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December 2018 Test N : 2 Mark : --------------/ 20

9th form
Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number: --------------------- 9 th B -----

Reading Comprehension [6 marks]

Bryan doesn't like going to school anymore. He is tired of being bullied. Some of the bigger boys at school
are mean to him. They push him to the ground. They hide his books. They call him
names. They are bullies. When things get really bad, Bryan tells his mom he is sick.
“You should stay home and rest,” Mom says. “You'll feel better tomorrow.” Then
Bryan gets to stay home. He reads books. He watches television. He eats what he
wants. He is not scared. “You should tell someone you are getting bullied at school,”
says Bryan’s best friend, Link. But Bryan is scared. He doesn't want to tell an adult.
“That will make things worse, Link,” says Bryan. “You don’t go to my school. You have no idea how mean
these guys can be.”
“You can’t keep missing school,” says Link. “Your grades will fall. You will be in trouble at home. And
besides, you don't want to be in the seventh grade forever, do you?" Bryan thinks Link is probably right.
He will tell his mom about the bullies when she gets home from work tonight. He will see what happens.

Activity 1: Tick the main idea of the text: [--------------/1mark]

Bullying at school cyber bullying how to stop bullying

Activity 2: complete the table with details from the text: [------------/2marks]

Physical violence Verbal violence

A- --------------------------------------------------------- B- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Activity 3: Correct these false statements with details from the text: [---------/2marks]

A. Bryan doesn’t go to school because he is ill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

B. Bryan’s mother felt her son has a problem at school. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Activity 5: Link is a good friend because he convinced Bryan to tell his mother about the bullies. What else
can he do to stop violence at school? [-------/1mark]

Language [8marks ]
Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with
words from the box (there is an extra complain university better forget
word) [---------/3 marks] however learning success

Education is one of the most important things in our lives. It can make the difference between ❶---------------
and failure. Education can bring us knowledge. In rich countries, people are lucky to have good schools.
Children start ❷ -----------------------------from a very young age. They can further their education and go to
❸ ---------------------. In Japan, there are even private schools for babies to learn English.
❹-------------------------, in many rich countries, many children don’t want to learn. They
always❺---------------------------that school is stressful. Make sure you never stop learning. Education is the
Activity 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative from the margin: [-----------/2.5 marks]
I had a bad day at school yesterday. My friends and I were in the 1 talking /waiting /
classroom❶-------------------for the teacher. I was alone at my desk explaining
because my best friend Oliver didn’t ❷------------------------. I was 2 attend / pretend / intend
reading some text messages on my mobile phone. Two boys in my 3 angry / embarrassed /
class, Dan and Marcus, were fighting. Suddenly, Miss Harris came into afraid
the classroom. She was very❸----------------------. She stopped in front 4 marks / rules /subjects
of my desk, and said: why are you using your mobile phone in class?
5 forgave / punished /
You are breaking the❹---------------------! “But Miss Harris, I wasn’t
using my mobile phone! I was only reading some text messages,” I
said, and she sent me to the head teacher’s office. The head
teacher❺----------------me, but he didn’t punish anyone else. This is
Activity 3: Match the sentences halves to get a coherent paragraph: (there is an extra part) [---------/2.5
1. I think I do most of the housework, I cook A. because it’s our time to talk about our day.
dinner every night during the week, B. but my husband Peter cooks at weekends.
2. We both usually wash the dishes together, I C. it has to be done.
like that D. I felt really exhausted.
3. Peter usually does the ironing , he is very E. I hoover and I mop the floor.
good at it and he also takes the bins out F. I don’t like that job, it’s a bit smelly.
4. I think I do everything else though, I clean the
1+------- 2+----- 3+----- 4+----- 5+-----
5. I don’t really like housework but

Writing [6marks]
Your friend on facebook asked this question “Do you think school is a heaven or a hell? Write an answer on a
facebook post

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