Assig#5 Uw 20 Che BSC 009

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Assignment # 05

Course Title: Computing Fundamentals Semester: 1st

Course Teacher: Muhammad Umar Mushtaq Total Marks: 10

Submission Date: 31/12/2020 Course Code: Ch. E-111

Student Name: Hashir Ameen Reg No.: UW-20-CHE-BSC-009

Course Learning Outcome Program Learning Outcome Learning


CLO-1 PLO-1 Cognitive 1&2

PLO-1: Engineering Knowledge

CLO-1: Understand/Describe

Q1. [10 points]

Discuss the applications of MATLAB in engineering practice specifically focusing on

applications in Chemical Engineering.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction of Matlab ........................................................................................................ 2
2. Definition ............................................................................................................................ 2
3. Applications of Matlab in Engineering .............................................................................. 3
3.1 Data Analytics ............................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Performing Numerical Analysis .................................................................................. 3
3.3 Robotics....................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Simulation and Designing ........................................................................................... 4
3.5 Wireless Communications........................................................................................... 5
3.6 Employing Image Processing & Computer Vision ..................................................... 5
3.7 Predictive Maintenance ............................................................................................... 6
3.8 Test and Measurement ................................................................................................ 6
3.9 Engaging Mathematics ................................................................................................ 6
3.10 FPGA Design and Codesign ....................................................................................... 6
4. References .......................................................................................................................... 8

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Matlab Icon................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2: Data Analysis in Matlab ............................................................................................. 3
Figure 3: Robotics using Matlab ................................................................................................ 4
Figure 4: Simulation using Matlab ............................................................................................ 4
Figure 5: Wireless Communication using Matlab ..................................................................... 5
Figure 6: Image Processing ........................................................................................................ 5
Figure 7: Test and Measurement................................................................................................ 6
Figure 8: FPGA Design & Codesign ......................................................................................... 7


1. Introduction of Matlab
Early History
Cleve Molar, the chairman of the computer science department at the University of New
Mexico, started developing MATLAB in the late 1970s. He designed it to give his student’s
access to LINPACK and EISPACK without them having to learn Fortran. It soon spread to
other universities and found a strong audience applied mathematics community. Jack little an
engineer was exposed to it during a visit Molar made to Stanford University in 1983.
Recognizing its commercial potential, he joined with Molar and Steve Bangert. They rewrote
MATLAB in C and founded Math Works in 1984 to continue its development. These rewritten
libraries were known as JACKPAC. In 2000, MATLAB was rewritten to use a newer set of
libraries for matrix manipulation, LAPACK.
The early uses of MATLAB were specifically made by the practitioners as well as researchers
that were associated with the field of control engineering, which was a specialty of Jack Little.
The language, because of the high profile features, was quick to become popular in a variety
of other domains as well.
The common uses of this language are now made in the field of education, especially in the
teaching of numerical analysis, and linear algebra. Apart from that it is also deployed by the
scientists who work in the area of image processing.

2. Definition
An abbreviation of "matrix laboratory" is a proprietary multi paradigm programming and
numeric computing environment developed by Math works.
MATLAB is one of the high-performance languages that is generally used for the purpose of
technical computing. By integrating the visualization, and programming, MATLAB creates an
easy-to-use environment where understandable mathematical notations are used to express the
problems and solutions. This language is generally used in the development of algorithms, and
computation and Maths.

Figure 1: Matlab Icon


3. Applications of Matlab in Engineering

The Matlab is a typical language. Matlab is a numerical computing environment. Matlab
perform many applications in our daily life especially in engineering field.
 Math and computation.
 Algorithm development.
 Modeling, simulation, and prototyping.
 Data analysis, exploration, and visualization.
 Scientific and engineering graphics.
 Application development, including Graphical User Interface building.

Some of the basic applications of Matlab are given in detail.

3.1 Data Analytics
Data Analytics is the process of studying data in order to gain insights. It is mostly done with
the help of other software and tools. Engineering and IT people are using Matlab to build the
Big Data Analytics Systems. They use MATLAB to organize, clean, and analyze complex data
sets from diverse fields such as climatology, predictive maintenance, medical research, and

Figure 2: Data Analysis in Matlab

3.2 Performing Numerical Analysis

Numerical analysis relies on approximation rather than the precision you see in symbolic math.
Performing certain building construction tasks is impossible without applying numerical
analysis, and astronomy seems to require heavy use of it as well. You probably won’t see a
carpenter applying numerical analysis, but you will see architects who might need to do so.


3.3 Robotics
Robotics is an interdisciplinary field of science and engineering. It involves mechanical
engineering, electronic engineering, and computer science to name a few to create robots or
human-like machines. Robotics researchers and engineers use MATLAB to design and tune
algorithms, model real-world systems, and automatically generate code – all from one software

Figure 3: Robotics using Matlab

3.4 Simulation and Designing
Using a simulation rather than a real-world counterpart is a low-cost approach to testing that is
an essential part of any sort of scientific or engineering endeavor today. MATLAB makes
simulations possible in several different ways. It may not always provide a complete solution.

Figure 4: Simulation using Matlab


The simulation using Matlab can be beneficial for us by following ways. It can
 Enhances the ability of the people involved to try various solutions
 Reduces costs
 Improves the chances of a new technology succeeding
 Increases the security surrounding a new technology
3.5 Wireless Communications
Wireless communication is a broad term used for connecting two devices using a wireless
signal. Teams in wireless Engineering use Matlab to reduce development time, eliminate
design problems early, and streamline testing and verification.

Figure 5: Wireless Communication using Matlab

3.6 Employing Image Processing & Computer Vision
Image processing is mainly focused on the processing of raw images and making them ready
for other tasks such as computer vision. Computer vision, on the other hand, looks at images
like the human eye. It involves understanding and predicting the visual output. Algorithm
building is vital for image processing and computer vision. Uses of Matlab provides a
comprehensive environment to analyze images and build algorithms.

Figure 6: Image Processing


3.7 Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance techniques are designed to determine the condition of in-house
equipment so that we can figure out when maintenance has to be done. The Matlab predictive
maintenance toolbox provides tools for labeling data, designing condition indicators, and
estimating the remaining useful life (RUL) of a machine
3.8 Test and Measurement
Testing and Measurement is the process in which electronic products are subjected to a range
of tests starting from physical tests to identify any physical defects to product level functional
testing. Matlab provides tools that you need to acquire and automate tasks. Once you acquire
data, you can explore it and perform live visualization and data analysis.

Figure 7: Test and Measurement

3.9 Engaging Mathematics
Some people simply enjoy playing with math. It’s the reason that so many theorems are
available today to solve problems. These people are engaged with math in a way that few others
can readily understand. MATLAB makes it possible to play with math, to create new ways of
using numbers to perform useful tasks.
3.10 FPGA Design and Codesign
Matlab enables hardware-software codesign by providing C/C++ and HDL code generation
with targeted support for programmable SoC devices. With MATLAB and Simulink, you ca
 Program your FPGA without writing any code
 Simulate and debug your FPGA using MATLAB and Simulink tools
 Perform production FPGA and SoC design


Figure 8: FPGA Design & Codesign


4. References
1) Fan Changxin, Sun Tianyi, Principles of Communication, Publishing, House of
Electronics Industry, and 2010(7):16-47.
2) Guo Wenbin, Sang Lin, Principles of Communication-Computer Simulation Based on
MATLAB, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2006:43-80.
3) Dr.Bernard Sklar, Digital Communication Fundamentals and Applications,
Communications Engineering Services, Tarzana, California and University of
California, 2005:49-53.
4) Li Ling, Chen Qiang,Discuss the Application of MATLAB Simulation for Teaching
Communication Principle ,Journal of Sichuan College of Education, 2006(12):25-26.
5) Jiang Xia. The dynamic Simulation Application of Communication System Based on
MATLAB SMUNLINK, Journal of Tarim University, 2006(18):7-9.

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