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Cloud Computing IMP Questions

(1) What is cloud Computing?

(2) Explain Benefit of Cloud Computing.
(3) Explain properies and characteristics of cloud computing.
(4) Give the following full form:
i. SaaS
ii. PasS
iii. IaaS
iv. VLAN
v. TCO
vi. JPA
vii. SAN
(5) Explain Traditional Utilities of Cloud Computing.
(6) What is Computing? Explain Cluster and Grid Computing.
(7) What is Cluster Computing? Explain advantages and characteristics of
Cluster Computing.
(8) What is Parallel Computing? Explain Parallel Computer Architecture.
(9) Explain Cloud Service Model.
(10) Explain Deployment Model.
(11) Explian Cloud Architecture.
(12) Explain Challenges with Cloud Computing.
(13) What is Vitualization? Explian its types.
(14) Explain VLAN and its Benefits.
(15) What is the conceptof SAN? Give the benefits of SAN.
(16) What is SLA? Explain its Aspect & requirements.
(17) What VM migration?
(18) Explain Cloud Interoperablity standard.
(19) Explain different Types of Risk in Cloud Computing.
(20) Explain Risk Assessment and Management in clod computing.
(21) Explain Multi-tenant Environment with figure and example
(22) What is TCO ? Explain direct and indirect cloud cost.
(23) Explain Fundamental Requirements for Cloud application architecture.
(24) Give the difference betwwen Traditional V/s Cloud Application.
(25) Explain Use of Client-server Architecture for cloud Applications.
(26) What are security and compliance requirements in a public cloud?
(27) Explain Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) for cloud Applications
(28) List and explain the parameters on which the bill of the resources is
calculatedfor a particular client in Google App Engine.
(29) How the objects are saved and deleted from the Google App Engine
Data store?
(30) Write the steps to create & deploy a simple "Hello World”
application on
(31) Google AppEngine.
(32) Explain the Google AppEngine architecture in detail with diagram.
(33) Explain each step of Developing, Registering and Uploading an
Application on
(34) Google App Engine.
(35) Explain JPA with Insert and Delete examples.
(36) what do you mean by JPA? Explain the transaction processing in

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