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Fill in with a/n, the or leave the space empty.

[1] Dear Judy,

Sorry that I didn't email you earlier to tell you about … trip, but I've had … bunch of
things to do since we got back. We had … fantastic time in … South Africa. Although
this is … first time I've ever traveled to … foreign country, I feel confident saying that it's
one of … most beautiful places on … planet.

We began … trip in … Cape Town as you suggested. It's such ... beautiful city. And I'm
so glad you recommended that we take … cable car up … Table Mountain. While we
were taking in … spectacular views, we met … man who runs … lodge just
outside … Kalahari National Park. He invited us to stay in … lodge for free, so we
rented … car and slowly drove up … West Coast to … park and spent our time
exploring … Kalahari Desert. What … adventure!

Take care,

[2] Sometimes, … names can be confusing in … different languages. Much to … confusion

many … English learners, … Europa is not the name of … continent, but rather … moon
which orbits … Jupiter. And although many people have never heard of it, it
is … especially important moon. Scientists have discovered that … surface is entirely
covered with … ice, but researchers hope that beneath … frozen layer lies … ocean.
Nobody knows if … center of the moon is frozen solid or if it is … liquid water.

If some vast, undiscovered ocean does exist, it would be … cold and harsh environment;
however, some scientists believe that … life might exist there just like it does
at … bottom of Earth's oceans. Some say that … only way to find out is to send … probe
to drill down into … ice and see what's there. Such … mission would be … expensive
project indeed.

[3] A: Excuse me, do you know if there's … subway station around here? I'm supposed to
meet … couple of friends at … restaurant near … Chrysler Building.

B: Actually, … closest subway station is … little far from here. Do you have … map?

A: No, I don't. I just have … smartphone, but unfortunately, … battery is dead. What am
I going to do? I need to be there at … noon.

B: Do you know … name of … restaurant?

A: No, I don't. I remember it's … Italian restaurant. Oh, wait … minute, I have … name
written down on … piece of paper in my wallet. (Checks wallet.) It's called DeVino's.

B: Oh, I think you're headed in … wrong direction. DeVino's is near … Time Square. If
you are in … rush, you should take … taxi.
Complete the text with a(n), the or -
1) Have you ever seen _____ rhinoceros? I saw one up close when I was in _____ South Arica
last year, and they are one _____ most amazing animals in _____ world. In _____ Africa, there
are two species of _____ rhinos. _____ white rhino is _____ largest and most numerous
rhinoceros specied that exists. _____ black rhino is smaller and it is _____ endangered species
because people hunt it. While _____ hunting is illegal nowadays, there are still _____ people
who hunt _____ rhinos.
2) _____ golden toad, also known as _____ Monteverde toad, used to live in _____ rainforest of
_____ Costa Rica. It was _____ common species in _____ past, but in 1988 only 10 were
found. Sadly, _____ reseach team which was sent in 1989 could only find one. it was declared
extinct in 2007 and _____ biologists say _____ main cause was pollution and _____ disease.
3) _______ Lake Victoria is _______ lake in _______ East Africa. it is _______ largest lake on
_______ continent with _______ surface area of 26,600 s` mi. _______ first European to
discover _______ lake was John Hanning Speke and he named it after _______ British queen of
_______ time.
most of _______ lake is in _______ Tanzania and _______ longest river flowing into it is
_______ Kagera River on _______ western side.

4) Maria’s father is _____ accountant.

5) _____ Smiths always stay at _____ Sunshine Hotel when they go to _____ Bahamas.
6) I’m hungry. all I had for _____ lunch was _____ egg.
7) I bought two _____ skirts and _____ bag. _____ bag is black and white.
8) I’m having _____ dinner at _____ work today because I’ll have to work overtime.
9) _____ Amazon Rainforest has many _____ rivers, _____ lakes and _____ waterfalls. _____
Amazon River _____ second longest river in _____ world.
10) It’s been _____ long time since I last spoke _____ Italian. You see, there aren’t many
Italians in _____ area where I live.
11) Do you still live on _____ Priston Street?
12) _____ Gobi Desert is in _____ Asia.
13) When I visit _____ Paris, I will definitely visit _____ Louvre Museum.
14) _____ Siberian tiger , _____ largest tiger species, was announced _____ endangered in
2007, only _____ 400-500 left in _____ wild. They are mostly found in _____ Northeast China.
15) _____ Ibiza, which is _____ car’s make, is _____ island in _____ Mediterranean Sea off
_____ coast of _____ Spain.

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