CT183 - Active Filters & Unity Power Factor Rectifiers

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n° 183

active harmonic
and unity power
factor rectifiers
Eric Bettega Jean Noël Fiorina

After joining Merlin Gerin in 1983 as He first joined Merlin Gerin in 1968
a laboratory technician in ABT’s as a laboratory technician in the
electronics engineering and design ACS (Static Converter Power
service, he became part of the Supplies) department where he
Scientific and Technical Division participated in the development of
in 1986. In 1991 he obtained his static converters. In 1977 he
Engineering degree from the CNAM obtained his ENSERG Engineering
(Conservatoire National des Arts et degree and rejoined ACS. Starting as
Métiers), and is currently in charge development engineer, he was soon
of «active harmonic conditioners» afterwards entrusted with projects.
research in Corporate Research He became later responsible for
Electronics. design projects in the EPS
(Electronic Power System)
department where he is in some
ways the originator of medium and
high power inverters.

E/CT 183, first issued January 1997

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.2
active harmonic conditioners Electric loads are becoming
increasingly non-linear in the industrial,
and unity power factor rectifiers tertiary and even household sectors.
These loads absorb non-sinusoidal
currents which, under the effect of
circuit impedance, distort the purely
sinusoidal voltage waveform. This is
what is known as harmonic disturbance
of power networks, currently a cause
for concern as it gives rise to serious
contents We recommend that harmonic non-
specialist readers begin by reading the
appendix where they will find the basic
concepts required to understand the
1. The traditional solutions Reducing harmonic currents
various standard and new solutions to
of non linear loads p. 4
limit or combat harmonics. Not only the
Lowering harmonic impedance characteristic quantities, but also the
of the source p. 4 non linear equipment, influence of the
Carefully choosing the installation sources and disturbing effects of
structure p. 4 harmonics need to be known. Last but
Harmonic isolation p. 4 not least, standards lay down levels of
Using detuning reactors p. 5 compatibility, i.e. the maximum
permissible levels.
Passive harmonic filters p. 5
The purpose of this «Cahier
2. Unity PF rectifiers Introduction p. 6
and active harmonic conditioners Technique» is to describe the active
Unity PF rectifiers p. 7 harmonic conditioners. This attractive,
The «shunt type» active flexible and self-adaptive solution can
harmonic conditioner p. 9 be used in a wide variety of cases to
3. Hybrid active harmonic conditioners The «serial» hybrid structure p. 14 complete or replace other solutions.
The «serial/parallel» hybrid However chapter 1 of this «Cahier
structure p. 15 Technique» will review other
«traditional» solutions which should
«Parallel» combination of passive
also be taken into consideration.
filters and active harmonic
conditioner p. 15
The performances of hybrid
structures p. 15
4. Implementing a «shunt type» active Objective and context p. 18
harmonic conditioner The insertion point of a shunt
type active harmonic conditioner p. 18
Sizing a «shunt-type» active
harmonic conditioner p. 19
Application examples p. 20
5. Conclusion p. 22
Appendix: review of harmonic Definition and characteristic
phenomena quantities p. 23
Origin and transmission p. 23
Deforming loads p. 24
Harmful effets of harmonics p. 24
Standard and recommendations p. 26

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.3

1. the traditional solutions

Electricians need to be familiar with apparent source impedance is divided Very powerful non-linear loads should
these solutions in order to take the right by the number of parallel-connected preferably be supplied by another MV/
measures when installing polluting cables. LV transformer.
equipment or to take all factors into
account when designing new
installations. carefully choosing the harmonic isolation
The solutions described hereafter installation structure The aim is to limit circulation of
depend on the objective sought and on Sensitive loads should not be parallel- harmonic currents to as small a part as
the non linear/sensitive equipment connected with non-linear loads (see possible of the installation using
installed. fig. 2). suitable coupling transformers.
They use passive components: Use of Y-connected primary
reactors, capacitors, transformers and/ transformers (without neutral!) with zig-
or carefully choose the installation zag secondary is an interesting solution
diagram. as it ensures minimum distortion at the
In most cases the aim is to reduce secondary. In this case 3 k order
voltage total harmonic distortion at a harmonic currents do not flow at the
load multi-connection point (in a transformer primary, and the
distribution switchboard). impedance Zs depends only on the
E THD linear secondary windings. The inductive part
load of the impedance is very low:
reducing harmonic Uccx ≈ 1%, and resistance is practically
currents of non linear loads halfed compared with a ∆Y transformer
of identical power.
Besides the obvious solution which
consists of choosing non-disturbing fig. 1: addition of a downstream reactor or Figure 3 and the following calculation
equipment, the harmonic currents of reduction in upstream source impedance show why 3 k ω angular frequencies
some converters can be limited by reduces voltage THD at the point are not present at the transformer
inserting a «smoothing» reactor considered. primary (zero sequence current is nil).
between their connection point and Current circulating for example in the
their input. This solution is particularly primary winding 1 equals:
employed with rectifiers with front end a. solution to avoid N2
capacitors: the reactor may even be (i − i3 )
proposed as an option by N1 1
manufacturers. linear
A word of warning however! Although equipment i 1 = I 1 (3k) = I sin (3k ωt)
this solution reduces voltage total
harmonic distortion upstream of the
reactor, it increases it at the terminals sensitive
of the non-linear load. N2
(i1 - i3)
N1 i3 i1
b. solution to recommend
lowering harmonic
non linear N1 N2 N2
impedance of the source equipment supply i2
In concrete terms this consists of
connecting the disturbing equipment N1 N2 N2
directly to the most powerful i3
transformer possible, or of choosing a
generator with a low harmonic
«clean» power N1 N2 N2
impedance (see appendix and fig. 1). network
Note that it is advantageous on the
source side to use several parallel- fig. 2: a Y-shaped distribution enables
connected cables of smaller cross- decoupling by natural and/or additional fig. 3: zig-zag secondary transformer and
section rather than a single cable. If impedances. attenuation of 3 k orders.
these conductors are far enough apart,

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.4

 4π  or the number of transformers by The switched-steps capacitors must
i 3 = I 3 (3k) = I sin 3k ωt - ,
 3  choosing the appropriate phase allow for the priority of certain
displacement for each secondary. resonance frequencies.
i 3 = I sin (3k ωt) = i 1 This solution is commonly employed in
hence the case of very high power rectifiers
N2 where current distribution in the various passive harmonic filters
(i 1 − i 3) = 0 bridges presents no problems. It is This case differs from the above in that
frequently used by electrolytic rectifiers a capacitor is used in series with a
As regards three-phase loads, some (up to 72 phases!). reactor in order to obtain tuning on a
harmonic orders can be removed by Parallel-connected uninterruptible harmonic of a given frequency. This
using transformers or autotransformers power supplies (UPS) are of special assembly placed in parallel on the
with a number of displaced interest, as the inverters share the installation has a very low impedance
secondaries, a solution particularly output currents and the rectifiers for its tuning frequency, and acts as a
adopted for powerful rectifiers. The best supplying them absorb identical short-circuit for the harmonic in
known of these circuit assemblies is the currents. question.
rectifier consisting of two serial or A number of assemblies tuned on
parallel-connected bridges, supplied by different frequencies can be used
using detuning reactors simultaneously in order to remove
a transformer with two secondaries,
This solution consists of protecting the several harmonic orders.
one Y and the other delta connected.
capacitors, designed to improve the
This assembly produces a 30 degree Passive filters contribute to reactive
displacement power factor by installing
phase displacement between the energy compensation of the installation.
a serial reactor. This reactor is
voltages of the two secondaries. The This apparently simple principle
calculated so that resonance frequency
calculation shows that the 6k±1 order matches none of the harmonics nevertheless calls for thorough study of
harmonics where k is odd are removed present. Typical tuning frequencies are the installation since, although the filter
from the transformer primary. The first for a 50 Hz fundamental: 135 Hz acts as a short-circuit for the required
harmonics removed, which are also the (order 2.7), 190 Hz (order 3.8) and frequency, there is a possibility of
highest in amplitude, are for k = 1, 255 Hz (order 4.5). Thus for the resonance risks with other power
harmonics 5 and 7. The first harmonics fundamental, the battery can perform network reactors on other frequencies
present are then 11 and 13. its displacement power factor and thus of increased previously non-
This property can be generalised by improvement function, while the high troublesome harmonic levels prior to its
increasing the number of rectifiers and impedance of the reactor limits installation (see «Cahier Technique»
the number of transformer secondaries amplitude of the harmonic currents. n° 152).

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.5

2. unity PF rectifiers and active harmonic conditioners

introduction converter to meet the «harmonic compensation technique is of little

compensation» function. interest since:
The previous chapter reviewed the
This generic term thus actually covers a v the «quality» of the energy at the
techniques and corresponding passive
wide range of systems, distinguished point of common coupling is
systems used to reduce harmonic satisfactory in the majority of cases,
disturbances. v insertion of a component in the
v the number of converters used and
These systems all modify impedances, «serial» mode is not easy (for
their association mode,
impedance ratios or cause the example short-circuit current
v their type (voltage source, current
opposition of certain harmonic withstand),
currents. v it is more useful to examine the actual
v the global control modes (current or
Other impedance monitoring means causes of voltage distortion within a
voltage compensation),
are available (which we shall not dare power network (the harmonic current
v possible association with passive
to term «intelligent»!), which use static components (or even passive filters). sources).
converters of ever increasing The only common feature between Out of the numerous «hybrid»
effectiveness due to the steady alternatives we shall concentrate on the
these active systems is that they all
increase in semiconductor power «serial/parallel» type combining active
generate currents or voltages which
component possibilities (see table and passive filtering (see fig. 7) which
oppose the harmonics created by
fig. 4). is a very effective solution for harmonic
non-linear loads. The most instinctive
IGBT’s made possible the industrial cancellation close to high power
achievement is the one shown in
development of power converters able converters.
figure 5 which is normally known as
to guarantee non-disturbance at the «shunt» (or «parallel») topology.
point of common coupling (unity PF It will be studied in detail in
rectification), and harmonic paragraph 3.
compensation of power networks The «serial» type active harmonic
(active harmonic compensation). active harmonic sensitive
conditioner (see fig. 6) will be
c unity PF rectification is a technique conditioner load(s)
mentioned merely as a reminder as it is
enabling static converters to absorb a seldom used. Its function is to enable power network
current very similar to a sinusoidal connection of a sensitive load on a
waveform with, in addition, a disturbed power network by blocking
displacement power factor close to the the upstream harmonic voltage
unit: this highly interesting technique sources. However, in actual practice,
should be used with increasing this «upstream» harmonic fig. 6: «serial type» active harmonic
frequency. conditioner generates an harmonic voltage
which guarantees a sinusoidal voltage on the
c active harmonic compensation
load terminals
An active harmonic conditioner is a
device using at least one static
power network
active harmonic non linear
conditioner load(s)
technology V A F (kHz) power network
MOS 500 50 50
Bipolar 1200 600 2
IGBT 1200 600 10 active harmonic
thyristor passive
GTO 4500 2500 1 filter(s)

fig. 5: «shunt type» active harmonic

conditioner generates an harmonic current
fig. 4: typical characteristics of use of power which cancels current harmonics on the
semiconductors in static converters. power network side. fig. 7: «serial/parallel» type hybrid filter

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.6

However this «Cahier Technique»
does not aim to be complete and
deliberately chooses not to treat many
topologies. This is because all the a. unity PF rectifier iL L
other systems are merely variations on
a theme and because the basic power
solutions are described in this load
network converter
document. power network B.e.m.f.
Before going on to describe unity PF
rectifiers and active harmonic control
conditioners in detail, it should be noted processing
that there is a certain technological B.e.m.f.
resemblance between these two
devices, namely: b. active harmonic conditioner
c when the control strategy of a non
rectifier bridge (integrating, for linear
network load
example, a BOOST stage) imposes +E
circulation of a current reduced merely iL
to its fundamental, this is called unity control 0 t
PF rectification and the rectifier is processing
said to be «clean»,
c when the current reference applied to
this control is (for example) equal to the
harmonic content of the current fig. 8: unity PF rectifier and active harmonic
absorbed by a third-party non linear conditioner
load, the rectifier cancels all the
harmonics at the point of common fig. 9: single-phase diagram equivalent to a
c voltage source converter
coupling: this is known as active voltage PWM converter.
In this case the converter acts as a
harmonic conditioner.
back-electromotive force (a «sinusoidal
Thus the same power topology is able voltage generator») on the power
to meet the two separate needs which network (see fig. 9), and the sinusoidal
are non-disturbance and harmonic current is obtained by inserting a iL L
compensation. Only the control strategy reactor between the power network and
differs (see fig. 8). the voltage source.
Voltage is modulated by means of a
power network I
unity PF rectifiers control loop designed to maintain
current as close as possible to the
Whether for rectifiers, battery chargers,
required sinusoidal voltage waveform.
variable speed drives for DC motors or
Even if other non-linear loads raise the
frequency converters, the device
power network’s voltage total harmonic
directly connected with the power
distortion, regulation can be used to
network is always a «rectifier». This
draw a sinusoidal current.
component, and more generally the
The frequency of low residual
input stage (power and control)
harmonic currents is the frequency of
determines the harmonic behaviour of
modulation and of its multiples. +I
the complete system.
Frequency depends on the possibilities iL
Unity PF rectification principle of the semiconductors used (see fig. 4).
(in single-phase) c current source converter 0 t
This consists of forcing the absorbed This converter acts as a chopped
current to be sinusoidal. Unity PF current «generator». A fairly large -I
rectifiers normally use the PWM (Pulse passive filter is required to restore a
Width Modulation) switching sinusoidal current on the mains side
technique. (see fig. 10).
Two main categories are identified This type of converter is used in
according to whether the rectifier acts specific applications, for example to fig. 10: single-phase diagram equivalent to a
as a voltage source (most common supply an extremely well regulated DC current PWM rectifier
case) or a current source. current.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.7

«Voltage converter» implementation often chosen (see certain Merlin Gerin Transistor T (normally using MOS
principle UPS). technology) and diode D make up the
Its ease of implementation means that This diagram uses the voltage generator voltage modulator. The voltage (u) thus
the diagram in figure 11 is the one most principle. moves from 0 to Vs according to
whether transistor T is in the on or off
When transistor T is conductive, the
iL L D i current in reactor L can only increase
as voltage v is positive and u = 0.
The relationship is then:
i1 di e
power T = 〉 0
v u Vs dt L
e1 When transistor T is off, the current in L
decreases, provided that Vs is greater
than v, so that:
di e - Vs
= 〈 0
dt L
control loop, iL, Vs For this condition to be fulfilled, voltage
Vs must be greater than the peak
voltage of v, i.e. the rms value of the ac
voltage, multiplied by 2 .
If this condition is fulfilled, the current
e1 in L can be increased or decreased at
any time. The time evolution of current
in L can be forced by monitoring the
respective on and off times of
transistor T.
Figure 12 shows the evolution of
From the source viewpoint, the converter current iL with respect to a reference
i1 must act like a resistance: (sinusoidal) i1 and value.
in phase with e1 (DPF = 1). By controlling The closer the switching moments of T
transistor T, the controller forces iL to follow
a sinusoidal type current reference with
(i.e. switching frequency is high), the
double wave rectification. The shape of i1 is
0 thus necessarily sinusoidal and in phase
with e1. Moreover, to keep voltage Vs at its
nominal value at the output, the controller u
adjusts the mean value of iL.

iL t


0 t reference i

fig.12: evolution of current iL compared with

fig. 11: circuit diagram showing a single-phase rectifier with unity PF rectifier. the reference i.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.8

smaller the errors of iL compared with
the reference sine wave. In this case the
current iL is very close to the rectified a) time form
sinusoidal current, and the line current i1
is necessarily sinusoidal.
Figure 13 shows the time curve and the
harmonic spectrum of the current
drawn by a unity PF rectifier of a
2.5 kVA UPS. In this case the transistor
is a MOS, and the switching frequency
equals 20 kHz.
The harmonics of the current absorbed
are highly attenuated compared with a
switch mode power supply which does
not use the «unity PF rectification» b) spectral breakdown
control strategy, and their level is below order max. contrib. typical values measured
standard requirements. as a % of I1 without unity PF value
as in IEC 1000-3-2 rectifier (Uccx = 1%)
Filtering of ≥ 20 kHz orders is easy and
3 14.65% 81% 8.03%
inexpensive. 5 7.26% 52% 2.94%
Three-phase circuits 7 4.90% 24% 3.15%
The basic circuit arrangement is shown 9 2.55% 6% 1.65%
in figure 14. 11 2.10% 7% 1.09%
We recognise the arrangement in 13 1.34% 6% 1.07%
figure 11 where the reactor is placed
upstream of the rectifiers. The fig. 13: current upstream of a « clean » single-phase rectifier (2.5 kVA UPS - PULSAR-PSX type).
operating principle is the same.
The monitoring system controls each
power arm, and forces the current
absorbed on each phase to follow the
sinusoidal reference.
There are currently no three-phase
unity PF rectifiers on the market as power
additional cost is high. Changes in Vs
standards may however stipulate their

the «shunt type» active

harmonic conditioner fig. 14: three-phase rectifier with unity PF rectifier.

Operating principle
The «shunt type» active harmonic
conditioner concept can be illustrated control microphone error microphone
by means of an electro-acoustic
analogy (see fig. 15). The observer will
primary noise
no longer hear the noise source S if a
source S
secondary noise source S’ generates a
counter-noise. The pressure waves
generated by the loudspeaker have the
same amplitude and are in opposition
of phases with those of the source: this
is the destructive interference
phenomenon. This technique is known controller
secondary source S'
as ANR (Active Noise Reduction).
This analogy is a perfect illustration of
the «shunt type» active harmonic
conditioner: the aim is to limit or even fig. 15: principle of acoustic active noise reduction.
remove the current (or voltage)

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.9

+ active harmonic conditioner» forms a
source current iF load current iF + iH linear load (in which current and
voltage are linked by a factor k). This
kind of device is particularly suited for
harmonic compensation of LV networks
irrespective of the chosen point of
coupling and of the type of load (the
device is self-adaptive).
The following functions are thus
performed according to the level of
iF iF + i H c local harmonics compensation: if the
A active harmonic conditioner is
associated with a single non linear
non linear c global harmonics compensation: if
load to be the connection is made (for example) in
iH the MLVS (Main Low Voltage
Switchboard) of the installation.
The «shunt type» active harmonic
compensator current iH conditioner thus forms a current source
independent of power network
impedance, and with the following
intrinsic characteristics:
c its band-width is sufficient to
guarantee removal of most harmonic
components (in statistical terms) from
the load current. We normally consider
harmonic active the range H2 - H23 to be satisfactory, as
harmonic conditioner the higher the order, the lower the
fig. 16: principle of compensation of harmonic components by «shunt type» active harmonic harmonic level.
conditioner. c its response time is such that
harmonic compensation is effective not
only in steady state but also in «slow»
load i transient state (a few dozen ms),
source c its power enables the set harmonic
to load compensation objectives to be met.
However this does not necessarily
input mean total, permanent compensation of
filter the harmonics generated by the loads.
Provided that these three objectives are
filter i
measurement control and simultaneously achieved, the «shunt
monitoring type» active harmonic conditioner
reversible references forms an excellent solution as it is self-
inverter adaptive and there is no risk of
interaction with power network
impedance. It should also be noted that
Vcapa monitoring this device does not aim to rephase the
fig. 17: schematic diagram showing the structure of the «shunt type» active harmonic fundamental U and I components:
conditioner. insertion of an active harmonic
conditioner has no effect on the
displacement power factor.
harmonics at the point of common amplitude as that of the current in the Nevertheless, if the load treated is of
coupling by injecting an appropriate load and is in opposition of phases, the «multiphase rectifier» kind, then the
current (or voltage) (see fig. 16). then Kirchoff’s law at point A global power factor is indeed
Provided that the device is able to inject guarantees that the current supplied by considerably improved as the distortion
at any time a current where each the source is purely sinusoidal. The factor is closer to the unit and the
harmonic current has the same combination of «non linear loads displacement power factor of a rectifier

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.10

a. load current (THD = 80 %, Irms = 44 A)

b. source current (THD = 4.6 %, Irms = 35 A)

fig. 18: diagram showing the «shunt type» active harmonic conditioner with VSI.

fig. 20: «shunt type» active harmonic

conditioner associated with a UPS - time
waveforms of currents (20% load).

c the real time method, which is

particularly suitable for loads with ultra-
fast variations in their harmonic
spectrum. It can use the «synchronous
detection» method or use Clark
fig. 19: diagram showing the «shunt type» active harmonic conditioner with CSI . transformations.
c the non real time method, used for
loads where the harmonic content of
(not controlled) is close to the unit. A reactor can also be used (see fig. 19). the current absorbed varies slightly
However this is more a «secondary Merlin Gerin has chosen Voltage
in 0.1 s. This method uses the
effect» than an actual objective! Source Inverter -VSI- for its SINEWAVE
frequency analysis principle and is
Structure of the «shunt type» active range because of its added value in
based on the Fast Fourier Transform
harmonic conditioner technical and economic terms: wider
(FFT). It enables global or selective
This device is broken down into the pass-band, simpler input filter.
treatment of harmonic orders.
following two subassemblies (see Moreover the VSI structure technically
resembles inverter structure. Examples of performances obtained
fig. 17).
Control and monitoring electronics using non-linear loads
c power: input filter, reversible inverter,
storage components, Its main function is to control the power In these examples the loads do not
c control: reference processing, U/I semiconductors. As such it must: operate on full load, as the THD (I) is
controls, converter low level control. c control capacitor load (c) on at its lowest on full load. In the
The main difference between a energising, example below, the THD (I) is 30% on
converter and a unity PF rectifier, c regulate voltage at the terminals of c, full load, whereas it is 80% with a 20%
described in the previous chapter, lies c generate « rectifier » on/off patterns load.
in the control and monitoring (as the when it has an inverter function so that c case of a UPS
setpoint is no longer a 50 Hz sine the active harmonic conditioner A « shunt type » active harmonic
wave). If the «storage» component is a permanently supplies a current conditioner is parallel-connected on a
capacitor or battery, the converter has compensating the non linear harmonic three-phase uninterruptible power
a similar structure to that of the input currents (see fig. 16). supply of a power of 120 kVA. The
stage of the converter with unity PF There are 2 signal processing methods, current time waveforms are shown in
rectifier (see fig. 18). namely: figure 20. The spectrum of the current

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.11

relative a. load current (THD = 163 %, Irms = 25 A)
(% of « shunt type » active harmonic conditioner on UPS I
30 t
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 harmonic
■ source I without active harmonic conditioner
source I with active harmonic conditioner
b. source current (THD = 22.4 %, Irms = 15.2 A)
fig. 21: source currents spectrum. I

current without active with active

characteristics harmonic conditioner harmonic conditioner
Irms (A) 44.1 35.2
Peak factor 1.96 1.52
THD (I) as a % 80.8 4.6
Power factor 0.65 0.86 t
DPF 0.84 0.86
Harmonic Irms (A) 27.7 1.6
fig. 23: «shunt type» active harmonic
conditioner on variable speed drive:
fig. 22: «shunt type» active harmonic conditioner on UPS: measured values. waveforms of currents on half-load.

absorbed by the load is given in figure harmonic distortion of 162% for the active harmonic conditioner is an
21 and corresponds to an harmonic load current. Figure 24 shows the excellent means for removing
distortion of 80 %. Use of the « shunt harmonic spectrum of the source and harmonics on a feeder or non-linear
type » active harmonic conditioner load currents. load. However:
considerably attenuates the THD (I) Use of the «shunt type» active c removal of all disturbances, even if it
which drops from 80% to 4.6%. harmonic conditioner considerably is possible, is not necessarily the aim,
The rms current drops by nearly 20%, attenuates the THD (I) which drops c it is not suited to voltage power
and the power factor increases by 30%. to 22.4%. The rms current drops by networks exceeding 500 V,
(see fig. 21 and 22). nearly 40% (see fig. 24 and 25). c it has no effect on disturbances
c case of a VSD (frequency converter Performance is lower than in the first upstream of the current sensor,
type) case (UPS) since line current c technical and economic considerations
An active harmonic conditioner is fluctuations are much faster. In this may require use combined with a passive
parallel-connected to a variable speed cases addition of a 0.3 mH smoothing component; for example a reactor (see
drive for asynchronous motor of a reactor is recommended. The table in fig. 26) or a passive filter to remove
power of 37 kW operating on half-load. figure 26 illustrates the resulting the 3rd or 5th harmonic (considerable
The current time waveforms are shown increase in effectiveness. decrease in «shunt type» active
in figure 23 and correspond to an We can conclude that the «shunt type» harmonic conditioner power rating).

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.12

relative characteristics without with
value of current active active
(% of on half-load harmonic harmonic
fundamental) conditioner conditioner
Irms (A) 25.9 15.2
Peak factor 3.78 1.95
60 THD (I) as a % 163 22.4
Harmonic Irms
(A) 21.7 3.3

fig. 25: «shunt type» active harmonic

40 conditioner associated with a variable speed
drive: current characteristics.


characteristics of with active harmonic

current on full load conditioner and
smoothing reactor
10 Irms (A) 57.6
Peak factor 1.46
THD (I) as a % 3.4
0 Harmonic Irms (A) 2
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 harmonic
■ source I without active harmonic conditioner order
source I with active harmonic conditioner fig. 26: «shunt type» active harmonic
conditioner associated with a variable speed
fig. 24: «shunt type» active harmonic conditioner associated with a variable speed drive: drive with smoothing reactor: current
harmonic spectrum of the source current. characteristics.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.13

3. hybrid active harmonic conditioners

Harmonic compensation needs are the «serial» hybrid resonance frequencies of the passive
many and varied, since we may need to filters,
guarantee: v it considerably attenuates harmonic
c non-disturbance of a «clean» power The diagram in figure 28 illustrates the currents between load and source by
network by a disturbing load, main subassemblies of this structure,
«lowering» global impedance (passive
c or proper operation of a sensitive filters plus active harmonic conditioner).
c one (or more) bank (s) of resonant
load (or power network) in a disturbed Since not all the power network current
passive filters (Fi), parallel-connected
environment, flows through the active harmonic
with the disturbing load(s),
c or both these objectives conditioner, the components of the
c an active harmonic conditioner, made
simultaneously! latter can be downsized (and in
up of:
The problem of harmonic compensation particular the magnetic coupler).
v a magnetic coupler (Tr), the primary
can thus be handled at two levels of which is inserted in series with the This structure is thus ideal for treating
(exclusive or combined): passive filter(s), high voltage and power networks, while
c parallel compensation by current v an inverter (MUT) connected to the at the same time ensuring rephasing of
source downstream of the point in secondary of the magnetic coupler. The fundamental components.
question: this is the «shunt type» active harmonic conditioner is
solution described in the previous controlled so that:
chapter, Vfa = K × ISH
c serial compensation by implementing where: load
an upstream voltage source. source
Vfa: voltage at the magnetic coupler Is
The structures that we shall refer to as terminals,
«hybrid» hereafter in this document are K: value in «ohm» fixed for each order,
those which simultaneously implement ISH: harmonic current from the source. passive
both solutions, as shown for example in In this configuration the active harmonic filter
figure 27. Fi
conditioner only acts on the harmonic
They use passive filters and active currents and increases the
harmonic conditioners. effectiveness of the passive filters:
We have chosen to describe three of v it prevents amplification of upstream MUT. Tr Vfa
the many alternatives available. harmonic voltages at the anti-
active harmonic

active harmonic conditioner

vca fig. 28: «serial/serial type» hybrid
conditioners - one-line diagram.

source Is load
Vs(h1) Vfa
ich(h1) ich(hn)

vch Zf
Vs Tr. Vc
Vs(hn) load
MUT. passive
filter Fi
active harmonic
passive filter
fig. 29 : «serial/parallel type» hybrid
fig. 27: active/passive hybrid conditioners - example. conditioners.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.14

Its main drawback is that the passive «parallel» combination of
filters depend on the type of load, thus
passive filters and active
requiring a preliminary study. load
harmonic conditioner source
Finally, virtually all the pre-existing Is
harmonic voltages (on the source) are The principle consists of «parallel»
present on the load side. This connection of one (or more) tuned
configuration can therefore be passive filter(s) and a «shunt type»
compared with the «shunt type» active active harmonic conditioner (see fig. 31).
harmonic conditioner. In this case also, the active harmonic
conditioner and the passive filter prove active harmonic
the ideal combination. It may prove conditioner
the «serial/parallel» hybrid useful to limit (by the FFT technique),
structure the action of the active harmonic
fig. 30: hybrid conditioner with injection by
conditioner to the orders not treated by
The diagram in figure 29 shows that transformer.
the passive filters.
this structure contains the main This structure is used (as applicable) to:
subassemblies of the previous c improve the harmonic cancellation
structure, the only difference being in obtained using only passive filters, load
the connection point of the coupler c limit the number of orders of passive
primary (in series between source and filters,
load). c improve the effectiveness of the
The active harmonic conditioner control active harmonic conditioner only (for
law is the same: its aim is for the active the same power effectiveness of the active harmonic
harmonic conditioner to develop a active harmonic conditioner). conditioner
voltage which opposes circulation of Nevertheless, this combination does
harmonic currents to the source. It not prevent passive filter overloads or
therefore acts as an impedance (of the effects of anti-resonance with
value K fixed for each order) for power network impedance. FP1 FP2
harmonic frequencies. In short
Passive filtering is thus more efficient These hybrid structures do not possess fig. 31 : «parallel» connection of active
(as the presence of this serial the «universal» character of the «shunt harmonic conditioner and passive filters -
«impedance» forces circulation of the type» active harmonic conditioner as principle.
harmonic load currents to the passive passive filters need to be chosen (in
filters). Moreover, the serial filter terms of type, number of orders and
isolates the load of the harmonic tuning frequencies) according to the
circuit characteristics
components already existing on the kind of harmonic currents generated by
source 400 V, three-phase,
source and prevents passive filter the load. The presence of the active
600 kVA, 5 %,
overload. This topology is thus most harmonic conditioner downsizes the THD (Vs) < 1.5 %
often referred to as an «harmonic passive filters and reinforces their load 130 kW,
isolator» since, in some respects, it effect. Vice versa, the addition of an 70 % load,
isolates the source of a disturbing load, active harmonic conditioner of reduced 0.15 mH smoothing reactor.
and, reversely, prevents overload of a power to an existing installation measurements taken
increases the efficiency of existing THD (Ich) 35 %
passive filter by upstream disturbance.
passive filters. THD (Is) 9%
It should be noted that this topology
generates sizing and protection THD (Vch) 2 %
problems for the magnetic coupler, the performances of hybrid
since: structures fig. 32: «serial type» conditioner -
c total load current flows through this characteristics and results
Prototypes have been designed,
produced and tested in partnership with
c a very high current wave is applied in
Electricité de France (which is the types of hybrid filters with a frequency
the event of a short-circuit. largest and almost the only power utility
A possible solution to both problems converter (variable speed drive for
in France). These models comprised asynchronous motor) is given below:
may be to use a transformer with two banks of resonant passive filters
secondary winding (see fig. 30). tuned on orders 5 and 11 (harmonic «Serial» configuration
Compensation then takes place compensation of a UPS-type load) or 5 (see fig. 28)
«magnetically» by directly acting on and 7 (variable speed drive load). The test circuit characteristics are
the flow. The result of the tests combining two defined in the table in figure 32.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.15

The performances are in this case also
totally satisfactory even if the quality of
THD(Vch) as a % THD(Is) as a %
the source voltage (THD (u) very low)
3 does not let us appraise performance in
terms of isolation. The source current
40 THD is however reduced from more
than 35% to 11% (see fig. 35). Passive
filter current remains constant and is
2 30 thus representative of isolation from the
source. Additional tests proved that for
very high upstream distortion
20 (THD (U) = 11%), voltage quality at the
1 load terminals continued to be good
(THD (UCH) = 4.7%).
Characteristics of the active
We have now dealt with serial and
without filter passive filters only passive filter and active parallel type active harmonic
harmonic conditioner conditioners and with hybrid
To round off this chapter, we propose
fig. 33: «serial type» hybrid conditioner associated with a variable speed drive - evolution of
to summarise the qualities of these
THD (Vch) and THD (Is).
various «active solutions» used to
combat harmonic disturbance. The
Comments: «Serial/parallel type» table in figure 36 shows that, except
for a few special cases, the «shunt
This topology is not suitable for treating configuration
type» active harmonic conditioner and
power networks with a high upstream (see fig. 29) the parallel-connected structure are
voltage THD. However, its « current »
The test circuit characteristics are the solutions to be preferred in low
performances are totally respectable
defined in the table in figure 34. voltage.
(the THD (I) is reduced from over 35%
to 9%) (see fig. 33).
It is thus particularly well suited for
treating power networks with low
upstream THD, or for which serial THD(Vch) as a % THD(Is) as a %
insertion of a device is particularly

4 30
circuit characteristics
source 400 V, three-phase
600 kVA, 5 %, 3
THD (Vs) < 1.5 % 20
load 130 kW, 2
70% load,
0.15 mH smoothing reactor. 10
measurements taken 1
THD (Ich) 35 %
THD (Is) 11 % 0
THD (Vch) 2.1 % without filter passive filters only passive filter and active
harmonic conditioner

fig. 34: «serial/parallel type» hybrid fig. 35: «serial/parallel type» hybrid conditioner associated with a variable speed drive - reading
conditioner: characteristics and result. of THD (Vch) and THD (Is).

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.16

type of ⇒ «serial» «shunt» «parallel» «serial» «serial/parallel type»
filter hybrid hybrid hybrid
criterion ⇓
schematic diagram
Res. A.H.C load Res. load Res. load Res. load Res. A.H.C load

A.H.C A.H.C P.F. P.F.

A.H.C.: Active Harmonic Conditioner
action on Uh/source Ih/load Ih/load Ih/load Ih/load,
performance +++ +++ +++ ++ ++
active harmonic fund + harm harm. harm. harm. fund + harm
conditioner sizing
short-circuit great none none none great
insertion difficult easy easy easy difficult
improvement no possible yes yes yes
of DPF
open-endedness no yes yes no no
resonance risk NA (not applicable) NA (not applicable) yes no no

fig. 36: summary of the various «active solutions» to combat harmonic disturbance.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.17

4. implementing a «shunt type»
active harmonic conditioner

We would first like to emphasise that network (sources, loads, lines, is in most cases to make a choice
our aim is not to act as a «selection capacitors) and not just a fragmented according to the individual difficulties of
guide» between the various types of view limited merely to the zone each electrical installation. For
harmonic compensation techniques concerned. This single-line diagram is example, isolation or decoupling by
(both active and passive), but rather to in some respects the first component of impedance of disturbing loads is easily
present the criteria used to size and our «tool box». carried out on new installations
insert the active harmonic conditioners. Carrying out an «inventory» provided it is considered in the design
Furthermore, a selection guide would We have first placed an harmonic phase. However it frequently generates
imply that the various solutions given distortion analyser in this «tool box», unacceptable difficulties on existing
are available in product form. vital for quantifying disturbance at power networks.
At present, given that both the various points of an existing installation. It is thus obvious that no «active»
«traditional» solutions and the hybrid solutions (regardless of the type) can
Identifying and characterising
solutions require in-depth study and be systematically chosen, but that an
disturbing equipment
suitable solutions, only the shunt type analytical approach is required in which
active harmonic conditioners are We need to identify the main
active harmonic conditioner cost alone
disturbing equipment(s) and their
available on the market (they require is not necessarily the most important
respective spectra. The latter can be
merely a simple study). factor.
obtained either by measurements or
We shall thus concentrate on Although Active harmonic conditioners
by consulting the technical
identifying the main parameters that have undeniable advantages over
specifications provided by each
«potential» active harmonic conditioner passive filters, they are not necessarily
users need to know in order to make preferred particularly for existing
the right choice. Defining the harmonic compensation installations already equipped with
objective passive filters. The insertion of a serial
The second preliminary requirement or parallel type active harmonic
objective and context concerns the actual objective of the conditioner, after study, is a good
Knowing the «mechanisms» action considered: the method used solution.
The main problem of harmonic differs considerably according to We shall now use experience acquired
phenomena is undeniably linked to their whether you wish to correct
on site to describe the implementation
very weak visibility. Although it is malfunctioning observed, or to ensure
of a «shunt type» active harmonic
usually easy to observe deterioration in compliance with the specifications of
conditioner which is the simplest
wave quality (voltage and/or current) at power utility or a non-linear load
one or more points, the combinational manufacturer. Short term power
network changes must also be taken
function between the various sources
(self-sufficient or not), loads and
into consideration. the insertion point of a
For example this stage must enable shunt type active harmonic
topology of the power network is no
identification of at least:
simple matter! conditioner
c the type of compensation (global or
Moreover, the association between
local), The connection principle of a «shunt
harmonic phenomena (often
c the power rating at the node type» active harmonic conditioner is
overlooked) and the malfunctions
considered, shown in figure 37. In our example it is
observed in the power network
c the type of correction required (on inserted in parallel mode in
components (often random) is not
voltage and/or current distortions), the LV switchboard of an installation,
c the reactive energy compensation and the only interaction with the power
Knowing the power network and its need, network to be treated, is the insertion of
topology .... the current sensors.
The first preliminary requirement thus Once the above analyses are complete, As regards insertion of the active
concerns the power network the most advantageous technical and harmonic conditioner, harmonic
environment: implementation of an economic solution must be chosen. The compensation can be considered at
harmonic compensation technique same objective often has several each level of the tree structure shown
requires knowledge of the entire power technical possibilities, and the problem in figure 38.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.18

The compensation mode may be
termed global (position «A»), semi-
global (position «B») or local (position
«C») according to the point of action LV distribution switchboard
chosen. Although it is hard to lay down
hard and fast rules, it is obvious that if
disturbance is caused by a large
number of small loads, the «mode»
preferred will be global, whereas if it is
caused by a single high power
disturbing load, the best result will be supply network
achieved using the local «mode».
Local harmonic compensation
load to be
The «shunt type» active harmonic compensated
conditioner is directly connected to the harmonic
load terminals. This mode is the most harmonic current to be
efficient provided that the number of compensation compensated
loads is limited and that the power of
active harmonic
each load is significant compared with
global power. In other terms, the loads
treated must be the main generators of
the harmonic disturbances.
Circulation of harmonic current in the fig. 37: connection of a «shunt type» active harmonic conditioner : principle.
power network is avoided, thus
reducing losses by Joule effect in
upstream cables and components (no Global compensation the rms curren ICA RMS is the current
oversizing of cables and transformers) This form of compensation contributes that can be permanently generated by
as well as reducing disturbances of rather to compliance with the point of the active harmonic conditioner.
sensitive loads. common coupling according to «power Other characteristic active harmonic
It is worth pointing out, however, that utility» requirements, than to the conditioner factors are its bandwith
the «shunt type» active harmonic reduction of internal disturbances in the and its dynamic capacity:
conditioner lowers source impedance customer’s power network. Only the c the active harmonic conditioner
at the connection point, and thus power transformer(s) actually derive bandwith is defined by nmin and nmax,
slightly increases current total harmonic direct advantage from harmonic the (minimum and maximum) action
distortion between the connection point compensation. Nevertheless, this form orders of the active harmonic
and the load. has a serious advantage for operation conditioner.
Semi-global compensation in autonomous production mode as a The following can be written:
result of the numerous interactions
The active harmonic conditioner, n=nmax
 I2 
connected to the input of
between disturbing loads and generator
sets with high harmonic impedance.
I CA RMS (A) = ∑  CA(n) 
the LV subdistribution switchboard, n=nmin
However, compared with local
treats several sets of loads. The c the active harmonic conditioner
compensation, this compensation
harmonic currents then flow between current tracking dynamic capacity
technique results in a reduction in
the MLVS and the loads of each feeder.
active harmonic conditioner power di
This type of compensation is ideal for (expressed by ) is the capacity of
rating which benefits from the non- dt
multiple disturbing loads with low
algebraic summing of the disturbing the active harmonic conditioner to
unitary power, e.g. on floors in service
loads throughout the power network. «track» rapidly varying references.
sector buildings (office equipment and
lighting systems). NB: these last two factors are not
It also makes it possible to benefit from sizing a «shunt -type» considered to affect size, since they
non-algebraic summing between loads, form a characteristic inherent in the
at the cost of a slight increase in losses
active harmonic active harmonic conditioner and not an
by Joule effect on each feeder treated. conditioner adjustable parameter.
NB: this type of compensation can also The main factor to consider when sizing Choosing nominal rating:
be applied to a single feeder, thus a «shunt type» active harmonic Provided that the spectrum of the
limiting harmonic compensation to a conditioner is its power rating (or more current to be treated ICH is known, the
single type of load (see fig. 37). precisely its rms current): nominal current of the active harmonic

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.19

c the harmonic spectrum of most loads
is significant only in the band h3
MV to h13,
c the purpose of inserting the active
harmonic conditioner is not to cancel
the THD (I) but to limit it below a
predefined level (e.g. 8%),
LV c An active harmonic conditioner can
main LV be chosen with a rating lower than
switchboard IN CA RMS, and then operate in
permanent saturation (by permanent,
automatic limitation of its rms current).
Finally, parallel-connection of a
A number of active harmonic conditioners
at the same insertion point is
active harmonic
technically feasible, a solution which
may prove of interest for upgrading of a
pre-equipped network.
application examples
Reduction of line distortions
As regards high rise buildings or
buildings occupying a large ground
active harmonic surface area, the main problem
conditioner concerns the lengths of the lines
between the point of common coupling
terminal (MV/LV transformer) and the loads.
switchboard This is because, irrespective of voltage
wave quality at the origin of the
installation and of the precautions
taken for the lines (choice of cable
diameter, splitting,...), voltage total
harmonic distortion increases at the
C same time as «altitude» or distance!
As from a specific point, therefore,
active harmonic
M M voltage distortion can be considered
unacceptable in permanent mode, and
the «shunt-type» active harmonic
fig. 38: the various insertion points of a «shunt type» active harmonic conditioner: principle. conditioner provides an interesting
alternative to traditional solutions
(e.g. isolation by suitable LV/LV
conditioner IN CA RMS, can be This formula is used to determine coupling transformers).
determined such that: whether the maximum theoretical Let us consider the example of a three-
performance of the active harmonic phase UPS supplying a set of
conditioner is compatible with the target
IN CA RMS (A) ≥ ∑ 2
(n) objective. It can be simplified still
«computer» loads at the end of a 60 m
line. We then observe a voltage
further, if we consider the specific cas distortion of 10.44% (phase to phase)
Provided that the above condition is of Merlin Gerin products for which
and of 15.84% (phase to neutral) at
met, the « new » current total harmonic nmin = 2 and nmax = 23:
distortion (upstream) can be calculated load level. This deterioration is the
n→∞ result of a combination of two factors,
once the active harmonic conditioner is
put into operation:
∑ I CH
(n) namely:
THD I(%) =
n= 24
c UPS sensitivity (with non-PWM
n=nmin n→∞ I CH
∑ ∑ (1) control) to the non-linear characteristic
I CH + 2
(n) (n) Furthermore, the above nominal rating of the downstream current,
n=2 n=nmax + 1
THD I(%) = selection rule must be weighted by the c the mainly inductive characteristic of
(1) following practical considerations: the line which amplifies distortions.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.20

The proposed solution is illustrated in c more or less reached on orders 7 An advantage particularly appreciated
figure 39 and is based on insertion of a and 11. by the customer is the reduction of his
«shunt type» active harmonic The choice made is a combination of contracted power (in kVA).
conditioner as close as possible to smoothing reactors and a «shunt type» This example also shows that the
loads. Performances are then totally active harmonic conditioner: combination of an active harmonic
satisfactory with respect to the performances are shown in figure 41: conditioner + smoothing reactor is
objective: the THD (U) drops to 4.9% c all the harmonic orders are well particularly suitable in view of the high
phase to phase and to 7.2% phase to below authorised emission limits, degree of disturbance.
neutral. c the current total harmonic distortion is
Combination of «shunt type» active reduced by 89%.
harmonic conditioner and passive
Effect on tariffs
A pumping station is designed to
maintain constant water pressure on
the drinking water distribution network
(see fig. 40). The motor-driven
pump P1 is thus controlled by a
variable speed drive with frequency
In this particular instance, the main
objective was compliance of the source
current spectrum with the power utility’s
requirements. With no filtering device, active harmonic
L conditioner
the authorised harmonic emission level
c greatly exceeded on order 5, starter variable

P2 P1

fig. 40: pumping station diagram.


sn = 200 kVA


connecting cable:
60 m/50 mm2 15


active harmonic
conditioner 5

n computer loads 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 15 17
fig. 39: using an active harmonic conditioner ■ authorised I ■ I without compensation ■ I with compensation
to treat voltage total harmonic distortion at
the end of a 60 m cable. fig. 41: spumping station - spectral representation of harmonic currents.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.21

5. conclusion

The profusion of non-linear loads non risk-free solution, is now The easy to use, self-adaptive «shunt
makes harmonic distortion of power commercially available in the form of type» active harmonic conditioner,
networks a phenomenon of increasing active harmonic conditioners. which requires virtually no preliminary
amplitude, the effects of which cannot These devices use a structure of the studies prior to use, is the ideal solution
be ignored since almost all the power static power converter type. for harmonic compensation on a non-
network components are in practice Consequently, semiconductor progress linear load or LV distribution
affected. means that converters, which are switchboard. However it does not
Up to now the most popular solution normally harmonic disturbers, now form necessarily replace passive filters with
was passive filtering. However an efficient, self-adaptive harmonic which it can be combined
attractive alternative to this complex, compensation devices . advantangeously in some cases.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.22

appendix: review of harmonic phenomena

definition and There is another definition which origin and transmission

replaces the fundamental Y1 with the
characteristic quantities Linear and non-linear loads
total rms value Yrms. This definition is
Joseph FOURIER proved that all non- used by some measuring instruments. A load is said to be linear when there is
sinusoidal periodic functions can be a linear relationship (linear differential
represented by a sum of sinusoidal Individual harmonic ratio
equation with constant factors) between
terms, the first one of which, at the This quantity represents the ratio of the current and voltage. In simpler terms, a
recurrence frequency of the function, is value of an harmonic over the value of linear load absorbs a sinusoidal current
said to be fundamental, and the others, the fundamental (Y1), according to the when it is supplied by a sinusoidal
at multiple frequencies of the standard definition or over the value of voltage: this current may be displaced
fundamental, are said to be harmonic. A the alternating quantity (Yrms). by an angle ϕ compared with voltage.
DC component may complete these When this linear relationship is not
purely sinusoidal terms. Hn% = 100 verified, the load is termed non-linear. It
FOURIER’s formula: Y1
absorbs a non-sinusoidal current and
n= ∞ (Frequency) spectrum thus harmonic currents, even when it is
y(t) = Yo + ∑ Yn 2 sin(n ω t - ϕ n ), supplied by a purely sinusoidal voltage
Representation of harmonic amplitude
as a function of their order: harmonics (see fig. 42).
- Yo: DC component value, generally nil value is normally expressed as a Voltage and current total harmonic
and considered hereafter to be nil, percentage of the fundamental. distortion
- Yn: rms value of the nth harmonic Power factor (PF) and Displacement A non-linear load generates harmonic
component, Power Factor (DPF) voltage drops in the circuits supplying
- ω: angular frequency of the It is important not to confuse these two it. In actual fact all upstream
fundamental, terms when harmonics are present, as impedances need to be taken into
- ϕn : displacement of the nth harmonic they are equivalent only when currents consideration right through to the
component. and voltages are completely sinusoidal. sinusoidal voltage source.
The notion of harmonics applies to all c the power factor (λ) is the ratio Consequently a load absorbing
periodic phenomena irrespective of between active power P and apparent harmonic currents always has a non-
their nature, and particularly power S: sinusoidal voltage at its terminals. This
to AC current. is characterised by the voltage total
P harmonic distortion:
rms value of a non-sinusoidal λ=
S n= ∞
alternating quantity
∑ (Zn In)
c the displacement power factor 2
There is similarity between the normal
(cos ϕ1) relates to fundamental n=2
expression of this rms value calculated THD% = 100
quantities, thus: U1
from the time evolution of the
alternating quantity (y(t)) and the cos ϕ1 = 1
expression calculated using its S1
harmonic content: In pure sinusoidal waveform:
T n= ∞ cos ϕ1 = cos ϕ = λ I
1 2
Yrms =
y (t)dt = ∑ Yn2 Distortion factor
0 n=1
The IEC 146-1-1 defines this factor as U
Note that when harmonics are present, the ratio between the power factor and
the measuring instruments must have a the displacement power factor
wide bandwidth (> 1 kHz).
λ 0
Total harmonic distortion cos ϕ1 : ν = π 1
cos ϕ1 F
Total harmonic distortion is a parameter It is always less than or equal to 1.
globally defining distortion of the
alternating quantity: c Peak factor
n= ∞ The ratio of peak value over rms value
∑ Yn2 of a periodic quantity.
fig. 42: current absorbed by a non-linear
THD(%) = 100
n= 2 Ypeak load.
Fc =
Y1 Yrms

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.23

where Zn is the total source impedance c disturbances by creating reactors in the different parts of the
at the frequency of harmonic n, and In electromagnetic fields. Thus when installation reveals a risk of resonance
the rms value of harmonic n. «data transmission lines » circulate in with the capacitors which may
The greater the non-linearity of the the vicinity of power lines through which considerably increase the amplitude of
load, the larger the voltage distortion harmonic currents flow, they may be an harmonic in the capacitors. In
and the higher the order of the subjected to induced currents able to practice, capacitors should never be
harmonic currents (inductive source cause malfunctioning of the equipment connected on installations with a
impedance 2 π f1 n L). to which they are connected. voltage total harmonic distortion greater
Remember that current total harmonic c finally circulation of harmonic currents than 8%.
distortion is: in the neutral provokes a voltage drop
in this conductor: thus in the case of Effects on transformers
n= ∞ the TN-C earthing system, the frames Harmonics generate additional losses
∑ In2 of the various devices are no longer at in the transformers:
n=2 the same potential, which may well c losses due to Joule effect in the
I1 interfere with information exchange windings, accentuated by the skin effect,
between «intelligent» loads. c losses by hysteresis and eddy current
In order to illustrate the main types of
Moreover current circulates in the in the magnetic circuits. To take these
behaviour of the main sources,
metallic structures of the building and losses into consideration, a
figure 43 shows the evolution of their
creates disturbing electromagnetic fields. standardised empirical formula
impedances as a function of
Effects on capacitors (NFC 52-114) is used to calculate the
derating factor k to be applied to a
For further details, readers can consult Capacitor impedance decreases as
frequency increases. Consequently if transformer.
«Cahier Technique» n° 159.
Do not forget that large diameter cables voltage is distorted, relatively strong 1 In
k= where Hn =
are mainly inductive and that small harmonic currents flow in these n= ∞ I1
diameter cables have a non-negligible capacitors whose aim is to improve 1+ 0.1 ∑ Hn2 n1.6
resistance. the DPF. Furthermore the presence of n= 2

deforming loads
Zs ratio of output impedance
Most deforming loads are static
% over nominal load impedance
converters. They may be powerful and
few in number, or low-power and 150
plentiful. Some examples are:
c fluorescent lamps, dimmers,
c computers,
c electrical household appliances
(television sets, microwaves, induction
Nowadays the proliferation of low
power devices is chiefly responsible for 100 ac generator X"d = 12 %
increased voltage harmonic distortion in
power networks.
Figure 44 illustrates the current
absorbed by a few loads, and figure 45
the matching harmonic spectra (typical

harmful effects of
harmonics transformer Uccx = 4 %
Effects on low current appliances
and systems
Harmonic distortion may cause:
c malfunctioning of certain appliances
PWM inverter
which use voltage as a reference to
generate semiconductor controls or as 0 50 250 500 750 F (Hz)
a time base to synchronise certain fig. 43: output impedance of the various sources as a function of frequency.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.24



1: Light dimmer or heating regulator 0
e R
α = π/2

2: Switch mode power supply rectifier, i
for example: i
c computer u C
c electrical household appliances 0


3: Three-phase rectifier with front end e1 e1
capacitor, for example: variable speed drive i2
e2 C R
for asynchronous motors i3


i1 i1
4: Three-phase rectifier with DC filtering i2
reactor, for example: battery charger. e2 C R


e1 i1
5: Three-phase rectifier with AC smoothing i2
e2 C R
reactor, for example: high power UPS i3

fig. 44: curve of the current absorbed by some non-linear loads.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.25

For example where standards and To ensure these levels are not reached,
H5 = 25 % ; H7 = 14 % ; H11 = 9 % ; limits must be set for the disturbances
H13 = 8 %, recommendations emitted (emission level) by devices
the factor k is 0.91. Electricity is today regarded as a either considered separately, or for a
product, especially in Europe with the group of devices as regards their point of
Effect on ac generators
directive of July 25th 1985. connection to the power network.
In the same way as for the transformer,
The EN 50160 standard defines its IEC 1000-3-2 deals with low voltage
the harmonics create additional losses
main characteristics at the customer’s and devices absorbing current of
in the windings and magnetic circuit.
point of common coupling for a low less than 16 A, and the IEC 1000-3-4
Furthermore the harmonics create
voltage public supply network, and in draft guide deals with devices
pulsating torques which generate
particular the harmonic voltage levels absorbing current greater than 16 A.
vibrations and additional overheating in
(class 2 levels in the table in figure 47). Although there is no standard for
the damping windings. Finally as the
These are the levels of compatibility in industrial applications, there is a sort of
subtransient reactance is relatively
terms of electromagnetic compatibility «consensus» concerning the notion of
large, the voltage total harmonic
(see fig. 46). stages for authorisation of connection to
distortion quickly rises with the increase
In addition to this European standard, the the public supply network: stage 1 means
in harmonic currents.
maximum levels of the various harmonic automatic acceptance for low powers
In practice, limitation of the current
orders are defined in IEC 1000. with respect to contracted power, stage 2
total harmonic distortion to a value less
c for low voltage public supply means acceptance with reservations (a
than 20% is accepted, with a limit of 5%
networks: IEC 10 000-2-2 and CIGRE single consumer must not exceed a level
for each harmonic order. Beyond these recommendations. representing half the level of
values, manufacturers must be c for medium and high voltage compatibility) and stage 3 means
consulted as to the spectrum of current public supply networks: IEC draft exceptional and provisional acceptance
really absorbed by the loads. standard for medium voltage and when the previous level is exceeded.
Effect on power lines and in CIGRE recommendations. Finally, to guarantee proper operation
particular on the neutral conductor c for low voltage and medium of devices, these devices must be
Harmonic currents create additional voltage industrial installations: able to withstand levels of
losses in conductors accentuated by IEC 1000-2-4. disturbance greater than the levels
the skin effect. By way of illustration, the table taken of compatibility given in figure 47
Losses are even more serious when from this standard gives the harmonic should these levels be overshot
single-phase loads absorb harmonic levels of compatibility in three standard (permissible temporarily): this is their
currents 3 and multiples of 3. These situations (classes) (see fig. 47). level of immunity.
currents are in phase and are added
together in the neutral conductor.
With, for example, an harmonic 3 of
75%, the current flowing in the neutral N° H3 H5 H7 H9 H11 H13 H15 H17 H19
is 2.25 times the fundamental. The 1 54 18 18 11 11 8 8 6 6
current in each phase is only 2 75 45 15 7 6 3 3 3 2
1+ 0.75 2 = 1.25 times the fundamental. 3 0 80 75 0 40 35 0 10 5
Special attention must thus be paid to 4 0 25 7 0 9 4 0 5 3
the sizing of the neutral conductor 5 0 33 3 0 7 2 0 3 2
when non linear loads are present. The
TN-C earthing system is strongly fig. 45: example of the harmonic spectrum of currents absorbed by the loads in figure 44.
advised against.

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.26

Level of disturbance

level of susceptibility: level from which a device or system starts malfunctioning.

level of immunity: level of a disturbance withstood by a device or system.

level of compatibility: maximum specified disturbance level that can be expected in a given environment.

level of emission: maximum level authorised for a consumer on the public supply network or for a device.

fig. 46: the various levels of disturbance for compatibility of non linear/sensitive equipment.

harmonic order class 1 class 2 class 3

(sensitive devices (public and industrial (for connection of
and systems) supply networks) large non-linear loads)
2 2 2 3
3 3 5 6
4 1 1 1.5
5 3 6 8
6 0.5 0.5 1
7 3 5 7
8 0.5 0.5 1
9 1.5 1.5 2.5
10 0.5 0.5 1
11 3 3.5 5
12 0.2 0.2 1
13 3 3 4.5
TDH 5% 8% 10%

fig. 47: ratio (as a %) of acceptable harmonic voltages (compatibility).

Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n°183 / p.27

Real: Sodipe - Valence
Edition: DST - Grenoble
Cahier Technique Merlin Gerin n° 183 / p.28 01-97 - 1500 - Printing : CLERC
Printed in France

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