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The Magistrate' Courts Act [CAP. 11 R.

E 2019]

(b) Appellate and Revisional Jurisdiction of District Courts

20._(1) save as hereinafterprovided-

a) In proceedings of extension of time case lyamuya construction company against board of
registered of young women Christian association of Tanzania of twenty ten , valambah's , the
applicant must account for all the days of delay, bashiri hassan against latifa lukio mashayo two
thousand and seven.the delay should be not inordinate like excessively greater amount or degree
iii) must show diligence and not negligence sloppiness apathy umoja garage against national
Bank of commerce ninexty seven that lack of diligence on the party of counsel is not sufficient
ground for extension of time.
b) In any other proceedings pleadings, judicial measures matohv against auto garage seventy one
number eighty one , contain material fact Millington against lorring ,signed joseph Marco against
Paschal rweyemamu seventy seven, verifications clause john byombambirwa against against
agency martine eighty three, Philip anania masasi against returning officer and two others ninety
(2) No appeal shall be allowed-

a) In any case affidavit signature of deponent verification clause statement of fact by deponent,
mstapha raphael against east africa gold mine ninenty eighty jurat of attestation date place
qualification and signature shapriya and company.
b) In any case restitution section 89 of the code show any partyn entitled to benefit from a dectree
that has been varied, petromark Africa ltd and freddie ally eashid against exim bank, twenty.
c) In any case stay of execution order twenty one twenty four, good cause why not to execute decree
Elizabeth jeremiah against Mohamed salum nahd tweny one.
(4) Notwithstanding the prosions of subsection (3)-
a) The district court Summary order suit thirty five, three shomust be triable issues,affidavit or
otherwise that there is fair and reasonable defence kagera tea company ltd against board of
trustees of nssf twenty two.
b) If an application tis made third party notice order one fourteen show any contribution or
indemnity,any relief or remedy related to subject matter advent consruction ltd against tansino
quarries and another twenty one
21.(1)- In exercise of its appellate jurisdiction a district court shall have power-
a) To direct the primary court revision section forty three sub three of the act and section seventy
nine of the code, show certifacory on legality of decision of proceeding said mtoro shomar
against mwanaisha kassim twenty one.
b) Whether or not additional evidence is heard dismissal order nine show good cause for
nonappearance bahati mayimba against jagro enterprises twenty three.Exparte judgement order
nine,nine show application release from disease,certificate of second chance and exception petro
bira chato against himahudu ubaya twenty
c) To quash any proceedings exparte order, order eight fourteen show sufficient cause muro
investment ltd against alice Andrew mlele fifteen.
d) The provisions of paragraph (d) of subsection (1) review order forty two show mistake on
record,discover of new evidence after exercise of due diligence nalabe against bosa and others
thirteen.Representative suit order one, eight common interest to subject matter,notice of
institution to represented person adinani Mohamed almas and others against Mwajabu abdallah
jongoa and another, twenty one


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