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CP 301: OPERATIONS RESEARCH Objective: to make the students familiar with principles and techniques of Operations Research and

their applications in decision-making. Unit I: Importance and Scope of Operations Research Linear Programming Graphic Method Simplex Method Big-M Method Dual L.P. and Its Applications-Concept of Sensitivity analysis. Unit II: Transportation Problem Assignment Problem queuing Theory M/M/I. Replacement Models. Unit III: Dynamic Programming Applications of D.P. (Capital Budgeting, Production Planning, Solving Linear Programming Problem) Integer Programming Branch and Bound Method. Unit IV: Game Theory Two Person Zero sum Games Pure Strategies Mixed Strategies Dominance Principle Graphic and Algebraic Method Linear Programming Approach Simulation Simulation Inventory and Waiting Lines. Unit V: Project Management PERT and CPM Crash Time Crash Cost Trade Off Resource Leveling and Resource Allocation Non-Linear Programming Model Formulation. (Case Studies are compulsory in all units) Suggested Books: 1. Anand Sharma, Operations Research, Himalaya Publishing House, 2004. 2. Operations Research: kantiswarup, P.K.Gupta and Manmohan, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2001. 3. Operations Research: Dr.S.D.Sharma, Kedar Nath Ram Nath & Co, 2002. 4. Kalavarthy, S. Operations Research, Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd., 2002. 5. Franks S.Buknick Mcleavey, Richard Mojena, Principles of Operations Research for Management, AITBS publishers, 2002. 6. V.K.Kapoor, Operation Research Techniques for Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2001. 7. Richard Bronson & Govindasami Naadimuthu, SCHAUMS OUTLINE OF THEORY & PROBLEMS OF Operations Research, 2nd Ed., Tata Mc Graw-Hill Edition, 2004. 8. JK Sharma Operation Research Theory and Applications, MacMillan

MARKETING MANAGEMENT (SPECIALISATION PAPERS) MM 3-1: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR AND CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT. Objective: The basic objective of this course is to develop and understanding about the consumer decision-making process and its applications in marketing function of firms. Unit-I: Introduction: Nature, scope and Meaning of Consumer Behaviour Consumer and Marketing Strategy Determinants of Consumer Behaviour Models of consumer behaviour- (Nicosia, Howard Seth Model. The Engel Kollat Blackwell Model) Profile of the Indian Consumer. UnitII: Nature of Perception, Learning and Marketing Strategy, Motivation Motivation Theories and Marketing Strategy Personality. UnitIII: Attitude Measurement and Change Self Concept and Life Style Marketing, Influence of Social and Cultural factors on Consumer Behaviour Family, Reference groups, Cross Cultural Variations in Consumer Behaviour. UnitIV: Consumer Decision Process Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation of alternatives and selection Post Purchase Behaviour Organizational buyer Behaviour Diffusion of Innovation. UnitV: Customer Relationship Management: Facets and Elements of CRM CRM Process Importance of CRM Planning and Managing CRM Programme Concept of Customer Loyalty Customer Value Assessment Customer Retention Strategies CRM in services, E-CRM. (Case Study is compulsory in all Units) Suggested Books: Hawkins, Best, Coney: Consumer Behaviour Building Marketing Strategy, Tata McGraw Hill. Leen G. Schiffman and L.H.Kanuk: Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education. Kazmi : Consumer Behaviour, Excel Publishers. H.Peer Mohammed: Customer Relationship Management, Vikas. Panwar, J.S. Beyond Consumer Marketing, Sage Response Books, New Delhi. Mukesh Chaturvedi and Abhivan Chaturvedi : Customer Relationship Management An Indian Perspective. Excel Books. Deon Buyer Behaviour, Oxford University Press. Henry Assael: Consumer Behaviour, Willey India, New Delhi.

MM 3-2: SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the students with the concepts in Developing a sound sales and distribution policy in organizing and managing sales force and marketing channels. Unit-I: Introduction: Nature, scope and Meaning of Sales Management Inter Departmental Relations Organization of Sales Department Different Types of Sales Organizations Sales Process- Theories of Selling - Salesmanship. Unit-II: Analysis of Market Potential Sales Potential Sales Volume Forecasting Sales Different Techniques of Forecasting Sales Sales Budgets time and Territory Management Sales Quotas. Unit-III: Recruitment Selection and Training of Salesmen Salesmens Compensation Plans Evaluation of Salesmens Performance Evaluation of Sales Expenses- Sales Control Research. Unit-IV: Marketing Channels Structure and Functions Channel Design Selecting Channel Members Motivating Channel Members. Unit-V: Channel Conflicts Reasons Managing Channel Conflicts Evaluating Channel Member Performance Supply Chain Management Managing Logistics. (Case Studies are Compulsory) Suggested Books: Pingali Venugopal, Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective, Response Books, New Delhi. Richard R.Stire, Edward W.Candiff and Norman, A.P.Gavani, Sales Management Decisions, Policies and Cases Prentice Hall. With am. C. Moncrief and Shamnon. H.ship Sales Management, Strategy, Technology, skills by Addison Wesley. Eugene. M.Johnson, David L.Kurty and Enirhard. E.Scheuing Sales Management, Concepts, Practices and Cases by McGraw Hill International. S.L.Gupta, Sales and Distribution Management: Text and Cases, Excel Publishers. Berg Rosenbloom Marketing Channels a Management View by the Dryden Press, Hinsdale,Illinois. Aune T.Coughlan, Stern E.Ansary Marketing Channels, Prentice Hall of India. Panda Sales & Distribution Management, Oxford University Press. Grand Stewart, Successful Sales Management: How to Make Your Team the Best,Universities Press (India) Ltd. Matin Khan: Sales and Distribution Management, Excel Publishers. Aftab Alam Sales and Distribution Management, Wisdom Publication.

MM 3-3: ADVERTISING AND BRAND MANAGEMENT. Objective: This paper will appraise the students of the concepts, techniques for developing an effective advertising and sales promotion program. Unit-I: Introduction, nature and scope of advertising - Role of Advertising in Promotional Mix Introduction to Advertising Advertising and Communication Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Challenges and Opportunities in Advertising Economic, Social and Ethical Aspects of Advertising. Unit-II: Audience Analysis in Advertising Media Planning Media Mix Decisions Developing Media Strategy Creative Strategy and Copy Writing Different Types of Appeals Layout Design. Unit-III: Advertising Budgets Methods of Formulating Advertising Budgets Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness (DAGMAR) Advertising Agencies. Unit-IV: Direct Response Advertising Home Shopping Direct Mail Catalogs Telemarketing Internet Advertising International Advertising Impact of Culture Customs Law and Regulations. Unit-V: Brand Management: Brand Building and Positioning Measuring Brand Performance Designing Brand Marketing Programmes Evaluating Brand Performance Branding in Retail Business Role of Own Label Emerging trends in Brand Management. (Case Studies are Compulsory) Suggested Books: William Wills, John Burnett and Sandra Mriarty Advertising Principles and Practice Pearson Education. John. S. Wright Wills. L.Winter, Jr. and Sherliyer K.Leigler, Advertising Tata McGraw Hill. Harsh V. Verma, Brand Management, Excel Books. Percy & Elliot Strategic Advertising Management, Oxford University Press. AK.S.A.Chunnawala and K.C.Sethia Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice Himalaya Publishing House. Kazmi: Advertising and Sale Promotion, Excel Publishers. George E.Belch and Michael A.Belch Advertising and Promotion and Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective Tata McGraw Hill. Chunnawala, S.A., Compendium of Brand Management, Himalaya Publications House, 2004. Mathur, U.G. Brand Management Text and Cases, Macmillan India Ltd. 2006. YLR Murthy, Brand Management: Indian Cases.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (SPECIALISATION PAPERS) FM 3-1:SECURITY ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Objective: The objective of this course is to help the students to understand the concept financial markets and the investment portfolios. A clear study of portfolio management will enable the students to understand and manage securities as a way of investment tool. Unit-I: Concept of Investment: Investment Vs Speculation, and Security Investment Vs Non-security Forms of Investment-Investment Environment in India. Investment Process Sources of Investment Information, Security Markets Primary and Secondary Types of securities in Indian Capital Market, Market Indices. Calculation of SENSEX and NIFTY. Unit-II: Return and Risk: Meaning and Measurement of Security Returns. Meaning and Types of Security Risks: Systematic Vs Non-systematic Risk. Measurement of Total Risk - Intrinsic Value Approach to Valuation of Bonds Preference Shares and Equity Shares. Unit-III: Fundamental Analysis: Economy, Industry and Company Analysis, Technical Analysis Concept Tools and Techniques of Analysis Technical Analysis Vs Fundamental Analysis - Efficient Market Hypothesis; Concept and Forms of Market Efficiency. Unit-IV: Elements of Portfolio Management: Portfolio Models Markowitz Model, Efficient Frontier and Selection of Optimal Portfolio. Sharpe Single Index Model and Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory. Unit-V: Performance Evaluation of Portfolios: Sharpe Model Jensens Model for Portfolio Evaluation, Evaluation of Mutual Fund. (Case Studies are Compulsory) Suggested Books: Donald E.Fischer, Ronald J.Jordan, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management; Prentice Hall of Inida. Prasanna Chandra, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Tata McGraw Hill. S.Kevin, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall of India. S.Kevin, Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall of India. J.C.Francis, Investments Analysis and Management, McGraw Hill Int. Khatri Investment Management and Security Analysis, MacMillan. Avadhani, VA, SAPM, Himalaya PublisherBhalla, VK Investment Management, S.Chand. Punitavathy Pandian, SAPM, Vikas. Preeti Singh, Investment Management, Himalaya Publishers.

FM 3-2: INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Objective: The objective of this course is to provide to the students the exhaustive analysis on regional developments in the world monitory and financial system. And changing role of international financial managers in the volatile global Forex markets. Unit-I: Introduction: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Evolution of International Monetary and Financial System: Evolution; Bretton Woods Conference and Other Exchange Rate Regimes; European Monetary System, Global financial crisis- contemporary financial crisis and Current Trends. Unit-II: Foreign Exchange Risk: Transaction Exposure; Accounting Exposure and Operating Exposure Management of Exposures Internal Techniques, Management of Risk in Foreign Exchange Markets: Forex Derivatives Swaps, futures and Options and Forward Contracts (Cases). Unit-III: Features of Different International Markets: Euro Loans, CPs, Floating Rate Instruments, Loan Syndication, Euro Deposits, International Bonds, Euro Bonds and Process of Issue of GDRs and ADRs. Unit-IV: Foreign Investment Decisions: Corporate Strategy and Foreign Direct Investment; Multinational Capital Budgeting; International Acquisition and Valuation, Adjusting for Risk in Foreign Investment. Unit-V: International Accounting and Reporting: Foreign Currency TransactionsInternational liquidity, Multinational Transfer Pricing and Performance Measurement; Consolidated Financial Reporting. (Case Studies are Compulsory) Suggested Books: S.P.Srinivasan, B.Janakiram, International Financial Management, Wiley India, New Delhi. V.Sharan, International Financial Management, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India. A.K.Seth, International Financial Management, Galgothia Publishing Company. P.G.Apte, International Financial Management, Tata McGrw Hill, 3rd Edition. Bhalla, V.K., International Financial Management, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, Anmol, 2001. V.A.Avadhani, International Financial Management, Himalaya Publishing House. Bhalla, V.K., Managing International Investment and Finance, New Delhi, Anmol, 1997. Buckley Adrin, Multinational Finance, 3rd Edition, Engle Wood Cliffs, Prentice Hall of India. Jain International Financial Management, MacMillan. Thomas J.O Brien International Financial Economics, Oxford

FM 3-3: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND MARKETS Objective: The objective of this paper is to impart the knowledge to the students about innovative financial products, which are introduced to cater to the varied requirements of both corporate and individual customers. Unit-I: Introduction to Financial System: Financial System and Economic Development. Economic Growth and Capital Formation - Problems of Capital Formation in underdeveloped countries - Financial institutions and Economic Development. Unit-II: Money Markets- Components and Institutions of Money Market -Call Money Market - Treasury Bill Market - Commercial Bills Market - Markets for Commercial Papers and Certificate of Deposits The Discount Market Unit -III: Capital Market - Corporate Securities and Government Securities Primary and Secondary markets - Different kinds of issues and instruments Guidelines for Capital issues -Secondary market - Role and Operations of stock exchanges in India - Recent Trends - Role of SEBI Unit-IV: Banking sector in India: introduction- constitution of RBI- organization management and functions of RBI- Credit creation and credit control- monetary policies- commercial and development banks- meaning, functions and management, investment policies- E- Banking and E- Trading- recent trends in commercial banks- operational and promotional activities of development banks, IFCI, ICICI, IDBI, IRBI, SIDBI- state development banks and financial corporations. Unit-V: Non-Banking, Financial Institutions and Statutory Financial Organizations: concept and role, sources of finance, functions and investment policies in India. Small Savings and Provident funds, Insurance Companies - LIC, GIC and their role in capital market- UTI objectives and functions. (Case study compulsory) Suggested Books: Financial Institution and Markets, L.M. Bhole Tata Mc Graw Hill Financial Intermediaries: An Introduction, Houghton Management of Financial Services- Institutions, S.M. Srivastava - Himalaya Publications Indian Financial System, H.R. MachiRaju - Vikas Publications Indian Financial System, Vasant Desai - Himalaya Publications Financial Institutions and Market, Shashi K. Gupta, Nisha Agarwal and Neeti Gupta- Kalyani Publications

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (SPECILISATION PAPERS) HR 3-1: HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Objective: The objective of this paper is to develop a conceptual as well as a practical understanding of Human Resource Planning and development in organizations. UnitI: Basics Of Human Resource Planning Concept, Objectives, Significance, Factors affecting HRP; Macro Level Scenario of Human Resource Planning; Relevance of Career planning and Succession Planning to HRP. UnitII: Organizational HRP: Process of HRP - Stock Taking, Work force flow mapping, Age and Grade Distribution Mapping; Model and Techniques of Manpower Demand and Supply forecasting. Behavioral factors in HRP Wastage Analysis. Retention, Redeployment and Exit strategies. UnitIII: HRD Objectives, Functions of HRD Professionals, Challenges, Developing HR strategies HRD System Design Principles. Career Planning and Development. UnitIV: HRD interventions; HRD Culture and Climate, HRD trends and practices in various sectors in India Unit V: Management Training and Development: Role, responsibilities and challenges to training managers; Training Climate and pedagogy; Developing Training modules. Training Need Analysis, Competency based Training, Training evaluation. (Case Study is Compulsory) Suggested Readings: Bhattacharya D.K, Human Resource Planning, Excel Books, 2006. Dwivedi.R.S, HRD In Indian Entrepreneurs, Galgotia Publications, 2005. Rao.T.V, Readings in HRD, Oxford & IBH, 2005. Randy L Desimore, Jon M Werner & Harris, Human Resource Development, Cenage Learning India Pvt.Ltd.,Delhi, 2006. Rao T.V. et al, Alternative Approaches & Strategies of HRD, Rawat Publications, 2006. Srividhya S & Balakrishnan L.Dr., Human Resource Development, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007. Tripathi P.C., Human Resource Development, Sultan Chand, 1999. Lynton R.P.& Pareek U , Training for Development, Vistaar Publications, 2006. Bhatra B.S & Batra G S , Human Resource Development, Deep & Deep Publications, 2001.

HR 3- 2: LEGAL FRAMEWORK IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Objectives: The objective of the course is to expose the students to the legal environment in regulating Management of Human Resources and to equip them with the necessary tools to apply the law to a given set of facts. Unit I: Genesis, Scope, and Importance of Labour Legislation. Principles of Labour Legislation, Classification of Labour Laws, Impediments in Implementation, International Labour Organisation and its Influence on Labour Legislation in India, Changing role of Legal framework relating to Labour in India. Unit-II: Factories Act 1948, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act1970, A.P Shops and Establishments Act-1988. Unit-III: Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Bonus Act-1965 The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923. UnitIV: Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, Industrial Dispute Act-1947. UnitV: Employee State Insurance Act, 1948, The Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952,The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. (Case Law is Compulsory) Suggested Readings: P L Malik, Handbook of Labour and Industrial Law, Lucknow Eastern BookCompany, 2009. I.A.Saiyed, Labour Law , Himalaya Publishing House, 2009. A.M.Sharma, Industrial Jurisprudence andLabour Legislation, Himalaya Publishing House, 2008. Singh, Labour Laws for Mangers, Excel Publications, 2007. Bakshi S , Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Galgotia Publications, 2005. Srivastava, Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, Vikas Publications, 2003. A.M.Sharma, Industrial Relations conceptual and Legal Framework, Himalaya Publishing House, 2002. Mishra S.N., Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications, Allah bad, 2001. Arora R, Labour Law, Himalaya Publishing House, 2000. Goswami V.G.Dr., Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications, 1999.

HR 3-3: COMPENSATION AND WELFARE MANAGEMENT. Objective: To orient the students with the concepts and calculations related to compensation management and to facilitate learning the related concepts of labour welfare and social security. Unit1: Compensation: Wage and Salary policies in Organisation: Role of HR Department in wage and Salary Administration, Payroll Administration. Executive Remuneration Components: Base Salary, Annual Bonus, Long Term incentives, Perquisites. Recent Trends in Executive Remuneration in Indian Organisations and MNCs. Unit-II: Compensation structure- Components of wage, CTC, Pay scales. D.A, Calculation of Variable Dearness Allowance (DA), Bonus, Provident Fund, Gratuity, ESI, Compensation in case of accidents. UnitIII: Labour Welfare: Definition, Scope, Objectives, Importance, Origin and Development. Agencies of Labour Welfare Government, Employers, Voluntary Organisations, Trade unions & International Labour Organisation (ILO). UnitIV: Employee welfare programmes Statutory & Non Statutory, Intramural & Extramural. Labour welfare policy Evaluation, Feedback and Revision. UnitV: Social Security Concept, Scope, Social Assistance & social insurance, Development of Social Security in India. Labour Administration Central and State Labour Machinery in India, Labour Administration in Andhra Pradesh. (Case Study is Compulsory) Suggested Readings: Barry Gerhart and Sara L. Rynes, Compensation, Sage Response Books. Bhagoliwala T.N, Economics of Labour and Industrial Relations. Barber: Recruiting Employees, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1997 C.B Mamoria. & Doshi S.L, Labour Problems and Social Welfare. Hendorson, Richard I. Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall of India., Ninth Edition. Michael Armstrong, Employee Reward, Universities Press (India) Ltd. Proctor: Skill acquisition and Human Performance, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1999. Saxena R.C, Labour Problems and Social Welfare Townley: Refraining Human Resource Management, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1997. Thomson, R and Mabey, C. Developing Human Resources, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann. A.M.Sarma, Understanding Wage Systems, Himalaya Publishing House, 2008. 10

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