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Lesson 1 Actors in trials... The actors in a trial at the crown court are: The judge. The jury. The defence barrister. The prosecution barrister. The solicitor. = Lewyen = banister 1/ What do you think is the role of each of these actors? The judge: Prana nd. 0R SWE Phun clyeonent. abla. cavulling Abe. Guy Ath conch tebe sinkoan. EB aikabion) sn The defence barrister: defied kb defendant. peancserenen The prosecution barrister: oinie adi. Khe. defendant. in. gal deftadn far defindant,- tet .cakh ble beaackn Cdefenca’, “4 . 2/ Read the headings and; The jury: .checus The Solicit« @. Note who intervenes. b. Reorder interventions during the trial. Ae fence Timaaiater | then stand and lve my closing speech outlining the efence’s case and trying to persuade the jury that the defendants not gully. I will then sum up all the evidence, Will direct the jury on the legal issues and what the prosecution has to prove if they are to find the defendant guilty. | will give them the legal options available reminding them that if they are not sure they must find the defendant X aamwaten AL this point of the case F may make an application fof 9 case answer to the judge stating that the prosecution has not eased sulclent evidence to prove that the defendant has committed the alleged ‘offence, if he finds in favour of my application he wal instruct the jury to find the defendant not guity and ‘en he will release the defendant, Ths 6 acquittal. Ih the judge considers the prosecution has. raised ‘enough evidence then [will ontinve with my case AAs the prosecution bovrister twill intioduce the suitness howeve evidence for the defence this will follow the same procedure of examination In chet c19ss examination and then reexamination, A the end I will declare that was the case forthe defence. at this time they oni be wing | J) not guilty. ~pasecn arin [rm the next person to address the jury. introduce myself and | explain that | appeal on behalf of the prosecution in this c98@ Then | outline the prosecution case, explain each offence and the evidence the jury will hear in proving this. | wil state itis the prosecution responsibilty 0 prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the defendant is gully for the offence they are before the pe ere ae aeaee eee | may however postpone sentencing where other factors are to be ee ag eee Tanta etisears ay tae ‘onsidared this can be particularly appropriate where there have | Ghen na ststement to the police Tis fs known as examination ‘been contentious issues of whether defendant's background is likely chief. Upon completion of this the defence may ask the witnesses to have significant impact on the sentence I pass series of questions this s known as cross examination. T thank the jury for the service they provided if the defendant found not guity 1 will release the jury from the court If the defendant Jeb found guilty 1 will move to sentencing in 2 stealghtorward ease its tkely in that instance the jury wil emai court upon completion of the eross examination | may be given the ‘opportunity to ask a series of question the witness this i known Pasriciben..ravotr (a Then stand and eve whats ealed my cosng speech where outine my prosecution case and teyto persuade | the jury that the defendant isin fact guilty. 4 | wil continue to call witnesses until al the witnesses have been called to the stand, | will announce to the court that this isthe case forthe prosecution. Ie is my Job to interpret and uphold the law other people present | during the trial atthe crown court are the prosecution barrister and the defence barrister, usualy with solicitor behind them taking notes, Rchehennen, op lh soy We then retire to make our decision; once a decision has been reached we return and as | 7 foreperson of the jury I announce the jury's verdict if found not guilty the defendant is released and the jury. The defendant will sit at the dock and be present during | the trial itis at my disretion whether or not there's 2 publi galery Alter the jury has been sworn in t address them ditecthy | infor them that it Is for them to decide ifthe evidence they are going to hear proves the defendant's guilt 1 also inform therm that it thew job to consider the evidence not law and willgide them f necessary. | defamcs...bsanct| 3 If the defendant is found gut will make a statement in mitigation tothe judge. The judge will take this statement {nto account before sentencing.

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