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n° 186

Intelligent LV switchboards

Antoine Jammes

Received his engineering degree from ENSEM (Ecole Nationale

Supérieure d'Electricité et de Mécanique de Nancy) in 1979. Joined
Schneider (Merlin Gerin) in 1980 and participated in the development
of protection software in the Dependability Systems and Electronics
Department (SES). In 1991, he moved to the Low Voltage Power
Distribution SBU where he has played a major role in the development
of intelligent LV switchboards.

E/CT 186 first issued, june 1997


Application: Gateway:
Set of functions executed using hardware and A product enabling data exchange between two
software. different communications networks, without local
Type of organisation for hardware and/or Intelligent:
software components in a system. Also the Designates a system with its own processing
manner in which functions and processing are power and a certain level of operating autonomy
distributed. with respect to the computer system to which it is
Link used to exchange digital information
Low voltage.
between the various connected elements.
Master / slave:
Communications network: A master regularly polls its slaves and gives
Synonymous with «communications bus». them orders.
Connected device: MCC (Motor Control Centre):
Electronic device connected to the bus via a LV switchboard grouping the control and
communications interface. Sometimes also monitoring devices for several motors, valves,
referred to as a «station». etc.
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access): Power management:
Method providing random access to the Form of technical management specifically
communications network. intended for electrical distribution systems. The
CTM (Centralised Technical Management): intelligent LV switchboard is a major element in a
power-management system.
System grouping all the applications in a given
installation, for example process control, power Protocol:
management or building management. Sequence of rules that must be followed to
establish and maintain data exchange between
Decentralised processing: devices connected to a bus.
System in which a part of information processing
Real time:
is carried out as close as possible to the load.
Designates a control and monitoring system with
Dependability: response times compatible with the requirements
Concept encompassing reliability (of control and of the given process.
monitoring systems), availability (of devices, Stations:
machines), maintainability (of production Information processing devices connected to the
resources) and the safety of life and property. bus.
Distributed processing: Switchboard central unit:
Particular type of decentralised-processing Unit which centralises all the information
system in which processing is carried out in available in the switchboard and the direct
several processing units, each having a certain environment, processes the information and
degree of autonomy and capable of communicates with a supervision system, thus
communicating with the other units. making the LV switchboard intelligent.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.2

Intelligent LV switchboards

In all buildings, regardless of the activity carried out inside, the distribution
of electrical power must today satisfy ever-increasing needs for
dependability and efficiency.
Energy must be available not only to ensure the comfort and safety of
users, but also to avoid the costs incurred by power failures.
Electrical installations must therefore be monitored and be capable of
reacting automatically to optimise power distribution. Information
processing makes this possible.
Already used in medium-voltage industrial and public-distribution
applications, digital control and monitoring is now becoming a reality for
low-voltage installations as well.
Starting with an analysis of needs, this «Cahier Technique» takes a close
look at how LV power distribution can be managed. Particular emphasis is
placed on decentralising and distributing intelligence in and around the LV
switchboard. Several examples of such installations are also provided.

1 Control and monitoring needs 1.1 Introduction p. 4
1.2 Needs p. 4
1.3 Functions p. 7
2 Current solutions 2.1 Currently used solutions p. 9
2.2 Advantages and disavantages of these solutions p. 10
3 Intelligent switchboards 3.1 Définitions - decentralised architecture and distributed
intelligence p. 12
3.2 Decentralisation of functions in an electrical installation p. 13
3.3 Advantages of decentralised architecture and distributed
processing p. 17
3.4 Conclusion on decentralised processing in a LV switchboard p. 18
3.5 A switchboard bus suited to electrical applications p. 20
4 Implementation examples 4.1 Computer centre p. 23
4.2 Hospital p. 24
5 Conclusion and prospects for the future p. 27
Bibliography p. 28

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.3

1 Control and monitoring needs

1.1 Introduction
For whatever type of application, whether in c digital control and monitoring of industrial
office buildings, banks, hospitals, supermarkets, processes.
airports, tunnels or industrial sites, the need to Due to the wide range of needs and significant
monitor and control electrical installations is technological progress over the last few years, a
increasingly prevalent, to ensure the following: number of solutions are today available when
c safety, designing systems to monitor and control
c availability of power, electrical installations. It is now possible to arrive
c optimisation of energy consumption and costs at a judicious balance between needs and the
(depending on the energy supplier's tariff corresponding solutions through the use of
schedules), digital communications buses and the
c reduction in operating and maintenance costs; integration of microprocessors in electrical
c ease of operation, equipment.
c maintainability and upgradeability of the
electrical installation. «Cahier Technique» n° 156 explains how to
design the power section of an electrical
Power management can today be implemented switchboard so that it satisfies needs concerning
by a Digital Control System (DCS) designed to dependability.
meet all the above needs.
The goal of this document is to discuss the
Power management may be combined with the
optimised design of power-management systems
management of other facilities:
in LV electrical installations.
c building management (access control, air-
conditioning and heating, anti-intrusion systems, The first step is to review the needs expressed
lighting …), by users and operators.

1.2 Needs
The needs of users and operators of electrical hand, in a hospital or a factory implementing an
installations are different, depending on whether industrial process, the most important need is
the building is intended for commercial, industrial continuity of service.
or infrastructural purposes. A hierarchy of needs Safety of life and property
may be established (see fig. 1 ). An electrical installation must distribute electrical
For example, in a small office building, the cost power while ensuring the safety of life and property.
of energy and ease of use of systems by non- A power-management system does not replace the
specialists are the foremost criteria. On the other primary protective functions (reflex-type devices).


Comfort Source management

Costs Tariff schedule management

Availability Automatic source changeover

Safety Protection of persons

fig. 1: hierarchy of needs in LV electrical.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.4


Periodic drop in insulation, Intervention

steadily worsening.

First fault alarm threshold


fig. 2: insulation monitoring for an outgoing circuit (IT systems).

Given its capacity to communicate as well as store c in industry, power failures result in production
and process data, it simply assists the operator by losses. For example, a ten-minute power outage
indicating the settings of protective devices, the in a Danone factory results in a production loss
type of fault that caused a device to trip and the of 20 000 cups of yoghurt.
status of the installation prior to the incident, etc. The need to ensure the availability of power has
Power management can, however, include overall led to a number of technological choices for
protective functions. For example, on IT systems, equipment (withdrawable or disconnectable
insulation-monitoring may be implemented to devices or switchboard units, switchboard forms,
warn the operator of a first fault. It is then possible etc.) and to the distinction in electrical
to identify and clear the fault without any break in installations between uninterruptible, high priority
the continuity of service (see fig. 2 ). and low priority circuits, with different choices for
Technological advances have made it possible for the system earthing arrangement.
operators to reduce the duration of a fault in an In this context, the job of a LV electrical
installation, thus reducing the probability of a switchboard is to manage the sources. To be
second fault occurring. Operators can check at effective, action taken when a problem occurs
any time the insulation measurements at different must be automatic and immediate.
points in the installation and even the evolution of Managing power failures is one function of
the insulation measurements over time. Preventive power-management systems.
maintenance therefore becomes a real possibility.
The insulation monitoring function is autonomous Energy costs
and may be considered a decentralised function in A constant concern for all companies is the need
the framework of a power-management system. to reduce the cost of energy. Reductions may be
achieved by working on two different factors, the
Availability level of consumption and the pricing system of the
Each field of activity has its own requirements energy supplier. To that end, in-depth knowledge
concerning continuity of service: is required on daily and seasonal fluctuations, as
c in hospitals, operating rooms and reanimation well as on power and consumption levels.
centres are designed to provide a high level of A measuring system providing digital data for
dependability, use on a supervision screen is required to
c in commercial buildings, the widespread use of monitor and analyse the above elements.
computer systems has led many people to use It is then possible to:
uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) installed v undertake action to improve the situation,
either locally for individual machines or more v check the effects of the action taken,
centrally for the supply of entire installations with v determine energy costs per workshop,
high-quality power, department, etc.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.5

c Reduce consumption Centralisation of management functions is a
There are numerous possibilities, depending on means to optimise human resources and improve
the type of application: the working conditions for personnel through the
v turn off lighting and reduce heating in use of ergonomic computerised systems and
unoccupied rooms, automatic execution of repetitive tasks
v use motors equipped with variable-speed (programmed operating times for air-conditioning
drives for industrial applications, or heating of offices, etc.).
v use conditioners and/or filters to reduce losses
Another consideration is the fact that in office
due to harmonic and capacitive currents in
buildings and on small industrial sites, the
cables and transformers.
personnel in charge of the installation is
c Reduce costs related to the terms of the increasingly a non-specialist. The electrical
contract with the energy supplier switchboard is commonly under the responsibility of
v use capacitor banks to avoid being billed for the building watchman or a receptionist. To ensure
reactive power, effective operation as well as for safety reasons,
v smoothing peaks in consumption to reduce the the information presented to these persons must
subscribed power and avoid overrun penalties. be in the form of a man/switchboard interface that
An intelligent system is capable of making is as ergonomic and simple as possible.
optimum use of the subscribed power by
shedding certain loads, smoothing peaks and Operating ease is achieved by an electrical
alternating the supply of power to high-inertia installation that is as autonomous as possible
loads. (self managed).
v Select the best available contract and program
production cycles requiring particularly high Maintainability
quantities of electrical power for periods when The primary mission of the electrical
the cost of power is low. These periods may be a maintenance department in a company is to keep
part of the day, the season or the year. For the electrical installation up and running.
example, certain contracts offer attractive prices There are two types of servicing:
if the subscriber accepts to reduce his c corrective action following an operating fault;
consumption on a certain number of peak days c periodic preventive action.
per year.
v Use replacement sources. This solution makes Maintenance may be enhanced in two ways:
its possible not only to have a backup source of c by stressing preventive rather than corrective
power in the event of a failure, but also to action to avoid breaks in the continuity of service,
smooth peaks in consumption and to avoid c for preventive level, by stressing conditional
moments when the power costs are highest. maintenance, i.e. action taking into account
monitored data, rather than systematic
Managing consumption and energy costs is
maintenance. The more maintenance is preventive
another function of power-management systems.
and based on monitored information, the higher
Operating ease the availability of the installation (see fig. 3 ).
Certain installations are managed remotely, Depending on the type of application, the time
either from a control and monitoring station required to begin servicing and the duration may
inside the building or from a centre covering be very different. They may be very short for
several sites (remote supervision). industrial processes if there is on-site




Type of maintenance
fig. 3: operational availability as a function of the type of maintenance.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.6

maintenance personnel and a stock of spare Upgradeability
parts. On the other hand, they may be much
The points in an electrical installation that are
longer in office buildings if an outside company
must be called in and the spare parts ordered. most subject to change are those closest to the
final loads. In a factory, the electrical
The time required to service an installation switchboard may be upgraded to keep pace with
always depends on the information available: changes in production facilities. In office
c when troubleshooting, precise and rapidly buildings, changes in how rooms are used,
available information on the problem and data on
increasing use of microcomputers, installation of
installation operating parameters prior to the fault
are critical to making the right analysis and air-conditioning, etc., all result in modifications to
preparing the subsequent work (new parts), the electrical installation.
c when undertaking preventive maintenance, in- Improvements in availability and reductions in
depth information on the installation status the cost of the power consumed are also
makes it possible to intelligently select those
reasons for modifying electrical installations.
elements most requiring servicing.
To carry out effective maintenance, personnel To correctly manage these changes, in-depth
must have relevant information concerning the knowledge of the installation and operating
installation status. parameters is required.
Providing information for maintenance is one of Power-management systems contribute to easy
the advantages of power-management systems. and effective installation upgrades.

1.3 Functions
Satisfaction of all the above needs by a power- c Insulation monitoring and fault locating for IT
management system requires that a number of systems.
devices be installed in the electrical system,
generally speaking in order to: Information to plan and take action
c carry out a number of automatic actions, The purpose of the functions presented above is
c provide the operator, either locally or remotely, to make the main LV switchboard autonomous. It
with the information needed to plan ahead and is then capable of reacting to various situations
carry out the required work on the installation. to ensure continuity of service and optimal
These devices provide a number of functions, operating conditions.
not all of which are required in a given The second major type of function in an
installation. intelligent switchboard is the capacity to
communicate information for planning and taking
Automatic-control functions
c Source management. Loads are supplied Information includes:
depending on the availability of power on the c the status of breaking devices (open or
different incomers (source changeover systems, closed),
normal and replacement sources, engine- c measurements (U, I, P, cos ϕ),
generator sets, etc.). c the settings of protective devices.
c Load shedding. Only priority loads are supplied
These functions require links to:
with power when demand exceeds the available
c a power-management system at a higher level,
level of power on the incomers (for example, when
in charge of managing the entire LV or MV
power is supplied by an engine-generator set). installation,
c Time management. To reduce consumption. c a local or remote control and monitoring
c Tariff schedule management. Installation station,
operation is organised to respect the terms of the c where applicable, secondary switchboards,
contract signed with the power distributor c where applicable, a process-control system.
(smoothing of peak power levels, special tariffs,
etc.). Before the operator can be informed and take
c Protection of the electrical distribution system. action (manually reconfigure the distribution
system, maintenance, comfort), the electrical
In large industrial installations, system
switchboard must first communicate with a
disturbances (transient voltage drops) may, due
higher-level system that can be consulted by the
to the presence of large motors, provoke transient
electrician and the person in charge of monitoring
instability phenomena. This function ensures the
operation of facilities in the building or factory.
necessary load shedding to avoid collapse of the
entire electrical distribution system. During normal operation, an intelligent
c Power-factor correction. This function (i.e. communicating) LV switchboard is useful in
manages the switching of capacitor banks. piloting and managing the electrical installation,
c Switchboard safety (over-temperature, internal but it is all the more so when «planning and
arcing, etc.). action» are required in a fault situation.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.7

This is because corrective maintenance is c on the main supervisor screen (e.g. in the
more effective if each of the persons involved is security room), a message in clear text is displayed
rapidly provided with the relevant information. «10:32:23 - Lift 2 out of order due to an electrical
Below is an example of a circuit breaker, fault - call the electrical department on line 347».
communicating via the intelligent Note that planning and taking action also relate
LV switchboard, in the event of a fault: to preventive maintenance if the following are
c on the circuit breaker, the information is available:
provided by an mechanical indicator. c information on the protection and control
c near the circuit breaker, a red light identifies switchgear in the LV switchboards. This
the device that has tripped. information may be provided by a counter for the
c on a screen at the head of the switchboard, a number of times a device has opened or closed,
message in clear text is displayed «10:32:23 - a maintenance indicator derived from data such
outgoer to Lift 2 - section B - position 12b - as the sum total of currents interrupted, etc…
tripping due to short-circuit». c information on the electrical installation, for
c on the supervisor screen of the electrical example, the number of hours the supplied loads
manager, the same message. operate, drops in insulation…

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.8

2 Current solutions

2.1 Currently used solutions

The functions presented in chapter 1 are already microelectronics and communications buses and
available, either in whole or in part, using a developed remote input/output modules, thus
number of different technical solutions: making it possible to reduce the quantity and
c in industry, by adding electrical management cost of wiring.
to the facilities already implemented for This solution has been put to very little use in the
industrial-process control, field of electrical switchboards because it is
c in commercial buildings, by including electrical- poorly suited to the constraints inherent in the
distribution management systems in the existing
field, notably the thermal environment, electro-
building-management systems.
magnetic disturbances, the need to control
Consider the solutions implemented for a motor switchgear locally, etc.
control centre (MCC) or a main low-voltage
switchboard (MLVS). Solution implementing automated
Solution implementing PLCs
In the 1980's, a number of offerings were
c PLCs and wired connections
developed by the major panel builders for
The first step toward an intelligent switchboard
applications in continuous-process industries or
involved the use of industrial PLCs
in large commercial buildings.
(Programmable Logic Controllers) near the
switchboard. These offerings differ from the solutions
The PLCs serve as interfaces between the presented above in two aspects:
switchboard and the technical management c the development of specialised modules wired
system and are capable of carrying out certain to the switchgear components and
automatic-control functions. communicating via a parallel link or a serial bus
Made up of racks filled with input/output boards, with a PLC installed at the head of the
the PLCs are wired to the various sensors and switchboard. These modules, designed for use
actuators of an electrical switchboard. exclusively in switchboards produced by specific
A specialist is required to program the PLCs and panel builders, are installed on the front panel of
each application is the result of a specific the switchboard and include built-in local control
and status-indication functions.
This type of solution is subject to the following c the development of repetitive functions for the
limits and constraints: electrical automatic-control systems. For
v great quantities of control wires between the example, source changeover systems with load
switchboard and the PLC, with the following shedding and reconnection of outgoers.
- very high wiring costs; These systems are characterised by
- a large number of terminal blocks which decentralised data processing in the switchboard
increase the volume and notably the footprint of and the fact that the functions can be handled by
the switchboard; electricians. What is more, they contribute to the
- high risk of latent defects due to the many massive reduction in the quantity of wiring inside
connection points; the switchboard.
- risk of malfunction due to the very strong
magnetic field created by a short-circuit on an The limited success of this type of system is due
outgoer; to the fact that these modules were specific to
v significantly reduced capacity for installation the different panel builders.
upgrading, due to the very specific nature of
the PLC programming which can rarely be Communicating components
modified by the in-house electrical department, Microprocessors are now used by manufacturers
v a data-processing system poorly suited to the of electrical equipment to:
given applications in that the main task of a PLC c improve the performance of their products. A
is to continuously poll the status of devices which
good example is the widespread use of
in this case often remain in the same position
electronic trip units in circuit breakers. The latter
year round.
are increasingly capable of communicating the
c PLCs and remote input/outputs data they process via digital buses.
In the past few years, PLC manufacturers have c enhance their offering with new functions, for
taken advantage of dropping costs in example, power and energy measurements at a

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.9

given point in an installation, with the capacity to centralised supervision system. In large-scale
communicate the data. applications, the engineering firm in charge of
In parallel, automatic-control functions such as the entire installation is still obliged to
source changeovers or reactive power regulation implement a complex communications
continue with their own developments. architecture with intermediate levels fulfilling a
The increasing use of such products and dual mission:
modules in electrical switchboards has resulted c sorting and analysing the available information,
in a considerable increase in the quantity of c providing communications gateways between
information that can be transmitted to a different buses.

2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of these solutions

The three types of solution presented above c building management. Functions have now
were developed over the last ten years to satisfy been standardised and are carried out by
some of the needs listed in chapter 1. specific products well suited to needs. Solutions
Their advantages and disadvantages are providing industrial-process management,
summed up in figure 4. building management and electrical-distribution
management are now dedicated systems built
In conclusion, the following may be observed around decentralised architectures that
concerning the currently implemented solutions: increasingly incorporate distributed intelligence
c a tendency, well underway, toward (see fig. 5 ).
decentralisation of automatic-control functions
and data processing for electrical switchboards, A notable aspect of low-voltage electrical
c a hierarchical structure for data flow, switchboards is their great diversity and the wide
c the need for specific development work and, range of functions that they must provide. On the
consequently, for specialists. basis of existing solutions described in this
chapter and that have already been put to use, it
In the electrical-switchboard field, is today possible to determine a number of
decentralisation of data processing has been principles that define and specify what is
made possible by digital communications buses. understood by the term «intelligent switchboard»
This is the case for: and the corresponding control and monitoring
c industrial-process control and monitoring. system.
PLCs with hundreds of input/outputs first gave c An «intelligent switchboard» is defined by its
way to PLCs with remote input/outputs and are capacity to autonomously carry out the functions
now gradually being replaced by networks assigned to it and to fit into the control system of
of PLCs and micro-PLCs positioned as close as an electrical installation.
possible to the controlled sensors or actuators. c To handle the wide variety of installations, the
The near future will see networks comprising design of the switchboard must be based on the
«intelligent» sensors and actuators, following principles:

PLC-based Automated Communicating

solutions switchboards components
Weak points Specific to each application, Solution available only Single-function solutions
little capacity for upgrading to large panel builders
Large quantity of wiring Requires PLC specialists Increase in the number
of modules
Requires PLC specialists Requires electricians
specialised in
Strong points Reliable equipment, Implementation of the Reliable field-bus
used on large decentralisation concept technology
industrial sites
Solutions perfectly Functions may be mastered Industrial products
tailored to the by an electrician capable of withstanding
initial needs of each EMC constraints in
customer switchboards
Functions standardised
with progression of

fig. 4: advantages and disadvantages of traditional solutions in meeting control and monitoring needs.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.10

v design must be modular in terms of both c For users confronted with automation needs
hardware and software, and the necessity of obtaining relevant
v decentralisation of processing must be optimised, information, an intelligent switchboard provides:
v functions and products must be standardised, v an enhanced level of dependability and
designed for installation and implementation by upgradeability,
an electrician and capable of handling the severe v standardised solutions, even for large sites,
environmental conditions prevalent in an v cost reductions and simplified implementation,
electrical switchboard. v easier operation and maintenance.


Building-management Electrical-distribution Industrial-process

station management station management station

Intrusion MV distribution Workshop


Fire LV switchboard MCC


presence Engine- Machines
Air-conditioning UPSs speed drive,

Processing units Processing units PLCs

fig. 5: decentralised architecture for building management, electrical-distribution management and industrial-process management systems.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.11

3 Intelligent switchboards

Intelligent switchboards, as defined in the possible manner, whether for an entire installation
preceding chapter, are based on the concept of (power management), for a low-voltage
decentralised architecture with distributed switchboard or for a given outgoing circuit.
intelligence. Then the criteria determining the selection of an
After defining these terms, we will go into how the internal communications bus for
various functions of an electrical installation may the LV switchboard, suited to the given needs,
be decentralised and distributed in the best will be examined.

3.1 Definitions - decentralised architecture and distributed intelligence

c An analogy based on how companies are Finally, a given function may be distributed
organised may be useful in understanding these between a number of subordinates. This form of
two terms. organisation implies information exchange and a
In centralised organisations, all decisions are certain degree of autonomy for the team in
made by the «boss». Subordinates provide him charge of the function.
with all information and wait for orders.
In an effectively decentralised organisation, a c Figure 6 shows how a function may be:
majority of decisions are delegated by the boss v totally decentralised,
to the subordinates. Each person, within the v partially decentralised, whereby execution of
limits of the delegated powers, acts the function is decentralised, but parameter
autonomously and reports only the necessary settings remain centralised and common to a
information back to the boss. Only those number of functions,
functions concerning the entire company are v distributed among equipment on the same
centralised, for example, the payroll. hierarchical level.

Solution 1. Solution 2.
Centralised system F1 F2 Centralised processing, F1 F2
(acquisition and processing). decentralised acquisition.
F3 F3

F4 F5 F4 F5

Solution 3. Solution 4.
Function F3 and F4 F1 F2 Distributed processing F1
decentralised. of functions F2 and F5.



F3 F4 F3 F4 F5

fig. 6: possibilities ranging from a fully centralised to a decentralised system with distributed intelligence.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.12

c Decentralisation as implemented in a company Note that high-power distribution systems
may be applied in a similar manner to the control (architecture and protection) follows the
and monitoring system of an electrical same principles, thus ensuring coherence
installation. The Centralised Technical- between high- and low-current systems
Management (CTM) concept is now giving way (see fig. 7 ).
to the decentralised power-management concept Below are examples of these concepts applied
with distributed processing. to different electrical functions.

Power-supply substation

can monitor,
Supervision issue orders
station and set parameters

LV switchboard
VAR Switchboard control
central unit and monitoring


Autonomous functions
for measurements and
control and monitoring
of outgoers


fig. 7: small to mid-sized installation with a control and monitoring system (power management), of which the major part is located in the MLVS.

3.2 Decentralisation of functions in an electrical installation

Energy contract management remote (from a supervision station) parameter
This type of function requires an overall view of settings. On a large site (medium-voltage
the installation. distribution system), switchboards receive
In many cases (small and mid-sized installations), operating orders from a higher-level system.
the LV switchboard is the central element in the
Time management of outgoers
installation. If this is the case, the contract-
management function is handled by the LV In centralised systems, this function is traditionally
switchboard central unit, with either local or assigned to the supervision station which can be

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.13

used to set operating-time parameters for outgoers In figure 8, the information flow is shown for a
and to issue opening and closing orders for devices. traditional centralised solution and a
On the other hand, in a decentralised power- decentralised solution. It is clear that the
management system, these commands are permanent information flow is reduced as
executed at the level of the switchboard central decentralisation is increased. On the other hand,
unit or even at each device. A device must new data exchanges, much more limited in
simply receive the operating set-points and be scope, are required to periodically synchronise
equipped with an internal clock that is regularly the various internal clocks and transmit new
synchronised by the supervisor. operating set-points.

Centralised system Power-management system

Set operating-time parameters

Operating-time parameters
Store parameters
set by operator
Issue orders

Transmit orders and


Execute orders

Q1 Q2


Non-intelligent outgoers Outgoer 1 Outgoer 2

Transmit parameters

Store parameters
Issue and execute orders
Q3 Q4


Outgoer 3 Outgoer 4 Intelligent outgoers

(equipped with internal clock
and memory), capable of
handling part of the function

fig. 8: time management of outgoers, in a centralised system (CTM) and in a decentralised and distributed system (power management).

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.14

Source management this function is distributed between
This function opens or closes the incoming the MV switchboard central unit and the central
circuit breakers in the switchboard, depending on units of the various LV switchboards.
the data processed either in the switchboard or
Reactive power regulation
in the immediate proximity. It is therefore
perfectly logical that the operations required for Power-factor correction using capacitor banks is
this function be carried out in the electrical an independent automatic-control function built
switchboard. Note that in relay-based systems, into a product called a reactive power regulator.
the relay sub-assemblies were installed in the This type of regulator must operate
switchboard and the diagrams were drawn up by autonomously in over 90% of all installations.
the panel builders. It was only when a new A communicating reactive power regulator can
technique arrived, one that most panel builders be built into a power-management system to
could not handle, that this processing was provide the following additional useful functions:
remoted to a centralised PLC. c setting of parameters from a supervision
If the incoming diagram is simple, for example station,
with a normal and replacement source, this c action on alarms processed by the switchboard
function is totally decentralised and is carried out central unit,
by an autonomous standard product. If the c action on maintenance information in the
incoming diagram is more complex or requires framework of overall switchboard maintenance,
programmable shedding of outgoers, the c coordination of the reactive power regulation
function is located at the level of the switchboard function with other switchboard functions. For
central unit: example, during operation on an engine-
c if the replacement source supplies the main LV generator set, the capacitors must be
switchboard alone, a switchboard central unit will disconnected. This can be carried out by
carry out the function autonomously (see fig. 9 ), opening a circuit breaker upstream from the
c on the other hand, if the replacement source capacitor banks or by transmitting a shutdown
supplies the MV system and/or several MLVSs, order to the regulator if it is connected by bus to

Generator-start order

Presence Un
main LV
Presence Ur switchboard
central unit

fig. 9: example of source management. With this solution, the switchboard central unit manages the outgoers. Priority outgoers are
progressively reconnected during operation on an engine-generator set. Definition of outgoers as priority or non-priority is adjustable. Note that it
is not necessary to separate the busbars into two parts, thus eliminating the coupling device. Finally, this solution makes it possible to handle
multiple-incomer diagrams with great ease.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.15

the switchboard central unit managing or Management of an incomer or an outgoer
monitoring source changeovers. Management of an incomer (or an outgoer)
may include some or all of the following
Threshold-initiated load shedding functions:
In certain situations (voltage drop due to a c control and monitoring (control of the device
problem on the distribution system, failure of a and monitoring of its status),
source, demand exceeding the available power c measurements (currents, power levels, energy
from a source supplying the switchboard, etc.), it drawn, etc. ),
may be necessary to rapidly shed a group of c local or remote operator interface,
non-priority outgoers, for example to avoid c communication with the switchboard central
transient-stability problems. unit.
Figure 10 shows how shedding of non-priority By distributing these functions among different
outgoers is processed in a decentralised modules (see fig. 11 ), it is possible to solve
manner, following an overload on the certain problems:
main LV switchboard. c not all the outgoers require all the functions
This example shows that the amount of listed above,
information exchanged is very small. The central c the operator interface can be remoted,
unit receives a signal, issues an order via the bus c the interface must be adaptable to the
and the concerned circuit breakers carry out the various users (language, level of competence,
order. etc.).

Parameter setting of threshold and priority (P)

non-priority (NP) status for each outgoer

Switchboard Store threshold parameter

Decide: if measured power > threshold,
central unit
send load-shedding order

M Measure power

Store P/NP parameter

Decide: if parameter = NP, open outgoer
on receiving load-shedding order
Q1 Q2 Q3
Control the circuit breakers

fig. 10: example of decentralised processing of a load-shedding order.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.16


Control &





Outgoer 3 closed
I1 = 125 A E = 327 kVAh


Module M1 controls the device and reads its status conditions.

Module M2 measures the currents and voltages and prepares the power and energy information.
Module M3 displays the status and measurement information for the outgoer on the front panel of the switchboard. It can
also control the outgoer.
Module M4, identical to module M3, is a display remoted to a point outside the electrical room. The information may be
displayed in a manner different than on M3

fig. 11: example of distributed processing for outgoer management.

3.3 Advantages of decentralised architecture and distributed processing

Mastering complexity Technical and economical constraints
A complex problem can often be broken down into As already mentioned in the preceding chapter,
a set of simple basic problems. Similarly, the considerable increase in the quantity of
controlling an electrical installation may prove very information to be transmitted has led to the
complicated given the size of the installation and development of hierarchical architectures. Just
the number of functions that must be processed. as in large installations where there are levels in
By decentralising a majority of the functions, most the power-distribution structure (main and
of the processing can be carried out by smaller secondary LV switchboards, final distribution
units. The processing is then easier to handle and enclosures, etc.), the creation of levels for the
can be standardised. The concept of type-tested processing of information is the best solution:
assemblies, already used for the power part of c constraints (response times, environment,
electrical switchboards, can now be expanded to throughputs, etc.) are not the same inside a
include power-management functions. The load switchboard and throughout an entire
on the higher-level processing unit is significantly installation,
lightened and it can devote its processing power c all the information that is useful for a function
to the tasks for which it is specifically intended. at a given level is not necessarily relevant on a

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.17

higher level, for example, all the information subsystem where it occurred, thus enabling the
available locally on each device is not rest of the installation to continue operating,
necessarily of great use to the operator: though perhaps in a downgraded operating
v some information is intended strictly for mode. For example, if maintenance is required
maintenance purposes, on the switchboard central unit, local functions
v other information must be summarised to avoid inside the switchboard remain operational, given
submerging the operator (see fig. 12 ), the decentralised nature of the installation.
v the cost of programming is reduced by using
standard «codes» for a vast majority of the
functions. A decentralised system implements a large
number of processing units, however, their
Continuity of service failure rate is not cumulative.
In a centralised system, a breakdown results in The limited number of connection points reduces
an interruption of service for the entire the number of breakdowns.
installation. In a decentralised system, however, The self-test system on the digital products and
the same breakdown can be limited to the single the communications buses can detect nearly
100% of possible breakdowns.

Flexible implementation
Information User c Setting up a new site often takes place over
Maintenance Supervision relatively long periods. It is not uncommon that
room station for budgetary reasons, the remote supervision
Device position X X station is installed one or two years after
Faulty outgoer X X commissioning of the switchboards. The latter
Energy measurement X can, nonetheless, operate autonomously over
Outgoer not available (summary) X such long periods if decentralised processing is
v Disconnected/locked out X carried out locally.
v Not supplied X c When existing installations must be renovated,
Trip unit setting X upgrading can be spread out over several years.
Load shedding in progress X X Decentralisation makes the replacement of a
switchboard simpler. The new switchboard can
fig. 12: example of sorting information to be made be factory tested and a single serial link is all that
available to different users. is required to connect the new switchboard to the
control system.

3.4 Conclusion on decentralised processing in a LV switchboard

The examples presented in chapter 3 show that When these autonomous products are
the functions managed by an intelligent incorporated in an intelligent switchboard, they can
LV switchboard can be distributed to varying be connected via a bus to the switchboard central
degrees among different processing units. unit which provides additional functions such as:
c Certain functions are handled by the v setting of parameters for the products by a
switchboard central unit when: more user-friendly device that is common to all
v the processing is complex and cannot be the functions carried out in the switchboard,
carried out by a standard autonomous module. v minimum management during downgraded
For example, source management when there operating modes,
are multiple incomers, v incorporation of the products in predictive- and
v the functions call on processing that is corrective-maintenance functions.
common to other functions. For example, a The various functions mentioned in this
source changeover can be caused by the failure document may be included in the architecture
of the normal source or by an order issued by a presented in figure 13:
contract-management function, c The switchboard central unit is in charge of:
v the functions must be coordinated with other v processing the general switchboard functions
equipment. For example, when management of and the interdependent functions,
replacement sources brings MV equipment into v coordinating the functions managed by lower-
play. level modules,
c Certain autonomous functions can be carried v integrating in a higher-level control system,
out by dedicated products that have been v communicating with a terminal intended for the
optimised for the given function. This is the case electrician in charge of implementation and
for reactive power regulators and source maintenance operations. During servicing, this
changeover units. terminal is connected locally in front of the

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.18

switchboard. In no way does it replace the The modules and the switchboard central unit
centralised supervision station from which the are connected via a digital bus. Note that use of
operator manages the installation. this type of bus offers a wide range of
c Certain modules are in charge of processing advantages:
autonomous functions (reactive power c massive reductions in the quantity of control
regulation, insulation monitoring, etc.). wires in the switchboard and consequently in the
c Other modules are in charge of managing an cost of wiring and the space required,
incomer or an outgoer. c reduced risks of breakdowns due to faulty
Modularity makes it possible to:
c less design and wiring time for the panel
v integrate control and monitoring in the concept
of tested, standardised functional units,
c greater installation upgradeability, for example,
v standardise connections between the module
the addition of outgoers or functions in an
and the switchgear, thus reducing the risks of
existing installation.
breakdowns due to faulty connections,
v take action on a given outgoer without shutting The next chapter describes the types of buses
down other elements in the switchboard, in the best suited to power management
event of a breakdown or installation upgrading. applications.



Source management
Central with load shedding
functions / reconnection

Autonomous Generator management

functions Reactive power
Insulation monitoring

Outgoer control and

Local monitoring and
functions measurements


fig. 13 : distribution of functions in the architecture of a switchboard.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.19

3.5 A switchboard bus suited to electrical applications

Before selecting a suitable field bus, it is essential supplied by the utility, in the event of a utility
to fully comprehend the constraints weighing on failure, certain loads must be shed in a fraction
an electrical application, notably the information of a second, before the engine-generator set
flow, response times, the environment, etc. protective functions can react.
c Data flow capacity sized for the number of
Characteristics of an electrical application
c A naturally stable and continuous application Electrical measurements may result is a constant
The purpose of an electrical installation is to flow of information on the switchboard bus. The
distribute power to each load. The purpose of most common measurements concern voltages,
an LV switchboard is therefore to permanently currents, power levels and quantities of energy.
maintain the operational status of outgoers. Sizing of the bus therefore depends not only on
Opening of a device may be related to one of the the quantity of information that must be
following events: transmitted, but above all on how often the
v reaction of a protective device to an electrical
information must be transmitted:
v measurement values for currents or power
v operator intervention to isolate a circuit (for
levels may be used by the operator to monitor
servicing, to turn off the lights on a floor at the
the distribution system in real time and the
end of the day, etc.),
values may therefore have to be transmitted
v intervention of an automatic-control function to
every few seconds,
shed non-priority loads, for example, following
v values concerning the quantity of energy
the failure of the normal source.
The change in status of a device is therefore an consumed are required only every few minutes,
exceptional event. An electrical switchboard is at most, i.e. the frequency of transmission for
continuously in a naturally stable state. Note that these values is very low.
circuit breakers are by nature bistable devices. c Implementation constraints in an electrical
c Certain situations cause an information switchboard
avalanche Installation of a bus inside an electrical
On the other hand, certain situations may result switchboard must take into account the following
in an avalanche of information over very short constraints:
time periods. For example, following the failure v the bus must not be sensitive to the major
of the source supplying the switchboard, mono- electromagnetic disturbances that exist in a low-
stable devices such as contactors voltage switchboard,
simultaneously open and the automatic source v it must be easy to install during wiring of the
changeover and load-shedding functions issue switchboard and be easily modified during
orders to the circuit breakers. switchboard upgrades,
c Limited real-time constraints v the cost of each connection point, which is a
In an electrical installation, the response time of decisive element in selecting a bus in that a low-
the system to an event depends on the nature of voltage switchboard comprises great numbers of
the event: connection points.
v when the operator issues an order from the
Master/slave protocols are inadequate
supervision station, the system must respond
within an time delay that is «acceptable» to the For the solutions discussed in chapter 2, master/
operator, i.e. one or two seconds between slave protocols are commonly used. An example
confirmation of the order by the operator and the is ModBus (for further information, see «Cahier
change in status of the device displayed on the Technique» n° 147).
screen, For a basic automated switchboard, i.e. one that
v for source-changeover automatic-control manages only orders and acknowledgements, a
functions, no specific constraints concerning the master/slave protocol is sufficient to satisfy the
response time weigh on the application. The goal required functions. For example, given a
is simply to reduce to the strict minimum the time switchboard with 50 incomers and outgoers and
that the loads are not supplied with power. a polling time of 20 milliseconds for each one,
Response times of several hundred milliseconds approximately one second is required to poll all
are perfectly reasonable the incomers and outgoers. When an event
v if, during operation on an engine-generator set,
occurs (order from the supervisor or intervention
the rated output of the set is overrun, certain
of an automatic-control function in the
non-priority loads must be shed. The authorised
switchboard central unit), polling of the status of
overload time is indicated by the manufacturer of
the engine-generator set and depends on the each incomer or outgoer can be interrupted to
level of the overload. send the necessary orders.
In complex installations where local power But when the system functions require the
generation facilities are coupled with the power transmission of measurement values, the

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.20

weaknesses of master/slave protocols, i.e. the the bus due to the two simultaneous messages
increased time required for each polling cycle, and stop transmitting. Each station will then
rapidly become apparent. attempt to retransmit its message as some later
time. This is the solution used by Ethernet
What is more, when a device-status change
- CSMA-CA (Collision Analysis). Using this
occurs following tripping, the information is made
technique, the station transmitting the message
available to the switchboard central unit only
with the lowest priority level stops, thus allowing
during the next polling cycle. the higher-priority level message continue.
Finally, this type of protocol is inadequate for Management of priorities is based the coding of
distributed processing because the central unit the frames transmitted. This is the solution used
can act as the master only if all the information by BatiBus (see fig. 14 ).
runs through it. v Non-deterministic response times. Depending
on the information load on the bus, the
CSMA protocols transmission time for a frame is not constant. It is
Contrary to protocols using the master/slave therefore not possible to guarantee a maximum
access method, CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple transmission time using a protocol implementing
Access) protocols allow the various stations this type of access to the bus. However, a
connected to the bus to spontaneously transmit certain number of devices and design rules
data only when there is a real need. make it possible to ensure maximum
transmission times that are nearly 100% certain.
c CSMA constraints
For example, in the BatiBus system, commands
Random access to the bus creates three
are priority messages. This is a means to avoid
constraints that do not exist in master/slave the response-time constraint.
systems which are, by definition, centralised.
Solutions for these difficulties are easy to v Detection of faulty stations.
In a system using the master/slave method of
access to the bus, the breakdown of a slave is
v Risk of collision. Several connected stations detected by the master during the next polling
may transmit data simultaneously. Rules are set cycle. But for protocols in which messages are
up to avoid collision between the different transmitted only when necessary, a faulty
messages. module is not detected. Each application must
Two different solutions exist: therefore develop and implement the necessary
- CSMA-CD (Collision Detection). Using this monitoring devices required to periodically check
technique, the stations detect the interference on the status of each module.

Station 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

Station 2 1 0 0 Stop transmitting

15 V

Line status


Line monitoring OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
by station 1
_ _ _ OK OK Error
Line monitoring
by station 2

Station 1 leaves Stations 1 and Station 1 did not detect

the line at rest. 2 leave the line a collision and continues
at rest. transmitting its message.
Station 1 pinches the line Stations 1 and Station 1 pinches the line.
and short-circuits it. 2 pinches the line. Station 2 leaves the line at rest.
It detects the short-circuit on
the line, analyses a collision and
stops transmitting.

fig. 14: collision analysis in the BatiBus system.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.21

c Advantages of a CSMA bus for an electrical
In the preceding paragraphs, it was shown how
the constraints specific to CSMA buses may be 0 ms
Status c Status
avoided. Commands information is sent
The main advantages that may be gained from as periodic
this type of bus are listed below: variables every 10
v Optimised data exchange: a CSMA protocol
c Commands are
optimises data exchange because the bus is not
sent as periodic
clogged with continuous polling operations. messages every 20
Consequently, for a stable application, which is 10 ms milliseconds.
generally the case for an electrical installation, Status
c The remaining
with the same transmission speeds as a master/ available time
slave protocol, the quantity of useful information (shown in grey) can
transmitted is significantly increased and be used to transmit
response times can even be shorter. parameters,
v Reduced costs: the greater the transmission measurements,
speed on the bus, the greater the system diagnostics
20 ms information, etc., as
constraints concerning protection against
Status non-periodic
electromagnetic disturbances and, consequently,
Commands messages.
the greater the costs. A CSMA protocol makes it
possible to select slower transmission speeds
and thus reduce transmission-related costs.
v Decentralised processing: a protocol offering
this type of access to the bus makes for
optimised processing of decentralised and/or
30 ms
distributed operations. The example in figure 15 Status
(decentralisation) shows how data exchange can
be simplified (opening orders to non-priority
circuits) with respect to a centralised master/
slave system.
Note that for distributed processing, it is the
measurement module which directly transmits
the opening order to the non-priority loads. 40 ms
Consequently, even if the switchboard central Status
unit has failed, load shedding remains possible. Commands

Using FIP for MCC applications

Certain industrial applications impose very
severe demands in terms of continuity of service
and performance levels. For example, a fig. 15: time diagram for an MCC implementing FIP.
guaranteed response time (deterministic) may be
required for an order issued by an automatic-
control function managing the industrial process. c data may be periodically transmitted over the
This is the case for certain MCC (Motor Control bus (orders and status information, for example),
Centre) switchboards. Contrary to a main c stations may request permission from the bus
LV switchboard, opening and closing orders for manager to transmit information, as needed, for
devices are by no means exceptional. example, in the event of a significant change in
In this case, the performance levels offered by the value of a measurement, etc,
buses implementing master/slave protocols are c the data issued by one station may be used by
not sufficient, unless very high transmission one or several other stations, for example, for
speeds are used, with the corresponding high distributed processing,
costs. Buses implementing random-access c finally, the protocol has a number of built-in
protocols are not up to the job either. systems that make it possible to guarantee a
It was for this type of application that the FIP bus very high level of transmission dependability.
was designed by industrial companies and
The FIP bus thus combines the advantages of:
manufacturers. It is not within the scope of this
c master/slave protocols (deterministic and
document to present the FIP bus in detail,
however, it should be noted that it combines the guaranteed response time),
advantages of both master/slave and random- c random-access protocols (transmission of
access protocols: useful information or following an event).
c access to the bus is controlled by a bus The FIP bus offers a high level of performance
manager located in the switchboard central unit and meets very severe dependability
(LV switchboards), constraints.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.22

4 Implementation examples

4.1 Computer centre

Needs Through these two modifications, the return on
In a computer centre operating 24 hours per day, investment for the installation drops to less than
the primary concern of the electrical manager is three years due to the sharp decrease in
to ensure continuous availability of power and electricity bills.
fast response when maintenance is required.
In addition to these basic needs, the customer Implemented solution
may want to reduce his energy bill by: c Electrical installation
c improving the power factor; The electrical installation is supplied by a 20 kV
c taking advantage of special tariffs with the medium-voltage loop. The MV loop supplies a
utility, for example by agreeing to sharply reduce 1 000 kVA transformer which in turn supplies a
consumption on peak-demand days upon main LV switchboard (see fig. 16 ).
reception of a special signal. The main LV switchboard is made up of

MV cubicle

Surveillance room
1 000 kVA
20 kV /
230 - 400 V

550 kVA G D







fig. 16: solution implemented for a computer centre.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.23

withdrawable units. It supplies 23 outgoers, energy consumption is managed by a reactive
including two reserve outgoers. The high-power power regulator.
outgoers are equipped with motor mechanisms v Remote surveillance. In the event of an
for remote-control purposes. The computers are incident in the electrical installation, the
protected by two UPSs set up in a redundant watchperson is immediately informed via a
configuration. A 550 kVA engine-generator set supervision console which transmits any alarms
can replace the power supply for all the issued by the main LV switchboard.
electrical equipment in the computer centre.
c The control and monitoring system
c Required functions
v Each incomer and outgoer in the main LV
v Source changeover. In the event of a voltage switchboard is managed by a module (marked A
loss downstream of the MV/LV transformer (or if in the diagram), which:
a load reduction signal is received from the - acquires the position of the device (open,
utility), the switchboard is automatically supplied closed, tripped, withdrawn, etc.);
by the replacement source. The cabinet - displays this status locally;
managing the engine-generator set receives the - for the remote-controlled incomers and
shutdown and start orders from the main LV outgoers, orders opening, closing or resetting.
switchboard and autonomously manages the These orders may be given locally or sent via the
engine-generator set. switchboard bus;
When the load is transferred to the engine- - dialogues with the switchboard central unit via
generator set, the high-power outgoers are shed the digital communications bus.
to reduce the load step change during switching, v The switchboard control unit (marked B in the
and are then reconnected one after the other diagram) located inside the main LV switchboard
according to an adjustable individual time delay. is in charge of:
When utility power returns (or the special utility - managing the control and monitoring functions
signal is discontinued), the switchboard for the incomers and outgoers via the modules
automatically transfers the load back to the marked A in the diagram;
normal source and requests shutdown of the - directly acquiring two elements of information,
engine-generator set. namely the presence of utility voltage or engine-
v Contract management. For special tariff generator set voltage (via voltage relays marked
contracts, the power utility sends a load C in the diagram), and passage to the special
reduction signal to the customer 30 minutes utility mode (special utility relay marked E in the
before actually shifting to the special mode. The diagram);
signal, transmitted via the field bus, is decoded - transmitting a start order to the cabinet (marked
by a specific relay. On reception of the signal, D in the diagram) managing the engine-
the switchboard transfers the load to the generator set;
- processing the source changeovers caused by
engine-generator set, exactly as if a power
a failure in utility power or reception of the
failure had occurred. When the signal is
special utility signal;
discontinued, the load is automatically
- generating and transmitting any alarms to the
transferred back. supervision console (marked F in the diagram)
v Reactive power regulation. A 100 kVAR which then displays them in the appropriate
capacitor bank used to compensate for reactive manner.

4.2 Hospital
Needs v The electrical installation is supplied by a
In a hospital, the continuity of electrical power 20 kV medium-voltage loop. The MV loop
service is critical. The example below deals with supplies three 1 000 kVA transformers which in
a mid-sized hospital. turn supply an LV distribution switchboard.
To provide optimum management of the v Two 400 kVA engine-generator sets can step
electrical distribution system and in compliance in to provide back-up power to certain electrical
with the expressed wishes of the operator: equipment in the hospital.
c Outgoers are divided into three categories, v Two UPSs supply the no-break and priority
«backed-up» (by a generator set), «priority» outgoers.
(protected by a UPS) and «no-break» (protected v The outgoers are grouped in three LV switch-
by a UPS and a generator set). Each incomer boards. The diagram in figure 17 makes clear the
and outgoer is monitored and may be remotely supply system for each outgoer in LV switchboard 1.
controlled from the supervisor;
c The entire installation is remotely supervised. c Organisation of power management
v A supervision station (supervisor) may be used
Implemented solution by the operator to monitor the installation, issue
c Electrical installation orders and set parameters.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.24

v The switchboard central unit in the LV - dialogues with the control cabinets of the
distribution switchboard: engine-generator sets for monitoring and
- provides control and monitoring of the circuit transmission of ON and OFF orders;
breakers on incomers and outgoers; - dialogues with the LV switchboards (1, 2, 3 and
- checks operation of the reactive power relays no-break) which issue a starting order for the
(reactive-energy compensation) and stops engine-generator sets and receive a set-point
compensation if utility voltage is absent indicating the maximum power available
(operation on the engine-generator sets); depending on the operating engine-generator
- dialogues with the UPS processing units; sets and the LV switchboards supplied with
- supplies the «transformers ON» information. power (all are not necessarily supplied during
v The switchboard central unit in the engine- maintenance operations).
generator set LV switchboard: v The central units in the LV switchboards 1, 2
- provides control and monitoring of the circuit and 3:
breakers; - control and monitor the circuit breakers;

2 x 400 kVA

MV cubicle


20 kV line
3 x 1 000 kVA MLVS 2 MLVS 3
20 kV / 230 - 400 V
Distribution No-break


UPSs with


Backed-up outgoers Priority outgoers No-break outgoers

(mains / generators) (mains / UPSs / mains) (mains / UPSs / generators)

fig. 17: solution implemented for a hospital.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.25

- provide the automatic source changeover In this example, not all the available power-
function for the backed-up outgoers on the basis of management functions are implemented (they
the information supplied by the voltage relays, i.e.: never are).
. load shedding of the major outgoers; c Time management is not implemented
. transmission of a start request for the engine- because a hospital operates 24 hours per day.
generator sets; c Contract management (smoothing of peaks,
. closing of the engine-generator set incoming special utility modes) was not applicable, only
circuit breaker; reactive-energy compensation was implemented.
- provide load regulation. Depending on the c The power-management system set up is
priority rating of the backed-up outgoers, they entirely dedicated to ensuring maximum
are shed and reconnected according to the availability of electrical power.
power supplied by one or both engine-generator c Each switchboard received local and
sets or by the transformers (1 and/or 2 and/or 3); autonomous processing capacity to carry out its
- dialogue with the insulation monitor for the assigned functions.
«no-break» outgoers. c Very little event information circulates on the
v The central unit in the no-break LV switchboard: bus (automatic source changeover, engine-
- controls and monitors the circuit breakers; generator sets, load regulation) and no
- controls source changeovers, after requesting measurement values except for metering values
starting of an engine-generator set if the UPS in the MV switchboard.
signals a problem. Status checks are run periodically.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.26

5 Conclusion and prospects for the future

Intelligent switchboards, a critical element in Integration of intelligence in switchboards has

electrical distribution systems, provide solutions made it possible to:
meeting the needs of managers and operators of c simplify switchboard and electrical-installation
electrical installations, notably: architecture, during the initial design process and
c energy savings; later during upgrades (distributed electrical
c dependability; distribution, elimination of half busbar
c remote control of the installation (with possible arrangements, discrimination, knowledge of
extensions to building management for switchboard reserves, management of operating
commercial applications and process conditions at switchboard maximum limits
management in industry); (temperature, overloads, etc.)):
c installation maintainability and upgradeability; c manage the switchboard over time (black-box
c gradual evolution of the installation over time function, up-to-date diagram file, etc.);
toward greater intelligence. c combine communications functions (low
currents) with power functions (high currents).
The construction of switchboards with integrated
management functions, but with decentralised and In the near future, communication and
distributed intelligence, is today made much easier processing will continue even further
due to the existence of standardised modules, downstream to the individual devices, sensors
equipment and software that will remain available and actuators. This will make the distribution of
over long periods. In this sense, control and intelligence easier and thus further reduce
monitoring can now be implemented using centralisation. Considerable advances may be
concepts similar to those of type-tested assemblies expected in the fields of design, wiring,
and shows sharp differences with respect to installation, operation, dependability and
automatic-control functions for industrial processes. upgradeability.

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.27


Schneider Cahier Technique publications

c Introduction to dependability design
Cahier Technique n° 144
c Initiation aux réseaux de communication
Cahier Technique n° 147
c High availability electrical power distribution
Cahier Technique n° 148
c Dependability and LV Switchboards
Cahier Technique n° 156

Cahier Technique Schneider n° 186 / p.28

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