Analysis Paper PT2

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“The Necklace,” a short story by Guy de Maupassant, explores the theme of the
deceptive nature of appearances and the consequences that arise from one’s obsession with
social status. Through the character of Madame Loisel, Maupassant provides a scathing critique
of society’s obsession with material wealth and the consequences of pursuing an illusionary
ideal. An exploration of Maupassant’s meticulous use of characterization, symbolism, and
narrative structure, we will unearth the profound depths of meaning hidden within “The
Necklace.” The timeless themes of societal expectations and the pursuit of hollow dreams will
resonate with readers from all walks of life, prompting a reflection on the choices we make and
the price we pay for our illusions. Additionally, we will explore the story’s social and historical
context, shedding light on the societal norms and expectations that influence Madame Loisel’s
actions. This analysis, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and the
inherent dangers of valuing appearances over genuine contentment and self-acceptance.
Nowadays people tend to fit in the society where people need to buy expensive things
and call yourself rich. In this short story “The necklace”, Maupassant utilizes characterization to
underscore the theme of the deceptive nature of appearances. Throughout the story
Maupassant skillfully develops the character of Madame Mathilde Loisel, showcasing her
obsession with social status and her desire to appear affluent. Her dissatisfaction with her
modest existence is evident from the opening lines of the story, where Maupassant describes
her as “unhappy all because she had no fine clothes.” This characterization sets the stage for
the events that unfold, as Madame Loisel’s relentless pursuit of a higher social standing
ultimately leads to her downfall. In the story, Madame Loisel’s obsession with appearances is
vividly illustrated when she borrows a diamond necklace from her wealthy friend, Madame
Forestier, to wear to a high-profile event. The story describes the necklace as an excellent work
symbolizing the allure and illusion of material wealth. This evidence highlights Madame Loisel’s
fixation on outer appearances and her belief that possessing such an item will elevate her social
The story The Necklace symbolize as a powerful tool in conveying the consequences of
valuing appearances over genuine contentment. Maupassant expertly employs symbolism
throughout “The Necklace” to underscore the story’s themes. The diamond necklace itself
symbolizes both wealth and the illusory nature of social standing. It becomes a catalyst for
Madame Loisel’s descent into poverty and despair, exposing the hollowness of her pursuit of
material wealth. Furthermore, the necklace acts as a metaphor for the weight of societal
expectations and the burdensome consequences of Madame Loisel’s actions. It is evident when
Madame Loisel loses the necklace, realizing it is missing after the event. The loss of the
necklace represents the loss of her fleeting happiness and the beginning of her tragic downfall.
The narrator states, “They searched in vain, and at last were obliged to depart. She replaced it
upon its satin cushion.” This passage emphasizes the necklace’s importance and the
devastating impact of its disappearance on Madame Loisel’s life.
In addition, Maupassant’s narrative structure reinforces the theme of the pitfalls of
pursuing an illusionary ideal. The constructed narrative structure in “The Necklace” contributes
to the overall message of the story. Maupassant builds tension and suspense through the
contrast between Madame Loisel’s initial excitement and her subsequent despair. The story’s
climax occurs when Madame Loisel discovers that the necklace was merely an imitation,
making her sacrifice and suffering all the more tragic. The narrative structure is evident in the
resolution of the story when Madame Loisel reveals the truth about the lost necklace to Madame
Forestier. The narrator describes Madame Forestier’s reaction as she examines the necklace
and remarks, “You should have returned it sooner; I might have needed it.” This revelation
highlights the irony and deception at the core of the story, reinforcing the theme that the pursuit
of appearances can lead to irreversible consequences. Moreover, the approach use in this
analysis is the reader-response approach focuses on the reader’s subjective interpretation and
response to a literary work, emphasizing the idea that the meaning of a text is constructed
through the reader’s engagement with it.
To sum up the work of Guy de Maupassant “The Necklace” by is a compelling tale that
serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of prioritizing appearances and the consequences
that can result from an unrelenting pursuit of social status and material wealth. Through the
skillful use of characterization, symbolism, and narrative structure, Maupassant weaves a
narrative that resonates with readers, challenging societal norms and prompting introspection.
Moreover, serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of authenticity and
contentment. Maupassant’s exploration of Madame Loisel’s journey and the consequences of
her choices serve as a powerful commentary on the dangers of pursuing illusions and the
potential for self-destruction. The story encourages us to reevaluate our own desires and to
seek fulfillment in the richness of our genuine selves and the relationships we nurture, rather
than in the pursuit of empty facades.
The necklace. (n.d.). Short Stories and Classic Literature.

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