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I\ GNS 302 RESEARCH Research means search for knowledge. It is a way of finding answers or seeking solutions to existing problems. It is scholarly systematic and scientific investigation to establish factors or collect information on a subject. (Asubiojo 2006) defines research as‘a systematic search for fact, a pain staking act of gathering, verifiable information Ra topic or subject. Research can also be defined as a detailed account, complete document or comprehensive piece of writing which represen? the outcome of a study conducted or a research done by an inviagr (eter a group of students) usually under the supervision of an expert or experience researcher following specific procedure leading to a logical conclusion with its content ito various parts but logically and properly presented. It should be noted that the term project is usually used to describe a project report of polytechnic ND, HND and University undergraduate students. The word dissertation or thesis is used to describe the research of master or doctoral students respectively. It should also be noted that a research is said to be scientific not necessarily because it is science or technology based opis er because it is conducted by pure scientist, rather a research is said to be scientific if and only if it employs a scientific method of approaching a research by systematically following the following identified steps or procedure; (1) Identification and definition of problem in a clear and precise term (2) Formulation of appropriate research hypothesis (3) Collection of reliable data using appropriate method and instruments (4) Analysis of data collected using appropriate methods and instruments. (5) Drawing inference or logical conclusion based on the data collected Therefore, research conducted in field (profession) like menogement raeoy Business Administration j Marketing, Peyehoogy Language etc. can still be scientific if the scientific method is employed and also if such a research possesses the iy r characteristics. ae \CTERISTICS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. 2 (1) A scientific research is non ethical. It means that a scientific research is not basically concerned with moral principle of right and wrong behaviour. Therefore it not bothe? Sbout ethical aspect of what is to be studied like considering whether or not it is good to embark on such a study or research. (2) It is Empirical. It means that it is usually based on observation, experience or experiment and not just an existing ideas or opinion. This is why its inference or conclusion is usually drawn from a research conducted. (3) It is Systematic: This means it is methodically i.e it is carried out following sequential steps or procedures believe to be a yardstick parameter for identifying of problems before a conclusion is drawn. (4) It is verifiable |.e it is possible to confirm the authenticity of the claim of such a scientific research. By going though the same process and arriving at the same or similar conclusion. (5) It is logical: It means that a scientific research in terms of its approach to the study and result viz-a-viz existing fact should be reasonable. The recommendations of a research should also be meaningful and sensible. hh ye (6) A scientific research is cumulative i.e a scientific research does not exist in isolation because it will either confirm an existing facig or improve on what already exists or modifies existing facts or theories. (7) A scientific research is theory related,it must either be based on the earlier propounded/ theory or leads to ye generation of another theory or points a the weakness of existing ones or improve on them. FORMS OR TYPES OF RESEARCH According to Oloyo (2001) research can be broadly classified according to; « Purpose * Method CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO PURPOSE (1) Pure or Basic Research: Kescars with development of new theory. (2) Applied Research: It uses theory i.e outcome of basic research to solve problems. (3) Evaluation Research: It determines usefulness of two or more alternative actions. (4) Action Research: It attempts to solve a local problem. CLASSIFICATION OF TYPES ACCORDING TO METHOD (1) Historical Research: It investigates past events y (2) Descriptive Research: It provides answer for questions asked on agiven subjects (3) Correlation Research: It tests the relationship between two or more variables, (4) Causal Comparative Research: It establishes a tentative cause- effect relationship. (5) Experimental Research: It really establishes cause- Effect relationship and divides it into experimental group. (6) Quantitative Research: It analyses research data by using figures or numbers i.e it adopts a highly mathematical or statistical method of analysis. (7) Qualitative Research: It does not adopt a highly mathematical or statistical method in analyzing or presenting research information. SOURCES OF RESEARCH PROBLEM « Experience « Books « Journals i.e Reports of recent researches ¢ Thesis and Dissertation © Opinion of experts « Government publications Kevo COMPONENTS OF A RESEARCH PROJECT fston, The components or elements of research can be classify into three major parttoaeee aed © The preliminary or front page * The main part, body or text ¢ The end part / book matter THE PRELIMINARY PART Ae? ram Comprises the covery page, "A approval/page or certification acknowledgment dedication lable of content, list of tables, figures, plate%and the abstract The main body of a research comprises, the introduction, the literature review, materials and methods or methodology, research result, discussion of findings and conclusion and recommendation? The back matter or subsidiary part comprises the references or bibliography, appendix, Grossary and WARK + -Glessary-and-Index:-Each-of-these-is-discussed-below Cover Page: A research usually has a front and back cover which is made up of a much thicker paper that protects the inner ones. It usually bears the title of the research, the full name of a researcher or author and the year of completion. Pe For Title Page: It is usually counted as they (S not usually indicatior-on the first page but the next page usually have she tata fsa “usthe title page contains the actual title of the research, author full names, qualification, submission statement, degree or diploma in view, name of department, school/faculty and institution and date i.e the month and year of submission CERTIFICATION OR APPROVAL PAGE It contains the statements which show that the research was actually conducted in the said department under the supervision of the able suseSeh whose name is written after the statement and who later appends his/her signature to authenticate the claim. DEDICATION: It is an optional page that contains statements we Sw -shoes-the people the author or researcher wants to honour with the Yn see, HOATanoM) ROWE ad On 5 success of the research works }t_may be dedicated to researchers Supreme Being or God, late or living parent, close relations, friends, associates, mentors or heroes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: It contains a short note used by the author to appreciate moral, intellectual financial or any form of support given to the researchers by individuals or groups in the course of the research work. TABLE OF CONTENTS: It has to do with pagination of the entire research works{t shows the page by page arrangement of the various pa parts, sections or chapter of the research. It is more or less the outline of the whole research. LIST OF TABLES FIGURES AND PLATE: It contains title of all tables, figures and plates used in the research projects. They are arranged according to how they appear in the researchés > A. FIGURES: It comprises maps, sketches diagrams, drawing, illustration, chart and graphs B. TABLES: It represents orderly arrangement of data in rows or columns C. PLATES: It refers to photographs used in the main reports. ABSTRACTS: It is a summary or very brief account of a research conducts or being conducted, its length ranges from 100 or 150 to 250 oe lowever, whatever the length may be,it must not be more than one page. A good abstract must give the reader a general overview of what to expect in the research work. , we Ssilrww?' A good abstract must contain eaoeey ? @ We Verseavorn Proton ¢ The objective of the study * The scope of the study The population Sample * Methodology « Findings * Conclusion and » Recommendations ye co INTRODUCTION: It usually occupies the first chapter of the research it comprises, sections like pe « Background of the study: It gives general overview of what prompted the research or factor necessitating the research wet _+ The scope. of the study: Its states areas covered by the study or areas not covered by the research. * Statement of problem: It shows the problems necessitating the pyc? Statement of p research or the issues to be tackled or addressed ¥ 4) The research stions: These are the relevant questions that the research hopes to provide appropriate answers. « The research hypothesis: These are the intelligent guesses or assumption”: ‘airaeplion formulated by the researcher to serve as tentative guidestt should be noted that hypothesis ere just g cogent assumptions or prBpositions that need not be validated * The significance of the study. It simply refers to the importance of the study conducted > * The limitations of the study: These are constraints or yh i , Condy . ~ hindrances to the study e.g financial Contrainte, time,contrauwd confidentiality constraints etc. \ * The objectives of the study: It refers to the alms, goals or we purposes of the research. S * Organization of the study: It states the arrangement of the oe : & various part’of the body of the research. © Definition of terms: It refers to operational definitions or interpretations of the terms specially used in the projects may be somehow different from their common usages. LITERATURE REVIEW: It usually occupies the second chapter of the research. It is a critical examination and analysis of previous works of notable writers or researchers whose ideas or information are expressed, disseminated or presented. Such works are usually related to the research being conducted. Researchers are expected rece ; . to use contemporary or resent materials as used in recently published journals, books, dissertations or thesis abstract It is necessary to acknowledge $&those whose materials are being used by the researchers to avoid being guilty of plagiarism. Verbatin Ford instance, if somebody ideas is quoted variation, then the person ane jear of publication and page should be clearly indicated e.gAccording to |ittle (1983:4) “gommunication changes the ArayeeySon? colour of its meaning like a conmBeuon™ It should also be noted that how the writer will acknowledge within the body of a research is different from the way he/she will acknowledge at the end of the work At the end of the work, the references follow these procedures; Name of the Author Year of publication in bracket © Title of the work « Place of publication « Name of the publisher IMPORTANCE OR JUSTIFICATION-ON LITERATURE REVIEW Ithelps the researcher to discover extent of work already done in the problem area It helps to eliminate duplication of what has been done It sharpens the general picture of the problem under focus Itcreates awareness of alternative procedure It sharpens the focus of the researchers It makes researcher aware of appropriate problem It reveals references that may not have been encountered in library search Itsaves researches time by preventing possible pit falls « It exposes gaps in previous studies MATERIALS AND METHOD OR METHODOLOGY ezeaven This chapter usually made up of the, design, population, research instrument peda or procedure, data validity, reliability of research instrument JT he research design simply refers to as the -_ general approach to the research. lan — —— The population refers to the total number of research subject i.e person, thing or item that represents the data collected for the purpose of research. ‘ — xe o-f The sample refers to the potion of the total population selected for research purpose. 7 ____—The research instrument refers to materials or means of data collection like questionnaire, experiment, observation etc. wert, : 2——The method of data collection stateShow the data where collected whether directly by the researcher himself or with the help of research assistant, field assistant or by direct mail. @ eel method of data analysis shows the statistical tools or techniques used to analyse the data collected. Validation of research instrument>, oe Shows whathas been done to ensure that the research instrument measures what they are expected to measure or designed to measure ~ ) Mew? * These are six obligatory parts of formai letters: These are; (i) Writers address and date: This can be on top or at the right hand or at the leit hand of the paper. It can be written in block or indented format. eg. Department of Economics, School of Business Studies , Federal Polytechnic, Ede, P.M.B. 231, Ede. Or Department of Economics) School of Business Studies) Federal Polytechnic, Ede, P.M.B. 231 Ede. fro Cary, cone / do address or receiver address or addresses address: Chairman, @ Loca! Government gos dsun State. Or The Chairman, Ede Locaf Government, Ede, “ sun State. (iii) Salutation: It is usually Dear Sir or Dear Madam, it could also be Sir or Madam (iv) Subject Heading or Topic: It serves as a label of the letter, it gives the general overview of the letter in condensed form. e.g. APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF AN ACCOUNTANT OR Application for the Post of an Accountant (v) Body of the letter: This is the section where the content of the letter is discussed. It has three major parts; ¢ Introduction or introductory paragraph * Transitional or developmental paragraph * Conclusion or concluding paragraph “oductory Paragraph: It is also known as opening paragraph, it introducer A€ subject matter of the letters. It sheds light of the letter or what you will expected of the letter, A good formal letter have introductory paragraph. ¢ Developmental / Transitional Paragraph: This section is also known as main body of the letter. It is usually has more than one paragraph. These Paragraphs discuss, explain, present, evaluate and exemplify the subject matter of the central idea of the letter. It should be noted that each of these Paragraphs must only and only discuss a point or fact each, in other words, a paragraph should not discuss two, three or more ideas. * Conclusion or Concluding Paragraph: It gives the summation of the general ideas discussed in the letter. It can also evaluate, suggest or give the opinion of the writer, it rounds-off the whole letter. A good formal letter has ae re NN ae Le LANGUAGE OF BUSINESS ae Language of formal letter is usually very formal i.e. the use of slang’s, colloqual languages and well-wishes are disallowed. Apart from this, the use of contractions are not allowed such as can’t, couldn't, don't, instead, we should have —-- cannot, could not, do not, respective. ALITIES OF FORMAL LETTER These are the ingredients that will make a formal letter a formal one; * Correctness Conciseness . « Completeness Courtesy (politeness) Simplicity Clarity- (avoid ambiguity) ee BUSINESS LETTER There are four different layouts or styles of business letter, these are; * Fully blocked style * Semi-blocked style « Fully indented style « Semi indented style dlly Blocked Style: The writer's address and date, receivers address, Jtation, topic or subject heading, body of the letter and complimentary close p all displayed at the left hand side of the letter. However, a distinct space or fine is left between each of these units. e.g. Department of Economics) School of Business Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Woy Moy 2-0 24D The Chairman, Ede Local Government, Ede, Dear Sir, REQUEST FOR A WEEK BREAK Yours faithfully, Olusare Adegbagi, QR Ge eM pi Blocked Style: It is almost the same with fully blocked style except that ‘topic or subject heading will be displayed in the middle and complimentary se displayed at the right hand side of the letter. e.g. 1 Department of Economics y School of Business Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Ede. WiImey , 29> The Chairman + Ede Local Government Ede« Dear Sir, REQUEST FOR A WEEK BREAK Yours faithfully , Olusare ogy ily Indented Style: Here the two addresses will be written in indented or ing format the topic will be displayed in the middle. An Indentation would yreate One paragraph from the other while the complimentary will also be itten at the right hand side of the letter, eg. Department of Economics » School of Business Studies 5 Federal Polytechnic | Ede, The Chairman Ede Local Government , Ede) Dear Sir, REQUEST FOR A WEEK BREAK Yours faithfully Adeola Olusare Adegbagi oml-tndonted Stylo; It is almost the same with fully indented style but for wo addresses that would be written in block format. e.g. Department of Economics > School of Business Studies , Federal Polytechnic , Ede, ‘The Chairman ) Edo Local Government » Ede. Dear Sir, REQUEST FOR A WEEK BREAK Yours faithfully Adeola Olusare Adegbagi —————— wren (Amemo,is used within an organization, while letter is used,outsidehne, Tate One wy t Assignment (i) Reference letter | | (ii) Commendation letter (iii) Condolence letter (iv) Complaint letter (v) Appointment letter COMPREHENSION Comprehension means understanding or assimilation. Comprehension ages are usually written to test how best students can understand ation or idea written in'the passagoy. This could be done through inductive d deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is based on general knowledge / fac. While inductive is based on specific fact presented in a passage. Comprehension #can take place at three levels these are; (i) Literal or factual level (i) Inferential level (iii) Conjectural level Literal Level: Implies that the reader comprehends the words and sentences from the passage with no hidden meaning i.e. the answers to the questions are directly stated in the passage. Inferential Level: Here, all the ideas are not stated directly in the passage i.e. the reader will extract or inferred the answer from only ideas stated in the Passage. ' aathorg Conjectural Level: It means usin ine understanding ideas to project new idea nr Sina should be done. Approach to answer comprehension exercise « Read the passage once or twice in order to understand it. « Read the question in order to know what each question expects from you 20 ite out Sara Write oul answer’either in words, phrases, clauses or sentences. It should be noted that it is not compulsory to write all the answers in complete sentences unless it is otherwise stated, RSs to determi + Understand hee to determine the attitudes of the writer. wre are 3 types of attitude. These are; i» Negative / Condemination \« Positive / Commendation « Indifference. pegarer? nderstand the use of double negative in a sentence. E.g. { « [tis not unintentional | « You are not a bad man « We are not uninterested in the matter. ves DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FACT AND OPINION Fact is the truth that is verifiable or researchable i.e. it can be confirmed at 4 any timeeffict is universal while opifion is the personal perception, belief or . view. It may not be the truth. Opinion is usually based / affected by one’s level of experience, education, social background etc. 21

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