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Reg. No. | MANIPAL UNIVERSITY SECOND SEMESTER B.E. DEGREE EXAMINATION — NOV/DEC 2008 SUBJECT: STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (CIE 102) (CREDIT SYSTEM) ‘Thursday, December 18, 2008 Time: 3 Hrs, Max. Marks: 100 “ 1A. IB, 2B. 3A 3B. 4A. 4B. Answer any FIVE full questions. issing data, if any, may be suitably assumed. Draw a typical stress-strain diagram for a mild steel under tension and mark the salient points. Define the terms related to each of the salient points. ‘Two copper rods and a steel rod together support a rigid uniform beam weighting P as shown in the figure Q.1(b), The allowable stress in copper and steel are 60MPa and 120 MPa respectively, Find the magnitude of load P that can be safely supported. Youngs modulus for steel is twice that of copper. (10+10 = 20 marks) Distinguish between: i) Modulus of elasticity & modulus of rigidity. ii) Limit of proportionality and classic limit. iii) Yield stress and working stress. iv) Ductile material and brittle material, A metallic rod of 20mm diameter and 3m in length is rigidly fixed to two vertical walls A and B as shown in fig.Q.No.2(B). It is stress free at a temperature of 120°C. Find the stresses developed in the bar if the temperature drops to 40°C, if i) Both the supports are perfectly rigid ii) Left hand support yields by 1.1mm E = 200 GPa, « = 24 10°7e. (10+10 = 20 marks) Explain the relationship between bending moment and shear force in a beam. Draw the BMD and SFD for the beam shown in fig.Q.No.3A Determine the maximum deflection and deflection at B for the beam loaded as shown in the figure Q.No.3B. The beam has rectangular cross section 200mm wide 300mm deep. E = 200 GPa Show from first principles that the ratio of maximum shear stress to mean shear stress in a triangular section of the beam is equal to 1.5, when subjected to a transverse shear force. ‘An I section as shown in fig.4.B is used as a beam. If the top flange is in tension determine the maximum bending moment it can carry, if the tensile stress is not to exceed 195 N/mm? and the compressive stress 150 Nimi Neglect the self Weight. (10+10 = 20 marks) CIE 102 Page 1 of 3 SA. 5B. 6A. 6B. TA, 7B. Show that a hollow circular shaft is stronger and stiffer than a solid shaft, in torsion, weight/meter length & material of the shaft are the same for both the shafts, A hollow circular shaft is to be designed to transmit a torque of 640 KW at 80 rpm. The permissible shear stress is 90 N/mm?. The diameter ratio is 0.8. Determine the dimensions of the shaft. What will be angular twist per meter length of shaft under this torque? G = 90 GPa. (10+10 = 20 marks) ‘The state of stress at a point in a strained material is as shown in fig.Q.No.6A. Determine i) The normal and tangential stress on the plane AB. ii) The magnitude of principal stresses. iii) The direction of principal planes. A thin shell of 5m length, 1400mm in diameter and 15mm thick is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of SN/mm?. Find the hoop stress and longitudinal stress. Also calculate the maximum shear stress and change in the dimensions, Take E = 200*10° N/mm? yt = 0.30 (poisson’s ratio) (10+10 = 20 marks) A hollow tube 4m long with external diameter 40mm and 25mm iriternal diameter was found to extend by 4.8mm under a tensile load of 60KN. Find the buckling load for the tube with both ends pinned. Also find the safe load if the factors of safety is 5. A thick cylinder intemal pressure of 60MPa and no external pressure if i) The maximum tensile stress is limited to 90MPa, ii) ‘The maximum shear stress is limited to 80MPa. of 160mm internal diameter. Find the thickness required to withstand an (10+10 = 20 marks) CIE 102 Page 2 of 3 | TT 150 ewe 3] \ Titty looney a 4ommytone| i eOppen Fromm xHomm Some x 50m. IN N . $2q are 1(e)- 0 A iS Kam oped t ef Kem — ham —+ 2m —b Qo ein +9 Ano. 36) kaso fory—y i éokn io ac ee) = RS — Hin eg, lQo kum 200 —£ In 50] rors ‘ $83 @ nv. 3(6) roe = HIS0—+ 4k9.Q. ovo. 4(8) CIE 102 Page 3 of 3

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