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22sd NOVEMBER 2023

TIME: 14:20 Hrs - 17:20 Hrs Marks: 100


1. This paper consist of Two SECTIONS A and B.

2. Section A Compulsory and Section B has Five (05) Questions therefore Answer
ONLY Four (4) Questions

3. Clearly indicate and number all your questions.

4. This Exam is set to assess All topics Covered.



SECTION A - (Minus 1 wrong answer. and Zero blank)
(1 Mark Each)

1. Which of the following is a eukaryote?

(a) Cytoplasm (b) Nucleus (c) Cell Membrane (d) Ribosomes

2. Where in the cell are proteins synthesized?

(a) Mitochondria (b)Vacuoles (c)Nucleus (d) Ribosomes

3. Which of the following types of molecules are the major structural components of the

(a) Phospholipids & Cellulose (b) Nucleic acids & proteins (c) phospholipids
& proteins (d) Proteins & cellulose

4. In which phase is chromosome condensation initiated?

(a) Prophase (b) Metaphase (c) Anaphase (d) Telophase

5. ................ is a form of cell division which results in the creation of gametes or sex

(a) Mitosis (b) Meiosis (c)binary fission (d) A and B

6. Water is a solvent that is..............

(a) Polar (b) Non polar (c) An amphipathic (d) Non polar uncharged

7. The elements of a water molecule are held together by which type of bond?

(a) ionic (b) Covalent (c) Hydrogen (d) Double

8. Small circular pieces of DNA in a bacterial cell are called?

(a) Plasmids (b) Loose DNA (c) Plastids (d) Enzymes

9. Which of the following is responsible for the three dimensional shape of a protein?

(a) Protein’s peptide bonds

(b) Protein’s amino acid sequence
(c) Protein’s interaction with other polypeptides
(d) Proteins Interaction with molecular chaperons

10. The folded states of globular proteins in aqueous solutions are stabilised primarily
by interaction of?

(a) Hydrophobic (b) peptide bonds (c) hydrophilic (d) disulfide bond

11. A tripeptide has ............

(a) 3 amino acids and 1 peptide bond

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(b) 3 amino acids and 2 peptide bond
(c) 3 amino acids and 3 peptide bond
(d) 3 amino acids and 4 peptide bond

12. Which part of the amino acid gives its uniqueness?

(a) Amino group (b) Carboxyl group (c) Side Chain (d) None

13. A strand of DNA T-G-A-A-C-T-A-G-C-C has a correct order of bases on the com-
plementary DNA strand?

(a) A-C-T-T-A-A-T-C-G-G
(b) C-A-G-G-T-C-G-A-T-T
(c) T-G-A-A-C-T-A-G-C-C
(d) A-C-T-T-G-A-T-C-G-G

14. A gene is a .........

(a) DNA sequence (b) Chromosome (c) RNA Segment (d) Protein

15. Suppose a red flowering plant was crossed with a yellow and all offsprings had orange
flowers. The alleles for the flower show?

(a) Co dominance (b) incomplete (c) Complete dominance (d) None

16. Mutagens which cause cancer are known as?

(a) Mutants (b) Chemical (c) Carcinogenes (d) Radiation

17. Predict the parental genotype whose mating produces the following offspring geno-
types: IAB ,IBO ,IAO and IOO

(a) IAB ,IBO (b) IAO ,IBO (c) IAB ,IBO (d) IAB ,IAO

18. A pure breeding tall pea plant was crossed to dwarf plant what will be the frequency
of dwarf plants in F1.

(a) 0.25 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.75 (d) 0

19. from the question above what what will be the frequency of dwarf plants in F2.

(a) 0.25 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.75 (d) 0

20. In a genomic DNA possesses functioning units, a group of genes under the influence
of one promoter is called?

(a) Replication (b) Operon (c) anticodon (d) Transcription

21. In eukaryotes and bacteria, the most common form of regulation control is?

(a) Promoter (b) Translation (c) Repressor (d) Transcriptional

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22. Which one is an example of pleiotropy?

(a) Sickle cell anaemia (b) height (c) Skin color (d) Agouti

23. Phenotypic ratio resulting from monohybrid cross that gives 2:1 is?

(a) Epistasis (b) Mutation (c) Lethal genes (d) Pleiotropy

24. The primary source of energy for E. coli is..

(a) Lactose (b) Glucose (c) Galactose (d) lac

25. Cancer cells are ....

(a) Inducible (b) Repressible (c) Both (d) None

26. Tryptophan operon is....

(a) Inducible (b) Repressible (c) Both (d) None

27. Glucose is an ........ for the lac operon.

(a) Inducer (b) Repressor (c) Operator (d) regulator

28. Which of the following is Incorrect about humoral immunity.

(a) Involves B cells

(b) Involves antibody - mediated response
(c) Has fast response upon detection
(d) Involves T cells

29. What happens to the rate of transcription in the lac operon when both glucose and
lactose are high?

(a) Increases (b) Reduces (c) Its off (d) Nothing happens

30. Which of the two lines of hematopoitic stem cells give rise to red blood cells.

(a) Myeloid cells (b) Lymphoid cells (c) B-lymphocytes (d) T-lymphocytes

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Question 1. [25 Marks]

a) Describe by illustration the feedback mechanism in both Lac operon
and Trytophan operon
b) With the help of examples explan the three types of immune defences.
c) Explain the difference between Humoral and Cellular Immunity. Also
Lac operon and Trytophan operon
d) Explain the following terms.
(a) Allergy (b)Auto-Immune (c) Regulator gene (d) Euploidy

Question 2. [30 Marks]

a) With aid of diagram illustrate the Law of independent Assortment
for dihybrid cross in a mice using the agouti alleles (A) dominant to
black allele (a). Another allele responsible for expression in the hair
pigment Dominant (E) and non expression (e).
b) Distinguish between the following;
(i) Sex linkage and Sex Limitation
(ii) Gene and Allele
(iii) Test and Back cross
(iv) Gene and Chromosome mutation
c) Suppose a Red beans plant (Rr) was crossed with White beans plant
(Ww) and 1000 offspring obtained. Determine
(i) Genotypic and Phenotypic rations
(ii) Number of offspring that will be Red
(iii) Use the Chi square to test if the two types of beans are linked or
not if the number of offsprings obtained under monohybrid cross
are 400 Red, 250 pink and 350 white.

Question 3. [30 Marks]

a) Explain the role of cholesterol in a cells plasma membrane in relation
to temperature.

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b) Explain the difference and similarities between simple and facilitated
c) Use a table to differentiate between eukaryotic flagellum and prokary-
otuc flagellum.
d) List and describe the three (3) major bacterial shapes.

Question 4. [25 Marks]

a) Explain the formation or compaction of a DNA strand into an x-
shaped chromosome.
b) Explain why viruses are non living.
c) What is the content of a spermatozoa acrosome and state its function.
d) Explain the two types of Immunity.

Question 5. [25 Marks]

a) Describe how the triglyceride molecule is formed.
b) Explain in detail the induced - fit model of the enzyme action and
how enzyme act as a catalyst.
c) Describe two differences between the structure of cellulose and glyco-
gen molecule.
d) The genetic code is said to be degenerate, Explain this and illustrate
your answer.


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