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Here are some fun facts about Cambodia:

 Angkor Wat: Cambodia is home to Angkor Wat, the world's largest

religious monument. This massive temple complex is a UNESCO World
Heritage Site and a major tourist destination.
 Unique Flag: Cambodia's national flag is the only one in the world that
features a building. The building on the flag is Angkor Wat!
 Krama: The traditional Cambodian scarf, called a krama, is a versatile
piece of clothing that can be worn in many different ways. It can be used
as a scarf, a sarong, a blanket, or even a hammock.
 Tonle Sap: Cambodia is home to Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake
in Southeast Asia. The size of the lake changes dramatically throughout
the year, depending on the flow of the Mekong River.
 Ecotourism: Cambodia is a popular destination for ecotourism. The
country is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, gibbons,
and tigers. There are many opportunities to see these animals in their
natural habitat.
 Insects on the Menu: Adventurous eaters will enjoy trying some of
Cambodia's unique culinary offerings. Insects like crickets, spiders, and
scorpions are all considered delicacies in Cambodia.

Here's some trivia about Cambodia that might surprise you:

 Golden Arches MIA: Cambodia is one of the few countries in the world
with no McDonald's!
 Building on a Flag: Cambodia's flag is the only one featuring a building
- Angkor Wat itself!
 Lucky Geckos: Cambodians believe geckos chirping inside a house
can predict a marriage.
 Three-Day I Do's: Cambodian weddings are traditionally three-day
 Hollywood in Cambodia: Angelina Jolie's movie "First They Killed My
Father" was filmed in Cambodia.
 Tomb Raider Boost: The release of the movie "Tomb Raider" featuring
Angkor Wat significantly boosted tourism to Cambodia.

Cambodia's cuisine is a delicious blend of fresh ingredients, unique flavors,

and influences from its neighboring countries. Here are some of the most
famous foods you should try when visiting Cambodia:
 Fish Amok (Fish Curry in Banana Leaf): Considered Cambodia's
national dish, Fish Amok is a fragrant and creamy curry made with fish,
coconut milk, kroeung (a spice paste), and steamed in banana leaves.
The banana leaf imparts a subtle flavor to the dish and makes for a
beautiful presentation.

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Fish Amok Cambodia


 Samlor Korkor (Sour Soup): This hearty soup is a favorite among

locals and is often considered Cambodia's true national dish. It's packed
with fresh vegetables, herbs, fish, and sometimes pork. The sourness
comes from tamarind or pineapple and is balanced by the sweetness of
palm sugar.

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Samlor Korkor Cambodia

 Nom Banh Chok (Khmer Noodles): These thin rice noodles are
served in a coconut curry broth with fish, vegetables, and fresh herbs.
It's a refreshing and flavorful dish that's perfect for a light meal.

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Nom Banh Chok Cambodia

 Bai Sach Chrouk (Grilled Pork with Rice): This is a popular breakfast
dish in Cambodia. The pork is marinated in lemongrass, turmeric, and
other spices, then grilled to perfection. It's typically served with steamed
rice, pickled vegetables, and a dipping sauce.

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Bai Sach Chrouk Cambodia

 Lok Lak (Stir-fried Beef): This savory dish is made with thin strips of
beef that are stir-fried with black pepper sauce, onions, and vegetables.
It's often served with a side of steamed rice and a fried egg on top.
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Lok Lak Cambodia

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