Labscope Confluency & Cell Counting

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Labscope modules Confluency & Cell counting

Confluency – fraction of the are covered by cells to the total image area. After certain confluency
level is reached, the cells must be transferred to another dish. So, confluency is important for cell
cultures – to determine proliferation, viability, etc.

Cell Counting – automatically counts the number of cells. Confluency and Cell Counting work
together very well


1) Use new Bio Function module

2) Choose which type(s) of analysis you want
3) Snap
4) You can add multiple images from the same cell culture to get average results for both
counting confluency
5) Analysis can be done on previously taken images, as well - .czi, .tiff, .jpeg (for the last two
types, Labscope will first convert to .czi and then output the results)

No competition so far!

ZEN modules with same names offer much more options for sample holder types, measurement
types, etc.

Use trial licenses to allow the customer to check for sure if Bio Modules of Labscope work for their
cell types. The AI modules are trained on all common types of cells. If a customer does not get proper
results (e.g. for a non-common) cell types, please send such images directly to Michael Goegler for
further improving of the AI algorithm.

The focus of the AI modules is phase contrast. BF and DIC images should also work.

The AI of Labscope cannot be trained by the user. If such thing is needed – ZEN+Intellesis

No recognition whether the cells are living or dead – not part of the modules functionality

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