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III YEAR GNM 2022-23
I Describe the a) Definition of 04 -Lecture cum - Black Board - Short
scope and midwifery and obstetrical Hours discussions - PPT answers
trends in nursing -Videos Presentation - Objective
midwifery b) Scope of midwifery s type
c) Basic competencies of questions
a midwife -
d) History of midwifery
e) Trends of maternity
services in India
f) Vital statistics related
to maternal health in India

Describe the
II anatomy and Reproductive system 05 -Lecture cum - Black Board
physiology of a) Review of structure and Hours discussions - PPT
female function of female - Presentation
reproductive reproductive system Demonstration s
system b) Female pelvis – s
structure, types and -Charts,
diameters -Models &

III Describe the Embryology and foetal 08 • Lecture - Black Board -Essay type
stages of development Hours cum - PPT -Short
Embryological a) Oogenesis, discussi Presentation answers
and spermatogenesis, on- s -Objective
fetaldevelopme fertilization and Charts - - type of
ntcommon implantation. Models questions
medical b) Embryology and Fetal &
surgical development Objects
nursing c) Placenta and membranes: s
procedures - Structure - Functions - Practice
Abnormalities - Liquor • Drug book
amni - Umbilical cord • Exposure
d) Fetal skull: - Structure - to procedure
Diameters - Fontanels and
e) Fetal circulation

Normal pregnancy and -Lecture cum

IV Describe the its management 12 discussions - Black Board -Essaytype
physiological a) Pre-conception care Hours - - PPT -Short
changes in b) Genetic counseling Demonstration Presentation answers
pregnancy and c) Physiological changes -Clinical s -Objective
the in pregnancy teaching type
management of d) Diagnosis of pregnancy -Simulation -Skill
normal - History - Signs & Charts assessmen
pregnancy symptoms &Videos t with
Demonstrate e) Antenatal care: - check list
skill is caring History taking - -Clinical
for pregnant Calculation of expected work
women assessmen
date of delivery, -
t of patient
Examination and
investigations - Health
Education and counselling
- Drugs and
f) Minor disorders and
their management
V Describe the Normal labour and its -Lecture cum
various stages management 18 discussions - Black Board -Essaytype
of labour and a) Definition and stages Hours - - PPT -Short
the role of the b) Causes and signs of onset Demonstration Presentation answers
midwife in of labour s s Objecti
caring for a c) True and false labour -Case studies ve type
woman in d) First stage of labour: - -Videos -Skill
labour Physiology - Monitoring assessmen
Demonstrate using partograph and its t with
skill in interpretation - Care of check list
conducting the mother : physical and -Clinical work
normal psychological - Pain
delivery management - Setting up of
the labour room including
newborn corne
e) Second stage: - Physiology
and mechanism - Monitoring
- Conduction of normal
delivery - Episiotomy -
Essential newborn care
f) Third stage: - Physiology
and signs - Active
management of third stage -
Examination of the placenta -
Episiotomy suturing
g) Fourth stage: - Physiology
- Care of the mother and baby
- Postpartum family planing
Describe the Management of newborn
VI management of a) Assessment 14 -Lecture cum - Black Board -Essay type
normal b) Physiological adaptation Hours discussion - - PPT -Short
newborn c) Apgar scoring Demonstration Presentation answers
Development d) Examination for defects s, s -
of skill in e) Breast feeding- BFHI -Clinical Objective
caring for the f) Care of newborn -Skin, eyes, teaching type
normal buttocksetc -Chart -Skill
newborn g) Bonding and rooming in -Videos assessment
h) Minor disorders of new with check
born: - Birth marks, rashes, list
skin - Infections, sore -Clinical
buttocks, - Infection of eyes. work
t of
Describe Management of normal
VII normal puerperium 10 -Lecture cum - Black Board -Essaytype
pureperium and a) Definition and objectives of Hours discussion - PPT -Short
the role of care - Presentation answer
midwife in the b) Physiological changes n s -Objective
caring for c) Postnatal counselling -Role play type
woman in d) Lactation and feeding -Assessment
puerperium e) Care during puerperium – of skills with
breast and perineal care, check list
postnatal exercise, postnatal -Assessment
examination, follow up, of patients
family welfare management
f) Minor ailments and problem
g) Family planning

Describe the Management of

VIII complications complications during 12 -Lecture - Black Board -Essaytype
of pregnancy pregnancy Hours cum - PPT -Short
Demonstrate a) Bleeding in pregnancy - discussions Presentation answer
skills in Early and late - Ectopic -Case s -Objective
providing care pregnancy - Abortion - presentation type
for women Antepartum hemorrhage - -Clinical -Assessment
with Vesicular mole teaching of skills with
complicated b) Hyperemesis gravidarum -Videos checklist
pregnancy c) Gestational diabetes -Assessment
mellitus of patients
d) Pregnancy management
inducedhypertension - Pre
eclampsia - Eclampsia
e) Hydromnios – poly and
f) Pelvic inflammatory
g) Intra uterine growth
h) Post maturity
i) Intra uterine death High risk
- Monitoring
- Anemia
- Jaundice
- Viral
- Urinary tract infections
- Hearts diseases
- Diabetes
- AIDS and STD’s
- Osteomalacia,
- Teenage pregnancy
- Elderly Primigravida
- Multipara
- Multiple pregnancy
Describe the Management of high risk
IX management labour 10 -Lecture - Black Board -Essaytype
high risk a) Malposition, cum - PPT -Short
labour malpresentations discussion – Presentation answer
Demonstrate b) Contracted pelvis Demonstrati s -Objective
skills in early c) Abnormal uterine actions on type
detection and d) Cervical Dystocia -Bed-side -Assessment
prompt e) Premature rupture of clinic - of skills with
management of Videos & check list
membranes, precipitate and
high risk Assessment of
prolonged labour, induction of Charts
labourwith patients
labour obstructed labour, -Clinical
disorders of management
skin f) Obstetrics Emergencies- teaching problem
Cord prolapse, cord
presentation, amniotic fluid
embolism, obstetric
shock,rupture of uterus,
shoulder dystocia, vasa previa
g) Complications of third
stage -
PostpartumHemorrhage -
Atonic uterus - Injuries to the
birth canal - Retained placenta
and membranes - Inversion of
Describe the Management of
X puerperal complications of 04 -Lecturer - Black Board -Essay
complications puerperium Hours cum - PPT type
Demonstrate - Puerperal pyrexia discussion Presentation -Short
skill in the - Puerperal Sepsis - s answers
management of - Thrombophlebitis and Demonstratio
complications Embolism n
of puerperium - Breast engorgement, -Clinical
Mastitis, Breast abscess teaching
- Puerperal psychosis
Describe the High risk and sick newborn
XI management of a) Assessment 10 -Lecturer - Black Board -Essaytype
high risk and b) Nursing care Hours cum - PPT -Short
sick newborn c) Management of newborn discussion Presentation answer
Demonstrate with: Demonstra s -Objective
skills in caring - Hyperbilirubinaemia tin type
for high risk - Neonatal hypoglycemia -Clinical -Assessment
and sick - Hypothermia teaching of skills with
newborns - Neonatal Convulsions checklist
- Rh incompatability -Assessment
- Small for dates of patient
- Low birth weight management
- Preterm problem
- Asphyxia,
RDS - Sepsis
- Birth injuries Cephal
hematoma Caput succedaneum
Facial &Erb’s palsy Torticollis
- Congenital anomalies
d) Newborn of HIV positive
mother, diabetic mother
e) Levels of care in NICU
Describe the Obstetric operations -Lecture cum
XII obstetric a) Definition, indication and 10 discussion - Black Board -Essay type
operations and care of women undergoing Hours - Clinical - PPT -Short
midwife role in - Induction of labour teaching Presentation answer
assisting with - Manual removal of placenta -Videos s -Objective
each one - Version type
- Forceps delivery -Assessment
- Vacuum extraction of skills with
- Caesarean Section checklist
- Sterilization -Assessmen t
- Destructive surgeries of patients
- Amnio infusion managemen t
- Manual Vaccum Aspiration, problem
Dilatation and Evacuation,
Dilatation and Curettage
b) Post abortion care
Describe the Drugs used in obstetrics
XIII midwife’s a) Indication, dose, action, 04 -Lecture cum - Black Board -Essaytype
role in the contraindication, side effects Hours discussion - PPT -Short
administratio and responsibilities in the -Drug Presentation answer
n of drugs for administration of : presentation s -Objective
women - Oxytocin type
during - Uterotonics -Assessment
pregnancy. - Tocolytics of skills with
labour and - Antihypertensives checklist
post parturn - Anticonvulsants
period - Anesthesia and analgesia
b) Drugs used for newborn
c) Teratogens – effects of drugs
on mother and baby

XIV Describe the Ethical and legal aspects 02 Lecture cum - Black Board
ethical & legal related to midwifery Hours discussion
issues related a) Maternal and newborndeath
to midwifery review
b) Mother and child tracking

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