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Chapter 3


Research Design

The researchers will use the Descriptive-Qualitative Research. This design will

be used to explore the status of dressmaking laboratory and the extent of its effect to

the performance of the Grade 12 students.

Locale and Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be twenty (20) Grade 12 students under the

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood strand of Tunggol National High School, located at

National Highway, Tunggol, Datu Montawal, Maguindanao Del Sur.

Research Sampling Procedure

The study will use the Cluster-Convenient Sampling Procedure in determining

the respondents. This means that the population will be divided into subgroups

classified by their strands. The researcher will then select only from the students with

the TVL strand, and the sample will be drawn from that part of the population which is

close to hand, that is, the population which is readily available and convenient.

Data Gathering Procedure

The gathering of the data will be done through visiting the Tunggol National High

School Grade 12 classrooms to identify the respondents. The researchers will then
approach TVL students who are qualified to be respondents, and the researchers will

ask for their permission and will personally distribute the Key Informant Interview Sheet

to each of them. The researchers will then explain to them the guidelines and the

methods of answering the questions.

Research Instrument

A Key Informant Interview Sheet will be use in gathering the data needed for the

conduct of the study where much of the information will be generated. The first part of

the Interview Sheet will contain the Socio-Demographic Profile of the respondents. The

second part will be the interview questions regarding the status of the dressmaking

laboratory. Lastly, the third part of the Sheet will contain the interview questions relating

to the extent of the effect of the dressmaking laboratory in the performance of the


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