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Experiment – 08

Object: To design a Wein Bridge Oscillator for 1KHZ frequency.

Apparatus Required:
1. Opamp: uA741
2. Resistors (1.6K, 200K, 100K)
3. Capacitors (0.1 𝜇𝐹)
4. DC power supply (+15 and -15V)
5. Bread board and Connecting wires etc.

The circuit of Wein Bridge oscillator is shown below.

Fig. 1: Wein Bridge Oscillator

1. Connect all the components on bread board as shown in the circuit.

2. Once circuit is complete, switch on the power supply and observe the output waveform on CRO and
measure the frequency of output.

Finding the value of circuit components

For Wein Bridge oscillator, the expression of frequency is given by, (for 𝑅1 = 𝑅2 and 𝐶1 = 𝐶2 )

Dr. A. K. Verma
𝑓𝑜 =
Here, 𝑓𝑜 = 1𝐾𝐻𝑍. Let 𝐶 = 0.1𝜇𝐹, then value of 𝑅 becomes equal to 1.59𝐾.

Also, gain section has to satisfy this condition,

So, we can take 𝑅3 = 200𝐾 and 𝑅1 = 100𝐾.

With these values of R, C, R3 and R4 the above shown circuit is made and response is observed on CRO.

Following waveform is observed.

From this waveform, we can see the period is 1mS, therefore, frequency is 1KHZ.

Dr. A. K. Verma

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