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The Methodist Church of Southern Africa

Mokala Montle District 500

Mangaung Central Circuit 534 Wesley Guild

Email address:


Greetings in the wonderful and gracious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Wesley Guild of the above-mentioned circuit will be hosting an Annual Wesley Guild
Retreat from the 31st May to the 2nd June 2024 at the Educational Camping
Facility(Educamp) under the theme “Being renewed by Christ in the spirit of our minds”
This is an annual gathering where guilders gather to learn about the church and On-trial
Members that are to be robed in September being taught about the Church and the Wesley
Guild’s aims and objectives and the procedures. It is a mandate that this gathering happen
each year to make sure new members are taught about this movement and are well trained.
As we will be staying for the weekend at the retreat, we thus humbly request you to sponsor
our gathering with a SHEEP. We need this sponsorship as we have analyzed that most of
our members are unemployed and because they are very passionate about this movement,
we would like to make this gathering possible. We will be catering for +-90 Guilders together
with our guests. We would really appreciate your support.
We hope you find the above in order. Should you need clarity with anything, please do not
hesitate to call.
Yours faithfully
Mangaung Central Wesley Guild

Sis M Lesabe Bro B Motlhale

Cell: 078 278 3604 Cell: 078 647 6524
Circuit WG Secretary Circuit WG Vice President
______________________ ________________________

Rev S.K.A Meloa

Cell: 068 590 0001
Circuit WG President

President: Rev S.K.A Meloa Circuit Secretary: Sis M Lesabe Vice-President: Bro B.M Motlhale
Recording Secretary: Sis P Nkoe Community Dev. C: Bro KC Williams Treasurer: Sis N Sedio
Creativity C: Bro P Manamela Comradeship C: Sis S Jingose Consecration C: Bro T Mohibidu

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