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WHEREAS the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is an un-democratic, one-party system of

government with dictatorial powers centralized in the Vietnamese Communist Party
(VCP). The same VCP’s Politburo is currently the judicial, legislative, and executive
arms of the VCP that created, coordinated, and implemented VCP’s Politburo Executive
Order 36 plan of dissemination since 2004.

WHEREAS the VCP’s Politburo Executive Order 36 has wrongfully and maliciously
assumes that all overseas Vietnamese are an inseparable part of Vietnam, ripe for
exploitative purposes in areas of material and human resources in fields of economics,
industry, arts, science, culture, and education.

WHEREAS the VCP’s Politburo Executive Order 36 calls for direct confrontations and
active conflicts against any and all overseas entities that goes against its intentions and

WHEREAS the VCP’s Politburo Executive Order 36 calls for the rallying of worldwide
intellectuals, business leaders, youths and students back to Vietnam to serve the purpose
of forceful unification of worldwide Vietnamese with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

WHEREAS the majority of Vietnamese Americans, including those residing in the City
of Garden Grove, home to the largest Vietnamese community in the world outside of
Vietnam, are refugees as a result of communist persecution by the same Vietnamese
communist government that continues to commit human rights violations, religious
oppression, and persecution of ethnic minorities.

WHEREAS Vietnamese Americans are an inseparable part of the United States of

America, with a unique heritage and identity, irreconcilable with the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam and that the majority of our populace rigorously rejects the cultivation and
colonizing efforts of Vietnam as a foreign power preying upon our communities.

WHEREAS the implementing of the VCP’s Politburo Order 36, particularly its directive
to fight all those who do not conform to their intentions and interests has resulted in the
disruption of our domestic tranquility, threatened the security and livelihood of our
communities, and diverted our resources to Vietnam when they should be utilized for
community-building in America.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Garden
Grove on this day, formally passes this Resolution against VCP’s Politburo Executive
Order 36 to raise the awareness of all Americans and all Overseas Vietnamese to the
harmful effects of VCP Executive Order 36 and to signal our intent to condemn all covert
and overt activities by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam aimed at dividing and exploiting
our communities.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Garden Grove
encourages other City and County Officials and State Legislators to pass legislation
against the VCP’s Politburo Executive Order 36 and alert our law enforcement offices to
be vigilant of the destructive effects of VCP’s Politburo Executive Order 36 upon our

PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this _____________________ of 2008.

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