Revision Poll L1

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1. Nucleus is separated from cytoplasm by

(a) nuclear membrane
(b) nucleoplasm
(c) organs
(d) cell membrane

2. The liquid material in the nucleus is

(a) chromosomes
(b) bacteria
(c) nucleoplasm
(d) nucleolus
3. Tissues combine to form
(a) nucleus
(b) cells
(c) organism
(d) organs

4. Cells present in living organism differ in

(a) numbers
(b) shape
(c) size
(d) all of these
5. Cells which lack nuclear membrane are
(a) eukaryotic cells
(b) prokaryotic cells
(c) single cells
(d) multicells

6. The control centre of all the activities of a cell is

(a) nucleus
(b) nucleoplasm
(c) cytoplasm
(d) organelles
7. The coloured organelles which are found in plants only are
(a) chlorophyll
(b) plastids
(c) vacuoles
(d) WBC

8. Genes are located in

(a) chromosomes
(b) plastids
(c) cytoplasm
(d) lysosome
9. A group of similar cells combine to form
(a) tissue
(b) organ
(c) organisms
(d) organelles

10. Cell walls is found in

(a) plant cells only
(b) animal cells only
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) Plants and protists only
11. The empty blank looking structures in the cytoplasm is
(a) vacuoles
(b) plastids
(c) plasma membrane
(d) nucleus

12. Chromosomes are found in

(a) nucleus
(b) nucleolus
(c) nucleoplast
(d) vacuole
13. Which pigment is present in chloroplast?
(a) Leucoplast
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) Xanthophyll
(d) Melanin
14. Sound having frequency below 20 Hz is called
(a) infrasound
(b) ultrasound
(c) megasound
(d) microsound

15. The human ear can hear sounds having frequency in range from
(a) 200 to 20,000 Hz
(b) 20 to 2000 Hz
(c) 200 to 2000 Hz
(d) 20 to 20,000 Hz
16.In dholak, sound is produced due to
(a) stretched membrane
(b) stretched strings
(c) air column
(d) none of these

17. If we tighten the strings of an instrument, pitch will be

(a) higher
(b) lower
(c) constant
(d) no pitch
18. The sound above ……………… is physically painful.
(a) 20 dB
(b) 40 dB
(c) 60 dB
(d) 80 dB

19. To and fro or back and forth motion of an object is termed as

(a) frequency
(b) amplitude
(c) vibration
(d) time period
20. Speed of sound in solids is the speed of sound in liquids.
(a) same as
(b) greater than
(c) less than
(d) both (b) and (c)

21. The voice box is also called as

(a) pharynx
(b) throat
(c) larynx
(d) windpipe
22. A vibrating body should oscillate minimum how many
times per second to make a sound audible for humans?
(a) 10 times
(b) 20 times
(c) 30 times
(d) 40 times

23.What is the length of vocal cords in women?

(a) 5 mm
(b) 10 mm
(c) 15 mm
(d) 20 mm
24. What is the speed of sound in air?
(a) 110 m/s
(b) 220 m/s
(c) 330 m/s
(d) 440 m/s

25. The maximum displacement of a body from its mean

position is called
(a) amplitude
(b) oscillation
(c) periodic motion
(d) frequency
26. The most reactive metal is
(a) copper
(b) zinc
(c) potassium
(d) gold

27. Non-metals are

(a) generally gases
(b) generally liquids
(c) generally solids
(d) generally solid and gases
28. Metalloids possess the properties of
(a) metals
(b) non-metals
(c) both metals and non-metals
(d) none of these
29. Which metal is used in wrapping materials?
(a) Aluminium
(b) Zinc
(c) Copper
(d) None of these

30. Which non-metal is used in making glass?

(a) Graphite
(b) Sulphur
(c) Silica
(d) None of these
31. When non-metal reacts with water
(a) hydrogen gas is formed
(b) carbon dioxide gas is formed
(c) non-metals generally do not react with water.
(d) none of these.

32. Which of the following non-metals are used in fertilisers?

(a) Nitrogen
(b) Phosphorus
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
33. In displacement reactions
(a) a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal.
(b) a less reactive metal displaces a more reactive metal.
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

34. Metals react with acids to produce respective salts with

evolution of
(a) hydrogen gas
(b) oxygen gas
(c) CO2 gas
(d) none of these
35. Which is the hardest substance?
(a) Gold
(b) Diamond
(c) Aluminium
(d) None of these

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