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PROMETHEUS @ sctoo. ieoring PEimogined Summative Task Sheet MYP Yea Subject: Science Date: Criterion: Criteria D (i, i, ii, iv) Submission date: Recommended Time: 4 lessons Unit Essentials Unit Name: How does our body work? Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression Key Concept: System Related Concepts: Function, Interaction, Balance ‘Statement of Inquiry: By understanding how different body systems function and interact with each other, people can make better decisions regarding health and life Assessment Criteria Students should be able to: i, describe the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue. discuss and analyse the various implications of using science and its application in solving a specific problem or issue. iii, apply scientific language effectively. iv. document the work of others and sources of information used. 0 The student does not reach a standard indicated by any of the descriptors below. 12 The student is able to, with limited | The student is able to, with limited success: success: i. state the ways in which science is | -State what is organ used to address a specific problem | donation/transplant and how it or issue, addresses the problem of early mortality. Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 1 PROMETHEUS SCHOOL learning RE imogined Summative Task Sheet ii, state the implications of using science to solve a specific problem or issue, interacting with a factor. iii. apply scientific language to communicate understanding. iv. document sources -State why usage of organ donation has, pros/cons referring to any no factor in particular -Use scientific language to communicate the understanding of solution and its impact (vocabulary in inaccurate and sketchy) -Sources documented incorrectly 3-4 The student is able to: The student is able to: i. outline the ways in which science | -Give a brief description of what is is used to address a specific organ donation/transplant and how it problem or issue addresses the problem of early mortality ii. outline the implications of using | -Give a brief description of why usage science to solve a specific problem | of organ donation has pros/cons or issue, interacting with a factor. | referring to any one factors in particular (social, economic, environmental, moral/ethical, political, cultural) ill, sometimes apply scientific -Use scientific language to communicate language to communicate the understanding of the solution and understanding. its impact (vocabulary is limited but accurate) iv. sometimes document sources -Document sources sometimes, could correctly be inaccurately documented (other format than MLA. (less than 2 sources) 5-6 The student is able to: The student is able to: i. summarise the ways in which science is used to address a specific problem or issue -Write down major points regarding organ donation/transplant and how it addresses the problem of early mortality Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 2 8 PROMETHEUS SCHOOL learning RE imogined Summative Task Sheet ii. describe the implications of using science to solve a specific problem or issue, interacting with a factor. ili. usually apply scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and precisely. iv. usually document sources correctly. Give a detailed account of why usage of organ donation that has pros/cons referring to any two factors in particular (social, economic, environmental, moral/ethical, political, cultural) -Use scientific language to communicate the understanding of the solution and its impact (vocabulary is widely used and mostly accurate) -Document sources accurately in MLA format. (3-4 sources) 78 The student is able to: i. describe the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue ii. discuss and analyse the implications of using science and its application to solve a specific problem or issue, interacting with a factor. ili. consistently apply scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and precisely. iv. document sources completely The student is able to: Give detailed account regarding organ donation/transplant and how it addresses the problem of early mortality Discuss and analyse why usage of that solution is good/bad referring to any three factors in particular (social, economic, environmental, moral/ethical) -Use scientific language to communicate the working of the solution and its impact (vocabulary is widely used and always accurate) -Document sources accurately in MLA format(up to 4 sources). Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 3 PROMETHEI Sher 7 raring RE imagined Summative Task Sheet Meet Blake Blake Heart Recipient Source: Read the story of Blake who was the recipient of an organ(heart) transplant. There are other stories too on the link given above. Feel free to browse through any or as many of them. Also, go through some of the statistics related to organ donation on the link given below: Based on statistics, you would have understood that there is a need to promote organ donation. Which of the following factors do you think should be considered while deciding the same. Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 4 PROMETHEUS SCHOOL eerning RE imagined Summative Task Sheet ln the year 2000, the United States started using 'The Final Rule" to decide the fairest way to assign organs to those waiting for them. Dactors designed a system for ranking patients using six criteria. Which af these 12 criteria would you guess they included and which did they leave out? Use your knowledge -of the immune system and how mutticeliular organisms werk to think through the options, ¢ Ps ah Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 5 PROMETHEUS CHOOL ring RE imagined Summative Task Sheet Based on your understanding developed so far, attempt the GRASP task give below: GOAI ‘0 research and collate information to produce a persuasive speech, as learnt in your English classes, to convince people for organ donation ROLE: You are a doctor who is delivering the speech at a public event aimed at generating awareness regarding organ donation. AUDIENCE: The general people who has turned up to listen to you. Keep your audience in mind as you prepare and deliver your speech. SITUATION: Studying about human body should lead to people being able to make better decisions about their choices. The aim of the task is to create awareness regarding the same. PRODUCT: The speech which should be 400-500 words and include the following: -Description of what is organ transplant and how does it allow people to get a new lease of life. (Criterion D, Lili) -Discuss and analyse the implications of promoting organ donation with respect to any of the three factors (given below are guiding questions for each of them) (Criterion D, ii) Use the graphic organiser to collate your research. -Cite your sources of research in MLA format. Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 6 PROMETHEUS @ sctoo. ieoring PEimogined Summative Task Sheet Factor ECONOMIC is defined as “pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities.” The costs and benefits of using science. Who pays or receives the benefit? Is it worth it? How much will it cost? Are the potential benefits worth the cost? Who pays for it, private companies, the Government, consumers? Pro: 1, Reduced Healthcare Costs: While the initial cost of an organ transplant surgery and post- operative care can be high, in the long run, it can significantly reduce healthcare costs. 2. Increased Productivity: Organ transplant recipients often experience improved health and quality of life, enabling them to return to work or resume their dally activities. This leads to increased productivity and contribution to the economy through employment and taxes. Con: According to a 2002 study, selling a kidney in India doesn't lead to long-term economic benefit and may be associated with a decline in health. If not accurately matched, the donor’s organ can be rejected by the recipients body, causing organ rejection. This can lead to a direct waste of money which will be spent on surgery and recovery. POLITICAL is defined as “of, pertaining to, or involving the state or its government.” Is the government involved directly or are powerful groups trying to influence people or the government or the UN etc? Why would the Government be for or against this the application of this science and how would it affect other countries? Pro: Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 7 PROMETHEUS SCHOOL learning RE imogined Summative Task Sheet Con: SOCIAL is defined as “of or pertaining to the life, welfare, and relations of human beings in a community.” The people affected or involved, from a few people up to the global community. How will this application of science affect society, will it affect everyone or a select group? Will it unfairly affect one group of society over another? Will everyone have access to the science/solution or only the privileged? Pro: 1. Supporting Families: Organ transplantation not only benefits recipients but also provides hope and relief to their families and caregivers. Seeing their loved one regain health and vitality following 2 successful transplant can strengthen family bonds and improve overall well-being. 2. Promoting Organ Donation Awareness: The need for organ donors highlights the importance of raising awareness about organ donation and transplantation within society. Successful transplant stories and public education initiatives can encourage individuals to register as organ donors, leading to an increase in the donor pool and saving more lives. Con: 1, Stigmatization and Discrimination: Organ transplantation may be accompanied by societal stigma or discrimination, particularly forrecipients or donors with certain medical conditions or marginalized identities 2. Organ Trafficking and Exploitation: The global demand for organs has led to concerns about organ trafficking, illegal organ trade, and exploitation of vulnerable populations. Instances of coercion, exaloitation, and unethical practices in organ procurement and transplantation raise Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 8 PROMETHEUS @ sctoo. ieoring PEimogined Summative Task Sheet serious ethical and human rights issues. CULTURAL is defined as “of, relating to, or associated with the behaviours and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.” A problem in one place is seen differently in another for reasons such as faith, tradition, and different belief values. Would people from different cultures be affected the same way or have the same opinion on the scientific solution. Some religions are against certain medical procedures, from organ transplants to blood donations. research/2019-07/150730-religious-beliefs-attitudes-organ-donation-summary- en.pdf Pro: 1, Cultural Acceptance and Integration: Organ transplantation can promote cultural acceptance and integration by bringing together diverse communities and individuals for a common, purpose: saving lives 2. Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Organ transplantation fosters cross-cultural collaboration and cooperation among healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and advocacy groups worldwide Con: 1, Religious and Cultural Beliefs: Organ transplantation may conflict with religious or cultural beliefs regarding the sanctity of the body, definitions of death, and attitudes toward organ donation. Some cultures may have specific rituals or traditions surrounding death and burial that discourage or prohibit organ donation, leading to ethical dilemmas and cultural tensions. 2. Trust and Mistrust: Cultural factors such as historical experiences of discrimination, exploitation, or medical injustices may influence trust and mistrust in healthcare systems and transplantation practices, MORAL/ETHICAL is defined as “pertaining to or dealing with morals or the Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 9 @ PROMETHEUS SCHOOL eo learning RE imogined Summative Task Sheet religious groups, individuals? Pro: Con: principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.” \sit right or wrong to use science in this way and if we do, how ought we to do it? (Aborting foetuses is something we must do in a caring way even if we think it is right or wrong. Who decides whether itis right or wrong, the Government, Fill your citations here: ‘Authors Tast | Title ofthe Publisher [Date of Unk Aecess name, First source/Article Publication Date name 1L Hutton, National 6/12/2021 | httosi//wwwnebin | 7/4/2024 David Library of Themagntudeot | wedicne cles/PMCBESSE28/ Economic Impact of Increased Organ Patients With End Stage Renal Disease Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 10 @ PROMETHEUS SCHOOL eo learning RE imogined Summative Task Sheet 2 Spiegel, Economiccosts | European | 7/10/2013 _| https://health.eceu | 8/4/2024 Stefaan andbenefits of | Commission transplantation download/7724da6 3-7326-42cb-92b¢- 6Saicd8ae254_en?f ilename=ev_201310 07_co03_en.pdf 3.N/A Prosand.cons of | UNOS N/A https://transplantiv | 7/04/24 transplant from a donor who has -and-cons-of- died transplant-from donor-who-has- died/ “aN/A Support and NHS N/A httpsi//www.nhsbt. | 06/04/24 emotional wellbeing transplantation/kid ney/living-with-a- kidney- transplant/support- and-emotional- wellbeing/i:~:text= Some%20patients% 2oFind3%20it%20ver y,you%20and%20yo ur%20loved%200ne s Command terms Outline Give a brief account or summary State Give a specific, brief answer without explanation Apply Use knowledge and understanding in response to a given situation or real circumstances ‘Summarise ‘Abstract a general theme or major point(s) Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process Discuss Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence Analyse Break down to bring out the essential elements or structure. (To identify parts and Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 1 PROMETHEI Sher 7 learning RE imogined Summative Task Sheet relationships, and to interpret information to reach conclusions) Research ° ‘Access information to be informed and inform others Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources Collect and analyse data to identify solutions and make informed decisions Locate, organize, analyse, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media Thinking . Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument Draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations Consider ideas from multiple perspectives Develop contrary and opposing arguments Practise flexible thinking - develop multiple opposing, contradictory and complementary arguments Teacher's Recommendations ‘Achievement Level Prometheus School/MYP 3/Science/Term 2/Unit 4/SA/2023-24 12

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