Facilities Management Includes

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According to International Facility management Association (IFMA) define facility management

as a professional encompassing multidisciplinary activities to ensure the functionality, comfort,

safety and efficiency of the built environment by integrating people, places, process and


British institute of Facility Management (BIFM) or (FM GLOBAL) also define management as

the integration of the multi-disciplinary activities within the built environment and the

management of their impact upon people and the work place.

Facility Management (FM) focuses on how these facilities are being managed. It can be defined

as a management discipline that ensures effective and efficient support services for different

organizations. It is a function within an organization that integrates people, process, place and

technology within the existing environment and focuses on improving the productivity of the

organization and the quality of people’s life.

Facility managers are the ones who are responsible for maintaining the assets and systems of an

organization and making sure that they all function in a harmonious way.

Facilities management can be defined as the tools and services that support the functionality,

safety, and sustainability of buildings, grounds, infrastructure, and real estate.

Facilities management includes:

1. Lease management, including lease administration and accounting

2. Capital project planning and management

3. Maintenance and operations

4. Energy management
5. Occupancy and space management

6. Employee and occupant experience

7. Emergency management and business continuity

8. Real estate management

Most facility managers tackle numerous facilities management challenges to effectively keep their

office building, equipment, and infrastructure in good shape. However, at times, things can

become quite complicated, and various issues can arise unexpectedly (e.g., a brand new computer

system stats malfunctioning or one of your key staff is absent due to illness). The key here is to

recognize these challenges quickly and establish the most efficient ways to resolve these issues.

Companies have discovered innovative ways to serve customers, developed fresh product lines,

and found ways to minimize expenses by optimizing office space usage and reassessing

conventional facilities management methods. However, the last few years have also caused

substantial facility management problems.

Most organizations place a low priority on facility management. This is due to the inability of

facility owners to appreciate and recognize the importance of undertaking an all-inclusive facility

management plan as part of an organization’s core functions.

Most times, facility owners hire non-professional managers, defer maintenance and allocate

limited budget on maintenance expenditure.

In most cases, poor facility management can be attributed to insufficient funds and human

resources or technical expertise.

Below are the current issues going on in facilities management .

1. Unplanned Periodic Maintenance

Poor facility management causes excessive demands for unplanned periodic expenses on

maintenance. Maintenance of buildings are not factored into the building design and construction

stage rendering them susceptible to frequent faults and damages. Also, the inability of the

management of such buildings to routinely respond to these maintenance concerns translates into

poor facility management.

How to Fix It

Organizations are encouraged to include professional facility managers in the building plan and

construction stage. Professional facility managers have the technical know-how to put measures in

place that facilitates smooth running of properties, buildings and other utilities. Professional

facility managers are a must-have for the effective running of a facility as they perform tests on

the efficiency and durability of building equipment to ensure productivity of the organization.

2. Unbudgeted expenses

When facilities are poorly managed and the associated facilities fall into a state of disrepair, huge

sums of funds will be needed to restore the facilities to the state of serviceability and standard for

habitation. Most times, these huge sums are out of the budget, leaving the owners of such

facilities to make unnecessary spending. In most cases, organizations fall into the hands of

fraudulent and incompetent technicians, who charge lots of money to get few things done.

How To Fix It
In order for organizations to be at their optimum best and focus on core business activities they

need to engage professional facility managers. This saves a lot of expenses that would have been

spent on damages. They keep a professional eye on the state of the facility, while evaluating and

tracking the organization’s resources in order to save cost and improve efficiency. Another way to

fix this is to engage the use of technology such as smartOps in your facility management plan.

3. Threat to life and property

The effect of poor facility management has manifested in several health and safety threats and in

worst cases, loss of lives. A very prominent example is the collapse of buildings. When a property

is poorly managed, there is a high chance that maintenance is ignored. Residents are left at the

mercy of damaged utilities and if left unattended, may become a threat to their health and safety.

It has also been argued that effective facility management increases the economic lives of

facilities and conversely, the poor facility management generates building deficiencies and short

economic lives of the building.

How to Fix It

Organizations are mandated to comply with Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) regulations

and standards. This is to ensure the safety of lives and properties. Regardless of the type of

facility, all organizations need a comprehensive, well-documented safety management system to

ensure all residents are safe. Professional facility management companies provide an analysis of

all risks present, with an outline of how to remove said risks. This safety plan helps set up a

framework for the organization to follow.

4. Bad Customer reviews

When a facility is poorly managed and things are not functioning as they should, the residents

directly feel the impact. This leads to several complaints and bad comments about the

management of the facility. These bad reviews can negatively affect business.

How to Fix It

Every organization can leverage technology to make their activities easier. Using SmartOps for

example can help organizations to do a survey of their customers/clients. This will inform the

organization on areas where they need to improve upon, before it becomes a backlash. SmartOps

will not only obtain clients opinions but also provide a report that can be worked on.

5. Lack of Real-time Data of Facility Management Operations

Poor facility management leaves organizations ignorant of the current state of the affairs of the

property/building. When a facility is poorly managed, one can only imagine the gaps in data

collection and reporting. They may employ the use of several tools and go through many hassle

before getting the much needed data.

How to Fix It

Getting in touch with the right facility managers like GreenKey FM can put a stop to this endless

task. They can employ the use of data generating software like SmartOps. Generating data is not

enough if insights cannot be drawn from it. With SmartOps, all data collated are presented in a

report format providing facility owners with vital information.

6. Struggle Managing Technicians

Technicians can be a bit much to handle, yet they are very important when it comes to facility

management. When a facility is poorly managed, it becomes a struggle to track technicians’

performance and professionalism. For proper functioning of a facility, technicians are required to

contribute their best service. When poorly managed, they may relent and deliver poor services

which will mount a lot of pressure to the facility owner.

How to Fix It

The easiest way to get rid of dishonest technicians is to outsource your facility management.

Facility management professionals like GreenKeyFM have all the right tools in place and the

chances of dealing with incompetent technicians are eliminated. With this, organizations can

focus on their core business activities, while getting the best from their facility management.

7. Lack of Facility Information Availability

Inadequate or zero access to accurate facility information is often caused by outdated or paper-

based processes, which leads to extra work and slower operations. This absence of information

leads to field teams being unable to access the necessary facility data and leadership teams not

having a clear view of operations and any other essential information needed to support decisions.

This, in turn, can result in additional mistakes which are easily preventable, potentially bad

decisions, and increased liability risk.

The Solution:

To resolve the lack of access to necessary information, your facilities management software

should be able to make information accessible online from anywhere. However, this access should
only be given to authorized persons. There can be multiple access levels to limit what different

management levels can access. Your software can also enhance information transfer among

various units and allow third parties to view and access information when needed.

8. Inefficient Facility Compliance

Several companies face the problem of having complex compliance operations that need

excessive time to execute. Often, in firms with manual reporting and compliance procedures, their

capability to perform in other areas is hampered. Additionally, such firms have unclear guidelines

and processes for identifying and addressing failures. This can result in an inefficient workforce

and increase the risk of errors and omission.

The Solution:

Instead of relying on outdated procedures, several companies like Adobe, Camscanner, etc., rely

on almost completely paperless processes. Paperless offices have more manageable and efficient

compliance procedures, have minimized the risk of loss of information, free up more time and

resources for the company and offer better access and insight.

9. Constant damage control

Facility managers always have to be efficient in their jobs and be at the top of their game. If

you’re a facility manager, you’ll need a good damage prevention and control maintenance plan.

Without that, you’ll risk facing multiple types of damage control activities during each working

day. As a facility manager, you will constantly receive urgent calls where you need to determine

the next course of action and how to prioritize your tasks at hand, often at very short notice.

The Solution:
For an organization to function efficiently, minimize expenses on damage, and focus on core

business activities, they need to employ professional facility managers. Facility managers can

professionally monitor the state of the facility while monitoring and tracking the organization’s

resources to save expenses and enhance efficiency.

10. Improper Energy Management

improper energy management can be a part of the current issues in facility management.

Inefficient energy practices can lead to higher energy costs, environmental impact, and decreased

operational efficiency. Implementing proper energy management strategies is essential to address

these issues and optimize energy usage in facilities.

Some organization buildings consume the most energy and generate the greatest impact on

today’s global climate. In today’s world, facility managers look for the best energy management

software that can help them control various resources.

The Solution:

To improve energy management in facility management, some solutions include:

1. Conducting energy audits to identify areas of inefficiency and prioritize energy-saving


2. Implementing energy-efficient technologies and equipment, such as LED lighting and smart


3. Encouraging energy-conscious behavior among staff through training and awareness programs.

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