After ayear of careful listening, my take
On the left of fig.7 is the same equal- of energy in the crossover region. on the Audio Artistry Dvorak is that it
ized nearfield woofer response as shown Horizontally (fig.8), the Dvorak's out- successfully incorporates many of the
in fig.6, plus the same measurement put falls relatively evenly with increasing positive qualities of large panel dipoles
made with the high-pass crossover filter off-axis angle, as expected. In the bottom and moving-coil designs while minimiz-
switched-in. To get an idea of the Dvo- octave of the tweeter's bandpass, where ing most of their respective drawbacks. In
rak panel's mie bass extension, Iused the dispersion is at its widest, the output contrast to so many speakers that are sim-
noise with alkHz bandwidth and mea- at 90° has fallen significantly more than ply variations on common themes, the
sured the speaker's in-room response at at 45° off-axis. However, the null at the Audio Artistry Dvorak offers arefreshing
the same 50" distance used to obtain the speaker sides is less deep than Ihad antic- perspective. With its marked lack of
traces to the right of figs.6 and 7. Plotted ipated, something that could be heard as mom, cabinet and air-cavity colorations,
on ahalf-octave-smoothed basis to elim- well as measured. The front and rear its smooth and consistent power response,
inate some of the major room effects, this waves do not see sufficiently the same its natural top-to-bottom tonal balance,
is shown as the bottom trace in the acoustic environments to cancel com- and its unforced yet dynamic expressive-
graph. The dipole cancellation does pletely at 90°. According to Siegfried ness, Ifelt that Iwas hearing all that this
appear to cancel almost all the nearfield Linkwitz, they cancel at around 110°, and combination of components could offer.
bass boost. However, there is still aslight the overall total power output follows the Its wonderful balance of attributes an-
energy excess apparent in the lower mid- classic dipole characteristic. swers the question posed at the beginning
range. Iassume that as SD didn't remark In the time domain, the Dvorak panel's of this review —"Does this speaker really
on any coloration in this region, its effect step response (fig.9) indicates that the possess aunique and compelling commu-
is benign, particularly as it falls in aspec- tweeter and mid/woofers are connected nicative skill?" — with a resounding
tral region where room effects dorni- with opposite acoustic polarity. (The "Yes!" The Dvorak is agenuine music-
tweeter's output is the small, initially neg- lover's speaker of the first order.
ative-going spike of energy at 3.75ms; the While the Dvorak scores highly on
woofers' output is the larger, positive- the typical audiophile sonic checklist, its
going triangle of energy immediately ability to tie the whole experience
after the 4rns mark. As Linkwitz states in together and directly convey the emo-
his interview, whether such alack of time tional undercurrent of good music
coherence is significant or not is not made conducting such an analytical
known. Howeve4 my experience is that if assessment seem almost frivolous. Yes, a
everything else in aspeaker design is very few of the many outstanding
right, time coherence adds that last, essen- speakers Ihave heard at length have a
tial element of image focus.) slight performance edge in afew specif-
Fig.9 Audio Artistry Dvorak main panel, step
Finally, the Dvorak's cumulative ic areas, but I wouldn't trade the
response on tweeter axis at 50" (5ms time spectral-decay plot (fig.10) indicates an Dvoraks for any of them for sheer musi-
window, 30kHz bandwidth). initially clean decay, but with some low- cal enjoyment or long-term reference in
anormal-sized room. 'This includes a
number of elite models costing nearly
three times the Dvorak's $5995 price!
Given unlimited resources and acav-
ernous room — well, since Ilive in an
apartment, that's amoot point.
Those in the market for afull-range
loudspeaker for use in rooms under 600ft2
in area should make the Audio Artistry
Dvorak atop priority on their audition
lists, regardless of budget Those planning
on spending much more may be pleasant-
ly surprised, and those with tighter bud-
gets are likely to find themselves justify-
ing "creative financing" alternatives in
order to take these babies home. Happy
Fig. 10 Audio Artistry Dvorak main panel, cumulative spectral-decay plot at 50" (0.15ms risetime). listening! —Shannon Dickson



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Wes Phillips gets up close to the Aerial Acoustics 10T loudspeaker

Three-way, floorstanding, dynamic loudspeaker with reflex-loaded bass cabinet and ance: 4ohms.3 ohms minimum. Amplifier requirements: SOW minimum, >100W rec-
separate tweeter/midrange module. Drive-units: 1" titanium-dome tweeter, 5.3" ommended. Dimensions: 41.5" H by 13.75" W by 19" D. Shipping weight 250 lbs
(I 36mm) dual Kevlar/epoxy-laminated—cone midrange unit, and 10.T' (271mm) bi- (shipped in three boxes). Serial numbers of units reviewed: 100739/100740 Price:
laminate composite-cone woofer. Crossover frequencies: 360Hz, 2.7kHz. Crossover $5500/pair (optional stands cost $500/pair). Approximate number of dealers: 35.
slopes: fourth-order. 24dB/octave, acoustic Linkwia-Riley. Frequency response: Manufacturer: Aerial Acoustics Corporation, PO. Box 81248. Wellesley Hills. MA
28Hz-20kHz., ±2c1B, —6dB at 23Hz. Sensitivity: 86dB/VV/m (2.83V). Nominal imped- 02181. Tel: (617) 235-7715. Fax: (617) 235-7715.


A-SLAM!!!! thump thump thump 10T sounds better with the stand about
"Hee, hee, heel" Icackled ma- BY THE AIR 90% of the time —especially if the floor
niacally as Ilistened to Des at While not yet as well-known as some is supported by wood beams. Using the
what Ijokingly refer to as a"realistic" other high-end firms, Aerial has been stand alters the floor-reflection frequen-
volume. The Aerial Acoustics Model quietly manufacturing loudspeakers cy somewhat, but that's an area where
10Ts sounded great — dynamic and since 1991 (see sidebar). The top of a the 10T is quite good musically —and
uncolored, and seemingly impervious product line that also contains the Mo- an area most dynamics really have a
to the most spectacular transients. And dels 5and 7, the 10T consists of aport- problem with." Iused the stand for all of
detailed? Iwas hearing stuff I'd never ed bass cabinet supporting acast syn- my auditioning. Ialso removed both
heard on the disc before. thetic-stone midrange/tweeter module pairs of grillecloths.
thump thump thump that can be rotated independently to
Like that muffled thumping. I'd lis- better focus the mid and upper fre-
tened to this track literally thousands of quencies at the listening position.
times and never noticed it before. (B&W successfully exploited this con-
thump thump thump cept in their 801 loudspeaker.) The
Actually, it was kind of spastic—it head-unit sports a complex faceted
didn't really go with anything else on the shape: A narrow face, to which the dri-
track. Iwalked over to my door and vers are mounted, flares gradually back
placed my hand on it. Sure enough, the to athicker box; all corners are round-
sound was coming from outside. I ed; and there are no joins visible on the
opened the door acrack, only to see my seven exposed suffices (the bottom
upstairs neighbor — foam on his lips plate of the head-unit is cast separately,
and toothbrush in hand. and literally cemented into position).
"My God, man! Are you all right? The midrange/tweeter module is
Should Icall 911?" attached to the bass cabinet by way of a
"Whatever for?" hardened steel rod, which threads into
"Didn't acar crash into your apart- the bass module and projects upward
ment? At the least, Imust have heard a about 9" or so. The head-unit slips onto
wall collapse!" this pivot post and attaches electrically
"Nah — I'm just listening to my to the bass cabinet via two dual-banana
stereo." jacks. Once attached, the tweeter/mid-
"You mean, you do that forfun?" He range module can rotate freely through
stalked back upstairs to finish his ablu- an arc of about 270°. The Novalithn'
tions. material utilized in the 10T's head-unit
Well, ofcourse, Ithought, as Iclosed the is about as dense as anything I've ever
door. Isuppose you'd just listen to music or bruised my knuckles against, only amas-
something. ochist would repeat the tap test with any
Not that the 10T is exactly aslouch part of his or her own hand. The woofer
in the music department. Its transient cabinet is pretty darn nonresonant —
speed, unbelievable power-handling constructed of MDF in thicknesses
ability, and total lack of cabinet color- varying from 1" to 2" — but it ain't a
ations really brought out the kid in me. patch on that head-unit.
Ifound myself playing many arude The bi-wirable 10T has two pairs of
noise just because —like the dog in the high-quality five-way binding posts at
joke — Icould.' the bottom of the woofer cabinet, and
the 2.5"-diameter port fires to the rem
1Actually, my favorite variation on that old saw is a The cabinet has four nylon pad-type feet
Southern version concerning two good ol' boys loafing
around on ahot afternoon. Spying ahound-dog metic- and comes with hardened-steel spikes.
ulously licking its genitals, one turned to the other and A 6"-tall, sand-filled, spiked stand is
exclaimed, "Boy. Isure wish Icould do that!"
His friend looked over at the hound and replied, "I
available as an option. According to de-
reckon you could, but if lwas you, I'd pet him first." signer Michael Kelly, "In practice, the Aerial Acoustics I
OT loudspeaker


LIVING IN THE AIR the luxury of not listening to them ger snaps, and some of the most startling-
Ireviewed the Aerials in my apartment, when Iwas home. Of all of the speak- ly realistic mouth percussion I've ever
which has asmallish listening room. This ers I've reviewed this year, the Aerials heard, Barry took the stage.
forced me to listen in the nearfield— changed the least with break-in. As the Wow! Dynamic and life-sized, he
about 6' in front of the plane of the surrounds unlimbered, the 10Ts be- was in my living-room! Really. In anut-
speakers themselves. The wall 24" be- came even more transparent to low- shell, this demonstrated along list of the
hind my listening position was treated level detail, and responded to the Aerial's strengths: it was uncolored (I
with RPG Abffusors. The speakers rhythmic ebb and flow of music with know Barry's voice well); it was fast
themselves were 7' apart and 30" from greater loosey-goosey freedom from (those finger snaps!); it had exceptional
my record shelves, which meant the wall constraint — but to be honest, the first low-level resolution (I could hear the re-
behind them was heavily damped. The hour told the tale. flections of the finger snaps off the room
two-part body of the 10T made tuning While attending the 1996 WCES boundaries and the rapid decay of those
for the nearfield far, far easier than it nor- in Las Vegas, Iwas walking through reflections); bass was well-articulated,
mally would be for aspeaker of this size, the Convention Center "Zoo" when I specific, and deep (there was Barry
with such an extended frequency heard some fantastic acappella emanat- standing behind the power amp); and it
response. Being able to face the woofers ing from one of the exhibitor's booths was LOUD (I'd misjudged the gain).
straight forward and aim the head-unit at — obviously live. Never able to resist Recordings with which Iwas intimate-
my listening position made ahuge differ- live music, Iwandered over to find ly acquainted also yielded surprises. Since
ence in achieving driver integration. the band Rockapella performing for it came out in 1993, Imust've listened to
(Experiment in your own room —I've Samsung. Parents of young children Guy Clark's Boats to Build (Asylum/
never found this sort of two-part spread — and freelance writers who routine- American Explorer 61442-2) on just
to be as effective in the larger rooms this ly practice deadline avoidance — will about every rig I've had in the house. It's
speaker was intended for.) recognize Rockapella as the "house an exceptional recording, and lots of fun.
My Linn LP12/Naim Armageddon/ band" for Where In the World Is Carmen Playing it through the 10Ts, Iwas struck
Naim ARO/Nairn Prefix/SuperCAP Sandiego? For the rest of you, they are by how physically present all of the per-
front-end, fitted with the latest version one of the few contemporary acappel- formers were on "Jack of All Trades," one
of Sumiko's Transfiguration cartridge, la groups that avoid doo-wop nostal- of the best brag-songs rve ever heard.
the Temper, handled analog playback. gia. They perform high-energy mate- ("There ain't no need to do ajob /if I
My digital source was the superb Theta rial that manifests an unusually can't do it right /Imay not be gettin' rich
Data Basic II/DS Pro Basic III rig. The sophisticated harmonic sense — and /but I'm skepin' good at night. // Some
LAMM Model L1preamp and M1.1 they're a riot in person. Barry Carl, call me agypsy /some call me aflake /
monoblocks shared the stage with an their bass singer, has one of the rich- but I'll kiss your ass if Idon't earn /every
Audio Research LS22/VT130SE com- est, deepest bass voices you're ever cent Imake.") I've heard that song 500
bination. Cables were Kimber KCAG going to hear—think of him as pop times in the last three years —so why was
interconnect and 4AG speaker cable — music's Sam Ramey. Barry and Iused this the first time Irealized that Rodney
along with a bi-wired set of Straight to sell hi-fi together back in the '80s, Crowd was singing backup? Dang! I
Wire Virtuoso Gold speaker cable and so we caught up on what was what for checked the notes —Rodney co-wrote the
Straight Wire Virtuoso Gold balanced afew minutes. song, even. Until Iheard it through the
cables for the ARC gear An assortment "So Barry," Isaid. "You're ahigh-end Aerials, Iwas just hearing "generic male
of accessories also saw duty: VersaLabs kind of aguy—did you ever try to re- harmonies" —suddenly it was one specif-
Red Roller, Flat Rollers, Ground Block, cord with a'purist' attitude?" ic voice and personality.
and Wood Blocks; Audio Power "Well," (think James Earl Jones here, Hmmm. Let's pull out another old
Industries Power Wedge 112; MIT Z- Luke) "we turn off our microphones at friend ... ah-ha! Vivaldi recorder con-
series power cables; Highwire Audio least once per show — if we're in an in- certos by Il Giardino Annonico (Teldec
Power Wrap (on components with non- timate enough setting—and people go 91852-2). This is early music as death-
replaceable power cables); Shakti Stones wild. They've never heard anything like metal: Vivaldi played at breakneck
(but not on all components); Bedini it. And [dramatic pause] last summer we speed with particular emphasis on dy-
Ultra Clarifier, Townshend Seismic Sink recorded an album `live' in the studio — namic contrast and farfetched modula-
(under turntable); The Shelf by Black without recourse to overdubs or 'sweet- tion. The band has been controversial,
Diamond Racing (under amps); and ening.' It was recorded through Cello but Idon't care —I find its Vivaldi thrill-
Golden Sound DH Cones (under every- electronics and mastered on Duntech ing, and those are words Idon't nor-
thing but the Linn). Crown Princes." About three weeks la- mally use in conjunction with one
ter, acopy of that disc, Primer, showed up another. The 10Ts lived up to the
BORNE ABOVE THE GROUND in the mail? group's challenge — the music was fast,
Get the impression that Ifound the The Aerial 10Ts (remember them?) and it swung hard. Ensemble attacks
10Ts fast and uncolored? Did Iever! were fully broken-in by this time, so I were rendered with precision, and the
Out of the box, they had those qualities slapped that sudca into the Theta. Cueing band's trademark use of dynamic con-
in spades. Of course, as areviewer, I'm up an old fave, "Sixty Minute Man" —a trast was particularly well-presented.
not supposed to listen to stuff out of the song where the bass customarily takes the Giovanni Antonini's recorder sounded
box, but they were an unignorable lead —I was instantly aware of the room sharp and detailed, but not at all shrill.
presence in my living room. Heck, lis- in which it had been recorded. Against a Bazounds! That's-a one spicy CD.
tening in the nearfield, they were prac- background of truly tight harmonies, fin- David Murray's Shakill's Wanior (Sony/
tically in my face. So while Ipumped DIW CK 48963) gets a lot of play
2Primer shows no label name or number. It's available
sound through 'em 24 hours aday for at Rockapella concerts or from the Primarily A Capella when I'm trying to assess a system's
the first week Ihad 'em, Ididn't have catalog — (415) 455-8602. dynamic and timbral performance. You

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sec, I've sat 5' in front of David Murray "back to eleven," as JA puts it — especial- music with all the life intact. Their deep
— he is loud, and the sound is intensely ly on "At the Cafe Central," which is, of but well-pitch-differentiated bass thrust
physical. Most systems wimp out long course, what Ialways play. (When I the song forward in conjunction with
before they've reproduced that tenor sax played this at HI-FI '95, some of the Andrew Cyrille's propulsive thrash. Mur-
squeal and honk at remotely live levels. transients had the room lights dimming, ray played chorus after chorus, taking the
Plus, Shaleill... boasts the late Don Pullen or so Richard Rosen maintains.) melodic line higher and higher into the
on Hammond B-3, pulling the drawbars Once again, the 10Ts presented the instrument's upper registers, until the


oget some background iqfonna- cabinet, and the overall concept be- at that price. We started out by casting
don both on Aerial Acoustics and hind the speakez some of the thermo-set polyesters —
on the 107; Igave Aerial's We refined the 10T design for two several speaker companies use similar
Michael Kelly acall. When had he gotten whole years —working solidly on it, materials: Thiel casts the baffles of the
involved in loudspeakers, Iasked... not doing anything else on the side. I CS5 from something similar, and
Michael Kelly: My BS was in didn't want to introduce the 10T Wilson uses it in their cabinets.
physics; Istudied plasma physics at the until it was avery refined design. Idis- Novalith is not really in that family
postgraduate level, but did not com- like products that are introduced to of products at all. It's astone product,
plete my doctorate. Then Igot in- the public and then fine-tuned in the with damping components built in.
volved in audio —I worked for a/c/s/ marketplace over the next year. That's It's denser. If you load it heavily to the
from 1974 to '86. Iwas Executive not the way to do things. point where you just begin to sacrifice
Vice-President in R&D and Manu- We incorporated and started ship- material strength for inertness, which
facturing when Ileft to go to MIT, ping speakers all at the same time we do —you get amaterial that is
where Iwas aSloane Fellow... — drat was September 1991. We have marvelously inert And it can be cast,
Wes Phillips: Ok the school not the made some changes since then — our which allows us to make the head-
cable company! original tweeter was pretty much a piece acomplex shape, without hav-
Kelly: [heh-hell Yes, that's right! That stock unit, but we designed our own. ing any joints to weaken it. The head
was a wonderful experience — the Phillips: What's the story with Nova- walls are 2" thick, with the joints in-
Sloane Fellowship is acomplete, very lith,Tm the cast material you use for the ternally radiused to about two and a
complete, Masters in Business. After 107's head-unit? half inches. We even cast in all the dri-
that Idid alittle bit of design work for Kelly: It has the best combination of ver details — down to steel sockets for
Boston Acoustics and B&W. Ieven density and damping that we know of. the screws that attach the drivers.
put in astint at dbx. It's abear to finish —it's very hard to Phillips: But you don't use Novalith for
At aid/il, we had started building work. Each of those heads takes about the woofer cabinet.
drive-units in the US. We set up a four hours of labor before it can be Kelly: No, we would love to — that
45,000ft2manufacturing operation — painted. would be very good. We have awon-
at our high point, we were building But the benefits make it worth- derful bass cabinet now, but that would
10,000 drivers amonth. Idesigned a while. One inch of Novalith is equal be even betten The problem is that the
lot of the production machines and to 3" of MDF in terms of energy ab- casting tool for the head weighs
I've even got some patents on some sorption. That offers you inertness and 200-250 lbs and it needs to be rotated
of our automotive stuff— the 300i mass in avery compact shape. Granite and shaken during the casting —and
and 320i are my designs. is similar to Novalith in density, but it that just to produce ahead that, if it
Iwas frustrated at being capable of rings like abell, since it has no inter- were made out of wood, would weigh
building some really nice stue but ne- nal damping. That's the best thing about 5 lbs. Cast from Novalith, it
ver being allowed to. That was my mo- about Novalith: It's internally damped weighs 30 lbs! The bass cabinet weighs
tivation for starting Aerial, along with — chemically. about 80 lbs; if it were cast from
the personal desire to run acompany Phillips: Can you say how it's done? Novalith, it would weigh 200-300 lbs
right. Iwanted to create acompany that Kelly: Well... Novalith is our own and the tooling would be ... Oh, I
offered high performance, but even solution to that problem, and we've don't even know... maybe 1000-2000
more importantly, high value —for trademarked it. Ican say that we lbs! Besides, shipping would be anight-
years and years. weren't really interested in developing mare. So would setting them up.
Phillips: You started Aerial in 1989? anew substance. However, in order to The head-unit is the single most
Kelly: Yes, that's about right. David get the rigidity and absorption we expensive component of the 10T —it
Marshall, my partne4 has worked with wanted around the tweeter and mid- costs more than the woofer cabinet,
me for along time —I hired him at range, we were being forced into uti- even. If we were able to cast the bass
a/d/s/ back in 1975. We're agood lizing 4" of MDF. That's like building cabinet, that speaker couldn't cost as
team —we're complementary Dave an Avalon! Avalon does afabulously little as the 10T — that's for sure!
worked alot on the crossover and Ide- good job of building their cabinets, but We will give you your wish, though.
signed the woofer myself—all of our they are big and they are very ex- In acouple of years or so we'll come
drivers are custom-built. We worked pensive. We wanted to build aspeak- out with areference-level speaker —
together on the midrange driver, the er with similar performance, but not the 20T That'll be fully cast.

220 S
melody was buoyed aloft on multiple REACHING HIGH INTO THE throw at 'ern. They seem to have no over-
choruses of overblown squeals and AIR, LOFTY hang or blur caused by their cabinets, so
honks. Just when you'd think he couldn't Need Isay that the Aerial 10Ts im- they reproduce low-level detail with
sustain the balancing trick any longer, he pressed the dickens out of me? They're exceptional clarity. They can also pre-
took it over the top — where Pullen among ahandful of speakers that seem sent performers as though they were in
brought it all back to earth with achurn- to have no limit to their ability to kick the room with you.
ing B-3 solo. I've never heard it better. the tar out of any dynamic challenge you I'm not convinced that the 10Ts pre-

Phillips: You custom-finish ail ofthe drivers? components to do that.

Kelly: They are all custom, yes, and We use OFC copper throughout,
some of them we finish. The mid- and we use metallized polypropylene
range is hag' manufactured by us. I — except in some of the very large ca-
think that drivers should be uniform to pacitors in the bass circuit, which are
begin with—very dose to the design in shunt positions. We use a
reference — only then should you nickel/steel-core coil in the bass cir-
come along and pair-match them. cuit, which only saturates above
Once you have aspeaker that is 1000W and has avery closed hystere-
wide-band, linear, and natural, slight sis loop — giving it virtually no foot-
changes in drivers or network com- print on the time axis. That's one rea-
ponents are extremely audible. Sec- son the bass is so nice and tight.
ondary things then become primary If you call resistors elements, we
things. We hand-finish the midrange for a mechanically and acoustically have 27 elements in the crossover.
in order to assure unit-to-unit varia- sound driver. We did alot of listening before we
tion that is vanishingly small. We mount the woofer high in the settled on this design.
The tweeter is new —introduced cabinet in order to place it near the Phillips: Iimagine there are people won-
within the last year. It's atwo-chamber midrange acoustically —and also so derite why they've never heard of Aerial.
design made in Germany, and it has a that the floor-reflection notch would Was growing the company slowly adeliber-
very large, e14:-shaped secondary cham- be pretty dose to the crossover fir- ate decision?
ber designed to have very little acoustic quenc-y. It becomes part of the cross- Kelly: Absolutely! One reason Istart-
signature. Its vent is flared at both ends. over design. ed Aerial was that Ihad my own ideas
There are five additional vents through Phillips: Tell us about the crossover. about how acompany should relate
the steel in the back plate, and it has*the Kelly: Dave did alot of the crossover to its customers and what it should
largest surround on any tweeter Iknow — it's a24dB/octave, true acoustic offer in the way of real substance. I'd
of—which damps the titanium dome. Linkwitz-Riley network. We chose it worked for some very large, fairly suc-
It doesn't have the usual metallic quali- for several simple reasons. First of all, cessful companies, but Ilonged to do
ty you get with most domes. It sounds we wanted all the drivers in-phase. If things the way Iwould want to be
like music, not atweeter. you start there, your only choices are treated.
The midrange is atwin-cone Kevlar 6dB or 24dB. At 6dB, you end up with And early on—please don't take of-
design, made for us by Focal. Alayer of audible output from the drivers sever- fense at this—I decided that Ididn't
aerated epoxy is injected between the al octaves above and below the cross- want to risk the fate of the company on
two cones, which works like an I- over frequencies. This is aproblem, amagazine review. Obviously, abad
beam. If the cone starts to flex, the because most drivers are only adequate review can kill asmall company like us,
inner skin or the outer skin has to for two to three octaves. A lot of but arave review has its own dangers—
stretch in order for that epoxy to bend. 6dB/octave crossovers are only 6dB it can force you to try to expand far too
One of the most attractive properties for acouple of octaves, and then turn rapidly. We'd put so much into the com-
of ICevlar is that it won't stretch —it'll into amuch more rapid slope. pany that it just didn't make sense to
bend and flex, but it won't stretch. We We want to only use the centers of gamble it that way. We made the prod-
get avery dead cone that way. the bandpasses of the drivers and then uct we wanted to make, and then we
The woofer is in its second genera- rely on the networks to have repeat- built up adealer network that was small
tion too. Vifa assembles it for us in able, very controlled rolloffs that are but first-rate. We have great dealers!
their large production facility. We not afunction of phase problems or We built the company without ac-
could do it ourselves, but we're so small interference from the drivers them- quiring any outside debt. We pay our
it would cost alot more. Vifa has come selves. It's apurist approach, and son- vendors within 10 days, whether or not
up with abasket superior to our orig- ically we feel it's the best. they require it. We even make alittle
inal —mechanically more rigid and You can always hear filters, so we profit. So we've become stable and
not even particularly expensive. We've don't use them to smooth out irreg- we're here for the long haul. We have
also enlarged the magnet system. The ularities. We use linear drivers, uti- afantastic stafE We've been lucky that
cones are made out of afibrous coat- lize the center of their bandpasses, way, and its one of our great strengths.
ed material, and there's asolid moat of and roll them off very precisely with We're really astrong little company.
epoxy under the dustcap —which ri- the electrical components of the net- Strong enough to say, "Now it's time
gidifies the cone-neck area, making work — and we only use the finest for Stereophile to take alook at us."


sent asense of depth to an exceptional
degree, however. Their ability to repro-
duce low-level detail does delineate the
ambience of different acoustics — which
Ihad always assumed was the same
thing. Apparently not, as Imissed that
sense of the soundstage extending well
beyond the rear wall of the listening
room. It must be noted that Iwas listen-
ing in the extreme nearfield, which
probably isn't ideal for that particular il-
lusion. Imove to ahouse with amuch
more generous listening room in three
weeks, and Iintend to set up this partic-
ular system as away of exploring the dif-
ferences between my present room and
that one. I'll get back to you.
In any case, the tonal balance of the
Aerial lends itself to an exciting, imme-
diate presentation. The speaker doesn't
sound sharp, but it does highlight detail
in amanner that won't please fans of
the "golden-glow" school of hi-fi. Bal-
ancing that, its midrange is as uncolored
as any I've ever heard, and the integra-
tion of lower midrange to upper bass is
seamless and natural.
Comparing it to the Metaphor 2re-
viewed elsewhere in this issue, I'd have
to chose the Aerial at about $500 less
per pair—but I'm made intensely un-
comfortable by this sort of comparison.
Different systems, different strokes, dif-
ferent priorities make it impossible to
put an "all things being equal" quietus to
this sort of question. But Idon't want to
see the last of the Aerial 10Ts — in cer-
tain areas (particularly dynamic potential
and uncolored immediacy), they're the
equal of any speakers I've ever heard. If
you're shopping for speakers — even if
your budget allows you to examine
speakers costing far more — you've got
to listen to them. —Wes Phillips
.k •
= '... - -E
.== = ir. - ,
,-. e
.e'.' e i'71E-Êic'eE
Imeasured the Aerial 10T using the
09W- f -1 3--
DRA Labs MLSSA system (v.10.0A), an
_. à• . Y.7.3
_ Italian Outline speaker turntable, and a
ic. -
-e--â-P i
e.1 B&K 4006 1 "microphone calibrated to
É e-c.1
be flat on-axis at my typical measuring
M.e....: re 5.-- =7; 7; 1
--. i-- - ''5.: eei'f- É
distances. My estimate of the Aerial's B-
7_41.1.---t=1 mt@g - !
weighted sensitivity was exactly to speci-
fication at 86dB/W/m. (My con-
àz. ui5° - •
-£..F gratulations to the 10T's designers for
le,-....7.7 not exaggerating this figure, apractice
1.;e3iIEbElj;1 pandemic among the speaker industry,
cw r •-• -:.:3 1 j.."•g
2 ' =Fe;
1 4 S- • p.-= :
I've found.) This respectable figure
SIg-ES - -= e1 E
I l, The finest audio/video implies that the speaker will play reason-
-.....=-E -
d_llgie. ably loud with an amplifier of around
-rr..?.... :42 information on the 'Web.
100w. Its plot of electrical impedance
es- The premier center for (fig.1), however, reveals that it sucks quite
e Pi . - t--: f1- • 4., r. -:a•
top manufacturer sites. a lot of current from the partnering
h, -e--.@. 2
- z'
7... = ==-_-....... A amplifier to achieve that sensitivity The
magnitude drops to 3ohms or below in


the midbass and mid-treble, and is cou-
pled with ademanding electrical phase
angle some of the time. Iwouldn't rec-
ommend this speaker be used with
wimpy single-ended amplifiers, and tube
amplifiers should definitely be used from da

their 4ohm transformer taps. 0.0 -60.00

Fig.1 also reveals the tuning of the -12.0 0.00

large port to lie at alow 21Hz, this con- -18.0 20.00

firmed by fig2, which shows the indi- -24.0 60.00 dew

vidual responses of the 101's drive-units, 1000.0 10000.0

measured on the tweeter axis at adis- Frequency File Display log Frequency - Hz (Swoothed to 0.10 octa.e)

tance of 50" (above 300Hz) and in the -6.82 dB, 3966 H. (44), 65.906 des (\VAUEFORK\A16 -32.FM)

nearfield (below 300Hz). The port out-

put features aslight resonant mode at
220Hz, but this is well down in level. Fig.4 Aerial 10T, horizontal response family at 50", normalized to response on tweeter axis, from back to
front differences in response 90*-S° off-axis; reference response; differences in response 5*-90° off-
The woofer crosses over to the mid-
range at the specified 360Hz, while the
tweeter takes over above 2.9kHz. 24dB/octave. The tweeter's ultrasonic
However, Iwas surprised to see that the resonance can be seen at 26kHz. This
acoustic crossover slopes are closer to should be inaudible to all but bats and
12dB/octave, with only the midrange/ infants. Unusually for ametal-dome de-
tweeter filters approaching the specified sign, the unit's output in the 10-20kHz
octave doesn't droop.
Adeal 1.11.0110.10
The 10T's overall response on the
tweeter axis is shown in fig3. It is com-
mendably flat through the midrange and
treble, with only aslight rise in the mid-
bass apparent. The bass is well-extended, Fig.5 Aerial 10T, step response on tweeter axis at
with acalculated -6dB point of 19Hz. 50" (5ms time window. 30kHz bandwidth).

4.40 Vertically, the 10T's response stays ba-

20 0000
41 sically flat as long as the listener's ears sponse (fig.5) reveals that the three drive-
are between the top and bottom of the units arc all connected with positive
midrange/tweeter head-unit. Stand up, acoustic polarity, but that the tweeter's
Fig.1 Aerial 10T, electrical impedance (solid) and however, and adeep notch appears at output arrives at the ear slightly before
phase (dashed) (2 ohms/vertical div.).
the upper crossover frequency, which that of the midrange, which in turn ar-
I I11(1111 I II111111 I II111111 1 will make the speaker sound rather hol- rives before that of the woofer. The 101's
low. Laterally (fig.4), the Aerial features cumulative spectral-decay or waterfall
reasonably wide and even dispersion, plot (fig.6) shows abasically clean decay,
the top audio octave not rolling off signi- broken only by aridge due to the tweet-
ficantly until more than 20° off-axis. But er's ultrasonic resonance and a slight
note the flare in the radiation pattern at amount of delayed energy at 321cHz.
the bottom of the tweeter's passband: Overall, this is asuperb set of mea-
This might tend to make the speaker surements for aloudspeaker from acom-
IIll Ill I I11111 I 1111 Mil I
00 loco ip000 sound alittle bright if placed close to pany making its review debut in Stereo-
%sporty n FO nonabsorbent sidewalls. phile. I'm not surprised Wes liked its
Fig.2 Aerial 10T, acoustic crossover on tweeter In the time domain, the 10T's step re- sound; so did I. -John Atkinson S
axis at 50". corrected for microphone
response, with nearfield midrange, woofer.
and port responses plotted below 400Hz.

dB 0.00

12.0.! 0.60


0 .0 • 1.07

-6.0 .; 2.53
12.0 .13 l•sec

Frequency oHr
. ..
1000.0 10000.0
Fig.3 Aerial 10T anechoic response on tweeter Cunulattve Spectral Decay leg Frequency Ha
axis at 5(T, averaged across 30° horizontal 7.38 dB, 3196 H. (36), 6.666 nsec (0)
window and corrected for microphone
response, with complex sum of nearfield
woofer and port responses plotted below
300Hz. Fig.6 Aerial 10T, cumulative spectral-decay plot at SO" (0.15ms risetime).


AVA118111. •
CHARLIE MINGUS • rt 91 9.1.9,11


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Michael Fremer auditions the AudioQuest 7000 Fe5 and
Lyra Clavis Da Capo moving-coil cartridges

Lyra Clavis Da Capo: low-output moving-coil phono cartridge featuring aCeralloy AudioQuest 7000 Fe5: low-output moving-coil cartridge featuring aboron cantilever;
cantilever; low-mass, Ogura PA line-contact stylus: six-nines—purity copper coils; low-mass Ogura PA line-contact stylus;"five-nines" FPS (Functionally Perfect Silver)
"five-nines" iron core; and abody milled from asingle piece of "aircraft-grade" alu- silver coils;"five-nines" iron core. Internal impedance: 2.5 ohms. Recommended ver-
minum alloy. Internal impedance: 2 ohms. Recommended vertical tracking force tical tracking force (VTF): 1.8-1.85 grams. Compliance: 9cu. Weight not specified.
(VTF): 1.6-1.8 grams. Compliance: approximately I
2cu at 10Hz. Weight 9.5 grams. Channel separation: not specified. Frequency response: not specified. Output: 0.4mV
Channel separation: 35dB or better. Frequency range: 10Hz-50kHz. Output 0.25mV (5cm/s, 45° peak). Recommended load: 200 ohms-47k ohms. Serial number of unit
(5cm/s, 45° peak). Recommended load: 47k ohms or less. Serial number of unit reviewed: F7432. Approximate number of dealers: 422. Price: $2550. Manufacturer:
reviewed: D 6183. Approximate number of dealers: 45. Price: $1895. Manufacturer: Scan-Tech. Tokyo, Japan. Importer: AudioQuest P.O. Box 3060, San Clemente, CA
Scan-Tech, Tokyo, Japan. Importer: Immedia, 2629 Mabel St., Berkeley, CA 94702.Tel: 92674.Tel: (714) 498-2770. Fax: (714) 498-5112.
(5 I
0) 654-9035. Fax: (510) 654-9039.

know what's the first thing

they teach you in dental school?
Y Don't ou ever say "Oopsr Even if
you stick one of those hooked teeth
scrapers through the patient's cheek,
you don't say "Oopsr "Don't mover?
Yes. "Oopsr? No. That's the big day-
one lesson — and, given the cost of
medical malpractice insurance today, a
damn good one.
Inever went to dental school, but I
used to be friendly with abunch of den-
tal students. They always had the best
parties: Everyone would gather around
AudioQuest 7000 Fe5 phono cartridge
the nitrous oxide canister and laugh their
asses off until they'd drop from oxygen
deprivation. (CES is kind of like that, if Whether or not you think he's suc- nies, including AudioQuest, Linn, and
you've never been to one.) ceeded, Jonathan Carr has always tried Spectral.' It also markets its own line,
Anyway, one of the first things you to build resonances out of; and neutral- under the Lyra brand name (Lydian,
learn as an audio reviewer is never to say ity into, his designs. Each Scan-Tech de- Clavis, Parnassus), which is imported and
you don't hear adifference when you sign change has been undertaken with distributed by Inunedia out of Berkeley,
are expected to. To say otherwise is to the idea of adding rigidity and mechan- CA. So what's particularly fascinating
risk being accused by your peers of los- ical integrity. The idea of "tuning" car- about this comparison is, we're contrast-
ing your hearing: "Can you believe it? tridges for different kinds of music, as ing acartridge engineered and built to
Fremer couldn't hear the difference be- some designers apparently do, is not designer Carr's specifications and tastes,
tween the Ubangi discs and the Ubetchi part of Cares game plan. "A resonance is with one fabricated by him to accom-
discs under his Edible Delusions pre- aresonance," he told me at HI-FI '95, modate those of AudioQueses Bill Low.
amp!!! His hearing's gone!" held last April in Los Angeles. Ispoke with both Jonathan Carr and
Imake reviewing life more difficult Yet all designers are faced with choic- Bill Low about cartridge design choices
for myself by contrasting two pricey pho- es: of materials, and of structures. Uti- and tradeoffs, sonic expectations, and
no cartridges —the AudioQuest 7000 mately you are hearing someone's sonic consumer demands. When Iwas fin-
Fe5 costs $2550, the Lyra Clavis Da Ca- tastes: in the case of the Da Capo, Carr's ished, Icame to asingular conclusion:
po costs $1895 — in one review. While and those of his cohorts; in the case of What's amazing is not that there are
the two designs do sound different, they the Fe5, Bill Low's. outstanding-sounding $2000 cartridges,
share acommon heritage in Scan-Tech The Clavis Da Capo is atotally new but that there are good-sounding $200
designer Jonathan Carr, and both are design, not an upgrade or update of the ones (and there are).
hand-built and -tuned in Japan by original Lyra Clavis; the 7000 Fe5 is a A cartridge is essentially aprecision-
Yoshinori Mishima. totally redesigned replacement for Au- made, subminiature electrical generator.
So, in reading this review, please bear dioQueses very popular 7000 and 7000 As in agenerator, there is acoil, general-
in mind that, while Iwill put amagnify- nsx cartridges. ly mounted on an iron armature/core,
ing glass up to the differences between and agap in amagnet/pole-piece as-
the two, they sound closer in character HAVE CANTILEVER, sembly in which the coil/core assembly
to each other than either does to car- WILL TRAVEL 1John Atkinson reviewed the Linn Arkiv in Novem-
tridges from Dynavector, van den Hul, Scan-Tech builds low-output moving- ber '93, Vol.16 No.11; Amie Balgalvis reviewed the
or Benz, for example. coil cartridges for anumber of compa- Spectral MCR-1 in July '89, Vo1.12 No.7.


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is centered. Movement of the coil in that tridges, the tip contacted virgin areas of
gap, due to groove undulations, gener- the groove, thus reducing wear noise on
ates aminute electrical signal which is many of tny older records —a definite
carried via microscopically thin wires to plus.
the output pins. A cartridge is essential- Both tips dug dirt from record
ly the inverse of a moving-coil loud- grooves Ithought were clean, aminus.
speaker. For some reason, the Clavis was more
The differences in sound you hear prone to sludge build-up than was the
among cartridges are determined by the Fe5, though Ihave no explanation as to
choice of diamond stylus shape; the can- why. The solution, of course, is to play
Lyra Clavis Da Capo phono cartridge
tilever material and its length and diam- cleaner records; neither of these car-
eter; the core and coil materials and their tridges, nor any other premium priced The core can be iron, or carbon fiber,
configuration; the magnet material and unit, should be used with dirty records. or other materials. According to Carr,
its physical configuration; the choice of In fact, dirty records shouldn't be played the Clavis DC's core is gold-plated
suspension material and its tuning; the with any cartridge! "five-nines" (99.999%) chemically pure
damping material; and the body con- In the general model, the cartridge iron. The Fe5's core is also fabricated
struction. cantilever is bonded to an aluminum from "five-nines" iron (thus the Fe5
Most cartridges consist of three basic pipe which is fitted with abrass or alu- name), but Low did not say whether it
subassemblies: the diamond-tip/cantile- minum end piece with a small hole was gold-plated.
ver/coil/core/suspension-wire/stopper- drilled into its center. A tiny piece of Apair of crossed-wire coils are wound
pipe; the magnet/pole-piece assembly; wire is passed through the hole and around the square cores on both Scan-
and the body. There arc, however, many crimped on the other side in the space Tech designs: the Clavis uses "six-nines,"
variations on the theme, and here we'll between it and the end of the cantilever, high-purity, stress-free copper, the Fe5,
be whistling Scan-Tcch's basic tune. But thus locking it in place. long-grain, "five-nines" "FPS" (Func-
keep in mind that the Clavis Da Capo's The wire can be any kind of spring tionally Perfect Silver). Again, these are
design differs radically both from that of material: piano wire, beryllium/copper, designer choices based on listening.
the basic model and from the Fe5's, in phosphate/bronze (like aguitar string). The cantilever/core/coil subassem-
ways which will be discussed later on. It can be solid or stranded. Solid wire bly is fitted through acone-shaped hole
Let's look at the subassemblies one at tends to be more springy, stranded more drilled in the pole-piece, ahole you can
atime. The cantilever can be solid or compliant. In the original Dynavector see when you look down the barrel of
hollow, and can be fabricated from ava- Ruby —a classic hi-tech cartridge of the the cantilever of most cartridges. Usual-
riety of materials. The AudioQuest Fe5 late 70s/early '80s —a piece of nylon ly, there is also ahole drilled into the rear
uses asolid boron cantilever; the Lyra was used instead of wire. The material pole-piece, into which the stopper pipe
Da Capo, a"Ceralloy" composite canti- used in this critical part of the design fits. Yet another hole is drilled into the
lever. (Ceralloy is ametal reinforced with affects both the compliance of the car- rear pole-piece, but at a45° angle to the
ceramic "whiskers," which Carr tells me tridge and its final sound. This is, as first hole. This one is tapped for aset
are stronger than carbon fiber.) Carr told me, "a designer's choice." screw, which is used to firmly anchor
Why boron? Why Ceralloy? These The ultra-thin wire is then threaded the stopper pipe.
arc designer choices — each yields adif- through atiny hole in the all-important Consider the miniature size of all of
ferent sound. In designing the Fe5 to his core/coil combination, which then this, and the precision with which it all
liking, Low received samples of various mounts flush with the back of the alu- must be machined and assembled, and
configurations of materials from Scan- minum pipe. The wire is threaded you begin to appreciate the difficulties
Tech and made choices based upon lis- through another pipe, called the "stop- involved in cartridge manufacture.
tening and other considerations we'll get per pipe" by Scan-Tech, and then it's The space between the core and the
into later. crimped on the other end. rear pole-piece is where disc-shaped
Both cartridges use ahighly polished There is a space between the two rubber dampers are fitted, threaded over
Ogura PA line-contact diamond stylus. pipes where the wire is free to flex. Tint, the stopper pipe before it's inserted into
In the Clavis, the diamond's short, believe it or not, is the pivot point around the rear pole-piece. Usually there's a
square shank is precision-mounted and which the whole shebang moves. Thus, large damper to control bass frequencies,
glued into the cantilever via alaser-cut when you lower the stylus into the and smaller ones to deal with high-fre-
square hole claimed to be the world's groove and you see the cantilever quency resonances. The wire is the sus-
smallest. (It measures just 60 microns "give," it is the wire which is flexing. In pension "spring," the dampers arc the
by 60 microns.) The result is said to be order for this single-point suspension "shock absorbers" of the system.
the lowest-mass tip in the world. The system to work optimally, the stopper Whether butyl rubber, silicone rub-
AudioQueses solid-boron cantilever has pipe must not allowed to move. ber, or just plain natural rubber is used
a"slice" —a channel made in its tip — The core itself can either be square, as the damper is adesign choice which,
and the shank is inserted and glued as it is in the Scan-Tech designs (two according to Carr, probably has the "sin-
there. Because of the mounting tech- millimeters square), or it can be an X, a gle biggest effect on the final sound—
nique, the Fe5's shank is somewhat cross, or even aVshape. The X shape that and the cantilever material itself."
longer than that of the Clavis. can offer somewhat greater channel sep-
The stylus profile is not as radical as aration, but because there is less core THE PINCH TEST
that of a MicroRidge tip, but it is material, the cartridge has alower elec- This rubber material is what analog de-
"friendlier," Carr told me, to setup in- trical output. Again, this is a design votees are talking about when they say
accuracies and won't chew up records. choice: the highly regarded Benz line the "suspension" has dried up and acar-
In fact, Ifound that with both car- uses the X core, for example. tridge no longer sounds good. How



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long it takes for that to happen depends ance of magnetic strength and distance effective mass and the cartridge cantilever com-
on the material used, and the conditions from the magnet to the gap. pliance—Ed.]
under which the cartridge is used. The original Clavis and the 7000 nsx Unfortunately, as Clavis owners dis-
According to Carr, pure organic rubber used long pole-pieces and avery strong covered, the unprotected motor assem-
can last longer than carbon-impregnat- magnet to generate areasonably high bly was more vulnerable to damage,
ed rubber, where the additives can at- output signal with extremely low distor- and without abody, there was no way
tack the rubber from within. tion. The 7000 Fe5 uses asimilar ar- to clip on the stylus guard. In order to
One way to illustrate graphically rangement. The Clavis DC, however; of- do that, you had to replace the body —
what happens to the rubber as it ages is fers aradical departure from that scheme asomewhat tricky maneuver.
to do "the pinch test" on the back of in that there are no pole-pieces. There is The Clavis DC uses a"monoblock"
your own hand. Grab the skin in the asimilarly shaped structure to anchor body and base, in which asingle piece
middle of the back of your hand with the cantilever assembly, but it does not of hard-anodized 7075 aircraft-grade
the thumb and index finger of your function as amagnetic flux transmitter. aluminum alloy is precision-machined
other hand. Pull up and then let go. If Instead, two powerful disc magnets are both to accommodate the motor assem-
you're in your 20s or even 30s, your threaded on the cantilever assembly, bly and to provide amounting base. (In
skin's "settling time" is probably instan- with one replacing the back "pole- most other cartridge designs, the body
taneous. The older you get, the longer it piece" and one the front "pole-piece." is glued or bolted to the base.)
takes for your skin to snap back, and the The gap is therefore defined by the The single-unit, cutaway construc-
longer you'll be able to see the ridge of magnets, with the flux created by the tion offers freedom from body-cav-
skin you've pinched. surfaces of the magnets themselves, not ity-induced resonances, extreme rigidi-
With proper care, your stylus may by the pole-pieces. ty, and agood deal of protection for the
very well outlast your suspension, But then won't the "stray" magnetic motor assembly. As with the original
though Carr says that, if the designer flux increase greatly, thus increasing dis- Clavis, the DC's stopper tube is secured
knows what he's doing, you won't have tortion? Not according to Carr, who into the rear of the base, but since there
asuspension "time bomb." Speaking of claims that two magnets operating in a is no rear pole-piece, the entire length of
which, now that you have afeel for push-pull mode, with the core in the the stopper tube fits into the body, thus
what makes the cantilever "give," you center, results in both extremely low increasing the mechanical rigidity of the
can understand why it is so critical to distortion and the efficient generation cantilever subassembly.
lower the stylus into the groove gently. of electricity. AudioQueses 7000 Fe5 is not de-
If you drop it repeatedly with force, signed to be played with its body re-
you'll flex the thin wire suspension No BODY &SOUL moved, nor does it feature "mono-
beyond its elastic limit and your car- The final piece of the puzzle is the car- block" construction or acutaway body.
tridge may "bottom out." tridge body. While some cartridge man- But, Bill Low told me, that was taken
ufacturers simply glue the motor assem- into account in the final design. Why
CANTILEVERS &DAMPERS bly to the inside of the top plate, in the did Low make the decision not to have
According to Carr, boron tends to have original Clavis it was securely anchored aremovable body? Simple: Low was
an easier-to-control resonant signature to the base via the screw which sand- designing adifferent cartridge for adif-
than Ceralloy, so on the AudioQuest wiched the pole-piece/magnet assembly. ferent end user.
Fe5 just the two sets of dampers previ- To accomplish this, the cartridge The best way to describe the differ-
ously described are used. On the Clavis mounting plate had to be scooped out ence between the two cartridges is to
DC, an additional rubber "donut" fits to accommodate the top of the pole- use acar analogy: The Clavis DC is the
over the entire core/damper assembly piece, an extremely difficult machining Dodge Intrepid; the AudioQuest 7000
—an Ortofon innovation (used origi- job. In addition, the original Clavis fur- Fe5 is the Chrysler New Yorker. Both
nally on its MC-20) which Scan-Tech ther strengthened the mechanical in- are based on similar designs, but one is
uses with permission. tegrity of the cantilever assembly by ex- built for speed, the other comfort.
tending the length of the stopper tube Low told me his goal was to forgo rad-
POLE-PIECES &MAGNETS and feeding it through the back of the ical design in favor of predictable, bot-
The magnet sandwiched between the rear pole-piece and into ahole drilled in tom-line high performance, hence the
cartridge pole-pieces can be samarium/ the rear of the base —another extreme- Fe5's nonremovable body and its rea-
cobalt, neodymium (the "n" in nsx), or ly difficult machining job. (If the hole sonably high output of 0.4mV. By taking
some more mundane magnetic materi- for the stopper tube and the hole for the advantage of Scan-Tech's precision man-
al. Its shape and size can also vary. pole-piece screw don't line up exactly, ufacturing and its ability to custom-com-
The purpose of the pole-pieces is to the entire assembly is unusable.) bine various components, Low was able
transfer the magnetic flux from the The advantage of this design was bet- to get the design and sound he wanted.
magnet to the gap in afocused fashion, ter energy transfer from the cantilever Carr, on the other hand, being the
while preventing stray magnetic fields to the body to the arm. Usually, vibra- ever-inquisitive thrill-seeking designer,
from reaching the coils directly. A short tional energy reflects back down to the was more interested in innovation, "hi-
pole-piece results in agreater amount of stylus tip. The result was said to be bet- tech" performance, and speed. Hence
magnetic energy reaching the gap (thus ter pitch definition and purer-sounding the DC's unique in-line magnet, "mono-
greater efficiency), which is good. transients. The design also allowed the block" construction, and relatively low
Unfortunately, it also increases the like- body to be easily removed after the car- 025mV output.
lihood of stray energy reaching the gap, tridge was installed, resulting in free-
which is not good because it increases dom from body-cavity-induced reso- FINALLY: WE LISTEN
distortion. The inverse is also true; thus, nances. [The reduced cartridge mass also In comparing these two cartridges I
the designer has to find the ideal bal- might 'ive abetter match with the toneann's used two different tonearms on the VP!

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TNT Mk3: the Graham 1.5t unipivot, The Missouri Breaks original soundtrack altered the overall sound in not-subtle
and the Rockport Capella air-bearing (United Artists UA LA 623-G), Miles ways. Ideal tracking force was 1.8 grams
linear tracker, which is silicone-damped Davis's Saturday Night in Person at the — the top of the range. Anything less,
horizontally. (Such damping is amust, Blackhawk San Francisco, Volumes I& II and the top end began to dominate the
in my opinion, for any linear-tracker to (Columbia "six-eye" original), Clap picture. Ialso found that Ineeded to in-
perform properly with a high-perfor- Hands, Here Comes Charlie, Ella Fitz- crease the amount of damping in both
mance cartridge.) gerald (Verve V6-4053 original/Classic the Graham and Rockport arms to
With the Graham's interchangeable reissue), Live and Pickite, Doc and Merle achieve anatural timbral balance.
arm tubes, changing cartridges took but Watson (United Artists UA LA 943-H), The instruction sheet describes the
afew minutes. ft would normally take Davey Spillane's Atlantic Bridge (Tara Clavis DC as "exuberant and exciting,"
somewhat longer to switch cartridges in 3019), Janis Ian's Breaking Silence and it ain't kidding. You get the sense
the Rockport; however, since both (Analogue Productions APP 027), that the DC eats whatever energy is
models place the stylus tip the same dis- Doris Day's Listen To Day (Columbia sent its way and spits it out the other
tance from the mounting screws, over- DDS 1), Benjamin Britten, Noye's Flood side with complete abandon. If you
hang is the same. And both designs (London OS 25331), Pulse: Works for (and your playback system) don't get
place the stylus tip the same distance Percussion and Strings (New World NW this baby under complete control, it'll
vertically from the mounting base, 313), Albeniz, Suite Española (Dec- run away with your system and steal the
meaning that VTA (Vertical Tracking ca/Alto SXL 6355), Tchaikovsky's "Pa- music out from under you.
Angle) was essentially the same, all thétique" Symphony, Monteux/BSO But if you tame it with careful setup,
things being equal. Thus, only VTF (RCA LSC-1901/Classic reissue), and you can get it eating out of your hand
(Vertical Tracking Force) had to be España (Decca SXL 2020/Alto reissue). and purring like apussycat. When you
changed. In other words, with either do that, you will be rewarded with the
arm, Icould go back and forth within a CLAVIS DC sense of aclear path from the master
few minutes. And because these are It took longer to break this sucker in tape to your ears. Not everyone craves
both precision-built cartridges, azimuth than any cartridge I've ever used —over reproduction that literal and revealing.
was identical: with the cantilever dead- amonth of constant use. Out of the box, Great recordings will give you every-
center perpendicular to the record. it sounded extremely bright —not harsh, thing they've got. Unfortunately, so will
Iused the Audible Illusions Modulus just bright, with an obviously rising top the stinkers.
3A preamplifier with its Gold MC pho- end that shone aspotlight on everything On Joan Baez In Concert, there was a
no board loaded at 47k ohms. Toward in the upper octaves. Iwas tempted to sense of Joan standing in front of me
the end of the extensive listening ses- load the cartridge down, but since the in three dimensions — Icould see her,
sions, Iinserted the Audio Research manufacturer and the importer recom- and the outline of her guitar, and Ifelt
PH-3 phono section into the system, mend 47k ohms, that's where Ileft it. as if Iwere listening from the other
but more about that in another review. The Clavis DC demands precise set- side of the microphone. The energy
Other components included: Cary up. If you're sloppy with overhang, off- just kept coming, as it would if Iwere
CAD-805 single-ended triode tube set, azimuth, VTA, or VTF, it will rip hearing Joan live. The boundary line
amplifiers, the OCM 500 solid-state your head off with aharsh, hard, unfor- between her head and the expanse of
stereo amplifier, Audio Physic Virgo giving top-end. BUT, once you get it airy, empty stage behind her was re-
and ProAc Response 2.5 loudspeakers, "dialed-in" precisely, it offers superb vealed with uncanny precision. Icould
and, toward the end of the audition focus from the very back to the very hear the very weak echo of her voice
period, the Audio Physic Terra powered front of the soundstage, and to the outer bouncing off the stage's side wall, and
subwoofer. Cabling was A.R.T. and corners. This is a"lights on" cartridge Icould feel the air circulating on the
Yamamura Systems (both designed by that illuminates the proceedings with stage behind her.
Be Yamamura) throughout, with the energy to spare, despite its relatively low The same three-dimensional solidity
exception of the phono cable, which output. is evident with Miles Davis's trumpet
was XLO Signature Type 3. Accessories Once it was suitably broken in, the on the Blackhawk stage, which sounds
included Power Wedge line condition- Clavis DC proved to be ahighly analyt- brassy, and airy, and "live" as Miles
er, Audio Physic cartridge demagnetiz- ical, revealing, lean-sounding transducer, moves the horn bell around the mike.
er, Shakti Stones, A.R.T. "Q" dampers with a"lively" top end and an extremely It's also totally free from reality-robbing
and Harmonix tuning feet, Bright Star tight, "fast" bottom end. The latter easi- grain and hardness. You'll get this pic-
sand boxes, and Townshend Seismic ly revealed the source of the low fre- ture only if you've locked the Clavis in
Sinks. quencies the cartridge was reproducing. with very careful setup. Anything less
While Iplayed dozens and dozens of Drum-skin textures, mallet heads, and and the illusion is destroyed, replaced by
records in my listening sessions (such bass strings were all defined with tight the clear sensation that astylus is scrap-
torture!), Ifocused on afew revealing precision, as were the shapes and mate- ing through avinyl groove.
ones, including Mel Tonné and Friends rials of the instruments being struck. If On the Mel Tonné album, Mel's
Recording Live At Marty's New York City your sonic cup of tea is "richness," voice sounds round and positively mel-
(Finesse W2X 37484), Used Guitars by "warmth," "dying-embers romanti- low, floating on acushion of air while at
Marti Jones (A&M SP 5208), Jackson cism," you won't be happy with the the same time locked in three-dimen-
Browne's Saturate Before Using (Asylum Clavis DCs bottom-end performance sional focus. Icould almost see his lips
SD 5051, white-label original mastered —or with any other part, for that matter, move, and Icould hear him maneuver
by George Piros at Atlantic), Joan Baez perhaps with the exception of the the air from his diaphragm through his
In Concert (Vanguard Stereolab black- midrange, where the DC is essentially throat and up to his nasal passages as he
label VSD-2122), Belafonte At Carnegie neutral, though it doesn't sound "liquid." changed tonality to drive the songs
Hall (RCA LSO-6006/Classic reissue), Minute changes in tracking force home.


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Mel's backup group is arrayed behind more seat cushion and less of the road, singers (Belafonte's conductor on
and to his sides, the piano clearly fo- gliding along on a much smoother "Matilda," for example).
cused to your left, the rhythm section to highway of sound. It's an easier, more
your right, and behind them, you can comfortable ride. CONCLUSIONS
make out people sitting at tables and Right out of the box, the Fe5 was Icould live quite happily with either of
talking. Glasses tinIde, wine corks pop, easier on the ears, sounding sumptu- these cartridges, both as reviewing tools
and liquid is poured. All of this activity ous, yet still detailed and bracing. The and as music reproducers. Both are built
continues way in the background as Fe5 was more forgiving of setup varia- to extremely close tolerances, and both
Tormc sings. When he's through, the tion; although, like the Clavis, it gave offer outstanding control of mechanical
tables come to life with bursts of most in terms of focus, clarity, transient resonances and superb trackability. Both
applause. speed, and inner detail when it was must be considered state-of-the-an in
This cartridge really revealed what it "locked-in." Break-in time was shorter terms of build quality and technology.
could do in the way of driving rhythms —about 35 hours of play before Ifelt it My original Clavis still functions per-
forward, exposing inner detail and tim- really sang. fectly and hasn't lost any of its sonic
bral richness, and placing images in The Fe5 reproduced the upper attributes after hundreds of hours of
space on agigantic, airy soundstage on octaves (ie, brass, cymbals, etc.) with an play and some rough treatment in and
John Cage's Third Construction on the extremely attractive, listenable, and har- out of various arms under difficult test
Pulse LP. This percussion piece calls for monically convincing burnished glow, conditions. So while $1900 or $2550 for
(among other things) 20 various-sized compared to the Da Capo's more a cartridge ain't small change, with
tin cans to be banged on, agigantic bass aggressive take. proper care, either of these cartridges
drum to be rubbed (creating an omi- Lost in the wann glow, though, were should last indefinitely when used with
nous, groaning sound), and a conch the little cracks, and even some of the afirst-class, properly damped toncarm.
shell to be blown. These instruments big potholes, which help reveal the inner The Clavis DC offers more detail,
were presented on the stage with three- textures and minute details and shadings rhythmic snap, and transient precision
dimensional precision, focused and un- of recordings, some good, some bad. than the original Clavis. The Fe5 is far
wavering, with transient sparkle and Overall, however, the Fe5, sonically tai- less zippy and etched-sounding than the
snap but without "etchiness" or grain, or lored by acareful listener like Low, pro- original 7000 and more liquid and
hardness. vides acanny balance between exposure smooth than the nsx, while maintaining
You want to hear abig, wide, airy of fine recorded detail and the luxury the design's resolution of inner detail.
soundstage? One you can "see" even that only fine analog can provide. This So if you're looking to replace older mod-
when no sounds are being presented on design should prove to be even more els with the newer ones, Idon't think
it? You want to hear images being popular than the 7000 nsx —it improves you'll be disappointed with either up-
thrown way back behind your speakers on that fine design in every way. grade.
and into the outermost corners with Because of its higher output, Iwas If you get the sense that Istruggled
precise three-dimensional focus? This careful to match levels when switching somewhat to describe the sound of these
cartridge did all that with ease, and from the Clavis to the Fe5 and replay- cartridges, you're right. As Iwrote at the
without smearing or distorting the ing records. On Clap Hands, Here Comes beginning, while these two cartridges
images at the front or back of the stage. Charlie (original or reissue), Fitzgerald's sound very different in many respects,
For all that it reveals in terms of spa- voice was warmer, fuller, and more they also sound similar in others. Both
tiality, detail, and air, for all of its solid mellow with the Fe5. Bass was better offer outstanding neutrality in the
focus and portrayal of depth, many ana- delineated and lines were easier to fol- midrange, particularly regarding string,
log fans will find the Clavis DC too low. brass, and reed tone. However, Ihave
revealing, too analytical, too ruthless in its Somewhat harder to make out, heard greater midrange liquidity and
spotlight focus on microphone place- though, was the interplay between Lou sense of "quiet" in the background from
ment and pickup patterns. Along with Levy's piano and Herb Ellis's guitar: some other (more expensive) cartridges.
the musical detail, it passes along some The two blended together. Some would The differences arc at the frequency
of the behind-the-scenes, better-off- say that's more likely what you'd hear extremes and in terms of low-level
not-heard information as well. live; that separating the two, as the dynamic contrasts.
Some will find the highs too forward Clavis does, is afunction of overly de- Where the Fe5 was big, generous,
and "zingy," the overall balance too lean tailed, "hyped-up" sound. Idon't think and easy-sounding, the Clavis was
and detailed, the bass too taut and not there's aclear answer. somewhat stingy and reserved, even as
sufficiently luxurious-sounding. And On Joan Baez In Concert, the Fe5 add- it yielded more detail on top. The Fe5's
some will find the dynamic balance a ed awarm glow to Joan's voice which, bass was warmer, more powerful, and
bit on the reserved side, which it is— while pleasant, robbed it of the "you- more luxurious. The warmth crept into
partly due, Isuspect, to its relatively low are-there" quality the Clavis gave it. The the midrange, and smoothed and
output. This is alean, mean machine. I side-stage echo was less distinct, as was sweetened things slightly while some-
loved it. the three-dimensional image of her what obscuring the inner details which
head, placed in space with the stage walls the Clavis DC revealed with ruthless
AUDIOQUEST 7000 FES way back, separated by alarge volume of ease.
For those listeners who find the Clavis air. But again, only slightly less so. The Clavis DC put aspotlight on the
too much to handle, the AudioQuest On the other hand, with Belafonte at stage, offering up staggering amounts of
Fe5 provides greater bass dynamics, Carnegie Hall, that extra bit of warmth inner detail and providing sonic excite-
more low-end "oomph," more richness helped reveal the shape of the hall's ment which the Fe5 passed on in favor
and warmth, and more overall sonic curved wall of tiers, and it added of suaveness of sound. For some, the
luxury. With its higher output, Ifelt dimensionality to the background Fe5's more luxurious sonic balance, and


its greater dynamic weight on the bot- free performance of both of these units
TOWING FOR tom, will be just right, for others, the
Clavis's shark-like precision, its portray-
(and the arms and 'table, of course).
Frankly, if you don't like what you hear
ANALOG al of inner detail, and its lean, fast upper with these cartridges, Idon't think you
frequencies will be the ticket to analog really like what's in the grooves.
CARTRIDGES happiness. Finally, you'll note that Iused both
But coming from the same designer original and Classic Records reissues of
ALONG THE and from the same company, they clear- Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie, Belafonte
DIGITAL HIGHWAY. ly share many attributes. So even though
the Fe5 is warmer and more user-
at Girrugie Hall, and Tchaikovsky's "Pa-
thétique" Symphony, as well as the orig-
friendly, those who've found previous inal Decca and the Alto reissue of Es-
Scan-Tech efforts too "analytical" won't paña. While these arc two different-
be swayed by the Fe5, and certainly not sounding and -performing transducers,
by the Clavis 1)C.2 In other words, if the sonic differences between the origi-
you're aKoetsu kind of audiophile, nei- nal pressings and the reissues were far
ther one of these is likely to impress. greater than those between these two
While this may damn both cartridges cartridges. That puts the differences I've
for some listeners, when you A/B described in perspective. S
Your van den Hul dealer can either one with well-transferred CD
arrange to rebuild virtually any brand versions of the same material, you'll
find overall musical timbres to be re-
of moving coil cartridge (including
markably similar between the CDs and •
van den Hul). Ask us how our Analog LPs (though of course the LPs beat the
Posse can round up your groove CDs in terms of air, space, and harmon-
engine and get it back on the road ic detailing). That, to me, is atestament
to the musical honesty and resonance-
again. All tuned up. Ready to roll.
- — -
Stanalog Audio Imports 2Ido know that some reviewers who've written about
Scan-Tech designs with less-than-enthusiastic prose
PO. Box 671 Hagamos, New York 12086 have used what Iconsider to he non-rigid, non-
damped, and thus non-appropriate tone:inns with
TEL /FAX :518-843-3070 these hi-tech designs. -nut strikes nie as aprescription
for disappointment.

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Robert Harley

Parasound D/AC- 1101r: digital/analog converter with dual Burr-Brown PCM63 20- sampling. Digital inputs: coaxial (RCA jack), AES/EBU (XLR jack), ST-type optical.
bit DACs and aPacific Microsonics PMD100 HDCD decoder/filter operating at 8x- TosLink optical. Analog outputs: balanced on XLR jacks, unbalanced on RCA jacks.
oversampling. Digital inputs: two coaxial (RCA jacks), AES/EBU (XLR jack),TosLink Output impedance: 102 ohms (balanced). SI ohms (unbalanced). Frequency response:
optical. Analog output unbalanced on RCA jacks. Output impedance: 600 ohms. DC-20kHz +0, —0.5dB. S/N ratio: >103dB. Channel separation: >I04dB at 20kHz.
Digital output coaxial S/PDIE Frequency response: 2Hz-20kHz ±0.25dB. 5/N ratio: >110dB at I
kHz_THD: <0.0015% at 1
kHz, full-scale output. Phase linearity: ±0.1° typ-
>108d13, 113dB typical. Channel separation: >100dB (no frequency specified).THD: ical. Maximum jitter: <40ps RMS (10Hz-401cHz). Dimensions: 19" W by 3" H by
<0.015% at I
kHz. Phase linearity: ±0° at 20kHz. Maximum jitter: <50ps RMS (no 13.125" D. Weight 15 lbs (net). Serial number of unit tested: 512S10038. Price: $1995.
bandwidth specified). Dimensions:1rW by 3" H by 13.125" D. Weight 12.5 lbs (net).
Serial number of unit tested: 206657. Price: $950. Common to both: Warranty:2 years parts and labor. Approximate number of deal-
ers: 350. Manufacturer: Parasound Products Inc., 950 Battery Street, San Francisco,
Parasound D/AC-2000 Ultra: digital/analog converter with UltraAnalog dual-20-bit CA 9411 I
.Tel: (415) 397-7100. Fax: (415) 397-0144.
DAC and aPacific Microsonics PMD100 HDCD decoder/filter operating at 8x-over-

arasound Products isn't the first
name that comes to my mind
when considering affordable
digital processors and transports. The
San Francisco-based company is best
known for producing high-value pre-
amplifiers, power amplifiers, and Home
Theater components, some of which
are designed by the legendary John
Curl. But Parasound has also been mak-
ing afull line of digital processors for
more than three years.' In addition, Parasound D/AC- I100' DIA processor
Parasound distributes the highly ac-
claimed C.E.C. line of belt-drive CD cd, the sampling frequency, polarity laminate transformers flank the unit's
transports, as well as selling abelt-drive inversion, de-emphasis, and when the left-hand side, and supply power to 11
transport under its own name. unit is decoding an HDCD-encoded separate three-pin (T0-220 type) volt-
Parasound has revamped its digital source. The unit's rack-mounting holes age regulators, these cooled by over-
processor line with new HDCIY-com- seem alittle out of place, but you can fill sized heatsinks. Rows of large electro-
patible processors —and added an Ultra- them with the supplied inserts so they lytic filter capacitors dominate the
Analog-based model. Ithought Stereo- don't show. inside, most of them high-quality Nich-
phile should take alook at what Para- The rear panel holds gold-plated dig- icon Muse types.2 Although most de-
sound has to offer in the digital arena. If ital input and analog output jacks, along signers would prefer more filter capa-
the company's enviable reputation for with an IEC AC line-cord jack. A digi- citance to less (up to apoint), this is no
high value and good sound for the tal output jack (RCA) is included for guarantee of good sound.
money holds truc for their digital gear, driving adigital recorder. Analog output A Scientific Conversion pulse trans-
the $950 D/AC-1100H" and $1995 is unbalanced only. former couples the selected digital
D/AC-2000 Ultra may be contenders at The D/AC-1100'"s design was acol- input to a Crystal CS8412 input re-
these fiercely competitive price points. laboration between Parasound's in- ceiver. Digital filtering is performed by
house engineering staff and an outside the Pacific Microsonics PMD100
PARASOUND D/AC-I WO": consultant. The Taiwan-made D/AC- HDCD decoder/filter. The DACs are
$950 1100"" is similar to Parasound's earlier high-quality Burr-Brown PCM63s,3
Despite its moderate price, the D/AC- D/AC-1000, but with HDCD decoding
and an improved analog output stage. 2For die curious, Icounted six 6800µF, four 4700pF,
1100" is housed in asturdy, full-sized
three 2200µF, four 1000µF, and four 470p.F caps, all of
chassis and boasts acomplete array of Looking at all the parts inside the which are bypassed with film-type caps. The total of
inputs and front-panel controls. The D/AC-1100", it's hard to believe they 72,080pF is more power-supply capacitance than is
found in many power amplifiers.
good-looking unit has a row of five can sell the processor at retail for $950.
3 Burr-Brown seems to be trying to force processor
square buttons that select among the Nearly every square inch of the chassis manufacturers into using their PCM1702 DAC
four inputs (two coaxial, one AES/ space is consumed by the unit's two through steep price increases on the PCM63. Many
designers prefer the PCM63 despite the PCM1702's
EBU, one TosLink) and invert absolute large circuit boards. Moreover, the
better low-level linearity, hut Isuspect that Burr-
polarity. LEDs indicate the input select- D/AC-1100" has a fair amount of Brown wants to phase the PCM63 out. The
point-to-point wiring, which can add PCM1702 is much smaller and is said to be easier to
manufacture than the PCM63. Parasound absorbed
1John Curl didn't design the two Rinsound pro-
significantly to aproduct's build cost. the PCM63's price increase rather than switch to the
cessors reviewed here. The power supply is massive. Three FCM1702.


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but the middle, "l'-J" grade (the "K" Specifically, the bass was big, round, spective was the most forward in the
designation is the least expensive, and and full. The DIAC-1100" made me mids of the five processors Ihad on
the "P-K" is the most). Although the think of aprofessional signal processing hand (DDE v3.0/DTI v2.0, Classé
owner's manual suggests the DIAC- device called "Big Bottom," which DAC 1, PS Audio UltraLink Two, and
1100"D uses two PCM63s per channel warms up the low end. The already big- the two Parasound units). The mids
("Two Burr-Brown PCM63P-J 20-bit sounding acoustic bass on Doug Mac- were projected slightly forward of the
push-pull for each channel and fully Leod's Come to Find (AudioQuest AQ- loudspeakers, in sharp contrast with the
balanced digital operation"), the MAC- CD1027), for example, was rendered D/AC-2000 Ultra's more laid-back
1100"D uses only one PCM63 per chan- even bigger-sounding by the DIAC- sound. The D/AC-110011 "seemed to
nel. Perhaps the confusion comes from 1100". Even recordings with a tight spotlight the midrange and upper bass,
the PCM63's internal "Canear" archi- and lean bass sounded weightier and much the way some tubed amplifiers
tecture, which uses two DAC circuits fuller when reproduced by the D/AC- draw your attention to those frequency
per monophonic DAC package. Then 1100". regions.
again, the owner's manual may be refer- Ilike bass warmth, but the ID/AC- The mids had some hardness and
ring to Parasound's D/AC-1600" 1100"" went too far in that direction, to edge, revealed as aslightly metallic fla-
($1495), which does use two PCM63s the point where the bass was slow, fat, vor to Ralph Towner's superbly record-
per channel. and ill-defined. It was difficult to differ- ed acoustic guitar on Oregon's Beyond
A pair of Analog Devices AD841 op- entiate pitch, and the bass lacked Words CD (Chesky JD130). On the
amps convert the DACs' current out- dynamics and impact. Icouldn't hear saine record, Paul McCandless's sopra-
puts into voltages. The AD841 is an ex- the attack and decay of the bass strings no sax and oboe sounded more synthet-
cellent choice for this crucial stage, and very well, and the bottom end was ic than when heard through the DDE
is also used in some expensive conver- missing snap and liveliness. Every other v3.0/DTI v2.0. The D/AC-110011D had
ters. Two more Analog Devices op- processor on deck (including the DDE abit of aveiled coloration in the mids
amps per channel (the AD845) follow v3.0/DTI v2.0 pair) sounded more and treble that reduced the sense of
the 1/V converters and form the output upbeat and rhythmically coherent than immediacy, despite its forward presen-
buffers. The active, third-order output the DIAC-1100 11 ". tation. Similarly, the treble was more
filter is built around an Analog Devices Iwas also bothered by the D/AC- subdued than the DDE/DTI pair, yet
AD746 op-amp. Putting four op-amps 11001"s lack of dynamics over the rest was simultaneously a little hashy-
in series seems like an overly complex of the spectrum. The snare drum in sounding. Although the Parasound
approach. Robben Rvd and the Blue Line (Stretch sounded less bright than the Audio
Commendably, the D/AC-1100" STD-1102) had areduced sense of snap Alchemy paiç it tended to emphasize
uses analog-domain attenuation to pro- and power, giving this rhythmically vocal sibilance. The D/AC-1100"s tre-
vide the 6dB level reduction required driving music a lackluster character. ble was less open and detailed than I
by the HDCD license for the replay of The D/AC-1100 1"s soft dynamics and expected from aprocessor in this price
non—HDCD-encoded discs. The al- sluggish bass resulted in aslow presen- range. There was alack of air, top-end
ternative is simply to set apin on the tation that was missing energy and extension, and openness to its presen-
PM1)100 to perform digital-domain excitement. This was my strongest crit- tation.
attenuation, but at the penalty of 1bit of icism of the D/AC-1100". The D/AC-11001"s soundstage was
ultimate resolution. The D/AC-11001"s overall per- good for a$950 processor, with nice
Imust report aminor glitch with the
review sample. The front-panel 44.1kHz
LEI) illuminated whenever the unit
was powered, whether or not it was PLAYBACK SYSTEM &ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS
locked to a44.1kHz source. When Ifed
the D/AC-1100"D with 32kHz and
48kHz sources on the test bench, the Iauditioned the D/AC-1100" and UltraLink Two ($2295), and a
44.1kHz LED stayed illuminated, even D/AC-2000 Ultra with three trans- Cla.ssé DAC 1(now $3995).
though the D/AC-1100 11 "was locked ports: the Mark Levinson No31, the Loudspeakers were Genesis II.5s
to other sampling frequencies. Sonic Frontiers SFT-1, and Para- driven by apair of Audio Research
sound's new C/BD-2000 belt-drive VT150 monoblocks via short runs of
Listening: My main point of com- unit (review due next month). AudioQuest Dragon II. The preamp
parison for the MAC-1100m' was the Digital interconnects were primarily was aSonic Frontiers SFL-2. Inter-
$795 Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0 pro- the excellent Illuminati true 75 ohm connects included AudioQuest
cessor. Alchemy sells the DDE v3.0 RCA cable (my reference coaxial Lapis, AudioQuest Diamond, and
with the DTI v2.0 jitter attenuator for cable), an AudioQuest Diamond x3 WireWorld Gold Eclipse (balanced
$995: this is the combination to beat in balanced cable for AES/EBU con- and unbalanced). The system sat on
this price range, in my opinion. nection, and Parasound's new Data- aMerrill Stable Table and aBilly
The D/AC-1100 11 " had a char- Bridge AES/EBU cable. The Para- Bags 5500-series rack. Power to the
acteristic sound that was strongly evi- sound processors' performance was system was conditioned by an MIT
dent during the auditioning. The evaluated on their own and in direct, Z-Center, Z-Stabilizer II, and Z-
processor reminded me of aclassic tube matched-level comparisons with an Cord II AC cords. The processors
amplifier: The D/AC-1100" com- Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0/DTI under audition were evaluated with
bined warm bass with asoft, low-res- v2.0 combination ($995), aPS Audio their stock AC cords. —Robert Harley
olution presentation to create an easy-
going and relaxing sound.


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depth and separation between in- The D/AC-1100"s frequency re- nal to create the plot of fig3. Note that
struments. Depth, however, tended to sponse (fig.1, upper trace) was flat but even though the Crystal CS8412 input
be portrayed in several discrete layers with a mildly positive de-emphasis receiver, PMD100 digital filter, and
rather than along acontinuum from the error (lower trace), between 0.1dB and PCM63 DACs will all operate on 20-
front of the soundstage to the back. The 02dB. It may just be audible as agreater bit data or more, the DIAC-1100" 1"s
D/AC-1100" also lacked the sense of immediacy and brightness when listen- internal architecture provides only 16-
air at the soundstage's outer edges that I ing to pre-emphasized CDs because of bit pathways.
heard from the DDE/DTI combina- the error's three-octave bandwidth. The CD format is, of course, limited
tion. Channel separation (fig2) was ex- to 16-bit resolution, making this entire
Driving the ID/AC-1100 1m with cellent, the crosstalk measuring below discussion moot. The only time the
Parasound's CIBD-2000 belt-drive CD 105dB at any audio frequency, and DIAC-1100" 1"s 16-bit limit is an issue is
transport was amixed bag. The trans- reaching ahigh —120dB at 1 kHz. This if you use an Audio Alchemy DTI Pro
port's softish bass didn't help the DIAC- easily beats the 1 kHz-specified 100dB or DTI Pro 32 or the Meridian 518, all
1100", but the CIBD-2000 did have a separation in the owner's manual. of which can be set to output digital
smooth and laid-back midrange that A 1 /
3-octave spectral analysis of the words longer than 16 bits.
complemented the processor. DIAC-1100"s output when decoding A wideband spectral analysis of the
To its credit, the DI/IC-1100"i% alkHz, —9031dBFS dithered sinewave DIAC-1100"s output when fed "digi-
flaws were less objectionable than those (fig3) shows the unit has good linearity, tal silence" (all encoded data words are
of some processors. The overly warm low noise, and total absence of power- zero) shows alow noise level and afair-
bass and overall soft presentation are far supply noise in the audio signai This is ly aggressive analog output filter, seen as
preferable to an etched and strident ren- excellent performance, particularly for a the rapid attenuation just above the
dering. Although the WAC-1100"s converter costing less than $1000. audioband (fig.4). The right channel is
sound wasn't to my taste, this type of This test, however, revealed that the also slightly quieter than the left chan-
presentation has its adherents. Witness DIAC-1100" truncates incoming 20- nel.
the popularity of the EAD processors, bit data to 16-bits. Iroutinely use 20-bit Low-level linearity (fig.5) was good,
which in my opinion trade resolution resolution test signals now that proces- as I've come to expect from the Burr-
for smoothness, and bass definition for sors are available which will pass 20-bit Brown PCM63 DAC. A very slight
warmth. data to the DACs. Feeding the D/AC- negative error can be seen below
1100'") with a20-bit dithered source —80dB, but the DACs are nearly perfect
Measurements: The DI/IC-1100m "s from the Audio Precision System One to —105dB. In addition, both DACs per-
maximum output level was 2.37V, alit- Dual Domain resulted in the four Least form identically. Note that the PCM63
tle higher output than that of most Significant Bits (LSBs) being truncated, needs no MSB trimmer, and that its lin-
HDCD-based processors. Output im- and with them, the dither. The result earity won't change over time. Fig.6
pedance measured alow 28 ohms at was the appearance of alot of harmon- shows the WAC-1100"s noise-modu-
any audio frequency. DC offset levels ic distortion because of the lack of lation plot. The traces are tightly
were a low 1.7mV (left channel) and dither. When Isaw the high distortion, grouped, indicating that the processor's
2.8mV (right channel), and the unit Irepeated the test with a16-bit test sig- noise level and the spectral balance of
doesn't invert absolute polarity. that noise don't change as afunction of
111.0.1009 1111111100. 1040.010•10011111111. 000p ore4.•••••••••

•••••••414 4comor4.0 .4.44, 444444,4 ,,

IMO 54.*•• 041.C. 1110. 1..••••• ..0.0,541.4 • 1.140114155.4

10 [10






1101 10.
Fig.3 Parasound D/AC-I 100". spectrum of 410 100 .0 400 .0 00

dithered I kHz tone at -90.3IdBFS, with

Fig.I Parasound D/AC-1100"°, frequency
noise and spuriae (I6-bit data, I/3-octave Fig.S Parasound D/AC-1100" °,departure from
response (top) and de-emphasis error
analysis, right channel dashed). linearity (right channel dashed, 2dB/vertical
(bottom) (right channel clashed.O.Sc1B/ver-
tical div.).
5.10.0000.1* AC spec...4444.o ad
40 Ca
004.01.0. 00411.0100•001.11 1101.10101 • KKKKK 4111 .. Seeno01010 11011,011.1.0•maIMM. 11114011,1Mo 4. 0001444


*0 00

00 00
go. 0

100 0

110 0

" 100 0

1111 IN\ 1011

1100 .
100 101.
IN 10 101

Fig.4 Parasound D/AC-I 100". spectrum of digi-

Fig.2 Parasound D/AC-I 100", crosstalk (R-L tal silence (I 6-bit data. 'A-octave analysis, Fig.6 Parasound D/AC- 1100 - .noise modulation.
channel dashed, 10dB/vertical div.). right channel dashed). -60 to -100dBFS (IOdB/vertical dry.).


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input level. This is excellent perfor-
Fig.'7, the D/AC-1100"s reproduc-
tion of alkHz, -9031dBFS undithered
sinewave, reveals agood waveshape and
fairly low noise. However, some DC
offset shifts the test signal's zero crossing
point to the 5012V horizontal line.
Driving the D/AC-110011 "with data
representing afull-scale mix of 19kHz
and 20kHz sinewaves produced the
spectrum of fig.8 at the unit's output. Parasound D/AC-2000 Ultra DIA processor
The intermodulation products are few
and low in level, indicating good per- 400Hz-20kHz. Fig.9 is the jitter spec- Other than the rather high jitter,
formance. This is one of the better- trum when the D/AC-1100" was however, the D/AC-110011 "had good
looking IMD plots I've seen. decoding a 1kHz full-scale sinewave bench performance.
Moving next to the D/AC-1100""s from the CBS Test Disc played on aPS
jitter, Imeasured the RMS jitter level at Audio Lambda transport. The spectrum PARASOUND D/AC-2000
the PCM63's 8x word-clock pin using is dense with periodic jitter compo- ULTRA: $1995
the Meitner LIM Detector, and made nents, seen as spikes in the trace. The The top-of-the-line D/AC-2000 Ultra
an FFT-derived spectral analysis of the RMS jitter level was a rather high is housed in the same chassis as the
jitter. The measurement bandwidth was 330ps. With atest signal of all zeros, the D/AC-1100", with identical front-
RMS jitter level dropped to 260ps and panel controls and indicator LEDs. This
10:440 •610 001 IMSI
produced arelatively cleaner spectrum similarity is, however, only skin-deep;

4r4 (fig.10). When decoding the most dif-
ficult test signal for jitter —a 1kHz,
the D/AC-1100"" and D/AC-2000
Ultra couldn't be more different inside.
-90dBFS sinewave (fig.11) — the peri- Where the D/AC-1100"" is jam-
odic jitter components associated with packed with filter caps and point-to-
the audio signal rose (the spikes at point wiring, the D/AC-2000 Ultra is
lkHz, 2kHz, and 4kHz), and the RMS clean and clutter-free. This isn't to say
jitter level increased to 450ps —almost the D/AC-2000 Ultra sacrifices any-
half a nanosecond. This jitter perfor- thing, just that the D/AC-2000 appears
mance is mediocre, and less good than is to be more thoughtfully realized. If the
Fig.7 Parasound D/AC-1100", waveform of possible with aCrystal CS8412 input D/AC-1100"" was designed with a
undithered IkHz sinewave at —90.3IdBFS receiver and PMD100 filter. "shotgun" approach, the D/AC-2000
(16-bit data).
Ultra was designed as if with asurgical
laser. The two processors were obvious-
6.0601,110 110010 lenew bgemtrum..1*.1101
50m0409 000 10.4 20• •P•C1000 tele•I ye

ly designed and manufactured indepen-
dently by different design teams.
(Another clue: The D/AC-2000 Ultra's
box says "Manufactured in U.S.A."; the

D/AC-1100" is made in Taiwan.)

The D/AC-2000 Ultra gets rid of
.40 the DIAC-1100"1"s digital output (a sel-
. 41. 0M 400 et. Me UM UM M. UM MM
dom-used feature), but adds balanced
120 0
0 2 0. OM W. 12 011 I. 01. 16 Oh 1•00 22.
outputs on XLR jacks. One each of
Fig. 1
0Parasound D/AC- I100". word-clock jitter every digital input is provided (RCA,
Fig.8 Parasound D/AC- I100", HF intermodula- spectrum, DC-20kHz, when processing
AES/EBU, TosLink, ST-type optical) at
tion spectrum. DC-24kHz. I 9+20kHz at digital silence; PS Audio Lambda transport
OdBFS (linear frequency scale, 20dB/vertical (linear frequency scale, 10dB/vertical div., the standard price.
div.). OdB= I ns). AC input is filtered before reaching
the unit's two custom toroidal trans-
formers, one to supply the analog cir-
ea** DAL Wei 0.‘trurn 11,.. 000 Mm00/M "CIO., Jr. , 1.• 9.0 s.a...10.•01
00 00

cuits and one for digital electronics. The
power supply features eight separately-
regulated stages, all with three-pin volt-
age regulators. The D/AC-2000 Ultra


. CO
uses afraction of the filter capacitance
found in the D/AC-11001").
4000 The D/AC-2000's two optical inputs
0000 0°

2 OP 406. 001L • C. 10 Olt 17Oh Mels 14. MC0

. 2M éM 0M OM COU 120 M. 10. MM MM
and two electrical inputs are selected
separately by relays. A network ensures
Fig.9 Parasound D/AC-1100", word-clock jitter Fig.I IParasound D/AC-1100"°. word-clock jitter that the electrical inputs present the
spectrum. DC-20kHz, when processing spectrum. DC-20kHz, when processing
proper input impedance to the digital
IkHz sinewave at OdBFS; PS Audio Lambda IkHz sinewave at —90dBFS; PS Audio
transport (linear frequency scale, 10dB/ver- Lambda transport (linear frequency scale, source driving the D/AC-2000 —75
tical div., OdB= I
ns). IOdB/vertical div.. OdB= I
ns). ohms for coaxial and 110 ohms for the







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AES/EBU input. This circuit is fol- almost as though the D/AC-2000 bone," but its bass was not quite as
lowed by a Scientific Conversion 2:1 Ultra's sonic character was the inverse of defined as the Parasound's. The more
step-up transformer that increases the that of the lower-priced unit. Where expensive Classé DAC 1was at another
signal voltage for input to the low-jitter the D/AC-11001"s bass was overly level of quality, however, with power,
UltraAnalog AES21 input receiver warm, the D/AC-2000 Ultra's bottom depth, tautness, and dynamics that are
module. end was lean and tight. Moreover, the state-of-the-art.
Digital filtering is performed by the WAG-11001"s overall softness and The D/AC-2000 Ultra's soundstage
Pacific Microsonics PMD100 HDCD lack of detail were in stark contrast to performance was beyond anything I've
decoder. The 8x-oversampled audio the D/AC-2000 Ultra's fine rendering heard in a similarly priced processor.
data arc converted to an analog signal of detail and crystal clear transparency. The Parasound presented instrumental
with an UltraAnalog D20400A 20-bit But it does adisservice to the D/AC- images against ajet-black background,
two-channel DAC module. Although 2000 Ultra to praise it in relation to the with deep silences between notes. The
the D/AC-2000 Ultra has balanced D/AC-1100 11 ". I switched to the sense of air and bloom was also extraor-
outputs, the balanced signal is created in D/AC-2000 Ultra for most of my plea- dinary for a$2000 processor. A good
the analog domain after the DACs, not sure listening right after removing the example was the previously mentioned
by using two DACs per channel (this is state-of-the-art Spectral SDR-2000 Pro Oregon disc, Beyond Words. Paul
an expensive technique you wouldn't processor from my system (Spectral McCandless's woodwinds seemed to
expect in a$2000 processor). wanted it back). The Spectral is atough float in space slightly behind the loud-
The D20400A's wordclock is condi- act to follow, but the Parasound was not speaker plane. Compared to Ralph
tioned with ajitter-reduction circuit disgraced by the comparison. This Towner's guitar, the woodwinds sound-
located right next to the DAC. The jit- processor stood head-to-head with ed more distant. Either McCandless was
ter-reduction circuit consists of aType some of the best-sounding converters farther away from the microphones, or
D flip-flop that receives the 256x bit- I've heard —and held its own. his instruments excited the room's
clock signal from the AES21 input The D/AC-2000 Ultra's overall reverberation more strongly, giving the
receiver along with the 8x clock from character was much like that of the impression of greater distance. At any
the PMD100. This circuit reportedly Classé DAC 1 Iraved about in the rate, the D/AC-2000 Ultra clearly
reduces jitter at the point where jitter December '95 Stereophile. Indeed, the resolved this spatial information in a
matters —on the clock signal that con- two processors shared many superb way that lesser processors didn't. This
trols when the DAC converts its audio qualities. As did the Classé, the resolution of soundstage cues was won-
samples to analog. Parasound D/AC-2000 Ultra sounded derful on orchestral music, with the
Like the DIAC-1100H", the D/AC- clean, tight, and spacious, and displayed D/AC-2000 Ultra maintaining aclear
2000 uses analog-domain attenuation awonderful dynamic agility. and distinct separation of the individual
to achieve the 6dB of attenuation of Starting with the bass, the DIAC- sections. The music was anything but
non-HDCD-encoded sources required 2000 Ultra had a nice tightness and smeared and blurred. The dense and
by the HDCD license. Analog-domain punch that extended all the way down complex orchestrations on Zappa's The
attenuation is generally better-sounding into the bottom octave. Kick drum had Yellow Shark (Barking Pumpkin R2-
than the PMD100's digital-domain asatisfying solidity and impact that con- 71600) were beautifully unraveled by
attenuation. Output filtering is via a veyed the music's rhythmic drive and the DIAC-2000 Ultra, letting me hear
passive LRC network. power. The D/AC-2000 Ultra present- what every instrument was doing. In
The D/AC-2000 Ultra's analog out- ed a"suddenness" to kick drum (and the ability to throw individual images
put stage is radically different from that kettle drum in symphonic music) that between and behind the loudspeakers,
used in the DIAC-1100"". It consists of was exceptional. The D/AC-2000 the DIAC-2000 Ultra was only anotch
aPMI OP-275 dual op-amp, along with Ultra beautifully conveyed the dynamic below the Classé and better than the
discrete transistors operating within the envelope of low-frequency impacts. UltraLink Two.
op-amp's feedback loop. The OP-275 Bass depth was also superb; bass drum Soundstage depth was outstanding, as
also acts as an inverter to generate the had nice weight and power, the antithe- was the sense of transparency. The DI
balanced signal that appears on the rear- sis of the "pencil hitting an oatmeal con- AC-2000 Ultra revealed layers of depth
panel XLR jacks. Each leg of the bal- tainer" syndrome that robs music of its right back to the reverberation at the
anced signal is driven by an npn/pnp drive. hall's rear wall. The expansive sound-
transistor pair in hefty TO-220 pack- The midbass favored tautness and stage was surrounded by awonderful
ages. These transistors, not the OP-275, pitch definition over weight and bloom that extended beyond the loud-
drive the outputs. Other, smaller authority. The bottom end was as tight speaker boundaries. Listening to Anne-
npn/pnp transistor pairs pull current as astretched trampoline, acharacteris- Sophie Mutter's unaccompanied violin
through the OP-275's output stage to tic that let me hear lots of bass detail and on her recording of the Ravel Tzikane
bias it into class-A operation. nuance. Iwould have liked alittle more (Deutsche Grammophon 437 544-2)
The direct-coupled output stage uses warmth and power, however. Bass gui- was particularly revealing of the various
no DC servo to prevent DC offset from tar was missing some of the "purring" processors' renderings of hall reverbera-
appearing at the analog output jacks. quality that is so satisfying, and orches- tion. Among the processors under audi-
Instead, all UltraAnalog DACs are tral music tended to sound alittle lack- tion, save the Classé, the D/AC-2000
trimmed during manufacturing to have ing in heft and authority. The D/AC- Ultra presented — by awide margin —
less than 1mV of offset. 2000 Ultra's midbass to lower midrange the most realistic impression of aviolin
region tended to be analytical rather in a concert hall. The D/AC-2000
Listening: The D/AC-2000 Ultra than visceral. In comparison, the PS Ultra was far ahead of the D/AC-
couldn't have sounded more different Audio UltraLink Two had more 1100H", DDE v3.0/DTI v2.0 pair, and
from the D/AC-1100H". In fact, it was warmth, weight, and "meat on the even the UltraLink Two in portrayal of



space, depth, and resolution of reverber- AC-2000 Ultra's lack of DC-blocking 2kHz and 3kHz. The overall noise level
ation decay. capacitors or DC servo, Imeasured is low, and the analog signal is free from
This recording also threw into sharp absolutely no DC at any analog audio power-supply noise. There is just the
relief the relative amounts of grain pre- output. The unit doesn't invert absolute slightest hint of 60Hz noise, seen as the
sented by the processors. The DIAC- polarity, and locked immediately to almost imperceptible peaks in the traces
2000 Ultra had asurprisingly smooth 32kHz and 48kHz sampling frequen- at 60Hz. The right channel is about 7dB
and liquid midrange and treble, with cies. quieter than the left channel.
very little grain or grit. The clean treble Fig.12 shows the D/AC-2000 Ultra's A wideband spectral analysis of the
presentation added greatly to the frequency response and de-emphasis D/AC-2000 Ultra's output when fed
processor's overall musicality. Sur- error. The HF response rolls off more digital silence (fig.15) confirms the
prisingly, the D/AC-2000 Ultra was rapidly than many processors (-0.7dB at unit's low noise, and its gentler output
smoother and cleaner than even the 20kHz), but this should not be too sig- filter compared with the D/AC-1100" 1'.
Classé DAC 1. Vocal sibilance, hi-hat, nificant. The de-emphasis tracking was Fig.16 shows the D/AC-2000 Ultra's
and violin were all rendered with a perfect, the result of the digital-domain excellent low-level linearity. Both
purity of timbre that was among the de-emphasis performed in the PMD- halves of the UltraAnalog dual DAC
best I've heard from any processor. 100 filter. [As explained in earlier issues of perform identically, with the DACs
Fortunately, the D/AC-2000 Ultra Stereophile, while digital-domain de- good to about -110dBFS. The DIAC-
didn't achieve this smoothness by gloss- emphasis gives perfect frequency-response per- 2000 Ultra's noise-modulation plot
ing over musical detail. In fact, the firmance, it does not give the noise-floor low- (fig.17) shows tight trace groupings, but
Parasound was highly resolving of ering typical of good analog-domain de- with a little divergence below about
musical information in a way that emphasis reduction.— Ed.] 1kHz. Above that frequency, the five
reminded me of the Classé processor. The unit's channel separation (fig.13) traces overlap so closely it almost looks
The music was presented with afinely was excellent, with the right-channel like asingle trace — which is nearly per-
filigreed quality, with lots of nuance, crosstalk measuring more than 10dB fect performance.
fine structure, and inner detail. The better than the left-channel at some fre-
Classé was, however, anotch higher in quencies. S.0..0 I.e.].)
. 0o
1.0••••••••••46 of It. 40015

its resolution and portrayal of low-level Fig.14, a spectral analysis of the ro 00

musical information. D/AC-2000 Ultra's output when

The D/AC-2000 Ultra's overall per- decoding alkHz, -9031dBFS dithered W OO

spective was on the laid-back side of sinewave, was made with a 20-bit 1000

reality, in contrast to the UltraLink source. Unlike the D/AC-1100", the 1100

Two's more forward rendering. The D/AC-2000 Ultra will pass full 20-bit 1200

Parasound processor put the soundstage data from input to the DACs. Note the 120.0

just behind the loudspeakers, with very expanded scale (to -140dB) in fig.14
little projection to the front. This per- needed to show the D/AC-2000 10a 0[0.

spective tended to make me "lean into" Ultra's 20-bit performance. As is typical Fig. 14 Parasound D/AC-2000, spectrum of
the music more (a good thing), but also with these measurements, we can see a dithered IkHz tone at —90.31dBFS, with
hint of second- and third-harmonic dis- noise and spuriae (20-bit data, I/3-octave
slightly diminished the sense of life, pal-
analysis, right channel dashed).
pability, and presence. Ifelt aslight loss tortion as slight bumps in the trace at
of immediacy with the D/AC-2000 0.410011.011.0......... 00•01.1

Ultra, but not to the extent of feeling U P** 0., ..• .00/. down..é. mor

musically unfulfilled. Of the five


processors under audition, the DIAC-


2000 Ultra easily sounded the most


In short, the D/AC-2000 Ultra total-


ly outclassed the DIAC-1100", easily

beat the DDE v3.0/DTI v2.0 pair, was
anotch better than the UltraLink Two
in just about every area of performance, 11. I. Alb

Fig.I5 Parasound D/AC-2000, spectrum of digital

and even approached the stunning — Fig. 12 Parasound D/AC-2000, frequency response silence (20-bit data, 'A-octave analysis, right
and twice-the-price — Classé DAC 1in (top) and de-emphasis error (bottom) channel dashed).
some respects. I had to constantly (right channel dashed. 0.5dB/vertical div.). 5110,000.• DA.0 20. Unto Un•••^1

remind myself that this was a $2000

10 000

Sew.e0p.• 11. MOO Y. C•000000 211.2.1. • X.2.4.1 .0 O.

4000 0030

processor, not a megabuck unit. The • (.2

D/AC-2000 Ultra was areal find.

70 00


Measurements: The D/AC-2000 .00


Ultra's maximum output level when 1000

▪ OA

decoding a 1 kHz full-scale sinewave 1100


was 5.45V at the balanced jacks and ,1200

• MO

2.73V at the single-ended outputs. Out-

put impedance measured 102 ohms Fig. I
6Parasound D/AC-2000. departure from lin-
(balanced) and 51 ohms (unbalanced) Fig. 13 Parasound D/AC-2000. crosstalk earity (right channel dashed, 2dB/vertical
across the audioband. Despite the D/ (R—L channel dashed. 0dB/vertical div.). div.).


An examination of the D/AC-2000 UltraAnalog DAC. We can see virtual- at the output of the jitter-reduction cir-
Ultra's reproduction of a 1kHz, ly no signal-correlated jitter compo- cuit. Just for fun, Irepeated the mea-
-9031dBFS undithered sinewave (fig.18) nents, and a clean spectrum overall. surements on the clock at the input of
shows some differential nonlinearity in Compare fig20 to fig.9, the same mea- the flip-flop, to test the circuit's efficacy.
the DACs. If you look closely, you can surement made on the D/AC-1100". Fig23 is the jitter spectrum with the
see that the positive half of the wave- The RMS jitter level of the ID/AC- D/AC-2000 Ultra processing alIcHz,
form has a slightly higher amplitude 2000 was also low, measuring just 30ps -90dBFS sinewave - the same condi-
than the negative portion of the wave. (in contrast to the D/AC-11001"s tions as in fig22. Note the presence of
With no DC offset, the zero crossing 330ps under the same test conditions). signal-correlated jitter, seen as the
occurs exactly at the OV horizontal divi- With an input of all zeros -a mea- strong spikes spaced 1kHz apart. The
sion. Every positive peak exceeds the surement that indicates the processor's D/AC-2000 Ultra's dc-uttering circuit
+20012V division, while the negative internal intrinsic jitter in the absence of effectively filtered the periodic jitter
peaks barely reach the -2001.1.V division. jitter-inducing test tones - the D/AC- components above 2kHz. The circuit
This error is slight, however; the wave- 2000 Ultra's spectrum was completely also lowered the RMS jitter level from
form looks better than that reproduced clean (fig21). Comparing fig20 to 66ps (fig23) to 55ps (fig22). Although
by most processors. fig21, we can see that the presence of the D/AC-2000 Ultra had excellent jit-
The D/AC-2000 Ultra's ¡MD spec- the test signal in fig20 creates amargin- ter performance without the de-jitter-
trum (fig.19), made by driving the pro- ally less clean spectrum. The RMS jitter ing flip-flop, it was taken anotch high-
cessor with data representing afull-scale level in fig21 was avery low 22ps. er by this simple circuit.
mix of 191cHz and 20IcHz tones, was Fig22 is the D/AC-2000 Ultra's jit-
clean and free from intermodulation ter spectrum when fed a 1kHz, S••••094. CV•C 1.• 4044.40 •••••

products. The lkHz difference product -90dBFS sinewave. We can see the
(20kHz-19kHz) just reaches the characteristic spikes at lIcHz and 21cHz,
-100dB level. This performance isn't indicative of signal-correlated jitter.
quite as good as that measured in the Note, however, that the periodic com-
D/AC-1100", however. ponents are low in level, and that the rest
The D/AC-2000 Ultra had very low of the spectrum is clean. The RMS jitter
jitter and an exceptionally clean jitter level rose to 55ps with this test signal.
spectrum. Fig20 is the jitter spectrum These jitter measurements indicate
of the 8x de-glitch clock signal when that the D/AC-2000 Ultra has low . IM 4. 4. 040 UP UM UM UM IBM 20.

the D/AC-2000 Ultra was processing a intrinsic jitter, as well as the ability to Fig.21 Parasound D/AC-2000, word-clock jitter
1 kHz, OdBFS sinewave. (The de-glitch isolate the clock from signal-induced spectrum, DC-20kHz, when processing
clock in UltraAnalog-based processors interface jitter. The nearly constant jitter digital silence; PS Audio Lambda transport
is equivalent to the word clock in other levels and spectra with these varied test (linear frequency scale, 10dB/vertical div.,
OdB= I ns).
converters - it controls when the DAC signals indicate excellent performance.
converts digital input samples to an ana- These measurements had been made 0D

log output current.) This spectrum was

taken at the output of the de-jittering
flip-flop located right next to the

51.0.4 4,0444 modulaban 0.0.5,4101




4M 4. 040 MM UM UM MM MO MM

1000 Fig.22 Parasound D/AC-2000, word-clock jitter

0 'Me 4OM 0CM SOO ID Ok 14M 10.0• ZI.Oh MOIL spectrum. DC-20kHz, when processing


IkHz sinewave at -90dBFS; PS Audio

I» Ponmee..8‘..,
'•••••.-• Fig 19 Parasound D/AC-2000, HF intermodulation Lambda transport (linear frequency scale.
spectrum. DC-24kHz. 19+20kHz at OdBFS IOdB/vertical div., OdB= I
(linear frequency scale. 20dB/vertical div.).
0144.044 Or•C %On '4044.44e .40,14.1. mu AO. auus.• 44
Fig.17 Parasound D/AC-2000, noise modulation.
-60 to -I00dBFS (10dB/vertical div.). 1000

544uop.... 44:03Urtu 1•414 104411.4444.. CO 44 1444,

de> po



it r
? t,i 4 0000

Fig 23 Parasound D/AC-2000. word-clock jitter

00 WO, 5. 400. 4.0 300. 350. 40. .0. CO0
Fig.20 Parasound D/AC-2000, word-clock jitter spectrum. DC-20kHz, when processing
spectrum, DC-20kHz. when processing IkHz sinewave at -90dBFS: PS Audio
Fig. I
8Parasound D/AC-2000. waveform of IkHz sinewave at OdBFS; PS Audio Lambda Lambda transport: measurement taken at
undithered IkHz sinewave at -90.3IdBFS transport (linear frequency scale. 10dEt/ input of jitter-reduction circuit (linear fre-
(I6-bit data). vertical div., OdB= I
ns). quency scale. 10dB/vertical div.. OdB= I ns).


A close comparison of figs22 and 23 noise, good linearity, and extremely low Link Two, the Parasound is clearly the
shows that many of the periodic jitter jitter. better-sounding unit. In short, the
components seen in fig23 are also pres- D/AC-2000 Ultra is abargain and tops
ent in fig22, but at amuch lower level. CONCLUSIONS my list of recommended processors
For example, the spike at 5kHz can be The Parasound D/AC-2000 Ultra sets a under $2500.
seen in both plots. This phenomenon new benchmark in performance for Iam less enthusiastic about the $950
suggests afundamental aspect of jitter- $2000 converters. It sounds consistently DIAC-1100". While it sounded
reduction techniques: Jitter tends to be musical and engaging, with apristine euphonic, the processor is simply too
reduced in amplitude rather than elimi- midrange and treble, superb soundstag- colored in relation to today's $1000
nated. I've noticed, in listening to proces- ing, wide dynamics, and an articulate processors to be recommended. The
sors that use Herculean jitter-reduction bass. Moreover, the presentation is DIAC-1100"D does lack the worst traits
schemes, that the transport and cable highly detailed without being overbear- of inexpensive digital: a bright and
driving the processor still make an audi- ing or etched. Igreatly enjoyed my time etched treble, lack of space and depth,
ble difference. Two examples are the with the D/AC-2000 Ultra, and was and synthetic rendering of timbre. Still,
Mark Levinson No30.5, with its "Intel- surprised to discover this level of musi- the D/AC-1100" is outdistanced by
ligent FIFO," and the Spectral SDR-2000, cal quality in a$2000 processor. the Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0/DTI
with its "TnneStar" jitter-reduction cir- Even though Iused the D/AC-2000 v2.0 combination. If your system is
cuit. Both of these techniques would Ultra as my main converter after send- bright, lean, and has a recessed mid-
appear to be impenetrable barriers to jit- ing back the Spectral SDR-2000 Pro, range balance, the D/AC-1100" may
ter —but they're not. Consequently, jit- and the D/AC-2000 Ultra was at the be worth an audition.
ter-reduction techniques may make front end of a reference-quality play- I'll end this review on apositive note
processors sound better and render them back system, I never felt musically by reiterating what a great-sounding
less transport-sensitive, but they still shortchanged. Yes, the Spectral was processor the D/AC-2000 Ultra is. If
leave atrace of the transport's sonic sig- considerably better, as was the Classé you buy any $2000 converter without
nature. Figs22 and 23 may suggest why. DAC 1, but the $2000 Parasound still first auditioning the Parasound, you'll
The D/AC-2000 Ultra had excellent delivered the musical goods. Compared never know just how much musical
technical performance overall, with low to the similarly-priced PS Audio Ultra- performance is possible at this price. S

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here is an almost amusing casu- garding the entire issue. He told me system. Isensed that while the tran-
alness that pervades the entire he'd run around listening to various sys- sients were still of utmost importance in
East-Coast Audio Note experi- tems, investigating "imaging," and felt defining the acoustic envelope (and
ence. Well before the subject arose of somewhat less adamant about its low- imaging in the High-End sense), the
our reviewing one of the Audio Note ness in the firmament of high-end audio bloom that followed not only commin-
amplifiers, Kathleen and Ihad driven reproduction. I, for my part, mused gled with the transient but also took on
out to visit AN USA's Herb Reichert in upon the entire matter after aseminal adelicious luminosity of its own, the
his converted firehouse on Staten Island. Scotch-soaked evening at the Village decay gently completing the musical
"Sure, sit anywhere you want! Naww, Vanguard with Jazz O'Holic club deni- picture. With my eyes closed, the image
there's no listening position or sweet zen Dan Billet. was slightly more diffuse than the
spot, just make yourself comfortable He and Isat dead center at the first sharply defined presentation I'd enjoyed
anywhere." Anywhere turned out to be table in front of the stage and enjoyed and endorsed when listening to push-
alow couch against abrick wall, with an evening of totally terrific jazz with pull amps on the Avalons.
the AN speakers off in the distance hard the Jimmy Heath Quartet. (Jimmy's
up against the facing wall. brother is the legendary Percy Heath of THE MORE THINGS CHANGE...
Inearly swallowed my tongue as he Modern Jazz Quartet faine.) It was a In any case, much has changed since
cleared the stylus of the AN cartridge family affair: Jimmy's brother Albert these seminal events took place. Herb
with his finger and literally dropped the "Tootie" Heath was on drums, as AbFab has acquired anew business associate,
arm onto the LP without having muted and soulful as his brother. Ben Brown did Mike Trei (Audio Note USA), and
the preamp. While the Ongaku ampli- afine job on bass, with Tony Purrone they've undertaken importation of the
fier (which had survived) sounded ex- workmanlike and somewhat self-con- German Avantgarde horn-speaker line,
quisite in the midrange, Iwasn't im- scious on guitar. Sitting right in front of which Iam told image quite well, in
pressed by its extension top or bottom. the bell of Jimmy's sax (minimally fact. And, of course, Kathleen and I
Ialso felt that any sense of imaging was miked), Iclosed my eyes and consid- have become quite experienced with
entirely missing. ered what Iwas hearing. single-ended triode amps, driving the
When Iqueried Herb about it, he The first word that popped into my Jadis Eurythmie II hybrid horn speakers
launched into apolemic regarding the mind was "Bloom" with acapital B. that Ireviewed in March (Vol.19 No3,
importance of the overall musical ge- The live imaging was not as precise as I'd p.109).
stalt which, in his opinion, had nothing previously tuned for in my playback However, while much has changed,
whatever to do with imaging. In fact, he
was quite disdainful of the entire con-
cept of "looking" at the soundstage.
We brought Herb back to our loft
and played our system for him. Ithink
we had the Symphonic Line Kraft 400
monoblocks hooked to the Avalon
Ascents at the time, and that combina-
tion, apart from anything else, is acham-
pion at imaging. Curiously, Herb left in
obvious agitation. Ireceived astartling
fax from him soon after which asserted,
among other things, that "imaging" in
audio reproduction is crude, carnival-
like, and distracting! Herb is so refresh-
ingly ... direct.

Herb soon recovered from his wounds,
and we began an interesting dialog re- Audio Note Kassa' Silver power amplifier


much has stayed the same. Mike and arse to use. One simply cannot find any Analog signals were generated by the
Herb lugged the Kassai over to our place, way whatsoever on this earth to tighten remarkable Clearaudio Insider mount-
but when Iasked about documentation them down on any speaker cable termi- ed on athin arm with athinnest Teflon
or amanual, Herb told me ... there was- nated with a spade-lug, other than spacer on the Forsell Air Force One.
n't any. In fact, here's all Icould find out Audio Note's own cable —and that only Because the phono-stage of the JP80MC
about the amp, from afax sent to me by by using the 4nim banana plugs they is phase-inverting, Ireversed polarity on
Herb: were supplied with. Thus it was with the Insider.
"Okay, here goes... all that Iknow AN's own AN-SPX speaker cables, Power cords included anumber of
about the Kassai. It's a single-ended, twisted together and plugged into the effective The Essence cords by Essential
class-A, directly heated-triode, dual- binding posts on the Eurythmies, that Sound Products — (810) 375-5093 —
mono power amplifier. It's designed the amplifier was auditioned. and Synergistic Research AC Master
and built by Hiroyasu Kondo in Japan. Couplers. (I put the latest generation of
The Kassai is two separate parallel 300B THE MORE THINGS STAY THE the excellent Marigo cords to one side
mono amplifiers on one copper chassis. SAME ... for the moment.) The ICassai's captive
Power output is 17 watts per channel. The amp was set up on a Michael power cord was plugged into an Audio
Weight is 90 lbs. Each amplifier has its Green Tuning Amplifier Stand spiked Power Industries Power Wedge 110, and
own power transformer and power sup- with atrio of his all-brass AudioPoints. from there into our 30A isolated hos-
ply choke manufactured by Tango in A single Shakti Stone was perched atop pital-grade sockets. Iput aShakti under
Japan specifically for this amp. It the power transformers, set left to right the Wedge to good effect.
employs 4N-pure silver primary wire and centered between the two trans-
(drawn through custom diamond dies formers rather than turned lengthwise, TUBES
by Audio Note) covered with seven which would have covered both trans- To say that Herb was casual about the
coats of a custom polyurethane. The formers more completely; this orienta- tubes in this $52,600 amplifier would
transformer core is super-Pernialloy tion was based solely on listening. In be an understatement. When Iasked
and the secondary winding is 6N-pure fact, best Shakti sound was achieved him about the AN-branded 300Bs it
copper wire. with the Stone sitting upside down so came with, he really hadn't a clue.
"Tube complement (each amp): in- that the rubber bottom padding of the When pressed, he suggested they very
put/voltage amplifier NOS (New Old Stone wasn't in contact with the trans- probably were Chinese carbon-plate
Stock) 6072/12AY7, the driver stage former. (This was asuggestion by Mi- ESTis, which were thought to sound
NOS 5687. The output stage employs a chael Green who eschews damping of sweeter. (Sweeter than what he didn't
paralleled pair of 300Bs. The rectifier any kind as unproductive in audio.) say.) Itried these tubes in the Jadis
tube is either aNOS 5U4GB or aRus- Interconnects were either XL0 SE300Bs and apair in the single-tube
sian CV378. Input impedance is 100k Signature (which sounded terrific) or Wavelengths, but they wouldn't settle
ohms. The output-transformer secon- the new Alpha-Core Goertz silver in- down and behave — for whatever rea-
dary is wired for 8ohms. Internal wiring terconnect. This flat silver stuff (also son, they'd only work properly in the
is all Audio Note AN-SPX Silver and available in copper) continues to impress Kassai.
power-supply capacitors are Cerafine and amaze with its clean, wide-band, They did sound pretty good, and
and Black Gate. Warranty is Lifetime: fast, yet thoroughly harmonic pre- were indeed somewhat sweet-sounding.
parts, labor, and tubes." sentation. But to me, sweet just isn't enough for
The amp, or should Isay amps (de- The front-ends revolved around a $52k. Ididn't have the Western Electric
spite the single, captive, silver-wired Jadis JP80MC up on Shun Mook Super 300Bs on hand, as those delightful tubes
power cord with its surprisingly cheap- Diamond Resonators. It was fed signals were still with the Jadis amps in Santa
looking fitting), is quite handsome in an by the following digital systems: all- Fe, suffering under the withering and
industrial-chic kind of way. The copper Jadis (clamped JS1 Symmetrical Con- disapproving glances of Thomas J. Nor-
top cover is warm and attractive-look- verter/J1 Drive); all-Forsell (clamped ton. Isubstituted the Golden Dragon
ing, and counterpoints the glowing Air Reference D/A converter and the Supers, which delivered their character-
tubes and black output transformers at Mk.II CD transport sitting on acombo istic lively and punchy musical presenta-
left and right rear. The power transform- of Harmonix RF-66 Large Tuning Feet tion, but as with the Audio Note tubes,
ers, arrayed one in front of the other at at the back corners and a single Ifelt them to sound abit unrefined and
the center rear of the amp, are liveried in AudioPoint fronen'center on aMichael slightly hazy
acuriously dull shade of battleship gray. Green rack, with aShakti on the roof of Next into the sockets were aquartet
Japanese understatement, one can only the transport just above the laser); all- of VAIC VV300s. These proved a
presume. There are two banks of three Ensemble (Dichrono Drive/Dichrono delightfully synergistic match with the
capacitors each between the output and DAC on their Honeyplate damping Kassai, their suave and refined voice
power transformers, one on each side, shelves, using their Suprafluel line- complementing this expensive-as-hell
and apair of volume controls up front, level interconnects to the preamp). amp to afare-thee-well. As Iimagine
between and forward of the input and Digital datalinks in play were the ex- anyone buying one of these expensive
driver tubes, to correct any small imbal- cellent Illuminati Orchid (AES/EBU), Audio Note amps would be willing to
ances in the source or tubes. its equally impressive stablemate the shell out the long green for the right
Speaking of output transformers, it's Illuminati Dataflex Studio (coax), the tubes, these became my reference 300Bs
time to level a small criticism at the airy-sounding Mango Apparition Ref- for the review.
Kassai: The small binding posts (lacking erence Signature (coax), 'Limber This was in spite of Herb's initial re-
ahex head) are on the top cover just AGDL (coax), Ensemble Digiflux 75T" action when Itold him I'd be trying the
rear of the output 'formers, pointing (coax/BNC), XL0 (coax), and Aural new VAIC tubes: "Not in my amps you
straight up. They arc aroyal pain in the Symphonies glass treated with ioGel. don't!" he'd exclaimed, turning an inter-


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esting mottled color. Dampers —see February '96, p.179 — to compare the Classic with my some-
Upon mildly surprised inquiry, it around all four of the Kassai's small what noisy original six-eye... who cares!
turned out that Herb had imported a tubes finished things off perfectly. One This new release has such wonderful
number of the more-expensive VAIC of my super-tweakie friends from Aus- musical integrity on its own that my
VV30 tubes when they were first avail- tralia, with whom Icorrespond on The advice is simply to drop your audiophile
able. These tubes became well-known Audiophile Network,' became frustrat- angst —of which there is far too much
for their impersonation of diverse fire- ed trying to fit the Dampers on small around in general —and buy it to enjoy.
works on the 4th of July! (I became fa- tubes. Here's how Ido it: Drop the The soundstage was enormous, huge,
miliar with this behavior when one of brass cone into the cap, fit one of the and encompassing. Transients licked off
the VV30s supplied with the Wave- "Harmonic Springs" to the bottom pair the speakers with particular speed and a
length Cardinal XS died —see my Jan- of support screws, and lower the lifelike demeanor. In fact, I'd rate the
uary '96 review.) springy contraption over the intended Kassai's keen sense of pace, rhythm, and
I'd been assured by a fast-talking victim. It'll settle onto the tube nicely timing right at the top of the single-
Victor Goldstein, who seems to lose his like this, and then you can wrap the top ended heap. The impressive bass was
notable Transylvanian accent under spring around the Damper in situ, so to about the best I've heard from asingle-
stress, that the factory had solved these say. ended triode: punchy, dynamic, quite
teething problems and that all VAIC deep, and extremely well-differentiated.
tubes were quite reliable now. Con- FIFTY-TWO BIG ONES: Look, it was still single-ended bass, but
firming this, Wavelength's Gordon HOW DOES IT SOUND? it was really quite kick-butt, consider-
Rankin had listened to and measured One lights up the amp by, first, power- ing. Brubeck's piano sounded powerful,
both the newer VV30 and the less-cost- ing up the input and driver tubes with dynamic, and wonderfully ambient,
ly VV300. He'd mentioned in conversa- the leftmost of two toggle switches lo- with Paul Desmond's transcendent
tion that these VAICs were superior in cated front and center, then, waiting a horn tying everything together.
every way to the earlier tubes he'd been tad, then flicking the second toggle, In focusing in on the horn sound, we
supplied. And indeed, the VV300s powering the filaments of the 300Bs. get down to something telling about this
proved reliable and trouble-free in Listening to the Kassai always proved amp's voice. Its mids and upper-mid-
operation. an engaging and enjoyable experience. range were inviting and warm without
Once I'd settled on the output tubes Interestingly, of all the single-ended tri- ever getting smarmy about it—the
—it was really no contest — Istarted odes we've tried, paralleled or single- Kassai always sounded killer attraaive.
evaluating input and driver tubes. Herb tube, the Kassai Silver set its images the And that's the heart of this amp — most
had supplied several different 6072 and farthest back between the Eurythmies. everything sounds beautiful through it,
5687 drivers, mentioning that the dri- This was particularly noticeable on the but hardly in awimpy manner. Music
vers seemed to make quite adifference new Holly Cole release Temptation always sounded punchy, dynamic, trans-
in sound. When Iasked him about the (Metro Blue CDP 831653 2). parent, warm, and colorful... what's not
vintage and manufacture of the tubes While deep, the presentation was any- to like, aside from the price of entry?
he'd brought over, he was again short on thing but recessed. The Kassai, like all You really get asense for the power
details: "I dunno, they're NOS GEs and single-ended amps we have tried, pos- the amp develops listening to the Brit-
Sylvanias. Try 'em!" He also left some sesses plenty of that attractive inner illu- ish vinyl of Dead Can Dance's Into the
Russian CV378 rectifiers, which were mination in the midrange and up that Labyrinth (4AD DAD 3013). The In-
auditioned only briefly. breathes life into the music. The sound- sider delivered its signature enormity of
Once more into the breach, Gordon stage the Kassai threw while playing this soundstage (in this it is practically unri-
Rankin intervened to excellent effect, as CD was surprisingly push-pull-like in its valed), and the bass transients and pow-
he had with the Jadis amps. "Jonathan, size, transparency, and especially focus. er of the drums, especially in that first
you just have to call Frank Morris at At the same time, the sound had many of cut, "Yulunga, Spirit Dance," were truly
Gold Acro and ask him to send you those special qualities that make the sin- breathtaking.
some black-plate 6072s and those terrif- gle-ended presentation so approachable. The Kassai really delivers asuperb
ic 5687s he has! They'll really sound Actually, pinning down the sound of sense of scale and dynamics, as with
great in the Audio Note amp." the Kassai was no easy task. Certainly it Stereophile's terrific new Festival CD
I've learned to pay particular atten- was very dynamic and powerful-sound- (STPH007-2). My favorite piece is track
tion to Gordon, who must be the most ing for an amplifier rated at 17 watts. 3, Darius Milhaud's La Création du
knowledgeable cube guy Iknow. As he The power and precision in the accom- Monde, of which we must have at least
was really insistent — he's not normally a panying piano and bass on the Holly half a dozen other versions on vinyl
pushy guy — Ididn't hesitate to do as Cole release, as well as the integrity of alone. This recording is incredible —
suggested. And, of course, Gordon was her smoky voice and the way the whole ambient, acoustic, dynamic, and super-
right on the money once again. The construct hung together in space, were musical from the get-go. Midrange tex-
Gold Accus are a must have for these impressive, if slightly less pellucid and tures arc marvelous, the bass deep and
amps: The improvements in refine- touchable than was managed by the rich, and the highs clear, extended, and
ment, harmonics, tonal color, micro- Wavelength Cardinal XS, or indeed, the joyous. Importantly, when things get
and macro-dynamics, and imaging were Jadis SE300Bs. cacophonous, the Kassai keeps every-
shocking. Iheard it literally seconds Iwas struck by several things while thing in order, never losing its compo-
after I'd slipped them into the sockets listening to the simply fabulous Classic sure, and seemingly never falling to its
and powered up the Kassai. Records release of Brubeck's Time Out knees and clipping. These are the most
(CS 8192). First of all, no, Iam not going powerful 17 watts I've ever heard, if not
BLUE NOTES the most expensive as well.
Wrapping Bluenote Midas Tube 1Tel: (818) 988-0452 (modem), 8-1-N. Let's talk about the midrange for a


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252 S
moment. Iurge you all to purchase Audio Note electronics. He's not asu- 90dB. DC offset measured 1.4mV in
Opus 3's new release, Solo Sonatas for per-picky reviewer-type, nor is he a the left channel, 2.5mV in the right.
Clarinet, featuring Kjell Fagés (CD component-of-the-month victim —one The amplifier inverted polarity.
19406). You simply have no idea how would have to guess he spends most of Fig.1 shows the frequency response
well-developed digital midrange tex- his time making the considerable monies of the Audio Note Kassai Silver. The
tures and liquidity can be until you hear with which to afford such luxurious response into 4 ohms was essentially
what Jan-Eric Persson has done here. audio accoutrements. He's not plug'n' identical to that into 8ohms and is not
And the music is divine, even if mostly play — he's more sensitive than that — shown. Note the expanded scale to
from composers I'm not familiar with, but he clearly doesn't want to fuss. I show the wide variation of response into
such as Mikael Edlund and Erland Von would hope he's mostly analog. (That's our simulated, real-world loudspeaker, a
Koch. While not as lush-sounding as the what sounded best through the Kassai.) deviation which will be clearly audible.
Cardinal XS, or as ohmigawd gorgeous as This guy, he just wants to listen to his With aload resembling this one (fairly
the Jadis, the Kassai develops plenty of music and enjoy it. And this the Kassai, as typical), that would mean anoticeable
that special midrange magic that makes representative of the high-priced, Kon- leanness in the deep bass and lower mid-
single-ended triodes sing. And good do-san Audio Note experience, is exquis- range and asoftness at the top end, but
lord, is this recording ambient! itely capable of. I'm trying to remember with astrong immediacy in the upper
The overall sense I'd like to bring you hearing arecording Ididn't enjoy through midrange and low treble.
regarding the sound of the Kassai is one this amplifier, but Ican't. It should be Fig2 shows the Kassai's small-signal
of profound but refined power. Not as understood that the Kassai doesn't 10kHz squarewave response. It has a
limpid and pellucid as the Wavelength, achieve this great musical beauty by moderately slow risetime combined
nor as glamorous, sexy, and rich-sound- wrapping everything in agauzy, warm, with some ringing on the top of the
ing as the Jadis, the Kassai is neverthe- gooey, and colored manner — far from it. waveform. The 1kHz response, not
less possessed of its own special mixture In fact, on balance, the amp seems to shown, is better, though still with the
of musical strengths that deliver the have combined the best characteristics of same overshoot and ringing (now less
Audio Note version of veracity to the push-pull with the best of single-ended. obvious) and the slightly sloping top
source. Let me put it this way: Iwas less It's certainly the least compromised of all typical of an amplifier with bass rolloff.
suspicious of the Kassai than of the the SE triodes we've listened to up until
Jadis. It didn't put me into shock quite now. '111/.00.1«2 O.» Moe rand Mu Fre.emak ree/me•
. 1
as much as the French amps, but it was If you ask me which Iprefer, I'll ONO

no less accommodating when it came to choose, on overall balance, the Jadis


delivering the essence of the music. I SE300B, no matter how it measures. But
found myself more likely to reach for for sheer musical exuberance, it's hard to
the dynamic material when sitting beat the I(assai. As Ifinish up this re- 1.010

down for serious listening sessions than view, I'm sitting in the Ribbon Chair
I've been with any of the other single- hacking away on my laptop, listening to
ended triodes we have lived with. The Francis A. and Albert K (Reprise FS 1024), aim

Ellington Jazz Party in Stereo (CS 8127), which Idropped into my choices for
Fig.I Audio Note Kassai, frequency response at
for example, sounded fantastic in every R2D4 in the February issue (p.99). Let
IW into 8ohms (top at I OkHz) and into
way — Ireally didn't want it to end. me tell you simply ... Icould stay plant- simulated speaker load (right channel
There was an assurance of presentation ed in this chair all night! dashed.ldB/vertical div.).
that belied the ICassai's single-ended to- If you, too, just wanna have fun, and
pology. And Iguess that's what we're all you can afford it, the Audio Note Kassai
looking for to transcend the mechanics Silver sure is one way to have your
and get to the music This the Kassai man- audiophile cake and eat it too.
ages to do, as it had better for the price. —Jonathan Scull
Although the sound of the Kassai was
something special on vocals, Ididn't feel MEASUREMENTS FROM T
that almost permanent sense of magic The Audio Note Kassai was warmed up
and closeness that Ifelt with the ultra- for one hour at 5.7W into 8ohms, one-
simple Wavelength or the Jadis, for third of its rated maximum power. It 0 / 02

whatever reason. But this isn't aput- ran typically hot for atube amplifier. Its
Tune rnS

down, really. The Kassai got beyond it input impedance measured 76k ohms. Fig.2 Audio Note Kassai, small-signal I
squarewave into 8ohms.
and delivered an entire musical construct Its output impedance ranged between
without focusing attention on any one 2.9 ohms and 3.1 ohms, depending on
particular asset or another. And when I load and frequency. As is usually the
was not listening critically, it was always case with such ahigh input impedance,
an immensely pleasurable experience. Iwould expect the Audio Note's fre-
quency response to be affected strongly
I'LL WEAR IT HOME, THANKS by different loudspeaker loads.

Who wants to own an Audio Note Kas- The ICassai's voltage gain into 8ohms 40.011

sai? Isee awealthy guy, probably not a was ahigh 33dB. Unweighted S/N ra-
raving audiophile, but one who loves tio measured 78dB over abandwidth of ..tek
music of all kinds. He's put his trust in a 22Hz-22kHz (ref. 1W into 8 ohms), 100 lk 14k

dealer, and has been set up with amusic 76dB over a wider 10Hz-500kHz Fig.3 Audio Note Kassai. crosstalk (from top to
playback system: sensitive speakers and bandwidth. A-weighted, it measured bottom) .L—R. R—L (10dB/vertical div.).


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The Audio Note's crosstalk is plotted at 100Hz clearly predominates in this
Table 1Audio Note Kassai Silver Clipping
in fig3. The channels are similar. As you measurement, higher-order harmonics
(3%THD+noise at 'kHz)
might expect from the dual-mono con- are still distinctly present. A similar
Both Channels One Channel
struction, this is agood result, with only measurement made into the simulated Driven Driven
the increase at high frequencies typical loudspeaker (not shown) indicates the Load (L) (R) (L.)
of capacitive coupling between chan- same trend but marginally lower sec- ohms W (dBW) W (dBVV) W (c1I3W)
nels. ond- and third-harmonic distortion. 8 16 (12) 16.6 (12.2) 16 (12)
The THD+noise vs frequency perfor- A combined 19kHz+20kHz signal (line) II8V 1I8V 118V
4 7.5 (5.7) 7.2 (5.6) 7.4(5.7)
mance is plotted in figA. It indicates an driving the Kassai Silver at 73W into 8 (line) II8V II 8V 118V
amplifier which is most comfortable ohms results in the spectrum shown in 2 2.6 (-1.5)
driving an 8ohm load. Into 4ohms, the fig.7. This is afair result: the primary dif- (line)
increase in distortion is noticeable, and I ference component at 1 kHz lies at
would not recommend this amplifier at -36dB (1.5%), and the higher-order dif-
all to drive a2ohm load. There is also a ference components at 18kHz and the Kassai is clearly most condonable
considerable amount of low-frequency 21kHz each reach -35dB (1.7%). driving loads of 8ohms or higher.
distortion, even at the low power level The THD+noise vs output power The Audio Note Kassai Silver does
used to generate these results. The sub- measurements (at lkHz) arc shown in have higher output power than some
jective "warmth" generated by the high fig.8. (Note the scale has been expanded single-ended tube designs, though it is
levels of LF distortion here should be au- because of the amplifier's high static dis- still no powerhouse. As with all such
dible, even perhaps filling in abit for the tortion and very low power output.) The amplifiers, however, Icontinue to be
upper-bass dip seen in the simulated real- actual clipping levels are shown in Table concerned with the presence of distor-
world load curve in fig.1 (though this will, 1. The values here are at a3% THD tion and frequency-response errors (into
of course, not be accurate performance). +noise level, instead of the usual 1%, but real loads) that we know will be audible.
The distortion waveform into an 8ohm Does the sound many listeners like in
load is shown in fig.5. It is largely second- STEMOIMIA 0.0110111.04 ,M. ...rev. el MI elm such amps outwa:qh these aberrations, or
harmonic plus some noise. are they due to these aberrations? Ican
Fig.6 shows the spectrum of the accept the former, not the latter. We can-
Kassai's output driving a50Hz bass fre- not yet say with absolute certainty which
quency into an 8ohm load (more opti- is the case. It remains up to the listener to
mum for this amp than the 4ohms typ- let his or her ears, and pocketbook —
• 1
ically used). The power level was particularly in this case —decide. It must
11.4W. As expected from fig.4, the dis- be said here that nothing in the Kassai's
tortion here is high: -22.5dB (about e i
4i'hP le 111%
test-bench performance gives aclue to its
7.5%) at 100Hz and -37dB (about 1.5%) M. 000 303 0 4000 5000 6000 1'000 0000 00 0 100
high cost. The price.-performance ratio
at 150Hz. While the second harmonic Fig.6 Audio Note Kassai, spectrum of 50Hz here can only be rated as poor. Ileave it
sinewave, DC—I kHz, at II.4W into 8ohms to JS to comment on the sonic price:per-
001110...! Ava. 14.0 So* ..4000 (linear frequency scale). Note that the sec- fomunce ratio. Iknow Iwould think
ond harmonic at 100Hz is the highest in
hard before investing this kind of money
level, at —22.5d8 (about 7.5%).
in an amplifier that severely restricts the
0,1011000. MY Mee Mom 1040.44100.0.
.0 Pm.
choice of suitable loudspeakers —as do
all single-ended tube designs known to
me. Apparently even unrestricted finds
available to the designer will not change
the inherent limitations of this design.
—Thomag. Norton
10 0 0

Fig.4 Audio Note Kassai,THD+noise vs frequency •


at (from top to bottom at 1kHz): 4W into

.000 .

2ohms. 2W into 4ohms, I W into 8ohms. D. •0,4. •Ca> OP 100 120 14100 00 00 00 00

and 2.83V into simulated speaker load (right

channel dashed). Fig.7 Audio Note Kassai. HF interrnodulation
spectrum. DC-22kHz. 19+20kHz at 7.3W
into 8ohms (linear frequency scale).

ST01,00MIll /Mr NM 11.11...•1

1 2

Tune on ms

Fig.5 Audio Note Kassai, 'kHz waveform at I W

into 8ohms (top); distortion and noise Fig.8 Audio Note Kassai, distortion (%) vs output
waveform with fundamental notched out power into (from bottom to top): 8ohms.
(bottom, not to scale). 4ohms. and 2ohms.


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Russell Novak auditions the Melos MA-333 Reference preamplifier

Three-chassis, tubed preamplifier. Line-stage: four 6922 tubes: six inputs plus tape response: 20Hz-20kHz ±0.2dB. S/N ratio 70dB ref. full output. Output impedance: 30
in/out: single-ended and balanced outputs; single-ended or balanced input models ohms.Voltage gain: 18dB, 24dB balanced. Dimensions (each unit): Irvv by 3.5" H by
available. Frequency response: 10Hz-50kHz, +0, -0.5dB. S/N Ratio: -90dB below full 14.75" D. Weight 52 lbs. Price: $5690, complete preamplifier with phono stage and
output. Input impedance: 36k ohms.THD: 20Hz-20kHz= 0.03% at 1
Voutput Output single-ended inputs: $6495 with balanced inputs: $3595, line-stage only with power
impedance: 22 ohms, 44 ohms balanced. Maximum voltage gain: 18dB, adjustable by supply and single-ended inputs: $4395 with balanced inputs.Approximate number of
factory t6dB. Maximum output 30V/60V rms. Phase: adjustable. Phono stage: two dealers: 37. Manufacturer: Melos Audio Inc., 452 Lincoln Blvd., Middlesex, NJ 08846.
6922 tubes, two 12AX7 tubes: 1pair single-ended inputs: single-ended and balanced Tel: (908) 302-2552. Fax: (908) 302-0507.
outputs: front-panel selectable cartridge loading, 5 ohms-47k ohms. Frequency

ateline: Saratoga Springs, New
York ... While dabbling in
speculative equine investments
amid the idyllic beauty of upstate New
York afew summers ago, Iwas mo-
mentarily diverted by an audiophile ex-
perience that has had alasting effect on
me and proved prescient in forecasting
developments at the very upper end of
preamplifier design. Ivisited the home
of Jon Baier, alocal audiophile with a
large garage full of electronics parts.
He described a"passive preamplifier"
design utilizing only asingle resistor in
the positive signal path between the out-
put of the line-level component and the
amplifier. It's called a"shunted volume
control." Volume is regulated by bleeding
off some of the signal voltage through a
volume pot to the negative leg of the
unbalanced signal. Baier had gotten the Melos MA-333 Reference preamplifier
idea from another audiophile, who had
gotten it from someone else, who had... at first appear darker. But listen more W HAT THE DESIGNERS
In short, the idea is as old as the hills, yet closely and you find it's not the record- TOLD ME
for some reason has not previously been ed signal which has lost something. It's When George Bischoff at Melos Audio
used in commercially available compo- the background, which is now adding told me that the MA-333 Reference,
nents. Knowing that fewer parts and sim- less to the total. the new version of their MA-333 Gold
pler circuits usually mean better sound, Add an AC line conditioner or isolat- line preamplifier, which Jack English re-
and excited by the knowledge that this ing transformer to your system and the viewed for Starophile in November '94,
was the simplest circuit of all, Ibuilt a sound gets quieter, "darker," richer. would incorporate asingle-resistor at-
small passive box with Bakes help. Make asimpler circuit with fewer parts tenuator, my hopes for ahuge perfor-
and, chances are, it will also sound dark- mance increase skyrocketed. Bischoff
W HAT THE SMALL BOX er, quieter, richer. and engineer Mark Porzilli identified as
TOLD ME That small box also taught me about additional design goals the improve-
"Blackness" equates with quiet and low purity of tone and the ability to capture ment of frequency extremes and an in-
distortion. It's the silence between the low-level harmonics. That needs little crease in dynamic contrast. Toward that
notes that feels like a velvet glove explanation — you know it when you end awhole new main circuit board
around your ears. It's the absence of dis- hear it. The degree of spread of sound- was developed for the line-stage. Opti-
tortion and noise that allows sound to stage was alesson, too. When Iused well- cal voltage regulation devices were in-
appear in three-dimensional relief regarded preamplifiers in my system, the stalled at roughly 20 points on the
against the dark background. I'm sure soundstage never filled the rear corners board. These devices are of very low
the majority of audiophiles have grown of the stage quite as well as when the impedance and have very wide band-
used to factoring in adegree of hash and small box was in use. The single resistor width, thus giving aclaimed 80dB im-
noise when they're adjusting the overall attenuator is the lesson here, not the provement in ripple rejection over
tonal balance of their systems. passive nature of this device, because, as other high-tech regulation techniques.
Frequency balance plus noise and dis- we all know, with apassive unit there That in turn minimizes most of what all
tortion equals perception. Take away are other compromises involving dy- power supplies impart to the musical
some noise, and you find the sound will namics and impedance matching. signal.


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These optical devices are also used to (nickel and chromium) and this photo es red to indicate the Photentiometer's
develop the phase split for balanced resistor (cadmium) that sound best. muted status. When the left-side LED
operation; ic, they keep the positive and The use of the Photentiometer elim- turns green, pressing the red power but-
negative signals nearly identical during inates the need for aseparate balance ton on the remote sends the signal
amplification. A traditional method for potentiometer. When the "balance" through to the power amplifier. (It is
accomplishing this uses another tube knob on this preamplifier is turned, it advisable to check the volume setting
stage, but that method has none of the independently varies the light on the before doing this.) The second mute is
benefits of distortion cancellation found photo-resistor for each channel. Re- available on the front-panel mode
in the Melos design. Porzilli feels these mote control for level and balance is a switch. It shorts the output of the whole
optical devices open up the sound boon for listeners who usually settle for preamplifier and kicks in automatically
tremendously over the tube-stage acompromise setting. Now you can sit if power is cut, saving unpleasant tran-
method, and extend the bandwidth back and get it exactly right from your sients from getting through to the am-
eightfold when zero-feedback design is listening position. plifier. It needs to be mentioned about
contemplated, as in the Melos. There have been some circuit up- here that the volume control is never
An unexpected innovation in the grades to the Melos MA-333 Reference completely "ce —a low-level signal is
Reference is the use of the tube fila- preamplifier's phono stage and more always heard, even when the control is
ments as resistors in the circuit. An are planned. But since line-level stages turned completely counterclockwise.
additional power supply for the fila- are outselling phono stages 30:1, most This is due to the design and limited
ments is eliminated; and Porzilli, who of these changes are reserved for later in range of the Photentiometer compared
stumbled upon this through experi- the year. What has changed so far is that with astandard volume por, use the
mentation, feels it tightens the bass, the RIAA equalization error has been mute on the remote if you need to kill
adds authority to the unit's dynamics, halved, and one photo-optical device the sound completely.
and makes the treble cleaner. has been added in each channel for volt- Only the balance, volume, and mute
The biggest innovation in the Melos age regulation. The unit's output imped- adjustments are available on the slim,
MA-333 Reference is the Photentio- ance has been lowered to 30 ohms. cigar-sized remote-control unit. It
meter volume control. It's actually a would be helpful for all manufacturers
very modern implementation of the old W HAT MY EYES AND HANDS to give us remote polarity adjustment,
design, the shunted volume control de- TOLD ME as this effect is subtle and best judged
scribed above, but it bypasses disadvan- Like the '333 Gold, the Reference is still from the listening position.
tages of earlier incarnations. athree-chassis configuration consisting The feel to the manual adjustment of
The volume control consists of asin- of aline-level stage, the power supply, the volume and balance knobs provides
gle 100k ohm Vishay metal-film resistor and aphono stage. The components my only criticism of the physical aspects
(two arc used for balanced operation) in now sport aflat black finish with gold of the Melos Reference. Asmall electric
series with the signal. The output of this knobs and lettering; in my opinion, this motor and gear system, used to imple-
resistor goes both to the output and to a improves the appearance, affirming its ment the remote volume control, has a
light-sensitive resistor with its other end luxurious appeal, and diminishing the certain amount of play in it —unavoid-
at ground potential. A user-replaceable visual distraction if your preamplifier able play, according to Mark Porzilli.
8V light bulb resides in acompartment resides at the front of the listening area, While small, incremental changes in vol-
inside the preamplifier chassis and as does mine. ume are certainly possible with the pre-
shines on the photo-resistor: The The power supply has three positions amplifier, the "feel" is less precise than
brighter the light shining on it, the less for each channel — off, line, and line+ with atraditional volume pot. When you
resistance it has. phono — and comes with connecting use the remote volume coned, the feel
When the volume control is set to its wire long enough for you to put the is still alittle imprecise; Isuspect that
maximum, "loud" position, the bulb is power supply out of the way if you're very small changes in level are not re-
off, meaning that the photo-resistor has strapped for space:Ile phono stage fea- peatable. This has little effect in practi-
its maximum resistance, thus causing tures front-panel, variable loading for cal usage, where levels are adjusted by
the music signal to flow directly the phono cartridge (5 ohms-47k ohms ear, but it still bugs me. Some of the be-
through the Vishay to the outputs. As in 12 steps) for both left and right chan- havioral peccadilloes of high-end equip-
the volume control is turned down, the nels. ment have been much more extreme
bulb shines brighter, meaning that the The controls on the line-stage, from than this, though, and it is acompo-
photo-resistor's impedance is increas- left to right, are the Stereo/Mono/ nent's sound that counts.
ingly lowered. As aresult, increasing Mute switch, apolarity-inversion switch,
amounts of the signal flow to ground, the balance and volume controls, two W HAT MY EARS TOLD ME
and the music is quieter. tape monitors, and asix-position selec- Ihad to make major adjustments in lis-
This elegant solution keeps avolume tor switch. In the center of the unit is tening to this preamplifier. As discussed
pot out of both the positive and nega- the small, dark remote-control window. in my opening paragraphs, Ibelieve that
tive legs of the circuit and eliminates the Layout at the rear of the chassis is I, like many other audiophiles, had
capacitive, diode, and wiper distortions straightforward and spacious, and offers grown used to the distortions that even
typical of conventional volume pots. both balanced and single-ended out- the best volume controls add to the
How does aphoto resistor sound? It's puts. This model is also available with sound. Ifound the differences between
not possible to separate the sound of balanced inputs by special order. the old Gold and new Reference ver-
this control from all the other changes The MA-333 Reference has two sions of this preamplifier to be consis-
in the preamplifier, but Mark Porzilli mutes. When the preamp is first turned tently identifiable — 80% correct iden-
feels it's the heavy-metal (high atomic on, it warms its tubes for about three tifications in ablindfolded listening test
number) resistors such as the Vishay minutes while the right-side LED flash- with matched levels, administered by a


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member of The Audiophile Society. In Soundstaging was another benefici- dynamic, solid-state Monarchy Model
other A/13 comparisons with familiar ary of the lower level of hash. Simply 22B DAC, aunit that makes no attempt
material, Iconsistently preferred the put, with the best CDs and through the to artificially smooth the highs, proved
Reference because it gave me the richer phono stage, the sound through Alón 5 to be agood match for the Reference.
sound with adarker background. Ihave and Mirage M1 si speakers driven by On some material, this processor could
no idea how this preamplifier will mea- Krell KSA-300 or VTL 300MB amps be too aggressive with the SF L-2. In
sure on the test bench, but subjective began about afoot to the rear of the contrast, the sound from the excellent
listening consistently and repeatedly face of the speaker and ran back in a new Sonic Frontiers SF D-2 Mk.II
told me there was less signal corruption, perfect rectangle to the rear corners — DAC — the king of smooth — really
whether we can identify and quantify it audibly "melting" the rear wall of the became too dark through the Ref-
or not. room. On the Robert Shaw Chorale's erence.
Nevertheless, there were psychologi- "Deep River" (Deep River, RCA LSC Ihad the opportunity to listen to the
cal adjustments to make. Like, you can 2247, vinyl) the voices were beautifully Melos MA-333 Reference in asystem
still miss the distortion — crazy as it liquid, more separated and distinct than with Infinity IRS speakers and Melos
seems. And when it's not there, you feel I'd heard them before. One of my CD 400 amplifiers. With the Infinity's bat-
disoriented, insecure — like when your references for stage width is Don tery of woofer drivers and large speak-
partner stops complaining. Friedman's piano, comping behind er/room interface (read: large, room-
The head — not emotion — rules, Clark Terry on "Pennies From Heaven" filling sound), the question of dynamics
however; psychological adjustments are (Portraits, Chesky JD2). Through the was sidestepped. 'With smaller box
soon made. I'm now secure in the belief Reference it came from the kitchen, speakers, one might easily desire the
that this preamplifier is at the absolute way to the left of the left speaket SFL-2. Idon't want to overemphasize
top of the heap of state-of-the-art units. Treble was smooth, sweet, extended, this point, because the Melos's dynam-
When Iswitch back to other preamps I and (need Isay it again?) free of grain. ics were good —just not as good as the
hear an increase in grain in orchestral The midrange, as noted above, was con- SF L-2, which remains the king in that
textures and reduced purity of tone. sistently richer than in the previous department.
The relaxed, natural sound of this pre- model. The bass range was well-defined All components need to be properly
amp — the result (I believe) of the to its lowest reaches, as heard on Jean matched to asystem to "work." Ihave a
Photentiometees reduction of hash and Guillou's organ performance of Bach's sneaking suspicion the Melos MA-333
distortion — is its central identifying Goldberg Variations (Dorian DOR-90110). Reference will be happiest in neutral-
sonic attribute. It was the reason Icould No part of the frequency spectrum was to-bright systems, where dynamics will
pick it out so consistently blindfolded. emphasized in relation to the others. not be an issue, while the SFL-2 will
In test after test, Inoted an enriched, mate with neutral-to-dark systems,
holistic quality to instrumental sound, W HAT SONIC FRONTIERS where dynamic contrasts are desired.
particularly in the midrange. TOLD ME
Hash and grain. What are they? In How would you match the MA-333 W HAT VINYL TOLD ME
my listening, those qualities are heard as Reference to other components? A The MA-333 Reference phono stage
a high-frequency outlining of the comparison with the Sonic Frontiers sounded wonderfully dynamic when I
instruments — awhite chalk line, to put SF L-2 preamplifier, reviewed very used it with aSumiko Blue Point Spe-
it in avisual context. They're heard as a favorably by yours truly in the No- cial cartridge. It compensated nicely for
higher noise floor, a"gray" background vember '94 Stereophile, is instructive. the slightly understated dynamics of the
rather than a"black" one, and atextural The SFL-2, with its "direct inputs" and line-stage. The just-perceptible softness
additive to instrumental tone. The low stepped aftenuator, is no slouch in the of attack noted in the review of the '333
levels of hash and grain in today's com- tonal purity department, either. But the phono stage (November '94) was gone.
ponents are not normally perceived on SFL-2 had more energy in the treble Detail was exact without being analyti-
their own, but are heard when going range than the Melos Reference and cal, both through my own system and
from aquieter component to anoisier thus would allow more imperfections in through Infinity IRS speakers with a
one. In the Melos MA-333 Reference, recordings or hardware to be heard. Parnassus cartridge. The sound was inti-
reducing hash and grain had many ram- The playing field is therefore not level mate and filled the room with awon-
ifications on the total sound. in judging ultimate freedom from hash derful bloom of sound.
Ambience retrieval and environmen- and distortion. It would be interesting The presentation was not as distant-
tal definition were improved. The sepa- to hear the results if it were. sounding as some might prefer, but it
rate acoustic environments of singer The SFL-2 also sounded more dy- suited my taste well. Ilike involvement
and orchestra on Sinatra's Only The namic than the MA-333 Reference. On in the music. Idon't like to imperiously
Lonely (Capitol CDP 7 48471 2) be- Orquesta Nova's "Milonga del Angel" peer over my glasses at the front of the
came more apparent with the Refer- (Salon New York, Chesky CD JD86), the room and experience the sound second-
ence, in that Sinatra's voice could be Sonic Frontiers carried the bass line and hand. Distance is not godliness. As
heard as slightly less reverberant com- piano attack with more emphasis and noted earlier, Melos plans further revi-
pared to the open-sounding quality of involvement. These two differences in sions of the phono stage, so I'm keeping
the orchestra. Similarly, the opening presentation were borne out repeatedly, my comments on it short. —Russell Novak
solo percussion on Ariel Ramirez's Misa regardless of software, though of course
Criolla (Philips 420 955-2) was heard different musical selections will suit dif- W HAT MEASUREMENTS
from a blacker background, but one ferent preamplifiers. TOLD TJN
where the reverb times were more dis- Matching line-level components of Unless otherwise noted, the measure-
tinct than the '333 Gold was able to known character with the preamplifiers ments of the Reference line stage were
reconfirmed my conclusions. The very made from its balanced outputs. (The
make them.

( Wair2,
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10 lb 10k Ite 1111,

Fig. 1 Melos MA-333 Reference line stage, unbal- Fig.3 Melos MA-333 Reference line stage. Fig.5 Melos MA-333 Reference line stage, bal-
anced frequency response (top) and bal- THD+noise vs frequency at 100mV in bal- anced mode, distortion (%) vs output volt-
anced (bottom) (right channel dashed, anced mode (top) and unbalanced mode age into 100k ohms.
0.5dB/vertical div.). (bottom) (right channel dashed).

Sli.01.1.• Moo Coo.. 5,01[0•./ Ill ....Len %V 0Mal .0 I. 0..

out, 12V corresponding to an input of
100mV, the value used for the THD+
3000 .00 noise vs frequency and crosstalk mea-
40 Ie0
surements. At lower output levels, the
reading is dominated by noise rather
than harmonic distortion. Note that the
1% THD+noise value is not reached
'OM 1000
until the preamp is putting out in excess
of 15V!
00 00
100 1k 1Oh . MU MO MO MO .0 MO 7000 0000 0000 IJ. 'This is asolid set of test bench results
for atube preamplifier.—Thomasj. Norton
Fig.2 Melos MA-333 Reference line stage, bal- Fig.4 Melos MA-333 Reference line stage, bal-
anced crosstalk (10dB/vertical div.). anced mode, spectrum of 50Hz sinewave,
DC-1 kHz, at 5V into 100k ohms (linear W HAT ITELL YOU
frequency scale). In the MA-333 Reference, Melos has
phono stage wasn't measured; readers succeeded in creating apreamplifier at
should refer back to the Vol.17 No.11 72.7dB over a wider, 10Hz-500kHz the very top of its class. Its price must be
review of the Melos MA-333.) Its out- bandwidth; and 89.5dB, A-weighted. considered very reasonable, considering
put impedance at its main outputs mea- The corresponding unbalanced figures the sound quality. The Photentiometer
sured 22 ohms balanced and 11 ohms were actually about 6dB better: 90dB, allows the Reference to achieve anew
unbalanced. Each measurement was 78.6dB, and 95.4dB, respectively. level of tonal richness and absence of
about half that specified, but the differ- The MA-333 Reference's frequency grain which, in turn, has many corollary
ences are irrelevant at these low values response is shown in fig.l. The high-fre- benefits for soundstage quality, ambi-
(though, everything else being equal, a quency response rolls off slightly faster ence retrieval, and long-term listenabil-
lower output impedance is generally a in the balanced mode, but otherwise ity. Iwas never truly conscious of this
plus). The output impedance only there is little to comment on here. The preamplifier imparting a particular
changed marginally with achange in volume control tracks within 0.5dB sound to the music; in fact, Iplayed it
the level control. The input impedance down to very low settings. The crosstalk for hours and hours on end without lis-
was 50k ohms (right channel, slightly shown in fig2 is fair, more pronounced tener fatigue. So relaxed and natural is
lower in the left, and dropping to 28k than in the best preamps we have tested its sound, Ibegan to think of it as being
ohms at a12:00 setting of the level con- but more than adequate for full stereo inextricably intertwined with nature
trol) — again, slightly different from performance. Notable is the identical itself — the Melos MA-333 Reference
that specified, but on the "good" side. crosstalk in both channels, something is aNature Symphony. —Russell NovakS
(A higher input impedance in a line rarely encountered.
stage minimizes matching problems The variation of THD+noise with
with related equipment.) The output frequency for the Melos is shown in
impedance at the tape output was just fig3. This was taken for an input of
over 25 ohms with asource impedance 100mV (12V out). The distortion is
of 25 ohms and 589 ohms with asource very low across the full range; interest-
impedance of 600 ohms, indicating an ingly, it was slightly higher in the bal-
unbuffered tape output. anced mode. Fig.4 shows the Refer-
The DC offset at the Melos's outputs ence's output spectrum reproducing a
measured 6.6mV in the left channel, 50Hz tone at an output of 5V — well
12.6mV in the right, though it fluctuat- above the level needed to drive any con-
ed considerably. With the front-panel sumer power amplifier Iknow of to full
phase control set to positive, the unbal- power. The third harmonic at this fre-
anced output was non-inverting, and quency is slightly higher than the sec-
pin 2of the balanced output was posi- ond, at just over -60dB or 0.1%.
tive. The preamp's maximum voltage The variation in the Reference's
gain measured 21.5dB. Its unweighted THD+noise percentage against output
S/N ratio (balanced) was 84dB over a voltage (at 1kHz) is shown in fig.5. The
22Hz-22kHz bandwidth (ref. 1V); minimum distortion occurs at 12-1.5V


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• • • • • • • • •

M ETAPHOR 2 music — when JA walked through on speakers toward the rear wall again.
LOUDSPEAKER his way to his office. He stopped and lis- Almost, but not quite, back to their

round September '95, Ibegan to tened for aminute, then opined, "Kind original position, to be precise. Ahhhh.
hear rumblings out of Chantilly, of stiff, aren't they? Why don't we give Now we were cooking!
VA that changes were in the them agood kick in the arse?" As Ilistened to more music, Ibegan
cards for the Metaphor 2loudspeakers I Chortling his evil, editorial chortle, to sense that the Metaphors Iknew and
reviewed last July (Vol.18 No.7). he pulled out acopy of the Stereophile respected were in the room at last. The
Accordingly, Ihad anew pair shipped to Test CD 3(STPH 006-2) and cued the top end was extended but not etched.
Santa Fe so we could find out what burn-in track onto infinite repeat. This The midrange was glorious. Icouldn't
Metaphor had wrought. They'd been is afun track: the assembled Stereophile get enough of vocal music — Iplayed
busy — totally revamping the design. staff banging on whatever came to pre-Gregorian chant, gospel, sensitive
Bill Peugh regaled me with alist of over hand, shouting, and playing kazoos. Les singer/songwriter types, and an assort-
ten changes/refinements, encompassing noise, random and persistent, overlaid ment of my usual favorite country song-
everything from the cabinet to the ship- with deep bass-synthesizer sweeps that writers. It was sounding pretty good.
ping cartons. Only the price, it seems, is can really rattle your foundation — even Yup. Pretty darn... Oh, who was Ikid-
unchanged at $5950/pair. that of your house. For the next week, I ding? Something was still wrong: As
First off, while the enclosure is still ran that track at afairly high level. Each good as the system sounded, I felt
constructed on the rigid, layered model day I'd come in and check on the removed from the music.
of the original, it is now precision-cut, Metaphors, each day they sounded loos- As this auditioning was going on
with all internal edges rounded and all er and more limber — and much more while we were preparing "Recom-
joints interlocking. The baffle is 2" thick, coherent. Imay well have put those 200 mended Components," I'd been re-
the rear wall 1", and side walls vary in hours on them before Ibegan to feel reading Steven Stone's recent preamp
thickness from 1" to le. Internal damp- they were equal to the speakers I'd reviews, in which he kept maintaining
ing has been reduced (a by-product of heard originally. (By the way, Icould that the best preamp is the least preamp.
greater cabinet rigidity) and the enclo- never have done this quick'n'dirty I had also reread Martin Colloms's
sure has even less of avibrational "signa- break-in at home. The burn-in track is October '95 review of the Krell KPS-
ture" than before, according to Peugh. fun, but Ican't guarantee anyone's sani- 20i/I — which includes aFET-switched
The wedge-shaped side panels are now ty after prolonged exposure to it.) attenuator. Hey, we have a 20i/1 at
meticulously constructed from solid At this point, Igot down to serious Stereophile! Itook the LS-7 out of the
wood, veneer, and MDF — they serve as listening with asystem consisting of a circuit, installed the KPS-20i/l, and
an essential component of the cabinet Krell KPS-20i CD player, an Audio started over.
tuning—and there is anew, more attrac- Research LS-7 preamplifier, a VAC OH MY STARS AND GARTERS!
tive finish as well. 80/80 or a Krell KSA-250 power It's alive! It's alive! Music now had its
The drivers have been modified amplifier, and TARA Labs RSC Master dance-like properties restored and the
(Metaphor doesn't say how, only that the interconnects and speaker cables. Metaphors presented it with detail and
noise floor has been reduced), the inter- The VAC had been one of the ampli- clarity. The bass, while not subter-
nal wiring has been changed, and the fiers I'd used to good effect in my audi- ranean, was extended, rock-solid, and
grille is now nonremovable. The cross- tion of the original Metaphor 2, but well-defined in pitch. With discs featur-
over is unchanged — it is still housed in a something didn't sound right when I ing well-developed ambient informa-
separate enclosure within the speaker began my serious listening. The mid- tion, the speakers disappeared into the
cabinet — but it no longer rests on its range was glorious and the highs were different acoustic of the recording
own set of spikes. It remains decoupled sweet and liquid — but the low end venue in a most satisfying way.
from the cabinet, but moving the speak- bloomed all over the place, lacking pitch Transient speed was exceptional — up
er has been made much simpler — thank definition and impact. 0-tq, Ithought, there with the best I've heard. And, as
goodness! And these days, there's even I've given the speakers alot of time to break always when you break through the
an owner's manual. in, now lees fine-tune their placement. By good-sound barrier, Ijust wanted to
Reading the manual, Iwas struck by pulling the speakers further into the play disc after disc after disc.
the phrase, "Final tuning of room posi- room, Igot rid of the boomy, under- MC called it right, the Krell '200 is a
tion should only be done after amini- damped bass, but at the expense of con- phenomenally transparent, dynamic,
mum of 200 hours of playing time." siderable extension. Iliked the basic involving component and the Metaphor
Two hundred hours! Who are they kidding? I sound Iwas getting, but felt Iwas giving 2(revised) reflected those properties —
thought, I've never had to spend that much up too much potential. The earlier 2s no, assumed them. Steven may be on to
time breaking in aspeaker. So Iset 'em up had been a cinch to drive. Perhaps, I something, as well; I'm going to have to
in Stereophiles listening room — about thought, these new guys aren't quite as sensi- rethink my assumptions about pre-
25" from the rear wall and toed-in to tive. Igrunted the KSA-250 into place amplifiers as aresult of this experience.
focus 2' behind my listening position — and booted it up. Better. Much better. Iwhipped out one of my favorite tor-
and played 'em through the weekend. The Krell really took charge, and the ture tests, Corigliano's Symphony 1
Come Monday morning, Iwas squirm- bass response was astonishingly deep (Erato 61132-2). The third movement
ing in my listening seat — obviously and fast, but it wasn't quite as extended starts rather sedately — there are pas-
finding it hard to concentrate on the as Ithought it could be, so Imoved the sages first with muted cello, then with a

Straight a result of straight thinking!



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piano heard offstage in the distance — pretation. This was subtle, to be sure; if I whole issue of consumer CD-R.
but then builds, inexorably, to ashatter- were less familiar with the performance, First, Iassume the 60-minute maxi-
ing climax that will tax any system's Imight have missed it completely. It was mum length is intended to discourage
dynamic limits. The Metaphors handled as though she were playing some keys copying of commercial CDs, which are
it with aplomb. The cello was warm with more emphasis than others —as usually longer than that. However, a
and slightly nasal, as it should be, and though she were having to play around maximum recording time of 60 min-
the distant piano was clear and perfect- the limitations of abalky instrument. As utes just ain't enough. It's also insane
ly articulated, although... uh... distant. that long, mournful, melodic line comes that a recording you make yourself,
As the orchestra lumbered along in fits to a close, right before the orchestra from microphones, should get the same
and starts toward the climax, the 2s kept enters, the score calls for a trill: The blanket anti-copy protection as acopy-
their composure; at increasing loudness speaker's emphasis of specific notes righted commercial CD. The Serial
levels, they remained uncongested and turned the trill from a smooth orna- Copy Management System (SCMS)
open. Even during the massed cacopho- mentation into aragged one. will ensure that no semi-pro recordist is
ny of the penultimate measures, the Idon't want to make too much of this going to buy into consumer CD-R,
Metaphors sounded as though they flaw; piano is really, really hard to repro- unless he's managed to find one of those
could continue to play even louder and duce properly and, in my experience, jitter boxes that just happen also to strip
louder. I've heard very few speakers that most speakers in Class B have col- out the copy-protection information
can match this level of dynamic perfor- orations of similar intensity. This one just included in the subcode.
mance — and most of them cost far happened to fall into an area where Iam Second, there's the recording medium
more than $5950/pair. particularly sensitive. I'm not beyond sus- itself. The royalties-included price for
Guy Clark's Boats To Build (Asylum/ pecting that the revisions in the Meta- blank CD-Rs is bad enough, amounting
American Explorer 61442-2) features a phor 2 have significantly lowered the to almost three times what you pay for a
duet with Emmylou Harris, "I Don't noise floor of the speaker itself. It's quite 74-minute professional CD blank. But
Love You Much," that stands as one of possible the original shared this mild there's another, not-so-obvious short-
my tests for natural vocal timbre. Clark flaw, but masked it with its cabinet signa- coming of consumer CD-R. The dark
sings in agruff, almost (not to put too ture. blue-green color identifies the recording
fine apoint on it) croaking baritone and On the whole, my experiences with dye as "azo," which Iunderstand is the
Harris's silvery soprano sparkles above the Metaphor 2 (revised) were im- least stable of the three materials now in
it. The sound is intimate — you almost mensely enjoyable. Like its predecessor, common use. Yes, the disc box warns
feel like you're eavesdropping on pil- it made me want to listen to music —all users not to expose the disc to "direct
low-talk —and the acoustic instruments types of music — from morn until late, sunlight, bright light, or excessive heat,"
are right there in the room (a small one) late night. It has astounding dynamic but it fails to mention how relatively lit-
with the singers. It was all there. range for aspeaker at this price point tle of these it takes to render the disc
Perhaps there was a shade more dis- and, while not plumbing the bottom- completely unplayable. (I have found
tance between me and the performers most depths, its articulate bass is pro- that two days in the sun can make an azo
than Ihave grown accustomed to, but found. Ifound it extended on top: easy disc unplayable.)
Stereophilès listening room is alot larger to listen to, but not overly sweet. The idea of being able to make your
than my living room, where Ilisten in From my experiences with the VAC own CDs has immense appeal, and the
the nearfield. That said, we were all in PA80/80, Isuspect that Metaphor has PDR-99's $2000 price is certainly
the sanie room and, emotionally, on the sacrificed some sensitivity in the revised attractive enough. As far as I'm con-
saine page. version. Careful system matching is, as cerned, however, the consumer imple-
Idid become aware, over time, of always, advised. This reads like acau- mentation of CD-R is too crippled to
some hardness in the 5-7kHz region. tionary note, and in away it is, but it is be practical. —J. Gordon Holt
Mild, to be sure, and not consistent over also an acknowledgement of the very
the entire region; it was more afeeling high payoff in listening pleasure that SHAKTI
that notes would sometimes pop out of such attention to detail can offer. Place ELECTROMAGNETIC
passages with an emphasis that seemed the 2s properly, pair them with an STABILIZER

ever-so-slightly misplaced. JA, on one of amplifier that has authority, and never, hate to admit that it was several
his trips through the listening room, never compromise their transparency weeks after Ben Piazza sent me
suggested that piano music might tell — Idiscovered the hard way that they some of his $230 Shalcti Electro-
the talc, so Iplayed Cedlle Oussees art- take on the personality of whatever is magnetic Stabilizers before Igot around
ful interpretation of Ravel's Piano upstream from them —and the Meta- to trying them.' Ipurposely sat the box
Concerto in G (EMI 754158 2). 1As I phor 2will transport you to the realm of where it couldn't be ignored. Even so, I
listened to the Adagio, Ifelt that some of music. And ultimately, that is what it is shirked my duty as long as Icould.
the notes in the long, lyrical piano line all about. —Wes Phillips Why? you might justifiably ask. Aren't
were emphasized in a way that had Stereophile writers supposed to jump at
nothing to do with Ousset's inter- PIONEER PDR-99 the chance to try new products? Well...
CD-R RECORDER yeah, we are, but in my case, after along

hile Ihave nothing to add to day of working with the stuff, the last
1I'm asucker for this work and urge everyone not
familiar with it to find acopy immediately. Tlw classic Steven Stone's thorough
Michelangeli performance on EMI has jug been reis- assessment of the Pioneer
sued bv Testament Records on LP (ASD 255) and is 1 The Shakti Electromagnetic Stabilizer is manu-
available from Acoustic Sounds. Not only is that per-
PDR-99's sound quality,' I do have factured by Shako Audio Innovations, 2405 Cloy Ave.,
formance rightly considered among the finest inter- some reservations concerning the Venice, CA 90291. Tel: (310) 305-1857. Fax: (310) 827-
pretations the work has ever received, but (mild upe 8373. The US distributor is Musical Surroundings,
hiss aside) it's an audiophile-quality demonstration disc 5856 College Ave., Suite 146, Oakland, CA 94618.
to boot. 1Sftnyphik January '96, Vol.18 Nol, p241. Tel: (510) 420-0379. Fax: (510) 420-0392.


thing Iwant to do when Icome home is Chapman's "Revolution," and Bogguss's accept three different digital sources and
get into Critical Listening Mode and do "Someday Soon." The first two are well- lock onto 32, 44, or 48kHz sampling
the audiophile than. My idea of agood enough recorded to have received gold- rates. It also has a"Source Direct" fea-
time (one of them, anyway) is to crank en-ear endorsements — the Warnes ture which bypasses everything but the
up the tunes, kick back, and groove. was an R2D4 in 1991 —but the Bog- balance and remote-controllable vol-
One night Icame in late and tripped guss is just abit too overproduced to ume. Cool.) The Sony feeds aGeorge
over the box. Had it moved of its own make the cut. However, I like little Kaye—modified Haller XL-280 (big
volition? It was trying to get my attention. Suzy's voice, and some of the songs are power supply, tube gain stage) through
Icouldn't ignore it anymore. Ibroke out great, so Igave it aspin. Nordost Flatline interconnects. Speaker
the Shakti Stones. "All right," Isaid. "Let's In every Stereophile review, there cables are 10' each of ICimber 8TC
get it on. Show me what you can do." comes aplace where the writer has to hooked to an old pair of mint-condition
To say that Iam skeptical of some of list all the equipment that was directly Dahlquist DQ-10 loudspeakers, which I
the more mystical aspects of this hobby is or peripherally connected to the device picked up used for next to nothing.
to put it mildly, and Iwas not favorably under test, his ancestry, his blood type, There are also acouple of tape recorders
disposed toward anything the Shalcti his top-ten films of 1959, and the best which Iuse from time to time.
Stones might contribute to my listening specimens in his coin collection. Ihate All the electronics are plugged into a
pleasure. Nonetheless, Itried to get cen- that. When Icome to that part in an heavy-duty outlet strip whose cord is
tered and give them their day in court. equipment review (you can always see looped several times around a ferrite
The instruction sheet suggests listen- the cluster of capital letters and roman toroid for RFI and EMI suppression.
ing to some well-recorded female vocals numerals coming a few paragraphs The system sits diagonally in one corner
at apleasant level (always agood idea) ahead), my eyes start to glaze over and I of asmall (13.5' by 14.5') room which
to get afix on how your system sounds skip immediately to the conclusion. opens on one end into the kitchen. My
without the Stones, then trying just one But just to be fai4 my system was con- lightweight, exceedingly comfortable
on the amp, preamp, or CD player to figured as follows: Source was aRandy listening chair, an Amish rocker, is in the
find out if it makes adifference. Ipulled Tomlinson—modified JVC XLZ- opposite corner from the hi-fi, allowing
out discs ofJennifer Warnes's tired-but- 1010TN CD player with an XL0 power me to sit at least 10' away from the
true Famous Blue Raincoat (Cypress 661 cord, feeding aSony TA-E77ESD pre- speakers and still have a few feet
111-2), Tracy Chapman's self-tided first amplifier through XLO Type 1inter- between me and the back corner. (I'm
album (Elektra 60774-2), and Suzy connects, each of which has a Radio not a big fan of nearfield listening.)
Bogguss's Greatest Hits (Liberty CPD Shack ferrite RF suppressor clamped Behind me is an open doorway leading
528457), and played one track from around it. (The Sony is an interesting to the bedroom and bath. In short, this is
each: the title song from Warnes, animal—with an inboard DAC, it will areal-world working-class audiophile's


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system, in a real-world working-class revealing pair of loudspeakers would ble-blind studies. He wasn't sufficiently
abode. For my purposes here, take note probably uncover more subtle effects intrigued to experiment on the Shakti
of the Dahlquist speakers: They lack that the Dahlquists are masking. — measuring its attenuation of astrong
extension at both frequency extremes, The best result Iwas able to obtain RF field, as Isuggested —but he did go
are not very revealing, and present at with my system as it is usually set up poking around in his laboratory for a
best ashallow soundstage, but are other- was with two Shakti Stones on the CD couple of things Icould try. He gave me
wise well-balanced —an okay compro- player: one on the left toward the rear, a6" by 8" copper sheet and apiece of
mise for me at the moment, since most bridging the power supply and trans- Mu-metal about the same size. "See if
of my listening is done while Iam mov- port; and another in the center-right, you can get the same effect with one of
ing about the house doing other things. over the main printed circuit board. these," he told me.
So, back to our story: Ilistened from And that is where they remain. A few days later Ipulled the cover off
the "sweet spot," such as it is, to the My thought about why the effect was the JVC and tried to duplicate the
three female vocals, then went back and so obvious with the CD player is this: noise-damping effect of the Shakti
listened to the first one (Warnes) again. The Shakti Stone acts to absorb and Stones. Isuspended the copper sheet
Having loaded these acoustic images damp out awide bandwidth of parasitic above the main pcb (using AudioQuest
into my short-term memory, Ihad a oscillations, radio-frequency and switch- Sorbothane feet) and grounded it to the
pretty good fix on how it all sounded. ing noise, electromagnetic radiation, etc. player's chassis with a clip lead. No
Leaving the volume control untouched, — all the electrical nasties that exist as change. Likewise with the Mu-metal. I
Itook one of the Shakti Stones, placed by-products of digital circuitry, es- also tried both of them near the power
it square on top of the JVC, and played pecially digital power supplies. 'The JVC supply, but didn't notice any sonic
"Famous Blue Raincoat" again. XLZ-1010, as sweet as it sounds, has lit- improvement there either. Iwondered
I'll be damned if there wasn't awhole tle in the way of internal shielding. if part of the Shalcti's benefits might be
new level of depth and clarity to the Iwas also able to try my bedside sys- due to vibration-damping of the cover
presentation. Pretty amazing. From the tem (Radio Shack 3400/DAC-in-the- on which it rested. Isubstituted abook
midrange on up, everything sounded Box/HeadRoom Supreme amplifier/ of similar size and weight, but again, no
cleaner, that cool-breeze-after-a-hard- JVC HA-D990 headphones) with and luck. The same went for asmall slab of
rain kind of cleaner. The low-level high- without Shakti augmentation. Iplaced marble. All my amateur trial-and-error
frequency grunge to which Ihad adapt- each of the three active devices on a attempts to duplicate what Ihear (or,
ed —"This is as good as this system is Stone, individually and as agroup. The more accurately, don't hear) with the
gonna sound in this room" —was notice- effect was the same as in my main sys- Shakti Stones went nowhere. I've been
ably diminished. Irepeated the experi- tem: a reduced level of background sorely tempted to dissect one.
ment with "Revolution" and "Someday hash and acorresponding increase in This I can tell you: The Shakti
Soon" (and with plenty of other music clarity. Dynamic detail improved be- Electromagnetic Stabilizers are actually
since) and found that the effect was cause the noise floor was abit lower. doing something to improve the sound of
repeatable and verifiable. I've tried it on a The 3400 seemed to benefit the most my system. Idon't want to go back to
few other folks and they've heard it too. from sitting on the Shakti, followed by listening without them. What exactly
Like all sonic effects, it varies with the the HeadRoom. Icouldn't really decide they're doing, or how exactly they're
type of music, from subtle to pro- if the DAC-in-the-Box was helped or doing it, I'm not sure. Ben Piazza, who
nounced, but it was always there. not. (Incidentally, Ialso have an Audio comes across as avery down-to-earth
With four of the Stones to play with, Alchemy DTI which can be inserted guy, says (without giving away any com-
Itried various configurations. Stacking into this chain—thank you, Mark pany secrets) that they employ acombi-
them gave no noticeable improvement Schifter —but the 3400's digital output nation of multiple-node-resonance and
over the single Stone. Placing them in a is so sloppy, the DTI can't lock onto it.) piezoelectric effects, and some propri-
foursquare pattern flat on the player — Out of curiosity, Itook one of the etary RF and microwave attenuation
ditto. Placing one each on the preamp, Shakti Stones to my friend Al Ghiorso, circuitry: "It's aconversion of energy,
power amp, and CD player? Again, no electrical engineer and physicist emeritus really, that's all it is. Absorption and dis-
improvement over the single Stone atop at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Al sipation." He told me they are being
the player. Ed Sheftel, an audio consul- is 86 years old and sharp as atack; he used to improve the performance of
tant who recommended Iuse Shakti swims for an hour almost every day, and everything from line conditioners (!) to
Stones, told me he was using eight of continues to work an almost full sche- electrostatic loudspeakers to phono pre-
the Stones in his system, even on top of dule in the lab since his "retirement" 21 amps to tube power amplifiers. He also
his speakers. Iwasn't able to verify any years ago. He is amusic lover with excel- said that there may be some unforeseen
kind of cumulative effect, nor was Iable lent hearing. (His system is an NAD 513 applications in the medical and comput-
to hear any difference by varying the CD changer and matching receiver driv- er fields, and in signal transmission.
angles at which the Stones sat, as some ing apair of Klipsch comerhorns.) I If what I'm hearing, both from my
people have reported. found him at his computer in his office system and from other listeners, is any
Ialso wasn't able to hear much effect and showed him the Shakti Stone, told indication of things to come, my advice
from putting them individually on him what Ihad heard, and let him read is to buy stock in Shakti Audio In-
either the preamp, which is very Ben Piazza's white papen novations the day it goes public.
ruggedly built and well-shielded, or the He shrugged and said, "There's prob- Jonathan Scull's endorsement in
power amplifier. But I did hear a ably agrain of truth here somewhere." February2was right on the mark. Igive
marked decrease in grunge, an increase Al's a hard-core traditional engineer, the Shakti Electromagnetic Stabilizer a
in vocal and instrumental clarity, and and refuses to recognize an effect unless big "thumbs up." —Barry Willis S
better depth of presentation when they it has passed muster in plenty of well-
were placed on the CD player. A more controlled, statistically significant, dou- 2Starophile, February '96, Vo1.19 No2, p.177.


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n February 1893 Tchaikovsky wrote to his nephew,
Vladimir David, that he was working on anew sympho-
ny with such ardor that he had sketched the first move-
ment in four days, and outlined the rest as well. It had a
program "of akind that will remain an enigma to
let them guess, [it] will just be called 'Program
Symphony No.6' ...This is saturated with subjective feeling
... often, while composing it in my mind, Ished many tears."
After the premiere, which Tchaikovsky conducted on
October 28 of that year in St. Petersburg, his youngest broth-
er, Modest, suKested the title "Pateticheslcy," which in
Russian means "1) enthusiastic, passionate; 2) emotional; 3)
bombastic." Tchaikovsky liked this title and wrote it on the
score he sent his long-time publisher and friend, Pyotr Ivan-
ovich Jurgenson. Two days later, however, he changed his
mind and instructed that the work appear simply as "Sym-
phony No.6," with adedication to his nephew.
But Tchaikovsky died November 6, and Jurgenson —
realizing the commercial value of adescriptive tide —
published it as "Symphonie Pathétique." (French
was not only the international language of diplo-
macy, it was also the de facto first language of the
Russian aristocracy.) But "Pathétique" was amis-
translation of patetichesley. Translated into English, the
meaning became "pathetic, arousing pity" ... ameaning
far removed from Modest Tchaikovsky's original sugges-
tion, which Pyotr Ilich had promptly endorsed, even if he
did later change his mind.
Whatever its subtitle, his Sixth Symphony turned out to be
Tchaikovslcy's final work —an emotional blockbuster that plumbs
the depths of despair and hopelessness. He felt the Symphony to be
his best work, "the most sincere of all of my compositions ...I love it as I
have never loved any of my musical children." The premiere was generally


well received, although the somber, on so many performances in such alim- points of view, Idisagree.
hushed ending puzzled the audience. ited space, Idecided not to discuss every As one might also expect with so
Nine days later, Tchaikovsky died of one of these recordings individually. many recordings, a large number arc
cholera amid circumstances that remain Performances listed on the accompany- quite similar —fine orchestra, able con-
mysterious to this day. ing chart but not mentioned in the text ductor, sonically worthy; generally
The first movement opens with a arc omitted because they proved seri- speaking, there's little to choose among
pervasively gloomy Adagio in which di- ously inadequate or insignificant in ways them. The focus of this article is on the
musical or sonic or both. A number of more recommendable versions.
"historic" performances in primitive

The accompanying chart makes no
sonics are discussed, however —some of claims for completeness. Also, as classi-
HAIKOVSKY CALLED these are fascinating, with an individual- cal reissue series continue to proliferate,
ity and personality missing from most of some performances may now have label
the newer, better-recorded ones. Some and catalog numbers different from
MOST SINCERE OF ALL contemporary conductors seem to feel those listed; others may be difficult to
that enough emotion is already inherent obtain.
OF MY COMPOSITIONS." in the music, that they need only "play Five performances conducted by Her-
the notes." Having enjoyed many inter- bert von Karajan have appeared on Cl).
pretations with convincing, imaginative The earliest, from 1939, is arather timid
vided low strings accompany asoft bas-
soon solo. At measure 13, the tempo
changes to Antro non emit) for 70 bars,
culminating in aclimax before quieting Playing SPARS Rec.
Conductor/Orchestra Label & CD# Time Code Coupling Date
to Andante, after which violins introduce
the theme everyone knows —one of Abbado/CSO CBS 42368 43 40 DDD Marche slave 1986
Tchaikovsky's greatest melodies. This is Abbado/VP0 DG 427 220 44 08 AAD Romeo 1974
Abendroth/ Berlin 2054 47 44 ADD 1952
restated and expanded, ending in a
Leipzig Gewand.
whispered, almost inaudible, descending Abravanel/Utah SO Vox 5004 44:56 ADD 1812. 1972
passage for clarinet, the last four notes Voyevoda
played by bassoon and marked plipplip. Ashkenazy/Philharmonia London 425 586 4703 ADD Syms.4 & 5. 1979
The development section, Allegro BatizJRPO ASV 6091 43:24 DDD Swan Lake 1982
vivo, begins violently about 10 minutes Suite
into the movement. The mood is stark- Bernstein/NYP Sony 47635 46:30 ADD Hamlet 1964
ly tragic and despairing for 131 mea- DG 419 604 58:3 1 DDD 1986
Blazhkov/Kiev SO Analekta 8901 46:33 DDD Stankovitch 1989
sures, until another powerful emotional
Bond/Shanghai SO Protone 2205 4350 DDD Tingyu, 1994
climax is followed by hushed desola- Bond
tion. Following the return of the "big Bychkov/Concertgebouw Philips 420 925 48:27 DDD 1987
tune" comes ashort, quiet coda. Cantelli/NBC SO Arkadia 762.2 43:18 ADD Syms.4 & 5 1953
AS 503/4 43:1 I ADD Syms.4 & 5 1953
The second movement is a"limping"
Coates/National SO Beulah IPD6 46: 14 ADD Romeo 1945
waltz in 5/4 rather than 3/4 or 6/8 Duo Crommelynck Claves 508805 4010 DDD Russian Songs 1988
time. The Song sections are wistful over- Dohnányi/Cleveland Telarc 80130 44:42 DDD Eugene Onegin1986
all, whereas the Trio hints at melan- Do rati/LSO Mercury Living 44:30 ADD Romeo 1960
Presence 434 353
choly. Again, the ending is quiet.
Dutoit/Montréal SO London 430 507 46:14 DDD Romeo 1990
Rather than ascherzo, the "Pathé- Fedoseyev/USSR SO Eurodisc 610566 45:26 DDD Syms.I-5 1981
tique" has arousing, ultimately frenetic Fischer/ LaserLight 15524 45:17 DDD 1812 Overture1988
March marked Allegri molto iri,aa, whose Hungarian State SO
Fricsay/Bavarian RSO Orfeo 220891 50:30 ADD Bartók/ 1960
cathartic climax almost invariably draws
Piano Con.3
applause in live performances. Furtwangler/BPO EMI 64855 4838 ADD Syms.4 & 5 1938
The finale, marked Adagio lamentoso, Biddulph 6/7 48:45 ADD Beethoven 1938
has encouraged some to characterize the Historical Performers 14 48:14 ADD Smetana/ 1938
Symphony as a"musical suicide letter." Gibson/London Fest. Chesky 65 4414 ADD 1812 Overture1959
'The movement begins with sobbing Giulini/LAPO DG 400 029 46:26 DDD 1981
strings that build to ahugely sad, crush- Giulini/Philharmonia EMI 62603 47:13 ADD Francesco 1959
ing climax, before introducing aquietly Haitink/Concertgebouw Philips 442 061 49:17 ADD Syms.1-5, 1978
impassioned new theme — the very Horenstein/LSO Royal 6458 46:45 ADD Romeo 1967
essence of hopeless despair. At its climax Inbal/Frankfurt RSO Denon 77715 49:04 DDD Wagner/Tristan
the tam-tam plays its single note in the 1991
entire score, written to sustain over four Jansons/Oslo PO Chandos 8446 4330 DDD 1986
Karajan/BP0 DG 423 530 44:20 ADD Smetana 1939
bars. 'The denouement is bleak, and the
KarajanNPO EMI 63326 45:24 ADD misc. 1948
symphony ends as it began, in gloom, Karajan/Philharmonia EMI 63460 46:22 ADD Syms.4 & 5, 1955/6
with asingle murmuring bassoon over Suites
low strings. Karajan/BP0 DG 429 675 45:54 ADD Syms.I-5 1976
KarajanNPO DG 415 095 45:34 DDD 1985
The dozens of recordings currently Klemperer/Philharmonia EMI 63838 47:25 ADD Syms A & 5 1961
listed in Schwalm Opus attest to the uni- Koizumi/RPO RPO 7004 47:20 DDD Romeo 1990
versal popularity of the "Pathétique." Kondrashin/Moscow PO Globe 6009 45:22 ADD Nutcracker 1978
Faced with the prospect of commenting


interpretation that tends toward adepen- plays superbly, and the wide-range analog able. While EMI's is best, it's available
dence on portamento (sliding from one sound has been beautifully transferred to only in a4-CD ser, luckily, Biddulph and
pitch to another) for the most part absent CD. Karajan's last recording— the sound- Historical Performers are also fine.
from his later recordings. The next, with track of aTelemondial video production Fritz Reiner's 1957 recording set a
the Vienna Philharmonic from 1948, is a with the VPO —is not as dynamic as the technical and interpretive standard that
more committed reading than the first 1976 Berlin performance, and its sonics later Chicago Symphony recordings have
but with too little attention to Tchaikov- suggest amultitude of microphones. Bal- not equaled. This precise but compara-
sky's trumpet writing in the first-move- ances are skewed, with the close-up mik- tively cool reading is magnificently
ment development and in the March Mg preserving extraneous sounds. played in awarm Orchestra Hall acous-
(none of Karajan's recordings stress this Furtwângler's 1938 "Pathé- tic that complements its rich, classic
import:« brass punctuation). A 1955/ tique" is magnificent, amonumental con- approach. Claudio Abbado's 1986 ver-
56 version with the Philharmonia enjoys ception whose grandeur and powerful sion for CBS has abroad sound (with the
better sonics, but is only astopping point impact remain undiminished after nearly obvious addition of reverb), but is not
en route to his finest "Pathétique," re- 60 years. His generally leisurely tempos always on the virtuosic level one expects
corded with the Berlin Philharmonic in are far from the histrionics of many other from Chicago; nor could it be called an
1976. This performance is dynamic in the conductors, yet their pulsations make emotional interpretation. Abbado's 1974
extreme, yet totally sensitive to the tender them totally convincing throughout. All recording with the Vienna Philharmonic
first-movement theme. The orchestra of the current Cl) transfers are accept- is altogether more involved and expres-
sive, with excellent sound, and is particu-
Playing SPARS Rec.
larly attractive at budget price.
Conductor/Orchestra Label & CDR Time Code Coupling Date
Sir Georg Solti's 1976 Chicago
Koussevitslcy/BSO RCA 60920 43:1 I ADD Romeo 1930
recording is ahigh-energy version typi-
Leinsdorf/LAPO Seraphim 69034 43:03 ADD Piano Con. 11960
Levine/CSO RCA 5355 45:27 DDD 1984 cal of much of his work. Although the
Litton/Bournemouth SO Virgin 61267 46:48 DDD Romeo 1990 orchestra's quality can be amazing,
Maazel/Cleveland CBS 44786 42:20 ADD 1812 Overture1981 somewhere along the line Tchaikov-
MaazeINPO London 430 787 43:06 ADD Syms.1-5. I964
sky's emotions have disappeared, and
Mardjani/Georgian Infinity 66729 45:25 DDD Capriccio 1994 the sound is harsh and unyielding. James
Markevitch/ISO Philips 422 478 45:44 ADD Hamlet 1962 Levine's 1984 Chicago recording for
Marriner/ASMF Capriccio 10385 45:22 DDD 1812 Overwre1990 RCA is another high-powered perfor-
Masur/Leipzig Gewand. Teldec 95981 43:43 DDD Syms.4 & 5 1987
mance, immaculately played but inter-
Mengelberg/ Teldec 243730 42:55 ADD 1812 Overture1937
Concertgebouw Music &Arts 809 42:54 ADD Syms.4 & S. 1937 pretively no more persuasive than
Romeo Solti's, with somewhat strident sonics.
Mitropoulos/NYP CBS 45699 4007 ADD capriccio. 1957 In Cleveland, Christoph von Doh-
nányi has little rapport with Tchai-
Monteux/BSO RCA 61901 44:24 ADD Syms.4 & 5 1955
Mravinsky/Leningrad PO DG 419 745 43:50 ADD Syms.4 & 5 1960 kovsky's idiom; his "Pathétique" is rigid
Originals 815 4503 ADD Hindemith 1978 and unemotional, notable only for
Erato 45756 44:51 DDD 1982 superb playing and spectacular Telarc
Munch/BSO RCA 61563 45:30 ADD Romeo 1962
sound. Loren Maazel's 1981 version with
Munih/Ljubfiana SO Stradivari 6008 45:08 DDD Romea 1987
Muti/Philharmonia EMI 67314 46: I
0 ADD Syms.I-5, I979 the same orchestra was not as well re-
Romeo corded by CBS; it reveals less tempera-
Ormandy/Philadelphia Sony 47657 46:37 ADD Capriccio 1960 ment than his 1964 version with the
RCA 60908 46:24 ADD Romeo 1968
Vienna Philharmonic, in which he and
Delos 3016 47:45 DOD 1981
Pletnev/Russian Nat'l. 0 Virgin 91487 4413 DDD Marche slave 1991 that marvelous orchestra offer ahighly
Polyansky/Russian St. 0 Chandos 9356 50:31 DDD Marche slave 1993 dramatic reading with many thrilling
Reiner/CSO RCA 5602 45:20 ADD Borodin, etc. 1957 moments, abetted by fine production
Rostropovich/LPO EMI 65709 45:17 ADD Syms.I-5, 1976
from John Culshaw and Erik Smith.
Romeo, Francesca
Rostropovich/NSO Sony 45836 44:04 DDD misc. 1990 Willem Mengelberg recorded the
Rozhdestvensky/Moscow Intaglio 7261 44:46 ADD Francesca 1966 "Pathétique" twice for Telefimken, both
Rozhdestvensky/LSO IMP 878 45:28 DDD The Storm 1987 performances enormously interesting, if
Sanderling/Berlin SO Denon 7062 4852 ODD 1979
with little difference between the two
Sinopoli/Philharmonia DG 429 740 47:24 DDD Romeo 1989
Sladcin/SLSO RCA 60438 49:35 DDD Hamlet 1990 other than a1941 version with better-
Solti/CSO London 430 447 42:49 ADD Romeo 1976 defined sonics and afinale 1:20 longer
Stupka/Czech PO Supraphon 1909 43:20 ADD Dvorak/ 1949 than the 1937 version. Mengelberg's
reading is wilful almost to the point of
Svetlanov/USSR SO Vox 5117 45:36 ADD Sym.5. Undine1959
Talich/Czech PO Supraphon 111908 4504 ADD Mozart 1953 aberration. His control was fantastic,
Sym.39 likewise the response of the Concert-
Temirkanov/RPO RCA 61821 49:30 DDD Syms.4 & 5 1990 gebouw Orchestra; seldom does one
Temirkanov/St. Petersburg RCA 61377 49:45 DDD Syms.4 & 5 1992
hear more than afew bars in the same
Toscanini/Philadelphia RCA 60312 42:33 ADD Strauss 1942
Toscanini/NBC SO RCA 60297 4I:44 ADD Nutcracker 1947 tempo. In my own view, his use of pm.-
Melodram 18014 46:34 ADD Piano Con. 11954 tamento for expressive purposes is highly
Nuovo Era 13.6322 46:45 ADD Nutcracker 1954 effective, but his drastic slowdown of
Van Kempen/ Philips 438 310 4630 ADD Sym..5. Romeo 1951
the last four, smashing chords in the
Wand/NW German SO RCA 61190 44:05 DDD Stravinsky 1991 March does not convince. While both
Wit/Polish Nat'l. RSO Naxos 8350782 47:26 DDD Francesca 1992 CI) transfers of the 1937 version are
good, the Music & Arts sounds slightly

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better. The 1941 performance is avail- "Pathétique" in 1960 with the Bavarian Hermann Abendroth's 1952 mono
able only from Archive Documents in RSO is dramatically compelling, full of version with the Leipzig Gewandhaus
London in afine, albeit filtered, transfer. anguish, expertly played, and recorded Orchestra is a noble reading of great
(ADCD 108, from AAD. Archive in well-balanced mono sound. It's power with carefully balanced textures,
Documents, SA Norfolk Place, London worth investigating despite six missing burnished brass, and eerie rubato in the
W2 1QN, England, UK.) bars at the start. A Fricsay recording first-movement development that I
Ihave always found Yuri Temirlcanov with the Berlin Philharmonic for DG especially enjoy. Despite its age, the re-
ahighly expressive conductor, almost a has yet to be reissued in the US. cording sounds fine. Kurt Masur's 1987
clone of Mengelberg; his readings are Leonard Bernstein's 1964 CBS re- Teldec CD with the same orchestra is
filled with insight and imagination, and cording with the New York Philhar- not in the same class interpretively (few
some mannerisms that Ifind convincing. monic was actually his second one with are), being comparatively bland and low
Both of his fairly recent recordings of the the orchestra; they had already recorded in tension, although very well recorded.
"Pathétique" — with the Royal Philhar- it for American Decca, with the NYP Of Arturo Toscanini's three perfor-
monic in 1990, and the St. Petersburg billed by its summer-season appellation, mances on disc there's no question
Philharmonic in 1992 —are models of the "Stadium Symphony Orchestra of which is best interpretively: his 1942 re-
elastic phrasing, capturing the music's New York." Bernstein was both pas- cording with the Philadelphia Or-
tenderness as well as its fury; unfortu- sionate and compelling in his 1964 re- chestra. At 42:33, this is the second-
nately, the sonic quality of both record- cording, which has superb reproduc- quickest of all extant recordings, yet it
ings is substandard, with undefined bass tion, aresult of recording in Manhattan never sounds rushed. The orchestra
and lack of string sonority. Center. plays as if possessed, and tension remains
Bernard Haitink's 1978 Royal Con- high throughout. Well-balanced mono

certgebouw recording is a beauty — sound mirrors this extraordinary inter-
musically solid, understated but grandly pretation, one of the truly great "Pa-


played, and, in its own cool way, satisfy- ERNSTEIN'S 1986 thétiques" on record. Later Toscanini
ing. By contrast, Semyon Bychkov's performances were more expansive.
1987 recording with the same orchestra
AS LONG AS ANY OTHER, The 1947 RCA version is marred by


is areading that misses the scope of the dessicated Studio 8-H sound. A 1954
music and is spoiled by strange balances, live performance in Carnegie Hall has
congested climaxes, and evinces little of
CHOICES ARE much better sound and is quite electri-

the Concertgebouw's famous sound. fying despite afew moments of impre-
The "Pathétique" was amajor part of cise ensemble; of the two CD versions
Paul van Kempen's 1951 Tchaikovsky available, Melodram's is preferable if
series with Concertgebouw forces — an only because it includes aspectacular
incredibly vivid, intensely dramatic read- Bernstein's 1986 recording, also with performance of Tchaikovsky's Piano
ing with aconstant infusion of urgency; the NYP, was arevelation for some lis- Concerto 1with Vladimir Horowitz.
the March in particular is hair-raising. teners, an abomination for others. It is Only the staunchest admirers of Otto
The original Epic LP of the early '50s the longest "Pathétique" ever recorded, Klemperer will enjoy his 1961 Sixth —
had overly bright, bass-heavy sound; the lasting just slightly under an hour, each agratuitously literal and leisurely dissec-
CD transfer seems to heighten stridency, movement is uniquely slow, the finale tion that entirely misses the composer's
but this remains aperformance Tchai- in particular almost twice as long (17:12) expressive outpouring. Carlo Maria
kovskians won't want to miss. as any other. But Ifind Bernstein's in- Giulini's 1959 Philharmonia account is
Serge Koussevitzky's 1930 recording terpretive choices entirely convincing as musically sound and satisfying, if stolid.
with the Boston Symphony for RCA they plumb the nadir of despair in sad His 1981 remake, however, emphasizes
most beautifully conveys the opulent acceptance of the inevitable. Bernstein's detail over substance — aboring perfor-
sound of that orchestra during his ten- use of timpani at the end of the first- mance even though timpani are power-
ure: powerful and sonorous, altogether movement development section is both ful at the close of the first-movement
different from the lighter BSO sound of extraordinary and appropriate. The live development in this sonically excellent,
the past four decades. Koussevitsky's was recording captures much detail, but the early digital recording. Riccardo Muti's
apassionate performance, wonderfully dry acoustics of Avery Fisher Hall pro- 1979 Philharmonia version is highly rec-
played except for amajor brass bobble ject an unflattering sonic picture. ommended if you can accept the sound;
2:10 into the finale, which should have Eugene Ormandy's several Philadel- this performance is dynamic where it
been remade. Still, overall this is superi- phia recordings varied considerably as ought to be, with an outstanding March
or to Charles Munch's 1962 version his readings grew more superficial with and aconsistent sense of involvement.
with its coarse engineering, brittle- the passing years; even with his Rolls- Regrettably, the CD transfer has lost
sounding trumpets, limited dynamic Royce of an orchestra in top form, he much of the original recording's warmth.
range, and lack of bass, with the French seldom suggested the true tragedy in Giuseppe Sinopoli can usually be
conductor showing little empathy for Tchaikovsky's music. Finest of their counted on to bring adifferent slant to
Tchaikovsky. The finest Boston "Pathé- three on CD is the CBS of 1960, far bet- familiar repertory, and his "Pathétique"
tique" was Pierre Montetues, recorded ter reproduced than ashallow-sounding is no exception — slow and thought-
for RCA in 1955 — astraightforward, RCA version of eight years later. Delos's provoking, with many imaginative
unemotive reading better recorded than 1981 digital recording, though it found touches. He perfectly balances wind
Munch's later one. Ormandy in amore expansive mood, and brass chords in the middle of the
The death in 1963 of Hungarian con- accurately and unflatteringly replicates first-movement development, achiev-
ductor Ferenc Fricsay at age 49 was a the dry acoustics of the venerable ing an effect of delirium. Sadly, the re-
major loss. His live performance of the Academy of Music venue. cording emanates from All Saint's Toot-


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Mg, where engineers could not control leading conductors at the turn of the ence — and what apleasure it is to hear
the massive reverberation or give an century) and beautifully recorded in brass so vividly recorded, even if the
edge to the brass sound. ICingsway Hall by avery young Ken- bass is boomy and undefined.
Yevgeny Mravinsky made several re- neth Wilkinson. America's National Ifind puzzling the almost legendary
cordings of the "Pathétique," all of them Symphony can be heard in an emotion- status of Guido Cantelli's 1953 live per-
variously distinguished and each amajor al performance led by Mstislav Ros- formance with the NBC Symphony in
listening experience. An early mono ver- tropovich in 1990 on the occasion of his Carnegie Hall. This is avery clear, un-
sion for DG was powerfully dramatic, return to his native country after 16 emotional account, with engineering
but has not yet been reissued in the US. years of exile. The orchestra is superb, that makes the orchestra sound under-
The 1960 stereo remake is rightly con- the engineering excellent. This is supe- nourished. The AS Disc transfer is the
sidered a classic performance — a rior to Rostropovich's 1976 London better of the two available.
sharply profiled interpretation of fierce Philharmonic recording, just now reis- Vladimir Fedoseyev's 1981 recording
energy, always intense, with a grand sued in afive-CD set. The earlier ver- with the USSR Radio Orchestra boasts
sweep that is gripping. The Leningrad sion is high on passion, rather low on typically Russian sound — bright brass
Philharmonic is outstanding in all of the precision, and harsh-sounding for a and rich strings — in asometimes fran-
Mravinsky studio recordings, as they are Kingsway Hall recording. tic reading. The sound is surprisingly
in two later live recordings on CD, with constricted for an early digital record-

little to choose between them. The ing, and the engineers have opted for a
1978 on Originals is ashade more un- distant sonic perspective.

derstated than the stunning 1982 ver- Igor Markevitch's 1962 Philips re-
cording is another early recording that


sion on Erato, the latter adigital record- 1978
ing of tremendous impact. continues to impress. The LSO was in

Antal Dorati's 1960 London Sym- top shape during that period and re-
phony recording was aproduct of the sponds enthusiastically to Markevitch's
conductor's finest period. He gives an ur-
EXCITING, WITH VIVIDLY vivid approach. The CD transfer im-

gent performance that is perhaps short proves the original fine sound, and at
on emotion but is beautifully played, and budget price this is asuper-bargain.
many will enjoy the classic Mercury A curiosity is Tchaikovsky's own ver-
Living Presence sound. Jascha Horen- sion of the "Pathétique" for piano duet.
stein's LSO recording of seven years Ever since its release, Mikhail Pletnev's Though it necessarily lacks the dynam-
later is distinguished by thrusting trum- recording with the newly formed Russian ics and textures of the orchestral version,
pets in the first-movement develop- National Orchestra has been highly this reduction is intriguing on its own
ment; it is overall areading of power praised, and deservedly so. The March is terms, and very well performed in are-
and very well recorded. Alexander especially outstanding, the only problem cording by Duo Crommelynck. This is
Gibson's 1959 recording for Reader's Di- is with the sound, which is distant and the shortest performance of all; the long,
gest is uneventful, but many may wish to lacking in impact. Ilook forward to the sustained lines of the orchestral per-
have it just for the natural sound pro- remake on DG, part of aprojected Tchai- formance do not exist here.
duced by the Charles Gerhardt/Kenneth kovsky Symphonies cycle. Even with all of the recordings men-
Wilk-inson team in an immaculate Of Germady Rozhdestvensky's two tioned, these are only the most notable
Chesky CD transfer. Charles Dutoies recordings the better is undoubtedly the of those currently in print. Others, long
Montréal recording has the quality we live performance with the Moscow unavailable, are worthy of reissue: Jean
have come to expect from these forces Radio Orchestra recorded in 1966 in Martinon made afine London LP (STS
and is splendidly recorded by London, Royal Albert Hall. This dramatic inter- 15018, nla) with the Vienna Philhar-
but lacks involvement or excitement. pretation has asense of occasion and is monic. There is adynamic live perfor-
A primary contender is Vladimir very well played and recorded, with a mance with David Oistrakh conducting
Ashkenazy's 1979 Philharmonia record- huge, very reverberent sound, as well as the Moscow Philharmonic in 1968 on
ing, made at the beginning of his con- intermittent but not too intrusive hum. the occasion of Oistraldes 60th birthday
ducting career. Details are carefully Rozhdestvensky, unfortunately, does not (Angel Melodiya SR 4112, nia, and Mu-
molded, there is power and passion, and handle audience applause at the end of sical Heritage Society MHS 824624,
the performance benefits from the warm the March very well—he begins the nia). Artur Rodzinski and the Phil-
acoustic of ICingsway Hall, brightened a finale during the applause, destroying harmonic Symphony Orchestra of Lon-
touch by the trader to CD. Mariss the final movement's mood completely. don made aspectacular monophonic re-
Jansons's Oslo Philharmonic recording Still, this performance is preferable to his cording in the mid-'50s for Westminster
on Chandos has been highly touted, and prosaic, rather sloppy recording with the (WMS 1020, LP, nia). This is one of the
rightfully so. The Oslo orchestra out- LSO. best ever, never issued on CD.
does itself in a brilliant performance, Yevgeny Svetlanov's 1959 Melodiya Which to get? Those who love this
conveying Jansons's highly expressive recording, issued on budget Vox, is ad- score surely should hear the Furtwângler,
interpretation with energy and tonal mirable, truly "Russian" in sound, sus- Mengelberg, Toscanini/Philadelphia,
beauty. One would never suspect, taining interest throughout, and record- Bernstein 1986, Karajan 1976, and Van
though, that Jansons was closely associ- ed with typical Melodiya sonics of the Kempen versions. Among more modern
ated with Mravinsky in Leningrad, so time: big, rich, overly bright, and some- recordings Iwould choose Ashkenazy,
different are their performances. what undefined in the bass. Kiril Kon- Maazel/Vienna, Markevitch, or Mra-
Of great interest is the 1945 National drashin's 1978 live recording with the vinsky 1982 — with aspecial nod to Ab-
Symphony Orchestra performance con- Moscow Philharmonic is overall quite bado/Vienna, especially attractive at
ducted by Albert Coates (one of the similar, atruly exciting listening experi- budget price. S


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Selected by RL, JA, and WP

hese new albums are both almost as rare: asmall-group studio
led by their bass players, and session magically lit from within by
both are quintessential para- inspiration, from first note to last. The
digms of their respective genres. Dave feeling of heightened creativity is sup-
Holland invents anew genre and Art ported by an unforgettable sonic por-
Davis perfects an old one. trait of an acoustic jazz ensemble:
In jazz, the primary role of the bass crystalline yet palpable, precisely
is to mark the beat. To justify an entire etched yet warm.
solo album, abassist must be more than Art Davis — master bassist, Ph.D.
a technical virtuoso. He must be a (in clinical psychology), and keeper
singer touched with agrace that tran- of the flame — has assembled a
scends the limitations of his instru- world-class cross-generational quar-
menes voice. Dave Holland is such a tet. There are floating atmospheres
singer. He commands an intonation so like Billy Strayhorn's "A Flower is a
rich and exact, and has such astonishing Lovesome Thing," and there are
speed, that by the first track ("Home- anthems like John Coltrane's "Olé"
coming") you've lost the sense that which gather like astorm and pro-
there's anything foreign about Hol- voke John's son Ravi to rain torrents
land's chosen language. The third song, of passion from his soprano saxo-
"Goodbye Porkpie Hat," is one of the phone. Herbie Hancock (on a
permanent eulogies in the jazz canon. sonorous 1940s-era Steinway) does
It was written in 1959, on the day something unexpected on every
Lester Young died, by another great tune, comping and filling like pin-
bass player, Charles Mingus. Holland points of light, paying out solos like
quakes the famous theme, then medi- cascades of poetry. But the revelation
tates over it like the slowest of prayers, of A Time Remembered is Ravi
every note's long vibrato amourning Coltrane. He shapes endless ideas to
for atragedy sustained by us all. lyrical elegance, even on the fly.
John Coltrane's "Mr. P.C." is aline Listen to his subtle permutations of
that hundreds of horn players have Cole Porter's "Ev'ry Time We Say
used as abasis for blowing. Holland Dave Holland, acoustic bass Goodbye," and to the way he slides
propels it ever onward at the bottom, Intuition INT 21482 (Cl) only). Dave Holland, off Monk's "Evidence" yet still
Clare Holland, prods.; James Farber, mg. AAD.
but on top he runs the changes with TT: 5727
comes down on the accents.
complex variations, and no saxo- ART DAVIS: A Time Remembered The CD is so good that the sonic
Art Davis. acoustic bass; Ravi Coltrane. tenor &
phone ever blew it better. The last soprano sax; Herbie Hancock, piano; Marvin
advantages of the LP do not make it
piece, "God Bless The Child," stays "Smitty" Smith, drums worth losing 24 minutes of great
faithful to Billie Holiday's melody. Yet Classic/Jazz Planet 4001-1 (LP), JPCD-5001-2 music, not to mention enduring the
(CD"). John Koenig, prod.; Rik Pekkonen. eng.
Holland gets closer to the song's spir- AAA/AAD. TTs: 4500, 6906' outrageous inconvenience of vinyl.
itual truth than any singer but one: But for you 'philes in your hair shirts,
the composer herself. for subwoofers, but in capturing all your narrator, aCD collector, will cop
Ones All was recorded with asingle the emotional and musical depth of a to it: the LP has alittle more sweet-
AKG stereo tube microphone. En- moment in time. He succeeds. Ones ness and air when Smith's brushes
gineer James Farber is not interested All is arecording with majesty. strike his cymbals.
in providing ademonstration record A lime Remembered is something —Thomas Conrad


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composer. Its overall melodic gentleness
CLASSICAL belies the commonly cited model of
Beethoven — the middle movements
BACH-S1TKOVETSKY: Goldberg Variations
su est Haydn filtered through Schu-
(Version for string orchestra) bert —while the first movement, with
1)mitry Sitkovetsky, NES Chamber Orchestra its mournful minor-key invocations,
Nonesuch 79341-2 (CD only). Philip Waldway, prod.;
Kees de Visser, eng. DDD. TT: 59:55 could be mistaken for one of the minor
Russians! The Intermezzo, composed for
J.S. Bach never hesitated to transcribe, the Quintet, was replaced by the su-
adapt, or even totally rework his com- perior Scherzo; EArchibudelli treat it as a
positions. His reasons were usually stately, formal minuet. (The booklet
pragmatic: the original performers incorrectly indicates that the Trio, identi-
were no longer available, a patron cal to that of the Scherzo, plays here as
needed something for specific instru- well; since it isn't tracked separately, you
ments and needed it in ahurry, etc. can't program it to do so.) Sony's record-
Less often, Bach would alter or ing is excellent.
expand previous works for purely The Orfeo release makes astrong
musical reasons. Like many 18th-cen- Dmitry Sitkovetsky deals with piano envy by
case for performing the quintet with a
tury composers, he would also use arranging Bach's Goldberg Variations for orchestra. full string body. The climaxes easily
pieces by other composers, such as The results are better than they should be. expand into a"symphonic" majesty and
Vivaldi, as the basis for more ambi- breadth, while the intonation difficul-
tious works of his own. Given this, it BRUCKNER: String Quintet in F; String ties presented by the first-movement
Quartet in c; Intermezzo in d; Rondo inc
would be churlish to criticize the LArchibudelli: Vera Beths, Lisa Rautenberg, violins;
development (where even LArchi-
Russian violinist Dmitry Sitkovetsky Jürgen Kussmaul, Guus Jeukendrup, violas; Anner budelli are mildly suspect) and by the
for his orchestral expansion of Bach's Bylsma. cello
Sony SK 66251 (Cl) only). Wolf Erichson, prod.;
octave passages are more easily solved.
famous suite of variations for key- Markus Hciland, eng. DDD. TT: 75:37 The cultivated, sweet-toned Bamberg
board, especially since the result BRUCKNER: String Quintet in F (arr. strings supply the needed variety of
works rather better than it ought to. SCHONBERG: Verklârte Nacht spirit and articulation. Lothar Zagrosek
I have listened to the Goldbergs Lothar Zagrosck, Bamberg Symphony shapes the piece musically if squarely,
Orfeo C 348 951 A (CI) only). Bernhard Albrecht,
rather more than Iwould like over prod.; Peter Zehihrifer, eng. 1)1)D. TT: 78:52
the latter most noticeably in the evenly
the past few years: recordings come stressed detaché passages; this carries over
thicker and faster than they ought. It's into the Schonberg, where even the
true that many of the performers on Is Bruckner's expansive quintet a"sym- soloists sound abit reserved. The clear-
these discs bring agenuine individual phony in disguise," as Constantin Flows ly focused sound, with amildly ambient
viewpoint to bear on the music, but phrases it in the Sony notes? This brace bloom, is awelcome improvement on
after awhile even critical detachment of discs tests both sides of the argument. the overresonant grey monochrome of
begins to pall. Sitkovetsky's version Bruckner's chamber music may seem Orfeo's initial releases.
thus comes as abit of fresh air. He an odd assignment for UArchibudelli, a — Stephen Francis Vasta
finds in the Goldbergs agood deal of historical-instrument ensemble, but gut
melancholy, and rather more drama strings are hardly out of place in early DEBUSSY: Rodngric et Chimène
than I might have expected. His Romantic music. In the event, their nar- 1)onna Brown, Chimène; Laurence Dale, Rodrigue;
José van Dam, 1)on Diègue; Jules Bastin, 1)on
orchestration is not perfectly Baroque, row vibrato is an advantage in clarifying Gomez; others; Orchestre et Choeur de L'Opéra de
but it is extremely sympathetic and the denser chromatic writing; their tone Lyon, Kent Nagano
revealing. There is apleasant deal of is gratifyingly firm, and they meet the Erato 98508-2 (2 CI)s only). Martin Sauer, prod. DD1).
TT: 109:43
variety in his writing, and as conduc- various technical hurdles fearlessly and
tor, he chooses his tempos well. If his accurately. Their spacious, long-limbed
motivation here is no more than his quintet performance flows apparently Here's the story: The second- (or third-)
own desire to play the Goldberg effortlessly through the indicated tempo rate writer Catulle Mendez put togeth-
Variations for himself, on his own adjustments as well as the knotty scan- er alibretto based on the life of El Cid
instrument, then so be it; if, indepen- sion of the Finale's first "tutti," while and attempted to engage the interest and
dent of such desires, he saw the finding plenty of character in detail, as complicity of composers of the caliber
opportunity to say something interes- in the Trio's "flickering" accompani- and reputation of Gounod, Thomas, and
ting, then more power to him. This ment figures, or the Bach-like solemni- Saint-Saëns. When that apparently
disc makes afine argument for either ty of parts of the Adagio. In this expertly failed, he went to the young, poor
possibility. balanced, flexible, committed presenta- Claude Debussy and promised him that
The recording quality here is no tion, the chamber scale doesn't confine the opera which would result from De-
better than decent, but no worse the music, serving instead to illustrate bussy's setting of his (wretched) text
either. There is mostly good balance the importance of achamber-like inter- would be produced at the Opéra — a
between the strings, but the harp- play in the symphonies as well. promise built on sand. After some initial
sichord continuo is not sufficiently The rest of the program is similarly composition, Debussy realized how
prominent, and the sound of the key- well-played. The amiable quartet which, poorly constructed and written the
board instrument is diffuse and not along with the pleasantly ephemeral libretto was and finally gave up, even-
terribly transparent. Strongly rec- Rondo, Bruckner composed as exercises tually claiming that he had destroyed
ommended to admirers of Bach in any during his studies with Otto ICitzler in the manuscript. In fact, the score sur-
event. —Les Berkley Linz, shows little sign of the mature vived in part —an almost complete out-




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line. The present recording represents a ed. This level of singing would not
reconstruction, orchestration, and occa- cause alarm in aconcert (the source of
sional addition by Richard Langham this recording), but we expect better in
Smith and Edison Denisov. a permanent document. The two
But neither avid Debussyians nor Coronation Anthems are as lively and
opera-lovers need get too excited. De- well-done as anyone would hope,
spite an incandescently lovely prelude though it's easier to imagine the pomp
and an equally captivating love duet in and splendor of coronation with alarg-
Act I, and a second-act introduction er choir.
which could be by no one else, this Sonics are clear and well-balanced,
tends to sound like generic late-19th- with astudio ambience. Heartily rec-
century Romantic French music—not ommended if you don't mind the ama-
bad, if you weren't hoping for some- teurish soloists. Otherwise, Andrew
thing with more Pelléas-like music. Parrotes version on Angel CDCB
Perhaps Debussy's objection to the text 54018 would be asafer choice.
hampered his inspiration, or perhaps in John Eliot Gardiner is everywhere these days. —Paul L. Alehouse
This month it's Handel's Israel in Egypt.
1890 Debussy was not yet Debussy.
There are arias, ducts, and choruses, but MARTLAND: Patrol,' thinceworks, Principia
HANDEL: Israel in Egypt
rarely do they make the senses tingle or With two Coronation Anthems: "Zadok the Priest:
Smith Quartet', Steve Martland, llw Steve Martland
the pulse quicken; the drama comes to "llw King Shall Rejoice"
Catalyst 62670-2 (Cl) only). Steve Martland, prod.;
John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir, English
life only sporadically. Caitlin Malcolm, prod., eng. DD1). TT: 5737
Baroque Soloists
I'm not, however, dismissing it. The Philips 432 110-2 (2 CDs only). Wilhelm Hellweg,
performance is wonderful, with Brown prod.; Stan Taal, eng. DDD. TT: 103:07 Steve Martland's minimalist scoring is
and Dale as an ideally cast pair of lovers driven by the rhythmic intensity and
and the others of asimilarly high qual- Israel in Egypt is generally accepted as exhilaration of rock and jazz while
ity. Nagano leads what one can assume Handel's second-most-popular orato- incorporating features common to the
is anear-definitive account of the score, rio after Messiah, but it had no particu- music of the Medieval, Renaissance,
and the recording is excellent —warm, lar success in his own day. The pre- and Baroque periods. His 30-minute-
realistic, and clean. Of course, this is for miere did not fill the house, in part long piece for string quartet, Patrol, for
specialists—the prospect of fans of because the London public expected instance, is named after that genre of
Bohème, Tristan, Figaro, or Carmen com- operatic solos, and Israel is almost Scottish folk fiddling that, in imitating
ing upon this as "another opera" is ter- entirely choral. For the second per- tunes performed by such forces as mil-
n ng: There's practically no "there" formance Handel announced the piece itary marching bands, subtly alters
here. But Debussy completists and would be "shortned and intermix'd their melodies and rhythms; it is on
curious collectors will need it and will with songs." The work was revived a this type of "mis-memorization" that
get out of it what it has to offer: a few times in succeeding years, but the piece is founded. But Martland also
glimpse of the early, dissatisfied days of never reached the popularity of several uses the techniques of hocket, where
agreat composer. —Robert Levine other oratorios. Today we see it as one rests arc introduced between notes of a
of Handel's most wonderful works for melody and pass between instruments,
DURUFLÉ: Requiem, Messe "Cum Jubilo," Notre
chorus, even if it's seldom heard due to isorhythm, and the ground bass so
Père its difficulty and requirement of eight prevalent on Purcell's 17th-century
Patricia Spence. mezzo; Mark Bleeke, tenor, François
parts. Fantasias. Here, the Smith Quartet
Le Roux, baritone: Voices of Ascension Chorus 8:
Orchestra, Dennis Keene Gardiner recorded Israel in Egypt in give a compelling and technically
Delos DE 3169 (Cl) only). Nun Mehta, Ramiro the late '70s in aversion still available assured performance for this first
Belgardt. prods.; Stephen Basili. eng. DIM TT:
61:51 (Erato 45399-2). Even at this early recording.
date, Gardiner elicited the nuance and Danceworks, which also receives its
Durufles art was centered on his ser- crisp choral articulation that have premiere recording here, was commis-
vice to the Roman Catholic Church characterized his work ever since. This sioned by the London Contemporary
and yielded only 13 published works. new Israel, recorded in 1990, is no less Dance Theater in 1993. It is alively
For acomposer who died just in 1986, fine. Virtuoso numbers like the "horse piece comprising four dances of
his style seems hopelessly conservative and his rider" sections are simply roughly similar tempos but of widely
— the closest parallel is Fauré — but his splendid, and the quiet, atmospheric differing rhythms. Various members of
music is expertly crafted and sensuous moments ("He sent athick darkness") the line-up of saxophones, brass, vio-
in the best French tradition. This are beautifully controlled. The or- lin, piano, guitars, and drums also fea-
recording by New York—based musi- chestral contribution is equally strong ture more heavily in one dance than
cians is excellent, revealing the close —just listen to the exciting, precise another.
association conductor Dennis Keene string playing depicting "all manner of The three-minute-long Principia,
has had with Duruflé's music. In partic- flies." also for Steve Martland's Band, is a
ular, the choral sound of his Voices of Since the work is so heavily choral, marvelous miniature of great energy;
Ascension Chorus, aprofessional group conductors frequently draw their solo- although based on only two chords,
numbering about 55, represents the ists from the choir. So does Gardiner, its interest and vitality derive from
finest in American choral music. with only passable results. Duets like Martland's unmistakable rhythmic
Delos's sonies are wonderfully vivid. "The Lord is my strength" for two potency. 'This is agreat disc that will
Heartily recommended. sopranos and "The Lord is aman of continue to grow on you.
— Paul L. Alehouse war" for two basses are underproject- — Barbara Jahn


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MOZART: Piano Concertos 20 et 21
ficult Mann Auditorium as Bronfman
Christian Zacharias, piano; David Zinman, Bayreuth and Mehta have achieved in terms of
Radio Orchestra the performances. Both artists let the
EMI 49899 (Cl) only). Gerd Berg, Theodor
Holzinger, prods.; Gerhard von Knobelsdorff, eng. music unfurl naturally in the first-
DI3D. TT: 5828 movement Andantino of Concerto 2, no
element of pressure being allowed to
Although these performances may not disturb it. In the Scherzo second move-
appeal to all tastes, they are, nonetheless, ment, Bronfman unleashes brittle, daz-
commanding. Without exaggeration zlingly virtuosic fingerwork, the
and with an aptly limited tonal range weighty and powerful orchestral play-
that suggests (without duplicating) the ing providing an impressive contrast in
comparatively limited sonority of the third movement and proving an
Mozart's fortepiano, Zacharias conveys excellent preparation for the intense The Bern String Quartet in the first-ever com-
the drama and wide emotional range and lengthy Finale—Allegro tempestoso. plete edition of Reger's String Quartets: amazing
that lie at the core of these works while Concerto 4 is almost the exact op- music, terrific playing.
preserving their Classical framework. posite of 2in that its Vivace outer move-
Tempos in outer movements are ments are brief and to the point, while its been that, despite the fact that he was
bracing, suggesting the Sturm und Drang inner movements are truly the heart of the most obsessively contrapuntal/fugal
ethos of 20 and the festive pomp of 21, the music. This Concerto for left hand composer since JS. Bach, his compo-
and both slow movements are taken at only was commissioned by Paul sitions almost never proceeded along
relatively fast tempos, stripping them of Wittgenstein, but he never performed it, the ideal Classical path of inevitable and
even ahint of sentimentality. Certainly stating that he did not "understand asin- "absolute" formal development proceed-
the Andante of 21 in this performance is gle note" of it and would never play it! ing with mathematical elegance from
afar cry from the Elvira Madigan schmalz However, it is given, by Bronfman in the germs of afew elemental themes.
imposed on the movement in recent particular, quite dexterously here, its con- Instead — and particularly in the first
years. And throughout both works, trasting orchestral accompaniment as and last movements of most of the
expression is heightened by the pianist's beautifully drawn as in the previous works here — Reger tended to throw
flexible rhythm, the first-movement work. That these artists have a great out handsful of brief motivic fragments
development of 21 being aprime case in empathy for working together is im- which he would then develop simul-
point. mediately apparent. taneously, in his ensemble's various
In this work, by the way, Zacharias The coupling is an odd if extremely parts, in short bursts of dense, furious
provides several instances of tasteful pleasant one. Prokofiev's Overture on creativity. His was less an Olympian
improvisation at points where they are Hebrew Themes is scored for clarinet, inevitability of "absolute" music than a
most needed. And in both works he dis- string quartet, and piano and was writ- primal, vital, Dionysian force that held
plays impressive technique, left-hand ten while Prokofiev was living in the as its highest imperative absolute fideli-
passages always in focus, scales arti- States. It was commissioned by Zimro, a ty to the heat of the compositional
culated with immaculate clarity. sextet of Jewish musicians, the clar- moment, paradoxically constrained by
Mozart left no cadenzas for these inetist of which was aprincipal of the an awesomely informed formal disci-
scores, and Zacharias supplies his own. NYP wind section; it was he who gave pline all Reger's own. He took Wag-
All are stylish, but there is one bizarre Prokofiev a notebook of Jewish ner's chromaticism and ran with it—
moment in his cadenza for the finale of melodies on which to base the work. like his contemporaries Mahler and
20 where the solo is interrupted by the While initially unhappy at that idea, Bartók, Reger's indications of these
D-minor orchestral chord that begins Prokofiev did eventually find the tunes quartets' overall key signatures are often
the overture to Don Giovanni, as heard sufficiently inspiring to build a 10- little more than nominal as they modu-
on ascratchy 78rpm disc. So far as Ican minute work around them. Clarinetist late more often and more fluidly than
make out from the poorly written anno- Giora Feidman gives a klezmer-in- Tristan und Isolde, while never quite
tations, this has been done at Zacharias's fected performance here, the liner notes sounding as if they've abandoned a
specification. Clearly here is acase of informing the uninitiated that this cen- tonal center.
the tail of the medium wagging the turies-old music and performance tradi- At the same time, Reger's Scherzos
musical dog. tion emerged from the Jewish commu- are full of propulsive rhythmic drive,
In all other respects, however, this is nities of eastern Europe. Whatever, it is and abrusque burlesque wit (much like
an impressive release, one that benefits truly delightful and can be highly rec- the man himself) that sometimes bor-
from superb accompaniment provided ommended. —Barbara Jahn ders on practical joking. His Adagios and
by Zinman and from intimate, well- Laws are lush, passionate, and organic,
focused sound. —Mortimer H. Frank FtEGER: Complete String Quartets as intensely Romantic in the Bralunsian
String Quartets (6): in d(no opus number); in gand A, mold as his Scherzos are causticfin de siè-
.54 Nos.1 & 2; in d. Op.74; in E-Flat. Op.109; in
PROKOFIEV: Piano Concertos 2& 4, Overture f-s, Op.121
cle Mahlerian, his fugues as thorny as
on Hebmv Themes Bern String Quartet Bach's; and his stop-start opening move-
Yefim Bronfinan, piano; Giora Feidman, clarinet;
Juilliard String Quartet; Zubin Mchta, Israel
CPO 999 069-2 (3 CDs only). Burkhard Schmilgun, ments, full of turns on thematic and
Christiane Nicolet, prods.; Charles Suter, eng., edit-
Philharmonic ing. DDD. 321e4 dynamic dimes, are as spare and barbed
Sony SK 58966 (CD only). Gary Schultz, prod.; as the Viennese avant-garde they in-
Charles Harbun, Richard King, engs. DDD. TT:
6438 Of the many contradictions embodied spired and prefigured. (Both Schoenberg
by Max Reger (1873-1916), the most and Hindemith considered Reger a
Sony has managed as excellent arecord- challenging to his contemporaries and genius, and his music absolutely essential
ing of the Piano Concertos from the dif- to modern listeners and players has to the development of their own.)


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After the entertainingly undisciplined g the Florcstan-Eusebius contrasts in these
juvenelium of the unnumbered Quartet a works. For all his flexibility, however, he
in d(Reger adds abass violin in the final 4 never permits the tightly organized con-
movement), composed when Reger was certo to become fragmented. Inbal offers
17, the dense, difficult busyness of the fine support, and the only (minor) short-
two Op.54 quartets seems to chronicle coming of this release lies in its sound.
his struggle to conquer the almost over- The piano is very well-reproduced, but
whelming demands of the string quartet there is an airlessness around the or-
form; he clearly took fierce joy in the chestra that sounds unnatural. Ihave
bout. The long (53:15) Op.74 Quartet is never been hostile to digital technology,
Reger's masterpiece in the genre, by but Iwonder if it is the source of this
turns anguished, determined, grotesque, shortcoming. Whatever, afine profile of
and profound, with agorgeously long Sdturnann's creative efforts over aspan of
Andante Op.109 evinces amature fluidi- adozen years. This release is valuable.
ty of ideas, agreater willingness to take Midori (above) and Mehta perform Sibelius and
—Mortimer H. Frank

chances, if on asmaller scale than Op.74, Bruch: virtuosity yes, volatility no.
but with more serenely passionate SIBELIUS: Violin Concerto
results — especially in the intermittently will my time come." Perhaps with the BAUCH: Scottish Fantasy
Midori, violin; Zuhin Mehta, Israel Philharmonic
chorale-like Larghetto. Reger's last quar- Bern Quartet's excellent work here, and Sony SK 58967 (C1) only). Steven Epstein, prod.;
tet, Op.121, is painted with abroader if Ulrike Anima-Mathé's recent — and Charles Harbutt, eng. 1)1)1). Tr: 62:55
more rigorously chromatic brush. The stunning—Dorian discs of his Sonatas
work is aprimer in confounded expec- for Unaccompanied Violin, Reger's Midori has awonderful technique at her
tation — the scherzo is by turns lyrical time has finally come. Here's hoping fingertips, and this is a virtuosic per-
and hectoring — and is probably the the Bern's set will inspire string quartets formance of great control and precision.
most tautly organized of all of the around the world to install these works But don't expect extreme drama or
Quartets. Its pensive Adagio is reminis- as staples of astandard repertoire that volatility in the Sibelius Concerto, for
cent of the great slow movements of has grown too dependent on ahandful her reading is one of subtlety and innu-
Bruckner's last symphonies, though of universally accepted masterpieces. endo. Having said that, her brilliance at
with far less predictable modulations. —Richard Lehnert times is exciting, her intensity through-
All of which makes the almost com- out deeply expressive. She is recorded
plete absence of recordings of these rich, SCHUMANN: Piano Concerto
with great clarity and presence, but the
remarkable works inexplicable, and the With: Introduction and Allegro appassionato (Kon- various sections of the orchestra in the
zertstück for Piano and Orchestra), Op.92; Intro- Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv are less
Bern Quartet's new and comprehensive duction and allegro, Op.134
recording of them all the more timely Michel 1)alberto, piano; Eliahu Inhal, Vienna Sym- well-focused and easy to place.
and appreciated. The only other traversal phony The coupling, Max Bruch's beautiful
Denon CD-75859 (Cl) only). Yashiharts Kawaguchi,
of the Quartets — by the Reger Quartet prod.; Hiroshi Goto, eng. 1)1)D. TT: 6137 Scottish Fantasy, is apleasing one. Written
in aVox Box recorded in the early 70s, in 1880 and given its first performance by
lacking the Quartet in d and anyway It has almost become aphonographic Joachim the following year, this work
long out of print — was serviceable, and tradition to pair the great Schumann represents the antithesis of the music of
stylish enough in its small-scaled, astrin- Piano Concerto with that of another the New German School championed by
gent, no-nonsense way, more like meti- 19th-century composer, often Grieg. I Berlioz, Liszt, and Wagner at that time,
culously accurate schematic sketches raise the point because Dalberto's per- fashioning itself as it does on the Scottish
than finished canvases. formance, if lacking some of the thrust folk music that Bruch loved and studied
The Bern's accounts are true inter- and drama of others' (notably Lipatti's assiduously. Each of its four movements
pretations: spacious, expansive, each and Fleisher's), is paired with two other has adifferent folk song at its heart, which
note played as if deeply felt, with dra- Schumann works for piano and orchestra Midori gives with an easy style and deli-
matic shifts of dynamics and tempo, all which serve as welcome glosses on the cacy. This, and her wonderful control of
in sonies far superior (if suffering from a composer's more familiar work. The pianissimo passages, heightens the sense
bit of digital harshness) to Vox's dry, concerto, completed in 1841, reveals of fantasy implicit in the title. The Israel
boxy acoustic. Throughout, the Bern's Schumann at the height of his powers, PO under Mchta are sensitive to her ten-
approach is darker, a bit slower, and whereas Op.92 (1849) and Op.134 der fashioning of phrases and dynamics
more committedly Romantic than the (1853) exhibit weakened aesthetic con- and give admirably controlled support.
RQ's, perfectly countering the compos- trol — the latter, in particular, mean- Would that the recording could have
er's occasional tendency to automatical- dering in away that suggests growing handled this difficult acoustic better...
ly equate his own trademark contrapun- mental instability. But the extraordinary — Barbara Jahn

tal density with musical substance. And imagination that produced the concerto
as the Bern's ensemble playing is far is still evident in some of the basic mate- JOHANN STRAUSS: Der Zigennerbaron (The
superior to the RQ's, the choice would rial (if not in its handling), and for that Gypsy Baron)
Herbert Lippert, Barinkay; Pantela Coburn, Saffi;
be asimple one even if the latter were alone it is worth having these two lesser Rudolf Schansching, ZsupOn; Julia Harnali, Czipra;
still available. For now, there's simply no works paired with the greater one. Wolfgang Holzmair, Honionar, Arnold Schoenberg
Choir, Vienna Symphony, Nikolaus Harnoncourt
other choice, and we're very fortunate Dalberto proves a solid performer,
Teldec 94555-2 (2 CI), only). Helmut Mühle, prod.;
that these performances are so uniform- with a full tone that never becomes Michael Brammann, eng. 1)131). TI': 230:04
ly excellent. Highly recommended. clangorous and is subtly shaded. He also
Reger once wrote, "Five years after displays afine sense of pace and shape It may be my biased viewpoint, but isn't
my death Ishall be forgotten. Only later with arhythm that is supple and conveys there at least amini-revival of interest in



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operetta among record companies? 258 368), and the more-or-less com-
Telarc has released five in their Gilbert plete recording from the '50s conducted
& Sullivan series; there are two new re- by Otto Ackermann (EMI CHS 69526
cordings of The Mary Widow (see Vol.18 2, a2-CD set available only as aspecial
No.8); and now we have areconstructed import). Stolz and Ackermann are both
version of The Gypsy Baron. For this one, highly experienced operetta conduc-
Nikolas Harnoncourt and Norbert tors, but, next to Harnoncourt, their
Linke have pored over all the various efforts seem almost routine. The Euro-
scores that they could hunt up, including disc recording features Rudolf Schock as
the censor's copy of the score used at the Barinkay; it's aself-indulgent, over-the-
premiere. The original ordering of num- top performance, but he certainly does-
bers has been reinstated, with numerous n't lack personality. The EMI has the
changes in vocal lines and orchestration, young Nicolai Gedda, Elisabeth Schwarz-
and there are over 40 minutes of newly kopf, and Hermann Prey, all singing
discovered music. The details of the with freshness and total involvement.
Maria Bachmann delivers avibrant collection of
changes and additions may be of interest Vocally, this cast is simply unbeatable.
contemporary works for violin, piano, and per-
mostly to operetta scholars, but anyone (Gedda tosses off aperfectly placed high cussion.
with an affection for the genre can enjoy C at the end of Barinkay's entrance
the results. As with John McGlinn's song.) The Teldec, although vocally not Copland's Nocturne of 1928 and
restoration of Show Boat, the piece seems at that exalted level, is musically the Alfred Schnittke's Sonata 1of 1963 offer
much more complete and reaches a most satisfying, and has by far the best counterpoised moods and techniques
higher musical standard. sound quality. —Robert Deutsch that perhaps best exhibit the flexibility of
For those who know Strauss's operet- Bachmann and Klibonoff. The Copland,
tas only through Die Fledermaus, The poised and affecting, is an ideal foil to
Gypsy Baron will be something of asur- the Sclutittke —an approachable and
prise. Ies a much more grand, more CLASSICAL COLLECTIONS often touching expressionist descendent.
operatic piece, with a wider musical • V V V V V • V V •
Paul Dresher's Double Mat — Part 2
palette. Compared to The Gypsy Baron, closes the CD in ameditative mood that
Fledermaus comes across as apiece of MARIA BACHMANN: Kiss on Wood
is not without substance and structure.
fluff. To be sure, Fledermaus is an effec- MacMillan: Kiss on iEssi. Bolcom: Second Sonata for Influenced by the music of Ghana, Bali,
Violin & Piano. Copland: Noaiirme. Sdmittke:
tive piece of musical theater, full of great Java, and India, Dresher's work features
Sonata I. Dresher: Double — Part 2.'
tunes, but there's nothing in Fledermaus Man., Bachmann, violin; Jon Klilxmoff, piano; James an intense emotional buildup that hits
that comes close to the emotional in- Saporito, percussion' home, thanks to the marvelous playing.
Catalyst 62668-2 (Cl) only). Andre Gauthier, prod.;
tensity of the love duet from The Gypsy Anthony Salvatore, ens. 131)D. 66:39 Sonically, this recording seems to be a
Baron. 'This is georgeous music, un- cut above Frain's, which was itself quite
abashed in its romanticism. The upstart Catalyst label has proved good. The lower notes of the piano on
Harnoncourt is not known as an once again that serious music of our Kiss have abit more of the sinewy char-
operetta conductor, but during his days own century doesn't have to sound like acter of the real thing. And the woody
as an orchestral musician he often academic theory gone to hell. This is the tone of the violin, as well as the ambi-
played in the orchestra of the Vienna second Catalyst collaboration between ence of the recording space, convey a
Volksoper, so he's by no means un- violinist Maria Bachmann and pianist more lifelike presence.
familiar with this music. His approach Jon Klibonoff, two musicians vibrant This release offers yet more evidence
combines respect for tradition with a with talent and sensitivity. Their first, of the richness of contemporary music.
fresh look at the material in away that I Fratres, was reviewed in Vol.17 No2; this In the loving hands of Bachmann and
found completely engaging. Just listen new release is just as invigorating. Klibonoff, it's acompelling argument
to what he does with the complex Stretching from the 1920s to the '90s, for spending more time with our ears
amalgam of Hungarian and Viennese the repertory starts off with the world- focused on our own century.
styles in the Overture, and you know premiere recording ofJames MacMillan's —Robert Hesson
you're in the hands of amaster. Kiss on Wood. Economical —almost lacon-
'The present recording is based on a ic — in means, the brief work offers FREDERIC CHIU: Reflections
Vienna concert performance in 1994, plaintive legato violin lines over apiano Ravel: Mirlo. Deraux: Clans de hole. Schoenberg:
Drei Klarienrinke, Op.11.
and features singers who —apart from accompaniment that is sometimes spare, Frederic Chin, piano
distinguished mezzo Julia Hamari — sometimes furious. The music transforms Ham 'a Mundi HMU 907166 (Cl) only). Robins
are more up-and-comers than stars. itself, literally and emotionally, from dis- G. Young, prod.: Brad Michel, ens. DDD. TT: 67:10

They all have attractive voices and sing cord to consonance, finding an ineffably
well, especially Herbert Lippert and transcendent calm before it's done. Frederic Chin, the American pianist (b.
Pamela Coburn in the central roles. The Second Sonata of William Bol- 1964) now residing in Paris, has made a
What Iwould have liked more of is com, an intriguing composer who dips notable impact on the pianistic scene,
characterization, personality, theatri- into wildly heterogeneous idioms to and his recordings have justifiably
cality, even flamboyance. Iagree with produce inexplicably effective concoc- received many commendations. The
the avoidance of any sense of "sendup," tions, is nothing less than magic as Schoenberg Op.11 pieces date from
but they seem to be alittle too serious. played by these musicians. Violent, 1909 and are considered to be that com-
There are two competing recordings quaint, solemn, and suave (yes, all that poser's first attempt at atonalism (they
of note: the Eurodisc CD of highlights and more), the work ends with atip of are, incidentally, played here in their early
conducted by Robert Stolz (Eurodisc the cap to jazz violinist Joe Venuti. form rather than in the 1924 revision).


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Howeve the most fascinating contribu- ly imitated, is just one of several entertain-
tion to Chiu's album are the four pieces ing items, and the eight-member vocal
—"Midnight Passes," "The Cemetery," team is up to its usual high standards of
"The Sea," and "The Alley" — making up spot-on intonation and expert ensemble.
the 1900-07 cycle Clain de lune by the Sound is natural, close-up, and without
almost unknown Abel Decaux (1869- much ambience in the studio, the seven
1943). Astudent of Massenet, Wido4 and items which open and close the program
Guilmont, Decaux was also an organist being live before an audience and sound-
and for atime taught at the Eastman ing rather more open. —Igor Kipnis
School, but his music has been mostly rel-
egated to obscurity. CHRIS MERRITT: The Heroic Bel Canto Tenor
The present cycle, Decaux's best- Arias by Donizetti and Rossini
Chris Merritt, tenor; Münchner Rundfimkorchester,
known work and what seems to repre- John Fiore
sent the first available recording of any Philips 434 102-2 (CD only). Tbrsten Schreier, prod.
I)D1). TT: 68:04
of his music, actually used serial tech-
niques prior to Schoenberg, but the Bobby McFerrin goes Classical with the St. Paul
Chamber Orchestra on Paper Music. Mr. Kipnis is
music itself is palatably impressionistic This is not easy to listen to. Merritt's big,
and, as performed here, impresses me as steely, agile, wide-ranging (at least two-
amarvelous discovery. It is skittish in who has become increasingly active as a and-a-half octaves, up to ahigh E-flat)
character, often frightening in its sonori- conductor of classical music, directs a voice has always been amatter for discus-
ties (the midnight bells), but is also number of well-chosen Mozart, Stra- sion: His technical mastery is remarkable
often full of controlled and often quiet vinsky, and Mendelssohn pieces, all of (almost as fine as Rockwell Blake's, with
tension. Occasionally there are curious which are well played and reveal Mc- whom he shares repertory), and his
similarities: Decatut's La Mer, for exam- Ferrin's exceptional musicality if not involvement is undeniable. But the tone
ple, to Ravel's Une baroque sur l'océan. always subtlety of orchestral balance has rarely been called ingratiating (or any-
Chiu is suitably warm-toned through- (the Maniage of Figaro Overture is abit thing close), and as he has aged and
out this recital, and the sounds he pro- heavy-handed in the bass). begun singing heavier roles, that tone has
duces are beautifully captured. If any- Adding his own vocalizations in place become, as we can hear here, downright
thing disappoints, it's Chiu's emotional of a solo instrument, McFerrin offers ghastly. He sings softly at times, and still
distance in the Ravel—his excellent what some might take as idiosyncratic has anice sense of line, but almost none
technical command, his concentration versions of the familiar Boccherini Minuet, of it falls kindly on the ear. The Rossini
on sounds, shapes, and colors, do not the Fauré Pavane, one of the cello parts of arias (from Ennione, Otello, Elisabetta, and
entirely make up for the chill found aVivaldi Double Cello Concerto, the vio- an almost unknown cantata dedicated to
here, or the lack of sensuousness in the lin solo from the first movement of Bach's Pope Pius 1X composed in 1846) at least
scores themselves. The reproduction A-Minor Concerto, and the cello part exhibit the tenor's virtuosity and can be
features abright top, with awide range from Tchaikovslcy's Andante cantabile I recommended for that; the Donizetti
and asolid bass. —Igor Kipnis found McFerrin's astonishingly accurate selections are simply ugly and offer little
intonation, almost unnoticeable breathing or no pleasure. If this had been recorded
(does he ever?), and sensitivity to the ten years earlier it might have had some
Mozart: Marriage of Figaro Overture, Eine kleine instrumental/vocal line quite remarkable. value other than for the curious; as it
Nachomisik. Boccherini: Minna from Quintet, Op.13
Some may object to what he does as stands now, it's amess. —Robert Levine
No.5. Fauré: Mom; Op.50. Stravinsky: Minima°
& Finale from PA- Melia Vivaldi: Concerto in g. RV unwelcome crooning, Iprefer to think of
531. Mendelssohn: Scherzo from A Midsummer it as adifferent way of looking at the score. LEONARD SLATKIN: St, Louis Symphony
Nees Dream. Bach: First Movement from Violin
Concerto in a. Tdiaikovsky: Andante Cantabile.
Possibly, because of his popularity, he will Orchestra: The Slatkin Years
Disc 1: Mendelssohn: Ruy Blas Overture. Schu-
Bobby McFerrin, vocalist, conductor; Saint Paul by this means be able to introduce some hert/Brahms: Ellens zweiter Gesang (with Lucia
Chamber Orchestra
Sony Classical SK 64600 (CI) only). Steven Epstein,
classical music to otherwise uninterested Popp). Baker: Shadows: Diet. Nocturnes /or ()Fri:sutra.
listeners —not altogether abad thing. All Dvorák: Symphony 6.
prod. DI)I). TT: 60:50
Disc 2: Herold: Zampa ()verriin: Debussy: Noctunies
THE SV/INGLE SINGERS: 1812 in all, this is agood first conducting effort, II, Fétcs. Haydn: Symphony 67. Husa: Concerto for
Rossini: Overture to il 'Awn Tell; Tchaikovsky: 1812
Overrun., Debussy: Pins rharuons, Claire de how, as well as an entertaining and novel con- Orchestra.'
Disc 3: Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony I. A Song
Henry VIII: Pastime with Good Gnnpany, Lennon/ cept. The reproduction is generally satis- .
Ñr See, All Ships (with Linda 1lohenteld, James
McCartney: "Fool on the Hill," "Lady Madonna,"
"Day Tripper," "Blackbird"/"1 Will"; Gershwin: factory, though there understandably is a Michael McGuire). Adams: Harmonium. Borodin:
Poloorsian Dames.
"Summertime"; Mancini: Peter Cu,:,,; Sondheim: difference in aural perspective between Disc 4: Erb: All( ;;;;;;;;;; Wk.+ Villa-Lobos: Bachianas
"Another Hundred People"; Rene/Scott/Rene:
"Someone's Rocking My Boat"
the orchestra and the vocal additions, lirasilieirat I, Aria+ (with Benita Valente, Eleanor
The Swingle Singers; Jonathan Rathbone, dir. which were done in adifferent location. Aller, cello). Schwantner: From Afar... (with Sharon
!shin, guitar). Beethoven: Symphony 7.
Virgin Classics 5 45135 2 (Cf) only). John Milner, The Swingle Singers have, of course, Disc 5: Bach/Respighi: Prelude & Fugue in I).
prod., eng.; Jonathan Rathbone, prod.; Robin Risso,
eng. DIM). TT: 50:24 been around avery long time with their BWV 532. Tower: bland Rhythms. Dukas: tiw
Sorcerer's Apprentice. Mussorgsky/various arrangers:
scintillating arrangements, and the group, Piatire at an Exhibition.
Although these two anthologies are in now under the direction of Jonathan Disc 6: Ives: Decoration Day from Symphony,
"Holidays."+ Mahler: Symphony 5.**
no way related as to repertoire or per- Rathbone, has put together an excellent William Hockstra, Lawrence Rock; Robert Wilkins,"
haps even intent except to entertain, mix of classical and popular selections, not engs. +Al )D, all others 1)DI). TI': 7:1824
every one, as with William Tell and 1812, Boxed Ai available lion; tlw St. Louis Symphony, (800) 232-
there is a connection in that both 1880. Prin.: $100. Numbered and autoknaphal limited a-
involve voice and arrangement. The always chosen for novelty (for example, non: $2511 Shippite S.
multi-talented Bobby McFerrin, who the Debussy Chansons). King Henry VIII%
holds the position of Creative Chair of Pastime with Good C.ompaq, in which vari- There are several levels of sadness and
the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra and ous renaissance instruments are amusing- leave-taking connected with this pro-


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Husa's Concerto for Orchestra, not yet (believed to have been the ghostwriter

recorded elsewhere, and we have arather of numerous transcriptions attributed to

comprehensive overview of the various Stokowski and Ormandy), and Sir
states of the contemporary idiom. Henry Wood, founder of the Albert
Schwantner's From Afar..., also avail- Hall Promenade Concerts and an early
able commercially on Virgin Classics British champion of Mahler and Schoen-
(Sharon Isbin, with Wolff/St. Paul berg, whose transcription predates
Chamber Orchestra), is afantasy in the Ravel's by adecade.
Spanish style, as befits its solo instru- Complete recordings of the
ment. Amplifying the guita4 even dis- Stokowski, Ashkenazy, and Gorchakov
creetly as is done here, makes it possible versions continue to be available com-
to score for afull and colorful orchestra. mercially. A 78rpm album of the Calliet
The work is very pretty, and beautifully by Ormandy/Philadelphia remains in
played here, with craftsmanship and limbo, and the Wood has never been
high quality evident throughout. Even recorded — all of which makes Slatkin's
Leonard Sladcin is the featured performer on the pastiche fascinating listening. The per-
so, my eyes were drawn to the time-
6-CD St Louis Symphony Orchestra: The Slaticin
Years. Mail-order only. but worth it.
elapsed display about halfway through formance is preceded by an 8:15 minute
its 15-minute length. commentary by Slatkin, illustrating yet
ject. In addition to the fact that Slatkin is Claude Baker's Shadows: Dirge Noc- another facet of his approach to his
moving on to take over the musical turnes for Orchestra is afour-movement community of listeners: He likes to talk
directorship of the National Symphony, symphony with amovement that could with them. Though unfortunately bit-
the set is a tribute to SLSO Chorus pass for akind of "dirge scherzo." Baker ten by the PC bug with regard to dis-
Director Thomas Peck, and to SISO quotes Mahler as he waxes tragic before cussing Mussorgsky's coarse portrayal of
audio engineer William Hoekstra, both our ears. In the absence of program Polish Ghetto Jews, Slatkin proves an
of whom died in 1994. notes on this or any of the works in the engaging personality. Most important,
Unlike the commemorative anniver- set, we're left with no clue as to Baker's he knows when to stop.
sary recordings issued over the years by or his colleagues' frames of reference. A collection of live recordings engi-
the reigning orchestras of New York, Whatever it means, Shadows is expertly neered by the late William Hoekstra
Chicago, and Cleveland, this one, dedi- drawn with the highest professionalism, can be an invaluable resource, averita-
cated as it is solely to Slatkin, lacks the as is the performance. But 10 or 100 ble primer in how to record orchestral
cachet of legendary conductors of the years from now, will anyone care? sound. Even the few performances
past. The closest claim to alegendary More engaging by far is Donald Erb's recorded by others bear his imprimatuc
soloist would be the late Lucia Popp, ilitniummusic for taped electronics and The Slatkin Years offers something for
heard in Schubert's Ellens zweiter Gesang, orchestra. Here are 13 fascinating min- every taste. Whether it adds up to $100
brilliantly arranged by Brahms for the utes of peeps and whistles that hopeful- worth for collectors outside the imme-
solo voice, four horns, and women's cho- ly won't have you looking at your diate loyalty area of St. Louis, or
rus. Coincidentally, the programming of watch. Joan Tower's Island Music, possi- whether $250 for an autographed set
this work provides aprime example of bly duc to its directness, utter lack of represents an investment, only the mar-
Slatkin's flair for neglected repertoire by pretension, and brevity (just under eight ket will decide. —Richard Schneider
otherwise well-known composers. minutes, comes off as the most fun, a
The first conclusion drawn from lis-
tening to these performances is that
tour de ora' of orchestral virtuosity and
audiophile fii.cson.
Slatkin should record live whenever pos- Karel Husa, the most mature and
sible. This first movement of Vaughan widely performed of these six contem-
Williams' A Sea Symphony wipes out his porary composers, is represented by his MUHAL RICHARD ABRAMS: One Line, Two
studio recording for RCA with the recent Concerto for Orchestra. Husa Muhal Richard Abrams, piano, synthesizer, rain stick;
LPO. Were it not for baritone soloist doesn't so much write themes as utter Mark Feldman, violin; Tony Ccdras, accordion;
Marty Ehrlich, alto sax, bass clarinet-, Patience
James Michael McGuire ("tenory," brief, jagged motifs and develop them Higgins, tenor sax, bass clarinet, percussion, bass;
uptight, and overemphatic), it could on the move. Aside from extended peri- Anne LeBaron, harp; Eddie Allen, trumper, Lindsey
patetic musings for woodwind instru- Homer, bass; Bryan Carrot; vibraphone; Reggie
have been the greatest Sea Symphony Nicholson, drums, voice; all above: percussion, voice
ever. Again and again throughout this ments (in this piece arather portentous New World 80469-2 (Cl) only). Muhal Richard
set, and never more than in Mahler's one for alto flute), his writing pushes Abrams, prod.; David Baker, eng. 1301). TT: 76:48

Symphony 5, Slatkin displays aflexibili- the envelope of orchestration so far as to

ty, an awareness for the value of be downright unidiomatic. The piece Now of retirement age (if musicians
stretched silence, and other agogic sub- does have an arresting, almost hypnotic retired), Muhal Richard Abrams has
tleties that studio sessions have tended quality, and receives considerable ap- been for decades astrong, if sometimes
to starch out of him. plause here. elusive, presence in jazz. One of the orig-
Four of the set's six contemporary The set's most imaginative offering is inal organizers of Chicago's AACM, he
works are by participants in the Amer- Slatkin's mnen'match version of Mus- helped define that group's aesthetics as
ican Symphony Orchestra League's sorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, into well as its politics, combining in his own
Composer-in-Residence program:Joseph which he pours the work of eight dif- works new sounds and textures, opening
Schwantner, Joan Tower, Donald Erb, ferent arrangers — including Ravel, up casual-sounding written lines with
and Claude Baker. Add the remaining who remains unheard until the end. group improvisations and aloose rhyth-
two, Adams' Harmonium (available on Other arrangers include Stokowski, mic feel that suggest freedom even when
ECM by de Waart/SFSO), and Karel Ashkenazy, Gorchakov, Lucien Calliet his melodies and arrangements are





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over the improvisations of the others. JOHN COLTRANE: Stellar Regions
But what makes Abrams' recent John Coltrane, saxophones; Alice Coltrane, piano;
Jimmy Garrison, bass; Rashied Ali, drums
music so satisfying is the sense of the GRP/Impulse! IMPD-169 (LP/CM. John Coltrane,
composer's control over the unfolding Bob Thiele, prods.; Rudy Van Gelder, eng.
AAA/AI)I). TTs: 4726, 60:56'
of even his freest-sounding pieces, DUKE ELLINGTON: Live at the Whitney
which are shapely and dynamic as well Duke Ellington, piano; Joe Benjamin, bass; Rufus
as full of evocative textures. Jones, drums
GRP/1mpulse! IMPD-173 (Cl)). Michael Landy, dig-
David Baker recorded this session ital editing. ADD. TT: 5522
with his usual skill. The disc nonethe-
less isn't always as clear as other perfor- Slipped in among GRP/Impulsel reis-
mances, probably because of the spon- sues, these two recordings by jazz giants
taneous shifts in instrumentation and have never been available before. Who
the size of the group. Baker chose to knows why? The Ellington concert is,
move the band back alittle in space, so according to Dan Morgenstern, one of
the recording has depth if not the ulti- only three he gave in anyone's memory
Muhal Richard Abrams' One Line, Two Views sports mate in clarity. —Michael Ullman as asoloist, and it's an intriguing, if casu-
an exotic small big band: eloquent.
ally played, document. The Coltrane is
planned. He went his own way in the BAD! ASSAD: Rhythms
invaluable. Made five months before
'60s, and is proud of having done so. Badi Assad, guitar, vocals, harmonic copper pipe, elec- the saxophonist's death on July 1, 1967,
tric fan, percussion; Cyro Baptista, percussion
One Li,u Two Views speaks eloquently Stellar Regions disappeared when Coltrane
Chesky JI)137 (Cl) only). Miguel Kertsman, prod.
of the range of Abrams' ensemble work: cog.; Bob Katz, eng. 1)1)1). TT: 5443 took it and other tapes home to evaluate.
with Bin Bin Blu and Family Talk, it's one (One number, "Offering," was issued on
of aseries of satisfying recent recordings Badi Assad is an accomplished singer/ Expression.)
that feature kin with amid-sized group. guitarist from Sao Paulo who boldly exe-
The ten instrumentalists here allow cutes complex concurrences of chords
Abrams to indulge in the varying sounds and counterpoints and bass lines. She can
he loves. "Textures 95" begins with chat- trace the most delicate thread of a
tering vibes accompanied by an abstract tonepoem ("Song for Badi" by Kevin
tapping on drums. Then asurprise: the Callahan), or unleash sinuous momen-
violin enters, playing the first theme with tums ("Bate-coxa"). She may come from
a big, romantic tone later echoed by the same folkloric traditions as all those
trumpeter Eddie Allen. The horns spit girls from Ipanema, but she plays anoth-
out ajumpy tune that's kept in the back- er kind of samba, one which includes the
ground as soloists act up in front. There Brazilian avant garde.
follows the more conventionally swing- The ethnicity and austerity of this
ing "The Prism 3": Over the swing music create objectivity, and may help
drumming of Reggie Nicholson, Allen me answer a question whose answer
plays arepeated passage that seems to be has thus far proven elusive: Given the
the main theme. Later, in anew section, meticulous care with which Chesky Stellar Regions —a brand-new album from John
he plays long tones and quotes "Tequila." albums are recorded, why do they so Coltrane on Impulse!, and agreat one.
"Hydepth" begins as aduet between often fail to move me? Since aesthetic
bass clarinet — Ibelieve Marty Ehrlich content and some presentation are inex- Alice Coltrane and son Ravi found
—and bass until the string bass yields to tricably melded on arecording, it's diffi- those tapes recently, and they're ajoy. In
asecond bass clarinet. For awhile this cult to know whether Badi Assad's his last year, Coltrane was becoming an
piece becomes a succession of duets. music never quite catches fire and ever greater instrumentalist. His control
Like many Abrams pieces, the theme is a therefore the accuracy of the recording over the tenor sax in particular was
long, obsessive line that is made to seem becomes less relevant, or whether the deepening, given the evidence of re-
casual, even meandering, by the loose clinical detachment of the recording cordings such as Expression and Inter-
rhythmic feeling underneath it. Abrams' robs her art of its magic. stellar Space. He was editing himself
"Tribute to Julius Hemphill and Don Chesky employs aminimalist live-to- more severely, and in these records
Pullen" turns out to be acheerful Tex- two-track approach with an all-tube played with asmaller band and asingle
Mex piece whose character may refer to recording chain, and pays careful attention drummer. Gone were the hour-long
Hemphill's Texas background. (Pullen to room acoustics. Like the label's recent versions of modal tunes with ascream-
may be evoked by the furious group Oregon release Ilyond Words, Rhythms was ing Pharoah Sanders, and Rashicd Ali
improvisation of the middle section.) recorded in St. Peter's Episcopal Church and Elvin Jones battling on percussion.
The title piece, "One Line, Two in New York. Oregon's varied instrumen- The earlier performances had avisceral
Views," begins with accordion and harp tal array took on richness in the resonance excitement; the last Coltrane featured
— it sounds rather like anumber by of this setting, but Badi Assad is not as well tighter structures and clearer textures.
Astor Piazzolla — and becomes asuc- served. The sound of Rhythms is absolute- Stellar Rtgions is accessible but still
cession of informal duets ("two views") ly error-free, yet we never fully feel this probing. Coltrane's never exactly light-
playing different versions of the one line music's life. Perhaps the answer to the hearted, but Isee some evidence of
of the title, and "Ensemble Song" question posed above is that the recording humor on "Configuration," apiece that
includes muttering vocals by the band of music needs the exactitude of science, seems constructed out of repetitions of
whose members read, mostly incom- but also the mystery of art. an upwardly moving scale ending on a
prehensibly, fragments of written texts — Thomas Conrad kind of bip. After a short solo by


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Rashied Ali, this piece turns into aduet Mural from Two Perspectives" is much
between Mi and Coltrane, who plays an less solid than its title suggests.
extended series of short phrases period- On the other hand, at the Whitney he
ically interrupted by high, overblown plays another "Lotus Blossom," which
notes. "Seraphic Light" is in Coltrane's he had already recorded on And His
best meditative style, while "Jimmy's Mother Called Him Bill. He grew up in
Mode" is agentle, minimalist line used the tradition of stride pianists, who fre-
to set bassist Jimmy Garrison off on his quently trotted out prepared perfor-
thoughtful solo. One can hear Coltrane mances. "Lotus Blossom" is among
playing downward-spiraling sequences them, and the Whitney performance
on "Iris," then moving into more agitat- doesn't add much to what we know
ed sections. Though the previously about the piece.
issued "Offering" has something of a Nonetheless, Iwouldn't be without
flavor of A Love Supreme, the rest of the this recital, which was part of aseries at
disc suggests new directions: less the Whitney in 1972, each celebrating a
Does this look like your typical ECM Recording
weighty themes followed by tighter different composer. It's a pleasure to
Artist? Whatever —Raoul Blorkenheim exhibits
improvisations. hear Ellington evoke orchestral effects complete control of guitar distortion on
GRP Impulse has issued this collec- on the nine-minute "New World A- Krakatau's new Monitale.
tion on a beautiful-sounding LP, and, Coming," and to hear less-well-known
with three alternate takes, on CD. Both pieces such as "Le Sucrier Velors" and wheel, they've incorporated other
sound excellent, even if the LP is "Soul Soothing Beach." He gives us the musical influences to break new ground
warmer and has slightly more presence. initial sections of his first composition, and create highly distinctive voices on
There is some printthrough on the tapes "Soda Fountain Rag," stopping, he con- the instrument.
— at times we hear an echo of Coltrane fesses, when he got to the hard part. In 1975, the debut Gateway record
before he actually enters. The recital is designed to show off his helped define the new fusion ofjazz and
Even though Ellington and Coltrane compositions, which may account for rock before the "F" word became an
recorded brilliantly together, few people the brevity of many selections. Mostly, I exercise in athleticism before modulat-
think of them together. Ellington was a think, he preferred to offer up his ing into somnambulism. The Aber-
wit and an entertainer as well as amas- melodies without taxing himself too crombie/Holland/DeJoluiette combo
ter composer-arranger. Coltrane impro- severely with improvisations. offered agenerous helping of what jazz
vised at great length, and was sober as a Ellington was playing agood piano was supposed to be about: listening. The
judge. It's instructive to remember, then, that night, and he was utterly charming oft-used description of group playing as
that at the time Coltrane was recording as always, leading the audience in what aconversation didn't just fit: Gateway
Stellar Regions, Ellington was working on I'd have to call a"talk-along" on "I'm helped set the standard.
his Second Sacred Concert and describ- Beginning to See the Light," evoking From the opening bars of the new
ing himself as "a messenger boy, one orchestral effects on the spare melody record's title tune, the three musicians'
who tries to bring messages to people, "C Jam Blues," and improvising on awareness of each other is palpable. You
not people who have never heard of "Satin Doll." The sound is clear if not can't listen if you don't stop talking, and
God, but those who were more or less brilliant. —Michael Ullman Abercrombie's phrasing leaves plenty of
raised with the guidance of the Church." space for response from his confréres.
Ellington was, of course, amaster of GATEWAY: Homecoming
Highly regarded among his fellow
many things, among them lowering John Abercrombie, guitar, Dave Holland, bass; Jack musicians for two decades, to the public
DeJohnette, drums Abercrombie remains slightly in the
expectations, which he could do as well ECM 1562 (78118-21562-2, CD only). Manfred
as afrontrunner going into aprimary. Eicher. prod.; Jan Erik Kongshaug, eng. DDD. TT: shadow of Sco, Metheny, Stern, and
For years he denigrated his piano play- 7323 Frisell. It may be that his unselfish abil-
KRAKATAU: Manirale
ing. But no one who's heard his playful- Raoul lijorkenheim, guitars, bass recorder, gong; Jonc ity to immerse himself in the music
ly complex introductions to "Rockin in Talcamaki, tenor, alto, soprano, & bass saxes, kraka- reduces his visibility. Just as likely, it's his
phone, reed flute, wooden flute, bell; Lee Krokfors,
Rhythm," or, for that matter, his brief; double bass, percussion; Ippe Katka, drums, percus-
refusal to ever play it safe. There's arest-
brilliant, almost atonal swirls on sion less, searching quality to his solos —
ECM 1529 (78118-21529-2, Cl) only). Steve Lake,
"Koko," will denigrate his genius as a never tentative, neither are they always
prod.; Martin Wieland, eng. AAD. TT: 48:10
band pianist. He drove that band, WAYNE KRANTZ: 2Drink Minimum successful set pieces. That's the danger
sparked it, and illuminated everything Wayne Krantz, guitar; Lincoln Goines, bass; Zach of going out on alimb; it's what jazz is
Danzigcr, drums
they did. Enja 90432 (Cl) only). DUD. TT: 52:45 all about.
As a solo or trio pianist, however, Holland's warm, woody tone com-
Ellington could veer from the too casu- Don't let the high profile of the Mark bines with DeJohnette's sizzling cymbal
al to the totally prearranged. His pieces Whitfields, Russell Malones, and Peter work to provide asimultaneously safe
could be mere sketches or seem almost Bernsteins of this world fool you — and stimulating base for Abercrombie's
lumpishly unfinished, like a statue there's aworld of jazz guitar out there excursions. As composers, the three
beginning to peer out from ahunk of remarkably free of talented twenty- share alyrical bent combined with a
rock. He was given to abrupt endings somethings emulating their elders. sense of anything goes.
and barely prepared transitions. His John Abercrombie, Wayne Krantz, The lush ECM sound is evident here,
"Mood Indigo" here stops on adime and Raoul Bjorkenheirn listened to the as is an ample answer to any claims that
after he has decorated the melody a same Wes, Jim Hall, and Kenny Burrell the label is anti-swing. The primary
variety of ways: clearly he didn't want to records as the aforementioned three. thing that assures Abercrombie aplace
improvise on the chords. A piece like "A But not content to merely reinvent the in the first rank ofjazz guitarists is that


he swings harder than anyone around.
Nor are his partners slouches in the
swing department, making Homecoming
an example ofjazz at its best.
I've always loved Wayne Krantz's
sound and style, so it pleases me no end
that he's finally done arecord that Ican
recommend without reservation. Krantz
& Co. take the trio concept in adirection
different from Gateway's. Imagine Jed=
Tull (an admitted influence) meets
Tower of Power and you're in the ball-
park. These guys also swing, but the
emphasis is on "da Funk."
Krantz's first two records featured his
wiry strat tone riding the edge of distor-
tion, his muscular attack and composi-
tions so opaque and personal as to be
impenetrable to most guitarists, let alone
The late Gerry Mulligan is featured on his new Dragonfly, and on Live at the Philharmonie with Dave
the average listener. Brubeck
With the live 2Drink Minimum Krantz
takes a giant step toward accessibility. acoustic bass; it seems to require awider but they never screamed: they earned
The album contains only part of one pre- soundstage than on the Gateway disc. their excitement. He was awriter who
viously recorded tune. The new tunes While Lake may not match Manfred opened up his pieces to the wonders
are by no means "happy jazz," but "Dove for crystalline sonic purity, he's helped and vagaries of individual solos: buoyed
Gloria" works off arepeating riff, and Krakatau to create arecord that's signif- by the Mulligan riffs behind them,
"Dream Called Love" has adiscernible icantly edgier than your average ECM sometimes his soloists took off delight-
melody. The compositions remain com- product, yet still maintains the label's fully, as Zoot Sims did on Mulligan's
plex but now have centers that hold. ambient attitude. —Michael Ross "Apple Core."
And these boys burns. This is aNew Laid-back as some of his arrrange-
York record — highly caffeinated, the GERRY MULLIGAN: Dragonfly ments are — he was amaster of making
interaction here takes place at warp Gerry Mulligan, baritone sax; Ryan Kisor, Bobby the big band seem small—Mulligan
speed. "Whippersnapper" and "Lynx- Milliken, Byron Stripling, trumpet; Warren Vache,
corner, Luis Bonilla, Jim Pugh, trombone; Dave
was also aswinger. On Billie Holiday's
paw" start at an energy level of 10 and Taylor, bass trombone; 1)ave Samuels, vibraphone; "Fine and Mellow" broadcast as part of
go to 12. Athletic, yes; by the numbers, John Scofield, guitar, Ted Rosenthal, Dave Grusin, The Sound offazz, Mulligan stood among
piano; Dean Johnson, bass; Ron Vincent, drums
never. Telarc CI)-83377 (Cl) only). Gerry Mulligan, John the giants of swing: Ben Webster,
Recorded in a small bar direct to Snyder, prods.; Jack Renner, eng. DI)1). TT: 6322 Coleman Hawkins, and Lester Young.
DAT with a pair of mini-mikes, it at the Berlin Philharmonie They seemed determined; Mulligan,
sounds fantastic — minimal crowd Gerry Mulligan, baritone sax; Dave Brubeck. piano; who in those days was agaunt figure,
noise, just enough room, and abalance Jack Six, bass; Alan Dawson, drums
Columbia Legacy C2K 64820 (2 CDs only). 1)ave
tall and pale, was just as involved but
that's just short of miraculous. Brubeck, prod.; Mark Wilder, Thomas Ruff, digital edgy as he shifted from foot to foot
Jirni Hendrix took the power trio mastering. ADD. TT: 11633 responding to the music; his solo was
into the world of pure sound and swing. equally restless. He settled down in later
If he'd been influenced more by When Ibegan listening to jazz, Gerry years, becoming one of the most inter-
Omette Coleman and John Coltrane Mulligan, who in January died aseem- esting big-band writers since Ellington.
and less by Curtis Mayfield and Buddy ingly needless death from an infection He also led marvelous smaller groups,
Guy, he might have sounded like following knee surgery, seemed to be such as the sextet with Zoot Sims and
Krakatau. everywhere. That's where he liked to trumpeter Jon Eardley that made Pre-
Finnish guitarist Raoul Bjorkenheim be: leading asubtly swinging big band, senting the Gerry Mulligan Sextet on
grew up on Hendrix, but also studied at jamming on record with Ben Webster EmArcy.
Berldee and played with fellow Finn or live with Art Farmer and Zoot Sims. In the last decades, Mulligan frequent-
Edward Vesala, who pushed him away Having written and performed for ly played with Dave Brubeck — he was
from academics toward sonic colors. Miles Davis's Birth of the Cool sessions Brubeck's replacement for their com-
The right sound for the song is so and led his own wildly popular groups mon friend Paul Desmond. Mulligan's
important to Bjorkenheim that he with Chet Baker, Mulligan was known baritone gave the quartet anew sound,
eschews guitar altogether to paint an for cool jazz. He had certain attributes and yet his lyricism extended the tradi-
"Unseen Sea Scene" with drums, reed of the cool school. He favored the light, tion that Desmond had established with
flute, and gong. Add some echoes of top range of his favored instrument, the the band. Recorded in 1970, Live at the
Chinese and Indian music to result in baritone saxophone. He loved to find Berlin Philharmonic was originally aradio
sounds unlike any you've heard before. himself in intricate play with other broadcast: the sound is generally fine, but
Bjorkenheim's control of distorted soloists, weaving gruff responses to the we hear some fiddling of knobs by the
guitar tone is complete. Producer Steve tart comments of Paul Desmond, for broadcast engineers. Rapturously re-
Lake accomplishes the difficult task of example. His music was conversational, ceived, the set contains atypical Brubeck
capturing all of his power and overtones full of expressive nuances and with a mixture of standards such as "Out of
while simultaneously recording an vital forward thrust. His bands swung, Nowhere" and originals, this time taken


from one of his sacred works. One sur- other members of the band are not on
prise: the series of older tunes on the sec- î Taylor's level — but not many players
ond disc, "Limehouse Blues," "St. Louis - are. Check out the dazzling chromatic
Blues," "Basin St. Blues," and the won- run at 3:40 of "Nuages" — it's arefer-
derful Hoagy Carmichael classic, "New ence to one of Django's American
Orleans," which Mulligan plays lovingly. recordings of the song, and few gui-
Recently, Mulligan, who was never tarists could even attempt it.
exactly an austere player, became even Linn provides no information about
more lyrical: Iheard him several times its recording methods, not even SPARS
accompanying Mel Tonné, and he fit codes. The sound is that of distant mik-
right in. He must have been frustrated ing, on the soft side of natural. The treble
by his inability to keep a big band is reticent (notice James Taylor's deeply
together. Many of his fans, myself recessed brushes on "Minor Swing"), and
included, were frustrated that we could- so is the stereo separation. The absence
n't hear more of his writing. of asonic signature eventually becomes
Claire Martin, anew jazz diva on Linn Records —
Recorded in spring 1995, Dragonfly wise beyond her years.
one. Once you have adjusted to the
displays many of Mulligan's talents and extreme neutrality, the subtle glow of
proclivities. It features Mulligan's basic to any reasonably conscientious record Martin Taylor's music shines through.
quartet with guests such as Grover producer, "clarity" is no longer araison Every new season brings its crop of
Washington and John Scofield and with d'être for alabel. First, the music must jazz divas, but Claire Martin all by her-
abrass choir. Mulligan's writing is strik- matter. self makes 1996 avery good year. This
ing as always — the wonderfully under- Does Linn succeed on both levels? English original is wise beyond her
stated way the brass plays on "Brother The answer is an almost unqualified twentysomedUng years, with asmoky,
Blues" is amarvel of tact and warmth yes. Linn does music rather like it does hip-yet-vulnerable voice, supremely
and good feeling. He doesn't compete audio hardware: with ferocious inde- confident intonation and diction, com-
with Grover Washington — when they pendence, an obsession about purity, pelling credibility with astory line, and
trade fours, they seem to be finishing oblivious to fashion, and marching to its daring ideas about material. Like all the
each other's thoughts. Mulligan pays own quirky Scottish drummer. best female jazz singers, Martin is equal
tribute to Astor Piazzolla on "Listening It's interesting that three other trib- parts improvising musician and actress.
to Astor," and to Art Farmer on "Art of utes to Django Reinhardt, who has been She writes few songs herself, but makes
Trumpet." dead for 42 years, were released approx- intensely personal messages from
Dragonfly doesn't sum up Gerry imately concurrently with Martin Tay- neglected standards and well-chosen
Mulligan's restless, active, constantly pro- lor's Spirit ofDjango. Ole others are from contemporary compositions. The ele-
ductive career. No one disc could. But it's Charlie Byrd, Birch Lagrene, and gant suede of her voice and her gut-
awonderful, generous, warmly recorded Charlie Haden with Christian Escoudé.) level honesty draw the listener in to live
document from awhole-hearted musi- Taylor's album is the most successful in these stories with her.
cian. Another one of our night lights has imagining how Django would sound if Except for Harold Arlen's "When the
gone out. —Michael Ullman he were alive today. (One of Taylor's Sun Comes Out," even knowledgeable
postulates is that Django would be jazz listeners may not know the songs
CLAIRE MARTIN: Old Boyfriends
interested in Robert Palmer songs like on Old Boyfriends. But there's great stuff
Claire Martin, vocals; Mark Nightingale, trombone; "Johnny and Mary.") here, like the title track, an existential
Jim Mullen, guitar; Steve Melling, piano; Arnie Taylor is well equipped for this pro- Tom Waits exercise that compares old
Somogyi, bass; Clark Tracey drums
Linn AKI) 028 (Cl) only). Joel E. Siegel, prod.; Caitlin ject. He possesses enormous technical boyfriends to "burnt-out lightbulbs on a
Malcolm, eng. ADD? TT: 57:18 facility and an aesthetic sensibility based Ferris wheel." And like avery modern
MARTIN TAYLOR: Spirit /Django
Martin Taylor, acoustic guitar, John Goldie, acoustic in an earlier era. (Taylor met Django ballad called "I've Got News," by
rhythm guitar, 1)ave O'Higgins, tenor & soprano Reinhardt when he was four, started out Jonathan Blair, about summoning the
sax; Jack Emblow, accordion; Alec Dankworth,
acoustic bass guitar, cabasa; James Taylor, snare dnini
listening to Hot Club jazz, and devel- courage to end alove affair ("I've got
Linn AKI) 030 (Cl) only). Martin Taylor, prod.; oped — to quote Brian Morton's liner news ... what's to lose ...I've got news
Calum Malcolm, prod, eng. ADD? TT: 60:34 notes —"almost untouched by rock.") ... we're through"). Martin nails both
Comparing Taylor's versions of songs the melody's intervals and the narra-
Linn of Glasgow, Scotland is one of the like "Night and Day," "Honeysuckle tive's painful achievement.
very few audio manufacturers with a Rose," and Django's most famous com- Producer Joel Siegel's liner notes
cult following so loyal it has aname. On position, "Nuages," to the Reinhardt describe Martin's accompanists as "the
this side of the Atlantic, probably only originals from 50 years ago, the kinship cream of the UK's finest younger play-
Linnies are aware that the company has is apparent. Taylor has the same sweet, ers," and it's easy to believe him. Trom-
been recording music since 1982. Spirit burnished sound on his instrument, and bonist Mark Nightingale is aforceful
of Django and Old Boyfriends are the first he's absorbed Django's rhythmic pulse, and eloquent "partner in crime" — the
Linn recordings released in the United pacing, and evocative inflections. Tay- title of the third track. This trenchant
States. lor's airy ensemble can revisit "Nuages" ode to aless-than-healthy codependent
The label's mission statement is "to with such dancingly romantic deca- relationship ("she's into power, he's into
record music with the integrity, quality, dence it's like atime warp. But Taylor pain") shows off Martin's impeccable
and clarity needed to showcase Linn's can also re-create "Django's Dream" time as well as her street smarts.
renowned hi-fi equipment." In 1996, entirely in his own image. It's the deep- Old Boyfriends was recorded in the
when current recording and mastering est kind of tribute, through melody, same studio — a converted Victorian
techniques make good sound available from one musician to an ancestor. The schoolhouse east of Edinburgh — as the


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Taylor album, and by the same engi- son"); awider range of interests and a
neer at about the same time. It's not as sense of irony could lead to Billy Joel,
error-free as Spirit ofDjango; sometimes and Frame's flair for the dramatic could
engineer Calum Malcolm lets the sup- easily turn him into an incarnation of
porting ensemble crowd Claire Mar- Freddy Mercury. Loosen up, hubby.
tin's voice until her words become As it is, Frestonia's "pop classicism" all
almost unintelligible, as on "Partners in gets rather samey, in sound and pace and
Crime." But the instrumentation here style. Frame easily crafts the occasional
— voice, full rhythm section, trombone fine line and nifty melodic turn and
— allows Linn to strut its sonic stuff would, no doubt, have already jotted
with more impact and panache. Old "when the dawn comes up like thunder
Boyfriends is, for the most part, acrys- 'cross the bay" if Kipling hadn't got there
talline window on Claire Martin's art first. On the other hand, his work goes
— which, by the way, merits all of nowhere, just out for aSunday drive.
Linn's special attention. At this point, Roddy Frame is Prouses
Paula Abdul's Head Over Heels ...but not about
Linn Records is off to apromising "formless water"; he could and should do the music.
start in the colonies. It's alabel to watch. better. Hope so, though meaningful life
—Thomas Conrad experience is out of his hands. Hell of a and asample from Tom Tom Club that
good voice; sounds like anice guy; sells a should have Tina Weymouth bringing
POPULAR lot of records. —Beth Jacques suit. Mariah, just because we have the
technology doesn't mean we should
MARIAN CAREY: Daydream waste electromagnetic media — no
Columbia CK 66700 (C1)). Walter Afanasieff, Dave amount of recording smarts or guest
Jennaine Dupri, Manuel Seal, David Morales,
Marian Carey, prods. TT: 46:44 vocals from Boyz II Men, for instance,
Reprise 46089-2 (Cl)). Clive Langer, prod.; Alan
Winstanley, prod., eng.; Les Phillips, eng. TT: 4838
PAULA ABDUL: Head Oyer Heels could ever redeem atrack that takes a
Virgin America 40525 2(Cl)). Ge llllll aCorfield, exec.
prod. TT: 59:41
premise dubious at best (dead friends,
Frestonia begins promisingly enough oh, how we miss them, they twinkle
with "Rainy Season": aguy seemingly Someone said recently in the New York down on us from up in heaven; "One
noodling around on apiano on awet Pines that since now something like just Sweet Day") and pours on syrup 'til the
afternoon in Margaritaville ("When the six mammoth record companies span result is like drinking antifreeze.
rainy season comes /Ihang my head / the entire globe, the music biz in the As for Paula Abdul's Head Over Heels...
For all the things that I've seen and '90s is more concerned about filling its in afit of what-the-hell/throw-enough-
done and said ... "), but the effect soon distribution pipeline with product than mud-at-the-wall, Virgin America has
gives way to the sins of overproduction developing amusical artist's career. deployed no less than 12 (twelve!) pro-
(the press handout deems the producers Duh. But since you, the record-buy- ducers with orders to repackage this one-
"inestimable," always agiveaway) and a ing public, will be at the receiving end time pro cheerleader's Betty Boop voice,
muddy, wallowing sort of lack of differ- of efforts aimed at emptying as much of Marla Maples legs, and Pia Zadora per-
entiation among the album's ten tracks. this pipeline as possible before "the sona into asong-and-dance extravaganza
A Scots pop star at age 16, today product" finds its natural level (Japan, in àla, well, Mariah Carey.
singer-songwriter Roddy Frame brings Mariah Carey's case, and Long Island; It's sow's ear time. Even the CD's one
the polish of five more albums and acol- Germany —maybe —in Abdul's), here's bright spot, shimmering guest vocals by
laboration with Ryuichi Sakamoto to the Stereophile Consumer Tip of the Israeli singer Ofra Haza on "My Love is
bear on what's essentially the untutored Month: Caveat emptor. for Real," is occluded by this woman's
(or self-taught) sensibility of areasonably In Carey's case, CBS-Sony Music absolute inability to think, write, or say
upfront, self-described "simple, unas- supremo and hubby Tommy Mottola anything that doesn't spell B-I-m-s-o.
suming sort of guy" ("On the Avenue," (the music industry's answer to Don Goldie Hawn kickin' out the jams with
arguably, with its whiff of Laurence King) has spared no expense on Day- Aretha could not possibly sound any
Durrell, both oblique and direct, acut dream in wielding the best of the best worse. Words of three syllables on "My
above the other tracks). Think "A super-hip producers (and at least one PR Love is for Real": excuses, wondering,
Shropshire Lad" or any of Kipling's un- liability on the order of Iron Mike "pro- understand. Words of two syllables:
known soldiers, and you've got it. moter" Sean "Puffy" Combs) to turn mistakes, story, watching, inside, noth-
Unfortunately, Frame's pretty limited Ms. Carey, the Grammy Award-win- ing, baby, wanna, gonna, worry, lonely,
in his choice of imagery (the color blue, ning songthrush with the soul of Marie better, only. Number of one-syllable
the sea, the sun, bridges burning, bro- Osmond, into (ha) Janet Jackson. If that words: 185, mainly l/my/love/you/
ken-winged birds of love), although weren't tuff enough, Carey's typically real. Paula, honey, play the aces: learn to
Aztec Camera (the band) manages to overwound vocal delivery here stretches ski, catch a'copter to Aspen, marry a
get the mood across. Inarguably superi- tighter than Nancy Reagan's cosmetic millionaire, and stay out of the studio.
or to the Cat Stevens/AI Stewart/ surgery. When the ancestors said "digi- —Bedi Jacques
Englebert Humperdinck school of tal" don't sound natural, Daydream is
crooners, Frame is an unfinished but what they meant: tense on top, short on CARLENE CARTER: Little Acts of Treason
potentially fine solo performing talent the bottom, flatline in the midrange, Giant 24581-2 (Cl)). Carlene Carter, James Stroud,
Howie Epstein, prods.; Jeff Sutcliffe, eng. IT: 45:57
who may now know he should be loads of EQ, and everything speeded up
searching for an artistic voice: Here, two to get everybody to the church on time.
tracks at least could be boffo cabaret for Carey wrote all this slush too, except Carlene Carter's Little Acts of Treason
Mandy Patinkin ("Crazy," "Rainy Sea- for the Journey cover ("Open Arms") picks up where 1993's Little Love Letters


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left off: with ahealthy mix of musical throat-polyps-waiting-to-happen. The
styles and astudio full of crack musi- result is alovely, very modern album
cians: Albert Lee, Benmont Tench, and that's as spare as Waits' are pack-rattish.
Big Al Anderson (late of NRBQ). The Cole's diction sheds a new light on
generous helpings of butt-kickin' rocka- Waits' penchant for wordplay, and she's
billy, sassy cut-shuffles, ballads, and not afraid to give these numbers atwist:
some flat-out pop'n'roll show Carter's her "Jersey Girl" adopts asyncopated
continuing growth as asongwriter (she swing, "Falling Down" walks the saine
wrote or co-wrote 9of the 13 tracks). side of the street as Aretha Franklin,
While always capable, Carter seemed while "Frank's Thing" has a Bette-
to play it safe on past albums by writing Midler-at-her-best thing going.
about traditional country themes. But But Cole's most important gambles
the opening track here, "Hurricane," tells are thematic. She scrubs every last bit of
of getting out of an abusive relationship self-pity from these songs, and they're
("He pushed and shoved me /And now that much better for it. "I Don't Want
Tom Waits gets two tribute albums In one month:
I'm leavin'") and offers advice to those one from Holly Cole, one from everybody else.
to Grow Up" here is playful, not pathet-
who may find themselves in asimilar sit- ic, while Cole's version of "Heart of
uation ("If your man don't treat you right streetcorner setpieces he staggered over Saturday Night" isn't about last week-
/Get even when you're leavin' "). On the to anewsrack, picked up acopy of The end, but next weekend. Here, hope is
tide track, Carter sings of sharing another Chicago Maroon, and read awisecracking the thing without afive o'clock shadow.
woman's man ("These little acts of trea- lead about the soccer team blowing Iprobably don't have to explain Cole's
son /Tell on you and me"), and "Change" another gaine by ayoung reporter whose production to an audiophile audience.
tells astory of personal redemption (her name modesty prevents me from men- Don't Smoke in Bed has become ademo-
own?). Pretty heavy stuff from one who tioning. When Icalled my Aunt Mildred, day classic and, thankfully, Temptation is
just afew years ago was singing tributes expecting to have to stilt the story with a every bit as good. Cole's voice is captured
to her famous grandmother, Maybelle Dramatis Personae, she said, "Tom Waits? beautifully, from sotto vow to full-tilt and
Carter. Hate his voice. Love his songs." everything in between. And she gets
The album is nicely balanced out Turns out there are at least a few ample real-instruments-in-a-real-space
with a few upbeat tunes; standouts other folks on the saine page as Aunt support from bassist David Piltch and
include "Love Like This," with its killer Mildy, even though Waits' down-and- pianist Aaron Davis. The sound is simply
harmonies and lush production, while outer schtick has long overshadowed his beyond reproach: tonally honest, spatial-
"Come Here You" is your basic blues rep as one of the best songwriters in the ly precise, and appropriately detailed.
shuffle with some playful trade-offs business.' Step Right Up applies the clas- Little bits of studio patter —including
between Scott Joss's fiddle and Mickey sic tribute-album approach to ol' Tom someone's dog taking asniff at the mike
Raffael's harmonica. Carter remembers —a couple of stars, alot of wannabes, — only enhance the air of intimacy.
her country roots on "Loose Talk," a mostly old songs—but the results arc If you've got asystem that you want
duet with her father, Carl Smith. far better than usual for the genre. to show off, Temptation is amust-have:
Given the variety of songs on Little Drugstore's aching cover of "Old every cut's areference-quality winner. If
Acts of Treason, it's no wonder that Shoes" is an absolute stunnet rolling you love Tom Waits, adding Step Right
music-biz types continue to be chal- between awhisper and ashout the way Up should be a no-brainer. And if
lenged to classify Carter's music. If you all great melodrama should. Dave Alvin you're not sure about Waits but you like
remember the bride when she used to gives a similarly earnest treatment to great songs, take the plunge; you're in
rock'n'roll (Carter was married to Nick "01' 55," and 10,000 Maniacs do like- for apleasant surprise. Aunt Mildred
Lowe at one time), Treason shows that wise with "I Hope IDon't Fall in Love was always right. —Allen St. John
she hasn't forgotten how — she's just with You." But this album isn't strictly a
gotten better. hankiefest. Alex Chilton hits aMem- STEVE EARLE: IFeel Alright
1990's I in Love was on the slick phis groove on "Downtown," while the Warner Bros. 46201-2 (CD). Ray Kennedy, Richard
Wedding Present tuni "Red Shoes at Bennett, Richard I
>odd, prods. AAD? T': 39K/0
side, with overdone reverb and echo;
Howie Epstein's clean-as-a-whistle pro- the Drugstore" into an old-fashioned
duction on Letters sounded as if he was raveup. The over-the-top award has to "When Iwas locked up, Iwas getting ready to
trying to compensate for Loves excesses; go to the Violent Femmes for areading go offon this boy that stole my radio. My part-
but Treason's production, with Carter at of the title track that sounds like the ner Paul asked me where Iwas going. Isaid,
the controls and assisted by Stroud and Home Shopping Club fresh out of 'lb get my radio—and then to the holefor a
Epstein, is like the Baby Bear's porridge: Thorazine. The one embarassment is little while.' He looked at me like Ilook at my
juuuuuust right. —Steve Stoner Tim Buckley doing "Martha" and 13-year-old sometimes and said, No, you
sounding for all the world like Harry ain't. h'u're gonna sit your little white ass
HOLLY COLE: Temptation
Chapin on abender. down and do your little time and then you're
Metro Blue CDP 7243 (C1)). Craig Street, prod.: Holly Cole's Temptation is an even gonna get out of here and make me anice
Danny Kopelsou, rug. AAD. TT: 57:03
more elaborate deconstruction of the record.' SO, IMADE TWO."
STEP RIGHT UP: Various Artists
Manifesto PT3 41101-2 (C1)). EVall Cohen, exec. Waits myth. She sets his songs to spare, So reads Steve Earle's liner note to his
prod.: many engs. AA1)/1)1)1). TT: 70:36 jazz-influenced arrangements, and her new album, but he's proved himself
clear alto is worlds away from Waits' better than his word. The first of his
Back in the fall of '89 —first quarter of post-stir records, Train a Cornire, was
my freshman year —Tom Waits came 1Which, of course, gave rise to the old saying, "Tom
Stereophiles "Recording of the Month"
to campus. During one of his moody Waits for no one." last June, and was the best thing he'd



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This being the age that lives by the ,goyim. Listen, Itell you, on "Bashie's
old saw: "Anything worth doing is Bounce" (new old music, they say)
worth overdoing," RCA decided that there is this percussion. Only it doesn't
they were giving away agold mine, so come from in front of me, but from way
they brought out their own compila- behind on the left. Wonderful sound
tion. Cabaret Mañana duplicates some of like this, you shouldn't play on junk.
the Bar/None stuff and adds some pre-
viously unavailable cuts from Esquivel's
last recording, released only in Mexico
and Puerto Rico. All three releases con-
tain booklets chronicling Esquivel's life
and career.
In 1962, just before a hiatus from
recording, Esquivel left RCA to do one
record for Reprise, who have just reissued
A space-age bachelor whose time has come:
More tf Other Worlds, Other Sounds in its
Michael Ross surveys the Juan Garcia Esquivel
Reissue Blitz. entirety, with the original artwork, and
liner notes describing how it was record-
speaker in what RCA billed as "The ed on 35mtn film for better fidelity.
Sound Your Eyes Can Follow." Which brings us to sound. It's ironic
For all the instruments involved, that the man who was sought after by
Esquivel's efforts have amodern mini- the original stereo producers to help sell
David Grisman gives traditional Jewish music the
malist sound. The vocalists on Cole their equipment is, by today's standards, Dawg treatment. It's good.
Porter's "Night And Day" (Cabaret an audiophile anti-Christ. The sound of
Mariana) sing only parts of lines, refer- these recordings is about as natural as So who are these guys? Statman, he
ring to, rather than singing, the full Silly Putty. The soundstage isn't just plays Klezmer all the time, since he was
lyrics. Esquivel has spoken of painting unreal — it's surreal. Highs are accented, aboy, but Grisman, he plays that blue-
with sound and his admiration for Van lows are boosted (Esquivel spent alot of gas with that other altekodwr Jerry
Gogh. Paint with sound he does, but time EQing during original mastering). Garcia, God rest his soul he should have
the end result more closely resembles Sounds are echoed, delayed, and taken better care of himself. Then all of
Lichtenstein's splashes of primary colors panned. In other words, they sound asudden, boom! they play the old songs
in his comic-strip paintings. Swooping great. These soundtracks for Fellini- like they were together in the syna-
steel guitars and manic marimbas add to esque dreams are as artificial as aSlinky gogue every week. Both of them, they
the cartoon effect. The explosive sam- and just as much fun. —Michael Ross play the mandolin, and Statman also the
pled orchestral accents that Yes made clarinet. (Not so good as Benny Good-
famous in "Owner of aLonely Heart" DAVID GRISMAN St ANDY STATMAN: Songs
man, maybe, but he plays okay.) There
are debuted live in many Esquivel of Our Fathers is also bass, guitar, and drum (the drum-
Traditional Jewish Music
arrangements. mer is Hal Blaine, who is really Rose
Acoustic 1)isc AC1) 14 (Cl) only). Andy Scanlan,
Originally billed as "easy listening" or David Grisman, prods.: David Dennison, rag. TT: and Meyer Belsky's boy Chaim Zalman,
"mood" music, it's neither: unless the 49:08 would you believe it, and they too play
mood you're seeking is zaniness, or you good. Better than good. The best!
find that radical dynamic shifts, blaring Such music on this disc, forgive nie, you Believe me, that gunster rap with that
horns, and dissonant harmonies make should plotz! All the good songs from Tuchus Shakur you don't need. This
for easy listening. the old country, the ones my bubbeleh you should buy!
Having fallen out of favor with the knew from the shred. "Shalom Aleich- —Leib Shalom Berkowitz (Les Berkley to you.)
rise of Rock, it was left to the ironic '90s em" and "Kazatski" and "Adon Olam,"
to revive this oddly brilliant work. The Icould laugh and cry at once. After HARVEST MINISTERS: A Feeling Mission
new "cocktail generation" has adopted hearing this, Iam ready to drink anice Setana/Bar Noise AHAON-060-2 (Cl)). Phil
Thornally, prod., eng.: Homy Binns, Nigel Godrich,
it and re-dubbed it "space age bachelor big bowl of borscht! Well, maybe I'm enp. AA1)? TT: 51:12
pad music." Recognizing a market not. That stuff—though Isay it who
when they saw one, Bar/None licensed shouldn't — is awful. But the songs and The second coming of Dublin's The
some of Esquivel's wilder experiments the playing, those are good, no? Mania, Harvest Ministers is a soulful little
in "Sonarama" from RCA. if you could have held on alittle while sleeper of adisc, rife with lyric wit and
Culled from his RCA output and been like you were, you would unusual intelligence. Entirely written
between 1958 and 1967, Space ke... is have made me play this ahundred times. and largely sung by the heretofore
probably all the Esquivel you need to Well, maybe Iwill make atape for my unknown William Merriman, A Feeling
own. It contains the quintessential meshregeneh customer Kassel, when he Mission is precisely that: aquest to reach
"Sentimental Journey," the camp comes back from his cardiac castration, the emotional truth hiding beneath the
Spanish lesson of "Mucha Muchacha," a or whatever the verkakte doctors are mask of daily routine.
haunting "Harlem Nocturne," and truly doing to him. Then perhaps he will stop For every brightly shining "Temple To
bizarre versions of "Lazy Bones" and nagging nie to fix his receiver that is Love" the search reveals, there's alarger
"Who's Sony Now." The surprising older than God—broken it sounds handful of lost souls drowning in roman-
raves for that one led them to release good, working it is dreck — and buy a tic self-deception. To the ironically
another compilation, the ever-popular nice NAD or Rotel which Iwill get for named Merriman it's frequently the hugs
Music_from aSparkling Planet, etc. him, he shouldn't have to go to the and kisses that forestall the unpleasant


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realization that, when it comes to inter- own "Moondance" —Morrison wears
personal relationships, "this won't do" is these songs like aseries of perfectly fit-
often the operative bottom line. ted masks: one admires the craftsman-
But while Merriman-On-Love may ship, how perfectly soul is being
be brutally honest next to a Paul mimed, even as nothing is revealed.
McCartney, he's thoughtful and kind Even his much-ballyhooed scatting on
compared to the acidic Paul Heaton, "Moondance" sounds practiced and
whose The Beautiful South is perhaps mechanical.
the Ministers' strongest reference point. The most successful track, Mor-
Both bands share apenchant for hon- rison's own "All Saints Day," works as
eyed male-female dueting over lilting, well as it does only because it's such a
occasionally ripe melodies that tend to sunny, serene trifle in the first place —
belie their jaundiced viewpoints. but even so, the original version on
The album's infectious opener, "ghat Hymns to the Silence swings harder, fresh-
Won't Wash," recalls The Kinks as played er, better. Only on the title track and the
by a polished luto the Musk-era Van looser "Don't Worry About A Thing"
Morrison band, and there's more than a in his career. And though at least half of — and especially "nut's Life" — does
touch of vintage Jesse Colin Young/Felix the records released in those years have something besides rote soul stylings
Pappalardi bittersweetness throughout suffered from self-indulgence and bloat, even begin to gleam through the cracks.
via Aingeala De Burca's mournful violin you sure couldn't fault Morrison — Every other track is over before it can
lines. "Mental Charge," the most atypical who's 50 but doesn't look aday over 65 get started.
of these dozen tunes, crosses Astor — for pumping up the energy, the vol- How Lore Has This Been Going On is a
Piazzola with Graham Parke and Music ume, and the product on what's promising high-concept memo for a
Editor RL says he hears the harmonies of become at least ayearly basis. great album that never quite happened:
The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds. So here's yet another album less than great singer, great charts, great set list,
Ialso detect abit of Pete Townshend's ayear after last summer's patchy Days and damn good sound... but next time,
influence in Merriman's writing now Like This, this one recorded in five hours Van, dump that squeaky-clean band of
and again, though he's arhythm guitarist at Ronnie Scott's in London, with a soul wannabes and try taking ten hours
of far slenderer means. The self-critical small club band led by Georgie Fame — or just one — to make an album.
"Dealing With aKid" is like one of those on B-3 and shadow vocals. It's abrisk Sometimes second takes are good. But
bareboned Scoop demos, and the lengthy (average length of the 14 songs: 3'4. min- if the band ain't right, it don't matter
"A Secret Way" achieves harmonic con- utes) rundirough of a few Morrison how much you practice.
vergence with Dnuny-era Who. standards ("I Will Be There," "Moon- —Richard Lehnert
In the areas of performance and sonic dance") and hoarier lounge staples like
quality, A Feeling Mission marks amajor "Who Can ITurn To?," Mose Allison's P.M. DAWN:Jestu Wept
step forward, the band's coming-of-age. "Your Mind Is On Vacation," and the Gee Street 314-524 147-1 (2 LPs), 314-524 147-2 (CD).
P.M. Dawn. Eric Kupper, prods.; Michael
Their 1993 debut, Little Dark Mansion, title song. Fossenkemper, Todd S. Childless, Barton Chew,
was aset of mildly interesting ideas done At first it's great to hear Morrison Chris Gehringer, Troy Halderson, engs. ??D. Tr:
in by halfhearted singing and tinny, hol- bring such energy, speed, and bite to an 61:33

low sound. It didn't leave much of an album of R&B standards after more than
impression. Here, through acombination adecade of midtempo Celtic mysticism This third album from P.M. Dawn (aka
of Phil Thornally's warm, full-bodied that, no matter how many fans it gath- Prince Be and J.C., aka the Cordes
production and Merriman's maturation ered (incl. yrs trly) or how deeply felt, brothers) broadens their sonic palette
(the Ministers are his first and only band), ended up sounding pretty monochro- and results in amore varied hodgepodge
everything's more compelling. The matic after the 10th or 12th installment. of soft soul, hip-hop, funk, and Princeian
group's playing is consistently warm, and But you soon realize that this energy, spirituality than previous efforts. Prince
Merriman's learned how to get his points speed, and brevity are exactly what's Be is apolished soul singer whose light,
across. Despite his reedy, less-than-bril- wrong. How Long Has This Been Going tuneful tenor voice suits his material
liant voice, the words he sings grab the On is Morrison's first title for Verve, with confident ease. A mystic of sorts,
attention and sink in deep. Attractive and who are marketing it as his first-ever Prince Be writes the kind of songs that
dark elegies to the end of an affair from a "jazz" album — but Morrison and Fame seem to hang in the air with ablurry,
band to watch and admire. —David Prince seldom stop long enough to take awhiff ethereal mix of abstract spiritualism and
of the musical roses, or let themselves new age wistfulness. But, it's not all
VAN MORRISON: How Long Has nis Been
get loose enough to admit that element heart and flowers. There are enough
Going On of surprise that is the heart and soul of doubt and probing, unanswerable ques-
Van Morrison, vocals, sax; Georgic Fame, vocals, tions in this material to aesthetically
jazz. Their competent but clueless band
Hammond B-3; Guy Barker, mnnper, Pee Wee Ellis,
Alan Skidmore, Lco Green, saxes; Robin Aspland, doesn't help. Morrison sounds clipped, flesh out the songs.
piano; Alec Dankworth, bass; Ralph Salmins, drums; genuinely uncomfortable with such a With asound that alternates between
with Annie Ross, vocal on "Centerpiece"
Verve 314 529 136-2 (C1)). Van Morrison, Georgie potentially wrenching standby as "Who Prince, Marvin Gaye, Kool & The
Faine, prods.; Tristan "Deena" Powell, eng., mix. 'rT: Can ITurn To?" — much as he couldn't Gang, and Terence Trent D'Arby fil-
loosen up with traditional Irish music tered through '90s hip-hop awareness,
on his collaboration with the Chieftains, P.M. Dawn is an impressively skilled
Ever since Hymns to the Silence four years Celtic Heartbeat. And though he sounds studio duo who rely on lush, layered
ago, Van Morrison has been more ener- the quintessential seasoned veteran here vocal harmonies and pleasing harmonic
getic and prolific than at any other point — savvy, hip, cool, even slick (0 on his arrangements to get the point across.


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BONNIE RAITT: Road Tested Die-hard Raitt fans may feel there's
Capitol CD? 833705 2 (2 Cl)s). Don Was, Bonnie enough here to justify purchase, but I
Raitt, prods.; Ed Cherney, Dave Hewitt. Phil
Gitomer, Scan McClintock, Steve Beatty, Dan
doubt that even the most rabid devotees
Bosworth, Tom Banhhart, Doug Sax, engs. ??I). TT: will find themselves spinning these
103:40 discs endlessly. Road Tested isn't really
bad, just inessential. —Carl Baugher
Though Bonnie Rain has been a
recording artist for over 25 years, Road ROLLING STONES: Stripped
Tested is her first live album. Too bad it's Virgin 41040 2(Cl)). 1)on Was, the Glimmer Twins,
prods.; Ed Chemey, eng. AAD. TT: 74:49
not abetter one. While it's sure to sell DAVID BOWIE: Outside
lots of copies and definitely won't get Virgin 40711 2(Cl)). 1)avid 13owie, Brian Eno, prods.;
her dumped from the Capitol roster 1)avid Richards, eng. DIM/ TT': 74:51

(those Grammies should keep her

locked up for afew more years, no mat- What's left when you can sell records
ter what she releases), this two-disc set is just by putting your name on them?
Prince Be and J.C. of PM. Dawn. Jesus wept
unlikely to garner many new fans. Maybe it's the Seven Deadly Sins. David
With very little edge to speak of, the Bowie evidently started with pride, the

music takes on arather contemplative Rolling Stones with sloth.
façade. In fact, this music can almost be The Stones' Stripped is as calculated a
ignored sometimes as it wafts along in a piece of product as pop has seen since
pleasantly hazy, dreamlike way. Still, Milli Vanilli turned off their mikes: a
there's the occasional groove that almost bunch of tired cuts (Wow! "Street
breaks loose, like the semi-hit "Down- Fighting Man"! O0000h! "Angie!) recy-
town Venus," which suggests that these cled with garage-band arrangements.
guys know how to craft afunky dance These could be rehearsal tapes from the
tune. On the other hand, the cover ver- Voodoo Lounge tour. And since "added
sion of Prince's "1999" is asuccessful re- value" is amarketing buzzphrase for the
invention of the party/dance track as a '90s, Stripped comes with abonus: aCD-
moody, acoustic ballad that gives the ROM segment. Of the band's video.
apocalyptic lyrics awhole new meaning. The one transcendant moment is the
Ultimately, it's the lyrics and the band's cover of Bob Dylan's "Like a
clever assimilation of past/present R&B Rolling Stone" — apoint where auteurs
Bonnie Raitt's Road Tested: back to the drawing
styles that characterize Jesus Wept and, board.
Jagger and Richards speak to progenitor
indeed, all three P.M. Dawn albums. and progeny alike, amoment where past
Often the words initially seem needless- A huge mainstream success in recent and future converge, where America and
ly oblique, only to sink in later and sug- years, here Raitt is polished, accessible, England meet amid the field hollers of
gest their own philosophical logic. A unpretentious, consistent, and, at this McKinley Morganfield's Mississippi
line like "You could be into you but you point in her career, all too predictable. Delta and the clacking ofJann Wenne?s
don't know what you're like" could be The problem? Road Tested is "safe" to word processor, a fourth-dimensional
seen as double-talk until you hear it in the point of tedium. There's no edge, common ground where the '60s and the
the context of the song ("Downtown no "pushing the envelope," and certain- '90s converge to ask that timely yet time-
Venus") and realize it's asuccinct sum- ly no risk-taking —just time-tested, for- less question: "How does it feel?" Either
mary of the need for self-realization. mulaic, middle-of-the-road pop/rock/ that, or it's alame joke with the world's
And there's nothing judgmental or blues. Admittedly, one doesn't look to longest setup.
preachy about these verses of spiritual Bonnie Raitt for cutting-edge innova- Despite its abject laziness, Stripped is at
need — Prince Be ends the song with "I tion. But there's not much of the gritty, least listenable on the car stereo (right,
could be into me but Idon't know what emotional testifying she used to serve Wes?). No such luck for David Bowie's
I'm like," as if to reassure the listener up, either. Outside. Creating what he terms anon-
that he's no better off than the rest of us. To make sure that everything worked linear Gothic Drama hyper-cycle (what-
The double LP sounds more spacious outside the studio, Raitt and co-producer ever that is) about Nathan Adler (who-
than the CD, and the gatefold cover sports Don Was trotted out along line of sup- ever he is), Bowie sets out to prove that
amore satisfying format for the colorful porting talent on these live tracks, indud- he's no entertainer; he's an artist. In the
creative computer artwork. The CD pro- ingJackson Browne, Bruce Hornsby, Kim process, the Thin Trite Duke indulges
vides slightly sharper inner detail and sorts Wilson, Ruth Brown, Charles Brown, every bombastic impulse imaginable: a
out the often complex multitrack mix and Bryan Adams. But there's little that two-minute intro? Why not. Narration
more efficiently. Unfortunately, this trade- bears re-hearing except for alovely, mov- by achild? But of course. He forgets that
off will be academic for most listeners, ing performance of "I Can't Make You he earned his hit license to print money
who won't be able to find the vinyl. Love Me." Yes, the band plays with skill by making music, as in shake your booty.
P.M. Dawn makes thoughtful, gener- and technical aplomb; yes, the recording is On this digipak disaster, Bowie is so pre-
ally well-crafted, optimistic, smoothly well-done; yes, most of this material suits tentious he makes Roger Waters sound
soothing music. Not for every taste, of Raitt like atailored jacket with matching like aroots rocker. Suffice it to say that
course, but well worth hearing for those boots and stretchpants. Still, the closing the song title "I'm Deranged" serves as
with aparticular interest in R&B that tune, John Prine's 'Angel from Mont- truth in advertising.
goes beyond the usual sexually obsessed gomery," is lethargic, lacks ironic empha- Still, you might surmise that after liv-
thematic material. —Carl Baugher sis, and sounds just plain wrong. ing for decades in aworld of caviar by


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The Outsiders). The new songs are virtu-
al throwaways, but the rest of the album
more than makes up for alack of sub-
stantial new material.
Playing mostly songs he's been per-
forming for decades, Wonder sounds as
involved and involving as one could
hope for. Thankfully, his tendency to
ramble on endlessly in concert with
protracted, painfully redundant speech-
es has been edited completely out of
these tracks, leaving afine collection of
spirited tunes. "Love's in Need of L,ove
Today" is revitalized with all the philo-
sophical urgency needed to carry the
These guys again.The Stones. Stripped. Not really. Same for Bowie. still-topical sentiment. "Higher Ground"
is ¡even ajoyous performance that can
the pound and blood transfusions on rhythmically intricate comping. only be described as uplifting. "I Wish" is
demand, the Stones and Msst Bowie Elsewhere on disc 4are unreleased urgently funlcy, while turn-on-a-dime
have lost touch with the rock'n'roll spir- duets with Merle Watson, all from live versions of "Sir Duke" and "Superstition"
it. Idisagree. Both of these albums dis- concerts, that are frequently scintillat- make this the kind of release Stevie
play acontempt for authority as strong ing. "I Got aPig at Home in the Pen" is Wonder fans will drool over.
as anything the Sex Pistols ever con- the kind of thing Doc and Merle seem- The one outright misstep is the
jured. Unfortunately, the real victims of ingly tossed off at will — folksy, down- hopelessly trite, cloying, and calculated-
this latest Rock and Roll Swindle are home, and reaL ly PC "Mr. & Ms. Little Ones." While
the poor suckers who bought these On the downside, sound quality on Wonder's sentiments can hardly be
records. —Allen St. John most of the unreleased tracks is margin- questioned, his songwriting doesn't do
al: alternately mono and stereo, tape them justice. File it with that other
DOC WATSON: The Vanguard Years
dropouts that are sometimes severe, and weak trifle (included on disc two), "I
Vanguard 155/58-2 (4 Cl)s only). Mary Catherine adistant quality to many of the tracks, Just Called to Say ILove You."
Aldin, prod.; Mitch Greenhill, Jeff Zaraya, cogs. especially on the vocals. Not audiophile Stevie's backup group plays with pol-
AIM). TT: 2:55:00
quality, by along shot. ished precision. Bassist Nathan East is
Doc Watson's Vanguard recordings span The first three discs are an intelligent- especially valuable — he seems to know
the period from 1963 to 1971. Shortly ly programmed collection of the best these songs like the back of his hand. The
after he left the label, Doc achieved a from Watson's nine Vanguard albums, whole group contributes yeoman work,
measure of mainstream success by but there is abig problem. With only with only guitarist Rick Zunigar short-
appearing on the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's about three hours' worth of material changed in the mix and arrangements.
popular Will The Circle Be Unbroken?3-LP spread over four discs, one can't help but The Tokyo Philharmonic is used
set. The Vanguard years were fruitful for feel ripped off. Certainly, there's aton of strictly as background garnish. To make
Watson, as he established his reputation great Doc which could have fleshed out matters worse, the orchestra is mixed
largely on these consistently excellent this set, and gone along way to justify its so low and recorded so poorly as to
recordings. They're loaded with gems hefty, full-retail price. resemble nothing more than acheap
and offer some of the richest slices of Still, it's hard not to enjoy the pro- synthesizer. Otherwise, the tracks are
American folk music one is likely to find. gramming and overall good-sounding detailed as hell, with tight, satisfying
Watson always brings awarmth and an transfers of the previously released bass and natural warmth on the vocals.
understanding to his mostly traditional material. If you don't get goosebumps In other words, agood digital mix-
material that invariably have the ring of when you hear Doc's accapella "Talk down. Except for the ridiculously reti-
truth. A fine singer who's equally strong About Suffering," maybe folk music cent orchestral strings, there's little to
on guitir, banjo, and harmonica, Watson ain't your bag. Despite ashortage of complain of, especially considering the
shines throughout these 64 hillbilly, folk, tracks, this Docbox is agood collection. live sources of the recordings.
and blues songs. —Carl Baugher Though Stevie Wonder hasn't offered
The fourth CD in this set offers over much recent, compelling evidence that he
50 minutes of previously unreleased STEVIE WONDER: Natural Wonder still has something to say, lyrically or musi-
material, some of it genuinely superb. Dr. Henry l'anion III, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra cally, there's no denying his skills as a
Starting with six tracks of Watson in Motown 314 530 546-2 (2 CDs). Stevie Wonder,
prod.; Gary Adante, Robert Arbitticr, Chris Hellman,
singer and musician. As this set proves,
duet with the late, great Merle Travis cogs. ?DD. TT: 105:05 he's ascintillating performet fully de-
(from whom Watson copped his fin- serving of his legendary R&B reputation.
ger-picking style and for whom he Recorded before huge stadium crowds Now, if he'djust come up with something
named his son), there are anumber of in Osaka and Tel Aviv in 1995, Natural that breaks alittle ground and pushes the
highlights that belong in the collection Wonder is awell-rounded, lively, and envelope abit, he might well garner a
of any Doc Watson aficionado. The intelligently paced two-CD set. Pre- whole new generation of Wonderfans.
Watson/Travis version of "Cannonball vailing pop convention seems to dictate Still, for those who've come this far with
Rag" should be heard by all guitar fans. that live albums include new tracks, and him, Natural Wonder is awelcome addition
Doc's quicksilver runs and breaks per- Stevie has included four here ("Stay to his discography, adding quality balance
fectly complement Travis's loping, Gold" was originally from the movie, to the studio albums. —cad Baugh«


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AUDIO ARTISTRY DVORAK measurements and interpretation are tening environment with the speakers
Editor: absolutely essential to control the para- near the wall behind them is consistent
I read with great satisfaction Shannon meters the mind deems important for cre- with reduced image depth. The 10Ts are
Dickson's review of the Dvorak loud- ating the illusion of "being there." Fully un- very capable performers in this area.
speaker from Audio Artistry. He has cap- derstanding test-equipment capabilities and Optimizing the microphone axis would
tured in words the very essence of this pro- using appropriate test methods can mini- improve the measurements. The stand
duces sonic performance. Obviously he mize the generation of misleading visual moves the typical listening axis from just
enjoyed the natural sound of these unique data. This is where alifetime of study, ex- above the midrange to somewhat below it.
dipoles, and was able to set aside precon- perimentation, and analysis pays off. If measured on this axis, the measurements
ceived notions about how a speaker The review by Mr. Dickson is encour- improve, with the step response looking
should sound that might have been de- aging confirmation to me that we are pur- considerably more coherent.
rived from his listening experiences with suing the right goal. Listeners do recognize We have tried to make the 10T arel-
box-type designs. the greater naturalness of sound from our atively easy load to drive without sacrifices
The ultimate reference for judging a approach to speaker design. Sadly, many elsewhere. Over the past few years we have
speaker's performance is live sound. I audiophiles seem to have abuilt-in expec- heard of no problems from customers us-
make it apoint to pay great attention to tation of what aloudspeaker should sound ing abroad selection of solid-state and tube
how something sounds and the impres- like, because they have become accustomed amplifiers.
sion it creates in my mind. To keep myself to the almost generic distortion char- We are pleased that Mr. Phillips en-
honest — and, let's not forget, to enjoy acteristics of box-type speakers in rooms. joyed the performance of the Model 10T
myself— Iregularly attend concerts of the Iknow Mr. Dickson has spent many so much. We believe his new listening
San Francisco Symphony and local cham- hours listening to the Dvorak, and his room will provide for an even greater ap-
ber-music performances. Ialso record var- writing about it turned into atrue labor of preciation of the Model 10T's capabilities.
ious live events to have familiar playback love. On behalf of the entire Audio Art- We hope that other listeners will have the
material to evaluate designs and to com- istry team, Ithank him for all he has given. opportunity to experience for themselves
pare them to my acoustic memory. SIEGFRIED LINKWITZ the performance capabilities that Mr.
Iwould be the first to admit that the VP Engineering, Audio Artistry Phillips enjoyed so much in the Model
Dvorak still has adistance to go when 10T. M ICHAEL KELLY
compared to live sound. Even in its imper- AERIAL ACOUSTICS IOT President, Aerial Acoustics
fection, the speaker achieves amore nat- Editor:
ural balance of the essential elements that We would like to thank Mr. Phillips, Mr. AUDIOQUEST 7000 FES
are necessary for creating the illusion of Atkinson, and Stereophile for the excellent Editor:
hearing "the real thing" than do most review of the Aerial Model 10T. We espe- Lurking just below the surface of Michael
other speakers. Our newest product, the cially appreciate the time and ene re- Fremees comprehensive review of two
Beethoven, introduced at the recent '96 quired to produce such athorough and phono cartridges lies this question: How
WCES, carries the Dvorak design concept perceptive evaluation. could acartridge Scan-Tech makes for Au-
asignificant step closer to the goal, though The Model 10Ts design goal was a dioQuest possibly be either as good aper-
at asignificantly higher price. compact yet very wide-band and dynamic former or as good avalue as the cartridge
With all our speakers we attempt to system with exceptional transparency, Scan-Tech makes on its own behalf?
build transducers — that is, devices that detail resolution, spatial accuracy, and neu- Maybe I'm alittle too sensitive, but I
convert electrical voltage to sound pres- trality. We especially tried to eliminate col- think it's aworthy question and one whose
sure at the listening position without orations of any kind, tonal inconsistencies answer would aid in the view of many
adding sonic artifacts or removing in- between drivers, and dynamically related other audio products. There aren't as many
formation in the process. To achieve this performance changes. manufacturers as there are brands. In fact,
requires engineering compromises, since In addition to providing high perfor- many of us aren't manufacturers at all.
we are working with the physical limits of mance, we work very hard on all Aerial A manufacturer's job is to keep their
drivers, components, cabinets, and listen- products to maintain consistently high lev- equipment busy. A brand's job is to reli-
ing rooms. Choosing the best compromise els of design, quality, and reliability that ably supply aquality of product or service
means that we must understand which are at least the equal of much more expen- that will maintain or raise the value of the
distortions are perceptually significant and sive products. These factors are difficult to brand. Even companies that clearly are
must be minimized. Measurements of fre- evaluate in any test, usually revealing manufacturers with serious factories could
quency and time response, or of harmonic themselves over time in terms of extend- also be viewed as assemblers who are de-
distortion, etc., and their popular interpre- ed life, consistent performance, and in- pendent on goods manufactured by others.
tations, do not necessarily correlate with creased owner satisfaction. Most speaker suppliers are justifiably
what is perceptually significant. Yet proper Regarding image depth, aconfined lis- thought of as manufacturers, and yet the


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heart of their products are usually drivers was obviously damaged in shipment and may need alittle more persuading. The
manufactured elsewhere. Such companies we'd like to inspect it. Scull review captures the heart of our de-
would be quick to point out that the driv- Bob's overwhelmingly positive review sign aesthetic—we make amplifiers for
ers made for them are proprietary and of our D/AC-2000 Ultra is gratifying for people who want to forget about arcane
would not exist except for their involve- several reasons. audiophile issues and instead focus their
ment — but they don't make them. The First of all, it's areal source of pride and
attention on the appreciation of music. To
ability to make and design these drivers accomplishment to have a Parasound do this, we strive to recover the "entire
resides with the driver manufacturer. model so highly praised by the one expert musical construct" and retain the propor-
Iresisted calling the drivers the "heart in the one forum which we believe has the tions of the original "musical gestalt."
and soul" of the various speakers. The greatest influence on enthusiasts and Audio Note was founded on the prin-
"soul" would more nearly be the context prospective buyers of D/A converters in ciple that static distortion measurements
created by the individual designe4 the way this country and parts of Asia. Bob's con- and testing into hypothetical loads cannot
the drivers are used, and the quality of the clusions arc echoed overseas by two tell us how much of this musical gestalt we
product's performance. If you like or don't German high-end magazines, Audio and will recover, or what condition this musi-
like these speakers, that is not acomment stereoplay, which recently bestowed their cal information is in after it is recovered.
on the merit of the drivers, but on the very highest honors on our D/AC-2000 This is why Tom Norton's ongoing ques-
merit of the application. Ultra: Referenzklasse and Absolut
tion, "Does an amplifier sound 'good' be-
Back to phono cartridges. Ibelieve the Spitzetiklass überreferenz. cause of the way it measures, or in spite of
Scan-Tech Three to be the finest phono- Next, musical enthusiasts and serious it?" is so relevant.
cartridge design and assembly team in the hobbyists should be assured that, with If the measurements we make do not
world today. In terms of my desire to use enough experience and science, digital reflect our listening experiences in an ob-
and sell asuperior cartridge, Scan-Tech rep- reproduction has sufficiently advanced to vious way, then our measurement tech-
resents the finest "raw material" available. where we can achieve outstanding musical niques are simply not reality-based.
This incredible organization of talent and performance that correlates directly with Let's just say we all agree that amplifier
expertise has been working to fulfill my outstanding technology and design. The distortion of one kind or another is bad.
concept of what a cartridge should be superiority of our D/AC-2000 Ultra re- To make abetter amplifier, we should first
since we started working together in 1987. flects the sophistication of its UltraAnalog find out what distortions arc evidenced in
Starting even earlier, the same energy AES21 digital receiver and D20400A the existing amplifier and then set about
was put into creating the cartridge that Stig DAC, component parts whose science eliminating them. Trouble is, we cannot
and Jonathan think represents the bet possi- verges on fine art. tell with any certainty what distortions we
ble compromise. Those are important words! Finally, it is gratifying to know that have to fix unless we look at the amplifi-
No audio product is anywhere near Parasound's mission to capture even that er's performance into aspecific speaker. Its
perfect. The amount of legitimate var- nth degree of perfect musical reproduc- distortion spectra will change with every
iation among quality proudcts is propor- tion at (in Bob Harley's own words) "bar- speaker we choose. So... why not look at
tional to the distance between what we gain" prices is continuing to receive the re-amusical signal going into the amplifier
can do and what we want to do. The fur- cognition it deserves. Our D/AC-2000 under test and compare it to the signal that
ther we are from perfection, the more im- Ultra is now the second Parasound model comes out of the reviewer's speaker? The
perfections have to be juggled and con- to be hailed by Stereophile as abenchmark reviewer is doing roughly the saine thing
trolled — the more legitimate opportunity for performance in its price range. (The when he comments on how effective the
for disagreement over which types of dis- first is our HCA-2200 II, which is just equipment is at recovering what he imag-
tortion interfere more or less with the about the least expensive and most power- ines is on the LP or CD. Why shouldn't
reproduction of music. ful of Stereophiles Class B recommended our bench testing examine afew of these
The obvious differences between the power amplifiers.) same "real music" waveforms the reviewer
two cartridges in Michael's review repre- Thank you again for your interest and used? Then, at least, the reviewer and the
sent legitimate variations as to which as- enthusiasm for Parasound. bench tester are looking at the same thing.
pects of amusical performance are more RICHARD SCHRAM Wouldn't this be more "real world" than a
or less important to the final objective: President, Parasound Products simulated load? Evaluating the perfor-
that the hardware do as good ajob as pos- mance of the amp-speaker combination in
sible of facilitating the software's (music's) AUDIO NOTE KASSAI SILVER the frequency, amplitude, phase, and time
ability to seduce the listener. Editor: domains might then relate directly to
That Stig and Jonathan have apriority Imade the sign of the cross, like an old what the reviewer heard. If the load is not
system slightly different from mine does Padre. Ihadn't even read the review, but areal speaker playing music, it is not a
not make either of us right or wrong-, we when Isaw the Starophile fax on the mon- "real load"!
all acknowledge that. The AQ cartridge is itor Iknew that Monsignor Scull had fin- At Audio Note, we design our speakers'
the successful result of Scan-Tech applying ished his work. Lest anyone doubt, there is impedances to reflect the inverse of the
all of their talent to making the cartridge no question that the Scull-style review pro- amplifier's output impedance and power
that Ibelieve is the most effective vehicle cess is as objective, thorough, and insight- response curves. In other words, we design
for maintaining the power and emotion of ful as is humanly possible. He and Kath- the amplifier, speaker cable, and loud-
the musical experience. BILL Low leen live these reviews. speaker as aunit. We believe that the only
AudioQuest Mike and 1were flattered and excited way to achieve meaningful results is to de-
when Jonathan called to ask for an Audio sign complete systems in which each
PARASOUND D/AC-II001" & Note product for review. We were also a component interface is carefully consid-
D/AC-2000 little nervous. My god, Jonathan writes for ered. The only reason Ican think of for
Editor: Stereophile, the most influential audio using a"simulated speaker load" or apow-
The Parasound team is very grateful for magazine in the world and the same mag- er resistor to measure an amplifier is: It
Bob Harley's review of our D/AC-1100" azine that referred to the Cary 300SEI as eliminates the room, the speaker, the speaker
and D/AC-2000 Ultra Digital to Analog a "tone control"! Was Stereophile really cabk, and the MUSIC from the equation. Do
Converters. ready to understand what an amplifier like we really want to do this? Your present
Please return the D/AC-1100"D to the Kassai is all about? Obviously, Mr. measurement strategies eliminate all of
Parasound as soon as possible. This unit Scull was totally ready. Mr. Norton? He these real-world conditions — why? Isay,


measure the amplifier at Jonathan's famous as "detail" and "dynamic contrast." METAPHOR 2
ribbon chair! Russ Novak's talent and insights arc a Editor:
When we measure components under welcome relief and, in our opinion, ane- One of the great things about Wes Phillips
unreal and hypothetical conditions, we can cessary service to the audiophile commun- reviewing a product is that you know
only expect results that are synthetic and ity. In recognizing and illustrating the di- there will always be some musical golden
difficult to comprehend. rection toward musical truth in audio re- nuggets. Any reader who has not heard
Reviews in Stereophile of components production that the addition of aPhoten- the recordings Wes used in his Follow-Up
like single-ended amplifiers and the new tiometer can bring, Mr. Novak both elo- of the Metaphor 2should, as he suggest-
wave of horn loudspeakers should really quently and amusingly reinforces this view. ed, go right out and get them. The Ravel
serve as wake-up calls to the whole audio (He likens the removal of these distortions is everything Wes says it is (though the air
industry. Now is the time to invest in anew to "when your partner stops complain- conditioner that comes on three minutes
pair of glasses. We need to know more ing.") Bravo, Mr. Novak! into the Adagio is abit distracting), but the
about which engineering decisions really The technical prowess shown by the haunting and emotionally draining Corig-
can make music listening more enjoyable. Melos MA-333 Reference preamplifier (as liano is an absolute stunner.
We need to develop more meaningful borne out by the measurements by Tom We could talk about the many ex-
ways of evaluating what we have created. Norton) is aproduct of many years of la- ceptional attributes Wes found during his
Most important, it's time to remember bor and research; we are extremely pleased review, but why? Parts is parts; it's the
why we go to all of this effort: to make and proud to have effected this with an all- musical whole that matters. Wes found his
musical culture and understanding more tube-gain, zero-feedback design. time with the Metaphor 2 "immensely
important parts of our lives. George Bischoff and Iare both proud enjoyable," and that "... the Metaphor 2
HERBERT REICHERT and elated to have developed atruly new will transport you to the realm of music.
Audio Note USA technology in an industry resplendent with And ultimately, that is what it is all about."
"Snake Oil" and "Get Rich Quick" One of the keys Wes found to getting
M ELOS MA-333 REFERENCE tweaks. great performance from the Metaphor 2
Editor: Beyond this, we cannot stress strongly was proper positioning. Contrary to many,
Perhaps the greatest compliment that can enough our admiration for both Stereo- we feel the most important relationship in
be accorded an audio designer is to be told philes and Mr. Novak's courage and in- speaker positioning is not that of each
that you've achieved "Less is More" status. sight in recognizing and exalting the Pho- speaker to the room, but of the speakers to
Nothing is more frustrating to the well- tentiometer (along with the MA-333 one another. In any multiple-speaker play-
trained ear or music-lover than the all- Reference) and its important role in bring- back configuration, you must establish the
too-frequent exclamations of audiophile ing us closer to the musical truth. composite soundfield by properly inte-
neophytes' misinterpretations of contact MARK PORZILLI grating the speakers. Then you adjust the
distortion and second-harmonic distortion Melos Audio, Inc. entire soundfield within the room by



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moving the speakers while maintaining him and John for going the extra mile
relative position between them. The bot- with the Metaphor 2. BILL PEUGH
tom line for ensuring musically satisfying President, Metaphor Acoustic Designs
performance is that the distance between

speakers is more important than the dis- M ICHAEL GREEN DESIGNS
tances to the walls. With the Metaphor 2, AUDIOPOINTS
the distance between speakers (center to Editor:
center) is always between 76" and 80". Just aquick note on two reviews in the

12401 Wilshire Boulevard

Toc-in varies based on listening position. December 1995 issue of Stereophile. Spe-
The distance to the rear wall is more vari- cial thanks to Bob Deutsch and Jonathan
able, but is typically in the range Wes Scull for commenting on their having
found best: around 25". used our "AudioPoints" to enhance the
With the many good things Wes found, performance of the Balanced Audio
there is an area of concern, however. One Technology amp and preamp, and the
of the primary design criteria of all Manley 440 amps, respectively, that were
Metaphor loudspeakers is that you can being reviewed. They are right; this is an
drive them easily with any amplifier. The extremely easy, inexpensive, and retro-
load must be simple and the sensitivity fittable way to upgrade most components
high. This continues to be asignificant ad- and speakers.
vantage that Metaphors enjoy over most What they didn't mention, and what
of their competition. You get to buy the your readers may not know from the brief
amp that makes music for you, not just the "Recommended Components" listing, is
one that has enough power. So how could that the AudioPoints come not only as

Los Ange
Wes have found that the new 2 needed simple flat-flange "cones," but also with a
more power than before? wide variety of integral threaded shanks to
The sensitivity of the Metaphor 2has fit the threaded inserts in most audio com-
not changed: 91dB/2.83V/1m. The ponents. Introduction of the threaded
Metaphor 2s in the Follow-Up and the shank into the AudioPoint design changes
original pair that Wes reviewed arc elec- the resonant characteristics of the Au-
trically identical, with enclosures and dioPoint itself. As aresult, the shape of the
ports of precisely the same dimensions threaded versions must be modified to
and relative locations. Since all parts and maintain the highly effective energy-trans-
speakers are computer-matched, we mission properties of the standard,
know that sample-to-sample variation is unthreaded design. Our dealers have alist
not apossibility. Further, upon receipt of of the thread types and sizes used by many
Wes's Follow-Up, we checked the sensi- equipment manufacturers for their com-
tivity of the original pair John Atkinson ponent feet or spikes, to help users find the
right AudioPoint replacements.
0 A SZ006

measured in Santa Fe (we still have them)

against apair from the same production Iam often asked why AudioPoints are
run as the Follow-Up samples: absolutely made of brass. What Ihave found over
the same, as expected. time is that (surprise, surprise!) things tend
Without measurements from John on to sound like what they are made of. So if
98Z8 -9Z8 - 1£ 3e

the latest 2s, we'll have to wait to exam- you want to reproduce music, where pos-
ine the review speakers. In spite of sible use materials that are used in musical
Wes's great results, it is possible that instruments. Generally this means various
they were damaged during shipping, woods and good-sounding metals, espe-
break-in, or the review process itself. cially ... brass. Conversely, stay away from
Certainly Wes's difficulty in positioning the polymers, graphite, rubber, glass, sand,
the speaker to make music argues for stone-like substances, etc., which you find
this possibility — especially when our in hi-fi but not on the concert-hall stage.
dealers and distributors have com- Hopefully this will help readers who
mented on how much easier it is to get want to do some "mechanical transfer" ex-
LLS8 -9Z8 -01£ xed

the revised 2 right. Given the multiple perimentation for themselves get "point-
woofers and the great overlap of the ed" in the right direction.
midrange and woofer, it is possible that
adamaged driver could be perceived as
merely aslight balance change. But the
Michael Green Designs/RoomTune IN)
load shown to the amp, particularly in Erratum: In Shannon Dickson's January
the bass, could go from simple to quite article on HDCDT" (Vol.19 No.1, pp.107-
difficult. The Krell wouldn't mind, but 119), acopy-editing error changed Shan-
the VAC, with its higher output imped- non's meaning: the final two sentences •
ance, might have difficulty. just before his "Final Thoughts" section
It is clear that the Metaphor 2remains on p.119 should have read: "Frankly, I'll be
acinch to drive. We can only wait for the surprised if the sonic attributes possible
return of the review speakers to solve the from doubling the sample rate, perhaps
mystery. In the meantime, apologies to with the kind of insights gained by Pacific
Wes for having to go through the long Microsonics during the creation of the
break-in process (sorry, Wes; we didn't process, aren't more pronounced than
have time to break-in this pair like we did those now produced by decoded HDCD.
the original review samples), and thanks to Time should tell." —John Atkinson


M SER1ES Interconnects M SER1ES NION•11.1
speaker cable

The M Sigma 2000 is the most unique serious au- The M Sigma 2 speaker cable provides the ulti-
diophile interconnect ever made! Unprecedented mate in sonic performance and design. Especially
performance for the serious audiophile who de- configured conductors for carrying separate high
mands sonic perfection. Stereophile Recommend- and low frequencies. Stereophile Recommended
ed Component. Highly recommended by Absolute Component. Highly recommended by Absolute
Sound magazine. Choice of RCA or XLR plugs at Sound magazine. Priced per pair!
same price. Priced per pair! 6h...5500 8ft ...5750 10 8...$875 12 8...51000
.5m..4675 1m..4750 1.5m..4830 2m...5900 Single Bhvive: 88..5850 10 h...$975 128...51100

Rioble Mow Plellompsi AG Silver Series

KCTG interconnect uses 6 silver VanStrand con- TGDL digital link RCA Silver Cable between trans-
ductors. XLR same price. Prices per pair port & DIA Converter. XLR same price.
.5m...$350 1m...5650 1.5m...$950 2m...$1250 .5m...8175 1m...$325 1.5m...$475 2m ...$625

KCAG interconnect uses 3 silver VanStrand con- AGDL digital link RCA Silver Cable between trans-
ductors. XLR same price. Prices per pair: port & D/A Converter XLR same price.
.5m...$2001m...$350 1.5m...$500 2m...5650 .5m...$100 1m...5175 1.5m...$250 2m...$325


Kimber's legendary 4TC

and 8TC loudspeaker ca-
KIMBER KABLE bles continually receive
rave reviews and recom- The M 1500 interconnect is the most refined version of The M 1.5 speaker cable fs the ultimate combination
mendation, ranking as one our advanced cable technologies for extraordinary. no- of speaker cable technologies with the highest perfor-
compromise sonic performance. RCA or XLR plugs at mance level. Priced per pair!
of the best "high end au-
dio" values of all time. TC same price. Pr it.ed per pair! 6tt.. 4300 8ft. .$400 10 9..4800 12 ft...$600
cables deliver correct har- M1500 5m...S30 tin .5375 1.5m...5450 2m. .5525 Single Biwiref 88..560 10 ft...$600 12 ft...5700
RCA Connectors monic and spectral con-
tent of recordings with
breathtaking, pinpoint ac-
Advanced curacy. The basic building 10001
VariStrand'. block of each TX and LPC
The heart of SilverStreak tri -braid geometry model is the Teflon'. jack-
features astogie AG provides optimal
VanStrand I. conductor. electrical eted VanStrandl. conduc-
fabricated from hyper-pure

parameters. tor. The conductor strands
silver. are formed from our ad-
vanced alloy, primarily
consisting of ultra-high
purity copper.
8TC...S9.ift. 8' pr. 5230 10' pr. $26612' pr... 5302
8TC Single Biwire 8* pr. .$25610' pr... $294
87C Double Biwire 8' pr.. $407 10' pr... $479
The M 1000 Iinterconnect features three precision- The M IMK II is acclaimed worldwide as one of the
47C...$5.111. 8 pr $166 10' pr.. 518612' pr. .$206
wound hme correct bandwidth balanced wire networks finest speaker cables ever built for an audiophile. Dy-
4TC Double Biwire 8' pr.. $279 10' pr.... $319
for audiophile music reproduction. Choice of RCA or namic. powerful music reproduction that is balanced
4VS /4PR $2./ft. /51/h.
'nxxr fioI incorporates many ° Kn...." techno-
i XLR plugs at same price. Priced per pair! and articulate... .510 /per foot or -Priced per pair!
logies as tound in their most costly reference models. It's .5m...5150 1m...5200 1.5rn...S250 2m...5300 tt. .$130 811...5150 108...5200 12h...5250
the most ideal interconnect for all "up-scale" audio and
video applications. It will deliver years of exacting audio
performance, that gets you closer to the "being there"
experience. Priced per pair!
SS .5m...en° m...S180 15m...$240 2m...5300
3m...5420 4m...sseo 5m...5660 6m...5780
55-XL.R.5m...51801m...5300 .5m...5420 2m..$540

Kimber's entry level in-
terconnect exhibits
simple, elegant con- Illuminati
struction. This product .
really demonstrates The M 950 Interconnect uses three time correct band- The M .75 uses state-of-the-art speaker cable tech-
the adage, "less is D-60 Digital Cable width balanced moth-gauge wire networks for outstand- nologies for audiophile performance at a non-audio-
more". A lean, mean, ing performance. XLR same pece. Priced per pair! phde price. .55 /ft. or -Priced per pair!
stripped-down inter- distributed throughout the known universe
.sre $901. 5125 1.5m $1602m $200 8tt...$100 10 8..4140 128...S150 15h .5170
connect that offers
hotrod performance at
Mo-ped prices. PBJ KIMBER )(ABLE
uses the same braid
geometry as the es- D-00 .5....S213 ....$325 1.5m...5438 2m. $550
teemed KCAG but with Unlocking the full performance potential
VariStrand"" copper your digital playback chain requires a cal /.
conductors. The con- of unparalleled stability and accuracy. The L)
nectors are in fact 60 meets the challenge with ease. Unques-
identical to those tionably, it is the most electrically precise digital
found on our most ex- interconnect in existence. From its precision
pensive interconnects. connectors and pure silver center conductor
PBJ-real world perfor- to the carefully selected dielectric composi-
mance in a "no frills" package. And like the lion and twin helical shields. the ILLUMINATI
other PBJ (Peanut Butter & Jelly) Mom says, D-60 clearly advances digital performance to The M 85" uses two
The MCX4 is our "best buy" M Series speaker cable
tors plus improved shielding for excellent music and with an affordable price. .53 /ft. or -Priced per pair!
"Just eat it (and shush up.) it's good for you!" a higher plane (RCA or BNC). film reproduction. XLR same pece Priced per pair!
8ft $601011 $70128 1180156 $100
KU .6m pri.$58 Im pr $66 1.5m pr..574 ORCHID %mum balanced cabSe 1.5m $750 .5m $70 for SI30 1.5m S90 2m $100
KC-1 .5m pu.S65 1m pr $80 1.5m pr. .105 UG-70 PaSSIVE, orcult box cable 1.5m $525 PACX2-41.50 /ft. 8h $40 10 h., .550 12 8_060
PBJ XLR .5m pr..558 1m pr.....5136 1.5m pr $74 DX-501.5m...$3502m...S4002.5m...S4503..„$500 hi550 I5m...$45 1m.. .550 1.5m...555 2m...$65 New Monster /Monster $140/8 /$1.25/8.
OPT .5m $40 tm $50 1.5m $o DV-30 .5m...S55 lm ..$70 15m .585 2m.. $100 1.13501.5m.S35 tm. S40 1.5m.1,45 2m. $50 XP HP /XP 1.00/tt. / 506/fr.
aucloquest Video/Digital audioquest Interconnects
AQ QUARTZ X V", tide 0,i
ce welded RCA:

. Functionally
UI Perfect
99 .
9988 % actual sne

22 awg LOC Drainwire

- 22 awg FPC-6 Copper
ACI VIDEO /DIGITAL PRO'", double balanced. Polypropylene Insulation
solid FPS Silver Pr, • •
Foil Shield
PVC Jacket (UL CU)

5rlf Pr •
.S132lurupr $1651.5m pr....M98 2n1 pr....8231 Factory Prepared»eakerables
an Pk...8297 Impr....S383 Smpr....S429 Sm pr....1495
11101110111 Par...$301 10 freer...MI5 12h par $479 TYPE8 s".. • Sila 'ogees IGO 124 per $146
w /%Litt .5m pr....$167 1m pr....S200 1.5m pr....$233
CRYSTAL 8fl per...8219 10 ft pair Mal 12 It par $291 TYPE 4 8It par Sft5 'Otter 176 128 par $105
SOME 611pm $171 10 flPaF. Mee 12 fr pe $219 TYPE 2 Brice, 9,3 10 it per NO 12 ft par $75
lellbz.r. I ii Functionally AO RUBY X 2Tm, double balanced, solid FPC
- Perfect

Silver coPPer,PO/Prot:Owe.

22 awg FPS Sher Speaker Cables

Primary Teflon Insulation AG MIDNIGHT"' uses sixteen solid FPC conduc- AO INDIGO"', 8 conductor. Hybrld Hyperfitz with
Foam Insulation tors. Each conductor uses polyethylene insulation over FPC /LGC coppers. Crystal's little brother
Foil ,Mylar iFoil Shield FPC copper. The extremely long grain structure of FPC
Functionally copper greatly improves naturalness and dynamics.
Braided Shield LGC
PVC Jacket Copper
iii bra/ 5i:e
.5 m...$175 1m...S2251.5 m...$275 2m S325 3m $425
22 awg LOG Drainwrre
ACI VIDEO /DIGITAL Z" 4 ,double balanced,

22 awg FPCCopper FPC
said FPC-6 copper, polypropylene.
Polypropylene Insulation
22 awg FPC-6 Copper Foil Shield
Primary Teflon Insulatron PVC Jacket (UL CU)
Foam Insulation
20 awg FPC Copper
Foil /Mylar,' Foil Shield 5m pr....$134 1mpr....$198 1.5m pr....S112 2m pr....5126 18 awg LOO Copper
Braided Shield LOC 3nr pr....5154 4m p....$182 Sin pr....1210 6m pr....1238 Primary PE Insulation
PVC Jacket w /XLRs .5m pr....$141 1rn pr....$156 1.5m pr....$169 PP Filler
20 awg FPC Copper
Mylar Binder
.5 m...1872•1 m...SeS 1.5 m...S97.2m...S110 S135 AO TOPAZ X 2TN, dotes balanced, polypropy- 18 awg FPC Copper
PVC Jacket (UL CU)
lene sold L. Primary PE Insulation
per, teflon. d Indigo 2, Dark Blue 66.00 /foot
Mylar Biner
22 awg LGC Copper PVC Jacket (UL CU) Custom prep. 8' pr.. $156 lope.. $180 12' pr.. $204
Primary Teflon Insulation Single &wire 8 pr .5170 10'pf...S195 12 pr...S219

Foam Insulation Midnight 3, Dark Blue S16 foot Double Brwire 8' pr...S272 10'pr...5320 12' pr...$368

Foil Mylar Foil Shield 8' pr...S316 10'pr...$380

AO TYPE 6"", 6conductor Hypertaz /LGC oapper.
SInglezBeware 8' pr...S330 101:4...S3115 12' pr...S460

Braided Shield LGC
Long Double &wire 8' pr.. .5592 11Tpr...S720 12' pr...1018
PVC Jacket (UL CU) Grain
Copper éld Mai
5m S27 1m .530 1.5 m .533 2m...$36 3m...S42
22 awg LOG Drainwire
Silver Video 22 awg Lt3C Copper Single Berke
Polypropylene Insulation
Foil Shield
PVC Jacket (UL CL2)
'Mos. 111111‘11,i:C
Double Biwire 13 AWG
.5m pr....S57 lm pr....S65 1.5m pr $73 2m pr....181 18 awg LOG Copper
In pr... $97 4m pr....5113 5m pr....S129 6m pr....S145 AC) CRYSTAL T", uses twelve sold conductors, Primary PE Insulation
spiraled together in a Hybnd Hyperlitz array. Sex con-
PP Filler
ductors are 18 awg LGC copper and six are 20 awg
Mylar Binder
AQ TURCIUOISE X2"", double balanced •
sold FPC copper. The FPC copper acts like abypass, allow-
PVC Jacket (UL CU)
ing most of the high frequency benefrts of this supenor
L. UL CL-3. matenal. The less expensive LGC copper provides bulk
so Crystal provides apowerful full range sound Together Type 6, slate Bk. 64 /foot
the LGC and FPC allow Crystal to have extraordinary Custom prep. 8 pr...$100 10' pr...S116 12' pr...S132
Silver Video Cables for ultra-high resolution, and
performance at areasonable pnce. Double awire 6' pr.. $175 Opr...5207 to
extended linear bandwidth for superb transfer.
M 1030e .5m...S30 m...$40 15m. .550 2m...560 ACI TYPE em, 4conductor Hyperktz /LGC copper
M 500V" .5m...$20 Im...52.5 1.5m...S30 2m.. $35
- _G% 1 actual si:e
M10005%9" 445 1,11_155 1.5m...565 2m...$75 Copper
M 500SV' 5rn...S30 lm...535 1.5m...540 2m...545
22 awg LOC Drainwire
M Silver Digital" .5m...S70 1m...5100 2m...$130
22 awg WC Copper _ -- FPC
M Light Speed •woo. .551.5100 1....$1 50
ILS-100• Ft« Optic lm...540 2m...$45 6m...575 CO Primary PVC Insulation
Foil Shield LOC

PVC Jacket (UL CU)

Willis! si:e
5. Pr..$35 lm pr....239 1.5m pr. $43 2m pr.....$47 20 awg FPC Copper 15 AWG
3m pr....165 4m pr. .163 5m pr S71 6m pr....S79 18 awg MX Copper 20 awg LOC Copper
Primary PE Insulation 17 awg LGC Copper
AD JADE"", Symmetncal Coax. sold L. UL CL-3
PP Filler Primary PE Insulation
Mylar Binder
PP Filler
PVC Jacket (UL CU)
Mylar Binder
Crystal, Slate Blue $9 /foot - PVC Jacket
Custom prep 8 pr.. .5204 12 'pr.. .5240 12' pr...5276 Illae
« 4, (Stereophile Bec Comp $551 $2.50 /ft
Single Elmore 13 pr...S219 10 'pr...S255 12' pr...$290 Cum°. pep. 8 pr.. 470 10 pr...S86 12 pr...$913
iii l „„/ 8 nwe 8 'Pr.•.$368 10 'pr...S440 12' pr...6612 Double Etivare 6 pr...S127 frp....$147 10' pr...$167

22 awg LOC Copper Neg.
419 14th Ave. S.E. •Mpls, MN 55414
22 awg LOC Copper Pos.
Audio /Video Combo Kits Primary PVC Insulation
PP Filler ne , a31
M 10001/ 1000V .5m...6175 1m...S225 15m...$275
Fod Shield

I/ 800 •229 •0644

M 9501/ 1000 V .5m...$100 1m...5150 5m...S200
M850/ 1000V .5m...91110 lm...$100 I5m...$125 PVC Jacket (UL CU)
M 550 I/500 V .5m...980 1m.. $70 15m...$80 Sin pr....11261.5m pc ...$27. 2m pr....S30
M 3501 /500V .5m...650 1m...$60 15er.. 570 3rn or...$36 4m p....$40 Sm pr... $45 6m pr....S50
612 -378 -0543 •FAX 378 -9024 •E-Mail
STRAIGHT WIRE' Ill It OSO Reference Inter-
connects use individually Insulated ultra pure 15% snyyTIKT WIRE Encore Premium Interconnect
silver /85% copper conductors and microporous smniGHT winE MAESTRO II Reference Inter- Rhapsody Il
uses aclear PVC jacket over red fabnc braid /OFHC
foam teflon Insulation. GOLD VERSION (for tube connects (Stereophile Rec. Comp.) have apearl white coated conductors foam teflon insulation /balanced
elec.. hybrid6 8 laid back solkestate) has ultra low
inductance and PLATINUM VERSION (for most solid
fabric braid and clear outer jacket. Certified coated
copper conductors and mecroporous foam teflon tape
snvuumir WIRE RHAPSODY Il Premium Inter-
geometry /gold teflon phono plugs. Priced per pair!

connects use clear PVC jacket over blue fabnc brad / .5m $90 tin $100 15m $120 2m $140
state pieces). SPECIAL FEATURE -different cable are combined in two distinct designs -dual coax BM)
OFF-IC coated conductors foam teflon insulation /twin 3m $180 4m $220 5m $260 6m $300
designs for BALANCED (Premium XLR Plugs) and (for balanced use) and symmetncal coax MSI (for un-
balanced application) -each at the same once. symmetrical balanced geometry premium gold teflon
UNBALANCED (Locking Gold PHONO plugs) at Encore Premium Speaker Cables use clear PVC jack-
phono plugs or XLFts same puce Priced per pair!
same price! Priced per paid Priced per pair! et over red fabric braid/symmetrical coaxial geometry
.5 in $1201 mn $150 1.5m $180 2m $210 12 gauge coated OFHC conductors /foam teflon in-
5m S300 ru $450 1.5m $600 2m $750 .5m $195 1m $275 1.5in $355 2m $435
3rn $270 am $330 5m $390 6m $450 sulation. $8 /ft Priced per pair!
315.51050 4m.. $1350 5rn...$1650 6m...51950 3m $595 4m $755 Sin $915 6m $1075
RHAPSODY II Premium Speaker
VIRTUOSO Reference Speaker NIAESTRO II Reference Speaker Cable 511 $112 811 $160 10 ft $192 12 ft $224
Cables use clear PVC jacket over
Cables have symmetrical coaxial (Stereophile Rec. Comp.) has 384 Double Biwire: art...8320 1011 .S384 12 ft $448
blue fabnc brad /symmetrical co-
geometry with unique 15% silver/ strands of 32 GA. cerfified coated
axial geometry 11 gauge coated
85% copper certified coated con- copper in asymmetrical coaxial de-
sign with precision wrapped mi-
OFHC conductors/ foam teflon in- Musicable II
ductors and cold wrapped mi-
sulation. "Rhapsody is renowned 5, ,
croporous foam teflon tape to croporous teflon tape and a hybnd
its exceptional rendering of sp
minimize conductor damage dur- TPR non conductive core. Pearl white ..•••••••,
details S15 /ft. Priced per pair.'
ing construction...GOLD for planar and laid back pre- fabric braid is non-conductive and creates
sentation speakers); PLATINUM (for dynamic and up acontrolled ar-space insulation for the outer braid. 5ft. $38088..56601011...$680 12 It _5800 1511 11980
front Image speakers) at same once! $30 /ft. Priced per paid Double Biwire 8tt $1120 tft $1360 i211 51600
S50 /ff. Priced per pair!
511 5380811 $460109...9680 1211 $800159 $980 '

5it $6508 rt $950 10 ft $1150 1211 $1350 Double Biwire: 8ft..41120 1011 $1360 12 ft.-81600
Double Biwire: 8ft. $1900 1011...$2300 12 ft S2700 STRAIGHT WIRE Musicabee It Interconnects use
. ... voir OFC conductors /polyptopy-
lene insulation braided copper shield/gold phono plugs

Laser /silver solder. Priced per pair!

fiat $26 $30 i5m $34 2m $38

srRAIGHT wiRE Mega-Link Premium Digital /

3, $45 • 554 5r5 $62 6m $70

Video cables use clear jacket over black fabnc braid

wfolue tracer/ 75 OHM coaxial geometry coated high
purity silver /copper conductors /foam tellon Insula-
tion. Available in RCA, XLR, BNC -same puce.

.5rn $85 1m $120 1.5m $156 21e $190


sTRAIGHT WIRE Silver-Link II /Video ca-
bles use clear PVC Jacket over silver braid /75 OHM
coaxial geometry silver plated OFHC conductors/ duel
shield design.
STRAIGHT WIRE Laser Link II Interconnect uses
burgundy PVC jacket /OFHC copper conductors /te- 5m $43 1m $50 1.5m 858 2m $66
flon insulation coaxial geometry /gold phono plugs /
silver solder Priced per pair! Video-S
.5m $54 Int $70 1Sin $84 2m $98

3m $126 4m $154 Sin $182 6m $210
Laser 8 Speaker Cables use turquoise PVC jacket /8 ma« WIRE Duel BNVIre Speaker Cables
use navy blue PVC jacket /(12)18 gauge coated OFHC
OFHC conductor /12 gauge per polarity polypropy-
lene insulation /helical geometry.
sTRAIGHT WIRE Video -S, S-Video Cables use conductors hybnd foam TPA insulation /helical geom-
clear PVC locket over silver braid /twin 75 OHM coax- etry. S12 /ft. Priced per pair!
$4 /ft. Priced per pair!
el geometry silver plated OFHC conductors /preen,-
511 . $60 811 584 10ft $100 1211 $120 urn gold S VIdeo connectors. 5it $164 811 $236 10 ft $284 12 ft $332
$7 , 1 5rnii i$77 . 60, $14.5 Single Biwire: 811 $251 10 ft...$299 12 ft $347
Double B,wIre: 88..$188 10ft...5200 1211 1240
Double Biwire: 85...5472 10 ft...$568 12 ft...$664

STRAIGHT WIRE STFINGHT wIRE Octave &Wire Speaker Cables

CONNECTORS use navy blue PVC jacket /(8) 18 gauge coated OFHC
conductors hybnd foam TPA insulation /helical geom-
etry S8/ ft. Priced per pair!

fr $112 811 $160 10 ft $102 12 $224

Single Biwire: 8It 4171 10 ft...$203 12 ft 8235
A AO Double Direct-Gold Banana $30 /2pc set
Double Biwire: 8ft $320 10 8..4384 12 ft $448

B AO Single Direct-Gold Banana $18/4 pc set

STRAIGHT WIRE Sextet BiWire Speaker Cables

C AO *P-814 OFHC Spade $15 /4 pc se
use navy blue PVC ocket /6OFHC 14 gauge conduc- AO Direct Goldplated Spade 750 ea
tors hybnd thermal plastic rubber Insulatein /helical D KimberKable Post Master $14/2 pc set
geometry. $5 /ft. Priced per pair! E Phoenix Flexi-Connect Pins $0/ 4pc set
8ft 5100 1011 $120 1211 $140 15ft $170 F Phoenix Crimp-On Banana $8/4 pc set
Single Biwire: 8 $108 10 ft...$128 12 ft $148 G Raskin Deluxe Banana $77 /2pc set
G Double Biwire: 8It $200 10 ft...$240 12 ft 5280 H Raskin Silver Satin R.C.A $3 ea.
AO Jade /Turquoise R.C.A. .. $20 /4pc/ $25 /4pc
A Debe Single Banana Plugs S25 /4 pc set G Gold Spades 75. ea snvyGHT yam Quartet Bierire Speaker Ca- AO TOPAZ /RUBY R.C.A. $30 /$35 /4pc set
B Gold Teflon RCA Plug enen 49 /each H Gold Large Spades S1 ea. bles use navy blue PVC jacket /4 OFF-IC 14 gauge AO CMARTZ Kimber $60 /4pc /550 /2pc
C Gold Teflon RCA Plug 9.5mm $14 /each Gold Jumbo Spades 3/8" $10 /4pc set conductors hybrid thermal plastic rubber insuLaboin / I Phoenix Crimp-On Pins $6 /4 pc set
D Gold Locking RCA Plug 10.5mm $161 each I Gold Female RCA $3/ eac h helical geometry. S3/ ft.. Priced per pair!
J Phoenix Gold Dual Banana $9 ea.
E Delux Locking Banana Plugs $30 /4pc set J Gold RCA Plug /Black Barrett 30/each 88 $63 1011 $75 1211 $87 15ft $105 K Monster Cable X Terminators $30 /2pc set
Crimp-on Single Bananas $10 /4pc set K Gold RCA Plug /Silver Barrett $3 /each Single Blwire: 8ft...$71 10 8..483 1211 1195 L AudioTruth Opal 8 Emerald R.C.A. $100 /4pc
F Gold Pins SI /each Neutrik Gold XLR Plug $12 /each Double Biwire: 88..4126 10 8..4160 12 ft 5174 AudioTruth Lapis 8 Diamond R.C.A $150 /4pu
e•sue II,
— .

ts _


#1 & .12 Power Cleaner & Record Preservative
NI Power Cleaner (1/2 oz) $25 (404.4145 Combo Kit $48
82 Record Preservative (2 oz) ...$251160z)...$145 02 & 03 Record Preservative & Record
#3 Record Cleaner $16 (2oz) Cleaner Combo Kit $39
$50 (1 gal. mach.fluid) #1, #2 & *3 Power Cleaner, Preservative &
#4 Stylus Cleaner $14 (2 oz) Record Cleaner Combo Kit $63
MODEL 1.0 Manual appIrcatron of fiord. manual brush-
#4 & #5 Stylus Cleaner & Stylast Treatment
ing 8 rotating during vacuuming $199 MODEL 1.5 Fl Auto fluid appleaten auto-scrub, auto #5 Stylast Stylus Treatment. ... $22 (1/4 oz)
Combo Kit $39
rotation. vinyl wood grain cabinet $399 Stylus Brush $2

RECORD MASTER cleans 45s. 78s. &LPs manually wren
built-in adapter $219 Microfiber Applicator Brushes #1, #2, #3, #4 & #5 Power Cleaner, Record
MODEL MINI PRO 1Wets, scrubs and vacuums both
CD Cleaner /Treatment $1695 (1 oz) Preservative, Record Cleaner, Stylus Cleaner
MODEL 1.5 Automate scrubbing. automatic rotation. sides simultaneously. Slide-out waste turd tray. unyt wood
slide-out waste fluid tray $335 grain cabinet $599 DIGI -LASTT. CD Protecttve Shields .$12 20 pc & Stylast Treatment Combo Kit $99

Bang & Olufsen
Beocom 1400
High Fidelity
Telephone _5100

Kou OZ /2000 revolutionary micro- SHAKTI Amazing electromagnetic

gene nose retice:n technology removes
outside nose 8reduces listener fatigue. stabilizer $230
Great for air travel $179
Pioneering Original Danish Gold Aero & Sovtek Tubes
Design.. $150 Call for sizes and PrIC , 1

discvvasher 6. UltraClarifier Tabletop Model reduces

finger bique -Anyone can easy hou' ris
tiret differences in sound quality -HIGH
1993 -My favorite $119
Waeranly Beocom 2000

Koss ESP 950 $599 ccawi

Th. inicrediiine AecIro,tabc stereopbone CD *Weer heroece con.
ART 0-151 S50 DANISH viere. $35
is PORTABLE, it connes complete with
Pro Gold 05 $15" its own carrrng case and separate bat- DESIGN Debate CO HydroBalh cornes can Battery Eliminator AC
ART TR 30 $50 terry pack 'My favorite , piety with AC adapter .. $49 pose xeetv OW. erro eel
Prof. Tape Head Cleaner sou. $19
OSIER Standard 1.0 rx1" $59 / .
oudioguest Ultra Connect $39 Inane to Wm. Orto nwe.
oudioguest Laser Guide . $29 HI3590 _4299 Large 1.5 1-1/4'91-1/5" $99/ our meld belle" SENSIBLE
Large 2.0 1-1firer 4p. SOUNDWDAZIE Saints
1993. Seres Bare
530 Paperback
$40 Hardcover
Gryphon Exorcist
Beocom 1600 StreamInned: extra CD Laser Lens Cleaner $17 Dispels magnetic
large keypad $200 build-up in
MICHAEL Beocom 2400 Same as 1600 with sensitive audio
GREEN 100 name directory $250 circuits. .$150
Duplex Outlet
by Hubbell
• $14.95 /each ART 0 Damper Feet ..S120 , pc

AO Big Feet Seto 4obsi S60
AO RF Stoppers Jr. u rut.
Sonic Circles Stabilizer Rings 4o CD Feet Ky./20e.) $39 ART CD
$39 /six sen UP 5pc 811/10pc $25/ 25 pc »SO Stick Sheet 111-1.6 -1 515 0 Damper Mat...5135
Beotalk 1400 Combo answering
AO RF Stoppers Extra strength Fente

RF nteneeece. fit lo machine /telephone $300
419 14th Ave. S.E. •Mpls, MN 55414
$39 /a orse
- ,
FUISKIN Cuffs Ye> ... $19 / pc
SI 5
US« Cable Cutts mom .... $11 2Pc

1 CO STOP tee
MUSIC HALL CD 32 w/remote 800 •229 •064 4
"The best sounding $300 CD
$15 ea /2tor $14 ea /3tor $13 player Ihave yet heard." .$299
812 -378 -0543 • FAX 378 -9024 • E-Mail
(ertridge .11ignment Tool
Record Brushes
r1cl uSC rIGS

41W.- Benz MC Demagnetizer

Cartridge Demagnetizer S199

Record Clamps
Stanton VC-1 Professional Record
Cleaning Brush 8Fluid $30

MILLENNIA Open chassis Vacuum Turntable in Stabi turntable with armboard 512200 ORCIV GLIDE Record Treatment -anti-
gloss black $6400 static preserver and cleaner.
COSMOS High Gloss Black Acrylic Larninateon Stereophtle Recommended Component
mobtie tiadnitty
Treats 150 LPs $29

ened MPF $5000
_ mound Sub
COSMOS Black or Gray Matrix /Architectural Whit.
Fountainhead $4500 MO -FI CEO DISC"' $30
NOVA Black Acrylic. Light. Dark Black Oak $2795
The GEO-DISC'm features an
NOVA Senes VTumtable. with VaCtsvn Hold Down System easy to use, 3-dimensional vi-
with Cosmos Platter oSatin Block $2995 sual alignment system for
STAR Back Acrylic. Light. Dark .Black Oak $2495 rapid, uncomplicated cartridge
STAR Saes VTurntable. with Vacurn Hold Down System. THE PIG RECORD GRIP $12 alignment. In just minutes it
In Satin Black $2395 SOUTHERN CLEAVER CLAMP $30 provides critical alignment to
SOTA ICLAMP Myfavorite $50 within .003 of an inch. The
SOTA REFLEX CLAMP $179 proper and precise alignment discwasher D4 Brush System. $19
SME 20-C 1he LlItquate Clarno5250 with the GEO-DISC'u can lit-
erally result in asonic improve-
TD-180 MK in 3-speed (33. 45. 781 $425 ART 0 Damper Stabilizer $330
ment as significant as the ad-
TD-280 MK iv features new suspension design $425 hlarmonix Tuned Stabilizer $495
dition of a new stereo compo-
TD-318 MK id suspension design /w/auto-lift $599 nent... at afraction of the price.
TD-320 MK isuspension design /w/auto -16 $775 Record Mats "My favorite."
TD-520 w.TP90 tonearm $1799 Hunt EDA Record Brush $20
TD-520 wSME -312 tonearrn $3799 S
Prestige The Ultimatelhor tine $14,500

SAPPHIRE Black Acrylic. Light. Dark. Black Oak

SAPPHIRE Seres IV Turntable in Sato Black
~Min discwasher D-Stat II Mat .. $12
oudioguest Sorbothane Record
Stylus Tracking Force Gauge .... $14
OTIO10.1 Stylus Force Gauge


Mat 1/8" thiCk, damps record arid

platter "My favorite. $60 AO Record Brush over 1Million
Ringmat MK II $75 conductive carbon fibers clean and
Sota Supermat 5100 control static $15
Cartridge Demagnetizer
ARTO Damper Mat $330
Harmonis Tuned Platter $595 Reissued by popular demand. the Phono Preamplifiers
Arnazing"Cardas Sweep Record.
Ultrasonically cleans stylus and can-
Tonearm Never Degausses cartndge and De-
er system components $17
Pro-jsct 6w/AOC XT cartridge $599 discwasher
Pro-Nd 6w/13kre Pant Special =tide .$7461 SC-2 Stylus Care
System $7 GOLD AERO db45 Signature
SATELLITE BLIck Acrylic, Light. Dark. Black Oak $950 Phono Preamplifier $1000
SC-2 Refill
SATELLITE Satin Black Senes II Upgradable $875 GOLD AERO db4.5 $800
oudioquest Z 1.2m /$95 Fluid $2
oudioquest Emerald 1.2m /S150
nudioguest Pro 1.2m /$275
Kimberkable KCAG lm /5350
MO« WIN Maestro II...1m /5180
WAGE WM Virtuoso Im /$180

Record Sleeves CREEK OBH-9 Moving Coil Phono

160z 607 $249
Cartridge Amplifier
Pro-ject 1.2 w/ADC XT cartridge (diamond) $349 CREEK OBH-8 Moving Magnet
Pro-jest 1.2 wfBke Pont cartridge 9435 Phono Cartridge Ampltfler $199
—- --—-
\ 1 ,,
Illtemernm,....-e\ Mo-Fi Rice Paper Sleeves

DENON ', .,
discwasher VRP Sleeves
(10)...$7 (60)...$33 Audio Alchemy Vac-in-the-box

\ 12 'Rcepaper Sleeves 15042011001040 MM /MC Preamplifier $200
_ 1
ed or
ly Orders . .. 450, 85o 'e
S2 e $14.
COMET nGloss Black Acrylic w/cartndge $629 )12" Fitted Oct Resealable 501 810
COMET Gray Matou /Sato Black w/cartridge $579 ' 12 Paper rPoly Inners 50) S15
COMET Gray Matru w/Surniko Blue Pont Speaal $749
•'Paper Inners 150) 81250
'old Paper Inners 78s 1501 020
Headshell O.E.D. Dtscsaver mm
,',Ay Orders 1501 53

low /Poly Inners .50) 57
Picerinms .1501. 54
Leads ..„..eriee'

-1..e.:I i } No-Name MM

DB Systems
Protractor $35 oudioguest BUS'. LC-OFC $15 Tonearms
Sumiko Premier HL-29 $12
DENON DP25F w AT, cartridge $150 Sumiko Silver 32 mm $26
DENON DP7F W, Stanton cartridge $299 Sumiko Silver 50 mm $32
DENON DP23F w1 ADC XT cartridge $399
DENON DP47F w /ADC XT cartridge $599 Carbon Uncle Bill's Tweezers
Fiber Alurnmurn
DUAL CS415-1S w fDual cartridge $299
DUAL CS435s w Dual cartndge 9399 Kuzma Stool Reference S1,840
Esoteric Sound RAS 78 RPM Player $275 Kuzma Slog, 5950
Esoteric Sound Vintage 78 RPM Player $345 Great for Head Shell Leads $.5" oudioquest PT -8 5750
Moonbeam w /ADC XT cartridge $399 JVC AL-A151 Senv- automatic $120 $15 oudioquest PT .7 $625
ROSKIN Tonearm Wrap 520
Moonbeam w /Sumiko Blue Point $499 Kenwood KD-291R /KD-492 F $99 /$189 $15 Sumiko Analog Surs,, 550 oudioquest PT-6 5495
BENZ el5 MICRO Blue Oasis clearaudio GRADO ortofon

SHO RE-Tip $1800 /1200

MC-7500 /RE-11p ... .$20001 81500 Trade 51500
Blue Oasis (.4 rn .. $1899 MC-5000 /RE-Tip .. $1600/ 51300 en$111111. Transfiguration
GAMMA-S IRE-T(p 58.50 /$425 Temper Trade Wcartndge cost over
RE-Tip (exchange) $1299 ZTE+1 /Stylus $30 /$20 MC-3000 /RE-Tip .. $1300 /51160
MC Ruby 53000 DELTA-S RE-T $1400 /$700 51000 $2600
ZCE+1 /Stylus $35 /$30 Temper Trade wicartridge cost
Trade other cartndges) .$2000 SIGNATURE $2300
2F3E+ /Stylus S40 /533 under $1000 $3150
Reference $2500 RE TIp $1150
Tradeeher cartodges) $1750 ACCURATE /RE-Tip S3990 /$1995 ZF2+ /Stylus $55 /$36
MC H 0 $1200 INSIDER /RE-T(p 57500 /53750 2F1+ /Stylus $65 /545
Trade (other cartrIdges) $1000 Zn/Stylus $85/ S55
MC MO.9 $1200
21+ /Stylus $95 /S75
Trade (other cartridges) $1000 DENON Spanature Jr. /Stylus $119 /$62
MC L0.4 $1200
22. /Stylus $130 /5110
Trade (other cartr(dges) $1000
8MZ /Stylus $170 /$90
MCZ II /Stylus .. $255 /5135 MC-30 Super Mark II $499
RE -Tip (exchange 5409 Blue Point Special $225
TLZ /Stylus $400 /$225
MC-20 Super Mark II 5399 RE-Tip (exchange) $195
0C9 /RE-Tip 4250 /5200 XTZ /Stylus $600 /$375
RE-Tip (exchange( 5319
MC-10 Super Mark Il $299

GOLDRING RE-Tip (exchange)

MC-15 Super Mark II
RE-Tip (exchange) 5174
MC-10 Super $125
Gilder .1 mV or new 22 m1/I 5750 RE -TIP (exchange) $105
New Glider high output 2.2mV
Trade /RE-Tip $600 /$400 Blue Point /RE-Tip 4119 /$95
RE-Tip 8P to BPS $109

ML150 /Stylus .. 3250 /$200

EXCEL I5mV; Van den Hul 1) 41165

RE -TIP (exchange) $800

Peed/ Stylus $80 /545

Black Pearl /Stylus 350 /$35
DL110/ RE-Tip $140 /$70
Oyster /Stylus S30 /$20
Gold1.4 mV) /Silver mV) $350 D1.160 / $180 /190 X5-MC /RE-Top $18S/ $149
Trade (other cartrOges)
RE-Tip (upgrade)
$3300 440 ML / • 599 /569
X3-MC /RE .1.1p
$89 /573 il 5 I—I 1=2 E
RE-Tip (exchange) 5195 120 E /T / • 560 540 DYNAVECTOR MC•3 Turbo /RE -Tp .81501 8125

05› edek
MC-1 Turbo /RE-Tip .$100 /$84

ELITE (.5 mV, Gyger I) $517

RE-Tip (exchange) $aso

132 EP /Stylus $89/ 865 DISCONTINUED

MC20E11 (2.5 mV) $150 XX-1 rnY) /XX-1L (25 mY) $1199 V15 Type V MR no longer available
0M-30 Super /tin $150 /579 VN5MR Stylus $115
RE -Tip (exchange) 595 RE-Tip (exchange) $699
0M-20 Super /Stilus $95/560

0M-10 Super /Stylus
OM-SE / lus
0M-3E /Stylus
$50 /$30
525 /520
331 LP /Stylus $50 /$40 EROICA LX (5 rn1/: Gyger 115315
RE-Tip (exchange) $225
316 EP /Stylus $45 /$35
EROICA (2.5 Gyger II) $270
311 EP/Stylus $40 /S30
.41.1111e .' RE -Tip (exchange) $180
301 EP /Stylus $35 /$25

300 P /Stylus $36 /520 10X4 Mark Il 12 0nIVI $289

MMC 1 (nude line contact( $400
92 ECO /Stylus 550 /$40 RE-Tip (exchange) $235
MMC 2 (nude the contact( $225 FF15XE2 /Stylus $40 /530
91 ECD /Stylus G40 /$30 Collector's Series 100 $199
MMC 4 leapocal dumondi $100
CS-100 Stylus $125
90 ECO /Stylus 430 /$20
881 Midis /Stylus .. $130 /$59
3482P /Stylus $.30 /520 681EEE Mkt1 /Stylus $90 /$50
680EE /Stylus 549 /530
500E Mkt' (plc not shown) $25

MMC 20 CLR contact! $230 TM-20UD /Stylus 595 /560

MMC 20 S /R )eliipticall .8125 50X Mark 11 (2 0rrV) $235 TM-14UD /Stylus 550 /$30
SP12 pcture not shown) $100 RE-Tip (exchange) $189
TM-7U /Stylus 535 /$25
SP14 o(cture not shown( ... $55 1042 /Stylus 5247 /$150
OMP-10 /Stylus $50 /$30
102200 /Stylus 3180 /$120 L725E / $50 /$30
OMP-5E /Stylus 535 /$25

71 ELC /Stylus ...440 /$30 1012GX /Stylus 3135 /$80 L720EE / .- $40 /525
1006 /Stylus $89/ $55 OMP-3E /Stylus $25 /$20 STC-710 / $30 /$20
70 L /Stylus $30 /520

JERRY RAsKiNs 419 14th Ave. S.E. •Mpls, MN 55414

• ...I, .1
1702 Mark 11115 mV) • $689
RE -Tip (exchange) $549 8 00 •2 29 •06 44
23RS Mark II (.15 mV) . $399
612 -378 -0543 •FAX 378 -9024 •E-Mail
60 7000Fe5TM $2550 CN 5625 AL /SIhis S30 /$20 RE -Tip (exchange) $339
ao« Iiee
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Acóesier„ ,
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Camera Shop of Hanover (315) 451-2707 (216) 449-4434 (717) 737-7775 (214) 247-1487 Audio Waves
(603) 643-4545 Signature Sound Toledo Jenkintown Home Entertainment (206) 348-3311
(315) 622-4137 Jamiesons' The Stereo Trading Outlet (214) 931-2102 Seattle
Dartmouth Bookstore
Lynbrook (419) 882-2571 (215) 886-1650 Bulldog News
(603) 643-1233 Krystal Klear Audio
American Audiophile Trading Paragon Sound King of Prussia (214) 520-7156 (206) 632-6397
(516) 887-7530 (419) 882-1010 Tower RecordsNideo #830 Definitive Audio
Book Ends El Paso
Merrick (610) 265-2525 (206) 524-6633
(603) 673-0851 Soundquest
Nashua Performance Audio OKLAHOMA Philadelphia (915) 779-5421
David Lewis Audio Hawthorne Stereo
Ensemble (516) 378-4389 Bartlesville Houston (206) 522-9609
Mount Kisco The Sound Station (215) 725-1177
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NEW JERSEY Contemporary Sound (707) 374-0150 The Groove Audio Video Silverdale
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South Charleston
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Johnson City
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Ridgewood (212) 685-8101 Alpine Audio
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Sounding Board Sound by Singer' PENNSYLVANIA Memphis (540) 628-3177 (414) 438-1818
(201) 445-5006 (212) 924-8600 Allentown Centreville
Underground Sound Madison
Trenton Stereo Exchange Take 5Visual Sound Systems (901) 272-1275 Gifted Listener Audio University Audio
Hal's Stereo and Video (212) 505-1111 (610) 791-5151 (703) 818-8000 (608) 284-0001
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T.D. Electronics (615) 327-4312 Wisconsin Rapids
Verona (718) 528-4956 Trac Records Audio Art Salon I
Audio Connection
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CANADA Toronto Valle MEXICO SWITZERLAND National Dealer Distributor
Brack Electronics SK Sound National Distributor National Distributor Wollaton
National Distributor Vissingsgade 71
69 Front St E. Wollaton Audio
DeWinton, Alberta México Geneva Tel (44) 115-928-4147
Ruehle Marketing Great National Sound Heaven Sound Hi-Fi Portier
Box 24. Site One. RR1 615 Queen St W. FRANCE Tel: (52) 5-563-3187 Tel (41) 22-784-0050
Fax: (44) 115-928-0625
L'Atelier Grigorian National Distributor Fax: (52) 5-563-8110 Fax: (41) 22-784-2904 Belfast
ALBERTA 70 Yorkville Ave Toulouse Zeus Audio
Calgary Unionville Acoustic Precision Sarl NETHERLANDS THAILAND 2-4 Great Victoria St
K&W Audio Digital Hi-End Tel: (33) 61-75-00-64 See Benelux Bangkok Bury St. Edmunds
1424 Fourth St SW 5221 Hwy 703 Fax: (33) 61-73-58-82 Focal Bury Audio
Waterloo Audio Salon NEW ZEALAND 207 Bangkok Bazaar 47 Churchgate St
Loyalty Sound. Ltd.
1107 Eighth St SW Soundstage Tel: (33) 61-12-33-66 National Distributor Rajadamn Rd London
59 Regina St N. Brest KJ Leisuresound
Smart Audio Video Pelone, Wellington Future Land 26 New Cavendish St
Whitby Brazil D.R. Britton
4216 12th St NE. Bay 1 Tel: (33) 98-43-1188 Amarin Plaza. 3rd Floor
American Sound Whitby Tel: (64) 4-6366-272 Musical Images
Sounds of Music Pleonchit Rd
233 Brock St S. Cannes Fax: (64) 4-5688-065 18 Monmouth St
220 Seventh Ave SW Pathumwan, Rumpinee
Vector Oxford
Edmonton Tel: (33) 92-99-0720 Mining Group Limited
QU ÉBEC NORWAY Tel: (66) 2-241-5330
Oxford Audio Consultants
Audio Ark Paris Park End St
10745 124th St Montréal National Distributor Fax: (66) 2-243-4057
Opus Audio Affirmative Reading
Audio Plus Tel: (33) 47-34-1682 Eidsvaagneset
5154 boul. Decade TRINIDAD , Reading Hili
9934 82nd Ave Audio Media
Son OrfFiltronique Port Royal Audio Broad Street Mall
Tel/Fax: (47) 55-25-62-14 WEST INDIES
Medicine Hat 9343 Lajeunesse Tel: (33) 30-64-9222
Audio Excellence National Distributor
657 Second St SE
C.O.R.A. Tel: (33) 40-20-9528 San Fernando Caracas
National Distributor Advance Hi-Fi 95
131-18 Rue E. Ardica
BRITISH COLUMBIA GERMANY Quezon City Tel: (809) 652-3247 Tel/Fax -(58) 2979-1844
Burnaby ROTAC électronique Ramcar Fax: (809) 674-9115
Book Warehouse National Distributor Tel/Fax: (63) 2-922-1108
2873 Chemin Ste-Foy
4820 Kingsway #M163 Geisenheim-Stephanshausen TURKEY YUGOSLAVIA
Coquitlam Eclectic Audio POLAND Istanbul Belgrade
Austin Books
ARGENTINA Tel: (49) 6722-8060 Warsaw RKD Muzik Vox Trade
1105 Austin Ave National Distributor Fax: (49) 6722-8067 Hifi Sound Studio. Ltd. Tel (90) 212-241-3411 Tel: (381) 11-222-4322
Courlenay Buenos Aires Tel/Fax: (48) 2-774-8154 Fax: (90) 212-231-9673 Tel: (381) 11-140-689
Clarion Books 8. Music Raul Martinez GREECE
480 Sixth St Tel'Fax (54) 1-585-1413 National Distributor PORTUGAL UNITED KINGDOM
New Westminster Athens National Distributor National Newsstand
Royal Book Mart AUSTRALIA N.M. Acoustics Anadeen Distributor
600 Agnes St National Distributor Tel: (30) 1-292-2724 A¡asom Felthant
Richmond Fax: (30) 1-293-3168 Tel: (351) 1474-8709 COMAG Magazine Marketing
Templestowe, Victoria
Book Warehouse Audio 0Imports Fax: (351) 1475-1367 Tel: (44) 181-844-1000
6340-9 No .3 Rd Tel: (61) 3-1994-8413 HONG KONG Fax: (44) 181-751-2666
Vancouver Fax: (61) 3-9846-2407 National Distributor PUERTO RICO
Book Warehouse YK Audio Rio Piedras Heights
632 W. Broadway Tel (8522) 524-8775
1150 Robson St BALTIC STATES Speaker Warehouse
Fax: (8522) 845-0746 1701 Parana
2388 W. Fourth Ave Riga, Latvia
ATTrade Kowloon Branch Tel/Fax: (809) 274-0927
674 Granville St. 4th Floor
13th of January Street 13 Tel: (8522) 392-6368 San Juan
Elite Electronics Tel (3712) 211-688 Fax: (8522) 392-6328 Nova Electronics
2220 W. Broadway #101 Ave de Diego 270 Interior
Sikora's Classical Records BELGIUM INDONESIA Puerto Nuevo
432 W. Hastings St See Benelux Jakarta
The Soundroom MOS Electronics RUSSIA

2205 W. Fourth Ave Tel (6221) 692-7840 Moscow
BENELUX Fax: (6221) 625-1133 ATTrade
Sweet Thunder Records National Distributor Ostozhenka 37. Kor 3
575 Johnson St Vlijmen, Netherlands IRELAND Tel: (7) 095-291-5086
Durob Audio BV National Distributor Fax: (7) 095-291-5871
Dept. DC Publishing Esoterica

Blackrock, County Dublin
Tel: (31) 4108-12-555 Tel (7) 095-917-4385
Halifax Cloney Audio
Fax: (31) 4108-17-583 Fax: (7) 095-917-8762
Atlantic News Tel: (353) 1-288-8477
Hasselt, Belgium Fax: (353) 1-283-4887
5560 Morris St Neo Tek
Ghijsens HiFi Store Tel: (US) (408) 973-0946
Tel (32) 11-22-96-59 ITALY
ONTARIO Fax: (US) (408) 725-8335
Tel: (32) 11-22-95-71
Concord National Distributor The Purple Legion
Audio One BRUNEI Lucca 40/42 Maxim Gorky BRAND NAME

3200 Steeles Ave W. Bandar Seri Begawan Sound 8. Music Nabereznay
Auvisual Haven Tel: (39) 583-55-301 Tel: (7) 095-233-1442
Tel: (673) 244-88-40 Fax: (39) 583-419-115 Fax: (7) 095-248-3352
Village Audio —Westdale

1059 King St W. #2 Fax: (673) 244-88-41
Just Hi-Fi COSTA RICA National Distributor National Disluhu for
239 Princess St Curridiabat, San Jose
London Parlatek SA
AXISS Corporation
The Adelphi YOU'LL SWEAR
Stereophde Audio
London Audio Tel/Fax: (506) 225-8231 Tel: (81) 3-5410-0071 1Coleman St THEY'RE NEW
716 York St Fax: (81) 3-5410-0622 Tel/Fax: (65) 33-66-790
Euphonics Audio 8. Video National Distributor Tel: (65) 33-42-105
1480 Menvale Rd Split Seoul Fax: (65) 33-42-106
Oakville Media Audio Audio Mart
Oakville Audio Tel: (385) 589-742 Fax (82) 2-514-2089 •B-STOCK
210 Lakeshore Rd E. Fax: (385) 214-03-76
LUXEMBOURG National Distributor
Distinctive Audio CZECH REPUBLIC See Benelux Alberton, Gauteng •BUY, SELL
903 Carling Ave Prague Hi -Fi Excellence
Pembroke EGO High End Studio MACEDONIA Tel: (27) 11-907-9092 OR TRADE
Pembroke Audio Video Tel/Fax: (42) 2-691-1798 T.P. Kodi Export-Import Fax (27) 11-907-8399
69 Pembroke St W. Tel/Fax: (389) 91 11 83 66
Audio Empire National Distributor
National Distributor National Distributor
1003 Albion Rd Chariottenlund
Matrix Aps Kuala Lumpur Valencia
Richmond Hill
Tel: (45) 39-402-100 The Sound Stage Sarte Audio Elite
American Sound
Fax: (45) 39-402-340 Tel (60) 3-717-6969 Tel' (34) 6-351-0798
9108 Yonge St
Fax (60) 3-719-4188 Fax (34) 6-351-5254
Audio Excellence Copenhagen
8763-A Bayview Fredgaard Radio
Grand Electronics Hi-Fi Entusiasten FRENCH WEST INDIES National Distributor
19 Milliken Blvd Tagensvej 162 Saint Joseph Stockholm
Thornhill Rungsted Frequence Audio Conseil Hi -Fi Art
Brack Electronics North Hi-Fi Huset Tel: (596) 64 69 63 Tel: (46) 8-661-6300
7616 Yonge St Pennehave 7 Fax: (596) 57 96 39 Fax: (46) 8-660-2207


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.•••..•. V • V • •

STEREOPHILEs ALMOST COMPLETE RATES: Private, $1.10 per word, $22 minimum
INDEX lists may article that has appeared in on phone-in ads; Commercial, $3.85 per word,
lists every record review published in Stereophile
Stemphile from Vol3 No.1 through Vol.19 NoA $154 minimum on all commercial ads. (A word is
from Vol.10 No.1 through Vol.19 No.4 (January
(1971 through April 1996), and every component defined as one or more characters with aspace,
1987 through April 1996). Also includes indices
reviewed by Stenvphde since Vol.1 No.1. (Please note dash, or slash on either side.) PAYMENT: All
to "Building A Library" and musician interviews.
that an index does not include the review or article classified ads must be prepaid with order. Phone-
and indicates Records To Die For and Re-
texts.) Currently available only on 51
/"or 3'/2" flop-
4 in ads must be prepaid with order. Phone-in ads
cording of the Month. (Please note that an
py disks (MS-1)0S, raw ASCII only). Send $19.95 are credit-card only: MasterCard, Visa, American
index does not include the review texts.)
to Stenvphile Almost Complete hider, 208 Delgado Sr, Express. MAIL TO: Sterophik, Classified Ad
Available on 51 /"or 31
2 /"floppy disks (MS-DOS,
Santa NM 87501. Indicate disk size. Department, P.O. Box 5529, Santa Fe, NM rum
raw ASCII only). Send $9.95 to Srereophile
or CALL: (505) 983-9106. FAX: (505) 983-
Rirord-Reriew Index 208 Delgado Sc, Samara Ft; NM
6327. DEADLINE: Ads arc due on the first
ATTENTION QUAI) ANI) SPENDOR OWN- 87501. Indicate disk size.
working day of the month, two months in advance
ERS! Factory-authorized sales and/or service for Quad, of the issue in which your ad will appear. For
Spendor, Gradient. Entec, and Acoustic Panel Systems. example, if you want your ad to run in the July SII)EREALKAP -THE WORLIYS MOST MUS-
New and used Quad equipment bought/sold. 1996 Stereophile, you must submit it by May 1 ICALLY neutral audio capacitor regardless of price,
ESL/ESL-63 updates, stands, and subwoofer systems 1996. No refunds. pseudoscience, technobabble, or magic rituals. For
available. For further details, contact Mike or Randy, information, call, fax, or write to: SiderealKap, 1525
QS&D, 33 »Whirr Loop #108, Endericksburg, VA 22406, Brian Plan; Escondido, CA 92025. Tel: (619)743-19971;e
(540) 372-37114e (540) 372-3713. (619) 743-2192.
Franchised dealer for Nairn, Roksan, Music Reference, HI-FI '96
trol flutter echo, reduce reverberation and reflection
ESL, Spendor, Creek, Rep, Epos, Totem, Quad, Oniic, The Home Theater and Specialty Audio Show patterns. Fabric-wrapped, mid- to low-range-frequen-
JPW, Dynaco, OC-9, Sumiko, Goldring, Revolver, May 29* through June 2, 1996 cy panels, all sizes with EZ mounting. Ideal for inside
Target, and more. Always lots of used gear. Established at The Waldorf=Astoria, NYC corners/parallel walls. Visa/MC. Acoustical Panel
way back in 1979! (805) 658-8311. Systems, kw, (800) 277-7978.
'May 29-30 for Trade only -closed to the public.
May 29, 10am-6pin
Keeping you informed, entertained, and connected Iowa or without alocal dealer -don't despair. Audio
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Video Logic in 1)es Moines can help! Choose from
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forums, online shopping. Internet e-mail, newsroom, June 1, 9am-7pm Research, AudioQuest, CAL, Definitive Technology,
library, conferences. For details, e-mail TANINFO Dunlavy, Eminent Technology, Enlightened Audio,
June 2, 9am-6pm
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Owners: Upgrade through exchange to current updat- Magnum Dynalab, Martin-Logan, MIT, Power Wedge,
You can expect to see and hear hundreds of
ed Series ll Improved, Series III, and Series "R" mod- ProAc. Quad, Target, Theta, Transparent cables, Well
exhibits demonstrating the latest in top-perfor-
els. New SME headshells, Fluid 1)amper Kits, manuals Tempered, WireWorld, JF Woodworks. Audio
mance equipment, current high-end, and new
and parts. Audio "78" Archival Supplie,* P.O. Box 187 market entries in both the high-end audio and Excellence, Liverpool, NY, (315) 451-2707 Visa/MC/
San Ansehno, CA 94979, (415)457-7878. Honte Theater arenas. Plus, you'll find agrand Ante/Discover
STATE-OF-THE-ART CROSSOVER NETWORKS. selection of accessories, kits, and hard-to-find AT LAST! EVERYTHING YOU NEED to know
Upgrade any speaker system. Replacing your crossovers records and CDs. For exhibitor information, con- about buying and enjoying high-quality hi-fi! The
improves highs. increases dynamics, and creates abetter tact: Ken Nelson, Nelson and Associates, kw., 62 Cornplere Guide to High-End Audio, by Robert Harley. is
soundstage. Hovland Mttsicaps and software available. Windom. Rd, limiters, NY 10705. Tel: (914) 476- packed with inside secrets on getting high-end sound at
Free Design Guide. Allpass nyhnologie, Inc., 2844 3157 Fax: (914) 969-2746. To register for your free low prices, how to set up your system for the best
Chamiont Dr, Apopka, FL 32703-5972, (407)786-0623. Trade Badge, contact: Marna Rieland, Stereophile, sound, and how to become abetter listener. With more
WE CAN HELP YOU CHOOSE excellent-sound- 208 Delgado St, Santa Fe, NM 87501. (505) 982- than 450 pages and +200 photos and illustrations,
ing, dependable audio equipment (plus video). We 2366. Fitz: (505)989-8791. Gnnplete Guide to High-End Audio is the ultimate refer-
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ence, free delivery We carry: Mirage, NAD, Cary, AUDIO UNLIMITED OFFERS Accuphase, Acoustic Written for beginners and experienced listeners alike.
Nakamichi, Acurus, Kimber, KEF, Parasound, Energy Acrotec, Aesthetix, Air Tight, Audio Artistry, Find out why Sam Tellig says. "Before you make amis-
Kinergetics, Quad, PS, Fried, Audible Illusions. Audiomeca, Audio Note, Basis, Benz-Micro, Chang, take, buy Bob Harley's book." Only $29.95 (softcover)
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723-7276. Magro, Meret, Micmmega, Musical Desigi, Music Call toll-free: (800) 848-5099 for your copy, or send
GUARANTEE 5% MORE than what my competitors Metre, Muse, NSM, Onix, Regs, Sound Anchors, SOTA, check or Visa/MC information to Acaptila Publishing,
quote you on your used ARC, Cello, Krell, Levinson, Spendor, Symphonic Line. Totem, Unity Audio, PO. Box 80805, Albuquequi; NM 87198-0805.
Spectral, Wadia, etc. Call me last. Dealer for Aragon, Wheaton Triplan* Wilson Benesch, YBA, and more. THIEL CS2 2, $2000; Meridian 500 transport, $1250;
Acurus, Audio Alchemy, 'Umber, Sonic Frontiers, Call/fax John Barnes at (303) 691-3407, 2341 W Yale Ave., Meridian 563 processor, $1000; all like-new condition.
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STAGE even tonal balance without treble emphasis, HI-F1 '96 (915) 598-8366.
an organic cohesiveness to the sound that is hard to for- THE HOME THEATER AN I) SPECIALTY COLLECTORS —OLD S7EREOPHILE and TAS,
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day audition. Visa/MC/Discover. Solid Corr Ted logy,
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3808 Wiswiew AVOW, R4: Wm Beach, FL 33407, (407)
nents? Let me custom-make aleather cover that looks
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great and works. Write: Rack Jackd, 4050 8th St. Rd,
EASTERN AUDIO —Select excellent-condition used 16' x13—while they last —S5200
Huntington, WV 25701, or call (304) 525-8268 between 9-
equipment: Altis DSP5T, $1580; CAL Sigma, Gentan: 5EST to leave name and address
$350; Krell KPS-20i, $6300; McCormack CD 13rive,
NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. EXPOSURE 4 dual-regulated, $2495; 17 preamp,
$1000. Preamps: Conrad-Johnson PVB, $845; Krell
62 Wendover Rd., Yonkers, NY 10705 $1095; Royd Prior speakers, $1795; all in mint condi-
KRC, $3450; Spectral DMC6 II, $1400; Threshold 12.
for Exhibitor Information only. tion. (416)961-1820 afier 6pm EST
$3415. Amps: Audio Note P1SEE, $1100; Cary
SLA70B Signature (balanced), $1140; Conrad- Tel: (914)476-3157 nix: (914)969-2746 PROAC STUDIO I, teak, original boxes, $550; Onix
Johnson MV50, $850; Counterpoint SA12...and 0A21 integrated amp, $450; Rotel RCD-855, $150; all
much more. Call (718) 961-8256 for details. Rix: (718) excellent. Richard, (212)420-1710 EST
961-8315. "1 HAVE SPENT FAR MORE time listening to musk ARE YOU SERIOUS about high-end audio? Then
NIRVANA. WO RLI YS FINEST ULTRA-Fl since installing the Zero-One" —Rich Warren, Chkag( call us at The Music Shop. Now showing: Green
CABLE: "open, good timbre, well-detailed and musical Tribune, 9/1/95. Discover for yourself what changed Mountain Audio, Golden Tube Audio, PSB, and Audio
—an excellent product" —J-I' Caffi, jadis. Nirvana audio reviewer Rich Warren's mind about affordable Magic. PO. Box 247, Roosevelt, OK 73564. Phone/fax
Audio, PO. Box 1053, Valley Stream, NY 11582. Tet/fax high-end CD players. The Daniels Audio Zero-One (405)639-2828.
(516) 285-1950, smarner@limet. Dealer inquiries invited. CD player stands sonically shoulder-to-shoulder with WE OFFER PERFECT-CONI)ITION with war-
http://tvueueNirvanaAudietwen. Spectral. Levinson, and Theta. but costs only $750. ranty Alt. Anna-Sphere, Audio Research, Cary, C-J,
FORT WAYNE, INDIANA — Quality Acurus "Sounds that leave audiophiles agog," says Warren. No- Gryphon, Krell, Levinson, MBL, MIT Nl3S, Proceed,
Electronics, Arcici, AudioQuest, B&K Components, obligation in-home audition. Also available: 5-disc Cl) Spectral. Unison Research, Transparent, Wadia, and
Conrad-Johnson, KiinIser Kahle, McCormack. NHT changer, $798; custom-made phase-coherent cables. many inure high-end components. Gill for inventory
Loudspeakers, Onkyo, PS Audio, PSE Electronics. Phone, fax, or write Darnels Audio Gerporation, 178 North list, or visit showrooms at High End Audio, 41-25 Kissetta
Power Wedge Line Conditioners, Sonegraphe, Sound Ridgeland, Oak Park, IL 60302. Fax (312) 263-2335, Bhed. #5MM, Hushing, NY 11355. Tel. (718) 961-8842,
Organisation, Vandersteen loudspeakers. Hwy RiPel3 phone (708) 383-3319. fax (718) 886-9530.
Audit% (219) 745-5460. JMLAB ALCOR SPEAKERS with Sound Anchor ACOUSTAT SPECTRA 22, mint, $799; Mitchell
$40(.ARCAM ALPHA 5(everybody's favorite little stands, ($11,300) $5200; N.E.W. DCA-33 atop, ($1800) Cotter phono step-up transfonner, $125; Speaker cable
amplifier). $501Fried Beta VI (fantastic!). We repre- $1200; N.E.W. P-3 preamp, silver wire, vintage tubes, (pairs): 8' XLO Type 6, $199; 15' TARA Phase 2TFA,
sent best-buy products from Arcain, B&K, Fried, $1000. (412) 492-0418. $60. (215) 844-4115 EST
Linaeum, Musical Concepts/Design, OCM/Magnum MAGNAN TYPE Vi INTERCONNECTS, brand MAGNUM FTIO1A, $625; Naim CD3, $1400; Naim
Dynalab, NEAR, many more! Stereo Consultants, new and latest, 4', RCA, $350; XLR, $425. (817) 536- NAIT2, $650; CAL Sigma, $325; JBL 4312C, $575.
Lafayette, IN, (317) 474-9004, Ilam-7pm EST 3135. (407) 626-0674.
B&W, LEGACY, KEF, TFIIEL, and other loudspeaker MOSCODE MINUET PREAMP, well modified, THETA DATA II, lascrdisc-based transport, black,
owners: Would you like to improve on the great sound new matched Golden Dragon tubes, phono, just gone excellent sound and condition, box and manual. $1250.
you already have? Try apair of "Golden Flutes" by JPS through, $500; Technics SL 1700 turntable, $125. Jim, Call Zany, (312) 271-3887 CST
Labs — anecessity for proper bass extension. Please call (860)739-2869 evertitws EST QUICKSILVER'S NEW MONO AMPS arc here,
or fax (716) 685-5227 anytime to drastically improve AFFORDABLE AUDIO, Culver City, California. $995 each. Holy Cow!!! Audible Illusions M3A pream-
your listening pleasure. Please also inquire about our plifier. More Fun!!! Vandersteen 2Cc. This combo will
Authorized dealer for Roark in Southern California.
unbelievable interconnects! We carry Spendor, Creek, Rcga, JoLida, Grado, make you late for work!!! Audio Connection, 615
FANFARE FM TUNER ON THE INTERNET. We Sumiko, 1)ensen, System Audio, Mordaunt-Short, Bloomfield Avami; Wnnta, NJ07044. Ms (201) 239-1799,
invite you to visit our new wcbsite at Imp:Mini« Nordost Flatlinc, Sovtck, Tesla, Nitty Gritty, and fax (201) 239-1725. 25 minutes outside (Manhattan.
fanAntrom. Get the latest news on FM and digital radio, Hovland. Call us for best price. Trade-ins accepted. RCA 4-6550 AMP, $300; Cary SLP 94, $1750; 300SE
plus tips on improving reception. Download our latest (310) 55841716. Triode, $2400; Klipsch La Scalas, $700. Wanted:
product info. You can also call us at (800) 268-8637 or Adcom GFA-535, GFA-555. (801) 226-1018.
APOGEE DIVA SPEAKERS with beautiful rose mar-
(905) 793-7953, fax (905) 793-5984. E-mail to in/o@
ble custom faux finish, $6900, brand new, perfect con- N1TTY GRITTY 2.5FI, new in sealed box, retail
Anent:con, or write to !Makin. FM,Bey( 455, Bullido, NY
dition. shipping boxes. DAM, (201) 386-3286 days, (201) $555, sell $355; Rare NOS tubes from Telefunken,
14225-0455 for our newsletter.
927-3292 evenings EST Amperex Bugle Boy, low-noise selected, new
PS AUDIO ULTRALINK II D/A processor, new, still old stock 6922, 7308, Cca, 12AU7, 7316, 12AX7, 7025,
PAC 1DOS, HAVE Canare: All Recommended
in box, $1700; Esoteric D-10 digital processor, mint, 5AR4, EL34, etc. RCA/Tung-Sol 6550, GE 759IA,
Components—All on sale at AudioWaves! Audio
$1500; Aragon 4004 Mk.11, mint, $1100; Parasound B&K 707, $200. E-mail for list. Kevin Deal, (909) 982-
Alchemy I)DE v3.0 plus 1)TI v2.0 — special;
HC-A 1200 II power amp, mint, $700. Frank, (908) 545- 2386 PS7,'
AudioQuest Topaz, 1m. $52; Grado SR60, SR80,
1094 evenings EST VELODYNE ULD-1511, MOO; Apogee Slant 6,
SR125 — call. Free shipping. AudioWaves, (800) 510-
JA1)IS DEFY 7MK.III, mint, like new, with very-low- $1300; both mint. (718) 287-3650.
4753, Box 461, liinidad, CA 95570.
hour 6550 Sovtek (factory matched), Telcfunken, and SILTECH, UNUSEI), 40% OFF; Interconnects:
RARE NOS TUBES: Western Electric 300B, 274A/13,
National Gold input tubes. Retails $7500, asking $4000 WBT101, 2pairs, 0.5m, 4-56 II, $300 each; 2m, 4-24,
etc. Genelex KT88, IC177, KT66. Telefunken and
or B/0. (718) 793-4856, 6pm-11pm EST $540. (916) 796-3047
Amperex EL34, 12AX7, etc. Mullanl EL34, 5AR4,
12AX7, etc. Philips (metal base) EL34, 5AR4. Tung-Sol ALPINE AUDIO: Threshold, McCormack, Proceed, WE CAN HELP!! Expert recommendations from one
6550, 5881. RCA 5751, 7199, 2A3, 245, 250, 211, 845, CAL, Golden Tube, Sonic Frontiers, Celeste, Conrad- of the Midwest's finest audio/video stores. Specializing
801-A, GE 211. For additional tubes, see Stemephile, Johnson, Audiomeca, Arcam, Marantz, Denon, in custom design, installation, and consultation of the
February 1996, p251. (801) 224-4809, fax (801) 224- Timbre, Meridian, Runco, Audio Alchemy, Reference finest tube and solid-state equipment. We feature PS
6059. Line, Mordaunt-Short, Avalon, Gradient, Mirage, Audio, Proceed. Parasound, JoLida, Marantz, PSII,
Energy, Totem, AudioQuest, MIT, TARA, Kimber, Spica, Dynaudio, XL0, Kimber, AudioQuest, and
PAKMAX IS HERE! The battery pack that makes
Transparent. Specials: Mirage M5Si, Timbre TT-1, Ultra Systems. Buy, sell, and trade. Call us! Sound Lab,
arMax mobile. Choice of two batteries: 2i /2 or 5hours,
Theta DSP Pro III, more! (540) 628-3177, 323 West Ltd, 3521 State Road 26 East, Lafayette; IN 47903. (800)
have your tubes go everywhere! Monopoles,'" termi-
Main Street, Abingdon, VA 24210. 677-2932, ask few Mark, Gone, or Dine
nals (8 ounces each!) for amps and speakers; averitable
infiarmarion superhighway. IYFeet SH22 resonance AU1)10 RESEARCH SP-9 Mk.11, $1695; D-300 amp, AFFORDABLE ACOUSTICAL SOUND TREAT-
dampers (see Stereophik, November 1995, p.181). We $2895. Original owner. (817) 776-9953. MENTS. New! Echo Busters treats your entire
also import the Morch toncanos and the Verdier FINIAL (ELP) LT-IX laser turntable. new, $15,000; audio/video room for only $119. Control echoes, reflec-
turntable. New LP/C1) catalog of European recordings, CEDAR DC-I digital real-time rick-and-pop declick- tions, distortions with this 9-piece package. You ran
classical and jazz, including Audite, Bell, Odin, and er, $10,000; EAD T-8000 Series III universal transport, afford the sound you're seeking. Free literature. (516)
many more. Information: Audio Admit:cements, I3ox 100, black, $3000; Rowland Consummate, $3500. (505) 433-6990,fix (516) 433-6794; e-mail:
Lincoln Berk. NJ 07035. (201)633-1151. 662-1415, 667-1330. $7.95 shipping.



Happy Medium




•CABLES Expensive Electronics Without the Expense' •ACCESSORIES


• Audio Alchemy •
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tt TuoitizED DEALER: \KG • V11. %NM; TI.:, II • AunuaLg ILLUSIONS •AUDIOQUI s1

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GOETZ LOUDSPEAKERS for high-end taste on a SYSTEM SALE — Mirage M3s; li&K M200s: PS
nnd-fi budget. several models using the finest drivers Audio 5.5; AR turntable with MMT and Grado TLZ
from Eton. Accuton„ Scan-Speak, Focal, RDL, and Vifa, (new); Philips CD80; AudioQuest Quartz and
with a ple. highly evolved crossover. Both floor- Midnight; PS Audio Power Sonic; Target TT5T; Target
standing and stand models, trimmed in solid TTFIs; Record Dot-tor; RF Filters. Original owner,
Appalachian hardwoods. Superb perfonnance with a package includes all manuals and boxes. Musically
variety of -real world - electronics. John at (704) 884- matched system —great deal includes all items! ($9470
7589, or "Kwi at (704) 884-9842. list) $4950. (409) 883-1581 dap, (409) 883-5005 nights
R&R RECORD CLAMP machined from solid steel, CST
$40 plus $5 shipping. Money orders to: PO Box 28, CARDAS HEXLINK 5C SPEAKER CABLE, inter-
Builianan, MI 49107. (616) 699-7184, e-mail ToddR1 nally biwircd, spade terminated, 10', ($950) $500. 2
egetoorldenn. pain of Im-long RCA-terminated Hexlink Golden 5C
HI-FI EXCHANGE—Large selection of quality used interconnects, ($650 each) $650 both or $350 each.
high-end components at huge discounts. We buy, sell, Mango Apparition digital cable, 0.75m, ($349) $190.
and trade. Call for inventory list. (718)423-0400, or visit All cables arc new. Call John, (914) 963-2013.
our showrooms at 251-11 N'orthern Blvd, Link Neck, NI" GENESIS Ils, MINT $24,500; EAD T-7000 transport.
11363. AT&T/Gold, $950; two pairs, 2m each. AtidioQ‘,. s•
PROAC RESPONSE IS Mk.II, rosewood finish with Diamond, $725/pair; Straight Wire Maestro, two j'.
Target RS2 stands, excellent condition, ($2750) $1850; 5' each. $100/pair. All plus shipping. David, (619) LI.i-
Deltec PDM II DAC, ($5500) $2150. Dan, (213) 687- 9525 PST
8760. SYMPHONIC LINE RG-4 MK.3 monoblocks.
AUDIOPHILE DREAM: Own your own high-end ($9800) $5500; Merlin Excalibur II speakers. ($8400)
stereo shop? ENtAblished 1980, good customer base, $4000; Merlin VSM speakers, ($4000) $2500; Audible
great lines, $20k+ inventory. Write Audiophik PO. Bev Illusions Modulus 3, ($1700) $1300. (770) 948-1000
19098, Minneapolis. .‘1.\* 55419-9098. days, (770)487-6022 el.(71i110 EST


Excalibur unlearnt best in the world! #2 of 180 issued, tubes, mint; Ensemble Phonomaster with power sup-
best offer over £3000 pounds sterling scented, shipping ply; NOS Telefunken EL34. (215)968-4773 hdOre Iii,,,,
by arrangement. Phone Daum; let (44) 1803-864-875 EST
(England). VANDERSTEEN 3SPEAKERS, $1750/pair; Apr V-
3 amp, $2900; EAD 1000 (upgraded version), $650;
Kinergetics KPA-2 preamp, $500: TOwnshend Seismic
CS-7 (less than Iyear old); Conrad-Johnson Premier NEEDLECKIICKIR
Ten; MV-125 with extra tubes; Krell 15013, mint; Sink, $200 (3 months old); all mint. Call Fred, (201)
802-7887, 9am-4pm EST; (609)895-9713 qfier 6pm.

Symphonic Line monoblocks, pair; AudioQuest:
Diamond interconnects: Sterling and Clear speaker SONIC FRONTIERS SFL-2 prcamp, $2400; 800 •229 •0644 •612 •378 •0543
cable; various lengths of Wire World interconnects; all Meridian 500 CD transport, $1100; MG-20 speakers. FAX 378 •9024 • E-Mail
with boxes and manuals, priced to sell! Skip, (904) 389- $5600. All mint, boxes and manuals. (904) 398-5450 419 14th Ave. S.E. •Minneapolis, MN 55414
8614 dap, (904)725-1008 erettile EST EST

Í electronics • c.d.
The AudioVisions Pledge:
Our knowledge, honesty. 'rankness. and concern will
AMC • BRYSTON make your visit with us worthwhile. Our goal is to develop a
CAL AUDIO mutual! j' beneficial relationship, as well as to gain your trust.
Recent Arrivals
A.R.C. DAC 5and LS22—center stage...
loudspeakers Bryston 7B ST mono blocks—challenges state of the art, only $4390/pr.
Bryston BP 25 preamp—balanced/unbalanced in & out, remote, sweet!
"Rock Solids" by B & W
M & K • MARTIN LOGAN Cal Audio "Power Boss" 20 bit HDCD Icon MKII—upgrades available
PARADIGM • THIEL Martin Logan SL3 electrostatic speakers—seamless, dynamic musical!
M&K MX200 Powered Sub—tight, effortless, top rated
Phono • cables
Thiel speakers—you must hear the latest models!
Vandersteen speakers—dimensional purity! 1B, 2CE, 3A, 2W, VCC-1, VSM-1
Audioquest • A.R.C.
Aural Symphonics
Home Theater
Monster / Sigma Musically satisfying home theater systems.
ORACLE • SME AMC, ARC, Bryston, Denon, Fosgate, NAD,
M&K, Paradigm, Rotel, Thiel, Vandersteen
Straight Wire
Complete installations by caring experts available.
other good stuff
Home trials /Trade-ins accepted.
A.P.I. POWERWEDGE Call for an appointment, or just drop by.

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STEREO al» VIDEO for sine
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AMC • Aragon what makes good sound and music, and we have gathered the finest
Atlantic Technology • B & K sounding audio components from around the world. So come in or call- we
Chang • C.W.D. • Denon look forward to working with you.

Digital Satellite System

These are a few of the products we represent. We also carry most
Esoteric Audio • Grado
turntables, arms, cartridges, racks, room treatments, and accessories.
Harman Kardon • JM Lab
Kinergetics • NAD • NEAR Aerial Graham OCM/Belles
Audible Illusions Highwire Sonic Frontiers
Parasound • Pioneer
Audion Silver Nights Hovland Sound-Lab
Premier • PSB • Sony
Benz-Micro Joule Electra Speaker Art
Tara Labs • & MORE! Cary Klyne Swans
Densen LA Audio System Audio
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ROUTE 9NORTH ESP Mesa Engineering VAC
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ShopRite Shopping Center Gold Aero N.E.W. Whatmough
Freehold, New Jersey
12668 Ventura Boulevard
908-866-9500 Studio City. California 91604
(818) 762-1501 or fax (818) 752-9709


THRESHOLD T50 CLASS-A power amp, new in INFINITY IRS BETA Panels, mint. $3000/pair,
box, $1400; Sonus Faber Electa speakers with stands, Fourier Sans Pareil Mk.II1+ OTL amps, 200Wpc,
$2400. Mark, (718)771-7148 EST mint, $3500/pair. Call (860) 848-1300.
McINTOSH 275 11.1BE amplifier, commemorative PROAC RESPONSE 3, rosewood, $3800; Sonic
issue, mint, $3500; McIntosh C-36 preamp, mint, Frontiers SFS-80, $1700; Hales Signature 2, $3500;
$1050. All boxes and manuals. Dave, (216) 526-8301 Meridian 206 Delta Sigma CI) player, $800; Apogee
EST Stage stands, $200; Apogee Centaur Minor, $500; Stax
JEFF ROWLAND MODEL 2, ($5800) $3950; Mclos Lambda Pro with SRD 7Pro, new in box, $400; Stax
200 triode, balanced, ($3500) $1750; Quicksilver pre- Gamma with SRD 6, new in box, $200; Stax Lambda
amp, ($2000) $1200; Avalon Eclipse, cherrywood, Pro Junior (SR 84), new in box, $150; Stax SR 34, new
($7600) $4450. (216) 691-0549 EST in box, $100John, (310) 433-8619 or (800) 997-8263.
suggests: Cary Audio, COI)A, Continuum, Audio- Counterpoint SA-100 amp, $600; both are tubes and
vector, Monarchy, Pinnacle, VP1, Benz, NBS, Aural warranteed. Together, $1000. (718) 884-7062 EST
Symphonies, TARA Labs, Straight Wire, Silver Sonic, MARK LEVINSON NO38S Special Edition remote-
Sonic Frontiers
Apanare. Arcici, ASC, MoFi. Appointments, demo lists,
contact Graham at (503) 638-5767 voice/fax, or e-mail
control preamplifier, excellent condition, 314
2years war-
ranty remaining, ($6495) $4800 plus shipping, Call or
grahamiba@delphicom. fax (860) 688-6982. Monarchy
sell $4500. (203) 221-0059. We create the most musically satisfying audio systems! Angstrom
SUPERIOR IN MICHIGAN: McCormack, Golden We carry Wavelength Audio amplifiers, Presence
Tube CODA, Continuum, Monarchy, Synergistic Audio linestages, Timbre Technology digital, Esoteric Marantz
Research, Shakti Stones, 1)H Cones, DCM, Audio (ESP) and Reference 3A loudspeakers, Silver SonIc
Artistry and Rosinantc speakers, Spica, Well Tempered, cables, Sound Anchors stands, and more! Audio Odyssey, Sumiko
Basis, Graham, Townshend Audio, Regs, Benz Micro, (908) 572-4520
Clcaraudio, Kuzma. Salamander Design Stands, and ALPINE 1993 DSP CAR STEREO—nine speakers
more. Call for demo and used listings. Supenor Sight & installed in loaded 1986 Pontiac 600STE including sun-
,,,,, d, (810) 626-2780. roof. Car's book ($2225), original stereo install
BACK ISSUES of Audiocraft (1955-1958) and Popular ($14,000), all receipts, $3500. Apogee Caliper factory-
refurbished speakers with SYMO LS4X cables, $900.
Electronics (1954-1975) magazines. Call Needle in a
Haystack Books Manchester, CT Tel: (860) 643-2468. Tom, (508) 436-9967
Lovers — We specialize in fine pre-owned high-end Research LS2, $1500; BEL 1001 Mk2, $1900; Audio Jolida
components: Aerial Acoustics, Avalon Acoustics, Research DAC 1-20 (AT&T), $1300; Wadia WT-3200
Spectral Audio, Wilson Audio. Dealer for Audible transport, $800; Theta Data II, $1300; Theta DS Pro Chiro
Illusions, more to come soon. Call for audition today. Gen.III, $2100; Tice Micro-Block, $300; Counterpoint
Voice/fax (516) 321-8969, A.A.& Ltd, PO. Box 671, SA-12, $650; Mod Squad Line Drive Ikluxe, $5130; CAL
Babylon, NY 11702-0671. Mod Squad Line Drive, 1250. John, (619) 224-9005.
Audible Illusions
Chang Lightspeed
Synergistic Research
fee -

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"...the finest dynamic speakers in the

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logical advancements. Isn't it time to
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installation techniques. PLUS OVER 30 MORE BRANDS!

We travel Worldwide •FREE Priom: CONSULTATIONS


&UMWI II co VISA 4697

fl. E. EvANs
D ENVER, CO 80222 (303) 759-5505


MARK LEVINSON NO23 power amplifier, $2700; SONY X707ES CI) PLAYER, new, never used.
Adcom GFP-555 preamplifier, $200; both in excellent $1295. (608) 262-4903, reKafil(4facsrafftviscali. In Southern California
condition. Call Lyit; (507) 367-2160 morning< CST GOLI)EN TUBE SE-40 AMP, November 1995, 3-
AUDIO NOTE M 1PREAMP, NOS tubes, upgraded
foil caps, iiii condition. 1year old; Threshold FET-10
year tranferable warranty, $795; Krell KRC, $3000;
Onkyo 9090 II tuner, $350; plus shipping. (219) 264-
preamp; SA Imonoblocks, class-A amplifiers. All with 9495 Injinr 9pm EST WA •l•/°J II
boxes and mammals. Skip, (904) 389-8614 days, (904) APOGEE SLANT EIGHTS, $2700; Theta Pro Prime Ft-7111191
PlI1 I
725-1008 evenings EST II, $950; Sony MDP-455 LI) player, $250. Original
MARK LEVINSON 31 TRANSPORT, $5300; owner, boxes, manuals. (206)759-2006 PST
Levinson 332 amplifier, $4900; Day-Seguerra FM SONY: TAE-88B PREAMP, ST)-8813 tuner (match-
Reference, $3300; WireWorld Gold Eclipse speaker ing), boxes, OMs. $900/pair. (713) 864-0674.
cables, 1m, $750. Best offer, all mint. (219) 831-2984
InlOre 10pm EST
CLASSÉ AUDIO 25 AMP and 6L preamp with
remote, to be sold together for $4000. (514) 631-4927
rElearonic Accessories
KRELL KRC-2, LATEST EDMON, mint condition. Golden Tube
Updated remote. original box with warranty and man-
$9990; Goldmund Mimesis 12+ DAC, $3250: Col.
Adc7 lobs AudioQuest
ual, $2250. Call Randy, (301) 217-0313 ¡mane EST Classé Audio CWD Furniture
Goldmund Mimesis SR integrated amp, $1990 (3
TIMBRE TT-1 DAC, black, balanced, all options, Counterpoint Sumiko
months old). All mint, original owner. (708) 272-5793,
Bryston Nifty Gritty
$1950; ProAc Response 2speakers. black, $1650. Both Chicago. Marantz Kimber Kable
mint, original owner. Graham, (305) 388-0930 anytime. McCormack Beyerdynamic
THRESHOLD SA-3, black, recent factory tune-up.
$1250; Thiel CSI2, teak with Sound Anchors, $850.
able clean sound," excellent condition, $2000 (firm). Denon
Both excellent. Rick, (310) 417-4090 days, (310) 545-
(954) 721-3440 or (954) 726-6453.
Bang &Oltdsen Turntables
6797 evenings. McIntosh Pro-Ject 1
MARK LEVINSON 37 (transport) and 36 DAC, SP9 MK.11, BLACK, $1050; and Transparent Music- lexicon Thorens
absolutely as new with full warranty, ($4000 list each) link Plus Balanced, 1m each, unbalanced. frail 5mlcers Denon
$3000 each; Transparent AES EBU digital cable, ($400 HeMandeZ, (718) 460-2985 merlin». Mordount-Short
list) $240. Call Tim, (806) 756-4425 &Jon. 10pm CST M&K
Martin Logan
TOP HAT"' TUBE DAMPERS!!! Fantastic little Classé DR9, $1600; E.A.R. 509 monoblocks, $1800; Mirage Sharp
accessory for all 9-pin miniature tubes. Your preamp, Threshold SA-I monoblocks, $3900; Rowland Sanance Proton
power amp, and whatever else uses tubes will love Consonance preamp, $1300; ARC SPIS, $2700. ,.,.. Vandersteen \ridikron
them. Your ears even more! Easy to install, and the Offers/call EKlan, MD, (860) 464-7409 motile EST
sound.. Just check out the reviews! In stock at Audio
eldttnnement.ç PO. Box 100, Lincoln Rule, NJ 07035. (201)
expand tonal range, add clarity, optimize full-,.n,
reproduction, protect surfaces from spike holes, damp- 15600 Roscoe Boulevard
JA1)IS JD-1 1)RIVE. latest, $12,000; Jadis JS1 en distortion-causing vibration. maximize coupling.
Processor. $9860; Pass Aleph Is, $9600; Sonic Frontiers 57.95-569.95. Klein Tall Systems, 4262 Northlake Blvd, Van Nuys California 91406
SFI )-2 Mk2, black. $4200. Offers considered. (612)
735-4491, 24 hours.
Pabn Beach Gardens, FL 33410, (407) 863-2198x (407)
845-9844. lkalers welcome! (818) 781-4700

You are invited to audition

The Ayre Power eEeteLIGe-S.


Amplifier ESIGNT
"We will even design apiece
to your exact specifications!"


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We also Feature:
Angstrom, Bryston,
VANDERSTEEN ŒD MPRTI(1 Locnn 847-864-9565
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PPOCEEDcarma bli pLabs SDICO

Hinsdale Mark Levinson,
Fl assé Graham /1,u,
708-789- I990 Martin-Logan,
ir,, uty.oriew
Libertyville M icromega, 'Pinar
847-362-5594 Pass Labs, Proceed,
oudloquest (14'1"ne audio research Rotel, Sonus Faber,
Chicago CD PLUS
312-642-5950 Thiel, Threshold, STORAGE RACKS "
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Visit the region's premier high-performance audio

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Acoustic Research Marantz

Audio Physic NAD
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Definitive Technology Runco
Lightspeed by Chang Straight Wire
Lynnfield/Boston Acoustics Thiel
Magnepan Yamamura Systems

419 882-1010
These are the VMPS FF-1 and FF-3
Focused Field Arrays with our exclusive
Dynaribbon midrange, a unique, rigid-
Regional toll-free 800 873-6873
diaphragm hybrid combining the best fea-
tures of ribbon and planar magnetic tech-
nology. Phase-plugged woven carbon fiber
5450 Monroe St. Toledo, OH 43623
woofers, dual 1" domes and leaf-ribbon su-
pertweeters in highly inert, 3" thick Sound-
coated cabinetry provide first-octave bass
(—3dB at 14Hz!), low distortion (less than
0.9)oTHD/1W), high output (116dB SPL/
122dB SPL/1m). and sound quality breath- CHOOSE VINTAGE TUBES...
taking in its fidelity to source and three-
dimensional, holographic imaging. to achieve your personal sound objectives!
Hear the FF-1 ($6800/pr) and FF-3
($4200pr assem. $3500pr kit) at the deal-
ers below, or write for product reviews and
literature about our full line, including four
Subwoofers ($259-$649ea), the "Best
Buy" lbwer Il and 1bwer II Special Edition
($499-$938ea), OSO 626 and Dipole Sur-
round A/V monitors ($289 kit, $349
assem), plus the Super lbwer/R and Super
lbwer/R Special Editions ($749-$1700ea)
now available with Dynaribbon mids as
extra-cost options. Kits are supplied with
fully assembled cabinets, and most prices TELEFUNKEN
include free shipping in 48 states.

VMPS AUDIO PRODUCTS Why buy inferior Russian and Chinese tubes when you can buy the best?
3429 Morningside Dr.. El Sobrante, CA 94803 Quality vintage tubes:
(510) 222-4276 Fax: (510) 232-3837
•Allow you to custom-tailor the sound of your audio gear
Hear VMPS at: The Listening Studio, Boston;
Home Theater Systems, Little Falls NJ.
•Are available in "flavors" from detailed and neutral to rich and romantic
Dynamic Sound. Washington OC: Sounds •Enhance the sound performance of new and vintage equipment
Incredible. Brookfield CT: Hit, Farm, Roanoke •Are more reliable and longer-lasting than Third World knock-offs
VA; Pace Audio, Decatur GA: Chattanooga
Valley Audio, Rossville GA; Audio/Video Ambi- •Were hand-made by craftsmen when tube building was an art
ence. Franklin TN: Tech Electronics, Gainesville
FL; Arthur Morgan. Lake Mary FL: Sounds We offer premium quality tubes from US and W. European manufacturers.
Deluxe, Clarendon Hills IL: Audio Exchange, Military spec versions, matched sets, low noise I MiCrOphOrliC5 available.
Mishawaka IN; Audio Connection, Terre Haute
IN; Today's Audio, Burton MI; M. Alan Assoc., We select tubes using: 1. accurate test equipment, 2. careful listening.
Cincinnati OH; Ruth Industries, St. Louis MO:
American Audio, Greenville SC: Shadow Creek Friendly, expert consultation matches tubes to your system and taste.
Ltd, Andovei MN: Mark Curry. Las Vegas NV;
Hal Broda, Escondido/Beverly Hills CA; Sounds
Unique, San Jose CA; Syncopations, Stockton
CA: Ultimate Sound. San Francisco CA: Rama 1950 Trenton Street, #637, Denver, CO 80220
Audio, Sun Valley CA: (tone Audio. El Sobrante
CA: Audio FX, Sacramento CA. > (303) 377-7089; e-mail:

348 SIIR1.01'11111., A PRII 1996

CARY SLP-30 OIL CAPS and LPP-1 outboard SONIC FRONTIERS SFL-2 preamp. 1 year old,
phono, mint, box and manual, ($1400) $650. jeff (414) $2500; Audio Alchemy DTI•Pro 32, ($1599) $1000;
731-8016 befire lOpm EST Adcom GDA-600 DAC, ($750) $400; Velodyne ULD-
QUAD ESL US MONITOR, $1850 (all panels facto- 15 Series II subwoofer, ($1895) $1000; TEAC A-
ry-inspected and replaced); Vandersteen 2W sub- 2340R 4-channel tape deck, best offer. (909) 780-9771
woofers, $675/each. Huntley, (505) 986-3879 MST PST

ETUDE TUNER, MINT, $970; 1)ynalab Signal INFINITY IRS BETAS. $6500; Infinity Modulus
Booster, new, $160; Rotel 965-BX CD player, mint, satellites with stands, $700; Infinity Modulus powered
$170; Signet SL260B, $180; PSB Alpha, $100; 250W subwoofer, MOO; McIntosh MC2200 amp,
Vandersteen 2Ces with stands, $790. Michael, (201) 423- $650. (719) 632-3454.
1066 EST NAGRA T AUDIO, new, non-rime-code analog
MARK LEVINSON 23.5 AMPLIFIER, warranty% recorder, original owner, from the last available series;
$3500; ML7A preamp with phono, $1800. Both excel- Stax Quattro II CD player, mint condition. (201) 746-
lent condition, both for $5000. Keith, (503) 266-6301 2794.
PST PS AUDIO 200CX power amp, recent factory
AUDIO RESEARCH SP15, $3895; Audio Research upgrade, original box, mint condition. John, (303) 258-
M300 Mk.I I, 54995/pair, B&W 801 Series 2speakers, 0449 MST
52695/pair; Lynnfield 400L rosewood speakers, LEVINSON, LINN, THETA, MAGNEPAN.
52500/pair; McIntosh MC250, $375; Philips CD880, Levinson No26 preamp with phono module. Madrigal
$299; Quad 34 preamp with MC phono, $349; Wadia interconnects, PLS 226 power supply, $3600: Levinson
2000 with Sledgehammer modification, $1699; 235 amp, $3100; Linn LP12 with Trampolin, Lingo.
Yamaha DSP1 processor, $295. Ask for Carl, (419) 882- Elms toncarm, Asaka cartridge, $3500; Theta Data II CI )
1010. player, $700; Theta Pro Generation III D/A converter.
SONUS FABER ELECTA AMATORS with factory $1600; Mapeplanar MGII la speakers, oak, Sound
wood-and-stone stands, $3500; CAT SL-1 Reference, Anchor stands, TARA cables, $2100; Goldmund CD
$3200; ARC DAC 1-20 with AT&T input, $1200; interconnect, $150; Tice Power Block and Titan, $700.
TNT turntable with factory stand and dustcover,
$3000; pair of Entec SW-1 subwoofers, rosewood fin-
All in mint condition with manuals. Buyer pays shipping.
(813) 222-1160 days, (813) 980-2764 Merlin» EST
ish, $3000; Naltamichi Dragon, factory rebuilt, $1200; SONUS FABER EXTREMAS, black satin, custom-
Fine-furniture quality CD storage systems with
20 Maestro interconnect, $650; 8' pair OCOS speaker manufactured metal-screened grilles with 1 /2" solid
wire, $200. Callmy, (305) 566-2203, 10am-5pm EST brass borders, custom form-fitted quilt covers, angled shelves & non-slip surface that holds a
($12,500) $6000; Classé 25 power amplifier, ($400)) single CD upright. Solid hardwoods & textured
DEMO/TRADE-IN SALE: Our new and used prod-
ucts include Audio Research, Ayrc, CAL, Wadia, $2500; Classé 30 preamplifier, ($1250) $700; PS Audio finishes. Custom sizes and finishes also
Martin-Logan, McIntosh, Sonic Frontiers, Forté, MIT, Power Sonic line conditioner, ($450) $175; Target RS 2 available. Write or call: 1-800-848-9811
Counterpoint, Straight Wire, Pioneer Elite, Panasonic speaker stands, ($650) $400; all excellent condition.
Davidson-Whitehall Company
Video. Call for our demo/trade-in list. Champagne original boxes and manuals, leave message, all calls
555 Whitehall Street Atlanta. Georgia 30303
Audio, Illinois. (217) 355-8828. returned. (410) 798-4941.
(4041 524-4534 for (404) 659-5041

Ireally am not inter-

ONCE ested in making the We Are The PHILADELPHIA AUDIOPHILES Choice
quick, one time,
IS NOT sale. Rather, Iwant
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ENOUGH repeat Customer.
Earning your confi-
dence is the key to this philosophy, and that I
do by offering honest, knowledgeable service • AUDIO ALCHEMY • KLYNE • SCIENTIFIC FIDELITY

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termine our recommendations, not the equip- • AUDIOVECTOR • MELOS • SOTA

ment occupying space on the warehouse floor. • BEL • MERIDIAN • SOUNDCRAFTSMAN
Maybe that's why the vast majority of our • BENZ-MICRO • METAPHOR • SOUND VALVES
business comes from repeat customers and the • B+K COMPONENTS • MICROMEGA • SPENDOR
friends they refer. Join our family! • CARY • MONITOR AUDIO • STAX
Wilson Audio, Convergent Audio, Aerial. Mesa. • MUSE • SYNERGISITC
Reference Line, EAD, VAC, Totem, Air Tight,
Celeste, Quicksilver, Genesis, CEC, Symphonic • EMINENT TECHNOLOGY • NAD • TOTEM
Line, Cary, Alon, VAC, Von Schweikert, VPI, • EPOS • NSM • UNITY AUDIO
Meridian, BEL, Accuphase, Graham, Basis, • FANFARE FM • ORACLE • VAC
Encore, Arcam, CAL, Day Seguerra, White ... and
many more! We carry virtually all cable, cartridge
and accessory lines • GRAHAM • PLATINUM • WADIA DIGITAL
Free informative Newsletter. Monthly
specials on new, used, and demo equipment.
P.O. Box 17562 •San Antonio, TX 78217
Voice: 210 /805-9927 FAX: 210 /805-9928
David Lewis Audio LTD
Galen Carol Audio
8010 Bustleton Avenue •Philadelphia, PA 19152-2802

Audio One To One"

(215) 725-4080 •Fax: (215) 725-4495

LE, APRIL 1996 34'
IF YOU ARE AN AUDIOPHILE Green Mountain Diamante Speakers, mint, Malachite Canarc source for the Digiflex Gold cables. introduces
finish, original owner, Sraeophde June '94, ($4000) acomplete line of audio, video, and speaker cables uti-
AND STRANDED IN IOWA $1775. (812) 663-2338. lizing HAVE/Canare cable and connectors. Call for a
free brochure. Dealer and club group inquiries invited.
or without alocal dealer-don't
THIEL CS1.5 LOUI)SPEAKERS in Morado finish
(rosewood look), as new, ($2200 list) $1495 OBO. Call Sound& Video, a dwision HAVE, Inc., (518) 822-8800.
despair. Audio Video Logic in Tim, (806) 756-4425 &fin. lOpm CST PERFECT CONDITION WITH WARRANTIES:
Des Moines can help! AUSTRALIAN AUDIOPHILES -new arrivals: Aragon 800811. $1875; 8008ST, $1500; Mark
CAT Signature Mk.II and JL1, Pass Labs Aleph 2and Levinson 26S, 85300; Krell KPS-20i, $6450; KPS-
3. Wavelength Cardinal, Vibraplanc, Bluenote valve 201/1, $7500; KRC-HR, $4800; KSA-200S, $4850;
Choose from:
dampers, Crown Jewel cartridge, Shakti, Bella Voce KSA-300S, $6250; CAL Tercet IV (digital out), $900;
speakers (Shun Mook). Call for newslettter. High End MSB D/A, $850; Jadis DA-60 (Deluxe), $4800;
Acurus-Angstrom-Aragon Audio, (02) 61-674-7158, fin. (02) 61-624-3684, peternici Maranta 811 (perfect), $1800. Call for Cello, En-
Audio Power-Audio Research semble, AudioQucst, NBS. Buy/Trade. Td: (718) 720-
THRESHOLD T-200, $2950: T-2, $3575; Celeste 4795.
40705E, $1390; all new. full warranty; C-J Premier 10, SONUS FABER EXTREMAS with stands, $6600;
Definitive Technology $1790; PS Audio Lambda with AT&T, $1050; Rowland EAD T-7000 transport with gold face, AT&T, ASM
3s, $2250; AR SP14, $1485; Crown Esoteric Macro
Dtinlavy-Eininent Technology lens filter, 1m Siecor optical cable, $900: CODA
Reference, $2350; Onkyo M-510 GI, $2200; Alón V, System 100 with Ins Music Metre Silverlinlc, Cardas
Enlightened Audio Design $2350. All mint with warranty. (303) 384-9828. rhodium binding posts, Sound Anchors amp stand,
JVC-Kinergetics-Magro FM TUNERS-PROFESSIONAL SERVICING/ $3500; Vimak I)S-2000 Mk2 digital preamplifier,
ALIGNMENT. 10B, R.E.L. Fisher specialist. $2800; ARC DAC 1/20, 8750; Lexicon CP2 processor,
Martin Logan-McCormack Satisfaction assured. Also high-end and vintage (tube) $400: XL0 Reference I.5in balanced interconnect,
Monster Cable-Onlcyo trouble-shooting. Competitive rates, quick return. $150: XL0 Reference cable, 7', 2 pairs, $250 each;
Inept/inadequate work corrected! N.I.H. 1013 'scopes, Optik lm glass cable, $50; dbx 124 compander. $50;
Panamax-ProAc-PSB $130; 1>alglass, $65; Opios, $60. N.YS.1, afro:rim Ed Tandberg 10x RTR, $300; all mint condition. (303)
Sanus-Standesign &Murk 1401 Orean Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11230. (718) 377- 987-8442.
7282, M-F, 3-630pn. TUBES ON STEROIDS! Bigger, better, stronger.
Sumiko-Van den HW
AUINO ART, Richmond Virginia, Established 1976. High performance, ordinary tubes can't compete. Put
Wilson Audio-and more. Jeff Rowland, Classé, Klyne, Muse, Theta, Micromep, some muscle into your amp and piramp, get that life-
Acurus, Angstrom, NAD, Sony-ES, Sony Video, like sound you've been missing. Tubes on steroids!
Avalon, Soundlab, Aerial, Shahinian, Martin-Logan, (213) 850-6739.
AUDIO -VIDEO LOGIC Vandersteen, Harbeth, Epos, JPW, PS11, Spica, SOTA,
3702 Deaver Ave. THE 99.999% SILVER. 100% MUSICAL inter-
Basis, Morelli, Graham, Benz-Micro, Sumiko, Cardas,
connect, Silver Seven will not allow you to see the face
Des Moines, la 50210 Straight Wire. (804) 644-8903.
of God, hut it still sounds really great. At $299/meter
JBL PROFESSIONAL STUDIO MONITORS, pair, it should. If you don't love it, your money back.

(515) 255-2134 431511, four-way with tone control, 18-lb woofer mag-
nets, $1500. (203) 346-0645.
Since 1986. Wamtrace Tohnologies, (813) 587-7868 -or,
if you're really high-tech, wverrafe@ix.netroni.

Martin Logan SL3

Cable Sale! Listening to the
Martin Logan
Monster M-1500 Balanced 1.5 m
SL3, You'll feel
List: $500.00 $ 29500
your ears relax
XLO Type 1Interconncet 1.0 m
as you experi-
List: $275.00 $ 160.00
ence a sound
Tara Labs RSC Reference 1.5 m
that is nearly ho-
List: $255.00 $ 170.00
lographic in its
Tara Labs RSC Master Bal. 0.6 m AMC •Amrita •Audio Alchemy
List: $ 355.00 $ 160.00 Audioquest •Bryston •Carver
Deep powerful Celeste •Continuum •Energy
Tara Labs RSC Mstr Gen2 1.5 m bass. Seamless Forte •Krix •Lexicon •Luxman
List: $520.00 $ 27500 extension into MicroMega •Monarchy •N.E.A.R.
Nitty-Gritty •Panamax •Philips
Tara Labs RSC Ref. 2000 10 ft. the midrange
Pioneer •PowerWedge •PS Audio
List: $450.00 $ 290.00 and highs, offer- Quicksilver •Sound Dynamics
Tara Labs RSC Master 10 ft. ing one of the Sound Lab •Standesign •Sumiko
List:$ 1000.00 $ 490.00 most believable Sumo •Tara Labs •Target
soundstages Threshold .Toshiba •Totem •VIL
Tara Labs RSC MasterG-2 14 ft.
List:$ 1420.00 $ 690.00 ever.

XLO Type 6 (Speaker) 12 ft. Priced from

List: $500.00 $ 275.00 $3200. pr A great selection of used
high-end components

SOUND fella- HAL's

System design •Home theatre
Installation •Trade-ins welcome
Eureka, California 1881 South Broadway
Phone: 707-442-4462 2540 US I, Lawrenceville, NJ 0864k
Denver, CO. 80210
Fax: 707-M2-5609 (303) 777-4449

350 S
Lambda balanced or balanced with AT&T; Totem $2200; ARC 1)120, 5680; MAC MR80. $1200; cable. Interconnects —$150/meter pair, speaker cable,
Model OWN: Totem Manis; Threshold T-3 remote pre- MR7083, $900; MR7082, $700; C35, $950; C.3IV, S100/meter (includes shipping). Both with pure, solid-
amplifier. T-100, T-200. T-400; Meridian 500 Series; $850; Krell KIRS mono preamps, $3200; Audio 845, core silver wire, Teflon insulation, Cardas silver/
Aerial 7s; Aerial 10s; Sonic Frontiers 111)CD digital $4900. Maury Cub, (713) 728-4343. rhodium terminations. Money-back guarantee. 1)on't
processors. preamplifiers, and transport; Conrad- SUTHERLAND AMPS (2) and preamp, 6 months pay more! (770)457-8748 bdOn• lOpm EST
Johnson amplifiers, Conrad-Johnson preamplifiers; old, sell for $14250 ($.30,000 new). (800375-9/23, ask ALL MINT FOR SALE: Conrad-Johnson PV1OA,
flax EX4420 monoblocks, $1295. Please call Audio Jar $738; Conrad-Johnson MF-200, $998; Apogee
Associates, (601)362-0474. Centaur Minor with stands, $849; CAL Alpha I)/A,
THE B&W 801/802 Passive crossover upgrade: The
TAM QUAM AUI )10 otters S/H Sonus Faber speak- single most significant improvement you can make to new tubes, $749. (6/7) 926-7957 evenings ES7; retum
ers: Amators, Extremas, Guarneri; 1181W Silver your 801/802-based audio system. Please call or write twee's.
Signature; YBA Signature mono amps; Linn Sondek for our complimentary literature. North Creek Music
LP12. We consider P/Ex; call for inventory list. STICK% 1120 Main Sum Old tiny, NY /3420, voice/fax
Phone/fix (39) 10 3623032. (315)369-2500. CD s/LPs/TAPE S
IAT YOU DONT KNOW does hurt you! Free SNELL C/V Sl'EAKERS, excellent review in IDAHO — THREE SHEETS TO THE WIN1)
paper on RFI! Noise-fighting accessories: suppression Stemple. (215) 567-4626, PA. (Carol 7500). Gorgeous and moody impressionistic
cores, $5.50; Sorlsothane feet, $6; contact cleaner, $7.50;
WILSON AUDIO POW-WHOW III, one year old, (post) rock. Only the fourth rock/pop release to be
shorting plugs. $125; more. Power-line conditioners,
sell for $7250 ($13.500 new). (800 375-9/23, ask fin mastered using the 1-11)C1) (High Definition
$75 to $160. Write for hill catalog. Virtual Mode, 1Ohl
Kent. Compatible Digital) process for enhanced warmth and
C„'oram Rd, Shelton, CT 06484. (203) 929-0876.
MBC AUDIO: Klyne, BEL Gradient, C.EC., Densen. depth. Available now in cool record stores. "Music
YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO CALL! We are doesn't CoIlle much prettier."— Musician.
I)iapason, Audio Magic. Dellrer, CO. (303) 399-5031
mbed-product specialists. Call. No dealer in your arca?
Call. AMC, Audio Note, Audiosneca, Cary,
UTC LS (LINEAR STANI)ARD) Audio Trans- regular LI' issues, boxed sets, UHQRs. Anadisqs, and
Quicksilver. MS, Soundlab, Swans, Unity VTL, more!
formers made to original UTC specs. For further info unreleased Journey album. Retail approximately
Repair/Service. C.111 Anzona lidee Audio, *limp; AZ.
or spec sheets, call Frank McMahon, OPT/UTC, 30 Red $30,0130. Sell for best offer over $15,000. Stew Thomas,
(602) 921-9961.
School LIM', Phillipsburg, ng 08865, (908) 454-2600 (602) 375-8800, or tothe 2415 W Grrentray Rd. *2,
GET A GRW —on your loudspeakers and bring Phoenix, AZ 85023.
ext.290 EST or e-mail us at
music into your home. Use Eagle power amplifiers.
Dealers, home demonstration program, audio system
earns, Blue Oasis cartridge; all like new, used two nick, r&b, shownines, sountracks, 78s, more. (718) 735-
support, and more. Call with questions and discover
hours, rated state-of-the-art by Hi-Fi News magazine, 2647 SASE: Smith, 328 Flatbush *250, Brooklyn, NY
the difference of EKSC Eagle at (913) 780-4495 or e-
$6500. (519) 836-8339 beleve 9pon EST 11238.
mail eagleeskynet.
ALCHEMY DTI•PRO 32/DDE v3.0, $offer; Theta CLASSICAL & JAZZ LPs: Decca SXL, EMI, LSC,
CONRAD-JOHNSON ME-200. $850; Sonic
1)ata 11, $1550; Crosby/Spectral DMA-50ZM mono SR, TAS list, Contemporary jazz black & gold stereos,
Frontiers SEP-1 Signature with Kindler Silver, $900;
amps, (cost $10,500) $3950 0110; Spectral/Crosby RCA LSP jazz, much more. Free list. WANTED:
Well Tempered Classic with Black arm, Black
CAW-1OZVP/DMC-10 preamp, (cost $7600) 533(X) Record collections —rock, pop. blues, soul, jazz, classi-
Diamond planer, Mango treannent, arm clamp, and
0110; NHS 325' Power Cord II, $189; 6', $289. (310) cal, folk, audiophile. MESL etc. Call John al Audiophile.
Micro suspension. dustcover, ($3300) $1400. Jim, (716)
831-4675, fix (310) 831-4689, K2bri169@eworld.corn. International, (916) 863-6748, _Mx (916) 863-6749.

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REEL-REEL TAPES, MaxeII 4-track, $5 each. 28,000 LPs, PRIVATE COLLECTION, hard-to-find, WANTED: RECORI )CUTTING LATHES, lim-
Quantity discount. Speakerlab speakers, $475/pair, out-of-print, mint, most sealed, 1950-1995. Classical, iters, Fairchild, Neumann, Westrex, Scully, McIntosh,
and $275/pair. (970) 245-5639. soundtracks, original casts, pop-standard vocal, opera, Marantz. Catalogs (Allied, Lafayette, Audio
rock, jazz, ethnic, greatest hits, country, soul, Engineering), tubes, etc. (612) 869-4963.
HI GI IEST PRICES PAID for CDs and Ll's. No col-
piano/organ, religious, big-band, comedy. Latin, folk, CASH PAII) for all types used audio/video equip-
lection too large! Classical, Jazz, Rock, Audiophiles
easy-listening, guitar, Christmas. Available individually ment. Buy and sell by phone. Dealer for: AudioQtaest,
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or in lots. (203) 227-8326. Audio Alchemy, MK, Marantz, NAD, NHT,
Free brochure! Ain(11011 Rimed Esshange, 20 Eutaw St,
%won, Ng 08542. (609) 921-0881, wwwnerccom/ alp CLASSICO HAS THE BEST original Jazz/ Paradigm, Philips, Sunfire, SOTA, Straight Wire. Stereo
Rock/Pop/Soundtrack and Argo/six-eyes/Decca/ Trading Outlet (since 1984), 320 Old link Rd, Jenkintown,
TRADE RCAs, MERCURYs, SXLs, half-speeds for
EMI/London BB/Mercury/RCA/HP list LPs. PA 19046. Top dollar paid for used audio. Call (215)
equipment. (Sealed) Cooder. Advertiser since 1989.
Reasonable prices. Free 20-page hi-monthly list. 2555 886-1650, fax (215) 886-2171.
Reasonable. (412) 462-1364.
Huntington Drier 11A-198, San Marino, CA 91108, (818) SPECTRAL DMA-80 or BEL 1001 Mk2 amp. (312)
STILL PAYING RETAIL? Better Records carries the
458-8175, fix (818)458-8390. Visa/MC 274-2749.
finest audiophile LP reissue labels at the lowest dis-
1503 VINYL LPs, concert musician's 40-year collec- WANTED: MARK LEVINSON 23.5. Call Mr. Choi,
counted prices. We beat anybody's price, while evalu-
tion, classical, jazz, operas, major works, mint. (702) (718) 969-1086, ESE
ating and recommending the best titles, like those on
852-1381, fits-(702) 853-4640.
DCC: $22, and the most natural-sounding Ll's avail- WANTED: CLASSÉ M700 monohlocks, mint, with
able anywhere. Add the hundreds of other recording: WANTED: ALL SAMPLER CI)s, Sony, Telarc,
serial numbers before M7101025 (made before March
we recommend and you'll see why we're your best Chcsky, etc. (310) 831-4675,fax (310) 831-4689, e-mail to
'92). Call Jerry at (520)760-0742.
source for Better Records. Free catalog! (800) 487-
WE ALWAYS l'AY BETTER! Don't let go of sair
8611, (818) 980-3313.
ARC, Aragon, Cello, Krell, Mark Levinson, Tort:
RCA LSC "SHADED DOGS," Mercury 90000,
London ffst "Bluebacks," Lyrita, Argo, EMI ASD, W ANTED Spectral, Theta, Threshold, and Wadia without calling
us. Showroom in West L.A. Call Stern. !,,hi g ,.
British 1)ecca, rare monos. Call (212) 496-1681, fax WANIEI): SOUND TECHNOLOGY MODEL (310) 826-3686,f:et (310)826-4356, &link.
(212) 496-0733. Homy Gilman, 243 W 76th St, Apt. 1020A FM alignment generator; also other Sound
1B, New kirk, NY 10023. Technology equipment. (803) 669-3262, 8ant-Noon
theater amps, corner speakers, horn drivers, coaxial/
CLASSICAL RECORDS: Buying and selling. ES1; ash for Major
triaxial speakers, crossovers, tubes. Altec, Electrovoicc,
Mercury 90000 series, RCA LSC, London, Victrola. WANTED: DAT RECORDERS: Fostex 1)-10; JIIL, Jensen, McIntosh, Quad, I )ynaco, Scott, Lowther,
Fine selection. For afree catalog: S. Maui, 576 State Panasonic SV-3500; Technics SVI)-1100, SVDA-10; Fisher, Heath, Eico, RC.A, Tannoy, Leak, Marantz,
Rd., nanmouth, MA 02747 Phone (508) 993-2164, e- Esoteric R-1, R-10; Nakamichi 10001)ARS; Sony Western Electric, etc. Also high-end ARC, C-J, Linn
ntail stmassi@aolcom. DTC-87ES, 2000ES; Urea 1620 Mixer, dbx 3bx Series speakers, etc. Also old guitars and guitar amplifiers.
BEST VINYL RECORD SERVICE! Customer-tai- 1114ffity, (914) 691-7163. Sonny Goldson, 1413 Magnolia Lam; Midwest City, OK
lored subscriptions with free records or 10% dis- WANTED: WILSON AUDIO WATT 3/Puppy 2 73110, (405) 737-3312, fax (405) 737-3355.
counts. All your favorite new music and reissue labels (less than $6000); Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage (less WANTED: TURNTABLE, NAKANIICHI TX-1000
represented. News Flash: The Valet goes gold. Classic than $5000); Avalon Radian and Eclipse, Thiel CS7; centering turntable in good or better condition. Also
Record, gold CDs now available. Lowest prices, vol- Dunlavy Audio SC-IV; Apogee Mini Grand with sub- looking for Dragon Cl' TT, Technics SP10 Mk3, or
ume discounts, monthly specials, $5 shipping, and woofer and DAX crossover. Please fax offers: (81) 425- cylindrical Denon direct-drive IT. Sins; (314) 537-1591,
more! lise Vinyl Valet at your service. 509 W 15th Sc, 28-0005 (Japan). leave tnessle
Ternm: AZ 85281. (602) 829-8537 fax (602)968-8382.
SELL: PRE-RECORDED RCA two-track open-reel
tapes. For free catalog, write: Tapes, 1215 Rarenwood
Rd, Boulder, CO 80303.
JAZZ, BLUES. ANI) ROCK on vinyl, rockabilly to
bebop; used, out of print, and lowest prices on new
Mobile Fidelity, DCC, MCA. Verve, Impulse!, and
Analogue Productions jazz and blues LP reissues.
Free catalog. fint's Hot Vinyl, PO. Box 660592, Arcadia,
CA 91066. TA: (818) 578-6348jax (818) 578-6349.
CDs Come
hear wiu
Randall Goldman, Box 3, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270,
tellfim (500) 367-2000.
HIGHEST PRICES PAID for classical LPs, mono
and stereo. Will travel for large collections. Call
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352 S
PRIL 1996
• • • • • V • V V V V V • • • • • •


Advertising published in Stereophile is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services as offered are accurately described, and are available
to customers at the advertised price. Advertising that does not conform to these standards, or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accept-
ed. If any Stereophik reader encounters noncompliance with these standards, please write Nelson & Associates, Inc., 62 Wendover Rd., Yonkers,
NY 10765.

Absolute Audio Video .. 332 Cherry Creek Audio . 276 Lazy Lightning N.O.S.Tubes Savant 346
Acarian Systems 148 Chesky Records 320 348 Schwann Publications . 282
Acoustic Image 344 Christopher Hansen 2 inc Legacy Audio 226 Sheldon's Hobbies 304
Acoustic Sounds ...112-113 325 David Lewis Audio Shure 127
Adcom 84 Classé Audio 106-107 268, 314, 349 Silver Screen & Sound
Aerial Acoustics 130 Classic Records 224 Listening Room 298 310, 345
Alpha Stereo 340 Conrad-Johnson 50 Lyle Cartridges 336 SimAudio 136
Ambrosia Audio 288 CSA Audio 322 Lyric HiFi 254, 278 Solo Electronics 94
Analog Shop 334 Davidson-Whitehall 349 Madrigal Audio 18.44 Sonic Frontiers 54-56
Arcam 174 Denon Electronics . .38 —39 Magnepan 180 Sound Advice 350
ARS Electronics 290 Digital City 352 Martin-Logan 162 Sound by Singer
Artemis Systems 216 Digital Ear 346 May Audio 22 252, 280-281
Audible Difference 338 Discovery Cable 188 MBL of America 168 Sound City 222
Audio Advisor .. ..201-203 Divergent Tech. (Copland) McCormack 180 Sound Components .. . 338
Audio Alchemy 154 170 Meridian 70 Sound Concept 344
Audio Connection 316 Double Time Jazz 335 Modern Postcard 185 Sound Connection 192
Audio Consultants 347 Dynaco 126 Mondial 2 Soundex 286
Audio Den 347 Dynatek 219 Monster Cable 133 Soundings 346
Audio Electronic Supply .258 Dynaudio 150 Moondance Sound & Cinema Sound Lab 300
Audio Forest 250 Elusive Disc 128-129 350 Sound Lab—UT 53
Audio Haven 351 Enlightened Audio 74 Mr. Amplifier 337 Soundsite 222
Audio Magic 216 Ensemble Music &Video .340 Muse Electronics 186 Sound 2 197
Audio Nexus 272 Esoteric Audio 27, 29, 31 Musical Surroundings . 170 SoundWorks 262
Audio Note 134 Fairport Soundworks 351 Music Hall (Epos) 176 Spendor Speakers 174
Audio Orleans 238 Fanfare International Music Lovers Audio 234 Stanalog Audio 234
Audio Outlet.... 318-319,340 138, 144 NAD Electronics 232 Stereo Center Front Row
Audiophile Selections . 352 Finale High End Audio Needle Doctor Audio Video 306
Audiophile Systems (Linn Hi -Fi) (Diapason) 324 326-331, 343 Stereo Dynamics 312
116 Forsell Mediphon 186 N.E.W. 188 Stereo Shoppe 347
Audio Plus Services Fourier Components . 140 New York Audio 230 Straight Wire 46
30, 138. 172 Freehold Stereo Video 344 Noble Works 181 Sunshine Stereo 314
Audio Power Industries .176 Galen Carol Audio 349 Northstar Leading The Way Sutherland Engineering
AudioPrism 172 Goodwins 308 14, 26 164
AudioQuest 146 Goodwin's High End 256 Nova USA 160 Svetlana 1I8
Audio Research 90 Groove Audio 336 Now Hear This 36 Synergistic Research .... 105
Audio Solutions 340 Hal's Stereo 350 Nuts About HiFi 244 TARA Labs 60-61
Audio Star 342 Happy Medium 342 NYAudio 230 Theta Digital 88
Audio Trading Times . . 334 HCM 292 Ocm Technology 178 Thiel 62
Audio Unlimited 308 HeadRoom 284 Overture 242, 260, 270-271 Threshold/PS Audio 66
Audio-Video Logic 350 HiFi Buys 312 Panamax 122 Tommy Jenving 140
AudioVisions 343 Hi Fi Farm 335 Paradigm 10 Toshiba 42-43
Audities 345 High-End Connection 306 Paragon Acoustics 182 Townshend Audio 182
Axcess Marketing 33 Hi-Vi Research 80 Paragon Sight & Sound 348 Transparent Audio 120
Axiss Distribution 59 Holm Audio 322 Parasound 28 Tubes By Design 310
B&W Loudspeakers .. ..4-5 Hsu Research 188 Park Avenue Audio 296 Ultra Systems 236
Balanced Audio Technology Innovative Audio 332 Parts Connection 247 Unison Research 192
52 Inter-IBEX Audio Video Systems Pass Laboratories 178 Valve Amplification Company
Bel Canto 142 12 Per Madsen Design 345 20
Billy Bags 347 Itone Audio/VMPS 348 Phase Technology .40,41 Vandersteen Audio 356
Black Diamond Racing 184 JA. Michell 58 Precision Audio 186 Van L. Speakerworks .. 344
Boulder Amps 216 JMIab America 166 ProAc USA 124 Versalab 192
Bright Star Audio 183 Joly Electronics 185 Progressive Audio 294 Virtual Audio/Yamamura
Brooks Berdan 230 Joseph Audio 136 Pro Musica 351 I83
Bryston I56 JS Audio 264 PSB 48 VTL 192
Cable Company 240 KEF Electronics 32 Reference Audio Video .342 Wadia 355
California Audio Labs . 100 Kief's 266 Reference Line Audio . .184 Wavelength Audio 181
Cardas Audio 142 Kimber Kable 158 Reference Recordings .316 WireWorld 152
Cary Audio 8-9 Krell 78 Rotel America 17 Woodbridge Stereo 304
Cello 228 LAT International 236 Sanus III XL0 24


• • • • • • • • •

elcome to the latest "Recom- as if that was what we were saying. It's just went back through the many ages of digi-
mended Components" issue that we no longer feel familiar enough tal are much less big than they seemed at
of Stereophile —at once both with it to compare it responsibly to what the time. (As we've tried to remind you on
the most popular and unpopular single we've reviewed more recently. Dropping a many occasions.)
thing we publish. First, though, let me component from "Recommended Com- This might seem a polemic against
congratulate this month's letter-writers. ponents" doesn't create obsolescence any Robert Harley, but nothing could be fur-
This particular "Letters" section is the best more than acontinued listing prevents it. ther from the truth. Every reviewer at
I've ever read, and that's set against avery The only area where Ithink you could Stereophile, including yours truly — yes, I
high standard of letters in every issue. We come close to alleging obsolescence is in used to do product reviews — has de-
truly love what you have to say, even — or digital processors and transports — and scribed amazing differences heard in (usu-
especially — when you disagree with us. I even there, Ifeel that the tremendous ally) the latest digital reproduction. RH has
wonder if letter-writers feel the same leaps we frequently acclaim could benefit made more such pronouncements, but
mentor/protégé relationship with John from historical perspective. What, for in- only because he's listed at eight out of the
Atkinson that most of our writers experi- stance, would it be like to do ahistorical nine positions of our digital batting order.
ence. Ihope so—JA works as hard to retrospective of digital — like the recent (Spring training is here, and I just wanted
usher your writings into our pages with Vermeer show at the National Gallery in to get in abaseball reference before JA did,
grace and accuracy as he does those of our Washington? Starting with the Sony at least this year.)
"official" writers. (I ran across afew folks CDP-101, moving through the Meridian This is just a"heads up" warning of the
this time whose writings might look great HCD, the Accuphase DP-80/DC-81, up inherent weaknesses of reviewers. In wine
in the more official parts of the magazine.) through the early Thetas, the first CAL writing, the "vintage of the century" hap-
Anyway, it's easy to see why "Recom- and PS Audio players, the Manley/ pens at least once adecade, but with good
mended Components" is popular: here, in UltraAnalog D/A, the early and late weather it can happen every two or three
one place, is what Stereophile thinks about Audio Researches, all the excellent Krell years. The alternative is something like "of
what there is to buy out in the market- products, the landmark Mark Levinson all the great cabernet sauvignons Ihave
place. In instances where our reviews have No30, the expensive Sonys, Pioneers, and tasted, this is one of them." A wine publi-
been ambiguous, or where writers differ Marantzes in the more affordable arena, cation with such a Hirschian attitude
in their judgments, or where subsequent the first Audio Alchemy, the beautiful would soon go bust. Wine enthusiasts
experience has better informed our collec- Denon pieces that graced the cover of our don't read their magazines to hear how
tive opinion, RC is the method through May 1994 issue, HDClir in many differ- ordinary everything is, but how extraordi-
which this information is communicated. ent products, the achievements of Sonic nary the latest vintage/grape/region/pro-
And for those of you who don't regularly Frontiers, the later Audio Alchemys, now ducer is. And buying "used" wine isn't like
read Stereophile (shame, shame!), "Recom- the Classé, the many later Meridians in all finding bargains in used hi-fi equipment:
mended Components" gives you the best their permutations, and lately the mighty the "recommended components" of vin-
of the last six issues, mixed in with the best Spectral — the mind fairly boggles at all tages past are much higher in price than
of the rest. (Please, though, don't buy any- these different products, plus their up- the latest releases.
thing based solely on its writcup in "Rec- dates, Mk.Ils, point fives, and generations This doesn't relieve magazines of a
ommended Components"; we strive for one through five. responsibility to balance our recommen-
accuracy, but one paragraph can't possibly Though I know I've omitted some dations against the demands we're placing
tell the whole story.) important companies from this list, even on your wallets, but readers have to pro-
Some of the unpopularity of "Recom- so, at one time or another just about vide the largest measure of that balance.
mended Components" is also easy to un- everything listed has been hailed as the lat- As digital reproduction — all sound repro-
derstand. This month, for instance, JA de- est and greatest—certainly so if you duction — continues to improve, we will
cided that components that hadn't been include value-for-money as acriterion. It continue to herald its wonders. You will
auditioned within the last three years had strikes me that if you add up all the "clear- read what we write and make your own
to be dropped, even though dropping com- ly audible," "significant," "mind-bog- decisions. k's your pragmatic judgments—
ponents is the fastest route to unpopularity gling," "massive," and "astounding" dif- of us and of the components—that deter-
where it really counts: with readers. ferences that have been heard during this mine what really deserves arecommenda-
Our "need to drop" is apractical one, long trek, you would end up with some- tion. Caveat emptor, but remember: emptor
and for more than space considerations. As thing quite abit better than live music. is king (and queen). —Larry Archibald
some readers have pointed out: Why do Clearly, that hasn't happened.
4:Stereophille--144.19 No.4, Api! 19%, Issue Manisa 195.
we seem to recommend almost every- Ithink what you'd actually find, were Stereophile (ISSN #0585-2544) is published monthly $35
thing we review? Dropping acomponent you to do such aretrospective, is that the per yule for (IS residents by Stereophile, 208 Dekado, Santa
you happen to own doesn't, of course, difference between the most recent "best" h, NM 87501. postage paid AI Sawa Ii, NM arid
al additional mailing ,yrici%. POSTMASIER: said addnss
make it any less of agreat product than it and its immediate predecessor is still pret- Awet, Stercophilc, P.O. Box 469027 Escondido, G4
was before, though many readers respond ty great — but that the differences as you 92046-9027 Printed in the U.S.

354 S
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