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1. What is the central focus of Tolman's Neo Behaviorism?

a) Reflexes

b) Observable behaviors

c) Cognitive processes

d) Unconscious desires

2. Tolman's Cognitive Map theory suggests that:

a) Behavior is solely determined by reinforcement

b) Behavior is determined by observable stimuli

c) Behavior is influenced by internal mental representations

d) Behavior is random and unpredictable

3. Tolman's concept of "latent learning" refers to:

a) Learning that is readily apparent and observable

b) Learning that is hidden and unconscious

c) Learning that occurs without any reinforcement

d) Learning that only occurs through classical conditioning

4. According to Tolman, the term "intervening variable" refers to:

a) A variable that intervenes between two behaviors

b) An unobservable mental process that mediates behavior

c) A type of reinforcement schedule

d) A variable that influences only innate behaviors

5. Tolman's Neo Behaviorism is often associated with which type of psychology?

a) Behaviorism

b) Psychoanalysis
c) Humanism

d) Cognitive psychology

6. In Tolman's research with rats in mazes, what did he find about their learning?

a) Rats only learned when they received food rewards

b) Rats learned through trial and error

c) Rats learned the layout of the maze without immediate rewards

d) Rats never learned to navigate mazes

7. Tolman's Neo Behaviorism can be described as a bridge between:

a) Behaviorism and cognitive psychology

b) Behaviorism and psychoanalysis

c) Cognitive psychology and humanism

d) Psychoanalysis and humanism

8. According to Tolman, what is the purpose of cognitive maps in behavior?

a) They have no purpose; they are purely theoretical constructs

b) They guide and direct an individual's behavior in their environment

c) They are irrelevant to understanding behavior

d) They only apply to animals, not humans

9. Tolman's research on sign-gestalt learning showed that animals:

a) Learn only through classical conditioning

b) Can generalize their learning to different situations

c) Are incapable of forming cognitive maps

d) Are not influenced by reinforcement

10. Tolman's Neo Behaviorism had a significant impact on the development of which psychological

a) Behaviorism

b) Psychoanalysis
c) Humanism

d) Cognitive psychology

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