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Ea Pec) new paar Bae 1 ae SST aH A NINETEEN laws and the Federal Constitution must be amended to divest the Attorney-General’s Chambers of prosecutorial powers, and to create a public prosecutor office. The law minister says a comprehensive study lasting about a year will be ue eMule Sate Elmina plane ERIE ouuua at) Paneer Merete tus RI Caste id Cee PE srt ri ns BUNCE KSC A oes Peete Cree Paro UU Of vaping and popcorn lungs For health’s sake, wise up, Malaysia ORE and more Malan cnagers — stents ‘api wtout reais the danger posed by the Sess Aiea acter tate oehaa pect aaa Sreeeranr or ee et nat Cresent tae mae ftom tates on nicotine based product sce o have Ben the hace teary Meecitersnscac eiet ndtitemonn precy Sa a SS rte ae eu ec ee ee bere omnes pecnattnmneg raindance The morning. so se pies after vaping Sic harmil hemi wl Case story is one of jungreated disease, sch 4 po. pain, never: ‘or Tg a ace aa a, pleasure. Atways $i, Ther be ben o ear ‘tie Unite Staten 1 of tach eats were reported in 201 Ths wl aly row 2 ga and liparandscompeteforashate ofthe lobafvapeept that 1s tatate to be Ussisa.61billon by 2030 according 10 ‘utiners Vira Benhivet iain company. Maly, tos roving easy access olga and ele lnfts website thot atleast 90 per ent ofthe Malyslan markets ‘latte sed ape mostly let and imported rom Chita $Tre ba pecular arpunent being peddied by sme tons SecA nurueetesnca ious Eire rimaanngari ‘Rtmay vot and ng hgh ul hey are dae jon a Ve teatecir papal pae coon eects ere aes Deetcint meateeste tier peorisec ee eo Beamecag orenaa rewenan Reprints eect etna eke cc vous 20,2021, NewSunday anes ‘Separating te roe ofthe pubic prosecutor frum the attorne)-general will require adallona government ‘pending 1 YEAR TO COMPLETE STUDY TO DIVEST A-G 19 laws, Federal Constitution need to be amended, says Azalina INISTER nthe Prine at a at East onal Reform) Datuk ser Azali OxtmanSald S's government sty th he enema (AG) ofthe rl of the Publereectr wit tabe ase iiinaspant anya {ine withthe’ good governance shat het ads plc" tramewerk unveiled By brahim las month "azlina sid 19 laws and the aera Conttion need 19 boamened to repartee foe ‘like publi proseewor rom the “Tloweves the matter wil so igvolc contthat leq ad. ‘dona government spel undertake a comprehensive {ore the into a such sep Severn. or teste for "Pa lament Lecture Sees 0: Re blithe Nation Trout Re {orate banet hal of the “hn ware Dewan gaya fn ormer Gout of Appelt Fig Dat Stobamad ARIE prosectter office fom the At {br enc chambers 0 Nita Facebook pont, fell meeting with AGcrepresentahes, ind'by Bolton cen: al Datuk ahmed Thesday to discuss =_ tthe pe powec tortromtbe Follow ths de cabslon she si, the Dat er comer erate set he St seven fant Spe rae Sea rane cutee ait yg. muy a would he fic tate and sveretgn i ‘oveteten status, era Ise. ‘ice of proces for cour doc ception ofthe ramingasuch Irn. “With te presence of such a lag, HU ln hoped: that other fuarantee timmy to Malaysia fsa on principle of tpn iin ery tM ‘hand his cannot be ‘keno granted os Yearow ns Mulan tian based on Ines ‘ind a oean sem Sette tk concerted etfort the pie els 1s resolute comment tex tthe coum to eliminate cat pon mara ial ep However the compleny of Unfold, highilghing the fact thai tanta cannot Period oftime™ oH Nation / NEWS avausr NewSunday Times ATENFOLD INCREASE RM10,000 FINE MULLED FOR LAWMAKERS Higher penalty being scrutinised, says Beit re rast Dewan Rakyat speaker siete a ‘ition tough Refon on Fs ALA Lunn, 010,000, ay i Far had expesied his wish HE Dewan Rakyat icon Su to lmploment sera lore Sth fiowuer of Fariament eau thatthe lwmaing In raieges and Power) Ac 1982 inching ‘gains any MP who violates apart elected representatives ‘Dewan akyn Speaker Tan Sel he Parliament rues to he ins who tered racic. insulting Joh Abdul said ne OF crested nd gender-diseriminatery Partaent rnieges and Powers ct 983 an be Inerete the fs for member parament who al words hi ho aii tam would ‘lemeoted vo eure every ce progress ofthe nalen Among others. he hoped that the Partamentary Series Act 1Sésepeate by the Bassa Nae al milter under Tan shipin 992 couldbereinstated. LESSON FROM STATE POLLS PH-BN must explain to people, stop ‘green wave’ in Johor, says Ahmad fore t becomes 4 threat inthe Pll and Stnpang eran OY tions on sept ‘om supreme ‘Snip supreme unc “fe mad Naan fc omer Datuk Si pact at not Ser armed Sindresumatethetnet 001d Mason sas pct mst ne inderestimae in ren are Beraat aa Datuk eSeradain epong ad Alva Tal Ea ath a Pst Abd ABE Ta) Selangor, but on Aug 12 Pas and ‘niharah Halles in Necueaa2teatsin Ahmad who sJohordeputy fanjsprendl tise unchecked. "The deputy ‘ite sid 24 state Uno d- ingresencecanbe teat "sldthe ‘isles woul be nvaved i he ‘esis cling Soe ‘into the people the Uyelectons tn Pull and Sn “they ae persten need tera eit tnowing iat they wl feopte's doubts bout hisandelar nen eae Hiya maior punts aneee iva aly ECTIO™ sovenmgtvsneta tance as rrinthe coals useing pelts ranye cat us Yung eran Agnafortie "Hower Pager ning tian Uno division office here ond the raionte bebiog DADS Awan. have claimed that the esterday netson the colton, oalltons political foes were “Amol sald inthe 2018 state "Steeda henetwo points Subusingthetermtosow seeds of etttions, Pas won five seats In were not explalned tothe people stamaphobl. Subatson Katt (ef and Nasr Abdel Raina Candidates from Amanah picked to contest seats oe a Sai e Exists Motard faa ai he Aman fmemorate the late Datuk Ser Sslahudain Ayub on Aug 231 the Simpangderam state “Sualzan. 0, was pita se etary to Salahuda, wh Was Seat ade of ing Seats. Salahuddin died on duly x ‘nA. he Elon Gm for the Pua putamentary and Span deram state seats would heonsept “Suhalzan fs Johor Amanah vice-chatrman and: Pula ‘ane. has served as ain en Beer forthe Mat Muna Si Amanah ison seputy aon PN caiman Datuk De sional (28) charman Tan Se unidin Yasin ws expected at Pribun! Bret Mal 2, ma eeeenes saan mine ‘NewSumday Times . AUGUST 2.2 MT 4| NEWS /Nation HN ELMINA TRAGEDY REPORT T0 BE READY WITHIN } i any mers of phat rider ama Halls Mata Salleh, who was among the cts of the plane crash kin, perforin eneral papers or hin a Klages Ministry urges sion Grgnation GCAO) wan winesses io come He ee cwe AUtopsies on all victims completed forward to assist in probe heen tie eribe a a | LANG The aopuies on the 10. angpstog deerme. Af na: ple hae ma aan Scns che Bae Sars "anda ln oe got. 2 icinber ofthe pubic are e- | Hina in Shah Alam have een) pone DNA mcg 0 ALA Cnrun “lowever, deoxyribonuctele Siuhumatl Saleh. 33. "The body er body today esterday) lus ean. = | | acd (ONAY matching ha otto washondedevertohinestofkin_ tlh sah adaing hat would be ‘econcuded {hig morningtyeerey) fhinded overtothe amy today {ELININARY report “Selangor police chief Dawwk "the elewat departments ae Hussein hoped the reas ‘On Thuraday's plane spectalineO Hosein Omar Kia sid mare working hard te Complete all dhe tins wou be ae to ae chain Einlan, shah Maumee soe than 8 sampler ef bady parts BNA matches, We are poskiveEopethecondian ofthe eas ‘arm, neae here wlbe ‘The misty Uued the public have been sen toe Chebisty thatallmates wil be completed when they are surrendered 10 17 wun 30 days of te fn. tovlopdsewoatinginagerand | Deparment tor DNAwatcing.” by Mondays he said a aprese ther, ar tome were severely ‘Senet Trane ‘ideoh of the de 'Nofaratiestv0samplesorso. Conference athe Forensic Des buen Mf loADAmexis, Sseatiehattt | Seieeacrtaatin: “eatamnitentNamae Seas SSE mma peverette Eee ety mien SARTRE a ee ee EPs report within 30S ound a eee geektent sh He was close to me and all party members’ Reeeeen Taman rem aN ua tt MN eran ib ya eee ats eae eee Ketmederaobe “Rea Coie aeel er aren eyes Seen RADA en PRAYER TIMES wil'e'de Tengen Anpuan Haina Hospital orale de ter son were seen jae to, who were aceon panied by Mavia’s Hlencisy some re Ir fartment Jetedsy sak lohan efthirlvedone "They were seen ‘eno, sre gk a gn fas ah exemplary etd rpes Om day. was lain geen ia FA ek et Meee Mee ee | setaewhoprontbeathete potted that the te tea at they exited Meta 600.710 10749. 722 92 _| faearhuconniuens {tains ofthe vet the department and derbi 586 704 1M 427718 Seclaceis: Sama Sete eete see ae ee Seis "RE eRits nse opus teas ooh 603 7.09 12 438 729 cucmvicummtabe tur ‘etigatricfog at theorem be Wted abou te Mente oT ‘e AUGUST 0.2028. NewSumday Timex Nation/ NEWS — |5 PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION KING DONATES TO VICTIM’S WIDOW Alina, who lost husband in Elmina plane crash, was Istana Negara’s administrative officer from 2011 to 2015 ALA Lunn on beh of the Yang a Pera ‘eong-and Raja Peemeinunt "ANG diveruan Atong gong TunkuAdizah Arninah Yi Sultan Abdallalt_Msinunahskanduiah Adina ‘isyah "and her family on thee ft bene he ‘hmadWos the wie of Us" “Thetr majesties also ex Abt" YE pets ee Tiss wa ont of the 10 people Eigent and hope that Adlins whodiedaa pane crash onthe Alsyah ander family wl be Excite orldorxpreeway ound peseeein ac Ssangor on Thurdsy. heir alesties pray that ‘poston anata ie he nul be cheered ch ser) by Allah SAT and placed font posse pos - i DAUUK Avian tifendi "KistsvasaPabarg goverment Grand Chamber of ian Negara, Iaeuk AZuan fond Zataulaall delivering Yang dc Pern Yalaittnain, who vised Al ofclal who sorkedan an en Avon AUSuftan AbdlishRyarudaln AU-Sstafe Bligh Sha’: permnal donation to Aina Alyn faAayahat ht hose hee yes foreman ofnceratbe aus ‘Aone Ra the eed At Tat Ruther hme Ka ump Pr 0 “Adli Alsyah 41, vas an ad fove taking unpaid aaa rinistraive ocr dhuman fe- his year sete atthe special Haru, whoWasasobiled inthe ‘Those he inthe incident in ‘The dated plane was ons Sours} a sana Near omer fo vate Local Cover plane a clued wo fight crew members way fom Langa ete sultan ‘Duringthe vist, Azuan Etfendl thd Green Techiiology Catt’ volved a Heccheraft Noda 390 alvraft hear diver and a mo: Angand had been lead toland aiso"conveyed condolences ge chaimman Dt eri Jehari (emer atrahon Thursday, tre ihaspm bareame ‘Condition of my husband's body a private matter’ PUTRAJAYA: The widow ofthe elim Cemetery, Banda Baru Sak lig deer wo ashe in Tig which tea to ote: Madact2'wanttthe condition ot sharpoddie who sro A fet hustand’s body to vemaln Bets etbehiad we ale rate Nubammad shart ts, Sian sida he Iy*conceaned about ‘dren who ate stil in inarentet house ‘he extended Delivery rider laid to rest SUNGAL PETAR: Dovey cider Sale 42 who was Aled fn the Elmina plane eas on Thurs Fide Must Cemetery tn Ka festa sa a enon ‘an eat Ri ST me spe te the pens when ape | etme peak ag oer Tet so epee | sana Het tiesonn ohmaestty (memantine nt oaimechasataete| SMUR At cla ame tet tw Seatemararcoctarae cegteeeemnmnce | hte pect eee aes rene aaa ee ea an | Male CASS Sureediiamerh Sed he Ce eee ee eee ee ee ae ium 1am al et Tt the ‘sit ne Exar neatah bess tay scp ner sergeant pate aman aniyrann SER eS ‘at ap a ee “cniyibihaicdiene inne atth ae tata matirestiateetne” pare Sane, eee nay | me cunt MC ee Tite te Sanya 0. ‘cawtsc Ret bantd | "Ete ramty members ve sal ak sel SS Leace” eee eeepe ise TALE: saeco he wa tpspoing i thout Spm. wiha pale esa NewSunday Times. AUGUST 25, STATE ELECTIONS POST-MORTEM WORK AS USUAL, FAHMI TELLS PH-BN All parties gathering data, feedback on polls performance, says Pakatan info chief ring data and cating how "sAilpates aren the proces of ahml Fada has urged Information and. feedback: EI partes in the unity whether atthe raeoot eel op otto be pallet and tote highest eve teeth Eentinde working a sual whe {hat all aries wl Teese Of ‘taking forthe est ote post: fessns eran pla the Way Torte on the ekctions ink forward ae niyaAlah (God wing), we ahi who is also comumunt+ wil make nirovements as we cations and dial mister said Tently the problems though ‘Mfparien nthe Para Nav the ost mortem Sona tHNaiance were gay "wii feave I eae YOUTH WING TO TURN “AGGRESSIVE” ‘Umno must take collective responsibility’ KUALA LUMPUR, Umno Youth Voters, ting the propaganda Sur polcatvas and ging fetch eran no must ake coletive respon Sly rh nt te tie 1 the pty fears the pty to mae fortand t faters sa cs coletve repo sion dsml per Times rake change ong te pa ‘Yaleshan tela perlormanee Ite recent ste eects, aking at pow Sutton Friday. be sk Uno would be “buredWts leaders ‘ald pe Aa tive I thet pleas were anor bythetendenhip san Wan Agyi Wan Mansan de fended: Dr Akonals statement soa be te ite ‘Wiien commenting on De Ak snail othe pay lead Seip ina sie sunt the movement nintendo eure forum Youth tobe smote aggresive i ts eos (0 ‘ejenate the song an hee “fully support them if they To stand'on tel own let pany deton statees {odie that be i tus elas Pekatan ‘trecorFabmt tee) Stan gu programe ‘Reais Lumpur estenday all sald several teecomn nation service poviers would Ste atacheaper pce or provide aFhipir capac at the base prcewnich eso “Ou ew havea RNGO ‘wi also be companies cllering Ue fhe a owe poe or "The 0 Rahmad package ae anounced on Au andes ‘capable Eelebration at Taman Tasik {inna BNSivncin nesta Steet waratemporary sohition. MMloni-term solutions he added, link eet exeeuve officer Hom ta Malaysia, we have four Poin eno» commercial de inom: The tei ft eh ‘ology are suitable for CMC (Stalin Communteons and Mutumedis Commission) pr IRoschoot tn health ene in Stbubandsaraa cut Anwar torah sad ‘zorernment plane to ‘ow as NO, “he package Ie eapected to be ‘CHAMPIONING MALAYS" INTEREST ‘Umno lost as it strayed from original struggle’ UALA tun Former, rine ‘Yao vaid Onno defeat In (immed fon the party staying from ts original strugae of inl ro fe re real cause of eiecton by Malay eters tha they se Oe be au having deviated fo ‘hain suas “fxen wore, the Unio tea shale which wate fietionathe wma Sit wore when the party's top leadership apse Unio DAP and een tae ts ryto work and vets fr hat imine" Serer ant bth med Waker of ‘wanscen ce 1th General le Ton G13 ast yea THesad theexcsionofcertan cna gt have conta “Westin Gkis became othe weakness af he pay top lead ‘sip Theres cmon of personally hme weakness aid Cetin personality problems sd not neo to be elaborated on Monknowedges nado, th peep ‘candidates wo ensure tory and ebuteto te pry aid not impree dur further lst their suppor frm ‘aay aay votes, ‘ors Unio's performance was wer, The anger of the Mas {ng is increasing ke stubble Thiele defeat man: stunetterm of approach sel ing'n nrestve tha can 30 ‘huge cadet to real eleva in the county pol oe al abet sad ran op tom pee published In Ua ald kn onde orRarsan Na at and inno to ove on eainof the set and baie ippertersand pry members ENTERTAINMENT OUTLET 2D PP HELD IN RAID 16 of them failed urine test, allegedly took ketamine and amphetamines and ‘Scuon were rested in ‘aid on aneotenalnnent yesterday moring. = ‘akitc Aman isc team atthe prosecutors also faed the det Section 1a) of the Da erat mantar "RRR {mines ampitetasnines end or when contacted, confined eee, ete to ior forcement Department, the CDdiector Datuk Set Nat A Seremban aati police head: Sud proved ue 500 Technician arrested for si Anti-Corruption Cor Neha aresedatechnican bnsuspiconot saline eon. pte hisathy, had alleged so sta lan fence of on ean ect he spect contacted 8 man ivlued insect Wit eto ting fins, suing a summons fr the Of” bribe. The suspect recelved REFUGEE SETTLEMENT Illegal structures outside Labuan village demolished ‘indertle acompreensy falilon che tot das concern teardig ay, Sygiene, poner tet andthe sty ofthe suture sit Abdul Cait sald egal Fedivigtals were demolished Unftue Labuan corporation, Local government ofits ent agence and residents st he settee fo careful plan iciting bribe ytLo0osftertheman askodthat thebie e ede esos [yu company, wan arvested ‘Selig MAC diwctor Datu \wihtheatmost senstewity tothe abt of the resent, ensuring hath its an eval ater the demolition ex 1 re yest. were constucted on government in, onating an ers "We sued a notice to vacate ‘tisng human fd upholding legal an fry he upcoming phase of the {tvenigaton vas being conduct ‘under seen Igo the MACE Tie an, the aapect was ex: pected to be boast Scnmaasutc Shah place in Kampung Sopuking Gee tin where strutres have been [tga ret a spect prt oe wer owned Wy the ea ‘humic 'Rlious Counc he sane Nee ccounell director Mohd Hate Inpelghboaing es "lovee oer une, nant ‘Han rom ea autres. these strictures not oaly Abita bat also posed chal lenges to inrasiractre panning Bernama Dau Alas Sa NewSunday Times. AUGUST 25, 8| NEWS/Nation No “MALAYSIA OPEN, WELCOMING TO THE WORLD" PUSH FOR VISA- -ON- ARRIVAL SCHEME It. can boost tourism, economic performance, say industry players (ALA Linon enum com sy ws taingtnat making ease | foetus to emer une country boost the eer ‘Malaysian Assocation of Tour and Travel Agents president Nigt Wong said tourism paved Sifrote i tatering aut “Hc recommended areting ainasapeimevourst market ard tan to miigae curity com: ‘rng the suri a wine ‘owners executive directo Sha faruddia Ne Srad sald that eu ‘en nd a China ators “WOT JUST FOR PROFITS" — ‘alata Assocation of Hotel Ouner executive dcr Shahar A Saal says the cmplex ia roves has ene Mata nels compe ese. ould gt te VON only they fran tho nehbeurin ‘cums ike Sngapore, Tha iindag ind snake Mtalgysia a second thir ven the iat cote of dentine ‘Stricter MM2H conditions ringent ete ould got he misconstrued 3 {ental for expansion and diver: ‘ication Retworth forelgners, suid Investor hhc ‘he sid the lala as thet second heme tne operating base for tel "fe Tocur Was on attracting toptie ine ot ony en ovconttbute te ntons eo “he prerequisites, she sald plea dua ae inthe Po: ‘She'd the strict enterla tt tsitalmedtopropelprtets with promects and foster thecoonty tive howe be Technologea isis She aid preserving aly’ put Set ha for ig ech echny nestnents "Year of concerted eos have eines clang 8 tres ande MMM propane Datuk tla Babs He added that Indonesia of fia and halla ese stout ae joven to et 4 VOA a Maa ive een i a necessary to {et lo wa hs ore Her perspective ob the A241 progr extended beyond tt She envisioned a synerry where fregn expertise Would be tients, forty tiveedgeon teat MBH Constant ‘SSoctaton president Anthony Liew sald Miya mast cone the programme it ‘st comitons fst or fn lobe with omic revenue and [testing oppor nestoathercoumtres rp in Ener and hey pi don was cded to revere this “falysta EKONOMI Gimabani VA binge on timely imple ‘mentation to prevent Malaya ir aging band ch SAGE are now ina now work! of ‘ho bed ara reason fortsto tm ote tack on tours ‘Steainwstngour aunty Malayan Inbound Tot ‘Mint Leong advocate ange ‘st periods to tral waves eclectic “She aid extended stays could lead o weaithy fore frome through the Second ome programme act iy te take advantage ‘oahern emipere seeing 0 Cseape wimer a the end ofthe “he sada VOM would send the message that Nalgela waren hdwelcomingeothe word attract quality applicants’ slaar programe called the aay rtees fom Japan Chin Hong Kon ad ‘ngto Malaya under NA it headed that hl heicd month anda waking period of x month for approval fadteenhindnnce Uw ctl fra ae Sider th income thesbo a Some art retizes had pase seflcaatet ince ee poled nfse fds into “fonemirouh expen {ation Intemational schooling Sind medical esters thas ‘tringhey sector Headed hat the country {tal nomads sclal media Il Pind hve it tment mus stand ny on te on {ions which were tended 10 Mtl aplcans of au ‘Orherate he sak ferlgnes weal have perception hat the ‘ty had top pli. “i cen and ever soi So ‘nd state Shou ee the MH prowaume was troduced in’ 3002 to attract sei cg a tv to ona tous thet high iat power or transfering {in 2021 the government an- Inthe morn income esol Tap ihe government sade Then ehchtidbeee derstood iyo expat rouprashoste 0 AUGUST 20.2021, NewSunday Tes Nation / N 9 PART OF 1314 MALAYSIA PLAN Ministry mulls TVET degree courses at polytechnics Performing those from academe Eourcr th Bethenceeing 90 » ad vocational eds VET apy. hwethe iy ferminaionto expand couse to IMac more students take up “Pave stated hat a the 13 FOR NSTP Itis recognised for Longstanding Excellence in Media and Journalism aia inom = | ENCOURAGING RESPONSE |More than 80,000 sign up for revamped Rakan Muda Kitction with Matayain nation wiléontinac toi our ronthelebraton. “Stescategeries within hea st NewSumday Times . AUGUST 25, 000A 10] NEWS/Nation INTERNATIONAL ORANGUTAN DAY CAN A.l. = \NGUTAN SAVIOUR? WWEF-Malaysia, UMS developing technology to keep track of orangutan population in Sabah FICIAL, imtegence {ai predicted tod but for ome species a isthe technology may Owe {obeite saviour ‘Conceetlonists and expert are Tooting nto uslng AL oF Stn rsrtan Sah science ad candidat st Unive Si aly Sib (UNS) and {he chine to bel brag the Enincto, ‘Seal Al echnotgy could bese to analyse drome mae the fret canopy to count Stamutan nests, then tee, ‘Nora coi eed species reportedly stable banat sround 00 fa tals ase on 8 200 stay By Eentervation ham-governmeatal ‘rgantation WNT KKneverll decline slobally however ells for all the ep MS “"To'heip Selentists monitor postion on ee orangutan popultions gu Snddshie ouabortedtode: WWE Malaysia hopes that with ‘elop a Al tecology to suo such innovating, Eonuerstion Tatédatacotecton.andunajse tha ithatoleunmorelniieae workin ths parted the wr aes ee OT OEE can alo examine bow the ioalag at india, mas tenet elo whet tcc ‘Miororangwtancomerraton- change wheather put Eeyanpet of out ihes 3, hy ‘he gal of er research i to Wentiying commen pat ‘be tr eonservatin wk” geopia dep ketming mae ‘She sild safeguarding the start aoe sy de ness ita to analy them ‘Theanslyswilheipsclenst understand the character of (orangutan conservation) Donna Som techno In ‘only in enianelng orangutan forte, at ahs conse orangtanbeha lalonship with ‘mad te have haa” 4 fenstrcted atl how they ifr "ty Sabah, te latest estimate of ‘ai counting te ets sam eft yf apn pads cewcen iaividuns or popula: 11000 indwiduts matches the ss of the Importance of Po. “From serial images, surveyconducted sjearseaier “One cuca prt ef orangutan “Jendingtenins othe ground is Sill nedtobe done Manally bY gai aw ocin Tthhane tae gana ceutn apthdghboar nee ane lrtootheraninat ess suchas population i Satah Is stable, ribution and estimating their fore and hing helicopters i sexperts have 10 ihofpantsanceandeagce fy gic got foreman: pepulan: Ay ormgan make Gy.drenescanbewsegtne aghed thee (a mana ‘Other ejects that may tookaim: agement anda heightened esta daly, couming tee nets conte and effort, tut staying counts ste oly ed and tae {fare dead ees and clumps of avareness of oangutan comer” an elecive way of mapping. theimagescanakealonatime.” method to map eanguian Pop tranches vation epulatins, "Andwhilsdrorescantake pho: Ultons ut Tike human) orangutan “WAWE-Malaysis Sabah Land PEneniye WWF counts nests tn of tts they cannot ace“ With AL. coud prone the capes, computers running Al scapes Progeamae manager ehough ground and aca sir) ately idenily Orangutan tees fle AUGUST 20.4021, NewSunday Fes ll Nation / N DESECRATION OF “QURAN MALAYSIAN EMBASSY IN SWEDEN This follows Sweden's elevation of terror alert to second highest level WOMAN AND TWO KIDS | Whooping :/cough cases “ reported in Rompin 66 PARTICIPANTS: Unity convoy set to power up national spirit ‘NewSumday Times . AUGUST 2.2 00000 12| NEWS opinionwAnalysis LL DONOR PRIORITIES CHANGING Women's charities sound alarm as aid cuts hit equality spending UN TaNLOR sadn opal tm count on oer Lt mes bt il ong for Una Acie Ri 1 cas could put more fused tematonal Conte for Meats sa anual ab budget of “fesaviag™ Homes due to the Tatfoan’s ‘women sats tsk Reseach on Women, Sebilton crowns wnt 2038 stswhy wehavetekeepon tabeont Sr'domestie violence, ""So tat wil ery ey affect “Germany. which i the woes iglghngtnenedsol women "Tra ore ald rose toa te nsate abortlons and women abd is In some of Ue ‘afer the and gis Thee heeds are nen congUSS20 bilo Layer tom roping tg cl mech poor counties around the US ba conideng rdhe: Siedty ewes, oui {ile on in 0a bce of falon'Spenaingtotghe gener West ons tots overseas humanitars UNFPA sal the 180 milion the rsng tefuee tele cs Inequality Hapastes for tie Hist "Asording to the OCD cept, anbud imattaincitfromtbe agency According OECD data. time ia decade, charles snd theshare fot oetsens devel: The potential cutbacks trom programmes ih 202123 could “ich counties spent USS293 Pieper ay ‘prea id Goalie to gender mujr Gones cane afer Baa vt prevented 17 milion uaiar_blllon om “inedenor” refugee isi he Nahe and Sitytlaed ogres feed omer aif in208) adapeande i000. Sue Ut? bln mee han apa pied Tess money to Sipe to 41 per tnt fa S03051 to 08 per cent of poss rational terol an chil dats and cl what was pent on humanitanan achle'gendee violence in lomatsperceatinaoitadater cone (GMil~ down from the lon umsaleaborons Mini reporesid 565001, 5hd ommted ssn: 1Oconecuive yeaafgrowh. UNtaygetefOparcen o¢GNI—“ntain b the ageneysfouth-“Tasyear ain used atid fr share of tal ald to gender And in 20207H. ch nations, feee up eat for domestic. largest donor ahd the leading Ws ad Duet ~ about 7 Ml Suuliyprogrammnes ore tist icloang Canal, Norway and Spending Jing panemic, fuer of te UNFPA supplies lloa to Hove eae, oa of caine fia ewe by Germany. ommitedese mercy An offical uscaamnt pb» Pane. the writs gest them Ukranian, ical dst the’ Orzanaation for Eeonomic. Yotckle gener Vstence pled shed by United Kingom lav. provider ef donated conteacep- showed. deawng wldespres operation and Development Ing 'USS4Se milion compared muket ater this month found Bes. the group sala Gece fom taviaters aid (CRED i sf wate S09. that thurs women and "einen Mamas par Wahoo tai “Ar talor donors, auch ax. Ineduachowed, it-“fomAiganitan Yemen ectheed Federon, a geou re. “"in'a'politea sense, when sire an Geman wate Piaget! pred that then acto Ala mo etree hah hay, ld wrearepnl emia Sit spending,compugners are downeard tend was Wisly to receive ct rain ad cut onding by $0. atyour doors hard we st tera poteta conse percent bis yan an amgumt the spend wera’ said Lyne ‘ence en tha several coun cette Rguslentpover cio millon. Thompson founder ef Us bed Mien genderequalty funding Teneo Hn, ave ef the Uk “Rome cutucs on gender pro th Fen Fore ot seredaced there areal creased helt fen aid bu UN repo: grammes have alsa been ex. leyCollaborte Frat eis, patty tx Sfeackrowedged the budget fostothoringefugts and ny tal and reproductive heath ‘hates facing donor goverie turn teeters, for example, CHEAPER, FASTER AND VIRTUALLY LIMITLESS World’s big advertisers shift to Al re eu ay cota riage et, Ge sly 20 wh eA (apres Moura __ see sa i ea SOME ofthe worlds bigot apy eatqorning oF erlfying very ef Oxford on cere 1: ed {oconstimer goods multinational WPP.the word's blggestadver--““The °Al for business diploma Univer arcenprimenting wi sing agency. 8 worhing wth ols angi data an AI or ~ el ae ail Sonne pe ompnin i te adrpttone ond A Vow of he a alr produ cae na pera Fri Ad GrrandDALL-E toeuteostand Mondeestousegunerave Aly WEP webste. Senet borders of he Vermeer plang "The al as Increase proguctvnyessenines advertising compar, hs cht TheteemworkunderAlexper, partis canpeign forthe Nee page "re Fe Yur many companies remain “The savings cam be 10 or20 ed chef Araicer at WEP two phers alike sl debate whether soa of The Mltimald generated ay of cy copy ney Reads imaniterien, Sea Eoaten produced ty generative 700000 of “media valve for ‘sk, Wel an the dangers “ater than ty flm crew itsmicheasertothinkabout Al hodes anus to anything. the Swiss ood ant. Healt Sninicredbuserbaiedimothe down to Alrcafosheots com: llthejobstha wile darupied ikeumancreatvy advertnets tthe cont of advertising needed tam tiformation feeding he sof mercial weve crested that Wi. fave atendy begun using the to generate Ie sme puaie ex ‘tre meaning humans wife: ual” technology promodonal ms pode Thal porto the proces forthe Is India, WPP worked with “Neste bs ao working on ways pans “UP aaahe content cost nat {oreo ure Mondeler on an Abdiven Cad: wouse ChutGPT'40 and Due? PUnote Instance, Dutch gallery lngtomake. A spokes forthe “Generative Al which can be bury campaign with Holywood ofhlpmarset ts roduct, Aude Ricmseun’s feearch team dismusein stig thadan open edtoproduscontentbasedon Supercar Shah Rukh Kham pro. Candon its lol che! market” wen wrt on Sept 82022 ter dats pli for en pastas eve eerie hea. ng ahem ene target ew ots wna Thrthe pubic ftginion snd 2.000 ca toes during Dal ett anges Vermeer’ of paling "Mesto pot alone tn se fparkingimerextsctomsmanyin “Small businesses ned a tc "STh engin sanswetingcam- The sta: pertment Une ich ows ‘dimes costetogeverate versions ofthe paigh bes wih vem iets abd" Less than hous late, WEP fhoethan 400 brand told. ‘aretng teams hope wil tdsfeatungthetrownstoethat [rspiration that ste fully on wed OpeaAls generate sistem Dove soup and Ben @ ers ee rest in caper. faster and ves could be posted on secal ela Wad and on sategy."Gandon DALE 2 to “feveal” is ovn cream, ts own generative AL AGaHY linear waysto adverse Sndexberplotion sn Inglaed thet beyond tiebors technology tat can wie pro Products Someithoogadrweecrated "The Mow ae hen futher dee esate ping tame ace denrons for retary ‘mld expectations Alcould gained St tall Views fers Pahicre-orhuismaldyorur tee wi forever ser te way advetners Youtube and Taceboa, second wb prodced, for exampelor twine paductstomane Inte wi Sasbaien ‘he echo can be wed to WFP has 20 young people in “While lwnakers and pilose NewsamdayTimes AUGUSTIN 3) tl is dye [= otal i = Art of seeing d ti “i Don't bother trying to foo! this body language expert. He will catch you out in nanoseconds, writes Intan Maizura Ahmad Kamal The most & important thing in body language isto hear what isn’t being said. Peter a omy akon tote oy ‘NewSumday Times -AUGUST 20,2023 me ss SUNY IBES | 3S sora AUGUST 2,2023-NewSuanday Ties living | II | 7 New memories, old I spaces ‘Against the pars terse serge seat tena Tha cia tout backdrop of ow Trl entre 6 old spaces, new amc ccm near, memories are itetenet ree made, discovers Sartre he war le Elena Koshy ec arin Singaperel ok evting, nwt ster larvae mas Swthalibe agence omy) catered te epic Nagin theek omer tre Sar and Tere auc Roman columns, the faker feseuch sie a ‘hes Sore bees a ibccapanrinns “wna c on wie Sereeaie seme ihiaragacn seemaneives ‘Smarter Prd SETI bung wan slits Sede pha Suonrpnas aegis vets Th he genie ‘he Row Rich Ha ‘NewSumday Times -AUGUST 20,2023 18 | ee ca te reeset shears zomeueecs Seamer curate seater tings Bray Wore erg See a mer rare an ate dat we lack eu drs eg apm aan ee ge ita ends ane aos fhe at dns be erie Bother rns tang oi: tereach rh ponds ae he ‘Gloshllnaap ote wheat tonite nes eaate fedwals angry seen on (eatenarss roa ‘CELEBRATION ANO EXPLORATION Incuehhaceorettaneg Erhurswthaimaentind iReenatlesqmacttoeeptae_ (ces nokta cre set tiny nanan end Tide ws ot dawn our ar ‘cans a dong ink appinte mea tne buting Curator br Pet ‘ntbeworneantes opened Ge reing act nig elo eiredthn eres Peay Set an ae th cars tnd neon ight hat char brat tnt. ating the cee ‘tha aos thas "Wath egy ltes — youcan xt pont eng rein Foc Genpodatltepans pred ‘Syagretyun acces ay ond ‘eran agsnnand very cheap hr tye borg. Viigo Ss ha ong era | Tiare rp Arann “Ute Oxmn lay ‘etrg anne tree a= ‘tite name On they tere char ede a. inte vod ats tat ‘pen ae Gane meter eho Today, th almost century-old $tagraramble ope wee co rtm of ys ng pst re Serr ighipnsate cts ot Sr. Chok Fook Yong Che ‘Meropurpone of suproses Aenean siter hss Blore pong rent 0 are anoy Novag ich sop een deny alas etree tna sep oer Spatsnereboser maces Ses echrs srg eset here Bismacitoors ore mewonses rosie the net day ate Ro een Hal Selb a Seasnthe acetate the obitoe emake ge trestles feapece feces ae hor sl nao explore out Sttnbtenge scone eat Iida tet was nae seer cottons heteng ‘gleming at, epider in spit ater corre sag tt tor Faison hetepnsay Caan rd an an espe thm fhe peso sae (erbemateot Chest tons psec prowess apo yy arn i ppt te Se ahamarighman lenge wes att op There's an morse pty at caieceamarednt Hey htt euged wash indan ae Thechetdty Sa Maranon mon, occ! eae pear en ieee Ristorante ae ‘eng Kante created ae gan by eke atin wc er Seoeeent Srnsmeaeenee oneutcontones ceeeerateney ims oem a eee Icttet ly bemng obese Einres hgh es stime footy eter mars one Datigategarmerseagertochecken te re pone mrt othe let ato ant Igminenestme can ceaey ‘canoe soe urine ‘1 Briggs can bacon new hott, ol atc ransom bration pes ate I Imaret can corre eet {ras anmeesamplr age Uidreapescon connie opr hs ‘panst ts bey chao be the myers rt = make So uve rerores lentes. AUGUST 20,2002-NewSamday Times living) SUNDAY VIBE | 19 Only memories remain Lost in the unforgiving Tunisia-Libya desert, migrant Pato aay myname shates the heartbreak of losing his wife and daughter wt nat stintrmnpstcrant ieplnegacntnge oloasatnepenvestis Ferecled“Theybeat “"Heoriysurved ater troSudanese cponberthey Scat Musandandthey send ustactshumantran sor ya anterg ‘oundin te yan ‘nts anton Shogacef bimgeni Stee Peart hatin nhac, oon Fat Vp so wtat nger and Tietarl thet teuesin thea ey penta ihe ee to lt him “Dan pet discouraged sears ‘iran apo salina aad Arthritis io eee Opened less than a year ago, this cafe in Petaling Jaya certainly seems to be on the right track, writes Hoo Sze Ling. rvelelonle sport grips India Source of inspiration AUGUST 20,2002-NewSamday Times Window to Malaysi May landscape ‘The return of Malaysia's prestigious and longest-running creative initiative is marked by new partnerships, exciting festivities, and the passionate spirit of storytelling, writes Elena Koshy Eset une EVO De eae iy Ne (Pron us the opportunity share ‘ExreaonoMARY STORY ‘Retmresmnted prune etal peer cng etn ‘erate yet pacts tre ‘onipetegperoomances {orton sat he ous {BMI Group Mayda Carat Communications ara Sut hed ash Amb cer with he BW ‘ibe plges a he compton. sand Si rt an in ar go at yn Bova al Wve ‘Shewerkontcormandis com EEN Shores esa AIMe Lae Go era pant teleretshewase 12mmte eran pened er atememauetaent'and tenor ts ews on Moers funraynguinctermesvahsen’ Sone Sifakis es: OAc art an Parcpsingintbe MW Series Malang tuna Henig Upuahina teehee te ‘Sento emergg secur en. Stren pment rlgnertme edn Brevichsaed rene test Seager Scpaingts ater spehmpneainasonoprenesh Sewn wkcesrenurtia eke Canine tin nay 3ES | 23 He sid: “The om ‘eaapped ant ad ha ieee Sp kn Ocul seettumeaiawtne ee eee Seinen Soto serrata ay hae rnd sucess The BMW short has unr acrwity Eee 2 e hy a. ‘Tey nclude Seamat Mati On veer sae hs sreot ig eee iretramtnantas Soarecincthtan egies Sean winger Tne eaptysting Shor im (pee indgeous people rng Sa feats impact Hower, xindebeans iene fegntete raraonliian via 203 sees as remind inating ots ‘eyo se ‘Setaneret hepato ‘tea om Enon eeu oy onan ‘NewSumday Times -A 24| SUNDAY VIBES /tiving Laying pumps and pipes for patient prosperity I & YEARS STRAITSTIMES OF STORIES AND. VIEWS THAT MATTER i q i i i ae i I j i i STRAITSTIMES wow.nstcommy EPrsronine (QNsr.onine stenine EJustoniie EPrstonine “2 AIRCRAFT, 8 SHIPS" CHINA DRILLS 2! z —_ ITS FORCES es eae = NEAR TAIWAN ae Beijing issues 8 i tert tients Connan, tual combate Serious warning’ in a annie om pe a ooo ers there anno sign of laren the ‘Would be thle he wiote on been toed toGiia tat Saath en afer vets acim by response to Taiwan ‘ning et kt ia nd ar ee laine wih veep's US trip imate ptareond_ tele pobe cunese sett day show fs beyond each ea ™ eserves uno(eatrter sland the coms ‘nade ony stepovers on Bs way and rom faragny bu Be coordination and. Tor Tato Vic ita Lat tend of Sany's lection that Sausing A'wants to heep the sts quo thew its own-and offered to talk to Helin the hen goverment ing or only rected with hostility. ithaenotdonesotor carpe Stent wana become sw WhatworgBtingsteka deg Btn ent watX ser session wh stents at his had not changed. ‘Unive Lal sald the head of government accept that both atehe en cs fir a ant ' ‘agit ing wet th al ‘NewSumday Times . AUGUST 2.2 wu 28| WORLD “STRESSED, TIRED AND OVERWHELMED" EVACUEES ARRIVE IN SOUTH CANADA Yellowknife city residents describe anguish after being evacuated 1,700km from forest fires RYSTAL Sangre ba Hept ford ‘nes dvetened er omeown in northern ‘he Craer Creek fr buras a the bacnuta Kreeos Vgc on a, them dap tht heron of iy Eaten i Cada hou tis declared a Province Sat of Emengencyon Bray. tesa on Fr a aerate ‘eandeaby fares lint want Yo eae home, £ Nitonwonbieaaig oF acuated on Fray wong wt Serban and ee cre ‘ata hm atari he ni cpton em fr ht ‘tnoutpecedntintstegion The et about kin rom Ve: Warned, espectlly as weather “enultioas anpera the work rege asthe) land tn Calgary domestic emia, seme ang inter ad ealofcaso fcrngthemtoneaty hotel sev tro te beefy take them to tele “COMPLEX FIRE Spain makes gains in battling Tenerife blaze ‘way on Friday in ther baile ‘contol inthe orened ts st Tene tat has ce te siden, ine day ica said 1 proteetion forthe sever sland Irefighters would continue Fors during te nh ota the laze, which hal lend af Featoicetnespanshetiey Alto ale uy levels rove overnight the winds ‘over the weekend in Tener "Th ie has gencate a pla fot smoke nearly four kllrnetes plctures and has rise above the Sofia rek he v eschingthlpt of 3218 me the most "compl ee"tohitthe (Ghnaryatands in iO years Oke ‘Srevotporthctten Tene ‘esting ett daring the «ay promessed welatbough he ‘re out font canary dited 0 continue the work ‘cw ely tobe compl “Strong aust of wind in he area othe i” she ai, ‘More than 400 poopie fa been svacted tthe bor sald late-night bein fn tolust under 1700 after acon: ‘the te ht destoyed S000 fnementrde wat ied fr IT P Aten pe tire Ba Bn. Animas are ofloaded fron an arpa coming from te Norther od. Everything new toes ‘And my son. 8, be saying mysontosceme. sesai sald she fet et these dau: er bith, phos of de her ehiidrenatschoo “Athough se tid she i ex: dwealiate Veallgehomevafeandseundand thank in burn vas erg up. kat want WILDFIRE ON TENERIFE Burnare ete Spanish ard ‘sve Evan Fomfre berate saeinap Sets AFP {ede s Spal/shighes peak Sindapopuarfoustdexination. some 0km away onthe scepy Recafeadsiothe acm pak fed sgps tow wh ie ‘ouiremain shu oss mh ofthe land. AFP ony vous NewSunday Times WORLD. |29 PILOT TRAINING TO BEGIN FIRST AID FOR HEATSTROKE U.S. OKAYS (ti EE nae cota TRANSFER OF SS F-16s TOKYIV 5% Blankets Denmark, Netherlands to hand over jets to ‘Watch for signs of gressive heatstroke Ukraine, Russia clamps down on dissent IMMEDIATE REMEDIES om Ina court. poset Kan K# Friday welcomed fant saint Putin accusing is fo let Denmark and the of Urner lds . igen past to aie once Morte prone Me pron awake Remove Fanthe person cea pac, out tegrecs fivecaay his loner ta ey the Guardian ard the | eee eo eee) Tap cerace tnuany saa | MEY caropulmonar resuscaton, administered by tind parson us air force had Gowed a | Sources: HealthLink BC, MyHeolth Alberta MayoClinc, SUohnAmbulance AFP@ fee ceeiaeeuen Seren ease it offical said Denmark damage tothe building,” Moscow WRITER AND DIRECTOR Ritatenatattine “etiecawomenan |Swigg held over film ‘h Buddh cotton sofa as nto papotasee ae | OWISS NEL Over TM harming buddhism inowlausce,e: etemegcemem ‘Kyiv hat been pushing for "Unt seis of atacks ine: | niyoltnebuddhstrelgin. the In ty "young woman : tee sn important partot The US Flot thana ear aoa ‘Nike could ood vituts of mea tourist for three non wih pee cn capi thant Ukranian Pvenkdent| a uy of Thireen ade voived inte hard inbour or suiting reion thove operated by Ukraine." votodymie Zeteskyy warned | the Hla Laformation tess film who had "acted without afer be unplugged an alioer ‘ssinon Fay continued ts ast month tat war was con |S te odownerad the moraty relying a iatemght Rudd ws Ing to ssi and thc Wt “syn: | The oughly 7Smnute mens Sn dignity" of monks were aso Sermon: AFP mhaibceecea: Gevenatael oe Garena ME ris Reto ont wet Aa | ea, UNERANTY ieareamnne, Heesecben fe wl | aes ene vaiern tes. | Thaksin to return on Tuesday [Eons chat challenge the au poreontimed fon Tuesday Mo daughe pone ng the eed for thon Vidi Sado sid rani | Yesterday. aad protnged pli medical cheek leader of the elctlon winning Also Frida Rusan court “sabotage group had managed | lal unceany ater «May na. "Alb scheduled for Tuesday is ive Forward puny aed aS placed the eorchal of indepen: (ohideouton te ota ofthe | gal lection. another panlamsentry toe Yor btobecome prime minster ent election montoring Boup Kussion-controied town of | "On Tuesday, Aug 2, a 0900, the Takan-hacked et Golo pelt detention unt ear the Dries | at Don ane Adgortwi meet leat Oe ane elt the Wee er | ahr Tak Pena ons aga Tneratonal Cima postreterrngtoan apo inthe esate tYeoon Stetha Thais, sokgenmeameetan Harynpatd seate A ewSumday Times . AUGUST =n 25, 30| WORLD ‘MoB VIOLENCE MOSQUES PROBED OVER PROTEST CALL Dozen suspects investigated for using loudspeakers to order protests against alleged blasphemy by Christians = res le Bib by cing wih Fanon eure ths week 3 spate hele heures Dut when te Bletocontoitnacs esate lama was ne of 2 pope wo were teing vent Enea or tslng mosque loud Speakers wie more than 135 Propiehive been tree ed thas tthe use o facta eo hon technology: mb poe feofening and date gathered tiie Es andi ches were andaloed when undreds rampaged Troughs chr nel hood te "Janata Puna Broving ou anes ‘Reports that Qurat had been deserted were broadcat from fhosgues. wr one ama teing youdon'tcateabout tan JUMPED FROM 7TH FLOOR OF BUILOING Syrian bombing suspect killed in Beirut pursuit Ts A an suspected fi Solvement in anvavaek fast ‘nowt on 8 Shia ‘bed folowing ‘on July 27. sx people were ‘wounded when abomb exploded Sayyid Zee asc, Sr iso sated Sha psn se auhortes sad i ae rap ar ticked roupl. ‘Wisafn Daina Syrian i nis ‘herd the anna comonen Staton of Aura hey event on day's Ineldent ook place ln Hay a Setom, an impoverbed eleibouodiaBelutssou frm suburbs ~ a Hizbollah Sued Dalla ari Years the beventh Noor of baling tthe he Had ben tion had been Miata si Dalla ma esponsble fr the eapleson Inthe Sayyida Zeina fea south ofthe Stan capita ‘Sstmonth ihe shia group added extanese Security forces plajed cary fowlelsibetidencsscorny source sad ‘ald I another attack, the Sint. So ee Epivene a pernne pene ‘Aes peaks tore than 8.000 Deighbourhood trom ater de eater mode spread ow alley eee they mack home “Chas whole ia the bun een arrested fr bape af tertorn page ofthe Quran th them were stuckto the walls ofa ‘Benue ln uaa inte ‘Anat he personaly ner. sepatd the pr 9 wold the po ousminonties face an especial Fyvaeute threat, according to "Plc have been asass: ated auyers murdered and st tlm imched over aceuatons foaepnem: “The Huan Rights Com tied police for sistyofsasaonsottotfe, slot o Pakistan site hum the pony. "Oni. 00 chunsweie andi of th tacks speu Whee garded by pie scossPuniad have lntesed in ect ean My ines. | fg tachi ihe mo) ‘ste mole res ot ‘eats anatnat what we wre ie ‘gated tion ‘ountry” Anwar tenes edt calle site ae eee Savina astragies, PS* thatgeligfon was not isis Saat oo ‘Christians, who make up tition, cca aot tomes fequemty targeted with sp ‘usblopemy algation. The maja of those accused ct blasphem tn te cut ae ‘CONTROVERSIAL MOVE X to remove ‘block’ function, says Musk ompany X formerly kon ‘ote, wl remove a roe ‘ours but cnlihe Backing does iota the ther scout i he The billionaire [Aiphabers Goose ‘ogi sald apps with use gen trated content rust have the [oon May Store ays apps es Rimself'as a tree blocking wsergenerated coment Simecrideshavesakd"Respondingto aport fom ant dyn rer forthe company he ouaht st yea. Ais approach ma I twine acts nies ‘lock ction repantie aly het ‘esearcirs nave {ta ep pone na ‘counts fom coma teeing thee Shon aanecceetaton EARNS except for DM {orem referring to Hite speech nd a ireiic content on to ove and roe ovement hae ised af nat deg ough to moderate Removing of Himiting the reat lg bing Xn ‘i defended Munk move “Gur ser aifety on Xi out omen eter thon the cu tent state of ack” and rate Fae Keep the Yeedbak com: Ing Yaceatino poste predict and enaieering teams, Ale Yacesring. mould Ted al oxen ng a ad ony ; “VAM EVIL, 1 DID THIS" BRITISH NURSE FOUND GUILTY OF MURDERING 7 BABIES She either injected victims with air, overfed them with milk or poisoned them with insulin a URSE was found Fat on Pay of a eine sever metorn and tein to il oe ‘But they cautioned: “This js ta eter fo 22 days returning ‘whlch cauld vote repoed un Tidy because aco one ety ought back tear In dock ater the ins) verdes were read out he wae not in {uid eather ihy eventual teqltd her ertwocsuntsandcauldnotteach tees fave aed Tor 35 da ‘nthone charges, TS {ety wil be entenced tomor {Sayers she win ater cout torear heft tse aces the prospect never beng eee Chester Mosel in northwest ing betwee ne 218 ad Descibed by the prosecution tied methods of Kiting that “alu late tach a a eae {tb ed vps dented “Tea ag se harmed bathes,inrtentrcnment wih i thelr families” ald senior ProseeorPacaeJone, calling Thelktingsa complete betrayal Anaaauriten note alongside the 2008 dary of Lay Let WORLD ‘Ahandout tage taken from police botcem fate rk on Ag ‘tht sear showing Lay Leth beng arettat home i Chester ‘ofthe trust placed in hr ua, she insisted she “atv SSE m Sais acme Te broecton sald Leby ens Hoot whee she aap Velleing the suing eathe more than 4000 neonatal unit "child Odied showy alter tetby tackedanotverbabyboy. Child, announced an independent In SENS secede oe cars tty ects, Sec “puring searches a her home, “Her cae revived memorles of eset eel cea “gin” of four Senior doctors of mutdering four young chil acerca Oe rr ede este cnte ate ee it paren svousran. 12h. NemSunday Times [Mercer UK warns of possible attacks in Denmark Lawoom:sianonFiday hensetiensto be fade to poe tac, Flowing Quran burns Denmark and Sweden tat uomentshave warned Possible atacksn eden, der tothe second highest fevelon Thursday. “Tetons eiiytotey teary ut tach Denmark Attacks sling inplacesrequited ‘ytoregnras the Foreign nny sal “Nothing will happen’ to captive Niger leader ie instr Al abana ine zine Fay a PheNew York Tnesthat the fener who overhe pe- ice Mhamed tamu du. {nga dly2ecoup wil do ‘odhanm -Nowungi hap oh because we dot five tradiion flee In ‘ttanoun ine sate Shupieadcr had nointeon teallaborting whan ‘etenary ou. US regulator probes into robotaxi crashes ‘tos regulator said on Friday iis treet a sermon apr Shuler andasked he Teraciisroboan asi ‘Sivein acratatyan Eergeny weitere on ‘Thursday latest oe dent ‘ru ttaboasied Cruiseto feduceiteatve et of ve. cies by sb percent une probe comple Ayana ‘NewSumday Times. AUGUST 2.2 CAAA 32| WORLD NEW ERA BELGIAN _ begun UNIVERSITY 4 = LAUNCHES = ssuicis sgmsras ane Jove Ncconicaayomae joing damit hk ase Comet ilo daar A literature launch acourseusingihe United “ttoctealeaswifanclib™ nove Mees Aventures n Won slow donmas she epates forthe professor seizes on intotheyreasofngliherting pe fo chink tha English hers: in'a 3020 conversation with Nang eat wee ttore Aaa, tngthetbemevorncrwor fare tot a fond of ed books raul Mecartaey publited by Aasuats, Europe and Nort bookish qualities of "Hrs written Sinedragnecna Rew na r i US superstar's lyrics shy Jitssongoferancinar thing and we costinialy woh Sebedhrtneefwordrandio [nether oH aun DW hs tit ee eer Id ana iandiasemick mee Cater nussens fetter ope though the aritesandiedaccald teused Daphne du Maune sche, © pein the ea i thy named rong iniier forthe same enh fortxanpic, Receiver poplar and Euroa Ne FEteee MimtrStabumAgnane gobee oreenthevicostur:Mcenstand tax Yeeened er Yo Use tve Dv forks Great Gatiys te. "RicGssland decked eater Ingpkatom Tao fuente to fla Wom ouside the stitute ie believed to have Aes = atic py sue aay at Saeson faa. bie songwriter st ea. SworkateribieningioThe readiigrome ofthe preasot tne "There be snobbery and "And tn London, there was a learn ste Grea Murals rom Midigha.erary canon, suchas Wins cid oie, questioning the smmer school a Ques Mary secs hey ae ses he war ke Shakeapeare, Chatite Monte, mene of ing Suits work im Univer ly ated ant ‘Sow, a itermure rtesor na metaphor fora relauonutip. Geottey Chaucer and Willan higher education McCausland Swift ang Literate, hoki ‘elglumhan sled ebook: ade me’ OW tcomforableThackeay made pares ith the scepter work thou sao [Shales of Sits Tyce to and Ie got'me thinking about "Swit rere othe works ofse- xm singesongusiter Hab By. erry en PM STEPS IN Italy settles runaway tourists: bill in Albania ‘SURVIVING BEATLES McCartney, Starr join Parton on ‘Let It Be’ ew yon Po McCarty and Rott, Parton’ Oh abu, The Haan embry Albania af om Prine Minter Grga | Ringastarbuveloinedaiy Pure wil beret on Mn fen ‘Monson anion unpaid esewrat bo 0 cured | ona ecorang sruon ofthe Cueshe fendion of 2 sis OME: taly’scxbassy tn Albay our Malan beatles clea er fe Be onthe Aitsee' restaurant oantey Tegend’s upcoming a Unpatdbyheiyinetalaasal” — and she immediatly stepped che pie sister, cinta se | bam toring Minster Gora Mel ‘ni nese ie unpaid | “The tack was released Fu Sting ena foi demanded diplomats ad: "She made a face and ordered by a roup of alan tours ata | day an il feature onthe 77 Steve Perry Steven Tyler, Seve Stes Was «matter of national the ambassador to ‘eb and pay Yeauran ie the eyo Bemtit | Yeorold Parton's bum. Rocke leks, PateRatar. Joan Set the bi for these it plese, Sidi asatreot ie Joan fogerty. ley Cyrus, and oifaterdinnerinthepic: cunt love respect Uke tha? pay thei debt and we hope tat | than aging ket He with Pale bette reniion ia are ental city of frat Rama toi La Stampa, an Naan th hind of epde wi not be | MeCariney who wretethesone?” coloration between the wo Eudeheadincsin altanivsme: dah peste Peron onherwetske "Not Suniing estes Biber sa fig andituproctalnetwark. ‘Th falanembassy tn Albania “Several allan news outlets | en tat, be played piano: naeartney tjolned Sat 8 ama revealed he had ralied on herordee an pad wh {onrists heading ates the AG | when Ringo Str jolned in on mesa Zoor in sid and Ireland tenon te bea or ay | Gum er Franpow gar Sinead soe apeace {ey mete weekwiie sheer” abforfow peop Sac search f cape? deals| Sn Mick Festwoed playing per” in 2010 at one ot McCarey Seifwaaholldayinginhis country "On the Fecominendaton of Rndquvterbeaches AFP ‘ston once ou stops AFP unday yTieses 34 avaus CHINESE CARS AID ¢ B CARS, BIKES “Sit & TRUCKS PROTON PERSONA HCHO a 7 rs HONDA Panna read News| | 35 NETAV VIRAL PRICING UNTRUE’ facility, says Indonesia 36 ‘BT CHINESE CARS DRIVING RE| VIVAL oe RUSSIAN AUTO FACTORIE AUGUST 2, 2022-NewSumday Times 37 Feature \ atom ast mons and ead incl nntaserlynerecay are gered PROTON PREMIUM UP’ _ WITH 2022 2 PERSONA (: Ca) | 39 Test drive \ in nner ‘Sou, } ® Be in the know. Be in control. i STRAITSTIMES worwnstcommy EJrsronine (Qnsr.onine @ onontne EYustonine EP rstonine NewSumday Times . AUGUST =n 25, 42| SPORT nn mH FOOTBALL SWEET THIRD PLACE FOR SWEDES Clinical Sweden spoil Australia’s World Cup party LWEDEN poked up thee Fourth women's World up bronze meal yester iy ater beating costs plot inte at ang Pate tn "Te Swedes, ranked hid the word Were amare a pena view showed Austals® Cre bcs andFrdolna Rll sftted ome te eating spot ik daub eet Stee the dg ofthe peal Given beyond pestkeeper Madtense Rtotd flowing ‘ther quikcounteratack ‘tle dappotsted to sign off sa sega me aes Gostavton said. “Were hurt map sony we couldn ive 3 emlanal Row to fect on the whl ourey Bit ‘Mhenediaance ourselves rom The top players of the tournament ‘Moda Cup tint today betwen, Woda hp, satel exact that ‘he 28 earold, sored su: pe goal hast Costa Ra ad Frodiced two more exceptional Ealsher inthe £1 demlidon af Sitzeand, azame nich she she prec ss i ‘midi. oes onal was one of thre ply sermon spud ‘ong the fel Who a nounced ts September dey dit to be coidred tars erlormances have benso ‘hat ae mat pow have Puteias and winning ths years fatond'O ‘ALEX OREEWOO Entepean champions England ced tae) final than i fhe study defence hee zetyearolt inanck wood inns eyparuin thet wate Wie iso contributing to thee Pin gure out of defence Englund hep cleanses with tiie oup Phas cet out tape Out Nigeria over 10 Prinaes to vaage a 00 draw fn sgueze Ino the uarer aon penal ‘Something ofa unsung her, proved astliabletntheshootut Stabe his been in defence ‘ng hee ewe to score rom he sex ogaltt Niea Not fa cid snd nappable when defending” Greenwood's passing sbiiyepecay inl fart an aks tn eeu Te rotate bot ces lt stinetourmament ‘The calomblan year Re al Nude attacker brought her are talents to global nese she scored her World Cup witha Reiptog Radios howler and net {ell stain stim over Germany cone of te goals ofthe tour Inthe camantox bata: hs game and ook at the whole svete tink nae we ‘eda considering how he a {ena supported ‘oom the sides that stated the semifinals where Auta were eaten 5b taand snd Swe fen fost 21 Spain England PSheden started brightly and eal hate age a dream start ‘Shen alacnetu Gredaiow dive ‘com al inte pei mite. iad ely tet “The Malis sm found thee posing thm, tearing forvard aso ut the winger ‘ldvay throug the half ith snowed with sana cancer st {hou atthe cente wf another ea concern cfutchingherchest and inthe Get ‘any winats cemete stra Arter beth Media teats near clean it hea Japan bowed ent 10 sweden so the quorerinas bt there I * year haits with five goals, ewe of em comin tna 0 upg ffSpaln inthe poup phase, Sire tsi le tw ewe Teague, aso ft an St inna une, "hat even more impresive she Thins dake Bes fhinforchiboreoany. tay ioaey tie best ou of ee ftom deep onthe counter tack splbeeper Sweden Zee Muso- Slematlaga fie ve fom Asians wordt oss shat before Sweden were en ‘penalty the deelsion Touhy Fee by the capac crowd Itt npc oth game pice leeat ow sive heep out Hales Freeh nthe clo mines "Moments ater Australia coach “Tbatutons the Mads 0 far behind, ln ishing ‘molibed by her delighted team frstimingte that we were te bet sive standard fer payers then beeping er hea te do the eatin ones ‘AMANOAILESTEDT signed fer Arsenalas beta dl tecame a aur See's it two, ‘h Tourth gout inthe 2 win over Tapan be quar ea esd aeaconsantthveatin oppasiion boxes wt stpece as fal Inthe fast four Work Cups trecback partner Mandate te ene Sweden tn hours without conceding be {ore npan cored gant the, ut i was her goalscoring press a ally mde mark Erne plat pro rod.ankingherconehifshe could play apron Fala ia” heb before ‘ote at AFP NNT HN AUGUST 20,2008. NewSumdary Times SPORT |43 FOOTBALL ‘ preparing for todays match VILDA: ‘NEXT QUESTION’ 822% . See eee neren hes -roaeere taay Ge Spain coach stonewalls on boycott ahead of World Cup final site bu thas aly maura ; occas the hatahappenedontheptch, of at feast thas ow thy mat, Wo a wei sd ey a 1 ‘teen enttacediary. They made use Sindenoy ourselves” AN coach Js was wlivemeorisorheratat Thee me tea tucks, ea ae age Yesterday decined roan the fves they we ealoyed we were tale je who daontheboyot led afobust 7 Ever questo abou the they've had tum, Weve toe shat tegponte om he coach ste Sarge awe Imutny In saga eat etber an tomorrow tous We Shar we want to dotomotrow lire year and said Ns team at tocletyate oper today) rte the Bost in the fintndde: "Canc hftenePrdks was that e ca oy i WenCop_ sel hesae Who will win siicauiacentis Sekt, rg te Women's rout iret aoa WC final? et momo eam please’ wae Vida auntie and th teh terse respunse to x food ceri frat attempt by find we work very Everoutotbimentbe Jorge Via aun he opporcy ive tebe aie play tn rer attempts to approach theta te mater were pated by the Pare fore today sa : saa they ‘2 yenrold but he wat prepared heartened ty menage sf up ‘share toaghtssbautthe por fom atk hone snd hoped ood that cet run to the nal woud semen panes pace Ie Theyebeer ering esa, womens ame, clevethat aay yesterday) "Spain har vay been afoot: willbe the sth gaining sion palloving coun) sh a he all of chem have gone very. "Wee ora up ool Well And thatsbeenreteted by sclty, but k was Ho our apace ‘England will need the game of their lives to beat Spain’ Svante wil hve cana Negrin nanan ner Fotetececatantinene “SARS panonge or untae Stal one ey Sepa era yeaa he otal Sc se incite Wrtoed Ghyd wim oci ori es GGrtaaligscuesint goo Wrapecae wees eine sre’ koe ite iets puna we peo in acd Wahu tence o¢ “Ae Sdetetslasn nat "Rte ew iane | Maton ipod ina are aca teu ee Con Srise'ote anhalt Bina hy ete PEPRME reece teen Boe hte wast a Wega | WOE scentte half told re- “As a team, we express our- usual openness when she was ces u ‘selves and we have the confi- quizzed about whether she would Mateyan Tigresses nrteer gdyeniceswondeap tna Seneca fale Su auch Sue oa but for eur mentality ies “Miedontiearmatiagmistates the orwand having completed «gait Be sloe Maal fee penton a ore tate het wo ge betta eed Sta SRGSLSMITONE IAT AM Sys ATS Bek End a {natourmament and tome hats thingbutt think maybe when you agalst Niet, a ty lay a litle Dk heshan, You “’Shes god? the conch sald, | Moat whie Spain are more Yewegotasumepiuniharne gtveethebetinpene, " -ofcouse me heptriningand OL uisieninienuesa \"termincumcmigin ieralyaieiekee pice aera Taentepansineorgne rie witce geet Sone? bie i ewSumday Times . AUGUST =n 25, 44| SPORT FOOTBALL WOOD CUTS DOWN BLADES Forest sink Sheffield with late strike Cc HIS Wood clinched this sesan tte Neve zea Wher acasp esd fr sealed a 2:1 win apalost ‘Wood nettedinthesoih inate sxthey Grand Tecnu Sei Renan he eon "Seve Cooper’ side had taken thinks to Tatwo Awoniyt's headee ‘Gustavo Hamer eqalsed be fit The ier ante as “Wood's dramatists contri tion made it msemive defeats Iota et eu ee ‘motion ai Championship fan he des oat :0 at home fal Palace st weekend inack oan season, Fo Sy Gretna an taht ide forthe ate since "apy the fea fot ‘he ae tea ace he ATAGLANCE Cooper sal HHeekingbestor said *Pevest We'made rors un conceded Iromone, them after 30 minutes. That was the: performance’ we ward to from stscason epald Coopers faith iter being vestored 8 the ies Jt the second Forest lar ta aeore Inn sucess Bite inthe Peter bengue a Terstan Cllymorein 9s [Nuungham Fores Chis Wood ui jrom Pgh) ads home duriag tel Premier League Match ‘guia Shefeld Une on Friday. ‘ale Premier League season Inivozo8 Foes tok st thee ‘eye Auer cron wat po set piced or Aono power abuletheaderpan United “afer a wretched start. United ‘ally useredashot nena Sougt 38 yard curler drew a fonda hom Mat Tumer, ohn Egat seid 3 hse tan ‘tt oatwards tom Hamer “The Blades’ pressure was ro ad the th nt {nto the fr comer rom the ede “Awoniyl thought he had re Used sh was aah ste. ly Rats down te Foderiagham before Turner Taide psa ar on he thefackpotin the ot minute provided the assis with a telling Efoss that Wood ticked past Fodernahamte the dst fhe coun Grund com ARB ‘Nervous’ Kane scores on Bundesliga debut ‘Me sayera Munich debut, after Iissde wom 4-00 Werder Bremen Inhesean opener on a. ate nied neta on ‘MGDetalln) move fom Pre ‘ter League side Toten sited oa Leroy Sane’ opener st thee minutes in beore org ‘mkt tong tevecond al, isd the misnomer er the German camions en {is Handestgn bat going lose ni 7sth Rin etinalledout ene ‘fetioadgter om oP teenager Malis Tel io ha foced Kane getngon the score fet ny ue tense Tish the opening dat iu pce ope gue yas god nt” Kane oh trav ale it arousal ‘ediopiythegameatcune Hayefa coach Thomas Tachel brated his eur temperament Fee ae a We had avery good game, fom wanton” hotbesescn esr. partly ater they Atere whack 0 by WB Lege Tas saturay’s German Fa Super Tennis Djokovic eases past Fritz to join Alcaraz in Cincinnati semis EINCINNATI: Novak, Djokonte ‘used Taylor Pia Cros ‘Nera ha as a et rowedareached hese final Tou " Djokovic showed mo mercy eae eg Ro PO ceainst bis = Sone Aare a anion a Inerrurcetieaoaeck agaist rte n'a mete 3 Sir twotine tute ‘byt was ob the stcond set Baca lapdeione he 2 Grand Stam cham pon regained the Break i the lg game when Fitz drove » forehand nto the net. DJokovie Ching ae mate on his fs att polo ner jot 62 le hd et eran te "ttm 2-4 down 1 played feat periormance: Ive played three good matches here 20 ft, ‘ery day he barat "hago Djokovic, who nest Mtverew the 2021 Cincy cham fio 2,61 to rach hi iat ‘Mistere semifinal ane Rome list year beore horror ane ‘Alcaraz, meanwhile, was ct offre by To anked ‘ruc doping he sen ‘lcray steadied the ship to sctee a tind staal hough Sinexchangs of serie teaia be Setvingoutthevicory. sth fcianing Wimbledon ‘ttheteaon paishedofttewin tn wo anda quater hours with Shae amon his39 winners. cian with Poland's Hubert Harkact. who needed seven uch points to Analy put way etalon ive ppl 8 Tn the WTA draw. wp sade rguSuitek prove toe a quick sham champions, "The Pol star wl iy or place inthe agate seven eSded American Coco Gaull ‘whotossed a acqut i anger on Bespoke tary ott Second aceedAryna Sables abst One Jabeur 76, 6-850 85 ke fabeur tine tinea the ‘unianstragal wah foot Ineyin the seconde atl po French sch Kaan Muchovat ‘drancedtothe na ourascon pot rte ousove reteed Fejatea ater Toning lt three es thy played “Asta Open champion Sx tani mal Beat fo form the ‘match point‘on the way to het Spctin cnet ward bee NH vous 0.2021. NewSanday’ Times SPORT |45 BADMINTON WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS TOP PICKS Title contenders, dark horses and more "HO wil be crowned world \ K J sivpleta Semen sis Stine Word Champlonhigs fn Copenhagen, Denman rextweck? Tiereae the ep peks ‘voeToR AXELSEN Ee dem wonertovn 00 ‘An overubelming ‘grout, the ee Koch o'tie, Seen lcumstances, ‘Demonstrating why he olds the wold No Tanking, Atesen made a remarhable fenteback font ahs nity us tained dene the Sian Cup i May, ttinhing tice consecutive teste floneia open, European Games and Sapaa Open suzy, ne il beeven mare ‘notated, fling the rae opportunity {Gtitumph in rot of hs home row td tie wo place him the see od met succesful nen sages payer {tournament history. second only to Un Dan who ase ti sumturvasane ae Een ote Ipecac 22 ceremonial 2022) champion fom 2017 fo 3009 sess ransione tthe sear stage and rapa ascended ther ted expectailons tn Tokyo last ‘iy Aris wh scores of 228.2038. ‘However, Kunis rederied hist by detent the mighty Dane oelinhahe Ini Opens ‘Hehopes to become the fst Thal to capture the men singles ie fin the oth word fungr ted senor te Tn men's ses ntabe names ke Ax stseand Japans Keato Momota have Schicved hs istinction, OOAINARAOKA Soe xenon apeaanc: Seconds 2072 Coming rom Kurta vbatch Naroks tookhistine gmake mane Ha etning moment artved last year when he ‘ni win nour Wael Tura “Pronthougthmbert wa asecondplace ‘emainedsoa hsyear nacrenched he gear als nego etait akg he se “With Momota's form declining after a ono road aceldent Narsokr ney gmergence ral or scanty 0 he Show exec uphold itepacy inthe toes sntescontet & Bopearanee: Secon debt 2022) eetschovement seconded ‘Winning his year's A England alowed shi Fengo etabinh himsel amore the slits ging eee oat Sethcy have been grappling with te a iia yee ta in Ban tengo opiate his Al tala suc ‘eau he shoul be dacounted He ound Aion fant ont securing a ny tt telomere USOpen JoxATAN cnRSTIC dene naan ters the World Char AaSn been fle in eansstent peor ‘mancevon the World Tur be has 8 Back for aching Vitores or reaching finals onch season Hilts Inlide bis wiump at the Indonesia husters and hs recto ee fn pace tah the Japan Ope ‘il opeh bis campalgn against {n'copentagsn would undoubtedly boost Hisconfidene ase preparesto tend is soldattheAsanames LOW KEANYEW aes Ranking Sppesrtnce:Faurh bute 219) ‘eetacnevement ine 21), ‘The Penang-born Kean Yew hasn't cal esl bs aya sees Inthevatwo years. towever isco ster presence a regular top 10 payee Setieratona age nuneni He showcased his cede wth rn erupbnishesa te As Championeps fd. mote eet the Korea Open Lvoista sen roy atte Aeterna “Laka suckin form and ead forthe seaight in opentapen, isrecet tampa ie Canada Open puted wih his semifinal placements st the Us Open and Saat Oper sas Despite his pivotal cole In tadla’s ‘rons Cup win and secirng go at the amma Games aha ane feats falfortstyeae St SM tun waste fee ferrenon vith hat tig sural : enn he pas he ante to be aston dons iene opearanc: Fourth vache att rated ah pte has ence Seareword mee wih atten caring wine atthe Benak Open sistent the former word Nb tl a ising the runneeup a tbe Al Ene : sextant Hs. PRANNoY fee fonting Aopearenes Sh Bet 205) Bea achievements Gurr fait 202, at Like wine hat gts beter with ae ra noy has come ntohisown ae aserey of Shas ta year nas tansormative for bie he was nurumental ands men ‘rable Thrmas Cup in broke Back to the wort tp 10 for theft te snc Sishdrowtobetnds fot ‘Msters and arunnte-up finish atthe Aus So nls pam as he approaches Caper Tagen our T Fanci Ip Pessina te Som mie seid reais ab eee tm on. Swit undoubteay at to surpass hat ‘ANDERS ANTONSEN Agee County Geonark fami 2 ppeatoce Sih bet 2017) Beat achievement: Fnast 217) rom No. 819 No, 3, and now fs ot side top 1 Atoms fourme) sans ‘Saestamentioreiene “ine Bune who was sliged fr the smajottyof2022 detent. texan show ofa comeback when he teachod {hg sembfnasof he Eland “is ns flowed by He ap at the Singapore Open. and he ily Sroka ware oh wi ‘Pengon home pound Aonsen wil bo thin World Champlorships medal, ae secure ser 2019 nd bronze In Ages Boning , nes Fourth deat 209 See unloved Searionas 208 ant Unde the mentorship ofhis new ouch, Wong Tat eng si pushing et {teh crer ine ight dretion ‘The 021 ll gland chamon showed sus resnnce y echn he Aa {rom string of four conseeutiee fieround dete Sigesh tn prestigious event ik the ori Ghoti cui be the te hue o clear facing Jonata ‘NewSumday Times. AUGUST 2.2 46| SPORT BADMINTON SETTLE ISSUE INTERNALLY, SAYS YEOH Sports Minister takes neutral stance on BAM-Zii Jia spat M7864 7167 | 7167 + 1754, 17545 Ose | 0526 + 1754 7167 $0526 | 0526 + 7167 PER [3:30] or oe a 291754 + SNE Soeon 767167 + ox 310526 + aR sport 168359 sriast 255118 106635 861527 assent 664708 308438 Pee sar 204 26 $00 249, 244668 468366. 920455, es04e7 226906 537467 75h 107 +525. | 16745266754, Jsassaesie | 52657545167 4072754596 | $264467 754 ashain om.ny S prrtethcrthan atte PORTS Minister ta Srewed th FOOTBALL ‘Sheva at they ho KL Chy defender Gb ‘ten th 10 players ‘idan and Hepa clean sheet hough tae ang, earn pt a Dress performance Anstctons and fee iy managed tak iste etvingshuter Loe isan the Ao Masta AMI abou ap svete mtr iteraly stds Not fides Heung opt and dsclpdne ater "Teh hstinvolve 24 abut ote lndependent anal Ls ne issue. Zia not the omy inde pendent payer bsliee Les Chong Wet Fava sling o et them Set tel iernaty sald Yeo yesterday imvcved in a pom use 0 nea {Mappuel sue not attude Petia conch Wong Playersiostweeke Thi was de to BAM Inating ‘oat pajesho aln a Acar Radiingon Malaysia (ADM) mst rah Yo has iisve “as however, unided by Ve served with hls commente, ater vamaca'2 seta and p On a separate note. Yeoh added ‘oat Tat Meng wo tapped SsZuitascoathin ay neeastobe Bren Thane ofthe KL Women’s Supe Bacina enthused by KL City spirit with 10 men "Tehetche Klpescored or KLCiy nthe ‘On fridays sthmnnte, smc guarter Cal spots on Fd. Meanwne Se P {trieg match sees Iangor BF in Kuantan andl Anna’ side recorded war 93 man wil eu tothe squad forthe nturn ATA GLANCE Senerman wil ply a8 we need his help to ‘eee fat The ether, Foor reget wil eed ge ply J il babe to focus satay plas Ieitheguldance encode said Yeol, rem yertery forte launch tthe ‘Wome Super League (SL). he competion beta toy, wlth the ‘into Gets ete 7739 amu 3456 bree 7730 6083" 4oa0 | 0319526 fais 57 5452 6128 CET ‘anes RMG,181,144,35. 7739 4 3456 | 7739+ 7730] 348647739 | 3456 + 7730] 773047739 | 7730+ 3456| Teaver? RM217,004,82 Saar SD d0ss9888) was nctoet RM9,979,181.15 CD oinmsareaa Gesesy) (s9si coma = se i Es & Nunn NN ALOUST 20.2025, NewSumdayFimes SPORT |47 BADMINTON JAMES JOINS THE WAR OF WORDS The brouhaha over BAM's directive on attire for independent shuttlers continues fisted‘ develope the natons py, sgorseryawnrer tic ged independent payer wo On Thundey aclen fed Chong werd et Biansuhemtconmy _ Sas snstthe Academy Ratan tl nests aang" Wer Champonship wil Hk ot Niiisb'Afihtosearsewrasttst at Menge dsting tem problems tones ADMINTON cite Datu James does ht dpa conflicting laos faker for no wanting to flo Sipe ‘Sehvaal nos defended: farmer "On Hida. HAM anmouneed that the ruleset by HAM who started huting abe and Fore SPORTS TOTO RESULTS Sein on Werte he | PORE BON Bw Ksewagy aor hirecenremarison the appre Anernatonal, Tomes said Chong We had yarn ‘Chong We! had every sgh to question {esa ndepencem ater thle dere ‘Tat Meng and ii because he son ExcTaiitand hit coach Wong Tat Meng. “TatStengsdecsonteatrhisdity linen the R1G commit {orsiimingup an iste ant ageing the pub cid not at wel with three-time “Al this wile Chong el has never sid Gan of buying “i da’s saan reply to. iaatremain sient ee Ta Meng wh td Fam 2 ist FE ced oe ato Chong Wel and diy express his deappintmen ater Mo iia fans Ws ob 0 be fans 19 the aca body sted new direct fact ood aw your support Please ‘Kiow the stuation ln tere Sold (ETC) protamme, mooted by lumping the gun” James oh Timesport ots nie anaes, seed n James ao opined that ||] Fa clint st dlver ot rt > iewst cone ete to | I (aang a008) (anne an12 a wesuce | 11/3 $05 |[ 809 HE fssbetoreciicsing him. | ]]{ gong Fas) (Ftes ooo ‘Dol wel wi aio help iyayer “A simple, seenarlo voi be fn tne working Bizodiat Wold a0 paid etal mee C13 *( ‘money tocomelnand doa | |] name C8 OBE rain ob NEC docs nat suc: 7149s nant cea tbe board wild. | || annie | fms added Juss, | || eve SESE « N toma ‘Wong Tar eng (plc on fet) and Lee Chong Wel top) seen M Independent phy. Not independents’ tay as World organisers blunder an ndepen de shuers have har eee Cax wea (a sted eaty in Coenen forthe Wort hampionshiptind shart 1 had ook though my Sa. time sting to por coals te tnd number oday day, we flowed the bus Scie tom he npn fSmiartandended pening scitedate to a0 fo “Top mixed dows dup minon Denmark's malt 13.30pm.and fo bun came canon ita sheen at tiie tpoke toto die. went ockng for manera Sine elev ata spe tnee cas andthe diferest people and fessional players, including another Sines beware Seer erro ae peices ||| Oe qe cece ‘When contacted by Tine sport Sevan, ho To to ‘Seta mel to vent ue ber frostaton ais Ralltart Midfeeponedmetheconct therewasnotranportaertanigg tenors remanent have ‘Ne eventually discovered been seed forthe independent camp. taat our bookings were not but the national players fr te Aca: linderour ames bt nummy Hagin Malaysia ABI departed STARZ QOG200-@ voce! CIEETTETED on? Tale 6 Seal ean ou i Stern renin curganprtte (gwen tka “ihe Reis chomp eat iome. | | RMT S 0,000 & ‘Tho sid they would eee wih the &t>"Droblen didat stop there, asthe pro: al AUOUST 20,2022-NewSunuday Times focus just on badminton and results instead of becoming a problem-maker. >» FABIAN PETER REPORTS ON PAGE 47 ‘La Roja are united’ COACH Jorge Vilda brushes off the turmoil between him and some Spanish players ahead of the Women’s World Cup final, saying ‘the team are united and want to beat England to be No. 1. >» REPORTON PAGE 43.

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