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Elvis Cipriano Piriquito

2nd year
Bachelor Degree in Basic

Chair: English
Work an individual

Teacher: dr. Gildon Cardoso

Rovuma University
Nampula – 2024
Elvis Cipriano Piriquito

Work na Individual

Individual work of an evaluation of the

Englesh chair, of the Basic Teaching Course,
1st halfof the 2nd year, EAD, taught by the
teacher: dr. Gildon Cardoso

Rovuma University
Nampula – 2024

Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1. What you are expected to do: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5

a) Complete the exercise 2 (Student A and Student B) of UNIT 2, page 13 and 119 ---- 5

b) Write and complete the exercises of UNIT 3, page 20 (Practice 1– Grammar) ------- 6

2. Make a summary of UNIT 4 (Expression of quantity pag. 27) of the same book and
do the exercises Practice 1 Grammar and Practice 3 Grammar ----------------------------- 7

3. Do the exercises on pag.28 (Practice grammar 1 and 2) ---------------------------------- 9

Concluion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Bibliography -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

The exercises provided are designed to help improve grammar skills by identifying and
correcting mistakes in sentences, as well as understanding the appropriate use of articles
(a, the, or nothing) in different contexts. By practicing these exercises, can enhance
ability to construct grammatically correct sentences and gain a better understanding of
article usage in English.

1. What you are expected to do:

a) Complete the exercise 2 (Student A and Student B) of UNIT 2, page 13 and 119 of
the Book shared on the platform (entitled: Headway Pre Intermedite BOOK Liz and
John Soars)

Student A

Name Town and Free time̸ Present

and AGE Country Family Occupation holiday Activity
Miguel -Raima / - not married - barman in - sailing - staying with
26 Majorca - 2 older his - London every his brother
- Spain brothers -parents' hote autumn to in Madrid
learn English
Chantal - Paris - not married - Moroccan - buying
34 - France - 3 sisters fashion buye restaurants clothes in
- 2 brothers r - jogging New York
- holiday home
in Biarritz
Emma - Oxford - parents - school girl - pop music - working
15 - England divorced - every holiday hand for her
- one brother with her father exams
in Scotland
Mario - Siena - one married - retired - opera - preparing to
and Rita -Italy daughter company - visit their go America
Cumino - one director daughter in
65 and 63 grandson America every

Student B

Name Town and Family Occupation Free time̸ Present

and AGE Country holiday Activity
Miguel -Raima / - not married - barman in - sailing - staying with
26 Majorca - 2 older his - London every his brother
brothers autumn to in Madrid

- Spain - parents' hote learn English
Chantal - Paris - not married - Moroccan - buying
34 - France - 3 sisters fashion buyer restaurants clothes in
- 2 brothers - jogging New York
- holiday home
in Biarritz
Emma - Oxford - parents - school girl - pop music - working
15 - England divorced - every holiday hand for her
- one brother with her father exams
in Scotland
Mario - Siena - one married - retired - opera - preparing to
and Rita -Italy daughter company - visit their go America
Cumino - one director daughter in
65 and 63 grandson America every

b) Write and complete the exercises of UNIT 3, page 20 (Practice 1– Grammar).

1. Write in the Past Simple of the following verbs.

Start – started Pass – passed

Jump – jumped Pick – picked

Watch – watched Survive – survived

Happen – happened Save – saved

The regular past tense form is usually formed by adding “-ed” to the base form of the

When the verb ends in ‘e’, we simply add a ‘d’ to form the past tense. Exemples:

Carry – carried

Marry – married

When the verb ends in a consonant + y, we change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘ed’. Exemples:

Cry – cried

Try – tried

Study – studied

For irregular verbs:

be – was/were go – went

buy – bought hit – hit

come – came know – knew

do – did make – made

fall – feel ring – rang

feel – felt say – said

find – found send – sent

fly – flew swim – swam

give – gave throw – threw

2. Make a summary of UNIT 4 (Expression of quantity pag. 27) of the same book
and do the exercises Practice 1 Grammar and Practice 3 Grammar.


1. Put some or any into each gap.

a. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

b. We don’t need any butter.

c. There are some books on the table.

d. I want some flour because I’m going to bake a cake.

e. Is there any petrol in the car?

2. Put much, many, or a lot of into each gap.

a. Have you got much homework?

b. We don’t need many eggs.

c. There are a lot of dirty plates in the sink.

d. There is a lot of unemployment in my town.

e. Are there many unemployed people in your country?

3. Grammar

Some + where
Any body
The rules for something/anything, etc. are the same as for some and any.

 Someone phoned you last night, (positive)

 We didn’t go anywhere, (negative)
 Did you have anything to eat at lunchtime? (question)

Put one of the combinations into each gap.

a. ‘Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?’

b. ‘Yes, I met someone who knows you. His name’s Alan Clark.’

c. ‘Ouch! There’s something in my eye!’

d. ‘Let me have a look. I can’t see anything.’

e. ‘Let’s go somewhere hot for our holiday.’

f. ‘OK. But I don’t want to go somewhere that’s too expensive.’

g. ‘I’m bored! I want something interesting to read, or someone interesting to talk to, or
na interesting logo!’

3. Do the exercises on pag.28 (Practice grammar 1 and 2)

Gramar 1: Work in pairs to find one mistake in each of the following sentences.

a. He’s a milkman, so he has breakfast at 4 a.m. (Change “He’s” to “He’s a”)

b. I want the government to do something about the problem of unemployment.

c. Cities are usually exciting – in London, for example, you can have tea at the Ritz and
then go to the theatre in the evening.

d. I must go to a bank and see my bank manager. I want to borrow one hundred pounds.

Gramar 2: Put a, the, or nothing into each gap.

a. I have two children, a girl and a boy. The girl is six and the boy is four.

b. She goes to work in the city by train every day. Her office is on Baker Street.

c. I never read newspapers during the week, but the Observer every Sunday and I read it
in bed.

d. When you go to France, you must take a boat on the Seine when you are in Paris.


practicing exercises like these is a great way to reinforce understanding of grammar

rules and article usage in English. By actively engaging with the exercises, can improve
language skills and feel more confident in constructing accurate and coherent sentences.
To remember that, consistent practice leads to improvement.


Liz and John Soars. Headway Pre-Intermediate Student’s book. 2012


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