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TUGAS 1 Mata Kuliah Terminologi Hukum

Berikut adalah contoh kalimat yang dibuat dari kata-kata dengan konteks hukum yang diminta

1. The principle of the presumption of innocence is a fundamental aspect of the legal system,
ensuring that individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty.

2. A justice collaborator is a key witness who cooperates with authorities to provide information
about criminal activities in exchange for reduced charges or protection.

3. Contempt of court occurs when someone shows disrespect or disobedience towards the court,
which can lead to penalties or fines.

4. To file a lawsuit, a person must have legal standing, meaning they must be directly affected by the
matter at hand.

5. In some cases, the shifting burden of proof may require the defendant to prove their innocence
rather than the prosecution proving guilt.

6. Comparative seizure is a legal procedure used to compare the seized evidence with the case in
question to determine its relevance.

7. Forfeiture is the legal process by which a person loses their property or assets due to illegal
activities or non-compliance with the law.

8. A legal entity can be a person, company, or organization recognized as having legal rights and
responsibilities under the law.

9. The minutes or official record of a court proceeding document the details of what occurred during
the trial for future reference.

10. When you borrow money to buy a home, the lender may have a pledge right to the property as
collateral until the loan is repaid.

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