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Ministry outlines key tasks to support overseas Vietnamese

Eight key tasks to facilitate overseas Vietnamese for 2007–2010 were approved at a Ministry of Foreign
Affairs’ meeting last Friday in Hai Phong.

The meeting drew the participation of 200 officials and representatives of Vietnamese overseas
associations from 29 northern cities and provinces, who reviewed the results of three years of
implementation of the Politburo’s 36 Resolution and the Government’s 2004 Action Plan on Overseas
Vietnamese from the northern cities and provinces.

Of the eight tasks, the most important are:

1. To enhance contact and dialogue with overseas Vietnamese on the care of the Party and State as
presented in the Politburo’s 36 Resolution and the Government’s Action Plan, especially to those with
different political viewpoints;


Vietnamese-Americans are not interested in the Vietnamese Communist Party’s (VCP) politics, short of
saying , “we’re not citizens from the Nation of Vietnam”. We do not have to answer to the Vietnamese
government. This community needs to integrate into the American main stream. It needs to be a part of
the American political system. Vietnamese-Americans do not want to re-unite, integrate, or reconcile with
the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP). There are no practical reasons why Vietnamese-Americans
must reconcile with Vietnam. We’re not interested in their jobs, their houses, or their economy so that
billions of American dollars will be taken from our local communities to be invested in a country that offers
us nothing in return. Each day, there are more lobbyists and activists working for the VCP against our
interests. Vietnam is not going to raise our children, build us new schools, community centers, or parks.
It has not done anything for our community, except steal from it. So why should we become lobbyists for
the VCP? Our first loyalty is to America, our families, and our local communities.

2. To implement specific measures that assist overseas Vietnamese to unite, co-operate, and build strong
communities abroad in which Vietnamese traditions are maintained, the Vietnamese language is taught
and religious issues receive proper concern.


The VCP wants us to be politically correct and in line with their policies. We do not need the VCP to tell
us what is proper, either politically, socially, or religiously. We’re not the ones who are oppressing religion,
denying liberty, and violating human rights. We don’t need a backward 3rd world government to tell us
how to live our lives in America. We need to build our schools here, and we do not need them to educate
our children to serve them. We know our heritage and history.

3. To complete or build new mechanisms and policies to protect the overseas Vietnamese community’s
legal rights and create favorable conditions for them to return to Viet Nam and contribute to national


We cannot allow ourselves to be exploited by a foreign power to develop their economy for them. It’s not
in our best interest to have our resources drained and poured into Vietnam while our communities suffer
from loss of domestic investments in America.

4. To develop policies and measures suitable for Vietnamese overseas in specific areas and to put
forward timely and effective measures to fight against and isolate reactionaries.


This is an open war upon the US citizenries of Vietnamese heritage whose politics do not agree with the
VCP. It’s an aggressive, intrusive, and malicious violation of our domestic tranquility. The VCP’s agenda
encourages espionage and turning many of our own into their agents and spies.

5. In order for these tasks to be properly implemented in the short-term, relevant ministries and industries,
together with local authorities, will concentrate on resolving overseas Vietnamese’s concerns including
visa exemptions, creating favorable conditions for them to buy houses in Viet Nam, simplifying
administrative procedures on repatriation, and nationality issues.
We do not have nationality issues! We are Americans, and a majority of us are not interested in
repatriation when we do not recognize the VCP as our government. The only government we answer to
is the United States government.

6. After three years of implementation, the key points of Politburo’s 36 Resolution and the Government’s
Action Plan on Overseas Vietnamese have been realized. Overseas Vietnamese have been allowed and
encouraged to take part in important national political and socials events.
Unfortunately, they have been succeeding with draining our money, disrupting our community, absorbing
our very best youths, professionals, and businesses to Vietnam when our own American talents and
resources should remain here to build our local communities.
7. Besides, the Party, the State and the Government have taken practical measures to solve particular
issues of overseas Vietnamese communities in neighboring nations such as financial and other
assistance to overseas Vietnamese communities in Laos and Cambodia and by meeting the expectation
of overseas Vietnamese in Thailand by rewarding those who made great contributions to the resistance
wars against France and the US.
It’s disturbing… their mentality is still very anti-Americans as if they were still fighting a war against the
United States, “rewarding those who made great contributions to the resistance wars against France and
the US.”

8. The Politburo’s Resolution 36-NQ/TW, issued in March 2004, reaffirms overseas Vietnamese as an
integral part of the nation and a significant factor in the country’s foreign relations. It states that all people
of Vietnamese origin, regardless of their nationality, religion, social class, birthplace or reason for living
overseas, who wish to build a prosperous, powerful, just and democratic Viet Nam are encouraged to
take part in national unity.
We’re not their 5th column, and we’re not interested in uniting with them. We’re not a colony of the
Vietnamese Communist government to be exploited with at will. The VCP has no plans to use the money
received from Vietnamese Overseas to pay for our retirements or medical needs. It’s a one way ticket
with them and no reciprocations.

According to the Committee for Overseas Vietnamese, there are currently close to three millions overseas
Vietnamese, with the largest populations in the US, France, Australia and Canada. About 500,000
overseas Vietnamese return to Viet Nam each year. (VNS).

Overseas Vietnamese Community

Economic development and socio-political stability in Vietnam in recent years have exerted positive
impact on the overseas Vietnamese Community, particularly after the Politbureau's Resolution 36 on
overseas Vietnamese and the Government's "Action Plan on overseas Vietnamese" was adopted.

1. According to Mr. Ta Nguyen Ngoc, Director of Economic, Scientific and Technological Relations
Department of the Committee on Overseas Vietnamese (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), total remittance in
2004 will would be over 3 billion USD (2.7 billions in 2003). In Ho Chi Minh City, up to November,
remittance amounted to over 1.8 billion USD. Though official figures are not available, it is estimated that
overseas Vietnamese have invested 540 million USD under Foreign Investment Law and over 2,500
billion VND under Law on Domestic Investment Promotion.
Why should we transfer hundreds of millions from our local communities into Vietnam? The VCP, not
Americans, needs to take care of their indigents. If we continue to subsidize the VCP, we are
encouraging them to be irresponsible to their own people. At the same time, we are diverting valuable
resources that should be reinvested into developments needed to strengthen our communities and to
further integrate into the American main stream. We do not want to be isolated communities, weak and
vulnerable to exploitation by a hostile foreign government that works against our interests.

2. Changes are also witnessed in association activities. For the first time, Vietnamese Association in
Russia, Vietnamese Student Association in France and Vietnamese Business Association in the UK were
established. In Thailand and Laos, Vietnamese community discussed the establishment of a nationwide
association was under discussion in the Vietnamese community.
We need to keep our children here and develop them as contributing members of our society in America
and not allow them to be leered away on false missions that are detrimental to their future. They need to
know where their loyalty rests and to concentrate their efforts into America. We cannot allow a hostile
foreign government to confuse them and corrupt their values.

3. In May 2004, 32 organizations and 120 delegates attended an ethnic-Vietnamese American NGOs
Conference in the US to discuss cooperating concerted activities in direction to the fatherland country. In
Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland, Vietnamese Trade Centers were established. In Eastern
Europe, Vietnamese residents cooperate to assist each other and seek partnership in Vietnam. MOFA
and VCCI are discussing the establishment of contact points for import-export activities and Vietnam's
investment abroad.
The fatherland country that we recognize is the US and none other. Our allegiance remains with America
and any patronizing attitude from any foreign state will not be tolerated by Vietnamese-Americans.

4. The Politbureau's Resolution 36 is a milestone that marks changes in mobilizing overseas

Vietnamese's contribution to national development. Such The Resolutions guidelines have been realized
through policies and activities of relevant agencies.
According to Mr. Ta Nguyen Ngoc, the Ministry of Construction is drafting a Decree Amending the VCP
Government Decree 81/CP so that more overseas Vietnamese will be eligible to buy houses linked with
land use right. He also reported that overseas Vietnamese holding a visa valid for 3 months or longer can
buy houses in Vietnam.
If we’re foreclosing here and buying homes in Vietnam, it’s un-American. Every dollar spent in Vietnam is
one less dollar spent in the US.

5. The VCP Ministry of Finance is reviewing one-price policy for overseas Vietnamese (since 1999, one-
price airfare and service charge have been adopted applied for overseas Vietnamese). Ministry of Justice
is drafting a Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on civil transaction involving
foreign factors elements.
Again, making us their business agents for economic interest. This plan encourages Vietnamese-
Americans to pour billions of American dollars into the Vietnamese tourist industry.

4. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and other agencies are studying the amendments of Joint
Circular 10 on implementing Law on Domestic Investment Promotion. Under current regulations,
overseas Vietnamese are allowed to buy less than 30% of shares in domestic enterprises. In the draft,
overseas Vietnamese will be allowed to acquire more shares.
The VCP continues to seduce Vietnamese Overseas with false promises and unsecured rights that are
illusory. Only a few people have realized any benefit.

5. In 2003, Overseas Vietnamese Assistance Fund was established with initial budget of 7 billion VND. In
2004, the Fund successfully hosted a Summer Camp in Vietnam for overseas Vietnamese youth.
The VCP continues to recruit our children with the intent to repatriate them to serve the purposes of the
VCP. Our children need to know that they are Americans and that their loyalty lies in the United States.


The Vietnamese-American communities need protection from our government, the United States of
America, against this type of subtle foreign invasion determined to divert our national loyalty and to extort
our local community resources. The VCP has made it clear in their Politburo Executive Order #36 that
they will “put forward timely and effective measures to fight against and isolate reactionaries.” This
includes schemes to disrupt our domestic tranquility such as, sophisticated and well planned manipulation
of local Vietnamese-American press and placing VCP’s agents among our Vietnamese-American citizens.
It’s time that Vietnamese-Americans bring attention to this invasion upon our elected officials, local
leaders, and sister American communities to assist us in restoring peace, tranquility, and economic

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