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Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

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Recent developments in the protection of wind turbine blades against

leading edge erosion: Materials solutions and predictive modelling
Leon Mishnaevsky Jr. a, *, Antonios Tempelis a, Nikesh Kuthe b, Puneet Mahajan b
Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark
Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India


Keywords: Leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades is the most often observed damage mechanism of wind turbine
Wind turbine blade blades, which causes also additional costs for the maintenance of wind turbines. In this review, recent in­
Coating vestigations in the areas of leading edge erosion of blades, anti-erosion coatings, new materials and computa­
tional modelling of erosion are discussed. The ideas and results, presented at the annual symposia on erosion of
Finite element technique
wind turbine blades, organized at DTU Wind since 2020, are reviewed. Recent studies of leading edge erosion,
devoted to the computational analysis and materials science aspects of the erosion, are summarized. The
application of advanced computational modelling techniques to the analysis of the damage mechanisms in
leading edge coatings is demonstrated, including the effect of coating materials properties and structure on the
erosion, debonding, humidity and weathering effects, and the analysis of the potential of structured and rein­
forced coatings.

1. Introduction degradation mechanism, simply due to the frequency of required repairs

[3]. According to the estimations from Ref. [3], minor surface damage
In order to realize the energy transition to renewables, large costs up to 12 times as much as major structural damage. Fig. 1 shows
expansion of wind energy, in particular, offshore wind energy, is fore­ the schema how the erosion of wind turbine blades occurs due to rain
seen in next years [1]. The tendencies in the wind energy development droplet impacts. To overcome the erosion problem, a number of research
include the development of large and extra large wind turbines, located projects and industrial initiatives were started over last years. Many
far from coast (e.g., floating wind turbines) and also expansion into new coatings, leading edge protection systems and shells are available on the
regions (Northern Regions, Northern Sea, but also monsoon regions and market now, including ProBlade Collision Barrier by LM Wind Power,
other regions with severe weather conditions). The common feature of PowerEdge® Care Leading edge protection of Siemens, coatings and
these tendencies is that it makes the wind turbine maintenance more tapes by 3M, Bergolin, Duromar, Enercon, Belzona, ELLE (Ever Lasting
difficult and expensive, on the one side, and more often required, due to Leading Edge) soft shell by Poly Tech, Hempablade Edge 171 by Hempel
high mechanical and environmental loads (stronger wind on sea, icing, and others. Still, the problem remains actual, especially with view on
monsoon rains, higher rotation speed). larger blades, with higher tip speeds and located in the regions of
Leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades is the most often intensive rain and hail loading.
observed damage mechanisms of wind turbine blades [2]. According to In this paper, recent investigations in the area of wind turbine blade
the evaluations of frequency of different damage mechanisms, carried protection against leading edge erosion are reviewed, in particular,
out by DTU and Indian National Institute of Wind Energy (on the basis of developments of new materials and predictive modelling of erosion. The
the analysis of surveys of service teams and wind owners), the surface results presented at recent conferences, in particular, the symposia on
erosion is the only damage mechanism observed during the first year leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades, organized at the Depart­
after the installation, and most critical damage mechanism in the first 5 ment of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, in 2020–2022,
years of service time of wind turbines in Europe (along with lightning are analysed [4]. Further, recent investigations at the DTU Wind and IIT
strikes and manufacturing defects). It is also the most expensive Delhi in the area of new coating development, computational design of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: lemi@dtu.dk (L. Mishnaevsky).

Received 24 February 2023; Received in revised form 23 June 2023; Accepted 27 June 2023
Available online 28 June 2023
0960-1481/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

coatings, and prediction of the erosion and surface degradation are becomes more significant at higher frequencies. Lower values of storage
summarized. The promising directions and recommendations to the modulus lead to higher durability. For lower frequencies (100 Hz), time
development of anti-erosion coatings and predictive modelling of the to failure decreases with increasing tanδ, while for higher frequencies
blade erosion are formulated. (106 … 109 Hz)time to failure increases with increasing tanδ. Ouachan
and colleagues [17] characterised samples of LEP material using the
2. Recent investigations in the area of materials for erosion Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) and Time Temperature
protection: overview Superposition methods, and observed that Young modulus of the coating
increases with increasing the strain rate.
Leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades has been a subject of
investigations over several decades. The detailed reviews of in­ 2.3. Structured, reinforced coatings
vestigations of blade erosion and solutions is given elsewhere (see for
instance Refs. [5–7]). In order to get better overview of lately developed The particles and other reinforcements in the coatings can cause the
solutions, DTU Wind organized a series of international symposia on dissipation of stress waves from liquid impact, thus, reducing local
leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades in 2020–2023, inviting stresses [13]. It can also increase the strength of the coatings [13].
specialists from research teams and projects active in this area. This Ouachan and colleagues [18] added POSS (glycidyl polyhedral oligo­
section reviews the results, presented at these symposia, as well as some meric silsesquioxane) nanoparticles to the polyurethane coatings, and
other articles published over last years. demonstrated that the modification improves damping (at lower tem­
perature). They observed that the particle modified LEP displayed lower
2.1. Thermoplastic and hybrid solutions tanδ values at all frequencies, as compared to unmodified. The elasticity
of the coating increases with frequency of deformation. Pathak and
Several new materials solutions for anti-erosion coatings were under colleagues [19] tested anti-erosion polyurethane coatings with ceramic
investigated over last years. A promising direction of the development of oxide nanoparticle reinforcements, and observed that nanoparticles
new highly resistant coatings is based on using thermoplastic and hybrid reinforced PU coatings show much higher solid particle erosion resis­
thermoplastic based materials [8,9]. British company Armour Edge tance as compared with pure polyurethane coating.
developed semi-flexible erosion shields, from ultra-tough thermoplastics
and with optimal aerodynamic profile. German company SaertexGmbH, 2.4. Structured thick interfaces between LEP and composites
in the framework of a collaborative project HyRoS, together with the
company Kraiburg and other partners, developed a new The detachment of coatings is one of the main mechanisms of the
thermoplastic-based hybrid material for leading edge protection (LEP) blade erosion. In several works, the problem of interface adhesion is
[10]. Further, they developed a coating with embedded heating layer for tackled by developing gradient, structured interfaces. Cortés and col­
blade deicing. Zanjani and colleagues [11,12] developed integrated leagues [20] studied in-mould coatings, and observed that coatings with
thermoplastic-thermoset hybrid leading edge protection system, based stiffer and thicker coating–laminate interphase (in coatings with lower
on the co-bonding process (joining of prefabricated parts during the degree of curing) lead to better erosion protection performance, than
curing process). Thermoplastics show more creep and stress relaxation, coatings with higher degree of curing and thinner interphases. Erartsin,
as compared to thermosets (due to the restriction of chain motions by Salomão and colleagues [21,22] studied the correlation between the
cross-linking), and that might be one of reasons for the high potential of cure temperature and interphase thickness and morphology in thermo­
thermoplastics for LEP. plastic elastomers, co-bonded to glass fiber reinforced epoxy and poly­
ester composites (integrated leading edge protection, InLEP). They
2.2. Viscoelastic polyurethane coatings observed that increased cure temperature led to a decrease in the
interphase thickness, decrease in the bond strength and more intensive
The common assumption is that the viscoelastic properties and interfacial failure. In the co-bonding process, proposed by Zanjani and
damping of coating materials correlate with their erosion protection colleagues [11,12] for the attachment of pre-fabricated thermoplastic
performance [13–15]. While this has not been confirmed in general case, (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, ABS) coatings to thermoset (polyester)
this assumption is widely investigated. Katsivalis and colleagues [16] blades, interphase layer is formed, with lower microhardness. The
studied the relationship between exposure time before failure and the properties of these interphases determine the quality of the LEP
storage modulus (characterizing stiffness) and tanδ (ratio of loss attachment. GalvanoPro developed hybrid metallic-polymer LEP with
modulus to storage modulus of the material, characterizing the energy metalized fibrous hybrid metalized carbon layer as a coupling layer
dissipation potential) for the LEP materials considered. They observed which reduces the interfacial stresses and prevents detachment. Pahle­
that the correlation between storage modulus and time to failure van, from Danish SME Leptek [23], reported the novel adhesion system

Fig. 1. Schema: Erosion of wind turbine blades due to rain droplet impact.

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

for leading-edge erosion shields, using a nanoscale adhesion mecha­ directions in this area. In the following sections, the application of
nism, based on polymer brushes technology. He reported 3 times higher computational modelling to solving and better understanding of these
adhesion strength as compared to commercially available systems. The and other problems of blade erosion is demonstrated. Leading edge
conclusion can be drawn that the creation of thick, structured coat­ erosion mechanisms, materials properties effect and the potential of
ing/composite interfaces/interphase has the potential to prevent the various materials for erosion coatings are investigated using advanced
coating detachment. computational modelling.

2.5. Metallic and metal-polymer coatings 3. Leading edge erosion mechanisms: Computational analysis

One of the direction which seems quite promising is the development In this and next sections, the activity of DTU Wind in the area of
of erosion shields from metallic materials, nickel or titanium shells [24, predictive modelling of erosion, and the analysis of interrelationships
25]. The German company Muehlhan has got a patent on metallic between service conditions, materials structure and anti-erosion per­
coatings [26]. The British company Doncasters proposed to use elec­ formance are presented. The investigations concentrate on several topics
troforming nickel cobalt leading edge erosion shields, tested for aero­ shortly discussed above:
space applications, helicopters and propeller blades, for wind turbine
blade protection. German company GalvanoPro also developed o Effect of coating materials properties and structure on the erosion,
nickel-cobalt leading edge protection with hybrid material as coupling including viscoelastic properties,
and transition layer. The challenges of this direction include the reliable oDamage mechanisms in leading edge coatings, including debond­
attachment of metallic coating, fatigue resistance of the coatings, ing, humidity and weathering effects,
lightning protection, and also the (currently) relatively high price. oЕxploring the potential of structured and reinforced coatings,
oMethods of computational analysis and digitization of wind turbine
2.6. Roughness and its effect on the energy production blade degradation.

The critical question asked by many wind park owners and service Using advanced computational modelling methods of the erosion
companies – at which erosion level the energy production is so reduced, simulation (multiscale and micromechanical modelling, application of
that an expensive repair operation is economically justified? There are machine learning, exploring the potential of digital twins), we seek to
various estimations on how the erosion reduces the annual energy analyze he influence of various factors and material parameters on the
production, ranging from 1.5% to 7% and more [27]. In a number of anti-erosion performance of coatings.
studies, the effect of leading edge roughness on the blade aerodynamics
was studied [27–29], using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and 3.1. Erosion damage modelling for viscoelastic coatings
experimental methods. It can be seen that while many studies are
devoted either to the evaluation of the effect of surface roughness on the The general strategy of computational modelling of leading edge
energy generation in blades, or analysis of blade surface degradation, erosion includes several steps: development of random rain scenario,
with prediction of lifetime, there are practically no predictive models of droplet impact modelling, fatigue damage modelling [5]. The main steps
roughness evolution of the blade surface. Kaore and colleagues [30] of all the computational models of erosion are shown in Fig. 2. The
studied the effect of the tip velocity, surface roughness and the rain approach is described in several reviews [5,34,35], and implemented in
intensities on the erosion. They observed that the surface roughness of several models [36–38].
the coating is the most critical parameter in the rain erosion of coatings. In order to analyze the potential of the anti-erosion protection
improvement by modifying structure and properties of the coating ma­
2.7. Moisture, weathering, ultraviolet terial, computational models of the erosion should include also the
complex polymer material behaviour, micro- and nanoscale structures of
The wind turbine blade materials are subject to environmental the coating materials.
loading including ultraviolet radiation and high humidity, which can In several works, complex viscoelastic laws were implemented in the
lead to moisture ingress and absorption, swelling, changing properties, erosion/liquid impact models, to analyze the effect of material
In combination with mechanical loading (by rain droplet, wind, etc), the properties
environmental loading speeds up the leading edge degradation. It is of In [39], a micromechanical model of viscoelastic polyurethane as a
interest that there were almost no presentations on the effect of hu­ two phase (soft/hard) material is presented. It was demonstrated that
midity on the blade erosion at the 1st – 3rd symposia on leading edge the larger mechanical loss coefficient of the material, the less is the
erosion in 2020–2022 (and practically no publications). However, at the stored elastic energy in the material after the impact, and the lower is
4th symposium (February 7–9, 2023), several leading groups in this area the likelihood of the damage initiation.
(including University of Strathclyde/UK and Universidad CEU/SP), In [36,38], the effect of viscoelasticity of the coating material on the
report their studies on combined erosion and weathering studies. stress field in the coating under liquid impact was studied in numerical
In other studies, Gao and colleagues [31] observed that UV-radiation experiments. A computational finite element model of liquid drop
causes photo-oxidation of coatings, free radical excitation, coupling impact was implemented using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
reaction, and can lead to complicated degradation products. Yang et al. (SPH) method. Fig. 3 shows a comparison of stress fields in
[] showed that polyurethane coatings under combined UV, water and hyper-viscoelastic and elastic coatings: maximum Mises stress plotted
oxygen loading, tend to form blisters on the surface, then their chemical versus time (a) and Mises stress distributions (b). In the case of purely
composition of the coatings changes (increase of urea and urethane elastic coatings, deformation and strain levels are lower and the high
group concentrations; build-up of hydrophilic groups), promoting the stress area is localized near the impact contact area. In the case of
water absorption [32]. Godfrey and colleagues [33] studied the effect of viscoelastic coatings, the high stress region is beneath the surface. Thus,
cold temperature on solid erosion of polyurethane coatings. They the viscoelastic behavior of coatings changes the stress distribution, and
observed that cold temperatures increase significantly the erosion rate the damage mechanisms of coatings.
leading to plastic erosion behaviour at cold temperatures (and not Comparing these studies, one can observe that viscoelastic coatings
elastic behavior at ambient temperatures). have several mechanisms on influencing the erosion damage, including
This overview of the main activities in the area of new materials for the impact energy dissipation due to internal deformation and changing
leading edge protection shows the most some interesting and important damage mechanism (highest stress area not on the contact surface but in

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

Fig. 2. Main steps of computational modelling of lading edge erosion: liquid impact modelling - > rain scenario and multiple impacts, - > fatigue modelling using
Rainflow counting, - > fatigue damage criterion (critical plane analysis), - > damage prediction.

Fig. 3. Comparison of hyper-viscoelastic and elastic coatings: Maximum Mises versus time (a) and stress fields for viscoelastic (b) and elastic coatings (c) under
liquid impact.

depth below the droplet impact). be seen that he roughnening begins much earlier in elastic coatings, and
also the roughness is much larger.
For the validation of this model, roughness measurements of the
3.2. Surface damage and roughness evolution blade samples eroded in RET (rain erosion tester) were carried out. The
comparison of simulated and experimental results showed reasonable
The damage formation at the blade surface determines the rough­ agreement.
ening of the blade during the service time. In the computational studies, the effect of impact velocity on the
In order to predict the roughness evolution of wind turbine blade roughness evolution was investigated. It was observed that increasing
surface during the erosion, a damage evolution model for the leading the impact velocity leads to the increased roughness of eroded blade, as
edge surface was developed [40]. Damage in each given point is expected. Fig. 4 shows the calculated roughness as a function of the
calculated, using S–N curve data for the coating material. The damage velocity. This dependence is in fact exponential: with increasing the
caused by multiple droplet impacts is calculated at discretization points velocity from 120 m/s to 160 m/s, the roughness height can be increased
based on a linear damage accumulation method, and increased after by 3 or more times. This is an important conclusion: it means that with
every impact incident. increasing the wind turbine size, the roughening of blade surface be­
In the areas where the damage exceeded some given value (e.g., 1) comes drastically worse.
the material was removed, thus, creating roughness on the surface due
to the initial damage heterogeneity. In order to simulate the effect of
roughness on the further material degradation, the parameter of stress 3.3. Fatigue debonding of multilayered coating
concentration on formed dimples is determined, which depends on the
depth of the dimple, and increases the likelihood of the damage for­ Another damage mechanism of leading edge coatings is the
mation near the dimple. debonding from the substrate composites. Stress waves due to repeated
Further, simulations of roughness evolution for hyperelastic and liquid impacts, reflected from interfaces, can lead to fatigue damage of
viscoelastic coatings was carried out. Fig. 5 shows comparison of interfaces, leading to the debonding. In order to simulate the fatigue
roughening of blades with hyperelastic and viscoelastic coatings. It can caused debonding of coatings, a complex of programs for finite element

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

code Abaqus was developed [41]. The program complex included a

cohesive zone model for fatigue delamination rate simulation, a pro­
gram for multiple impact loading modelling (Abaqus VLOAD subrou­
tine), and FE model of multilayered coating with cohesive contact
between layers. Fig. 6 shows stress field along the cross section of the
multilayered coating. Fig. 7 shows the surface stress distribution due to
multiple liquid impacts, obtained using the developed Abaqus subrou­
tine VDLOAD.
This approach is based on the interface degradation model, in which
fatigue damage in the cohesive law envelope is accumulated according
to a simple two-parameter law [42]. The constitutive fatigue damage
model was implemented as a user-written subroutine UMAT for ABA­
QUS using Turon’s mixed-mode cohesive law formulation [43]. The
proposed cohesive fatigue model can predict interfacial failure in
multilayered coatings attached to blade composites.
Fig. 8 shows examples of the results, obtained with the model,
damage initiation on interfaces between coating and putty, and putty
and composite. The coating layer of thickness 100μ was modelled on the
top of the putty layer of thickness 200μ, and an adhesive layer of
thickness 10μ is placed between the coating and putty with tie con­
Fig. 4. Calculated roughness of blade surface as a function of the tip velocity. straints to both layers. Further, both layers are modelled on the 2 mm
Reprinted from [40]. composite substrate, with an adhesive layer placed between the putty
and composite with tie constraints. Penetration among the layers is
prevented by defining the contact between the interfaces of the layers.

Fig. 5. Comparison of roughening of blades with hyperelastic and viscoelastic coatings.

Fig. 6. Stress field (Von Mises: Left and Shear Component S13: Right) along the cross-section of multilayer coating.

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

Fig. 7. Repetitive impact loading caused by liquid (raindrops) on the coating sample.

Fig. 8. Damaged adhesive layers between coating, putty and composite interfaces, shown simultaneously during the elastic, viscoelastic and hyper viscoelastic
coating analysis.

Three cases are analysed: elastic, viscoelastic, and hyperelastic com­ the results in less time. The delamination rate results are compared for
bined with viscoelastic coating properties. The multilayer coating model both the cases mentioned above. It is observed that the delamination
is analysed for cohesive fatigue delamination rate subjected to repetitive rate for the coating with elastic and viscoelastic properties is faster than
droplet impact loading at arbitrary locations. An accelerated analysis is that with hyperelastic combined with viscoelastic properties. It is of
performed by providing the smaller damage threshold value to predict interest that the likelihood of debonding between the putty and

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

composite seem to be higher than between putty and coatings. the moisture ingress. This create additional mechanism, leading to
The hyper-viscoelastic coating has been observed to provide excel­ coating debonding.
lent damping performance by reducing the shockwave behaviour during It can be seen that the humidity has potentially a strong effect on the
raindrop impact events. Therefore, impact stresses are lower, which stress distribution in the coating, causing earlier degradation, especially
causes less damage in the adhesive layer (interface region) between in multilayered coatings.
coating and putty. Whereas in the case of elastic coatings, poor damping In this section, computational models of various mechanisms of
causes higher stresses in the coating, leading to more damage in the leading edge erosion of wind tyrbine blades are presented. Some of the
adhesive layer. Furthermore, the adhesive layer between the putty and models are still in development, or validated, but they allow reproduc­
coating was damaged more than the adhesive layer between the coating ing all the acting degradation mechanisms, and allow the prediction or
and putty. It is learnt that the stiff composite substrate reflects the stress erosion, and analysis of the factors influencing the erosion process.
waves produced due to the generation of shockwave behaviour during Among others, some interesting observations were made:
impact. The reflected stress waves were approximate twice the initial
magnitude, causing more deformation and damage to the adhesive layer • Surface roughening of blade surface due to erosion (the main cause
between putty and composite, as shown in Fig. 8(b). Additionally, the of energy generation reduction) increases drastically with increasing
moisture ingress in the coating system causes hygroscopic swelling, and the rotation speed (example:it can increase by 3 times when the
residual stresses cause faster degradation of the adhesive layer. speed increases by 30%). It means that the erosion problem can
become even more critical for extra-large wind turbines.
• The roughness is however sufficiently lower for viscoelastic, coatings
3.4. Weathering and stresses due to ingress of moisture than for elastic. Viscoelastic coatings have also different damage
mechanism, from elastic coatings, with highest stress area not on the
Wind turbine staying offshore are subject to high environmental contact surface but in depth below the droplet impact. These con­
loading, e.g. high humidity, additionally to all other loads. The combi­
clusions echo the observations about high potential of highly
nation of mechanical loads, high humidity and temperature variations damping, thermoplastic or soft polyurethane phase containing
can lead to residual strain in coatings, hygroscopic swelling in polymers,
coatings, discussed in section 2.
and ultimately to higher local strain concentration, and debonding/ • High humidity and moisture ingress can lead to additional stresses in
delamination of the coating. The moisture ingress in polymers promotes
the coatings, thus, reducing the coating lifetime.
the relaxation of the polymeric chain, consequently degrading the
mesoscale modulus of the material [44,45].
4. Engineered reinforced coatings and their potential
In order to investigate the moisture diffusion in the multilayered
coating system and stress evolution, a computational finite element
4.1. Structure of coatings and its effect on the erosion
model was developed (see Fig. 9). A coupled moisture-displacement
problem was solved by adopting a thermal-moisture direct analogy in
Apart from viscoelastic and highly damping coatings, structured,
ABAQUS/Standard [46,47]. As shown in Fig. 9, saturation weight gain
engineered, reinforced coatings represent a promising direction for new
by the coating system at 90% relative humidity and 60 ◦ C is approxi­
generation of blade protections.
mately 2.5% of the initial weight. Fig. 10(a) shows moisture diffusion in
In this section, some previous studies on the influence of structures
the coating layers at 600 h.
and properties of coatings are summarized.
The hygroscopic stress field developed due to moisture diffusion in
In the computational studies in Ref. [48], the effect of multilayer
the coating sample is shown in
coatings on the stress distribution in the coatings was studied. Various
Fig. 10(a). It can be seen that stress variation is high between the
bilayer coating structures were tested in computational simulations,
layers’ interfaces. The stress changes between the polyurethane and
among them: stiff upper coating/soft lower coating (“up-stiff”), soft
putty layers cause additional shear stresses along interfaces caused by

Fig. 9. Model: a sample with a moisture concentration of 2.5% is applied on the top surface (a) and moisture diffusion (%) vs Time (hr) and thickness (b, c).

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

Fig. 10. Von Mises stresses field (a) and stress variation along the coating thickness (b).

upper coating/stiff lower coating (“up-soft”) and homogeneous coat­ improve the erosion resistance. Even thinnest liquid film on the blade
ings. Fig. 11 shows the schema of the model and maximum von Mises surface can reduce the maximum local stress by about 30%, thus,
stress plotted versus the time for each of three models. It was shown that extending the coating lifetime. Fig. 12 shows droplet splash after impact
the highest stresses are observed for the stiff upper coating case and on a dry surface, and on a wet surface and maximum Mises stress
inversely, lowest stresses are observed for soft upper coatings. depending on the time, for dry and wet surface.
In [36], it was also demonstrated that we surface can drastically While reinforcing particles in coatings tend to strengthen coatings,

Fig. 11. Schema of the model (upper stiff layer, lower soft layer) and maximum von Mises stress plotted versus the time.

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

investigations in the area of reinforced (fiber or particle) coatings are

In order to analyze the effect of nanoscale coating material structure
on the coating damage resistance, a multiscale micromechanical model
of structured coating degradation was developed [49]. The model is
based on the submodelling techniques and unit cell approach (i.e., a
representative volume with inclusions, which reflects the material
behavior at nanoscale).
Unit cells with disc shaped randomly oriented nanoparticles, long
“snake shaped” or zigzagged fibers and/or round particle or voids were
generated, and tested in the multiscale model subject to multiple liquid
impact. Figs. 13 and 14 show schemes of the multiscale models, with the
upper (macro)scale model of liquid droplet impact, and submodel (unit
cell model of material) with internal structure. Several specific cases
were studied: polyurethane reinforced by Kevlar fibers pulp; poly­
urethane reinforced by graphene nanoparticles; bio-based polymer
reinforced by nanocellulose. Also, the porosity of the material was taken
Fig. 12. Droplet splash after impact on a dry surface, (a) and on a wet surface into account.
(b), and maximum Mises stress depending on the time, for dry surface and wet The main observation was that fiber pulp reinforcement leads to
film. Reprinted from Ref. [36]. lower stress concentration in the vicinity of voids. The local stress was
reduced by 10% … 15%, with 4% content of Kevlar fibers, for instance.
and potentially dissipate and scatter the impact energy [13], it was Given that the erosion damage is initiated near the voids in the coatings,
observed both in computational and experimental studies in Ref. [22], the reduced stresses near the voids lead to the better anti-erosion per­
that the weakly bonded, weakly adhered particles can trigger the formance of the coatings. Therefore, the availability of fibers in the
erosion and damage in coatings. Thus, good attachment of reinforcing coatings allows shielding the voids. It was estimated that the reduction
particles in the anti-erosion coatings is extremely important for the of stress on voids by 10% can lead to 80% increase in lifetime, while a
coating quality. reduction of stress by 15%, leads even more than 350 times higher
The very important factor influencing the performance of anti- lifetime. Thus, the fiber pulp reinforced coatings have a great potential
erosion coatings is the availability of defects, voids, microcracks. Ac­ for the anti-erosion protection.
cording to Refs. [36,48], the erosion degradation of coatings starts from Further studies were directed to the potential of particle reinforce­
voids/defects. The availability of voids reduces the coating lifetime ment, in particular, graphene nanosheets. Unit cell computational
drastically. models of polymer reinforced with graphene sheets were developed for
various orientations, density and sizes of graphene nanosheets (Fig. 14).
4.2. Multiscale modelling of structured nanoreinforced anti-erosion Computational simulations of stress wave propagation and damage
coatings evolution in graphene reinforced polymers were carried out. Fig. 14
shows the schema of multiscale model of droplet impact on structured
In [13], it was demonstrated that stress wave scattering on re­ graphene reinforced and porous coating, and finite element model of the
inforcements, inclusions embedded in the coatings causes energy dissi­ submodel unit cell. Several cases were investigated, among them, the
pation after droplet impact, thus, diverting the energy from the material cases of dilute and concentrated distributions of randomly arranged and
damage and new surface formation. In this section, the recent oriented graphene nanosheets in polymers. In dilute case, the average

Fig. 13. Scheme of submodelling (a) and unit cell model of material with zigzagged fibers and nano-voids (b). Stress field in fibers in the submodel.

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

Fig. 14. Scheme of submodelling with unit cell model of material (submodel) with graphene nanosheets reinforcement (a), finite element model with many
nanosheets (b) and the examples of stress concentration on voids ((c) diluted graphene reinforcement; (d): concentrated reinforcements).

distance between nanoplatelets (5 μm diameter) was 16 μm, while in develop new coatings using cellulose fiber pulp reinforcerment in the
concentrated case, the distance was 6 μm. It was observed that the dilute bio-based polymers, which increases the damage resistance and strength
graphene reinforcements cause a negligible shielding of stresses on of coatings. Nanocellulose fibers show chemical inertness, high strength,
voids, while high density nanoparticle reinforcement leads to the strong and outstanding stiffness, low density, low coefficient of thermal
reduction of stresses on voids, 40–50% reduction in the stress than the expansion, dimensional stability. Considering the above properties,
value without graphene reinforcement. these can be used as a reinforcing material in the anti-erosion coatings of
wind turbine blades.
In order to explore the potential of using nanocellulose reinforce­
4.3. Bio-based sustainable coatings ment for shielding stresses on voids (as observed above), computational
studies of polymer with nanocellulose reinforcement under rain droplet
The potential of fiber and particle reinforcements in coatings to impact were carried out, using the approach similar to that described in
improve the erosion protection performance opens also a path to the section 4.2. A unit cell model of nanocellulose fiber-reinforced coating
development of sustainable, bio-based anti-erosion coatings. Usually, with a single void is developed, and used as a submodel in the rain drop
bio-based polymers show strength and stiffness much lower than those impact simulations. Since nanocellulose fibrils are much thinner than
of polymers used anti-erosion coatings. In Ref. [49], it was suggested to

Fig. 15. Unit cell model of nano cellulose fibril reinforced coating material (left) and SEM micrograph of nanocellulose fibrils (Reprinted from Ref. [28], with kind
permission from Elsevier).

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

Kevlar fibers considered above, the fibrils of radius 6 nm and length of nanoparticlereinforcement allow reducing the stresses on eventual de­
1800 nm were modelled here as 3D beam elements. Fig. 15 shows a fects in the coatings, thus, extending the coating life. This opens the path
finite element model of unit cell with a number of nanocellulose fibrils, to the development of new, also bio-based, coatings.
and a micrograph of real nanocelluose fibrils. It was, again, observed
that in the case of dilute reinforcement, no stress reduction near voids 5. Application of machine learning to the analysis of the blade
due to the reinforcement is observe, while at high content of nano­ erosion
cellulose reinforcement, reduction of local stress by 10% was observed.
The effect is similar to that observed in section 4.2, namely, nano re­ Blade surface erosion is a complex process, controlled by multiple
inforcements do reduce the stresses on voids, but only if their content is physical effects and interactions, and influenced by a number of sto­
relatively high, and not in dilute distribution. The observation of the chastic processes (rain distribution, material defects, properties varia­
potential of nanocellulose to delay the degradation of coatings opens the tions). Deterministic mechanical models, like presented in sections 3 and
way to creating protective, bio-based and sustainable anti-erosion 4, have therefore some constraints when applied to rain erosion of real
coatings for wind turbine blades. In [50], the experimental validation materials. Therefore, the artificial intelligence methods represent an
for the development of nanocellulose reinforced coatings for wind tur­ attractive option for the modelling of erosion, overcoming the limita­
bine blade anti-erosion protection is presented. It is demonstrated that tions of continuum models. Machine learning techniques can be used to
the cellulose reinforcements allow the improvement of the coating complement the finite element models, and to provide predictive esti­
performance up to 70%. mation of different parameters. This can be realized by using surrogate
models with machine learning algorithms which are trained with data
from finite element analyses [53].
4.4. New graphene and hybrid nanoparticle reinforced coatings
In the following analysis, the application of machine learning
methods to the analysis of erosion is demonstrated for the analysis of the
In order to explore the high potential of nanoengineered, particle
effect of droplet size on the erosion process. After a range of expected
reinforced coatings, samples of new coatings were manufactured, with
droplet diameters is defined and finite element impact simulations are
polyurethane (PU) matrix, incorporating functionalised graphene
performed for the selected diameter values within that range, the ma­
nanoplatelets (f-GNP) and silica-based sol–gel [51,52]. Mechanical tests
chine learning algorithm is trained to fit the output of interest of these
of various compositions of the coatings (Young’s modulus, elongation at
simulations, (here, stress values). To demonstrate this method, a two-
break, tensile strength and modulus of toughness) were carried out. The
layer neural network (NN) was used to fit the stress output of finite
novel nanoreinforced polyurethane coatings with graphene and hybrid
element models for impacts of droplets with diameters between 1 mm
(graphene/silica) reinforcement have been further tested using a Single
and 4 mm. The inputs of the NN were the droplet diameter and the
Point Impact Fatigue Tester (SPIFT) to evaluate their potential erosion
position relative to the point of impact while the output was a maximum
resistance. Scanning electron microscopy has been used for analysis of
principal stress amplitude (Sa) value. The training and validation data
damage after SPIFT testing. It has been demonstrated that the nano­
were used to find the optimal number of units of each of the two layers
reinforced coatings have significantly greater resistance to erosion [52].
by considering the mean square (mse) and average (mae) errors. The NN
Polyurethane with hybrid GNP + SG nanoparticle reinforced coatings
parameters obtained from the training dataset are used for predictions
exhibited lifetimes up to 13 time greater than pure polyurethane coat­
for the validation set. The predicted and simulated Sa fields are illus­
ings. Fig. 16 shows the SPIFT tests results, amount of impact hits up to
trated in Fig. 17. Graphs of Sa values versus the distance from the point
first failure, for different coatings. This study proved the high potential
of impact are shown in Fig. 18, at different depths below the impact
of nanoengineered coatings. The further upscaling and utilization of the
surface. While there were some differences for the maximum stress
nanoparticle engineered coatings for the practical exploitation depends
values between the predictions and the simulation, the surrogate model
on the practical feasibility of technologies of the coatings attachment
was able to produce accurate results, even with a simple neural network
and manufacturing.
model of 2 layers.
In this section, the potential of structured, nanoreinforced coatings
The purpose of this technique is to make fast predictions for stress
was investigated, using advanced computational models. Some inter­
values that will occur during the droplet impact of any diameter within
esting conclusions can be drawn. Coatings with fiber pulp reinforcement
the expected range of values. The predictions can then be used in coating
(for instance, Kevlar fiber pulp or nanocellulose fibrils), or high density

Fig. 16. SPIFT tests of nanoengineered coatings: (a) Schema and (b) Results on impacts to failure for PU, PU + GNP, and PU + GNP + SG at impact rate 173 m/s

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

Fig. 17. Simulated stress amplitude field (left) and predictions of the surrogate model (right) for the impact of a droplet with a diameter of 1.7 mm.

predicting the output of the physics-based model within seconds. Fast

computations enable us to quickly test different parameters and envi­
ronmental conditions for their effect on blade erosion. It will allow to
make fast decisions for the operation of turbines and schedule optimal
repair intervals. Fig. 19 shows the schema of such design of the digital
twin of eroding wind turbine blade. The model development is under­
way now.
For reproducing the real 3D microgeometry of the blade surface,
photogrammetry approach is used [55]. This involves taking multiple
images of an object which overlap each other and then an image
stitching software is used to create a 3D reconstruction. During recon­
struction, the software extracts common points between images and
calculates the distance between points belonging to the object and the
camera positions. A camera can be mounted on an inspection drone
which will take images of the leading edge on a stationary blade. Fig. 20
shows the leading edge and the reconstructed 3D model. This 3D
reconstruction was obtained, using a handheld smartphoneto capture 24
images of an eroded leading edge on a decommissioned blade, and
Fig. 18. Comparison of stress amplitude values versus distance from point of
commercial software 3DF Zephyr.
impact between simulation and predictions of the surrogate model, 0.15 mm
depth. The droplet diameter was 1.7 mm.
7. Conclusions
lifetime estimation models and allow them to take into account the
stochastic nature of droplet sizes. The benefit is that the surrogate model Recent developments in the wind turbine blade protection against
can provide similar results to the finite element simulations but in a leading edge erosion, are reviewed, on the basis of last year publications,
much shorter time. Surrogate modelling techniques could also be used to works presented on the annual DTU symposia on leading edge erosion
fit the output of other numerical tools such as the coating lifetime pre­ over last four years, as well as studies carried out at DTU Wind.
diction tool or the roughness prediction tool. The most common directions of development of new blade coating
Another application of AI on the field of leading edge erosion is the materials were grouped into thermoplastic and hybrid thermoplastic
damage detection via image processing. Images are frequently collected coatings, highly viscoelasic coatings, structured interfaces to enhance
from blades of operating turbines by drones or humans and are pro­ the coating attachments (using hybrid fibrous layers, polymer brushes,
cessed by applying AI algorithms. or interphase layers), electroforming metallic leading edge erosion
shields and structured nanoreinforced coatings. Other important topics
6. Digital twin of the eroding wind turbine blade are the roughness evolution on the blade surface, and effect of humidity
and other environmental factors.
The erosion is microscale process, which can make it more difficult to Further, the application of advanced computational modelling
link direct experimental observation of the process with the computa­ techniques to the analysis of the damage mechanisms in leading edge
tional models [54]. In this section, the suggested approach to the coatings, effect of coating materials properties and structure on the
development of digital twin of eroding blade is formulated. The idea is erosion, debonding, humidity and weathering effects, potential of
that the surface roughness can be automatically photographed, and the structured and reinforced coatings.
digitized micrographs are introduced in the computational model of the
blade surface degradation as input roughness. Using the computational CRediT authorship contribution statement
model of surface damage and roughness evolution (e.g, described in
section 3) or machine learning approach (as demonstrated in section 5), Leon Mishnaevsky: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing –
one can estimate and predict the roughness evolution (for given coating original draft, Writing – review & editing, Funding acquisition, Project
properties and rain conditions). The roughness determined in the sim­ administration, Supervision. Antonios Tempelis: Software, Visualiza­
ulations is validated and corrected by comparison with new micro­ tion, Investigation, Visualization, Investigation, Validation. Nikesh
graphs. The surrogate models, as described in section 5, allows Kuthe: Software, Visualization, Investigation, Visualization, Investiga­
tion, Validation. Puneet Mahajan: Project administration, Supervision.

L. Mishnaevsky Jr. et al. Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118966

Fig. 19. Schema: Digital Twin of eroding wind turbine blade.


The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of Denmark, for its support in the framework of Danida
grant 19-M02-DTU “Maintenance and Repair Strategy for Wind Energy
Development”. LM gratefully acknowledges the financial support of
European Commission in framework of the HORIZON IA project Bla­
des2Build: Recycle, repurpose and reuse end-of-life wind blade com­
posites – a coupled pre- and co-processing demonstration plant, Grant
Agreement Project 101096437. AT is grateful to the Department of Wind
Energy and Energy Systems of Technical University of Denmark for the


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