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College of Engineering | Department of Electrical Engineering

ELE 241: Electronics I

Spring 2024
Assignment 3
Due Date: 31st Mar. 20224 (Before 11:59 pm, submit online)

Note: Please use the cover sheet provided on iLearn and staple it with the assignment papers

1. (4.17)

2. (4.22)

3. (4.26)
Measurements on the circuits of Fig. P4.26 produce labelled
voltages as indicated. Find the value of β for each transistor.

Fig. P4.26

Reference: 1
Questions are taken from “Microelectronic Circuits” 7th Ed, Sedra & Smith.
College of Engineering | Department of Electrical Engineering

4. (4.30)

5. (4.55)

For the circuits below, find values for the labelled node voltages and branch currents.
Assume β to be very high.

Reference: 2
Questions are taken from “Microelectronic Circuits” 7th Ed, Sedra & Smith.

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