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Certified Digital Marketing Master Course Goog| ® Meta Hubspt About IIM SKILLS is world's fastest growing Ed-Tech Company. Headquarters in New Delhi India. IIM SKILLS has a presence in 33+ Countries including Dubai & Singapore catering in the Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Our mission is to provide World Class Education at affordable pricing through our live online and self-paced learning programs. We are continu- ously working hard to identify various skill development courses that are in Table Of Content Modules Covered Tools Covered Certifications Student's Testimonials Brands Participated Our Participants Batches & Course Fee Modules Covered Introduction to Digital Marketing. Introduction to Digital Marketin; Why Internet Marketing ‘Setting up the right expectation from the course Delivery instructions. 1 2 3 4. Assignments 6, Exams 6 ‘Support Desk Timing and Process Web Development at WordPress During the WordPress Module, every participant will dacide thei journey & outcome of this course. As a participant, you willbe ‘working on real-time projects. Example: Student A wants to bulld an e-commarce store hefshe will be doing that live in the training ‘Bonofits of using WordPress Website 1. WordPross Technical understanding of WordPress Site Management 2 rious plugins lk Yoast SEO, Sucurti Security, Allin One WP Migrator, Pago Builders & many more 3. Cloualare for Content Delivery Network 4. Various Website hosting options & How to integrate web hosting withthe domain. 3. Front end & backend website set up WordPress Customization 5. Plugins 5. Secure Socket layer (SSL) for your Website Understanding about themes . WordPrass Speed Optimization ‘Search Engine Marketing (Google Ads) Beet aU eR RL ACR 4, Saarch Advertising 1.Ads 1, Google Adwords 2. Display Advertising 2. Bidding & Ads Strategy (Google pay 2. Keyword Planner 43 Shopping Advertising aaa 3, SEMRUSH 4, Re-marketg Competition Analysis 5, Video Advertising 4. Youtube Analytics Running Ads Campaign 3 4 5, Mobile Ads 6. Shopping Ads for markoiplacos Modules Covered 4. Algortms updates 2. Indexing & Crawling 3. Google Search Console In this module, we will cover ‘Advanced White Hat SEO. ‘Technique & how to avoid Black Hat SEO techniques. ‘Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Damo Chere nad Pier rcad Keyword Research 4. Link Building 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Keyword Density Content-Length in Koyword § ting . Commerical Pages SEO Cornerstone SEO 2. Social Book Marking Roles in SEO SEO 3. Avoiding Negative Practices 4, Guest Blogging link building (Naked Linke, Custom Links & Keyword Links) Content ‘SEO Contont Structure Pee ese coie ge food available in the US) How does it work? SEO influence through GMB, “Things required for GMB Listing at GMB ‘Aganey Modol for GMB . Reviews & Post al GMB 4. Deliverability 2, Subjects, Open Rate & CTA 3, SMTP Server, 3rd parly Server Email 4 npaign performance & Analysis What are GMB & Bing Places (Apple Places ~ Only Email Mar Tools we will use: For Keyword Research: 41. Google Keyword Planner 2. Ubersusgest 3. kwfinder 4. Answer the public For Auditing: 4, Performance: Samus Chocker, Ubersuggest, SERP Rank Chockor, Backlink ‘mall SEO Tooke 2. On-Page Optimization: Wordcount, Keyword Density heck, Plagiarism Checker 3. Off-Page Optimization: Backlink Aucitor, Domain Authority Check rketing ean et Tools We Will Use: 3. Drip Email Marketing 4, Lead Nurturing using Email ‘Setting up your Email Marketing Channel Email Automation Marketing 6, Using Various 3rd 6. Content, OTA & C1 ‘Acquisition through Email Marketing 4.Mall Chimp 2. SMTP Server 3. Sendgrid 4. Maitre ‘5. Gmass trom Gmail Party Tools LHeeellaateal 7. stoner - Campaign Builder ‘Spam Score Checker Modules Covered Rae LU aS eed Facebook Marketing Facabook Pixe! Linkedin Marketing & Ads Twittor Ads Instagram Ads & Organic, . Pintorest \WhatsApp For Businoss Do's & Don't Tee Tr Tee 4. Reach 2, Funnel 3, Nurturing 4, Conversion 5, Delivery Teen Analytics 1. Traffic Sources 2. Treemap 3. Channels 4. Goals Set up 5. Exams 68. Monthly Performance & Growth Motries ReMi |. Setting up your Business Profiles on Sees 1 Google Analytics, Social Media Analytics Social Media Marketing Social Madia Channels 9. Running your ads campaign on Social Media Channels, }. Budgeting for Social Media - Organic ané Paid roach at various ‘Social Madia Channels Social Media Optimization Online Reputation Management using Social Media ‘Social Madia Automation Inbound Marketing Building organic reach using Inbound Marketing Funnel creation Landing Page Optimization Call To Actions Magi Web Visitors Engagement Drip Email BCA 1, TweetDeck 2. Hootsuite 3. Buffer 4, Plat of Instagram 5. Canva 6, Various Social Media Tools aoe Cannes 1. Landing Pages 2. Medal Popup ‘3. Canwa for Infographios 4. Mailehimp ‘5. Social Media Channels Things You Will Learn: SCOP CaT Res |- Google Analytics Traffic Sources Analysis & Budgeting Types of Trafic Campaign Building ‘Campaign Performances & Measurement . Social Media Analytics (Facebook Pixel, Twitor Ads, Linkedin, Email Analytics) 41. Google Analytics 2. Facebook Pixel 3. Linkedin Ads 4. Twitter 5. Google for Developers Modules Covered Media Buying & Planning Media buying and planning refer to making a purchase of slots and space for displaying your advertisement. Itis a form of paid media, used for running ads for targeted audiences to improve reach and better laad conversion. The process of media planning and buying includes paying various media platforms to gol time slots and space to run the advertisement. In this digital marketing module, the students will be provided with detailed information about making media purchases and then effectively operating them. Its very important to understand that, once the campaign is active, the buyer needs to ensure that they appear to the right ‘audiences atthe right time and place. There should continuous monitoring of how ads are performing and for a low and dead response, the buyer should very strategically think of changes that can drive attention, Advertisements without the primary ‘motive of driving commercial benefils and those which provide genuine value to the audience perform well ‘Once the campaign is over, the media buyers need to look atthe statistical data showing the performance of the campaign, and ooking at both, the wel-performing factors and also the non-performing factors, one has to plan changes before rescheduling ads, ‘This is a vory important process in the advartising trade, and having a good hold over planning and buying media can help one row their businesses real fast and smooth. Content Writing & Advanced Blogging ‘This module brings attention to a very fundamental aspect of Digital Marketing which is Content Generation. Content Generation comes in multiple formats, one of which is text or better known as “Blogging” “Blogging is a great form of long-form copy which translates into increasing brand awareness.” For students to understand Blogging and its role in Digital Marketing, this module has been elaborated into 6 diferent lessons, ‘each explaining a different feature of content writing and how it corresponds with Digital Marketing. TORU COTE! Digits! Marketing depends @ fot Using the right Keywords can help ‘writing high-quality fresh content is Upon the nature ofthe organization {you build the right audience to the primary od of a digital and the type of product or service it market a product. Keywords are an marketing profile. Duplicate content Is devsloping therefore the wring cextranrdinary source of finding fs the frst ting to avoid for internet slandard has to be the one that people with relevant interests and marketers. In this chaptar, you will ‘suits best the product being therefore choosing the right lain how to use too's that help you marketed. In this lesson, tho keywords is altogether a very to identify duplicate content. ‘students are going to learn abou a Important part of Digital Marketing variety of writing formats and where In this lesson, the students can tose thom to find the most ‘expodt to learn the multiple methods ‘offectiva results. Tho kind copy that ‘of conducting keyword research and ‘works best for one might not work hhow to use those keywords to bring the same way for another product the best out of their digital ‘which is why there isa need to ‘marketing strategy. Introduce diverse writing standards ‘enabling the students to take Torward any sort of Digital Merketing ‘campaign. Modules Covered erence tts Peers 1. Wats graphic aesigning? 2. Importance of graphic designing marketing 8. Base prinelpes of grape designing Peace ey 1. Understanaing te cimensions of Sierent social media platforms 2, Designing graphics for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin 8. Creating social media posts stores, and ads See en Peeries 1, Expoting designs in citerent formats 2 sharing designs on social media 3. Collaborating with others using Canva een) Teor: 1. What is Quora and wy ist important for ‘marveling? 2. Benetts of using Quora for marketing ‘3. Types of businesses that can benefit ‘fom Quora Marketing OCC cs Corea 1 Understanding the importance of tncing tetevant questions 2. Searching for questions relate to your business 3. Using Quore's topic pages to find ‘questons Lar igs cs 1. Understanding Quor's selt- promotion policies 2. Promoting your content without being ‘spammy 3. Using Quora’s ad platorm to reach a ‘wider autienee Graphic Designing ree eo Rene 1. Overview of Canva ands features 2. Creating a Canva account ‘3. Understanding the interface of Canea DESC nectar 1. Creating brochures, ners, ang posters 2. Designing logos and branding materials 3, Creating business cards and leterneads. Cees eee Pesranrd 4. Typography rules and tps 2.tmage resolution and quality 3. Designing or accessibility Quora Marketing eer Rent Signing up for a Quora account 2. Setting up a prot and tio 3. Adaing relevant interests and topics eerie 1. Understanding he anatomy of a gone 2, wating informative and engaging 3. Using images ond videos in answers 4. Proving inks te relevant 4 Setting measurable goals for Quora Marketing 2, Tracking metics such a8 views, upvotes, and alcks 3, Analyzing the success of your Quora ‘Markeung efors ess ur) et 1. Creating a new design 2. Choosing the right template ‘8. Customizing templates 4. Using images ane graphics {5 Adding text and stapes 6. Using colr palates and themes Ouran Seed 4. Designing nfegrapnies 2. Creating animated graphios 4. Using Canva Pro features Sacer td Peers 1. Understanding the target auclence: 2 Creating 2 vsual hierarchy Understanding Quora Ceca 1. Navigating the Guora interface 2. Diferenttypas of cantent on Quore 3. Understanding Quora'salgertim Cras o et cid 1. Ungerstancing the importance ot blag a veputation an Quora 2, Svategies for bulaing a reputavon $8, avolaing spammy or promotional tacos Pesaemet ic) Marketing: Bling relationships with ether Quara 2. Optimizing your protle for maximum wey 5. Using Quoca's buit.n analytics tools Modules Covered Marketing Automation Marketing automation refers tothe process of engaging digital marketing campaigns in an automated system and building ‘multiple cigital marketing campaigns around it. The automation tasks include automatic scheduling and execution of multiple digital matkoting practices such as social media posting, sending emails etc. Mentioned below are some features of marketing automation: 1. CRM Integration 2. Campaign Management —=3. Customer Lifecycle Management 4. Email Marketing 5. Engagement Marketing _6. Landing Pages and forms 7. Marketing Analytics _8. Mobile Marketing Capabilities, 9. Social Marketing Capabilities There is a good amount of stalistical data supporting tha benefits of digital marketing automation. Digital marksting automation is belioved to have increased sales productivity by 4%, The most common form of digital marketing automation are bulk mails and social media postings, but they are not surely limited to those only in fact there are several tools that help in the execution of multiple digital marketing practices through an aulomated system, In this digital marketing module, we'll be primarily covering these 3 topics. They are: 1. Process and Strategy 2 Lifecycle and Content 3. People Wel, there are also risks in digital marketing automation if not carried out properly. Some of the time, automatic digital marketing practices make your campaigns ook kind of spam which eurely hae a negative impact. Therefore planning and judging your own digital marketing automation strategies is imporiant. Focusing on the above-mentioned steps and taking it smoothiy, in the beginning, to study RO! and performing digital marketing automation further according to the results achiaved, Digital infographies Resume Creation Cee ee es Cee eee ee ars candidate himself and many a time these resumes drive a beautiful impression of the employer Pee cee nec ia its "Now thal the resume holds so much importance, a few things might not be known about an Infographics Resume. For those who do not know, An infographic resume isa curriculum vitae where graphics are used to describe more than words. ‘The Infographics resume has tumed oul to be a great way of building a resume ina more detailed manner In this cigital marketing resume, students can expect to be taught to build a digital ifographios resume, These days employers demand an inlographic resume before hiring end that is because graphics and designs speak a lot more than words, Al this point, companies are seeking digital marketing candidates who are professionals and have been through formal training, ‘and presenting a datailed infographic resume is the first and foremost form of professionalism that one can present. Modules Covered Online Reputation Management Online Reputation Management is tho process of establishing a strong online prosonce of an organization or any entity which is responsible for how people are going to perceive the idea of the organizations’ value. ‘This is vary important practice in digital marketing, as an organization with a strong ORM can drive real good results. In this ‘medule, the students can expect to lear all the necessary practices and details of Online Reputation Management. ‘ORM basically covers the gap between how an organization wants to be seen and how they look online, and this doesn't work (on appearance instead iis the process of building results for whet one will see when they'll make a search, For this one has to ensure that there are no negative trolls and comments. Whon a search is made, the organization should be ‘iwning @ bulk of the results on the fist page along with positive testimonials and third-party support 28 well In this, we'll be primarily covering 4 topics ant Social Media: starting with: Basically, this refers tothe process This also refers tothe presence of Social Media is a great way of ‘of being featured either on someone an organization on an external portraying how the organization ‘alse’s blag oF through advertising ‘website but nol through paid visualizes itself to appear. It can ‘channels guch as Facebook ‘sources. This includes guest share relevant content and produce advertising, PPC advertising, blogging and some other forms of ‘decent traf to its websites. Google Adwords, etc. advertising using third-party entities. OMe: ‘Owned Propertos refer tothe blogs and other pages on the internet that the organization has control over, and using those ‘pages to develop content and drive genuine trafic can also help with Building a strong online prasencs. Video Marketing [At tis point in time, video marketing is one ofthe most commonly used digital marketing strategies. Its also among the most effective strategies to generate excellent audience reach. With the advancement ofthe internet, the video piatforms became more accessibie and as of naw every day mare than 300 hours of videos are uploaded on platforms lke YouTube. Video platforms are expecting aver 2-8 million people as the audience in the coming 2 years which means the market which is already ‘humungeus Is going to grow even big and so is the probabilly af an increase in audience ceach In this digital markoting modulo, the students will be loaning not just how to create videos but then marketing those videos and doveloping brand awareness. lat of influencer-based marketing is largely dapendent upon viceo markating Videos aro groat sources of ganorating trafic and though it reaches a community out there, it sil is an individual approach for ‘every single person watching and consuming the content. So, the number of views on any video is the reach developed by that particular piace of content. This digital marketing module aims to provide a detailed understanding tothe students about developing viral content and also the balance of quality and quantity. There are many things to be taken care of when it comes to video marketing but one of the ‘major statistical data about the performance of any content which one should eye on is “Wateh Hours” Just ike there are statistics providing information around engagement on websites and content pieces, simiirly, Watch Hours ;rovide statistical information about what isthe average duration of people consuming the video content Modules Covered Affliate Marketing Affliate marketing is basically performance-based cigital marketing in which the afiates earn commission by developing sales ‘or another business through their channels and marketing efforts Afliate marketing is a way of reaching aut to the audience, to whom a business might have not reached through various markating stratogios but somaone olso could. So, in afiiate markoting, poople can refar to an itom, product, sorvice, etc, by ‘mentioning an afiiat link on their pages, and any conversion coming through those referrals wil sult in the affiliate being paid a certain commission based on the priga ofthe sold item, Go ee ee nse ett Affliate marketing is @ very common digital marketing strategy adopted by bloggers. Bloggers usually have a regular flow of readers and have decent engagement in their articles. Blogs with similar niches to that of @ business can influence people to purchase a product or a service by referring it through an afiiate link on the biog. Affliate marketing is not aniy limited to blogs only but anyone can do it, whethar i is by placing the link on video descriptions or sharing the ink via various channels such as Whatsapp, Facebook, oe ‘There are a couple of steps that the students must leam so as to master affiliate marketing, they are: 1. Affliate marketing works well for platforms with @ goad flow of the audience. So, in order to be an affliste marketer one needs to have a strong audience reach, 2, Register into any Affliate Program offered by mostly e-commerce websites and also by individual businosses that sell some kind of products or services. Some of the very known and common marketing programs are the Amazon affiliate partner program, Shopity affiliate program, etc. 3, Once they have the reach they have to devalop relevant content around the items or services they are going to refer to. Irrelevant products or services mentioned on biogs and other platforms do not perform well in terms of conversion, Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy ‘one of tne greatest challonges in we Internet marketing Indust is that keeps changing and getting more aavanced day by day. To keep p withthe changing Intemet marketing tend one also haa to Keep up uth he changes in svategies, methods of analy, and Maly such ‘Wings. In thi internet marketing modu, the sludents willbe lesrhing about mosly the execution of stralegies and aso evolving wih the change inthe market trends Integrated internet marketing strategies comprise some of the most used digital marketing strategies such as 4, Web Designing and Management —_—_2. Social Media Marketing 3, Search Engine Optimization _—_4, Search Engine Marketing _5. Content Marketing 6. Local Listings Management —_7. Paid Adverti When used effectively anc according tothe purpose, market, and product, these Integrated digital marketing sratagies can yield some really ‘eautiui results. The objective of his module Isto ensure Malte stugenis can organize suesessul internet marketing campaigns Tor 8 ‘ately of eandiion including the markel se, demand, producl type, and he purpose of marketing. In this module, we'l be covering a coupe of toples tat are fity Important for everyone tying to understand the Integrate dit marketing atopy Starting with se tPA Modules Covered Relevance s avery Important term in intemet marketing. To. make yout srategtes work elestvely the content needs to be Televant tothe audience, Content ransates ino ses ike no ‘omer strategy can but ony wnen Ii elevant to me auslence youre reaching you teach out fandom austenees ih your ‘Content, he probatilty Is they find your content interesting but more than that eve are chances of he centent being absolutely Inetevantto tem, This lakes me ‘This isa very important strategy when it comes to Integrated Internet martting, You mist reach auto he ight king of ‘ucience and you do that by targeting the auclence. There are ‘uttple ways to target audiences ane reacn them wih content Sherine sKeyword targeting, Ins internet marketing module, the students wl earn about

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