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APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22


Q1. If a clock strikes 12 in 33 seconds, it will strike Q2. The apologists of the "Free Market System",
6 in how many seconds? according to the passage, believe in
33 (a) market without control by government
2 authorities.
(b) 15 (b) market without protection by the government.
(c) 12 (c) ability of market to self correct.
(d) 22 (d) market for free goods and services.

Ans: b Ans: c

Sol: In order to strike 12, there are 11 intervals of Sol: The apologists of the free market system
33 believe in the ability of the market to self correct.
equal time= = 3 seconds each.
11 Their discussions are generally about free market
Therefore, to strike 6 it has 5 equal intervals, it operations and forces, on the efficiency of such
requires 5×3 = 15 sec. enterprises and their ability for self correction.

Directions (Q2-Q4): Read the following Q3. With reference to "ideological bias", the
passages and answer the items that follow. passage implies that
Your answers to these items should be based (a) free market is fair but not competent.
on the passage only. (b) free market is not fair but competent.
Many nations now place their faith in capitalism (c) free market is fair and competent.
and governments choose it as the strategy to (d) free market is neither fair nor biased.
create wealth for their people. The spectacular
economic growth seen in Brazil, China and India Ans: c
after the liberalisation of their economies is proof
of its enormous potential and success. However, Sol: Ideological bias means an opinion that is of a
the global banking crisis and the economic partial nature. Here the idea expressed in the
recession have left many bewildered. The debates passage is that an unregulated market is free and
tend to focus on free market operations and forces, competent.
their efficiency and their ability for self correction.
Issues of justice, integrity and honesty are rarely Q4. The exercise of private greed will be in the
elaborated to highlight the failure of the global larger public interest" from the passage
banking system. The apologists of the system 1. refers to the false ideology of capitalism.
continue to justify the success of capitalism and 2. underlies the righteous claims of the free
argue that the recent crisis was a blip. market.
Their arguments betray an ideological bias 3. shows the benevolent face of capitalism.
with the assumptions that an unregulated market 4. ignores resultant gross inequity.
is fair and competent, and that the exercise of Which of the statements given above is/are
private greed will be in the larger public interest. correct?
Few recognize the bidirectional relationship (a) 1 only
between capitalism and greed; that each (b) 2 and 3
reinforces the other. Surely, a more honest (c) 1and 4
conceptualisation of the conflicts of interest among (d) 4 only
the rich and powerful players who have benefited
from the system, their biases and ideology is Ans: c
needed; the focus on the wealth creation should
also highlight the resultant gross inequity. Sol: It is clearly said that the arguments betray
meaning give away a biased opinion. So,
statement (1) referring to the false ideology of
capitalism is one of the options. It is also
mentioned that a more honest analysis would

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

reflect the resultant gross inequality. So, statement Ans: a

(4) is also the correct option.
Directions (Q5-Q8): In the following questions,
select the related word/letters/number from the
given alternatives.
Q5. MIKE : OGMC : : CIAD : ?
(a) EICB
(b) AJCF
(c) ENCF
(d) EGCB

Ans: d
Similarly, CRAWL : DTDAQ
Q9. In a simultaneous toss of 2 coins, then find the
probability of exactly 1 tail.

Q6. Vacation : Holiday :: Vocation :? (c)
(a) Money
(b) Career (d) None of these
(c) Degree
(d) Pleasure Ans: a

Ans: b Sol: Sample space S = {HH, HT, TH, TT}

Number of exhaustive cases = 4
Sol: Vocation means occupation. So, career is There are two favourable cases HT, TH.
near to that. 2 1
∴ P (exactly 1 tail) = 4 = 2
Q7. Bullock : Cart : : Horse : ?
(a) Plough Q10. Find the length of the longest pole that can
(b) Ride be placed in a room of dimensions 30m x 15 m x
(c) Race 10m.
(d) Tonga (a) 33 m
(b) 31 m
Ans: d (c) 35 m
(d) 18 m
Sol: The vehicle that bull pulls is known as bullock
cart. The vehicle that horse pulls is known as Ans: c
Sol: Longest pole can be faced along the diagonal
Q8. EAGLE : FCJPJ : : CRAWL : ? and its length
(a) DTDAQ → √12 + ℎ2 + 𝑏2 = √302 + 152 + 102
(b) DTEZQ → √900 + 225 + 100 = √1225 = 35

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Q11. A cuboid having the surface area of 3 Q14. What is the chance that a leap year, selected
adjacent faces as a, b, c has the volume at random will contain 53 Sundays?
(a) a3 b3 c3 1
(b) abc 7
(c) (abc)1/3 2
(d) (abc)1/2 (b)
Ans: d (c)
Sol: Let the sides of the cuboid be x, y & z. 4
Given a, b & c are areas of 3 adjacent faces of the (d)
∴ Volume of cuboid = xyz Ans: b
Hence a = xy, b = yz, c = zx
(a)(b)(c) = (xy)(yz)(zx) Sol: We know that a leap year has 366 days and
abc = (xyz)2 ⇒ thus a leap year has 52 weeks and 2 days over.
The two over (successive days have the following
xyz = (abc) 1/2
likely cases:
(i) Sunday and Monday
Q12. A clock gains 15 minutes per day. It is set
(ii) Monday and Tuesday
right at 12 noon. What time will it show at 4.00 am,
(iii)Tuesday and Wednesday
the next day?
(iv) Wednesday and Thursday
(a) 4:10 am
(v) Thursday and Friday
(b) 4:45am
(vi) Firday and Saturday
(c) 4:20 am
(vii) Saturday and Sunday.
(d) 5:00am
∴ Number of exhaustive cases ‘n’ = 7.
Ans: a Out of these, the favourable cases are (i) and (vii)
∴ Number of favourable cases ‘m’ = 2
Sol: The clock gains 15 min in 24 hours 2
Therefore, in 16 hours, it will gain 10 minutes. ∴ Probability of having 53 Sundays = 7
Hence, the time shown by the clock will be 4.10
am. Q15. The letters of word ‘SOCIETY’ are placed in
a row. What is the probability that three vowels
Q13. An accurate clock shows 8 O’clock in the come together?
morning. Through how many degrees will the hour 3
hand rotate when the clock shows 2 O’clock in the 7
(a) 144° 2
(b) 150° 7
(c) 168°
(d) 180° (c)
Ans: d
(d) None of these
Sol: Angle traced by the hour hand in 6 hours
Ans: c

Sol: There are 7 letters in the word ‘SOCIETY’

which can be arranged in 71 ways. Considering the
three vowels in the word ‘SOCIETY’ as one letter,

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

we can arrange 5 letters in a row in 5! ways. Also, Directions (Q18-Q20): Read the following
three vowels can themselves be arranged in 3! passages and answer the items that follow.
ways. Your answers to these items should be based
∴ The total number of arrangements in which three on the passage only.
vowels come together are 5! × 3! In spring, polar bear mothers emerge from dens
5! × 3! with three months old cubs. The mother bear has
Hence, the required probability = fasted for as long as eight months but that does not
3×2×1 1 stop the young from demanding full access to her
= =7 remaining reserves. If there are triplets, the most
persistent stands to gain an extra meal and it may
Directions (Q16-Q17): A series is given, with have the meal at the expense of others. The
one term missing. Choose the correct smallest of the litter forfeits many meals to stronger
alternative from the given ones that will siblings. Females are protective of their cubs but
complete the series. tend to ignore family rivalry over food. In 21 years
Q16. 1001, 1004, 1012, 1027, ? of photographing polar bears, I’ve only once seen
(a) 1036 the smallest of triplets survive till autumn.
(b) 1051
(c) 1050 Q18. Female polar bears give birth during
(d) 1048 (a) spring
(b) summer
Ans: b (c) autumn
(d) winter
Sol: The pattern is–
Ans: d

Sol: Refer to 1st sentence of the passage (The

cubs were already three months means, so the
time of their birth falls in winter.)
Q17. 3, 11, 31, 57, 91, 133, _____
(a) 181 Q19. Mother bear
(b) 143 (a) takes sides over cubs
(c) 183 (b) lets the cubs fend for themselves
(d) 151 (c) feeds only their favourites
(d) sees that all cubs get an equal share
Ans: c
Ans: b
Sol: Refer to second last sentence of the passage.

Q20. With reference to the passage, the following

assumptions have been made:
1. Polar bears fast as long as eight months due to
non availability of prey.
2. Polar bears always give birth to triplets.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Ans: d Sol: F is mother of G.

Sol: Assumptions 1 is not true as reason of their Q24. Find the probability that in a random
fasting is not given in the passage. Assumption 2 arrangement of letters of the words ‘UNIVERSITY’
is also not true as the passage says "if there are two ‘I’s do not come together.
triplet ....." 4
Directions (Q21-Q23) Study the information
below and answer the given questions. (b)
Seven members, viz. A, B, C, D, E, F and G, are 5
family members. Three of them are female 3
members. There are two couples in the family. (c)
Each of them has a different profession, viz.
Architect, Teacher, Lawyer, Doctor, Engineer, 2
Manager and Music Director, but not necessarily in 3
the same order. B is a Lawyer and his wife is F,
who is a Manager. A is brother of G, who is an Ans: a
Architect. C, who is a Doctor is a female and is
unmarried. D is a Teacher and sister of G. E is not Sol: Out of the letters in the word ‘UNIVERSITY’
an Engineer and is father of C. two letters ‘I’ are alike.

Q21. Which of the following combinations

according to the given information is true?
(a) C-Female-Manager
(b) B- Female-Lawyer
(c) F-Male-Manager
(d) G-Male-Architect

Ans: d

Sol: G-Male-Architect is a true combination.

Q22. Which of the following is true about A? Directions (Q25-Q27): Read the following
(a) A is husband of C passages and answer the items that follow.
(b) A is a Music Director Your answers to these items should be based
(c) A is brother of G and D on the passage only.
(d) A is sister of E He walked several miles that day but could not get
anything to eat or drink except some dry bread and
Ans: c some water, which he got from cottagers and
farmers. As night fell, he slept under a haystack
Sol: A is brother of G and D. lying in a meadow. He felt frightened at first, for the
wind blew awfully over the empty fields. He felt cold
Q23. If B is father of A, then what is the relation and hungry, and was feeling more lonely than he
between F and G? had ever felt before. He, however, soon fell asleep,
(a) G is mother of F being much tired with his long walk. When he got
(b) F is mother of G up next day, he was feeling terribly hungry so he
(c) F is sister of G purchased a loaf of bread with a few coins that he
(d) Cannot be determined had.
Q25. When the night fell, he slept
Ans: b (a) in the open field
(b) under a pile of dry grass

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

(c) in a farmer’s cottage Q29. If the Republic Day of India in 1980 falls on
(d) under a tree Saturday, X was born on March 3, 1980 and Y is 4
days older to X, then Y ’s birthday fell on
Ans: b (a) Thursday
(b) Friday
Sol: 'Haystalk' means 'pile of dry grass'. (c) Wednesday
(d) None of these
Q26. He soon fell asleep because
(a) he was exhausted Ans: a
(b) he was all alone
(c) he had not slept for days Sol: Republic day in 1980 i.e. January 26, 1980
(d) he was very frightened = Saturday
Number of odd days till March 3, 1980
Ans: a 5 29 3 37 + + = = 5 weeks + 2 odd days
∴ March 3 is Monday and Y is 4 days older to X.
Sol: 'Exhausted' means 'much tired". So, his birthday must be four days ahead of X, i.e.
on Thursday.
Q27. With reference to the passage, consider the
following statements: Directions (Q30-Q32): Read the following
1. He was walking through the countryside. passages and answer the items that follow.
2. The cottagers and farmers gave him enough Your answers to these items should be based
food so that he could sleep at night without feeling on the passage only.
hungry. We started pitching the highest camp that has ever
Which of the statements given above is/are been made. Everything took five times as long as
correct? it would have taken in a place where there was
(a) 1 only enough air to breathe; but at last we got the tent
(b) 2 only up, and when we crawled in, it was not too bad.
(c) Both 1 and 2 There was only a light wind, and inside it was not
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 too cold for us to take off our gloves. At night most
climbers take off their boots; but I prefer to keep
Ans: a them on. Hillary, on the other hand, took his off and
laid them next to his sleeping bag.
Sol: 'Countryside' means 'land outside town and
cities, with field, woods etc.' Hence, statement 1 is Q30. What does the expression “pitching the
correct. Statement 2 is not correct as they did not highest camp” imply?
give him enough food except for some dry bread (a) They reached the summit of the highest
and some water. mountain in the world.
(b) Those who climbed that far earlier did not pitch
Q28. Identify which one of the given alternatives any camp.
will be another member of the group of that class. (c) So far nobody has ever climbed that high.
Lucknow, Patna, Bhopal, Jaipur? (d) They were too many climbers and needed to
(a) Shimla pitch a big camp.
(b) Mysore
(c) Indore Ans: c
(d) Pune
Sol: It can't be the summit because they are talking
Ans: a about the highest camp that has ever been made
(by humans). (b) is also inappropriate. And (d) is
Sol: As Shimla is one of the capital of States of an absurd statement. (c) is the right choice
India and follows the league in the question.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Q31. They took a long time to finish the work Sol:

(a) they were very tired.
(b) there was not enough air to breathe.
(c) it was very cold.
(d) it was very dark.

Ans: b

Sol: They took a long time to finish the work

because there was not enough air to breathe at
such a high altitude.
All the other three options (a), (c) and (d) are true,
but they are not clearly stated in the passage as in
the case of option (b).

Q32. When they crawled into the tent

(a) they took off their gloves because it was not
very cold.
(b) they could not take off their gloves because it Q34. In a certain language FASHION is coded as
was very cold. FOIHSAN. How is PROBLEM coded in that code?
(c) they took off their gloves though it was very (a) ROBLEMP
cold. (b) PELBORM
(d) they did not take off their gloves though it was (c) PROBLEM
not cold. (d) RPBOELM

Ans: a Ans: b

Sol: (a) When they crawled in the tent they took off Sol:
their gloves since it was not very cold.
(b) The narrator says that is was not very cold at
such a high altitude. So, this option is ruled out.
(c) The same argument as in (b) holds true.
(d) The narrator says they took of their gloves. So,
this option is not correct.

Directions (Q33): In this question two

equations numbered I and II are given. You
have to solve both the equations and find out
the correct option.
I. 6x2 + 41x + 63 = 0 Q35. In a certain code language, GRAPE is written
II. 4y2 + 8y + 3 = 0 as 27354 and FOUR is written as 1687. How is
(a) Relationship between x and y cannot be GROUP written in that code?
established (a) 27384
(b) x ≥ y (b) 27684
(c) x < y (c) 27685
(d) x > y (d) 27658

Ans: c Ans: c

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Sol: Ans: d

Sol: They expected to reach the town within a

short time as the distance was only 15 km.

Q38. The travellers were worried after twenty

kilometers because
(a) it was a lonely countryside.
(b) they probably feared of having lost their way.
(c) the rain began to fall.
Directions (Q36-Q38): Read the following (d) it was getting colder as they drove.
passages and answer the items that follow.
Your answers to these items should be based Ans: b
on the passage only.
It was already late when we set out for the next Sol: They were supposed to reach their
town, which according to the map was about fifteen destination after a run of 15 km according to the
kilometers away on the other side of the hills. map. After going 20 km and still not finding their
There we felt that we would find a bed for the night. destination they became worried as it was dark
Darkness fell soon after we left the village, but and rain had begans to fall.
luckily we met no one as we drove swiftly along the
narrow winding road that led to the hills. As we Q39. Find the sum of all integers between 50 and
climbed higher, it became colder and rain began to 500 which are divisible by 7.
fall, making it difficult at times to see the road. I (a) 17966
asked John, my companion, to drive more slowly. (b) 1177996
After we had travelled for about twenty kilometers, (c) 17766
there was still no sign of the town which was (d) 17696
marked on the map. We were beginning to get
worried. Then without warning, the car stopped Ans: d
and we found we had run out of pertrol.
Sol: The first integer, after 50 which is divisible by
Q36. The author asked John to drive more slowly 7 is 56 and the last integer before 500 which is
because divisible by 7 is 497.
(a) the road led to the hills. ∴ The sequence of integers between 50 and 500
(b) John was an inexperienced driver. which are divisible by 7 is 56, 63, 70, ...., 497
(c) the road was not clearly visible. It is an A.P. with a = 56, d = 7
(d) they were in wilderness. an = 497 = a + (n - 1) d
∴ 497 = 56 + (n - 1) × 7
Ans: c
∴ 7n = 497 + 7 - 56
Sol: As it was raining. Moreover, it was dark so or, 7n = 448
visibility was a problem. or, n = 488 ÷ 7 = 64

Q37. The travellers set out for the town although it

was getting dark because
(a) they were in a hurry.
(b) the next town was a short distance away and Q40. Find the sum of all positive multiples of 3 less
was a hill-resort. than 50.
(c) they were in wilderness. (a) 400
(d) the next town was a short distance away and (b) 404
promised a good rest for the night. (c) 408
(d) 412

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Ans: c Q43. Three sums Rs. x, Rs. 648 and Rs. 729 are
such that Rs. 648 is the simple interest on Rs. x
Sol: Sum of all multiples of 3 up to 50 and Rs. 729 is the simple interest on Rs. 648. If in
all the three cases, rate of interest per annum and
the time for which interest is calculated is the
same, then find the value of x (in Rs.)?
(a) 676
(b) 576
(c) 429
(d) 640

Ans: b
Q41. Train ‘X’ take 2 hours more than train ‘Y’ to
cover certain distance ‘D’ while train ‘X’ can cover Sol:
(D + 160) is 8 hours. If speed of train ‘Y’ is 50%
more than that of train ‘X’, then find the speed of
train ‘Y’?
(a) 80 km/hr
(b) 120 km/hr
(c) 16 km/hr
(d) 40 km/hr

Ans: b

Sol: Let speed of train 'X' = x km/hr

And, speed of train 'Y' = 1.5x km/hr Q44. Anurag & Shivam invested Rs. 15000 & Rs.
ATQ, 25000 respectively in a business and after four
𝐷 𝐷 months Veer joined them with the capital of Rs.
2= - 1.5𝑥 ……. (i)
𝑥 30000. After eight months from the starting of
𝐷 + 160
And, =x ……..(ii) business Anurag added Rs. 5000 more, while
8 Shivam withdrew same amount from his initial
On solving (i) & (ii) investment. If after one-year profit share of Shivam
x = 80 kmph is Rs. 250 more than that of Anurag, then find profit
speed of train 'Y' = 120 kmph share of Veer (in Rs)?
(a) 750
Q42. From the given alternative words, select the (b) 625
word which cannot be formed using the letters of (c) 700
the given word: (d) 840
(a) SITUATION Ans: a
(c) DISTURB Sol:

Ans: a


Except SITUATION, the other words can be
formed the word DISTRIBUTION.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Q45. In a group of 50 people, 35 speak Hindi, 25 Q47. Cynthia's knees were quaking because
speak both Hindi and English and all the people (a) she felt nervous and shy.
speak Hindi or English or both. The number of (b) the teacher scolded her.
people who speak English only is: (c) she was very thin and weak.
(a) 40 (d) she was afraid of her classmates.
(b) 20
(c) 15 Ans: a
(d) 10
Sol: As Cynthia did not have confidence in herself
Ans: c and was frightened to perform in front of her class
mates. She was trembling. So, her knees were
Sol: quaking.

Q48. The transformation that occurred during the

audition refers to
(a) the nervousness of Cynthia.
(b) the eruption of the entire room in thunderous
(c) the surprise on the faces of her classmates.
(d) the stunning performance of Cynthia.
Directions (Q46-Q48): Read the following
passages and answer the items that follow.
Ans: d
Your answers to these items should be based
on the passage only.
Sol: Cynthia's remarkable performance attracted
Cynthia was a shy girl. She believed that she was
everybody's attention and everyone was stunned.
plain and untalented. One day her teacher ordered
After her performance ended, all the people in the
the entire class to show up for audition for the
room stood up and applauded for Cynthia.
school play. Cynthia nearly died of fright when she
was told that she would have to stand on stage in
Q49. Ram goes 15 meters North then turns right
front of the entire class and deliver dialogues. The
and walks 20 meters, then again turns right and
mere thought of it made her feel sick. But a
walks 10 meters, then again turns right and walks
remarkable transformation occurred during the
20 meters. How far is he from his original position?
audition. A thin, shy girl, her knees quaking, her
(a) 5
stomach churning in terror, began to stun everyone
(b) 10
with her excellent performance. Her bored
(c) 15
classmates suddenly stopped their noisy chat to
(d) 20
stare at her slender figure on the stage. At the end
of her audition, the entire room erupted in
thunderous applause. Ans: a
Q46. Cynthia's classmates were chatting because
(a) it was their turn to act next. Sol:
(b) they were bored of the performances.
(c) Cynthia did not act well.
(d) the teacher had no control over them.

Ans: b

Sol: It is because Cynthia's classmates were not

interested in the previous performances.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Q50. Suresh walked 7 km east and turned to his Q52. What makes his life miserable whenever he
left walked 4 kms. He then turned to his right and undertakes travelling?
walked 5 kms. Finally, he again turned to his right (a) Going to railway station
and walked 4 kms. In which direction is he now (b) Forgetting the toothbrush
from his starting point? (c) Packing his bag
(a) East (d) Bad dreams
(b) West
(c) North Ans: b
(d) South
Sol: Refer to 1st sentence of 2nd para of the
Ans: a passage.

Sol: Q53. His toothbrush is finally

(a) in his bag
(b) in his bed
(c) in his handkerchief
(d) lost

Ans: c

He is in east direction from his starting point. Sol: Refer to last sentence of the passage.

Directions (Q51-53): Read the following Q54. A tower stands on a horizontal plane. A man
passages and answer the items that follow. on the ground 100 m from the base of the tower
Your answers to these items should be based finds the angle of elevation of the top of the tower
on the passage only. to be 30°. What is the height of the tower?
I opened the bag and packed the boots in; and (a) 100 m
then, just as I was going to close it, a horrible idea (b) 100 √3
occurred to me. Had I packed my toothbrush? I (c) 100/ √3
don’t know how it is, but I never do know whether (d) None of these
I’ve packed my toothbrush. My toothbrush is a
thing that haunts me when I’m travelling, and Ans: c
makes my life a misery. I dream that I haven’t
packed it, and wake up in a cold perspiration, and Sol:
get out of bed and hunt for it. And, in the morning,
I pack it before I have used it, and it is always the
last thing I turn out of the bag; and then I repack
and forget it, and have to rush upstairs for it at the
last moment and carry it to the railway station,
wrapped up in my pocket-handkerchief.

Q51. When he was going to close the bag, the idea

that occurred to him was
(a) unpleasant
Q55. Directions: If you start running from a point
(b) sad
towards North and after covering 4 Kms, you turn
(c) fantastic
to your left and run 5 Kms and then again turn to
(d) amusing
your left and run 5 Kms and then turn to left again
and run another 6 Kms and before fishing you take
Ans: a
another left turn and run 1 Km., then answer the
following question based on this information.
Sol: 'Horrible' means 'unpleasant'

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Question: From the finishing point if you have to Q56. Which one of the following is the most logical,
reach the point from where you started, in which rational and crucial inference that can be derived
direction will you have to run? from the above passage?
(a) West (a) A better regulatory system will help India
(b) North achieve the size of economy appropriate to its
(c) South population.
(d) East (b) In a competitive global economy, India must
use regulations strategically.
Ans: a (c) Regulations in India do not favour its integration
with today’s hyper competitive global economy.
Sol: (d) Job creation and economic growth should be
dominant considerations in developing India’s
regulatory system.

Ans: b

Sol: The passage says that India needs a

collaborative system of regulations aimed at widely
shared prosperity instead of protecting local
market at its expense. Refer to the last sentence.
The word 'weapons' points to a strategic use of
regulations that seek cost-justified benefits and
overall well-being.

Q57. On the basis of the above passage, the

Directions (Q56-Q57): Read the following following assumptions have been made: In today’s
passages and answer the items that follow. global economy,
Your answers to these items should be based 1. regulations are not effectively used to protect
on the passage only. local markets.
India’s economic footprint, given its population, still 2. social and environmental concerns are generally
remains small compared to the US, the European ignored by the governments across the world while
Union or China. It has much to learn from other implementing the regulations. Which of the above
economies, yet must implement solutions that fit its assumptions is/are valid?
unique circumstances. India especially needs an (a) 1 only
effective longterm regulatory system based on (b) 2 only
collaboration rather than the current top-down (c) Both 1 and 2
approach. Regulations seek desirable outcomes (d) Neither 1 nor 2
yet are repeatedly used as political tools to push
one agenda or another. Often, regulations fail to Ans: d
consider impacts on jobs and economic growth –
or less restrictive alternatives. Regulations may be Sol: The assumption that regulations are not
used to protect local markets at the expense of effectively used to protect local markets is not
more widely shared prosperity in the future. correct because regulations, according to the
Additionally, regulations inevitably result in passage, may be used to protect local markets at
numerous unintended consequences. In today’s the expense of more widely shared prosperity in
hyper competitive global economy, regulations the future. Secondly, social and environmental
need to be viewed as “weapons” that seek cost- concerns are generally ignored by the
justified social and environmental benefits while governments across the world while implementing
improving the economic well-being of most the regulations is also incorrect since regulations
citizens. need to be viewed as "weapons" that seek cost-
justified social and environmental benefits while

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

improving the economic well- being of most (a) + – × =

(b) × ÷ + =
Q58. When the sun is 30° above the horizontal, the (c) ÷ + = –
length of shadow cast by a building 50 m high is: (d) + × – ÷
√3 Ans: b

(b) 50 √3 Sol: 5 × 6 ÷ 5 + 8 = 14
(c) 25m
Directions (Q61): Read the following passages
(d) 25 √3 and answer the items that follow. Your answers
to these items should be based on the passage
Ans: b only.
With the digital phenomenon restructuring most
Sol: Let, AB be the building and AC be its shadow. social sectors, it is little surprise that global trade
Then, AB = 50 m and θ = 30°. negotiations are now eyeing the digital area in an
attempt to pre-emptively colonise it. Big Data is
freely collected or mined from developing
countries, and converted into digital intelligence in
developed countries. This intelligence begins to
control different sectors and extract monopoly
rents. A large foreign company providing cab
service, for instance is not a network of cars and
drivers; it is digital intelligence about commuting,
public transport, roads, traffic, city events, personal
behavioural characteristics of commuters and
drivers and so on.

Q59. If + = ×, – = ÷, × = +, ÷ = –, then which Q61. Which one of the following is the most logical
is the correct equation out of the following? and rational corollary to the above passage?
(a) 18 ÷ 6 + 4 – 2 ÷ 3 = 22 (a) Globalization is not in the interests of India as it
(b) 18 + 6 – 4 × 2 ÷ 3 = 26 undermines its socio-economic structures.
(b) India should be careful to protect its digital
(c) 18 × 6 – 4 + 7 × 8 = 47 sovereignty in global trade talks.
(d) 18 – 6 × 7 ÷ 2 + 8 = 63 (c) India should charge monopoly rents from
multinational companies in exchange for Big Data.
Ans: b (d) The loss of Big Data from India is proportional
to the degree/value of its foreign trade.
Sol: 18 + 6 – 4 × 2 ÷ 3 = 26
After changing, the equation is, Ans: b
L.H.S., 18 × 6 ÷ 4 + 2 – 3
108 ÷ 4 + 2 – 3 Sol: The opening sentence of the passage talks of
27 + 2 – 3 the threat from developed countries who look to
29 – 3 = 26 R.H.S. mining Big Data from developing countries to
create digital intelligence and control different
Q60. Select the correct combination of sectors of global trade. Therefore (b) is the most
mathematical signs to replace * signs and to rational corollary to the passage.
balance the given equation.
5 * 6 * 5 * 8 * 14

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Q62. Two numbers are such that the ratio between Sol: The required number of ways = number of
them is 3:5; but if each is increased by 10, the ratio permutations of 10 people taking all 10 at a time.
between them becomes 5:7. The numbers are: = P (10, 10) = 10!
(a) 3, 5 = 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
(b) 7, 9 = 3628800.
(c) 13, 22
(d) 15, 25 Directions (Q66-Q67): Study the following
information carefully and answer the following
Ans: d questions.
Sol: Let the numbers be 3x and 5x. ● ‘economics is not money’ is written as ‘ka la ho
● ‘demand and supply economics’ is written as ‘mo
ta pa ka’.
● ‘money makes only part’ is written as ‘zi la ne ki’.
● ‘demand makes supply economics’ is written as
‘zi mo ka ta’.
Q63. For what value of K, the number 7236K2 is
divisible by 8? Q66. What is the code for ‘money’ in the given
(a) 7 code language?
(b) 5 (a) ga
(c) 4 (b) mo
(d) 9 (c) pa
(d) la
Ans: a
Ans: d
Sol: The last three digits 6K2 is divisible by 8 if K
is 3 or 7 since 632 and 672 are divisible by 8. Sol: money → la
Q64. Which one of the given responses would be Q67. What is the code for ‘supply’ in the given
a meaningful order of the following? code language?
1. Crop (a) Only ta
2. Root (b) Only mo
3. Stem (c) Either pa or mo
4. Seed (d) Only pa
5. Flower
(a) 4 2 3 5 1 Ans: d
(b) 2 3 5 1 4
(c) 2 4 5 1 3 Sol: supply → either mo or ta
(d) 2 3 4 1 5
Q68. How many words, with or without meaning,
Ans: a can be formed using all letters of the word
EQUATION, using each letter exactly once?
Q65. In how many ways can 10 people line up at a (a) 38320
ticket window of a cinema hall? (b) 39320
(a) 3628800 (c) 40320
(b) 3482800 (d) 38400
(c) 344800
(d) 3328800 Ans: c
Ans: a

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

Sol: The word EQUATION has exactly 8 letters = P (4, 4) ways = 4! ways
which are all different. ∴ The required number of words
∴ Number of words that can be formed = number = 4! × 4! = 24 × 24 = 576.
of permutations of 8 letters taken all at a time
= P (8, 8) = 8! Directions (Q71-Q74): Study the following
= 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 40320. information carefully and answer the questions
given below.
Q69. Professors, Researchers, Scientists Eight people—E, F, G, H, J, K, L and M are sitting
around a circular table facing the centre. Each of
them is of a different profession — Chartered
Accountant, Columnist, Doctor, Engineer,
Financial Analyst, Lawyer, Professor and Scientist,
(a) (b) but not necessarily in the same order. F is sitting
second to the left of K. The Scientist is an
immediate neighbour of K. There are only three
people between the Scientist and E. Only one
person sits between the Engineer and E. The
Columnist is to the immediate right of the Engineer.
(c) (d) M is second to the right of K. H is the Scientist. G
and J are immediate neighbours of each other.
Ans: a Neither G nor J is an Engineer. The Financial
Analyst is to the immediate left of F. The Lawyer is
Sol: Some professors are researchers, second to the right of the Columnist. The Professor
Some professors are both Researchers & is an immediate neighbour of the Engineer. G is
Scientists. Some Scientists are professors. second to the right of the Chartered Accountant.

Q70. Find how many words can be formed out of Q71. Who is sitting second to the right of E?
the letters of the word ‘ORIENTAL’ so that vowels (a) The Lawyer
always occupy the odd places. (b) G
(a) 576 (c) The Engineer
(b) 578 (d) F
(c) 676
(d) None of these Ans: b

Ans: a Sol: G is sitting second to the right of E.

Sol: The vowels in the word ‘ORIENTAL’ are: O, I, Q72. Who amongst the following is the Professor?
E and A (a) F
Total number of letters in the word ‘ORIENTAL’= 8. (b) L
Number of vowels = 4 (c) M
(d) K

Ans: d

∴ Vowels occupy odd places, that is 1, 3, 5 and 7. Sol: K is the professor.

Number of odd places = 4
∴ 4 vowels can be arranged in 4 ‘X’ marked places Q73. What is the position of L with respect to the
= P (4, 4) ways = 4! ways
(a) Third to the left
Number of consonants = 4.
(b) Second to the right
∴ 4 consonants can be arranged in four places (c) Second to the left

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

(d) Third to the right Ans: b

Ans: b Sol:
According to the given information,
Sol: The position of L with respect to the scientist Mahesh's age = 60
is second to the right. Ram's age = 55
Raju's age = 51
Q74. Which of the following statements is true Babu's age = 45
according to the given arrangement? The age difference between Mahesh and Babu
(a) The Lawyer is second to the left of the Doctor = 60–45 = 15.
(b) E is an immediate neighbour of the Financial
Analyst Q77. How many words, each of 3 vowels and 2
(c) H sits exactly between F and the Financial consonants, can be formed from the letters of the
Analyst word ‘INVOLUTE’?
(d) Only four people sit between the Columnist (a) 2280
and F (b) 2480
(c) 2880
Ans: a (d) 2680

Sol: Only Statement (a) is true. Ans: c

Q75. How many different signals can be Sol: Number of letters in the word = 8
transmitted by arranging 3 red, 2 yellow and 2 Number of vowels in the word = 4 (1, O, U, E)
green flags on a pole? [Assume that all the 7 flags Number of consonants in the word = 4 (N, V, L, T)
are used to transmit a signal.] Out of 4 vowels, we have to select 3.
(a) 220 Out of 4 consonants, we have to select 2.
(b) 240 Also, we have to arrange 3 vowels and 2
(c) 200 consonants.
(d) 210 ∴ The required number of words
= C (4, 3).C (4, 2).5! = 4 × 2 × 120 = 2880.
Ans: d
Directions (Q78-Q79): In these questions,
two/three statements followed by two
conclusions are given. You have to take the
given statements to be true even if they seem
to be at variance from commonly known facts
and then decide, which of the given
conclusions logically follows disregarding
commonly known facts.

Q78. Statements:
Q76. Mahesh is 60 years old. Ram is '5' years All copies are book.
junior to Mahesh and '4' years seminor to Raju. No book is a pencil.
The youngest brother of Raju is Babu and he is '6' All pencils are rubbers.
years junior to him. What is the age difference Conclusions:
between Mahesh and Babu? I. No rubber is a book.
(a) 18 II. Some copies are rubbers.
(b) 15 Give Answer
(c) 13 (a) If only Conclusion I follows
(d) 06 (b) If only Conclusion II follows
(c) If either Conclusion I or II follows

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
APSC PRELIMS TS 2024 – Test 22

(d) If neither Conclusion I nor II follows Sol: We get a line by joining 2 points. If p is the
number of lines from 21 points, then,
Ans: d

Sol: According to the statements, venn diagram is

as follows

Hence, neither Conclusion I nor II follows.

Q79. Statements:
All copies are book.
No book is a pencil.
All pencils are rubbers.
I. No copy is a pencil.
II. Some books are rubbers.
Give Answer
(a) If only Conclusion I follows
(b) If only Conclusion II follows
(c) If either Conclusion I or II follows
(d) If neither Conclusion I nor II follows

Ans: a

Sol: According to the statements venn diagram, is

as follows

Hence, only Conclusion I follows.

Q80. How many lines can be drawn through 21

points on a circle?
(a) 310
(b) 210
(c) 410
(d) 570

Ans: b

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,

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