Why Play A Fighter in D&D

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Why play a fighter in D&D?

When it comes to playing a character in D&D, there is one go-to class/race combo. Human Fighter. But
there are so many more interesting classes, in my opinion, thus I would have to admit I think fighter is one
of my least favorite classes.

Why do so many people play them? Short answer its the easiest class to play for a beginner. Everyone
understands all the basic functionalities of a fighter. Move, attack, get health, attack the second time...
that's basically it. What spell I'm going to use, how does the rage work... Simple.

Long answer its the easiest class learn, but hardest class to master. Now with the use of the internet, you
can search for many different builds. But think about it how many ways you can build this ONE character,
and then add complexity of feats, magic items, even combos with other classes. Want to make a knight?
Fighter can be knight. Want to make a master archer? Go make a fighter. Want to make a commando a
versatile weapon use and also be a sneaky character? Fighter is a good choice.

Think about it, everyone understands warriors, history is filled with examples, from evil to righteous.
Literature just think of how many characters are fighters. And I think there is no need to mention movies
and series. Long story short fighters are almost always present. Main characters? Check. Main villain?
Check. What about supporting character? Yup, they exist. It's assessable, relatable... actually...

Playing a fighter is closer to playing yourself, your ideal self. Think about it your character will probably be
more agile, tougher and stronger than you. And if you get a dump stat an 8 on intellect if you are not into
roleplaying your character you will get to make a battle strategy and try and outwit person with infinite
resources (a dungeon master). But I bet its probably the last thing on your mind. But some people just do

Storytime, when I started DM-ing more than 15 years ago, I had my friend play a fighter in the first game
ever. Could you guess the race? You are right, a human. Since then we played A LOT. Oneshots, short
campaigns, and even a few long ones, he kept playing a fighter. Every time fighter, sometimes other
races but fighter was a goto choice. It took me sometimes to ask him why. He said: "Every time I make a
character, I want to make him different, different weapon specialization, different tactical mind, different
armor preference. Despite having access to all the options all the time I choose to make a different one.
So every time you see me make a fighter, I instead make a very different character that just happens to
be a fighter. Once I try all options I may try something new." Keep in mind that he said this over 15 years
ago, when character builds were not so much on the internet, for peats sake Google wasn't yet a thing :).

In the end, I do not like to play a fighter probably because I dislike the class limitations. But it just might be
a class for you. If you like playing a fighter play it, if not don't have fun your own way.

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