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Dear Valued Respondents

Greetings in God's name.
We are the 3rd Year Criminology students of Innovative College of Science and
Technology are conducting a survey that we need in our study. In accordance in our subject
matter, research in daily life under Sir Julius R. Mirador. Rest assured that the information so
personal which will be filled in by you shall be remain confidential so as to protect your
integrity. Answering this questionnaire is a big help for us. Thank you.

Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondent

Respondents Name (OPTIONAL):
Direction: Supply necessary details on the blank space, and if details are already given, check on
the box that applies.

1.1 Age
28 to 33 years old 34 to 39 years old
40 to 45 years old 46 years old and above

1.2 Sex
Male Female

1.3 Rank/ Designation

Police General Police Master Sergeant

Police Major General Police Corporal

Police Colonel Police Lieutenant General
Police Major Police Brigadier General
Police Lieutenant Police Lieutenant Colonel
Police Chief Master Sergeant Police Captain

OTHERS: Please specify

PART II. What are the Technological Innovation use in Detecting and Preventing Crimes
in the Municipality of Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro in terms of using Close-Circuit
Television (CCTV), using Computers, and using Mobile Phones.
Direction: Understand the statement carefully and check the level of indicators that suits to

5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

2.1 Using Close-Circuit Television (CCTV) 5 4 3 2 1

2.1.1. CCTV records the scene that can help Police Officer in
solving the reported incidents in every area.

2.1.2 CCTV serve as a tool to identify the strategies used by the

perpetrator in committing the act.

2.1.3. There is a feeling of safety among individual who stay in

area where there is CCTV.

2.1.4. CCTV camera helps the police officer to distinguish other

persons who may have serve as accomplice to the crime.

2.1.5. CCTV cameras helps the Police officer in solving crime by

providing lead.

2.2 Using Computers 5 4 3 2 1

2.2.1. Computers are used by Police Officers to track
where the suspect could be and where they used to live.
2.2.2 Police Officers uses computer to keep the file of the
offender in a safe place.

2.2.3 By using computer law enforcement officer

becomes more proactive in their work.
2.2.4 Technological Innovation such as computer can
store thousands of images, reports and videos or other

2.2.5 Law enforcement officer uses computer in crime

reporting, surveillance and intelligence gathering.

2.3 Using mobile phone/mobile application 5 4 3 2 1

2.3.1 Mobile phones may use to receive anonymous tips
about potential criminal activities, aiding law enforcement
in their investigation.
2.3.2 Mobile application with facial recognition
capabilities assist in identifying individuals linked to
criminal cases.
2.3.3 Mobile phones can help the Police Officers to track
the whereabouts of the criminals.
2.3.4 Law Enforcement officers uses mobile phones in
announcing particular laws or rules by texting or posting
in social media.
2.3.5 Mobile phones can help the police officers to access
information immediately.

PART III. The effectiveness of technological innovation to crime detection and prevention
in the Municipality of Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro in terms of Responding Crimes,
Enforcing the Policies, and Preventing Crimes.
Direction: Understand the statement carefully and check the level of indicators that suits to

5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
3.1 Responding Crimes 5 4 3 2 1
3.1.1. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) enable officers
to easily locate criminals and promptly reach crime
scenes for prompt action.
3.1.2. Technology advancements enable police officers to
access new media and community information, reducing
misinformation and improving rescue efforts.

3.1.3. Technology improves information-sharing,

enabling police officers to prevent, prepare for, respond
to, and recover from crimes and incidents threatening
community safety.
3.1.4. Technology improves information retrieval,
accuracy, and annotation, ensuring reliable evidence for
successful and comprehensive criminal investigations of
police officers.
3.1.5. Technological innovations like mobile phones
enable easy incident location, enabling immediate
response of police to the affected area.

3.2 Enforcing Policies 5 4 3 2 1

3.2.1. Police officers can effectively communicate their
new police force to the public through social media
3.2.2. Mobile phones can aid law enforcement by
enabling them to enforce laws by texting citizens.
3.2.3. The Police Record Management System
streamlines the process for law enforcement personnel,
enabling them to manage cases in real-time.
3.2.4. Recognition software is utilized by law
enforcement to remotely track and locate criminals,
enhancing convenience and efficiency.
3.2.5. Technology advancements enable police officers
and prosecutors to collect detailed video evidence of
confrontations, providing crucial information about the
events that occurred.
3.3 Preventing Crimes 5 4 3 2 1
3.3.1. The integration of surveillance cameras and AI-
powered video analytics can significantly aid law
enforcement in preventing crimes.
3.3.2. Technological advancements like facial recognition
software and predictive policing algorithms can aid
officers in preventing crime.
3.3.3. Technology like tracking devices and cameras aid
police in identifying and locating criminals more
efficiently than traditional foot-based searches.
3.3.4. Big data analytics and machine learning algorithms
are being utilized to predict future criminal behavior,
aiding in crime prevention efforts.
3.3.5. The identification of criminals is made easier
through the use of CCTV cameras captured footage.

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