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thriving together:

the critical role of

animals in achieving
the SDGs

Second Edition

2 vision & mission 23 SDG 8: decent work

and economic growth
3 index 24 case study: welfare of jaguars,
marine turtles and dogs
5 executive summary intertwined with human
well-being in Quintana Roo,
introduction Mexico
8 the UN Sustainable Development 26 SDG 13: climate action
Goals 28 case study: protecting koalas
9 animals and their habitats play means protecting Australia
a key role in human well-being 30 SDG 14: life below water
Photo: Melanie Mahoney

and the SDGs 31 case study: whale conservation’s

positive effect extends onshore
ifaw and the SDGs in Iceland
12 integrating the SDGs 32 SDG 15: life on land
into IFAW’s work 33 as wildlife and people run out

14 SDG 2: zero hunger of space, we’re creating Room
16 SDG 3: good health to Roam
animals and people and well-being
recommendations & endnotes
thriving together.
18 SDG 4: quality education
19 SDG 5: gender equality 38 recommendations
20 case study: ifaw’s contribution 39 endnotes
to gender equality in rural
East Africa

About IFAW (International Fund for Animal Cover photo: Donal Boyd / © IFAW
In 2016, IFAW lent its support to Wild is Life and the Zimbabwe Elephant
Welfare) - IFAW is a global non-profit helping
Nursery (ZEN) to establish The ZEN Project—a landmark public-private
Photo: © IFAW

animal and people thrive together. We are experts partnership with support from the Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe
and everyday people, working across seas, oceans that secures a vast expanse of former hunting ground in the Panda
and in more than 40 countries around the world. Masuie Forest Reserve. This groundbreaking partnership will change the
face of conservation in Zimbabwe.
We rescue, rehabilitate and release animals, and
we restore and protect their natural habitats.

The problems we’re up against are urgent and
complicated. To solve them, we match fresh thinking
with bold action. We partner with local communities,

fresh thinking governments, non-governmental organizations

and businesses. Together, we pioneer new and

and bold action for

innovative ways to help all species flourish. See
how at

animals, people and Published by: IFAW (International Fund for Animal
Welfare), 2022

the place we call Lead Author: Mark Hofberg

Contributors: Matt Collis, Rodger Correa, Evan Mkala,
Maurice Nyaligu, Danielle Kessler, Kate Wall, Josey
Sharrad, Dominica Mack, Erika Flores, Joaquin de la Torre
Ponce and Jacqueline Nyagah

2 International Fund for Animal Welfare 3 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: J© Vanessa Mignon
executive summary
Animals are critical to human well-being, from the preeminent guidance on human This report is the second edition that
supporting communities through ecotourism, development, these goals inform the policies examines the connections between animal
to anchoring key ecosystem services such as of governments, non-governmental welfare, wildlife conservation and the natural
pest control and pollination. Yet, the welfare organizations and the UN system. world and their cricital role in achieving the
of animals and the conservation of wildlife SDGs. As shown in this report, effective
species often comes as an afterthought to While the SDGs are certainly more welfare and conservation can contribute
human development efforts. When public comprehensive than purely economic significantly to achieving the SDGs and
policy is designed and enacted, the value of measures of progress such as gross domestic improving people’s lives. IFAW seeks to
animals is often ignored completely or product (GDP), they place limited emphasis enhance awareness of these connections and
undervalued. Therefore, it is the responsibility on the value of the natural world. Despite this, inspire greater collaboration for achieving the
of wildlife conservation organizations to animals and their habitats are interwoven with shared goal of improving conditions for all
demonstrate to policy makers and their the fate of humans. All species, big and small, species on the planet.
constituencies that animal welfare and imperiled and ubiquitous, have an important
wildlife conservation are necessary to people role to play in building a healthy, prosperous
and communities. and sustainable future for people. There is no
Green turtle swimming in shallow

better example than the COVID-19 pandemic. aquamarine waters. Green turtles
Perhaps the most widely accepted framework Zoonotic disease emergence and spillover to graze on seagrasses and algae, which
maintains the seagrass beds and
for community development and human people have become more and more makes them more productive.
well-being today is the United Nations’ 2030 common due the mistreatment of domestic
Zebras, elephants and wildebeests in

Photo: Jen Prelack / © IFAW

agenda, more commonly known as the UN animals and wildlife and their habitat. It is Amboseli, Kenya. Healthy populations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). essential to include the natural world not only of herbivores are key to maintaining
the savanna ecosystem.
Agreed to by all 193 member states of the UN, in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic,
the goals outline international priorities to but in the effort to prevent the next
achieve sustainable human development. As pandemic.

4 International Fund for Animal Welfare © Scott Anger x IFAW 5 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Section 1

Photo: © Nick Hawkins

6 International Fund for Animal Welfare 7 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: Scott Anger / © IFAW
animals and their habitats
play a key role in human
well-being and the SDGs
For thousands of years, human interaction development and progress toward the  ntire economies are based on nature
with animals has shaped the ways we eat, Sustainable Development Agenda. The tourism, and therefore are reliant on wild
work, relax and worship. Not only is humanity independent scientists who authored the animals.
fundamentally linked to other species, some report identified animal welfare as something
evidence suggests that our relationship with missing from the SDGs. These scientists  tudies have shown how vital particular
animals has shaped humans’ evolutionary highlighted the clear links between human species such as elephants and whales

the UN Sustainable
path itself.1 While an increasing number of health and well-being and animal welfare, and are to their ecosystem’s ability to sequester
people ostensibly live detached from animals the need to safeguard the well-being of both carbon, mitigate climate change and
and the natural world, this relationship wildlife and domesticated animals with rules protect people from natural disasters.

Development Goals
remains critical. Indeed, our relationship with on animal welfare embedded in transnational
the natural world has never been more trade. In addition to affecting a range of areas of
important than it is at this moment, as development, animal welfare and wildlife
demonstrated by unprecedented global Despite the unique human ability to control conservation issues are especially relevant to
climate change, global pandemics and our environment to a certain extent, we international development forums because
In 2015, the United Nations (UN) developed a are transformational in their understanding everywhere. In addition to traditional environmental degradation. Therefore, in remain connected to the ecosystem, and we animals and their habitats do not conform to
set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals of development, envisioning a world not only measures of economic growth such as gross order to achieve sustainable human rely on the services provided by healthy national boundaries. Animals are also critical
(SDGs) that would serve as a guiding devoid of widespread poverty, but one in domestic product (GDP), areas covered by development that works for people and our natural systems and animals. Every single to several global networks. They are relevant
framework for policy and for funding which the structural inequalities and root the SDGs include health, education, gender planet, intergovernmental development goal indirectly relies on or benefits from to international tourism, world health
provided by the UN, as well as provide a set of causes that lead to poverty and inequality are equality and the environment. These areas initiatives such as the SDGs must recognize animal welfare and wildlife conservation. outcomes, transnational organized crime
priorities for governments and civil society, resolved. are particularly important considering the the relevance of animal issues to their Just to name a few examples: and even terrorism through poaching and
through the year 2030. The goals span many harmful consequences of GDP-focused mission. trafficking. These are not issues that can be
social and economic development issues, The SDGs reflect a holistic approach to development, which has often exacerbated  ealthy wildlife populations are essential to
H comprehensively resolved at the national
and each goal includes several measurable development that recognizes the need to inequalities and environmental degradation. However, few of the goals directly reference both pollination and pest control, which are level, and they will require significant
targets. Going further than its predecessor, incorporate non-economic measures of animals, ecosystems or the natural world. foundational for food security. international cooperation.
the Millennium Development Goals, the SDGs growth and well-being. Informed by the This gap was recognized in the UN’s own
ambitiously encourage comprehensive action Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and the he UN’s 17 Sustainable Development
T inaugural Global Sustainable Development  he mistreatment of wildlife and domestic
Goals (SDGs). A rhino keeper hand feeds two young

in developed and developing countries to Gross National Happiness (GNH) framework, Report (GSDR) in 2019.2 The GSDR is intended animals is one of primary causes of zoonotic rescued rhinos at the IFAW/Wildlife
address the needs of all people, with an the goals incorporate many aspects of human to be produced every four years as a disease emergence. Trust of India’s Centre for Wildlife
Rehabilitation and Conservation in
emphasis on the underprivileged. The SDGs life in order to end poverty in its various forms scientific assessment on sustainable India.

8 International Fund for Animal Welfare 9 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Section 2

ifaw and the SDGs

Photo: © IFAW

10 International Fund for Animal Welfare 11 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: © BAWA
integrating the SDGs
into ifaw’s work
This is the second Thriving Together report, between humans and the natural
the first being published in 2018.3 It builds environment, and a world where animals are
upon Measuring What Matters, an IFAW both respected and protected. Such a world
report that discusses the necessity of cannot be reached unless the human
reevaluating the metrics used to measure development and animal welfare agendas
development to include animals.4 That overlap. We have taken steps to integrate our
report advocates for the adoption of holistic projects into the communities that live
measures such as the Gross National closest to wildlife. This initiates a cycle in
Happiness (GNH) framework in place of which the community benefits, leading to
The UN’s SDGs, symbolized by this logo,

purely economic indicators and shows more successful conservation outcomes, were agreed on in 2015.
how animals contribute to the GNH domain. ultimately producing additional long-term
,800 superior grasses and leguminous
Moving from the GNH to the SDGs framework benefits for the community. Our efforts have forage plants donated by Denpasar
is a natural progression; the SDGs were covered several SDGs, some of which will be Superior Cattle Breeding and
Forage Feeding Center (BPTUHPT)
informed by the same holistic approach that highlighted in this report, which have were planted. These plants provide
led to the development of the GNH benefited people and animals around the nutrition for Bonyoh and Bunga
Hamlets’ livestock, including cattle
framework, which was enshrined in Bhutan’s world.
Photo: Joaquin De la Torre Ponce / © IFAW

and goats, and the deep root system

constitution in 2008. Although both of the Indigofera shrubs can aid in
preventing landslides.
frameworks recognize the necessity of This report reviews a selection of SDGs and
economic activity, they include it as a how they are intimately connected with the Veterinarians Dr. Erika Flores and

Mizael Lara Acevedo monitor and
component amongst multiple other human welfare and conservation of animals, both measure a sedated jaguar named Covi
needs and values rather than as the singular domestic and wild. We review specific IFAW during a health assessment at the
Payo Obispo Zoo. Since Covi’s eyes
goal of development. case studies that incorporate these remain open under anesthesia, they
connections, demonstrating that wildlife are lubricated and bandaged so he’s
not startled by the light..
Therefore, IFAW is committed to conservation, animal welfare and human
incorporating the SDGs into our work. We well-being are indeed interwoven and can be
strive for a world of peaceful coexistence improved side by side.

12 International Fund for Animal Welfare 13 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
SDG 2: zero hunger
An estimated 2.4 billion people were affected global hunger and one of the leading causes
by moderate or severe food insecurity in of severe food crises. The cumulative effect
2020, an increase of 300 million people from of changes in climate is undermining all
2019 (likely due primarily to the COVID-19 dimensions of food security—food
pandemic).5 SDG 2 aims to end hunger and availability, access, utilization and stability.”10
achieve food security through sustainable Animal agriculture makes up 14.5% of all
agriculture and other methods. In order to human-generated CO2 emissions, 53% of
make progress on this goal, SDG 2 targets the nitrous oxide emissions, and 44% of methane
agricultural productivity of small-scale emissions.11 This extreme contribution to
farmers and the sustainability of food global warming would not be possible
production systems. without concentrated, intensive animal
agriculture, but can be offset by using more
The productivity and sustainability of these organic and sustainable techniques.12
farms, and therefore global food security, are
dependent upon both the welfare of Agriculture systems rely on ecosystem
2.4 billion
domestic animals and the health of the local services that are dependent on healthy, people were affected by moderate or
severe food insecurity in 2020, an
ecosystems and their resident wildlife. robust wildlife populations. Wild birds and increase of 300 million people from
bats act as natural enemies to agricultural 2019

Healthy and cared-for domestic animals and pests and provide biological control services
healthy populations of wild animals support in agroecosystems.13 Using natural pest
the agricultural and natural processes that
promote food security and mitigate global
control lowers costs for farmers, which leaves
more capital available to invest in
hunger. Perhaps the most direct relationship productivity. Further, 75% of global crop
between animals and hunger is their role in species rely on animal pollination to
of global crop species rely on animal
agriculture. Animal agriculture contributes to reproduce. Developing countries tend to pollination to reproduce
40% of the global value of agricultural output produce more horticultural and stimulant
and supports the livelihoods of 1.3 billion crops (which require animal pollination),14
The water supply in Amboseli National

people.6 Currently, poor animal welfare, therefore, developing countries are park is shared between the Maasai
especially in factory farming conditions, puts disproportionately burdened by the effects of community as well as the wildlife.

unnecessary strain on food production. When biodiversity loss when many already struggle
animals are healthy and well cared for, they with food security.
are more productive and provide higher value
food.7 Animals that are kept in inhumane, Conservation initiatives have the opportunity
crowded enclosures (a characteristic of to achieve food security in underdeveloped
factory farming), or whose medical needs are communities by replacing the protein
ignored, are more likely to get sick and obtained through unsustainable bushmeat
spread disease to other animals. Widespread hunting with more sustainable livelihoods and
diseases disrupt food production networks food sources. Not only does bushmeat
and negatively affect food security.8 This is hunting contribute to species extinction and
particularly important considering animals biodiversity loss, but the loss of species
provide a key source of protein for people hunted for bushmeat ultimately degrades the
around the world.9 broader environment that communities rely
on for food, water and work. Understanding
Factory farming undermines food security by the role of animals in agriculture, as well as
contributing to fundamental changes in the improving animal welfare and conserving
climate that in turn disrupt food availability. A wildlife, are critical to efforts to reduce global
September 2018 report from the United hunger.
Photo: B. Hollweg / © IFAW

Nations determined that “climate change,

climate variability and extremes are among
the key drivers behind the recent uptick in

14 International Fund for Animal Welfare 15 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
SDG 3: good health
and well-being
Goal 3 is to promote the health and well- conditions for the animals and sustained type II diabetes, strokes, asthma, coronary
being of all people regardless of age or contact between people and animals.19 Illicit heart disease, and death overall.28 In addition,
location. It covers a wide variety of health wildlife trade likely caused the outbreak of access to nature is associated with reduced
issues, ranging from epidemics to maternal SARS where trafficked bats became infected depression and anxiety, and increased
and reproductive care. The field of public and came into contact with humans.20 cognitive function.29 And because native wild
health has improved dramatically over the Similarly, the Ebola virus was traced to the animals are critical to maintaining healthy
years, however pandemics and preventable trade in non-human primates, bats, forest natural ecosystems, it follows that wildlife is
chronic illnesses remain a serious public antelopes, rodents and shrews.21 Scientists also critical to the beneficial health outcomes
health concern. Communities can work have traced HIV to its original roots in associated with spending time in nature.
towards reducing diseases and improving chimpanzees22 and gorillas,23 and believe that Animals are integral to both the physical and
health and well-being by both conserving the virus first jumped to humans via the psychological health of communities and
wildlife and promoting animal welfare. bushmeat trade. Most compellingly, therefore it is imperative that animal welfare
COVID-19 is believed to have emerged as a is incorporated in any development project
Inhumane conditions for livestock contribute direct result of the commercial sale of wild that targets Goal 3.
to the emergence and spread of animal species to supply an increasingly
communicable diseases due to the urbanized demand. Reducing global wildlife
overcrowded, hot and unsanitary conditions trade, particularly in markets where live
to which they are often exposed. These animals are sold or slaughtered, would have a
conditions can create ideal conditions for profound effect on protecting people from
pathogens to multiply. On overcrowded zoonotic disease spillover events.
factory farms animals are routinely fed low
levels of antibiotics to prevent disease; On the positive side of animals and well-
however, this practice has led to an uptick in being, a significant body of research
antibiotic resistant pathogens and reduced demonstrates the positive effects of pet
efficacy of antibiotics to combat human ownership on chronic illness recovery and
diseases.15 Manure from intensive farming prevention. A 2017 Swedish study found that
operations pollutes local ecosystems and can dog owners who live in multi-person
release growth hormones, antibiotics and households had an 11% lower risk of death
other contaminants into area water supplies and a 15% lower risk of death from
where those toxins pose serious risks to
human health and the environment.16
cardiovascular causes.24 Results were even
more pronounced (33% and 36%,
respectively) in single-person households.
The spread of zoonotic diseases is Furthermore, owning a pet has been directly lower risk of death for dog owners who
exacerbated as wild habitats are destroyed by linked to stronger immune systems and lower live a multi-person household

expanding farming operations and wildlife rates of allergies in children.25 Not only has
comes into closer and sustained contact with pet ownership been suggested as a
humans and domesticated animals.17
Improving conditions for domestic animals
component of treatment for chronic physical
illnesses, recent research suggests that pets
and stopping habitat destruction by could be helpful in treating mental illnesses
spreading agricultural practice would reduce as well.26 Pet ownership has been shown to
lower risk of death for dog owners who
disease incidence and improve health and increase opportunities for physical exercise live a single-person household
well-being. and social interaction, leading to a reduced
sense of isolation and improved
Photo: © Robert Marc Lehmann

Likewise, trade in wild animals and their parts psychological wellbeing.

and products can expose humans to zoonotic
disease.18 Wildlife capture and trade has Evidence increasingly shows that immersion
evolved such that live animals and animal in nature is beneficial for physical and mental
products are moved on industrial scales from health as well.27 Access to green spaces has
wild areas to human-dominated spaces. The beneficial impacts on heart rates and blood
likelihood of zoonotic disease outbreaks rises pressure, decreases the risk of preterm births
dramatically as trade increases due to poor and low birthweights, decreases incidence of

16 International Fund for Animal Welfare 17 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: Donal Boyd / © IFAW
Photo: B. Hollweg / © IFAW

SDG 5: gender equality

Goal 5 calls to end all forms of discrimination they have far less access and control over have become even more apparent during
against women and girls. The targets include resources and information to maintain and COVID-19.43,44 It is important now more than

SDG 4: quality education

eliminating violence against women, improve their activities.37 Moreover, food ever to include women in decision making
recognizing and valuing unpaid care and security of women and children (mainly girls) and create inclusive conservation
domestic work and ensuring women have is often disproportionally affected by wildlife management plans.
equal access to decision making, public life, management and inequality in financial
economic and other resources.34 All of these decision making in the household.38 When
SDG 4 calls to improve equality and quality in respectful and positive interaction with are closely connected to human-wildlife food is scarce or money is tight, women and
accessibility to education. The SDG tackles animals. Better understanding of animals, relations. children tend to be the first ones to suffer
education from early childhood education their needs and their contribution to the from malnutrition.
through university and vocational training. It ecosystem is needed for everyone from Improving animal welfare and human
also includes target 4.7 which calls to “ensure conservation practitioners, to policymakers, well-being requires the participation of all An additional issue the FAO points to is the
that all learners acquire the knowledge and to schoolchildren. Everyone interacts with parts of society to ensure everyone’s needs inclusion of women’s safety in conservation
skills needed to promote sustainable animals—both wild and domestic—and is are met. Gender inequality must be efforts. Women often risk themselves
development.”30 Connecting education to the influenced by their condition. addressed to ensure proper sustainable guarding small-scale agriculture operations
environment through outdoor education and wildlife management as conservation and from wildlife and travel great distances to get
lessons devoted to teaching biodiversity both Education can help by mitigating fear and human-wildlife conflict often affects men and resources. Unfortunately, their risks as well as
improves education outcomes and helps misconception about wildlife.33 Zoonotic women differently. According to the UN’s the time and resources they invest in such
ensure a positive relationship between disease emergence has underscored the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, in operations is often unaccounted for in
people and animals. importance of educating both adults and healthy too many cases, conservation efforts do not conservation plans and sometimes not even
children on safe human-animal interactions
environments ensure that women’s needs are addressed or reported.39,40
There is substantial evidence that healthy
environments and the presence of wildlife
and the need to understand that how we
manage animals has a direct correlation to and the presence
their voices are heard, to the detriment of
both people and animals.35 Moreover, women’s time constraints as well
improves education outcomes. Studies have human well-being. As the Earth’s population
of wildlife improves as societal norms and beliefs prevent them

education outcomes
found that field work that involved hands on continues to grow and climate change- Animals can be a source of income to the from being equally represented in
of those working in fisheries and
interaction with biodiversity improved related migration of both people and animals household generated by both men and conservation and wildlife management aquaculture are women
students’ ability to learn taxonomic and increases, human-wildlife interaction will women whether through food preparation, decision making.41 The lack of women
structural details.31 Additionally, outdoor continuously rise, heightening the need aasai children in Amboseli, Kenya
M conservation efforts, hunting or other activity. participating in the decision-making process
Local women and children retrieving

education, which involves immersion in for sustainable development education learn to celebrate and respect In fact, women represent nearly half of those is apparent at both the community and water for the Chikolongo fish farm in
animals, and to gain a positive Malawi that will help the community
nature, leads to a wide range of benefits for with a focus on animal welfare and human understanding for the ecosystem working in fisheries and aquaculture governmental level.42 The time constraints
receive fresh water and a source
health and well-being.32 Education which well-being. they share. worldwide.36 Despite women’s important role, and other economic and social inequalities of income from the sale of fish and
promotes sustainability should include

18 International Fund for Animal Welfare 19 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
ifaw’s contribution to gender
equality in rural East Africa
Through IFAW’s community engagement Team Lioness – amongst the the bulls are sold at a profit. IFAW provided
program we seek to create opportunities first all-women community technical and financial support to help set
for women and girls to access education wildlife rangers in Kenya up this CBO, including education and
and employment opportunities and take on awareness about setting up and running a
leadership roles in their communities, Since February 2019, IFAW’s Team Lioness, CBO, drawing their constitution, roles and
especially with regards to natural resource who are amongst the first all-women responsibilities, leadership and
management. community wildlife rangers, have been governance, registration, linkage to county
protecting wildlife in Amboseli’s vast government of Kajiado, and starting
Wildlife rangelands are located in rural community lands. So far this specialized businesses. IFAW is also involved with
areas where women providing for their unit is made of 16 female rangers, all drawn providing oversight and, where necessary,
families often interact with wildlife more from the local community. Most members direction so as to ensure that the CBO is
than men. Actions like collecting water, of the Team are the first in their families to effectively managed and resources are
harvesting crops and collecting firewood have formal employment which provides equitably shared among the members. This
for cooking put women at greater risk of economic freedom to them and their CBO is supporting 692 dependents in
dangerous encounters with animals like families. The women are also role models Esiteti village.
elephants, buffaloes, crocodiles and providing social empowerment to other
hippos. women from the local community.
Members of Team Lioness hold multiple Jenga Mama (Empower Women)
At IFAW, we recognize the unique roles in society, including some of them Project
challenges faced by women and work to being mothers. That’s why IFAW, in
make their voices heard in conservation. collaboration with the German-based IFAW has also partnered with the MBS
When women have alternative Margarete- Breuer Stiftung (MBS) Foundation to finance 60 local community
opportunities for education and Foundation, has constructed a nursery women to undertake vocational training in
professions, economic livelihood where infants and babies of Team Lioness hairdressing and beauty therapy, food and
increases, communities thrive and are cared for during the working day, giving beverage production, plumbing, garment
human-wildlife conflict plummets. The the women peace of mind that their making and information technology. The
future of conservation needs local women children are safe as they go about their training will see them acquire the
in leadership positions. Here’s how we’re daily work duties. professional skills and knowledge to start
making that happen. small businesses, which will reduce their
dependency and interactions with nature,
Esiteti Osutua women’s giving wildlife room to roam in their habitat.
Education scholarships in community-based organization The economic returns will help support
Amboseli, Kenya their families and community, helping them
IFAW has contracted the Esiteti Osotua become advocates for wildlife. Animal
Since 2014, through our Amboseli project, women’s community-based organization welfare often starts with the well-being of
IFAW has offered education scholarships to (CBO) in Amboseli, Kenya to provide people. By creating new alternative sources
120 students studying at varying levels of monthly supplies and rations to more than of income that generate stability and
secondary, college and university 80 community wildlife rangers. The leadership, the women of Jenga Mama are
education. The first cohort of 60 students financial returns are split two ways with an helping their community create peaceful
Photo: Patrick Sayialel / © IFAW

was inducted into the IFAW scholarship agreed portion to the women’s savings coexistence between people and wildlife.
project in 2014 with 17 female students bank account and the other given to each
– 3 in high school and 14 in colleges and of the 179 women to cater for the needs of
universities. their families such as paying school tuition
FAW-supported Team Lioness
fees and purchasing groceries. The group Olgulului Community Wildlife
returns have been used to purchase young Ranger (OCWR) Beatrice Sailepu uses
binoculars while on patrol near the
cows and bulls. Once mature, the cows base camp at the Risa community in
provide milk for the women’s families and Amboseli, Kenya.

20 International Fund for Animal Welfare 21 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: Paolo Torchio / © IFAW
Photo: Heiko Laschitzki / © IFAW

SDG 8: decent work

SDG 1: IFAW is facilitating opportunities
for women and girls in the belief that this
SDG 10: Socioeconomic inequalities
are reduced by education, training and
students studying at varying levels
and economic growth
will increase their chances of being income-generating activities for women. of secondary, college and university
education since 2014
employed in different sectors. While economic growth is not the definitive supports 6.1 million jobs and accounts for
Employment results in socioeconomic SDG 15: Through their patrols of wildlife metric of human development in the SDG US$646 billion in annual spending.49 Robust
empowerment, thus reducing levels of habitat, Team Lioness reduces the framework, the SDGs recognize that wildlife populations and healthy ecosystems
poverty. degradation of natural habitats and halts 16 employment and economic growth are are critical to the economic well-being of
the loss of biodiversity. women in one of the first all-women necessary components of human well-being. both developed and developing regions.
SDG 4: The high school and post high community wildlife ranger units Goal 8 seeks to promote economic growth in
have been protecting wildlife in
school education and training SDG 16: Providing opportunities for the a sustainable way with a focus on productive, Animals also support the livelihoods of many
Amboseli’s vast community lands
opportunities ensure that women and since 2019
socioeconomic empowerment of inclusive and decent work for all. of the world’s poorest people, often serving
girls receive a quality education and
women ensures that women participate as the single biggest store of wealth they
increase the numbers of women who are
at all decision-making levels to promote
peaceful societies.
60 Perhaps the most visible example of an
industry dependent on the conservation and
own. More than 650 million (of the one billion
poorest people on the planet) rely entirely on
local community women are financed
SDG 5: By facilitating opportunities for to undertake vocational training in welfare of wildlife is nature tourism. The animals for a living.50 Animal welfare
education in high school and training at SDG 17: Partnering with the women hairdressing and beauty therapy, food economic benefits of nature tourism are measures not only ensure that working
post high school level and resultant and the local community in Amboseli
and beverage production, plumbing,
garment making and information remarkable; this is especially true in the animals are treated humanely, they also USD$2 billion
employment, IFAW is promoting gender ensures that we strengthen domestic technology developing world. Eighty percent of trips to create more value for the poor who rely on
generated from whale watching annually
equality and empowerment for women resource mobilization to improve Africa are for wildlife viewing.45 In fact, one them. For example, donkeys that are used in with 13 million people participating in
and girls in Amboseli. domestic capacity for tax and other live elephant in a viewing camp in Africa can the brick industry in south Asia have a life at least 119 countries47

revenue collection. Jenga Mama participants practice

 generate USD$1.6 million for the global expectancy of eighteen months when they
hairdressing and giving manicures.
SDG 8: IFAW is promoting sustained, economy over its lifetime.46 This are not well cared for, but when simple animal
inclusive and sustainable economic phenomenon is not limited to the developing welfare practices are introduced, they can USD$1.6 million
growth, full and productive employment world; whale watching is estimated to support the business for up to eight years
for the global economy over its
and decent work for all – particularly for generate USD$2 billion annually with 13 before being sold as a healthy animal.51 lifetime is generated from one live
women and girls. million people participating in at least 119 Through tourism, agriculture and other elephant in a viewing camp in Africa
countries.47 In the U.S., viewing Yellowstone industries, animals form the backbone of
wolves alone generates USD$70 million per economic growth and livelihoods in many African elephant with an Egret on

year,48 while the outdoor recreation industry communities. its back.

22 International Fund for Animal Welfare 23 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
tourist destinations, which had brought a animal loss. The comprehensive project
rapid growth in human population and also includes building predator-proof SDG 3: Many people consider dogs to
urban expansion. As these cities and towns chicken coops when necessary, as well as be another member of the family. The
expanded inland, interactions between jaguar deterrents such as lights, which tend dog houses or pens help reduce dog
wildlife, humans and community animals to keep jaguars at a safer distance. All the injury and death from jaguar predation
became quite common. materials, such as wood and mesh wire for events, reducing the pain and suffering
the dog pens and chicken coops, is caused by the loss of a beloved pet.
Deforestation and the expanding human provided by IFAW from local sources and
footprint are limiting jaguar habitat and the structures are built by local carpenters SDG 8: By making the communities
prey as well as increasing overlap of human or community members as part of the safer and protecting biodiversity, the
communities and jaguar habitat. Jaguars community engagement approach. project preserves and promotes
are opportunistic hunters and where their conditions that drive tourism to the
habitat overlaps with human communities, Wellness clinics are also offered to ensure area. The project also provides
domesticated animals become easy prey. the local community animal population is materials and a stipend to local
These factors lead jaguars to prey on well-controlled and vaccinated to prevent carpenters or community members to
community animals such as chickens, disease transmission to jaguars. This build the doghouses, pens or chicken
dogs, and livestock. reflects the One Health and One Welfare coops.
approach, which recognizes the
Nearly 50% of registered conflicts between interconnection between people, animals SDG 11: Jaguar predation in the cities
jaguars and communities are specifically and their shared environment. contributes to human-wildlife conflict.
related to jaguar predation on dogs. These By encouraging adequate
interactions bring new threats to jaguars, When a dog gets attacked by a jaguar it guardianship of dogs and reducing
including ‘retaliatory killing’ by a fearful makes people in the community feel scared jaguar predation, the Coexistence
Photo: Scott Anger / © IFAW

community and disease transmission from and angry, creating negative feelings about Project of Casitas Azules makes the
dogs to jaguars and other wildlife, including the jaguars. Dogs are beloved members of tourist cities of Quintana a safer place
canine distemper and parvovirus. All the the family, so IFAW provides free veterinary for people and animals to live.
while, ‘free roaming’ dogs bring additional services and round-the-clock care in an
threats to other forms of endangered effort to save the life of any dog injured by SDG 14: Improving adequate
wildlife such as marine turtles, whose nests a jaguar. guardianship and housing dogs during
of abundant young often fall victim to nighttime prevents dog predation on
hungry dogs. Families that engage in this project then sea turtles adults or nest scavenging.

welfare of jaguars, marine

become animal welfare ambassadors in
In response, IFAW launched its jaguar their local community, which in turn SDG 15: Removing a source of
coexistence project in Mexico called encourages further guardianship and attractants that drive jaguars to enter

turtles and dogs intertwined

Casitas Azules (Blue Houses) in 2017, to community safety. urban areas helps conserve a key
help community members keep their dogs, predator that contributes to the forest
their communities and their wildlife safe ecosystem and keeps populations of

with human well-being in

and therefore contribute to achieving prey species in check.
coexistence between humans and wildlife.

Quintana Roo, Mexico

Through this project, IFAW has engaged
urban and rural communities, including
Mayan communities in Quintana Roo, to 2000+
improve management and care of domesticated animals –including dogs,
domesticated animals to reduce human- chickens and sheep have benefited from
the project
jaguar conflict in response to predation,
Joselyn Gonzalez, at rear,

Jaguars once ranged from the Southwest and poaching for the use of their parts and and her sister, Naomi, paint an and reduce risk of disease transfer to
U.S. to Argentina. They were revered by
ancient Mesoamerican people and ancient
derivatives. Jaguars are the top predator in
the Americas. Declining jaguar populations
IFAW-supplied dog house for Rita,
the family dog who is resting
jaguars during predation events.
inside. As part of the Casitas
different locations throughout the
Mayan art and architecture featured the have implications for many other species Azules Project IFAW helped This holistic approach has included State have been engaged, including
residents of the small village
jaguar prominently. However, during the and the health of the entire ecosystem. building more than 150 doghouses and dog two Mayan Communities
of Nuevo Durango, Mexico, a
20th century jaguars were hunted nearly to mostly Mayan community, build pens to provide adequate shelter while

more secure chicken coops
extinction for their fur. Although jaguar The State of Quintana Roo is located in the and dog houses to protect the discouraging dogs from roaming free
populations began to rebound, they now Yucatan Peninsula and is home to the animals from jaguars and other throughout the night, minimizing marine
predators. community members have directly
face myriad threats, including habitat loss, largest jaguar population in Mexico. turtle predation and protecting them from benefited from this project
retaliatory killings, disease transmission Nonetheless, it also host several major jaguar predation and further community

24 International Fund for Animal Welfare 25 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
SDG 13: climate action
SDG 13 strives to support swift action to Climate change is linked closely with animal
combat climate change and its effects. In product production and the care of those
addition to broad targets to integrate climate animals. Meat and dairy account for around
resilience and mitigation measures into 14.5% of global greenhouse emissions,60
national planning, the goal also includes a which could rise precipitously as the world’s
target to enhance disaster preparedness, population grows.61 Plant-based diets are a
which will become increasingly important as major opportunity to mitigating climate
natural disasters such as hurricanes and change as well as reducing hunger.62
wildfires become more frequent and Additionally, converting to more animal-
magnified due to climate change.52 In this friendly production processes can assist
regard and others, SDG 13 overlaps with climate mitigation efforts. For example,
significantly with the goals set by the 2015 shifting to pasture-based systems for cattle
Paris Climate Agreement53 and underscores
the need for the continued inclusion of
rearing can help increase carbon storage.
A study found that if Europe’s farmland
climate considerations in sustainable converted to organic principles, agricultural
development. greenhouse gas emissions could drop by
of the world’s carbon is stored in
more than 40%.63 tropical rainforests
Climate change will continue to worsen if
biodiversity is not protected, especially One of the most pressing dangers presented
because animals play a key role in
maintaining critical ecosystems that mitigate
by climate change is its escalating effect on
natural disasters. Climate change increases
the damaging effects of CO2 emissions. the frequency and intensity of severe natural
About 40% of the world’s carbon is stored in disasters.64 Despite some improvements in
of global greenhouse emissions are
tropical rainforests, and effective climate disaster risk reduction strategies, disaster- from meat and diary production60
mitigation relies on healthy forest ecosystems related mortality rates continue to rise.65 One
to serve as a carbon sink.54 In order for these of the reasons for the high number of
Elephants at Mana Pools National

ecosystems to be healthy and resilient, the disaster-related deaths is that many people Park, Zimbabwe.
wildlife populations that inhabit them must do not or cannot evacuate their homes before
also be robust. Large mammals in particular a disaster. Many families will not abandon
are essential to climate change mitigation their pets in their homes during an
and adaptation.55 For example, forests emergency. Forty-four percent of those that
depend on large herbivores to propagate refused to evacuate during hurricane Katrina,
seeds and regenerate the forest; some which flooded the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005,
species of hardwood trees are so specialized did so mostly because they refused to leave
that they cannot reproduce unless their seeds their pets behind.66 For those who are also
pass through the stomach of an elephant.56 reliant on service animals, risks might be
Other examples include forest elephants higher. In contrast, natural disasters can also
promoting the growth of larger trees that are cause a spike in animal abuse, as reported in
better carbon sinks,57 while whales are a key Texas 2021 winter storms.67 Thus, a lack of
part of carbon sequestration in oceans,58 animal shelters as well as the widespread
along with a host of other marine vertebrates. absence of animal considerations from
Focusing on species conservation is disaster planning processes endangers
important for protecting the species families with pets during natural disasters.
themselves, but it is also vital to mitigating
climate change.59 Global losses of wildlife From disaster planning, to changes in animal
have cascading consequences throughout consumption in diets, and the key role of
ecosystems, which in turn make humans wildlife in climate mitigation, no climate-
more vulnerable to the dangers of climate related action should be undertaken without
Photo: © Rudi van Aarde

change. considering both domestic animals and

wildlife populations.

26 International Fund for Animal Welfare 27 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
protecting koalas means Koalas are one of the world’s most
recognized species. In Australia, they are
often able to escape normal ground fires
that sweep through the forest floor by
wildlife corridor. IFAW also partners with
the Great Eastern Ranges on a campaign to

protecting Australia
featured in many Aboriginal Songlines and climbing to the tree tops. However, they restore native forests, help wildlife in need
Dreamtime stories about their role in stand little chance of escaping the and boost community healing and
maintaining the health of the country. Once increasingly frequent ‘crown fires’ that burn resilience. Through these partnerships,
numbering in the millions, koalas were through the canopy. Many are killed and IFAW has planted more than 30,000 trees,
hunted to near-extinction for their fur in the those that survive suffer burns and smoke each one providing a lifeline for koalas and
late 1800s and early 1900s. Since the trade inhalation and starvation due to lack of other wildlife. With deforestation being a
was banned, koala populations have slowly food. key driver of the CO2 emissions driving the
recovered over time but despite their climate crisis, tree planting is a relatively
iconic status, koalas are in real danger of Koalas are one of ten global species simple, cheap and tangible solution to
extinction.68 They are facing identified by the International Union for combating the impacts of climate change.
unprecedented threats from habitat loss Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as the most
due to land- clearing and development, as vulnerable to climate change.71 Drought, Every individual koala contributes to the
well as bushfires that are being rising temperatures, loss of moisture in future survival of the species, and IFAW is
exacerbated due to climate change. eucalyptus leaves and more frequent and leading a rescue and rehabilitation program
intense bushfires all threaten the species. to ensure injured and displaced koalas
Koalas are to Australia what elephants are The devastating Black Summer bushfires of receive expert veterinary treatment and are
to Africa, an iconic flagship species and late 2019 and early 2020 brought the able to be released back into the wild. IFAW
one without the other is unthinkable. Like situation to crisis levels hitting at the heart supports Friends of the Koala, which has an
elephants, koalas need room to roam and of already vulnerable koala populations. onsite koala hospital that treats around 300
safe passage through the landscape. Like a IFAW commissioned research into the koalas per year with increasing release
proverbial canary in the coalmine, when status of New South Wales (NSW) koalas rates. IFAW also partners with Detection
koalas are in trouble it is a warning signal revealing declines of up to two thirds of the Dogs for Conservation at the University of
that the whole ecosystem is in in trouble. In population due to droughts, bushfires, the Sunshine Coast to find injured koalas.
the same way, by protecting and restoring climate change and man-made causes One of the dogs, Bear, found over 100
koala habitat, we are also protecting over twenty years.72 koalas in the Black Summer bushfires.
countless other flora and fauna species and
the ecosystem services they provide, IFAW acknowledges the Traditional owners
including climate change mitigation. Solution of country throughout Australia and the
Oceania region and their connection to
The problems facing koalas are numerous land, waters and culture. We pay our
Threats and complex and there is no one-size-fits- respects to their Elders, past, present and
all solution. That’s why IFAW has built a truly emerging.
The number one threat to koalas is habitat holistic rescue, rehabilitation and recovery
loss. Unfortunately koalas like to live in the campaign, with koalas as the flagship. First,
SDG 13: Koalas are highly susceptible to
same areas as humans – the flat, fertile IFAW advocated for and achieved climate change. Increasing droughts,
areas along the east coast of Australia. “Endangered” status for koala populations more frequent and intense bushfires,
There is a hot competition for real estate in three eastern states and territories where and hotter temperatures all affect the
and koalas lose out to development time they have seen the most losses, while also species substantially. Yet, protecting
and time again. The east coast of Australia advocating for stronger protections in two them, and protecting and restoring their
is a deforestation hotspot due to excessive southern states where koalas face habitat, will help mitigate climate
land-clearing for development and unprecedented habitat destruction. change in a considerable way by
Australia is the only developed nation sequestering more carbon.
on a list of global deforestation fronts.69 Protecting koala habitat is vital to
protecting not only the species, but the
Besides habitat loss, bushfires are another
threat to koalas. Bushfires have always
thousands of species of flora and fauna
that live there as well. Most koala habitat
trees were planted
been an integral part of the Australian occurs on private land, so private
landscape, with many animals and plants landholders hold the key to koalas’ future
adapting to its impacts. However, due to survival and are taking it into their own FAW-sponsored veterinary nurse
Photo: © IFAW

Marley Christian sets a crate next

compounding factors of climate change hands to protect and restore wildlife
to a tree in a forest for Ginger,
and fire mismanagement, bushfires have corridors and connectivity. An example of a rescued koala, to climb out of
and return back to the wild in
become more frequent and severe, such a community-led initiative is Bangalow
East Lismore, New South Wales,
intensifying the threat to koalas and other Koalas in the Northern Rivers region of Australia.
wildlife.70 Koalas are slow-moving, but are NSW who IFAW partners with to restore a

28 International Fund for Animal Welfare 29 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: © Ullstein Bild / Getty Images
whale conservation’s
© Vanessa Mignon

positive effect extends

onshore in Iceland
SDG 14: life below water Commercial whaling is an unsustainable SDG 8: Protecting Faxaflói Bay allows SDG 13: Whales contribute significantly
and cruel practice that severely disrupts the whale-watching industry to thrive, to the ocean’s ability to sequester
The world’s oceans provide numerous coastal property damage.73 They also help themselves, but it is absolutely essential to whale-watching tourism, which is one of creating jobs and contributing to carbon by efficiently taking carbon
services to people and they are home prevent ocean acidification and global the sustainability of the marine environment Iceland’s most profitable and important Iceland’s largest industry: tourism. from the ocean surface to the deep sea.
to an extraordinary amount of biodiversity. climate change; healthy kelp forests have the itself. industries. Not only does whaling remove When whale-watching brings tourists to Conserving whales instead of hunting
However, the ocean environment is also in capacity to absorb billions of kilograms of whales from the population, it also Iceland, supporting industries also them allows them to continue
severe danger. Pollution, overfishing and carbon and help regulate ocean pH.74 Thus, causes whales to fear whale-watching witness growth. performing this essential ecosystem
ocean acidification impede the healthy sea otter conservation not only protects boats. In 2011, IFAW started the Meet Us service.
functioning of the ecosystem that billions biodiversity, but it also maintains an Don’t Eat Us campaign to inform and SDG 11: To accommodate the flood of
of people rely on for food, livelihoods and ecosystem that humans rely on for valuable educate tourists about the facts of whale tourists brought into Reykjavik’s harbor SDG 14: Healthy whale populations
overall well-being. These forces also services. meat consumption (whale meat in district to whale watch, the area has benefit the marine ecosystem. Whales
endanger marine life and biodiversity, which Iceland is primarily eaten by tourists, not transformed into a booming and vibrant circulate nutrients back the surface,
fuels a vicious cycle of ecological Whales also have important effects on ocean locals) and encourage political leaders to neighborhood full of green spaces, which is essential for phytoplankton
degradation. To address these serious ecosystems. By feeding deep in the ocean make whaling hotspot Faxaflói Bay a restaurants and cultural centers. that are critical to maintaining a healthy
concerns, SDG 14 seeks to conserve and and emerging to breathe at the surface, protected sanctuary. Surveys indicate ocean and extracting carbon dioxide
sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine whales circulate nutrients back to the surface, the campaign has helped reduce tourists’ SDG 12: Commercial whaling, perhaps from the atmosphere.
resources for sustainable development. which supports a variety of other species. whale consumption by half since 2011. By the 20th century’s greatest example of
They also help low-latitude ecosystems that protecting the whale population, our unsustainable consumption and
The importance of marine life in conserving lack nutrients to flourish when they migrate work supports sustainable livelihoods in production, drove many whale species
With more than 2.3 million

the oceans cannot be overstated. When there to breed and calve.75 In fact, healthy the whale-watching industry that also to the brink of extinction. As slow- tourists visiting Iceland each
marine and coastal species are healthy and whale populations yield more fish for protects Iceland’s natural heritage. breeding mammals, many whale year, recent data shows at
least 17% go whale watching.
their habitats protected, they contribute to fishermen to catch. When combined with the Whale-watching also indirectly supports populations have yet to recover and IFAW’s Meet Us Don’t Eat Us
 whale and its calf swim together
A campaign promotes whale
key ecosystem services that support the economic benefits of whale-watching, a through the ocean. related industries such as hospitality. today face many other threats in
watching as a responsible
functioning of the ecosystem. Sea otters, for whale provides far greater value as a member Furthermore, a growing whale-watching addition to whaling. Protecting whales and economically beneficial
example, maintain kelp forests by preying on of a healthy ecosystem than as a hunted tourism industry has led to the by ending commercial whaling helps alternative to whaling.

the sea urchins that would otherwise commodity.76 Marine species are integral to revitalization of Reykjavik’s harbor ensure that the gentle giants are there
overgraze the kelp. Kelp forests prevent the ocean-based resources upon which many district, reinvigorating the harbor area for future generations.
coastal soil erosion by lessening the effect of communities absolutely depend. Conserving with restaurants and gift shops.
waves hitting the shore, which prevents them is not only important for the species

30 International Fund for Animal Welfare 31 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: © Robert Marc Lehmann

Photo: © Rudi van Aarde

SDG 15: life on land
as wildlife and people run
Much like a healthy ocean, without a healthy leaving the landscape without necessary
environment on land, sustainable progress on nutrients and at risk of desertification.77 For
the other goals is impossible. Humans rely on example, there is a strong correlation

out of space, we’re creating

the terrestrial ecosystems in both subtle and between prairie dogs’ burrowing behavior
obvious ways, some of which we may not and groundwater recharge and soil
realize until it is too late. To prevent the dire productivity in the American Southwest.78

Room to Roam
consequences of ecosystem degradation for Similarly, elephants overturn soil and dig up
development, SDG 15 calls on the water holes in times of drought, making the
international community to protect, restore ecosystem more resilient to increasing
and promote the sustainable use of drought conditions due to global warming.79
ecosystems, sustainably manage forests,
combat desertification, halt and reverse land Paying close attention to these kinds of
IFAW’s Room to Roam initiative is a new
and visionary approach to conservation
The problem 1.2 billion
people live on the African
degradation and halt biodiversity loss. To ecosystem services is especially important in Africa, with elephants and people Today more than 150,000 elephants
continent, a number that is
achieve this, SDG 15 incorporates targets
across a variety of key ecosystems and urges
considering that the planet is currently
experiencing its sixth mass extinction event.
68% leading the way. Backed by 20 years of
science, fieldwork and engagement with
roam across increasingly fragmented
landscapes that often fall outside of
expected to double in the next
40 years

the inclusion of the natural world into human Even more startling, the number of vertebrate local communities, Room to Roam will formal protection. They’re at risk
development planning. wild animals on Earth is estimated to have ensure persistence of viable and stable as they follow an inherent drive to
estimated decline of number of
declined by 68% since 1970.80 Because vertebrate wild animals on Earth elephant populations long into the future. travel centuries-old wildlife routes.
since 197080
Wildlife conservation is central to SDG 15. Not wildlife plays a critical role in maintaining Through connectivity, secure habitats, Human development, population growth of African elephants spend time
only are preventing biodiversity loss and ecosystems, this decline in biodiversity has and by bringing people together, we will and competition for resources are outside of national parks and
protected areas, making them
halting the extinction of endangered species severe ecological consequences. Currently, create safe passages for elephants and leading factors that expose elephants vulnerable to poachers or human-

Barbary macaques are an endangered
explicitly mentioned in several targets, 58% of land on Earth is experiencing unsafe species endemic to Morocco and other wildlife to move freely within their to poaching and human-wildlife conflict. wildlife conflict

conservation also contributes to the larger levels of biodiversity loss.81 As wildlife Algeria. Demand for the pet trade, home range of East and Southern Africa. 1.2 billion people live on the African
habitat destruction and unsustainable
ecological goals of this SDG. When wildlife
habitats are protected, ecosystems thrive and
populations decline, ecosystems of all kinds
are less resilient and therefore at risk. Without
tourism threaten this monkey species. The result is greater biodiversity, a natural
resilience to climate change and a future
continent, a number that is expected to
double in the next 40 years. When
elephants are killed every year by
destructive forces such as desertification are resilient ecosystems, all agriculture, water where animals and communities can wildlife and humans live in proximity,
poachers; without bold and rapid
mitigated. For example, wildlife fertilize and management systems and industries (such as coexist and thrive. both can be at risk. Animals become action, elephants could be poached
to extinction within a generation
rejuvenate the soil in fragile ecosystems, and tourism) are left significantly more vulnerable. entangled in fences, destroy people’s
apex predators keep the population of It is now more important than ever to homes or raid their crops. This can result
grazers in check. When habitats are incorporate life on land into development in people harming animals and animals
n elephant herd roaming the
overgrazed as pasture lands, or when critical planning. harming people. savannah of northern Botswana.
ecosystem services are limited due to wildlife
population decline, soil erosion can occur,

32 International Fund for Animal Welfare 33 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Goma Kigali
Democratic Bukavu
Kindu Mwanza
Republic of Bujumbura Arusha
the Congo Mombasa
Tanzania Tanga
Mbuji-Mayi Dodoma
Dar es


Tunduru Newala

Huambo Ndola
Zambia Lilongwe

Mongu Lusaka Blantyre
Photo: Karel Prinsloo / © IFAW

Rundu Harare
Zimbabwe Chimoio



Climate change compounds the threat of Pretoria’s Conservation Ecology Research Community impact Partnership SDG4: Since 2014, IFAW has offered SDG13: In order for elephants to adapt to
fragmented landscapes, with animals like Unit (CERU) to base our approach on robust scholarships to hundreds of students at climate change, they will need to be able
elephants risking their lives and traveling data and principles. The science of Room to Roam doesn’t only help elephants The context of our work crosses borders, various levels of secondary, college, and to migrate as their food and habitat
further than ever to seek essential water megaparks for metapopulations82 and other wildlife—it also opens new cultures and organizations, meaning that university education. This includes changes. Additionally, healthy populations
and food for survival. Ironically, healthy advocates for ecological connectivity as opportunities for local communities to relationships with people are at the heart scholarships toward wildlife management of elephants help ecosystems store
elephant populations are among the essential for the survival of wild species by enhance their well-being and coexist with of our approach and are a key to success. studies in Amboseli, Kenya and a junior carbon and mitigate climate change.
ranger outreach program alongside
greatest contributors to Africa’s healthy maintaining biodiversity and providing an wildlife.
Zimparks at primary schools in Zimbabwe. SDG17: IFAW is forging partnerships
ecosystems and biodiversity. opportunity for species to adapt to climate In addition to forging partnerships with
with communities, traditional leaders,
change. Thus, our vision builds on existing Land outside of national parks belongs to communities and traditional leaders, we
SDG8: IFAW engages communities to governments, private sector actors
conservation clusters but looks to communities and private landowners, also partner with governments, private increase access to alternative income and other NGOs in a long-term plan to
The Solution proactively expand and connect additional including traditional leaders, conservancies sector actors and other NGOs in a long- sources while providing training and reconnect critical landscapes and help
habitat in response to changing climate and land trusts. When we engage term plan to reconnect critical landscapes teaching job skills. Nature tourism is a key wildlife flourish.
IFAW believes every species and every and human development pressures. communities in natural resource and help wildlife flourish. Any lack of driver of the economies of the Room to
habitat has the ability to bounce back. management—whether for ecosystem integration across these sectors leads to Room communities.
To survive, elephants need connected The Room to Roam vision includes health and/or as an economic driver—they inefficiencies, drives duplication, adds
landscapes to travel as they once did supporting ranger programs, revitalizing can be directly involved in planning and tensions and creates sinkholes where SDG11: The Room to Roam initiative is
across the African continent, through parks and fostering a community-driven implementing long-term solutions. funding can disappear. To succeed, our highly supportive of international
development agendas focused on
countries, over borders, at a distance from model of sustainable tourism and other work must integrate partnerships and
sustainable development, transportation,
humans. They need access to healthy conservationfriendly livelihood solutions. Across our focus landscapes, IFAW also business development plans across
agricultural expansion and more. When
habitat and resources, and greater We are committed to the long-term rescue supports development of hands-on skills, multi-stakeholder landscapes.
considered at the start, animals and
protection from the threat of poachers. and rewilding of elephants, because each educational scholarships, women-in- people can live and thrive alongside one
individual matters for the survival of the business and other income-generating We’re inspired by a world where people another.
Reconnecting landscapes can protect species. And we recognize the importance activities. When people are empowered by and wildlife share this place we call home.
biodiversity, reduce human-wildlife conflict of including Indigenous peoples in the their own contribution, there is less
and build climate resilience. IFAW conversation. incentive to rely on poaching or other
Elephants crossing a road in

collaborates with the University of unsustainable depletion of natural Amboseli National Park, Kenya.

34 International Fund for Animal Welfare 35 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Section 3

& endnotes
Photo: B. Hollweg / © IFAW

36 International Fund for Animal Welfare 37 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: Julia Cumes / © IFAW

Photo: Shaun McMinn / © IFAW

Humanity’s historic reliance on animals has
not ended. Indeed, as the world faces
increasingly complex global challenges, our
awareness within the policy-making
community, and ensuring that they have
access to accurate information regarding the
3. Adopt more sustainable
agricultural and fisheries
practices and reduce animal
relationship to the natural world is more role of animals in their projects is also vital. consumption to prevent
important than ever. As demonstrated in this Doing so reveals how including animals in biodiversity loss through land 1 
Pat Shipman, “The Animal Connection and Human 7 Daisy Freund, “How Animal Welfare Leads to Better 13 Alison G. Power, “Ecosystem Services and
report, animals, both domestic and wild, planning and policy is a valuable tool to use change, combat climate Evolution,” Current Anthropology 51, no. 4 (2010):
Meat: A Lesson from Spain,” The Atlantic. (August
25, 2011),
Agriculture: Tradeoffs and Synergies,” Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society B 365 (2010):
contribute significantly to human improve the long-term success and change and reduce pandemic stable/10.1086/653816?seq=1#page_scan_tab_ archive/2011/08/how-animal-welfareleads-to- 2961,
development, and their welfare supports sustainability of the SDG project and improve risk; contents. better-meat-a-lesson-fromspain/244127/ content/royptb/365/1554/2959.full.pdf.

human well-being in all its forms, both the lives of people. When animals and their 2 
Independent Group of Scientists appointed by the 8 Committee on Commodity Problems, “Impacts of 14 Ibid.
UN Secretary-General, “Global Sustainable Animal Disease Outbreaks on Livestock Markets,”
material and non-material. As a link between habitats are healthy and cared for, everyone Development Report 2019: The Future is Now – (Introductory Paper on Animal Disease Outbreaks
people and the environment, animals will play benefits. 4. S
 upport global efforts, such as Science for Achieving Sustainable Development” prepared for 21st Session of the Inter-Governmental 15 
“Stop Using Antibiotics in Healthy Animals to
a key role in achieving a sustainable future. the UN 30x30 initiative, to (United Nations, New York, 2019), https://
Group on Meat and Dairy Products, CCP:ME 06/2,
November 14, 2006),
Prevent the Spread of Antibiotic Resistance,” World
Health Organization (November 7, 2017),
Our policy recommendations include: expand and protect habitat for documents/24797GSDR_report_2019.pdf j8387e/j8387e.pdf
Policy makers must integrate the welfare of wild animals while connecting stop-using-antibiotics-in-healthy-animals-to-
animals and conservation of wildlife when 1. Adopt a “One Health, one existing protected lands and 3 
B eth Allgood, et al., Thriving Together (Washington, 9 Alex Renton, “Still Hungry,” The Guardian (August
considering the implementation of the SDGs. Welfare” approach by oceans. Initiatives like IFAW’s DC: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 2018),
14, 2005),
“ 10 things you should know about industrial
Failure to do so not only ignores the intrinsic integrating animal welfare, Room to Roam ensure resource/225/attachment/original/IFAW_SDG-
farming,” UNEP (July 20, 2020), https://www.unep.
value of animals, but also endangers the wildlife conservation and communities are part of the animals-human-wellbeing-report.pdf
10 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United know-about-industrial-farming.
prospect of a healthy future for coming habitat protection into human solution. 4 
B eth Allgood, Marina Ratchford, and Kate Large,
Nations, The State of Food Security and Nutrition in
the World 2018 (September 2018): xii,
generations. In practice, this means animals health and sustainable Measuring What Matters (Yarmouth, MA:
International Fund for Animal Welfare, 2016),
must be integrated into all stages of relevant development policy and 11 Pierre Gerber et al., Tackling Climate Change
human development projects, from planning planning; 
IFAW rescue team member Jen Gardner
Through Livestock—A Global Assessment of
Emissions and Mitigation Opportunities (Rome:
to evaluation. In order to address the global, carries an older female dog, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
nicknamed Wonder by the IFAW team, Nations, 2013),
interconnected nature of animal and human 5 FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, and WHO, “The State of
through the burned landscape in Nelson Mhlanga, IFAW Program Officer,

well-being, these efforts should combine 2. Include animals in disaster California to safety.
Food Security and Nutrition in the World” (FAO,
Rome, 2021)
12 GRAIN and IATP, Emissions Impossible: How Big Landscape Conservation, surveys
international, national and sub-national planning and disaster risk Meat and Dairy Are Heating Up the Planet (July
Matetsi Unit 5 part of the larger
Hwange-Matetsi-Zambezi landscape in
projects and stakeholders. Deepening reduction efforts; 6 “Animal Production,” Food and Agriculture files/2018-08/Emissions%20impossible%20EN%20 Northwest Zimbabwe, one of four key
Organization of the United Nations, 12.pdf. landscapes that IFAW’s Room to Roam initiative is focusing on to secure
core elephant habitat.

38 International Fund for Animal Welfare 39 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
Photo: © Robert Marc Lehmann
Photo: Yi Lin / © IFAW

Aysha Ahktar, “The Need to Include Animal 25 James E. Gern et al., “Effects of Dog Ownership and 31 
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22 Paul M. Sharp and Beatrice H. Hahn, “Origins of HIV gender-equality/ 52 “ The Impact of Climate Change on Natural
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29 Marcia P. Jimenez et al., “Associations between 36 Jackelline Siles et al., “Advancing Gender in the 53 “ How the Paris Agreement and the SDGs Work
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37 FAO, “World Livestock: Transforming the Livestock 46 B eth Allgood, Marina Ratchford, and Kate Large, herd in a field in Meng’a Town,
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30 “ Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education animals-climate-change-forests/.
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spreads its wings and begins to fly
39 FAO, 2016, p. 3 back into the wild.

40 International Fund for Animal Welfare 41 Thriving Together: The Critical Role of Animals in Achieving the SDGs
and people
Photo: Shaun McMinn / © IFAW

60 P.J. Gerber, “Tackling Climate Change Through 68 “AKF: Shocking Figures Reveal The Devastating 77 Alisher Mirzabaev et al., “Desertification,” in
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61 Helen Harwatt, “Including Animal to Plant Protein
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62 Quirin Schiermeier, “Eat Less Meat: UN Climate- fronts#gs.t2hwtu. and Leads to Desertification of Semiarid Grass-
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Photo: Luiz Felipe Mendes / © IFAW

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63 Xavier Poux and Pierre-Marie Aubert, “An
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82 Rudi J. van Aarde, Tim P. Jackson, “Megaparks for

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65 United Nations Economic and Social Council, 74 Robin McKie, “How Sea Otters Help Save the
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66 Sara Watson, “What to Do with Your Pet if You Need Megaparks%20for%20metapopulations%20%20
to Evacuate,” Popular Science (August 3, 2017), Addressing%20the%20%20%20%20%20%20 causes%20of%20locally%20high%20elephant%20
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Watching,” University of Miami Shark Research Unit 5. Matetsi Unit 5 is part of
(December 31, 2013), https://sharkresearch.rsmas. the larger Hwange-Matetsi-Zambezi landscape in Northwest Zimbabwe, one
comparison-between-whaling-and-whale- of four key landscapes that IFAW’s
watching/. Room to Roam initiative is focusing
on to secure core elephant habitat.

42 International Fund for Animal Welfare

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