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ISLAMIC STUDIES 3. Difference between deen and religion

a. Religion
b. Deen
1. ISLAM c. Islam. A deen
a. Introduc on d. Difference between deen and religion
b. Lexicology i. Religion is private while deen is collec ve
c. Characteris cs of Islam ii. Religion deals with individual benefits while deen deals with collec ve
i. Universality of message benefits
ii. Unity of message iii. Deen provides criterion for measuring ac ons
iii. Guarantee of protec on iv. Deen makes man confident while religion induces fear
iv. Modera on between spiritual and mundane ma ers v. Deen calls upon men to struggle for a good life as contrary to religion
v. Based on ra onal concepts vi. Religion discards world while deen embraces it
vi. Complete code of life vii. Religion discourages self-development while deen encourages it
vii. Natural and easy viii. Religion covers sacred affairs only while deen covers both sacred and
d. Dis nguishing features mundane affairs
i. No intermediaries ix. Religion is hos le to scien fic inves ga on
ii. All encompassing x. Deen revoults against oppression while religion resigns itself to it
iii. Inten on ma ers xi. Religion only gives benefits while deen entrust responsibili es along with
iv. Flexible rights
v. Cross temporal xii. Deen is divine decree while religion is man made
vi. Geographically universal xiii. Religion is illogical and mythical while deen is based on sound logic
vii. Non restric ve
viii. Non discriminatory
ix. Valid across mes 1. SALAH
x. Unified in prac ces a. Introduc on
xi. Quran in living language b. Meaning of salah
xii. Comprehensive system of rights and du es c. Importance of salah
xiii. Direc ons in poli cal ma ers d. Different categories
xiv. Zakat principle to alleviate poor people e. Spiritual Impacts
xv. Social and economic securi es for women specifically provided i. Closeness to Allah
2. Importance of deen in human life ii. Obedience and Submissive
a. Introduc on iii. Check against evil and indecency
b. Importance of deen iv. Purifica on of soul
i. Making life purposeful and meaningful v. Mental sa sfac on and peace of mind
ii. Provide guidance to mankind f. Moral Impacts
iii. Deen leads mankind from darkness to light i. Punctuality
iv. Criterion for right and wrong ii. Sense of responsibility
v. Induces piety and remembrance of god iii. Training in self-discipline
vi. Source of wisdom and knowledge iv. Character building
vii. Provides principles for establishing jus ce v. Develop sense of humility
viii. Provides power to endure adversaries of life vi. Brings mutual respect
ix. Peace of mind vii. Abstain from vulgarity
x. Legi mate means of physical and emo onal sa sfica on viii. Sense of accountability
c. Need for deen ix. Pa ence and perseverance
i. Inability to understand purpose of life g. Social Impacts
ii. Establishment of civiliza on i. Pla orm to raise concerns and engage
iii. Defines purpose and provide answers ii. Salat leads to unity
iv. Fulfillment of Spiritual needs iii. Source of social interac on
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iv. Source of social consensus building vi. Fas ng protects soul from vice
v. Conformity between ummah vii. Pa ence
vi. Elimina on of mutual differences viii. For tude
vii. Salat as a source of brotherhood ix. Introspec on
2. ZAKAT f. Moral impacts
a. Introduc on i. Develops will power
b. Meaning of zakat ii. Love for charity
c. Importance iii. Develops commitment
d. Nisab g. Social Impacts
e. Masarifs i. Prime source of self-control leading to social control
f. Zakat: Individual v/s state debate ii. Realiza on of hardship and poverty
g. Objec ves of Zakat iii. Fas ng leads to social harmony
i. Purifica on of soul iv. Fas ng leads to healthy society
ii. Ensure equity 4. HAJJ
iii. Ensure dignity a. Introduc on
iv. Ensure progress b. Meaning and concepts
h. Spiritual Impacts of Zakat c. Historical background
i. Sa sfac on by helping others d. Importance of Hajj
ii. Zakat removes love for materialism e. Kinds of hajj
iii. Closeness to Allah f. Faraiz of Hajj
iv. Purifica on of wealth g. Wajibat of Hajj
i. Moral Impacts of Zakat h. Spiritual Impacts of Hajj
i. Generosity i. Closeness to Allah
ii. Humility ii. Connec on with Hazrat Ibrahim
iii. Humanitarian spirit and mutual health i. Moral Impacts of Hajj
j. Social Impacts of Zakat i. Humility
i. Leads to spirit of sacrifice in society ii. Pa ence and tolerance
ii. Increases mutual care and support iii. Self-sacrifice
iii. Eliminates hate and jealousy between rich and poor j. Social Impacts of Hajj
iv. Circula on of wealth in society i. Muslim Unity
v. Increase purchasing power ii. Expression of Muslim society and culture
vi. Strength na onal economy and eliminates poverty iii. Social and cultural assimila on and interac on
vii. Eliminates unfair means of earnings iv. Teaches lesson of sacrifice
3. FASTING v. Understanding and sharing problems of Muslim ummah
a. Introduc on vi. Hajj teaches equality
b. Defini on vii. Teaches lesson of helping others
c. Importance viii. An exercise of forbearance, tolerance and forgiveness
d. Purpose ix. Teaches lesson of humanity and morality
i. Restraints
ii. Sacrifice
iii. Empathy 1. Tauheed
iv. Physical Fitness a. Introduc on
e. Spiritual Impacts b. Meaning
i. A ainment of Piety c. Kinds
ii. Reward in herea er i. Unity of being
iii. Fas ng renews faith ii. Unity of a ributes
iv. Purifica on of soul iii. Unity of ac ons
v. Reward for offering i ar d. Importance
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e. Impacts on individual vii. Sense of purposeful life

i. Sense of accountability e. Impact on Society
ii. Gives purpose of exitance of human and universe i. Social control in society
iii. Sense of dignity ii. Generates spirit of generosity
iv. Sense of modesty and humilia on iii. Mutual care and respect
v. Piety and righteousness iv. Elimina on of social evils
vi. Hope and sa sfica on 4. Belief in revealed books
vii. Determina on and pa ence a. Introduc on
viii. Inspires bravery in man b. Reference
ix. Psychological consequences c. Revealed books
f. Impact on society d. Impact
i. Social equality i. Inspires sense of accountability
ii. Islamic Unity, brotherhood and bond ii. Belief in all revealed books
iii. Promotes collec ve peace and social jus ce 5. Belief in angels
2. Prophethood a. Introduc on
a. Introduc on b. Famous angels
b. Meaning c. Reference
c. Nature of prophethood d. Impact
d. Dis nc ve quali es of Prophethood i. Moral consciousness
i. Selected from humankind ii. Prevalence of jus ce
ii. Bounty of god iii. Sense of accountability
iii. Divine vessel
SERAH of Holy Prophet (SAW)
iv. Infallibility
e. Status in Islam 1. As an individual
i. Worthy of obedience a. Introduc on
ii. Exegete of book of god b. As a person
iii. Master and guide i. Morality
iv. Role model ii. Trustworthy
v. Serves as legislator iii. Honesty
f. Finality of prophethood iv. Truthfulness
i. Introduc on v. Ar cula on
ii. Reference vi. For tude
iii. Characteris cs of finality of prophethood vii. Pa ence
 Universality viii. Perseverance
 Annulment of previous shariahs ix. Pleasant demeanor
 Perfec on x. Courage
 Protec on of holy book xi. Simplicity and contentment
3. Belief in Herea er xii. Generous
a. Introduc on xiii. Humbleness
b. Characteris cs xiv. Hallmark of jus ce
c. Reference c. As a family member
d. Impact on individual i. As a husband
i. Sense of accountability ii. As a father
ii. Sense of responsibility iii. As a grandfather
iii. Sense of reforma on and correc on iv. As a rela ve
iv. Inclina on towards good deeds v. As a master
v. Elimina on of pride vi. As a friend
vi. Check on animalis c tendencies vii. As a human being
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viii. As a ci zen  Just post bellum

 Reputa on d. Military strategy of Holy prophet
 Sacrifice i. Before ba le
 Impar al  Prepara on
 Protec on of tradi on  Food, medicine and water
 Harbinger of change  Consultancy
ix. As a professional  Preemp on
 Commitment  Gained insight
 Par cipa on  espionage
 Consulta on ii. During ba le
 Consensus  Troops organiza on
 Equality  Oversight and command
2. As a diplomat  Discipline
a. Introduc on iii. A er ba le
b. Diploma c ac vi es during stay at Makkah  Prisoners of war
i. League of virtuous  Conclusion of peace
ii. Muslim migra on to Abyssinia  Retribu on
iii. Journey to taif  res tu on
iv. Al-Aqbah pledges e. Quali es of holy prophet as a military commander
c. Diploma c ac vi es during stay at Madinah i. Strong belief in Allah
i. Reforma on of Madinah ii. Bravery
ii. Cons tu on of Madinah iii. Inclina on towards compromise and reconcilia on
iii. Treaty of Hudabiyyah iv. Innova ve war strategies
iv. Correspondence with foreign leader and tribal chiefs v. Secrecy in war planning
d. Diploma c skills of holy prophet 4. As a peace maker
i. Hospitality a. Introduc on
ii. Giving gi s to envoys b. Peacemaking efforts at Makkah
iii. Guest house for envoys c. Peacemaking efforts at Madinah
3. As a military strategist d. Laws of war and peace in Islam
a. Introduc on i. Right of non-combatants
b. Objec ve of wars ii. Right of combatants
c. Comparison of war strategies iii. Rules regarding wounded and those who seek refuge
i. Strategy before Islam iv. Rules regarding property
 Human shields v. Rules regarding declara on of war
 Incessant figh ng vi. Prohibi on of breach of trea es
 Everything is fair in war 5. as an educator
 Extremity of war a. introduc on
 Prisoners of wars b. importance of educa on
 Water and environmental terror c. steps taken by holy prophet for promo on of educa on
ii. Strategy of modern mes i. declared educa on as compulsory
 Even war has limits ii. encouraged educa on and learning
 just Ad bellum: iii. exalted status of teachers
 just in Bellum: iv. exalted status of students
 just post bellum: v. pioneered women’s educa on
iii. Military strategy of Islam vi. established educa onal ins tu ons
 Just Ad bellum: vii. setup mosque as center of educa onal ac vi es
 Just in bellum: viii. suffa: the first Islamic university
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ix. brought educa onal revolu on 3. status of women in Islam

x. study of foreign languages a. introduc on
xi. learning knowledge from prisoners of ba le of badr b. women in ancient civiliza ons
xii. educa on for all c. women in Islam
d. teaching methodology d. rights of women
i. keeping in view mental and intellectual capabili es of learners  family rights
ii. communica ng in easy language  economic rights
iii. avoiding harshness and applying kindness  social rights
iv. effec ve communica on 4. issues regarding women in Muslim countries
v. ease and facilita on a. introduc on
vi. conversa on according to situa on b. causes
vii. giving prac cal and living examples i. wretched poverty
ii. violence as a result of closed poli cal order
iii. ignorance
1. human rights in Islam iv. degenera on of higher human values
a. introduc on v. lack of ij had
b. fundamental human rights in light of Quran and sunnah c. way forward
i. right to life i. adherence to pris ne Islamic teachings
ii. equality among human beings ii. economic developments and eradica on of poverty
iii. security of life and property iii. inclusive poli cal system
iv. honor and dignity iv. female literacy development
v. right to support/ coopera on v. forbidding socio-cultural prac ces
vi. sanc ty of private life vi. carry out ij had to reinterpret teachings of Islam
vii. right to protest against tyranny 5. dignity of men and women
viii. freedom of expression a. introduc on
ix. freedom of belief b. meaning
x. freedom of associa on c. Islamic concept of dignity
xi. freedom of conscience and convic on i. Best of all crea ons
xii. protec on of religious sen ments ii. Created in best form
xiii. right to basic necessi es for life iii. Endowment of knowledge
xiv. right to jus ce iv. God’s vicegerents
xv. right to life for unborn child v. Equality of mankind
xvi. right to par cipate in public affairs vi. Criterion of high posi on in society
xvii. right to inheritance d. Responsibili es as vicegerent of God
xviii. right to protec on of trusts i. Worship of god
2. rights of non-Muslims ii. Administra on of jus ce
a. introduc on iii. Use of authority as trust of god
b. types of non-Muslims
i. contractes
ii. conquered 1. Islamic Culture
iii. dhimmis a. Introduc on
c. rights b. Characteris cs of Islamic culture
i. right to life and property i. Tawhid based
ii. freedom of religion and worship ii. Egalitarian, tolerant and fraternal
iii. excep on from induc on in military service iii. Dignifying and moralis c
iv. payment of jizya iv. Dynamic, progressive and world affirming
v. protec on of places of worship v. Non-exclusivist but dawah based
vi. right to social and economic liberty 2. Islamic Civiliza on
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a. Introduc on 4. Concept of public administra on in Islam

b. Basis of Islamic civiliza on a. Introduc on
c. Characteris cs b. Public administra on in Islam
i. Universality c. Principles of public administra on in Islam
ii. Eternal i. Amanah: authority is trust of God
iii. Open and pluralis c ii. Khilafat: role of leadership
iv. Balanced civiliza on iii. Shura consulta on body for administra ve affairs
d. Dis nc ve elements of Islamic civiliza on (redo) iv. Adalah: Jus ce
i. Tawhid v. Al-Adalah Al- Ij maiyyah: Social Jus ce/ Equity and Fairness
e. Impact of Muslim civiliza on on western civiliza on/ Muslim contribu ons (redo) vi. Hisabah: Accountability
i. Medical sciences vii. Transparency
ii. Chemistry viii. Rule of law
iii. Astronomy, geography, and naviga on ix. Quality Assurance
iv. Mathema cs x. Striving for excellence
3. Muslim and contemporary challenges xi. Redressing of grievances
a. Introduc on xii. Public as priority
b. Internal challenges 5. Responsibili es of Civil Servants
i. Intellectual crises and stagna on a. Introduc on
ii. Poli cal disunity of Muslim world b. Reference
iii. Mismanagement of resources c. Responsibili es of civil servants
iv. Fundamentalism and rise of extremism i. Uphold Islamic shariah
v. Middle eastern crises ii. Dispense jus ce
vi. Prevalence of unbridled materialism and moral decline iii. Maintain law and order
vii. Lacking in educa on, science and technology iv. Enforce criminal code of Islamic law
viii. Persecu on of women v. Defense of state’s fron ers
ix. Intolerance vi. Collect zakat and other taxes
x. Absence of religious ethos vii. Ensure rule of law
c. External challenges viii. Ini ate work of public welfare
i. Globaliza on ix. Establish and maintain educa on ins tu ons
ii. Cultural invasion x. Combat corrup on in all forms
iii. Military invasions 6. Governance under Holy Prophet
iv. Capitalism and poli cal economy a. Introduc on
v. Tag of terrorism b. Administra ve seat of govt and secretariat
d. Solu ons i. Mimbar (Pulpit)
i. Protec on of ideological founda ons ii. Secretariat
ii. Promo on of Islamic values c. Salient features of Prophet’s administra on
iii. Retrospec on, self-introspec on and rec fica on i. Appointment of capable persons
iv. Focusing on scien fic educa on ii. Strong and efficient administra on
v. Media to counter cultural onslaught iii. Par cipatory decision making: Consulta ve administra on
vi. Poli cal consciousness iv. Discipline and order
vii. Muslim should ban state terrorism and portray peaceful image v. Public accountability
viii. Muslim unity vi. Human synergy
ix. Need for ij had vii. Financial administra on
x. Muslim universi es and research centers viii. Judiciary
xi. Reforming madrassah educa on ix. Rule of law
xii. Sectarian harmony x. Police
xi. Establishment of just society
xii. Peaceful foreign policy

7. Salient features of Administra on under pious caliphs

a. Introduc on
b. Appointment of caliphs
c. Caliph’s power and authority

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