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aicviniemsseag Listening Part 1 Review Complete the information about Listening Part 1. In the second paragraph, the first letter of the missing word is given. If you need help, read the Task information on page 51. In Part 1, candidates listen to (2) short dialogues. For each dialogue there are (2) § questions. Each question has (3) options. In Part 1, candidates show their understanding of, for example, the main message, (4) the speaker's feeling or (5) 0 , orwhether the speakers (6) with each other. GETTING INFORMATION FROM QUESTIONS Read the questions (not the options) for the three extracts in the Exam Practice Test on page 97 and answer these questions about them. Question 1 1 Which speaker must you focus on to get the answer? 2. What feeling do you have to listen out for? 3° What do you think this speaker has recently done? Question 2 1 How does this question differ in format from question 1? 2. Which speakér must you focus on to get the answer? 3 Do you have to listen for this speaker talking about similarities or differences? Question 3 1 Will you have to listen to one or two speakers to get the answer? Why? 2. What phrases do you know that express agreement? 3. Why do you think architecture students might be talking about trends in shopping? Question 4 1 From the question, what can you assume about the gender of the speakers? 2. Which speaker must you focus on to get the answer? 3 How many advantages of skyways do you think you will hear this speaker mention and why? Question 5 1 Which speaker must you focus on to get the answer? 2. To.answer this question, do you need to listen to the speaker talking about the past or the future? 3 How could you paraphrase raise public awareness? Question 6 1. Which speaker must you focus on to get the answer? 2. Do you expect the answer to be stated or only implied in the recording? Why? | 3 Howcould you paraphrase are more likely? Listening Pat! ETD traning tosr2 eniaedeacmicswa Listening Part 1 Read the Action plan on page 52. Then follow the exam instructions, using the advice below to help you, You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1 - 6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best @ according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. You hear Nathalie and her brother David talking about thriller movies. 1. The speaker's expression of surprise might follow the idea she is 1 What is Nathalie surprised to read about thriller movies? taiking about, so listen attentively A that very logical people tend to prefer them 2_ Listen out for another way of saying B that families who enjoy watching them together are happiest ‘hort holidey’~ then youl know you © that when we watch them, our bodies produce a chemical 3 Listen carafuly to what the women 2. David thinks watching horror movies is similar to going on a short says obout shops inher first turn holiday because both activities, ‘and then listen to what the mon A allow people to escape everyday problems. ‘4, This question asks about the B_ make people feel emotionally stronger. Tetoct adverage Tha ined € stimulate people's creativity the man will talk about ll three advantages in options A, Band C, Extract Two but will indicate that one of them is 3 ‘the greatest. You hear two architecture students discussing covered overhead walkways 5 Youwill hear sifflar words to those in al three options in the recording called ‘ity skyways’ somake sure you answer the 3. What do they agree about trends in shopping? question hare. A. Skyways have led to a decline in the number of city-centre shops. 6 Listen right until the end ofthe B Out-of-town shopping malls are less popular nowadays. recording because that will help ser thisquestion © Increased deliveries from online shopping will cause problems. ics drcecaae SE 4 What does the man think is the greatest advantage of skyways? A They are climate-controlled B They are safe areas for pedestrians. © They are a solution to overcrowded streets. Youhear a radio discussion in which two educationalists, Sophie Lee and Gary Cole, are talking about sport, 5 Gary would like to raise public awareness of how sport contributes to 4 achild’s social development. 8 achild’s physical health and growth. © achild’s understanding of the need for rules. © Sophie says that children who do sport are more likely to ‘ rar onic esiuabie ¢ pba seed schoo attendance record motivated to succeed academically. Listen ngParty cxam Practice Test2 Micliniemicsswae Listening Part 2 Review ‘Answer these questions about Part 2. If you need help, read the Task information on page 54. 1 What task type will you always get in Part 2? 2. Approximately how many words should your answer be for each gap? +3 Doyouhave to write exactly the same word(s) as you hear on the recording? 4 Will the information and ideas in the recording be in the same order as the information and ideas in the questions? PREDICTION 1 The context sentence, the title and the questions give information about what you will hear before you start listening. Look at the context sentence on page 99 and answer these questions. 1. The student A isaman. B isawoman. € could beaman or woman. 2. The student studies A history. B geography. € Egyptian, 3. The students talking to A aclass. B ateacher. € atour group in Egypt. 2 Read the sentences for questions 7-14 on page 99 and decide which type of word goes in each gap (e.g. a verb, a noun, ete,). 3 Read the sentences again. Can you tell if the answer is in the singular @® Try to predict what wort of or plural form, and do you think the answer isa concrete noun word cant cach geq 63 tm (e.g. bird) or an abstract noun (e.g. freedom)? Give reasons for your your answer fits the sentence answers. grammatically. You should nat make any changes to the word you hear on the recording 4 Think through questions 7-14 by considering these questions. Make notes of your answers. After you have completed the task in the Exam practice, go back and see how many answers you predicted. 77 Who might have worked for the government in ancient Egypt? They must have been quite important if they were buried in tombs that Tryto predict what the answer were decorated. could be to each question 8 How do you think the animals could be acting in paintings on ‘the before you start listening, That walsoftonbs mei 9 What things might people in ancient Egypt have used to make Ranenee! paint? They must be things that they had to grind. 10 What sort of thing might have been harvested in ancient Egypt? 11 Who might have needed lots of training for fighting in ancient Egypt? 12 What could birds flying symbolise, in your opinion? 13 What types of animals associated with Egypt could be good hunters? 14° What quality might these combined animals show us about Egyptian religious beliefs? ET sive test Listening Part? Scumecaemcsea Listening Part 2 Read the Action plan on page 55. Then follow the exam instructions, using the advice below to help you. @ Loulinearahistory student, called Kylie, giving a presentation to her class about an archaeological site in Egypt called Beni Hassan. For questions 7 ~ 14, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. BENI HASSAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE ‘The tombs that fascinate Kylie are the ones where (7) who worked for the government were buried. ‘The paintings on the walls of many tombs show a good understanding of the (a) of animals. Kylie explains that the paint was made by grinding up various 19) before it was applied to the walls. The annual harvest, where (10) was gathered, is found in some of the paintings that Kylie has seen, Kylie agrees that the wrestling scenes show that (11) underwent rigorous training. Kylie has found out that birds that are flying are thought to represent (12) in the paintings. Animals such as (213) were used to help hunters catch other animals. Kylie explains that creatures made up of two different animals show the (a4) of the ancient people's religious beliefs. Listening Part 2 ® errereresspenso: paraphrases of the words in the sentences, so before you start listening, think about how words in the sentences could be rephrased. 7. Dont worry f you are not sure ‘about the meaning of a word, e.g. ‘tomb, because there will usually bea clue to help you understand its meaning elsewhere in the sentence. Here, buried helps you understand tomb 8 Both British and American speling ‘are acceptable, so don't waste time thinking about which one is correct for tha sentence, 9 Ifyou think abautthe past tense of grind, that willhelp you answer this question, 10. Listen carefully to find out what is shown in paintings that Kyle has seen, not ones she has heard about. 1 Who might do wresting as a form of training? 12 What are some paraphrases of find out? 3B ‘Such as’ always means that the ‘answer wil be an example of something. 4 Check your spelling ofthis answer corefully txam Practice Test2 Mirlucmcsieas Listening Part 3 Review Answer these questions about Listening Part 3. If you need help, read the Task information on page 56. 1 How many people will you hear in Part 3? Approximately how long is the recording? How many options are there for each of the six questions? Why is it important to read the context sentence carefully? SYNONYMS AND PARAPHRASE 1 Match the verbs on the left with their synonym or paraphrase on the right. These verbs are often used in Part 3 questions. 1 think express disapproval 2 mention b propose 3 suggest € believe something will happen 4 explain say you will certainly do something 5 admit € referto 6 criticise {agree reluctantly that something is true 7 expect g make understandable 8 promise believe something or have an idea or opinion 2 Look at the oj paraphrases. Question 15 1 making us feel healthier and more energetic 2. the state of not changing as years go past ns for questions 15-20 on page 101 and find words that match these synonyms or Question 16 3. embarrassed Question 17 4 the action of being worn away by waves and wind 5 causing bad effects Question 18 6 not easy to find 7 worry 8 need Question 19 9 the act of providing money for a business Question 20 10 consider again in order to improve 11 force people to follow Training Test2 Listening Parts Sciiecaecmicseal Listening Part 3 Read the Action plan on page 57. Then follow the exam instructions, using the advice below to help you, @ _uwilhear reco interview in which two ecologists called ack Benson and Trisha Roberts, are talking about sand. For questions 18 -20, choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which fits best according to what you hear 15. Jack thinks the main reason people are attracted to beaches is because we enjoy a feeling of timelessness there. we find breathing the fresh salty air invigorating. the sound of the waves is hypnotic. lity of the light is special. the quality of the light is special 16 Listen carefully for what Jock thinks, not other people ora friend goa 16 What was Trisha’s reaction when she read an article about ‘pop-up’ beaches? bhi 16 Listen to everything Trisha so ‘A. She was surprised the topic hadn't been explored before. beams feed Reece ao B_ She wanted to research the phenomenon more. the recording thatis in ane of the © She was ashamed at having visited one, options. That doesn't mean that D She questioned the advice in the article. this dptfon le he cneter 17 Dont forget that you wont always 17 Jack and Trisha agree that the practice of adding fresh sand to beaches heara simple phrase to show greement. Speakers can show A isles effective against coastal erosion than building a seawall they agree by using a wide range B can only bea short-term solution to coastal erosion. cigar © interferes with the normal movement of the sea 18. Think crefuly about the meaning D_ must be harmful to the wildlife there, alee vote eed ot een of each option. 18 Why does Jack mention the fact that more people live in cities nowadays? 19 The options ore sometimes a generalisation of an exam in the recording A tocriticise people's lack of awareness of environmental issues B toillustrate that natural resources are becoming scarce 20 Conyou thik of some specific € tosuggest society's major concern is making money xarnpios of tyes of scientist? D to explain why the demand for sand is so high 19. Trisha is particularly concerned that removing sand from beaches may result in A achange in the lifestyles of coastal communities. B the creation of new micro climates. © fewer visitors going to those areas. D the need for considerable financial investment. 20 What does Jack hope will solve the problem of taking sand from beaches? A ‘Scientists will develop a new form of sand 8 Architects will rethink the design of buildings. 5 Soverriments will impose stricter regulations. The public will become better informed. Le ing Pars Exam Practice Test2 Micliemicswae Listening Part 4 Review Answer these questions about Listening Part 4. If you need help, read the Task information on page 59. What information is given in the instructions for Part 4 about: 1. the number of short extracts you will hear? 2. the number of questions for each task? 3. the number of options for each task? 4 the number of times you hear the whole series of extracts? IDEAS AND ATTITUDES EXPRESSED ABOUT THE THEME BY THE SPEAKERS. 1 Inthe Part 4 task on page 103, the theme that links all five short extracts is the future of work. Try to get a | feel for who the speakers are by reading these sentences from the recording, What sort of business person do you think each speaker might be? Speaker 1 ve just got the results of a questionnaire which | sent out to my company’s offices in eight countries. Speaker 2 ‘As 'm still only in my 20s and in my first job ever, I'm aware that by working in a range of different companies, I'll build up useful business experience, Speaker 3_ I've been carrying out interviews with shoppers for a paper I'm writing for a business journal. Speaker 4 I've been in business for over 40 years and will be retiring soon, Speaker 5 I give lectures ata business school. 2 Tick the phrases that the speakers could use to express their opinion or attitude. 1. Ihave no doubt that 6 inmy view, 2 Some fears were expressed about... 7 t'simperative that... 3. Itwas clear that people were very keen to 8 msure 4 Ican’tsee myself. 9 (It) makes sense... 5. Thetrend is, 10 if|were to make an educated guess, I'd say. 3 Look at the areas of research in Task One and the predictions about the future of work in Task Two. Think about how they could be expressed using different words and phrases. EY eining test 2 Listening Por 4 Weare Listening Part 4 Exal ead the Action plan on page 60. Then follow the exam instructions. 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