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r""lings, ....." wiU .;reate 3. reality that reOp<;L~ thoS/' r.... ling.~. For example.
pain that is assocIated Wilh a loss m the markets will e'-entuaUy create
more and more loss by impaIring judgment, preventing a trader from fol-
lowing IUs rui<'S, pre"~nting him from pulling {he tnucr, and holding rum
back rrom taking llc<:es;wy risk.
Howew~r, wt."n ll"·,,, is II condition ing for negWj"e feelings, an ;""ne-
dial.. response ean occur wilh",,! (he swry Uta! WaS origina ll y al t.aclwd 10
the bad (""ling. For example, the s\<,ry of th .. orig;nal and painful I"ss may
I>e forgotten, bU! the f"""ngs of pain and fear may TiS<' to the surface each
time a trader auempts wenteI' a trade. To let go of these negative "ad sab-
"'a.o:ing r<'<"lings, you must change tto .. original story, or chang.. the feelings
attached to the story
By ,,"der8l<i"ding the proeess of y"ur -crt';)U"g realily SlrJI ~gy: yuu
",;n begin 1.0 understand "'here changl'S m~1 lake place in order 10 trans-
fun n the c.onditiotling_

Tim , '\ '1'1(>\1. STN,\Tllf;l' PO.

( : .,,/\1'1'\$ N.,·\l.IT\'

Humans first take in infom1atlon from their Ii'-e sens<'S based un the story
tt.<'Y create about that infonnatiun . When we nperiencc an event, we sture
the cXP<'riencc bas<-d on what we heard, saw, srnelk d, touched, and even
1as!t'<J. The mure of thest' ~nwry detailS w~ store aud rcule,nl>er fru," thai
e ~ p" ri enc~, Ih~ mure s ignificaut I.hest' sturi~'S becum~ fur u.s aud t.he '''ure
real they become in our minds. The m,lS( significant Siuries eventually will
c.reate a conditioned response_ TillIS, if we are In an ac.c.idem while driving
and we continue to relive the experience in our minds-hear the sounds
of the crash, fl'<'1 the pam, smeU the sR'ok e from tl'e fire, I!('(' thm truck
carl'<'ning toward us, and ~"'eR taste the blood from uur injury, we will
have an ~xperi~uc". thai " ' ill cunlinue lu hav~ a profuund iulluence u,'~r
uur lives lung aflt'r it oc-cu m'<l_

l'Ukr lug ~Iurh's

Life eXj>eriencl'S <:1>oditiun you in the way you ,,-m filter the original experi_
ence of the story Either a significant j>ers<m in your life told yuu how tu in-
t ..."ret this 5Iury, ur you h",'e developed "!I opmion about the stury. These
influenc<'8 create a n-ality filter fu r yuu thm only klS in the infom'"t;u)) thm
yuu already believc to be tru~ . When yuu l,"ve a positive eXP<'rience, yuur
filler will make you anticipale the same positi"e experience yuu had in the
Pas!_ The ' e"erst: is (me fur negativ~ e . p~rie"ces.

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