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Dear Readers

The books in this series were developed by teachers with a lot of international
teaching experience in Elementary, Junior and Senior High Schools. Their field
of expertise is English Language Teaching.

This course consists of three levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

A. Beginner Level: 203, 204, 205.
Materials: Phonics Books, Workbooks, Story Books.

The Phonics Books enable readers to spell, read and write, based on their
basic levels of listening and speaking skills. The Workbooks and Story Books
are used in conjunction with the Phonics Books to develop the readers’
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. After completing each Unit,
readers are tested to determine their learning progress. If successful, they
advance to the next level.
B. Intermediate Level: 206, 207, 208.
Materials: Textbooks, Homework Books, Story Books.

The Intermediate Books guide readers into the higher levels of grammar,
comprehension and essay writing. Grammar structures are set out logically
and easily with a lot of writing practice to improve the readers’ understanding
and use of English. Readers are encouraged through writing exercises to
write essays based on their own experiences. Story Books provide reading,
comprehension and grammar practice. After completing each Textbook,
readers are tested to determine their learning progress. If successful, they
advance to the next level.

Interacting with the lesson materials will build readers’ confidence and
enhance their ability to use newly acquired English Language Skills. The
format of the Intermediate and Advanced Level books will help students to
prepare for their Junior School, High School and GEPT exams.

The Authors.
Smart Students Series

Intermediate Level

Book 2
Smart Students Series.
Intermediate: Book 2
A. Vocabulary: Page:
 Clothes. 2
 Weather. 3
 Seasons. 5
 Activities. 8
 Holidays and Festivals. 25
 Vocabulary Practice. 48
 Food and Food groups. 53
 Kitchen objects. 62
 Occupations. 81
 Work Places. 84
 Directions. 91

B. Grammar: Page:
 Adverbs of frequency. 10
 Review Tenses. 16
 Prepositions. 18
 Can / Can’t. 22
 Future Tense. 28
 Yes/No questions in the Future Tense. 36
 Wh-questions in the Future Tense. 42
 Combining sentences. 47
 Tense Review. 59
 Questions. 67
 Past Tense. 71
 Questions in the Past Tense. 77
 Prepositions. 88
 Answering questions. 93



dress blouse skirt T-shirt shorts

sandals socks shoes sneakers shirt
coat jacket pants jeans boots
mittens scarf hat umbrella
raincoat bathing suit sun glasses


sunny rainy windy cloudy snowy

hot warm cool cold
temperature = degrees °C


winter spring
fall/ autumn

a. Look at the weather for each season and
write about what you wear:
[Copy in your homework book.]

b. Recite:

1. Weather: Temperature:

32 °C

It is hot and sunny in summer. I wear a ____________,

_____________ and _______________ .

2. Weather: Temperature:

22 °C

It’s cool and windy in fall. I wear a ____________ ,

_________ , __________ and _____________.


3. Weather: Temperature:

10 °C

It’s cold in winter. I wear a _______________,

a ______________, a ___________________,

___________, ______________, _____________

________________ and a ________.

4. Weather: Temperature:

26 °C

It is warm and rainy in spring. I wear a T-shirt, shorts,

sandals and a ________________. I carry an



a. Read Emma’s story:

The seasons.

There are four seasons in a year. They are winter,

spring, summer and fall. It’s very cold in winter. The
temperature is between 4 °C and 17 °C. I wear
warm clothes in winter.

It is warm and rainy in spring. The temperature

is between 25 °C and 27 °C. I wear my
raincoat and use my umbrella in spring.

Summer is very hot. The temperature is between

28 °C and 36 °C. I swim and eat ice cream to
feel cool. I don’t wear a jacket in summer!

Fall is a cool and windy season. The temperature is

between 20 °C and 24 °C. The wind blows a lot.
My friends and I like to fly kites in fall.

b. Answer the questions:

1. How many seasons are there in a year ?

There __________________________________________

2. What is the weather like in winter ?

It is ____________________________________________

3. Is it warm and rainy in fall ?


4. What does Emma do to feel cool in summer ?



5. Do you wear a coat in summer ?



a. Review the seasons on p. 2-4 and

complete the sentences:

1. It is 32° C. Tammy is wearing her bathing suit. She

is eating ice cream at the beach. It is _____________
[season] now.

2. Mike is outside. He is wearing a coat, jeans, boots,

a sweater, mittens and a scarf. He is making a
snowman. It is very cold. It is _____________
[season] now.

3. The temperature is 26° C. It is raining. May is

wearing a dress, sandals and a raincoat. She is
taking her umbrella with her. It is ________________
[season] now.

4. Emma is flying her kite. The temperature is 22°C. The

wind is blowing. She is wearing jeans and a sweater.
It is _____________ [season] now.


a. Check what you like to do in each


Activity Winter Spring Summer Fall

ride a bicycle
watch movies
climb a mountain
fly a kite
play games
have a picnic
catch fish
plant flowers
go to the beach
eat ice cream
go to the zoo
walk in the park
watch birds

b. Ask your friend these questions:

1. What is your favorite season ?

2. What do you like to do in ____________?
[favorite season]

c. Write:
[Copy in your homework book.]

My favorite season is _______________. I like

to ______________________________ and

________________________ in ____________.

My friend’s favorite season is ______________.

(He)(She) likes to ________________________

and ____________________________________

in _____________.

Grammar point.

a. Read:

Adverbs of frequency:

Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

Every day √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Always √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Usually √ √ √ √ √ √
Often √ √ √ √
Sometimes √ √ √
Seldom √ √

b. Read and write about Jack’s activities:

Days. Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun


eat dinner √ √ √ √ √ √ √
wash hands √ √ √ √ √ √ √
walk to school √ √ √ √ √
play basketball √ √ √ √
eat candy √ √ √
watch TV √ √
drink wine

• Remember to use Present Tense verbs to make sentences.


c. Complete:

1. Jack eats dinner every day.

2. Jack ______________ washes his hands.

3. Jack usually ____________ to school.

4. Jack often _________ basketball.

5. Jack ____________ eats candy.

6. Jack seldom ______________ .

7. Jack __________ drinks wine.

d. Make sentences about yourself with:

[Copy in your homework book]

1. always - I always __________________________________

2. sometimes - I ______________________________________

3. never - I __________________________________________

4. usually - I _________________________________________

5. often - I ___________________________________________

e. Choose the correct answer:

____ 1. The students always _____ their homework.

a. do b. does c. doing

____ 2. Annie usually ______ for her tests.

a. studying b. studies c. study

____ 3. The baby often ____ when he’s hungry.

a. cry b. crying c. cries

____ 4. I never _____ to bed late.

a. go b. goes c. going

____ 5. My aunt sometimes _____a movie on Sundays.

a. watches b. watchs c. watch

____ 6. Emma seldom ____ free time.

a. having b. have c. has

____ 7. Mike ___ dinner with his family every day.

a. eat b. eats c. eating

____ 8. It usually _____ in spring.

a. raining b. rain c. rains

____ 9. It never _____ in summer.

a. snows b. snow c. snowing

____10. It ___ often very cold in winter.

a. be b. is c. are

f. Read and fill in the blanks to complete the


1. Maggie always ____________ [wears][wearing] a

raincoat when she goes___________ [inside][outside]

on _________________[raining][rainy] days.

2. On _____________[sun][sunny] days, Mike usually

wears shorts, _____________[a T-shirt][a skirt] and


3. In winter I often wear a coat, a sweater and _______

[shorts][jeans] because it is ____________[cold][hot].

4. Tammy _____________ [always][never] wears her

bathing suit when it is ____________ [snow][snowing]


5. The Jones family likes to swim at the ______________

[beach][school] in summer. They never wear their

____________ [sweaters][bathing suits] when it is hot.


Comprehension Test:

a. Fill in the blanks to complete the story:

b. Recite:

Spring is here. There are gray clouds in the _______ (1). It is

warm and __________ (2) in spring. The _______________ (3)
is between 25 °C and 27 °C. I wear a T-shirt, shorts,
sandals and a ________________ (4).
I carry _____________ (5) .

There are baby birds in the nest. There are green

______________ (6) on the trees. Pumpkins will grow. They
need _________ (7) and ___________ (8) to grow.

(1) tree / sun / sky

(2) sun / rainy / snowy
(3) temperature / clothes / hot
(4) coat / raincoat / umbrella
(5) an umbrella / a umbrella / umbrella
(6) sneakers / leaves / grass
(7) moon / stars / sun
(8) water / seeds / tea

c. Read the story on page 14 and answer

the questions:

1. What season is it ?


2. What is the weather like in spring ?


3. What do you wear in spring ?


4. Where are the baby birds ?


5. What do the pumpkins need to grow ?


Grammar Point:
a. Review:

Time word: Verb: Tense:

now is Present
Look! am +verb + -ing Continuous
Listen! are Tense.

• Spelling rule 1: double consonant

run → running sit → sitting hop → hopping

• Spelling rule 2: no e at the end of a word

make → making[no e] write → writing[no e]

I am running now.
He is writing a letter now.

Time word: Verb: Tense:

every day verb
usually Present Tense.
every Tuesday verb + s

• Spelling rule 1: use -es after “ss”, “ch” and “o”.

watch → watches kiss → kisses go → goes

• Spelling rule 2: y> ies

cry → cries fly → flies

Mike watches a movie every day.

The baby cries every night.

b. Choose the correct answer:

[Copy the sentences in your homework book.]

____ 1. Mike ________ in his book now.

a. is writing b. writes c. is writeing

____ 2. Mary always _______ her homework.

a. does b. is doing c. do

____ 3. Tammy usually _____ to bed early.

a. goes b. go c. is going

____ 4. Tammy ______ to bed now.

a. go b. is going c. goes

____ 5. Maggie often ____ dinner with her family.

a. eats b. eat c. is eating

____ 6. Maggie’s family ______ dinner now.

a. eats b. eat c. is eating

____ 7. Maggie’s father always ___ in winter.

a. skis b. is skiing c. ski

____ 8. Look! They ___ in the snow.

a. play b. are playing c. plays

____ 9. It usually ____ in spring.

a. is raining b. rains c. rain

____10. Look! It ____ .

a. is raining b. rains c. rain

c. Choose the correct answer and fill in the

blanks to complete the sentences:

in next to

1. The girl is _______ the garden.

2. There are three birds _______ the tree.

3. She is planting seeds _______ the ground.

4. There are little green leaves _________ the tree.

5. The watering can is ____________ the ground.

6. The boys are ____________ the fence.

7. The clouds are ___________ the sky.

8. The umbrella is __________ his hand.

9. The hat is __________ his head.

10. The sun is ____________ the sky.


a. Read:
Maggie’s letter.

Dear Emma

It is summer now. I am so happy. We have

summer vacation and I don’t have to go to school.
My family is at my grandfather’s house.
He lives at the beach.

We wear our bathing suits every day. We go to the

beach to swim in the sea. Mike can swim very well.
Tammy and I always build sandcastles on the
beach. We eat ice cream because the sun is very
hot. My grandfather and my father like to catch
fish. My grandmother sits under an umbrella. She
likes to read.

Sometimes we have a barbecue in the evening.

Then we walk on the beach. I can see the moon
and the stars. They are so beautiful. Please write
and tell me what you are doing.

Your friend

b. Fill in the blanks to complete the story:

It is _________ (1) now. Maggie doesn’t go to school

because it is _____________________ (2). They are at their

___________________ (3) house. Every day they wear their

___________________ (4) and go to ___________________ (5).

Her father and grandfather like to ___________________ (6).

In the evenings, they_________________ (7) have a

barbecue. At night, Maggie can see the ___________ (8) in

the sky.

(1) winter / summer / fall

(2) winter vacation / spring / summer vacation

(3) grandfather’s / aunt’s / uncle’s

(4) sweaters / bathing suits / boots

(5) the beach / school / the park

(6) catch fish / catch frogs / sleep

(7) never / always / sometimes

(8) clouds / moon / sun


c. Ask the questions:

1. Why _____________________________________________

Maggie doesn’t go to school because it is summer


2. Where ___________________________________________

They are at their grandfather’s house.

3. What ____________________________________________

They wear their bathing suits every day.

4. Who _____________________________________________

Her father and grandfather like to catch fish.

5. When can she ___________________________________

She can see the moon in the sky at night.


Grammar point:

can √ = to be able to

can’t X = to be unable to

a. Fill in the blanks to complete the

[Copy in your homework book]

1. I can read but I can’t fly.

2. The birds _______ fly but they _______ read.

3. The fish _______ swim but it _______ talk.

4. The little baby ________ sleep.

5. The little baby ________ run.

6. Can you drive a car ? No, I can’t.

7. Can you ride a bicycle ? Yes, I ______.

8. Can Sam walk to school ? Yes, he ______.

9. Can Sam walk to Taipei ? No, he ______.

10. I can ______________________.

11. I can’t _____________________.


Comprehension Test:

a. Fill in the blanks to complete the story:

b. Recite:

The ________ (1) is shining. The weather is hot and sunny. It

is __________ (2) now. The ________________ (3) is between
28 °C and 36 °C. There are big, green ____________ (4)on
the trees.

Summer is very hot, so it is a good time to go to the beach.

I wear _________________________ (5)when I swim and eat
________________ (6)to feel cool. I don’t wear ____________
(7)in summer! I often wear _______________ (8)on my feet.

(1) tree / sun / sky

(2) winter / summer / cold
(3) temperature / clothes / hot
(4) sneakers / leaves / grass
(5) an umbrella / a raincoat / a bathing suit
(6) orange juice / ice cream / a hamburger
(7) a T-shirt / shorts / a coat
(8) sandals / boots / mittens

c. Answer the questions:

1. What season is it now ?


2. What is the weather like in summer ?


3. What do you wear when you swim ?


4. Do you wear a coat in summer ?


5. When do you wear a bathing suit ?



Moon Festival
Dragon Boat Festival
Chinese New Year

make jack-o’-lanterns
go trick or treating
row a dragon boat
watch a boat race
set off fire crackers
give presents
decorate a tree

pumpkin pie
rice dumplings
moon cakes
Christmas pudding

a. Read:

It is fall in America now. It is time for Halloween.

Maggie is making jack-o’-lanterns.
Tammy and Mike are looking for costumes to
wear. They will go “trick or treating”. Maggie’s
mother will give candy to all the children.

It is fall in Taiwan, too. Soon it will be Moon Festival.

Emma’s grandmother, grandfather, aunts and
uncles will come to Emma’s house for dinner. They
will eat moon cakes and set off fire crackers after

b. Answer the questions:

1. What season is it now ?


2. It is time for ____ now in America.


3. Who is making jack-o’-lanterns ?


4. Who will come to Emma’s house ?


5. Is the Moon Festival in summer ?


6. What will Emma’s family do after dinner ?


Grammar point.
a. Review:
I go to my aunt’s house every day.
I am going to my aunt’s house now.

b. Read:
I will go to my aunt’s house next week.
My family will eat dinner later.
Maggie will make pumpkin pie tomorrow.
Mike will wear a ghost costume tonight.
We will watch the movie soon.

Time word: Verb: Tense:

tomorrow will + verb Future Tense
next week

c. Unscramble the sentences:

1. will / make / Mother / pumpkin pie / later.


2. watch / They / will / TV / tonight.


3. Emma / to America / go / will / next year.


4. go / We / tomorrow / the / to / park / will.


5. soon / It / rain / will.


d. Write the correct form of the verb:

1. Sam __________________ (see) his friends tomorrow.

2. They __________________ (have) lunch soon.

3. The little girl _________________ (go) to school later.

4. It _________________ (be) hot next summer.

5. May _______________ (get) presents next Christmas.

6. Goodbye. I ________________ (see) you tomorrow.


d. Choose the correct answers:

[Copy in your homework book.]

_____ 1. Maggie ___ pumpkin pie tomorrow.

a. will make b. makes c. is making

_____ 2. Tammy ___ for a costume now.

a. looks b. is looking c. will look

_____ 3. They ___ moon cakes later.

a. are eating b. will eat c. eat

_____ 4. It ___ next week.

a. rains b. is raining c. will rain

_____ 5. It ___ every day.

a. rains b. is raining c. will rain

_____ 6. It ___ now.

a. rains b. is raining c. will rain

_____ 7. The children ___ games tonight.

a. will play b. plays c. is playing

_____ 8. Listen! Mike ___ fire crackers.

a. sets off b. is setting off c. will set off

_____ 9. We ___ lots of fun at the festival tomorrow.

a. have b. are having c. will have

_____ 10. Fall ___ here soon.

a. will be b. is c. are

Comprehension Test:

a. Fill in the blanks and complete the story:

b. Recite:

______ (1) is a cool and windy season. The temperature is

between 20 °C and 24 °C. The wind blows a lot. My friends
and I like to fly _______________ (2) in fall. The leaves on
the trees are ______ (3) ___________ (4) and orange.

The ______________ (5) are big now. My mother will use the
pumpkins to make pumpkin pie for _____________________
(6). Children will make ________________________________ (7)
for Halloween. They will also __________ (8) ghost costumes.

(1) Fall / Summer / Winter

(2) sky / kites / birds
(3) pink / white / red
(4) green / yellow / blue
(5) pumpkins / seasons / trees
(6) New Year / Christmas / Thanksgiving
(7) jack-o’- lanterns / pumpkins / presents
(8) take / wear / watch

c. Answer the questions:

1. Is it winter now ?


2. What colors are the leaves ?


3. What will children make for Halloween ?


4. What will Mother make for Thanksgiving ?


5. What is the weather like in fall ?



a. Read:

Holidays. [II]

Maggie’s favorite holiday is Christmas. Christmas

is in winter in America. Her family will decorate a
tree and buy presents. They will eat turkey and
Christmas pudding. Maggie always gets many
presents for Christmas.

Emma’s favorite holiday is Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year is in spring. Emma’s family will
clean their house and buy new clothes. They will
decorate their house and eat a big dinner. The
children will get lucky money. Everybody will
have fun.

b. Answer the questions or complete the


1. What is Maggie’s favorite holiday ?


2. Christmas is in ___. [season]


3. Who will buy presents ?


4. What will Maggie’s family eat ?


5. Chinese New Year is in ___. [season]


6. What is Emma’s favorite holiday ?


7. Who will get lucky money ?



a. Complete the sentences:

[Copy in your homework book.]

b. Recite:

My favorite holiday.

My favorite holiday is _____________________________ .

[holiday] This holiday is in _____________________________ .

[season] My family always gets together at my

__________________’s house. Then we _________________

_________________ and ______________________ . [activities]

Usually we eat ______________________________________ .

[food] We have so much fun when it is ______________

_________________________________ .[holiday]

Grammar Point:

a. Asking Yes/ No questions with “Will”:

1.Maggie will eat pumpkin pie tomorrow.

Will Maggie eat pumpkin pie tomorrow ?

2.It will rain later.

Will it rain later ?

b. Answering Yes/ No questions with “Will”:

Question: 1. Will Maggie eat pumpkin pie tomorrow ?

Answer: Yes, Maggie will eat pumpkin pie tomorrow.

Answer: No, Maggie won’t eat pumpkin pie tomorrow.
• will not → won’t

Question: 2. Will it rain later ?

Answer: Yes, it will rain later.

Answer: No, it won’t rain later.
• will not → won’t

c. Ask the Yes/No questions:

1. They will make jack-o’-lanterns for Halloween.


2. __________________________________________________

Yes, she will watch the fire crackers later.

3. ___________________________________________________

No, they won’t go to his house.

4. Maggie will talk to her friends.


5. It will be fall soon.


6. The children will see the moon tonight.


d. Answer the questions:

[Copy in your homework book]

1. Will you go to school tomorrow ?


2. Will they play basketball later ?

Yes, _______________________________________________

3. Will your mother take you home after class ?


4. Will he do his homework next week ?

Yes, ______________________________________________

5. Will Tammy come to Taiwan next year ?

Yes, ______________________________________________

6. Will you wear a costume at Halloween ?


7. Will we get lucky money for Chinese New Year ?


a. Talk about it:
A: What do you eat when it is ___ ? B: I eat ____ when it is ____ .
A: What do you do when it is ___ ? B: I ____ when it is _____ .

b. Complete:

Holiday: Food: Activities:

1._______________ dumplings wear new clothes

New Year’s rice get lucky money

watch boat races

2.Dragon Boat rice dumplings
watch fireworks

make jack-o’-lanterns
3._______________ candy
go “trick or treating”

turkey decorate a tree

give presents

Comprehension Test:

a. Fill in the blanks and complete the story:

b. Recite:

It is winter now. It’s very cold and snowy in winter. The

temperature is between 4 °C and 17 °C. There are no
leaves on the _________ (1).

A girl is shoveling _____________ (2) and a boy is making a

_______________ (3). It is very ___________ (4). They are
wearing hats, ______________ (5), mittens, _____________ (6),
pants and _______________ (7). Mother is making pumpkin
pie in the ___________ (8). Next spring, she will plant more
pumpkin seeds.

(1) house / trees / garden

(2) soil / snow / leaves
(3) jack-o’-lantern / ghost / snowman
(4) warm / cold / hot
(5) scarfs / scarf / scarves
(6) dresses / jackets / shorts
(7) boots / sneakers / sandals
(8) kitchen / living room / bathroom

c. Answer the questions:

1. What is the weather like in winter ?


2. Do you wear sandals in winter ?


3. What is the boy making ?


4. When will she plant more pumpkin seeds ?


5. What do you like to do in winter ?


Grammar Point:

a. Review: Wh – questions:

Mike is in America. Mike is in America.

Where is Mike ? Who is in America ?

Mike lives in America. Mike lives in America.

Where does Mike live ? Who lives in America ?

is subject + verb … ?
Wh- + are + subject + verb … ?
do subject + verb … ?
does subject + verb … ?

b. Learn: Wh-questions with “will + verb“

Emma will go to America in May.

When will Emma go to America ?

Emma will go to America in May.

Who will go to America in May ?

Emma will go to America in May.

Where will Emma go in May ?

Wh- + will + subject + verb … ?


c. Ask the questions:

[Copy in your homework book]

1. Maggie will come to Taiwan next month.


2. They will make jack-o’-lanterns in fall.


3. His family will eat turkey on Thanksgiving day.


4. She will make pumpkin pie tomorrow.


5. Her mother will plant pumpkin seeds next spring.


6. The trees will have big green leaves in summer.


d. Choose the correct answer:

___1. ___ will they go ? They will go to the U.S.A.

a. When b. What c. Where
___ 2. ___ will wear a coat ? Mike will wear a coat.
a. Who b. What c. Where
___ 3. Mother will _____ pumpkin seeds.
a. planting b. plants c. plant
___ 4. Emma ____ get lucky money.
a. is b. will c. are

e. Answer the questions:

1. What will Ann do tomorrow ? [homework]


2. When will they make jack - o’- lanterns ? [in fall]


3. Where will they watch the boat races ? [in Taiwan]



4. What will they eat after dinner ? [Christmas pudding]




a. Choose the correct form of the verb and

fill in the blanks:

1. We always __________ (eat)(will eat) dinner at 7 o’clock.

2. My father ___________ (is)(will be) home tomorrow night.

3. Dan _________________ (talks)(is talking) to his friend now.

4. The little baby ____________ (can)(can’t) make lunch.

5. Mary never _______________ (is sleeping)(sleeps) in class.

6. Mark and Mike ______________________ (play)(will play)

badminton next week.

7. Aunt Jenny _____________ (meets)(will meet) her friends

every Sunday.

8. Maggie and Mike ___________ (are)(will be) in the

classroom now.
9. Lily ____________________ (will go)(goes) to Art class later.

10. The students _____________________ (do)(are doing) their

homework now.

11. The children ___________________ (not like)(don’t like) to

clean their bedroom.

12. Jack ___________________ (doesn’t sing)(not sing) in the


b. Rewrite the sentences:

1. Maggie always eats dinner at 7 o’clock. [now]

Maggie is eating dinner now.

2. The students are playing outside now. [tomorrow]



3. Mike will play football next Tuesday. [every Tuesday]


4. My mother will be home tonight. [now]


5. I am doing my homework now. [later]


6. Look! The children are opening presents. [tomorrow]



7. He is nine years old now. [next year]


Grammar point:
a. Combine the sentences:
[Copy in your homework book.]

1. Mike is making a snowman. He is in the garden.

Mike is making a snowman in the garden.

2. We are reading books. We are in the classroom.


3. Maggie is decorating a tree. She is in the living room.


4. The boys are riding their bicycles. They are in the park.


5. Tammy eats pumpkin pie. She is in the dining room.


6. Mother is making rice dumplings. She’s in the kitchen.


Vocabulary practice:
What is it ?
What are they ?

a. Give the word or words for:

1. It is a cool and windy season. ?
It is _________________.

2. A time when people eat turkey and give each other


It is _________________.

3. Something to wear when you go swimming.

It is a ____________________.

4. People use pumpkins to make these for Halloween.

They are ____________________________.

5. Children will get this at Chinese New Year.

It is _________________.

6. Sometimes it snows in this season.

It is ___________________.
7. They are red, yellow and orange. We find them on
trees and on the ground in fall.

They are ____________________________.

8. We put them on our feet when we wear sneakers,

shoes or boots.

They are ____________________________.

9. A coat to wear on a rainy day.

It is a ___________________.

10. Something cold and sweet to eat on a hot day.

It is ___________________.

11. A house that birds usually make in trees.

It is a ___________________.

12. Something to wear on your head when you feel


It is a ___________________.

Review Test:

a. Ask the Yes/ No questions with “Will”:

1. They will make jack-o’-lanterns for Halloween.

2. Mike will talk to his friends.
3. It will be winter soon.
4. The children will see the moon tonight.

b. Ask the Wh – questions:

1. Jane will come to Taiwan next month.

2. They will make jack-o’-lanterns in fall.
3. His friends will eat turkey on Thanksgiving day.
4. Mary will make pumpkin pie tomorrow.

a. Fill in the blanks to complete the story:
[Copy in your homework book.]

b. Recite:

My name is ___________. I am a ___________ [girl][boy]. I

am _______________ years old. I am a student in ____

[an][a] ___________________ [Elementary][Junior High] school.

My favorite season is _________________ because it is

a ________________ season. I usually wear ____________

_______________________________________________ in ______

___________ [season].

My favorite holiday is _______________________________ .

Then I always eat __________________ and ____________

____________ . I ________________________________________

[activity] with my family when it is _____________________

__________________________ [holiday].

Self-checking List:

o I can read and understand stories.

o I can answer comprehension questions.

o I can write paragraphs to describe my clothes.

o I can write paragraphs to describe my clothes.

o I can read, talk and write about the location of

things and people.

o I can read, talk and write about holidays and

festivals in America and Taiwan.

o I can ask and answer Wh- and Yes/No questions in

the Present and Present Continuous Tenses.

o I can use the Future Tense to ask and answer Wh-

and Yes/No questions.

o I can talk and write about my favorite season.

o I can talk and write about my favorite holiday.

o I can interview people and write reports.

o I can answer questions, talk and write about my

friend’s favorite holiday.


a. Draw lines to connect:


eggs steak fish chicken

pork sausage

Meat group.


cheese milk yogurt

butter ice cream
Milk group.


rice cereal cookies

noodles bread
Grain group.


potatoes pear apple oranges

cucumbers tomatoes
Fruit and vegetable group.


a. Talk to your friend:

Me: ___ ,
what do you like to eat from the
meat group ?
Friend: I like to eat ____ from the meat group.
Friend: ___ ,
what do you like to eat from the
meat group ?
Me: I like ____ from the meat group.

♣ Continue with all the food groups.

b. Complete:

Meat Milk Grain Fruit and

Name: group: group: group: vegetable

___________ ___________ ____________ ____________


___________ ___________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ _____________


____________ ____________ ____________ _____________


a. Complete:
[Copy in your homework book.]

b. Recite:

I like food a lot. I like to eat _______________ and

______________ from the meat group and _________
and ______________________ from the grain group.
I like ________________ and ________________ from the
milk group and ______________ and ______________
from the fruit and vegetable group.

My friend, ___________, likes to eat _________________

from the meat group and _______________________
from the grain group. He/She ____________ likes
________________________ from the milk group and
____________________ from the fruit and vegetable

a. Read:

Mike’s mother is not at home today. Mike, his

father and his sisters are talking in the kitchen.

Mike: I’m very hungry.

Maggie: I want to eat bread and eggs.

Tammy: I want to eat ice cream.
Father: Let’s make some lunch. I will make rice,
fish, eggs, carrots and peas. We can
drink some milk, too.
Tammy: I want to eat ice cream. I don’t want to
eat vegetables.
Father: You can eat ice cream, but you have to
eat some vegetables and meat.
Tammy: Why ?
Father: You will have a healthy body if you eat
food from all the food groups.
Mike: Oh! Will that make me tall and strong ?
Father: Yes, it will.
Mike: Good! Then I will eat vegetables.
Tammy and Maggie: Yes, we want some
vegetables, too!

b. Answer the questions:

1. Where is Mike’s father ?


2. What does Maggie want to eat ?


3. Who wants to eat ice cream for lunch ?


4. What will Mike’s father make for lunch ?



5. What do you like to eat from the meat group ?



6. What do you like to eat from the grain group ?



7. Do you like to eat oranges ?


Grammar point:

Time word: Verb: Tense:

every day
usually Present

Mike eats lunch every day.

They eat dinner every day.

Time word: Verb: Tense:

now is eating/
Look! am eating/
Listen! are eating

Look! Mike is eating lunch.

We are eating dinner now.

Time word: Verb: Tense:

will eat Future
next week

Mike will eat lunch tomorrow.

We will eat dinner later.

a. Choose the correct words to complete

the sentences:

___ 1. Joe ___ milk now.

a. drinks b. is drinking c. is drink

___ 2. Mary ___ cereal for breakfast every morning.

a. will eat b. is eating c. eats

___ 3. Jim ___ to eat vegetables.

a. doesn’t like b. not likes c. isn’t like

___ 4. Maggie ___ lunch tomorrow.

a. is buying b. will buy c. buys

___ 5. The children ___ salad in the kitchen now.

a. is making b. will make c. are making

___ 6. Tammy always ___ the tomatoes.

a. slices b. is slicing c. will slice

___ 7. They ___ the kitchen tonight.

a. clean b. will clean c. is cleaning

___ 8. There ___ some pumpkins in the garden.

a. have b. be c. are

___ 9. Mike always ___ to eat rice and fish.

a. wants b. will want c. want

___ 10. Tammy ___ ice cream later.

a. eats b. will eat c. eating

b. Rewrite the sentences in the correct

[Copy in your homework book.]

1. Maggie eats cereal every morning.

Maggie is eating cereal now.

2. Tammy will eat ice cream later.

____________________________________ every day.

3. They are cleaning the kitchen now.

________________________________________ tomorrow.

4. Father makes lunch every Friday.

______________________________________________ now.

5. Mike drinks milk every morning.

_____________________________________________ later.

6. Look! The cat is eating fish.

____________________________________ every morning.



cup bowl glass plate

spoon fork knife kettle
chopsticks teapot saucer

a. Label the pictures:

1. _____________ 2. _______________

3. ______________ 4. _______________

5. ______________ 6. _______________

7. ______________ 8. _______________

9. ______________ 10. _______________

11. ______________

a. Read:

Setting a table.

Mother: Aunt Lily will come for dinner. Please

help me. We have to set the table in the
dining room.
Maggie: Sure! I will get the plates.
Mother: Bring some clean napkins. Put them on
the left.
Maggie: Where do I put the forks ?
Mother: Put them on the napkins. Put the knives
on the right.
Maggie: Will we have soup ?
Mother: Yes, we will. Put the spoons next to the
Maggie: I will put the bowls on the plates.
Mother: Thank you. Please put the glasses on the
Maggie: The table is set now. I am hungry, mom.
Mother: We will eat soon.

b. Choose the correct answers:

___ 1. Who will come for dinner ?

___ will come for dinner.
a. Uncle Joe b. Aunt Mary c. Aunt Lily

___ 2. Where will they set the table ?

They will set the table in the ___.
a. kitchen b. dining room c. living room

___ 3. What will Maggie get ?

Maggie will get the ___.
a. plates b. cups c. chopsticks

___ 4. Where will she put the forks ?

She will put the forks on the___.
a. right b. napkins c. plates

___ 5. Will they have soup ?

___ have soup.
a. Yes, they won’t b. No, they won’t
c. Yes, they will

___ 6. When will they eat dinner ?

They will eat dinner ___.
a. soon b. tomorrow c. now

___ 7. Who is setting the table ?

___ is setting the table.
a. Mike b. Tammy c. Maggie

a. Read:
Sunday, June 10th.

Making a salad.

Emma: It’s so hot today. I’m very hungry. What can

we eat ? Oh, I know ! Let’s make a salad.
Lily: Sure. What do we have for the salad ?
Emma: We have lettuce and cucumber.
Lily: Do we have any tomatoes and onions ?
Emma: Yes, we have three tomatoes and one onion.
Do you want green pepper and mushrooms,
too ?
Lily: I like green pepper but I don’t like mushrooms
in salad.
Emma: Oh, I didn’t know that. Then we won’t use
mushrooms. I will get a big bowl for the salad.
Lily: There is a bowl in the dining room. Can you
see it ?

Emma: Yes, I can. Thank you.


b. Name the vegetables:

1. ____________________ 2. ___________________

3. _____________________ 4. ___________________

5. _____________________ 6. ___________________

c. Answer the questions:

1. What does Emma want to make ?


2. Does Lily like mushrooms ?


3. What will they put in the salad ?



Grammar point:
a. Review: Asking Questions:

What do
Where + does + subject + verb + … ?
When will

1. What do you do after school ?
I play baseball after school.
2. Where does Mary play tennis ?
Mary plays tennis in the park.
3. When will they come home ?
They will come home tonight.

Does + subject + verb + … ?

1. Do you do homework after school ?
Yes, I do homework after school.
2. Does Mary play tennis in the park ?
Yes, Mary plays tennis in the park.
3. Will they eat cake tomorrow ?
No, they won’t eat cake tomorrow.
4. Can you see me ?
No, I can’t see you.

b. Ask the questions:

[Copy in your homework book.]

1. Where _____________________________________________

Joe sets the table in the dining room.

2. Does ______________________________________________

Maggie likes to eat ice cream in summer.

3. Who _______________________________________________

Mother is in the living room.

4. Will ________________________________________________

Harry will go home after school.

5. Can ________________________________________________

Yes, Tom can ride his bicycle to school.

6. What _______________________________________________

The students have new books.

7. Do you _____________________________________________

Yes, I like fish for dinner.

8. Where ______________________________________________

The knives and forks are on the table.


c. Read the story and make your own

questions and answers:

Mary wakes up at six o’clock every day. She eats

breakfast in the dining room. After breakfast, she
goes to school. At five thirty, she goes home.
Mary likes to play badminton with her family on
Saturdays. She doesn’t like to play basketball.

1. Who ______________________________________________


2. Where ____________________________________________


3. When _____________________________________________


4. Does ______________________________________________


5. What _____________________________________________


Monday, June 11th.

What did you do yesterday ?

Molly: Hi, Emma. How are you ?

Emma: Hi. I’m fine, thank you. How are you ?
Molly: I’m fine too, thank you. What did you do
yesterday ?
Emma: We made lunch. My sister and I were very
hungry and my mother was not at home.
It was very hot yesterday so we made a
vegetable salad.
Molly: Wow! Can you make food ?
Emma: Yes, it was so easy. My sister washed and
chopped some vegetables. We used lettuce,
onions, tomatoes and green peppers for the
salad. What did you do yesterday ?
Molly: We went to my aunt’s house. She has a new
baby. We looked at the baby and ate some
cake. Then we went home and watched TV.
Last night, I did all my homework. Did you do
all your homework ?
Emma: Yes, I did, but I forgot my science books at
Molly: Oh, no ! What will you do ?

Grammar point.
a. Use the verbs from the story on p. 70 to
fill in the blanks:

Present: Past: Present: Past: did 2. is was
3.are were 4.make ___________
5.wash ___________ 6.chop ___________
7.use ___________ 8.go ___________
9.look ___________ ___________ ___________ 12.forget ___________

 Verbs change when time words change:

b. Read:

1. We do homework every day. [Present Tense.]

We did homework last week. [Past Tense.]
2. Sam is going to school now. [Present Continuous tense.]
Sam went to school yesterday. [Past Tense.]
3. Father will watch TV tomorrow. [Future Tense.]
Father watched TV yesterday. [Past Tense.]
4. Maggie is at home every day. [Present Tense.]
Maggie was happy last Friday. [Past Tense.]

c. Fill in the correct Past Tense forms of the


1. Jenny brings her guitar to school.

Jenny _______________ her guitar to school yesterday.

2. He buys new pens.

He __________________ new pens last Saturday.

3. Maggie feels cold.

Maggie ___________________ cold early this morning.

4. They ride their bicycles to the park.

They ____________ their bicycles to the park yesterday.

5. Mike sees the presents under the tree.

Mike ___________ the presents under the tree last night.

6. We sit on big chairs in the classroom.

We __________ on big chairs in the classroom last week.

7. I take my books to school.

I _____________ my books to school last Friday.


d. Choose and write the correct verbs to

complete the sentences:

1. We _______________________ [go][went] to a restaurant last


2. My father ___________________ [eats][ate] chicken for lunch


3. Last week, Harry _____________________ [buys][bought]

bread and milk.

4. The children ____________________ [play][played] outside

last night.

5. Mike ________________ [made][make] breakfast last


6. Grandmother ______________________ [bakes][baked] a

cake this morning.

7. Tammy ___________________ [didn’t][doesn’t] eat ice

cream for lunch yesterday.

8. [Do][Did]_______________ they go to a restaurant last

night ?

e. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Tense:

[Copy in your homework book.]

1. Mike eats dinner every night. [last night]

Mike ate dinner last night.

2. They are singing a song now. [last Tuesday]


3. We will go to the movies next Sunday. [last Sunday]


4. Mike and David play computer games on Friday.




5. Their friends come to their house every weekend.

[last weekend]



a. Read:  Happy Birthday !

At the restaurant.

Yesterday was Maggie’s mother’s birthday. Her

family went to a nice restaurant for dinner. The
friendly waiter took their orders.

Maggie’s mother ate fish, rice and vegetables. Her

father ate steak, potatoes and a salad. Mike ate
chicken and vegetables. Maggie had sausages,
potatoes and vegetables. Tammy ate fish and a

After dinner, they all ate ice cream and birthday

cake. Maggie’s mother drank tea and her father
drank some coffee. At 11 o’clock, they went
home. Maggie’s mother enjoyed her birthday
very much.

b. Answer the questions:

1. Where did Maggie’s family go for dinner ?

Maggie’s family went to ___________________________


2. What did the friendly waiter do ?


3. Who ate fish, rice and vegetables ?


4. What did Maggie have ?


5. Did Tammy eat steak and a salad ?


6. When did they go home ?


Grammar point:
Review: Asking questions:

a. Present Tense and Future Tense:

What do
Where + does + subject + verb + … ?
When will

b. Past Tense:

Where + did + subject + verb + … ?

1. I did homework yesterday.
What did you do yesterday ?
2. Mary played tennis in the park.
Where did Mary play tennis ?
3. They watched a movie last night.
When did they watch a movie ?
4. Father bought a new car.
•Who bought a new car ?

c. Choose the correct words to complete

the questions:
[Copy in your homework book.]

___ 1. Mary drank coffee last night.

What did Mary __ last night ?
a. drink b. drinks c. drank

___ 2. Mother made breakfast this morning.

__ did mother make breakfast ?
a. When b. Who c. What

___ 3. The children went to school yesterday.

Where __ the children __ yesterday ?
a. did, went b. did, go c. do, went

___ 4. The baby climbed on the chair.

__ __ on the chair ?
a. Who climb b. What climb c. Who climbed

___ 5. They did homework in the living room.

What __ they __ in the living room ?
a. do, do b. did, do c. do, did

___ 6. They enjoyed the evening.

__ they __ the evening ?
a. Do, enjoy b. Did, enjoyed c. Did, enjoy

___ 7. Father cooked rice and fish for dinner.

What __ father __ for dinner ?
a. did, cook b. did, cooked c. does, cook

d. Ask the questions:

1. Lily ate cereal and eggs for breakfast.


2. Emma went to America last year.


3. Mark bought a new book bag.


4. The boys played computer games in the living room.


5. Tony washed his car this morning.


6. Mother bought tomatoes and apples yesterday.


7. The teacher gave us homework last Tuesday.


a. Complete:
b. Recite:
[Copy in your homework book.]

A birthday dinner.

Last ____________________________ [day] was ___________________

[my][my mother’s][my father’s] birthday. We went to a

_______________________ [seafood][steak][Japanese] restaurant.

I ate __________________________ and _______________________.

My _______________ [mother][father] ate __________________ and

_______________________. My ____________________ [mother][father]

ate _________________________ and __________________________.

My _______________________ [sister][brother] ate _________________

and _________________. We drank some ___________________

and ate ________________________ [cake][ice cream]. It was

a very nice evening.



a. Match the people and the jobs:

police officer bank teller teacher

cashier mechanic dentist doctor
fire fighter mail carrier bus driver

1. I drive a bus to take you around.

I am a

2. I fight fires and help people.

I am a

3. I fix cars and scooters.

I am a

4. I help people when they feel sick.

I am a

5. I give money to people in the bank.

I am a

6. I teach students at a school.

I am a

7. I check and fix people’s teeth.

I am a

8. I protect people and catch thieves.

I am a

9. I deliver letters to people’s houses.

I am a

10. I give people change when they buy

I am a

b. Answer the questions:

1. Who helps sick people ?


2. What does a teacher do ?


3. Does a dentist work with people’s teeth ?


4. What does a cashier do ?


5. Who delivers letters to people’s houses ?


6. What does a bus driver do ?


a. Complete:

police station bus station gas station

fire station supermarket hospital
post office dentist’s office bank

1. A teacher works at a

2. A dentist works at a

3. A mechanic works at a

4. A cashier works at a

5. A bus driver works at a

6. A mail carrier works at a

7. A police officer works at a

8. A doctor works at a

9. A bank teller works at a

10. A fire fighter works at a


a. Read:
John Lee
My father. 05-238-6678
Home: 05-638-5678

My name is Emma Lee. My father’s name is John

Lee. He is a businessman. He works at an office.
He always wears a suit to work. Yesterday I went
to my father’s office. I sat on a chair and watched
the people working. They were very busy. My
father likes his job very much.

My mother.

My name is Maggie Jones. My mother’s name is

Mary Jones. She is a police officer. She works at a
police station. She always wears a uniform to work.
Sometimes she works in her office and sometimes
she has to drive around in a police car. My mother
likes her job very much.

b. Answer the questions:

1. What is Emma’s father’s name ?


2. Where does Emma’s father work ?


3. What does he wear to work ?


4. Who is a police officer ?


5. Where do police officers work ?



6. What does Maggie’s mother wear to work ?



Grammar Point:
at on
a. Prepositions: in

1. at holidays
clock time
night / noon
a. They wear costumes _______ Halloween.
b. She gets up _______ six o’clock.
c. We eat lunch _______ noon.

2. in a season
a month
a year
a time of day
a. Joe flies kites _______ fall.
b. My birthday is _______ May.
c. They came here _______ 2001.
d. She goes to work _______ the morning.

3. on a day
a date
a. He doesn’t go to school ________ Sunday.
b. Jenny will visit us ________ New Year’s Day.
c. Sam’s birthday is ________ April, 3rd.

b. Fill in the correct prepositions to complete

the sentences :

1. His birthday is ______ May, 10th.

2. They go home ______ the afternoon.

3. The children wore their coats ______ winter.

4. We don’t go to school _______ Sunday.

5. Maggie got many presents ______ Christmas.

6. Emma’s family has a big dinner ______ New

Year’s Day.

7. Mother always wakes up ______ five o’clock.

8. All the people in the office eat lunch ______ noon.

9. The bats fly in the park ______ night.

10. The baby doesn’t like to wake up ______ the


11. Mike does his homework ______ the evening.



a. Complete the story about someone in

your family:
b. Recite:
[Copy in your homework book.]

My .

My name is ____________________________. My______________’s

name is _____________________________________________________.

______________ [He][She] is a ________________________________.

______________ [He][She] works at__________________________.

______________ [He][She] always wears _______________________

to work. _________________________________________ [name] likes

_______________ [his][her] job very much.



a. Read:

Dentist’s Office Bank Supermarket

------------ First Street -------------

Fire Station School

b. Complete:

1. The __________________ is across from the dentist’s office.

2. The bank is between the _________________________ and

the supermarket.

3. The school is next to the _______________________________.

4. The supermarket is across from the _______________________.

5. The dentist’s office is next to the _________________________.

6. The fire station is next to the _______________________.


c. Answer the questions:

1. What is across from the dentist’s office ?


2. Where is the bank ?


3. What is next to the supermarket ?


4. What is next to the fire station ?


5. What is across from the school ?



Grammar Point:
a. Answering questions in the Past Tense:

Question verb: Answer verb:

Did/did + eat ?  ate
Did/did + do ?  did
Did/did + see ?  saw
Did/did + go ?  went
Did/did + get ?  got
Did/did + drive ?  drove


1. Did you eat breakfast this morning ?

Yes, I ate breakfast this morning.
2. Where did they go ? [home]
They went home.
3. What did you see ? [lots of new books]
We saw lots of new books.
4. When did he do his homework ? [last night]
He did his homework last night.
5. Did Jim drive the bus ?
Yes, Jim drove the bus.
6. Did she get a present last week ?
 No, she didn’t get a present last week.

b. Choose the correct answers:

___ 1. When did the students go to school ?

The students ___ to school at seven o’clock.
a. going b. went c. go

___ 2. What did Julia eat ?

Julia ___ breakfast.
a. eat b. eats c. ate

___ 3. Where did they go yesterday ?

They ___ to the supermarket.
a. went b. go c. going

___ 4. What did Mike do last Friday ?

Mike ___ tennis last Friday.
a. playing b. play c. played

___ 5. Did they see the fire ?

Yes, they ___ the fire.
a. see b. saw c. sees

___ 6. Who fixed the old car ?

The mechanic ___ the old car.
a. fixed b. did fix c. fix

___ 7. How did he feel ?

He ___ sick.
a. felt b. fell c. feel

___ 8. What did the cashier give you ?

The cashier ___ me change.
a. give b. gave c. gives

c. Answer the questions:

1. Where did the police officer go ? [to the police




2. When did Jack watch this movie ? [last night]


3. What did they buy ? [new clothes]


4. Did they like their new uniforms ? [Yes]


5. What did the mechanic fix ? [Tom’s car]


6. Where did they wait for the bus ? [at the bus station]





a. Talk to your friend and complete:

Me: What do you want to be when you grow

up ?

Friend: I want to be a _________________________________.

Me : Where will you work ?

Friend: I will work at a __________________________________.

Me: What will you do every day ?

Friend : I will _______________________________________________

____________________________ every day.

Me: What will you wear to work ?

Friend: I will wear _______________________________________

______________________ to work. Hi !

a. Complete:
b. Recite:
[Copy in your homework book.]


I want to be a ____________________________________ when I

grow up. I will work at a ________________________________.

I will wear _________________________________________ to work.

Every day I will go to work and _________________________

____________________________________________. After work, I will


My friend, ___________, wants to be a _________________

when __________[he][she] grows up. ______________ [name]

will work at a ______________________________. _______ [He][She]

will wear _______________________________ to work.



Time word: Verb: Tense:

every day
usually Present

Mike eats lunch every day.

Time word: Verb: Tense:

now is eating/ Present

Look! am eating/ Continuous
Listen! are eating

Look! Mike is eating lunch.

Time word: Verb: Tense:

will eat Future
next week

Mike will eat lunch tomorrow.

Time word: Verb: Tense:

last week ate Past
this morning

Mike ate lunch yesterday.


a. Read:

Jack wakes up at five o’clock every morning. He

eats breakfast before he goes to work. He puts on
his uniform and takes a bus to work. He always
works until four o’clock. After work, he visits his
friends. They usually talk about their days and drink

b. Rewrite in the Past Tense:

Jack [1.] woke up at five o’clock yesterday.

He [2.] ______________ breakfast before he [3.] ____________________

to work. He [4.] __________________ on his uniform and

[5.] ________________ a bus to work. Yesterday, he

[6.] ___________________ until four o’clock. After work,

he [7.] _______________________________ his friends. They

[8.] ______________________ about their days and

[9.] _______________ tea.


 ● 
c. Read:

Mary wakes up at six o’clock every morning. She

eats breakfast in the morning. She puts on her
uniform. Then she drives her car to work. She often
works until five o’clock. After work, she makes
dinner for her family.

d. Rewrite in the Future Tense:

Mary [1.] will wake up at six o’clock tomorrow.

She [2.] ______________________ breakfast in the morning.

She [3.] _________________________________ on her uniform. Then she

[4.] __________________________ her car to work. Tomorrow,

Mary [5.] ___________________ until five o’clock. After

work, she [6.] _______________________________ dinner for her


Vocabulary Practice:

Where is it ?
Who is it ?
What is it ?

a. Give the word or words for:

1. It is orange and green. It’s in the fruit and vegetable

group. Rabbits like to eat it.

It is a __________________.

2. It is meat. It swims in water.

It is _________________________.

3. It is made from milk. It’s yellow and soft. Use a knife

to put it on your bread.

It is ________________________.

4. We use this to eat soup, ice cream and cereal.

It is a ____________________.

5. Use this to wipe your mouth and hands after eating.

It is a ________________________.

6. A place where people go to eat dinner.

It is a ________________________.

7. A person who teaches students.

He/She is a _________________________.

8. A place to go to if you are sick.

It is a _________________________.

9. People to call if you see a fire.

They are _____________________________.

10. The person who checks and fixes your teeth.

He/She is a _____________________.

11. The place where police officers work.

It is a _________________________.

12. The place where you can buy food, clothes and toys.

It is a ____________________________.


a. Choose and write the correct words to

complete the sentences:
[Copy in your homework book.]

1. The fire fighter ___________________ [goes][went] to work


2. The teacher ________________________ [checks][is checking]

our books now.

3. Emma ____________________ [will go][goes] to the U.S.A.

next spring.

4. Where did Mr. Lee ___________________ [work][worked] last

year ?

5. Sam _______________________[not go][doesn’t go] to school

on Sunday.

6. I _________________________ [am going][went] to the dentist


7. What ____________________ [did][do] you do last week ?

8. The bus driver ____________________ [drives][drove] the

yellow bus every day.

9. They __________________ [didn’t][don’t] clean the

kitchen this morning.

b. Choose and write the correct words to

complete the conversation:

Mike: Hi, Peter. How are you ?

Peter: Hi, Mike. I’m fine, thanks. How are you ?
Mike: I’m great. What did you do last week ?
Peter: Last week ? Oh, yes! I went to my aunt’s
house at the beach. We [1.] _________________
[had][have] so much fun. I [2.] __________________
[go][went] to the beach and [3.] _______________
[swam][swim] all day. What did you do ?
Mike: We [4.] _____________________ [didn’t go][didn’t went]
anywhere. I [5.] _________________ [stay][stayed]
at home. Next year, we [6.] ________________
[will go][went] to Taiwan to visit our friends.
Peter: I think that [7.] __________________ [is][will be] fun.
Who will go with you ?
Mike: My mother and my sisters [8.] ________________
[going][will go] with me. My father [9.] __________
[have][has] to work, so he can’t go with us.
Peter: That’s too bad.

A. Irregular Verbs:

Present Past Present Past

1. be was 26. know knew
2. begin began 27. make made
3. bend bent 28. meet met
4. bite bit 29. ride rode
5. break broke 30. run ran
6. bring brought 31. say said
7. buy bought 32. see saw
8. catch caught 33. sell sold
9. come came 34. sing sang
10. do did 35. sit sat
11. draw drew 36. sleep slept
12. drink drank 37. speak spoke
13. drive drove 38. stand stood
14. eat ate 39. steal stole
15. fall fell 40. swim swam
16. feel felt 41. take took
17. fight fought 42. teach taught
18. fly flew 43. tell told
19. forget forgot 44. think thought
20. get got 45. throw threw
21. give gave 46. wake woke
22. go went 47. wear wore
23. grow grew 48. win won
24. have had 49. write wrote
25. hear heard

B. Verbs that stay C. Verb + ed: y > i

the same:

Present Past Present Past

1. cut cut cried
1. cry
2. hit hit carried
2. carry
3. hurt hurt fried
3. fry
4. let let studied
4. study
5. put put tried
5. try
6. set set
7. shut shut

D. Verb + ed: (short vowel sound between

two consonants)

Present Past
1. chop chopped
2. clap clapped
3. hop hopped
4. mop mopped
5. stop stopped

E. Verb + ed:

Present Past Present Past

1. ask asked 19. love loved
2. answer answered 20. move moved
3. call called 21. open opened
4. climb climbed 22. paint painted
5. close closed 23. plant planted
6. cook cooked 24. play played
7. count counted 25. rain rained
8. dance danced 26. raise raised
9. deliver delivered 27. stretch stretched
10. fix fixed 28. talk talked
11. help helped 29. touch touched
12. kick kicked 30. use used
13. kiss kissed 31. walk walked
14. laugh laughed 32. wash washed
15. learn learned 33. watch watched
16. lift lifted 34. want wanted
17. like liked 35. work worked
18. look looked

Self-checking List:

I can read and understand stories.

I can answer comprehension questions.

I can write paragraphs to describe my favorite food.

I can read, talk and write about occupations.

I can read, talk and write about kitchen objects.

I can read, talk and write about work places.

I can read, talk and write about where places are.

I can ask and answer Wh- and Yes/No questions in

the Present and Present Continuous Tenses.

I can use the Future Tense and the Past Tense to ask
and answer Wh- and Yes/No questions.

I can interview people and write reports.

Smart Students Series

Intermediate Level

Book 2

written by Theo Joubert and Ling Chung

Published by Yin Chang Learning Center
No.635, Sec. 1, Siwei Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan
Tel: (05) 3791055

Published in Taiwan by Yin Chang Learning Center, July 2010

copyright © T.J. Ling

All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced or stored in an
information retrieval system without the express permission of
the author in writing.

Printed in Taiwan

ISBN 978-986-6188-24-4

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