CamScanner 04-24-2024 22.43

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‘The price of a newspaper increased from $0.97 to $1.13 . Calculate the percentage increase. ° wh 44 (b) One day, the newspaper had 60 pages of news and advertisements. (Calculate the number of pages of advertisements. b0 y 4235 547 A pele zy (i) Write the number of pages of advertisements as a percentage of the number of pages of news. 25 yioo= luo? 4S Lilie, (©) Onholiday Maria paid 2.25 euros forthe newspaper when the exchange rate was $1 = 0.9416 euros. ‘At home Maria paid $1.13 for the newspaper. Calculate the difference in price. Give your answer in dollars, correct to the nearest cent, 23S 9.3845 ©.44lb ¥ 2.31 S/ ilk Oo 4.94 - [3= Led ‘eUCLES 2019 ospenneus Scanned with CamScanner Ly YS J (@ The number of newspapers sold decreases exponentially by x% each year. ‘Overa period of 21 years the number of newspapers sold decreases from 1 763 000 to 58.000. Caloulate the value of x xl 1763 000 x C I- Go) =58000 al = -%= "| 58 000 _ ¥) x 100 1763 000 LL=A4IS.00S.- (© Every page of the newspaper is a rectangle measuring 43cm by 28cm, both correct to the nearest centimetre, Calculate the upper bound of the area of « page. Aen * ust Cit @>= 2G 1812. 7S" ag AC 44) <0 ~ 1913.) aneans [Turn over euctes 2019 sesso 19 Scanned with CamScanner vewwdynamicpane 2 @ NOTTO SCALE AC spall to FBD, ABC isan isosceles triangle and CBE is straight ine. Find the value of x 1$0°- 26°= 154" 164° 4.597 (90° D703" «=. a © oo hal \) = 2 ‘The diagram shows a circle with diameter PO. SPTis a tangent to the circle at P, Find the value of y. 160'- Cirt $8") ~ lS" Uta Wk 45° 1g0"-105°= 78° po flOEI euctes 2019 ossoszmiiy Scanned with CamScanner 3 The probability that Andrei cycles to school is r. (@) Write down, in terms ofr, the probability that Andrei does not cycle to sch (b) The probability that Benoit does not cycle to school is 1.3—r. The probability that both Andrei and Benoit do not cycle to school is 0.4 . @ Complete the equation in terms of r. ele» (i) Show that this equation simplifies to 10r~23r -r)xCl.3-> =0- — 2-35 +04 =0 (i-r)xCl > - (ate | cis-epoe CTT ON Us-r — ar 42 =o04 p2_ 2.3 4).3- 0-4-0 a) B) (iii) - Solve by factorisation 107?—23r+9 = 0. r= 9.36 -|8=0 ?_-|.€¢ -O.Sr -).%=0 Ch r-\F? B-Bir-be) <0 Cr-BCr-0.5)°O 5 (iv) Find the probability that Benoit does not cycle to school. |.3-0.5-08 ouctes 2019 ossoannets [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner www.dynamic, vont \ 4 (@)_ The equation ofa straight line is 2y = 3x+4. wnt 6 (Find the gradient ofthis line. (i) Find the co-ordinates ofthe point where the line crosses the y-axis. (b) The diagram shows a straight line L. 0 =-2C3)4C © Find te equation oftine L,Y * MIF ce c- Ab m Casadient) C3,0>C0,6) bed, - —% oO-3 (i) Find the equation of the line perpendicular to line L 24.6. 031 ©) Scanned with CamScanner euctEs 209 oseosnnenis vy 1 MY, Ks (© Ais the point (8, 5) and B is the point (—4, y * @ Calculate the length of 4B. Ge Pact-s)* = 12.6 (W)_ Find the co-ordinates of the midpoint of AB. ae (BY Scanned with CamScanner 8 5 Thetable shows some values of y= 2h-% for 0.15

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