Press Statement 1

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01 April 2024



!Gaites, All Leadership Formations making up the Aboriginal First Indigenous Nation Peoples,
our So-Called Coloured Community, all other interested Communities, Races and Peoples
across South African landscape.

All protocols observed

I Elder Shaun Green, on behalf of The NEC of NAGC, hereby are proud to extend to you all my
heartfelt pleasure to make the following announcement as below:

The NEC of the NAGC, have been contemplating for some time to take the South African
Government, (nee SA Corporation) to the highest court of the land for various obvious reasons
which includes the need to STOP the upcoming general elections 2024 which we consider a
total farce; a travesty of justice and human rights principles.

Our justification to take course of action became more apparent after we witnessed in front of
our open eyes how our own influential Political Parties; who intended to tackle this Elections on
the ticket of our Aboriginal FREEDOM Charter/Manifesto have been taken out unceremoniously;
one by one and some given no reason at all. We witnessed in front of our open eyes how they
pushed the bar so high in order for these aspirant new Parties to Fail in one or other aspect of
the imposing conditions. Conditions such as the unreasonable timeframe to acquire the
requested votes to qualify, the total required to qualify for National and/or provincial legislature
seat contestation; the astronomical amount they had to pay and more. The IEC made it
impossible for them parties to participate in the electoral system. The role of an 'Independent"
IEC was to uphold, defend and respect the SA Constitution and promote Unity of the Nation.

A totally biased and partial IEC made it impossible for people across the colour/race spectrum to
exercise their democratic right to vote for the party of their CHOICE.

If the IEC was impartial, they would have smelled the coffee to the fact that people across South
Africa rejects politics in general; rejects the present voting system, rejects the established
political parties and wanted chance even if it means to vote for new alternatives.


The IEC do know that only 30% of eligible voters voted in last general elections. That
percentage borders close to holding a general election not credible indeed. Apart from that, any
victorious political party or its representatives cannot warrant to represent the majority South
Africans. That alone was grounds for the Government to investigate this voter apathy during the
last 5 years and encouraged ways to make elections appealing to South Africans. Instead, they
have used the IEC as a tool to further suppress voter confidence in a failed political system.

If the IEC was impartial, they would have relaxed their draconian conditions on the already
disadvantaged new political party entrants to participate in a so-called democratic process. The
IEC would have ensured greater participation of voters by allowing them to vote for their party of
choice. The Rupert/Oppenheimer Cabal controlled IEC would have made representation on
their behalf to their ANC Government for these new entrants to get a small chunk of the massive
200B to at least somewhat level the playing fields. Every possible opportunity this compromised
IEC had to ensure fairness, and democratic principles to apply has been thrown out of the
kitchen window in favour to further kill any chance these vibrant new political parties’ entrants
could have had to impact the parliamentary process by virtue of the substantial seats they could
have gained and the fresh approach to politics so dearly lacking the last 30 yrs. Furthermore, let
alone the impact for the Aboriginal First Indigenous Nation cause with the representation in
parliament. The aim being to fight this oppressive system from within a constitution which had
been declared illegal by an ex-president because it did not embrace the fourth leg which is the
Custodians, the coat of arms, the Aboriginal First Indigenous Peoples (so called coloureds).

NAGC was observing this scenario for some time now and realise that there is totally no more
honour to engage in an electoral system where even the IEC have been roped into the Masters
playbook to influence the elections in a predetermined way and to ensure that these new waves
of voting enthusiasm by our people getting the opportunity to give their own parties a chance to
make the difference in their lives are not going to see the light. In our view, the IEC; a puppet
extension of the ruling party, have lost the last bit of credibility. There is nothing to gain for our
people in an openly farce electoral system. There is absolutely no honour in participating in an
evil system. The only reason NAGC entered the election debate was to assist our communities
to vote responsible, to vote for our own parties who embrace the Aboriginal Freedom Charter
from inside this evil admiralty law system in order to break this system of governance and to
assist the True Unity Freedom fight to True Restorative Justice and a parallel Aboriginal
Governance System.

Therefore, NAGC hereby declare our support for political parties like Azania to BOYCOTT the
Elections in its totally. A huge section of our peoples has for some time now advocated the
Deregistration process. That process can now be intensified beyond measure. Reliable sources
indicated that the Deregistration process has now also been kicked into touch by the self-same
totally compromised IEC. They obviously are aware that they have to up the 30% voter
participation. One way to increase these percentages was to Stop the Deregistration process in
its tracks by declaring that no more deregistration applications will be captured until after the


This is a huge impediment in our Peoples quest to divorce from an intruder system. It's also a
huge human rights violation. It's also a neglectable violation of the Bill of rights which is the
cornerstone of the Constitution.

The IEC is now holding both lines. They have successfully managed to ensure that our
PEOPLES will not be able to vote for the political parties of their choice in this election 2024.
Simultaneously, they have now also prevented the people their democratic rights to opt out of
their evil compromised system via the deregistration process. This project was forming part of
our protest to BOYCOTT the elections; it was a way to exercise our Sovereignty First Nation
status; it was a way to emancipate and claim our straw man and be Free living beings again; it
was a way to move from the evil Admiralty political system to Pre-existing laws, cultural and
customary system. The IEC has decided that such rights our people can exercise have to wait
until after the elections and by the stroke of a pen; furthermore, increase the possibility of a
Court of Law finding it totally justified for a re-run of this Elections should it continue after our
respective court applications has been rejected as urgent or if our case(s) was prevented to be
heard in time.

ABORIGINAL First Indigenous Peoples DON’T VOTE and should not vote in any circumstance.
The reason is because they are the rightful legal Custodians of this Country. Aboriginal First
Indigenous Nations vote only gives the de facto illegal state the opportunity to rule over the
owners of the Land for another 5 yrs. An Aboriginal Vote is saying to the Oppressor that they are
not capable to govern themselves or their own Country. For these reasons and what I alluded
above, we calling on our Aboriginal First Indigenous Peoples in particular, South Africans in
general; all across South Africa to BOYCOTT Elections 2024. We stand no chance to have a fair
election. The IEC is finding all the reasons to not register the political parties that supports the
Cause of the ABORIGINAL FIRST INDIGENIOUS PEOPLES, the likes of AZANIA and others
like CSA APP, KNORRSA, Arise SA, and others parties who not yet made their issues with IEC

NAGC will soon announce the date they will submit the urgent Court submission. NAGC hereby
call on all the effected Political parties to interact with us to synchronise our actions.

NAGC call on all Tribes, Clans, Organisations, Civil Society and other interested institutions to
contact us so we can synchronise our actions and efforts to BOYCOTT this Elections as a
Campaign that’s driven across the whole of South Africa. This is the time for One First Nation to
stand in unison. We have nothing to lose because we were any case going to lose going into an
evil election. By not voting, "We the People" will showcase our opposition to be ruled any further
via a political evil enforced system.

We will showcase our desire to be self-governed and self-determined. We will showcase our
strength as the living embodiment of the Coat of Arms; the very symbol that this government is
using to exist which we can WITHDRAW. Lastly, by heeding the call to BOYCOTT the elections,
we will showcase the Power of "WE THE PEOPLE"


Should you feel the need to contact us, kindly contact

Chairperson of the Supreme Elders Council, Elder Derrick +27 72 386 7951 or Deputy
Secretary General HC Yaasien +27 72 772 0304 for further enquiries.

Kai Gangans,

Elder Shaun Green

Executive Chairperson:
National Aboriginal Governance Council (NAGC)
01 April 2024


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