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Arranged by
Group 3 :

1. Arif Firmansyah NIM 1514201068

2. Devi Yuliyanti NIM 1514201058
3. Dwi Rahmawati NIM 1514201047
4. Nova Ari Zulia NIM 1514201072
5. Nur Amalia Santoso NIM 1514201063
6. Nur Rizki Fahriyah NIM 1514201074
7. Nurul Apriyati NIM 1514201046
8. Rika Agustiani NIM 1514201054
9. Siti Nurhayati NIM 1514201050


You are in a light aircraft when it crashes into the jungle. You radio is broken so you
can’t call for help. There are two of you and you must get ready to walk 100 kilometres to
safety. You already have clothes, food, and water.

You can take only ten more things with you- five from each list. Discuss what to take
with you partner and explain your reasons.

1. Medical
a. a scalpel
Reason : because the scalpel is used if there is an emergency when there is
someone who needs surgery when the woods. such as being subject to life-
threatening fines.
b. morphine
Reason : because morphine can help in the relief of pain or pain and assist
in the process of surgery in emergency treatment.
c. disposable gloves
Reason : because to avoid infection
d. a first aid manual
Reason : because it helps in the first aid of someone who is suffering or
having an accident, it is the fastest action that allows the victim to ease the
pain, this action is done before the person is ill.
or accident brought to the doctor. The goal is to defend the lives of the
victims, anticipating that the condition of the victim is not severe, to
as for the first aid kit: sterile gauze, cassa pads, bandages, adhesive tape,
antiseptic liquid, eye fluid, stabilization equipment, scissors, tweezers,
flashlights, cotton, blankets, victim cards, stationery, oxygen, tensimeter
and stethoscope, etc
e. hypodermic needles
Reason : because the needle is needed to insert the drug through the intra

2. General
a. a torch
Reason : torches are used for lighting during the night and to keep watch
if there are wild animals in the forest.
b. a box of matches
Reason : lighters are used to cook and light a torch when in the forest.
c. a compass
Reason : compass is used to indicate the direction when we get lost in a
strange place.
d. a knife
Reason : blades can be used to survive when in the forest, can to hunt
animals, and also for cooking
e. fish hooks
Reason : fishing hooks can be used as a trap for hunting animals when in
the forest.

The first checks nursing notes and medical clients, so preparing tools there are:
EKG machine, cable for electricity, cable to the earth (ground), cable extremities
and chest electrodes, limb electrode plate and rubber band, chest electrode ballon,
jelly, tissue paper, and alcohol swab, paper EKG, maeker. The next washing

Provide greetings, client or family to call his name so introduces the

purpose and procedure of action and the next provide an opportunity to ask and
seek approval from the client.

Install all component/ cables on the EKG machine, turn on the EKG machine, lay
the patient quietly in the wide bed hands and feet do not touch each other, clean
the chest so both ankle and hand with alcohol cotton (if necessary chest and
shaved ankle), the four electrode ektremitas are given jelly, so place all four
extremitas of the electrodes on both wrists and feet so for the right hand is usually
red, the left hand is yellow the left leg is green and the right foot is blach, so chest
is given jelly according to location of electrode V1 s/d V6

 V1 on the parasternal line right parallel to the red ICS 4

 V2 in the parasternal line left parallel to the yellow ICS 4
 V3 between V2 and V4, green
 V4 in the left midline of the clavicle is parallel to ICS 5, brown
 V5 in the left axillary line parallel to the ICS 5, black
 V6 in mid left axilla line parallel ICS 5, purple

Then install the chest electrode by pressing the suction rubber, so create a
calibration, record any lead 3-4 beat (wave), if need lead II length (minimum 6
beat), if necessary make calibration after recording finish, so all electrode
removed, jelly is cleaned from the patient’s body, tell the patient that the
recording is complete, so turn off the EKG machine, write on the recording: name,
age, gender, hour, date, mouth, and year of manufacture, name of each lead and
name of person recording, so clean and tidy tools.

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