KeyCompetences ESO3 Test3

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Key Competences Diagnostic Tests ESO3

 Linguistic communication
 Cultural awareness and expression

1. Read the text.

Visitors to London often enjoy taking a boat ride down the River
Thames. One of the most popular stops along the way is the
historic town of Greenwich. It is located on the south bank of the
river but you can get there by train or bus, too.
Greenwich is best known for its important role in time
measurement and navigation. The 0° longitude line (it divides
the Earth into the eastern and western hemispheres) goes through
Greenwich. For this reason, the 0° longitude line is named
the Greenwich Meridian. In 1884, most of the world started
measuring time according to Greenwich Mean Time. Even today,
each day at exactly 1 pm a special ball is dropped above the
Royal Observatory Greenwich to show the time. This tradition
was started in 1833 so that sailors on the Thames and navigation
clock­makers could set their clocks. Visitors to the Royal
Observatory Greenwich often stand with one foot on each side of
the meridian while their photograph is taken.
Another central sight in the town is the National Maritime
Museum. The sea has always been extremely important in British
history and this museum celebrates the “island nation’s” exciting
history at sea. Exhibits with real boats, model boats, paintings and
various instruments tell the country’s history of exploration and
sea trade.
A tour of the Queen’s House is also highly recommended. The
house was designed by Inigo Jones and was completed in 1637.
It was built for Anne of Denmark, wife of James I, but she died
before it was finished. In the end, Charles I’s queen, Henrietta
Maria, lived there and she fell in love with the beautiful house.
Paintings showing historic views of Greenwich and portraits of
historical figures are exhibited in the Queen’s House.
Finally, a visit to Greenwich is not complete without a walk in
Greenwich Park. People climb to the top of the park’s hill to
enjoy a fantastic view of the River Thames. On a fine day, visitors
can see most of the city of London.

Photos: Shutterstock, Inc.
2. Find the following.
1. three ways to get to Greenwich: ...............................................................................................................
2. four recommended sights to visit in Greenwich: .......................................................................................
3. two historical dates and their significance: ...............................................................................................
4. the names of five historical figures: ..........................................................................................................

3. Answer the questions.

1. On which side of the Thames is Greenwich located?
2. Why is the 0º longitude line mentioned in the text?
3. How do visitors to the Royal Observatory Greenwich often pose for photos?
4. How does the National Maritime Museum celebrate Britain’s historical connection to the sea?
5. Why didn’t Anne of Denmark live in the Queen’s House?
6. What can visitors do at the Queen’s House?
7. What can visitors see from the top of the hill in Greenwich Park?

 Linguistic communication
 Cultural awareness and expression

A friend from another country is going to visit your city or town next month and asks you
to recommend places to visit and things to do. Write an e-mail to your friend. In your e-mail,
you should:
• recommend museums and / or landmarks to visit
• suggest activities to do
• offer to meet your friend when he / she visits


 Linguistic communication
 Learning to learn

1. Listen and choose the correct answers.

1. Oliver loves London ...... .
a. but there isn’t much to do there
b. but he doesn’t want to go there again
c. and he wants to return there
2. Oliver didn’t go on the London Eye because ...... .
a. the ticket was expensive
b. he was too busy
c. he was scared
3. Ruby saw ...... at Madame Tussauds in the Netherlands.
a. David Beckham’s statue
b. Lady Gaga’s statue
c. David Beckham’s and Lady Gaga’s statues
4. At the Tower of London ...... .
a. the audience fought against knights
b. two knights fought against each other
c. two groups of the audience fought against each other
5. Oliver didn’t see the Crown Jewels because ...... .
a. of the ticket price
b. of the weather
c. he got lost
6. ...... didn’t go to Wembley to see the football match.
a. Oliver’s brother
b. Oliver’s mother
c. Oliver’s father

2. Listen again and complete the sentences.

1. Oliver was in London for ........................................................... days.
2. At the festival on the south bank of the Thames, there were people playing ...................................................... .
3. On the day of the festival, Oliver ate some ........................................................... .
4. In Oliver’s photo with Lady Gaga, he is ........................................................... .
5. At the Tower of London, David took photos of ........................................................... .
6. Oliver didn’t go to the football match because he ........................................................... .

 Linguistic communication
 Social and civic competence
 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

1. The photographs below show people doing different activities in London.

Student A, tell your partner what you see in photograph A. Student B, tell
your partner what you see in photograph B.

The people are … .

There is a … .

2. Now talk with your partner about the different activities you like doing when you’re
on holiday or at weekends.

I enjoy … .

Photos: Shutterstock, Inc.
Ruby: Hi Oliver! Welcome back! How was your holiday in London?
Oliver: Hi Ruby. It was great. London’s an amazing city. There’s so much to do there. In fact, a week wasn’t
enough. I have to go back there again.
Ruby: Really? So what did you do there?
Oliver: Here. I’ll show you my photos and you can see for yourself.
Ruby: Cool.
Oliver: OK, so this is the London Eye. It’s on the south bank of the Thames.
Ruby: Was the ride fun? What did you see from the top?
Oliver: Actually, I didn’t go on the Eye. There was a really long queue and it’s quite expensive, too. Anyway,
there was a festival when we were on the south bank, so we were busy with other things. They had
an art exhibition and a band marched along the bank playing drums. Also, there were other rides to
go on – you know, theme park rides. Here, take a look at this ride.
Ruby: It looks really scary.
Oliver: Yeah, it was … and I went on it after I had fish and chips for lunch.
Ruby: Oh, Oliver! That wasn’t very clever.
Oliver: Tell me about it. Oh, here’s a photo of me with David Beckham. I met him one day by chance.
Ruby: Yeah, right. He almost looks real in this photo. I’ve got a great photo with Beckham’s statue at
Madame Tussauds in the Netherlands. Ooh, and look at you kissing Lady Gaga on the cheek! When
I went to Madame Tussauds in the Netherlands, they didn’t have a statue of Lady Gaga, but since
then she’s become a star. Hey Oliver, who are these knights? I don’t remember seeing any knights
at Madame Tussauds.
Oliver: No, those are actors at the Tower of London. They put a show on for the visitors – a fight, you know,
a tournament between knights in armour. The audience was divided into two groups and each group
cheered for one of the knights. My group’s knight won the tournament.
Ruby: What did you think of the Crown Jewels in the Tower?
Oliver: We didn’t get to see them. The queue was …
Ruby: too long?
Oliver: Yes, and it started raining right then. I didn’t want to wait for hours in the rain. But the jewellery in the
shop at the Tower of London looked beautiful.
Ruby: I see. And how was the football match at Wembley Stadium? You were so excited about that.
Oliver: I didn’t go to the match at the end.
Ruby: Why not? What happened?
Oliver: I wasn’t well that day. I had a high temperature and I couldn’t get out of bed. My mum stayed at the
hotel with me. Only my dad and brother went to the match.
Ruby: Oh that’s too bad, Oliver. Then you must go to London again … and I want to go with you next time.


2 1. You can get to Greenwich by boat, train or bus.

2. The Royal Observatory Greenwich, National Maritime Museum, Queen’s House, Greenwich Park.
3. In 1884, most of the world started measuring time according to Greenwich Meridian. In 1637, the
Queen’s House was completed.
4. Inigo Jones, Anne of Denmark, James I, Charles I, Henrietta Maria

3 1. It is located on the south bank of the river.

2. The longitude line goes through Greenwich and is named the Greenwich Meridian.
3. Visitors often pose for photos with one foot on each side of the meridian.
4. There are exhibits with real boats, model boats, paintings, and various instruments.
5. She died before it was finished.
6. Visitors can see paintings showing historic views of Greenwich and portraits of historical figures.
7. Visitors can see a fantastic view of the River Thames and most of the city of London.


Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


1. 1. c 3. a 5. b
2. a 4. b 6. b

2. 1. seven
2. drums
3. fish and chips
4. kissing her (on the cheek)
5. the knights
6. wasn’t well that day


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